Merry Christmas

Please share what Christmas means to you.


  1. Jacob Ramsey #11
    What Christmas means to me is to spend time with friends and family exchanging presents and having a good time. I like to stay up late on Christmas Eve and go downstairs at 5am to open my presents. And later in the afternoon, my whole family drives to me Grandma's house to see all of me other parts of my family.

  2. Robyn Rosales #12
    What Christmas means to me is that I can spend time with my family. I get to see family members that I haven't seen in a long time. It means that I can tell my family what has happened since the last time they have come down to California. I can play video games with my cousins, and I get to go skateboarding with my uncle. That is what Christmas means to me.

  3. Victoria Paul#9
    What christmas means to me is that it is Jesuses birth and so we celebrate his birth because he died for our sins. Christmas is not all about prestents it is about Jesuses birth.Jesus is birth is very important to me. I also think christmas is also about how godsaved us from our sins. Jesus died on the cross for us and he saved us

  4. Jordan Perretano #10

    to me christmas means a time where your family get together and celebrate jesus birth.And a time where you thank jesus for dieing for my sins. I dont think its about preasents and getting what you want. Its not about preasents like I said its about spending time with your. family and worshiping our savior. This is what christmas means to me

  5. Tommy Ferguson#3

    What Christmas means to me is the joy and love all around in my family. I love to see my sister and mom happy and laugh. They make Christmas more joyful than any other day in the year.

  6. Tre Fitts #4
    What Christmas Means to me

    I think of Christmas as a time that supports family and friends. It is a time for celebration of Jesus's birth. I love all of my family and friends at my house to celebrate the wonderful birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.

  7. Tanner Medina#8

    For me, Christmas means spending time with my family and geting presints. My family always likes getting other peaple presints and seeing people smile. Christmas is very inportant to me because Jesus gave his life for us. And I'm glad that God lets every one get a present from a huge truck to a small toy.

  8. Aaron Guzman#6
    What Christmas means to me is about Jesus our Lord and Saivor dying on the cross for our sins. It is also about you and your family coming togther amd having a great Christmas. Must people that do not believe in God only care about what they get for the holiday. I love Christmas and so should you, but for the right reasons.

  9. Eugene Cho #2

    For me, Christmas means that I get together with my family and we all think about Our one true God, Jesus. I am truly grateful for the presents God has sent me and I am always loving him. When my younger cousins open up the very big presents such as the new DJ Hero, I see them smiling. I love Christmas because of the birth of Jesus Christ and the presents he had sent us.

  10. Andrew Chapin
    Christmas has a lot of meaning behind it. People celebrate Christmas by just giving presents to other people. They get all excited because they get presents. Most people know what Christmas is about, but they do not celebrate it that way. Christmas is about the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. He is the one that saved us from our sins. We should not just think about the presents. Christmas is also a time to get together with our families. Christmas is also to remind us of Jesus Christ's birth. If we do not celebrate it then we would forget about it. That is why we celebrate it. That is what Christmas means to me.

  11. Elijah Hernandez#7
    I think that Christmas means you need to be thankful for every thing you have been given. You should think of what Jesus did for you. He came dow n to this sinful earth as a baby and died for our sins. The tree is supposed to represent the cross. The ornaments represent Him hanging on the cross to die for our sins. The lights represent him because He is the light of the world.

  12. Grace Gee#5
    What Christmas means to me is a time of laughter and joy. It's about family and friends gathering around and spending time with each other. Christmas is also about everyone meeting together and eating wonderful food and opening the presents. Having a Christmas tree is also very great. It has a fresh, pine smell and decorated with beautiful ornaments all around.What Christmas is mostly about is the birth of Jesus. If Jesus was never born He wouldn't have been able to die on the cross and save our sins.

  13. Aaron Guzman#6
    What I think about Christmas is about family and having a great time. It is also about Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior dying on the cross for our sins. Some people only think that Christmas is about what you get for the holiday. I love Christmas and so should yo, but for the right reasons.

  14. Felix Sarmiento

    Christmas is very special to me! Jesus was born on that day. He was born to die for our sins on the cross. I can only imagine how Mary and Joseph felt when they found out that their son would be our savior Jesus Christ. Jesus is the reason for the season. If you read the book of Luke in the Bible you can learn more about baby Jesus. It is not about the presents, it is about Jesus Christ. I am grateful that I have god in my heart and that I can spend Christmas with my family. I think that everyone should sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. I wish that people would stop trying to change things in regards to Christmas. Like saying Happy Holiday’s, they should just stick with Merry Christmas.

  15. I have to agree with Mr. Chapin that Jesus is the reason for the season. As Christians we should share the joy of our Savior's birth. He came to die so that others might live. Jesus gave the perfect gift on Christmas, himself. We need to share that as we take time to enjoy our family.

    Mark 5:16

  16. David Spindler #9
    BlogSpot #1
    Alan Dean Foster

    I love the way the author makes the characters real. He describes what they are like with their emotions and physical reactions to each other. Sam was talking to the teacher and was joking with him and that proves he is a funny person. He was also talking to his dad about getting a car and his dad took him to a Porsche dealership. Of course, his dad was only kidding with him and they went to a used car lot. There was a man standing there and he said he was like family because he was getting his first car. Then he told them that the ca he wanted was expensive and he lied to them. This proves he was not a trustful person. The author also made the characters real by describing their surroundings. Sam’s grandfather was in the arctic on a boat and it said he was cold and his dogs were tired and hungry. The author also made the characters real by giving the characters mottos. The Witwicky motto was “No sacrifice, no victory.” This motto means that if you get something good, you should have to work for it. You cannot win a race if you do not try. Sam’s father would tell him this a lot. Another motto of the autobots is that “There is more to you than meets the eye.” This saying is very true because someone can look great but have a bad heart. The author uses all of these things to make the characters in the book seem real.


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