Animal Farm

Pretend that you are a character from Animal Farm. What was your life like before the revolt? Were you well tended and content? How do you feel since the farm has been taken over by the animals? Do you wish Mr. Jones would return? How do you feel about the work you are doing and the wages (food) you are getting in return? Are the Seven Commandments being upheld? Is Napoleon a fair leader?
Your diary entry should be 350 to 450 words.


  1. #7 Hayley Macabuhay

    Dear Diary,

    My life before this was just fine. I did not have to worry about anything, except Mr. Jones. He did not feed us enough, he mistreated us, and we all became weak. We were sick and tired of how Mr. Jones was treating us, so we attacked him and his men. They ran away, leaving all of us animals on the farm alone. We changed the farm’s name from Manor Farm to Animal Farm. I feel that Mr. Jones made a big mistake by treating us like he did. He treated us as if we were useless and stupid. We animals worked hard to serve and please him. Since Mr. Jones was gone and Old Major had died, Napoleon became the leader. Napoleon was a good leader, but sometimes it felt like he was taking advantage of us. Many times he was very unfair. He allowed the pigs to be free and do whatever they wanted, while the other animals followed his commands. Napoleon took my puppies as well as Bluebell‘s. He is going to make them guard dogs. Napoleon is wrong for not allowing us to see our own puppies. I think he should also be fair to every animal on the farm, and not just to the pigs. One of the seven commandments was that all animals are equal. Napoleon himself stated this. I hope Napoleon will change his ways and treat all animals fairly. If Napoleon does not change, the animals will soon be angry with him and may even revolt. Also, I think we should get paid more for all the work we are doing. We have been working hard and diligently to survive on the farm on our own. After all the things Mr. Jones has done to us, I do not wish him to come back. I believe we can survive and live better without Jones. We can feed and take care of ourselves much better than Jones ever did. If Mr. Jones does decide to come back, I wish that he will be just. I hope that he will not go back to his foolish and ignorant ways.



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