Blog #1 Third Quarter

Almost there! Keep reading and blogging your way throughout the year. Remember to follow the prompt, at least 250 words per entry. There are many different ways to respond. Please do not summarize, follow the prompt and log your pages.


  1. Aly Carpenter #2
    Lucky Lady

    Dear, Jamie
    I know it is hard to paint walls for a person that you clash with, but the faster you get it done the better summer you will have. Plus he is your grandpa you have to show him respect. Try to do more things with your granddad, even if you can't see it he loves you very much. I heard you spent all the money your mom gave you on a wild filly! Is she pretty? Anyway I hope you will be able to train her, if not you wasted your money. While you are in Texas always put on sunscreen. Trust me you don't want to be as red as a apple. I wonder if Samson, your granddads horse, and Lucky Lady are getting along? Arnoldo, is the boy you go swimming, biking, and horse buying with. I think that is so cool how you made a friend that you really get along with. (she wrote back) Now that everything is good with the filly and your granddad you are almost done training her. I bet it was hard to make things better with your granddad. I also heard about your mom is she okay? You most likely don't want to talk about it, so just forget I even said that. Do you think your mom will let you bring Lucky Lady back to Main? I saw on the news that there was a huge bush fire in Texas right were you live are you okay? Did you and Luck Lady ride away, and if so you both are Lucky Lady's.

  2. Jenah Tittle #13
    blog #1
    The Ghost Sonata
    Jennifer Allison

    Dear Diary,

    I have wanted to go to, Wendy’s piano compatition but it is in England. Wait I just thought of a great idea to go to England. In the piano competition it says that Wendy could have her own page turner, I could be her page turner. I told Wendy my good idea and she said it might work. (Three days later in England) I told Wendy we should draw a number first for the order of the competition but she was still scared from the five tarot cards she drew from my psychic’s deck. They were really bad cards to draw. This was a really big competition for Wendy. Her family needs the money. We went to bead after Wendy drew her number. She drew number nine and number nine was the number of the room she was staying in. When I went to bead I fell right asleep but I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a scary ghost of a boy. The next morning I woke up at eight o’clock and Wendy had not wakened me up. I thought that she had all ready woken up and gotten dressed. I started to get ready for the big morning and when I finished I went into Wendy’s room to grab something she was in there sleeping. I woke her up and she started too freaked out. I said we still have time to do your hair but she said no. She told me that she has to do this whole ritual thing. She has to wash her hair with strawberry shampoo, eat exactly one cup of cereal and take one hour to do her hair. I told her that she could spray strawberry perfume on her body and have some cereal down stairs and take ten minuets to do her hair. We did all of those things and she performed. We will not find out if she made it to the next level. We will find out tomorrow and I will find out what the ghost was tomorrow too.


  3. Grace Brown #1
    Blog #1
    The model type
    Skinny with those precious eyes
    Sometimes you whine
    No one can compare
    But you were over there just a second ago
    Oh I swear, Oh I swear
    Deenie you go glow
    In the sunlight
    There is no prettier girl in the moonlight
    So just hold on tight
    I’ll be right there
    Just over there
    The brace is back
    Dull has come to worst
    Can’t even run around the track
    Yet you were the first
    To even see the other side of Buddy
    Oh Honey, Oh Honey
    There are other people
    But you’re at the top of the steeple
    There’s nothing out there
    Except the wilderness air
    Sitting on the bed wishing to go home
    But all that is there is number 42 dome
    Something white something blue
    Maybe even something new
    New sizes, New faces
    New braces, New traces coming
    Towards you, faster, forward
    Expectations running low
    Oh uh oh no, oh no
    Deenie just glow
    Just as white as snow
    Things meant to be even
    When they don’t seem to be
    Deenie you’re perfect in your own way
    Things are molded into clay
    Maybe you don’t seem okay
    But you will be someday

  4. Kaylie Currier #5
    Blog #1
    Third quarter

    Dear Diary,
    Today I went to the beach and I was talking to Sloan about looks and about suntans. Eventually I fell asleep and woke up on the beach sun burned and Sloan was gone, completely out of sight, isn't that so rude. When I went back to meet up with my cousins to tell them I was sorry for ditching them I got nervous and went to my room instead. I fell back to sleep and was awakened by my cousins telling me I looked so orange from my sunburn. The ditching them for Sloan thing was put aside and I went to look in the mirror and I saw that I was so orange I looked like a lobster. I ran to the bathroom and I took a shower and scrubbed my body as hard as I possibly could. I got out of the shower and it did not make a difference at all. My cousins could not stop staring at me and they asked what happened and I told them I got sunburned when I was with Sloan. Saying Sloan got on the topic of when I ditched them to go hang out with Sloan on the beach. So my cousins and I talked and worked it out about the Sloan situation, but that still did not fix the sunburn. I woke up the next day and went to clinic wearing pants and sweatshirt so nobody could see my sunburn. After clinic was over my cousins and I hung out until we were up to getting donations for Gee. When the weekend came we started going around the island again asking for donations. I ran into Sloan receiving donations so we hung out a little bit and then she offered to pierce my ears. I said sure why not, so we went to her house and she pierced one ear and I freaked so I looked in the mirror and I saw blood everywhere so I fainted. Sloan helped me up and decided to just cover up the other ear with a band-aid. I went back to the cousins and we went to dinner then went to bed.


  5. Robyn Rosales #8
    Blog #1
    The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

    I love the way the author, Jeannette Walls, describes the events that happened throughout her life. She is very descriptive in the way she writes that you can almost feel her pain in some parts of the story. I love the way she starts out in the present time and goes back to when she was three. She describes the characters so well that you almost feel like you know them and how they will act in certain situations. She describes all her problems and it makes you appreciate what you have that she never had. It makes you feel ungrateful when she talks about all the things she never had. Her stories grab hold of you and really get to your emotions. The stories she tells almost seem unreal because we know they will most likely never happen to us. Never once does any part of her stories become boring because she knows how to describe where it seems like you were actually there. All her stories she tells are very surprising and make you want to keep reading more. You can never predict what is going to happen next. When she talked about the time when she fell out of a car and her parents did not even notice and kept driving, you did not know if they were going to come back for her. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend. I would recommend it because I could not put this book down. It was so interesting and I could not put the book down. I had to see what was going to happen next. So far this is one of the best stories I have read.

  6. Jacob Ramsey #7
    Blog #1
    Dead or Alive, by Tom Clancy

    I like the book Dead or Alive, by Tom Clancy, because in the beginning of the book, it starts out as a group of Army Rangers who are sneaking through the woods of Iraq. They always are silent and cautious with every step they take so they don’t alert the nearby militia men. As they walk along the hilltop, they spot one of the militia men looking out into the distance. The commander of the Ranger squad lifts his fist up into the air to tell them to wait. The commander lifts up his gun, aims at the man’s right ear, and slowly squeezes the trigger. The man dies instantly and the squad continues down the hill. They continue to do this to every man they see so they can stealthily move down the hill. Another thing I like about this book is that when the squad gets down the hill, they alert a squad of armed militia men with a turret mounted hum vie. As they try to find some cover, one of the militia men climbs onto the turret and fires at them. They threw fragmentation grenades and concussion grenades to thin out the squad of militia men. They end up killing them and started run to their rendezvous point. Once they arrive at their destination, the squad notices they their helicopter, which was going to evacuate them, was being shot at by SAM, or surface-to-air missiles. The helicopter returns to base and the squad is left in Iraq.

  7. Tommy Normaneau
    Empire by Orson Scott Card
    Dear diary,
    I cant believe Rube is dead I mean I only knew the guy for three day. Everything that has hapend over the last three days is just to hard to comprehend. First Rube and I get involved in a fight with terrorists on the national mall who had just shot a rocket into the side of the White House that had killed the president along with the joint chiefs. There is alot of conspiracy among the media that Rube and I, two speial forces soldiers, had been involved. Other rummers spread about an American Civil War begining between Red states and blue states. The next morning We went to New York city to see the 9/11 memorial we brought some weapons with us just in case. what followed after that seemed like it was out of a sci-fi movie, giant walking tanks that absorbed bullets. we barely escaped the island with some NY poliice, they would lead the army in taking back the island. That night I met Rubes old spec-ops squad and we decided to go back to D.C. to get Rubes PDA. So today we went to the pentagon to get it. When we got to Rubes office we searched some boxes then Rubes secretary pulled out a pistol and shot Rube square in the face. The guards with us shot Rubes seceratary But I grabbed the PDA and made a dash to the car the enemy was right behind me. I barely escaped after being relentlessly chased. I cant believe Rubes dead Killed by someone he trusted
    Capitain Coleman

  8. Tanner Medina #5
    The Communist Manifesto
    Karl Marx

    In The Communist Manifesto there are several themes such as unfairness, racism, an inequality but the main theme is faith. Faith an be used in many context such as for good or be in the book it I used kind of for both but manly for bad. Some people use it such as they make you believe in them and have complete faith in you then take control of you or stab you in the back. The government does this method most of the time when they d use it It’s for a bad reason but when they do it it’s so small we can’t notice but every know and then they get caught. Not only the government does this everywhere you go you can see this.

  9. Hayley Macabuhay #5
    Blog #1
    The Princess & The Pauper
    By: Kate Brian

    The Princess and The Pauper is a great book about two teenage girls, Carina and Julia. Carina is the Princess of Vineland, and Julia is just an ordinary L.A. girl. Carina does not believe being a princess is extraordinary. She would rather be like every other ordinary girl. Julia is a pauper who lives in the poorest part of L.A. She wishes to be big, rich, and famous. Julia would do anything to have a life like Carina's, and Carina would do anything to have a life like Julia's. Carina goes to California to give a speech to several schools in L.A. As she gives a speech at the first school, she notices a girl who looks exactly like her. Carina immediately has an idea and looks for this girl at the end of her speech. Finally, Carina runs into her "twin" Julia, in the bathrooms. Carina promises Julia ten thousand dollars only if she will switch places with her for one night. Julia, without hesitation, agrees to this insane plan. Julia knows that this money will help her and her mother with bills and the rent for their apartment. They quickly change clothes, and go their separate ways. Carina goes to her secret boyfriend's rock concert, while Julia goes to the Ambassadors' reception. At the reception Julia meets Markus, who Carina greatly dislikes. Instantly Julia falls in love with Markus, not knowing about Carina's feelings towards him. Julia was supposed to avoid him, but instead they go out for dinner. At the restaurant, Julia and Markus have their picture taken. This picture was then shown on televison later that night. Carina's parents find out and are angered, and want her back home immediately. Julia ends up going to Vineland, while Carina stays in L.A.

  10. David Spindler
    Suzanne Collins
    Letter to Gale
    I am writing to you this letter because you need help. You have been helping Katniss endure through being the rebels Mockingjay. It is hard through watching your friend go through pain and suffering. She has almost been killed many times and you have helped her. You helped teach her how to get better with a bow and arrow. You need to help save Peeta for Katniss. Katniss has been going through a lot by being the Mockingjay. It is hard to save thousands of people. Katniss needs all of her family and her friends. President Snow needs to be taken down. District 13 has enough resources to take them down. Beetee is helping to air Katnisses commercial in the capitol. If this is done, you can send Peeta messages to help get out of the capitol. Peeta is getting badly hurt in the capitol. They are trying to force secrets out of him that he does not even know. If you wait longer to take over the capitol, more and more people will die. Also, don’t trust district 13 because it could turn on you and it could become a capitol. You must save all the innocent lives. You are another mockingjay delivering the message to Katniss. You can only trust your friends and your family. The capitol is sending forces to kill you or to make you surrender to them. You must not surrender. They have made too many people die by the hunger games.

  11. Anthony Luciano#8
    The Hardy Boys

    Me: So Joe and Frank, how was it threw this story?
    Joe: We had a good time. We rode our motorcycles everywhere we would go.
    Frank: Ya it was so awesome.
    Me: How was it when you went threw the monster loop?
    Frank: It was scary when you were going to it, mostly because we were chasing a guy who went to it.
    Me: Did you find out who this guy was?
    Joe: Funny, because when we hit him and took his helmet off he was our friend from our home town just wanting to help us on our mission.
    Me: He had a good way of hiding his identity a secret because of his full face helmet and padings and his suit.
    Frank: After he helped us clear up the mission.
    Me: Who did you think was wrecking The Big Air Games?
    Joe: We had a few suspects like a former skater champ Ollie. His skating days were over after he wiped out and now has a limp. He is always grouchy and hated the B.A.G. He also hates skate boarders. So he could of been injuring the guys. But then he was killed.
    Frank: The guy doing all this was named Mr.X. he was so bad.
    Me: That Ollie guy has some record with you guys. Who are the others?
    Frank: There was another skater who was never around when other skaters got heart so we got suspicious about him. But he turned out to be a teen agent like us undercover.
    Joe: Then there was a weird camera dude for the newspapers who said he would kill for more stuff to happen bad, and it did. Also he seemed to always know to come and take pictures of the crime. But he ended up good. Also saving us from Mr.X.
    Me: Who was Mr.X?
    Joe: That is secret.
    Me: Really, you can tell me.
    Joe: Just kidding, it was a medical man named Carter beans. He injured kids to be known as a good med. He also helped Ollie a while ago and got famous then lost it so he did this to get famous.
    Frank: So Mr.X was a crazy medical dude
    Me: Wow he must of lost his meds. Ha Ha Ha, get it.
    Joe: Ya
    Frank: Ya that was funny because he was a medical dude.
    Me: It was good talking to you both smart boys and I hope we do again.
    Joe: Thanks
    Frank: See ya

  12. Felix Sarmiento #9
    The lightning thief is a quest tale of heroism. The lightning thief is about a boy who has had it hard for basically his whole life. His best friend is a guy named Grover. Now Percy and Grover have to go on a mission to find and return Zeus’s stolen crown. They have ten days to do this and so it is not going to be easy. If they don’t do this then there is going to be a lot of trouble up in mount Olympus. There mission was to find the bolt and bring peace to mount Olympus. A lot of people accused him of stealing the bolt so he must prove to everybody that he is innocent and also he is going to have to fin the real thief. If he doesn’t do that he is going to be in a lot of trouble. Well he goes on this mission he must find out his true power he is not just some ordinary guy he is the son of Poseidon the son of a god. He has loads of powers that he must figure out how to use and also he would learn to have to control his powers. Him, Grover, and his newer friend who is also a daughter of a god named Anambah will go on this mission together helping each other out along the way. If they don’t help each other or one of them were to get hurt along the way then there whole mission is over because they are going to have o do this together. That is all I am aloud to tell you so you are just going to have to read the book if you want to find out if they will complete the mission.

  13. March 3, 2011
    Suzanne Collins
    Page 233


    Dear Peeta,
    I know you have been through a lot at the capital. The brainwashing must have been terrible! You have to stay strong though, as much as the capital breaks you down you must persevere, you can not let Katniss go down, don’t listen to what they say about her you must forget it. Katniss will need you more than ever once you are rescued from the capitol. The capitol is feeding you lies about her. The torture is tremendous, and I am aware of that, but this letter is to give you hope, not to give up. The capitol will slowly break you don’t, feed you lies. At the end of it you will barely remember your past. All the truths of your life will be altered, for the worse. The capitol is merciless and will rest at nothing till the rebellion is put down. They do not want the rebellion to win, they will do whatever it takes to stop it, to stay in power. They will use you to break them down, in any way shape or form. They are targeting Katniss and using you as her weakness, with you in pain, the destroy Katniss, and the rebellion. The whole rebellion’s morale is based on you surviving and continuing to be on their side. You need to stay focused and remember your past, don’t let the capitol infect your head with altered truths and lies, remember your family, your home, your friends. Remember who it is who saved you in the hunger games, who saved your family, who is your best friend. The rebellion will win if you can remember these, it all rests on you. Best of luck to you Peeta.


  14. Sofia Youssouf#9
    I Am Number 4 by Pittacus Lore
    Dear Diary,
    It has been tough these couple of days. It has been difficult going place to place because of what I am and how different I am to the rest of the human beings here on earth. Everywhere I have to go I have to change my name. A Mogadorian killed my father and I miss him. The Mogadorian are now hunting me down and are trying to kill me. Every time a member dies from us I get these scars on my leg. Everything in my life has to be a secret, everything has to be a lie, and everything has to be hidden from the outside world. Sometimes I wish that I was born regular and born the same way as these people here on earth. I had legacies in class once. Legacies are when I get these new powers, but they are not good because when they happen in class I glow up like a blue flashlight. I told everyone it was a joke so the rumors died down. The Mogadorians want to kill every person like us because they do not want us to exist. I have been running away from the Mogadorians all my life and it has been hard. I want to meet someone like me, someone I can relate to, and someone that will help me blend in. It has been a challenge born such a way that I am. It has been hard to keep my life as a secret. I have to deal with it because I have no where else to go.

  15. Adara Martinez#9
    March 3, 2011
    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
    Dear, Diary
    Today was a hard and weird day. First the Quidditch match was canceled, and then professor McGonagall told us that Hermione was petrified. Ron almost started crying. I was so sad, Hermione was my best friend. Nobody was as smart as her. Oh, how I miss Hermione. Anyway, I found a black diary in the moaning myrtles bathroom. I opened it up but there was nothing. On the back it said it was written by Tom Riddle. I grabbed my pen and wrote my name. All of a sudden my ink sank in the paper and the ink came up but there were different words. I asked if it knew about the chamber of secrets and it did. It took me back fifty years ago. It was like I was in a movie. I found out that Hagrid opened the chamber of secrets. He also got expelled for raising a monster. I didn’t think he did but it was true. I just can’t believe it. Why did he open the chamber of secrets? I told Ron about it. I thought we should go over and visit Hagrid. When we went to Hagrid’s hut, we used the invisible cloak. Hagrid was a afraid of something because he pulled out his archery gun when he opened the door. We came in, but then Ron’s dad’s boss came and sent Hagrid into Azkaban prison for his monster that was petrifying mudbloods. Today a lot of things happened, hopefully tomorrow is peaceful.

  16. Deborah Dervartanian #6
    Mrs. Holiday
    English Blog

    Final exam
    1. Hamlet loves to take her sister to each class every single day.
    2. Hamlet’s seven-year-old sister is a math tutor.
    3. Hamlet doesn’t feel embarrassed about her parents dressing up in Queen Elizabeth costumes in public.
    4. Hamlet wants to be normal.
    5. Hamlet is a horrible actress.
    10 multiple choice
    6 Eighth grader Hamlet Kennedy just wants to be
    A. normal
    B. not normal
    C. popular
    D. a scientist
    7. Hamlet’s sister likes to hang out with
    A. Hamlet’s best friend
    B. Hamlet’ enemies
    C. All the teachers
    D. The principle
    8. Hamlet’s sister is named
    A. Dezzie
    B. Carter
    C. Dorothy
    D. Mandy
    9. On the first day of school, Hamlets parents come in the school with Hamlet and her sister she
    A. Doesn’t want to be seen with them so she runs away
    B. she stays with them but she walks a couple feet back so nobody knows she’s with them
    C. she ditched the first day of school
    D. she loves her parents and doesn’t care what any body says
    10 The people that Hamlet didn’t enjoy hanging out with is
    A. Kelly, Sandra, and Travis
    B. Casey, Ely, and Kristi
    C. Ty, Judith, and Mark
    D. Saber, Mauri Lee, and Carter
    11 Hamlet’s real name is
    A. Othello
    B. Desdemona
    C. Abigail
    D. Erin
    12. Hamlet and Carter are
    A. enemies
    B. cousins
    C. friends
    D. sisters
    13. Hamlet’s best friends are
    A. Ty
    B. Judith
    C. KC
    D. all the above
    14. Hamlet’s mother teaches her that
    A. Its okay to not be normal
    B. being normal isn’t the best thing in life
    C. none of the above
    D. Answers A and B
    15. Hamlet ends up
    A. Knowing that its okay to be normal
    B. Knowing that she is a horrible actress
    C. you should never stand out or be yourself
    D. Knowing that shake spear is just a waste of time
    Short answer questions
    16. How does Hamlet find out that not being normal is okay?
    17. How does Hamlet find out that she is a great actress?
    18. Why does Hamlet not want to be seen with her parents?
    19. What does Hamlet think of school after she experienced her first?
    20. At the end of the book, what does Hamlet learn?
    Did Hamlet change at all through the book? Why or why not?
    Answer Key
    1. False
    2. True
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False
    6. A
    7. B
    8. A
    9. B
    10. D
    11. B
    12. A
    13. D
    14. D
    15. A
    16. Hamlet finds out that not being normal is okay by talking to her mother.
    17. Hamlet finds out that she is a great actress in an in-class recitation.
    18. Hamlet doesn’t want to be seen with her parents because they always dress up in Shakespearean costumes and all she wants to be is normal.
    19. Hamlet thinks of school, after she experienced her first, that she is always going to be looked at as the person who’s parents always wears costumes in public and that she will never have a normal life.
    20. Hamlet changed a lot through the book. At first she just wanted to be normal like any other kid around, but as she experienced all the tragedies such as what goes around in school and what other people think of each other her mind was changed at the end. She learned that it was okay to not be normal, but just to be yourself and no one else.

  17. Julia Normandeau #11
    1st blog
    The Wave
    Dear diary,
    I am so relieved that the Wave is over. It got out of hand. I don't know how my mom saw the Wave for what it really was. The school nearly destroyed itself before they realized what it really was. Even our teacher, who created, it got caught up in it. Almost everyone in m class wondered how the Nazis could do something as terrible as the did. People will do things just because it is popular and abandon their free will.

  18. Elijah Hernandez#4
    Dear Jonah,
    I encourage you to help Chip. He really seems panicked and stressed out. Let him know that you know how he feels about being adopted and that it is not that bad. I hope you help him realize that being adopted is actually cooler than it may seem. Some people actually wish they were adopted. Let him know that everything happens for a reason. Let him know that his birth parents might regret putting him up for adoption and want him back. Maybe it was because they were forced to put him up for adoption. I hope you help him feel better and realize that it might be better that he was put up for adoption rather than living with his birth parents. Just try not to quote the books too much because then it is just weird and creepy. Oh, and the letter you got from some random person, do not worry about it. It is probably nothing. Who knows it might have been sent to the wrong address and had the wrong name. Someone might have accidentally put the wrong name and someone else misread the address and accidentally sent the letter to you. Try not to get too curious about your birth parents because your real parents might start acting weird and as if nothing ever goes wrong like Chip’s parents do. Whatever you do, do not start doing everything humanly possible to find out about your birth parents like Chip did because then people will think you are crazy.
    Elijah Hernandez.

  19. Ellen Cho#3
    Blog #1
    Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

    Dear Diary,
    Gale told me that there was no District 12 and told me thatthe game was planned from the beginning to protect me. District 12 has been disappeared into ashes and no one lives there. I don't think President Snow knew about the rebellion during the game but now he knows. Some tributes from other districts and I had to stay in District 13 to lead the rebellion against the Capitol. Citizens of District 13 are living under the ground and are undercontrol of the president. They have to protect the district and have schedules for their whole day. I can't think straight when I'm staying there. They want me to be the mockingjay, the symbol of rebellion, to lead the rebellion by making speeches and videos to the entire country. I have to make a speech at District 8 in front of the whole country. I don't think I can do this. There are people who are suffering because of Capitol's bomb attack. I hope this nightmare would end and go back to my normal life.

  20. #8 Mark Wiese
    Suzanne Collins


    Dear Katniss,
    You must accept your duty as the mockingjay. Everyone in Panem needs you, you have started this rebellion, and now you must help end it. Do not let anyone get in your way, the only way to end this is to do what is necessary, no matter how great the cost. Peeta still loves you even though he is brainwashed, you must stay on your toes however because the treatment may come back and he might kill you. Your future trip to the capitol must be a success, you must do whatever it takes, and stay alive. You cannot trust anyone, not gale, not coin, and definitely not Peeta, they all keep secrets and could benefit from your death. Just stay aware that Snow is the one behind all this, the heartless snake doesn't care about anyone except himself. Make sure Prim stays away or she will die, sadly as most of us who go in will. District thirteen is not evil; it is doing what is necessary for the hope of a better future. You are strong; you support your family, and all of Panem. Take into consideration your whole lifestyle, because it may soon be over, you may revolutionize the world as we know it. Remember your last hunt, and how you supported your family, and your community by putting your life on the line. Remember the games, and how even though it is a pyrrhic victory, how it will change the lives of everyone to come. Our assault on the mountain was a success, it would be ridiculous to give up hope, when the end is so near, we must push on, do not let this go, everyone depends on you. I love you.
    Your secret admirer

  21. Narrative of Fredrick Douglas
    Blog# 1
    Story of symbol

    We all in life have an ambition but it is our choice if we achieve that goal. What we all have in common as human beings is that we want freedom more than anything else. Some of us look gently on the idea of freedom because we use it through our daily life but some such as Fredrick Douglas wanted freedom more than anything else in the world such as this man Renny. Renny was an African a learned all the ways of America so he can one day be an American. He learned the language, religions, life style, foods etc. when Renny turned twenty -three he set of to America with the little money he saved as a kid. Once he arrived in Washington D.C. he sees the different races meeting on this one ground, America. Renny almost out of money purchased the cheapest apartment he could find. Trying to adapt to American life, Renny goes to take a citizen test so he can share the freedoms all Americans have. Renny passes the test and now an American citizen! All of his hard work paid off but there was one problem he yet to faced, a job. If freedom is what drives you to live in life don’t live, live to enjoy life. Even if you get freedom life still goes on; freedom is a great pleasure and also a humongous gain to your life but that shouldn’t be your motive to live. Think of freedom as a ticket to beginning a better life not the meaning of your life.

  22. Penny Wiese #15
    Blog #1
    Darcy’s Story
    By Janet Aylmer

    This delightful rewrite of the classic novel Pride and Prejudice tells the exquisite tale all over again, but from Mr. Darcy’s point of view. The obscure personality of this man comes to light in this superbly written novel. We see this beautiful love story from a completely new aspect. What Darcy would have known and what he would not have known are made clear. What he felt at different points and who he confided in are questions that are answered in this wonderful book. This is what I call a, “hide under your covers with a flashlight and read while you are supposed to be asleep,” book. I fell asleep reading it two nights in a row. I just could not put this book down. It is a story of many things, but mainly Darcy falling in love with Elizabeth Bennet and obtaining her love in return. At first Darcy doesn’t care that Elizabeth exists and thinks her beneath him, then suddenly finds himself in love. He uses all his willpower to avoid falling in love and simply could not do it. Once he realizes how much he loves Elizabeth he strives to obtain her love. However, much to his dismay, he finds that very hard to do. The reason for his sad predicament is that he was much too prideful. He also did much to wound his love’s feelings. At first he was too prideful, then he separated Elizabeth’s sister Jane from his own best friend Mr. Bingly, though they were in love. But eventually he gets Elizabeth’s love, after helping Lizzy’s sister Kitty and being remorseful about his offenses. He then weds his love and lives a happy life with her at Pemberly (his estate).

  23. Jarod Johnson #7
    Rangers Apprentice

    Me: Will how was your first battle?
    Will: I would say that I was nervous.
    Me: So how did it go?
    Wiil: Well, I saved Halt and thats all I was trying to do. I did my job.
    Me: So what happened after the battle?
    Will: Well, after the battle Halt and Me went to follow these people that we saw after the battle. We found them spying on us. So we went and followed them.
    Me: So, how did that end up?
    Will: When we were following them we did good except for one little tiny mistake.
    Me: What was the mistake that you guys made?
    Will: Well it was not Halt.
    Me: Then who is it?
    Will: It was me, it was all me. I almost got got. I could have got in big trouble for getting caught. I probably would have got kicked.
    Me: So you almost died. That would have been horible.
    Will: Oh ya, becuase that would have been my first battle. That would have been dumb if I die on my first battle. I am supposed to be proving that I could be an apprentice.
    Me: So you did not actually meet the standards of being an apprentice?
    Will: Ya, I was the smallest one and they did not exactly want me to be an apprentice.
    Me: So, who picked you?
    Will: Halt, he is kind of weird. They did not want him to pick me because he is not as responsible as they want him to be. Halt is the only one that would pick me.
    Me: Thank-you, bye.
    Will: Bye.

  24. Natalie Coyne #4
    The Mysterious Benedict Society
    By Trenton Lee Stewart
    pg. 485

    My name is Reynie,
    I’m really brainy,
    I snack on tea and toast that’s grainy,
    And I love to read books when it’s rainy.

    My name is Sticky,
    I learn really quickly,
    When I eat food I’m picky,
    And when I’m nervous I feel sickly.

    My name is Kate,
    My bucket is really great,
    I’m a very faithful mate,
    And you should be scared if it’s you I hate.

    My name is Constance,
    I have a persistent conscience,
    I can rhyme about any substance,
    But it’s annoying and I mustn’t.

    We’re a really special group,
    We are in a secret loop,
    That will always jump through a hoop,
    To get the secret scoop.

  25. Andrew Chapin#1
    The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
    Page # 279
    Dear journal,
    The last couple of weeks have taught me many life long lessons. I have been to places that you cannot even imagine. I started having dreams about my friend Grover. I decided to go on a quest to go and save my friend Grover. Actually, I went without permission. I took my friend Annabeth with me. It was really hard to get to Grover. We had to go to the Bermuda Triangle and enter the Sea of Monsters. We barely made it through, but at least we got back in one piece. We even saw many gods including Circe. To find Grover we had to go to the island that the Cyclops was on. Another one of my friends, Tyson, was also a great help. He saved my life numerous times. When we got to the island we defeated the Cyclops and we even got the Golden Fleece that would bring peace and prosperity to Camp Half-Blood. When we got back to the camp we restored its barriers by putting up the Golden Fleece. Clarisse was very mad that we took her quest, but she still got awarded. The strangest thing was that Thalia the daughter of Zeus was alive again. She used to act as the barrier of the camp so that monsters could not come in. Now she is human again. Nothing went as planned, but it is safe to say that everything went well.

  26. Morgan McElroy #10
    Blog #1 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    By, J.K. Rowling Letter

    Dear Harry,

    I am writing to tell you that you will be getting a new defense against the ark arts teacher if you have not all ready guessed. Her name is Professor Dolores Umbridge. She will not teach you any defense with your wand until your O.W.L.s. You will try and open a defense club, but she will try and get rid of it. You’re going to make it secret, but if you wish to keep your club, and Dumbledore, you will not trust Murrieta. I cannot tell you everything, but there are a few more warnings you must take heed in. don’t look in Professor Snapes pensieve or you will be sorry, you will get cockroaches on your head, you will fail potions, and he will no longer teach you occlumency. You must learn occlumency or he-who-must-not-be-named will control your mind. You must do all you can to stop having the dreams of the long, dark, corridor in the department of mysteries. Your curiosity will only get you in trouble. Listen to your godfather, Dumbledore, and Hagrid; they are all part of the order. When you meet Professor Umbridge, don’t get on her bad side, it will only bring you pain and long nights of homework. You must still do the defense club, or you will fail your O.W.L.s and ruin your chances of becoming an Auror.
    Sincerely, Morgan McElroy
    p.s. don’t write back our letters will soon be tracked.

  27. Tre Fitts #3
    The Last Olympian
    By: Rick Riordan
    Log 1

    There are three main themes in The Last Olympian. The first main theme is that you can accomplish almost anything with the help of your friends and family. This is displayed in the book in many ways. One way this is portrayed is through Percy’s relationship with his mom and how they dealt with Percy taking on the Curse of Achilles, and bathing in the River Styx. This is also shown when Grover, Annabeth, Thalia, and Silena all rushed to assist Percy in his preparation to fight the evil Titan Lord Kronos. Another big example of this is when the other Olympian gods also gave Percy and Camp Half-Blood support, and they all came together for one cause, which does not happen often. The other main theme of The Last Olympian is that not every one is truly good at heart, unless you open your eyes into finding the good in someone else. This is also shown frequently through the book. One example was in the war underneath the sea between Poseidon and the other ancient minor gods. When Poseidon is in trouble in war, some of Percy’s enemies at Camp Half-Blood help him in Poseidon’s fight. The other main theme of The Last Olympian is that, you should never judge a person before you get to know them. This is shown when Percy and Annabeth look at the history of their biggest rival, Luke. When they looked into his family, they found that his mother and father are nice people and are afraid that Luke is hurt. They then see that Luke is confused and that he can be a good person. Those are the three main themes of The Last Olympian.

  28. Jack Pinson#12
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

    Jack: Hello Harry, Nice to have you here.

    Harry: Nice to be here Jack.

    Jack: Yes well we must be getting down to business now.

    Harry: Yes, we should.

    Jack: Question 1: Do you belive in ghosts?

    Harry: Of course! They're all around the school.

    Jack: Cool, ok 2nd Question: Do you have a pet?

    Harry: Yes, I have a owl named Hedwig.

    Jack: Sweet! 3rd Question: Who do you think is the meanest teacher at Hogwarts?

    Harry: Snape! He is so mean!

    Jack: Wow, ok 4th Question: Do you think your Uncle V., Aunt P., and Dudley treated you right?

    Harry: No, no and no, They were horrible to me, did you know that they made me sleep in a cupboard?

    Jack: No I didn't! That is horrible! Anyway moving on, Last Question who do you think is behind the scheme to steal the sorcerer's stone?

    Harry: I'd say it's gotta be either Snape or Voldemort.

    Jack: Ok thats all I have for you today. Until next time, so long Harry!

    Harry: So long Jack!

  29. Theodore Boone kid lawyer 12-13-12
    blog 3 grace Diponio
    Theodore why do you like learning about trails so much.i like learning about trails beacuse you get to learn about interesting cases . do you think Mr. Duffy is guilt why or why not. I think he is guilty because there is evidence that he choked her and because he was alone the hole day until she died. But again no one was there to see it. Theodore did you know Mr. Duffy? no i did not i only see him around the court .Why do you think Mr.Duffy killed his wife.i think he killed her because when his wife dies he would have life insurace for a thousand dollars. He didn't have a lot of money to pay bills or anything like that so he killed her. Do you think M. Duffy and Mrs. Duffy were happy together. I think they had i couple proplems along the way but they were loyal to each other.Last thing i want to ask you what was his plan. His plan was to wait for a coold rainy day to play golf when no one was there and run home and say "hi honey" and kill her. ah i see. well thank you for your time.


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