First Quarter Blog

Welcome to the first blog of the quarter. I want to read about the fabulous novels you have been reading. Remember to post 250-350 words (I will be checking) and that grammar is always important. Capitalize, punctuate, correct fragments and run-ons, subject/verb agreement.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Morgan McElroy #10
    Blog #1 Prince Caspian
    By, C.S. Lewis

    Morgan: So Reepicheep do you think you were the most valiant of all the worriers in Narnia.
    Reepicheep: Well, I believe that Aslan and the kings and queens of old are the best worriers in all of Narnia.
    Morgan: I think that you are an amazing worrier worthy of Aslan’s army.
    Reepicheep: I’m honored sir you are a kind man.
    Morgan: Ok, I need more information about you, so how did you feel when you found out your tail was missing.
    Reepicheep: I was completely off balance, confused, and desperate to get it back.
    Morgan: So that is why you wanted Lucy to use another drop of her elixir.
    Reepicheep: Yes, that is exactly right because as I said before I was desperate.
    Morgan: Are you grateful to Aslan for giving you your tail back.
    Reepicheep: Grateful! I am in eternal dept to Aslan.
    Morgan: Wow! Eternal dept to Aslan just for a tail isn’t that exaggerating a little bit.
    Reepicheep: Are you kidding me, my tail is my most prized position I have. It gives me honor, the fact Aslan gave me one in the first place puts me in eternal dept to him, but you wouldn’t understand that because you are not a noble mouse like me.
    Morgan: Reepicheep I’m sorry I didn’t know how much it meant to you or the fact that it gave you honor.
    Reepicheep: Yes, Aslan gave honor to every creature in Narnia.
    Morgan: Well we will wrap this up by talking about Aslan, what are your thoughts on Aslan.
    Reepicheep: Wow where do I begin Aslan is the creator of all, master of all worlds he is the oldest creature known to man, creature, and plant.
    Morgan: Wow that is amazing thank you for your time and knowledge, it is very helpful.
    Reepicheep: you are very welcome, goodbye.
    Morgan: goodbye.

  3. David Spindler
    Blog 1
    Banner in the Sky, James Ullman
    I am Rudi. I have climbed the Citadel almost to the top. The Citadel is the largest mountain in the world. It stands unclimbed. When I was climbing it I went through many things. I had to climb up a tunnel to help the others go up the mountain and I almost got stuck. I could not see and water was pouring down on me. This was scary but I kept going and soon I saw light and kept climbing toward it. Once I reached the top I had to throw a rope down to the others and they got it and climbed up with it. Once I did that I felt like I could do anything. Once I was almost at the top someone fell off and hit a ledge and broke his arm. I went to him and saved him by helping him get back up. When I was walking the group could not go on because people were sick but in the morning I had to get to the top so I betrayed the others and went up following a man that also had betrayed the group. The group followed us but when I helped the man they went to the top and we had to come down. I did not finish to the top but if it were not for me none of them would have. I helped the others finish and I will try again to climb it. The two from the group that went to the top were being asked questions and one of them said that it was me that deserved it. I will try again and even though I was not the first, I will be the youngest to ever climb the Citadel.

  4. Isabella:How are you doing today Greg?
    Isabella:So how is swimming going?
    Greg:Well,it really wasent my thing so I decided to tell dad that I did not want to do it.
    Isabella:How did he respond to this?
    Greg:He started to have a talk with me that I am lazy and dont want to do anything with my life.
    Isabella:Well I am sorry to hear that.Anyway where you nervious when you tried out for the talent show?
    Greg:No, not at all.I did'int care if I got in it or not. The only bad part about it was that little Scotty got realy mad at me and started to cry like a little baby.
    Isabella:Do you think Rodrick and his band (Loded Diper)have a chance at becoming famous?
    Greg:Even tough im his brother and he makes fun of me;I actually think they have a chance of going big!
    Isabella:Oh ya,I wanted to ask you what do you want to do with your life?
    Greg:Iwant to becom rich and live in a big house.
    Isabella:Ok,but how do you plan to get rich.
    Greg:Um,I think I will invent something.No, Im not that smart;I'll probablly go on Wheel of Fourtune,and win a lot of money!
    Isabella:Well good luck with that.
    Isabella:Did you ever go back to the Fullers house to take care of there dog while the are on a vacation?
    Greg:No,they got mad at me because Princess did her thing on the carpet,but that wasent my fault it was hers.She sould have held it until I came over.
    Isabella:Ok,well anything else totally unusual happen?
    Greg:Well,yes I ...I got a A+!
    Isabella:You did congratulations,your first A+ since first grade,and im pretty sure that was in P.E.
    Greg:Actually my first A+ was in music class;we did a sing along!
    Isabella:Cool,well this was a great interview with you Greg.Thank you.
    Greg:Your Welcome!

  5. Aly Carpenter#2
    The book I am reading is ''Bras and Bromsticks''The main charecter, Rachel is fourteen years old. Rachel's sister Miri is twelve. She has magical powers like her mother. On the other hand, Rachel did not get magic powers.''Sometimes they come later on her mom said.''Any way Rachel has a big crush on two''A'' list boys one of them is not important. Any way his name is, Raf. She is major in love,so she thinks. She wants to make him fall in love with her. She beggs her sister to do a love spell. Thats when the drama starts. You need a piece of,Dna,for the spell they say they can get stuff out of his loker when he goes to gym. She thinks it through and thinks by the time the spell wears off she will already be in the''A''list group. After that she can have a real realationship. Her mom is no longer maried. her xhusbund is getting reamarried to some one the kids, Rachel and Miri, do not like. They are trying to do another spell that will seaperate them,so they do not get married. There future mom has a chiled which they call Prissy. Prissy is suposably a brat. There mom does not like them to use magic but they do it any way. Back to the love spell, Rachel has to stay in ice cold water for thirdy min. Miri told her you have to stay in there for an hour. When she got out of the bath she was realy cold, and her sister was laughing. Rachel says,'' why are you laughing.'' Miri says,'' you only had to be in there for thirdy min.

  6. Grace Brown#1


    Oh, just smile
    Smile for the camera
    Baby, baby,
    Oh just gimme me one shot
    I’m look-in for that special,

    Oh it’s driving me crazy,
    Stop look-in so hazy,
    Looks like your gonna
    Just have tooooo
    for me!

    Stop lookin into the mirror
    Doesn’t matter what the reflection says
    So hear, oh hear me say
    To mea!

    I love the way that you grin
    Starting on the tip of your chin
    I going so wild
    Can’t wait to see that beautiful

    Oh my heart races
    With those beautiful braces
    All those faces
    Won’t make any changes
    To That

    You probably hate the way
    You took that hit
    Oh I just have to say
    I love your retainer fits
    For that

  7. Robyn Rosales #12
    Blog #1
    Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

    So far, I think Wuthering Heights is a great book. What I like best is that there is a story inside a story. One of the characters named Lockwood finds a journal in Wuthering Heights which starts the story inside the story. I also like how the story is told by Lockwood’s journal entries. I also like how every chapter throughout the book makes you think. The book makes you wonder what will happen next. Wuthering Heights is not a book where you can predict what happens next. Everything that happens is surprising. The chapters leave you hanging which makes you not want to put down the book. Another interesting thing about the book is that the stories in Lockwood’s journal are not instances that he has participated in. The stories usually come from his conversations with Nelly Dean or stories he has taken from Catherine’s journal. I like how in the story love causes the characters many problems; this keeps the story interesting. For example, Heathcliff tells Catherine that she has betrayed him by marrying Edgar. When Edgar finds out that Heathcliff has told her this, Edgar tells him to leave his property. Heathcliff refuses to leave which causes Edgar to call his three servants for help which Catherine does not allow him to do. Catherine wants Edgar to confront Heathcliff without the help of other men. Edgar punches Heathcliff in the throat which then causes Heathcliff to leave. This is a great example of how love can cause so many problems. I would recommend it to others who like tragic love stories. Overall, this is a very interesting book to read.

  8. Natalie Coyne #4
    The Worst Things in Life are also Free by Jim Benton
    Number of Pages: 148

    Me: Describe your best friend to me.
    Jamie: Her name is Isabella and she is a schemer, the youngest of three, and a law breaker.
    Me: Describe your worst enemy to me.
    Jamie: Her name is Angeline and she is maniacal, devious, and beautiful. She even made a science project on disease look beautiful.
    Me: Jamie, What grade did you and Isabella get on your science projects on disease?
    Jamie: I got a B+ and after Isabella faked getting the disease her report was on, she was grounded and I did not think it would be a good idea to ask her about her grade.
    Me: What did Angeline get on her project?
    Jamie: I tried messing it up, but she still got an A+.
    Me: What did you do to try to mess it up?
    Jamie: I sort of let my dogs, Stinker and Stinkette, chew it, but somehow that made it look better!
    Me: Is Angeline related to you?
    Jamie: Unfortunately, Yes. My aunt married her uncle. Once they took us and my friends Isabella and Emily to Screamatopia but we had to pay admission.
    Me: What were some of the ways you earned money to pay your admission?
    Jamie: We tried a lemonade stand but someone (Isabella) drank all the lemonade. We also tried babysitting, but Isabella is not good with kids. After that we had a car wash and we even had a sign that said “car wash $4.50”. Unfortunately, the 4 in $4.50 fell of and are costumer only paid us $0.50. One of the other things we tried was a garage sale, but the fundraiser that finally worked was walking kids up and down the street on a leash.
    Me: Thank you for your tim your comments are very helpful, goodbye.
    Jamie: Goodbye

  9. Deborah Dervartanian #6
    Blog 1
    Wringer, Jerry Spinelli
    Deborah- Hello Palmer, how are you doing?
    Palmer- I am doing fine, thank you.
    Deborah- In this book, the Wringer, when you are at the age of ten you become a wringer, am I right.
    Palmer- Yes, you are correct.
    Deborah- Though you didn’t want to be a wringer, you were afraid.
    Palmer- Yes, I don’t think its right to be one, all you do is kill a pigeon then you wring its neck, I do not think that it is right.
    Deborah- I see. But is it not an honor and a tradition to be a wringer at the annual family fest.
    Palmer- It is but I didn’t want to be a wringer, but I am nine and I can’t stop myself from getting older, nor can I stop tradition.
    Deborah- Oh, your father, Does he enjoy killing birds?
    Palmer- Absolutely, he won a prize for killing all those pigeons. The worst thing is if he knows that I don’t want to be a wringer it’ll get bad.
    Deborah- Okay, so this is hard you have a big dilemma here.
    Palmer- It gets worse. One morning I wake up to pecking on my window sill and I thought it would be my buddies but it wasn’t it was a pigeon.
    Deborah- That’s horrible! Did you tell anyone?
    Palmer- Well yes, one person, she’s my neighbor, Dorothy; my friends call her fish face. Anyway I kind of got used to this bird, I gave it food and I let it sleep in my closet too.
    Deborah- Did anyone find out?
    Palmer- Yes, a couple of my buddies who loved to wring birds.
    Deborah- Did they hurt your pigeon?
    Palmer- Almost, and once they found out I gave Nipper, my pigeon, to Dorothy to let him go somewhere where they can’t find him.
    Deborah- Did she let it go where you told her to?
    Palmer- Actually, no. I told her to let it out at the beach but she didn’t, she actually let it out at the rail road tracks.
    Deborah- Is that bad?
    Palmer- That’s really bad. That’s where they catch all the pigeons to shoot.
    Deborah- Oh no, that’s extremely bad. Did they kill Nipper?
    Palmer- No, they didn’t, once she told me where she let him go, I raced towards there as soon as I could. When I got there I whispered the pigeon’s name, Nipper to see which one reacted to it because they were all silent.
    Deborah- Did you find Nipper?
    Palmer- Yes, I did. But once I found him the guard told me to go away because he was bringing the cages to park so he could shoot them. I followed and kept an eye on that cage till they let him go to be shot.
    Deborah- Did Nipper get shot?
    Palmer- Not exactly, he go shot but he was still alive.
    Deborah- What happened?
    Palmer-Well he got shot but he was still alive after. When he got shot in the air he fell on my head and was still alive. Everyone just wanted to wring but the referee in the pink cap told me that I could keep him and I left happy!
    Deborah- That is one happy ending, Thank you for that wonderful talk.
    Palmer- No problem.

  10. Andrew Chapin#1
    Roberto and Me
    Dear journal,
    I am having a hard time with the choices that I am going to make. There is a man named Roberto Clemente that tragically died. He got in a plane crash wile on his way to Puerto Rico. He was traveling to Puerto Rico to give food to the poor people of his home land. In his home land he was the great hero for the people. I have a power to use a baseball card to go back in time. Whatever year the card was made, that’s the year I travel to. I am deciding to either go to his time to attempt a rescue or I can stay safe in Kentucky. I am risking my life for a great man and taking a risk or I can live my life safely. If I go back in time I might not be able to save him. It is a matter of life and death. I do great or I parish in the attempt. The problem is that I am not the brave kind of person. I am not close to a mighty man of valor. I, Joe Stoshack will be a brave person and I will try to help the great Roberto Clemente. I have made my decision and I am going to help the great baseball player! Hopefully I will succeed in my ”great attempt” to save a great man more worthy than I. I am going to set out on my trip in two days, wish me luck.

  11. Adara Martinez
    The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
    C.S Lewis
    In this book we are introduced to Eustace who was an odd boy. He called his parents by their real names. His parents told him that his cousins, Edmund and Lucy where coming to stay. He didn’t like his cousins but he was very happy when he heard that they were coming over. One day Edmund and Lucy where staring at a picture of a Narnian ship, all of a sudden they were in the picture. Eustace Lucy and Edmund were in the sea crying for help, they got pulled up by a boy. They noticed the boy, it was Caspian. They were happy to see him; they traveled for almost three weeks. Then they landed on an island. They saw drunken men near a tree; the men captured all of them and sold them as slaves. A man bought Caspian and found out that he was prince Caspian. They traveled by boat and finally found the other three. They continued their journey, they landed on an island. They decided that they would repair their ship. Sneaky Eustace sneaked away and would come back when they finished, so he saw a mountain and climbed it. After a while of panting he finally made it. He tried finding a comfortable position but he felt lonely, he tried climbing back down but he found himself in a dragons cave. A dragon hissed at him and came close to him then he did not move he was dead. Eustace found a treasure box he found gold and crowns. Then Eustace slept. He woke up there were two dragons beside him when he moved his arm the dragon moved his arm he ran but they kept up. He saw his reflection those arms were his. His greed of the treasure transformed him. He began to cry he missed his friends. Back at were Lucy and Caspian were, Lucy woke up Edmund she was worried about Eustace. Caspian came he saw a dragon on the beach. They went to the beach; the dragon was crying they asked it if it understood speech it nodded. The dragon must have gotten transformed into a dragon. Then they thought it might have been Eustace. It nodded its head. They were wondering how to get them on the boat. A lion came to Eustace he told him to follow him. The ion told him to scratch his skin off. Eustace did this three times but the skin was still there. The lion pulled and tugged that skin was thicker and darker. Eustace was himself known. They went on the Dawn Treader. There was a strange animal, it started attacking, and Eustace grabbed a sword and fought it. After a while it was defeated everyone cheered for Eustace.

  12. Sofia Youssouf#9
    Blog 1
    The Catching Fire
    By: Suzanne Collins
    In the Catching Fire the conflict was Peeta proposing to Katniss. She of course said yes because Katniss rebelled against the Capital and had to show President Snow that she loved Peeta. She has a challenge to face because her feelings toward Peeta change and her feelings toward Gale change too. President Snow came to her house and discussed with her the type of rumors spreading in the District.She wou;d have to show that she was not difficult and she will never rebell aghainst the Capitol. Another type of conflict would be when she saw the video of up risings that were happening in District 8. The plan she thought would work was to run away. That plan to me doesn’t work because you can’t run away from problems you just have to face them. In the Victory Tour they would go to each District starting from12 through 1 and face the people’s family that has died in The Games. The pin that the mayor’s daughter gave to Katniss before The Games was a mockingjay. Now, after she won The Games the pin has turned into symbol on watches and on a lot of accessories. One problem would be after The Games and after they got all the money Katniss would still live in their old house. She would still go hunting with Gale on Sundays. Katniss has not changed but on the other hand she is getting married. Another conflict would be the up rises and the Peacemakers killing everybody in the crowd and on the spot on stage.

  13. Ellen Cho#3
    Blog 1
    Lord of the Flies
    By William Golding

    Dear journal,
    I am stranded on an island with a group of immature boys, and they are making fun of my asthma. The first boy I met on this island was Ralph, who pretends to be smart, and he does not have any interest in me. The only thing that caught his interest was when I told him my nickname, Piggy. After I warned him that I didn't want people to call me that, he went and told to the other boys, and since then I have been mocked by them. Ralph used the conch that I found, and everybody voted for Ralph as a leader because he had a conch. Whoever wants to speak has to hold the conch, but whenever I am holding the conch, Jack interrupts me. Some people on this island don't realize that they've got to be rescued. Today we could have been saved by a passing ship, but Jack and his stupid hunters paid no attention to the rescue fire. It was their job to watch the fire, but instead they went hunting for the pigs. When Jack and the hunters returned from their hunt, they were carrying a dead pig. Ralph was mad at Jack for his lack of responsibility. We were here for couple of days and things are getting worse. I don't know what will happen next.

  14. Ender’s Game
    By: Orson Scott Card
    Blog #1

    Today is the first day on the space ship and I’m amazed. The thing is I’m all alone and has no friends except Graff (the principle), but I have one enemy which is the Bernard. Him and his posy tried to kill me with threatening words but I owned them today at the Games. The games are just practicing elements you need to learn how to fight. All the other lauch’es, like me, was sitting around watching when I studied the games. One game in particular caught my interest which was a mach of two men battling with their tactics. I asked to play but they told me to beat it. So I made an aggressive move to show them Im better then an older twelve year old. So he agreed to challenge me on a two out of three match. Like I thought, I won. On that night I sent a ton of messages about Bernard to get back at him for making fun of my but when he is the one hated by most of the lauch’es dislike him because of the truth I put out about him. At the same time I miss home. Even though Peter hit me and abused me I always had Valentine to cheer me up but when I left she was the one that made me the saddest. Peter gave me a small touching goodbye and I will never forget my parents. The sad thing is that Graff said that when I get older I will forget of every since I have a war to “lead” and focus on my life not them. I know it is false and I don’t understand why he wants me to be a general or even better one day. I wish I never accepted the offer even if I have to deal with Peter and being bullied by the whole school.

  15. Jacob Ramsey #7
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
    Blog #1
    Mrs. Holiday

    I like the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, by J.K. Rowley, because in the very beginning of the book, Harry’s aunt comes over for lunch. And as they are talking, his aunt brings up a conversation about how bad Harry’s parents were. Harry got really angry and casted a spell that made her “blow up.” She was blown up like a huge balloon, and she flew out the back door. She flew so high that she disappeared in the clouds. Soon some of Harry’s teachers saw her and got her down. I also like this book because when Harry was walking through his school, Ron’s twin brothers stop him and give him a blank foldable sheet of paper. They said “I solemnly swear I am up to no good.” Then that blank paper started to show letters then words appeared. Harry soon figured out that this piece of paper was a map of all of Hogwarts. It shows every room, floor and every person inside and where they are. He used this to get to place at night without being detected. And the last reason is in one of Harry’s classes, there is a wardrobe that has a special creature in it. It is a creature that can take a shape or form of what you really fear the most. While Harry was testing this out during class, a dementor came out of the wardrobe and almost sucked the life out of him

  16. Jenah Tittle
    The Ladies of the Lake
    Jennifer Allison

    Dear Gilda.

    In the first chapter you chose to go to Our Lady of Sorrows just to find out what happened with the death of Dolores Lambert. I just wanted to say that I would do the same thing to. I don’t think that Mrs. McCracken is a vampire. I do think that Marcie is a little crazy because a big sister does not need to tells you every thing you need to and don’t need to do. A big sister is who you get paired up with so you don’t get lost in all of your classes. I would want to be pared with another senior/ ‘big sister’. I think your new friend Tiara is a little scary sometimes. When you went to her house I know you thought that she was making every thing up about Dolores Lambert but I don’t think she was. I don’t think it was a good idea when you yelled over the bridge because now Dolores Lambert is out to get you. If I were you I would be scared. I think it is good luck type writing to your father on his machine even though he is dead. I am with you on hating the uniforms. They are so pink. And what is it with Mrs. McCracken and the height of the skirts. I hate your moms boyfriend. I think he is pushing it a little to much with the gifts. I think its sweet that he got you in to the school but the foot ball game is a little to much. I mostly agree with the things you do but some things you just got to change.

    Your friend,

  17. Julia Normandeau
    Blog #1
    Left Behind
    By Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins
    Me: Hello Chloe, I am excited to talk to you today.
    Chloe: Hi I am excited to
    Me: So, what was it like to be left behind from the Rapture?
    Chloe: The Rapture?
    Me: Yes, you know god coming back to take his church back up to heaven.
    Chloe: Oh, you’re one of those religious people like my Dad, he thinks it's something supernatural or whatever but he's just going with the most comforting theory because that means every ones up in Heaven. I'm not saying he's wrong but he just refuses to explore other possible theories
    Me: Have you explored the possibilities of it really being God and the Rapture, maybe you are going with the most comforting answer because you don't like the idea that you’re a bad person.
    Chloe: Look I just came here for an interview, not to be told how to run my life.
    Me: Sorry, anyway how different was it in California than in Chicago?
    Chloe: Well, in California it was the middle of the day so it was a whole lot worse because there were more people on the road and out and about. In Chicago things weren’t as bad because it was night. My Dad is a pilot and he was flying to London when it happened so it must have been really scary so they turned the plane back around and flew back to Chicago.
    Me: Wow, it must have been really scary.
    Chloe: Yeah!
    Me: I heard you and your Dad are going to your mom’s church to get some answers.
    Chloe: Yeah we are but I hope we have to go in. I hope he lets me sit in the car.
    Me: Why?
    Chloe: I’m just not into the religious thing, okay.
    Me: Just consider it.
    Chloe: Okay fine.
    Me: Looks like we’re done for the day thank you for joining us goodbye.
    Chloe: Good bye.

  18. Hayley Macabuhay #5
    Blog #1
    By: Marilyn Kaye

    Being gifted can be a blessing
    But at the same time, it can be a curse
    When im down, seeing me is usually depressing
    When nothing is wrong, everything is reverse

    Seeing the future is not as easy as it seems
    I try to block them out so I can feel normal
    Blocking out visions only happen in my dreams
    That's why I always feel so abnormal

    People say I'm lucky for having this ability
    I say, life would be better without it
    I would change it, if it was a possibility
    I wish I could get rid of it and just quit

    I often help people by using my visions
    But they are not always correct
    This frequently gets me involved in many collisions
    My inaccurate visions, make me feel wrecked

    Daily, I experience sadness and pain
    But, I make an effort to finish the day
    This helps me to not go totally insane
    All I have to do is pray, and I will find a way

    Soon, I hope to learn how to be grateful
    I want my family and friends to be proud of me
    I no longer want to be the one who is hateful
    Now, I want everyone to see the person that I can be

    I can feel something, perhaps a vision coming
    Correct. So, I must really be on my way now
    I am feeling light-headed and my body is numbing
    The picture is getting clearer, thank you, Ciao

  19. The Hobbit
    J.R.R Tolkien

    The Hobbit is about a Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. He lives a very peaceful life until one day the wizard Gandalf shows up at his hobbit hole. Bilbo invites him for tea the day after he arrives. He has an unexpected tea party when Gandalf brings twelve guests with him all of which are dwarfs. The dwarfs go crazy and Bilbo gets very frightened. After they all calm down Gandalf tells them of a great treasure guarded by a dragon, and that he needs Bilbo to crawl in the cave and steal the treasure because the hole is too small. Bilbo wouldn’t accept if he hadn’t been the descendant of the great Took family who were famous for adventures. He accepted and they began their journey. Shortly after they began they were all captured by trolls except for Gandalf. He tricked the goblins into staying up until daytime and they were turned to stone by the sun. They steal the troll’s weapons and Bilbo got a magic sword. After that they stayed at an elf town called Rivendell. Their king tells them to go through the Misty Mountains as a shortcut. In the caves they are captured by goblins. Gandalf once again saves them but they accidentally leave Bilbo behind. While trying to get out Bilbo finds a mysterious ring. He learns that it can turn him invisible. He stumbles across a creature called Gollum and they have a riddle contest. Bilbo wins but Gollum wants to eat him. Bilbo uses the ring and His sword to escape.

  20. Tre Fitts #3
    The Sea of Monsters
    By: Rick Riordan

    Dear Diary,
    You would not believe what has happened to me yesterday. On the last day of school, of seventh grade, no monsters have attacked me, and I haven’t been expelled yet. But I have been having some problems with this bully named Matt Sloan. He started to pick on my friend Tyson, and called him a “freak”. Everyone picks on him because he is homeless and really tall and thick, but he is very soft. So in dodge ball that day, someone threw a flaming dodge ball at my head, but luckily I ducked. I turned around and I saw a group of giant cannibals on the other side of the court. Luckily Annabeth showed up to our rescue. She came and stabbed all of them with her bronze knife. We left the place in burning ruins. Later that day, Tyson, Annabeth, and I hopped into the “Gray Sisters” taxi car to go to Camp Half Blood. All of the sisters (there were three) had one eye and could barely see. So I found one of their eye balls on the floor and had to give it to them to put in their eye socket. When we arrived at Camp Half Blood, we saw two large, bronze bulls attacking the camp, and warriors. Annabeth and I immediately ran out to help and told Tyson to stay there. Clarisse and her warriors took down one bull, but the other got me and Tyson came and rescued me and beat the bull to the ground. That evening I discovered that Tyson only had one eye and that he is a Cyclops. Tyson was then admitted to Camp Half Blood, and he is my new cabin mate!

  21. Victoria Paul#6
    Chicken soup

    So far this book is the best book I have ever read. This book talk’s bout when you fall in love and you want to go to parties and do things you know isn’t right. There’s this girl who wants her boyfriend to go to this party but he really doesn’t want to. He finally goes but they play games he has never played before. So the girl gets mad at him because she said he’s not doing the right things. One of the games they play is Spin the Bottle, the other game is 7 Min In Heaven. They play these games and it’s the boys turn they go in and just stand there. The girl gets mad and tells him to leave the party because he is no fun. So he leaves and the night is over. The next day they break up. After all that goes on he goes to the beach and sees this beautiful girl passing by him. He talks to her and then they fall in love. And he forgets about the other girl, and the party that went on last night. This book has a lot of points to it. It teaches kids not to go to parties, and if there playing games like that then you know u have to leave. The chapters explain how the story began and how it ended. I would recommend this book to teenagers not kids under the age of 13. The book is really good once you get past the relationship part.

  22. Jarod #7
    The Abominable Snowman
    Blog #1

    The Abominable Snowman is a book written by, R.A.Montgomery. This book is a choose your own adventure. It is where you get to choose what you want to do next. At the begining of the book you are a rock climber and three years ago you took a climbing school in Colorodo. in the book your instructer says that you are a natural at rock climbing. After the class you have took, you got to the Himalayas, the highest mountains in the world. They all have different names.The himalayas are like a wall of giant hills that seperate India and China with Nepal. Everest, K2, and Annapurna are the best-known mountains in the Himalayas. These many known peaks have been climed before. It is not easy. On this page you get to decide whether or not you want to go to a meeting. I decided to cancel it. The guy can`t be trusted. His name is Runal and we are going to search for Carlos. First you telephone Mr. Runal at the foreign ministry and say, "This is a emergency, Mr. Runal, my friend carloes is missing at base camp. I need help right now!" The next thing I pick is to go under the base camp in the valley nearby. The helicopter we flu in will stay out in front and you and Runal decend on foot on a narrow, rocky path into the snow line into the forest. The path takes many careful hours on a difficult path. The path becomes very steep and on one side of it is just a giant cliff that falls more than one thousand meters into a lake/stream.

  23. Kaylie Currier #5
    Blog #1
    In my book Raina [the main character] is going to a Girl Scout meeting. After the meeting her friend was dropping her off at her house when she had the idea that they should race to the door. As they were racing Raina tripped and fell. Everyone came running outside to see if she is okay. Suddenly she noticed that her two front teeth were missing. Her father carried her into the house as the others tried to look for Raina's teeth. Her mother called the dentist to see if they were open, and they were. Raina went to the dentist that night. The dentist told Raina and her mother that her other tooth was pushed up into her gum. For the next few weeks she went to the dentist trying to fix her teeth. The dentist filled her teeth, pulled down her teeth , and even tried to fix her gums. One day hert dentist told her that she needed head gear and she freaked out, but the dentist told her that she only needed to wear it at night. After the few weeks were over she went back to school and all her friends were wondering what happened and what it looked like.She told her friends what happened and they weren't very nice to her. Her friends were never very nice to her. After that she went on with her life and her birthday was coming up. Her mother asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she wanted to get her ears pierced. Raina's mother told her that she was getting braces so when she gets braces she may also get her ears pierced. She finally got her braces and a week after that she got her ears pierced. Time went by and she has graduated eighth grade and is going into Highschool. She realizes that her friends pulled a prank on her and so she found new friends at highschool and enjoyed her whole year of Highshool.

  24. Carson Conradt
    The book Sounder starts in a quite open field of only one house. In this house is a family of six. The oldest child is standing on the portch with his dad and the families dog, Sounder.
    Their mom is in the house making dinner, and the three younger children are standing in the door way asking to pet the dog with their brother.Sounder was a hunting dog, and would hunt raccoons and possum. Sounder was now older than the boy. They both had thier hole lives ahead of them. Mid way through the story, the boys dad is arrested by white slave keepers. Their dad was arrested for not receiving the proper amount of crops for them. The boy is grown up now and wants to go after his dad and bring him home. The boy and Sounder are walking for sixteen days and finaly find the prison. The boy succeeds at breaking his dad out of prison, and they start their journy back home. Three weeks had gon by and then the slave keepers showed up to their house. He thretend to shoot the dad with a shot gun, and hit the dad and Sounders ear, and blow his ear off of his head. Sounder went behind the house to go die after the bad situation was over. The boy asked the man if he could check on Sounder, and the man ansered,'No'. The next morning, the boy woke up, and saw sounder at the end of his bed. His hart jumped with joy. Sounder lived his normal, hunting dog ways for a very long time. Sounder is now very old, but still as in shape as he was as a puppy, besides the fact his ear has been gone for over seven months. The family of now five because of the gunfire that killed his dad, will lose there pet. Sounder quietly watles over to under the house to die. Even though Sounder is dead, he will never leave the boys hart for as long as he lives.

  25. Felix Sarmiento
    The Hardy Boys in
    The secret of the caves
    By: Franklin W. Dixon
    Well, the book I am reading is an older book. It was written a long time ago. It is different from all of the other books I have read. I normally read books that have to do with sports. This book is about suspense and action. The main characters are two young men called Frank Hardy and Joe Hardy known as the Hardy boys. They are young detectives who take after their dad who is a famous detective. The story is about the disappearance of a brilliant young professor. The Hardy boys start their adventure having to go to Kenworthy College to find out what happened to the young professor. I think it is funny how the characters in the book use different words like “she purrs like a kitten” they are referring to their car. Or when they were surprised they would say “jumpin catfish” or “jalopy” for car. When the Hardy boys got to Kenworthy they checked into a hotel, than went to investigate what happened to the professor. They came across a clue when they were going through the professor’s room. The clue was on one of the exam papers that had been left on top of his desk. Frank had told his brother that the clue was right under his nose. However Joe told him that he must have super vision because he was not finding the clue. Frank told Joe to take the first letter from every question and it would spell “R-O-C-K-A-W-A-Y.” Joe whistled. “the name of a town!” The boys were excited to find the clue. They knew that they would have to go to Rockaway and search for the young professor. There are a few more things that I can write about but I am going to share more with you on my next blog. So fare I am really enjoying the book.

  26. Christian Balsz #1
    Blog #1
    The Wave
    By: Todd Strasser

    Dear diary,
    Every day I go to work and have the same conversation with my students “why didn’t you do your home work. Well Mr. Ben I’m a very busy person and want to keep my social life up to date.” I always think to myself be me like this when I was in school. Today I showed the kids a film on the Nazis and his mass slaughter of Jews and the camps they were put in to during the time. After it was over I saw a lot of kids wiping tears from their eyes I felt bad. I didn’t mean to get an emotional response from them I just wanted them to get how strong the German government had gotten. I wanted them to see what World War 2 was about. I got lots of questions afterwards like “how did the Germans just let Jews get killed all around them” and “what is wrong with them how could they kill ten million Jews and not feel bad”. I didn’t know how to answer them so after class I went to the library and got a lot of books my wife was going to be gone so I had time read through and try to give them some answers. After reading I didn’t know what to do. I thought and came up with a idea if I could maybe find a way to make like the Germans to help them better understand what the Jews had to go through told myself I wouldn’t go to bed unless I had a answer are to help them understand what went on.

  27. Hardy Boy, Sinister Sign Post
    Franklin W. Dixon

    Dear Diary,
    Dad put Joe and I on a case dealing with experimental motors and race cars. We believe someone is stealing plans to boost engine performance and are wrecking all cars using this special motor costing the owner bundles of cash. The first day we were on the case was not what we were hoping for, someone who did not want us involved launched a grenade into our window. Luckily we we unharmed but we found a note saying, “Get off the car case or else the next one will be fatal.” Our dad told us not to worry and we send the note in for prints. The next day we visited the police department and asked if the had anything on the not. Sadly the note was clean so we ignored it. We then went down to the car factory where the race cars were being made. The owner showed us around and then took us into his office. He told us he had no idea who would or could be doing this. We decided that we wanted to work undercover in his business and try to get to know everybody in order to make a list f suspects. We do have one suspect, a metal worker whose brother just quit the company and was mad about it. They were identical twins so we need a fingerprint to figure out if it is the bad twin. Unfortunately, he, being a metalworker, has to work with hazardous chemicals so he wears gloves all day. This makes it very hard for us to ID him. We hope that during lunch he may take off his gloves to eat and we may possible lift a print off a bottle or bag.
    Well, it is getting awfully late and my aunt Getrude is yelling at me to go to bed so I must go now.

  28. Anthony Luciano
    The Castle in The Attic
    by: Elizabeth Winthrop

    The problem in the story starts with a boy named William and his baby sitter, are shrunk down in his toy castle with the alive silver knight witch was Williams toy but came alive. William shrunk himself and his baby sitter with him to originally help the silver knight but soon notice them too, to become normal size again. So their only way back to normal is by William and the silver knight to go to the evil wizard and defeat him and take the necklace that can turn William and his baby sitter to normal size and other cool powers. But only the silver knight and William go and his baby sitter stays in the toy castle. But they must be careful because the wizard has the power to turn you into a lead figure! They start off and meet weird people and hear strange stuff. Threw the story they hit tons of problems like fighting the dragon but trying to destroy the big powerful wizard and trying to become normal are the big problem.Soon they destroy that wizard and turn him into lead, also the silver knight gets his kingdom back and William and Mrs Phillips are normal again with a prize, the lead wizard that appeared in the castle. So the main problem was they needed to destroy the wizard and get the silver knights castle back and the necklace to change William and Mrs. Phillips back to normal size. The only main characters in the story are William, Mrs. Phillips, and the silver knight.

  29. Jack Pinson#12
    Percy Jackson and the Olympians:The Last Olympian
    By:Rick Riordan

    Jackson:Hello Percy, how are you today?

    Percy: I'm okay, I guess.

    Jackson: How does it feel to be the one spoken of the Great Prophecy?

    Percy: Cool, but scary,when I read the great prophecy I was a little scared.

    Jackson: Yes I heard one line from the prophecy was "The hero's soul, cursed blade will reap." Did that line scare you?

    Percy: You think!! I was terrified!!!

    Jackson: Moving on, I hear you have taken the curse of Achilles.

    Percy: Yeah I had to jump in this river in the underworld called The River Styx.

    Jackson: How did it feel?

    Percy: It felt pretty painful.

    Jackson: I see, I also heard you have a pet dog...

    Percy: Hellhound.

    Jackson: Okay whatever you call it, anyway I heard it's the size of a garbage truck,is this true?

    Percy: Well, I wouldn't say garbage truck, but she is still very big.

    Jackson: What is her name?

    Percy: Mrs. O' Leary.

    Jackson: Mrs. O' Leary, I like that name.

    Percy: Yes,I do too

    Jackson: Is she fun to ride on?

    Percy: Oh, yes very fun unless you do this thing where she goes faster than a light particle,than yea, she is an awesome mode of transportation.

    Jackson: What do you mean faster than a light particle?

    Percy: Well, since Mrs. O' Leary is a hellhound, she can do this thing called shadow travel, which is when she become so fast you guys are invisable if your riding her.

    Jackson: I didn't want to mention this, but what happened when you were on the Princess Andromeda with Charles Beckondorf?

    Percy: Well, Its a longstory but we were trying to destroy the titan Lord Kronos.

    Jackson: I heard Charles didn't make it out alive.

    Percy: Yes, He sacraficed his life to try to destroy Kronos, but Kronos made it out alive.

    Jackson: Sad, well I'd like to ask you more, but I've really got to go.

    Percy: Okay I've got to go anyways.

    Jackson: I'll come by for a second interview later.

    Percy: Okay, bye.

    Jackson: See you later.

  30. Tommy Normandeau
    I am reviewing the book "The Children of Hurin" in this blog. It was a very good book filled with heroism, death, and fear. I do feel sorry for Turin (the main charecter) because from the begining he was thrusted into chaos with a curse set on him by the Dark Lord Morgoth. Also because he was seperated from his mom even before the age of ten and moved to doriath the forest elf city, where he was the only human there. Another reason I am sorry for Turin because after many years of living in Doriath he was exiled after a run in with a high elf that tried to kill turin. Because this happened after they got in a humiliation fight ,but Turin wound up accidentaly killing the elf who chased him into the forest then fell on his head in a stream. So turin fearing what the other elves would think, he left Doriath and fled to the wild country. Turin went through many more tragedy such as the time he in an outburst of fear killed one of his best friends, or when he found out his wife was his sister and then her sister died from jumping in to a river from a cliff thinking Turin her "husband' was dead (not realy).His life ended in tradgedy from poision from Gothmog the wingless dragons' (Morgoths pet) fangs. Altogether i found it to be a great read, but keeping track of names was pretty hard. I would recomend this to anyone who liked The Lighting thief series. If you read this use all the tools in the back of your book such as geneology. It is a great book that I very much enjoyed

  31. Tanner Medina #5
    The chocolate touch
    Dear journal,
    After I had that weird peace of chocolate my life has bin turned around. Everything I eat turns to chocolate I used to like that idea. Now chocolate is begging to taste bad witch I never thought it could happen. I’ve learned that not everything has to be what I want and my parents are right about what I have to eat. But that also makes me think after this goes away will I not like the other foods I have to eat. I tell my friend’s everyday that there is a point of everything were there is too much. Not everyone believes me about you can have too much of everything and that everything turned into chocolate for me.

  32. Penny Wiese #15
    Blog #1
    Two Girls of Gettysburg
    Lisa Klein

    In this book Lizzie and her cousin and best friend Rosanna find themselves loyal to different sides of the civil war. Lizzie’s father and brother, who is named Luke are in the Union army, but Rosanna’s husband is in the Confederate army. Unfortunately, this means that their friendship is put to the test. Yet even through all these difficulties, they remain friends. At times they hate each other. Rosanna is reunited with her husband Because she became a nurse in the army. The reason for that is that she became worried when she heard about a slight wound her husband received. After he heals and several other things happen to him, he dies of illness while Rosanna lies ill from exhaustion. Lizzie isn’t having a ball either. Her father is taken prisoner! But an infection causes him to lose his leg and be freed. Lizzie endures all this, and is gladdened by the news of her father’s release. But she keeps doing what she has been doing since her father went to war. She runs her father’s butcher shop with the help of Amos and Martin, the young man that she is falling in love with. The housework that she would normally do is being done by her younger brother Ben. After many trials, the two girls are reunited. But still, perfection is not achieved. Rosanna mourns for her husband, John Wilcox. Also, still on the battlefield lies the dead. So many, both Union and Confederate lie down, unmoving, surrounded by the very weapons that stole countless lives, and, possibly, nearby to one corpse lays the weapon and its wielder that killed him. So much sorrow has been faced. But so much wisdom gained!The world of nightmares is leaving, and the world of dreams never left.

  33. Elijah Hernandez#4
    The Wizard of Oz
    Dorothy is from Colorado.
    She got to the Land of Oz by an airplane.
    Dorothy’s dog’s name is Toto.
    Dorothy lives with her grandparents.
    Dorothy is traveling with one companion.
    Multiple Choice
    1)Where is Dorothy going?
    a.The Emerald City
    b.The Gold City
    c.The Silver City
    d.The Bronze City
    2)Why is she going there?
    a.To eat
    b.To buy a house
    c.To ask Oz if he can help her get back to home
    d.None of the above
    3)How many companions is she traveling with (not including herself and Toto)?
    4) Who are her companions?
    a.A lion, a turtle, and a duck
    b.A lion, a scarecrow, and a tin woodsman
    c.A scarecrow
    d.A lion, a scarecrow, a duck, and a tin woodsman
    5)How many witches are there?
    6)Where do the witches rule?
    a.North, South, East, and West
    b.Northwest, South, and Northeast
    c.North and South
    d.East and West
    7)Which witches are good?
    a.North and South
    b.North, West, and South
    d.None, they are all evil
    8)Is the Great Wizard Oz a real wizard or is he a fake?
    c.Partially real but mostly fake
    d.I don’t know
    9)How many people know the Great Wizard Oz’s secret (if it talks then it counts)?
    a.No one
    b.5 people
    c.4 people
    d.6 people
    10) How did Dorothy kill the Witch of the West?
    a.She splashed a bucket of water on her
    b.Her house landed on the witch
    c.She cut of her head
    d.She pushed her off a cliff
    Short Answer
    1)How did Dorothy kill the Witch of the East?
    2)How did Dorothy get the Golden Cap?
    3)What does the Golden Cap do?
    4)Why can’t anyone hurt Dorothy?
    5)Why did the field mice give Dorothy and her companions a whistle and what does it do?
    In 6-8 sentences describe why the Winged Monkeys have to obey the person who wears the Golden Cap.
    Answer Key
    Multiple Choice
    Short Answer
    1)Dorothy killed the Witch of the East by splashing a bucket of water on her.
    2)Dorothy got the Golden Cap because she killed the Witch of the East and was going back to Oz. She was looking in the witch’s cupboard for food and found the Golden Cap and thought it was very pretty so she took it with her.
    3)The Golden Cap summons the Winged Monkeys.
    4)No one can hurt Dorothy because she was kissed by the Witch of the North.
    5)The field mice gave Dorothy and her friends a whistle because they saved their queen. The whistle calls the mice when it is blown in the field and the mice will come to help Dorothy and her friends.
    The Winged Monkeys have to obey the person that wears the Golden Cap because several years ago the Princess of the North was going to get married. The king of the Winged Monkeys and his band had picked up the groom, while he was standing by the river, and dropped him in the river. When he had come out, the princess came and got mad at the Winged Monkeys because they ruined his clothes. She made them have to obey the wearer of the Golden Cap. That person can only call them three times. The first owner of the Golden Cap was the princess’ husband. He wished that they would stay so far away that him and his wife would never have to see them again. After that they didn’t have to do anything else, until the Wicked Witch of the West had hold of the Golden Cap. She used it the first time so that they would enslave the Winkies, the second was to drive Oz out of her land, and the third was to attack Dorothy and her friends.

  34. Grace Brown #1
    Small Steps; Louis Sachar

    Grace- Hey Armpit why are you letting X-Ray be in charge of you ?

    Armpit- I really don’t know, I guess I just want to be a good friend.

    Grace- Well you can be a good friend and also not be used. All that X-Ray wants is your money, he doesn’t really want to be your friend.

    Armpit- I guess your right, well how should I tell him I’m done with his idea?

    Grace- I think you should be gentle and say something like, “Sorry pal I don’t have enough money”

    Armpit- I don’t know, I think I might blow the friendship X-Ray and I have and I don’t want to lose that.

    Grace- Well, then I guess you can stick to your promise, but that means that you will have to keep spending all that money and you might not make any profit. This could be a dangerous decision Armpit.

    Armpit- It’s just I don’t know what else I would do because he’s a good friend but he’s also crazy.

    Grace- You might be able to get the money back that you spend on the tickets.

    Armpit- Maybe

    Grace- It will probably be tough to earn it all back.

    Armpit- I really wish this decision wasn’t so hard because I really want to keep X-Ray as a friend, but also don’t want to waste my money. What should I do?

    Grace- It’s a shame that you don’t get to see Kaira DeLeon all because you hope to make more money.

    Armpit- Yeah, I know. I really wish I could see her live and not on television or radio.

    Grace- Why don’t you use one of the tickets to go and see her?

    Armpit- I don’t know, because if I do then X-Ray will get mad at me and then we won’t get any money

    Grace- Well, I hope you find a way to keep you friendship and money. See you later and thanks for the information. Bye.

    Armpit- Your welcome, Bye.

  35. Jenah Tittle# 13
    The Laydies of the Lake

    Jenah: Hello Gilda my name is Jenah I am going to ask you a few questions.
    Gilda: Ok Jenah you can start.
    Jenah: What made you decide to go into the ruins?
    Gilda: I just couldn’t help myself; I wanted to find out what was in there.
    Jenah: Who do you think is a lady of the lake?
    Gilda: From what I heard she is a pretty girl and has no worries.
    Jenah: Do you agree with all of the rules?
    Gilda: I agree with some but not all. Some are to demanding.
    Jenah: I know Marcie can be a little annoying but why did you yell at her?
    Gilda: I was mad and I could not take her constant reminders any more.
    Jenah: Do you agree with me that Stephen is horrible at driving?
    Gilda: Yes I do.
    Jenah: Do you think that grandma Joyce is a little to insulting when she watches scary movies?
    Gilda: Yes she is defiantly over board when she watches scary movies.
    Jenah: Where you scared when you got the phone call from the ghost?
    Gilda: I was at first but then I realized that I could use this as evidence.
    Jenah: When you dialed *69 and got the phone number what reaction did you get?
    Gilda: I thought that why would a ghost have a phone number.
    Jenah: Were you scared when you heard Nicky, Priscilla, and Daniel talking about Dolores?
    Gilda: Yes of course I was.
    Jenah: Were you excited when you got standing ovation for your play, The Droned and the Dammed?
    Gilda: Yes I was very excited.
    Jenah: When you found out that Nicky, Priscilla, and Daniel were part of Dolores death what did you think?
    Gilda: yes, I was amazed that the most popular seiners were part of a death.
    Jenah: When you finely told someone about the death of Dolores did you feel bad?
    Gilda: Yes I felt bad.
    Jenah: Well thank you for everything.
    Gilda: Your welcome any time.

  36. Jack Pinson#12
    Percy Jackson and the Oympians: The Last Olympian

    The main conflict of this story is the battle between the good and the evil or the gods and the titans. When Cronos comes back from his "death" or his time in tartarus. You see titans never die, they can be killed, but they always come back even though their incarnation may take 100+ years. Gods are the same way. The main characters in this story are: Percy,Annabella,Grover,Luke,and Cronos. Percy and Cronos battle many times and Cronos usually tries to destroy Percy, which he doesn't, or run away and take the cowards way out. They gods and titans always go head to head, but winning a battle is never easy. In the end when Cronos thinks his head monster: Typhon will destroy the gods and Olympus, Poseidion shows up with the cyclopes and beat the snot out of Typhon and send him to Tartarus. Meanwhile, Percy and Cronos have a huge battle while Grover and Annabeth are trying to get Cronos and defeat him as well. In the end,Cronos vanishs or teleloports out of Olympus and runs away because he knew the gods had won that battle, but he would be back for more. With Cronos no to be found and all his warriors dead or retreated, they knew the battle was won, but they also knew that since Cronos was still out there, he would have revenge.

  37. Sofia Youssouf#9
    The Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
    Dear Diary,
    It has been tough living in District 12. When I was in the woods I met these girls. Their names were Twill and Bonnie. Bonnie and Twill were running away from District 8. In District 8 there was an uprising and that’s what causes Twill and Bonnie to leave. They tell me that there is a District 13 and at first I did not believe them. Well, they tell me the story of how the Capital uses the same picture of the District every year. It got me wondering why would they do that? Well, we talked, next to the fire, about their plan and how they are going to succeed in doing it. They looked hungry so I gave them the food I brought from home. Well it was shocking when I got home and turned on the news. President Snow was talking, he said that all the tributes will be coming back and there will be twice the kids this year. When I heard this my jaw dropped and I ran out the window. I was so scared to go back into that dark place. Those were tough memories to rethink while we went t go to each district. I talked to Haymitch about it but he didn’t care but when Peeta heard this he went into full mode. What I thought would be we all run away. It sounded great at first but after it didn’t. It didn’t because of how many people we had to bring and how secret it had to be. Well, in District 12 there are no secrets the Capitol knows everything that you do.


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