Outside Reading Blogs

I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.


  1. Alex Spindler
    Madeline L'Engle
    A Swiftly Tilting Planet
    The book A Swiftly Tilting Planet is an interesting book. The characters are based on the previous book A Wrinkle in Time but are older. I like how the conflict is introduced at the beginning of the book and the rest is the resolution. The book is interesting because it has nonfictional science involved for example a teserract and the ability to kyth. The book is focused of a rune that Charles Wallace Murry repeats because there is nuclear war approaching. “In this fateful hour, I call on Heaven with its power!” A unicorn is sent to him and he learns he has to find a “might-have-been” in time. The unicorn must ride on the wind to travel to different when’s and where’s, and Charles must go within other people to find the “might-have-been.” Although, it is not easy to travel through time because there are Echthroi that are trying to pull Charles off the unicorn and will leave him to die in the emptiness of space. “They’ll try to block anything that might be a clue to the Might-Have-Been they don’t want you to discover.” While Charles is searching through time his sister Meg is sending him information though her ability to kyth. As Charles goes within a person it is like a new chapter in a book with a new plot and characters but slowly all the events make sense. It is interesting but it is like reading the sequel to A Wrinkle in Time.

  2. Rebekah Dervartanian
    Fly By Night: By Frances Hardinge

    Final Exam
    1. For a pet, Mosca had a thin, scrawny goose whos name was Saracen.
    2. It was common for children to learn to read and write.
    3. After Mosca's mother and father died, she went to go live with her grandparents.
    4. Eponymous Clent wanted to kill Saracen and eat him for dinner.
    5. Mosca Stole some fat, golden cherries from the pewter offering bowl, and she said that she will repay them in the fullness of time.

    Multiple Choice
    1. What job did Mosca receive while she was living with her uncle?
    a. To take care of his accounts and letters
    b. To clean the house and cook
    c. Both a and b
    2. The chilren of Chough were told that if they misbehaved, the would be what?
    a. They would be hung upside down by their
    b. They would be humiliated in front of the
    whole town
    c. Both a and b
    3. How did Mosca escape the mill before it was burned down?
    a. From a hole on the roof of the mill
    b. By using an axe to break the lock
    c. Both a and b
    4. What was the name of the first place that Mosca and Eponymous Clent went to?
    a. Pincaster
    b. Kempe Teetering
    c. Both a and b
    5. What were Chough bonnets very well at doing to the girls?
    a. Keeping their hair dry
    b. Blocking the sun out of their faces
    c. Both a and b
    6. What did the Chough water do to the peoples eyebrows?
    a. Made them so pale that they were almost
    b. Made them look surprised all the time
    c. Both a and b
    7. Why did Mistress Bessel know right away that Mosca was from Chough?
    a. Because of her eyebrows
    b. Because of the clothes she wore
    c. Both a and b
    8. Who did Eponynous Clent refer Mosca as to other poeple?
    a. His cousin
    b. His niece
    c. Both a and b
    9. What was Mosca's job while she was with Eponymous Clent?
    a. His Lawyer
    b. His accountant
    c. Both a and b
    10. When Eponymous first told Mistress Bessel about Mosca, where did he say he found her?
    a. She freedd him out of the stocks, so he
    had to take her with him
    b. He found her starving on the village
    c. Both a and b.

    Short Answer
    1. Fill in the blank. "His niece was useful, but not __________, and every night he locked her in the miil."
    2. What was the main reason why Mosca ran away and freed Eponymous Clent?
    3. What was the name of the village that Mosca lived in?
    4. What was Eponymous Clent selling to Mistress Bessel?
    5. What did they do to thieves that they caught?

    1. In six to eight sentences, compare Mosca's life as a child to a normal child's life today. Write your opinion on whether you would do what Mosca did or not.

    Final Exam (Answer Key)
    1. False
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False

    Multiple Choice
    1. a.
    2. a.
    3. a.
    4. b.
    5. a.
    6. c.
    7. a.
    8. b.
    9. b.
    10. a.

    Short Answer
    1. Trusted
    2. She burned her uncle's miil down.
    3. Chough
    4. Thieves
    5. They would brand them with a "T" for thief.

    1. Mosca's life is very different than a normal child's life today. Today, children nwould not burn down a mill, steal the keys to a prison,
    and then go break someone out of jail. This is what Mosca did. The crazy part is that she actually ran away with the criminal. Children would never do that in our time, ecpecially a twelve year old girl. They would be too afraid. (Opinions may vary)

  3. Rebekah DerVartanian #3
    Response #1: To Alex
    Hi. This sounds like a very interesting book. I might read it sometime. I have some questions though. What is a tesseract and the ability to kyth? In the fourth to last line, isn't it supposed to say "through her ability to kyth" and not "though her ability to kyth?"

  4. Allie Shackelford #13
    Go Ask Alice: by Anonymous

    Go Ask Alice is a diary written by a fifteen year old girl about her struggles in life. The main character, Alice, is easy to relate to because she is just an ordinary girl, yet she ends up going through many problems in the two years in which her diary takes place. Alice has recently moved and has decided to come back to visit her old friends during the summer. She is invited to a party and becomes hooked on drugs. She is curious about the world of drugs and gets caught up with the wrong crowd. Not wanting her family to find out and be ashamed of her, Alice runs away with her friend Chris to try and fight her addiction. She returns home and is welcome with open arms by her family. Alice promises herself that she won't get caught up with drugs anymore, but it is harder to fight than she realized. She ends up running away again with the thought that she would never return home. She finally returns home weeks later and is put into a mental hospital. While there, she finally over comes her addiction. Alice stopped writing in her diary a week afterward, finding no need to write about her life when her problems were over. Three weeks later her parents found her dead. No one knows or has any idea as to how she died.

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  6. #13 Allie Shackelford
    Response #1:To Rebekah
    Hey. Your test is very long and interesting. I'm interested in who Mosca is. I might read the book and take your exam.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Elijah Hernandez #7
    "The Egypt Game"
    I think the book I am reading (The Egypt Game) is very interesting because the author (Zilpha Keatly Snyder) ends each chapter so that you want to keep reading no matter how late or early it is. In one chapter the author ends it with a young child named Marshal losing his stuffed octopus and thinks that the oracles that had been made and answered(by a character named Toby) two days in a row (without anybody knowing) feeling really worried about how he is going to answer this correctly. In the next chapter he tells Marshal's older sister (Melanie) and her friend (April) about what he did. Later where Toby, April, Melanie, Marshal, and two other friends of Melanie, April, and Toby named Elizabeth and Ken pretend Egypt is they looked at the oracle(that Toby did not answer). April was supposed to pretend to read off the paper that Security (Marshal's octopus) was visiting relatives in Los Angeles, but instead she read what was actually on there.No one wrote anything on it and it said to look under the statue of the evil god Set and it was actually under there. April, Melonie, and Toby were shocked that it was actually under there. Marshal was very excited because the oracle actually told him where his stuffed octopus was. In another chapter someone is killed in nearly the same way and same spot as someone was a year before. In another chapter Melany, April, Tobi, Ken, Elizebeth, and Marshal gave each other nick names.

  9. Alex Spindler
    Response #1: To Matthew
    That looks like a confusing book, I don't get how he is able to imagine stuff to make it happen. I do not know if I would read it myself, I would want to know more about it. Also on the second line where it says, "Daniel X: Watch the Skies - shouldn't there be an end quotation mark?

  10. David Spindler#9
    Alan Dean Foster
    Transformers Ghosts of Yesterday
    If I was the character Optimus Prime, I would say this
    My experiences are finding out about a lower life form and searching for the Allspark, not to mention getting in many fights. I have gotten in fights with Blackout, Frenzy, Bonecrusher, and many others. I am an autobot and not a decepticon, and I care for all creatures. I am the leader of the autobots. I have my friends Bumblebee, Ironhide, Jazz, and more. I am one of the most powerful of the autobots and my goal is to get the Allspark and defeat Megatron. If I did this, the universe would be better off, this would make me feel happy because I would like goodness in the universe. The decepticon’s goal is to defeat me and get the Allspark for selfish reasons like taking over the universe. They will also kill many life forms that get in their way of taking over the universe. I hope to imprison them for being evil and selfish. The decepticons outnumber us, but we fight for good and are stronger. I have gotten in many fights with them, in one I was fighting Frenzy and Blackout and Blackout tried to punch me and I dodged his punch while Frenzy was behind me and he hit Frenzy in the face. I went on fighting Blackout and grabbed Blackout, and I threw him at Frenzy while Frenzy was still recovering from the punch and they both went flying. This fight I had to be alone facing them, because the others were on the Ark which is their ship that they travel in space.

  11. Tre Fitts #4
    Twilight: Stephanie Meyer
    Log #1

    Before the Story recorded in the book Twilight, Isabella Swan lived in a house with her Mother and Father. She went to a normal middle school in Forks. Her parents did not cooperate with each other which led them to be divorced. Her Mother created a new life for herself in Phoenix, Arizona. Not able to support herself and Bella financially, Bella’s mom moved them to an apartment. Bella was not the most popular girl in school, she was very uncoordinated and terrible at sports. She had a very hard time in P.E. and the kids always made fun of her because she would trip over herself. Her family really enjoyed the place that they were living. Every summer Bella would visit her dad in Forks, and spend time with him. At home in Phoenix, Bella started to have suspicious dreams. She had dreams of death and vampires. She shook of the dreams and always kept moving through the day. Bella, now a junior in high school, passed her driving test and tried to raise enough money to buy a car. One summer she went to live with her dad and that is where the story of Twilight begins.

  12. Tre Fitts #4
    Response #1:To Elijah

    Wow. That sounds like a very interesting book. It is to bad that I already read "The Egypt Game." The way you wrote your blog makes me want to read the book again.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Ellen Cho
    So B. It by Sarah Weeks
    Log #1
    Dear diary
    Just in case you don't know this is it's Heidi. Today, I found film in a camera. I had the pictures developed and they were of my mom. They were pictures of my mom when she was young. she was with a young man and the sign said Hilltop Home in Liberty, New York. I never knew who my father was and I wonder if this is him. My mom is kind of special she can only say 23 words so it has been difficult communicating with her. I have decided that I am going to travel to New York and find this place. While I am there, I hope I will discover my father's identity. Living without father has always been part of my life. I didn't get to go to school, I was home schooled by Bernadette, my neighbor. I didn't miss a father because my mom and Bernadette were all I knew. This will be an adventure for me because I will leave my small world and the comfort all I know behind. I'm going to keep a diary on this journey and hopes of remembering every detail of my trip.
    By Heidi

  15. Sofia Youssouf
    Responce to Ellen Cho
    The way you describe your book it makes me want to read it. It sounds like a very interesting book and I might read it myself.The way you wrote is very convincing and made me very persuaded.

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  17. #14 Alex Spindler
    Madeline L'Engle
    A Swiftly Tilting Planet
    Finished book
    Blog #2
    Option #8 Main conflict of the book
    The main conflict of the book is that there is a nuclear war approaching. Not many know about its coming. The president has called Mr. Murry to let him know. This happens to be on Thanksgiving night. One of the Murry’s family members gives Charles Wallace a rune that could save them all. He recites the rune and a unicorn is sent to him. Charles must travel through different when’s and where’s (or times and places) in the search of a time to stop the nuclear war from approaching. The man that has threatened the nuclear war is Mad Dog Branzillo, so Charles is looking for a time and place where he can undo Mad Dog Branzillo from being born. The unicorn is what allows him to travel through time. Once he is in another time he must go within another person to try to change the future. He can, sort-of, change the decision a person would make if he was not within him. There is another difficulty for Charles to overcome though. There is an evil called the Echthroi that is trying to stop Charles and the unicorn in any way they can. For example they throw the unicorn into a projection of their own where they can hurt them in any way they want or while the unicorn is flying through time they will try to pull Charles off him. Charles and the unicorn have help too. They have Charles’ older sister knything with him giving him information on where to go and the wind that informs the unicorn, Gaudior, about what to do.

  18. Robyn Rosales #12
    Stephenie Meyer
    Log #1

    I love the way Bella can never help herself from seeing Edward. It makes the book a little more interesting to me how they both get on each other’s nerves sometimes, yet they still spend loads of time together. I like how when Bella finds out Edward and his family are vampires, but she still wants to hang out with him. Edward is the one who trusts her most out of the rest of his family. They all are not sure if she will expose them or not. The part in the book when everyone starts to see that Edward and Bella are going out is kind of funny to me. Every time they are together, all the other students at their school stare at them. I like how Edward doesn’t want to hurt her, but he follows her and gets into her room at night. My favorite part so far is when Edward and Bella go into the woods together and Edward shows her how is skin looks like, how strong he is, and how fast he is. I felt bad for Edward at that point because when Bella told him he looked beautiful, he told her that his face was the face of a killer. I saw that Edward cares a lot about Bella because he followed her around, and when she was in a situation that was hard for her to get out of, he showed up and took her home. This book would be one I would recommend to someone else for sure, but they might not like it if they do not like romantic stories.

  19. Robyn Rosales # 12
    Response # 1 to Tre Fitts

    That sounds like an interesting way the book would start out. I guess I can’t say that it sounds interesting if I am already close to being finished with the book. If I hadn’t started reading I would probably think it was a pretty good book though. I hope for the next book in the Twilight Saga to be interesting also.

  20. Tre Fitts #4
    Twilight: By Stephanie Meyer
    Log #2

    Final Exam
    True/ False

    1. Isabella Swan moved from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington.
    2. Isabella’s friends call her Isabelle.
    3. It is very sunny and bright in Forks.
    4. Isabella Swan is in love with Edward Cullen.
    5. Isabella’s dad works as a sheriff in Forks.
    6. Edward Cullen is not adopted.

    Multiple Choice

    1. Who did Isabella Swan live with?
    a. her dad
    b. her mom
    c. her grandma
    d. all of the above
    2. What is Edward Cullen?
    a. mummy
    b. human
    c. vampire
    3. Isabella and her friends go to which beach?
    a. Port Angels
    b. La Push
    c. Rocky Beach
    4. What is the name of one of Edward’s brothers?
    a. Dylan
    b. Kyle
    c. Emmett
    d. Jasper
    5. Who does Edward go “hunting” with?
    a. Liana
    b. Jessica
    c. Rosalie
    6. Who is Jacob Black?
    a. An old friend
    b. A classmate
    c. A cousin
    7. Where is Isabella going instead of the school dance?
    a. Port Angels
    b. Seattle
    c. To visit a cousin
    8. What kind of car does Isabella drive?
    a. Volvo
    b. Truck
    c. Bug
    9. What does Isabella not like to do?
    a. Dance
    b. Fishing
    c. Playing
    10. What color eyes does Edward have?
    a. Bronze
    b. Blue
    c. Green
    d. Brown

    Short Answer

    1. Why did Edward avoid Isabella in the beginning?
    2. Fill in the blank. Because Isabella is bad at ______, she refused to go to the dance.
    3. Name one reason why Edward is “dangerous”.
    4. Why does Isabella faint in biology class?
    5. What class at school does Isabella hate the most?


    1. In six to eight sentences describe what life was like in Forks for Isabella. Be sure to use detail and complete sentences.

    Final Exam (Answer Key)
    True/ False

    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. True
    6. False

    Multiple Choice

    1. a
    2. c
    3. b
    4. c
    5. c
    6. a
    7. b
    8. b
    9. a
    10. a

    Short Answer

    1. Edward avoids Isabella at first because he wasn’t used to people that close to him, since he is a vampire.
    2. Dancing
    3. Edward is dangerous because he is a vampire and he could bite you at any moment, if he is not under control.
    4. Isabella faints in class because she sees blood.
    5. Isabella hates gym the most because she is very uncoordinated and has very a very low capability of balance.


    1. Life in Forks for Isabella Swan was almost like your every day life. She lives with her dad in a small two story house. Since her dad cannot really take care of himself, Isabella does the cooking, cleaning, and the laundry in the house (not that any of us children do all of these things). She goes to a high school in forks and has trouble with her crush on Edward Cullen (who happens to be a vampire). She also does homework just like anyone who is in school. She may not have the nicest car in town, but she can drive just like any other typical teenager that is permitted to drive. As you can see there is not a lot of things that Isabella Swan does that are different than your ordinary life.

  21. Tre Fitts #4
    Response #2:To Sofia
    That sounds like a very interesting book. I might read it sometime. And on the fifth line Shouldn't it be "Now I know". Besides that I think that it is an excellent blog.

  22. Andrew Chapin
    Ray and Me by Dan Gutman
    log#1 final exam


    1. Ray Chapman is the only one to die by getting hit with a baseball

    2. Baseball players had helmets in the 1920’s.

    3. Joe Stoshack’s nickname is Stosh.

    4. Joe isn’t the main character.

    5. Whenever Joe touches a baseball card he goes to the future.

    Multiple choice

    1.Joe goes to the year to meet Ray Chapman
    a. 1920 b. 1932
    2.Joe meets when he goes back in time.
    a. Joe Jackson b. Tris Speaker
    3.Joe also meets in the past.
    a. Harry Houdini b. Bill Johnson
    4. Joe gets by the ball when he is pitching.
    a. hit b. missed
    5. When he gets hit he his powers
    a. loses b. thought he lost
    6.In 1920 the Yankee coach was .
    a. Tommy Lasorda b. Miller Huggins
    7. Joe goes back in time to Ray Chapman.
    A .save b. watch
    8.In the end, Joe baseball.
    a. quits b. stays in
    9. Joe is to play baseball after.
    a. scared b. not scared
    10. When Joe gets hit with the baseball it is on the .
    a. head b. leg
    short answer

    1.Why does Joe go back in time?

    2. How does Joe go back in time?

    3.Name some of the people he meets on his trip.

    4.Who does Joe take back in time?

    5. How many trips to the past does he make?

    Explain what Joe decides to do on his first trip to the past.

    Answer key

    1. true

    2. false.

    3. true

    4. false

    5. false

    Multiple choice

    1. a.
    2. b.
    3. a.
    4. a.
    5. b.
    6. b.
    7.. A .
    8. b.
    9. a.
    10. a.

    short answer

    1. To save Ray Chapman from death.
    2. He holds a baseball card from 1920
    3.He meets Harry Houdini, Babe Ruth, Tris Speaker, and Miller Huggins.
    4.He takes his doctor with him.
    5. He makes two trips to the past.

    Explain what Joe decides to do on his first trip to the past.
    Joe decides to save Ray Chapman by hitting the Yankee pitcher on the arm, so that he can’t pitch to Ray Chapman. He then decides not to because the Yankee players would beat him up if he hit the pitcher. His next plan is to distract the pitcher right before the pitcher pitches it to Ray Chapman. Right before he is going to run onto the field the guards catch him. When Ray got hit and died four hours later.

  23. Robyn Rosales #12
    Stephenie Meyer
    Log #2

    I think this one of my favorite books I’ve read because of the idea of the story. I would definitely recommend it to others. I would mostly recommend it for people who enjoy love stories. You can see it is very romantic on page four hundred seventy nine, when Edward says to Bella, “I love you.” Bella replies, “Me too.” I like this book because I personally like stories when the lion falls in love with the lamb. This story is like that because Edward is the vampire (the lion) and he falls in love with Bella who is a human (the lamb). I also enjoyed the characters in the book. I would have to say my favorite character is Alice. She is a little weird, but in a good way. When Alice first meets Bella she says, “You do smell good, I never noticed.” In the book there is also some action, but the action is related to love. The action is when the bad vampire James hurts Bella to make Edward mad. James says to Bella that he wants her to say some things to Edward through a video before he kills her. At the end of the book is where most of the romantic parts come in. Bella asks Edward if he will turn her into a vampire. When Edward is about to bite her, he says to her, “I will stay with you, isn’t that enough.” Bella replies, “Enough for now.” It was a very good book, and I am waiting to see if the next book in the Twilight Saga is as good as this one.

  24. Robyn Rosales #12
    Response #2 to Elijah Hernandez

    That sounds like a really great book. I would maybe read it, but I am not into books like that very much. I can get it from the library or something to see if I want to buy it. If I was into things like that, I am pretty sure I would love it.

  25. Andrew Chapin#1
    response#1 to Elijah
    This book, The Egypt Game sounds like an interesting book. I think I will read it some time. I like books that keep you hanging and make you want to keep reading.

  26. Allie Shackelford
    Go Ask Alice by Anonymous
    Blog #2

    1. Alice bought a diary because she was depressed and wanted to write about her troubles.
    2. Alice’s siblings are Tim and Alex.
    3. Alice makes a friend named Beth whose family is Catholic.
    4. Alice was afraid when she was slipped LSD for the first time.
    5. Chris was the girl that Alice first ran away with.
    6. Alice was taken to a hospital because she had an unknown disease that the doctors were trying to figure out the cure for.
    7. No one knows how Alice died after she stopped writing in her diary.
    Multiple Choice
    1. Why did Alice’s family move?
    a. Because her father got a new job.
    b. Because her grandpa was sick and her family wanted to be closer to him.
    c. Because her mother had a disease and had to go to a special hospital out of state.
    2. Where does Alice get a job at?
    a. A grocery store
    b. A clothing store
    c. A boutique shop
    3. Where does Alice run away to for the first time?
    a. San Diego
    b. San Francisco
    c. Sacramento
    4. Alice’s parents are upset about how Alice…
    a. She dresses like a hippie
    b. She has gained a lot of weight
    c. She is failing in school
    5. Who helped Alice and her friend when they ran away?
    a. Mrs. Willa
    b. Mr. Mellani
    c. Mr. Roberts
    6. What did the kids at Alice’s school ask her when she came back home?
    a. If she was a pusher
    b. If she was straight
    c. If she was a holder
    7. Why did Alice run away to Denver?
    a. Because she was under the influence and didn’t know what she was doing.
    b. She didn’t want to face her family until she got over her drug addiction.
    c. Her parents kicked her out of the house after they caught her doing drugs.
    8. What does Alice do when she goes home for the second time?
    a. Is sent to a mental institute
    b. Is ignored by her family
    c. Starts a new diary and a “new life”
    9. What happens to Alice’s grandpa?
    a. He has a stroke and dies.
    b. He gets a divorce with her grandma.
    c. He moves in with them.
    10. The drugs Alice uses finally makes her go crazy. What does she think is happening to her?
    a. People are trying to kill her.
    b. Worms are eating her body.
    c. Her skin is falling off.
    Short Answer
    1. Alice’s dad gets a job as a ________.
    2. Alice is first introduced to drugs at a ________.
    3. Alice thinks she is _______ when she is slipped LSD,
    4. Alice is sent to a _________ when she is slipped acid at her dad’s work.
    5. Alice stops ________ when she is let out of the mental institute.
    1. In a few sentences, explain why Alice reacted the way she did when she went on her first “trip”.
    1. False
    2. True
    3. False
    4. False
    5. True
    6. False
    7. True
    Multiple Choice
    1. A
    2. C
    3. B
    4. A
    5. B
    6. C
    7. A
    8. C
    9. A
    10. B
    Short Answer
    1. Dean
    2. Party
    3. Lucky
    4. Mental institute
    5. Writing in her diary
    Alice was lucky the first time and did not experience the bad results of drugs. She believed that all trips were amazing like her first which made her want to use more. Drugs mess with your brain and cause hallucinations which to Alice were incredible and fascinating.

  27. Andrew Chapin # 1
    Log # 2
    Page # 149
    Return of the Homerun kid
    Author: Matt Christopher
    Years after the book Sylvester moves to Nevada. His parents had divorced. Sylvester lived with his dad during the week and with his mom on the week ends. Both of his parents lived in apartments. They had been divorced for three and a half years. He is still a baseball player on his high school team as a left fielder. A mysterious old man, named Mr. Baruth watches all his games. Mr. Baruth was the same man that watched his games when he was younger. Sylvester had met him years before. Mr. Baruth really freaked him out. When ever he was at Sylvester’s games he would hit atleast one homerun. Mr. Baruth would always tell pointers to Sylvester. When ever Mr. Baruth wasn’t at the games Sylvester would strike out. Sylvester was starting to think it was all because of Mr. Baruth. It seemed as though that Mr. Baruth never aged. Whenever Sylvester hit a homerun or made a good play Mr. Baruth would vanish as though he was never there. When Sylvester went to his friend John’s house he say a baseball card that looked just like Mr. Baruth. It was a baseball card from the nineteen-thirties. The inscription on the baseball card said, ” Babe Ruth” on it. At first Sylvester thought that it was a coincidence. But, soon he noticed that Mr. Baruth talked like Babe Ruth. Mr. Baruth would not come to a lot of Sylvester’s games anymore. Sylvester started to become one of the worst players on the team. After about a year, when Sylvester became a senior in high school Mr. Baruth vanished.

  28. Andrew Chapin
    response # 2
    response to: Sofia
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days sounds like a good book. I like Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog days sounds funny. I might read it soon.

  29. Grace Gee #5
    E.B. White
    The Trumpet of the Swan
    The Trumpet of the Swan was a very good book to me because it talks about courage of how Louis faced hardships throughout his life. Louis is a trumpeter swan. Throughout Louis's journey, he finds a kid named Sam Beaver. Sam helped Louis a lot when he needed help. Louis believed in himself that he could succeed in school. Sam asks the teacher if Louis could go to his school. The teacher accepted Louis as soon she found out how talented Louis was. Louis became more diligent in his work. He earned a lot on his salary with his trumpet, by playing it to crowds. Sam was trying to earn money so that he could fix his dad's mess. Louis's dad stole a trumpet for Louis so that he could communicate with other swans. I liked the end part because Louis gives his dad the money and hios dad returns the money back to the shopkeeper. I thought that it was nice of Louis to earn money for his father. I also like this book because it was a funny when Louis communicated with people by writing to them on his chalkboard and the people were all shocked and amazed. I reccomend this book to other people if they love fiction and so that they can spend their time enjoying a good book.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Grace Gee #5
    E.B. White
    The Trumpet of the Swan
    Dear Sam Beaver,
    Please continue to help Louis when he faces hardships. Thank you for helping Louis last time with his salary for his dad. If you want advice please buy him a new trumpet when his old trumpet gets old and breaks. Try to buy it with your money, don't steal it just like Louis's father did. If you want more advice about how to help Louis, please talk to me and I will help you.
    Sincerely, Grace Gee

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. David Spindler #9
    Alan Dean Foster
    Transformers Ghosts of Yesterday
    Language blogspot #2
    Walker, I am going to give you advice. You should be friendly to the people on the space ship even though you are captain. Do not let them influence your decisions though. You had made a good decision when you decided to let earth being kept away from aliens and sacrificing your own life for others. The people on the ship might not like it, but you make the decisions. To help the people on the ship to not talk back at your decisions, you should tell them, “Whatever I say goes.” Then they might still get mad, but at least they will not talk back instead of helping pilot the space ship. You made a bad decision when you fired at Starscream with your weapons because that only made him madder. If you would have kept distracting Starscream from a distance, you would not have gotten hurt. If you kept distracting him for long enough, Optimus would have sneaked behind him and blasted him. Instead, you stayed close to Starscream and he blasted you. Also you should try to let the people take small brakes because they complain and are hungry but if they took breaks they could eat and sleep. The last thing I will tell you is to stay cautious of everything in space because there are things that are bigger than your ship and could crush you. Try to be more superstitious about lies because you have been fooled once and you do not want to be fooled again. Take my advice and it will help you and your pilots to be safer and get home faster.

  35. David Spindler#9
    Response to:Sofia
    This book sounds really funny. I think that you have some grammar errors in it though. I might read Diary of a Wimpy Kid because all of their books are very funny. This book sounds like a very interesting book because many things go on in it and there is not one main storyline.

  36. David Spindler
    Response to: Elijah
    This book sounds boring at first and then gets interesting. I do not get why the author had a stuffed toy octopus in the story and how does the octopus get lost? The evil spirit giving true advice to the people was kind of ironic though because you would think the spirit would lie to them. Other than that the book sounds interesting and good.

  37. Chase Holiday
    Ender's Game by Orson Card
    Dear diary,
    This is Ender Wiggin. I am nine years old. I have decided to keep a diary in case anything goes wrong, there will be evidence of my experiences. Right now I am a commandeer at Battle School. I am pretty young to be a commander. I am the youngest person to ever command an army. I got this position because I helped the other teams I was on, the Salamander and Rat armies, by freezing the other teams. Other kids from other armies are threatening to kill me so I need to keep an accurate record in case they succeed. The army I am commanding is the Dragon Army. In my army I have many veterans and toon officers. A toon officer is an officer that is in control of many groups. One of my toon officers, Bean, is the smallest yet quickest of the group. We have won every battle we have fought and have never lost one. The purpose of the battle is to have four men from your army to use their helmets to touch the four corners of an enemy door. Then one man will go through it to win the game. In the standings I am at the top. I don’t know if I’ll stay at the top for long. It is such a mental game that I fear I will lose my edge. I have to go now, in about ten minutes the whole Dragon Army are going to fight the Salamander Army. Hopefully I’ll return alive and well.

  38. Rebekah Dervartanian #3
    Fly By Night: By Frances Hardinge
    Log #2

    Dear Diary,
    Hello, it's Mosca. Yesterday, Eponymous Clent had me write up a list of articles (rules) to abide by. I don't think that he trusts me. Well, I think that he can trust me. After all, he did make me his secretary, and I am proud of it. Earlier today, Eponymous Clent took me to the Stationers headquarters. This was a total surprise. It was designed to look like an ordinary coffee shop on the outside. On the inside, it looked totally different. There were tables that looked like writing desks with a bunch of ink splashes. When I walked into the room, I felt kind of dizzy because of the strong smell of the ink. One of the men whom Eponymous had talked to handed me a set of papers. He gave me the job as an apprentice rag sorter. That is the one thing that I have not done yet, sort rags. I think that he only gave me the job so that the other people would not think that there was something suspicious about me. The papers bound me into secrecy. It listed the terrible things that would happen to me if I gave away some of the Stationer secrets. At that moment, when I signed the paper, I became very worried. Then, Eponymous Clent sent me off to get any kind of information that would be useful to him and the Stationers. I hope it was not another trick to try and get rid of me again. Actually, I don't think it was because he has already shown me where the Stationers headquarters are, and I know a lot of information about them. Well, that is where I am now. I have not gotten any useful information yet, but I will keep on trying. I have to go now. It is getting late, and I should probably try to find some information before I go back to Eponymous at the Marriage House. Just in case you were wondering, the Marriage House is where Eponymous Clent and I are staying. I will write again as soon as I get the chance to. Now, I have to go. Goodbye.
    Mosca Mye

  39. Rebekah Dervartanian #3
    Response #2: To Allie
    Hi. This book soumds very interesting. Is it really a true story? I think that I am going to read it sometime. After I read it, I might even take your exam and see how well I do.

  40. Felix Sarmiento
    Heart of a Champion
    Page number 192
    Final exam

    1. Seth and Jimmy love to play basketball
    2. Seth introduces baseball to Jimmy
    3. Jimmy in a car accident
    4. Seth’s Dad dies in the story
    5. Jimmy is born a star on the baseball field

    Multiple choices
    1. Who is better at playing baseball?
    A) Seth Barham
    B) Jimmy Winter
    2. After every practice the team has to run a certain
    amount of miles.
    A) 5 miles
    B) 2 miles
    3. Who was in a very bad car accident?
    A) Jimmy Winter
    B) Seth Barham
    4. Seth and Jimmy’s favorite team is;
    A) San Francisco Giants
    B) New York Mets
    5. Jimmy plays what position?
    A) Short stop
    B) Third base
    6. Seth and Jimmy met at
    A) School
    B) Park
    7. What is Seth’s position?
    A) Pitcher
    B) Third base
    8. Who is failing in school
    A) Todd
    B) Jimmy
    9. Who has a awesome room
    A) Todd
    B) Seth
    10. Jimmy thinks that he is going to
    A) Become a Major league baseball player
    B) Become a Lawyer

    Short answer
    1. How Jimmy gets into a car accident?
    2. Why does Jimmy dislike his father?
    3. Why did Jimmy get suspended form the team?
    4. Why does Seth have to have the best equipment

    Why is the book called Heart of a Champion?

    Answer key
    1. False
    2. False
    3. True
    4. True
    5. True

    Multiple Choices
    1. B
    2. B
    3. A
    4. A
    5. A
    6. B
    7. B
    8. B
    9. A
    10. A

    Short Answers
    1. It was really late and he drove into a tree
    2. He drank to much and never had time for Jimmy
    3. He had been drinking
    4. He didn’t get along with the coach
    5. Seth wanted to be like his dad

    Carl Deuker wrote the book called Heart of a Champion. I believe that the book is called Heart of a Champion because of a boy named Jimmy Winter. He had a lot of compassion for the game. He loved to play baseball. He put every little bit of effort into playing every game including practice. At the end of each practice the team had to run a mile. Jimmy was the first player to win the Coach in the mile run. He never went down with out a fight. He always encouraged others to try harder, put more effort and to never go down with out a fight, he truly had the heart of a Champion!

  41. Anonymous said,
    Dear Ender Wiggin,
    If you do not know who this is, I am Chase. Your story is very good, actually it is awesome. Your story is the best story I have ever heard in my life. For some reason you do not tell me how your story ends after Command School. You should give a little more detail about what happened after the last battle with the buggers. You, Ender, should tell people what Mazer Rackham told you about the buggers. Tell other people how you started a colony on the world in which the buggers lived. I bet other people would like to know how buggers are born. Is it true that the queen can lay up to a hundred thousand eggs and have many more queens? If so you should tell your colony how you are coming to save a dry white cocoon with a queen bugger inside! Also you should tell you colony who the Speaker for the Dead is because I know it is you Ender Wiggin. Tell me about how Valentine and Peter are doing. I heard that after Peter died you wrote two books called the Hegemon and the Hive-Queen. What do you mean by these books were a holy writ. Do you know what happened to Bean, Dink, Petra, and everyone else. You told me that valentine said if you go back to earth everyone you love will die, do you know what that means? Hey Ender it is time for me to leave so please write back and be safe wherever you are in the universe.
    Chase Holiday

  42. Elijah Hernandez#7
    The Egypt Game
    By Zilpha Keatly Snyder
    Final Exam
    1. The Proffesor was the one who killed the little girl.
    2. April used to live in Holywood.
    3. April and Melanie are best friends.
    4. Marshal has gone trick or treating three times.
    5. The Egypt Gang has only 6 people.
    Multiple Choice
    1. What was it that the Professor had.
    a.wife that died.
    d.all of the above
    2. Marsall had what toy?
    a.a stuffed dog
    b.a stuffed octopus
    c.a wii
    3. Security is _____.
    c.under the idol of set
    d.a god
    4. Who invaded egypt?
    a.2 sixth grade boys
    b.4 eith grade boys
    c.10 first grade boys
    5. What is Elizabeth's nickname?
    6. What is the evil god's name?
    7. Who was the youngest in the Egypt Gang?
    8. How old is the youngest person in the Egypt Gang?
    9. What does April's mom do for a living?
    d.lunch person
    10. Who answered Marshall's oracle?
    a.The Professor
    Short Answer:answer in complete sentences
    1.What was Ken's nickname?
    2.How long was the Professor watching the Egypt Gang with out them knowing?
    3.Who saved April's life?
    4.What is the store the Professor own?
    5.Who answered all the oracles except for one?
    Essay:answer in six-eight sentences
    What did you like and dislike in this book?
    (answer key)
    1.false 2.true 3.true 4.false 5.true
    Multiple Choice
    1.a 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.a 6.a 7.d 8.a 9.a 10.a
    Short Answer
    1.Ken's nickname is Horemheb. 2.The Professor has watched the Egypt gang play the Egypt Game since they started. 3.The Professor saved April's life. 4.The Professor owns the A-Z store. 5.Toby wrote the answer to all the oracles except for one.
    I liked the book because I like books that make you want to keep reading. This book's climax is in the very middle of the book.I love books that have major cliff hangers that make you wonder what happens next. This book's cliff hanger is the last sentence in the book. I don't like how the book starts off boring and like 'I never should have picked this book.' It also makes me want to quickly end it that way I can choose a better book.

  43. Sofia Youssouf#11
    Response#2:to Robin
    The way you wrote the blog makes me want to read the book again.It sounds like a very interesting book. I loved the first book and now I am reading the second one New Moon.

  44. Matthew Hernandez #8
    Rich Dad Poor Dad
    1.Rich dad helped Robert more than poor dad.
    2.You shouldn't invest alot of money in things because you might lose.
    3.Spending alot of money on seminars is a bad idea.
    4.You should have children think about the money they want before giving it to them.
    5.You should pay others before yourself.
    Multiple Choice
    1. How old was Robert when he knew he wanted to get rich?
    2.How did Robert first think of making money?
    a. Doing extra chores around the house.
    b. Getting old toothpaste bottles and melting them into coins.
    c. Making a lemonade stand.
    d. None of the above.
    3.Whose was Roberts first business partner?
    a. Mike
    b. Jimmy
    c. Sharon
    d. Steve
    4. Who was Roberts first financial adviser?
    a. Donald Trump
    b. His dad
    c. Mikes dad
    d. All of the above
    5. What should your biggest liability be?
    a. Your house
    b. Food
    c. Your kids
    d. A fancy car
    6. Who should you pay first?
    a. The government
    b. Your debts
    c. Yourself
    d. Your employees
    7. What is an asset?
    a. Something than makes you money
    b. Something that loses money
    c. Another name for stocks and bonds
    d. When your in a giant debt
    8. What is the number one expense for most people?
    a. Debts
    b. Taxes
    c. Kids
    d. House
    9. What gives the rich advantages over other?
    a. Money
    b. Knowing hidden laws
    c. None of the above
    d. Both a and b
    10. What game did Robert make to help people understand money?
    a. Cashflow
    b. Monopoly
    c. Life
    d. Payday
    Short Answer
    1. A(n) ______ puts money in your pocket.
    2. A(n) ______ takes money out of your pocket.
    3. The _____ get richer while the ______ get poorer.
    4. Assets should make you ______ money.
    5. Liabilities should make you ______ money.
    In a couple sentences explain the difference between the rich and the poor according to the book.
    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False
    Multiple Choice
    1. C
    2. D
    3. A
    4. C
    5. A
    6. D
    7. A
    8. B
    9. D
    10. A
    Short Answer
    1. Asset
    2. Liability
    3. Rich; Poor
    4. Gain
    5. Lose
    The difference between the rich and the poor is that the rich invest their money more. The rich aren’t as afraid of losing money as the poor. The rich were able to get out of the rat race and the poor are still in it. Rich people have learned how to manage their money while the poor usually spends it.

  45. Matthew Hernandez #8
    Response #1
    Response: To Andrew
    Andrew, your book sound very interesting and exciting. In the book did it ever say where Br. Baruth disapeared to because if it did i am cuious to find out where he went.In your blog you could have combined a couple sentences to make it flow a little better, but other than that it sounds like a very good book.

  46. Victoria Sather
    The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
    Completed book

    For many years after Bilbo’s first journey, he lived a happy life. He was very content, but he eventually became very restless. Bilbo felt like he wanted to go on another journey. Life in his town was too boring. His ring was just sitting on a shelf collecting dust. So one day he decided to go visit his cousins; the Sackville-Baggins. Upon coming home from his visit, Bilbo had found that his silver that the dwarves had given him had been stolen. He summoned Balin and Gandalf to join him on his journey to find his silver. Once Gandalf and Balin reached Bilbo’s house, they made their plans for the journey. When it was morning, they departed. During their journey, they encountered a small pack of wolves. Bilbo used his ring to turn invisible and go for help. Soon Bilbo came back with some elves and they scared the wolves away. While they were passing through the forest, Bilbo recognized that he was near Beorn’s house. As they approached the house, Beorn came out to greet them and Bilbo thought something was strange. They walked into the house and Bilbo saw his silver right in front of him. Bilbo asked Beorn, “Why is my silver here?” Beorn answered him saying, “I had one of my animals retrieve it for me so that you would wonder where it was, and you would go look for it.” Bilbo responded, “But why would you do such a thing?” Beorn blurted back, “Because I wanted to see my favorite hobbit.” He went on, “I also wanted to inform you that the dwarves in the mountain wanted to thank you for your dedication to retrieving their stolen treasures.” Bilbo was extremely grateful for what Beorn had done for him. After thanking Beorn, Bilbo and his companions departed for the long journey home.

  47. Tommy Ferguson#3
    J.K. Rowling
    Harry Potter 1

    October 31, Ron made Hermione feel bad so she didn’t talk to us. I felt bad for Hermione because she is nice but she can also be a little bossy. She must feel really upset about what happened today. Ron and I heard from Professor Quirrel that there was a troll in the dungeons. We all were sent to our Houses because of the troll. Ron and I went to see Hermione. On our way we found the troll. It was really tall, fat, and ugly. We locked the troll in the bathroom. We heard a scream in the bathroom and it was Hermione. We bust the door open and after a while we saw it was unconscious. The Professors came to the racket and was shocked. Hermione stood up and said that it was her fault that she wanted to fight off the troll but if it wasn’t for us she could have been killed. The House was deducted five points but gained ten points from us. After that we looked at each other and there was a feeling in my heart that Hermione and I were going to be best friends from this day forward. November, It was time for my first Quidditch mach. I could feel the adrenalin running down my spine. Since I’m the new Seeker the whole game was on my shoulders. We started the game. While Slytherin was making goals I was tying to look for the snitch. Suddenly my broom started to act crazy. It was moving everywhere and vibrating. I was about to fall off my broom stick. I tried with all my strength to climb on. I made it on my broom. I saw the snitch so I dove for it. I dove and I almost swallowed it but Gryffindor won the game!

  48. Tommy Ferguson#3
    response #1:To Grace Gee

    I liked your blog. Your book sounds really interesting. I think it its kind of funny that a swan can communicate with a trumpet. It did sound kind of mean to steal a trumpet for your son. I think I might read your book some time.

  49. Harry Potter and The Sorcerers Stone

    1.Harry loved his life before he went to Hogwarts.
    2.Dumbledore told Harry he would be going
    to Hogwarts.
    3.Harry's parents died in a car crash.
    4.Harry had lots of wizard money when he first went to school.
    5.Professer Quirrel is Lord Voldemort, sort of.

    Multiple choice
    1. Who is Harrys best friend?
    d.b and c
    2.who is Harrys least favorite teacher?
    b. Mc'Gonnagol
    3.What is behind the third floor locked room?
    b.a big cat
    c.a dragon
    4.what house is harry in?
    a. Gryffindor
    5.who are Malfoys minions?
    a Crabbe
    6.What is Rons rats name?
    7.What position in Quidditch does Harry play?
    8.What does Harry get for Christmas from his dad?
    a.a broomstick
    b.an owl
    c.an invisibility cloak
    9.What does Hagrid give Harry?
    a.an owl
    b.a wand
    c.some money
    10.What do wizard pictures do?
    c.anything they can

    Short answer
    1.What is Harry’s broom called?
    2.What does Harry have to catch in Quidditch?
    3.Who tells Harry how to get to the Hogwarts Express?
    4.What type of dragon does Hagrid get?
    5. Who is the Quidditch team captain?

    1.Name a few things that Malfoy makes fun of Ron for.

    Answer Key



    multiple choice

    10. c

    short answer

    1..Nimbus 2000
    2..the snitch
    3.Mrs. Weasley
    4.a Norwegian Ridgeback
    5. Oliver Wood


    1. Malfoy makes fun of Ron for being poor, having lots of freckles, and turning very red when he’s mad.

  50. Michael Ly#11
    The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan

    Multiple choice

    1. What kind of monster is Mr. Thorn?
    A. Chimera
    B. Manticore
    C. Hydra
    D. Fury

    2.Who is the first person Percy sends and Iris-message to?
    A. Grover
    B. Tyson
    C. Sally Jackson
    D. Poseidon

    3. Who is the Hunter's best tracker?
    A. Phoebe
    B. Claire
    C. Bianca
    D. Zoe

    4. What is Mr. D's new nickname, much to his displeasure?
    A. The Wine Guy
    B. The Wine Dude

    5. What kind of accent does Mr. D have?
    A. French
    B. Italian

    1.Luke died by lighting

    2.Apollo's code name Fred

    3.Thailia able to destroy a zombie

    4.Poseidon was Nico's father

    5.Poseidon let Bessie go in the ocean

    Short answer
    1.Artemis gave Zoe ____ when she died.
    2._____ helped Percy get to Mount Tamalpais.
    3. Percy's sword name is ____
    4. Chiron is a ___
    5. Thailia became a tree at the age of ___

    1. Descibe Dr. Thorn in a couple of sentences


    Multiple Choice
    1. Manticore
    2. Tyson
    3. Phoebe
    4. The Wine Dude
    5. French

    1. False
    2. True
    3. False
    4. False
    5. False

    Short answer
    1. Constellation
    2. Annabeth's dad
    3. Riptide
    4. Centaur
    5. Twelve

    1. Dr. Thorn is the vice president of the school, but he's also a monster called a manticore. He is very suspicious of the half-bloods

  51. Harry Potter and The Sorcerers Stone quiz
    By Mark Wiese

    1.Harry loved his life before he went to Hogwarts.
    2.Dumbledore told Harry he would be going
    to Hogwarts.
    3.Harry's parents died in a car crash.
    4.Harry had lots of wizard money when he first went to school.
    5.Professer Quirrel is Lord Voldemort, sort of.

    Multiple choice
    1. Who is Harrys best friend?
    d.b and c
    2.who is Harrys least favorite teacher?
    b. Mc'Gonnagol
    3.What is behind the third floor locked room?
    b.a big cat
    c.a dragon
    4.what house is harry in?
    a. Gryffindor
    5.who are Malfoys minions?
    a Crabbe
    6.What is Rons rats name?
    7.What position in Quidditch does Harry play?
    8.What does Harry get for Christmas from his dad?
    a.a broomstick
    b.an owl
    c.an invisibility cloak
    9.What does Hagrid give Harry?
    a.an owl
    b.a wand
    c.some money
    10.What do wizard pictures do?
    c.anything they can

    Short answer
    1.What is Harry’s broom called?
    2.What does Harry have to catch in Quidditch?
    3.Who tells Harry how to get to the Hogwarts Express?
    4.What type of dragon does Hagrid get?
    5. Who is the Quidditch team captain?

    1.Name a few things that Malfoy makes fun of Ron for.

    Answer Key



    multiple choice

    10. c

    short answer

    1..Nimbus 2000
    2..the snitch
    3.Mrs. Weasley
    4.a Norwegian Ridgeback
    5. Oliver Wood


    1. Malfoy makes fun of Ron for being poor, having lots of freckles, and turning very red when he’s mad.

  52. Dear Rick Riordan,
    This is Esther. I loved your story so much. It had so much action I could even feel that I am in the book. Not that you have only this book of Greek mythology, you have series of them. Whenever I read one of your books to start with, I can not even get my eyes off the book. It is so interesting and exciting. On one of your books: "The Titan's Curse," I think you should explain more about what happened to Nico De Angelo's sister, Bianca Di Angelo, children of Hades, the god of the Underworld, in the last scene in the book. It would have been better if she didn't die at all. Also Dionysis was kind of a little cheesy about when he kind of saved Percy and his half-blood friends. I was kind of mad at that part. I also loved the prophecy that you wrote about what is going to happen. I also think that you should maybe change the part when Zoe died from the prophecy. You didn't have to change that part, but I just didn't like it. you should also change the part when Bianca touched something that she was not supposed to for her brother to have in this junkyard. I didn't know that she was going to die. In the next book, Nico didn't even like them and threw them in the fire when he was all alone in the Underworld. Maybe you should talk about Percy and Annabeth. They are in a relationship together and I know they are. You should write about them spending time together. Well, I don't know, your book is amazing and you don't have to change it, but it was just my opinion. Well, I got to go. Write me back sometime. Sincerely, Esther.

  53. Sofia Youssouf#12
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    Dear Diary,
    Today was a hard day for me and Rowley. We got in trouble for ordering too much smoothies at the Country Club. The bill came out to be 83.00. We thought that the smoothies were free, but they weren’t. We had to pay back the money somehow and right away before we get into trouble. To pay back the money we started to do a mowing business to pay back the money. At the store I found a cool card to make our business to look cooler. It was two boys (very strong boys). Then I loaded it to my computer and put our picture on the faces. We started to put the fliers on every door in our neighborhood. We started to get tired so we went to one house and told them our serves and told them to pass it on. We were hoping phone calls will start flying in, but that never happened. We got a phone call from a woman that lived right next to my grandma. We told the woman to come pick us up and she did. When we got there we had no equipment so we were lucky to have my grandma’s house right next to us. We went to the garage we saw the land mower right there so we grabbed it and left. When we saw the yard it had dog poop all over and it was hard for us to mow the lawn. After I told the woman that we mowed your lawn as good as we can and please pay us. She said, “No”. She closed the door on us and called my dad to pick us up. He was not happy and he mowed the lawn with no pay because he was so mad. I couldn’t pay the bill of so I was banned from the Country Club and I couldn’t step foot on the place again.

  54. Mark Wiese #10
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone

    The main conflict in this book is the fear that Lord Voldemort, a very evil wizard who can posses people, will steal the Sorcerers Stone from Hogwarts and become immortal. If Voldemort becomes immortal, he will enslave the world and kill billions of innocent people. Students at Hogwarts are not supposed to know about the sorcerer’s stone, but Ron, Hermione, and Harry do know about it. They found out when their least favorite teacher, Snape, was bullying their other teacher, Quirrel, about the thing behind the door guarded by the three headed dog. Their friend Hagrid accidentally told them about Nicholas flammel, the one who created the sorcerers Stone. They thought Snape was working for Voldemort and that he was going to steal the stone for him. They decided to steal the stone so that Snape couldn’t. They heard that Dumbledore, the only wizard who Voldemort feared, was leaving for a few days and thought that was when Snape was going to steal the stone. They decided to steal the stone that night. When they arrived at the door where the dog was guarding it, they snuck past and found clues suggesting someone had already been there. There were many tests and obstacles and when they got to the room with the stone only Harry could go into the room. Harry saw that Quirrel was actually the one trying to get the stone, and discovered all the bad things Snape did were actually in attempt to protect Harry. He was able to get the stone and defeat Quirrel. After that he was a hero at school.

  55. Esther Gee #4
    Response #1: To Robyn
    Hi Robyn. This book that you told me about sounds interesting. You talked about the book really well and told me clearly about what the book is about. When you wrote about the book, it made me so interested, I want to read the book. Even though I was going to read the book anyway, I know what is going on in the story. I love romantic scenes and I will read this book. It is so good that you used really good metaphors about Edward and Bella. I did see the movie, but I heard that the book is better. Soon I will read the book and enjoy it. I just know it.

  56. Elijah Hernandez#7
    response #1 to Grace
    Wow Grace. I want to know how Loius's trumpet is brocken. If I wasn't reading the Harry Potter series I would probably read the Trumpet of the Swan.

  57. Matthew Hernandez #8
    Daniel X: Watch the Skies
    By: James Patterson
    Log #2
    Dear Daniel,
    You probably do not know who this is so I will tell you. I am Matthew Hernandez and I have recently read one of your books and I just wanted to write to you talking to you about different subjects. I liked your book and I thought it was cool how you could make anything you wanted a reality just by thinking about it. Sorry about your parents because I know even though you bring them back in your mind they are not really back and that must make you sad even if you do not show it. I am happy for you, that you killed the alien called Number 3 who killed your parents, but even thought you got your revenge it did not really bring your parents back. What do you plan on doing when you have killed or captured all the aliens that plan on doing harm to the human race? Do you ever plan on settling down and staying in a city with a possible family or do you plan on hunting aliens until you die? When you imagine into reality is there any limit on what you could imagine or could you possibly have every super power in the world? Do you have any memory of the first time you brought something out of your mind? If you do that would be interesting to hear about. Since you like Dana I think you should go out with her instead of going out with other girls and clearing their brains after wards. Sorry if I seemed critical, but I just wanted to write to you and if you can please feel free to write back any time.
    Matthew Hernandez

  58. Matthew Hernandez #8
    Response #2: to ALex Spindler
    ALex, your book sounds intersting. However I have a couple of questions. My first question is who is Mr. Murry and what did the president need to know that he had to call upon Mr. Murry? This sounds like confusing book but at the same time also very exciting.

  59. Elijah Hernandez#7
    Response #2 to Robyn
    That sounds like an interesting book. I might read the Twilight series after I finish the Harry Potter series.

  60. Sofia Youssouf#12
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    The book I read Diary of a Wimpy kid was a great book. I loved how the author wrote it, and how he made the character (Gregory) a very down character and funny to. The author would show Gregory feelings and emotions he went throw in this book. It would show how he did not get enough attention like what Manny did (his little brother), did not get paid like what many got for doing good stuff, and his fights with Rodrick. It would show the pain he gets a new dog and how he hates it. I love these types of book. I would call this more of a tale but not a fantasy one. I wouldn’t call this fantasy because there are no dragons or half people and half goat. Gregory’s friend Rowley makes the story better all the time. I would say this because he would over react and bonds to much with his father. I would say over react because Gregory and he were playing with each other then at night Gregory sneaked up on him and shot him with a rubber band and Rowley complained it was a burn mark which it wasn’t. Then was kind of the end of their relationship. I hope the author Jeff Kinney will write another book so I can read one of his books again. He is the best author I would now in comics because he would explain kind of into to detail and shows the characters sides.

  61. Liberty and Tyranny a Conservative Manifesto
    By Mark Levin
    Finished Book
    Blog #1 Option 9

    I love the way Mark Levin uses quotes, a vocabulary that makes you reach for a dictionary after almost every paragraph, and a Conservative view throughout this New York Times best-selling book. Throughout the book he quotes various people from political leaders to fellow authors such as James Madison the fourth President, Michael Gerson the former speechwriter for President Bush and author of Heroic Conservatism, C.S. Lewis a British writer-philosopher, and the most recent President, Barack Obama. One of the quotes in the book I enjoyed was “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” by C.S. Lewis. This simply means it may be better to have someone tyrannical in charge that knows what they are doing and are making you do and know it is wrong, but can still take pleasure from it compared to someone who is doing wrong, but believes that they are doing right because they can sleep easy at night. The vocabulary used you can see a snippet of in this quote from the text. “In many ways, he is as objectionable as the Statist, for he seeks to devour conservatism by clothing himself in its nomenclature.” Conservatism put simply is “the antidote to tyranny precisely because its principles are our founding principles.” That is why I love Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin.

  62. Jonathan Dumaine #4
    My book that I have been reading for the past few weeks in class and at home is called Heroes, Gods, and Monsters of the Greek Myths. I think that that book, that Mrs. Holiday generously loaned to me, is a very interesting book because I like books that have a lot of little stories and myths in it. "He went to the statue and tried to find something unfinished, a spot he could work on. But there was nothing. She was complete. Perfect. A masterwork. Every line of her drawn taut by his own strength stretched to the breaking point, the curvings of her richly rounded with all the love he had ever given to a human being. There she was, an image of Aphrodite. But not Aphrodite. She was herself, a marble girl, modeled after the goddess, but different; younger; human." I think that that is very interesting because he cares so much for his work until it has reached its perfection; or "breaking point." There was another part in the book that I thought was also interesting was that there was a girl named Atalanta that had a husband named Meleager. Meleager died because the piece of wood that was his life was burned by the villian. When Meleager was born one of the three fates told his mother that that piece of wood if it burned then Meleager would then die also. After he died Atalanta's father kept saying that she needed to marry some man. So Atalanta said that whoever beat her in a foot race would be married to her, but if they lost they would lose their head. But one man was very clever, he prayed to the goddess Aphrodite and that is how he one the race and did not lose his head and he became Atalanta's new husband. I highly recommend it to anyone that is reading this.

  63. In response to everyone reading Twilight. What is the fascination with love stories about vampires? I personally find it weird and will not read the book or watch the movie unlees strongly convinced that it has a much, much deeper meaning thana typical love story with a mythical feature twist.

  64. Tanner medina#8
    The them of my book The Class of Football is faithfulness, never give up even if everyone says you can't or you're too small or to weak keep trying to your goul never quit. Even if there is know one around you practice. Always belive that you can do it. In one part of the story a player named Jou Montanasays"When I was young I always wanted to give up but my dad woudint let me give up and after that day I never did and know i'm a pro football player". The author tries to show faithfulness in all of the players; and even if you fail keep trying. The auther puts faithfulness in every paragraph. And every player has never givin up just how the author shows it. The author allways shows faithfulness in the player Steve Young's dad when he says; My boy always tried and when he got hit hard on the field he would always get up and tried ahain;. I hope you read my book The Class of Football

  65. In response to Andrew Chapin's second log.

    I have a lot of questions and comments. 1-What of the options is it suppose to be because I can't tell.2- You said when Mr. Baruth really freaked Sylvester out, but later you said he did bad when he wouldn't go to his games; can you please elaborate on that because it seems extremely contradictory to me.3-You really were pretty vague and seemed to rush thorough it instead of giving a detailed description which is why I had to read it more than once just to slightly understand what you were trying to say.4- This is a direct quote from your text "When Sylvester went to his friend John’s house he say..." he say is completely wrong.5- Also you made the log kind of a cliffhanger what happened was he Babe Ruth? Does the book go on? What?6-Forgetting all the negative I mentioned and the large amount of information I didn't mention it sounds like a cool book.

  66. Jonathan Dumaine #4

    In my book that I have been reading for the past few weeks and maybe even months I have noticed that there have been many characters in the book. There is one character that I like very much in particular in the book. The man's name is Pygmalion. To me I think that that name sounds very strange to me. When Pygmalion was a boy I could just imagine him in a sculpting for little kids and that he was in it. I could picture him as a little kid sculpting little statues of maybe gods or the elements of nature. He was probably also sculpting little statues for his parents; I could only imagine the look on his parent's faces when he sculpted them something. I think that in ten years Pygmalion will not be divorced with his wife, Galatea. I do think though that they will both have at least two kids during their marriage. I think that they will still be a couple and that their marriage is practically perfect. I could tell how Pygmalion would be teaching Galatea ho to sculpt and that they probably made many things together.

  67. Andre Eng
    #1 test on book: Yes man
    True or False

    1. Danny Wallace reason for being sad was because his family died.
    2. Danny had a boring life until, the book.
    3. He love to drink tea.
    4. Danny punishment was an actual punishment

    Multiple choice

    1. Who told Danny to say yes?
    A. His friend Wag
    B. a flyer
    C. a teacher
    D. His roommate

    2. What was his first yes after being changed?
    A. To going to a park
    B. Double glazing his windows
    C. Buying a car
    D. Buying a couch cover

    3. What was the quote that the item or person told him to make him say yes?
    A. Yes is the key to life
    B. Yes will bring you a better life
    C. Say yes more
    D. Start saying yes

    4. What company did he work for?
    A. BBC
    B. NBC
    C. ABC
    D. Sky News

    5. What was girlfriend's name
    A. Jacque
    B. Emily
    C Isabella
    D Lizzie

    6. What group gave Danny ideas that pyramids were made by alien?
    A. The Truth Meeting
    B. The Starburst Group
    C. The Realism Foundation
    D. The Vital Truth

    7. How many days did Lizzie stay with him during her vacation?
    A. three days
    B. five days
    C. forever
    D. ten days

    8. What weird pictures did she send him?
    a. Big Things
    b. Micro Things
    c. Little Things
    d. Huge Things

    9. What was his first answer to going to stay with Lizzie for Christmas?
    A. Maybe
    B. Yes
    C. No
    D. I'll try to

    10. What was Ian's punishment for not keeping his convenient?
    A. He had to buy him beer every time they went to a bar.
    B. Go around the city in a leather outfit and visit the leather bar.
    C. Have to drive to work everyday.
    D. Go to Australia

    Short Answers
    1.What was his ex-girlfriends name?
    2. What type of drug did he smoke with the people who told him about aliens?
    3. Why did he travel to Holland
    4 Why was buying a car a waste of money for him?
    5. What type of home did he live in?
    6. Where was Lizzie from?
    7. How many no's did he say according to Ian?
    8. How did the book end?
    9. What was his first yes as a free man?

    Essay Question:
    Write a compare and contrast between the movie and the book in six to 8 sentences.

    Answer key
    1. false
    2. false
    3. true
    4. false

    Multiple choice
    1. C
    2. B
    3. C
    4. A
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. A
    9. C
    10. D
    Short Answers
    1. Hanne
    2. a joint
    3. thinking he was going to get millions of dollars for saving a sultan
    4. it takes him hours to travel a few miles
    5. an apartment
    6. Australia
    7. 3
    8. Danny and Lizzie looking at fireworks
    9. Lizzie asked Danny if there relationship can work out
    Essay Question
    The Movie and the book "Yes Man" are completely different except for the idea of saying yes. An example of a difference is that in the book, Danny, is told by a man on a bus to "say yes more" ,and in the movie he goes to a Yes Convention and he thinks he is in a convenient. Another difference is his current girlfriend, lives in Australia and in the movie his girlfriend lives near him. Another difference is his job; in the book he works at BBC and in the movie he works at a bank. In the book, Danny buys a car, a Nissan Figaro, in the book he already owns a car. In the book Danny lives in London and in movie he lives in the United States. The book and the movie may be different, but they still implant the main idea in the reader's or viewers head.

  68. Andre Eng
    #2 Diary entry

    Dear Diary,

    Today, I went to Amsterdam to claim my money from a sulton. The plane ride was short, but it felt like the bloody plane would never land! A man sitting next to me fell asleep and was snoring loud enough to make fireworks cover their ears. This group of tourist from France were also making noise and talking in French, and by how they were giving the dead eye, I knew they were planning on harassing me. Once I arrived in Amsterdam, it took a while to get use to the sights around me. As I went to go find the money, I called him asking him if I could meet him in person instead of giving him four thousand pounds (five thousand nine hundred sixteen United States dollars). Nobody answered when I called, but i decided to go anyways. Once I got in the area of the building, where the lawyer for the sultan worked at, I ask the driver if he knew about the man and he turned out to be a local's favorite market. So, since I had a day to kill I went to get tea. I met some people when I was getting tea and they asked me to along with them. They were backpackers and they took me to Argo's. Until about 5 minutes in the Argo's did I realize it was a leather bar. After that I went to a smart-shop and found myself eating mindbomb mushrooms. When I woke the next morning I didn't remember what happened and, now I am going home and won't remember anything else.

  69. Esther Gee #4
    Response #2: To Alex Spindler
    Hi. The book that you told me about is very interesting. Although I don't know what a "kyth" is, but I read "A Wrinkle in Time" and I know what a tesseract is. I know that when I read the book, I will know what it means. It makes me so curious about this word. I wasn't really into the series of that book, but I was kind of interested in what you said about the book. Maybe I will read this book.

  70. Graace Gee #5
    E.B. White
    The Trumpet of the Swan
    Hi Sam Beaver,
    just to let you know I really thank you for helping out Louis the trumpeter swan. Thank you for helping him raise money for his dad to pay back for the trumpet. I also thank you for helping Louis getting a job and teaching him how to play the trumpet to communicate with other swans. Please tell your school teacher thank you from me for teaching Louis how to write so that he could communicate with people. Please continue to do so and whenever Louis needs help, please help him. Whenever you need more advice of how to help Louis, please contact me so that I could help you. Oh and one more thing I forgot to tell you, please tell Louis to come to me tomorrow so that I could pay money for your school teacher that taught Louis how to write. Good bye Sam Beaver and don't forget to call me for more advice.
    Sincerely, Grace Gee

  71. Hayley Macabuhay #7
    True Talents by: David Lubar
    Log #1


    1.Trash can move things with his mind.
    2.Torchie plays the piano.
    3.Flinch killed a guy in the audience during his magic act.
    4.Cheater can read minds.
    5.Martin plays baseball.

    Multiple Choice

    1.What is Lucky's hidden talent?
    a. Finds lost objects
    b. Has super speed
    c. Gets good grades without studying
    2.Where does Trash test his powers?
    a. At home
    b. At the store
    c. At the bank
    3.What instrument does Torchie play?
    a. The tuba
    b. The violin
    c. The accordion
    4.Trash finds newspapers that says what about him?
    a. That he won a trip to Vegas
    b. That he died in a car accident
    c. That he owed 1 thousand dollars to the government
    5.Why didn't Martin go back home after the fight between him and his parents?
    a. He was afraid that his dad would say "I knew you'd come crawling home"
    b. He wanted to visit Cheater
    c. He found a really cool place to stay
    6.What school did Trash and all his "special friends" go to?
    a. Edgeview Alternative School
    b. Edgeview Private School
    c. Ellewood Alternative School
    7.What class did Trash enjoy most?
    a. Spanish
    b. Art
    c. French
    8.How did Cheater defend himself during the fight he had with Fritz?
    a. He used his powers
    b. He ran away
    c. He curled up into a ball
    9.What is Martin's hidden talent?
    a. He can fly
    b. He can see into people's souls
    c. He has laser vision
    10.The guys join forces to save who?
    a. Flinch
    b. Cheater
    c. Trash

    Short Answer

    1.Where does Trash live?
    2.Martin crossed the line by saying ____ to his parents
    3.Trash's real name is ____.
    4.What was Flinch's catch phrase in his magic acts?
    5.Who hated cities?


    In three to four sentences explain how Trash gets money after running away from the hospital?


    1. true
    2. false
    3. true
    4. true
    5. false

    Multiple Choice
    1. a
    2. c
    3. c
    4. b
    5. a
    6. a
    7. b
    8. c
    9. b
    10. c

    Short Answer
    1. Philadelphia
    2. "Drop Dead"
    3. Eddie Thalmeyer
    4. "I saw that coming"
    5. Lucky

    Trash gets money by pretending to find wallets on the ground. But, Trash is really using his powers to take the wallets out of people's pockets. When he returned them to the owner, the person would give him money for being a good samaritan.

  72. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  73. Hayley Macabuhay #7
    Response to David: Transformers Ghosts of Yesterday
    Response #1

    Hi David! The book sounds like it is very well written. It sounds like a good book to read. Is it pretty close to how the movie was told? Would you recommend this book to others?

  74. Hayley Macabuhay #7
    Response to Ellen: So B. It
    Response #2

    Hi Ellen! Your book seems really good. It also seems a little sad. Does she ever find out anything about her father? It sounds like a good story. Would you recommend this book to others?
    I hope I can read it sometime.

  75. MIchael Ly#11
    Response#2 to Andre Eng

    Gilbert, the way you descibe the book makes me want to start opening that book and start reading to the end. Good job persuading me and your book seems really funny.

  76. Tommy Ferguson #3
    J.K. Rowling
    Harry Potter1
    Blog #2

    Dear Harry,
    How is life at the Dursleys? Remember the dog? It gave me the creeps. We shouldn’t ever do that again. What if Snape found us? My mom would not want me being a gamekeeper at Hogwarts all my days. You could use a spell on that brat Dudley. It’s Piglindesh Omishnie. It will turn him into a pig/troll. I wanted you to have because you need to teach him a lesson. Let me tell you some advice. If you are getting yelled at any of the durleys use the spell to bind their feet to the ground and leave. They shouldn’t be getting in your face because you saved the school from destruction. Try to be a little meaner to Malfoy next year. He deserves a little punch in the gut. Why don’t you try next year to get the Gryffindor in the lead and make it stay that way?! It isn’t that hard to just stay in your bed and not sneak around at night. You need to work on your chess Harry because maybe you might run into a huge set of wizard chess. Don’t try to go hard on them with magic because you aren’t supposed too. I know I told you to but you might be expelled from Hogwarts. Are you still feeling pain in your scar? Try to send me a letter if you need some advice.
    Tommy Ferguson

  77. Tommy Ferguson#3
    Response:To Robyn
    Response #2

    I liked your blog. It might seem weird to some others of this romantic connection of Bella and Edward but I think its interesting. I wish I could read it but I want to finish harry Potter.

  78. Anjelina Booth #1
    A Tale of Two Cities
    By: Charles Dickens
    Log #1
    Final Exam
    1.It was the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-two.
    2.The Dover Road went beyond the Dover Mail.
    3.Travels were shy of being confidential on short notice because of robbers.
    4.What the sea liked was destruction
    5.Lucie Mannette was anxious to see the gentlemen when she arrived from London.

    Multiple Choice
    1.How did Lorry think of Lucie Mannette?
    a. tall, nice, and smart
    b. short, slight, and pretty figure
    c. bashful, cute, and quiet
    2.How did Lucie act when Lorry told him what to restore him with?
    a. sad
    b. shocked
    c. angry
    3.What was the color of the wine that stained the streets?
    a. purple
    b. blue
    c. red
    4.Who owns the wine shop?
    a. Mr. Lorry
    b. Lucie Mannette
    c. Monsieur Defarge
    5.What does Madame Defarge do in the wine shop?
    a. work
    b. knit
    c. make the wine
    6.What did shoemaker call himself?
    a. Charlie
    b. One Hundred and Five, North Tower
    c. William
    7.In 1780, how was Tellson’s Bank?
    a. very small, very dark, very ugly, very incommodious
    b. very large, very bright, very pretty
    c. very rich, very wide, very white
    8.What was Charles Darnay held on trial for?
    a. murder
    b. theft
    c. treason
    9.What will Lucie Mannette and her father do for the prisoner.
    a. bail him out
    b. free him
    c. serve as witnesses
    10.Why was John Barsad put in debtor's prison?
    a. over gambling
    b. stealing money
    c. bought too many items

    Short Answer
    1.Where is the book's setting?
    2.Does Carton like Darnay?
    3.Who does Carton care for?
    4.What was Mr. Styver's nickname?
    5.Where does Monseigneur hold his receptions?

    In about four or five sentences, explain what Madame Defarge's knitting in the wine shop means.


    1. False
    2. True
    3. True
    4. True
    5. True

    Multiple Choice
    1. b
    2. b
    3. c
    4. c
    5. b
    6. b
    7. a
    8. c
    9. c
    10. a

    Short Answer
    1. France and England
    2. No
    3. No one
    4. the Lion
    5. Paris

    Madame Dafarge's knitting stands for something. She is first revealed as quietly knitting in the wine shop. In the wine shop, she actually knits the intended victims of the revolution. She knits to disguise her viciousness. After starting she will continue to display more.

  79. Tommy Normandeau #8
    The angels command
    part #1 (la petite marie)
    Brian Jacques
    The Angels Command part #1 is about a boy and his dog who used to be voyagers on The Flying Dutchman under the evil capitan Vanderdecken. When the curse was broken from the ship they were cast a shore .The boy (Ben) who until then had been mute was given by the angel of the Lord the gift of being able to speak any language ,eternal youth, and the ability to communicate with his dog (Ned) telepaticaly . After many many years of traveling they wind up in the carribean. In a tavern in Cartagena Ben and Ned met the French pirate Raphael Thuron. They helped him detect that Rocco Madrid was cheating. The French Pirate then overpowered Rocco and stole back his money as well as some of Roccos money. Ben, Ned, Thuron, and Thurons crew ran out of the tavern and the sailed away in their ship The Petite Marie. Ben and Ned were now at the place they hate most, the ocean for that is were the dutchman is. Madrid and his crew were chasing Thuron with their boat the Diablo. While the Marie was still in the Carribean it took on a new enemy Redjack teal a English privater who was exeptionaly known for his cruelty towards his crew.the Marie docked at an island as Ned stood guard Ben lay sipping a cocconut a erry figure appeared from the jungle. Ben and Ned were afraid that it was Vanderdecken, But it turned out to be a catholic missionary. The missionary hade his group of followers from the island get stuff for the crew of the Marie. the missionary gave ben a cross. then the Marie was out at sea again before the main fight a small conflict was introduced. One night while Ben was sleeping the ghostly figure of the ghostship dutchman appeared out the window. Ben chucked the cross at the figure of Vanderdecken Thuron walked in when this occured and saw Vanderdecken and was freaked out. Then Ben who liked Thuron very much told him their story of how they were on the dutchman and of their eternal youth. One crewman over heard them and started telling the crew about the two Jonahs (Ben and Ned). The Marie and the Diablo engaged while the Devon Belle (Red jacks ship)
    came up from the front. Thuron did the trinidad shuffle to evade the two other ships and sailed on through the Atlantic to France. But in the ocean near france the French fleet Attacked the Marie in a frantic hurry Thuron sent Ben and Ned ashore. The Marie was Brought down and Thuron Died. Ben and Ned were stranded on the coast of France.

  80. Tanner Medina #8

    In my book Kickoff I liked how the author puts it into Tiki and Ronde's(The main characters in the book)perspective and the authors. The author does a good job by puting in every detail into every sentences. I dislike how the author puts in to much detail for things that don't need it. This book also has alot of twist and turns in it like when Tiki finaly goes into the game he does realy good at first but then he fumbles and the other team recovers the ball. I like how the author keeps the story in two settings no more or no less in the book. I also like how the author sticks to one of them and one only and the theme is to stand up and speak if you believe in it that theme is mentioned every where in the book. I also dislike how the author talkes about their school to much and not enough about football. The book doesn't have scary or horrible problem, they just have a simple no big deal problen but to them it is bad. The author also puts too many characters in the book so it is kind of hard to keep up. All in all it is a graet book and I hope you read it.

  81. Tanner Medina #8
    response to Robyn
    I like how you give evidence from the book it sounds like a good book ill read it after my book.

  82. Tanner Medina #8
    responce to Elijah Hernandez #9
    I like how your book has a lout of mistury in it and from your paragraph it sounds like a good book I might read it when I get a chance

  83. Jordan Perretano Log #1
    Dragon Fire - Donita K. Paul
    Page 209

    Dear Diary;

    Today me and sir Bardon my husband were out finding dragons eggs. When we got to the inn me and my minor dragons went to find the eggs. When we found them the house was about to collapse. After the house collapsed I could not find my husband when I told my minor dragons to go find him. When they got back they said he was not far away. When I heard him I changed into my fighting clothes. After the fight we went to my grand mothers house and she told us that she was married to Rigidor. Later after she told us she also said that she knew were are fathers and mothers where. So we headed off to find them. When we got there we were held captive but it is good I’m a wizard so I got all of us out of there. When we were in the tunnels we saw a bright light. When we came to the end of the tunnel we got out side and they told us that our king was going to die and I said that I could heal him. So they said I was allowed up there. l was final up there when I saw their king I a small chair. And I said that I could heal him. When I said that in a faint voice he said heal me when I healed him he was perfect and he said he felt ten years younger.. when it was dinner time we saw our parents and we sat together and talked about dragons. We said that we would search for the head dragon and kill him .so the next day me and my dad set off to find him.

  84. Tommy Normandeau #8
    The Angels Command
    Part #2
    The Razan
    Ben and Ned meet a Girl named Karay (a excelent thief and a boy named Dominic (The best artist ever). Together they go to a city called Veron they meet the Comte of the town and promise him they will find his Nephew, Adamo. Adamo hade been kidnaped by his grandmother maguada Razan, The Razan are a group of evil magicians that live in the mountains. The group leaves Veron and heads for the Prynees mountains, were the Razan live. once there they meet a strong large lady that lives in the mountains and tends for goats her name was Arnela. The Children got captured by the Razan and were put in a dungeun Maguada Razan gave them a potion to go insane. Ned hade escaped captivity and tried communicating with Ben but he could not reach Ben. Ben was brought to Maguda and Maguda looked into his eyes and she could read his mind. She saw the Dutchman and laughed at the cruelty of Vanderdecken, but when the image of the Lord appeared to her she keeled over dead. Then Ben with the help of Arnela burst into the Razan hiding place and saved the children and a bear in the near by cell. they burst out of the hiding place and all the Razan came out then the children who were riding away on a large door on the floor shot their pistols and started an avalanch. when they got to the bottom of the mountain the bear was making muffled noises then arnela took out a knife and started cutting at the neck of it. She cut it off and under neath was the face of a man IT WAS ADAMO!!! they took Adamo back to the Comte and all was saved.

  85. Jordan Perretano
    Response to
    Response #1

    Hi sofia, this book you are reading is a funny.
    my favorit charictar is manny because he always seems to make and gregory get in trouble maybe i will read the the last one after this book

  86. Andre Eng
    response to anyone reading Twilight
    I agree with jake. I still don't understand how the book and movie are different from any other love story. Many stories follow the same pattern as Twilight. First they fall in love with each other, then they can't see each other and then they still try to see each other while having to face challenges. Why did they choose vampires couldn't they have been a car? If this was a love story between a man and his car I would read it.

  87. Anjelina Booth #1
    A Tale of Two Cities
    By: Charles Dickens
    Log #2
    An important theme of A Tale of Two Cities is love. The book shows love in many different cases. A theme statement for love can be: anyone can show love if they truly believe it. This is shown in the book by Sydney Carton. At first he is shown to care for no one, but eventually starts to love Lucie Manette. Although he professes his love for her, he still looks down on himself as worthless. He might have believed he loved her, but he couldn’t achieve her love. Another character that expresses love is Charles Darnay. He falls in love with Lucie Manette as well and ends up marrying her because they both loved each other. Love also needs to be shown. One needs to express their love and feel it in their hearts. Lucie Manette is compassionate, and shows love. She cares about her husband as seen was he was freed of the treason. Love must be between two people that they both share. Charles and Lucie Darnay are great examples of that. They truly believe they loved each other, and in the end it ended well for them in love. Love brings out ones true personality and they can change for the good because of it.

  88. Jordan perretano
    Responce #2
    wow Elijah maybe iwill read the eygption game it sounds like it would be my kind of book and it also souds action packed and adventures. hope to read the book after i read mine

  89. Hayley Macabuhay #7
    True Talents by: David Lubar
    Log #2

    This book was very interesting. It was filled with action and a little violence. It was well written too. In the book, the main characters are Trash, Martin, Lucky, Cheater, Flinch, and Torchie. These characters are all very unique and special. They all have different personalities, they think differently, and they don't always agree on the same thing. They have awesome powers that only they know about. Trash can move things with his mind, Martin can look into people's souls, Lucky finds lost objects, Cheater reads minds, Flinch predicts the future, and Torchie starts fires. They have not told anyone about these powers, not even their family. In the book, they all try to figure out how to use their powers and try to understand how they work. Because of curiosity, they all test their powers. At the same time, the guys struggle to live a normal life as teenagers. They still go to school and do what regular teenage boys do. They try to be as normal as possible and they learn to keep their powers under control. They try hard to keep their powers a secret. At the end of the book, the guys join forces to save their friend who is in danger. Even through this difficult time, they stuck together. They stayed strong and succeeded. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone. It was filled with a lot of action, which makes the stories very exciting. Each story was so interesting that it will make you want to go on and read more. This was a great and fun book to read.

  90. Victoria Sather
    The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
    Finished book
    Blog #2

    1. Bilbo is a dwarf.
    2. Hobbits live in The Shire.
    3. Gandalf is an elf.
    4. Balin is the leader of the dwarves.
    5. Smaug stole the dwarves’ treasure.
    6. Dwarves also came to visit Bilbo with Gandalf.

    Multiple Choice
    1. Who is the main character?
    a. Gandalf
    b. Thorin
    c. Fili
    d. Bilbo

    2. How many meals do hobbits eat a day?
    a. 3
    b. 6
    c. 4
    d. Hobbits never eat

    3. What was Bilbo’s last name?
    a. Sackville
    b. Oakenshield
    c. Baggins
    d. Bogfield

    4. Who did Bilbo meet in the goblin caves?
    a. More goblins
    b. Dwarves
    c. Gandalf
    d. Gollum

    5. What kind of game did Gollum and Bilbo play in the cave?
    a. Game of songs
    b. Game of riddles
    c. Game of chance
    d. None of the above

    6. Who was the old friend that came to visit Bilbo?
    a. Gandalf
    b. Thorin
    c. Fili
    d. Kili

    7. What did Gollum lose that Bilbo found?
    a. Sword
    b. Necklace
    c. Ring
    d. None of the above

    8. What was Smaug?
    a. Lion
    b. Lizard
    c. Dragon
    d. Snake

    9. What was the name that Bilbo gave his sword?
    a. Spider
    b. Sting
    c. Great Blade
    d. Killer

    10. Who killed Smaug?
    a. Bard
    b. Gandalf
    c. Thorin
    d. Bilbo

    Short Answer
    1. What magic power did the ring have?
    2. How did Bilbo escape from Gollum?
    3. Why did the dwarves send Bilbo to scope out the light in the forest?
    4. Why did Gandalf come to visit Bilbo?
    5. What was the main purpose of the journey?


    Describe a hobbit.


    1. False
    2. True
    3. False
    4. False
    5. True
    6. True

    Multiple Choice
    1. d
    2. b
    3. c
    4. d
    5. b
    6. a
    7. c
    8. c
    9. b
    10. a

    Short Answer
    1. If you put it on, it would turn you invisible.
    2. He used the ring to turn himself invisible.
    3. Because they were scared and he was their burglar.
    4. To tell Bilbo about the journey that he needed to go on.
    5. To get the dwarves’ treasure back.


    Hobbits are little people about half our height. They are smaller than dwarves and have no beards. Hobbits tend to be fat and they like to dress in bright colors. They wear no shoes because their feet are very tough. Hobbits have very good hearing. They have curly hair and long brown fingers. Hobbits have good natured faces and deep jolly laughs.

  91. Andre Eng
    Response to Rebekah's Fly by Night test
    That book your reading sounds very interesting and intense. I read your test and most of those questions would be hard to answer if I did not read carefully. I would hate to be branded with a T if I was a thief.

  92. Anjelina Booth #1
    Response #1 to Hayley
    Hi Hayley. I read your test and I noticed that the characters have unique names. The book sounds very interesting. This makes me want to read the book and learn more about them. Are there troubling things going on with the characters? Based on the title, does each character have a special talent? I guess I'll have to read the book someday to find out.

  93. Liberty and Tyranny A Conservative Manifesto
    By Mark Levin
    Finished with the book
    Option 7

    I read the book Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin. The book, in my opinion, inspires, teaches, and turns over every stone in this New York Times Best Seller. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know a little bit more about his or her country. The book will present both sides of the story and will give you quotes of what the founders, other authors, economists, or whoever it may be said on that particular topic. The book will change a lot of peoples views on conservatism and what the Statist is doing. A lot of people will incorrectly quote Levin because of fear. Fear of the people knowing what they should have known all along, the truth. I think the book is very interesting, for example in the chapter “On Self-Preservation” he talks about some of the tactics we used to get information from terrorists which includes waterboarding, simulated drowning. He gives us this information as a side to a larger very serious picture, hundreds of al-Qaeda attacks have been prevented from this now banned tactic. Saving hundreds of American lives for a few minutes of simulated drowning is morally defensible. Banning this tactic to protect the people attacking us and putting innocent American lives is not. Apparently though we should have been nicer to the mastermind of 9/11 according to the Statist. This is an example of the Statist making something of nothing. Banning waterboarding is one of the first things Barack Obama did as President. I could go on with example after example of interesting things that you probably don’t know about and I didn’t know about until I read this book. This book is a real eye opener. We do not live in a perfect nor will we ever, but if we can stick to the guidelines in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence as closely as possible we would be far better off than we were now. Levin ends his book in the same way I will end this log. “We Conservatives need to get busy.”

  94. Victoria Sather#12
    Response to Tre: Twilight
    Response #1

    Hey Tre, this sounds like an interesting story. I have only seen the movie Twilight and this seems pretty close to a beginning story. Maybe they will make a prequel one day with this as the story. I want to read the book soon. You were right on that Bella is a clutz.

  95. Anjelina Booth #1
    Response #2 to Tanner
    Hi. I agree that having confidence in yourself is one of the better ways to succeed a goal. Is faithfulness a different meaning then confidence in the book? In the book, did the author show faithfulness in the players because they kept trying, or when they wanted to quit, did they believe they could push themselves forward? Also, you did have a couple of spelling and grammar errors, but expressed the theme pretty good. I hope I can get a chance to read the book so I can understand it more.

  96. Victoria Sather#12
    Response to David:Transformers Ghosts of Yesterday
    Response #2

    Hey David! I really like this story. I love the transformers and Megatron is my favorite. I have only seen the movie and never knew there were any books on it. Do you recommend this book for girls? Maybe one day you will become a screen writer.

  97. Christian Balsz#1
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    Jeff Kinney
    Log #1

    I read the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney. I thought all of the books were great. They really show what a normal kid goes through as well as what a family goes through on a daily basis. Gregory is the main character and also the author of the diaries. His diaries tell the adventures of himself and Rowley, Gregory's friend. Gregory also tells of his family starting with his mom and how she would get the kids to do chores. She came up with something called 'mom bucks'. For a certain amount of mom bucks you could get some real money. Rodrick is Gregory's older brother. He also has a band called the Loded Diper. Gregory also has another brother named Manny. Mannys is younger and gets all the attention and Gregory's dad does not like it when people touch is stuff, particularly his Civil War set. Gregory's friend Rowley pretty much his only friend. The two of them do a lot of crazy things. Once the actually broke Rowleys arm in one of their games just while messing around. They always end up doing crazy things like that through out the diaries. I would recommend this series of books to kids between the ages of 9 and 14. I think kids this age can relate to all the crazy things that happen in the diaries. Some examples of this are when Gregory and Rowley make a haunted house and charge an admission fee to kids who want to go in to earn some spending money. Also when they go trick or treating alone to try to act like big shots around other kids and make fun of teenagers who have to go with their parents but then end up getting chased all over and getting no candy at all. At the end of the night they end up getting their grandmothers house egged while they hide inside from the older kids. This book had me laughing a lot and gave me a lot of great ideas!

  98. Christian Balsz #1
    Diary Entry
    Log #2

    Dear Diary,

    Last night I had the worst dream. I suppose it was my fault because I went to see a scary movie with Rowley. I wouldn't have done it if I knew that it was going to be that scary. I slept with my light on and I was still scared. I barely slept and when I did I would have the worst dreams in the world like the one I am about to describe. I was walking down the street and zombies were running at me with blood dripping down their faces and my family was trying to eat me just like the zombies. Then I saw Rowley getting eaten limb by limb. Suddenly my brother throws a glass of freezing cold water on me to wake me up. That morning when I was in the shower I almost late to school so my mom banged on the door. It scared me so much that I fell and hit my head on the water spout. After I got back up I got out of the shower, got dressed really quick and went to school. When I got there I realized that my homework for two classes was left at home. This was turning out to be the worst day of my life. Then at lunchtime right when I was about to get my lunch they said they were going to have to look for my lunch card. So I had to wait and wait to get my food. This day couldn't get any worse, or could it? Who knows what my dreams will bring tonight! This has turned out to be the absolute worst day of my life all because I decided to see scary movie that put me in a slump and causde me to forget my homework and feel the most tired I have ever felt in my life!

  99. Aaron Guzman
    Blog #1
    Dear Diary,
    I have to go on this no fun and extremely doom stunt by running away from home and go to New York City. My sister named Claudia calls New York City or some times The Big Apple or some time NYC. When we got to New York City we went to the Metropolitan museum we had to stay there because we had no where else to go. Actually the first thing we did when we got there was we went to the restaurant in the Metropolitan museum. At night we had to hide from the security guards because if they caught us they would take me and Claudia to the police station and we would even be in a lot more trouble if they found out we ran away from home. The next day we went to the Metropolitan Library to look up the person named Sir James. The only reason we are looking for a guy named Sir James is because we say a statue of him and we wanted to know more about him. When we got back from all the researching and all of the studying about Sir James we were exhausted and tired. Claudia and I could barely move. Later that evening I ran to Claudia and started to scream but whisper saying they moved the statue. The reason I had to keep my voice down because the security guards were there. When I told Claudia literally her jaw dropped. That was really bad for Claudia and I.

  100. Jacob Ramsey #11
    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
    J.K. Rowling
    #1 Blog

    I think the book (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) is a very interesting book because at the end of each novel you read, the author (J.K. Rowley) always ends the books with a cliff hanger that leaves you hanging. You always want to know what happens in the next book. I also think this book is interesting because Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter are always trying to do something terrible to Draco Malfoy. They would make potions in a stall of a forbidden bathroom, where Moaning Myrtle lives. One time they (Harry, Ron, and Hermione) made a potion to look like one of Draco’s team players and spy on him. They had to get DNA from Crabbe and Goyle for the potion to work. So Harry got a strand of hair from each of them, dropped it in the caldron, locked the real Crabbe and Goyle in a closet, and then drank the potion. Ron and Harry, or Crabbe and Goyle, then spy on Draco by following him around everywhere. They wanted to find out if Draco’s team won the Quidditch cup by making the Bludger only hit Harry in the Quidditch match. Soon Harry realizes, while he is lying in the Infirmary, that Dobby, his families slave, fixed the Bludger so he (Harry) would break an arm and return to his house because he would be in terrible danger. Dobby is afraid that Harry will die while he later fights Lord Voldemort. I think if you read at least one of the seven books that J.K. Rowley wrote, especially this one, you would want to read the long novels all day and anywhere. These books are worth buying, if you like books with mysteries and cliff hangers. I would definitely recommend this book, or series, to a friend.

  101. Jacob Ramsey
    Response to Tommy Ferguson
    Response #1

    Hey Tommy, this is Jacob;

    I will read Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone this year. I liked the second book, so now I will want to read that book with anticipation. You described the book to me and it looks pretty good. I really want to read it so I can know how Harry’s parents died and how he got that scar on his head from Lord Voldemort.

  102. Jacob Ramsey #11
    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
    J.K. Rowley
    Blog #2

    Final Exam

    True and False

    1. Harry and Ron disguise themselves as Crabbe and Goyle to spy on Draco.
    2. Tom Marvolo Riddle really Dumbledore.
    3. Hermione a fan of Gilderoy Lockhart’s books.
    4. Gilderoy Lockhart is not allowed to teach at school for a year because he got in a car accident.
    5. Ginny loves Harry.

    Multiple Choice

    1. Harry potter has a scar on his____.
    a. head
    b. arm
    c. neck
    d. all of the above

    2. Tom Marvolo Riddle’s real name is___________.
    a. Dumbledore
    b. Snape
    c. Voldemort

    3. Moaning Myrtle lives in a_______.
    a. dungeon
    b. jail cell
    c. Chamber of Secrets
    d. Girls bathroom stall

    4. Gilderoy Lockhart does what for a living?
    a. writes books
    b. teaches
    c. plumbs toilets
    d. both a and b

    5. Snape does what for a living?
    a. teaches magic
    b. is a principal
    c. writes books
    d. all of the above

    6. Ginny did what in her free time?
    a. played with dolls
    b. wrote in a diary

    7. George is whose brother?
    a. Ron
    b. Harry
    c. Percy

    8. Who opened the Chamber of Secrets first?
    a. Percy
    b. Ron
    c. Ginny
    d. George
    e. Harry

    9. Who destroyed Riddle’s diary?
    a. Ron
    b. Dumbledore
    c. Harry
    d. Snape

    10. Who killed Harry’s parents
    a. Lord Voldemort
    b. Draco Malfoy
    c. Dumbledore

    Short Answer

    1. Who fixed the Bludger to only attack Harry?
    2. How did Ron start to throw up slugs?
    3. Why did Ginny write in a diary?
    4. Why was Dobby trying to make Harry go back to his house?
    5. Why were Harry’s relatives mad at him?

    Essay Question

    • Describe how Harry defeated the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets. It has to be at least 6-8 sentences.

    (Answer Key)

    True and False

    1. True
    2. False
    3. True
    4. False
    5. True

    Multiple Choice

    1. a
    2. c
    3. d
    4. d
    5. a
    6. b
    7. a
    8. c
    9. c
    10. a

    Short Answer

    1. Dobby did.
    2. Ron tried to use a spell on Draco with his broken wand, but the spell backfired and hit Ron’s stomach.
    3. She wrote in it because she was troubled.
    4. Dobby wanted Harry to not fight Lord Voldemort later on.
    5. He ran away to Ron’s house and didn’t come back for two weeks.

    Essay Question

    • While Harry was confronted face-to-face with the giant basilisk, a phoenix dropped the sorting hat. Harry wishes for a sword, and one comes out of the hat. As Harry ran around screaming, the basilisk leapt toward him and pierced his arm with his giant tooth. While Harry felt the poison run threw his veins, he stabbed the basilisk in the head and ripped the tooth from his arm. The basilisk died instantly, and Harry fell to the ground in pain.

  103. Jacob Ramsey #11
    Responding to Tre Fitts
    Response #2

    Hey Tre, this is Jacob. I thought Twilight wasn’t good until I saw people write and share about it. It sounds like a very good book and I might read it sometime. I saw the movie, and now I want to read the Twilight Saga after I finish reading the Harry Potter books.

  104. Michael Ly#11
    The Titan's Curse

    The book Titan's Curse was a very mysterious and action packed book. This is book is good because it starts out a mystery because of two missing people and the good guys Percy, Grover, Annabeth, Nico, and Zoe are fighting their way through obstacles such as Mr. Thorn and looking for their dear friends. Mr. Thorn is the vice president of the school, but he's also a monster who gets in their way. The heroes have fallen though in their greatest enemy's trap th Titan lord Kronos. The story ends by Percy taking the Titan's burden or curse away from Artemis because the prophecy of the oracles. After that a battle takes upon Luke and Thailia(15 year old demigod and daughter of Zeus). No one really wins because Luke accidentally trips on a cliff and falls, but surives and returns to Mount Olympus. If u ever read one of Rick Riordan's book i recommend this one because it's an entertaining and fun book to read.

  105. Felix Sarmiento
    Heart of a Champion
    Carl Deuker

    I read this book called Heart of a Champion by Carl Deuker. The book is about a special friendship between Jimmy Winter and Seth Barham whom are baseball fanatics. It focuses on how, young adolescence play the sport with so much passion. They have a lot of challenges that they have to deal with. Young Jimmy Winter is great on the baseball field he has so much compassion for the game. Seth had wished that he would be a good player like Jimmy. This book is a heartbreaking book that instructs and communicates a human condition. The book explains how these boys did everything they could to be the best that they can. The story also focuses on the relationships between the boys and their fathers. Jimmy did not have a very good relationship with his Dad his Dad drank and never had time for him. In the book Seth is forced to find his own personal strength on and off of the field when his Dad dies. I really respect how Seth never gave up he would come home with scrapes, burses, deep cuts, and body aces all over him.
    As I read this book it really broke my heart at the end of the story. Seth and the team had to be really strong and focus on playing the last game with all of what they were thought. I don’t want to give the ending away. What I find very interesting is that the author Carl Deuker is a teacher in the North shore School District outside of Seattle. He has won numerous awards for his novels. I highly recommend this book for those young readers who love the sport baseball. The book kept me on my feet the whole time I was reading it.

  106. #6 George Frazier
    Do Hard Things
    Alex and Brett Harris

    This book was a really good book. It teaches kids about how important it is that you can't let people say what you can and can't do just because of how old you are. It also helps people build their self-confidence because Alex and Brett do tons and tons of presentations at school and at other places to talk about how self-confidence and responsibility is very important. They made a really good point on how responsibility at a young age really helps you later in your life, like when you have a job or a family or something like that. Also that if you want to get something done in life you can't just sit around and see if other people will do it for you. You have to work hard until the job gets done and never ever give up. They also mentioned that in life you have to try to do better than other people and suceed. But, like they said you can't do that by sitting around you have to actually work and try really hard to get things done. I recomend this book to the people who agree that you have to work hard in life to get things done.

  107. #6 George Frazier

    Hey Jake, that sounds really interesting because alot of authors usually just say their own opinion on the side that they like and not the other side as well. It sounds like he does a good job at that.

  108. #6 George Frazier

    Gilbert, that sounds like a really funny book. Its interesting to see how saying yes can help someones life. That story makes me want to read that book.

  109. #2 Christopher Conradt
    The Bourne Identity
    Robert Ludlum

    Dear Diary,
    I have been having some of the worst days of my life. I still don't know my name and I don't know why but I think there are some people trying to kill me. I keep getting these flash backs of me on this yauht. I wish I could remember what happened that night and I wish that I could remember what my real name is. I was in a bank one night in Berlin and someone refered to me as Jason Bourne. Then after that I was attacked and the police came. Luckily I was able to escape the bank and keep on trying to figure out who I am.

  110. #2 Christopher Conradt
    The Bourne Identity
    Robert Ludlum

    Before Jason was trying to figure out his name he was training to be part of the FBI. He was going to do great because Jason is smart and he is agile and athletic. He doesn't know the meaning of the word no or the saying no I can't. Jason went into the army after a year in the FBI. Jason passed "Hell week" with flying colors. He went in as a Spec. Ops(Special Operations) for the war with Iraq. Since Jason was a really great soldier he became a non commitioned officer. Jason got bored so he was told that he was released and that some man wanted to talk to him. The man wanted Jason to go to a company named Treadstone. Treadstone is a company that preforms secret assasinations to enemies of the United Stated of America. Later Jason was given a mission and that is were the story starts.

  111. #2 Christopher Conradt

    George, I agree with you about what you said about Gilbert's book. It does look really funny and its true that saying yes can really make a difference in one's life.

  112. Jordan Perretano
    Dragon fire Donita k paul
    Blog #2
    Dear diary
    Today me and my dad are heading to out to find the devious dragons. When it started to pour me and my dad stopped at a little town called black jetty. When we got in side we set our warm cloths on the rack and we got a room at one of the inns and then when we were ready we went to the reasturant and ate . the next day we set out and went into the vally and I had to go first. When I got down there I found two of paladins soldiers dead I shouted to my dad and told him and he said that I need to find a cave and put them in there.. so when I found a cave I set them under a rock and I heard something when I turned around I found out that there was a army of five headed snakes. I ran out screaming and when my dad heard me he said what was wrong I said there were snakes. He said that was nothing and I w always fight something worse and I said they have five heads but one jumped at me and I killed it. When my dad got down there he told me that those snakes were friendly. The next day we my husband bardon caught up and we traveld together. We finally got into a town were we could buy food and water. And the next day we drew near the evil king dragon kings cave were it was only me and my husband and dad and also the help with my little minor dragons. When we got into the dragons cave we defeted him but we lost one of our little dragons so we headed home.

  113. #6 George Frazier
    Alex and Brett Harris
    Do Hard Things

    I love how in the book Do Hard Things Alex and Brett Harris exgerate on how having responsibility and self-confidence is really important in a teens and an adults life. Responsisbility is very important in an adults life because they have the resposibility to take care of their family if they have one, also if they have a family they have the responsibility to love them and not walk out on them. Self-confidence in an adults life is also very important because they have to be able to keep a job if under pressure. Also if they have a family they have to have self-confidence to know that they can take care of the family that they have. Responsibility in a teenagers life is very important because the desicions that they make at the age of seventeen and eighteen can effect their lives forever. Teenagers have to have the responsibility to get a job and take care of them-selves. Self-confidence is very important in a teenagers life because they need to have self-confidence to get a job, they need to have self-confidence for when they go on the interview for the job so that they can get the job. Thats what I really loved about the book Do Hard Things because everything that they said in the book was true and it affects everyones lives. But, all in diifferent ways. Also this books really affects peoples lives and gives them a different opinion on how they need to live their lives. So, thats why I love this book.

  114. Jonathan Dumaine #4
    The Ruins
    By: Scott Smith

    In my book, The Ruins, there are a few main characters in the book. The key characters are called Eric, Stacy, Mathias, Jeff, and last but not least, Amy. The character that I chose to write about is a man by the name of Jeff. If Jeff were to escape and survive, he would have gone back to Cancun, Mexico. As soon as he got there he probably packed his bags and went back to America. In ten years, if Jeff was still alive, he would not have any friends because they all died. Fortunately for Jeff he would make a T.V. show called Surviving Danger. Jeff is the host of the new show on SPIKE, Surviving Danger. Also fortunately for Jeff he would make new friends at his new job. I also think that in ten years Jeff would have a wife and two kids, a boy and a girl. I also believe that Jeff would be around thirty-two years old in ten years. They also had a funeral for his five dead friends. Jeff still misses his friends even though they have been dead for ten whole years. Jeff still gets nightmares from the vines that attacked and killed his best friends. I would not think that Jeff would ever take another vacation to another country again. Jeff also has a show on T.V. that is called Surviving Danger For Kids. It teaches kids the basics on how to survive a variety of worst-case scenarios. And Jeff lived in fear of the vine for the rest of his life.

  115. Esther Gee #4
    The Labyrinth
    By: Rick Riordan

    Dear Percy,
    This is Esther. I heard you went down into the maze called the Labyrinth. Was it fun and adventurous? I have a few advice for you to start your day. You should hang out with your mom a lot and try to make friends with your "dad." Also, maybe you should visit Rachel Elizabeth Dare in the summer next time. You should also hang out more with your friend Annabeth. If she is busy, well, you could do something else. In the sea, you should also visit your dad, Poseidon. When you go to Camp Half Blood, you should ask Chiron to help and teach you with your sword fights and archery. Try to visit Grover and Tyson, too. I am sure Tyson misses you very much. If you can't, you should toss a golden drachma into a mist and try to contact them. Remember Mrs. O'Leary? I am sure you do. Try to play with her and keep her company as long as you can. You don't have to follow this advice, but try if you can. If you were, that is great. Try to write back if you can. Bye.
    Sincerely, Esther Gee.


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