Last Blog of the Year!

This is it! The last quarter of the blog. Remember this is 10% of your grade so double check that spelling and grammar.


  1. Chase Holiday#9
    Catching Fire
    By Suzanne Collins
    Catching Fire Final
    1. People in the Winners Circle are treated badly.
    2. Katniss’s mom hates the Winners Circle.
    3. There are electric fences around District 12.
    4. Katniss had alcohol once.
    5. Peeta and Katniss got married.
    Multiple Choice
    1. Katniss had to take _____ wedding pictures
    a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d.0
    2. Katniss ______ the dummy of the training course
    a. hanged b. stabbed c. set fire to
    3. Peeta is great with a _____.
    a. sword b. knife c. bow
    4. In the Arena there were ______ monkeys.
    a. killer b. friendly c. dumb
    5. Nuts and _____ were best friends.
    a. Katniss b. Peeta c. Mags d. Volts
    6. Victor’s main weapon was a _______.
    a. trident b. knife c. sword d. net
    7. Katniss thought she was ________.
    a. dead b. pregnant c. weird
    8. Tracking devices were put into the ______ of the contenders.
    a. arms b. legs c. ankles
    9. Gale told Katniss there is no ________ __
    a. District 1 b. District 3 c. District 12
    10. Katniss started almost all of the _____
    a. fights b. fires c. destruction d. riots
    Short Answer
    1. Peeta was Katniss’s _______.
    2. The winners Circle had a giant ________.
    3. Katniss knew how to ____.
    4. President ____arranged Katniss’s marriage.
    5. Gale was Katniss’s ______.
    Essay: Do you think Peeta and Katniss will ever have a child? Will they be great parents? Explain (1 paragraph only)
    Example: Yes, because they are married. Ever since they got married Katniss became pregnant. Katniss will be a great mother because she is kind and loving. Peeta will be a great father because he is strong, protective, and loving. They will protect themselves and each other.
    Answer Document
    Multiple Choice
    short answer
    1. husband

  2. Robyn Rosales #12
    Blog #2
    Breaking Dawn: Stephenie Meyer


    1. Bella wanted to name her child E.J. if she had a boy.
    2. Jacob gave Bella’s child the nickname Nessie.
    3. Jacob imprinted on Lizzie.
    4. Rosalie couldn’t control herself at the sight of Bella’s blood.
    5. Bella liked the second car Edward gave her better than the first.

    Multiple Choice

    6. What did Bella name her child?
    a. Renesmee
    b. Carlie
    7. What two people did Bella name her child’s middle name after?
    a. Alice and Jasper
    b. Charlie and Carlisle
    8. Who imprinted on Rachel?
    a. Seth
    b. Quil
    9. Who does Bella form a closer bond with while she is pregnant?
    a. Rosalie
    b. Alice
    10. What does Edward want Bella to do with the baby?
    a. Keep it safe
    b. Abort it
    11. What is the baby doing to Bella?
    a. Turning her into a vampire
    b. Killing her
    12. What will Jacob do to Edward if Bella dies during the pregnancy?
    a. Kill him
    b. Help him get over it
    13. Which two people appear to have left for good?
    a. Alice and Jasper
    b. Carlisle and Esme
    14. What does Alice leave for Bella?
    a. Money
    b. A name and address
    15. What is Edward and Bella’s child like?
    a. Half human half vampire
    b. Full vampire

    Short Answer

    16. Name four members of the Volturi guard.
    17. What is the fake name Bella uses for her child?
    18. What did Bella do directly before she gave birth?
    19. What does Alice do when she sees a vision of the Volturi?
    20. Who informs the Volturi about Renesmee


    21. How did Bella change after she turned into a vampire?



    1. True
    2. True
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False

    Multiple Choice

    6. A
    7. B
    8. A
    9. A
    10. B
    11. B
    12. A
    13. A
    14. B
    15. A

    Short Answer

    16. Afran, Alec, Chelsea, and Coni are four members of the Volturi guard.
    17. She used Vanessa Wolfe as a fake name.
    18. She threw up blood before giving birth.
    19. Alice drops an ornament.
    20. Irina informs the Volturi about Renesmee.


    21. Bella didn’t change very much after she was turned into a vampire. Her physical appearance is what changed the most. She saw the world like the Cullen’s and she looked like the Cullen’s; pale and she was the same temperature. She was able to control herself unlike other newborns which made her seem more like herself. Bella still had the same feelings toward other people as she would if she were still human. She acted the same way as if she never changed at all. The only thing that was different about her is she seemed more confident and assertive.

  3. Tommy Ferguson#3
    Harry Potter 3
    Blog 2
    I’m the author
    Before Harry was in his third year he had to face many obstacles. Harry was a victim of Voldemort for his two years at Hogwarts and still is a target. Harry has defeated Voldemort both times but now he is gone for good. Harry’s new problem is the Dementors and Black. Black is Harry’s uncle and he was Harry’s Dad’s right hand man. Ron and Hermione found Harry on a train and have been best friends ever since. In every single jam Harry is in Hermione and Ron help him overcome every obstacle. Harry’s parents died by Voldemort and he seeks revenge for their death. Because his parents died when he was a baby he had to live his aunt and uncle. His aunt and uncle were mean to him all his life for being a son of wizards. His life was filled with sorrow and the only cure was going to school at Hogwarts to see his friends Ron and Hermione. The best thing He loved about Hogwarts is Quidditch. Quiddetch is a sport played with a chaser, beater, keeper, bludgerers, and the seeker. Harry is the most important player the seeker. He catches the snitch that ends the game with one hundred and fifty points. Harry is the most famous wizard because he was the only one to survive an attack by Voldemort. He has a special power inside and his personality pushes him to pursue his goal. Because of his experiences in the past he will continue to fight and endure to see to his goal in life of surviving.

  4. Jordan Perretano#10
    God in the foxhole

    my name is Dan Pitzer and im in the special forces and an defence group.I was placed n ca mau vietnam because troops were going down like like dying gras. and they said I was the best in my redgement. so they said we have a plan we want you and your men to go and place these c4 charges in there bunkers and blow them out like pigs. so when we went to set the charges we did it and when I was going to blow it up nam came up behind me and stabbed me but before he could have shot me my men came and put him to rest. they carried me backl but fist I blew them up real good. for a while I was going to die and never see my kids and wife again but the docters were able to patch up the wound back at the base and I was able to see them again.but I never told my kids what happen because I didnt want to scare them. so this was the time I got stabbed in vietnam to save my country.

  5. Michael Ly#11
    Dear diary,once they finally persuaded Briares to come with them, Tyson, Annabeth, Percy, and Grover ran out of Alcatraz, and then, they went back down into the Labyrinth. They locked the fierce monster, Kavee, in the dungeon, and then the kept going. They found themselves at a ranch called Triple G Ranch. There were red cows, and there were flesh eating horses, and also there were half-horse-half-chickens! They found Nico there, and they killed the evil owner. Then, the ranch Dude, named Eurytion, gave them a mechanical spider that leads them to Hephaestus’s forges. On the way, Grover and Tyson sensed Pan, and they wanted to go by themselves to find him. So Percy and Annabeth went by themselves. Hephaestus wanted Percy and Annabeth to check out one of his forges, because he thought that someone was there when he wasn’t using it. So now, Annabeth and Percy are there, and they find that the being that are there are called Telekhines, and that they are working for Kronos.

  6. Elijah Hernandez#7
    The Lightning Thief
    1.Grover is a satyr.
    2.Percy, Annabeth, and Grover go on a quest to save the world.
    3.Annabeth has never been to Camp Half-Blood.
    4.Grover and Percy are dyslexic.
    5.Luke has been helping Kronos since the winter solstice.
    Multiple Choice
    1.Percy ____ the dead line.
    a.Barely made
    b.Made with time to spare
    c.Did not make
    2.Mr. Brunner’s real name is
    3.Who lives in Tartarus?
    a.No one
    4.Who many Furies are there?
    5.What did Percy do to Grover when they got off the bus?
    b.Ditch him
    c.Hurt him
    d.Kill him
    6.Why did Percy go into the underworld?
    a.Because he died
    b.To save his mom
    c.To get the Master Lightning Bolt
    d.Both B and C
    7.Whose 1978 Camaro was discovered badly burned by Camp Half-Blood Hill?
    c.The gods’
    8.Who did the animals talk to on the truck?
    d.Both A and C
    9.What was Poseidon’s gift to Percy?
    b.A sword
    d.All of the above
    10.How many nights had Grover, Annabeth, and Percy stayed at the Locus Casino?
    a.3 nights
    b.4 nights
    c.5 nights
    Short Answer
    1.Why does Grover insist on staying in the underworld to save Sally, Annabeth, and Percy?
    2.Who stole the Master Lightning Bolt?
    3.What did Zeus do to Kronos before throwing hi into a pit with eternal darkness?
    4.Why does Grover want a searcher’s license?
    5.What does Poseidon tell Percy about the sea?
    1.In 6-8 sentences explain why Percy, Annabeth, and Grover went on the quest?

    Answer Key
    Multiple Choice
    Short Answer
    1.He insists on staying because he can’t die he just gets reincarnated.
    2.Luke stole the Master Lightning Bolt.
    3.Zeus cut Kronos into one thousand pieces.
    4.He wants as searchers license so he can go looking for the god Pan.
    5.Poseidon tells Percy that the sea does not like to be restrained.
    1.Percy, Annabeth, and Grover go on the quest to get the Master lightning Bolt. Luke had stolen it from Zeus at the winter solstice. Percy mostly went on the quest to save his mom. His mom had died on Half-Blood Hill. The bull-man had attacked Grover, Percy, and Percy’s mom, Sally. She had tried to jump out of the way of the bull-man, but it still got her. The bull-man had choked her to death. In the end Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Sally had made it out of the underworld and were safe from Hades’ wrath.

  7. #13Allie Shackelford
    Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
    Blog #2
    The book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is very creative and interesting. I like how the characters and scenery is very creative and well thought out. The entire book is based on non-sense that makes sense. For example, when Alice fell down the rabbit-hole it was unbelievably deep that only could exist in a fictional novel. “Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her, and to wonder what was going to happen next.”(pg.10) An example of a strange animal in the book is the Cheshire-Cat. “’I didn’t know that Cheshire-Cats always grinned; in fact, I didn’t know that cats could grin.’” (pg.52) Lewis Carroll brilliantly elaborated on the Cat and thought of the idea that it could vanish when it wants to. “’You’ll see me there,’ said the Cat, and vanished.”(pg.58) I enjoyed reading about the tea party. This is a very famous scene and I liked how random everything was. “The Hatter opened his eyes very wide on hearing this; but all he said was ‘Why is a raven like a writing-desk?’”(pg.60) My favorite character is the Mad Hatter because he says random things that end up stumping people and he is silly guy who fights for the White Queen. Alice was a very well adapted character because she talks and reasons with herself. The whole time she was in Wonderland she began to go along with all the strange things that were happening. “Alice was not much surprised at this; she was getting so well used to queer things happening.”(pg.58) I would definitely recommend this to a friend who wanted something fun and interesting to read.

  8. Andrew Chapin
    Dear Diary,
    I am so happy that I just made it to the NBA. I am nervous for my first game and I am also happy to play. Many of my family members and friends will be there. I usually do bad in my first game in a new league or on a new team. I am now on the NBA Lakers. But, I am not scared that my family and friends will think I am bad because they all trust in me. I am pretty sure that my two friends Terry and Reggie will be watching from heaven. I will play at the position of point guard. Since I was the rookie I had to lead the team onto the court to do the warm-ups. I had to lead them onto the court and slam dunk it, but I tripped and fell. The coach took me out of the game after nine minutes because I did so poorly. The coach then called me back in later. Then with a few seconds left we gave the ball to Kareem Abdul-Jabar and he made a great shy hook to win the game. I was so proud of Kareem that I just into his arms, but I could tell that I had made a mistake. When we got into the locker room he told me that I needed to calm down because we had eighty-one more games to play. Even though he told me to calm down I wasn’t going to change how much passion I had for the game of basketball. After awhile all my teammates got used to the way I was. Most of my teammates in my rookie year called me young buck.

  9. Jacob Ramsey#11
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

    I like the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, by J.K. Rowley, because on Halloween night, Professor Quirrell, which most people thought was the Bloody Baron, set a huge troll inside the Hogwarts. The troll ran through the castle and into the bathrooms and hallways. The students were forced to go back to their dorms and eat their dinner. Harry and Ron knew that Hermione wasn’t there, so they didn’t follow instructions and went looking for her. They checked everywhere and soon found that she was in the girls bathrooms. So they went in and saw the troll. So they fought the troll and saved Hermione. But for saving Hermione, all three of the students were punished. I also like this book because when Harry and his teammates are playing Quiditch, good and bad things happen to him and his team. One of Harry’s keepers, Wood is hit by a Bludger in the stomach, and fell to the ground from eighty feet in the air. Also while Harry was watching the game, he notices the Golden Snitch hovering over him. So he chased it everywhere on the playing field. He had to soar high and slow to catch that extremely fast ball. As he was racing against the other chaser to get the Golden Snitch, he saw that it was within his reach. So he stood up on the edge of his broomstick and fell over onto the ground. He opened his mouth and the Golden Snitch was inside. His team won the game.

  10. Tanner Medina#8
    Blog 2
    Who’s better whose best in football?
    In this book the author writes about the top sixty football players of all time such as Jerry Rice or Joe Montana. Every football player has o great life story to tell and about how they got there like Rice he spent his whole child hood helping his dad work with brick Rice said " I think I can catch well because of what my dad made me do". The theme in this book is when the going gets tuff down give up. This theme is shown in many places throat the book such as night train lane and his story were his parents were about to lose everything but they kept working and finally got the money to pay for everything. Even the people that came up through rich families and never had a problem still have sometime of story to tell about when the going gets tuff down give up. Manly all of the football player’s problems were school they struggled riley bad but kept going and eventually graduated and kept going and made it pro.

  11. Ellen Cho#3
    Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

    Dear diary,
    When my parents found me in jail instead of Mae Tuck who killed a guy in a yellow jacket, they locked me in my room for a month. I kept my bottle of water, which was from the special pond that makes you live forever. I don't know what to do with the water. Live forever by drinking the water or live a normal life. It would be thrilling and fun if I live forever, but what do I do if I become tired of living? I thought about what Tuck said about life. Life should go on and on. I'm afraid what will happen if I live forever. If someone finds out there's a pond that can make you liver forever, then the world will stop and stay in the same place. When Tucks drank the water, they had move their house and jobs every twenty years, so no one can find out they can live forever. I would prefer a stable life rather than chased by other people and living forever. I should throw this bottle away before I change my mind.

  12. #2 Christopher Conradt
    The Bourne Supremacy
    Robert Ludlum
    Dear Jason,
    I can’t believe what is happening to you now. Even though Tredstone is dead you were part of it and so now they are trying to take you out. I’m sorry you had to figure out the hard way that if you stay in one country to much they will find you. They even found you in the small city of Goa, India. They will not stop until you are dead Jason. They will do whatever is necessary and kill whoever it takes to make sure you are dead. If you are with anyone they will kill them if that means killing you too. If you keep going to U.S. embassies then you are basically turning yourself in. Yet after some of the stories you told me I think you are doing it on purpose for a certain plan of yours. I think the reason they are after you is because you were framed for killing two soldiers and stealing thousands of dollars as well. Until you find a way to prove you didn’t kill them they will be after you. You leave a trail of chaos behind you. When you were in Italy you took on the two guards and the interrogator as if they were children. You are literally outnumbered thousands to one and maybe if they get some more men then they might have a chance. You are now the only assassin left for the dead company Tredstone. After you killed the other man you to were the only ones left. I got to run, be safe.
    Your friend,
    Christopher Conradt

  13. Tre Fitts #4
    Blog 2
    The Magician: Michael Scott

    Dear Diary,
    Ok, days have been crazy so far. Two days ago we arrived at St. Francis Germain’s house, and Joan of Arc taught me, Sophie Newman, how to shape my aura. Yesterday Francis taught me how to trigger and create fire from within myself. The next day when I was brushing my teeth, a huge dinosaur looking creature busted through the wall of the house. Following that the three Disir sisters attacked us. The Disir are valkyries who are working for Dr. Dee. When they attacked Joan and I had no choice but to burn her and freeze her in an eternal ice cube. Then today, we managed to escape the house but Josh had gone after the beast already. Soon after Josh had fallen under the hands of Dee and Machiavelli. They are now in the catacombs of Paris looking to get Josh “Awakened”. They got to the place where Mars sleeps but his guardians stopped them in their tracks. Now they are waiting to get Josh “Awakened” by Mars, but Josh may have to offer his eternal alliance for it.

  14. Sofia Youssouf#11
    Blog 2
    The Last Olympian
    Rick Riordan
    Dear Diary,
    It has been a very tough week because my dad has a war to fight, Mount Olympus is going to be invaded by Kronos, and Clarisse won’t come and help us. All the cabins except the Ares cabin went to Mount Olympus. Well when we were at Manhattan all the people were asleep. Then, we went into groups Michal took Apollo’s cabin to the Williamsburg Bridge, Katie took Demeter’s cabin to the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel, Conner takes half of the Hermes cabin to the Manhattan Bridge, Travis took the other half to cover the Brooklyn Bridge, Silena took the Aphrodite crew to Queen’s Midtown Tunnel, Jake took the Hephaestus cabin to cover Holland Tunnel, Malcolm took the Athena cabin and Annebeth said to activate plan twenty- three, and well I forgot about Lincoln Tunnel and my friend Thalia came to the rescue with her Hunter’s. Well, then I had to go deep into the pollutant sea. The Hudson and the East River. I had them both help me because I let them split the sand dollar in half and they took the deal. Well, they helped me a lot because they sunk a lot of their boats. One more problem was that there were monsters coming from the tunnel. The Minotaur was leading it and that was the same Minotaur that almost killed my mom. Well, I and Annabeth went to go rescue that fight and we did. Well this was the best summer I had because the prophecy didn’t happen. This was the best and I turned sixteen you can never beat that.

  15. Eugene Cho#2
    Rick Riordan
    The Sea of Monsters
    Blog #2

    Dear Diary,
    Just another day of learning and staying in peace until I have a major call from Chiron about my troublemaker friend Grover that is missing. Great, I am now have to go on a boat and sail to meet the troublemaker because the location is in Miami Beach. But the thing is that I can't ditch school so looks like I am going to have to stay at school for another day without my mom noticing. My best friend Tyson and I was stuck in P.E class with a bunch of cannibals and that was the first mission I had to face. Luckily school's over and Annabeth came running towards me like a crazy lunatic and told me that Grover was in trouble and I knew that. I went back to Camp Half-Blood and I took Tyson with me. I hitched a ride on the princess Andromeda and traveled through the ocean. I got struck by a terrible storm and caused my ship to break and guess what, Tyson went missing to when he on the journey with us. There was luckily a raft that made us safe until Clarrise came along. We went in her boat and she was on a adventure to at the same place to rescue Grover. We hitched a ride in her boat and a lot of dead confederates were in there because of her father the god of war. We arrive at the C.C Resort and Spa and a curse had came to us. Circe was behind this. We get troubled by this and Annabeth tries to swim home but we left as soon as possible with Clarrise's ship. We arrive on a huge mountain where wierd faced sheeps were there and cyclops. We saw Grover and the lady cyclops asked Grover to marry her and that's very wierd. We go fight the disgusting monster and I eventually had bravery and I trapped the cyclop. We ran back to the ship and the cyclop was finished. We have a long sail back to Camp Half-Blood and we saw Tyson in our ship. We went back and we had a huge party of Grover's returning. We meet Thalia and we eventually became good friends. I have one thing to say, I'm glad to be back home.

  16. David Spindler #9
    Language Blogspot #2
    Transformers The Veiled Threat

    One of the themes of Transformers is the veiled threat is risking ourselves for others. This applies to selflessness for ourselves and showing kindness for others. In America, soldiers risk their lives for our freedom. In this book, an autobot named Ratchet, risks to be thrown at a dam to repair it. the Decepticons were trying to destroy the dam to kill thousands of people. He risks his life by asking his friend Salvage to throw him at it and repair it. A Decepticon is at the top of the dam shooting at it to break it and will soon kill him. This shows he was risking his life for others. Also, a girl named Kaminari risks her life in the book to save her autobot friend Ironhide. She shot at a Decepticon and it had picked her up earlier and just dropped her. She got saved by landing on her feet. She was later asked why she did that and she told them she would rather die than have others die. American soldiers do the same thing. Some soldiers will go out onto front lines and get killed for their own country. This theme has been present since the Bible. David's soldier Uriah fought for David and slept outside his home to gaurd David at his palace. Even if one kid will not take a candy so another kid can have one this theme is present. People see good in others and are unselfish for them. People will fight for each other and help each other in hard times, even if they are opposites.

  17. Hayley Macabuhay #7
    Blog #2
    Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies
    Erin Dionne

    Celeste Harris is a thirteen year old girl in eighth grade. When she was younger, she did not care about her weight. All the other kids did not care either. Celeste, now in junior high, greatly cares about her weight and her appearance. Lively Carson, the most popular girl in school, criticizes Celeste the most. She mocks, makes fun of, and embarrasses Celeste on a daily basis. Celeste has best friends that support and encourage her, but that still isn't enough. She thinks she is obese, ugly, and lonely. One of her best friends, Sandra, makes it harder for Celeste when she starts hanging out with Lively. Sandra starts making fun of Celeste just to impress Lively and her friends. To build some confidence in Celeste, her mom and her aunt enters her in the Miss HuskyPeach pageant for plus-sized girls. This completely embarrasses her, so she doesn't tell anyone about this, not even her best friends. She was afraid of what they might say about it. Celeste comes up with a plan. Her plan is to go on a diet until she is considered too skinny for the pageant that is for chubby teenage girls. Celeste lost a lot of weight. She still did some pageants, but after a while she wanted to quit. Her family constantly pushed her into finishing the modeling challenge; there was only one event left. Everyday they would bother and ask her to reconsider the challenge. Finally, Celeste chose to finish the the final round of the HuskyPeach pageants. At the end of the pageant, Celeste Harris was awarded the crown for second runner-up. Celeste realized that she had fun in the pageant.

  18. Matthew Hernandez #8
    Blog Spot #2
    Rangers Apprentice: Icebound Land
    John Flanagan
    Challenges is something that we all must face,
    The most we can do is brace,
    For anything that may come our way,
    So that we do not go astray,
    And get led into evil,
    That will try and weasel,
    Itself into our life,

    Friends will keep us good,
    As strong and tall as wood,
    With the things believed to be right,
    And keep us shining as a light,
    Within our world,
    That has become twisted and curled,
    With the evils that has made its way in,

    But we can change,
    What’s within our range,
    And bring it all back again,
    To the days before the badness could begin,
    Where there was peace,
    That didn’t seem to cease,
    But nothing ever lasts,
    so have a blast,
    As long as its here,

    But when its gone,
    You must carry on,
    And not grope,
    But have enduring hope,
    That things will return,
    To before the burn,
    Of the evils that have come.

  19. Felix Sarmiento # 13
    Travel team
    Travel team is an awesome book that talks about the passion for this one kid named Danny Walker. He was a great player. The only thing that held him back from playing basketball was his height. His team encouraged him a lot but mostly his friend Tessa. She often tells him that he should keep on trying to play his best. She goes to the games to take pictures of the team. Some of the other team players pick on Danny. They would say stuff like “what color are your uniforms going to be – pink?” or you talk tough for a midget. They would get him in bear hugs and call him names when they tried to start trouble. He sometimes gets into fights with his team mates. There was this one time that Danny fought with a boy named Teddy Moran, he was bigger and heavier than Danny the way everybody was bigger and heavier, but his lack of guts made it a fair fight. Danny was so upset that he didn’t realize that he was on top of Teddy and people were trying to pull him off, but he wasn’t ready to let go. There was a man named Gus and he was the owner of the Candy Kitchen store that the two were fighting in. Teddy had a big mouth and would not be quite so Danny pulled back his right hand and was ready to hit him but Gus caught his hand like if it was a mitt. The book had not been to exciting at first but it got better. There is a lot more I could tell you but I think you should check the book out at a library or even buy one for yourself to read. I highly recommend this book any other book by Mike Lupica.

  20. Andre Eng
    Men Who Stare at Goats by Jon Ronson
    256 pages
    Dear Journal,
    Today, I went to the Middle East to try to get a story for my job. I was in the lobby for a while and I met Lyn Cassady. He seemed like a normal person but then I found out he had physic powers. He has the power to kill people by looking at them. He is a Jedi warrior and he trained under Project Jedi. He was in the first group of super soldiers. They were trained for the New Earth Army. He had physic power od remote viewing, cloud bursting, change people thought pattern, and invisibility. Remote viewing is the ability to see any place in the world from anywhere. He gave me a book talking about how New Earth Army was going to be set up, and studies of soldiers. It talked about how only 15% to 20% of new soldiers shoot to kill the enemies. I asked to interview him but he said no. When he grabbed my journal he gave me a weird look and took it. He compared it to a drawing in the packet and it matched. He told me a story on how he got the idea to come up with alternative fighting tactics. The Pentagon paid for the trip and went to live with hippies for six years to come up with his manual. The New Earth Army was to help stop war and they were going be paratroopers who flew in and gave people flowers to help stop fighting. That is everything he told me today.

  21. Nick Yates #12
    Point Blank
    Alex Rider

    In Point Blank Alex just caught the two guys and now he is on to a different one. The only problem is that this problem is more serious in ways that you could not imagine.This guy has weapons and is a known criminal with everybody already knowing about him he is a suspect on the loose i call him.Not only that but he sells the drugs that he makes and then gives some of them to his friends.Alex, a secret spy, has various weapons also, one of the weapons is a super powerful metal breaker and another is a drug detector.

  22. Rebekah Dervartanian #3
    Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins Of Gorlan
    By: John Flanagan
    Log #2

    Will, an orphan ward,
    Had lost his father
    Who was killed by a sword

    He hoped to go to Battle school one day
    To follow in his father's steps
    Not trying to betray
    But in his fate,
    This lifelong dream had gone away

    His career was chosen on Choosing Day
    He had become an apprentice
    Which in fact did make his day gray

    Halt, the man who Will would now live with,
    I'm not telling a myth
    He taught him everything he knew
    Sword fighting, horse riding, monster fighting,
    All of the skills he was taught
    They benefited him, not leaving him with no defense
    Gaining patience, strength, and wisdom

    To his surprise,
    Will fought in may battles
    All against monsters
    Starting by watching his master kill a wargal
    And in the end,
    Defeating a kalkara
    He persevered, winning in the end
    A father and a life
    That would be his Ranger strife

  23. Jonathan Dumaine #4
    By: Stephen King
    The conflict in the book Cujo is that there is a dog that has rabies that is going around killing innocent people. The dog’s name just happens to be Cujo. Saint Bernard is the type of dog that Cujo is. Cujo got rabies by chasing a rabbit into a hole. Cujo went inside the hole and got stuck. There were bats that were living inside the little cave and Cujo was bitten by one. Cujo was bitten on the nose. The owner of Cujo is called Joe Camber. When Cujo was first bitten he became dizzy and very tired. When Joe Camber came to give him food Cujo was not hungry and he didn’t eat it. Joe Camber has a wife and a son. Joe Camber’s son is called Brett Camber. Joe Camber’s wife is called Charity Camber. Joe Camber has a friend called Gary Pervier. Gary Pervier and Joe Camber were going to go on a trip to Boston. When Gary Pervier went to go pick up his friend Joe Camber to go to Boston he didn’t see Joe. Gary was about to go into the house when he saw Cujo, the Saint Bernard. Cujo lost some of his hair because of the rabies and his eyes were red. Cujo could somehow sense that Gary was afraid. Cujo then attacked Gary Pervier. Gary could not defend himself well enough so Cujo ended up ripping his throat out. Another conflict in the book is that everyone who knows Cujo knows that he is a wonderful dog that would never hurt anybody. That is, until he got rabies. Joe Camber was a little late so when he arrived at home he saw Gary’s Chrysler parked outside but he didn’t see his friend Gary Pervier. Another conflict in the book is that Joe doesn’t know that his dog has the rabies. Instead, he thought that his dog was only a little sick. So Joe Camber went inside and found his friend Gary dead in a pool of his own blood. Joe also noticed that his throat was missing. Gary also had a huge wound on his upper shoulder where Cujo also bit him. Thinking that somebody has murdered his friend, Joe was running to the kitchen when he noticed a big pile of droppings – dog droppings. Joe knew that this was no ordinary dog. He knew that it was his dog Cujo. Joe Camber was struggling to get the number of the state police department, but he could not find their number in the phone book. Joe Camber was so focused on getting the State Police department’s number that he didn’t hear the basement door open. The thing that was opening the door was Cujo. He nosed the door open very slowly so that Joe couldn’t hear him. While Joe Camber was still struggling to find the number he heard something breathing very deeply. Then in the corner of his eye he saw his dog Cujo. Joe Camber noticed that Cujo’s mouth was dripping saliva and something else that looked like blood. Cujo was growling. Cujo leapt towards Joe Camber. Fortunately for Joe he dodged the incoming freight train. Now unfortunately for Joe his legs were getting tangled in one of the table’s chairs. He was trying to get his balance back. He would’ve gotten his stability back if it wasn’t for Cujo. Cujo jumped on Joe’s back and Joe was on the ground instantly. He tried to wrestle with Cujo but in the end Cujo managed to kill Joe Camber also. This shows that there are many conflicts in the book. The conflict is also that nobody knows that the St. Bernard is rabid so if they ever do encounter it they will be unaware that the dog has rabies. I think that Stephen King has a creativity that impacts the way the conflict is. But the main conflict in the book right now is to stop the rabid Saint Bernard from killing innocent people.

  24. Esther Gee #4
    Blog #2

    Dear Diary,
    Whenever I read a book, everything that I read comes to life out of the book. But everything has a price. If I read a book to someone, the person that I read to goes in the book, and the character that I read would come out of the book. The night when I was unaware of the talking out of the book thing was when I was reading to my wife with my child, Meggie. I read a book called Inkheart. Suddenly, a character called Dustfinger came out of the book. I was shocked and surprised. He went away without harming me or my family. But then I realized my wife was gone. This is when I experienced of whenever I read something out of a book, it comes to life. Anyways, right now I am going to see Capricorn to get Meggie back from whom he taken away from me. She was just a baby when her mother died, and now she is teenager. Dustfinger came along and he realized that Meggie too has the power to speak out loud of the book to life. I am on my way and I will have courage in finding my daughter. I’ll risk my life if I have to. She is in danger and I’m afraid that she will get hurt. My adventure will soon begin.

  25. The Lightning Thief
    Rick Riordan
    Blog 2
    Percy Jackson makes a scene,
    School after school wherever he is seen,
    Not quite able to understand,
    The powers he possess in the palm of his hand,
    Story after story working through strife,
    He feels like an outcast for all of his life,
    One fieldtrip,
    Half bloods and gods,
    So much trouble all for one guy,
    How will he handle it will he need to cry,
    Accused of stealing lightning,
    Does not know who he really is,
    Makin’ it through,
    Slowly but surely quick yet steady accomplishing his goals and so much more,
    Daring to dream while he warns others of his awful past,
    Hoping for a good future wants to come fast.
    Makin a few friends along the way,
    Needs not to stray so he can keep on persevering in order to save the day,
    Troubles in life working through strife Percy Jackson goes his own way,
    Until one day when he realizes there is so much more,
    He is so much more his family is so much more,
    His abilities and powers and everything he does able to control so much more than he knows,
    If he makes a mistake it might just not be going to a new school this time,
    There might be some trouble if he does not straighten out,
    Prove himself to be clean without making a big pout,
    A new set of obstacles for him to attend,
    With powers and a really good friend all the way to the end makin’ sure no matter what he keeps up to trend.


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