Blog #2 Second Quarter

Great job on Blog #1. Remember you must choose an option from the prompt for your responses.


  1. #14 Alex Spindler
    Blog #2
    Madeleine L’Engle
    Many Waters
    Page #352
    Review of Book
    Many Waters was an interesting book. It was very different than the other two that I have read in many ways. First of all, it is not as much about space and time traveling into the future but is about the past. The two main characters are Sandy and Dennys who go into their father’s laboratory and get sent back in time, to a place before the flood. They find themselves in a desert and meet man named Japheth who is very tiny but they are the odd ones to him. After being horribly sunburned they start to try to figure out where it is they are. They meet Noah, Ham, and Grandfather Lamech and realize that they are in the Bible story of the flood. They know that they are not in the story and begin to worry if they will survive. Sandy is kidnapped but is rescued by Japheth with the help of his mammoth Higgaion. Grandfather Lamech’s death is a tragedy to his family but Sandy and Dennys are sad too. El (God) finally tells Noah to start building the arc so they realize the rain will come soon. They help him all they can but they worry about how they are going to get home. As they were building the arc Sandy and Dennys came up with an idea, they were going to take a quantum leap. There were virtual particle unicorns that faded into existence when believed in. They figured if they faded out with the unicorns and the seraphim go into the future and call the unicorns into existence it would bring them back to their own time. They do this and the seraphim then heal their bodies so they look the same. I do not recommend the book; it was confusing and not very interesting.

  2. Elijah Hernandez#7
    The Westing Game
    Ellen Raskin
    I love the way the author describes everyone to make them seem suspicious. Whenever you think one person killed Sam W. Westing the author makes it seem as if someone else was the murderer. Sometimes the author ends a chapter with an ending so strange you feel as if you have to keep reading. When a chapter ends the author always leaves you hanging. The cliff hangers in the book are so mysterious it feels as if each chapter is the end of the book. Sometimes I feel as if the book is almost over even though I am nowhere close to the end of the book. The way the author describes each and every character makes it seem as if they are the murderer. The author is such a good writer by the time you even know it you feel as if the end of the book is reeling you in. The author makes me feel as if I have to keep reading. Sometimes I want to keep reading but it is time to go to bed. If the author had written sequels (well at least one sequel) then I would probably read them all. The author is such an amazing writer that I think only a few books are better (and of course the Bible is one of those books). I think The Westing Game is probably the third best book I have ever read. The author of this book is probably one of the best authors in America.

  3. #12 Victoria Sather
    Ellen Hopkins
    Blog 2

    Victoria: The last time I spoke with you, you were a free person, but now you are in jail waiting for an answer. How does it feel?

    Kristina: Behind state bars, I have a ton to think about while awaiting sentencing.

    Victoria: Do you know how long you will be in here for?

    Kristina: About six months, not so long.

    Victoria: How do you feel without having the monster?

    Kristina: It makes me sweat and shiver. I puke in and out of the toilet. Sometimes I wish I were dead instead of screaming back at the monster. I wish I were dead instead of running away from demons.

    Victoria: How did you feel once you were cuffed?

    Kristina: I felt pocked, prodded, grilled, and well done. Through it all I stayed calm and silent. They told me I was allowed only one phone call.

    Victoria: How is it in jail? Is it harsh?

    Kristina: It’s ok I guess. The officers on duty do keep an eye on things, but they don’t exactly come running to my rescue. They say things like, “You’ll survive,” or, “You’ll be good as new except for lacking a few brain cells.”

    Victoria: What about your mom and Scott, and even Hunter? Do you even care what they think?

    Kristina: Hopefully one day I’ll be worthy of their love. Hopefully mom can forgive me for betraying her trust. She knows about everything.

    Victoria: Do you think your dance with the monster has caused irreparable harm to you or your just-forming baby? Do you think it has changed you as being a mother?

    Kristina: I honestly hope the monster hasn’t affected my baby. I want it to be a girl, a beautiful perfect daughter with hair like Trey’s and eyes like mine. I will love every hour of being her mother and I will enjoy the whole experience.

    Victoria: From what you just said, I can tell you had a lot of time to think. Thank you so much for letting me talk with you. Good luck.

  4. Robyn Rosales #12
    Stephenie Meyer
    New Moon
    Log #2

    1. Edward and his family called themselves the protectors.
    2. The primary role of the Volturi is to enforce the vampire laws.
    3. Edward says the Volturi are like royalty in the vampire world.
    4. Bella has a dream that Edward morphs into Jacob.
    5. Jacob doesn’t change after Bella sees the wolves.
    6. Jacob rescues Bella in the forest twice.

    Multiple choice
    1. Who said “It’ll be a relief not to want to kill you.”?
    a. Edward
    b. Jasper
    2. Who in Charlie’s hunting party destroys the wolf tracks?
    a. Sam Uley
    b. Harry Clearwater
    3. Where has Edward been hiding out?
    a. South America
    b. Italy
    4. Who is killing the hikers on the trail?
    a. Laurent
    b. Victoria
    5. How many wolves go on the attack for Laurent?
    a. Five
    b. Seven
    6. Who said “No one can hide like me.”?
    a. Edward
    b. Victoria
    7. In what year was Edward born?
    a. 1901
    b. 1911
    8. On which arm do the Quileute werewolves wear their tattoo?
    a. Right
    b. Left
    9 Who believes he has lost his soul in exchange for limited immorality?
    a. Edward
    b. Jacob
    10. What color is Bella’s birthday dress?
    a. Black
    b. Green

    Short answer
    1. What triggers Harry’s heart attack?
    2. When Bella dives off the cliff, who does she see underwater?
    3. Who is Mr. Berty?
    4. What does Bella notice is unusual about Jacob as she stops him from fighting Mike?
    5. According to Edward, why must the Cullen’s leave Forks?

    Essay question
    1. If you could be any of the Cullen’s, which one would you be and why?

    1. False
    2. True
    3. True
    4. False
    5. False
    6. False

    Multiple choice
    1. B
    2. B
    3. A
    4. B
    5. A
    6. B
    7. A
    8. A
    9. A
    10. B

    Short answer
    1. He’s frightened by Victoria.
    2. Edward’s apparition and Victoria.
    3. Fork’s High English teacher.
    4. Jacob is feverishly hot.
    5. Carlisle is beginning to look too young for his age.

    Essay Question
    1. If I could be one of the Cullen’s, I would choose to be Carlisle. He is able to show self control and overcome his instinct to kill in order to care for humans when they need him. He has ultimate self control because he sees blood every day as a doctor. He puts the needs of other people before himself. He is able to care for all kinds of people, whether they are humans, wolves, or vampires; he sees the good in them all. Because of these characteristics, he is the smartest of the Cullen’s.

  5. Rebekah Dervartanian #3
    Things Hoped For: By Andrew Clements
    Log #2

    I love the way how the main character is so devoted into playing and practicing her violin. She moved away from her family to go to New York to study at a music school. She left all her friends and family and went to a whole new environment. She went from a girl in West Virginia to a girl in a big city. It takes a lot of courage just to do that alone. When she got to New York, she moved in with her grandfather. Throughout her stay, she devoted her time into practicing. Her schedule was the same everyday. She went to music school, then to a private violin lesson, and then to a coffee shop for a little while. After she finishes at the coffee shop, she goes back home to her practice room, and then practices her violin for about two hours. This shows how much she devotes her life into playing the violin. I love how she plays the violin because when she practices, she imagines herself as a servant at a snotty, rich person’s house. When the music is going smoothly, she imagines that she is bringing the food on a tray up a big staircase, walking slowly and carefully. When the music is suspenseful, she imagines that she has realized that she dropped something, and now she has to go back to get it. While she is doing that, the tray is shaking, but when she finally reaches the top, the song is over. I like how she does this because it helps her concentrate, and it makes playing the violin more fun.

  6. #2 Christopher Conradt
    Blog #2
    Robert Ludlam
    The Bourne Identity
    Letter to Jason Bourne
    Dear Jason,
    Those letters you sent me were crazy. What is going on? Jason, if I were you I would probally try to change my name and go to some country that has no government. But knowing that company you told me about, Jason, they probally already have someone who is ready to kill you and a story to cover it up. I do know that I wound not be doing what you are doing trying to find your real name and the people who are trying to kill you. TO me it sounds like your trying to kill yourself.Not only is that company after you, the police are looking for you also. they think that your a murderer. Well, if you want to go kill yourself Jason, I can't stop you. I also know that you need to do it fast.
    Your friend,

  7. #13Allie Shackelford
    Betrayed by P.C. and Kristen Cast
    Blog #2

    1.The High Priestess's name is Nerferet.
    2.Heath is worried about Zoey because he doesn't know what happened to her.
    3.Zoey isn't the first fledgling to have an affirmity in all four elements.
    4.Zoey's cat is named Nala and makes strange sounds.
    5.The police think that the House of Night is responsible for the deaths of some of the football players.
    6.When a fledgling's body rejects the change, they die and don't exist anymore.
    Multiple Choice
    1.Damien is always annoyed with the Twins because...
    a.they talk too much.
    b.they don't have a good vocabulary.
    c.they dress strangely.
    2.Zoey is the new..
    a.leader of the Dark Daughters
    b.leader of the Blood Suckers
    c.leader of the Elements Group
    3.What did Zoey do to keep her grandma from being killed?
    a.asked her to stay home
    b.called the FBI and pretended to be a terrorist who would blow up a bridge
    c.both a and b
    4.Zoey thought of Heath as..
    a.her boyfriend
    b.her ex-boyfriend
    c.her almost-exboyfriend
    5.What does Loren teach?
    6.Why are the classes held at night?
    a.they're vampires and the sun could kill them.
    b.the sun is just annoying and is painful on their eyes's easier to do some of the classes
    7.Steive Rae has an affinity in..
    8.Damien has an affinity in
    9.Erin has an affinity in
    10.Shaunee has an affinity
    Short Answer
    1.Zoey felt comfort after she spent time in the stables with ________.
    2.Heath feels attached to Zoey because a bond was created called _______.
    3.Erik was in a contest in New York for __________.
    4.When a fledgling dies, the teachers _______ all their stuff.
    5.The medicine Nerferet gave Zoey was supposed to make her ______ Stevie Rae.
    In a few sentences, explain the drug effect in the medicine Zoey almost took and why Aphrodite stopped her from taking it.
    Multiple Choice
    Short Answer
    3.Shakespearean monologue
    The medicine clouded your thoughts for a few months until you could barely remember the person who had just died. Aphrodite has gone through losing a roommate and knew that Zoey wanted to remember Stevie Rae.

  8. #13 Felix Sarmiento
    The Big Field
    Mike Lupica

    The Big Field is an awesome book. It is about a boy named Hutch and a boy named Daryl. They are good friends. Hutch had lived a very hard life. Hutch felt like his dad didn’t exist because his dad would avoid any conversations he had about baseball. His dad was a baseball player that played in the minors. His dad had gotten addicted to the sport. Hutch tried very hard to be a good baseball player and play his best. He wanted to be like his dad. Hutch’s dad did love him very much and was proud that he was the captain of his team. Hutch played third base and Daryl played shortstop. All the two boys ever wanted, was to be good and make it to the Championship and play baseball on the big field. The boys always dreamed of playing on the big field because their best team named the Cardinals and some big league players had played on it. They finally made it to the Championship, but it was not what Hutch had expected. He felt stressed and was very nerves that he would miss the ball if someone were to hit it in his direction. He wanted to do well so badly. Eventually at the end of the story he did great and got to be able to play on the Big Field. I think that one of the reasons why he did so great was because Daryl helped him realize that his dad really did care for him and that he wanted him to enjoy the sport and not get caught up in it. Daryl had told Hutch that his dad had never gone to any of his games. He wished that he would be able to look up at the bleachers and see his dad. Daryl told Hutch when you go out on the field and see your dad sitting in the bleachers you will see that he cares for you and is proud that you are his son.

  9. #11 Sofia Youssouf
    Rick Riordan
    The Sea Monsters
    The review of the book
    The Sea Monster was a very adventures and a very interesting book. It was very different then the first book I read. The three main characters of the book are Percy Jackson, Annabeth, and Grover. They go on this quest to go find the Golden Fleece because Thalia tree is poisoned. Percy gets all these weird dreams of Grover in a wedding shop wearing a wedding dress. Grover went all by himself to go get the Golden Fleece. They bump in too many situations. One was when his dad (Poseidon) makes Tyson (Percy’s friend) his new brother. Tyson is a Cyclops and are sometimes very dangerous. Percy was very mad at his father for doing such a thing, but later he figures out how good it is to have a Cyclops brother. A second situation is that they were not chosen for the quest because Clarisse took the quest first. Percy, Annebeth, and Tyson did not listen to Chiron (their camp director) and left when nobody noticed. It was very tough for them to go and do their quest because along the way they meet Clarisse her boat was not in well shaped form so Tyson went down to the boiler to go fix it. The ship exploded and Tyson never got out of the boiler room and what everybody thought he was dead. Well, in the end Tyson was not dead after all and he was the one that saved the day. My last conflict was when Percy, Annabeth, Tyson, and Grover find out that the one that poisoned the tree was Luke. Luke and Percy had a battle with each other and well they did not get to finish it. They get the Golden Fleece back and then the best part of the book is when Thalia (the one that got transformed into a tree) came back to life as a new person. I would recommend this book to people that are adventures and love to read a mystery book. It was a very interesting book and I cannot wait until I read the next book of the series.

  10. Michael Ly#11
    The Lightning Thief
    Multiple choices
    1. What color food does Percy’s mom like?
    A. Green
    B. Blue
    C. Red
    D. Orange

    2. What type of Greek animal is Grover?
    A. Demi-god
    B. Satyr
    C. Minotaur
    D. Centaur

    3. Who is Percy’s dad?
    A. Poseidon
    B. Zeus
    C. Apollo
    D. Hermes

    4. What is Annabeth terrified of?
    A. Dogs
    B. Lizards
    C. Spiders
    D. Cats

    5. How long was Percy at the Lotus casino?
    A. 2
    B. 6
    C. 3
    D. 5

    6. What cabin does Percy stay in until he is determined?
    A. 11
    B. 4
    C. 8
    D. 1

    7. What did cab driver call Annabeth after he saw the infinity sign?
    A. Madam
    B. My lady
    C. Highness
    D. Princess

    8. What floor is Olympus on the Empire State building?
    A. 600
    B. 200
    C. 100
    D. 1000

    9. Poseidon says Zeus would have been good as the god of what?
    A. Fire
    B. Winds
    C. Mountains
    D. Theater

    10. Annabeth says the monster may ignore you if you’re a child of which two gods or goddesses?
    A. Aphrodite or Demeter
    B. Hermes or Athena
    C. Ares or Apollo
    D. Zeus or Poseidon

    1. The era of the gods were from Greek
    2. Poseidon betrayed all of the gods
    3. The name of the camp is Camp Half-Blood
    4. Hade’s Helm of Darkness was stolen
    5. Annabeth betrayed all of the other half-bloods

    Short Answer
    1. Percy’s god heritage was _______
    2. Annabeth’s god heritage was____
    3. Grover was a_____
    4. The ____ was stolen from the gods to trigger the anger
    5. The nicknames of the gods Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were _____

    Why does Percy hate Gabe?


    Multiple Choices
    1. Blue
    2. Satyr
    3. 11
    4. Poseidon
    5. Spiders
    6. 5
    7. Highness
    8. 600
    9. Theater
    10. Aphrodite or Demeter

    1. True
    2. False
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False

    Short answer
    1. Poseidon
    2. Athena
    3. Satyr
    4. Master bolt
    5. The big three

    Percy hates his father, Gabe because he is a selfish and crazy man. Gabe gambles and drinks a lot and never takes care of things. He would get made at Percy for no reason and take his money for gambling. Gabe doesn’t treat Percy’s mom right and Percy is mad at this because he thinks that she is such a nice person and doesn’t deserve to be with Gabe. Percy is lucky because Gabe isn’t his real father it’s Poseidon.

  11. Mark Wiese #10

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Blog # 2 for second quarter

    1. Parseltongues can only be in the Slytherin house.
    2. Harry was sad on the train ride to Hogwarts.
    3. The Weasleys were expecting Harry to stay for summer.
    4. Voldemort is a book.
    5. The students at Hogwarts are scared of the writings on the wall.

    Multiple choice
    1. Who does Harry dislike?
    a. Malfoy
    b. Crabbe
    c. Goyle
    d. All of the above

    2. Harry, Ron, and Hermione use ______ to get into the Slytherin house.
    a. Blaggaga potion
    b. Polyjuice potion
    c. Expelliarmus potion
    d. All of the above

    3. How did Moaning Myrtle die?
    a. Being eaten
    b. Being shot
    c. Looking at a monster
    d. Being poisoned

    4. What was happening to some of the Hogwarts students?
    a. they were being petrified
    b. they were dying of old age
    c. they were being eaten
    d. they were behaving bad all of a sudden

    5. Who does Mr. Weasley get into a fight with at the bookstore?
    a. Dumbledore
    b. Lucius Malfoy
    c. Harry Potter
    d. Mrs. Weasley

    6. Who is the new defense against the dark arts teacher?
    a. Pro. McGonagall
    b. John Alberts
    c. Gilderoy Lockhart
    d. Brad Pitt

    7. Who frees Dobby from slavery?
    a. Harry Potter
    b. Ron Weasley
    c. A banana
    d. An Applebee’s employee

    8. Who supposedly opened the Chamber of Secrets for the first time?
    a. Hagrid
    b. Voldemort
    c. Snape
    d. Kirschtiv Gourdonzo

    9. Which of Ron’s possessions tortures him the whole school year?
    a. his fake bunny
    b. his wand
    c. his car
    d. all of the above

    10. Who is Tom Riddle?
    a. Voldemort
    b. a cat
    c. a talking bed
    d. a couch

    Short answer
    1. What is the monster that tortures Hogwarts?
    2. Who is Harry’s least favorite teacher?
    3. What animal can Harry talk to?
    4. What is Aragog?
    5. Who opened the Chamber of secrets?

    1. Explain how Ginny got Tom Riddles diary and how it impacted the story.

    Answer key
    1. False
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. True

    Multiple choice
    1. d.
    2. b.
    3. c.
    4. a.
    5. b.
    6. c.
    7. a.
    8. a.
    9. b.
    10. a.

    Short Answer
    1. A Basilisk
    2. Snape
    3. Snakes
    4. A giant snake
    5. Ginny Weasley

    1. Ginny got the diary when her dad was fighting Mr. Malfoy and he slipped it into her cauldron. It caused Harry to learn that he is a parseltongue and doubt that he should be in Gryffindor house. The diary possessed Ginny so that she would set free the Basilisk and terrorize Hogwarts. It caused Harry and his friends to know that Hagrid was framed for his crime of opening the chamber. He shouldn’t be doing what he is today; he should be living a better life. It gave Harry another opportunity to be heroic which he was.

  12. Hayley Macabuhay #7
    Blog #2
    Dori Hillestad Butler
    The Truth About Truman School

    I thought The Truth About Truman School was a very interesting book. Zebby Bower and Amr Nasir started a website called Zebby's teacher will not let her write about school problems on the school newspaper. Because of this, Zebby and Amr decide to make this website for the students of Truman Middle School. Zebby starts this so that she will be free to write about anything she wants without her teacher knowing. On their website, Zebby and Amr post articles about school problems, gossip, and the bad teachers. Zebby and Amr allow people to comment and do their own section on the website. The gossip that goes on the website soon becomes uncontrolable and unbearable. The gossip on the site made many people very angry and embarrassed. Since this site was made for people to write anything they want to write about, an anonymous user threatened one of the popular girls, Lilly. The anonymous user constantly put up articles and embarrassing pictures of Lilly. Lilly thought this person was Zebby so, she threatened to put up embarrassing photos of her too. Zebby denied and said it was not her. At the end of the book, Lilly finds out that the anonymous user was one of the unpopular kids, Trevor. Trevor threatened Lilly because he wanted to get back at her for all the things she had done to him in the past. One mean thing that Lilly said to Trevor in the past was, "You're so ugly your mom would probably keel over and die of embarrassment for giving birth to you." Two months later, Trevor's mom actually died. Trevor was so devistated and blamed Lilly for this. This is why Trevor constantly embarrassed Lilly. I would recommend this book to teens because this story could relate to them. It was a very good and interesting book.

  13. Eugene Cho #2
    Stephanie Meyer
    blog #2
    page #498
    Bella, I know you are under Edward's trap but you have to snap out of it. You had a date with Edward and that's fine. Edward told Carlisle's story to Bella which Bella grew a closer relationship to Edward. When the game started everything went deeply wrong. The Cullen family all invite Bella to the baseball game in the forest. When all of a sudden, Alice saw the future that Laurent, Victoria and James were coming to the baseball game. The Cullen family quickly cover Bella for protection. James finds out that there was a human and wants to kill her. Edward read his thought and became defensive. James thought of Edward's actions very amusing and wants to have more fun. Alice and Jasper takes Bella away while rest of the Cullen family tried to hunt Victoria and James and confused them to different directions away from Bella. Alice sees the future of Bella's old ballet school and she Knew that there was going to be trouble. Bella gets a phone call from Laurent to go to the old ballet school and if Laurent didn't see Bella there, he would kill her mother. Bella leaves a note for Edward and she arrived at the old ballet school. Bella hears a sound like her mother but it was a trick. Laurent came out and threw Bella and he bited Bella's neck but Edward and his family all killed Laurent and burned him up. Edward took out the venom that Bella and she was sent to the hospital. When Bella's parents heard about this, she told her parents that she fell off the stairs. When there was a prom at Bella's school, Edward asked Bella to dance with him. I recommend the book because of the dialogue and how interesting the book is.

  14. #1 Anjelina Booth
    Blog #2
    Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
    James Patterson
    Page 413

    I love the way Max is portrayed as the leader in the book. The author did a great job on how he portrayed Max, and her flock. This book tells the story of six kids who are were the subjects of an experiment, and resulted in being mutant-humans with wings. The story of their lives is also the story of the book, because it is in Max’s perspective. Max is fourteen and the oldest of the flock, and acts like the older sister of the group, even though Angel and the Gasman are the only actual siblings of the group. She cares so much for the kids especially Angel. I also love the way she and the rest of the flock act like a family, and embark on the journey together. They live by themselves, and look out for each other. This showed when they set out to find Angel who had been kidnapped. On their journey Max meets a girl and her mother and bonds with them in the process. I like the fact that this book tells the story of how these kids have dealt with being orphans, but they realize what really matters is that they have each other to depend on. Throughout the book, Max continues to be the older sister figure and to me it made the book more interesting. One of my favorite parts of the book is when the Erasers attack the group and Max thinks of the others safety before hers. Max loves every person in her flock: Angel, Nudge, Iggy, Gazzy, and Fang. This is now one of my favorite books, and I am going to continue with the series, and find out what happens with the flock.

  15. Tre Fitts #4
    New Moon: By Stephanie Meyer
    Log #2

    Final Exam
    True/ False
    1. The Cullen’s leaves Forks
    2. Victoria is after Charlie
    3. Laurent defeats the Werewolves
    4. The Werewolves are protecting Bella
    5. Bella learns how to ride a motorcycle
    6. Werewolves are good friends with the vampires

    Multiple Choice

    1. Who is Bella’s close friend?
    a. Jacob
    b. Mike
    c. Jessica
    d. Sam
    2. What is Jacob Black?
    a. a mummy
    b. a vampire
    c. a werewolf
    3. Bella spends most of her time in?
    a. Port Angels
    b. La Push
    c. Rocky Beach
    4. What is the name of the person who is chasing Bella?
    a. Dylan
    b. Victoria
    c. James
    d. Jasper
    5. Who does Bella see on the mountain?
    a. Rosalie
    b. Jessica
    c. Laurent
    6. Who is Jacob Black?
    a. An old friend
    b. A classmate
    c. A cousin
    7. Where is Bella going instead of Studying at Jessica’s?
    a. Port Angels
    b. La Push
    c. To visit a cousin
    8. What does Bella get for her birthday?
    a. a new car
    b. stereo
    c. flowers
    9. Who is Jacob upset with?
    a. Sam
    b. Bella
    c. Billy
    10. What has been seen in the mountains?
    a. “bears”
    b. wolves
    c. mountain lions

    Short Answer

    1. Why did Edward leave Forks and Bella?
    2. Fill in the blank. Because Isabella ______ herself, the Cullen’s became ravenous for her blood.
    3. Name one reason why Jacob is “dangerous”.
    4. What happens to Bella when Edward is mentioned?
    5. Who does Bella work with?


    1. In six to eight sentences describe why Bella is frightened and why. Also give as much detail as you can.

    Final Exam (Answer Key)
    True/ False

    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. True
    6. False

    Multiple Choice

    1. a
    2. c
    3. b
    4. c
    5. c
    6. a
    7. b
    8. b
    9. a
    10. a

    Short Answer

    1. Edward leaves Forks because people are beginning to become suspicious about the Cullen’s.
    2. Cut
    3. Jacob is dangerous because if his temper is thrown off, then he could hurt someone.
    4. When the name Edward is mentioned Bella begins to hurt internally, especially in her heart.
    5. Bella works with Mike from her class.


    1. Bella is afraid of Victoria coming to get her and tracking her down. Bella is afraid because last spring Edward killed James, who happened to be her mate, in order to protect Bella. Now Victoria is coming to take her revenge, but now that the Cullen’s are gone, Jacob and his werewolf friends are dedicated to help and protect Bella. Victoria is after Bella, and Bella is afraid that when she is hiding in La Push Victoria will attack her house. If Victoria hunts her house, then she will kill Charlie. Bella is afraid of Victoria hurting Jacob too. That is why Bella is constantly afraid in the story.

  16. Matthew Hernandez #8
    Breaking Dawn
    Stephenie Meyer
    Blog #2
    Dear Diary,
    A lot has changed in the once quiet town of Forks. To start things off my best friend, Jacob Black, has already claimed my new born baby daughter as his future wife. At first I was furious but then it made sense since he was not going to get any older. My daughter Renesme has almost fully matured intellectually even though she is only a few weeks old. The biggest of all concerns was that the Volturi, which is the vampire government, is coming to kill me, my daughter, and my family. They are coming because someone gave them false information saying my daughter is a full baby vampire when she is only half. The difference is that a full baby vampire cannot be trained but a half baby vampire can be trained to follow rules. When we found out that they were coming Alice and Jasper left us telling us that the Volturi would arrive when the snow stuck to the ground which helped us prepare. When Alice and Jasper left we all split up to go find friends that would help us. While the rest of our family left Edward and I stayed home to convince whoever cam to stay, which was not hard if Renesme was able to touch them. As vampires came they helped show me how to fight and how to expand the shield around me that would protect others from special powers. When the Volturi came they had no choice but to listen to us because of how great our numbers were. When Aro let Renesme touch he immediately saw that she was a half vampire and he let her live, also because Alice and Jasper came back with proof of a half vampire that did not go bad. When the Volturi left all the other vampires that came to our aid slowly started to leave and life in Forks started to calm back down again, and this time I hope things stay calm.

  17. Blog #2
    Selena Roberts
    Option #6 Interview
    Jake: How was it growing up as a child without a father?
    Alex: It was hard; at times I didn’t even want to go on with my life. For the first few months after he left I would just sit and watch the cars going up and down my street hoping, believing he would come home.
    Jake: Through your high school years you were one of the most scouted and most wanted players. How did it feel to have all this attention in high school?
    Alex: To be perfectly honest it never really fazed me. I actually was more affected when someone wasn’t there to record me and watch me hoping that they could draft me.
    Jake: You considered going to college, but instead entered the draft and were selected as the first pick by the Seattle Mariners. Do you ever regret your decision not to go to college?
    Alex: No, the only reason I considered going to college was because I feared not being taken first. I always had to be the best at whatever I did. Since I was taken first I have no regrets.
    Jake: How was it playing with Ken Griffey Jr., and how is it playing with Derek Jeter?
    Alex: We had good chemistry in Seattle; we seemed to play well together. It’s the same situation in New York it just took a little longer to develop. Also it has been great playing with two of the best players to ever set a pair of spikes on the field.
    Jake: Was the nickname given to you when you received the biggest paycheck in the history of baseball, Mr. two-fifty-two, have any influence on your steroid use.
    Alex: Yes in a way it did. I felt so much pressure to live up to hype I saw there being no other choice, but now looking back on it I realize that I didn’t need it. I was good enough without it.

  18. Andre Eng #5
    The Driver by Alex Roy

    True or False
    1. The name of the movie that inspired him was Rendezvous.
    2. None of Alex Roy’s family was into street racing.
    3. Alex Roy used a helicopter to watch for cops.
    4. Alex Roy impersonated a cop for his race team.
    5. David Maher would not go with Alex Roy on the transcontinental run.

    Multiple Choice

    1. What car did he drive in the beginning of the book?
    a Saleen Mustang
    b. Bently Continental GT
    c. BMW M5
    d. Porshe 911

    2. Approximately long is the Gumball Rally?
    a. 3000 miles
    b. 2000 miles
    c. 5000 miles
    d The length not calculated

    3. How many times was Alex on the Bullrun show?
    a. 2
    b. 1
    c. 3
    d. 4

    3. What car did Alex Roy crash at the pit stop?
    a. his BMW M5
    b. Lamborghini
    c. Ferrari Enzo
    d. Audi R8

    4. How big was his add-on fuel tank?
    a. ten gallons
    b. fifteen gallons
    c. twenty gallons
    d. thirty gallons

    5. How long was his practice Manhattan run?
    a. twenty-six minutes
    b. twenty-seven minutes
    c. twenty-eight minutes
    d. twenty-nine minutes

    6. What was his average speed during the cross-country run?
    a. 89.1
    b. 92.1
    c. 95.1
    d. 90.1

    7. What the original name of the race cross-country
    a. Gumball
    b. Cannonball
    c. Modball
    d. Candyball

    8. How many moving violation did Alex Roy commit in the Manhattan practice run?
    a. 151
    b. 141
    c. 161
    d. 181

    9. What did Alex Roy not use in his cross-county run?
    A police scanner
    b. two co pilots
    c, radar jammer
    d. thermal camera

    10. What rally did Alex Roy not enter?
    a. Gumball
    b. Bullrun
    c. Cannonball
    d. Modball

    Short answer
    1. What type of radio did he use to communicate with semi trucks?
    2. What was name of the director of thirty-two hours seven minutes?
    3. How many times was Alex Roy arrested?
    4. How many tickets did Alex Roy get on his Cannonball run?
    5. Who set the thirty-two hours seven minutes record?
    6. In what year did they set the record?

    1. true
    2. false
    3. true
    4. true
    5. false

    Essay Question
    1. Describe the use of the tools he brought on the Cannonball run.

    multiple choice
    1. c
    2. a
    3. A
    4. c
    5. b
    6. d
    7. b
    8. a
    9. b
    10. d

    short answer
    1. CB radios
    2. Corry Welles
    3. one time
    4. zero
    5. David Diem and Doug Turner
    6. 1983

    Essay question

    1. The tools Alex Roy used in the Cannonball run that benefited him by helping him plan his route and to avoid being arrested. Alex Roy used two Valentine One radar scanners to scan for cops, and He mounted one in the back of his car and the front of his car. He programmed them to not pick up unwanted signals. He used thermal camera to drive at night with his headlights off to avoid cops and added a kill switch to his break lights. He used a CB radio to contact truck drivers to ask to pass them and listen to cops using CB radios. He used police scanner to listen to police talking that didn’t use CB radios, and programmed codes for every state he drove through listening for his car. He used lights to block his license plates from cameras. He used two Garmin GPS to follow and keep record of his pace.

  19. Ellen Cho
    Blog #2
    The Traveler's Gift
    Andy Andrews

    Dear Diary

    Today, I met King Solomon, President Lincoln, Anne Frank, Michael the archangel, Chamberlain, and Christopher Columbus. Each of them gave me a advice to succeed. After I met those people, I felt ashamed for trying to die and sorry for my family. I cannot believe how I have talked to them. They gave me a writing in a piece of paper which led me to a success. Also, I met my future when I met all those people. I was in a hospital when I woke up. I thought everything was a dream, but I saw papers from them in my pocket. The car accident led me to a wonderful world where I was lucky enough to meet the greatest people in history. Anne Frank was my favorite person. She was 14 years old when I met her, and she was the same age with my daughter, Jenny. She was hopeful and didn't gave up her dreams. I hope I never have to go through that again. Life is good.
    David Ponder

  20. Jonathan Dumaine #4
    The Ruins
    By: Scott Smith

    Dear Jeff,
    I hope that this letter can get to you and if it does I ask that you not share it with Pablo, Mathias, Stacy, Amy, and Eric. You should not show them this letter because it might be offensive towards them. I would like to give you advice on how you could have handled your ordeal better and survived. I think that you should have given your companions more food so that they would not argue and complain about how much they were eating. You should have been more authoritative because people respond to dominance. You should have prevented them from being irresponsible and getting drunk. You should have been more aggressive in telling them what to do. Therefore, they would listen to what you have to say, and most likely follow it. You would have to make a strategic plan that the other people can agree to. You could have also tried to attack the Mayans. You and your friends could have charged at night. You should have done that because most likely at least one of you will survive. The person that survives would then warn the people back at their rooms and never go back to Mexico ever again. So, I wish you good luck because if you follow my advice you will almost certainly survive.

  21. #6 George Frazier
    Star Trek
    Alan Dean Foster

    Dear Spock,

    I know that it is hard for James to understand how you feel right now. I just want to let you know that I am so sorry about how your planet of one billon people was just murdered. I also understand how difficult it must be, to not be able to use your emotions correctly. But, you have a mission to complete, and a good captain thinks about others before himself. I know thats probably what you don't want to hear right now now. But, it is true others come before you. Another thing you need to lighten up, have some fun and stop thinking about what the logical thing is to do. Sometimes it's better if you let other people help you instead of just yourself. Well, I am sure that you have plenty of things to do and worry about. Good luck and peace be with you.

    Your friend always,

    George Frazier

  22. #3 Grace DiPonio
    Bessica Lefter Bites Back
    Kirsten Tracy

    Years before Bessica became friends with Sylvie, she used to live in Washington D.C. She went to Houghton Elementary with her best friend, Emily. Her and Emily did everything together; they were the most popular girls in junior high. Bessica and Emily would hang out every day after school, working on homework, painting their nails and playing on the computer.

    Then one day when Bessica got home from school, her mom told her that her dad received a job transfer to Boston. Bessica broke down in crocodile tears. She was so sad that she would have to tell Emily she was leaving.

    The next school day, Bessica explained to Emily that she was moving to Boston. Emily sobbed, "I don't know what I will do with you!"

    That day was very emotional, as were all the days before moving.

    Moving day arrived before she knew it. Everyone was hard at work except Bessica. She was busy texting and Skyping her friends. Finally her mom shouted, "I can't believe you haven't packed yet! I thought you were packing this whole time!" Busted! She reluctantly boxed her bedroom items.

    Unexpectedly, shortly after she finished, her friends (including Emily) came to say goodbye. They had made a cool photo album with their favorite photos of Bessica. She was so surprised and gave them all big hugs.

    "Load the truck!" Bessica's dad said. Bessica finally had to say goodbye to her best friends. She thought she would never be happy again, as she waved sadly goodbye to her friends.

    When Bessica and her family arrived in Boston, she noticed a girl playing outside next to her new house. She eagerly jumped out of her car to go meet her. The girl's name was Sylvie, and from there on, they became best friends forever.

  23. Grace DiPonio
    Bessica Lefter Bites Back
    Kristen Tracy

    Second Blog:

    Years before Bessica and Sylvie became friends, Bessica lived in Washington D.C. She went to school at Houghton Elementary with her best friend, Emily. Emily and her did everything together; homework, painted their nails, played on the computer, played soccer and went ice skating in the winter.

    Bessica and Emily were the most popular girls in school. They were always nice to others, helped others with their problems, and Bessica was the school President, and Emily was the Vice President. They rarely got into fights, and planned to go college together someday.

    Then something terrible happened. When Bessica came home from school one foggy day, her mom told her she had news for her. While her mom kept baking cookies, she told her that they were moving to Boston because Bessica’s dad received a job transfer. Bessica started crying and said, “How could you? Do you hate me that much?” Her mom explained that the company couldn’t pay for her dad to work at Atlantic Bulletproofing, but there was an opening in Boston. It was final. They were moving in two weeks.

    Bessica was so angry with her parents for not telling her sooner. But even more, she was so sad that she would have to leave behind Emily. She was also sad to leave behind Washington D.C.’s museums, the White House, and the movie that Abraham Lincoln got shot in.
    The next morning, Bessica told Emily the bad news. Emily broke down in tears, and so did Bessica. They hugged and Bessica promised that they would still be best friends forever.

    Moving day came before she knew it. Everyone was hard at work, except Bessica. She was too busy texting her friends and playing on the computer. Then her mom, covered in dirt and sweat, came in her room. “Bessica, I can’t believe you haven’t packed your room yet!” Slowly, Bessica started packing her room until she heard a knock on the door. It was Emily and her other friends! They came to give her a photo album and to say goodbye. Bessica started to cry because she was going to miss them all so much.

    “Load the truck!” Bessica’s dad shouted outside. It was time to go, so she said goodbye. She thought she would never be happy again.

    When they arrived at their new house in Boston, there was a girl playing outside. Bessica eagerly jumped out of the truck to say hi. The girl’s name was Sylvie. They were instantly best friends, although Bessica would never forget her dear friend Emily.

  24. Dominic DiPonio
    I Am Number Four
    HE had to leave his planet and his life
    Now he has to be in hiding all his life
    He waits for his legacies
    To fight the Mogadoerien’s
    For he is number four
    And he is next.


  25. Dominic DiPonio
    I Am Number Four
    HE had to leave his planet and his life
    Now he has to be in hiding all his life
    He waits for his legacies
    To fight the Mogadoerien’s
    For he is number four
    And he is next.

  26. Dillon Stubbs
    Dear, diary today it was a good day in the old west, people were having a lot of fun. There was this one boy who was not good and he was in trouble all the time with the law. He became a man named Billy The Kid. Billy the Kid was a very mad person and wanted to get revenge on the marshal of the town he lived in. He was so angry that he killed over 1000 men. He hung out with the wrong people and he was always a trouble maker, since he was able to hold a gun. An example of one of the things he did was if he saw a beautiful horse that he wanted and the owner would not give it to him, he would kill them. One day Billy the Kid was at a bar, and started to make fun of this guy with a gun. The guy that he was making fun of called the marshal and Billy the Kid fled to Mexico. I was very surprised at how fast they got there. They stayed long enough for his friend to get married but the next day, the marshal had found where they were staying and he had to leave his wife behind. He told her he would come back for her, but before that happened he was killed in a gun fight. Billy and his friends went to Billy's parents house where they knew they would be safe. But, by nigh fall the marshal had found Billy. The marshal had several men helping him to catch Billy the Kid and his group. There was a big gunfight that lasted all night. The marshal asked Billy to surround, but Billy did not until his parents and all his men were killed. Billy stepped out of the house and shot the marshal dead, the marshal's men began shooting at Billy and wounded him but did not kill him. Billy managed to get away and spent several years trying to become a good guy. Finally after many years he became a good man.

  27. #10 Dillon Stubbs
    blog 2
    Mrs. Holiday
    Super Burger
    The main problem with this book is that there is this boy who bought burger that had some power and he took a big bout out of it and he love it. The problem was that his parents didn't know that he bought so he was hiding in his room parting that he was sick when he wasn't . his mom found out and he got in trouble. he got the burger almost token away but they couldn't find it so they said that if they do find it they would take it away after a week after he buys it starts to get all moldy he realist that he can't eat this anymore so he at it really fast he fillet so sick that he didn't even want to eat in the morning so goes mom walk in to his room and said what is wrong with you and he says that I don't feel good so his mom ask why not. he says I don't know why don't feel good I think I at something bad he will tell his mom that he at a really old burger and that is why he doesn't feel good he keeps staining away from his mom so she doesn't ask any question about anything he is so scared that he will get in so much trouble so he ales keeps hiding from his parents in his room his mom ask him why are you being so weird he says I don't know and keeps on lying to her he gets in so much trouble after his mom finds out what he ate he never gets the hole story about the burgee to his mom he is very impress of what he did.


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