Second Quarter Blogs

Great job last quarter! Many of you made me want to read some new novels with your portrayals. Keep up the great work and let's make this quarter a success.
Success is counted sweetest by Emily Dickinson
Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple Host
Who took the Flag today
Can tell the definition
So clear of Victory

As he defeated -- dying --
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Burst agonized and clear!


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  4. Elijah Hernandez#7
    Dear Harry,
    You should really think about where you go and when because you always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You really need to heed my advice by watching what you’re talking about because Draco, Mr. Filch, Mrs. Norris or one of the teachers might be near. You should stop wandering about the school at night because you might get expelled and have to live with Dudley, and your aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon. If Hagrid hadn’t kept Norbert, the Norwegian Ridgeback (a type of dragon), then you wouldn’t have gotten detention. You should still try to help Hagrid stay happy now that Norbert is gone because Norbert kept Hagrid company and after all Hagrid did help you get all your stuff for school this year. Don’t forget anything anymore especially the invisibility cloak that your dad used to have and apparently sent to you. Harry, you should try not to get in trouble by doing your homework, do not wandering around the school, and do not using magic when you aren’t supposed to. Study really hard for the final exam that is coming up in one week. Next year try to be good and not get in trouble. Please, try not to forget where the train nine and three-quarters is. You should try to encourage the other Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw Quidditch team members to try and beat the Slytherin Quidditch team members. Play really hard but fair and beat Slytherin this year, next year and until you leave Hogwarts.
    Elijah Hernandez

  5. #12 Victoria Sather
    Ellen Hopkins
    Page: 428
    Blog 1

    Victoria: Hello Kristina. I am Victoria Sather and I am going to ask you some questions.

    Kristina: Ok, but what are the questions going to be about?

    Victoria: I am going to ask you about your family, why you take drugs, and how they make you feel.

    Kristina: Sounds fair.

    Victoria: So why did you start taking drugs again?

    Kristina: Well, I was staring to get choked up in my family, and it was the only thing I could turn to.

    Victoria: Didn’t you have any friends to turn to?

    Kristina: All my friends were using drugs too.

    Victoria: Ok, but what about your baby? He still needed love and a mother to take care of him.

    Kristina: I know, but Bree wanted me to take the drugs.

    Victoria: Kristina, who is Bree?

    Kristina: She is the part of me that wants to take the drugs.

    Victoria: So do you always obey or listen to what Bree says?

    Kristina: No, but I know she is still there and her voice is quiet.

    Victoria: Ok, let’s talk more about your baby, Hunter. Do you miss him now that you’re not with him anymore?

    Kristina: Of course I do!

    Victoria: Do you think that while you were using drugs at home that it affected him.

    Kristina: No, well I hope not.

    Victoria: Well, are you going to visit him and your family for Christmas?

    Kristina: I do not know because Trey just got back from school and I missed him a lot and I love him so much.

    Victoria: Do you love him more than Hunter?

    Kristina: Well, Trey’s love is different than Hunters love, so I want them both.

    Victoria: Lets move on to how the drugs make you feel.

    Kristina: They make me feel good, but they also make me not want to eat.

    Victoria: What does your family think?

    Kristina: They think I need help.

    Victoria: Do you believe them?

    Kristina: I do not know?

    Victoria: Ok well thank you for all your answers.

  6. Matthew Hernandez #8
    Breaking Dawn: By Stephenie Meyer

    Final Exam
    1. Edward gave Bella a Mercedes Guardian.
    2. Bella’s parents were not happy with her getting married.
    3. Edward and Bella’s wedding was small with only family.
    4. Bella’s mom, Renee, gave Bella something that belonged to her at her wedding.
    5. Jacob came to Bella’s party after the wedding.

    Multiple Choice
    1. What was Bella Swan self-conscious about?
    a. What people thought about her wedding
    b. About her new car
    c. Both a and b
    2. Whose idea was it to put up posters of Jacob missing?
    a. Bella
    b. Jacob’s father
    c. Charlie
    3. When Bella was going to tell her father she was getting married what felt like it weighed one hundred pounds?
    a. Her backpack
    b. Her new wedding ring
    c. None of the above
    4. What was Charlie’s reaction to his daughters marriage?
    a. Excited
    b. Furious
    c. None of the above
    5. When Bella walked into the church what did it smell like?
    a. An abundance of flowers
    b. Cinnamon scented flowers
    c. Peppermint scented air freshener
    6. What wolf ruined Bella’s party for her?
    a. Jacob
    b. Seth
    c. Sam
    7. Where was the first stop of Bella’s and Edward’s honeymoon?
    a. Phoenix
    b. Sacramento
    c. Columbus
    8. What was the final destination of the honeymoon?
    a. Hawaii
    b. Isle Esme
    c. England
    9. What did Edward not want to do?
    a. Marry Bella
    b. Live with his family
    c. Turn Bella into a vampire
    10. Why did Edwards brothers come and get him?
    a. To have a bachelors party
    b. His car was stolen
    c. One of his family members died

    Short Answer
    1. How did Renee feel about Esme?
    2. What did Bella tell herself it was her last night as?
    3. Who came in place of Jacob to the wedding?
    4. How well did the wedding flow into the reception party?
    5. Why was Bella surprised about the color of the house on Isle Esme?

    In a couple of sentences describe Bella’s, and Edward’s wedding and how you would react if you were either one of them.

    Answer Key
    1. True
    2. True
    3. False
    4. False
    5. True

    Multiple Choice
    1. C
    2. C
    3. B
    4. C
    5. A
    6. A
    7. A
    8. B
    9. C
    10. A

    Short Answer
    1. She adored her
    2. Isabella Swan
    3. Seth
    4. Flawlessly
    5. It was colorful

    Answers may vary. Sample: Bella’s wedding was great. It was at a church with family and friends. She was happy until Jacob came and made her mad which ruined part of the party for her. If I were Bella I would be mad at Jacob but happy with everyone else.

  7. Rebekah Dervartanian #3
    Things Hoped For: Andrew Clements
    Page 118
    Log #1

    The book Things Hoped For is about a seventeen year old girl named Gwen. She is living with her grandfather in New York because it is close to her music school. Her grandfather, Lawrence, owns an apartment building along with his younger brother, Hank. They do not get along with each other because Hank wants to sell the building while Lawrence wants to keep it. This is one of the circumstances that lead into the main problem. The main problem comes into place when Gwen comes home from school one day and listens to a message on the answering machine. It is her grandfather saying that he will have to go away for a little while but not to worry. He also says not to tell anyone that he is gone, especially her Uncle Hank. This is a problem because not only does she have to worry about practicing for her auditions at the Manhattan School of Music and at Julliard, but Gwen also has to worry about whether her grandfather was alright or not. While her grandfather is gone, Gwen has to deal with her Uncle Hank coming to her house, constantly asking to speak with her grandfather about selling the house. She has to lie a lot to him to keep her grandfather’s secret safe. It is very frustrating for Gwen. It is especially frustrating when Hank threatened to call the police because she wouldn’t let him into the house. So now, Gwen has to deal with her grandfather’s disappearance, her auditions, and Uncle Hank.

  8. A-Rod
    Selena Roberts
    Choice-Diary Entry
    This from Alex’s perspective as a child becoming an adult.

    Dear Diary,

    Yesterday was a good day and day before and before and before up until now. We started our journey in the Dominican. It became unsafe there so we moved to New York. After my parents said we had made enough money and it was safe enough to move back we did. We lived there until our money ran out. Then we moved back to America, but this time to Florida. I liked Florida it was nice for me and my family, but apparently Dad liked New York better. So he moved back to New York and left us in Florida that is why I had bad and that is why I started this diary. I kept baseball close to me though because that’s what me and him had always shared. All of us in the Dominican had shared it was my culture, what I am good at. During high school I also played baseball and I played it well. Everyday I would play and everyday I would practice. I would play with my family, my friends, and my team. I had some great years in high school and I’m glad I made the most of them because they were my last years still somewhat as a child. As a senior I had scouts from every team coming to my games watching my every throw, swing, and catch just waiting for me in the pros. The Mariners had the first pick that year. So they were at every game recording everything I did. So I looked in the camera and said to the owner of the team can’t wait to see you in Seattle, and of course I would. They picked me I went to Seattle and had a great start to my career got moved a round a little bit and are now continuing a great career on the Yankees. I did see my dad again he’s doing fine, but I will never see him the same again.

  9. Mark Wiese #10
    Harry Potter 2 by J.K. Rowling

    The main problem in this book is the fear that Hogwarts will have to close down. The reason is that the students are in danger because of the monsters that are supposedly lurking in the Chamber of Secrets. One day Harry is walking to his common room and he hears strange voices that telling him that it will kill everyone who is an enemy to the heir of Slytherin. A few days later Mr. Filch’s cat had been petrified,. Over the next few weeks some students had become petrified That night he discovers that he is a parseltongue which means he can talk to snakes. A few days later Mr. Filch’s cat had been petrified,. Over the next few weeks some students had become petrified. Later in the school year they learn that Hagrid was the one whom opened the chamber of secrets. Harry finds a diary that belongs to someone named Tom Riddle. He discovered that the diary had a mind and could answer any question he has. He asked about the chamber of secrets; he was given a vision that Tom was the one who caught Hagrid opening the Chamber of Secrets. He, Ron, and Hermione went to Hagrid’s hut to ask him why he did it. While there he says he was framed for opening it. While there, some wizard cops came and took Hagrid to Azkaban because they suspected that he was the one who opened it this time. The next day they learn that Hermione was petrified. When they go visit her in the hospital they find a note in her hand that says the creature in the Chamber of Secrets is a Basilisk. A Basilisk is a huge snake that can kill you if you look in its eyes, or petrify you if you look at it from a mirror. They decide that they need to act when they learn that Ron’s sister Ginny was taken into the chamber of secrets. Harry goes down into it and sees Tom riddle and his diary; he also sees Ginny petrified on the ground. Tom tells Harry that he is Voldemort and sends the Basilisk to kill Harry. Then Dumbledore sends Harry a sword and a Phoenix; with these tools Harry kills the Basilisk. He destroys Tom’s diary and the vision of Voldemort disappears. The teachers are able to unpetrify all the petrified students.

  10. Robyn Rosales #12
    Blog #1
    New Moon: Stephanie Meyer
    I like this book because the characters have changed a lot since the first book in the series. I think that the author should have added more chapters about the Volturi. I like how Bella tries to get herself into danger because she wants to see Edward. On page sixty-eight Edward says, “Bella, we’re leaving.” After he tells her that every time Bella has a chance she does something dangerous. I like this book because I thought that Bella would have learned to stay away from dangerous situations. In the first book in the series Twilight she almost died going to a place she knew she would get hurt at. In this book she purposely gets herself into danger and again almost dies. She tries to cliff dive and get on the back of a random persons motorcycle so she can see Edward again. I would recommend this to other people because it is not just about Bella falling in love with Edward. It is Edward trying to get away from Bella, and then dying so he can see her. I think people would like the book better than the movie because it describes a lot of things better. The movie ends a lot differently than in the book which is confusing. The way the movie ends is not the way the third book in the series picks up. I would not see the movie before reading the book because I have heard from other people that the movie ruined the book for them. Over all this was a really good book and I would recommend it to others.

  11. #13 Allie Shackelford
    Hatchet by
    Blog #1

    I've never felt so alone. I'm so used to the noises of the city, but here its complete silence. I haven't kept track of the days since the crash because I knew they would have stopped looking for me by now. I try not to think of how the pilot had a heart-attack on the way to visit my father and that I am now stranded in the woods of Canada. Once the thinking starts two words always come into my head: Divorce and the Secret. My father still didn't know why my mother split up with him...but I know. It was because of him: the Secret. I narrowed my thinking down and made it simple. My name is Brian Robeson and I am stranded in the woods with just a hatchet my mother gave me. My home is now a shelter I made from a cave near a lake the plane crashed in. I found raspberries close to the bank that are much better than eating the gut cherries. I was able to carve a spear and finally catch a foolbird. They are so stupid that I stepped on many of them before they flew away. I also learned the trick to spearing fish. Their appearance on the water is off because of how water reflects. The bow I crafted made it easy to catch them. My leg has been hurting because of the porcupine that came into my shelter. I tried throwing my hatchet at it and missed...but I found out that I can make sparks which could start a fire. I learned that days ago though and now my fire keeps me warm as the days grow colder. I just hope winter isn’t too close ahead.

  12. Jacob Ramsey #11
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    Blogspot #1

    I like the book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, by J. K. Rowley, because each time Harry gets in trouble by “talking back to the teacher”, or tell lies, he goes to the principal, Professor Dolores Umbridge, and write sentences with her “pen”. But as he writes, “I will not tell lies” on paper, by magic, it is carved once on his hand to engrave it in his head. I also like the book because since Harry and the other 5th years are being picked on by Professor Dolores Umbridge, they make a secret hideout where they can practice and hone spells and charms. They are doing this because they are hardly taught magic because of Umbridge being in charge, and to help Dumbledore and the Order in there fight against the Dark Lord Voldemort, and the dementors. They learn how to disarm, shun dementors, levitate, and kill. The last reason on why I like this book is that once Harry’s parents were killed by the Dark Lord Voldemort, Harry has been feeling a pain in his head whenever he is near danger, like when a dementor, Voldemort, or the Death Eaters are near.

  13. Tre Fitts #4
    New Moon: By Stephanie Meyer
    Log #1

    In the book New Moon (Twilight’s Sequel) Isabella Swan returns for another epic adventure. Bella and Edward are still together and it is Bella’s birthday. She is trying to keep it on the low key, but the Cullen’s threw her a birthday party at their house. While opening up her gift she cut herself and because they are vampires, they all began to become ravenous for blood. Because of the incident Bella had to be taken care of very rapidly. Over time Carlisle Cullen was beginning to be thought of as suspicious by others because he is beginning to look older and is trying to pass as thirty, and now is claiming to be thirty- three. Because of the suspicions Edward and his family move away from Forks and leave Bella distraught. But one thing that she promised Edward was that she would stay out of danger. Because Edward is gone, Bella is now spending a lot of time with her long time friend Jacob Black. When she and her friend Jessica had been walking in the forest trail they were encountered by dark beings. And there had been sightings of bears that were bigger than grizzles. When Bella visited Jacob to fix some motorcycles (and Jacob is magnificent with tools) for a moment she thought that Jacob’s voice resembled that of the mysterious being that she had encountered in the forest. After Jacob fixed the motor bikes, he and Bella went up to the mountains so that Bella could learn how to ride. While learning Bella accidently let go of an important brake and flung herself straight into a tree breaking her promise to Edward. She had a huge cut on her head and was rushed to the ER to heal the cut. That is all that I have read about so far, but I can’t wait to finish the book.

  14. Tanner Medina#8
    The Catch

    In the book The Catch the theme is perseverance. The author shows perservrance by when Joe Montana goes to the 49ers who were a bad team and because of his skills he brought the 49ers to the play offs and there they would verse their rivals the Cowboy's. Joe Montana threw the game winning throw to Duwite Clark and one the game for the 49ers. perseverance is also used by Duwite Clark by when the 49ers are about to loose the game but Duwite goes up and perseverance is also important in the book The Catch because if the players on the 49ers didn't have perseverance they would have lost every game. The author uses other themes such as faithfullness, believing and love. Another theme in the book is revenge. Revenge is used by when the Cowboy's beat the 49ers in the regular season and then the 49ers seek revenge to beat them and get to play them in the play offs .They end up beating them and win the Super Bowl. Rivalry is used everywhere especially in football rivalry games the thing that makes revenge is by when the two teams forget about having fun and only about beating the other team. The author shows revenge though out the book. Another way the author shows revenge is when the coach and the 49ers are in the locker room and the coach is saying crush them like little rats. That's how the author uses perseverance and revenge.

  15. Esther Gee #4
    Last Olympian: Rick Riordan
    Blog #1

    The is about when Percy, a half-blood that is the son of Poseidon, goes to school. Then, a mortal (human) who is like a half-blood and who could see the things that half-bloods see is Rachel Elizabeth Dare. The head of the cheerleader, who was a demon, started to attack Percy and Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Then, Percy defeated her and the cheerleader burst into flames and go the whole school on fire. Then, a half-blood friend of Percy, Annabeth, the daughter of the goddess, Athena, came and took them to their camp: Half Blood. Then, Grover (goat boy, Annabeth, Rachel, and Percy needed to go on a mission to look for a god named Pan. They needed to go on a maze which is called the Labyrinth. They had to go through these courses. The first one was when Percy and his friends were trapped by a cowboy god. He made a deal and won. Then, they ran into a giant cyclops and saved his life when he was in prison. Percy would always have dreams everytime something big comes up. Then, they all reached up to Pan. When they appeared to him, he was going to die. He gave him parts of his spirit in each of them and faded away. Then, they found Nico de Angelo who was the son of Hades, the god of the Underworld, and went back to Camp Half Blood to tell the news. When they arrived, they told the news about Pan, but the councilors that they talked to didn't listen to them. Then, an evil god, called Kronos, went to get a map that could control the world. They had a battle and stopped him. They also prevented him from destroying Olympus.

  16. Andre Eng #5
    The Driver by Alexander Roy
    page 80
    Blog 1

    Last night I went racing and won seven races. I had a crazy night with being chased by cops twice. I was boxed in but escaped with no damage to my car, that night almost caught me. When I woke up at six in the morning I went and raced before going to my dealership. I won three out of four races this morning. I almost hit this guy in a Beamer while using my NOS kit. On the way to work, I saw two planes crash into the twin towers. All I could do was run for shelter. I could only see smoke and fire while fire fighters were helping anyone that was there. I couldn’t find somewhere to hide from the madness. I thought to myself that I couldn’t die today. I need to find “the driver” and fulfill my dad’s dream of beating the best time for cross-country. I found one place to hide; it was underneath a van ford. I remember hearing a woman yell “They are falling!” When under the van, I remember hearing a loud smashing sound and feeling the impact of the buildings. When I got up I couldn’t move that well and I also remember the same woman yelling for help. I looked around and saw she was fine, but instead was asking for help or me. I found a broken piece of glass and saw I was pale white. I got help and talked to my employees about how we’ll need to cut salaries and my salary was cut to zero dollars.

  17. Grace Gee#5
    Harry Potter
    Harry Potter is a book about a teenage boy named Harry. Throughout most of his life he lived as an orphan. His parents died and Harry was sent to his mom's sister Aunt Petunia. All his life he never knew that he was a wizard. His family treated him horrible and gave him clothes that were always torn. Aunt Petunia never wanted to tell Harry that he was a wizard so she kept it as a secret. One day a big man from Hogwarts(the wizard school) Hagrid told Harry that he was a wizard and then Harry was very shocked. He left Aunt Petunia's house and fled to wizard school. Harry meets many friends and he becomes very close to them. Many people get shocked after they hear that Harry Potter was his name. Harry always sneaks during the night with his friends and went to places where they weren't supposed to. He got caught many times and almost got expelled. Hogwarts plays a game called Quiditch. They lose a lot of points because of their misbehavior. At the end Harry discovers many things and defeats the evil Voltimer.

  18. Felix Sarmiento
    The Big Field – Mike Lupica
    Final Exam
    True / False
    1.Hutches dad drink?
    2.Hutch is the captain of his team?
    3.Hutch is Cody’s best friend?
    4.Hutch dad in the Majors League?
    5.Hutch played football.
    Multiple Choices
    1.Hutch played baseball for
    2.Hutches favorite breakfast is:
    a)Pan cakes & milk
    b)Donut’s & juice
    c)Bacon & eggs
    3.Cody favorite position is:
    a)First base
    b)Second base
    4.The Cardinals made it to the championship:
    a)One time
    c)Not at all
    5.What sport did Hutch always lesson to on the radio?
    6.Cody and Hutch always:
    a)Rode their bikes
    b)Played baseball
    c)Watched T.V.
    7.Hutch got into a fight with:
    8.Hutch and Darrel:
    a)Where best friends
    b)Didn’t get along
    c)Where brothers
    9.Hutch always wore:
    c)Baseball Jersey
    10.Hutches favorite food is:
    a)Cuban food
    b)Peruvian food
    c)His moms food
    Short Answer
    1.Did Hutch and Cody win the Championship?
    2.Hutch thought he was going to make it in the?
    3.Hutch and Cody never got to go to a?
    4.Darrel always liked to act.
    5.Would I recommend this book?
    Why was the book called the Big Field?
    Answer key
    True / False
    Multiple choices
    Short Answer
    3.Real baseball game
    Baseball can be a game of heroes, of champions
    who refuse to lose or it can be a field of crushed dreams.
    For this team they would have to play their very best
    to make it to the championship in order to play baseball in the
    Big Field. For Hutch and Cody that would be A dream come

  19. Tommy Ferguson #3

    I woke up today and people were outside my house. They had bulldozers and a man was there. I went down to talk to them and they said that they needed to tear down the house in order to build a highway. I was in an outrage. How could they just come and decide to tear down my house for a stupid highway. To cool myself down I went to the pub. I drank a shot of Ol’ Janx Spirit and that brightened me up a bit. I saw my good friend Ford sitting at a table. I went over there and we talked. I looked over at my house and I saw that they were tearing my house down! I ran and ran; I screamed to tell them to stop but they didn’t listen. Ford told the bartender that the earth’s day will come to an end in two minutes. At first they didn’t believe him but they saw something in the sky. It was a gigantic ship in the sky. It seemed as if the world as just paused in time. Ford came to me. “I need to get some stuff before the earth is desecrated,” said Ford. He got his stuff witch was a box and a towel. We looked up and heard a voice. Apparently the desecration of the earth was on a bulletin board fifty light years away. I saw a bright light and I woke up in a cell. Ford said that we are in a Vogon ship. There was a voice. It said that there are hitchhikers on board so they will be thrown off the ship. I was terrified. Ford looked at me and pulled out a metal thing. He called it The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. He told me to push the button on the screen. It said that it will be my guide through the galaxy. The title could have told me that. He told me to look up Vogon. Before I did I asked what this thing was. He told me that it was his job to travel through the universe and write down what he found in that part of the universe He was supposed to stay on earth for a little while but ended up staying there for fifteen years. The thing he wrote for earth was “harmless.” After revising and some more research he put “mostly harmless.” A guard came and took us. Ford said that this is better then hearing them read a poem. It turned out they started to read a poem. It was horrible. Before the guard through us out of the ship I decided to end my diary or journal by throwing it at his face and I won’t be cot because I will be died by the time he finds out.

  20. Andrew Chapin
    blog #1 true/false
    1. Greg wants to go outside during the summer.
    2. Greg is an indoor person.
    3. Greg’s mom and him have the same ideas of summer.
    4. The first thing Greg did in the summer was going to an amusement park.
    5. At the town pool Greg has to go through the men’s lockers.

    Multiple choice
    6. Greg the beach.
    a. likes b. hates
    7. Greg has been on the Cranium Shaker times.
    A. 1 b. 2
    8. Greg’s birthday is in the .
    a. summer b. fall
    9. Greg’s dad and him the article Lil’ Cutie.
    a. love b. cant stand
    10. The article is written by .
    a. Bob Pole b. Bob Post
    11. During the summer Greg goes to bed late and wakes up .
    a. early b. late
    12. Greg’s mom has of pictures of Greg.
    `a. a little b. a lot
    13. Greg’s grandma had a dog named .
    a. Max b. Henry
    14. During the summer Greg started to like .
    a. soap operas b. action movies

    15. Greg’s mom made a club.
    a. reading b. history

    short answer
    16. Who is Greg’s best friend?
    17. What pool does Greg belong to?
    18. What pool does Rowley belong to?
    19. What phone does Greg get?
    20. Why was Rowley heartbroken?

    21. Why did Greg get a dog and what was its name?

    Answer key
    1. Greg wants to go outside during the summer. false
    2. Greg is an indoor person. true
    3. Greg’s mom and him have the same ideas of summer. false
    4. The first thing Greg did in the summer was going to an amusement park. false
    5. At the town pool Greg has to go through the men’s lockers. true

    Multiple choice
    6. Greg the beach.
    b. hates
    7. Greg has been on the Cranium Shaker times.
    A. 1
    8. Greg’s birthday is in the .
    a. summer
    9. Greg’s dad and him the article Lil’ Cutie.
    b. cant stand
    10. The article is written by .
    b. Bob Post
    11. During the summer Greg goes to bed late and wakes up .
    b. late
    12. Greg’s mom has of pictures of Greg.
    `a. a little
    13. Greg’s grandma had a dog named .
    b. Henry
    14. During the summer Greg started to like .
    a. soap operas

    15. Greg’s mom made a club.
    a. reading

    short answer
    16. Who is Greg’s best friend? Rowley
    17. What pool does Greg belong to? The town pool
    18. What pool does Rowley belong to? The country club pool
    19. What phone does Greg get? A lady bug
    20. Why was Rowley heartbroken? He is not invited to Greg’s bithday

    21. Why did Greg get a dog and what was its name?
    Greg gets a dog because his dad wanted one. Greg did not really care. The reason his dad wanted it was because he wanted to bring back memories of his first dog Nutty. The dog Greg gets is named Sweatie.

  21. Anonymous said,...
    Chase Holiday#9
    Transfomers: Revenge of the Fallen
    Dear diary,
    If you do not know who this is, this is Sam Witwicky. I had just gotten kicked out of my first college class because I believe I gave a better answer on energy or how energy works. As I was making my bed in my dorm I started to see symbols just like my great-great grandfather Archibald Witwicky. The next thing I know I am running from an evil alien robot, being attacked by Megatron (leader of Decepticons), and watching Optimus Prime getting killed by Megatron. After that I am at an old lot where I meet the Autobot Twins: Mudflap and Skids. From there we go to see ex-agent Simmons in Washington D.C. We go to the Air and Space museum where we run into an ancient Autobot named Jetfire. Jetfire teleports all of us to Cairo, Egypt and that is where we are right now.

  22. Victoria Paul
    Language arts

    The book I am reading is twilight by Stephanie Meyer. It is about this girl named Bella she is a girl in high school who lives in Phoenix. Bella met this boy named Edward. Edward is a vampire. Bella met him at school when he saved her life by the van that almost crushed her. They started talking and then became boyfriend and girlfriend. Bella and Edward started to hang out in the forest where Edward lives. Edward says to Bella we can’t be together because it is to dangerous because Victoria, James, Lauren are trying to come after Bella to suck her blood. Edward lets Bella meet his family. They are really nice to her especially Alice. Alice has a boyfriend whos name is Jasper. Jasper always wants to suck Bellas blood everytime she gets a cut. Edward always tries to stop him and he does. Jasper runs after bella when she got a paper cut on her birthday party and he ran and Edward pushed him on the piano. Charlie is bellas dad he is a police officer who tries to investigate a murder. Charlie has a friend and the friends son is name is Jacob. Jacob has had a crush on bella for a very long time. He tries to take her away from Edward but she cant she loves Edward because he has been there for her the hole time. Jacob is a wolf who has been trying to kill Edward and his family for a very long time that’s why Edward says it is to dangerous for bella to go back to the forest with him.

  23. Hayley Macabuhay #7
    Log #1
    The Truth About Truman School:Dori Hillestad Butler

    Final Exam

    1.Zebby and Brianna started the website.
    2.Hayley Wood and Reece Weber are popular.
    3.Zebby was the chief editor of the Truman Bugle.
    4.Amr Nasir is a computer freak.
    5.Zebby's favorite teacher is Mrs. Jonstone.

    Multiple Choice
    1.What did Zebby want to do an article on?
    a.The new math curriculum
    b.The last band concert
    c.The school uniform
    2.Who helped Zebby start the website?
    3.What grade is Zebby in?
    4.What is Zebby's website called?
    a.Truman's Website
    b.Truth about Truman
    c.Zebby's school website
    5.What is Zebby's last name?
    6.Who is Lilly's boyfriend?
    7.What nationality is Amr?
    8.Hayley wanted to post an article about what?
    9.What is Trevor's email address?
    10.What elementary school did Amr, Lilly, and Zebby go to?
    a.Truman Elementary
    b.Jefferson Elementary
    c.Herbert Hoover Elementary

    Short Answer
    1._____ was voted the biggest poser at the school.
    2.How many grades did Mark skip?
    3.Who is the school counselor?
    4._____ was voted the absolute worst teacher.
    5.Who really wanted to do a comic for the website?

    In two to three sentences, explain how Zebby and Amr spread the word about their site.



    Multiple Choice

    Short Answer
    1.Lilly Clarke
    3.Mrs. Horton
    4.Mr. Reddy

    Since Zebby and Amr are not popular, they need to come up with ways of helping their site. Zebby's idea was to go to every girls' bathroom and write on the mirrors with lipstick. Amr thinks of secretly emailing all the popular kids at school about the site. Their efforts paid off and the site became a big hit.

  24. Anjelina Booth #1
    Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment: James Patterson
    Page 105
    Log #1

    Anjelina: Hi Max. I just wanted to ask you some questions about your family.

    Max: Ok, but you can’t tell a lot of people about us, and please don’t turn us into the School.

    Anjelina: I won’t, I promise.

    Max: Thank you.

    Anjelina: So, what is the relationship like with your family?

    Max: Well… I live with five kids: Nudge, Fang, Iggy, the Gasman, and Angel. I think of them as my family.

    Anjelina: So how did you guys meet?

    Max: We were created as an experiment and
    grew up in cages at a place called the School.

    Anjelina: So are you guys different than other humans?

    Max: Of course, we’re 98 percent human and the other 2 percent makes us different. The difference is we have wings, ones we use to fly.

    Anjelina: So is it tough surviving like this?

    Max: Of course. The fact that we’re different is one thing, but the other fact is that we have enemies.

    Anjelina: Who are your enemies?

    Max: Their called Erasers. They are part wolf and part human, but still bad. They were also created at the School with us.

    Anjelina: Ok. So I heard about Angel and
    how they captured her. How do you feel about that?

    Max: I hate it! I love Angel so much and we’re going to do what we can to get her back. We were going to fly to School, but we had some stops along the way.

    Anjelina: What stops did you make?

    Max: Iggy, the Gasman, and I stopped by a house and stole some goods.

    Anjelina: Did the people ever catch you?

    Max: No, so we had time to take lots of food for our trip.

    Anjelina: You guys are really fearless.

    Max: Thanks. It’s something we gotten used to… us living by ourselves.

    Anjelna: I also hear you were separated from the Gasman and Iggy.

    Max: Yeah, I was lucky enough to stay with this girl named Ella, and her mom. They are going to keep my secret, and they’re really sweet. The guys are staying in a cabin somewhere.

    Anjelina: That’s great. Well I hope you have a good journey and find Angel. Tell her I said hi if you find her, and thanks for your answers.

    Max: Ok, I will and you’re welcome.

  25. Christian Balsz #1
    The Lightning Thief
    By Rick Riordan

    The book, The Lightning Thief is about a boy who is a half blood. Which means a god had a baby with a human. Percy Jackonson is a twelve year old boy who attends Yancy Academy Boarding School. His dad left his mom before he was born, but he claims he has seen and knows his father. His mom lives in New York and is remarried to a slob that bosses her around according to Percy. She works at a candy store and loves to eat blue foods. Her husband says there are no blue foods, so she goes out of her way to find foods to eat that are blue. Percys first encounter with a god or demon god is when he is on a field trip and one of his teachers wants to talk to him and she turns into a bat-like creature and tries to kill him. He ends up killing it after his other teacher throws him a pen that turns into a sword. With it he slashed her and she turned into dust. When they are at the school Percy is going to ask his teacher for help but he over hears his best friend Grover talking to his teacher about sending him to a camp called Half Blood. After that when they were going home on the bus for break the bus broke down and they were all waiting outside Percy noticed that grover was sweating and was really nervous. Percy saw him looking at three old ladies knitting giant socks. They fixed the bus and when they got back on Grover said let me walk you home to Percy. They got off the bus at the station and Grover told Percy to wait there while he went to the restroom. Percy left and went straight home in a cab and didn't wait for
    Grover. When he was in the cab her was wondering to himself why Grover was acting so strange. He got home and saw his dad sitting around the table with all of his poker buddies and the first thing his dad tells him to give him all of his money for hi spoker game. Percy said no but his dad says he will tell his mother that he found his report card so Percy gave him all of his money. His mom finally gets home right after that and tells Percy to get packed that they are leaving right away to go on a vacation to their beach house. When they got to the beach house it was pouring rain and they were asleep and heard knocking on the door. They opened the door and it was Grover, Percy's friend. Percy noticed Grover had furry legs. Grover said to Percys mom that they had to leave and go to camp Half Blood because the Minotar were coming after Percy. So they jumped in the car and about a mile from the camp their car went into a ditch and Grover was knocked unconcious. The Minotar has closed in on them so Percys mom tells them to run towards a big tree. The Minotar grabs Percys mom and kills her. Percy gets so mad that he jumps straight up into the air and grabs ahold of its horns and ripped them out. The Minotar ran away after that. Percy and Grover made it to the camp and got settled in. Now Percy is trying to find what god he belongs to and get a quest.

  26. Tommy Normandeau
    What the world is coming to
    by Chuck Smith

    What the world is coming to is a commentary of the book of revalations. It opens with warnings about the rapture. Chuck Smith says that man has fortien to forty years left on the earth. Some would say this is crazy its just some religious based theory, but with rising temperatures and the always looming threat of a Nuclear war. Then it goes into Revelation, it talks about the exile of John and the angel of the lord appearing to John in the first part of revelation. The it talks about the 7 churches represented by candles starting with Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Then we get into the rapture. Later Chuck Smith starts talking about the tribulation And all the symbolism there. One odd thing stuck out to me and that was the Polar Axis Shift. When the poles suddenly shift causing climate changes and great earthquakes Where mountains disapear. Appearently we are over due for one now the Polar axis shifts occur 5000 years apart. I am still reading and intrested in reading more.

  27. Sofia Youssouf#12
    Blog #1
    The conflict in New Moon the series of twilight or the Twilight saga was when Bella gets depressed when Edward leaves her and makes her life all miserable. It was hard for Bella to go through that and in the book they would show her feelings and how depressed she was. She would explain Edward leaving her has a whole in her chest. It was very tragic for her and she was not happy for a long time in the book. When Edward leaves her they are in the woods. He told her that he didn’t want her anymore and that she would promise him that she would not do anything reckless. When he leaves the forest she was trying to find him, but she couldn’t so she searched the whole night. She trips on a tree root and falls on to the ground and stays there. On the other hand her father and the police team are trying to find her because it is so late. Sam Uley finds her (the hed werewolf in the pack) in the woods. He picks her up and takes her to Charlie her father. He was thanking for what he did and that was grateful of him that he did that. Then after he left he gave this weird look to Jacob that he was waiting for him or needs him. Sam got thanked by the police and left. The theme of the story is scared afraid what’s going to happen next. This was a tragic thing for Bella and I hope she’ll get over it.

  28. Eugene Cho #2
    Dear Isbella Swan,
    It's a great thing going to a great school in Seattle, but you really need to pay attention to the boy who you are dating. Also you should stick to education. If you are keep going into Edward's trick you might mislead to become a blood-sucking vampire. After that you become more into Edward and he asks you for a date. Now he lets you drive his car. Good thing you are friends with Jacob since he is just being your nice pal. As long as Bella is doing the right thing the good things may come to you in the future. Now Bella is having a hard time while she is thinking what to do with her boyfriend Edward.

  29. George Frazier #6
    Star Trek
    By Alean Dean Foster


    1.Spock is a Vulcan
    2.Jim Kirk is a Romulan
    3.Jim Kirk lives in Iowa
    4.Jim Kirks father was killed by his own crew
    5.The Romulan ship was destroyed by the red matter
    5. False

    Multiple Choice

    1. Spock is a

    A. Romulan
    B. Human
    C. Vulcan
    D. None of the Above

    Answer for number 1 is C.

    2. Jim Kirk is a

    D.None of the Above

    The answer for number 2 is B.

    3. The Romulan ship was destroyed by

    A.Red Matter
    B.Nuclear Blast
    C.Black Hole
    D.The U.S.S. Enterprise blew it up

    The answer for number 3 is C.

    4.Spock is half Vulcan and half


    The answer for number 4 is A.

    5.Trakov has an accent of


    The answer for number 5 is A.

    6. Spock resigns his job as comander to

    A.Jim Kirk
    D.None of the Above

    The answer for number 6 is A.

    7.Trakov is at an age of


    The answer for number 7 is B.

    8.Who destroys the planet Vulcan?

    B.Jim Kirk

    The answer for number 5 is C.

    9.How does Jim Kirks father die?

    A.Nero kills him
    B.He crashes his space ship into the Romulans space ship
    C.He shoots himself
    D.His son kills him

    The answer for number 9 is B.

    10.Where was Jim Kirk born?

    A.In a medical escape ship
    B.In a hospital
    C.In a house
    D.In a spaceship

    The answer for number 10 is A.

    Short Answer

    1.Why does Jim Kirk not tell Spock that he spoke to the future Spock?
    1.Because the future Spock made Jim promise that he wouldn't
    2.Where does Scotty land when him and Jim are teleported upon The U.S.S Enterprise?
    2.In the water shoot
    3.How does Spock feel about Jim Kirk when they first meet?
    3.He feels disgusted with him because he cheated in a test to pass
    4.How does Jim Kirk feel about Spock when they first meet?
    4.He feels as if he is alot better and smarter than Spock
    5.Why did Jim Kirks father sacrifice himself?
    5.So that all of the other people could escape


    What is the theme of this book

    The theme of this book is dedication, because every single character in this book has the dedication to go to school for four to eight years to become part of Starfleet and save people and defend their country.

  30. Jordan Perretano#10
    language arts

    Dear diary

    Today I went to my dads in a little town called forlks seattle. when i arrived it was dull and raining it wasnt like phoenix where i used to live. for my dad missing out on birthdays he got me an early graduation preasent. he bought me a truck. The next day i started my first day of school.when i got to my first class i was lucky i didnt have to talk about me.I sat down next to this very intresting boy how walked me to my next class. at lunch I saw some familiar faces and they told me to sit next to them.At the end of the day I releaved to go home.When I got home I started to make dinner. after dinner i got up and took a shower and went to bed. the next day was easier at school because i knew where to go and i saw my friends. at lunch i asked my fried Jessica who that boy was she said that was Edward Cullin and his family. when i was looking at him he looked like an angel.In biology i sat next to him but he always sat far away from me as he could.after school i went home started dinner and rested. when charlie my dad got home we ate and asked how school was.I said good and went to bed. the next day at lunch mike was talking about going to la push a beach i was invited so i said sure.

  31. Andrew Chapin
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    Dear Diary,
    I am Gregg. As I wrote before I will write it again. I am an indoor person and during summer time I want to stay inside and play video games while the other kids play outside. What I said no longer stands. I cannot stay inside. I have to go outside and play all summer because my mom and I have different ideas about summer. She thinks that a child my age should be outside jumping and playing. I think the opposite. Since I had to play outside I chose the best thing, going to the beach. The reason I wanted to go to the beach was not because I wanted to play in the water. It was to go to the boardwalk and ride some of the rides and play in the arcades. When I asked if we could go to the beach my mom said no. But luckily Rowley was going on vacation to the beach. I asked my mom if I could go with them and she said yes. When we got to the beach I found out that we were staying in a quiet cabin and all we could do was read books. I was the only one that thought it was boring. I begged Rowley’s dad if we could go to the boardwalk at least once. He finally said yes. On the third day we went to boardwalk. We got a $20 bill to play in the arcade. We spent nineteen dollars on a racing game because it was so addicting. We used the one dollar bill teasing little kids. After the arcade I went on a ride called the Cranium Shaker. After the ride I decided not to go on again because it hurt your head. Rowley was to scared to ride, but his dad got him a shirt shat said, ”I survived the Cranium Shaker.” When we left “vacation” I learned to things in those three days, do not go on vacation with Rowley and do not get your hopes up on what you want to do for the summer vacation

  32. Tommy Ferguson #3
    King of Bandits 2
    Yuichi Kumakura
    Blog #2

    Dear Jing,
    You and Kur are a strong force together. You both fight even when it seems you have lost it all. Even though you and Kur are a strong force you both can’t work together. I recommend that you try to change Kurs habits of running away from danger and try to embrace it. I also recommend that you think of what kind of trouble you might be getting in. The recklessness that you show is very dangerous because you could get hurt or even worse put others in danger. I think it’s great that you put others before your self but try to think of the situation first. On your journeys you meet people that later help you in your cause. You show that even when you made an enemy you can also make a new friend in the process. Kur is a good partner but he can be easily distracted. I would like to see that you be more harsh on him so he could listen to you. If that does not work then try to reason with him. I notice that you don’t have any weapons and the only tool you have really is Kur Royal. You get money from others and at the end of your mission so you should us it on weapons and tools to help repair things to keep you going. What happens with you is when you get stuck it takes time and money to repair. You should always have a plan B or even better a plan C. Remember to always stay focused and prepared for the unexpected.
    Tommy Ferguson

  33. Esther Gee #4
    The Lovely Bones
    Blog #2

    Dear Lindsey Salmon,
    How are you and your family? I am so sorry that your sister, Susie Salmon, was murdered. When your father found out that Mr. Harvey, your “friendly” neighbor, was your sister’s murderer, I just wanted to say that you were very brave by hacking in to his house to get the information you needed about your sister. Your dad was smart that he was able to figure out that Mr. Harvey was your sister’s murderer. I know that you have to go through tough times and hardships because of Susie. Your sister must have been real proud of you. I bet she is right now looking straight down from her heaven smiling and being confident in you. Just know that she’s going to be okay up there. Since Mr. Harvey ran away, you must help your father investigate it and find him no matter what it takes. Also, tell your father to be careful out there, it could be dangerous. I also want you to be careful too and take care of you and your family to prevent you guys of what happened to your sister. Susie’s counting on you and be careful.
    Esther Gee

  34. Grace Gee#5
    The Last Olympian
    Rick Riordan
    Dear Grover,
    You are a very good friend to Percy and Annabeth. Thank you for always being so trustful and caring. Continue to play your bag pipes when your friends need help. You are a lifesaver. Without you, Percy, Annaabeth, Juniper, and all of your forest and camp friends would've been in danger. Thanks for alwyas being there for them. Thank you for choosing to be Percy's body guard. You might want to meet with Juniper more. She misses you a lot and she is constantly waiting for you to come back. She has been crying often, so please think about coming home sooner. Don't be too afraid of Percy's cyclops brother, Tyson. Thanks for giving him a chance and for trying to be his friend when there is no other options. Always be prepared for times when there comes to danger. Try to have multiple plans just in case. Be prepared anytime and try not to get distracted. Stay safe and remember to always be there for Percy and Annabeth. Thanks.
    Grace Gee

  35. Grace Gee
    The Last Song
    Nicholas Sparks
    Grace:Hi Ronnie. I just wanted to ask you some questions about your time at your dad's house during the summer.
    Ronnie:ok,go for it.
    Grace:so,how do you feel about spending your whole summer with your dad?
    Ronnie:Well.. at first I really didn't want to go, but I guess I'm ok with it.
    Grace:Do you get along with your dad often?
    Ronnie:I guess from now on we are, but from the past weeks that I have been staying there, I wasn't enjoying my vacation so far.
    Grace:Did you meet any friends?
    Ronnie:I did meet this one girl, Blaze. She was the only person that I felt comfortable with, until we got into a fight and we haven't been talking to each other for a while.
    Grace:Was there anything you enjoyed doing during your stay with your dad? favorite animals are sea turtles and I got to see a nest with the eggs unhatched.The aquarium put the incubator on the eggs to keep it safe from the raccoons that are trying to eat them.
    Grace:Is there anyone that you dislike?
    Ronnie:There is actually..this guy named Will: He spilled soda on me because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going while playing his volley ball game. To tell you the truth I'm starting to like him.
    Grace:How is your little brother, Jonah doing? Are you getting along with him too?
    Ronnie:He is doing great, and yes we are getting along quite well everyday, thanks for asking.
    Grace:your welcome, when you have a chance, tell him that I said hi will you?
    Ronnie:I sure will.
    Grace:Alright, I guess I should get going. Thank you so much for taking your time for this interview and thank you for asking all of those questions. Also tell your dad that I said hi to him when you get the chance.
    Ronnie:Alright I will and your welcome.

  36. Esther Gee #4
    The Lovely Bones

    Esther: Hi Susie Salmon. This is Esther Gee, and I'm going to ask you alot of your questions about you and your family.

    Susie: Well, okay. But one condition.

    Esther: Yes?

    Susie: After the interview, tell my parents that I am going to be fine up here.

    Esther: That will be no problem. I will surely do that for you.

    Susie: Thank you.

    Esther: Anyways, how is your life in heaven?

    Susie: Well, I don't really like it that much up here.

    Esther: Well why don't you like it?

    Susie: Well, I have a room-mate in heaven and all we want is nothin, but to live down there with our mothers.

    Esther: Oh, I am so sorry that you couldn't spend time with her and your friends and family longer.

    Susie: It's okay. All I want to do is have revenge on Mr. Harvey.

    Esther: Who's Mr. Harvey?

    Susie: He's my murderer. The reason why I am up here. The reason why I am miserable. And also the reason why my family is very sad.

    Esther: Yes, your family. How are they?

    Susie: They are still in grief in a while, but they got over it as years went by.

    Esther: Oh, I see. Well, at least they aren't sad anymore.

    Susie: Yes, and I am so glad that my family is trying to find my murderer.

    Esther: That is good.

    Susie: My dad and especially my sister was great detectives. My sister broke into Mr. Harvey's house and got alot of information.

    Esther: Did they find any clues?

    Susie: Yes, they now concluded the results to my real murderer who is Mr. Harvey.

    Esther: That is great! Did they get to arrest him? Or anything?

    Susie: No. He got away at a point and hid until he died.

    Esther: How did he die?

    Susie: Well, he was trying to kill another girl when she was driving home from the mountains, but an icicle fell on his head and he fell down a cliff.

    Esther: Ouch! Well, at least your murderer is gone.

    Susie: Yes. And I am very glad that he is done for good.

    Esther: Okay, that's all for today. Thank you for answering all my questions.


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