We are more than fifty percent done with the school year! Keep working hard and reading those novels. You have chosen some great works so it will be fun to discuss them with you!
Dear Diary, By the way, this is Sam. I want you to be my personal diary. For the last few years, I have been traveling to Mordor with my life-long friend, Frodo. We are traveling there to destroy The Ring. The Ring is a ring the entire world fought over. The beings that fought over it were elves, dwarfs, men, uru-kai, and orcs. The leader of the orcs and the uru-kai, is Sauran. He was the first to use the ring. He used it for evil; his mission was to conquer the whole world, but, he failed. Frodo volunteered to take the ring to Mordor and destroy it. No human weapon can destroy the ring. The only way the ring can be destroyed is by throwing it into the fire. The travel has been difficult, but we have a new companion. His name is Gollum, but Frodo and I just call him Smeagol. I'm very cautious about trusting him, but Frodo isn't. I try to convince him not to trust Smeagol or to get too attached to him. I have faith that Frodo is strong enough to continue the mission and destroy the ring. It is a hard journey. We have no protection over us and no-one is helping us. The only people Frodo and I trust are each other. We have a very strong bond together and that is very important for a mission like this.
Ellen Cho The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews Blog #2 David had his daughter and his wife. They were having a very happy life, living the ultimate "Happily Ever After." Then one day, his daughter became ill and had a disease that needed surgery. He got a second job to help pay for the surgery. The family was devastated both, physically and mentally. They were always worried about where the money would come from, but they knew if they stuck together that they would be okay. Jenny became so ill they could not wait any longer for the surgery. That night, David went to the grocery store to play the lottery. While waiting for his daughter to get through her operation, the news in the waiting room announced the winning lottery numbers. David was shocked to find out, he was the winner of a 5 million dollar jackpot. He was able to pay for the operation, take care of his family, and quit his extra job. Life was good again.
The Time Thief Linda Buckley-Archer Blog #1 Diary Entry
I was just transport to the 21century by a strange machine. My name is Blueskin, Master blue skin as i am known in the 18 century. My life was like any other criminal's in the 18century, that is when two kids came into my life with a strange machine. The machine was a time machine. I stole it and the kids fought for it back but when they were traveling home via the time machine i pushed one of the kids out of the way so i was transported to the 21 century. I was shocked to see carriges without horses moving. the world was so different so i decide to go to my favorite bar. I ordered my favorite beer. When it came time to pay i found i had no money. While trying to explain this whole mess a drunk guy offered to pay. we stayed late talking and he fell asleep, that is when i took his wallet and made off. the next day I met another thief, she was a good thief and capable of taking care off herself. i asked if she would be my guide for I knew very little of this time. She declined the offer but after i saved her life she resently agreed to being my guide, we where to meet at St. Peter's Cathedrial. I got there a little early and decided to "make some cash". There was a really wealthy lady wearing mand diamonds. I, in one swift movement, stole her necklace and earings. This is when I encountered police. I was on the run, luckly i knew some great hiding spots in the church and avoided the cops. I went outside to meet the girl i had met earlier. I did not know her name(she did not want to tell me it at first) so i decided to ask her. Her name was Angeli. She was very smart and a very cunning and sly thief, we had great tricks to teach each other. She was confused as to why i knew so little about this century so i told her i came from the 18 century, she did not believe me. She got me a nice apartment to live in.
#14 Alex Spindler Stormbreaker Anthony Horowitz Blog #1 Problem or Conflict in the book Stormbreaker is about a Fourteen year old whose name is Alex. He was raised by his uncle because his parents had died in a plane crash a few weeks after he was born. One night Alex finds his Uncle to be dead because he was hit by a truck and did not have his seatbelt on. Alex does some researching because he thought this was mysterious. He finds the car with bullet holes in it. After that he is taken to the bank that his Uncle supposedly worked at, and after climbing out of the window and jumping into another office, he finds his Uncle was a spy for MI6. MI6 decides to try to get Alex to finish his Uncles mission because they needed a boy his age that could figure out was going on at Sayle Enterprises. The company had offered the winner of a certain competition the chance to come in, meet the owner, and try out the computers that were called Stormbreakers. The company’s owner, Herod Sayle, had designed the new computers and they were going to be released to the entire world, absolutely free. Because his Uncle had been killed, MI6 wanted to know more about Herod Sayle and these Stormbreakers. After finding that Sayle and Yassen (the contract killer that killed Ian Rider, his Uncle) were working together, Alex knew something was wrong. Alex found that a carefully designed poisonous gas was in the computer and would be released once activated, just one computer could affect and entire city and they were being released mainly at schools.
Anonymous said… Chase Holiday Arthas Rise of the Lich King by Christie Golden Final Exam: Arthas Rise of the Lich King True/False 1. Arthas was not a paladin of the Order of the Bronze Hand. 2. The Lich King spoke through FrostMourne. 3. The Lich King’s full name is Lich King Arthas. 4. Arthas was not in love with Jaina. 5. The Lich King used to be two people. 6. Before Arthas was the Lich King, he was a king. Multiple Choice 1. When Arthas was serving the Lich King he was a … A. Death Knight B. soldier C. general 2. Death Knights are the _________ of the Lich King. A. hero B. bodyguard C. champions 3. The Lich King lived in the ______ ______. A. swamps B. Frozen Palace C. Frozen Throne 4. FrostMourne is a powerful _________. A. staff B. bow C. runeblade 5. The name of Arthas’s horse was __________. A. Light B. Invincible C. Death 6. The Lich King commands the ______. A. undead B. ogres C. trolls 7. Sylvanias wants to kill ______________. A. Jaina B. Lich King(Arthas) C. No one 8. FrostMourne belongs to ________. A. Lich King B. Jaina C. Sylvanias 9. The Lich King is _____ person(s). A. one B. two C. three 10. The plague turned people into what? A. undead B. ogres C. trolls Short Answer 1. The Lich King said, “There is not two only ___.”… 2. Arthas yelled, “___________ hungers!” 3. Arthas said to Jaina, “ I will see you a ______ my lady.” 4. Jaina told Arthas, “ I need to _____.” 5. Arthas said, “ My ____ is already scarred…” Essay (1 paragraph only) What kind of father would Arthas be if he married Jaina? Answer Sheet True/False 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. False Multiple Choice 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. A Short Answer 1. one 2. FrostMourne 3. dinner 4. study 5. soul Essay (1 paragraph only) I believe Arthas would be a great father. He would be a kind and loving father. Arthas would do anything to keep his family safe. He would teach his kids how to fight and ride horses. Arthas would celebrate if one of his children did something great. He would also be a just and fair father. He would not and not ever be mean, cruel, or unjust toward his wife and children.
#13Alle Shackelford The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold Blog #1 Dear Lindsey, I’m very sorry to hear about the death of your sister. I do not believe it was an accident, but that she was murdered. You should not go on your early morning jogs alone anymore; your sister’s killer has taken an interest in you. I know you already have a bad feeling about the man that lives in the green house. If I were you I would tell your parents to have the police investigate that man. Don’t try to confront him because he’s dangerous and the police won’t believe you without some proper evidence. Without Susie there, your dad is falling apart. You need to comfort him in any way that you can or else he won’t ever be the same. Try to help your mother and Buckley while your grandma is there. She doesn’t seem like the type of person who is used to helping and comforting others. I know it’s hard for you now that your mom moved out. Be strong because you’re the woman of the house now along with your grandma. Try to do some activities with your dad; it seems he’s obsessed with finding out who killed Susie. I have faith that you will bring the murderer to justice. It is my hope that you will all find the strength to let Susie go. You might want to start by going into her room more often; your mom turned it into a tomb now that she’s gone. From, Allie
Grace Gee#5 2/22/2010 Mrs. Holiday The Last Olympian Dear Percy Jackson, how are you doing? You are on a very dangerous mission again with your friends, Annabeth, Tyson, but still in search for Grover who is still spreading the word that Pan passed on. Keep your friends safe and keep yourself safe too. Don't be too worried and concentrated on the prophecy that talks about somebody that might die and you keep on thinking that it is you. Stay focused and don't get distracted while you fight. Do not split up into seperate groups because last time you almost lost your half brother/cyclops named Tyson and your goat friend, Grover. Try your best to defeat the evil Titan Kronos who is trying to defeat New your where your mother lives. So hurry up! Time is running out and good luck. Sincerely Grace Gee.
David Spindler#9 Transformers revenge of the fallen Alan Dean Foster Blog#1 I am Alan Dean Foster and I am here to tell you what happened to Sam before he met the autobots. He used to be an unknown not popular kid in his school. He didn’t have to many friends except his best friend Miles. When Sam was little he used to dream of stuff like big robots trying to defeat the earth but he did not tell anyone. He used to get scared too. He thought that the aliens were evil and hated them. But then he got older and started not getting scared of his dreams. Then he became a friend of the autobots. His character is now very popula and he is friends with the autobots. He now is working in the military because the government offered him a special job there. The government wanted the autobots on their side and could not care any less if Sam was on their side. He is going to have to risk his life to get rid of the decepticons once and for all soon. Sam will have to defeat Megatron and Starscream because they got powerful by hacking into a nuclear generator and took all of its power. He had to hide by having Bumblebee dig into the ground and tunnel him there. Starscream saw them right as they were about to shut the power off and told Megatron. Megatron took down Bumblebee in an instant and was coming for Sam. Starscream was also coming for Sam from a corner so Sam rounded the corner and they both collided and Sam shut off the power and Optimus imprisoned Starscream and Megatron.
Jacob Ramsey #11 2-23-10 Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Blogspot #1
I like the book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J. K. Rowley, because in the very beginning, Harry and his friends have to run from Voldemort. They have to go to a safe place to hide because when Harry was born, his mother put a protecting spell around him. It helps him be protected from Voldemort’s powers, but wears off once he is seventeen. Since Harry was turning seventeen in one week, he needed to get moving and hide. So as Harry was soaring through the air to get to the rendezvous point, Voldemort and his Death Eaters follow him will trying to kill him and his friends. Harry, who is panicking at the moment, starts to cast spells on the Death Eaters, like “Expeliamis” and “Stupify.” As spells whizzed through the air, Harry’s owl and Professor Mad-Eye were hit and killed instantly as they fell off they’re brooms. The second thing I like about this book was before they planned they’re escape; they went into a building with an engine-looking device inside. Once the door was locked and all the windows were closed, Professor Mad-Eye took and chunk of Harry’s hair and dropped it into the device. As the hair started to mix with the strange liquid, great puffs of smoke came out and filled the room. As the smoke died, everyone in the room was Harry. This was a trick to fool Voldemort on their departure.
Dear diary, I am really sad because my father has cancer and a tumor. He was such in pain that the doctors had to put radioactive pellets into his neck to fight the pain. After seeing the pellets going in he feel asleep. I knew he was in pain, but by the looks of him I could see that he was dreaming about cars. Later that year on his death bed he gave me a box. He told me not to open it yet until he told me to open it. I didn't know what it was, but he told me it was pictures and I was curious. He wanted me to be a driver and race. I knew when he died that this is what he wanted me to do. I have to go diary because a doctor is coming, but until then I will tell you next time about my race
dear diary Today I just arrived in San Francisco because my parents died so im going to live with my grandfather. when I got thre i saw my grandfather with a sign that had my name on it. when we got to his house I felt like iI was at home in japan. he said to wash up and get ready for lunch. when I got down stairs he was waiting.But befor we ate we had to wait for someone when the person came it wasn't a pesrson it was a racoon. He said this is tomo.when we got setteld we prayed and than we chowed down. after the amazing dinner he wanted to show me something when I was ready he showed me his dojo. it was magnificant he had swords, chinese stars, nunchukes, and staffs. he asked if i had any experiance and of course being from japan. It was sunday morning and he said we were going to church. after the servise he wanted me to meet somebody. he wanted me to meet the pastor. me and his daughter are going to the same school so her faather asked if she would show me aroud school tomarrow.The next morning she picked me up and we were off to school.after school she walked me home. and I guess that the next morning they were planning to ambush me. so when it was the time I didnt relise it and they came at me. I defeated them but brittney ran away so that made her stuck up friends mad. a little while later she came over to appologize. we made up and she also stayed over. my grandfather said he would teach her karate. the next day these two exterminator came and my grandfather was acting sospicious when I retured from the store I heard shattering oand crashing so I ran in and helped we faced them and won but they got away. I asked what happend he said that they were after a sacered sword that was mine and I didnt know what he was talking about I was shocked
Eugene Cho#2 2-23-10 The Lightning Thief Rick Riordan Dear diary, This is Percy Jackson the student that got sent to boarding school. I have a new pre-algebra teacher named Mrs. Dodds and she is pretty nice to me. This wierd girl that I met today named Nancy Bobofit is really stupid and all she kept doing is boss people around. I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art for my school field trip. I saw Poseidon and Zeus and all greek gods in statue form. Suddenly Mrs. Dodds pulled me into a secret room and I wondered why. I stepped in the room and I saw Mrs. Dodds turn into a hideous flying demon. Mr. Brunner our handicapped teacher went in and threw me a ballpoint pen and I stabbed the hideous demon. I got in the bus and Grover was acting really wierd. I saw three old ladies cutting a piece of string which lead to death. I went back home and I saw smelly old Gabe playing poker with his old buddies. My mom Sally Jackson told me that we were going to Montauk a beautiful place but we had to behave Gabe until tomorrow we leave off for Montauk. We leave off with our bags in the trunk of Gabe's 1978 Camaro and we headed off. While we were on the highway we crashed into a bull and our Camaro went down. We left the car and we met a bull. I had an idea but it was pretty stupid but I waved my red jacket in the air and I was trapped. I stabbed the big horrendous creature in the rib cage the same way I stabbed Mrs.Dodds. I went into a little portal that lead to Camp Half-blood and that is when I last see my mother.
#11 Sofia Youssouf The Titan’s Curse Pg 223 Blog 1 In this book there are many conflicts going on. The main conflict in this story is that there are two new half bloods and they are guarded by this evil guy named Dr. Thorn. Then they go out to go find them because they disappeared after Percy and his friends come to go find them. Then they went outside and made a plan, but it never worked because the Hunters came and well you can say nobody likes them. Well that evil guy Dr. Thorn was really a manticore and he has these weapons that flings out of his wings and it is so cool, but it is so sad to. Then to save her friends Annabeth jumps on the Dr. Thorn and falls of the cliff with him. Percy and all of his friends were depressed. Bianca joined the Hunters so that was a big problem to Thalia. Another big issue was that Bianca dies and Percy promised her brother that he will protect her, but he didn’t. They got into a argument and Bianca’s brother went running into the woods. There are a lot of conflicts in this book so that is why I like it. One other conflict is when the winter solstilice is coming forward and they were pushing to go find Annebeth and they did. Thalia gets revenge on Luke by pushing him of the cliff. Annabeth felt sad of what Thalia did, but Luke never died so that was the bummer. These are the best books I have read. I can’t wait until I blog again
The problem of the book, The Lovely Bones, is when a girl named Susie Salmon was murdered at the age of fourteen on December 26, 1973. She was killed by her neighbor, Mr. Harvey, and was chopped up in pieces and was put in a safe. Her parents realized her disappearance and called the cops. She was ascended to heaven and met a lot of friends, but she did not like it there. Later, the cops found a body part of Susie. There was a lot of blood and the cops said that Susie was dead. They held a funeral, and alot of people were there. After the funeral, Susie's dad tried to find out who the murderer was. He had stress and frustration. Soon, he thought that it was Mr. Harvey. Susie's sister was convinced to go hack in to Mr. Harvey's house to get evidence. She found alot of evidence and Mr. Harvey was in trouble. The cops came, and asked a lot of questions, but he got away. The problem/conflict in this story was when Susie got murdered and her father was trying to find out who the murderer was.
Elijah Hernandez#7 2/23/10 The Westing Game Ellen Raskin Log#2 When Sam Westing was a boy he was very smart. He was always the oldest and almost always the smartest one in his class. Then in his eighth grade year he wasn’t the smartest one in his class. That year he got a three point nine every quarter except the fourth quarter. His best friend got a four point zero every single quarter. Westing just put his eighth grade year in his past and continued in his studies. At first he wanted to become a lawyer but that did not work out for him because he wasn’t very good at public speaking and defending someone from being sued or something at the time. He relized that maybe that probably wasn’t a good idea for him to go for anyways. He thought long and hard over what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He thought about it for all of high school and part of college. He finally decided that he wanted to have his own city. When Westing finished college he made his city. He named it Westingtown. His city was very successful. He made many houses, hospitals, and a few other things like grocery stores. He was a very successful man except for one day on his way to court, because he was being sued by someone, Sam Westing was seriously injured in a car accident. He had to go to the hospital. When he was let out of the hospital, he vanished and nobody saw him again.
#1 Anjelina Booth Maximum Ride: School’s Out-Forever James Patterson Blog #1
Dear Diary, Our lives have been crazy the past couple of days, but now, it’s over the limit. As we were sitting in the park…you guests it, Erasers. Once again, they had to rain on our parade and attack us. Out of all the fights we have had with them, this was the worst. Fang was horribly injured, and we had to no choice but to go to a hospital. I thought to myself that getting help from an ambulance was way more important. Without it, Fang would have died. The paramedics arrived and took him to the hospital. Inside, I was not feeling good. From the start, Fang has been the strong one, and after seeing him like that made me scared. Once we all got to the hospital, I had to make up a name for Fang. I told the doctors his name was Nick and that we were all siblings. Fang had been taken on a gurney, while the doctor asked me questions why he heard air moving down his body. I told him we had air sacs, and eventually the doctors discovered that we Avian Americans. Then the nurse came by and told me that he lost a lot of blood and needed our kind. Twenty minutes later, I was two pints less of blood and Fang went into surgery. When I went in the waiting room, I sat down with the gang. Then FBI agents came to talk to us. Just to be safe, we used fake names, except me. Angel was Ariel, Iggy was Jeff, Nudge was Krystal, and Gazzy was Captain Terror. The agents asked us questions, and something familiar would always pop up. Even though we knew what they were talking about, we just denied it. One of the agents, Anne, was really nice, and invited us to stay at her home. I think we’ll stay there for a while. Now we’re just sitting in Fang’s room. Even he looks like death, he'll always be the same Fang we all love. -Sincerly, Max
The book Scorpia is about a fourteen year - old kid who is a secret spy. His parents were going through a lot of arguments and they were going to get a divorce. Since Alex Rider has been doing a lot of fighting and being in dangerous situations he has always come home all battered, bruised and cut up. His house keeper was upset of always seeing him all bloody and beaten when he comes home so the house keeper suggested that he takes a vacation. So Alex told the house keeper that he wanted to go to Venice. He wanted to take his friend, Tom, along also. But he did not want to go to Venice for a vacation; he wanted to go because before Yassen died, he told Alex to go to Venice to find Scorpia. He also told Alex that that is where his destiny is. The problems for Alex Rider right now are that he just escaped from Scorpia, he has no money, no clothes, and he is badly wounded. Alex Rider does not want to go back to the place where Scorpia is because he might get captured or worse. But, of course there is this feeling inside of him that wants him to go investigate some more because that is was Yassen said. So his goal right now is to find out where Tom is and catch his train to Naples. Alex Rider also wanted to find out more about Mrs. Rothman and Scorpia so he can understand what Yassen was talking about. Alex Rider also said that he would tell Tom everything once they get onto the train to Naples.
Matthew Hernandez #8 The Lightning Thief Rick Riordan Blog #1 Dear Diary, So much has happened in just a couple of months. Just a couple of days ago I was a normal student attending Yancy Academy in New York learning about the myth of the Greek gods, but now I am a part of the life that I once thought was a myth. I am what my world calls a demi god which is a mixture between a god and a mortal. My real father is Poseidon and my mother is Sally Jackson. I learned about my real father in the 6th grade when my pre algebra turned into a giant winged monster and tried to kill me. Since I learned about my real life a lot of things have been put on my shoulders. The main thing that I have had to worry about was Zeus’s lightning bolt getting stolen. For those of you who don’t know Zeus’s lightning bolt is the most powerful weapon in the universe. I have been put in charge of finding it and returning it to Zeus in ten days or he will lead a war against his brother god’s. I have been sent to find and retrieve it with another demi god and a satyr. The other demi god in Annabeth and the satyr is name Grover. A satyr is a half goat and a half animal creature. As I went on my journey I have discovered many new things about myself like for one I could breathe under water and never need to come up for air and I can control water to do whatever I tell it to. On my journey I also faced many other gods and I found out that Hades was the god that stole Zeus’s lightning bolt. I had to battle Hades which was extremely hard and then I quickly had to make it back to Zeus before the ten days. I was barely able to make it back to Zeus, but I was able to do it and gain respect from the god’s. Since then nothing major has really gone on and I have been able to hang out with my friends.
#7 Larreya Hayden Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Ann Brashares Blog#1 Dear diary, The most horrible thing happened to me today. My friend Bailey had Leukimia for a very long time during her lifetime. One day her disease was really starting to take over her body to the point where she had to go to the hospital. This completely feared me. Something was telling me to go to the hospital beacuse she was my friend and I needed to comfort her through this, but something was telling me not to go over there. I finally made my decision and i decided to go over ther to support her through her pain. So i slipped on my "Magic" pants, headed out the door, and rode my bike to the hospital. When i got there the look on her mom's face feared me. So i rushed to Bailey's rooom and lay on her bed till she woke up the next morning. she was happy to see me there for her. A couple days later her disease really made her weak, so i knew this was the time for her to go and i was completely right. The next morning i heard the news from her family. this tramatized me for life but i knew she would have to go sometime. I will never forget you Bailey. We will miss you dearly! Tibby<3
Jake: While engaging in this experiment that was top secret did you ever feel a little weird or crazy? General Stubblebine: Actually no I felt like I might actually be able to use my mind in ways that hadn’t been done before. Jake: When you were a kid growing up what did you want to be when you were an adult? General Stubblebine: Actually I wanted to be a few things at first I wanted to be like most normal boys a professional athlete I didn’t care what just anything pro, for a few years I wanted to be a doctor and for a brief few months I wanted to be lawyer, but surprisingly enough I never imagine myself joining the military. Jake: Interesting, when you did join the military did you ever think of being somewhat of a psychic? General Stubblebine: AT first no, but I started having these dreams and ideas and now yes. Jake: If you could go back to any one day in history what would it be and why? General Stubblebine: I would go back to the day the revolutionary war began. I would want to go there just to see the amazing drive the American soldiers must have had to fight for freedom when they knew they themselves would most likely die in the process. Jake: If you could have a superpower not including your supposed ability to walk through walls and possibly levitate objects what would it be? General Stubblebine: I would have to say super speed just so I could go basically anywhere I wanted at any time while still being able to have the freedom to go on with everyday activities normally. Jake: For my last question, If you had the choice to take everything you’ve done back and relive life without all the ridicule and shame people put upon you would you take it bsck? General Stubblebine: No I am more than happy with the way things turned out after a very successful 32 years in the military I wouldn’t trade back a single minute of it.
Andre Eng #5 Cannonball: World's Greatest Outlaw Road Race by Brock Yates pg. 80 Short Answer
1. What was the name of the car used in the first Cannonball run? 2. What was the nickname of the car? 3. What was the name of author’s co-driver in the First run? 4. Who inspired the name Cannonball? 5. What did “Cannonball” do after the runs a cross-country?
Multiple choice
1. What was the name of the starting point of the first race? a. Green Ball Garage b. Blue Ball Garage c. Red Ball Garage d. Does not specify
2. Which of the following was a rule of the Cannonball Runs? A. You had as many drivers as you want b. You had to leave within 12 hours c. You cannot get more then three tickets d. You cannot get more then five tickets
3. What was the speed limit set to before the race? a. 50 mph b. 5 mph c.. 60 mph d. 65 mph
4. How much was the entry fee for the first run a. $25 b. $30 c. $40 d. $50
5. How many entries were in the first race? a. 7 entries b. 8 entries c. 9 entries d. 10 entries
6. What car brand did Brock Yates drive the first run? a. Chevy b. Lamborghini c. Ferrari d. Ford
7. What was the nickname of Long Island Expressway? a. World longest parking lot b. World’s longest stop light c. World’s longest roadblock d. World’s longest stop sign
8. What job did Brock Yates have? a. CEO of Cars and driver b. No job c. d. Writer for Cars and Driver
9. What was Moon Trash II top speed? a. 95 mph b. 100 mph c. 105 mph d. 115 mph
10. How long was Brock Yates fastest time across the United States? a. 35:54 b. 34:55 c. 35:45 d. 35:39
True or false 1. Brock Yates Moon Trash II spoiler increased gas mileage. 2. The fastest Brock Yates went in the Ferrari was 170 mph. 3. The fastest time in the Cannonball runs is 32:51. 4. The name of the Ferrari driven by Yates is Ferrari Enzo. 5. The racers had to donate $200 to charity to enter.
Essay question What car and modifications would you use in a Cannonball run?
Answer key
Short Answer 1. 1971 Dodge Custom Sportsman Van 2. Moon trash II 3. Jim Williams 4. Erwin G. "Cannon Ball" Baker 5. First commissioner of NASCAR
Multiple Choice 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. d 9. c 10. a
I would drive an HPE650 Camaro because it would be able to keep up with Ferraris, but to keep the car from being a complete gas-guzzler. I would install a radar jammer to protect cops from using radar guns on my car. I would also wire the car lights to a kill switch to be able to turn off break lights during a pursuit. I would install two GPS incase one of the GPS fail. I would install two Valentine 1 police detectors for added security. I would also like to have video cameras everywhere for fun memories to show my family.
Hayley Macabuhay #7 My Side of the Mountain Jean Craighead George pg.93
I am really enjoying this book so far. This book is about a very smart boy named Sam Gribley. Sam is very unhappy living in New York City with his large family. He often feels left out. Sam decides to run away to the part of the Catskill Mountains that his grandfather owns. With only a penknife, a ball of cord, forty dollars, flint, and steel, he believes that he can survive on his own. In the mountains, Sam makes himself a home in a hemlock tree. He made a bed out of ash slats and covered it with deerskin. Since he doesn't have a calendar, Sam determines the date by counting the notches in the aspen pole. Sam encountered many wild animals in the mountains. One of those wild animals, was a falcon that he trained and named Frightful. Sam taught Frightful how to catch food and bring it back to him. He also taught Frightful her ABC's. One morning, Sam woke up and found a man outside of his tree. The man, Bando, was a college English teacher who got lost in the Catskills during a hiking trip. Sam allowed him to stay in his house overnight. The next morning, Sam made a great breakfast for Bando to enjoy. After breakfast, Bando told Sam that he had to find his friends before they call the police. Before leaving, Bando offered to take Sam home before winter came, but Sam refused. Sam was confident that he would be able to survive in the winter season by himself.
dear diary today it was my birthday . so when charlie woke me up in front of me he was holding a camara and a scrspbook. but I spacificly told him I didnt want anything. at school today edwared was waiting for me at his shiney volvo. but befor we went inside jacob black gave me a present it was a dream catcher it was perfect because i was having bad dreams. when we got inside alice was waiting she wanted to know if I could come over or a party at first i said no but jasper can change moods so i said yes. In class we were watching romeo and juliet. he was telling me about a clan of vampiers called the voultori. that night at the cullins there was a painting of the voultori and edward was telling me all about them. when I got down stairs emmet and rosalie were there and I havent seen them in a while. my first preasent was from emmit it was a car radio. then it was carlisle gift but as I was opening it I got a paper cut . but jasper couldnt restrain himself so then edward pushed me away and he pushed jasper into there piano.later carlise stitched me up. on the way home edward didnt talk as much. The next day at school he wasnt there so after school I found him at my house he said in the forest or woods that he is moving away. so when he left I got lost and hit my head. but the next thing i knew was being carried to my house so the next day me and jesica were hanging out and we passed these guys on mortercycles so I hoped on and when i came back jesica got mad. the next day mike asked me to a movie we were going to see face punch. we invited the whole gang but they balled and it was only mike and jacob black. after mike got done puking jacob lost controll and he had to leave. A couple of days later I went to seee jacob and he cut his hair and got a tattoo. so the next two days I went over there again and his gang was there so I went out and slaped them and one of them turend into a warewolf. then jacob ran out and saved by also turning into a warewolf. when we got tto sams fuiances house they told me not to stare because sam would get mad. so then when I saw what happend they came in the front door . and jacob told me to walk with him so he said I couldnt tell anybody so I told him I wouldnt.
Felix Sarmiento#13 4/12/10 Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dear diary Today is the first day of school. We just got back from summer vacation but don’t even ask me how my summer was. I have to go to a new school now. There is a lot of weird kids there. My mom is making me go to this school and make me write in this journal. But it will save me some time in the future because when I am famous everyone will ask me questions and they will all be in this book. This is only the least of my problems though. My brother Rodrick is the worst thing you will ever have to deal with. My brother is in a band called the Loded Diper. Loded Diper is going to try and get first in this years talent show and get famous from the videotape that shows them play there. I try to avoid him a lot by just going to my friend Rowley house. Rowley is my best friend even though he is really weird. I am not the only one who try’s to a void the band though my dad is not to in on the band thing. All my mom and dad care about is my younger brother manny. Any thing manny does my parents think is adorable. My parents love Manny a lot favorite. My life is hard but I will be worth it when I am famous and life will be easy .I will be rich and famous. Until then I have to live with a mean brother, weird parents and a baby brother that gets everything he wants.
Hello, I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Here it is! This is the first blog of the quarter. Follow the directions carefully and post your thoughts thoroughly. Remember this is not a summary of the book. This is your opportunity to show your understanding of the text and engage the class in your story. I am looking forward to reading your entries.
#12 Victoria Sather
ReplyDeleteThe Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Ann Brashares
Page 190
Blog 1
Dear diary,
It feels weird being at this house with people I don’t even know. I mean, I’m happy for my dad, but not wanting to tell me that he’s getting married until I finally meet the people. That was the most shocking thing that’s ever happened to me! When I first met Lydia, his fiancé, Krista and Paul, her children, I had no idea what to say or do. My name sounded weird in his voice. He never called me Carmen. He would always call me sweetheart, or baby, or bun. When Lydia shook my hand, it felt like it didn’t belong to me any more. When she said his name, I felt like telling her no one ever calls him Albert! I felt like the summer of Carmen and Al didn’t survive past the trip from the airport. It’s not fair I’m a guest in a guest room of a family that will never be mine. My heart is rotting and I hate surprises. How did this happen? How did I get here? I thought I’d be polishing off a burger then challenging my dad to a game of pool. I’m jealous of that Carmen. When I went down for dinner, it got worse. There were multiple forks and matching white covered dishes. I mean at a restaurant it was fine, but at someone’s dinning room? I jumped when I felt Krista’s hand touch mine until I realized they hold hands for grace. It felt weird because dad refused to convert to Catholicism to please my mom’s parents. Now he was Mr. Grace Man? Well any way, I’ll talk to you later diary.
#6 George Frazier
ReplyDeleteThe Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers
J. R. Tolken
Dear Diary,
By the way, this is Sam. I want you to be my personal diary. For the last few years, I have been traveling to Mordor with my life-long friend, Frodo. We are traveling there to destroy The Ring. The Ring is a ring the entire world fought over. The beings that fought over it were elves, dwarfs, men, uru-kai, and orcs. The leader of the orcs and the uru-kai, is Sauran. He was the first to use the ring. He used it for evil; his mission was to conquer the whole world, but, he failed. Frodo volunteered to take the ring to Mordor and destroy it. No human weapon can destroy the ring. The only way the ring can be destroyed is by throwing it into the fire. The travel has been difficult, but we have a new companion. His name is Gollum, but Frodo and I just call him Smeagol. I'm very cautious about trusting him, but Frodo isn't. I try to convince him not to trust Smeagol or to get too attached to him. I have faith that Frodo is strong enough to continue the mission and destroy the ring. It is a hard journey. We have no protection over us and no-one is helping us. The only people Frodo and I trust are each other. We have a very strong bond together and that is very important for a mission like this.
Ellen Cho
ReplyDeleteThe Traveler's Gift
by Andy Andrews
Blog #2
David had his daughter and his wife. They were having a very happy life, living the ultimate "Happily Ever After." Then one day, his daughter became ill and had a disease that needed surgery. He got a second job to help pay for the surgery. The family was devastated both, physically and mentally. They were always worried about where the money would come from, but they knew if they stuck together that they would be okay. Jenny became so ill they could not wait any longer for the surgery. That night, David went to the grocery store to play the lottery. While waiting for his daughter to get through her operation, the news in the waiting room announced the winning lottery numbers. David was shocked to find out, he was the winner of a 5 million dollar jackpot. He was able to pay for the operation, take care of his family, and quit his extra job. Life was good again.
The Time Thief
ReplyDeleteLinda Buckley-Archer
Blog #1
Diary Entry
I was just transport to the 21century by a strange machine. My name is Blueskin, Master blue skin as i am known in the 18 century. My life was like any other criminal's in the 18century, that is when two kids came into my life with a strange machine. The machine was a time machine. I stole it and the kids fought for it back but when they were traveling home via the time machine i pushed one of the kids out of the way so i was transported to the 21 century. I was shocked to see carriges without horses moving. the world was so different so i decide to go to my favorite bar. I ordered my favorite beer. When it came time to pay i found i had no money. While trying to explain this whole mess a drunk guy offered to pay. we stayed late talking and he fell asleep, that is when i took his wallet and made off. the next day I met another thief, she was a good thief and capable of taking care off herself. i asked if she would be my guide for I knew very little of this time. She declined the offer but after i saved her life she resently agreed to being my guide, we where to meet at St. Peter's Cathedrial. I got there a little early and decided to "make some cash". There was a really wealthy lady wearing mand diamonds. I, in one swift movement, stole her necklace and earings. This is when I encountered police. I was on the run, luckly i knew some great hiding spots in the church and avoided the cops. I went outside to meet the girl i had met earlier. I did not know her name(she did not want to tell me it at first) so i decided to ask her. Her name was Angeli. She was very smart and a very cunning and sly thief, we had great tricks to teach each other. She was confused as to why i knew so little about this century so i told her i came from the 18 century, she did not believe me. She got me a nice apartment to live in.
#14 Alex Spindler
Anthony Horowitz
Blog #1
Problem or Conflict in the book
Stormbreaker is about a Fourteen year old whose name is Alex. He was raised by his uncle because his parents had died in a plane crash a few weeks after he was born. One night Alex finds his Uncle to be dead because he was hit by a truck and did not have his seatbelt on. Alex does some researching because he thought this was mysterious. He finds the car with bullet holes in it. After that he is taken to the bank that his Uncle supposedly worked at, and after climbing out of the window and jumping into another office, he finds his Uncle was a spy for MI6. MI6 decides to try to get Alex to finish his Uncles mission because they needed a boy his age that could figure out was going on at Sayle Enterprises. The company had offered the winner of a certain competition the chance to come in, meet the owner, and try out the computers that were called Stormbreakers. The company’s owner, Herod Sayle, had designed the new computers and they were going to be released to the entire world, absolutely free. Because his Uncle had been killed, MI6 wanted to know more about Herod Sayle and these Stormbreakers. After finding that Sayle and Yassen (the contract killer that killed Ian Rider, his Uncle) were working together, Alex knew something was wrong. Alex found that a carefully designed poisonous gas was in the computer and would be released once activated, just one computer could affect and entire city and they were being released mainly at schools.
Anonymous said…
ReplyDeleteChase Holiday
Arthas Rise of the Lich King by Christie Golden
Final Exam: Arthas Rise of the Lich King
1. Arthas was not a paladin of the Order of the Bronze Hand.
2. The Lich King spoke through FrostMourne.
3. The Lich King’s full name is Lich King Arthas.
4. Arthas was not in love with Jaina.
5. The Lich King used to be two people.
6. Before Arthas was the Lich King, he was a king.
Multiple Choice
1. When Arthas was serving the Lich King he was a …
A. Death Knight B. soldier C. general
2. Death Knights are the _________ of the Lich King.
A. hero B. bodyguard C. champions
3. The Lich King lived in the ______ ______.
A. swamps B. Frozen Palace C. Frozen Throne
4. FrostMourne is a powerful _________.
A. staff B. bow C. runeblade
5. The name of Arthas’s horse was __________.
A. Light B. Invincible C. Death
6. The Lich King commands the ______.
A. undead B. ogres C. trolls
7. Sylvanias wants to kill ______________.
A. Jaina B. Lich King(Arthas) C. No one
8. FrostMourne belongs to ________.
A. Lich King B. Jaina C. Sylvanias
9. The Lich King is _____ person(s).
A. one B. two C. three
10. The plague turned people into what?
A. undead B. ogres C. trolls
Short Answer
1. The Lich King said, “There is not two only ___.”…
2. Arthas yelled, “___________ hungers!”
3. Arthas said to Jaina, “ I will see you a ______ my lady.”
4. Jaina told Arthas, “ I need to _____.”
5. Arthas said, “ My ____ is already scarred…”
Essay (1 paragraph only)
What kind of father would Arthas be if he married Jaina?
Answer Sheet
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. False
Multiple Choice
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. A
Short Answer
1. one
2. FrostMourne
3. dinner
4. study
5. soul
Essay (1 paragraph only)
I believe Arthas would be a great father. He would be a kind and loving father. Arthas would do anything to keep his family safe. He would teach his kids how to fight and ride horses. Arthas would celebrate if one of his children did something great. He would also be a just and fair father. He would not and not ever be mean, cruel, or unjust toward his wife and children.
#13Alle Shackelford
ReplyDeleteThe Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
Blog #1
Dear Lindsey,
I’m very sorry to hear about the death of your sister. I do not believe it was an accident, but that she was murdered. You should not go on your early morning jogs alone anymore; your sister’s killer has taken an interest in you. I know you already have a bad feeling about the man that lives in the green house. If I were you I would tell your parents to have the police investigate that man. Don’t try to confront him because he’s dangerous and the police won’t believe you without some proper evidence. Without Susie there, your dad is falling apart. You need to comfort him in any way that you can or else he won’t ever be the same. Try to help your mother and Buckley while your grandma is there. She doesn’t seem like the type of person who is used to helping and comforting others. I know it’s hard for you now that your mom moved out. Be strong because you’re the woman of the house now along with your grandma. Try to do some activities with your dad; it seems he’s obsessed with finding out who killed Susie. I have faith that you will bring the murderer to justice. It is my hope that you will all find the strength to let Susie go. You might want to start by going into her room more often; your mom turned it into a tomb now that she’s gone.
Grace Gee#5
Mrs. Holiday
The Last Olympian
Dear Percy Jackson,
how are you doing? You are on a very dangerous mission again with your friends, Annabeth, Tyson, but still in search for Grover who is still spreading the word that Pan passed on. Keep your friends safe and keep yourself safe too. Don't be too worried and concentrated on the prophecy that talks about somebody that might die and you keep on thinking that it is you. Stay focused and don't get distracted while you fight. Do not split up into seperate groups because last time you almost lost your half brother/cyclops named Tyson and your goat friend, Grover. Try your best to defeat the evil Titan Kronos who is trying to defeat New your where your mother lives. So hurry up! Time is running out and good luck.
Sincerely Grace Gee.
David Spindler#9
ReplyDeleteTransformers revenge of the fallen
Alan Dean Foster
I am Alan Dean Foster and I am here to tell you what happened to Sam before he met the autobots. He used to be an unknown not popular kid in his school. He didn’t have to many friends except his best friend Miles. When Sam was little he used to dream of stuff like big robots trying to defeat the earth but he did not tell anyone. He used to get scared too. He thought that the aliens were evil and hated them. But then he got older and started not getting scared of his dreams. Then he became a friend of the autobots. His character is now very popula and he is friends with the autobots. He now is working in the military because the government offered him a special job there. The government wanted the autobots on their side and could not care any less if Sam was on their side. He is going to have to risk his life to get rid of the decepticons once and for all soon. Sam will have to defeat Megatron and Starscream because they got powerful by hacking into a nuclear generator and took all of its power. He had to hide by having Bumblebee dig into the ground and tunnel him there. Starscream saw them right as they were about to shut the power off and told Megatron. Megatron took down Bumblebee in an instant and was coming for Sam. Starscream was also coming for Sam from a corner so Sam rounded the corner and they both collided and Sam shut off the power and Optimus imprisoned Starscream and Megatron.
Jacob Ramsey #11
Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows
Blogspot #1
I like the book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J. K. Rowley, because in the very beginning, Harry and his friends have to run from Voldemort. They have to go to a safe place to hide because when Harry was born, his mother put a protecting spell around him. It helps him be protected from Voldemort’s powers, but wears off once he is seventeen. Since Harry was turning seventeen in one week, he needed to get moving and hide. So as Harry was soaring through the air to get to the rendezvous point, Voldemort and his Death Eaters follow him will trying to kill him and his friends. Harry, who is panicking at the moment, starts to cast spells on the Death Eaters, like “Expeliamis” and “Stupify.” As spells whizzed through the air, Harry’s owl and Professor Mad-Eye were hit and killed instantly as they fell off they’re brooms. The second thing I like about this book was before they planned they’re escape; they went into a building with an engine-looking device inside. Once the door was locked and all the windows were closed, Professor Mad-Eye took and chunk of Harry’s hair and dropped it into the device. As the hair started to mix with the strange liquid, great puffs of smoke came out and filled the room. As the smoke died, everyone in the room was Harry. This was a trick to fool Voldemort on their departure.
Michael Ly#11
ReplyDeleteThe Driver
Dear diary,
I am really sad because my father has cancer and a tumor. He was such in pain that the doctors had to put radioactive pellets into his neck to fight the pain. After seeing the pellets going in he feel asleep. I knew he was in pain, but by the looks of him I could see that he was dreaming about cars. Later that year on his death bed he gave me a box. He told me not to open it yet until he told me to open it. I didn't know what it was, but he told me it was pictures and I was curious. He wanted me to be a driver and race. I knew when he died that this is what he wanted me to do. I have to go diary because a doctor is coming, but until then I will tell you next time about my race
Jordan Perretano
ReplyDeletedear diary
Today I just arrived in San Francisco because my parents died so im going to live with my grandfather. when I got thre i saw my grandfather with a sign that had my name on it. when we got to his house I felt like iI was at home in japan. he said to wash up and get ready for lunch. when I got down stairs he was waiting.But befor we ate we had to wait for someone when the person came it wasn't a pesrson it was a racoon. He said this is tomo.when we got setteld we prayed and than we chowed down. after the amazing dinner he wanted to show me something when I was ready he showed me his dojo. it was magnificant he had swords, chinese stars, nunchukes, and staffs. he asked if i had any experiance and of course being from japan. It was sunday morning and he said we were going to church. after the servise he wanted me to meet somebody. he wanted me to meet the pastor. me and his daughter are going to the same school so her faather asked if she would show me aroud school tomarrow.The next morning she picked me up and we were off to school.after school she walked me home. and I guess that the next morning they were planning to ambush me. so when it was the time I didnt relise it and they came at me. I defeated them but brittney ran away so that made her stuck up friends mad. a little while later she came over to appologize. we made up and she also stayed over. my grandfather said he would teach her karate. the next day these two exterminator came and my grandfather was acting sospicious when I retured from the store I heard shattering oand crashing so I ran in and helped we faced them and won but they got away. I asked what happend he said that they were after a sacered sword that was mine and I didnt know what he was talking about I was shocked
Eugene Cho#2
The Lightning Thief
Rick Riordan
Dear diary,
This is Percy Jackson the student that got sent to boarding school. I have a new pre-algebra teacher named Mrs. Dodds and she is pretty nice to me. This wierd girl that I met today named Nancy Bobofit is really stupid and all she kept doing is boss people around. I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art for my school field trip. I saw Poseidon and Zeus and all greek gods in statue form. Suddenly Mrs. Dodds pulled me into a secret room and I wondered why. I stepped in the room and I saw Mrs. Dodds turn into a hideous flying demon. Mr. Brunner our handicapped teacher went in and threw me a ballpoint pen and I stabbed the hideous demon. I got in the bus and Grover was acting really wierd. I saw three old ladies cutting a piece of string which lead to death. I went back home and I saw smelly old Gabe playing poker with his old buddies. My mom Sally Jackson told me that we were going to Montauk a beautiful place but we had to behave Gabe until tomorrow we leave off for Montauk. We leave off with our bags in the trunk of Gabe's 1978 Camaro and we headed off. While we were on the highway we crashed into a bull and our Camaro went down. We left the car and we met a bull. I had an idea but it was pretty stupid but I waved my red jacket in the air and I was trapped. I stabbed the big horrendous creature in the rib cage the same way I stabbed Mrs.Dodds. I went into a little portal that lead to Camp Half-blood and that is when I last see my mother.
#11 Sofia Youssouf
ReplyDeleteThe Titan’s Curse
Pg 223
Blog 1
In this book there are many conflicts going on. The main conflict in this story is that there are two new half bloods and they are guarded by this evil guy named Dr. Thorn. Then they go out to go find them because they disappeared after Percy and his friends come to go find them. Then they went outside and made a plan, but it never worked because the Hunters came and well you can say nobody likes them. Well that evil guy Dr. Thorn was really a manticore and he has these weapons that flings out of his wings and it is so cool, but it is so sad to. Then to save her friends Annabeth jumps on the Dr. Thorn and falls of the cliff with him. Percy and all of his friends were depressed. Bianca joined the Hunters so that was a big problem to Thalia. Another big issue was that Bianca dies and Percy promised her brother that he will protect her, but he didn’t. They got into a argument and Bianca’s brother went running into the woods. There are a lot of conflicts in this book so that is why I like it. One other conflict is when the winter solstilice is coming forward and they were pushing to go find Annebeth and they did. Thalia gets revenge on Luke by pushing him of the cliff. Annabeth felt sad of what Thalia did, but Luke never died so that was the bummer. These are the best books I have read. I can’t wait until I blog again
Esther Gee #4
ReplyDeleteThe Lovely Bones
Blog #1
The problem of the book, The Lovely Bones, is when a girl named Susie Salmon was murdered at the age of fourteen on December 26, 1973. She was killed by her neighbor, Mr. Harvey, and was chopped up in pieces and was put in a safe. Her parents realized her disappearance and called the cops. She was ascended to heaven and met a lot of friends, but she did not like it there. Later, the cops found a body part of Susie. There was a lot of blood and the cops said that Susie was dead. They held a funeral, and alot of people were there. After the funeral, Susie's dad tried to find out who the murderer was. He had stress and frustration. Soon, he thought that it was Mr. Harvey. Susie's sister was convinced to go hack in to Mr. Harvey's house to get evidence. She found alot of evidence and Mr. Harvey was in trouble. The cops came, and asked a lot of questions, but he got away. The problem/conflict in this story was when Susie got murdered and her father was trying to find out who the murderer was.
Elijah Hernandez#7
The Westing Game
Ellen Raskin
When Sam Westing was a boy he was very smart. He was always the oldest and almost always the smartest one in his class. Then in his eighth grade year he wasn’t the smartest one in his class. That year he got a three point nine every quarter except the fourth quarter. His best friend got a four point zero every single quarter. Westing just put his eighth grade year in his past and continued in his studies. At first he wanted to become a lawyer but that did not work out for him because he wasn’t very good at public speaking and defending someone from being sued or something at the time. He relized that maybe that probably wasn’t a good idea for him to go for anyways. He thought long and hard over what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He thought about it for all of high school and part of college. He finally decided that he wanted to have his own city. When Westing finished college he made his city. He named it Westingtown. His city was very successful. He made many houses, hospitals, and a few other things like grocery stores. He was a very successful man except for one day on his way to court, because he was being sued by someone, Sam Westing was seriously injured in a car accident. He had to go to the hospital. When he was let out of the hospital, he vanished and nobody saw him again.
#1 Anjelina Booth
ReplyDeleteMaximum Ride: School’s Out-Forever
James Patterson
Blog #1
Dear Diary,
Our lives have been crazy the past couple of days, but now, it’s over the limit. As we were sitting in the park…you guests it, Erasers. Once again, they had to rain on our parade and attack us. Out of all the fights we have had with them, this was the worst. Fang was horribly injured, and we had to no choice but to go to a hospital. I thought to myself that getting help from an ambulance was way more important. Without it, Fang would have died. The paramedics arrived and took him to the hospital. Inside, I was not feeling good. From the start, Fang has been the strong one, and after seeing him like that made me scared. Once we all got to the hospital, I had to make up a name for Fang. I told the doctors his name was Nick and that we were all siblings. Fang had been taken on a gurney, while the doctor asked me questions why he heard air moving down his body. I told him we had air sacs, and eventually the doctors discovered that we Avian Americans. Then the nurse came by and told me that he lost a lot of blood and needed our kind. Twenty minutes later, I was two pints less of blood and Fang went into surgery. When I went in the waiting room, I sat down with the gang. Then FBI agents came to talk to us. Just to be safe, we used fake names, except me. Angel was Ariel, Iggy was Jeff, Nudge was Krystal, and Gazzy was Captain Terror. The agents asked us questions, and something familiar would always pop up. Even though we knew what they were talking about, we just denied it. One of the agents, Anne, was really nice, and invited us to stay at her home. I think we’ll stay there for a while. Now we’re just sitting in Fang’s room. Even he looks like death, he'll always be the same Fang we all love.
-Sincerly, Max
Rebekah Dervartanian #3
ReplyDeleteThe Mysterious Benedict Society
By: Trenton Lee Stewart
Log #1
I’m a boy named Reynie
Yes I am
I live in an orphanage
Along with another clan
The other kids always tease me
Because of how smart I am
But I just don’t listen
Because of my tutoring ma’am
Her name is Miss Perumal
She’s a real sweet lady
She treats me like her son
And she doesn’t have a baby
When I wake up in morning
She is always there
Eating breakfast in the fresh clean air
We read the morning paper
And then get along to my studies
I’m already on college level
So she calls me a special
She said my abilities will get me far
I sure hope they do
Because it’s getting real bizarre
I’m living in this building
With a bunch of kids
Who are not as smart as me
But they wish they could be
So that is my early life story
I don’t know how it’s going to end
But I’m going to work hard
And in the future maybe get a friend
Jonathan Dumaine #4
By: Anthony Horowitz
The book Scorpia is about a fourteen year - old kid who is a secret spy. His parents were going through a lot of arguments and they were going to get a divorce. Since Alex Rider has been doing a lot of fighting and being in dangerous situations he has always come home all battered, bruised and cut up. His house keeper was upset of always seeing him all bloody and beaten when he comes home so the house keeper suggested that he takes a vacation. So Alex told the house keeper that he wanted to go to Venice. He wanted to take his friend, Tom, along also. But he did not want to go to Venice for a vacation; he wanted to go because before Yassen died, he told Alex to go to Venice to find Scorpia. He also told Alex that that is where his destiny is. The problems for Alex Rider right now are that he just escaped from Scorpia, he has no money, no clothes, and he is badly wounded. Alex Rider does not want to go back to the place where Scorpia is because he might get captured or worse. But, of course there is this feeling inside of him that wants him to go investigate some more because that is was Yassen said. So his goal right now is to find out where Tom is and catch his train to Naples. Alex Rider also wanted to find out more about Mrs. Rothman and Scorpia so he can understand what Yassen was talking about. Alex Rider also said that he would tell Tom everything once they get onto the train to Naples.
Matthew Hernandez #8
ReplyDeleteThe Lightning Thief
Rick Riordan
Blog #1
Dear Diary,
So much has happened in just a couple of months. Just a couple of days ago I was a normal student attending Yancy Academy in New York learning about the myth of the Greek gods, but now I am a part of the life that I once thought was a myth. I am what my world calls a demi god which is a mixture between a god and a mortal. My real father is Poseidon and my mother is Sally Jackson. I learned about my real father in the 6th grade when my pre algebra turned into a giant winged monster and tried to kill me. Since I learned about my real life a lot of things have been put on my shoulders. The main thing that I have had to worry about was Zeus’s lightning bolt getting stolen. For those of you who don’t know Zeus’s lightning bolt is the most powerful weapon in the universe. I have been put in charge of finding it and returning it to Zeus in ten days or he will lead a war against his brother god’s. I have been sent to find and retrieve it with another demi god and a satyr. The other demi god in Annabeth and the satyr is name Grover. A satyr is a half goat and a half animal creature. As I went on my journey I have discovered many new things about myself like for one I could breathe under water and never need to come up for air and I can control water to do whatever I tell it to. On my journey I also faced many other gods and I found out that Hades was the god that stole Zeus’s lightning bolt. I had to battle Hades which was extremely hard and then I quickly had to make it back to Zeus before the ten days. I was barely able to make it back to Zeus, but I was able to do it and gain respect from the god’s. Since then nothing major has really gone on and I have been able to hang out with my friends.
#7 Larreya Hayden
ReplyDeleteSisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Ann Brashares
Dear diary,
The most horrible thing happened to me today. My friend Bailey had Leukimia for a very long time during her lifetime. One day her disease was really starting to take over her body to the point where she had to go to the hospital. This completely feared me. Something was telling me to go to the hospital beacuse she was my friend and I needed to comfort her through this, but something was telling me not to go over there. I finally made my decision and i decided to go over ther to support her through her pain. So i slipped on my "Magic" pants, headed out the door, and rode my bike to the hospital. When i got there the look on her mom's face feared me. So i rushed to Bailey's rooom and lay on her bed till she woke up the next morning. she was happy to see me there for her. A couple days later her disease really made her weak, so i knew this was the time for her to go and i was completely right. The next morning i heard the news from her family. this tramatized me for life but i knew she would have to go sometime. I will never forget you Bailey. We will miss you dearly!
The Men Who Stare at Goats
ReplyDeleteJon Ronson
Option # 6
Jake: While engaging in this experiment that was top secret did you ever feel a little weird or crazy?
General Stubblebine: Actually no I felt like I might actually be able to use my mind in ways that hadn’t been done before.
Jake: When you were a kid growing up what did you want to be when you were an adult?
General Stubblebine: Actually I wanted to be a few things at first I wanted to be like most normal boys a professional athlete I didn’t care what just anything pro, for a few years I wanted to be a doctor and for a brief few months I wanted to be lawyer, but surprisingly enough I never imagine myself joining the military.
Jake: Interesting, when you did join the military did you ever think of being somewhat of a psychic?
General Stubblebine: AT first no, but I started having these dreams and ideas and now yes.
Jake: If you could go back to any one day in history what would it be and why?
General Stubblebine: I would go back to the day the revolutionary war began. I would want to go there just to see the amazing drive the American soldiers must have had to fight for freedom when they knew they themselves would most likely die in the process.
Jake: If you could have a superpower not including your supposed ability to walk through walls and possibly levitate objects what would it be?
General Stubblebine: I would have to say super speed just so I could go basically anywhere I wanted at any time while still being able to have the freedom to go on with everyday activities normally.
Jake: For my last question, If you had the choice to take everything you’ve done back and relive life without all the ridicule and shame people put upon you would you take it bsck?
General Stubblebine: No I am more than happy with the way things turned out after a very successful 32 years in the military I wouldn’t trade back a single minute of it.
Andre Eng #5
ReplyDeleteCannonball: World's Greatest Outlaw Road Race by Brock Yates
pg. 80
Short Answer
1. What was the name of the car used in the first Cannonball run?
2. What was the nickname of the car?
3. What was the name of author’s co-driver in the First run?
4. Who inspired the name Cannonball?
5. What did “Cannonball” do after the runs a cross-country?
Multiple choice
1. What was the name of the starting point of the first race?
a. Green Ball Garage
b. Blue Ball Garage
c. Red Ball Garage
d. Does not specify
2. Which of the following was a rule of the Cannonball Runs?
A. You had as many drivers as you want
b. You had to leave within 12 hours
c. You cannot get more then three tickets
d. You cannot get more then five tickets
3. What was the speed limit set to before the race?
a. 50 mph
b. 5 mph
c.. 60 mph
d. 65 mph
4. How much was the entry fee for the first run
a. $25
b. $30
c. $40
d. $50
5. How many entries were in the first race?
a. 7 entries
b. 8 entries
c. 9 entries
d. 10 entries
6. What car brand did Brock Yates drive the first run?
a. Chevy
b. Lamborghini
c. Ferrari
d. Ford
7. What was the nickname of Long Island Expressway?
a. World longest parking lot
b. World’s longest stop light
c. World’s longest roadblock
d. World’s longest stop sign
8. What job did Brock Yates have?
a. CEO of Cars and driver
b. No job
d. Writer for Cars and Driver
9. What was Moon Trash II top speed?
a. 95 mph
b. 100 mph
c. 105 mph
d. 115 mph
10. How long was Brock Yates fastest time across the United States?
a. 35:54
b. 34:55
c. 35:45
d. 35:39
True or false
1. Brock Yates Moon Trash II spoiler increased gas mileage.
2. The fastest Brock Yates went in the Ferrari was 170 mph.
3. The fastest time in the Cannonball runs is 32:51.
4. The name of the Ferrari driven by Yates is Ferrari Enzo.
5. The racers had to donate $200 to charity to enter.
Essay question
What car and modifications would you use in a Cannonball run?
Answer key
Short Answer
1. 1971 Dodge Custom Sportsman Van
2. Moon trash II
3. Jim Williams
4. Erwin G. "Cannon Ball" Baker
5. First commissioner of NASCAR
Multiple Choice
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. b
6. c
7. a
8. d
9. c
10. a
True or false
1. false
2. false
3. true
4. false
5. true
I would drive an HPE650 Camaro because it would be able to keep up with Ferraris, but to keep the car from being a complete gas-guzzler. I would install a radar jammer to protect cops from using radar guns on my car. I would also wire the car lights to a kill switch to be able to turn off break lights during a pursuit. I would install two GPS incase one of the GPS fail. I would install two Valentine 1 police detectors for added security. I would also like to have video cameras everywhere for fun memories to show my family.
Hayley Macabuhay #7
ReplyDeleteMy Side of the Mountain
Jean Craighead George
I am really enjoying this book so far. This book is about a very smart boy named Sam Gribley. Sam is very unhappy living in New York City with his large family. He often feels left out. Sam decides to run away to the part of the Catskill Mountains that his grandfather owns. With only a penknife, a ball of cord, forty dollars, flint, and steel, he believes that he can survive on his own. In the mountains, Sam makes himself a home in a hemlock tree. He made a bed out of ash slats and covered it with deerskin. Since he doesn't have a calendar, Sam determines the date by counting the notches in the aspen pole. Sam encountered many wild animals in the mountains. One of those wild animals, was a falcon that he trained and named Frightful. Sam taught Frightful how to catch food and bring it back to him. He also taught Frightful her ABC's. One morning, Sam woke up and found a man outside of his tree. The man, Bando, was a college English teacher who got lost in the Catskills during a hiking trip. Sam allowed him to stay in his house overnight. The next morning, Sam made a great breakfast for Bando to enjoy. After breakfast, Bando told Sam that he had to find his friends before they call the police. Before leaving, Bando offered to take Sam home before winter came, but Sam refused. Sam was confident that he would be able to survive in the winter season by himself.
Jordam Perretano
ReplyDeletedear diary
today it was my birthday . so when charlie woke me up in front of me he was holding a camara and a scrspbook. but I spacificly told him I didnt want anything. at school today edwared was waiting for me at his shiney volvo. but befor we went inside jacob black gave me a present it was a dream catcher it was perfect because i was having bad dreams. when we got inside alice was waiting she wanted to know if I could come over or a party at first i said no but jasper can change moods so i said yes. In class we were watching romeo and juliet. he was telling me about a clan of vampiers called the voultori. that night at the cullins there was a painting of the voultori and edward was telling me all about them. when I got down stairs emmet and rosalie were there and I havent seen them in a while. my first preasent was from emmit it was a car radio. then it was carlisle gift but as I was opening it I got a paper cut . but jasper couldnt restrain himself so then edward pushed me away and he pushed jasper into there piano.later carlise stitched me up. on the way home edward didnt talk as much. The next day at school he wasnt there so after school I found him at my house he said in the forest or woods that he is moving away. so when he left I got lost and hit my head. but the next thing i knew was being carried to my house so the next day me and jesica were hanging out and we passed these guys on mortercycles so I hoped on and when i came back jesica got mad. the next day mike asked me to a movie we were going to see face punch. we invited the whole gang but they balled and it was only mike and jacob black. after mike got done puking jacob lost controll and he had to leave. A couple of days later I went to seee jacob and he cut his hair and got a tattoo. so the next two days I went over there again and his gang was there so I went out and slaped them and one of them turend into a warewolf. then jacob ran out and saved by also turning into a warewolf. when we got tto sams fuiances house they told me not to stare because sam would get mad. so then when I saw what happend they came in the front door . and jacob told me to walk with him so he said I couldnt tell anybody so I told him I wouldnt.
Felix Sarmiento#13
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Dear diary
Today is the first day of school. We just got back from summer vacation but don’t even ask me how my summer was. I have to go to a new school now. There is a lot of weird kids there. My mom is making me go to this school and make me write in this journal. But it will save me some time in the future because when I am famous everyone will ask me questions and they will all be in this book. This is only the least of my problems though. My brother Rodrick is the worst thing you will ever have to deal with. My brother is in a band called the Loded Diper. Loded Diper is going to try and get first in this years talent show and get famous from the videotape that shows them play there. I try to avoid him a lot by just going to my friend Rowley house. Rowley is my best friend even though he is really weird. I am not the only one who try’s to a void the band though my dad is not to in on the band thing. All my mom and dad care about is my younger brother manny. Any thing manny does my parents think is adorable. My parents love Manny a lot favorite. My life is hard but I will be worth it when I am famous and life will be easy .I will be rich and famous. Until then I have to live with a mean brother, weird parents and a baby brother that gets everything he wants.