Jacob Ramsey #7 1-2-11 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Blog #2
I like the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, by J.K. Rowley, because after the champions were chosen by the Goblet of Fire, there were tasks that had to be completed to find the best champion. There were four tasks to be completed; each task tested their stamina and mind. But each task got harder and harder as the tasks progressed. And after each task, the winner got a golden egg which shows a clue to the next task. The first task was to fight a dragon; each dragon was different, and some were stronger. The second task was to dive into a freezing, large lake and find the golden egg. But there were creatures down there that would slow down the process. The third and final task was to enter a huge maze and find the Triwizard cup. But the maze would “come alive” and attack the champions and trap them inside the maze. The other thing I liked about the book was that as the champions were inside the maze, Harry and Cedric teamed up to find the Triwizard cup. But once they grabbed the cup, they were teleported to a graveyard where Tom Riddle was buried. As they approached the grave, Death Eaters appeared and so did Wormtail. The Death Eaters grabbed the two boys and Wormtail mixed things together in a huge pot. Then he put the crippled Voldemort in the pot and he came out good and better than ever.
Jenah Tittle #13 1-9-11 Psychic investigator Jennifer Allison
Dear Diary
I still can’t believe that Juliet still doesn’t believe me that her dead aunt was trying to tell her something. I hope that she will come through. She finally believes me except she told me a very sad and weird story about when her and her friends tried to summon up her aunt. Now I know why she was so scared. I just met the lady that replied to my letter. She is very nice and her name is summer. I tried to say sorry to Mr. Splinter for what I did last night and just gave me one of his maddest faces. When he gave the face he said stay out of the tower no one is allowed in there. Then he lightened up and offered me breakfast. Juliet just came down and when I told her what happened she smiled. I can’t believe that I thought that Mr. Splinter was in a mafia I was so wrong. Juliet and I tried to open the tower door the next day but it wouldn’t budge. We gave up. The next day we snuck into his office and we found something, it was a news paper article about Juliet’s dead aunt. It was titled Suicide Casts a Pall over Neighborhood Party. We found out that the night Juliet’s aunt died was the night before she was going to be sent away to a camp for her medical condition. The next day we found a key to the tower and all we found was a bunch of paintings that were Juliet’s aunt. Later that night Mr. Splinter found us. He had a lot of explaining to do to Juliet. The next day summer took Juliet and me to the beach. It was a good bye present because I was leaving in a week. The good bys were hard to say. I am going to miss every one a lot, bye.
Elijah Hernandez#4 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Rick Riordan Blog#2 1/16/11 Journal, A few weeks ago Hermione was attacked be the large monster that has been attacking all the Mudbloods. Mudbloods are witches or wizards whose parents are Muggles, people who are not witches or wizards. A few days ago Ron and I went to go visit her in the Nursery Wing. I could not help but notice that she had a piece of paper in her hand. After I got it out of her grasp I notice it was ripped out of a book. I showed it to Ron and then we both realized why she had gone to the library the day she was attacked. The paper said what was in the Chamber of Secrets. The monster was a basilisk. A basilisk is a large snake-like animal. I had then realized why I heard the monster and no one else did. I am a Parselmouth. That means I can talk to snakes. It is very uncommon, even in the wizard world, to be a Parselmouth. Ron and I had also found out were the entrance into the chamber was. It was in Mourning Myrtle’s bathroom. Ron, Professor Lockhart, our defense against the dark arts teacher, and I had gone down into the Chamber of Secrets. While we were down there Professor Lockhart tried to erase Ron and my memories. Luckily he took Ron’s broken wand and it backfired so he accidentally erased his own memory. There was a cave in right after and it separated me from Ron and Lockhart I kept going while Ron tried to move the rocks and make an opening. It had taken awhile but I finally got there. I had to fight the basilisk. I ended up winning, killing Tom Riddle, and I saved Ginny’s life, Ron’s younger sister. When we got back to the school, Dumbledore’s suspension had ended, Hagrid had come back from Azkaban, and Hermione was back to normal.
Today I have a very special guest, Bean. From his childhood to a young teen he has face murder, violence and the power of friendship. Bean, first of all how did you get the name “Bean” in the first place? Well it was given to me from a friend, and she was known as Poke. Was she a close friend bean? Well we were friends. What do you mean? She was murdered by the worst fate…dying by an ally. What is this person’s name? He is known as Achilles, but I have taken her death and many others back from the blazing inferno of Achilles by outsmarting him with my men. Is there anything that shocked you? Well the only two things that shocked me was finding out of my brother, Nikolai, and also finding out I have an army at my disposal. I always wanted to ask, how are the Games like? Well a funny thing you bring up the Games; they are a simulated battle is so close to life you get mixed up from reality for fantasy, so I thought. What turned out to be a fantasy was reality. Sorry Bean but could you explain? Sure, the games were told to be a game literally but turned out to be a fight in reality light years away. The IF has some sort of frequencies that sends use the players to a real place in other galaxies so fast we can’t notice it (faster than light speed). May I tell the people something? By all means Bean It would be an honor. I Bean, tell you, that even if the war between buggars and the human race have ended we all still have a War in ourselves. The War is the recoil of our sins, the gunfire of righteousness, and ultimate platoon that renders the evil in use to flee so we can reek with the smell of justice in us. Together we stand, together we fight, and together we die.
Andrew Capin#1 Blog#2 The Lightning Thief 1-19-11 Dear journal, The last couple of weeks have seemed like an eon. (an indefinitely long period of time; age.) If you have read part of my book then I suggest you read it only if you think its fiction. If you started reading it and you feel like it is you throughout the book then you should put the book down. Just 2-3 weeks ago I foung out that I was a half-blood. That means that I am half human and half son of one of the Big Three, Poseidon. I had to travel to Los Angeles to go to the Underworld. I, apparently, am the lightning thief even though I am really not. When I got to the Underworld it was freaky and I never want to go back. I got Zues his blot back and I got to see my father for the first time besides by birth and when I heard his voice I felt it was the voice I remembered when I was born. I was awarded and thanked for making it pat my quest. Oops, I almost forgot, the two people that helped me on my quest were Annabeth And Grover. Grover is a satyr and he was meant to protect me on my quest and he did a great job. Annabeth was my other friend and she wanted to help and just get out to see the real world. Since Grover did well he got his searchers license and got to go looking for Pan. I wish him good luck and I hope he will make back safely unlike the other satyrs that have gone in the last two thousand years. Smelly Gabe is finally gone and let me tell you, my mom got a lot of money off of his “disappearance.” Maybe that old mean guy will like being stone forever. The most surprising commodity was that my friend Luke tried to turn on me and tried to kill me with a pit scorpion. In the end, I was happy to be well and I couldn’t wait to live with my mom peacefully, but that’s a story for next time.
Julia Normandeau #11 School of Fear Gitty Daneshvari Blog #2 1-19-11 Dear diary, today is my first day at School of Fear. I am afraid of bugs, especially spiders. My parents made a big deal out of nothing. It would have been easier if they just would fumigate the house each month, but now I have to go to a summer camp. Summer camps are bug-infested and never allow me to take my bug spray. I met the other students, they are all strange. Theodore is afraid of dying. LuLu is scared of confined spaces. Garrison is petrified of deep water. Schimdty is a counsler with a large comb over. Macaroni is Mrs. Wellington's bulldog. Mrs. Wellington owns the School of Fear. I don't know what to think yet. Love Madeleine.
Aly Carpenter#2 Blog#2 pictures of Hollis woods 1-19-11
In the book of pictures of Hollis woods, Hollis takes events of life and put them in pictures that she draws. Her friend, Steven is learning how to drive for the first time and he looks like he has don it all of his life. Hollis and the old man are friends, in a way. She made a picture for him but is waiting to give it to him. the old man loves her talent witch is her artistic mind. He told her," Never give up your dreams." The old man gave her a gift, it was a box filled with supplies for painting and other type of art. Hollis has been put in one home than ran from it, but this time is different she shocked herself by how she wants to stay she loves it were she is at. She fells like she is at home for the first time in her life. She never felt wanted. She always felt left out the other people never loved her enough. Her and her other friend Josie is quirky and affectionate she wants Hollis to stay. Josie is getting very forgetful and if the social services find out she will be put in a home and Hollis would be put in yet another home were she is unknown and unloved. Hollis is still planing her future but she will never forget her past.
Adara Martinez Harry potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Multiple choices 1. The Dursleys were A. Nice to Harry B. Mean and cruel to harry C. Harry’s mother and father D. Harry’s grandparents 2. Hermione, in the beginning was. A. Nice to harry B. Didn’t know harry C. Knew him and always hated him D. A “know it all” 3. Harry was in A. Slitherin B. HufflePuff C. Ravenclaw D. Gryffindor 4. Hagrid is a A. A dragon B. An ordinary guy C. A giant D. An owl 5. Harry’s room was A. A huge room B. He shared a room C. A cupboard underneath the stairs D. A tent 6. At Halloween A. Ron gets expelled B. Ravenclaw wins the house cup C. Hermione gets attacked by Hagrid D. None of the above 7. Ron and Hermione are A. Harry’s best friend B. Harry’s worst enemies C. Harry’s teachers D. Harry’s pets 8. Harry gets A. a new wand B. a nimbus 2000 C. new robes D. a new teacher 9. The mirror of Erised a. Showed a person’s wants b. Showed the future c. Killed people d. All of the above 10. Ron is good at A. Potions B. Wizard chess C. Reading D. All of the above
True and false 1. At the end Hagrid is evil. 2. Harry gets the niter 400. 3. Hagrid is a giant. 4. Ron is Harry’s owl. 5. Hermione is a teacher. Short answer 1. How did harry get to be on the Quidditch team? 2. What do you do when you enter the trap door? 3. How did Harry get the stone? 4. How did Harry get the invisible cloak? 5. Who are Petunia, Vernon, and Dudley? Essay 1. Compare Harry’s life at the Dursleys with your life. Answer key 1. B. 2. D. 3. D. 4. C. 5. C. 6. D. 7. A. 8. B. 9. A. 10. B. 11. False 12. False 13. True 14. False 15. False 16. He was very good at flying on a broom when madam hooch saw him. 17. You see a 3 headed dog and you play it a lullaby to make it fall asleep. 18. He saw himself in the Mirror of Erised and his reflection had the stone and the reflection put the stone back into his pocket. When Harry looked in his pocket it was there. 19. It was his father’s before he died and Dumbledore had it and gave it to him 20. His uncle is Vernon, his aunt is Petunia, and his cousin is Dudley. 21. Harry has a cupboard for a room and I have a nice bedroom. Harry’s uncle and aunt hate him, but my family loves me. Harry gets pushed around by Dudley. I don’t get pushed around, but I push my sister around.
David Spindler 1-20-11 blog#2 Catching Fire Suzanne Collins Letter to Katniss Katniss I know you have been through a lot in the games. You have had to fake pregnancy and had to team up with the others. This must have been very hard for you to enter the games because you have already been through them. You had to leave your home and go to the vicious Capitol to people try to kill you. Peeta is helping you. He is doing everything he can for you and you are also trying your best to help him. Haymitch has also been trying his best to help you. He gave you water and also helped get Finnick. Finnick saved Peetas life and you could not. Also Haymitch has saved your family from against the Capitol. The Capitol destroyed District 12 and Haymitch has saved your family. The head game maker also helped you. He showed you his watch which was the secret to the games. Now you must help all of these people. You can help them by listening what they say and doing it. You have not followed the demands of others that much but now you can. All of these people want to help you. Do not think of it as owing people but helping them. You have tried to save everyone from the capitol and now is your chance. You have already shot the bow that ended the games and now you must continue on and lead the others. You must keep Peeta alive because that was your plan throughout the games.
Swindle Carson Conradt Swindle starts as a littleleage baseball team is ending their practise. A boy named griffen tells a friend one of his great ideas. That idea is to go into what they thought was an abanded house and get a rair Babe Rooth baseball card that could be worth alot of money. He tries to get about eight friends from his team and go get it. Kids from Griffens schoool said that that house was haunted, and to not get close to the house. Griffen thought that she was going to lie so she can get the card and he went any way. Only one friend showed up, and Griffen already isnt great friends to start with. Griffen could only think of one thing, the card. As they enterd the house, they herd a noise, and that noise was the craby old man who ownd the biggest dog the boys have ever seen. That old mans name was Wiliam S. Swendle. Griffens friends called him swindle witch means greety, steeling meany. Griffen left the house with the card, and his friend.
Tre Fitts #3 1/20/11 The Titan’s Curse By: Rick Riordan Log 2
Dear Journal, Over the last week, a lot has happened. We met Artemis and her Hunters, but then Artemis was kidnapped by the evil Titan general Atlas. When we heard of the kidnapping Thalia, Zoe, Bianca, Grover, and I, Percy went on a quest to find Artemis. Along the way we heard the lost god Pan speak to Grover. At Hoover Dam in Nevada a mortal saved me from some skeleton warriors that were following us around. The mortal was named Rachel Elizabeth Dare. After long days of traveling, the Winter Solstice came and we made it to San Francisco. Along the way to San Francisco we lost Bianca and she is dead. And after fighting Luke (an old enemy) and Atlas, Zoe was killed by her father Atlas. And after we delivered the news of Bianca’s death to her little brother Nico, he disappeared. And we found out that, Nico was a son of Hades. By, Percy
Tre Fitts #3 1/20/11 The Battle of the Labyrinth By: Rick Riordan Log 2
Dear Percy, I know that the Labyrinth was hard. And I feel well about congratulating you about thinking of the relationship between Rachel and Ariadne. Rachel seemed to find the path to Daedalus’ workshop. And you were wise to make allies with Daedalus. He seemed to come through in the final battle. And great job convincing Nico to join your side and not with Kronos. And I am so sorry to hear about the death of Pan. Now, I heard about the revival of Kronos, but in Luke’s body? I have never heard of anything like this before. But I would advise you to start making allies with the rest of the gods before Kronos strikes again. As for your prophesy, I would think twice before you do something that you might regret. I hope that all is well with you and I would watch your back, because you never know who may be your enemy.
Anthony Luciano#8 1-20-11 Hardy Boys Franklin W. Dixon Blog#2 Dear diary (Monday)1-7-5 My days of solving mysteries are fun. This time we have two. One of our friends brother is missing and parents were dead already. So she was alone without her brother. I felt bad for her. (Tuesday)1-8-5 Today we have heard of this cave in the mountains. My brother and I were going to go check it out. At first I was excited but now I feel scared because some people we have talked to for directions or facts told us we were crazy because we were going to go up there. Even after all that Frank still wanted to go up. (Wednesday)1-9-5 We were now getting ready to go. Frank was excited. But I was not. We went in town and we talked some people. A man said good luck and that he may never see us again. Another man said there were guns fired up there and screams and a story of two college kids went up there and never came back. (Thursday)1-10-5 We now our leaving to go up to the caves. I hope I make it back alive or not injured. Also don't want to come back alone. So wish me luck.
Ender's Game Page: Finished Dear Diary, Ender again, just sitting down to write this a few minutes before lights out. It has been a tough day today. As you may know, I got promoted to the commander of an army today. They didn't give me the most ideal army to work with, but I have a couple months to train them before we start battle practice. I have no veterans to work at all, so training them shall be interesting. I see great potential in a few(whom I may soon promote to toon leaders). Of these students I must train, the one who particularly stands out to me is a small boy by the names of Bean. Now this is not his real name as you may expect, it was giving to him by a street gang back on earth(he was orphaned as a child and no one named him till then). He has great ideas and is excellent at null-gravity. I have never seen a kid so well at null-gravity(considering he is a new recruit). He shall be very handy soon. As for the others some are quite well at null-gravity, but they lack shooting technique and aim. I have developed great fighting strategies that I shall very soon teach them all, soon as they figure out how to handle and control themselves in null-gravity. The lights are now off, I am writing these last few words with the light from my desk, and I must sign off now. Till another day
Tanner Medina #5 blog#2 Wooden There are many themes in Wooden such as never give up, god is allways the answer, and allways lisen to your parents. The most important theme in Woode is to not fall into peer pressure. This is important because he says you should only think about how you think of your self not about what others think. Another gret thing he said on this theme is i allways tell this to my players at UCLA don't lisen to what everyone else thinks how you played only on how you think you played. If you think you played your best then you houldent lisen to what other peaple say or think. Peaple will allways critisis and rarly complement you bu you just have to live with what peaple think and go by what you think. Anther important theme in Wooden is allways be better than your parents. This is true in many ways such as if you didn't like what your parents did to you don't do it to your kids. this allso gous for many other things such as on a sport if the other team is talking trash or doing something bad don't do the same thing.
Jack Pinson#12 Ginger Pye Eleanor Estes Blog#2 1-20-11
Jack: Hello Jerry, How are you?
Jerry: Fine and you?
Jack: Also fine,but lets get to business, I understand you recently found your dog Ginger.
Jerry: Yes,I found him by a stroke of luck.
Jack: Yes, How exactly did you find him?
Jerry: Well, It's kinda a long story.
Jack: Hey, don't worry,we have alot of time here.
Jerry: Well, first I started to hear barking in my neighbor's yard and I got a little suspicious.
Jack: What was that neighbor's name?
Jerry: Wally Bullwinkle.
Jack: Dude, That's a really weird name.
Jerry: I know,right.
Jack: Anyway, continue.
Jerry: Well, I really wasn't that suspicious until he moved and while he was on the train leaving, his hat fell off and it was the mysterious yellow hat with my red marking on it!!
Jack: Mysterious yellow hat with red marking? What?
Jerry: Oh, I forgot to tell you, the people who I had boughten Ginger from told me that someone else wanted Ginger and that he had a yellow hat. Then I found the hat when I was with my freind, Dick Badger. When we knew he was spying on us we put a red mark on the hat so if we saw the hat again we would know who the villian was. Does that explain enough to you?
Jack: Yeah...Well continue with the story.
Jerry: Right,so when we got the hat we looked for Ginger at the empty house, we didn't find him,but we found posters of him and Circus show animals.
tommy normandeau #6 Enders Game Orson scott Card 1/20/11 journal Battle school is getting intense I hate my instructers they are putting me and my army through countless impossible battle scenarios and every time I prove I am better than them. My experiences in actual battle school began when I was transfered to salamander army when I was only seven. which is extremly early for a launchie. In salamander my life sucked my army commander was a jerk and wanted to transfer me right from the start because I was small and inexperienced. So I was never in battles and when I was in battle my army leader would make me do stupid stuff that ended up producing stratergies I would use latter on in battle school. eventualy I got transfered and my next army wasnt that great my new commandder was a joke. Then I met up with my old launchie squad and I began training with them and we developed flawless plans. The older kids would pick on me and my launchie squad, but once we sent them running, so we got aalot more respect. I went through countless more armies and then it happened, I was told I was being transfered to dragon army as the commander. Dragon was a brand new army and battle school asigned me students younger than me. I cant believe im a commander already im only 11 most commanders range from 14-16. I was only given 4 weeks to prepare my army one unit of note is bean he has got some serious attitude, but he is crazy smart when it comes to tactics he is 8 and reminds me of well me. my army is getting overwhelmed with multiple battles a week and multiple battles a day and the odds are always bad but we havent lost a single battle. I am ready to face any challenge my instructers throw at me.
Natalie Coyne #4 !/20/11 The Lost Hero By Rick Riordan
Piper Mclean, daughter of famous movie-star, Tristen Mclean and Greek goddess Aphrodite, used to pull stunts to get noticed before she found out she was a demigod. Piper pulled her first stunt when she was six. Piper was a charm speaker, so she got her way more often than not. One day, Piper was at the aquarium and she wanted to see the shark tank. She ran to the tank hoping her dad would follow. Piper saw a sign on the tank that said ‘Watch out, we are hungry”. “If they are so hungry” thought Piper, “I should give them a snack.” She ran over to a popcorn stand and ask the man running it if she could take the cart. He walked away without questioning her. Piper rolled the cart over to the shark tank and tapped on the glass. One shark looked at her but kept on swimming. She took some flimsy, wooden, stairs up to the top of the shark tank. As she began to through the popcorn into the shark tank, the gray, sleek heads of the sharks popped out of the water and caught the buttery snack. The sharks eventually came closer and as she was petting one her dad’s necklace he gave her fell into the tank. She had no way of getting it without the sharks help. She jumped on to a sharks back and it swam down to the bottom of the tank. She picked up her beloved necklace and the shark rose to the surface. Piper found out that by pulling and pushing on the sharks fins in different ways she could get the shark to stop, go, turn, dive, and jump. Then Piper saw a hoop hanging over the edge of the tank. She Jumped through the hoop easily and continued to do it. “If only my dad could see me now” thought Piper “He would be so proud.” Piper thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her dad screaming. “Hold still Piper I am coming!” her father exclaimed. “Its all right they are nice,” she said. But before she knew it she was off the back of the shark and in her father’s arms. “I am so glad you are safe but, How did you fall in?” he inquired. “I did not fall in, I got in by myself” protested Piper. Why? Wait, I don’t want to know just get in the car we are leaving!” exclaimed Tristen. “But Dad I…” screamed Piper. “No buts just get in the car,” He said. “OK” said Piper. “I am so glad you are safe” said her dad.
Sofia Youssouf#9 Mocking Jay Suzanne Collins Blog#2 1/20/11 The main conflict in Mocking Jay is when Prim was in a daycare center for kids and this hovercraft, marked with the Capitol seal, dropped silver parachutes in the building. These parachutes didn’t contain any reasonable things. The silver parachutes were bombs and it killed everybody inside the building including Prim. It was painful for Katniss to go through the death of her sister. She didn’t talk for about a couple weeks and she was very depressed. Another conflict would be when she kills President Coin. She killed her because she was the one that killed Prim not President Snow. Well, after she killed President Coin, President Snow was coughing up blood and died. She figures out that she does not need Gale she needs Peeta. This helped Katniss because she finds out who she really needs in life. Another conflict would be when Peeta tried to kill Katniss. After Peeta got rescued from the Capitol his main goal was to kill Katniss. He wanted to kill her because of what President Snow did to him. President Snow injected him with hijack poison. This was very scary because Katniss thought that there would be no more Peeta. Another issue would be that one of Gale’s bombs might have killed the kids in the building and Prim. This was shocking to Katniss and she did not believe it. Another conflict would be when Katniss gets shot. She believes that the rebel behind her killed her, but then after she thinks it was someone out in the distance.
Hayley Macabuhay #5 The City of Ember By: Jeanne DuPrau Blog #2
This book was very well written. It has all the elements of a great young-adult novel. The book is exciting from the beginning to the end. It is full of interesting plots, mysteries, and action. It is a great book for those who like adventure and suspense. The book is so good, it makes the reader want to keep reading. The book is about a city called Ember. For over two hundred years, the citizens of Ember have lived in the darkness. Flickering lights and blackouts have been occurring more often. The citizens believe the lights will soon go out for good. Also, the city's food and supply stockpiles are scarce. The people of Ember are losing faith in their city. Two teens, Lina and Doon, set out to find a way out of Ember. Luckily, they find a journal with instructions on how to escape Ember. Also in the journal they learn the history of the city and how it was built. They run into many obstacles on the way. Knowing they cannot return to the city and tell the others, they write a note with instructions for escape. Doon and Lina wrap the note in a shirt and throw it down into the city. The note lands at their friend, Mrs. Murdo's, feet. The story ends there with a cliffhanger. I would recommend this book to anyone. It is a great book and I really enjoyed reading it.
Ellen Cho#3 1/20/11 Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Blog #2
Dear Diary,
My name is Faber. I am helping Guy Montag with his readings. Montag and I met in a park along time ago. I told him that I was a professor and he started to talk about reading a book. In this world, reading books, walking for a long time, and talking are crimes. He just suffered from his friend’s death, his wife’s thought for suicide, and death of a woman dying with her books. Even though he is a fireman, who burns books and houses, he got interested in reading books and decided to commit a crime. He knew I had knowledge of books, and he wanted to know few things about them. I ended up becoming a friend to Montag. I started helping him and letting him know if he was making a right choice or not. Most of the time, he didn’t listen to my comments and did what he wanted to do. I think it was foolish of him to read the poetry in front of Mildred, Montag’s wife, and her friend. Eventually, Mildred betrayed him and left the house burning. Now, Montag is on his journey to find other way to read books and to find someone who has the same opinion as him. I think Montag was extremely brave to read a book in front of his wife and her friends and to think opposite of what society believes in. It takes a lot of courage to do something that you believe in especially when it goes against a whole society of people that believe the total opposite.
Deborah Dervartanian #6 Mrs. Holiday English 1-20-11 #1 Joe, Frank, Chet, Hi guys, you must have had a tough day. I really think that you should go tell your dad what had happened, maybe your dad could go find some clues off of that. He could have been the one who murdered the nephew. But since the gang is with that guy, you better look out for things that happen because you don’t want them to find the gem before you do. It cost millions and if they find it first, who knows what they are going to do with it. This whole thing is kind of getting freaky because he was half dead and now he’s alive. Everything is turning into a big blob and someone has to find that gem before it ends up in the wrong hands. Anyways about Chet’s whole collection of gems that he already has maybe that could lead to something, maybe a sign where this gem could be, no one knows. You guys could also try just following that gang around because they look like that they know what there doing and once they find it take it away from them. It’s your decision or you could tell your dad about what’s happening and he’ll bring you somewhere close where the gem is. As far as I could see you guys are getting really close, just keep up the work and you’ll probably find it in no time. You could do that in so many ways. I truly think you should just tell your dad and you’ll find it before anyone else will. Have fun with the rest of your journey. Sincerely, Deborah Dervartanian
Deborah Dervartanian #6 Mrs. Holiday English 1-20-11 #1
Joe, Frank, Chet,
Hi guys, you must have had a tough day. I really think that you should go tell your dad what had happened, maybe your dad could go find some clues off of that. He could have been the one who murdered the nephew. But since the gang is with that guy, you better look out for things that happen because you don’t want them to find the gem before you do. It cost millions and if they find it first, who knows what they are going to do with it. This whole thing is kind of getting freaky because he was half dead and now he’s alive. Everything is turning into a big blob and someone has to find that gem before it ends up in the wrong hands. Anyways about Chet’s whole collection of gems that he already has maybe that could lead to something, maybe a sign where this gem could be, no one knows. You guys could also try just following that gang around because they look like that they know what there doing and once they find it take it away from them. It’s your decision or you could tell your dad about what’s happening and he’ll bring you somewhere close where the gem is. As far as I could see you guys are getting really close, just keep up the work and you’ll probably find it in no time. You could do that in so many ways. I truly think you should just tell your dad and you’ll find it before anyone else will. Have fun with the rest of your journey.
Penny Wiese #15 Dragons in our Midst series #2: The Candlestone By Bryan Davis Finial Exam
1. Bonnie has siblings. 2. Billy breathes fire. 3. Sir Devin Billy’s uncle 4. Ashley is Bonnie’s roommate in Dr. Conner’s hidden lab and living quarters. 5. Ashley struggles to get B’s in school 6. Professor Hamilton wants nothing to do with the Bible. 7. Bonnie is a gifted writer.
Multiple Choice
1. Candlestones suck in A) Water B) Air C) Heat D) Light
2. Professor Hamilton calls the bathroom the A) Water closet B) Necessary C) Potty D) Restroom
3. Walter is Billy’s A) Cousin B) Best friend C) Arch nemesis D) Both A and B
4. Mr. Foley’s first name is A) Jim B) Peter C) Carl D) Fred
5. Billy’s dragon traits are fire-breathing and A) The ability to sense danger B) Wings C) Eloquence D) All of the above
6. Bonnie’s favorite book is A) The Bible B) The Door Within C) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone D) None of the above
7. Bonnie’s father’s first name is A) Tim B) Matthew C) George D) Don
8. Professor Hamilton insists on calling Billy A) Will B) Bill C) William D) Mr. Bannister
9. The Foleys want to_____ Bonnie A) Kill B) Adopt C) Injure D) None of the above
10. The professor’s first name is A) Charles B) John C) Mark D) None of the above.
Short Answer
1. Why did Bonnie go into the candlestone? 2. Who is in the candlestone? 3. Why did Billy go into the candlestone? 4. What power does the sword Excalibur have? 5. What gem is on Bonnie’s ring
1. Describe Bonnie’s personality in a one paragraph essay.
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. A
Short Answer
1. Bonnie went into the candlestone to get her mother. 2. Sir Devin is in the candlestone. 3. Billy went into the candlestone to get Bonnie 4. The sword Excalibur has the power to turn organic matter into light. 5. A rubulite is on Bonnie’s ring.
Bonnie’s personality has many angles. She is a kind and loving Christian girl. She loves to write out her prayers and she is eloquent. However, if necessary, she can be a fierce warrior. She is very mature and always turns to God for help. Bonnie is a very wonderful person with a pure heart.
Isabella Tokarev#14 The Last Olympian Rick Riordan Blog #2 Isabella:Hello Percy how is your day so far? Percy:Oh,I am so scared we are fighting Kronos. Isabella:Really,but how did he get out of Tarturas? Percy:We dont exactly know, but what we do know is that for two or three years he has been building up his streagth.Demigods have been joining him and some how helping him to get ready to atack Olympus. Isabella:Dose Kronos have many troops? Percy:Yes, he has minor gods,demigods,he has monsters that we havent seen for centuries.Its scary. Isabella:How many fighters do you have? Percy:Well im not shure we have the whole camp,saytrs,and thats pretty much it.Its not enough to hold back Kronos. Isabella:I heard that the Hunters came to did they? Percy;Oh, yes I almost forgot. Isabella:Why did Luke son of Hermes go to Kronoses side? Percy:Nobody knows for shure.Some say that he is under his spell.Some say he chose to go to that side on pourpose. Isabella:What is exactly going on right now? Percy:Well one of the Titans just spoke to me and tride to convince me to let Kronos take over Olympus,and if I would do that he would spare the city. Isabella:What did you say? Percy:He almost convinced me because I love my city ,but Thalia and Grover stoped me. Isabella:I see. Percy:Now it is only a matter of time until they attack. Isabella:And are the gods going to help you? Percy:They said that we sould hold off their city by themseleves. Isabella:Wow, and do you have any hope of winning? Percy:Idont know.We have one of our best fighters hurt,Anabeth. Isabella:Im so sorry is she going to be okay? Percy:I hope so. Isabella:I wish you luck Percy,I hope Anabeth gets better.Also please try to save mankind,you would be a hero. Percy:I will,I have to go bye!
Aly Carpenter#2 Pictures of Hollis Woods 1-22-11 Dear,Diary I would never want to be left out and unwanted.It would be hard to try and find out who I am going to be in life.Unfortunately that was Hollis life was like.I would makeup my mind to stay with Josie,and the old man in a heartbeat.Hollis is grate and panting and drawing. She does not share with many people her art work.If I was her i would be showing everybody my talent.Who knows maybe I could make some money off of my art.If I worked hard enough the prophet could be enough for food.If I could pay for food and clothes I would be wanted more and that could be my destiny. That could never happen because I'm not Hollis.I bet if Hollis did that she would love doing it and become a well known artist.
Alex holiday How to Ride Motorcycle Dillon #10 11-6-12 I'll be writing about the theme and the theme is duty I think that it matches what I read because it talks about teaching you how to ride a motorcycle. it tells how to do a wheel and how to drift and it is the coolest book ever. I think that all young riders should read this book if you don't know how to ride real well . It teaches a lot about how to be the best motorcycle rider and get the best bike for you and it teaches everything you need to know about riding a motorcycle. if you are trying to be profnional motorcycle rider like me then you should this book this book will give you all the information needed to know if need in help then read this book. If you like to ride out in the open it has a chapter all about a bike you should get for that and it has a lot on the trails you should ride and shouldn't because you can get on the wrong trail and end up killing yourself. it talks about holding the clutch in and getting started without falling right on your back and hurting yourself. Before just buying your bike you should ask the guy or girl buying from is it all stoke and have you broke ;it before or fix are there any links in any if the pipes if they say yes to any of them you should want and say why did that happen or how did it happen. I think that duty is the best theme because it is telling you what to do and how and that falls under the theme statemt of duty of what it is telling you to do
Hello, I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Here it is! This is the first blog of the quarter. Follow the directions carefully and post your thoughts thoroughly. Remember this is not a summary of the book. This is your opportunity to show your understanding of the text and engage the class in your story. I am looking forward to reading your entries.
Jacob Ramsey #7
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Blog #2
I like the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, by J.K. Rowley, because after the champions were chosen by the Goblet of Fire, there were tasks that had to be completed to find the best champion. There were four tasks to be completed; each task tested their stamina and mind. But each task got harder and harder as the tasks progressed. And after each task, the winner got a golden egg which shows a clue to the next task. The first task was to fight a dragon; each dragon was different, and some were stronger. The second task was to dive into a freezing, large lake and find the golden egg. But there were creatures down there that would slow down the process. The third and final task was to enter a huge maze and find the Triwizard cup. But the maze would “come alive” and attack the champions and trap them inside the maze. The other thing I liked about the book was that as the champions were inside the maze, Harry and Cedric teamed up to find the Triwizard cup. But once they grabbed the cup, they were teleported to a graveyard where Tom Riddle was buried. As they approached the grave, Death Eaters appeared and so did Wormtail. The Death Eaters grabbed the two boys and Wormtail mixed things together in a huge pot. Then he put the crippled Voldemort in the pot and he came out good and better than ever.
Jenah Tittle #13
Psychic investigator
Jennifer Allison
Dear Diary
I still can’t believe that Juliet still doesn’t believe me that her dead aunt was trying to tell her something. I hope that she will come through. She finally believes me except she told me a very sad and weird story about when her and her friends tried to summon up her aunt. Now I know why she was so scared. I just met the lady that replied to my letter. She is very nice and her name is summer. I tried to say sorry to Mr. Splinter for what I did last night and just gave me one of his maddest faces. When he gave the face he said stay out of the tower no one is allowed in there. Then he lightened up and offered me breakfast. Juliet just came down and when I told her what happened she smiled. I can’t believe that I thought that Mr. Splinter was in a mafia I was so wrong. Juliet and I tried to open the tower door the next day but it wouldn’t budge. We gave up. The next day we snuck into his office and we found something, it was a news paper article about Juliet’s dead aunt. It was titled Suicide Casts a Pall over Neighborhood Party. We found out that the night Juliet’s aunt died was the night before she was going to be sent away to a camp for her medical condition. The next day we found a key to the tower and all we found was a bunch of paintings that were Juliet’s aunt. Later that night Mr. Splinter found us. He had a lot of explaining to do to Juliet. The next day summer took Juliet and me to the beach. It was a good bye present because I was leaving in a week. The good bys were hard to say. I am going to miss every one a lot, bye.
Elijah Hernandez#4
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Rick Riordan
A few weeks ago Hermione was attacked be the large monster that has been attacking all the Mudbloods. Mudbloods are witches or wizards whose parents are Muggles, people who are not witches or wizards. A few days ago Ron and I went to go visit her in the Nursery Wing. I could not help but notice that she had a piece of paper in her hand. After I got it out of her grasp I notice it was ripped out of a book. I showed it to Ron and then we both realized why she had gone to the library the day she was attacked. The paper said what was in the Chamber of Secrets. The monster was a basilisk. A basilisk is a large snake-like animal. I had then realized why I heard the monster and no one else did. I am a Parselmouth. That means I can talk to snakes. It is very uncommon, even in the wizard world, to be a Parselmouth. Ron and I had also found out were the entrance into the chamber was. It was in Mourning Myrtle’s bathroom. Ron, Professor Lockhart, our defense against the dark arts teacher, and I had gone down into the Chamber of Secrets. While we were down there Professor Lockhart tried to erase Ron and my memories. Luckily he took Ron’s broken wand and it backfired so he accidentally erased his own memory. There was a cave in right after and it separated me from Ron and Lockhart I kept going while Ron tried to move the rocks and make an opening. It had taken awhile but I finally got there. I had to fight the basilisk. I ended up winning, killing Tom Riddle, and I saved Ginny’s life, Ron’s younger sister. When we got back to the school, Dumbledore’s suspension had ended, Hagrid had come back from Azkaban, and Hermione was back to normal.
Ender’s Shadow
ReplyDeleteBlog 2
Today I have a very special guest, Bean. From his childhood to a young teen he has face murder, violence and the power of friendship. Bean, first of all how did you get the name “Bean” in the first place? Well it was given to me from a friend, and she was known as Poke. Was she a close friend bean? Well we were friends. What do you mean? She was murdered by the worst fate…dying by an ally. What is this person’s name? He is known as Achilles, but I have taken her death and many others back from the blazing inferno of Achilles by outsmarting him with my men. Is there anything that shocked you? Well the only two things that shocked me was finding out of my brother, Nikolai, and also finding out I have an army at my disposal. I always wanted to ask, how are the Games like? Well a funny thing you bring up the Games; they are a simulated battle is so close to life you get mixed up from reality for fantasy, so I thought. What turned out to be a fantasy was reality. Sorry Bean but could you explain? Sure, the games were told to be a game literally but turned out to be a fight in reality light years away. The IF has some sort of frequencies that sends use the players to a real place in other galaxies so fast we can’t notice it (faster than light speed). May I tell the people something? By all means Bean It would be an honor. I Bean, tell you, that even if the war between buggars and the human race have ended we all still have a War in ourselves. The War is the recoil of our sins, the gunfire of righteousness, and ultimate platoon that renders the evil in use to flee so we can reek with the smell of justice in us. Together we stand, together we fight, and together we die.
Andrew Capin#1
The Lightning Thief
Dear journal,
The last couple of weeks have seemed like an eon. (an indefinitely long period of time; age.) If you have read part of my book then I suggest you read it only if you think its fiction. If you started reading it and you feel like it is you throughout the book then you should put the book down. Just 2-3 weeks ago I foung out that I was a half-blood. That means that I am half human and half son of one of the Big Three, Poseidon. I had to travel to Los Angeles to go to the Underworld. I, apparently, am the lightning thief even though I am really not. When I got to the Underworld it was freaky and I never want to go back. I got Zues his blot back and I got to see my father for the first time besides by birth and when I heard his voice I felt it was the voice I remembered when I was born. I was awarded and thanked for making it pat my quest. Oops, I almost forgot, the two people that helped me on my quest were Annabeth And Grover. Grover is a satyr and he was meant to protect me on my quest and he did a great job. Annabeth was my other friend and she wanted to help and just get out to see the real world. Since Grover did well he got his searchers license and got to go looking for Pan. I wish him good luck and I hope he will make back safely unlike the other satyrs that have gone in the last two thousand years. Smelly Gabe is finally gone and let me tell you, my mom got a lot of money off of his “disappearance.” Maybe that old mean guy will like being stone forever. The most surprising commodity was that my friend Luke tried to turn on me and tried to kill me with a pit scorpion. In the end, I was happy to be well and I couldn’t wait to live with my mom peacefully, but that’s a story for next time.
Julia Normandeau #11
ReplyDeleteSchool of Fear
Gitty Daneshvari
Blog #2
Dear diary,
today is my first day at School of Fear. I am afraid of bugs, especially spiders. My parents made a big deal out of nothing. It would have been easier if they just would fumigate the house each month, but now I have to go to a summer camp. Summer camps are bug-infested and never allow me to take my bug spray. I met the other students, they are all strange. Theodore is afraid of dying. LuLu is scared of confined spaces. Garrison is petrified of deep water. Schimdty is a counsler with a large comb over. Macaroni is Mrs. Wellington's bulldog. Mrs. Wellington owns the School of Fear. I don't know what to think yet.
Love Madeleine.
Aly Carpenter#2
pictures of Hollis woods
In the book of pictures of Hollis woods, Hollis takes events of life and put them in pictures that she draws. Her friend, Steven is learning how to drive for the first time and he looks like he has don it all of his life. Hollis and the old man are friends, in a way. She made a picture for him but is waiting to give it to him. the old man loves her talent witch is her artistic mind. He told her," Never give up your dreams." The old man gave her a gift, it was a box filled with supplies for painting and other type of art. Hollis has been put in one home than ran from it, but this time is different she shocked herself by how she wants to stay she loves it were she is at. She fells like she is at home for the first time in her life. She never felt wanted. She always felt left out the other people never loved her enough. Her and her other friend Josie is quirky and affectionate she wants Hollis to stay. Josie is getting very forgetful and if the social services find out she will be put in a home and Hollis would be put in yet another home were she is unknown and unloved. Hollis is still planing her future but she will never forget her past.
Adara Martinez
ReplyDeleteHarry potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Multiple choices
1. The Dursleys were
A. Nice to Harry
B. Mean and cruel to harry
C. Harry’s mother and father
D. Harry’s grandparents
2. Hermione, in the beginning was.
A. Nice to harry
B. Didn’t know harry
C. Knew him and always hated him
D. A “know it all”
3. Harry was in
A. Slitherin
B. HufflePuff
C. Ravenclaw
D. Gryffindor
4. Hagrid is a
A. A dragon
B. An ordinary guy
C. A giant
D. An owl
5. Harry’s room was
A. A huge room
B. He shared a room
C. A cupboard underneath the stairs
D. A tent
6. At Halloween
A. Ron gets expelled
B. Ravenclaw wins the house cup
C. Hermione gets attacked by Hagrid
D. None of the above
7. Ron and Hermione are
A. Harry’s best friend
B. Harry’s worst enemies
C. Harry’s teachers
D. Harry’s pets
8. Harry gets
A. a new wand
B. a nimbus 2000
C. new robes
D. a new teacher
9. The mirror of Erised
a. Showed a person’s wants
b. Showed the future
c. Killed people
d. All of the above
10. Ron is good at
A. Potions
B. Wizard chess
C. Reading
D. All of the above
True and false
1. At the end Hagrid is evil.
2. Harry gets the niter 400.
3. Hagrid is a giant.
4. Ron is Harry’s owl.
5. Hermione is a teacher.
Short answer
1. How did harry get to be on the Quidditch team?
2. What do you do when you enter the trap door?
3. How did Harry get the stone?
4. How did Harry get the invisible cloak?
5. Who are Petunia, Vernon, and Dudley?
1. Compare Harry’s life at the Dursleys with your life.
Answer key
1. B.
2. D.
3. D.
4. C.
5. C.
6. D.
7. A.
8. B.
9. A.
10. B.
11. False
12. False
13. True
14. False
15. False
16. He was very good at flying on a broom when madam hooch saw him.
17. You see a 3 headed dog and you play it a lullaby to make it fall asleep.
18. He saw himself in the Mirror of Erised and his reflection had the stone and the reflection put the stone back into his pocket. When Harry looked in his pocket it was there.
19. It was his father’s before he died and Dumbledore had it and gave it to him
20. His uncle is Vernon, his aunt is Petunia, and his cousin is Dudley.
21. Harry has a cupboard for a room and I have a nice bedroom. Harry’s uncle and aunt hate him, but my family loves me. Harry gets pushed around by Dudley. I don’t get pushed around, but I push my sister around.
David Spindler
Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins
Letter to Katniss
Katniss I know you have been through a lot in the games. You have had to fake pregnancy and had to team up with the others. This must have been very hard for you to enter the games because you have already been through them. You had to leave your home and go to the vicious Capitol to people try to kill you. Peeta is helping you. He is doing everything he can for you and you are also trying your best to help him. Haymitch has also been trying his best to help you. He gave you water and also helped get Finnick. Finnick saved Peetas life and you could not. Also Haymitch has saved your family from against the Capitol. The Capitol destroyed District 12 and Haymitch has saved your family. The head game maker also helped you. He showed you his watch which was the secret to the games. Now you must help all of these people. You can help them by listening what they say and doing it. You have not followed the demands of others that much but now you can. All of these people want to help you. Do not think of it as owing people but helping them. You have tried to save everyone from the capitol and now is your chance. You have already shot the bow that ended the games and now you must continue on and lead the others. You must keep Peeta alive because that was your plan throughout the games.
ReplyDeleteCarson Conradt
Swindle starts as a littleleage baseball team is ending their practise. A boy named griffen tells a friend one of his great ideas. That idea is to go into what they thought was an abanded house and get a rair Babe Rooth baseball card that could be worth alot of money. He tries to get about eight friends from his team and go get it. Kids from Griffens schoool said that that house was haunted, and to not get close to the house. Griffen thought that she was going to lie so she can get the card and he went any way. Only one friend showed up, and Griffen already isnt great friends to start with. Griffen could only think of one thing, the card. As they enterd the house, they herd a noise, and that noise was the craby old man who ownd the biggest dog the boys have ever seen. That old mans name was Wiliam S. Swendle. Griffens friends called him swindle witch means greety, steeling meany. Griffen left the house with the card, and his friend.
Tre Fitts #3
The Titan’s Curse
By: Rick Riordan
Log 2
Dear Journal,
Over the last week, a lot has happened. We met Artemis and her Hunters, but then Artemis was kidnapped by the evil Titan general Atlas. When we heard of the kidnapping Thalia, Zoe, Bianca, Grover, and I, Percy went on a quest to find Artemis. Along the way we heard the lost god Pan speak to Grover. At Hoover Dam in Nevada a mortal saved me from some skeleton warriors that were following us around. The mortal was named Rachel Elizabeth Dare. After long days of traveling, the Winter Solstice came and we made it to San Francisco. Along the way to San Francisco we lost Bianca and she is dead. And after fighting Luke (an old enemy) and Atlas, Zoe was killed by her father Atlas. And after we delivered the news of Bianca’s death to her little brother Nico, he disappeared. And we found out that, Nico was a son of Hades.
By, Percy
Tre Fitts #3
The Battle of the Labyrinth
By: Rick Riordan
Log 2
Dear Percy,
I know that the Labyrinth was hard. And I feel well about congratulating you about thinking of the relationship between Rachel and Ariadne. Rachel seemed to find the path to Daedalus’ workshop. And you were wise to make allies with Daedalus. He seemed to come through in the final battle. And great job convincing Nico to join your side and not with Kronos. And I am so sorry to hear about the death of Pan. Now, I heard about the revival of Kronos, but in Luke’s body? I have never heard of anything like this before. But I would advise you to start making allies with the rest of the gods before Kronos strikes again. As for your prophesy, I would think twice before you do something that you might regret. I hope that all is well with you and I would watch your back, because you never know who may be your enemy.
Anthony Luciano#8
Hardy Boys
Franklin W. Dixon
Dear diary
My days of solving mysteries are fun. This time we have two. One of our friends brother is missing and parents were dead already. So she was alone without her brother. I felt bad for her.
Today we have heard of this cave in the mountains. My brother and I were going to go check it out. At first I was excited but now I feel scared because some people we have talked to for directions or facts told us we were crazy because we were going to go up there. Even after all that Frank still wanted to go up.
We were now getting ready to go. Frank was excited. But I was not. We went in town and we talked some people. A man said good luck and that he may never see us again. Another man said there were guns fired up there and screams and a story of two college kids went up there and never came back.
We now our leaving to go up to the caves. I hope I make it back alive or not injured. Also don't want to come back alone. So wish me luck.
Joe Hardy
Ender's Game
ReplyDeletePage: Finished
Dear Diary,
Ender again, just sitting down to write this a few minutes before lights out. It has been a tough day today. As you may know, I got promoted to the commander of an army today. They didn't give me the most ideal army to work with, but I have a couple months to train them before we start battle practice. I have no veterans to work at all, so training them shall be interesting. I see great potential in a few(whom I may soon promote to toon leaders). Of these students I must train, the one who particularly stands out to me is a small boy by the names of Bean. Now this is not his real name as you may expect, it was giving to him by a street gang back on earth(he was orphaned as a child and no one named him till then). He has great ideas and is excellent at null-gravity. I have never seen a kid so well at null-gravity(considering he is a new recruit). He shall be very handy soon. As for the others some are quite well at null-gravity, but they lack shooting technique and aim. I have developed great fighting strategies that I shall very soon teach them all, soon as they figure out how to handle and control themselves in null-gravity. The lights are now off, I am writing these last few words with the light from my desk, and I must sign off now. Till another day
-Ender Wiggen
Tanner Medina #5
There are many themes in Wooden such as never give up, god is allways the answer, and allways lisen to your parents. The most important theme in Woode is to not fall into peer pressure. This is important because he says you should only think about how you think of your self not about what others think. Another gret thing he said on this theme is i allways tell this to my players at UCLA don't lisen to what everyone else thinks how you played only on how you think you played. If you think you played your best then you houldent lisen to what other peaple say or think. Peaple will allways critisis and rarly complement you bu you just have to live with what peaple think and go by what you think. Anther important theme in Wooden is allways be better than your parents. This is true in many ways such as if you didn't like what your parents did to you don't do it to your kids. this allso gous for many other things such as on a sport if the other team is talking trash or doing something bad don't do the same thing.
Jack Pinson#12
ReplyDeleteGinger Pye
Eleanor Estes
Jack: Hello Jerry, How are you?
Jerry: Fine and you?
Jack: Also fine,but lets get to business, I understand you recently found your dog Ginger.
Jerry: Yes,I found him by a stroke of luck.
Jack: Yes, How exactly did you find him?
Jerry: Well, It's kinda a long story.
Jack: Hey, don't worry,we have alot of time here.
Jerry: Well, first I started to hear barking in my neighbor's yard and I got a little suspicious.
Jack: What was that neighbor's name?
Jerry: Wally Bullwinkle.
Jack: Dude, That's a really weird name.
Jerry: I know,right.
Jack: Anyway, continue.
Jerry: Well, I really wasn't that suspicious until he moved and while he was on the train leaving, his hat fell off and it was the mysterious yellow hat with my red marking on it!!
Jack: Mysterious yellow hat with red marking? What?
Jerry: Oh, I forgot to tell you, the people who I had boughten Ginger from told me that someone else wanted Ginger and that he had a yellow hat. Then I found the hat when I was with my freind, Dick Badger. When we knew he was spying on us we put a red mark on the hat so if we saw the hat again we would know who the villian was. Does that explain enough to you?
Jack: Yeah...Well continue with the story.
Jerry: Right,so when we got the hat we looked for Ginger at the empty house, we didn't find him,but we found posters of him and Circus show animals.
Jack: were you the one who found Ginger?
Jerry: No, It was good old uncle Bennie!
Jack: I'm sure you hailed him as a hero.
Jerry: Yes I did.
Jack: Oops, look at the time! I must be off!
Jerry: Me too, nice meeting you Jack.
Jack: Nice meeting you to Jerry, bye!
Jerry: Bye!
tommy normandeau #6
ReplyDeleteEnders Game
Orson scott Card
Battle school is getting intense I hate my instructers they are putting me and my army through countless impossible battle scenarios and every time I prove I am better than them. My experiences in actual battle school began when I was transfered to salamander army when I was only seven. which is extremly early for a launchie. In salamander my life sucked my army commander was a jerk and wanted to transfer me right from the start because I was small and inexperienced. So I was never in battles and when I was in battle my army leader would make me do stupid stuff that ended up producing stratergies I would use latter on in battle school. eventualy I got transfered and my next army wasnt that great my new commandder was a joke. Then I met up with my old launchie squad and I began training with them and we developed flawless plans. The older kids would pick on me and my launchie squad, but once we sent them running, so we got aalot more respect. I went through countless more armies and then it happened, I was told I was being transfered to dragon army as the commander. Dragon was a brand new army and battle school asigned me students younger than me. I cant believe im a commander already im only 11 most commanders range from 14-16. I was only given 4 weeks to prepare my army one unit of note is bean he has got some serious attitude, but he is crazy smart when it comes to tactics he is 8 and reminds me of well me. my army is getting overwhelmed with multiple battles a week and multiple battles a day and the odds are always bad but we havent lost a single battle. I am ready to face any challenge my instructers throw at me.
Natalie Coyne #4
The Lost Hero
By Rick Riordan
Piper Mclean, daughter of famous movie-star, Tristen Mclean and Greek goddess Aphrodite, used to pull stunts to get noticed before she found out she was a demigod. Piper pulled her first stunt when she was six. Piper was a charm speaker, so she got her way more often than not. One day, Piper was at the aquarium and she wanted to see the shark tank. She ran to the tank hoping her dad would follow. Piper saw a sign on the tank that said ‘Watch out, we are hungry”. “If they are so hungry” thought Piper, “I should give them a snack.” She ran over to a popcorn stand and ask the man running it if she could take the cart. He walked away without questioning her. Piper rolled the cart over to the shark tank and tapped on the glass. One shark looked at her but kept on swimming. She took some flimsy, wooden, stairs up to the top of the shark tank. As she began to through the popcorn into the shark tank, the gray, sleek heads of the sharks popped out of the water and caught the buttery snack. The sharks eventually came closer and as she was petting one her dad’s necklace he gave her fell into the tank. She had no way of getting it without the sharks help. She jumped on to a sharks back and it swam down to the bottom of the tank. She picked up her beloved necklace and the shark rose to the surface. Piper found out that by pulling and pushing on the sharks fins in different ways she could get the shark to stop, go, turn, dive, and jump. Then Piper saw a hoop hanging over the edge of the tank. She Jumped through the hoop easily and continued to do it. “If only my dad could see me now” thought Piper “He would be so proud.” Piper thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her dad screaming. “Hold still Piper I am coming!” her father exclaimed. “Its all right they are nice,” she said. But before she knew it she was off the back of the shark and in her father’s arms. “I am so glad you are safe but, How did you fall in?” he inquired. “I did not fall in, I got in by myself” protested Piper. Why? Wait, I don’t want to know just get in the car we are leaving!” exclaimed Tristen. “But Dad I…” screamed Piper. “No buts just get in the car,” He said. “OK” said Piper. “I am so glad you are safe” said her dad.
Sofia Youssouf#9
ReplyDeleteMocking Jay
Suzanne Collins
The main conflict in Mocking Jay is when Prim was in a daycare center for kids and this hovercraft, marked with the Capitol seal, dropped silver parachutes in the building. These parachutes didn’t contain any reasonable things. The silver parachutes were bombs and it killed everybody inside the building including Prim. It was painful for Katniss to go through the death of her sister. She didn’t talk for about a couple weeks and she was very depressed. Another conflict would be when she kills President Coin. She killed her because she was the one that killed Prim not President Snow. Well, after she killed President Coin, President Snow was coughing up blood and died. She figures out that she does not need Gale she needs Peeta. This helped Katniss because she finds out who she really needs in life. Another conflict would be when Peeta tried to kill Katniss. After Peeta got rescued from the Capitol his main goal was to kill Katniss. He wanted to kill her because of what President Snow did to him. President Snow injected him with hijack poison. This was very scary because Katniss thought that there would be no more Peeta. Another issue would be that one of Gale’s bombs might have killed the kids in the building and Prim. This was shocking to Katniss and she did not believe it. Another conflict would be when Katniss gets shot. She believes that the rebel behind her killed her, but then after she thinks it was someone out in the distance.
Hayley Macabuhay #5
ReplyDeleteThe City of Ember
By: Jeanne DuPrau
Blog #2
This book was very well written. It has all the elements of a great young-adult novel. The book is exciting from the beginning to the end. It is full of interesting plots, mysteries, and action. It is a great book for those who like adventure and suspense. The book is so good, it makes the reader want to keep reading. The book is about a city called Ember. For over two hundred years, the citizens of Ember have lived in the darkness. Flickering lights and blackouts have been occurring more often. The citizens believe the lights will soon go out for good. Also, the city's food and supply stockpiles are scarce. The people of Ember are losing faith in their city. Two teens, Lina and Doon, set out to find a way out of Ember. Luckily, they find a journal with instructions on how to escape Ember. Also in the journal they learn the history of the city and how it was built. They run into many obstacles on the way. Knowing they cannot return to the city and tell the others, they write a note with instructions for escape. Doon and Lina wrap the note in a shirt and throw it down into the city. The note lands at their friend, Mrs. Murdo's, feet. The story ends there with a cliffhanger. I would recommend this book to anyone. It is a great book and I really enjoyed reading it.
Ellen Cho#3
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Blog #2
Dear Diary,
My name is Faber. I am helping Guy Montag with his readings. Montag and I met in a park along time ago. I told him that I was a professor and he started to talk about reading a book. In this world, reading books, walking for a long time, and talking are crimes. He just suffered from his friend’s death, his wife’s thought for suicide, and death of a woman dying with her books. Even though he is a fireman, who burns books and houses, he got interested in reading books and decided to commit a crime. He knew I had knowledge of books, and he wanted to know few things about them. I ended up becoming a friend to Montag. I started helping him and letting him know if he was making a right choice or not. Most of the time, he didn’t listen to my comments and did what he wanted to do. I think it was foolish of him to read the poetry in front of Mildred, Montag’s wife, and her friend. Eventually, Mildred betrayed him and left the house burning. Now, Montag is on his journey to find other way to read books and to find someone who has the same opinion as him. I think Montag was extremely brave to read a book in front of his wife and her friends and to think opposite of what society believes in. It takes a lot of courage to do something that you believe in especially when it goes against a whole society of people that believe the total opposite.
Deborah Dervartanian #6
ReplyDeleteMrs. Holiday
Joe, Frank, Chet,
Hi guys, you must have had a tough day. I really think that you should go tell your dad what had happened, maybe your dad could go find some clues off of that. He could have been the one who murdered the nephew. But since the gang is with that guy, you better look out for things that happen because you don’t want them to find the gem before you do. It cost millions and if they find it first, who knows what they are going to do with it. This whole thing is kind of getting freaky because he was half dead and now he’s alive. Everything is turning into a big blob and someone has to find that gem before it ends up in the wrong hands. Anyways about Chet’s whole collection of gems that he already has maybe that could lead to something, maybe a sign where this gem could be, no one knows. You guys could also try just following that gang around because they look like that they know what there doing and once they find it take it away from them. It’s your decision or you could tell your dad about what’s happening and he’ll bring you somewhere close where the gem is. As far as I could see you guys are getting really close, just keep up the work and you’ll probably find it in no time. You could do that in so many ways. I truly think you should just tell your dad and you’ll find it before anyone else will. Have fun with the rest of your journey. Sincerely, Deborah Dervartanian
Deborah Dervartanian #6
ReplyDeleteMrs. Holiday
Joe, Frank, Chet,
Hi guys, you must have had a tough day. I really think that you should go tell your dad what had happened, maybe your dad could go find some clues off of that. He could have been the one who murdered the nephew. But since the gang is with that guy, you better look out for things that happen because you don’t want them to find the gem before you do. It cost millions and if they find it first, who knows what they are going to do with it. This whole thing is kind of getting freaky because he was half dead and now he’s alive. Everything is turning into a big blob and someone has to find that gem before it ends up in the wrong hands. Anyways about Chet’s whole collection of gems that he already has maybe that could lead to something, maybe a sign where this gem could be, no one knows. You guys could also try just following that gang around because they look like that they know what there doing and once they find it take it away from them. It’s your decision or you could tell your dad about what’s happening and he’ll bring you somewhere close where the gem is. As far as I could see you guys are getting really close, just keep up the work and you’ll probably find it in no time. You could do that in so many ways. I truly think you should just tell your dad and you’ll find it before anyone else will. Have fun with the rest of your journey.
Deborah Dervartanian
Penny Wiese #15
ReplyDeleteDragons in our Midst series #2: The Candlestone
By Bryan Davis
Finial Exam
1. Bonnie has siblings.
2. Billy breathes fire.
3. Sir Devin Billy’s uncle
4. Ashley is Bonnie’s roommate in Dr. Conner’s hidden lab and living quarters.
5. Ashley struggles to get B’s in school
6. Professor Hamilton wants nothing to do with the Bible.
7. Bonnie is a gifted writer.
Multiple Choice
1. Candlestones suck in
A) Water
B) Air
C) Heat
D) Light
2. Professor Hamilton calls the bathroom the
A) Water closet
B) Necessary
C) Potty
D) Restroom
3. Walter is Billy’s
A) Cousin
B) Best friend
C) Arch nemesis
D) Both A and B
4. Mr. Foley’s first name is
A) Jim
B) Peter
C) Carl
D) Fred
5. Billy’s dragon traits are fire-breathing and
A) The ability to sense danger
B) Wings
C) Eloquence
D) All of the above
6. Bonnie’s favorite book is
A) The Bible
B) The Door Within
C) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
D) None of the above
7. Bonnie’s father’s first name is
A) Tim
B) Matthew
C) George
D) Don
8. Professor Hamilton insists on calling Billy
A) Will
B) Bill
C) William
D) Mr. Bannister
9. The Foleys want to_____ Bonnie
A) Kill
B) Adopt
C) Injure
D) None of the above
10. The professor’s first name is
A) Charles
B) John
C) Mark
D) None of the above.
Short Answer
1. Why did Bonnie go into the candlestone?
2. Who is in the candlestone?
3. Why did Billy go into the candlestone?
4. What power does the sword Excalibur have?
5. What gem is on Bonnie’s ring
1. Describe Bonnie’s personality in a one paragraph essay.
Answer Key
True/ False
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
Multiple Choice
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. A
Short Answer
1. Bonnie went into the candlestone to get her mother.
2. Sir Devin is in the candlestone.
3. Billy went into the candlestone to get Bonnie
4. The sword Excalibur has the power to turn organic matter into light.
5. A rubulite is on Bonnie’s ring.
Bonnie’s personality has many angles. She is a kind and loving Christian girl. She loves to write out her prayers and she is eloquent. However, if necessary, she can be a fierce warrior. She is very mature and always turns to God for help. Bonnie is a very wonderful person with a pure heart.
Isabella Tokarev#14
ReplyDeleteThe Last Olympian
Rick Riordan
Blog #2
Isabella:Hello Percy how is your day so far?
Percy:Oh,I am so scared we are fighting Kronos.
Isabella:Really,but how did he get out of Tarturas?
Percy:We dont exactly know, but what we do know is that for two or three years he has been building up his streagth.Demigods have been joining him and some how helping him to get ready to atack Olympus.
Isabella:Dose Kronos have many troops?
Percy:Yes, he has minor gods,demigods,he has monsters that we havent seen for centuries.Its scary.
Isabella:How many fighters do you have?
Percy:Well im not shure we have the whole camp,saytrs,and thats pretty much it.Its not enough to hold back Kronos.
Isabella:I heard that the Hunters came to did they?
Percy;Oh, yes I almost forgot.
Isabella:Why did Luke son of Hermes go to Kronoses side?
Percy:Nobody knows for shure.Some say that he is under his spell.Some say he chose to go to that side on pourpose.
Isabella:What is exactly going on right now?
Percy:Well one of the Titans just spoke to me and tride to convince me to let Kronos take over Olympus,and if I would do that he would spare the city.
Isabella:What did you say?
Percy:He almost convinced me because I love my city ,but Thalia and Grover stoped me.
Isabella:I see.
Percy:Now it is only a matter of time until they attack.
Isabella:And are the gods going to help you?
Percy:They said that we sould hold off their city by themseleves.
Isabella:Wow, and do you have any hope of winning?
Percy:Idont know.We have one of our best fighters hurt,Anabeth.
Isabella:Im so sorry is she going to be okay?
Percy:I hope so.
Isabella:I wish you luck Percy,I hope Anabeth gets better.Also please try to save mankind,you would be a hero.
Percy:I will,I have to go bye!
Aly Carpenter#2
ReplyDeletePictures of Hollis Woods
I would never want to be left out and unwanted.It would be hard to try and find out who I am going to be in life.Unfortunately that was Hollis life was like.I would makeup my mind to stay with Josie,and the old man in a heartbeat.Hollis is grate and panting and drawing. She does not share with many people her art work.If I was her i would be showing everybody my talent.Who knows maybe I could make some money off of my art.If I worked hard enough the prophet could be enough for food.If I could pay for food and clothes I would be wanted more and that could be my destiny. That could never happen because I'm not Hollis.I bet if Hollis did that she would love doing it and become a well known artist.
Alex holiday
ReplyDeleteHow to Ride Motorcycle
Dillon #10 11-6-12
I'll be writing about the theme and the theme is duty I think that it matches what I read because it talks about teaching you how to ride a motorcycle. it tells how to do a wheel and how to drift and it is the coolest book ever. I think that all young riders should read this book if you don't know how to ride real well . It teaches a lot about how to be the best motorcycle rider and get the best bike for you and it teaches everything you need to know about riding a motorcycle. if you are trying to be profnional motorcycle rider like me then you should this book this book will give you all the information needed to know if need in help then read this book. If you like to ride out in the open it has a chapter all about a bike you should get for that and it has a lot on the trails you should ride and shouldn't because you can get on the wrong trail and end up killing yourself. it talks about holding the clutch in and getting started without falling right on your back and hurting yourself. Before just buying your bike you should ask the guy or girl buying from is it all stoke and have you broke ;it before or fix are there any links in any if the pipes if they say yes to any of them you should want and say why did that happen or how did it happen. I think that duty is the best theme because it is telling you what to do and how and that falls under the theme statemt of duty of what it is telling you to do