Summer of Fun

Hello Junior High Students,
Welcome back to some of you and greetings to the new sixth graders. This summer I was very blessed to spend time with my family, go on vacation, and read many books. I went to Yosemite with my family. We hiked in the valley, saw bears, hung out with raccoons, and fed some squirrels. I spent many lazy days at the beach and hot afternoons in the library reading. Write about your own summer adventures. Be creative and expressive while using your grammatical expertise.


  1. Andrew Chapin
    I had a great summer this year. At first I went to Central America for a month and my family and I got to see all the lush and beautiful plants. A week later we went to Mammoth Mountain and I got to rock climb, hike and try BMX for the first time. Right after Mammoth I got a facebook account. A week before summer ended I went to the Getty Museum and I went to the Ronald Reagan Library and got to see Air Force One.

  2. Elijah Hernandez#4
    I went to Lake Havasu at the very beginning of summer. While we were there we rented a boat and a jet ski. I got to drive both. The jet ski was fun, but the boat was much better especially when I was riding on the tube. When Kam or Matt would drive and I was on the tube they would try to make me fall off. It was fun because the tube kept bouncing and the turns would make me and the tube go flying. When we came home we had a Fourth of July party. Both family and friends came. It was a total of about seventy people. Everyone had a lot of fun. Two or three days later I went with my grandpa to New Mexico. We went camping at the City of Rocks and shooting by a river. I shot a rifle, two different pistols, and a shotgun. I went exploring at the City of Rocks and I made a spear for Kam, Matt, Jo, and I out of a tree I found lying on the ground. I visited some of my family while I was over there. I hadn’t seen them in three years at Grandma Lencha’s funeral. When I came home I went to Junior High Camp. Junior High Camp was fun. We played games and learned more about God. When I came home it was time for football to start. We lost our first game against La Habra 6-8. Our second game we won against Saddleback Valley. The final score was 14-0. I had alot of fun this summer, but I am very glad that school has started.

  3. David Spindler #7
    On my summer vacation I went to Lake Tahoe. The water was very cold and going to the beach there is very fun. I went waterskiing there and had a blast.
    I also went to the Grand canyon this summer. It was a ten mile hike to go to the campsite. The first mile was very hard and then it got easier. There were many dogs in the Grand Canyon just walking around.
    The second day we were there we had to hike through tunnels and go down very sttep steps. it was an eight story drpoff point. There was waterfalls at the bottom that got us wet and it was very fun. On the way back up my best friends mom strained her knee and had to hike like that for a mile.The hike out was very fun to because we had dogss that walked the ten miles with us.
    The last day of summer I went to the beach with two of my best friends, my mom, and my brother. Once we got to the beach i felt sick andwasnt planning on going in the water. Once we got there we realized it was a great day for skimboarding. I only brought one board thousgh so we had to all share it. We would run and get on the board and jump off and the next person would run and jump off. We did this many times and it was very tiring. Once we left we went to dinner.We went to the old spaggeheti factory. I was still feeling sick so i got tea to heal my throat. After we left I went home. In the next morning I went to school. THis summer I loved being able to stay up late and sleep in the next morning.

  4. Sofia Youssouf
    I had a lot of adventures over the summer.In June we went to Las Vegas with my unlce, my aunt, and my cousins. I went there for 1 week. After we came back from Las Vegas both of my uncles came from Canada and Indianapolis. We went to the beach and I got to sleep in a lot. Then after I got to go with my friend to this basketball camp. I had it for 2 weeks. After me, my mom, and my sister went to Ethiopia. There I saw my uncles, my aunts, my friends, and my cousins. I had a lot of fun. Then my uncle was really sick then and he had to get surgery . Well, I was stuck with kids to babysit. It wasnt that hard, but they drove me crazy. The best part was I got paid for it. I went to Ethiopia for about a month. There I took a lot of trips. One of the trips were that we went to this beach there and it was really fun. It wasnt that easy to leave my family there , but I had to. When I got back it chaos. It was about 3 weeks before school and I didnt get school supplies.

  5. David Spindler comment on Elidjah
    I have never been tubing but it looks very fun. I am also excited that school started. Junior high camp was great and i had a great time too.

  6. Michael Carrion

    This summer I did a lot of fun things the day we got out of school I went with my dad. I stayed with him for a month we did lots of things we went to movies trips vacations and to lots of theme parks and water parks and lots of other fun things we also stayed home some days. I did enjoy staying home to and being able to sleep in was a really cool thing to do because during school i wake up at 5 in the morning evrey week day so that was one really fun thing to do. Also playing video games and going to friends houses was really fun after a month I came home. The night I came home I was leaving to jr high cam the next day so i had to pack all over again. Camp was really fun especially learning about God and getting to know him better was the main cool thing to do there. After I came home from camp I was going to another camp except it was daily instead of going for a week and coming back.Since it ended early 2 weeks before so I asked my mom if I could go with my dad for the rest of my summer we did more fun things like theme parks again we also took my little brother to chukie cheese for the first time because he wanted to go he liked it a lot he played the games and such he had lots of fun when I got back with my mom I went school shopping it was kind of late for it but we did I had a fantastic summer I loved it and now I am looking forward to DC but I loved my summer.

  7. Hayley Macabuhay #5

    This summer, I got to spend a lot of time with my family and friends. I enjoyed sleeping in and being homework free. The only "homework" I had was staying home to babysit my younger siblings and doing my daily chores. Since I worked so hard, my parents often let me go out and enjoy my summer with my friends. I went with my friends to places like the mall, the movies, and the beach.
    In the month of August, my family and I celebrated my sisters' 2nd birthday at Chuck E. Cheese. It was really fun to spend that time with my family. Also in the month of August, we went to the beach, where we surprised my cousin for her 15th birthday. We spent that day eating, playing volleyball, and swimming. We also rented a six seater cart where my cousins and I got to pedal it everywhere around the beach. I had a great day, even though I got sunburned.
    Four days before school started, my family and I went to Disneyland and California Adventures. We rode many rides, watched the parades, and watched World of Color at California Adventures.
    It was a great summer!

  8. 9/9/10
    This summer I went on a vacation to Mammoth and Bass Lake. We stayed at Bass Lake for three days in a condo on the water. We were right next to the marina and rented a boat each day. The first day we rented a hi-speed ski-boat and we rented a large inner tube with straps that you hang onto and the boat pulls. My brothers and I were pretty good at doing this, except a few times when we went over a large wake. When we went over a wake our tube would fly into the air and we had nothing but the straps on the inner tube to keep us from falling into the water, which despite the fact the straps were working fine we still went flying into the water. Luckily when you rent the boat you get life vest. The next day we woke up sore, but we inner tubed again and again for three days! by the time we were done we could barely pack up.
    After Bass Lake we drove up to Mammoth. We went through Tioga pass. We were on vacation with our grandparents and we took two cars. I drove with my grandparents for my brother’s drove in our car and I did not want to spend 5 hours sitting next to them. This is because they easily annoy me and also I prefer to sleep on long car trips. My Grandma has a fear of heights and Tioga pass is a tight windy road on the edge of a 4,000ft+ cliff. We drove on the right side of the rode and the edge of the cliff was to our right. My grandma was in the passenger seat. Since my Grandma has a fear of heights and was right next to the edge of the cliff she was extremely scared. My grandpa was driving and my grandma was begging that he drove slower for my Grandma feared we would drive off the road and fall 4,000ft+ to our deaths. My grandpa and I could not stop laughing and he would speed up on a straight portion of road just to scare her a bit more.
    In Mammoth we went mountain biking down the tallest mountain in Mammoth. My Mom did not like doing this. My Mom was screaming down the entire mountain side. Other people bike to and sometimes you have to let them pass you. We could hear other bikers laughing at my Mom’s screams because we were on the easy trail.
    This summer I was also photographed to be in a magazine. I was at Roger's Garden with my Mom and Grandma and there was a photographer there taking pictures for a magazine. She asked if Model some items that Roger's Garden. I said sure I would love to. She took pictures of me modeling some items for the magazine Coast which will be published in November.

  9. Tre Fitts #3
    Summer Fun
    I had a very exciting summer this year. I played in various soccer tournaments, we won one of the tournaments and took second in two other. One of the major adventures I had this summer was my two week trip to Hawaii. On the Big Island I saw one of the last active volcanoes in the world; unfortunately we couldn’t see the lava from there, so my family and I went on a boat tour to see the lava. And sure enough we saw red/orange goopy lava fall into the ocean from the underground lava tubes. We were literally about fifteen feet away from the lava, and the air smelled like sulfur, and it was hot near the lava. So that was pretty cool! Then on the island of Oahu we hung out on the beach got sunburned time after time and saw relatives I haven’t seen in two years. That pretty much sums up all the interesting things about my summer.

  10. I moved to St. Louis this summer! Moving had its tolls on us but we are doing well. It has been a hot humid summer full of work and some fun sprinkled in here and there along the way. I finished my Masters program on top of all the work and started the school year at a great school. I'm looking forward to learning much at this new school but will never forget all the ways the Lord has provided for my family this past summer. He is great!

  11. Julia Normandeau #11
    This summer I went to my brothers gradution from boot camp. We went to the MCRD (Marine Corps Recruiting Depot) in San Diego. First the Joey and all the other marines did a run so we cuold see them the first time in two months. All of Joeys long hair was gone and he gained fifteen pounds! Then we got to spend the rest of the day with Joey. Joey took us to a large lunch buffet. It was Joeys first time in two months to eat any where but a noisy mess hall. He ate his food so fast because he only had five minutes to a lot of food in the mess hall. Then we walked around, bought Joey a red bull and a laptop, and listened to Joey tell us about his experience in boot camp. The next day my whole family including my cousins and gramma watched the gradution. After the gradution we took Joey home and on the way we went to this nice restuarant and ate lunch. That was the best thing I did all summer.

  12. Aly Carpenter#2
    Over the summer I whent to Wasington. I was introduced to new peole and new music. My mothers freind Shatz took me on her boat to go tubing. I was whiped from side to side and finaly got thrown off. We had barbuecue every night. We also had a Lador Day party. At the party we had hot dogs and oysters. I had so much fun.That is my yearly trip.

  13. Carson Conradt.
    This summer, I mainly tride to practice skate bording. I have been skateing for a long time. I'm trying to make a profession and make a living doing what I love to do. My summer has been a very good, and I think I'v improved alot over the summer and hope I keep on improving. Another very fun activity that my dad, brother and I drove to Cody Wyoming for a fishing trip. My uncle attendid with us. Fishing was great!

  14. Penny Wiese#15
    This summer my family and I went to Maui. Maui is one of the Hawian islands. We stayed there for one week. We stayed at the Ka'anapali Beach Hotel. Every morning before breakfast, we snorkled at at a different beach. Then we ate breakfast at the hotel. We did the all you can eat breakfast buffet every morning, and every one of us ate piles of bacon. One day we went to a place called Turtle Town and saw several turtles. We also went on a boat ride to a place called Mulokini. We learned something new, I get seasick! Butit was still fun. That is what I did over the summer.

  15. Jenah Tittle 13
    My summer was the best! I went to Maui. The slides were cool. I also went to camp. It was so fun. They had a man made lake there. We learned so much. I Had a great summer with my friends!

  16. Morgan McElroy #10
    This summer my family and I moved to the beach while we were waiting for our house to be built. We went to the beach evry day and had a lot of fun. In July my dad and I went to the Grand Tetons and did a six mile hike up to the Hidden Falls, the water felt so cold. After the Grand Tetons we went to Yellowstone and saw so many natural land marks like Old Faithful, Yellowstone Falls, and many more. When we were done with Yellowstone we drove up to Minnesota to fix up our new house for my sister Alex and her freinds. We had so much fun in the new house. It was so big. The fun vacation stopped when when we had to fly home. It was the best vacation ever.

  17. Grace Brown #1
    My whole summer was probably about seeing and or meeting people(mostly family). A few weeks after school ended I had been packed and ready to go to camp. It was probably the 2nd most fun activity I did all summer long. I loved how they let us do tons of things. It wasn't planned out like most camps where they have a schedule and say," Oh go to the pool today" or,"Now its time to move to activity 3". Although I had a great time it was my first time away from my mom, so a lot of my friends helped me instead of teasing me. I had a great time worshiping God and finally got the guts to lift my hands when I was singing. I was really proud of my friends that went up and got to ask for prayer. the councler was right, don't cry to much if your home sick because you will get sick, just like I did. When i returned from camp, about three days later I had to be unpack from camp and packed for ENGLAND!!!!! I couldn't wait to go. On the way to the airport my grandma almost made us miss the plane. Once i got to England, I had a blast from the start. I was glad to finally see my Aunt, my Uncles, and even my cute little cousins. I was so happy to finally meet the rest of my family. After the hard lost we had of my father it was really weird when the whole family was talking. they all had british accents, so I decided to start having an accent. When I came back home to California my accent went away. I loved my summer and my family, but now I know its time to get back to school!

  18. Natalie Coyne #4
    This summer I went to Jr. High camp. I drove with my friends Grace and Julia in my Dad's large silver truck. I stayed in a cabin with thirty girls from my church. It was very hectic and everyone in the cabin was on sugar overload. I stayed for a week and went to three or four bible studies a day. I was so moved that I decided to get baptised when I was there. I even when on a giant swing that was so high I started to get dizzy. It was the best summer ever!!!

  19. Isabella Tokarev #
    After school ended I whent to my church camp in Lake Arrowhead. I spent a week there. It was so much fun!Then after camp I just stayed home and watched movies and surfed on the web.When Aguest came my cousin from Sacromento came over.We whent to Huntington Beach for three days straight!Even thought she is 15 we love to spend time with each other.After she left I kept going to the beach alot.This summer was great!

  20. Kaylie Currier #5
    This summer I went to so many places, but my favorite is when I went to Italy. Going to Italy was a great experience, because I learned about the different cultures and about the different type of people. The people there barely speak english, so sometimes my mom and I even had to ask some Italians who spoke english to translate what we were saying.(=

  21. Deborah Dervartanian #6
    This summer I had a blast going to Palm Springs with my friends and family. We stayed at a hotel called Ranchos Las Palmas. Every day we relaxed in the lazy river and hung out in the Jacuzzi at night. We also enjoyed going on the flight stimulators at the Palm Springs air museum.
    Another thing that I did this summer was go to junior high camp with the youth group. Camp was so much fun with all the activities that they had. I made a lot of new friends during camp. Camp was especially fun because of the new giant swing that they built last year. I made a lot of new friends during camp. The Bible study's they had were awesome with all the guest speakers and learning about God. The best part about camp to me was eating dinner with Pastor Garry, Kimi, my sister, my cousin, Hayley, and Shelby. I had the most amazing summer this past June and July!


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