Julius Caesar Blog

Create a blog entry as one of the following characters from the play: Caesar(postmortem), Antony(before his speech), and Cassius or Brutus (after Antony's speech). Describe your innermost thoughts and feelings, what you cannot say aloud, and what you want the audience to know about you. Do you regret your actions, what would you have one differently if you could, and what are your hopes for the future?


  1. 12/2/10

    " In my mind I have thoughts for Ceasar. I feel I have done the best for the community, although not the best thing for Ceasar. Inside my guilt is cutting through my brain. What Antony said was right. He told everyone that if it weren't for my cut through Ceasar he might of survived. I think there might have been a better way to get rid of Ceasar. I just want to burst out in front of all of the people that, " I AM A TRATIOR!" I feel horrible. Ceasar is always going to be in my mind. ABout five minutes ago, I was loved and called," Noble Brutus" or " Great Brutus". Now Antony has stolen my spotlight. I will get revenge on Antony, then he can make fun of me all he wants when he is dead. I want to shout out " I shall kill you Mark Antony!" My future a waits with a big smile and a whole lot of blood! Mark Antony, here I come."

  2. Julia Normandeau #11 Antony
    I am Antony and Brutus has just murdered my best friend. Caesar was a great man and was always kind to Brutus. Cassius must have threatend Brutus with something he held dear, but that just shows how weak Brutus is. For now they think I am on their side but Caesar will have his revenge even if it takes my life as well. Justice will not go unserved.

  3. Natalie coyne #4
    Cassius:I will rule Rome. My plot has worked. The evil Caeser is dead. We will have a funeral for him and against my wishes, Antony will be not only attending, but speaking in it. If all goes as planned I will be crowned king of Rome. I do not feel at all bad about killing Caeser. He was a tyrant, and tyrants deserve to die. Brutus, Decious, Casca, Cinna, and Metellus helped me, but I was the leader. The next time I write it shall be as a king.

  4. Deborah Dervartanian #6
    Julius Caesar

    I am Brutus, today I killed my best friend, Casar. I don't feel that bad about killing Caesar because I know that I'm doing the right thing. There is nothing to feel bad about because now I am free, there will be nothing in my way anymore. People say that I did the wrong thing, but talk to Cassius,he's the one who persuaded me to do that. It's not like I'm evil because I killed Caesar right before he was going to have so much power. I don't regret what I did, I kind of did the right thing, so theres nothing to worry about. I hope no one would want revenge on me such as Mark Antony, I sure don't want to be killed. All those people look really angry,as long as I stay with the crowd I think I'll be fine.

  5. Morgan McElroy

    I am Ceasar, and earlier today I was murdered by Brutus, my best freind. I am talking to you you as a ghost. I am mad and disturbed that Brutus killed me. Although there is still hope that my death wont go unpunished, my freind Antony is still living and will turn rome against the evil conspiriters. I will make it so Brutus wishes he never killed me. I will send my ghost to haunt him until he kills himself. He will know the pain of being killed and having to depart from his body. He will soon se me not in flesh, but he will see my ghost. is death is soon to come.

  6. Jarod Johnson #7
    I Brutus am a lier that killed my best friend. I know that think that ,that was the best thing to do. However now I feel something boiling up inside of me and that I am starting to think that I picked a bad harmful thing to do. My stomach is starting to be very convincing. My day has been quite great. I got to kill my best friend that has always had to much pride, and Antony I think is starting to like me but I still feel wierd. now I have to go to a funeral and I am very nevous. Now my friend, or was starting to be a friend, Now has turned on me.

  7. Penny Wiese #15

    I Ceasar, who was as constant as the Northern Star wonders at the senseless act of those who claimed to be my friends. What mistake could the great Ceasar have possibly made to warrant such a gruesome act. I rack my brain, searching for a memory to explain the cursed act of my previously trusted friends, and come up with nothing. Woe to the wretched murderers of Ceasar. May they be plauged with all the sorrows this world has to offer. Let them resent themselves and their actions. May they be afflicted with loss and pain wherever these acursed men may flee. Let their souls be rent and tormented. Let the great Ceasar's death be avenged.

  8. Adara Martinez #9

    Today I killed my best friend. I can't believe Antony is so smart to honor me while mocking me. Everybody is going to know that I was resposible for killing Caesar. I feel sick to my stomach. I just betrayed Caesar. This morning when I killed him I thought it was the right thing to do ,but now I feel like I shouldn't have done it. When Antony's speech was over, everyone wanted to burn my house to the ground. It's Cassius' fault, He flattered me into joining the conspiritors. It's my fault too, because I had the choice to stab him. I want to kill myself, all Caesar did was have an excess of power. The conspiritors and I were jelous of him. It's my fault not Caesars. I realy wish I was dead.

  9. Jack Pinson#12
    Julius Caesar Blog

    Dear Journal,
    I killed my best freind today. I know murder is wrong, but it was for the good of Rome. Anyway, even though I don't say it, I feel really guilty with the capital G because I killed Caesar. I wish there could have been a differnt solution. Well, today I also made the mistake of NOT killing Mark Antony. He will probably have revenge and kill me and the conspiritors. I will see what happens at the funeral tommarow.

  10. Isabella Tokarev#14
    Julius Ceaser
    Language Arts
    I am Brutus,I killed my best friend today.I feel bad about doing that.I can't belive that Cassius convinced me to do that, and that I fell for it.If I could I would take back that moment,but I can't.And now Antony is telling every body what I did.I dont know what to do.My head is hurting,my stomach is fliping,my body is shivering.I want to die for what I did, but I know I cannot because I have a wife that loves me.Still she will be ashamed of me and what I did.

  11. 12-2-10
    Jenah Tittle # 13

    I feel so bad and i can not stand that I have just killed my best friend. Now Antony is giving a big speach about it. Cassius convinsed me to kill him. I should not be near him for he might kill me too. I regret killing my best friend. I just might be think about killing Cassius myself. I have got to wach out for him incase he wants to kill someone besides myself for he has a wide open mind.

  12. 1. True or false does mike like football. dilon stubbs blogn one
    2.True or false is mike a football player.
    3. True or false did mike when the call to throw for a million dollars.
    4. Is it true or false that mike favorite football player is Tom Brady.
    5. True or false Mike Abs as a girlfriend.
    Multiple choice
    1. Is mike a quarter back.
    a. yes b. no c. yes might be d. all of above
    2.is mike scared about his throw.
    a. yes he so scared can't stop talking about it b. not scared at all
    3.he is the best thrower on the team.
    a. he a stinks he can't even throw the ball .b he can throw the farthest and the best








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