3rd Quarter Blog #2

Post here for the third quarter!


  1. Eugene Cho #2
    blog #2
    Lightning Thief
    In the book Lightning Thief, Percy Jackson a very low student tries to be a lot different than he is right now. Everything changes when his teacher Mrs. Dodds turns into a demon and freaks out Percy. When Mr. Brunner first gives Percy Riptide, Percy thought that a pen wouldn't do anything but he eventually gets to know Riptide a lot. Grover Percy's guardian was a easily a man in crutches type of man protected Percy from all harm. Percy went back to his apartment where Percy's mother Sally Jackson is and Sally's husband Smelly Gabe. Smelly Gabe is a stupid smelly old person that tells Mrs.Jackson what to do. The two of the men, Smelly Gabe and Percy really hates each other. Percy and Sally are on their first trip to Montauk for a long time. As they were on Gabe's 78 camaro they got in a car accident. They made it to Half blood hill and Percy's mother teaches her son a little bit of her mind how to fight. Percy defeats the bull and he heads to Half-Blood hill and that is where all the demi-gods trained and play dangerous activities. Percy first meets Luke and they become great pals. Percy also meets Annabeth a friend of Percy and his best friend Grover. They go on their first quest to see who really stole the lightning bolt that makes the gods really angry. They get pass through Las Vegas Los Angeles and then the beautiful city New York. They see a god that at a local cheeseburger store and his name is Ares. Ares is not the nicest guy you want to mess with because of his temper. Later on Percy goes through Medusa's lair, a talking chihuahua and Hades underworld lair. Percy's job is to return the lightning bolt before it is too late. When Percy goes to the Empire State Building in New York he meets his jerk relative Ares to see who will get the lightning bolt. Eventually Percy wins and he is not too late after all to go to Mt. Olympus. Percy returns to Half-Blood hill and he has fun with his summer pal Luke and Percy packs up his things and he prepares his way to go home.

  2. Tommy Ferguson #3
    Harry Potter2
    My Birthday was the worst but I guess it was my fault because I pretended to but a spell on Dudley and I was punished. Uncle Vernon has a meeting at the house to determine his career. He said that I need to stay in my room till they leave and make a sound. Right when the meal started there was a wizard like being in front of me. He said his name was Dobby and told me if I return to Hogwarts “bad things will happen.” I said I had to go but he was being stubborn and said that I have to promise that I will not go to Hogwarts this year. Right when I said no He vanished. I just can’t imagine a life without my friends or magic. The day before school started I was locked in my room by the Dursleys. In the middle of my sleep I saw a light and it was Ron’s dad’s car. His brothers were there and they came to bust me out. I was so relieved that I could go to school this year because uncle Vernon said I won’t be able to go this year because of Dobby. Late September I was out doing my thing in the Quidditch practice But that snobbish Malfoy ruined it. We came down to tell him to leave but we heard that Malfoy is the new Seeker for Slytherin. I was so mad seeing his face. Hermione and Ron came to see what’s going on. Malfoy said the worst thing to Hermione that she was a Mugblood. It’s a child of Mugle parents. Ron wanted to give him a hit with a spell but it back fired on him and gave him slugs. It was so sick but I felt bad for him. Near the end of the year Hermione petrefied and I had to stop the madness at Hogwarts so I went to the Chamber of Secrets. I saw Tom Riddle there and next was Ron’s sister. He said that Voldemort was his past present and future. In other words Tom Marvolo Riddle when switched I AM LORD VOLDEMORT. A fear came to me and I felt a tremble in my courage but I had to fight on. After I defeated evil once more I went to see Dumbledore and he gave me some wisdom. I saw Dobby that day and sneaked a sock in the Diary I gave to Mr. Malfoy and he gave it to Dobby. Dobby opened it to see clothes for Dobby from his master. In other words he is free!And now Hogwarts is free from evil for now at least.

  3. Christian Balsz #1
    Blog #2
    The Demon God Files
    By: Rick Riordan
    Dear diary, the last couple years at camp Half Blood have been tough with all the new experiences. Yesterday was the most confusing and exhausting day of my life. We were in one of the famous capture the flag tournaments. Beckendorf and I were sneaking around the back so that we could get the flag. We were getting close until we hit a major road block. We ran into some Mandible ants. They are big and shoot out venom that paralyzes you from the neck down. We saw a couple dragging a giant golden dragon head. We started to charge at them when suddenly I was tugged back. It was Anabeth and Silena. Beckendorf was still running when he when he was stung and brought to the Mandibles ant hill. Everyone was afraid because they knew he only had an hour left before they ate him. It was too dangerous for one of us to go in there so we came up with trying to find a berserk dragon that was in the forest somewhere. We followed the tracks of the ants to find the rest of the golden dragon. We turned it on and started to run towards the hill. The dragon caught a glimpse of us and started to charge towards us until the ants came out . The ants came out and started towards the dragon. As we went inside we found Beckendorf, he was lying on the ground regaining his mobility. We found our way out of the hill and the dragon had already fought off all the ants and was now coming for us. Beckendorf and I came up with a plan to stop it. I caught the dragons attention by a cliff, then Beckendorf came behind it and cut off its head before it ate me. On our way back towards the camp we found out the game was not over and were soon put into jail by Anabeth.

  4. Tale of Despereaux
    Kate DiCamillo
    by Ellen Cho
    Blog #2
    Yesterday I was born. My mom, my dad, and my siblings were looking at me. One expects your family to look upon you with love and adoration when your a newborn, but not my family. I knew something was wrong because they were whispering to each other. My mom said that I was small, ugly, and had really big ears. So she named me Despereaux. My aunt and uncle came to look at me too. I was looking at the light and they said I was wierd. Then, the neighbors came in and looked at me. I felt like a circus clown. What kind of life will I have if this is how my life starts out? Who will want me? Does everybody feel this way? I feel like Dumbo. I hope my future is better than this. I will grow up and show them that looking weird is okay. I will show them that the differences in life are what makes the world go round. Hopefully it can only get better from here on out.

  5. Tre Fitts #4
    Blog #2
    The Alchemyst
    By: Michael Scott
    Dear diary,
    Today, I Josh Newman, along with my twin sister Sophie ran into this old man that owns a book shop across the street from our apartment. While in his shop some doctor came in with these mud men and attacked Nick Fleming (the old man) and his wife Perry. I took hold of my sister and we ducked under a bookshelf. While we were watching, we saw beams of all different colors shooting back and forth. Soon all the smoke had cleared, and the doctor was gone, along with Perry. But when the doctor took a book, I had accidently ripped out a page of the book. As soon as they left, Nick told us to follow him quickly. So we followed him into a dark alley, where he led us into an abandoned Tae-kwon-do building. There we met a woman with red hair called Scathattch, who is a vampire. There Nick revealed his true identity as Nicholas Flemel the famous alchemyst. He explained to us what magic was and why Dr. John Dee came and attacked. He wanted the book of Abraham and Mage to put a spell on humans, forever. Next we went to this huge tree and met Hekate, the goddess with three faces. There she checked this thing called our auras and she said that ours were purely silver and gold. She told us that those were the most powerful magical auras she has seen and now she has awoken our magical talent and we are going to save Perenell.

  6. Stormbreaker
    #14 Alex Spindler
    Blog #2
    Review of book
    Strombreaker was an interesting book that I would recommend only if one were to continue reading. It is the first book in a series of eight, so far, and I have already read the next in the series. This is the book that explains what Alex’s start was like and how he became a part of MI6. As I had said in my previous blog Alex Rider has learned that his Uncle had died (his two parents had died in a plane crash just after he was born) and his death was rather odd. He decided to try and obtain more information and in finding the car this uncle died in he discovered bullet holes, and after being chased he found himself in the bank his uncle worked at. He decided to try to jump into one of the office buildings just out of curiosity and discovered his uncle was a spy working on a project called stormbreaker. He was asked to fill in for his uncle and accepted and sent to keep an eye on Herod Sayle. After finding that the computers (Stormbreakers) were filled with a toxic gas he started to try to figure out a way to save the world. In doing so his cover was blown and he was fed to a giant jelly fish. He escaped and got on a helicopter that took him to where the mayor would activate the computers. After crashing through the window and stopping the activation MI6 took care of everything else. Sayle had gotten away but was later killed and life as Alex knew it had returned to normal, or so he thought.

  7. Andrew Chapin
    Quiet Strength
    Tony Dungy was a very successful man after retiring from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers manager. (The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are from the National Football Association and are a football team.) When Tony Dungy was on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers he had to coach really well because the Buccaneers we not very good at all. IN fact they were one of the worst teams in the whole entire league. They lost most of their games. After Tony Dungy left the Tampa Bay Buccaneers he moved on. He also had to move somewhere else because he no longer coached the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. When he left from Tampa Bay he set his eyes on a new prize. He wanted to be the head coach of the Indianapolis Colts. Not that long after leaving Tampa Bay he got the job as the Indianapolis Colts head coach and manager. Since the parents of Tony were so strict with him he was able to be very successful as the Indianapolis Colts manager. He got his hands on the great future Colts quarterback with the name of Peyton Manning. With the great coaching of Tony Dungy and the great arm of Peyton Manning the Colts won the super bowl with the powerful duo of Tony Dungy and Peyton Manning. Tony became a great manager for the Indianapolis Colts. He helped them win a very tough super bowl because of how he coached his football team. He quit coaching football in the year of 2009. The Colts are now one of the best teams in the National Football Association.

  8. #2 Chris Conradt
    Beyond The Final Score
    Tom Osborne
    Dear Tom,
    When I first wrote to you I didn’t get to finish your story. I learned that you were Nebraska’s head coach and that you went to Washington D.C. as governor of Nebraska. I learned that you helped women’s sports thrive and helped in Iraq’s reforming of government. You helped pass a bill to stop the use of school’s paying and bribing players to play for their school. When you were Nebraska’s coach you lead them to championships, titles, and achievements. You led them to having the most Big 8 championships ever. Nebraska is fourth in the record for most wins and in the top five for most championships. When you ran for senate and lost you didn’t let that stop you so you went back to Nebraska and took the job as Athletic Coordinator. You fired coaches that were bad to the team and let go players who didn’t follow the rules of the team. When you hired Bo Pelini as head coach you knew that he would turn the team around and start them on the road to a championship. Pelini makes players know that when they play for Nebraska that they play for their school and not for him. As a Christian you know that God has called you to do what you have done even though you may not have liked it. You make Nebraska a winning school because you put the school in God’s hands.
    Your Friend,
    Christopher Conradt

  9. Michael Ly#11
    The Driver
    Dear diary,
    The BMW M5 is an amazing car. I got in 2002, but I started to race in The Gumball 3000. It has a cool blue color to it. Of course I had the team Polizei decals to it to make it more suitable to the race. One time I passed a cop car with the amazing M5 without a ticket. Even though the car was used the previous driver only drove 6,000 miles during two years so it wasn't that bad.

  10. Elijah Hernandez#7
    The Westing Game
    Ellen Raskin
    1.Grace Wexler's maiden name was Grace Windkloppel.
    2.Sam Westing pretended to be two other people.
    3.Turtle and Flora nicknamed Flora Baba.
    4.There were five bombs in the entire book.
    5.Sam Westing had his own city called Westingtown.
    Multiple Choice
    1.Turtle's actual name was
    2.There were _____ families in the Sunset Towers.
    3.How many teams were there?
    4.Crow was found
    c.guilty and was inoscent because of Turtle
    5.Sam Westing's daughter had
    a.been murdered
    b.committed suicide
    c.died in a car accident
    d.run away
    6.Sam Westing's body was found dead
    a.in his houe
    b.at a restraunt
    c.at the hospital
    d.in the street
    7.Turtle confessed to
    a. the bombs
    b.eating a cake
    c.eating a cookie
    d.taking something from her sister
    8.Angela named her daghter
    9.how much money did each pair get?
    10.One of Sam Westing's fake name was
    Short Answer
    1.Where was the second bomb at?
    2.What was the lawyer's name?
    3.Who was Sandy's partner?
    4.Who was Crow's exhusband?
    5.What was Grace and Jake's daughter's names?
    Who was Sam Westing's old maid? What was the game they used to play?
    Answer Key
    Multiple Choice
    Short Answer
    1.The second bomb was at Shin Hoo's Restraunt.
    2.The lawyer's name is Edgar Jennings Plum.
    3.Sandy's partner was Judge J. J. Ford.
    4.Crow's exhusband was Windy Windkloppel
    5.Grace and Jake's daughters' names were Angela and Turtle.
    Sam Westing's old maid was J. J. Ford. They would play chess alot. Sam would always use a move he made up. It was called the queen's sacrafice. He would sacrafice his queen in order to win. Sam westing never lost because of this move.

  11. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
    Ann Brashares
    #7 Larreya Hayden
    Blog #2
    In the book the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Ann Brashares descrribes the girls lives very well. She explains there emotions very deeply and shows what they are going through. The book is about these four girls who each look beautiful in this one pair of pants. They each go on a vacation far away from eachother and they mail the pants to the next person who is up to wear them. And usually whenever they wear the pants they have good luck. So they grew up together and now they are still very good friends sharing a pair of pants for good luck. They are basically like sisters to eachother.

  12. #10 Mark Wiese
    The Lightning Thief
    Rick Riordan

    The main problem in the Lightning Thief is that Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon only has a handful of time to prevent WWIII. He has recently learned that he is a demi-god. That means he is half man, half god. Zeus, the king of the gods, believed that Percy has stolen the master lightning bolt. He had to go on a quest with his friends, Annabeth and Grover, to find Zeus’s bolt and bring it back to him. The friends thought that Hades, god of the underworld had stolen it so they had to go to the underworld and get it from him. The passage to the underworld was in Hollywood so they were going to have to travel from New York to Hollywood and back in only ten days. Their first mode of transportation is a bus but it gets attacked by a fury and the bus blows up. They had to walk on foot because they crashed in the middle of nowhere. After walking for a bit they come across a place called “Auntie Ems Garden Gnome Emporium.” They decide to walk inside for some rest and food but it turns out that Auntie Em is Medusa. After a rigorous battle with her they chop of her head and take it with them on their journey. After hitchhiking for awhile they get $200 for returning a lost poodle to its owner. They used the money to take a train all the way to Denver. In Denver they ride to the top of a arch with an elevator in it. In the elevator Percy has to battle a chimera and the mother of monsters. The battle caused attention to be drawn to Percy and he is now a wanted fugitive for wrecking the arch. The next day they decided to go to lunch with the money they have left. While there the God of war, Ares tells them that he will give them a ride all the way to Vegas if they get something for him. They get the object for him and he gets them their ride. In Vegas the truck drops them off at the Lotus Hotel. It turns out the hotel is a trap and the trio accidentally wastes a lot of time and only leaves them one days to finish their quest. They get to the underworld and discover that Hades doesn’t have the bolt. Somehow while in Hades throne room the lightning bolt appeared in Percy’s backpack. Percy and his friends had to warp themselves back to the surface with three magic pearls given to them by Poseidon. The three friends battled Ares who was actually the one who had stolen the bolt and put it in Percy’s backpack. Percy wins and is on his way. They flew to Olympus which was in New York and returned the bolt to Zeus. The Gods are able to get Percy’s mother out of Hell and Percy tries going to school again.

  13. Jacob Ramsey #11
    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
    Blogspot #2

    I like the book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J.K. Rowling, because while William Arthur and Fleur Isabelle were getting married, a Patronus came from the sky as a lynx and said, “The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming. As soon as the lynx said this, Death Eaters came from the sky and started to look for Harry. Since Harry, Hermione, and Ron were prepared, they fled to the Leaky Caldron to find a new place to hide. As they approached the restaurant, Harry put on his Invisibility Cloak to hide from the Death Eaters. Before finding a seat in the restaurant, three people in black walked in and approached the teenagers. They quickly pulled out their wands and had a huge war. The waitress became frightened and tried to run but a spell hit and knocked her out. Hermione tried to cast a spell on the Death Eaters, but hit Ron on accident. The spell hit Ron’s leg, slashed his pants, and ripped a huge gash in his leg. Soon they knocked the Death Eaters out, and ran into a room. Ron used his Deluminator to put out the lights and they figured out a plan. So, Hermione used the spell “Obliviate” to erase the Death Eaters and waitress’ memories, and then left to Grimmauld Place.

  14. #13 Allie Shackelford
    The Lovely Bones by: Alice Sebold
    In the book The Lovely Bones, the main conflict is the death of Susie Salmon. This tragedy tears her family apart and they must proceed to put it back together. Her younger sister, Lindsey, was always loved by her parents, but she could see that Susie was her father’s favorite. After Susie’s death, Lindsey felt that she could be noticed and take up a more important role in the family. Susie’s mother is heartbroken after her death and can’t bear to get rid of her things. The pain is too much to handle and she hates having a “tomb” in the middle of her home so she leaves for a while. Susie’s father is the one who suffers the most. Susie was his favorite child and one of his closest friends. He never stops trying to find the man who killed her, but he never finds him. Grandma Lynn stays with them for some time to try and keep life continuing as normally as possible. She doesn’t take the news well, but manages to keep the rest of the family together. The mother ends up coming back and begins to accept Susie’s death. Mr. Harvey, Susie’s murderer, ends up dying in an accident.

  15. The Time Thief
    Linda Buckley-Archer
    Blog #2

    Dear diary, it has been a couple years now, 22 to be exact, since I last saw my friend Kate and my dad. I gave up hope of them coming back to the past many years ago. Secretly I still had a tiny bit of hope, but I knew they would not come back for me if they have not already. My hope was small and I doubted them ever coming back, but today is they day my hope shines through, for Kate and my father have come back for me. It happened that I was riding through the city when I came to a nice farm. As I was passing by the owner asked me if I had known a person by the name of Peter. I, being Peter, said yes. He was exuberant that I knew him and invited me in. I asked why he asked me if I had known peter, He said because two distant travelers had appeared here in a very odd manner asking for a boy named Peter. I instantly thought, "This must be Kate and my dad coming back for me" I asked the farm owner if I may see these two distant travelers. He gladly agreed and showed me to their room. There were in the dressing room at the moment getting into the 18th century clothing(for when you time travel your clothes stay the same and 18th century clothes are much different than 21st century clothes). At that moment I saw a six pack of coke and instantly knew it was Kate and my dad who are looking for me. I, loving coke when I was in the 21st century, decided to take a coke. Oh how I missed the taste of a carbonated beverage. Kate and my dad finally came out of the dressing room and when I saw them it was shocked. Kate and my dad didn't look like they had aged a day while I, on the other5 hand, had aged 22 years! It was then that I realized that Kate and my dad had not come back for my 22 year old self but my 12 year old self. I knew what I had to do, I had to claim to be someone I was not so that Kate and my dad may go back 22 more years in the past to get my 12 year old self. In a rush to come up with a fake identity I told them I was Joshua Seymore, Gideon Seymore's brother. I had to come up with a lie to convince them to go back 22 years. I said that Peter, giving up hope of being rescued went to the new world in hope of making a big fortune, he has not been heard from since. I told him we suspect the worst. They were sad, but I reminded them they have a time machine and that they can go back 22 years and save Peter. They went to the time machine and tried to turn it on, but alas, nothing happened. They tried many more times on different settings and still no luck. We gave up and decided to take it to one of the smartest people in all of Europe to see if he could fix it. We are on the Journey now. It has been two days and we estimate one more day of travel till we reach him. Hope he can fix it!


  16. The Battle of the Labyrinth
    Rick Riordan
    By Sofia Youssouf
    Dear Diary,
    It has been tough at camp these days at camp. Chiron gave Annabeth a quest that she could lead. She took me, Grover, and Tyson. Grover came with us because he has been looking for Pan the lost god. It has not been working out for him that much because The Council gave him a week to find Pan. Annabeth got the quest on trying to stop Luke and his army from invading camp. One thing that has been hard on me was that I got in a fight with Nico de Angelo and now I found out that he is the son of Hades. Well he thinks I killed his sister when she gave up her life to save us. Well somebody has been sending me Iris-messages with Nico was talking to a ghost. He fed them some Happy Meals and sodas to help him get his sister back. Well, they liked the meal, but they said you have to trade a soul for another soul. Well, I found out that the person that keeps on sending me Iris-messages was his sister Bianca de Angelo. I finally got to talk to her and Nico got to talk to her to. It was a bit of a challenge when we went throw the Labyrinth because the time goes fast, bad creatures look around for food, and you can get lost really quickly because it is a maze. We had some gods that helped use throw the maze, some bad people to, and some serpents that are very mean. It was a fun experience that we had a rocky ones but it was the best experience of my life.

  17. Scorpia
    Anthony Horowitz
    By: Jonathan Dumaine
    Blog #2

    Dear diary, I think I’m on one of those hospital beds, there are a lot of what looks like doctors surrounding my bed. The doctors are trying to talk to me but I can’t hear them. Everything is just a big blur for me now. I think I’m going to pass out, I’ll write to you later when I wake up. Hello Diary, I just woke up to a very painful headache. I really thought that my head was leaking for a little bit. My entire body is sore; I can barely move my arm to write. I am in the hospital in emergency care. From the looks of it I think that I just got shot and I think it was from a sniper’s bullet. I just had the most painful experience of my life today. I say, the chicken soup has no chicken in it and everything else tastes like medicine. Have I gone completely bonkers? Have I lost my bloody mind? I do not know what is happening to me right now. Oh no! I think I’m going to pass out again. Everything is slowly turning black. I can’t see my hands! Okay Alex don’t panic, you are in control, don’t freak out Alex, do not freak out! Whoa, that was a close one, I almost passed out again. Alright then Diary, I think that the doctors have to do a few tests on me. Well, Diary since I never really have written to you that much I am going to keep a commitment to write to you every day. I know that my grandfather would be proud of me. Bye Diary, until next time.

  18. #1 Anjelina Booth
    Maximum Ride: School’s Out-Forever
    James Patterson
    Blog #2

    My name is Total,
    I am a dog, who has big jaws.
    I'm able to talk,
    Around them,
    Who are the flock, my best friends.

    I love them all,
    Especially Angel,
    Who like me is not very tall.

    We move around,
    From place to place,
    Since Anne betrayed us,
    For the Eraser's sake.

    Constantly attacking us,
    Is what they like to do,
    Jeb, Ari, and their crew.

    We try to escape them,
    But everywhere we go,
    These guys seem to know.

    To protect myself,
    One thing I do,
    I jump so high,
    I nearly fly,
    To twenty and thirty feet too.

    Enough about me,
    I must make this fast,
    So we can go rescue Max.

    She was kidnapped by Erasers,
    And replaced by the other Max,
    Now I know,
    We need to get her back.

    Wish us luck in finding Max,
    All I can say...as she would put it,

  19. Hayley Macabuhay #7
    Blog #2
    My Side of the Mountain
    Jean Craighead George

    My parents named me Sam
    So I guess that is who I am
    People think I am very smart
    They also think I have a very big heart

    I am smart and I have a big heart
    But I think I would like to depart
    My parents never have enough time for me
    So it's time for me to leave and be free

    I am running away to a better place
    To explore and be in a more open space
    I need time to think and get away from the noise
    Away from my siblings and all of their toys

    I have finally arrived at the Catskills
    Full of nature and many thrills
    Now I seek a shelter that is warm
    Warm enough to keep my safe during a storm

    Today I must find food to survive
    The fresh food I catch will help keep me alive
    I am hunting for fish
    This will make a fine and healthy dish

    A storm is coming
    It is getting cold and the birds stopped humming
    I can see a bit of snow, that is why
    This is a sign that I have to go, so goodbye

  20. Rebekah Dervartanian #3
    The Mysterious Benedict Society
    By: Trenton Lee Stewart
    Blog #2

    Hi, Reynie here. Today, some students and I were shown into an ordinary classroom where we had never been before. The Executives of the Mysterious Benedict Society were in the corner having a private
    conversation. I couldn't hear what they were talking about. It was hard with all of the other students talking amongst themselves while coming in and
    taking their seats. Jackson told all of us that we were getting some new
    recruits today. Didn't that surprise me. We normally wouldn't get new
    recruits without a few weeks warning. As they came in, the Executives
    started staring at the other students as if knowing that we were going to try to run out of the room in a group or start a brawl. My friends and I all smiled and looked like we were happy to welcome newcomers into the
    society when we saw the eyes of the Executives glaring at us. Everyone got quiet all of a suddenly after the door opened. A man in a motorized
    wheelchair came zooming in. His name was Mr. Curtain. He then came in and parked his wheelchair right beside me! At that moment, a rush of fear went through my body. He then put his face right up to mine and stared! All I could think about was his nose. He asked me why I was looking at him in a weird way, and I told him that his nose looked like a pink cucumber! Everyone broke into laughter. I felt embarassed, but happy that I had said that out loud. He did not get mad at me though. He said that he had forgotten how immature children were and that he would forgive me. I was surprised that he hadn't punished me. His face was red and ready to
    explode. This was a not so great and great day. We got new recruits of children, which I am not so happy about, and I got to make fun of the Head
    of the Mysterious Benedict Society. Well I have to go now; class is about
    to start. I'll tell you more next time I have the time to write.

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  22. What did you think when you heard one team enter using a motorhome?

    Brock Yates: When I heard that one team wanted to use a motorhome I was laughing on the inside thinking that they are crazy and would tip over.

    What was your most memorable moment from the first Cannonball?

    Brock Yates: My favorite moment was when I was pulled over in Arizona and the cop asked how fast could that car go? I was driving a Daytona Ferrari I was loaned from local dealer.

    When you made the test run using the Moontrash II how big was the gas tank and what was your average speed.

    Brock Yates: Our average speed was around 70 miles per hour and the gas tank help 315 gallons but mileage and the spoiler decreased speed and miles per gallon. The run took about forty hours but was above my goal but still good.

    What inspired you to create the race?

    Brock Yates: My inspiration for the race was Erwin G. “Cannonball” baker who had the fastest time across country, and another inspiration was to protest the new speed limit.

    What were some interesting facts about some of the other drivers?
    The Cadillac coupe drivers were driving a car across country for a man and said not to drive it above seventy miles per hour but he did not follow that rule as suspected. The Pink Lady team used a stretched limo but unfortunately crashed before finishing.

    Who got first place overall during all the races?

    Dave Heinz and Dave Yarborough won with a Jaguar XJS and their final time was 32:51 minutes.

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  24. #6 George Frazier
    Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
    J.R.R. Tolkien

    Dear Sam, this is George Frazier and I have been hearing about your situation with Frodo and SmĂ©agol and your journey to Mordor and its sounds very intense and heartbreaking. But, I some advice for you about your problems with Frodo, you just have to understand that Frodo is being taken over by The Ring and he doesn’t have enough strength to keep going by himself. You need to help him to go further and further and keep him safe and away from SmĂ©agol. Because SmĂ©agol is trying to separate you and Frodo, because SmĂ©agol is not strong enough to take Frodo if Frodo has you helping him and keeping him against SmĂ©agol. I know it seems like Frodo is against you right now but he isn’t. SmĂ©agol has him thinking that you are against him, also The Ring is doing a lot of damage mentally and physically against him and you have to strength and hope in Frodo, so, that he can fulfill his duty and destroy The Ring. Also dont listen to what Smeagol says to you he is just trying to make you fade away from Frodo. Don't let anyone or anything make intimidated . You just need to remember what your duty is, protect Frodo and help him destroy The Ring and that's it. I know it will be a long and extremely intense journey but, you made a commitment to Frodo and a promise to Gandalf and you need to fulfill those. Good luck and come home soon.
    Your friend always,
    George Frazier
    Mrs. Holiday I am sorry this is the right blog.

  25. Matthew Hernandez #8
    Blog Spot #2
    Rangers Apprentice
    John Flanagan
    Dear Diary,
    So much has changed within the past couple of months. I started off as just a small orphan whose dreams of becoming a night had become crushed, then I was admitted into an elite group of spies for my kingdom called Rangers. Our job is to make sure that everything is running smoothly in our kingdom. As I was saying everything had been running smoothly until we went to war with Lord Morgarath which is when I got captured my Scandinavians. I am now stuck in probably the coldest place on earth while being starved to death and having to take drugs to save my life. The only person I know is my friend Evanlyn who was captured with be, but even now we are separated because of the tasks we are assigned. I am a slave while she gets to be a house maid, I am forced to sleep outside in the cold while she gets to sleep with brick walls surrounding her and a fire in front of her, I feel that life is not fair and that if I am not rescued soon then I will soon die. They work me harder than any animal and whip me if I stop before I am told. This cruelty will not go unpunished, but I can do nothing until I am fully recovered. I now rest all my hope in my mentor Halt and my best friend Horace who happens to be one of the best knights in the world. I just hope that they can get here before it’s too late for me.

  26. The Men Who Stare at Goats
    Jon Ronson
    Blog #2
    Finished Book
    Dear Diary,
    I am about to inform you of some important information. I am psychic. I am about to enter an experiment to test the full abilities and limitations of my powers, I am expecting a good result. This is General Stubblebine if you did not know. I am prepared to go to extreme lengths to prove my abilities, and just how good I am. I would like to say that with this great power comes great responsibility, and that to use this I would like to say now that I will only use my powers for the good of my country and the rest of our global community. My goal in this is to be able to achieve our goals without lethal weapons, but instead with our minds. This will require extreme practice and this operation will not go public as long as we can keep it that way. Because of this, this will be my last writing to you old friend. I would only hope that I can live to tell my own tell my story to this generation and generations to come. This operation may be my life for as little as one week to as long as forty years. The details of this assignment will be understood only once it is finished. As much as I would love to stay and chat I can not as I need to prepare myself physically and mentally. The only other thing I can say before I go is that this will involve staring at goats. Farewell my friends,
    General Stubblebine

  27. #10 Mark Wiese
    The Lightning Thief
    Rick Riordan

    The main problem in the lightning thief is that Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon only has a handful of time to prevent WWIII. He has recently learned that he is a demi-god. That means he is half man, half god. Zeus, the king of the gods, believes that Percy has stolen the master lightning bolt. He had to go on a quest with his friends, Annabeth and Grover, to find Zeus’s bolt and bring it back to him. The friends thought that Hades, god of the underworld had stolen it so they had to go to the underworld and get it from him. The passage to the underworld was in Hollywood so they were going to have to travel from New York to Hollywood and back in only ten days. Their first mode of transportation is a bus but it gets attacked by a fury and the bus blows up. They had to walk on foot because they crashed in the middle of nowhere. After walking for a bit they come across a place called “Auntie Ems Garden Gnome Emporium.” They decide to walk inside for some rest and food but it turns out that Auntie Em is Medusa. After a rigorous battle with her they chop of her head and take it with them on their journey. After hitchhiking for awhile they get $200 for returning a lost poodle to its owner. They used the money to take a train all the way to Denver. In Denver they ride to the top of a arch with an elevator in it. In the elevator Percy has to battle a chimera and the mother of monsters. The battle caused attention to be drawn to Percy and he is now a wanted fugitive for wrecking the arch. The next day they decided to go to lunch with the money they have left. While there the God of war, Ares tells them that he will give them a ride all the way to Vegas if they get something for him. They get the object for him and he gets them their ride. In Vegas the truck drops them off at the Lotus Hotel. It turns out the hotel is a trap and the trio accidentally wastes a lot of time and only leaves them one days to finish their quest. They get to the underworld and discover that Hades doesn’t have the bolt. Somehow while in Hades throne room the lightning bolt appeared in Percy’s backpack. Percy and his friends had to warp themselves back to the surface with three magic pearls given to them by Poseidon. The three friends battled Ares who was actually the one who had stolen the bolt and put it in Percy’s backpack. Percy wins and is on his way. They flew to Olympus which was in New York and returned the bolt to Zeus. The Gods are able to get Percy’s mother out of Hell and Percy tries going to school again.

  28. David Spindler#9 Blog#2
    Transformrs Revenge of the Fallen
    Alan Dean Foster
    I am Optimus Prime. I am talking to you about when I had to convince Sam to help us again. He was just at college and he Bumblebee brought him over to talk to him. I was encouraging him, but he said he wanted to be normal and did not want help us. I knew he could help us but he did not believe in himself. Bumblebee tried to encourage him too. He left tying to go back to college and did that. I am also going to talk to you about when I fought for Sam. The Decepticons were outnumbering me and I had to fight then in order to save Sam’s life. They were putting up a hard fight to win. I had some of them but then Megatron would come up behind me. I died in that battle and Sam was not hurt there. When I had finally awoke Sam had put the Allspark in me to save me. I had to fight everybody and win. I could not let the Decepticons win after this long of a war. It was tough but I killed the Fallen and Demolisher because they were the threats to mankind. I let Megatron and Starscream go because they were not as much of a threat. I saved all mankind with the help of my team and Sam was helping us fight to win. He thought it was not his war but it turned into his war. He will never be discouraged by anyone to be normal. He is not normal, he is a hero.

  29. Jordan Perretano#10

    Dear diary
    today I just found out that jacob black was a ware wolf. It wqas amazing because I never would have guessed. so I told him his secret was safe. so he took me home and said that victoria wouldn't get me because the whole house was surrounded. but when we got to the house I saw that carlise car was there and jacob got mad because they had a trety. but when I got inside alice was there I gave her a hug but she said how are you alive. I said that I was cliff diving and jacob saved me. then she said why I smelt like wet dog I said jacob is a ware wolf. alice got scared because there enameys. then jacob walked in and said he needed to check on me.then the phone rang and jacob awnsewrd it was edward and he didnt let me talk to him . then we went to italy because edward was going to give himself to the vaultouri. but when we got to italy it was almost to late but i got edward just in time so we went back inside so he wouldn't expose himmself when alice got there the vaoultori wanted to see us and when we got there edward almsot died but I wanted to sacrifice myself but they didn't they let us off with a warning. when we got back to forks we went to his house and voted to see if I could be a vampire They all voted yes except for rosalie but then edward said if im going to change you marry me.

  30. Tanner Medina#8
    blog 2
    The Catch
    I liked the book" The Catch" by Joe Montana because it is exciting and is full of hope .The author gives great examples and detail in his book. The way this book is exciting is that it doesn't just talk about one catch it talks about the whole 49ers season. The way The Catch shows hope is when the 49ers had no chance of going into the super bowl they didn't give up and kept believing. The next game they got Joe Montana and kept getting better and better till they won a Superbowl. One of the most important themes is friendship . The way the author shows friendship is when Montana and Wallace are going to the super bowl and they are facing the Cowboys and its the last play of the game, Montana throws it to Wallace even though Wallace isn't the best catcher . Wallace caught it and ended up wining the game. After football they both retired and they stayed in touch and still talk today. That is friendship to stay in touch now that football is over.

  31. Chase Holiday#9
    Hunger Games
    Dear Diary,
    Hi it is I, Katniss, I’m going to the Capitol today because I am in the seventy-fifth annual Hunger Games. My little sister Prim was supposed to go to the Hunger Games, but I took her place. My partner is a boy by the name of Peeta. Peeta is the son of a baker, to who I sell the animals I kill outside of the district. He lives in the Seam, yet he is somewhat nice, for example I was half starved and nearly freezing to death (because it was pouring outside) and his mother saw me digging through the trash to look for some food, so she started to yell at me, went inside and all of a sudden Peeta gave me a loaf of bread that was burned. That story happened a couple years ago, so now I am finally at the Capitol. The Capitol is so beautiful and amazing. For dinner they have foods you cannot even imagine. With just a press of a button and of course what you want appears. The minute I got to my room I was able to take a shower with hot water. Back in District12, the only hot water was when it was boiled for our food. Here in the Capitol, I have my own stylists. I actually want to live here in the Capitol. When I went on the roof, Peeta told me to jump off, so I did, and then I was back on the roof. Well this is all the time I have, I must get to bed and get some sleep.
    From your faithful friend,
    Katniss Everdeen

  32. Nick Yates #12
    The BFG
    Roald Dahl

    The BFG is a story about a giant that secretly from his friend keeps a human being that is the size of his head in his house which they are supposed to eat because he is a vegetarian.He is trying to keep him in his house but he is afraid that if his friend saw him that the other giants would eat him instead of the the other little humans. So the BFG went to see the human and then his friend followed him and just missed the human so from that point on the BFG always hided the human to whenever the BFG's friends came over they did not even go near the little human. And that was the way they never saw him.

  33. Robyn Rosales #12
    Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer


    1. Jacob gives Bella a necklace with her name on it for her graduation present.

    2. Edward gave Alice a yellow Porsche for watching Bella.

    3. When Rosalie was human her fiancé was Royce King.

    4. Bella broke her hand when she punched Edward.

    5. Jacob couldn’t sleep well in the tent because it was too cold.

    Multiple Choice

    1. What was the newborn’s name that surrendered?
    a. Hidie
    b. Bree
    c. Victoria
    d. Jane

    2. What college does Bella apply for in Alaska?
    a. University of Alaska Southeast
    b. University of Alaska Fairbanks
    c. University of Alaska Anchorage
    d. Alaska Pacific University

    3. How old was Jasper when he joined the Confederate Army when he was human?
    a. 20
    b. 25
    c. 18
    d. 17

    4. How old did Jasper say he was when he joined the Confederate Army?
    a. 20
    b. 25
    c. 18
    d. 17

    5. Who is Victoria’s accomplice in creating the newborns?
    a. Irina
    5. Who was Victoria’s accomplice in creating the newborns?
    a. Irina
    b. James
    c. Riley
    d. Maria

    6. Who was the last Spirit Chief?
    a. Taha Aki
    b. Utlapa
    c. Yut
    d. Taha Wi

    7. Edward compares imprinting to what love story?
    a. Wuthering Heights
    b. Pride and Prejudice
    c. Romeo and Juliet
    d. A Midsummer Night’s Dream

    8. Who was the first vampire to make an army of newborns?
    a. Victoria
    b. Benito
    c. Bree
    d. Irina

    9. Who is Jasper’s creator?
    a. Maria
    b. Alice
    c. Carlisle
    d. Irina

    10. What Jasper’s position in the military?
    a. Captain
    b. Lutenant
    c. Major
    d. General

    Short Answer

    1. What did Bella think she was looking at when she was looking at Bree?

    2. Why did the Volturi come?

    3. What did Jasper say he had a lot of that was like Bella’s?

    4. How did Taha Aki’s wife distract the vampire he was fighting?

    5. What did Jacob do when he received the letter from Edward?

    Essay Question

    1. How does the torn ribbon on the cover of the book related to the novel?

    1. False
    2. True
    3. True
    4. False
    5. False
    Multiple Choice
    1. B.
    2. A.
    3. D.
    4. A.
    5. C.
    6. A.
    7. A.
    8. B.
    9. A.
    10. C.
    Short Answer
    1. When Bella was looking at Bree she thought she was looking at what she would become when she is turned into a vampire.
    2. The Volturi came to clean up the mess that the newborns made.
    3. Jasper said he had a lot of the same scars as Bella has.
    4. Taha Aki’s wife stabbed herself in the heart to distract the vampire that was attacking her husband.
    5. When Jacob received the letter from Edward he ran away and got as far away from the town as possible.
    1. The ribbon is the idea of trying to break away from your old life. It is always hard to completely break away because there are always some threads that are difficult to break. Bella thought it would be easy to leave her old life behind to become a vampire, but she realizes it is not that simple.


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