The Wave Character Blog

Who are you? How do you feel? What do you think about The Wave? Is it positive? Does it scare you? What do you wish you could say to your friends, parents, and teachers about The Wave?
Minimum of 250 - 350 words.


  1. noah LEWIS:

    One day in my class i was studying the nazis from germany and the holocaust, my students didnt seem to under stand a thing about it... so i came up wth this great idea,"the Wave", its a group similar to the nazis, but the class has gone mad! even some classes are cutting their classes just to come in on my class. I know this is a bad thing but its so fun, and they are actually doin what i want thenm to. I will have to shut TheWave down soon, but i need to make sure the class actually gets the lesson. if i wait to long, ill be fired so ill have to hurry, i need to be going, im thinking of a plan to shut it down, bye.

  2. #14 Alex Spindler
    This is Robert Billings
    Those who are reading this are reading the blog of me, Robert Billings on the topic of the Wave. The Wave is the best thing that I have ever seen and I definitely want it to continue. I think that many great things can come from the Wave and only more good will come from it. I have definitely become more popular because of it, and I am no longer the class loser. Now that I am Mr. Ross's body guard I have a purpose and a duty to the rest of the class. The Wave has made me as an equal to everyone else and I no longer have to be compared to my brother. I can't believe Laurie would want to put an end to the Wave, and how dare she write an article on the bad side of the Wave. There are no bad sides to the Wave! What she says is all lies, do not believe her! The Wave has taken over my life now, but it is in a fantastic way. I finally am able to be a part of something that is bigger than me, and I can contribute to what is good. I finally want to try because it keeps me entertained. The direct responses and stability of it all are what makes it great. If every school were like this, students would all participate and arrive on time. The Wave should never end! “Strength through Discipline! Strength through Community! Strength through Action!”

  3. #13 Allie Shackeford
    My name is Laurie Saunders. I have been attending Gordon High for the past four years and nothing like The Wave has happened here before. Mr. Ross, my history teacher, invented a movement called the Wave that has begun to take over the school. I'm the editor of the school newspaper and I want to do a piece about the Wave, but I'm afraid of what might happen. My parents had very different views about the movement. My mom was worried, of course, that it wouldn't end well but my dad loved that everyone was responding to it so well. After the Jewish boy was beaten up, he changed his mind. I feel alone against it because even David has become obsessed with it. His friend, Brian, got in a fight with Deutsch over The Wave. Alex and Carl aren't making things better with their continous jokes. They don't seem excited about The Wave, but they want to write a story about it. I couldn't believe it when I wasn't allowed in the stands at the football stadium unless I gave the stupid Wave salute. Brad seems so lost in the Wave. He was warning me tp be careful what I say and that lots of people noticed I wasn't at the rally the day before. It sounded like he was afraid something was going to happen to me. This is the only place I know I won't be judged by what I think about the Wave.

  4. Chase Holiday
    Dear Diary,
    Hi this is Robert, I’m a senior at Gordon High School and to the class I used to be a loser. Before the Wave I didn’t have any friends, was picked on by Brian, and at lunch I sat by nobody. Now since the Wave has started I am a leader, I am not being picked on, and people sit by me at lunch. The class has changed ever since the Wave started by paying attention in class, being respectful, and not giving smartalec remarks. I believe I should tell the principal that the Wave should continue on. I will tell my parents about the Wave and how great it is. I have been recruting more and more people for the Wave. I will tell my entire neighborhood about the Wave and what will happen if they do. Many people have not joined the Wave because they feel frightened. I and the rest of the Wave have been trying not to scare them but for some reason we have. My time is up and I have to go

  5. Michael Ly
    I am David Collins. I am a senior at Gordon High School. This diary is the only way I can write because I want to express my feelings on The Wave. I am learning calculus because I want to be a computer engineer. Even though I am having touble for calculus I am not asking for help because I don't want people to know that I am stuggling. The Wave had a sudden change at our school. Everyone at school are paying attention and having discipline. This is why I believe The Wave can help our football team become a community and win some games. Well I have to go right now because the class is now over. I hope to write back soon diary.

  6. #8 Matthew Hernandez
    The Wave
    I am David Collins. I go currently to Gordon High Scool, go out with Laurie Saunders and am on the football team. I think The Wave is a great idea for the school and the football team. The Wave started when one of my teachers, Mr. Ross, had us watch a video on the Holocaust. We wondered how everyone just stood and let it happen so my teacher had us do an expirement. We were to become a group called The Wave and stick together. Mr. Ross became our leader and our group has quickly expanded throught all grades in our school. The Wave brings everyone together as a school and a team. If I can get my entire team to join this we might stand a chance as a team. Our class has really gotten into this and it has even brought Robert Billings, the class loser, out of his shell. I am not scared about The Wave and I think that anyone who does is crazy. I just wish that I could talk Laurie and her family into believing this is something good for everyone and not to worry about it. Well my time is up and im being kicked out. I'll try and write again as soon as I can.
    -David Collins

  7. #6 George Frazier

    Dear Diary, By the way this Robert I want you to be my personal diary. I don't want to tell my parents about The Wave and the thing Mr. Ross is teaching us at Gordon High School, I only want to tell you and you only. I feel like I need to stand up and be a leader or something. I am sick and tired of everybody thinking and telling me that I am a loser. I just want to fit in and be somebody in life. I want to put back my loser life and start a new one. I really hope that The Wave continues, it makes me feel important and cool. People finally look up to me and think that I am cool. I have have a really cool social status has finally came up to something cool. I am now considered as the leader of the classroom. I am now Mr. Ross's bodyguard and everybody thinks and knows that I am cool and popular. I finally have power in my life and power of other peoples life. I am proud to have you, my diary as something that I can talk to about my life and not feel weird about it. As I am finish my journal entry to you, my diary. I am extremely happy and joyful to have you, my diary in my life. I hope to have you, my diary as my best friend forever. I love you and need you in my life.

  8. Jonathan Dumaine #4

    Hello. This is Robert Billings. This is the only place that I can share my feelings about The Wave. It seems as though The Wave has taken over the rest of the school. I am not sure who I am anymore. It has occurred to me that I am no longer a loser. I used to be unpopular. I used to get picked on all the time. But now I feel like a real person now. My time is up, I have to go its been a real nice time talking to myself and to anyone who might just be reading this out there. Anybody, I feel so alone, so many people are against me, help me.

  9. #12 Victoria Sather
    My name is Laurie.I am a student at Gordon High. I am a editor for the Gordon Grapevine. I feel this is the only place where a person can talk about the wave safely. When Mr. Ross Started doing drills in class I thought it to be a little out of the ordinary. I donot agree with it at all. i feel scared. David broke up with me because of The Wave. My mother didnt agree with The Wave either, but my dad agreed with it. After the jewish kid got beat up he changed his mind about it. Some parents didnt want their kids going back to school. it was unbelievable when i wasnt allowed into the stands because i wouldnt do the stupid solute thing. talk to you later. Bye!

  10. #1 Anjelina Booth
    Hello, this is Laurie. I attend Gordon High School and throughout the past couple days of school, the Wave has been getting out of control. I honestly don't know why the Wave is turning out like this, but hopefully it will all get better soon. However, if it does not end soon, I'm afraid that the Wave will take over the school for a long time. I also have to write an article for The Gordon Grapevine about the Wave, but my opinions are not the same as everyone else has or wants. Mostly everyone in school is following the Wave, and I am starting to think that eventually something bad is going to turn on me. I can just only hope that things will smoothen out soon, and get back to normal. This is all I can write for now.

  11. Christopher Conradt
    I am Robert Billings. I am a senior here at Gordon High School. This is the only place I have to write freely even though I like my new place as the body guard of our leader Mr. Ross.
    I can't believe how in one week I have changed from the class loser to a polular kid. I hope The Wave will never end because I will probally go back to being the class loser. I will do whatever it takes to kee The Wave running. Ever since The Wave started I have been paying attention in class, not falling asleep, getting to class on time, and even answering questions. Now even younger classes are even goining The Wave. I need to go because my time is done in the computer lab.

  12. Andre Eng #5

    I am not sure who I am anymore, every since I joined the wave. I use to be Mr. Ross the mechanically disinclined teacher, now I am the cool teacher. I started The Wave movement and now the students started paying attention, coming to class on time, and started doing their homework. I am out of time I can't write anymorel.

  13. Rebekah DerVartanian #3

    Hey. This is Laurie. I think that The Wave has gone way too far and has gotten out of hand. Every day, The Wave is becoming more and more like Hitler and the Nazis. The students are looking to Mr. Ross as their "leader." They are acting like he is the only one who they can trust. He is their role model. I mean, they gave him a bodyguard! Only really important people get bodyguards! This is changing all of their lives in good and bad ways, but mostly bad. The kids are not making their own descisions. Other people, such as the seniors and the original members of The Wave are telling them what to do. It is making everyone equal---especially Robert, the class loser---but what is going to happen after he leaves the school? After he leaves, he is just going to go back to a guy who has no friends, and who is not secure about himself. I know that right now he has gone to a very high social status, and I don't want that to change. So I can't write anything that I want to about The Wave in the newspaper because then people will see how I really feel about The Wave. Then they will start treating me differently. I don't want it to seem like social status is my life, but I don't want others to feel like this group is something bad. So now I have to leave, but I am glad that I got to say what I really felt.


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