
I want to hear about your summer! Please share with the class your favorite summer memory. Be sure to include why it was your favorite memory.


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  3. The whole summer was awesome but if I had to choose one... going to San Diego. We went to the U.S.S Midway.(It's a Really Cool old Navy ship.)While there i tried a flight simulator apparently I can't land on an aircraft carrier, but I can take you to an airport with ease. Anyway that was my best summer memory.

    P.S Its Jake #15 and blogspot made me make a website so it's schoolstuff-15.blogspot.com

  4. hello Mrs. H this is Alexander #5 this should work I hope

  5. hello Mrs. H sorry about all my posts i will delete them.

  6. My life was changed this summer. Usually in the summer I travel back to St. Louis, Missouri to visit my friends and my wife's family. Notice I didn't group her family and my friend together. This past summer I enjoyed waking up at seven o'clock every morning so I could go tutor children all day. It was fantastic! We worked on reading and math which was so much better than hanging out with my friends and my wife's family. Again notice that I didn't group them together. I also enjoyed putting a shed together and attempting to remove a stump at our church for the children. Trying to get the stump out was like breaking concrete with a plastic spoon. After several days I decided that the children weren't worth all this trouble and let it go. What a summer full of fun and memories! Oh, and my wife had our first child too.

  7. This looks great, thanks for all your hard work.

  8. Alyx Holiday
    Today is a great day!

  9. Eugene Cho
    Mrs.H, I had a great time in Summer vacation. The best memory I had is when I went to Junior high camp. I spend time with God and with my friends. My friend's were Felix,Tommy,Jacob,and Aaron.

  10. Tre Fitts
    My favorite summer memory was when I went to Utah for my vacation. My family and I hiked a trail called Angels Landing in Zion National Park. At the end of the trail we had to rock climb to the top. That is why that is my favorite summer memory.

  11. Grace Gee
    My favorite summer memory was when I first got my puppy. She was only two months old. This summer memory was awesome and exciting because I really wanted a dog at first, which my mom wouldn't allow in our family, but she was nice to give us one.

  12. Victoria Paul,
    My favorite summer memory was in Hawaii,i went swimming with the dolphins.It was my favorite memory because i love dolphins and i like swimming.I had so much fun it was the best day ever!!

  13. Tommy Ferguson
    My favorite memory is when me and my sister got a XBox 360 and played Tales,Halo3, and Fable all night long. My summer was the best!

  14. Andrew, My favorite summer time was in Mammoth, California. It is in the mountains. It is an eight hour drive. I got to ride my bike on a 30 mile bike ride. Ialso got to rock climb. I climbed Mineret Water fall. It was sooooooooo! fun

  15. Tanner Medina #8
    My summer was ok but my favorite was when I sighned up for football because football is fun to play my favorite thing in football is when you hit someone relly hard. go 49ers

  16. Jordan Perretano,
    My favorit summer memory would have to be going to the river.Me and my sister went on a jetski for four hours. The water was nasty because it had fish guts and skin all over the water. that was the best four hours ever.

  17. Ha this is Aaron and I just wanted to share my summer memories.Well I don't have that much summer memories so here it go's.I went to camp with the school up in the mountains.I also stayed home and played video games at home.

  18. Felix Sarmiento
    My favoite summer memoie is when I went to Lake Lopez it was awsome. There was a beach a lake a water park and we made forts to. Like I said it was awsome.

  19. Elijah Hernandez
    I went to Sedona, Arizona. I went to a place called Slide Rock. You are allowed jump off a cliff and slide down a little river.

  20. Christian Balsz
    My favorite summer memori was when I whent lake havosu and drove the jetski.

  21. Ashley Ly
    My favorite summer memory was when Esther and I went jetskiing. I thought it was funny went Esther almost fell off the jet skii.

  22. Sofia Youssouf
    My favorite memorie was when I went to Universal Studios with my cousins. They were so much fun because this is there first time going here and they were so amazed, but they got so tired quickly.

  23. Mark Wiese
    My favorite summer memory was when I went to pismo beach to ride atv's. I almost killed myself while doing a high speed doughnut. The dunes you ride are almost 100 feet high

  24. David Spindler
    My favorite summer memory was when I went to a Christian rap concert. There was free food there and there was two jumpers. There was a skate park too. I had a lot of fun.

  25. Tommy Normandeau
    My favorite summer memory was when Christian asked me if I wanted to go to the O.C. fair. We went on many rides and afterwards I went to his house. Then we played Call of duty W.A.W.

  26. Hayley Macabuhay
    My favorite summer memory was going to universal studios with my cousins from chicago. We went 4 times. It was so fun!

  27. My favorite summer memory was when i was in Mamoth my dad Anthony and I went mountain biking down a giant mountain my dad and I went down it twice it was very exciting. the first time my dad told me too take it a little slow since we had never done this before and we did not know what the course was like then when we went down the second time we wentdownd faster. I almost took someone out the second time.

  28. Esther Gee
    My favorite summer memory is when I got a puppy. It is a shih tzu/ becshan. I named her Jja Jja. Some people could not say her name right because of the emphasizing of the j's. Instead, they call her cha cha.

  29. Michael Carrion
    My favorite summer memory was going camping at Lake Perris.Also iwent to Six Flags Magic Mountain and Hurricane harbor.Also I went to jr high camp with friends my summer was awsome.

  30. Hi,
    It's Felix's Mom Lisa Sarmiento.
    I loved reading what the kids did this summer. I will be praying for all of you 6 graders. Good luck to you all this year.

  31. Welcome to the Blog 8th graders! This is your year to shine.

  32. Christopher Conradt
    I had a very fun summer. I got to go to a baseball game, worked, and play video games. My favorite summer memory was when I got two new dogs named Chico and Fred. Another summer memory was when i got to play PS3 and Xbox 360 online.

  33. Noah Lewis
    I enjoyed my summer so much! it was so cool, when i was by Herst castle I was wale watching. A kind old man came up to me with a bag of chips, he gave it to me and I fed the squirls wth them. i spread the chips all over my body, and they all climbed on me and ate the chips. It was so awsome ! :D

  34. Alex Spindler
    My favorite summer memory was when I went on vacation to Lake Tahoe and had the oppurtunity to go waterskiing. I was able to get out of the wake and get back in. While still on vacation I got to eat at one of the best Italian restraunts on earth, TEP'S.

  35. Larreya Hayden
    The most excitng memory that i had this summer was when i went to the lake with my best buds. This lake is called Lake Naciemento. It is soo much fun taking the time off in the summer. My friensd names are Julia Kailah Kimi and Amanda. We went tubing, wakeboarding, and hung out every night. We stayed there for five days. This event changed my life because i would of never thought i would have friends as good as these ones! We came sooo close to eachother and now we feel way more comfortable around one another. Now that we know how much fun we have together we can become even closer friends!

  36. Allie Shackelford
    My summer was very exciting because I went to Virginia to visit my cousins. They are both five years old, full of energy and fun to hang out with. We all went to the beach which was very beautiful and the water was extremely warm. We had to end our fun early though because one of my cousins was stung by a jellyfish, but he was fine after I bought him some ice cream.

  37. Jonathan Dumaine
    My favorite summer memory was when I went to Junior High Camp. It was my favorite summer memory because I kept owning people at bumper pool. I did really bad in airsoft because I kept getting shot at. I also spilled my slurpee all over the pool table.

  38. Chase Holiday
    My favorite summer memory was when I went to Big Sur. At Big Sur I had a cabin. By my cabin there was a river where I could use a raft. The water was freezing cold, but it was a lot of fun. I hope I can go again soon. :)

  39. Matthew Hernandez
    My favorite summer memory was when I went hunting and camping. I went to some lake in New Mexico with my cousin. It was my first time camping and it was extremely uncomfortable. While hunting I shot a couple of birds, some squirrels, a bat, and a skunk, but I shot the skunk near by tent so for a day it smelled really bad.

  40. Andre Eng
    My favorite summer memory was when I was in Hawaii, and I went jet skiing and parasailing. The manager of the jet ski area gave me the fastest jet ski in the lot.

  41. Michael Ly
    My favorite summer memory was when Gilbert and I went camping. We went with my family and some of family's friend. We had lots of good ribs and smores. We stayed up late in the tent. It was a time to remember because it was a fun time with friends and family. It was a good experience because it was my first time camping.

  42. Rebekah Dervartanian
    My favorite summer memory was when I went to Junior High Camp. It was a great experience. The most fun activity that I did was the Leap of Faith. On the Leap of Faith, I climbed up a forty-five foot pole and then jumped off, trying to reach a horizontal pole. I did not reach it though.

  43. Anjelina Booth
    My favorite summer memory was when I went to Jr. High Camp with my chruch. There was a so much to do and the most fun was hanging out with all of my friends there.

  44. Victoria Sather
    My summer was very exciting because I went to visit my grandpa in Beaverton,Oregon.We drove down to Seaside where we stayed at Best Western. We had a beautiful veiw of the ocean. The down town was awsome! It was very colorful! There was a store called Holiday Drugs. I thought that was funny. When we got back I helped my grandpa at a senior center.

  45. Robyn Rosales
    My favorite summer memory was when I got a new phone. I slept over at my friends house, and when I went to bed I left my phone on the floor. When I woke up, I found that her dog had an accident on my phone. Since it got ruined, I got a new one, a better one. I had a great summer!

  46. Eugene Cho
    My favorite memory was when I ate my mom's dumplings. I chewed in the inside and outside of the dumpling. My mom's dumplings are really good.

  47. Jacob Ramsey
    My favorite summer memory was when I went to the beach 1 time on each Tuesday every month. I would go with my parents and my brother,Zach. I would ride 10 foot waves on my bougie board and would crash on most of them. Also when I got in the water, I would step in huge blankets of seaweed and would get grossed out. I think I had the best summer ever!

  48. George Frazier
    My favorite summer memory was going to a city 20 miles from Santa Barbra, my family and my friends family went 20 miles past Santa Barbra to do a winery trip it was really cool. We rented a limousine that was a Dogde Charger limousine and it was awsome. I got to ride shotgun and talk to the driver and that was alot of fun. He told me how the limousine company works. What they do is they get the car in its normal size and they add more metal to it and change the interior. The limousines drivers name was Richard. Evem though the limousine was a Charger it didnt have the hemi in it because it would take up to much gas. So they just threw a V6 engne there. We also got to visit the Michael Jackson ranch luckly it was only three miles from our hotel. That was my favorite summer memory.

  49. noah thats really funny

  50. Hello all! Hopefully you guys haven't forgotten me! :] ~Anna L.~

  51. Hey I hope everyone had a great summer! :] (And good first days of school)

    ~Anna L.~


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