Fourth Quarter Blog #1

This is it! Make the last quarter count. You must choose a prompt that you have not done before; a poem, interview, exam, determine the future of the character's life. Make your book come alive!


  1. #12 Victoria Sather
    Percy Jackson & the Olympians the Lightning Thief
    Rick Riordan
    Blog 1

    Dear Diary,
    I am a camper at Camp Half-Blood. I am the daughter of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. I love it here at camp; we get to do so many things. Today we played a game of capture the flag. I had no idea we would be using real weapons. The game was pretty intense. A couple of days ago we were practicing with swords. I think I did very well considering I didn’t even know what a sword was until just a few days ago. When I first came here I was astonished to see talking animals and a can of coke come out of thin air- for Mr. D to drink of course. After a while you get used to these kinds of things. The food here is delicious. It is way better than any camp food I’ve ever tasted. Another thing I like is to go out to the strawberry fields and pick fresh strawberries. They are delicious at this time of year (summer). When I’m in the fields, I love listening to satyrs play a tune on their reed pipes. The music causes a line of bugs to leave the strawberry patch. Tomorrow, our cabin will be doing archery. I am very nervous because I have never done anything like that before. Afterwards we eat, and then we go down to the amphitheater and sing songs together. When we get free time, I love to go to the stables and take care of the horses. Sometimes I even talk to the centaurs. Talk to you later diary!

  2. Tre Fitts #4
    Blog #1
    The Magician
    By: Michael Scott

    Tre: Josh, how does it feel to know that Sophie is learning the Magic of Fire?

    Josh: Well.... it’s a little scary because I don’t want her to get injured.

    Tre: Hmm.... now, does it bother you when Sophie uses magic around you?

    Josh: Yes, sometimes because I can’t use magic.

    Tre: Why do you find it so hard to trust Nicholas Flamel?

    Josh: Well, after what Dr. Dee told me about him, it kind of makes sense to me.

    Tre: Interesting. Why did do you think he gave you that sword?

    Josh: I don’t know? Maybe it’s a trap?
    Tre: Why, do you think, is Machiavelli working with Dee?

    Josh: I think he is getting some authority then he will crush Dee.

    Tre: Do you believe that you will find someone to awaken you?

    Josh: Maybe, hopefully someone will.

    Tre: Do you think that you and Sophie are the twins from the prophecy?

    Josh: I think so. Sorry I have to run we are about to head out of St. Germain’s House.

  3. Ellen Cho#3
    Maggie's Door by Patricia Giff

    I can hear the sounds of people getting sick in the ship. My grandad was laying in his bed, breathing hard. Patch was sleeping and I was hungry and got out of my bed. I could not walk in barefoot because during the night someone nearby could have been sick. I made sure that my foot was covered as I stepped onto the slippery wood. The motion of the ship was stronger now. I heard the cry of pain, at last I saw her, who stole my food from me and stole the money from other people. I could see her face was dark with a yellow cast, and she was moaning still. I thought of my buttercups, I could heal her with it. I knew that all I wanted was to reach Maggie's door and then I would be safe. Just a little more time and I can make it through anything. Tomorrow is another day, I just need to survive tonight.

  4. Michael Ly#11
    The Battle of Labyrinth
    Blog 1

    Dear diary,
    Today was a horrible day. I had to go to my mom's boyfriend high school for orientation. I knew it was a bad idea cause I'll embarrass my mom because I always destroy to almost every school I go to. That wasn't the problem this time, but instead I was attacked by Empousai cheerleaders who were Tammi and Kelli. Luckily I was saved by Rachel my used to be arch nemesis. That ruined my day because I was also going to go watch a movie with Annabeth, but that had to end because I had to go to Camp Half-Blood and tell them what happened. When I got there even worse news got to me. Luke and his army was going to invade and there was only one way to stop him by the Labyrinth and that place is a confusing maze. Also my old friend Grover had to find a mysterious someone or else he would be fired from his job. Well I'll write back soon diary I'm tired from the long day.

  5. Jordan Perretano #10
    god in the foxhole

    today corporall dumin lancer is coming home from Iraq . And when he got home he had a three month leave and in those three months he meet someone and then in the first month they got to love each other and he proposes. In the second month they decide to have a kid befor he goes to Iraqu for six months. so they did and in nine months he gets back and he gets to be with his wife. and in the siyh month he gets hit with a rpg[rocket propelled gernade]. so then he gets sent to a german hospital . the next day they had to do surgury on his eye because there was a fragment in his eye. then when a notice went home and his wife karen went into tears. The next month was mothers day and he came home for three months and his wife was speach less when he came home. the next month the baby came his name was xavier. when he went back to war he got hit in the chest by an ak 47 and his wife was devistated she cried for months

  6. who's best who's better

    the main theme stament is even if you vome from a bad child hood you can still do what ever you whant. this theme is used threw out the book sush as Jerry Rice because he came from a poor family and helped his dad work from a young age. Night Train Lain allso had a bad family and he said "I didnt have a bad job because i whanted and tried everyday to be the best i could be". Peaple can be great no matter where you are.

  7. #13Allie Shackelford
    Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
    Blog #1
    Dear Diary,
    I’m afraid I’m not quite sure how this all happened. I only meant to see that beautiful garden, but I’m stuck in a very curious place. Oh you stupid girl Alice. To think you’re only three inches tall because you drank that bottle. But of course I had checked to see if it had been marked “poison”. The caterpillar I met had been most helpful in getting me to my right size. I went and met the Duchess as well. If I ever return home I shall never wish to have soup with as much pepper as her. She had the strangest cat too. It never seemed to stop smiling at me, which I thought to be impossible because I never knew cats could smile. The Duchess called it a Cheshire –Cat. I saw it again later and it told me to go see the Hatter. If I had known then what terrible company he would be then I never would have gone. I came and sat down at their rather large table, but they began telling me there was no room which there was plenty. I went away as soon as I could and I shall never return for it was the stupidest tea party I’ve ever been to. As I went I ended up playing croquet with the Queen, which I won’t do again either for she has a horrible temper. Why I almost had my head cut off. I really must be going now. The griffin is taking me to see a mock turtle and I am oh so very excited.

  8. Dear Diary,
    Today I went to play basketball. Even though I am the smallest player on my team
    I am not the worst. I am really good at passing the ball to my team players. I love the game more then anyone I can think of on my team. Today could have been a better day then I would of expected. I had gotten cut from our local travel team today. This was the same travel team that my dad had gotten to play on when he was my age. There were a few other kids that were also cut from the team. I am really disappointed that I will not be able to play on this team. I don’t think that it is fare that they would cut me from the team because of my size. It turns out that I am not the only kid that was cut from the team for the wrong reason. Now Danny and his dad are about to give all the boys that were castoff the team a second chance to prove that anyone can play ball if they put there heart into it. No matter what they look like or how big they are. Anybody that knows basketball will be able to see that I am a good player. My dad has been really supportive. So has my best friend Tessa she really wants to be a photographer. She had gone to all of my games to support me and encourage me to try harder and be the best I could be. Thanks to her I have a lot of confidence. She has taken lots of pictures of the team she is my best friend. She also thinks that the person who picked the teams is unfair because she can see that I am one of the best players out there. I love the sport and I am never going to give up.

  9. Chase Holiday#9
    Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
    Dear Diary,
    This is Katniss twenty years later. Twenty years ago our home, District 12, was destroyed by the Capitol. I was rescued by my friends Haymitch and Gale. I fled to District 13 and lived happily there with my husband and two children. Just when I thought my life was at peace the revolutions started again. My husband Peeta is fighting against the Capitol with Haymitch and Gale. I am trying to raise my son and daughter right now. My son's name is Jacob and he is fourteen years old. Jacob likes to paint just like his father. My daughter's name is Jay and she is twelve years old. Jay likes to go searching for stuff, like little treasure hunts. I am so proud of my children everyday. We live in the bunker with all of the other families. Here in the bunker all boys from ages ten to fifteen have to work to keep their families alive. Jacob works as an artist painting new pictures every day. He paints exactly perfect and beautiful just like his father. His payment is two weeks worth of food and new clothing. I worry about my husband and friends who are out fighting but I have to think positively or else I will go mad. When I fought as a youth in District 12 I thought life was difficult, now I have so much more to lose. Hopefully we will be victorious!

  10. Hayley Macabuhay #7
    Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies
    Erin Dionne
    Pg. 90

    When I was little
    I did not care about what others thought
    I was not as brittle
    I did not care what was cool and what was not

    I had fun and I actually enjoyed school
    I did not care about the latest trends
    I thought everyone was cool
    I loved my life and my friends

    I always thought everything would be fine
    I never thought I would ever be shy
    What did I know, I was only nine
    It's not like that now in my junior high

    Now, I'm uncomfortable with my weight
    My looks and my clothes
    Desserts and heavy food always fill my plate
    I can't stop, that's what I hate

    I am constantly insulted and mocked
    Lively always makes fun of me because I'm fat
    I want it to stop, but I'm never shocked
    Lively is a brat, I know I can say that

    I was entered in a modeling contest for chubby teens
    This is embarrassing, and I want out
    So I want to go on a diet, and fit in my old jeans
    If I'm skinny enough they will kick me out, without a doubt

  11. Tommy Ferguson#3
    Harry Potter 3
    J.K. Rowling
    Log #1

    True/ False
    1. Harry is the only one to survive an attack by Voldemort.
    2. Ron and Hermione are Harry’s only friends.
    3. Harry has a loving family.
    4. Harry is rich.
    5. Harry loves to play Quidditch.
    Multiple Choice
    1. What was the broom Harry wanted?
    a. Fire bolt
    b. Demon
    c. The Wizard
    d. Thunder Bolt
    2. What is Harry’s owl named?
    a. Tommy
    b. Mint
    c. Charlie
    d. Hedwig
    3. What is Hermione’s new pet?
    a. Owl
    b. Rat
    c. Cat
    d. Frog
    4. What is Percy now?
    a. Head Boy
    b. Chief
    c. Failure
    d. Chicken
    5. What is Ron’s family owl’s name?
    a. Jane
    b. Errol
    c. Ricky
    d. Mike
    6. Where does Ron’s Dad work?
    a. Hogwarts
    b. Azkaban
    c. Ministry of magic
    d. A taxi
    7. What attacked Harry in the train?
    a. Dementor
    b. A teacher
    c. A stranger
    d. Fellow wizard
    8. What was the vehicle that took Harry at night?
    a. Car
    b. Taxi
    c. Bus
    d. Train
    9. How is the man that escaped Azkaban?
    a. Joseph
    b. Sirius Black
    c. Manny
    d. Luke
    10. What helps you when you are attacked by a Dementor?
    a. Water
    b. Meat
    c. Veggies
    d. Chocolate
    Short Answer
    1. What is Harry’s Defense Against the dark arts Teacher?
    2. Who is Hagrid?
    3. What is Quidditch?
    4. What is Dumbledore’s Title?
    5. What is Harry’s House?
    What Happened to Harry before he came to School? Why is his important?

    Answer Key:
    True/ False
    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. True
    Multiple Choice
    1. A
    2. D
    3. C
    4. A
    5. B
    6. C
    7. A
    8. C
    9. B
    10. D
    Short Answer
    1. His Defense against The dark arts teacher is Professor Lupin.
    2. The game keeper, Care of Magical Creatures, and Harry, Ron, And Hermione’s best friend
    3. A Magical sport with five balls and one of them is a snitch. Whichever team catches the snitch wins the game for that team.
    4. Dumbledore’s title is “Greatest Wizard of Our Time.”
    5. Harry’s House is Griffindor.
    Before school began Harry was at his Uncle Vernon’s house. Aunt Marge made fun of Harry and made him mad so he blew her up like a balloon on accident. He ran away before they could stop him and got on the Knight Bus. He was scared that since he used under aged magic. When he saw a Ministry of magic person he was scared for his life. When the Minister of Magic talked to him he said nothing about the use of Harry’s magic until he mentioned it. He let it slide. This is important because no one ever gets off the hook not even Dumbledore. This says that something is up and Harry is Very valuable at this point and needs magic.

  12. Jacob Ramsey #11
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
    Blog #1

    I like the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, by J. K. Rowling, because in the beginning, Dudley, Piers, and Harry go to the zoo. When they arrived, Dudley’s father buys Dudley and Piers a triple-scooped ice cream, but buys Harry a small lemon pop. After their treats, they all headed towards the amphibian cages. They look at animals from turtles to huge boa constrictors. As they were getting bored, they passed by a huge snake. Dudley, being so angry, hit the glass cage to wake him up. But the result led to the snake mad. They left, but Harry stayed behind. He started to talk to the snake, and the snake could understand him. They both talked about how they were neglected and treated badly. They both were saying that they were orphans, but were raised into a bad life. As Dudley’s family was ready to leave, Dudley came over to the snake’s cage, and pressed himself up against it. Out of nowhere, the glass disappeared and he fell in. The snake slithered out of the cage, and terrorized the children. Then the glass reappeared, and Dudley was trapped inside the snake’s huge cage. He yelled and banged on the glass for help, but no one could do anything. Soon the zoo keepers got him out and they went home.

  13. #10 Mark Wiese
    The Sea of Monsters
    Rick Riordan

    My best friend Grover is in distress,
    He is pretending to shop for a wedding dress.
    I must be dreaming,
    I hope no one is scheming.
    My best friend Tyson,
    Is stronger than Mr. Bryson.
    He can even defeat a monster cannibal,
    When playing dodge ball.

    I am back at camp,
    Tantalus treats me like a tramp.
    We were attacked by golden bulls,
    Tantalus threw them around like cereal bowls.
    I learned that Tyson is my brother,
    Who came from another mother.
    He is also a Cyclops,
    His hair needs a serious crop.

    Tantalus brought back chariot races,
    I saw him make some evil faces.
    We lose the race
    Even with our fast pace,
    And decide to save Grover.

    Hermes decides to help me,
    To get across the massive sea.
    He gives me quite a gift,
    And a very nice lift.
    He gives me a special pot,
    That blows me like a floating cot.
    Annabeth and Tyson get to come too,
    I wish this quest was something I didn’t have to do.

    We ride sea creatures,
    With quite amazing features.
    It’s almost like their floating mist
    But strong enough to take a fist.
    We board the ship,
    Without making a chip.
    But Tyson smells something funny,
    It’s obviously not a bunny.

    Luke captures us,
    And his minions smell like puss.
    We manage to escape,
    From his vicious rabid apes.
    We are stuck in the Mississippi River,
    And stuck without a quiver
    I hope I don’t get eaten by gators,
    And live to write more later.

  14. Eugene Cho #2
    The Sea of Monsters
    Rick Riordan
    Dear diary,
    It sucks to be in 7th grade because we have a lot of homework. I get a call from my manager Chiron that my acne friend Grover has gone missing. Great I bet Grover did one of those missions that are really risky and you just act a lot stupid. Annabeth(my girlfriend)knows about this to so I guess I have to meet some more disgusting and ferocious monsters I have never seen in my entire life. My job is to not get in trouble by those monsters, team up with more strong people lie Clarrise Annabeth and Tyson and save Grover! Wish me good luck.
    Percy Jackson

  15. Christian Balsz #1
    The Titans Curse by Rick Riordan
    Dear diary
    One day at camp when I was on my bunk bed I got a call from Grover. He was freaking out he said that there were two possible new half bloods at his school and that they were in great danger because there were monsters after them. I got my mom to take Anabeth, Thalia, and me up to Grover’s military school were the half bloods are. After we arrived we noticed that we had no way to get in so we got are stuff and walked in the front door there was a school dance going on there so we had no trouble getting in. until two teachers showed up, Thalia used this magic spell and made them go away. We met up with Grover and he showed us the possible half bloods Bianca and Diego Di Angelo. When we walked over to them they were gone we split up to find them. I so those being dragged out by their ears by a teacher I ran after them alone to help. When I came in to the hall there were only the kids in the corner scared for their life. I took my sword out as soon as a nail came flying out of the dark I tried using this thing in my head that let Grover and I talk to each other. The monster pulled us out side when a helicopter showed up. As we were about to get in arrows came out of the woods knocking the helicopter out of the sky and the monster down. These hunters came out and killed the monster as soon as Grover and them came out to help us we were saved and we made camp with the hunters. We stayed with them over night.

  16. Elijah Hernandez#7
    The Lightning Thief
    Rick Riordan
    I love the way the Rick Riordan, the author of The Lightning Thief, describes everything. He describes The Lightning Thief in a lot of detail. He makes the book much better than it would have been without all the detail he adds to the book. Rick makes the book very interesting. Without the descriptions and details he puts in, The Lightning Thief would probably be one of the worst books I have ever read. A lot of times he describes stuff so well that it seems as if you were actually there watching what happened, even though you know you are not. Sometimes he makes it very easy for you to picture in your mind. Sometimes you wish you had a lot more time to read more of the book or wish you had so enough time to finish the book in a day or two. Sometimes you are surprised with how fast you read a chapter. A lot of times you wish you could read all day long. The Lightning Thief is probably one of the best books in America, besides the Bible (of course). Rick Riordan is probably one of the best authors that are still alive today. A few of the reasons are because he is very descriptive and puts in every single detail whether it is a big makes it easier to imagine or not he adds it to the book. He makes the book a lot better because of all the detail, descriptions, and everything else he adds to the book.

  17. #14 Alex Spindler
    Point Blank
    Anthony Horowitz
    Blog #1
    Review of Book
    Point Blanc starts off with the murder of Michael J. Roscoe. MI6, the CIA of England, notices that the supposed “accident” is not really an accident. Meanwhile, Alex Rider whose parents died in a plane crash follows the drug dealer at his school. After finding that he lives on a dock he decides to maneuver a crane to pick the barge up and lift it in the air. MI6 gets Alex out of trouble in return for having him travel to a finishing school on the French-Swiss border. Its name was Point Blanc. He is sent there because MI6 noticed that famous business leaders have sent their bad children there to try to straighten them up. Two deaths of the parents of the boys have occurred and both had mysterious causes. After arriving Alex realizes that the students that have been expelled from other schools are now acting straight in line and have respectful attitudes. He makes a friend whose name is James Sprintz and after spying around he finds James being dragged into a hallway, but in the morning James is acting like the other boys and doesn’t know what Alex is talking about. After more investigation Alex discovers than clones of the headmaster, Dr. Grief, were made and are going under plastic surgery to look like the student they will become. The floor above their rooms is a direct replica with the clones learning the lives of their person. With this knowledge Alex tries contacting MI6, fails, and then escapes using a ski ramp. Once MI6 knows this information they put an end to Point Blanc Academy.

  18. Sofia Youssouf#11
    The Last Olympian
    By Rick Riordan
    Dear Diary,
    It has been tough for me this past week because I lost a good friend, Beckonford. It all started when I and Beckonford climbed on to the Princes Armoda. We went into the boiling room where we had a plan to blow up the ship. Well, when we got there were these half snake and half human type of girls there. Well, Beckonford told me to go on the higher deck and stall sometime. Well, I did but when I got up there, there was this big crab standing right above the fountain. Well, we got into this duel and I killed it but I attracted that half snake and half human creature. Well, that didn’t end well because Beckonford got caught and the half snake and half human people got Beckonford and caught me too. Well, Kronos came (last book The Battle of the Labyrinth Kronos took over Luke’s body when Luke died) and we came into this duel. Well, that didn’t end well because I almost died and Beckonford took his life for us because he blew the ship up. That gave us some time, but it was said when I came back to camp. Beckonford left his girlfriend behind and when is she heard that he died she couldn’t stop crying. Well, our life’s couldn’t get any worse because Kronos was building a army as we speak, there was a loose very scary creature on the loose heading for Manhattan, and Mount Olympia’s is in danger.

  19. Robyn Rosales # 12
    Breaking Dawn: Stephenie Meyer
    The main problem in the book is that Bella needs to resolve all of her issues that she has going on. Bella has all these problems that are in her life which are ruining everything. Bella’s situations that she is dealing with are affecting a lot of other people around her. When she realized she was pregnant it put a large burden on Edward as it did her. He was stunned when she first told him and now he is very stressed out because this was not supposed to happen. Bella now made it his problem. Another one of Bella’s issues is that she wants to become a vampire and does not want to at the same time. She does not want to be a vampire because if she does she will disappoint Jacob and he will be even angrier than he is now. If she becomes a vampire she will break the treaty between the Quilliette’s and the Cullen’s. Bella does not want to be responsible for causing them to go against each other. Her other problem is that Jacob is already mad at her. He is mad at her because she did not give him enough warning that she would be changing into a vampire soon. Jacob does not like the fact that when she is a vampire he cannot hang out with her and he does not want to lose his friendship with her. Jacob thinks that Bella could have a happier life if she stays human. With all these hardships going on in Bella’s life it makes it a lot harder to focus on the things that are more important.

  20. #7 Larreya Hayden
    Blog #1
    Theme: Whether ur going throug pain or you are full of joy just remember that there will always be someone there for you to trust and love that will help you push through the pain or rejoice with you for your joy. And that one person can change your whole life by just saying a few words of encouragement or a few words of destrustion. The relationships we all have with eachother can either break you or make you. They will either last forever or crumble in a day. This theme is related to the book because not only is life about relationships but it is about the way you use your relationships and who you share them with. Wether its family, friends or any other things you desire. In the book it talks about relationships with family friends and the opposite gender. Maybe in your life you know that something isnt right wether it is your parents or it is your friends or maybe even you. Sometimes if you hold your feelings and pain in you may never find the truth. That someone that loves and cares for you will be glad to help you perservere. Just remember that there is always someone out there that loves you and cares what you are feeling and will always be there for you. Just make sure that that one person is someone you know you can trust. That one person for me is GOD.

  21. Andrew Chapin #1
    ‘’My Life’’ by Ervin Johnson
    blog #1
    Ervin Johnson was a very talented basketball player that always loved the game. He was a hit throughout all of the NBA(National Basketball Association). His nickname was Ervin ”Magic” Johnson. He was unstoppable with the duo of Ervin Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabar. Together they were the leaders of the Los Angeles Lakers. That is why they won so many championships. But, Ervin did not play ball forever. After leaving the game of basketball he went on to retirement to be with his wife and his only baby boy in a big house. Ervin Johnson the third which was “Magic” Johnsons son was helped out by his famous dad to practice and play the sport of basketball. Ervin the third started to attain the talents that his father had before him. Ervin the third went on to be the MVP of the high school that his father and him had both went to. Ervin the third went to the college of UCLA. They won the championships because of their point guard the son of Mr. Magic. Magic Johnson played basketball with his son every day until his son went to the pros which was the NBA. At the beginning Ervin the third was on the Denver Nuggets. Then he spent the rest of his NBA career on his fathers team which was the Los Angeles Lakers. Ervin the third kept the magic tradition and helped the Los Angeles Lakers to a total of five titles and a record of four consecutive final wins.

  22. Matthew Hernandez #8
    The Rangers Apprentice
    John Flanagan
    Blog #1
    Dear diary,
    I do not even know where to begin. I have had to leave my homeland to set out on an adventure to save my best friend and the princess of our land. It is a long and perilous journey that I am risking my life on even though I do not know if they are alive. They have been gone for months and it will be another couple of months before Halt and I can even start traveling again since winter is coming and it will block the mountains. It is a two man army made up of me, Horace, and Halt which is not much but since Halt is a highly trained ranger it gives us a slight advantage when we are faced with a closely numbered enemy. However since it does not give us an advantage against numbers a lot more than ours we have recently been captured by a night that is interested in both me and my comrades unique skills that we posses. Halt and I have decided to stay with him till after winter since we cannot cross the mountains anyways because of all the snow and blizzards. The man that captured us is a cruel man that tortures all that make him unhappy in any way and for that, when Halt and I choose to plan our escape, he will pay for the crimes that he has committed and will never be able to do harm to anyone again. After we have dealt with him I hope to continue my journey to save my best friend and princess before something bad happens to them if it has not yet occurred already.

  23. #1 Anjelina Booth
    Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sprots
    James Patterson
    Blog #1

    Dear Max,
    This is Anjelina, and I am writing to you because I wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing these past couple of days. From the last letter you sent me, you told me that you had fought your clone and blew up Itex. That must have been a rush for you. Anyway, I’ve been worried about you and your flock lately. Honestly, you guys are so unique and you guys are really close to me. I hope what I’m about to say to you will help you in the future or remind you of what you have been doing. First, since you are different that normal people, you don’t have normal lives. The advice that I give you can either help you or not make sense to you at all, but I’m willing to help you Max. I also heard about that evil guy from Itex who wants to wipe out half of the human race. As always, I know that you and your flock are the people to go up against him and try to take him down. Since I have never been in your shoes before, all I can really saw is to do what you know best to do and what you’ve done all these years. Second, one of the reasons why you guys have gotten this far was because you guys have never separated, and you guys have always stuck together like a family. Max, take this important piece of advice, since you are one of the oldest of the flock, you need to continue to look out for all of the members and care for them as well. You need to keep doing that to keep the flock together. Please write back to me as soon as you can and say hi to everyone for me.
    With much love, Anjelina.

  24. Andre Eng #5
    Men Who Stares at Goats

    When I look at a goat in the eyes
    I work my magic in a few seconds time
    I watch him fall to floor
    Without a peep, snore, or roar
    I watch stare at the world for the last time
    All I can do is stare
    And say good-bye

  25. David Spindler
    I am determining Starscream’s future. He is fighting the autobots and is struggling but he will eventually lose. He is going to fight until the death of the decepticons. Even though he has a lot of other decepticons to help him he will not win. He will be fighting with all of the decepticons getting ready to attack humans and Optimus Prime will come and save the humans. He might put up a fight to the autobots and might eliminate one of them but the others will fight back and take revenge. Then he will fall and all of the decepticons will give up. They will have to be nice and then the autobots will go back to the planet cybertron and rebuild it. They will remake there old planet and make it like it was. Then there will be no decepticons to ruin it and the war will be over. Then our world will be the same as it was and have no aliens or robots on it. The company NEST will shut down and Sector 7 will be forgotten. Everything about the war will be forgotten and will not be remembered. The decepticons might try to take revenge but the autobots will stop them and the remaining ones will remember and will not be evil, greedy, or selfish again. The life of humans will be normal and the autobots sill not see them again. They will be separate but not because of bad things but for the good of human and cybertronian society.

  26. #6George Frazier#6
    J.R. Tolken
    Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

    5-10 T/F

    1.Aaragon is a man

    2.Gimli is an elf

    3.Elron is a elf

    4.Rivendel is a place belonging to man

    5.Legolas is a man

    5 Short Answer

    1.How does Frodo get through the spider's cave?
    1.Orcs find him and take him.

    2.How does Legolas kill the elephant?
    2.He shoots it to death with arrows.

    3.How does Aaragon kill the messenger of Sauron?
    3.He cuts his head off.

    4.How does Boromir's father die?
    4.He runs off the edge of his castle while burning alive.

    5.How does Sauran(The Eye) die?
    5.After The Ring is cast into the fire the tower of Sauran falls and he dies with it.

    10 Multiple Choice

    1.How does Saruman die?
    a.fell of a building
    b.head cut off

    2.How did the king of Rohan die? shot
    b.stabbed eaten ran over

    3.How do all of the Orcs die?
    a.was killed by Legolas and his men
    b.was killed by Gilmi and his men
    c.was killed by Aaragon and his men
    d.a light passed over and killed them all

    4.How was The Ring destroyed?
    a.Orcs ate it
    b.Aarogons sword destroyed it
    c.Gilmis axe destroyed it was cast into the fire

    5.What is the only way The Ring can be destroyed?
    a.must be sealed in a box forever
    b.must be cast into the fire
    c.must be buried
    d.must be hidden

    6.How Smeagol die?
    a.his head was cut off
    b.he was stabbed to death
    c.he fell in the fire with the ring
    d.was tortured to death

    7.How does Saurumans servant die?
    a.he got shot with an arrow
    b.he was trampled to death animal ate him
    d.he fell of a building

    8.How does Frodo and Sam almost get caught while trying to get in the camp?
    a.Sam and Frodo make alot of noise and get caught
    b.Sam falls and rocks fall and soilders notice the rocks moving
    c.Smeagol tells on them
    d.Soilders notice them in the hills

    9.How does Bilbo Bggins leave?
    a.he dies by poison
    b.he dies in his sleep
    c.elves take him on a boat
    d.he is stabbed to death

    10.How does Frodo and Sam get into the camp of the Orcs?
    a.they waited for the Orcs to leave
    b.they disguise themselves as Orcs
    c.they go around the camp
    d.they waited for the Orcs to fall asleep

    How does Aaragon convince the ghosts to help him in his war against Sauran?

    He convinces the ghosts because he has the sword of Elandi which was the sword that killed Sauran so he can kill them and also he is the heir to the throne to become the king of Gondor, and he is the only one who can free them.

  27. Jonathan Dumaine #4
    The Shining
    By: Stephen King
    The main character’s name in the book is called Dan Torrence. Dan also has two nicknames that his parents have given to him. Dan’s two nicknames are Danny and Doc. Danny’s two parents are called Jack Torrence and Winnifred Torrence. The family went on a vacation to a hotel called the Outlook. The father of Danny, Jack Torrence, also had to be the caretaker of the hotel for a certain amount of time because his boss told him to. Jack Torrence has a very short temper with people. So if I could help or give Danny Torrence advice in any way possible I would tell him to stay away from his father for the time being. Danny Torrence should stay away from his father, Jack Torrence, because he is possessed with the spirit of the hotel. But if in the case that Jack Torrence does find Danny Torrence I suggest that he stand tall and not be afraid. He should do that because he defeated all of the other possessed spirits that were after him. So Danny, you should hide from Jack Torrence in a spot that will keep you safe for a few days. You should also find your mother and hide with her until the snow dies down so that you can escape from the hotel with your mother. You can escape the hotel safely by going inside the shed and taking the snowmobile. You can also help your mother find some of the gas tanks so that you can take some of them so that it can last you a longer time. You should pack a lot of gas with you because the nearest town is about three to four miles away. That is my best advice that I could give you right now. Good luck, and I hope that you escape safely and in good condition so that you don’t die.

  28. Strombreaker was an interesting book that I would recommend only if one were to continue reading. It is the first book in a series of eight, so far, and I have already read the next in the series. This is the book that explains what Alex’s start was like and how he became a part of MI6. As I had said in my previous blog Alex Rider has learned that his Uncle had died (his two parents had died in a plane crash just after he was born) and his death was rather odd. He decided to try and obtain more information and in finding the car this uncle died in he discovered bullet holes, and after being chased he found himself in the bank his uncle worked at. He decided to try to jump into one of the office buildings just out of curiosity and discovered his uncle was a spy working on a project called stormbreaker. He was asked to fill in for his uncle and accepted and sent to keep an eye on Herod Sayle. After finding that the computers (Stormbreakers) were filled with a toxic gas he started to try to figure out a way to save the world. In doing so his cover was blown and he was fed to a giant jelly fish. He escaped and got on a helicopter that took him to where the mayor would activate the computers. After crashing through the window and stopping the activation MI6 took care of everything else. Sayle had gotten away but was later killed and life as Alex knew it had returned to normal, or so he thought.

  29. Rebekah Dervartanian #3
    Ranger's Apprentice-Book 1
    The Ruins of Gorlan
    Log #1...Interview

    Beka: Hi. This is Rebekah Devartanian sitting with a very important famous person today. His name is Will. "Will who?" u ask. Well, to be truthful, I have no idea what his last name is either. So, come on in and have a seat Will.

    Will: Thankyou, Rebekah.

    Beka: You are very welcome. So, how are you doing today?

    Will: Well, I am quite nevous.

    Beka: Oh, really? And why is that?

    Will: Well,Choosing Day is coming up.

    Beka: Choosing Day? Please explain.

    Will: Well, it is now time for my friends and I to recieve a lifelong job. It is the day in which we are each chosen for a different apprenctice job with different masters. It is the day that will determine our lifelong jobs.

    Beka: Ah, I see. And what specifically about this bothers you?

    Will: What if I get stuck with a job that I don't like? If I do, then I would have to go on, living a miserable life.

    Beka: Yes, and that wouldn't be much fun now would it? I see your predicament. Are your friends also worried about Choosing Day? Have you asked them yet?

    Will: Yes, I have asked them, and absolutely none of them are as nervous as I am.

    Beka: Oh, well do you know why?

    Will: Um, I think I actually do. They all know that they have been assured an appretnice spot with the master that they wanted. This is because they are all good at one thing, and at least one great master of that job has seen them. As for me, I am not good at only. One thing. I can do many, but I don't know what thy can do with a kid who is not great at the certain thing they want him to b great at.

    Beka: Ah, yes. I am very sorry to hear that Will. I would have given you some advic but we are running out of time! All that you have left to do know is hope. Hope that you will be of great help to whichever apprenticeship you have been assigned to.

    Will: Yes, I guess you are right.

    Beka: Well of course l am, Will.
    Well, that is all the time we have left today, folks! Thank you for coming in today and sharing your problem with us Will.

    Will: No, thank you for having me on your show. Good bye!

    Beka: Awe, your welcome. I can. Wait until next weeks guest star is chosen so that we can talk about their problems too on the "Solving Problems For You" show.

  30. Nick Yates#12
    Point Blank
    Anthony Horowitz

    Hi my name is Alex Rider And I have been in a journey for a while and i am here to tell you all about it.On my journey i have been moving from state to state because of my boss Sam Green.But at this state there is one thing that i am doing which i have never done before, and that is going to school. At this school there is actually a mission for me though and that is catching the drug dealer behind the school.This drug dealer has been coming to this school for weeks and i thought I would try to stop it.So i waited a couple days spying on him and then after about five days I actually followed him home. Guess were he lived.He lived right next to a lake and a police station.A perfect place for him because you know,who would look for druggies right next to a police station.So i go check out the house and when I peek in there is another guy with him.Although he doesn't look like a drug dealer,he looks like a drug buyer.So the next day,early morning,I go out there again and seat there house afloat,then later that afternoon I Went up in a crane,with no one allowing me to, and I took it and brought it down to there cabin and picked it up right and the i brought it up hanging over the million-dollar conference center and with out me knowing it accidently dropped an I was so lucky no one special in that conference was killed.

  31. Linda Buckley Archer
    Time thief

    I have a place
    I have a horse
    I am a crook
    I am a thief
    I do not like beef
    My apprentice is nice
    She is not a vice
    But rather a thief
    She likes beef
    She can steal
    My place is cool
    It is not for a fool
    I sometimes wonder who'll
    Will buy it when i leave.
    I am a thief
    It is not easy
    It puts you in a frenzy
    In Europe there is a dome
    I saw a rich lady
    I stole her jewels
    I ran from security
    Down the hill
    It made my head hurt
    So i took a pill
    It did not taste like dirt
    I tried a soda
    It was is in a can
    I am now a fan
    I stole it form dan
    Beacause I can
    He was a man
    Now I must go
    So I bid thee farewell
    Do not ring the bell
    And have a horrible day

  32. Grace Gee#5
    Maximum Ride:The Angel Experiment
    James Patterson

    Grace:Hey Fang, what have you been up to these days?

    Fang:Well.. we have been running from Erasers most of the time.

    Grace:Did you guys find Angel?

    Fang:yes, she's fine, but we didn't quite save her at the right time when we saw her all bruised up and thin.

    Grace:I'm glad to hear that she's safe. So how's Max doing?

    Fang:She's been doing fine. She has been having headaches and many breakdowns often. I worry about her sometimes.

    Grace:I hope she's getting better.

    Fang:Don't worry. Max is a tough girl.

    Grace: So, where do you guys hang out most of the time?

    Fang:We just walk around, hoping to find something intresting.

    Grace:What other problems do you guys have going around you?

    Fang:Well..I can't tell you too much information about us because we are scared we might be turned into the "School".

    Grace:Don't worry, I'm with you guys.

    Fang:Good. As I was saying, their is one guy that we most likely do not get along with him. His name is Ari.

    Grace:You guys should be careful out there. Anyone that is out there can be disguised as an Eraser.

    Fang:We try to.

    Grace:Well..thank you for taking your time to take this interview. I appreciate it.

    Fang:No problem, but right now I'm kind of in a hurry because Erasers are on their way to get us right now. So bye.

    Grace:Goodbye, Fang!


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