Second Quarter Blog #1

The second quarter has arrived and it will pass by quickly. For those of you who are on the ball you may post your blog early.


  1. Andrew Chapin #1
    Blog #1
    The Lightning Thief
    Dear journal,
    Things at school have been strange lately. Grover has been acting more nervous than he usually did. Mr. Brunner just took us to a museum and at first I was hoping that I would not mess this trip up just like I did to all the other field trips. Apparently, during lunch at the museum I pushed Nancy Bobofit and she told on me. I had to go with Mrs. Dodds and she became a monster and started attacking me! I was scared out of my shoes. Shoes gripping, heart racing I barely made I out of the way of Mrs. Dodds, the hideous monster. Finally the monster went away and I has safe. I was then kicked out of Yancy. It wasn’t the first time I got kicked out of school. When I got home, my mom and I were going to go to the beach! I was so excited to finally go on a trip without Gabe. Gabe, a lazy bum, would always be mean to my mom and he was the biggest stuck up snob. The beach trip did not go as planned. When it was dark it started to rain and something even more strange happened. Grover came and we had to get in the car and supposedly drive me to a camp that I would be safe at that my father suggest even before I was born. We were being chased by a monster and Grover and I would be safe if we made it past this one tree which was at least one hundred yards away. My mom was grabbed by the monster, but could Grover and I make it....

  2. Adara Martinez
    Sixth grade secrets

    6th Grade Secrets Poem

    Laura Sibbie has a cap
    But never on her lap
    Pig city, a cap with silver thread
    When she takes it off it is a dread
    She starts a party
    It’s never sorry
    Against Monkey Town
    Laughter and fights start all around
    Songs and anthems
    But no phantoms
    They need insurance
    Good, healthy insurance
    If they tell
    Here’s the bell
    They show their insurance
    Their personal secrets
    Screams are around when they break
    The promise that Laura makes
    President Gabriel of Monkey Town
    Hates Laura all around
    The cap is the flag
    They try to hide in a bag
    Disaster comes
    It isn’t much fun
    When they cut her hair
    That wasn’t fair
    She cries and wines
    That’s not fine
    Her parents feel bad
    Because Laura was sad
    They take her somewhere expensive
    They say her hair is sensitive
    They fix the crooked line
    Now her hair looks fine
    She’s sad her hair isn’t long
    It doesn’t flow like a song
    She didn’t care that she had expensive hair
    She wanted her long pretty layer
    Gabriel thinks she looks like a star
    He didn’t want it to go this far
    Gabriel says “I’m sorry”, to her
    He would give her a coat made of fur
    But all Laura wanted was her hair
    But she thought of something that was fair
    Gabriel had made her eat a raw muck
    So for payback, she ran in to some luck
    She would make him eat an interesting thing
    A thing so bad
    But appropriate to her sad
    Wait, she would make him eat a raw egg
    As he had done when she had begged
    They make peace after war
    And decide to go have some s’mores

  3. Jenah Tittle #13
    Psychic Investigator
    Jennifer Allison

    I couldn’t believe it was the last day of school, and I still had nothing to do. With Wendy, my best friend, gone at camp I don’t know what to do. Today Mr.Weinstock called on me in class and asked me what I am doing this summer. I couldn’t tell him that I am doing nothing this summer so I said I am going to San Francisco and writing a novel. When I got out of school and went home I thought to myself, I just told a lie and I am doing nothing this summer. Well I am not the kind of girl who tells a lie and does nothing to fix it. When I tell a lie I make it come true. So I asked my mom if I could go to san Francisco to see my second cousin, Mr. Splinter. Of course her being my mom she said no, but me being me I sent a letter secretly. Another reason I wanted to go is because Melanie, Mr. Splinter’s sister, died there by jumping off a tower. I am a psychic investigator and I want to check it out. I was waiting for a week till I got a letter and the letter said yes I could come and that he has a daughter my age too. My mom let me go there for the summer. When I got there I met their house keeper Rosa. She said when it is quiet and when she is doing her work she can see ghosts. They are of old ladies who lived there before. When I met his daughter she had a sprained ankle because she fell off the stairs. She was very mean to me. It was night and I heard footsteps I got scared and turned on the lamp. I tripped over something and Mr. splinter came up stairs. His daughter Juliet heard it to but she didn’t say anything. We talked and she has a ghost following her, I figured I have a case on my hands.

  4. Natalie Coyne #4
    School of Fear Class is not Dismissed
    by Gitty Daneshvari pg 307

    Thirteen-year-old Madeleine Masterson,
    Was friends with almost everyone.
    Garrison, Theo, and Hyacinth too,
    even the claustrophobic Lulu.

    Madie had a fear,
    that she could hide no more.
    She was terrified of bugs
    on the walls, ceiling, or floor.
    She had a utility belt
    with sprays and swatters for
    attacking the earths bugs
    until they were no more.

    One day two-hundred bugs
    escaped from their glass jugs.
    Those evil little thugs
    they hid in pictures
    and under rugs.
    They caught them all with mugs
    put them back,
    and had a group hug.

  5. Morgan McElroy #10
    Blog #1 The Lost Hero
    By,Rick Riordan Diary
    Dear diary, Its Piper again. Today I found out that my crush Jason was really using mist, it is a strange magic that bends my memories. I was so broken hearted because I thought that I loved him, but between you and me I still really do. Other than that I also was taken to a camp. Not an ordinary camp, a Greek, magic camp. The goddess Aphrodite, she’s my mom! I found that out a very embarrassing way. I got a “blessing” that made me look beautiful. It was terrible! My hair was perfect, I had makeup and I was in a dress! The worst part is that none of it came off. Although I do have some interesting powers I can speak French, the language of love, and I can charmspeak, which is where I can get people to do things just by talking. My cabin leader is a stuck up girl named Drew, she also has charmspeak. She has no respect for anyone. The only friends I have are Jason and Leo, and two Aphrodite kids, Mitchell and Lacy. They are the only ones who understand me. Jason is the son of Zeus, and Leo is the son of Hephaestus they are both from the wilderness school like me. Now about my dad he was captured by monsters. He is the only person I absolutely care about. He doesn’t know that he married Aphrodite or that the Greek gods exist, so I have to keep it a secret from him. Now I must go on quest to save him. I will see you soon diary.

  6. Grace Brown #1
    Second Quarter
    Blog #1

    Hill tops are green
    Miri flowers blow
    She’s become a teen
    Starting to feel gloom

    Olana’s stick booms
    The clock is on the second tock
    Three hours pass
    Wait, there’s a knock

    Quarry-speech roars
    The shutting of doors
    Snow falls harder
    Miri is starting to wonder

    Princess dresses
    Sparkles getting to the presses
    Nothing more
    Could I adore?

    Mount Eskel is singing
    My hands are now stinging
    Linder rock is gone
    For the traders passed on

    Miri keeps closer
    For Peder wants more
    Than a flower with a thorn

    Makes girls get impatient
    Learning and reading
    Poise is imploring
    Snow is annoying

    Does a prince really want me?
    I’m starting to get hungry
    Danlanders are competition
    Mountain girls got petition

    Knut is a grown man
    But he cannot take a stand
    For himself or else Olana
    Will start a smack down mania

    Hearts pounding
    Katar is sounding
    Like a little brat
    But yet Miri found the rat

    Farther Os is questioning
    Britta is mentioning
    The little stories
    That may find the glory
    To the problem with money
    But everyone thinks it’s funny

    Solutions confront
    The magical linder
    Quarry-speech can be found
    Almost everywhere

    The only problem is the risk
    But father is willing
    To start on filing
    The barrels of Linder

    Peder is carving
    Miri is starving
    For questions
    To finally mention
    Of quarry- speech
    To finally reach
    His point of view

    But Peder wants to know
    After the snow
    The ball and fall
    Who is going to win it all?

  7. Julia Normandeau #11
    Surviving Antartica
    Me: Today we are going to talk to Grace the first child to reach the South pole without adult assistant.Grace why did you stay in Antartica instead of going home on the heliopter
    Grace: My ancestors lived in Alaska before the nuclear accident that made my people move. The United States,the cause for the meltdown, gave us a farm and some land on a Hopi reservation to make up for destroying our home.The snow is where I like to be so I decided to stay longer to get the most out of my visit to Antartica
    Me: Intersting, and can you tell me why Robert wanted to stay in Antartia when Andrew almost died of hypothermia.
    Grace: Robert just thought it would be cool to be the first kid to reach the South pole.
    Me: His friend almost died, did he have any second thoughts before he made his desicion.
    Me: So did he make that desicion because he is ignorant or brave?
    Grace: Brave, because he only stayed because I stayed.
    Me:Good,so tell me,what was it like meeting Steve the man who saved Andrew's life.
    Grace:It was awesome to meet him even though we saw him a month after Polly, Billy, and Andrew did we owe everything to him.
    Me: When you first used the dogsled the dogs were out of control but you got better and by the time Billy, Andrew,and Polly were rescued you had them under control. How much bettter were you by the time you reached the pole?
    Grace: I had become a proffesional by the time we reached the pole,it was even a little emotional leaving the dogs with the states.
    Me: Well we are out of time,thank you for coming it was a pleasure to have you

  8. Tre Fitts #3
    Blog #1
    The Titan’s Curse
    By: Rick Riordan

    Dear Bianca di Angelo,
    Listen and take heed to the words that I tell you. I know that it was a hard choice to leave your brother Nico di Angelo behind. I just want to make sure that none of your friends are mad at you for joining The Hunt. Nico will be fine and well protected by Percy and the other counselors at Camp Half-Blood. Now back to the subject at hand. I know and hope that you are excited about joining The Hunt. I know that joining The Hunt has its benefits like immorality, but it is worth leaving your little brother. And would your parents be proud of you for making this decision if they were still alive? These things you have to take into consideration. Another thing to think about is the fact of swearing yourself into eternal maid-hood? I don’t know what you have in mind, but aren’t you a bit young to do that. I mean do you not want to get married and have children of your own? All I am saying is that this is a big decision, and I think that you made it a little bit too quickly. I also think that you should have given the topic more thought. Another thing that I want you to think about is Artemis. Don’t you think that she is a bit suspicious, and why do you thing she has the cover of a middle school girl? I think that she could be dangerous. I just wanted to warn you that the gods can all be dangerous, and that you need to adjust and figure out the world you are putting yourself into.

  9. Aly Carpenter#2
    Frogs and French Kisses
    This book starts in chaos. Miri, Rachel's sister is now able to use her magic without her doing it behind her moms back. She is learning how to fly a broom. After she learns how to fly she takes Rachel for a spin on the broom, it ends terribly bad. they fall off the broom and land in a farm full of cows and manure. They fall and Rachel gets so dramatic and thinks her leg is broken witch it is not true. But what is true is that Miri's chin is scratched. After the sad moment Miri finds out the farm is a slater house. Now that Miri can use magic she finds a spell that can save the cows. Miri is a hero on the other hand Rachel's love life is upside down. After she finally got Raf to go to the dance with her, she stood him up. Raf is on the line of hating her. With that aside Jewl and Rachel are still mad and not talking to each other. On their way to school the next day their was a bus full of good looking guys and Rachel tell her mom to pop the buses tire so she could talk to them. So she does and get to see all the good looking men. Rachel's mom talks to all of them and talks to one of the men more than the others. Their mom is single and wants to start dating again and that was a shot and she nailed it. Rachel was happy for her but Miri was not she does not want her mom to date.

  10. Morgan McElroy #10
    Blog #2 School of Fear
    By, Gitty Daneshvari

    Hi I’m Garrison and I am terrified of deep water. Just the thought of an ocean makes me dizzy and break into a cold sweat. It all changed one night when I was searching the internet for a cure to my phobia. I found nothing until an article of School of Fear popped up. I read it then it disappeared and a government warning came up. All I was wondering was why a government warning would come up because someone was telling of their experience of getting rid of their fear. My parents and I called all the therapists in the phone book; some said that they have never heard of School of Fear and others hung up right after the question. Then one therapist said that she has heard of School of Fear. We went to her house and she told us to write a letter telling Mrs. Wellington, the head master, that I wish to go to school there over the summer. When we were leaving she said Munchuster would be watching my family. When the time came to go to school I didn’t want my family to take me, so I went alone. While I was there Mrs. Wellington was teaching us pageantry. We met Schmidty, Mac, Mrs. Wellington, the sheriff, munchuster, and Mrs. Wellington’s four cats. Closer to the end of summer Mrs. Wellington died. In her will she left fifty thousand dollars to schmidty, -1 dollars to munchuster, and her estate to Mac, the dog. Munchuster stole Mac and things from the house so he could own the house. The other students and I went to get Mac back. Munchuster took him to a small house outside the woods. Mac fell in the pool and without thinking I dived in for him. After I was in I remembered I couldn’t swim Theo, one of the students dove in to save me, and he did. When we got Mac back to school we found Scmidty, Mrs. Wellington, and Munchuster sitting at the table. Apparently this was all to get rid of our fears. We found out that we must come back next year too. This summer was terrible.

  11. Tanner Medina#5
    Blog#1 second quarter
    This will be my last entrée because I might have to let Rascal go and this journal is for Rascal and I. everyone says I should let him go but I don’t want to I want him to stay with me forever. Today Rascal and I went to the creek. I kept thinking to myself I should just leave him and run away but a little voice tells me not to because he won’t know how to survive. He has been with me almost his whole life I have fed him and everything so I don’t think he will survive on his own. Now I know I have to let him go thou he is acting stranger and stranger every day. While we are on the canoe Racal herd another raccoon he glanced over and saw her. I told him he can go if he wants it is his life. Rascal just stared at me for a while then left. I was happy and sad watching him leave with his friend but even thou I lost my best friend I have a better memory to tell my children someday.

  12. Elijah Hernandez#4
    Blog #1
    Harry Potter and th Chamber of Secrets
    About a month ago my aunt, uncle, and cousin, the Dursley’s, were having guests over. I was up in my room trying not to make a single noise while the guests were here because the Dursley’s hate my guts. While I was waiting a house elf named Dobby came. He was trying to warn me not to go back to Hogwarts, the school I go to so that I could learn magic because I am a wizard, because I would be killed if I did. While he was warning me he would sometimes bang his head on the wall because he almost said something he shouldn’t have. He was making so much noise that my uncle had to come up and warn me to be quiet, but he didn’t know there was a house elf that I was hiding so that I would not get in trouble. If he had found out that I was hiding the house elf, he would have been so mad and angry he probably would have killed me. Dobby had gotten the cake my aunt had made and dropped it on the guests so that I would get in enough trouble to not go back to Hogwarts this year. My uncle got so made that he locked my door with several locks so that I couldn’t escape and barred my windows. The Weasley brothers, Fred, George, and Ron, friends from school, came and saved me from the Dursleys. They broke the bars on my window so that I could come in the flying car with them. They had saved my life and brought me back to their house. I stayed with them for the rest of the summer until school started. Once we were going to school, Ron and I tried to run into the wall to get to Platform 9 ¾ like we were supposed to, but instead of going right through like Ron’s family we just hit the wall. To get to school Ron used his wand to fly the car so that we could catch up to the train and go to school. When we got to school we almost got expelled because we were seen by muggles, people that aren’t witches or wizards, and we broke a Whomping Willow, but, reluctantly, we weren’t.

  13. Ender’s Shadow
    Blog #1
    Today was not like any other day; it was full of joy and finding a place of where I can call home. The family filled up the void in my life. The void in my life is the loss of my family and the family is the new home I have with this gang. All of them are bone heads but they have a leader which is poke. Poke gave me a gift that was my first and most meaningful gift which was a name; Bean. I didn’t like the name so much but it was the only one I have. The reason I got it by me saying all the time that I’m not worth a bean. I gave a new plan to get back at the bullies and they all laughed but it was their first plan and decided to give it a shot. Poke hired a bully to scare off other bullies; Achilles. He was cool at looks but has a heart of a killer. What happened was poke and Achilles where kissing but when I looked back; he stabbed her with a knife. I never knew he would do such a thing but he did and I will never forgive the act he has done to my leader. Poke acted like a leader but a clueless leader. I acted more like the leader with all the plans but even though she still was my big sister. Achilles, I will show you that a human beings life is a lot more that what you think so repent before the Maker because I am coming with an army.

  14. Jacob Ramsey #7
    Blog #1
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    I like the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, by J.K. Rowley, because in the very beginning of the book, there was a gardener. He was a gardener who worked for the Thomas Riddle’s family, or later on known as Voldemort. He worked there from a young age until his death. Before he died, the Riddle’s died of an unnatural cause that no scientist could figure the cause of. After the death, he continued to garden until the next family moved in. During this time he was constantly assaulted by teenagers. One night he woke up and saw a light in the house. He thought it was the teenagers. But he was wrong. As he crept up stairs, he saw that there were two people in there talking about wizardry, which he never heard of before. Those particular people, Voldemort and Wormtail, heard him and killed him how the Riddles were killed. Another thing that I liked about the book was that there is the Goblet of Fire that sits in the main hall. You put your name on a piece of paper in the fire before the deadline comes, so your name could be drawn. If your name is drawn, you can compete in the Triwizard Tournament. In the tournament, you have to go through four challenges. And ever challenge gets harder and harder. If you win a challenge, then you get a golden egg that reveals clues to the next challenge.

  15. Jarod Johnson #7
    Rangers Apprentice
    Book #1

    Book 1, The Ruins of Gorlan is about a kid that has nothing to do and wants to be an apprentice. So he decides to go to the head of the apprentice people and askes if he could be an apprentice. They said that he is really small and thin, so he can't do battleschool. The kids name is Will, witch a pretty comon name. But will, witch is kind of cute from there perspective persuades them and his acess is granted. Meanwhile htey are saying stuff like, there is no way that he is going to be accepted into battlescool. But of course, he gets accepted. In battleschool there thought of him changes, they start to go wow because he is diffrent in a way. He can climb! But still all of the spots are taken and not a single ranger that will accept him. Later on there is one guy that does and his name is, Halt. So he says that he will take him, Although the people do think that Halt is ready to have someone to take care of. They say, NO! But Halt can't stand that he has no one to look over. the people that don't want Halt to have Will as his apprentice don't want Halt to have him. The people don't want Halt to have him because, Halt is not trustworthy. But the ranger people let Halt have Will as an apprentice anyway. Mostly because Halt is good at persuading people and because he signed a contract. But after Halt let Will be his apprentice. Will did something very bad! He started to climb on the side of the building and did that so he could see the head of all the rangers and apprentices. The guard caught him and told him to get down imeddietly. He got down and the guard told him that he was impressed and that Halt is glad that he had him. Then the guard said that he is one of the only climbers that they have.

  16. Million dollar throw
    Felix Sarmiento# 9

    Million dollar throw is about a boy named Nate who is a huge football fan. He is thirteen years old. He is one of the biggest Tom Brady fans around. He plays football and is the star quarterback for his team. In this book it tells about how Nate has been given the chance of a life time. He has won the chance to throw a football through a target at a Patriots game, on live TV! He just has to complete the pass and he will win one million dollars. At this point his parents are having trouble paying for the bills even just to keep their home. Nate knows how much the money would mean for their family so he is going to try very hard to win it. A lot of pressure is going to start going on him so that is why his friend Abby tries to help. Abby isn’t like any other girl she is a lot like the guys actually because she loves to play football and a lot of other spots. With Abby just getting glasses it is hard for her to play football but she still tries to because she knows that they could really use that money. This isn’t going to be an easy target to hit so he is going to have to train long and hard. Abby is always very supportive on every thing he does so he thought that he would try to win this thing for her because he new it would make her happy. The true meaning of pressure is about to change in so many ways he would have never wished for. If he doesn’t do this pass then they are probably going to have to move out of the house because they can hardly afford there house right now and that means he is going to leave Abby behind and he may never see her again so it is up to him to go and make the Million Dollar Throw.

  17. Catchingg Fire
    Dear diary, I am shocked I cant believe it was just last night when I found out I was going back, back to the place I hate, back to the arena. It all started when they announced the torture that will be inflicted in the third quarter quel. Just I wasnt expecting something so vile as to say that the contestants would be selected from the previous victors. Afterwards I was in a trance for a while. when I finaly fully came to I was in one of the victor village houses basement my hands were bleeding and found that the glass back door was shattered. I then went over to Haymitches house he was in his normal state which is of course extremly drunk. He had obviously heard the news because he was one of the previous victors. I was so sad about the news I asked him or a drink. suprisingly he poured me a glass it stung as it went down I didnt care it was nothig compared to what I would go through soon, When im back in the games ,but then again I never realy left the games. I mean I still have to act in love with Peeta and the capiol is still trying to kill me. so we will just have to see what my future holds instore for me.
    ,Katniss Everdeen

  18. Mockingjay
    Dear Diary, The recent events in my life just makes me want to die. I will jus start from when Gale told me their was no district 12. At first I dint know what he meant, but I do now, district 12 has been fire bombed and no longer exists. So I lived in District 13 with my family who managed to escape 12. 13s citizens are pracicaly all soldiers and they dont waste anything fast forward my life a while and im the mockingjay the symbol of reblion giving speaches and making videos to feed the flames of war. fast forwards some more and gues what we rescue Peeta who I hant seen since the lightning tree. know whas even more interesing he tried to kill me because he has been brainwashed to hate me. Keep going in my life and im invading the capitol oh and as im practicaly on snows door step I watch my sister get blown up. Later at snows execution I pull out my bow an kill president Coin. So now as I await my punishment I want nothing more than to die. This may be my last entry so fairwell.
    ,Katniss Everdeen

  19. Robyn Rosales#12
    Blog #1
    Misery by Stephen King

    Dear diary,
    I do not remember anything that happened. All I know is what Annie Wilkes told me. I got into a car accident and she took me into her home. She seems nice, but it is a little strange that she decided to care for me herself and not call an ambulance. I would think someone with shattered legs and all would need more care than to just be taken care of by a random person. Apparently, she is my biggest fan. Not that I have not heard that before. I have gotten many letters from people and they said the same thing as her; their favorite book of mine is Misery. I realized yesterday that had a lot of I.V. marks in my arm. She had been feeding me through a tube. I assumed she knew what she was doing, but still, how would you feel if you just got into a car accident and woke up in a random person’s home? Surprisingly, it has not been too bad. She has been giving me pain medication every day. Except until today when she made me burn the only copy of my unpublished book Fast Cars because she did not like all the profanity. I only did it so I could get my pain medication. Now she has been telling me to write her another Misery book where Misery Chastain comes back to life. She has been tempting me with my medication just to get me to write her another book! I have been making up excuses to why I cannot write it. I told her I need better paper to print it on. She has left the house today so I am trying to find a way to escape. I will write again soon when I figure out a way to unlock the door and fit the wheelchair through it.

    -Paul Sheldon

  20. David Spindler
    The Old Man and the Sea
    Earnest Hemingway
    Letter to the character
    To the old man
    You have gone eighty-four days without catching a single fish. You normally catch two a day. You must let this stop. The boy is counting on you to keep trying to catch a fish and now that you have one you must keep it. You have to keep trying to save the great fish you caught. The sharks are circling your boat but you must keep trying. If they get it no one will ever see what great fish that you caught. The boy misses you and you must show him that you want him to be back fishing with you. He still believes in you and you must save the fish. His family thinks you are unlucky but if u catches the fish you can show them you are lucky by catching the fish. If u get home and you have that fish the boy’s parents will think he needs to be with you. You need the boy to survive because he helps you. You also want to be known for catching the greatest fish. You might not be as well known as the baseball player but you will be known by the boy. I Hope you catch more fish because you have not had many catches lately and hope you are safe. Have a safe trip back and come get home quickly and safely to your shack.

    Your friend Tom

  21. Anthony Luciano#8
    the Hardy boys
    by,Franklin W Dixon

    After the mystery had been solved the city had been com for a year. The hardy boys, Frank and Joe have been craving for another mystery. Their lives have adopted to them and now crave them. But nothing unusual happened. All the tires in the city have been getting stolen. They were no where in sight. Some cars still had them but not for long. The Hardy boys were excited. They had a plan of how to trap the thug. Their car still had it's tires. They drove it down to the shopping place. They hopped out and went in the store. Frank watched threw a window while Joe was looking around. Soon he came to help watch for anything. After a while they went across the street for a sandwich. They sat in a seat outside to watch their car. When they were done they went to there car mad because they saw nothing but when they saw the side of the car they couldn't see is that the two wheels were gone they were now even more mad. At home Joe saw the man taking the other two. they ran outside to chase him. All of them ended up in a workhouse, full of tires. Soon tires were being shot at them. Frank used some to block with. He kept getting knocked down until it was empty. Joe pounced on the guy like a cat while Frank called the cops. The cops arrived and found the man trapped in tires. They thanked the kids and gave them a reward that was as much as all the tires were worth and that was at least to one thousand or two thousand. They used most for high tech spy gear for their next thrilling mystery.

  22. Isabella Tokarev#14
    The Lost Hero
    Dear Diary,its Jason.I know its weird for guys to have diary's but I heard that it realy helps when you wright down your feelings.Well a couple of day's ago I woke up on a bus not knowing where I am. Aparently I had friends that I did not know who they are.They acted like they knew me all their life.Then threw out the day we got taken to a camp only for demigods.My friends got taken their to.It was Piper and Leo.I found out that I am the son of Zeus,the god of the skies!Well that was a surprise!Anyway,Piper is the daughter of Aphrodite,the goddess of beauty and love.My man Leo is the son of Hephaestus,the god of fire.So know we have to go one a mission to save Hera(the goddess of the heavens)and get my memorie back so I can remember my past;and we are going to fly on a dragon called Festus that Leo found and fixed.This was a hard couple of days I dont know who my girlfriend and my friend are,I just got taken to a camp for children of gods;and know I have too go on a quest and I dont even know how to use a sowrd.Well we will see where things go and how we do but I got to tell you this im realy scared.

  23. Ellen Cho#3
    Fahrenheit 451
    by Ray Bradbury

    Dear Diary,
    On the way home from the fire station, I saw a girl in a white dress with dark eyes. She asked me about my job and told me that her family does such peculiar things as talking to each other and walking places. She was seventeen and her name was Clarisse McClellan. She explains that she is "crazy" and says that firemen's job was originally to extinguish fires rather than to light them. We firemen wear helmets with the number 451 which is the temperature at which paper burns. I love my job, burning books, and I even love the smell of kerosene, which is like a perfume to me. Anyway, her strangeness makes me nervous, and I laugh involuntarily in front of her. I cannot help feeling somehow attracted to her. She fascinates me with her questions and her lifestyle. She asked him if I am happy and then disappears into her house. I thought of her why she didn’t respect me or fear my authority. In this society, reading, driving slowly, and walking outside for any length of time are outlawed, and Clarisse’s gentle love of nature and people is peculiar. She is forced to go to a psychiatrist for strange behaviors such as hiking, catching butterflies, and thinking independently. Her family teaches her to be secretly rebellious, especially her uncle. When I arrived, I saw my wife lying on the bed with, and her face so pale with no shadow and her breath going in and out faintly. I noticed the empty bottle of sleeping tablets which earlier today had been filled with thirty capsules. I was trembling and I was terrified. I felt my hand plunge toward the telephone. Few minutes later, an operator with two machines came. The operator stood smoking a cigarette. Then, the machine pulled Mildred’s blood out of her and then put the new one back. He had no emotions in his face. I stayed at her side during the night and waited for her to wake up.

  24. #8 Mark Wiese
    Blog 1
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins

    The main conflict in Catching Fire is that the heroin, Katniss Everdeen must find a way to make sure Peeta Mellark wins the seventy fifth hunger games. At the beginning of the book, Katniss has one the hunger games and should be living happily in victors village. She must agree to marry Peeta to suppress a rebellion she may have started when she threatened to commit suicide before she was declared victor. She continues to illegally hunt even though she has enough food to feed most of district twelve. She tours the country of Panem and agrees to marry Peeta but President Snow has indicated that she has not stopped the rebellion, but added fire to it. She has many visits from peacekeepers but is not arrested. Gale, her best friend is whipped when he is caught hunting but Katniss frees him just before he dies. She learns Peeta and she will once again be in the hunger games. In training, her mentor, Haymitch, tells her to make allies but she only makes enemies. After the games begin, Finnick, the attractive district four tribute, allies with her. She also allies with Peeta and Mags, the other district four tribute who is very elderly. They find out that they are in a large dome covered in a deadly force field that almost kills Peeta. They encounter a cloud of poison and Mags sacrifices herself to it for her allies. They then encounter some rabid monkeys and a drug addict from district six randomly sacrifices herself for Peeta but no one could find out why. They then become allies with Johanna, Wiress, And Beetee, tributes from three and seven. Wiress tells them the arena is a clock, and each hour a different disaster happens. The group is attacked and Wiress gets killed. Beetee tells Katniss that he is going to make an electric lightning trap to kill everyone besides them. He does but Katniss shoots the wire through a hole in the forcefield and the force field explodes and the tributes escape via hovercraft. Katniss learns about the resistance and that the escape was planned. She is furious when she is informed they couldn’t pick up Peeta. Gale informs her that the capitol has fire-bombed district twelve and destroyed it, just like they did to thirteen.

  25. Ender's Game
    Orson Scott Card
    Page: Finished

    Alexander: Hello everybody, today I am here with Ender Wiggen.
    Ender: Hello Alexander, thanks for inviting me to be here.
    Alexander: Anytime Ender, today I would like to talk to how you saved humanity, even though you were outnumbered and out-armed.
    Ender: Ah, yes, how I destroyed an entire race of creatures, without even being provoked again.
    Alexander: Ender, I know you have been through a lot, but they did attack and nearly destroy us twice, doesn't that count as provoking even slightly?
    Ender: I suppose so, but I don't think they knew what they were doing.
    Alexander: Whether they knew it or not, we need to protect ourselves from certain destruction.
    Ender: I know, but I don't think they meant anymore harm to us.
    Alexander: What if they did, we would have never beat them again!
    Ender: But I know they wouldn't have, they were just beginning to learn from us, about us...
    Alexander: How would you KNOW this?
    Ender: I think like them, I know how they were, why they acted like they did.
    Alexander: That's kind of crazy, but at least that is what helped you save us.
    Ender: But at what cost did I save us at?
    Alexander: I don't know, but it was worth it I would say. Now how about you tell us how you defeated the buggers?
    Ender: Well, it took a lot of training and hard work to get to it. At first it was fun, but as I became more serious about it, and got promoted, it got harder and harder. I was so tired and the battles seemed to never end. I see why though now. It was to prepare me for my fights.
    Alexander: It sounded real intense and all the older kids, especially Bonzo, were not nice to you.
    Ender: Yes, I know I had to get him good though, the fight to end all fights, I know I can't simply win just one fight, I must fight hard to win all fights, present and future, which is why I fight so hard.
    Alexander: I see, you fight well, attacking weak points, plotting enemy moves, anticipating what they will do next, you're an excellent fighter, which is why I suppose they chose you to lead the army.
    Ender: I suppose so, but killing those boys was hard, it reminded me of Peter, how violent he was, and how I always hated it.
    Alexander: But that is what it took to win the Bugger war. We were not going to win with pieces of paper in out hands, lot of good that does at stopping lasers.
    Ender: They couldn't communicate to us, written, spoken. They only had their actions to speak with.
    Alexander: Well to me that said we wish to destroy you.
    Ender: It would, but that is not what they wanted. They did not expect us to be intelligent, they just wished to colonize here, and were going to take over
    Alexander: I don't see how that justifies it.
    Ender: They didn't wish to destroy intelligence, just to take over our world.
    Alexander: To do that they would wipe us out
    Ender: True, but once they realized we were intelligent life, they left us alone, and that is when we destroyed them. It was cruel of me, I'm just like my brother, I never wanted to destroy anyone or anything.
    Alexander: Whether you wanted to, you saved our skins. Mankind would like to thank you. Now I know you must be leaving now to go start a new colony on an old Bugger world, best of luck!
    Ender: Thank you.

  26. Hayley Macabuhay #5
    The City of Ember
    By: Jeanne DuPrau
    Blog #1

    I can't depend on this city
    Everything is breaking down
    This city is so gross and gritty
    It always seems to make me frown

    The place I call my home
    Is dirty and unpleasant
    Nothing better than an animal's dome
    I consider myself living as a peasant

    The lights are beginning to flicker
    When will they permanently go out?
    We must prepare for this quicker
    Stay here or find another route

    Our food supply is growing short
    The buildings are beginning to crumble
    Our city needs help and support
    The people are scared and they often grumble

    I must stay positive and strong
    Especially for my younger sis
    Showing fear would be very wrong
    Being hopeful will us bring bliss

    I need to find a way to stop this
    Our lives depend on it
    It's a chance I can't miss
    We need to get out of here just admit

  27. Christian Balsz #1
    Blog #1
    Catching Fire
    By: Suzanne Collins

    Dear diary, Its Katniss. We are home from those retched hungers games. Petta and I now have are new houses on the street of victors next to Haymitch. Petta and I still don’t really talk after what has happened on the train ride home. I am hoping to be able to talk to him on are touring of the districts about what went on and explain to him how it was just a cover up to keep us both alive. I don’t know what to do I can’t tell if I have feelings for gale after that kiss. But we have both pretended it never went on. Maybe he was just happy to see me or he was mad about what happened in the arena; whatever it is I can’t think about it. Today when I got home I had a surprise visitor. When I walked in and saw his old white hair and his piercing blue eyes I knew something was wrong it was president snow he would never come out to a district like mine unless something was up. Everything that I have ever done bad in my life worth the capital punishing me over flashed in my eyes I choked up when he asked me about the berries in the arena. He said it was an act of rebellion against him. That’s when I knew what I did was not ok. He said they couldn’t have me killed though like I suggested because it would just spark up an uprising. He said if Petta and I acted how we did in the arena on the tour we will be fine let’s see how that goes.

  28. Deborah Dervartanian #6
    Mrs. Holiday
    The Secret Garden
    Francis Burnett

    Dear diary,

    Today I experienced the most amazing thing that ever happened to my life, I discovered a secret key. All I need to do now is find the secret door for it to be opened. Just think about it, a secret door that hasn’t been open for years, or even centuries. I haven’t found the door for the key to go in, but everybody says that it opens a door in a secret garden. It is just so amazing, a secret door. I wonder what’s going to be inside of it. I think that I will discover the most wonderful things. There is nothing better than this. I just have to find a way to get out of my room because I am not allowed to go out of my room at night. I will probably have to wait until tomorrow; it will be so exiting when I find it. It would be amazing if I knew where it was so I can just go tomorrow and unlock it. This is wonderful, I don’t know what’s going to be inside of it but I know it will be wonderful. I just thought that what if it will be empty, and then what will be the point? No, no negatives, just the positives. There are millions of things that I will think there will be in the room. It’s just so amazing to think that I will be known as the person who will unlock a secret door. There is so many questions that I have about this. There is nothing better than having a key to a secret door somewhere in the world that nobody has opened for centuries long. Who knows what will be inside; it could be worth a ton. Who knows what would happen if I find it tomorrow.

  29. Carson Conradt
    Swindle starts as a young boy named Griffin hears about a rare baseball cardand wonts to go after it. He thinks the house is haunted so he desidestoget some friends together an go get it. He gives his friends directions andhopes they all show up. Only one kid shows up. That kid was never the biggest fan of Griffin But he nows that the card is worth some money. They deside to spend the night at thehouse and go home with the card. The night they are ready to go they packup what they need and head out. As they approch thehous they here sonthing strange. That noise was Sammule L. Wendle,A.K.A, Swindle, a angry old dude with a largeguarde dog. Giffin didnt letthat stpo them. He was thier first and really wants the card.They get thecard and ecscape from Swindle.

  30. Penny Wiese #15

    Raising Dragons
    by Bryan Davis

    In this first of a series of four books, this novel is about finding faith in God. The two main characters, Billy Bannister and Bonnie Silver meet at school when Bonnie prevents Billy from being framed for setting off the fire alarm with a lighter. Ironically, the person who had the lighter didn’t set off the alarm. Billy did…with his breath! When he returned home after being suspended by the new principal for being on the same stool the perpetrator his parents greeted him with astounding news, his father used to be a dragon. Apparently, in the days of King Arthur there was a knight that thirsted for the blood of dragons, both the good and bad. As a way to preserve the good dragons, Merlin, a prophet of God told all remaining good dragons to gather together for a miracle. Ten gathered, nine had faith, nine were turned human. King Arthur adopted two, Billy’s father, the great Clefspeare, and Hartanna, Bonnie’s mother; ironically, they had been betrothed beforehand and would now never wed one another. Because they were now human they believed they would be safe from Sir Devin, the worst of all slayers. However, for some reason he never died, and for fifteen hundred years he hunted down and killed eight of the non aging human/dragons. Clefspeare and the other dragons changed their names many times over the following centuries. Billy, due to his fathers heritage had hot breath that later developed to fire breathing. The next day, when he returned to school to scrub the walls in order to remove his suspension, he found out that Bonnie had a similar heritage and dragon wings, and the principal was really Sir Devin! Bonnie told Billy the highlights of her story, how she and her mother were betrayed by her father, how her mother received a fatal stab from Sir Devin’s sword and Bonnie watched her die. Bonnie flew Billy home and they went to the airport with Mrs. Bannister. Later Mr. Bannister (Clefspeare) returned home to find his house on fire, (the slayer’s work) and Billy’s best friend, Walter Foley, waiting for him with this message, “A dark knight is coming quickly.” Mr. Bannister went to the airport and got on his plane along with the other three, and began flying away on it. However, unbeknownst to them, Devin had stowed away. He committed some horrendous acts, including shooting Mr. Bannister, parachuting away with Bonnie, and causing the plane the crash. Billy and his mother escaped, but Clefspeare went down with the plane. He survived and turned back into a dragon. Meanwhile, Bonnie escaped, and she, Billy, and Mrs. Bannister found their way to the Foley’s house were they decided to stay until their house could be rebuilt. Afterward, Devin lured Billy to him with a false claim that he held Bonnie captive. They battled and Bonnie came to the rescue, using the sword Excalibur to turn Devin into light energy. They were all safe from Devin…for now.


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