3rd Quarter Blog #2

Only two more to go! Keep up the great work. Remember, you need to use a different prompt from the other blog you did this quarter. For example, if you wrote a diary entry for blog #1 you will not be allowed to do so for blog #2. Your score will be a "0" if you use the same format. Be creative and explore other modes of writing and thinking.


  1. Jacob Ramsey #7
    Blog #1
    Dead or Alive, by Tom Clancy

    Dear Diary, I have been out on many top secret missions with my team of the 75th Ranger Regiment. I have flown out to Iraq and many other parts of the world that are too top secret to discuss with you. But I am allowed to discuss with you about one of my missions. The mission’s objective was to clear a suspicious house that belonged to one of our high valued targets. As my team approached the house, we were being watched by two of our own snipers. Their job was to report us when they couldn’t see any activity in the house. When they sent the signal, we moved up to the door and opened it silently. We moved down the corridors with great caution. If something was going to happen, we were ready with our silenced HK MP5 and Mk.23. I took the front while my men walked behind me. I opened the bedroom door slowly, and saw a man with an AK47 slung across his shoulder. I aimed at his right ear with my HK MP5, squeezed the trigger slowly, and I grabbed him before he fell to the ground. We reached every room in the house and repeated this tactic without alerting anyone. As we looked around the house, there was no sight of our target. We never found him and that’s all I can tell you. I will make sure to keep you posted on all the missions I go on.
    Jack Ryan Jr.

  2. Andrew Chapin #1
    Blog #2
    The Titans Curse
    1. Percy Jackson is the son of Zeus.
    2. Thalia is one of Percy’s friends.
    3. Dr. Thorn is a teacher Annabeth encountered at Westover Hall.
    4. The Greek god Artemis is the sun god
    5. The god Apollo was the brother of the god Artemis.

    Short Answer

    6. What was the last name of Bianca?
    7. What kind of a monster was Dr. Thorn?
    8. What is the proper name for Grover?
    9. Thalia is the daughter of whom?
    10. Bianca turned her back on men and became part of what?
    11. Which one of Percy’s friends betrayed him?
    12. This Titan Lord is plotting evil.
    13. What did Grover discover at a military boarding school?
    14. What town do they go to in New Mexico?
    15. What god does Grover sense is near?

    Multiple Choice

    16. Who is the god of the sun?
    a. Apollo b. Artemis
    17. Who is the god of war?

    a. Apollo b. Ares
    18. A cow-like creature was called a
    a. Ophiotaurus b. Bessie
    19. She saves Percy at the Hoover Dam.
    a. Annabeth b. Rachel Dare
    20. Which Di Angelo child dies?
    a. Nico b. Bianca
    21. Who was a searcher for Pan?
    a. Grover b. Annabeth
    22. Who has a great passion for architecture?
    a. Zoe b. Annabeth
    23. Described as looking like a punk.
    a. Thalia b. Nico
    24. The demigod son of Hermes.
    a. Luke b. Percy
    25. He is 28 years old, but looks like a teenager.
    a. Grover b. Luke

    Essay Question

    Explain who and what Percy Jackson does in The Titans Curse.

    Answer Key

    1. Percy Jackson is the son of Zeus. False
    2. Thalia is one of Percy’s friends. True
    3. Dr. Thorn is a teacher Annabeth encountered at Westover Hall. True
    4. The Greek god Artemis is the sun god. False
    5. The god Apollo was the brother of the god Artemis. True

    Short Answer

    6. What was the last name of Bianca? Di Angelo
    7. What kind of a monster was Dr. Thorn? Manticore
    8. What is the proper name for Grover? Satyr
    9. Thalia is the daughter of whom? Zeus
    10. Bianca turned her back on men and became part of what? The Hunt
    11. Which one of Percy’s friends betrayed him? Luke
    12. This Titan Lord is plotting evil. Kronos
    13. What did Grover discover at a military boarding school? Two half-bloods
    14. What town do they go to in New Mexico? Cloudcroft
    15. What god does Grover sense is near? Pan

    Multiple Choice

    16. Who is the god of the sun?
    a. Apollo
    17. Who is the god of war?
    b. Ares
    18. A cow-like creature was called a
    a. Ophiotaurus
    19. She saves Percy at the Hoover Dam.
    b. Rachel Dare
    20. Which Di Angelo child dies?
    b. Bianca
    21. Who was a searcher for Pan?
    a. Grover
    22. Who has a great passion for architecture?
    b. Annabeth
    23. Described as looking like a punk.
    a. Thalia
    24. The demigod son of Hermes.
    a. Luke
    25. He is 28 years old, but looks like a teenager.
    a. Grover

    Essay Question

    Explain who and what Percy Jackson does in The Titans Curse.

    Percy Jackson: Percy, a 14 year old demigod and son Poseidon of is the protagonist as well as the series' narrator. He goes on a journey to save his friend Annabeth as well as to rescue the Greek goddess Artemis, who have both been kidnapped.

  3. Lightning thief is a great book. Its one of those books that when you start reading you don’t want to put it down. It is about a boy named Percy Jackson and his friend Grover and his other friend Annabeth. They have a huge mission to do. There mission is to save his mother and then get the bolt or else he is going to be in a huge mess. They are all going to have to work together to accomplish this mission because it is very dangerous with all of the things they are going to have to face. He doesn’t just have to get the bolt but he has to reveal the mystery to who stole the bolt and prove to himself innocent because everyone at Mount Olympus is blaming him. He is going to have to fight through a lot of monsters including Medusa and also a Manator which will all be very hard. Then he must have to go to the underworld and bring the bolt and get back his mom or else he will not see her ever again. Hades has her locked up in there and the only way to bring her back is by giving him the bolt. If he does this he will be saving his mom but also putting the whole world in danger. Either way they it is going to be very hard, but that is why they need to learn how to work together because if they don’t they are going to die trying to complete this mission.

  4. Hayley Macabuhay #5
    Blog #2
    The Princess and The Pauper
    By: Kate Brian

    I am very unhappy with my life
    I do not like myself
    I wonder who would ever take me as their wife
    Often I feel unnoticed, like an elf

    No one truly knows me
    I want to be noticed and be part of the crowd
    When I am by myself I always want to flee
    I need a friend to make me feel proud

    I wish I was like every other girl
    I just want to be a normal teen
    The fancy, princess stuff makes me want to hurl
    I very much dislike this royal gene

    I want to eat hotdogs instead of royal cuisines
    By myself, I'd like to shop at the mall
    I want to go out wearing some blue jeans
    I don't want to be big, I want to be small

    I'd give anything to be a star
    To have a big home, money, and fame
    I want to have many friends and an expensive car
    I want to live a life where everyone knows my name

    Like a princess, I'd love to travel and go around
    I'd love to have a closet full of clothes
    I want to have my custom made gown and crown
    I want to be on the newspaper and on tv shows

    Fitting in is what I've always dreamt of
    People say my life is perfect
    A normal life is what I've come to love
    My life is not perfect, last time I checked

    All I can do now is dream, can't you see
    We were all born to live a certain way
    This is who I am, and who I will always be
    We can't change who we are, that is all I can say

  5. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
    Blog #2
    Dear diary,
    There was an old raggedy house and I saw it in the distance. I creped in to the house and saw two men crowding around this chair. After I woke up my scar from my infant times was burning as if it could erupt. After that experience the always annoying Dursley’s had pushed me to the last straw and I had to leave to the best thing in the wizard world, a Quidditch World Cup. When I was there enjoying my time there was a sudden explosion. The match was ended and all the tents were being burned and that was the last thing I remembered. When I woke up I saw a man, not any man it was the man in the house in my dream. He was the cause of this whole madness but I can’t forget what happened the day of the goblet. The goblet is some sort of bowl that selects champions to compete in the triwizard world cup. In this tournament these four champions will compete to win the triwizard world cup for that school. I couldn’t be entered in since I’m not old enough but I was chosen. Somehow my name was drawn and so was Cedric. The tasks were hard but the task that was unexpected had come. The triwizard world cup was in sight and once Cedric and held it. The triwizard cup teleported us to some graveyard where I saw a man in a cote, it was Wormtail. He was commanding a spell while he killed Cedric and offered his blood, His bone, and my blood. That spell raised my dear enemy Voldemort. I used the power of my parents to hold of voldemort so I could get Cedric and I out of there. Once the triwizard cup was over I felt a loss of a dear friend and the hate of a long acquainted enemy.

  6. Sofia Youssouf#9
    I Am Number 4
    By: Pittacus Lore
    There are many conflicts in the book. One is the Mongolians killed my father and I am stuck with Henry. We always move and I never have a real home. I miss my dad and I wish he can be here to help me through this. I blend in with everybody, but it is hard to act like them. My name is John my real number is seven, but I am number four. I met this girl Sarah at my school. On my planet when you meet someone you love you can’t stop thinking about them and you always think about them. When the headlines came out about me and Henry we were about to go run away as we usually do, but I told Henry I don’t want to leave because I fell in love with a girl and it wouldn’t be right to leave her. Another problem would be that in class when we were watching a movie my hand was glowing the color blue. Everybody was looking like me and it was getting really bright and my body started to hurt. I was getting a dose of “puberty”. I told everybody that it was a flashlight joke and everyone bought it. What I learned was that I’m not that powerful without the people of my kind, so the mission is to find the people that are my kind that are still alive. The Mongolians trying to look for me, but it will never succeed.

  7. Tommy Normandeau #6
    Hidden Empire
    Orson Scott Card
    Hidden Empire which is the sequel to Empire is about a devastating Pandemic which originated out of Africa. This disease is called the Nictovirus which originaly affected a endangered species of Monkey. There are two kinds of the virus the strain that is transfered through the blood stream which kills within hours and the airborne version which kills far slower over the course of a few weeks, a terrible way to die, But you can survive the second one. Chinma, a twelve year old, was the first person to get the second kind and he survived, but sadly an army of Sudanesse soldiers invaded his village and killed all the other villagers who survived the second one. Fortunatly Chinma was up in a tree so the soldiers didnt see him. Afterwards he went to the nearby town and the scientists there trying to figure out the disease found him and heard his story. He was sent to America under political asslyum the president asked Mrs. Malich, the widow of Rueben Malich, to watch over him. Later in the year when the disease was going crazy in Africa the CGA (Christians going to Africa group)began begging the U.S. to let them go to Africa. When the Malich families oldest child Mark ,who is 12 yrs. old, Convinces his mom to take him Chinma ends up joining to. So Mrs. Malich convinces president Torrent ,Who she has deep ties with to from the last book, And they go with the first load of volunteers. They arrived in the CAR on a millitary base were Mrs. Malich is practicaly selected as the leader of the volunteers. Sadly Capitan Coleman had become infected with the nictovirus and was incharge of the base. Thanks to the volunteers the mortality rate of the virus was decreased, but the soldiers on the base were all infected and disabled. So local forces came and attacked the base. Most of the volunteers were out in the city, but Mark and Chinma were both on base on the top floor with a bunch of useless soldiers. they both ran downstairs and grabbed two pistols and then returned to the soldiers. Two of the enemies ran upstairs Mark wounded one and was then shot to death Chinma wounded another and then walked to the two soldiers and shot them both. Then the Marines arrived and chased the bad guys off. Chinma returned to the US and was Adopted by Cole, but he still hung out with the Malichs.

  8. Ellen Cho#3
    Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

    The main problem or conflict in the book was between President Coin and Katniss. But first, President Snow and Katniss had conflicts since Katniss pulled out the berry with Peeta and rebelled against the Capitol. President Snow tried to kill her in the 75th Hunger Games, the quarter quell. However, Katniss was rescued by the rebels that led to the real problem, which was President Coin. Peeta was captured by the Capitol and Snow. The District 13 was in underground which was dark but big and was disciplined. They had to obey everything - food, time, working, and resting. Katniss hated District 13 because there was no freedom, and she was being the "Mockingjay" a puppet of the rebels. There was an event that caused their conflicts more. The bombs placed in supply packages killed many children including her sister, Prim. She suspected President Snow and the Capitol who placed the bomb. However, Katniss eventually hears from Snow that the final assault that killed Prim was ordered by President Coin. She remembered a conversation with Snow in which they promised not to lie to each other. When she tried to execute Snow, she figured that he was telling the truth and kills President Coin. Coin seemed innocent but he killed Prim and tricked Katniss and people of District 13. Snow is found dead and she returns to her real home in District 12 with Peeta who is rescued and cured from the brainwash that Capitol gave him.

  9. #8 Mark Wiese
    blog #2
    Suzanne Collins

    The main problem in Mockingjay is the rebels struggle to free Panem from capitol control. District 13, which is not supposed to exist, is leading the fight against the capitol. They believe Katniss, the champion of the hunger games and girl who started the rebellion can wreak havoc on the capitol by becoming the symbol for the rebellion, the Mockingjay. She agrees to become the Mockingjay if they let a small list of people live, mostly consisting of Peeta Mellark and the other surviving competitors of the seventy fifth hunger games. A small team of rebel soldiers are able to rescue Peeta and a few other prisoners but they soon find out that Peeta has been brainwashed to hate and kill Katniss. As Peeta is slowly overcoming his brainwashing, Katniss is fighting in skirmishes around Panem for publicity designed to support the rebel cause. After the rebels take district two, the capitols last stronghold other than the capitol itself, they are ready to end this war with an invasion of the capitol. Katniss and a small team of soldiers including Peeta are dispatched on a supposedly relatively safe area, however the area is actually very dangerous. Everyone except Katniss and Peeta end up dying fighting and Katniss loses Peeta amongst the chaos. Katniss witnesses a human shield of chidren, including her little sister, who is trying to save the children, be bombed and killed. She is shattered but muscles on and finds President Snow. The rebels win the fight and now the districts rule themselves free of oppression.

  10. Elijah Hernandez#4
    Margret Peterson Haddix
    Dear diary,
    A few weeks ago I found out I was adopted. My parents had never told me. I found out when my friend, Jonah, got a letter in the mail saying, “You are one of the missing.” A few days later I got the same letter. I told my dad that I got the same letter my friend did and that he is adopted. I asked him if I was adopted. He said yes, and I started to freak out. I did not know what to do. I ran over to Jonah’s house. He was trying to make me feel better, but it did not work. I was so mad at my parents for never telling me that. I decided to use up all my minutes on my phone that way they have to pay even more than the regular phone bill would have been. About a week later Jonah, his sister, Katherine, and their parents went to met a guy that works for the F.B.I. Apparently he knows something about Jonah’s adoption that no except the government know. He never told them what it was. While they were there a janitor guy appeared out of nowhere, put down a file, and then vanished. The file had a list of witnesses and a list of survivors. We are not sure what that means, but we do know that everyone on the survivors list was adopted. Earlier today we met with someone on the witnesses list. Her name is Angela DuPre. She said she knew stuff about us when we were babies. She said that Jonah and I were found on a plane with a bunch of other babies. All of a sudden the janitor guy burst in saving us from some other guy. We had gotten away safely and were heading home until Jonah started going back. He said he had seen Angela disappear. We had gone back to my house and talked about what this all could be about.
    Goodbye for now,

  11. Jenah Tittle #13
    Blog #2
    The ghost Sonata
    Jennifer Allison

    True False

    1. Gilda’s best friend is Wendy.
    2. Gilda hates Julian after what she saw.
    3. Wendy made it to the finals.
    4. Wendy won the finals.
    5. Ming Fong set out the tarot cards.

    Multiple Choices

    1. Wendy the competition.
    A. won
    B. tied
    C. lost

    2. Set out the tarot cards.
    A. Mrs. Mendelovich
    B. Ming fong
    C. Mrs. Pickles

    3. is Gilda’s brother.
    A. Stephen
    B. Julian
    C. Gary

    4. Wendy has brothers.
    A. 2
    B. 6
    C. no

    4. Charles Drummond is a
    A. Ghost
    B. Boy
    C. Pet
    5. Wendy is Gilda’s .
    A. Sister
    B. Friend
    C. Pet
    6. Gilda Jenny.
    A. Likes
    B. Hates
    C. Both
    7. Jenny and Julian each other.
    A. Like
    B. Hate
    C. Both
    8. Mrs. Pickles Jenny to do well in the competition.
    A. Doesn’t want
    B. Wants
    C. All of the above
    9. Lang Lang is idol.
    A. Gilda’s
    B. Wendy’s
    C. Ming Fong’s
    10. Gilda talked to her brother .
    A. 5 times
    B. 3 times
    C. 1 time

    Short answer questions
    1. Who is Julian?
    2. Who is Wendy?
    3. Why does Mrs. Pickles want to ruin the competition?
    4. Who is the ghost that played music?
    5. What did Gilda think that would help Wendy win the competition?

    1. Describe Wendy’s and Gilda’s relationship.
    1. True
    2. True
    3. True
    4. False
    5. False

    1. C
    2. C
    3. A
    4. C
    5. B
    6. B
    7. A
    8. B
    9. C
    10. C
    1. Gilda’s X-boyfriend
    2. Gilda’s best friend
    3. For jenny to win
    4. Charles
    5. A wig

    1. Gilda and Wendy have been friends forever. They are like sisters now Gilda was there for Wendy when she was very sick. When they are apart they can’t help but to write each other letters even if it is only for a day. When Gilda went to see her cousin Juliet Wendy told her everything that happened at camp. They are the best of friends and they can never get separated.

  12. April 2, 2011
    Diary Entry
    Suzanne Collins

    Dear Diary,
    I am writing today from our boot camp in the capital. It is more or less a boot camp here as we are hiding out in an old apartment. Our last propo involved filming us deactivating pods in the streets of the capital. It seemed simple enough of a job, and we didn’t expect any casualties. Well, there is always that one time, and this was it. We were halfway through the street when I had a flashback to one of the hijacked memories, and began to attack Katniss. Thankfully her guard jumped on top of me to stop me but I kicked him off, right into an active pod rigged with a barbwire net. He died quickly due to loss of blood. Right after our commander stepped on a mine practically annihilating the entire block and more. The force of the explosion blew off his legs and he was soon dead as well. After that amount of chaos we knew the capital would sending hounds and peacekeepers after us to kill us soon as they knew Katniss and I survived that whole ordeal. Other than our great casualties I have been doing way better. Boggs created a game for me to play to help decipher which memories where real and which were hijacked. I would say a certain memory I had followed by “real, or not real?” and the others would state if it were fictional or not, followed by a brief explanation of why. It helps pass the time and I’m beginning to get my concept of what is real and what is not. The TV just turned on, apparently an emergency capital broadcast, better watch this.

    Till next time,

  13. Grace Brown #1
    Nobodys Princess

    Grace- So, Helen, do you think that your sister is jealous of you?
    Helen-Of course. I am the prettiest one in our family.
    Grace- Why do you guys not get along?
    Helen- Because whenever I attempt to do something and mess up she always tries to undo it and make me look like a fool.
    Grace- What happened when she got married to one of the other kings from a different region?
    Helen- I guess that we kind of grew fond of each other because of the long talk we had and how we talked about how we felt about our relationship.
    Grace- Did this change anything or did it just make things worse when she doesn’t know about your secret “Job”?
    Helen- It doesn’t really change anything. It does bother me that I haven’t told her about it, but besides that no.
    Grace- How is your training going and especially with Atlanta and your brothers?
    Helen- As a noble girl becoming a women, I have succeeded and proceeded in my training, but have epically failed on the horse.
    Grace- How so?
    Helen- I have been successful a few times, but not all the time. I cannot gallop with the horse yet.
    Grace- How does your mother and father separate you and your sister?
    Helen- By looks and nollege.
    Grace- Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be your sister?
    Helen- A few times and imagines it would not be delight full.
    Grace- Well thank you for the nice interview.
    Helen- Your welcome.

  14. Morgan McElroy #10
    Blog#1 Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
    by, J.K. Rowling

    Morgan: How are you today Harry?
    Harry: I’m fine thanks.
    Morgan: Do you mind if I ask a few questions?
    Harry: No go ahead.
    Morgan: Thank you, ok first question, how did it feel when Malfoy paralyzed you broke your nose and threw your invisibility cloak over you?
    Harry: Well, it hurt a lot. I also was scared that I wouldn’t get to Hogwarts this year, I didn’t want to go back with my aunt and uncle.
    Morgan: How did you get out of there and still make it to school?
    Harry: Oh, that’s when hope cane back, Tonks arrived!
    Morgan: Well that’s amazing! Next question, how did it feel when you became Quiditch captain?
    Harry: I have never felt that good in my whole life! It’s just as good as being a prefect!
    Morgan: I’m so proud of you, but I have another question.
    Harry: What is it?
    Morgan: How is potions going this year, I hear Professor Snape is the defense against the dark arts teacher, so that means a new potions teacher.
    Harry: Well he’s ok; he’s a little crazy if you ask me though.
    Morgan: Well I hear you are doing better this year, is it because of him?
    Harry: Well no, but if I tell you why you can’t tell anyone, deal?
    Morgan: Sure.
    Harry: The book I got is the Half Blood Prince’s. He wrote short cuts to all of the potions, and invented spells that he wrote in there.
    Morgan: Well I’m happy your finally doing well in potions.
    Harry: Thanks but I have to go, I have Quiditch practice.
    Morgan: Ok bye.

  15. Morgan McElroy #10
    Blog#1 Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by, J.K. Rowling

    Morgan: How are you today Harry?
    Harry: I’m fine thanks.
    Morgan: Do you mind if I ask a few questions?
    Harry: No go ahead.
    Morgan: Thank you, ok first question, how did it feel when Malfoy paralyzed you broke your nose and threw your invisibility cloak over you?
    Harry: Well, it hurt a lot. I also was scared that I wouldn’t get to Hogwarts this year, I didn’t want to go back with my aunt and uncle.
    Morgan: How did you get out of there and still make it to school?
    Harry: Oh, that’s when hope cane back, Tonks arrived!
    Morgan: Well that’s amazing! Next question, how did it feel when you became Quiditch captain?
    Harry: I have never felt that good in my whole life! It’s just as good as being a prefect!
    Morgan: I’m so proud of you, but I have another question.
    Harry: What is it?
    Morgan: How is potions going this year, I hear Professor Snape is the defense against the dark arts teacher, so that means a new potions teacher.
    Harry: Well he’s ok; he’s a little crazy if you ask me though.
    Morgan: Well I hear you are doing better this year, is it because of him?
    Harry: Well no, but if I tell you why you can’t tell anyone, deal?
    Morgan: Sure.
    Harry: The book I got is the Half Blood Prince’s. He wrote short cuts to all of the potions, and invented spells that he wrote in there.
    Morgan: Well I’m happy your finally doing well in potions.
    Harry: Thanks but I have to go, I have Quiditch practice.
    Morgan: Ok bye.

  16. Adara Martinez#9
    The Magic Half

    Miri is a girl in between two sets of twins.
    She always wanted a sister.
    She found a pair of glasses in her room.
    She looks threw it and ends up in another room.
    She was in another time.
    A time of 1935.
    She meets a girl
    Molly is her name.
    Molly is treated like a maid.
    She lives in bad day’s everyday.
    Her brother is thief.
    Miri will help and save her.
    She gets back in her own time.
    She can’t figure out
    How to get back to the other time.
    She finds out her glasses were magical.
    When she looks threw Molly’s she goes to her time.
    She collects scary costumes to scare Molly’s brother.
    So Molly can live with her safely at home.
    She gets ready
    To get scary.
    She would bring Molly back.
    She would love to be her sister.
    She looks threw Molly’s glasses and goes to her time.
    Oh no molly is in trouble.
    Her brother so gruesome
    Has locked her in her room.
    Miri goes through the attic
    So dark and scary
    And climbs into Miri’s room they are so happy.
    Very happy.
    But they still have one more thing to do.
    They need to get molly brother out of the house.
    They rip and tear a brown coat to make them look scary.
    And then
    They slowly approach.
    One, two, three.
    They scared him so much and he ran out of the house.
    In a little bit they would be sisters.
    They look into Miri’s glasses to get into her time.
    They are at Miri’s house.
    Miri’s mom was changing her wallpaper.
    Made them sisters.
    They would be together…
    Forever…and Ever.

  17. “Callahan Cousins”
    Kaylie Currier #5
    Mrs. Holiday
    Due 4/7/11
    Blog #2


    Kaylie - Hi Kate I am glad that you had time to get some coffee and talk.
    Kate – Me too Kaylie, and what did you want to talk to me about?
    Kaylie – I wanted to talk to you about the time you went to your grandma’s house, with your cousins for the summer.
    Kate – Oh ok, that was a great summer that I will never forget. What are your questions about that?
    Kaylie – I wanted to first ask you why did you feel that you needed to hang out with Sloan?
    Kate – During that summer I felt that since Sloan was so popular that if I hung out with her that I would become popular also.
    Kaylie – That makes a lot of sense now. Also why did you not enjoy Lark’s company?
    Kate – Since Lark was friends with Sloan I felt that since Lark was hanging out with my cousins, I was being pushed away for someone better than I was. Also Lark was getting most of the attention so I thought that it was unfair that nobody was paying attention to me.
    Kaylie – I could see how that would make you feel left out. After you got used to Lark a little bit did you stop worrying about your looks?
    Kate – No, I did not stop caring about my looks. Actually I got more concerned about my looks.
    Kaylie – How exactly did you want to look like and why?
    Kate – I wanted to look like each of my cousins in a way.
    Kaylie – How so?
    Kate – I wanted to be skinnier and more athletic like Hillary, I wanted to have good style and looks like Neeve, and I wanted to be very smart and tall like Phoebe.
    Kaylie – Why did you want to be like them?
    Kate – Because I felt like I was the only one of my 3 cousins and Lark to have no great qualities.
    Kaylie – DO you think you have qualities now?
    Kate – Yes I do, I ended up learning that the qualities I do have fit me well and that I should keep them.
    Kaylie – Wow, that was a great summer it sounds like and thanks for sharing it.
    Kate – No problem, I hope we can meet again.
    Kaylie – Me too, have a great rest of the day.
    Kate – You too.
    Kaylie – Bye
    Kate - Bye

  18. Deborah Dervartanian #6
    Mrs. Holiday
    English (8) Blog
    Bandit's Moon by Sid Fleischman
    Back round

    The book is about a young girl who only has a brother because the rest of her family died. Annyrose and her brother needed money so they set off on a trip to the gold-digging territory. During the journey Annyrose had hurt her leg. Her brother dropped her off at O.O. Mary’s house to heal. It turned out that O.O. Mary ended up not being so nice and kept Annyrose in a barn. Her brother sent her letters everyday asking her how she’s doing and how he is going to send her a carriage for the journey to him. Annyrose didn’t get those letters because O.O. Mary hid them. One day O.O. Mary came up to her and said the Yankees are coming; you better run their going to get you! Annyrose didn’t exactly know who the Yankees were, but she didn’t want to stay with O.O. Mary so she stayed. When the Yankees came Yankees came one of them almost shot her but then the man gave her a chance to run away so she wouldn’t be shot. Annyrose didn’t run away. Finally the bandit saw that she had a book and asked her if she knew how to read, Annyrose said yes. Out of nowhere, the man swept Annyrose up on his horse and rode off. On the way he told her that if she taught him how to read then she could stay with him and they’ll bring her back to her brother. Annyrose agreed and on they went.
    The main problem in this book is the fact that Annyrose has to ride with Joaquin and his crew back to her brother, Lank, meanwhile they are being watched by everybody because Joaquin is wanted because he had done horrible things in the past. The people that are involved are Annyrose, three fingered Jack, Pio Pio, and Joaquin. During the journey, AnnyRose, Pio Pio, Joaquin, and three fingered Jack run into many problems because they are all wanted, but none of them get taken away because Annyrose covers up for them. At the end of the journey all of the men change because they spent time around Annyrose. She changed all of them and taught them how to be nice, caring, and they learned that people do care about them and that changed their attitude.

  19. Carson Conradt
    The Hunger games starts with a girl named Katniss wakes up and discribes what she is going through. She said that the world she is living in is crashing and burning. Everything seems to be going wrong after her dad died in a mining accident. She is sixteen year old and is managing her stressed out family. Every day she goes hunting outside of her distract walls with her best friend Gale. They hunt together mastering there skills. Katniss is very talented using a bow and arrow, as Gale is cathching every animal in his snares. They put their skills toghether to help catch food for there families. Katniss is preparing herself for the greatest event in all the twelve colonies. The Hunger Games is going to begin. The hunger games is when the Capital picks two kids from each distract in a fight to the death on live T.V. The winner of the hunger games gets unlimited supplies. The big day Katniss dreads is here. They are ready to pick the two fighters for distract twelve. Katniss is there with her loved little sister,Primrose. The drawing says that a boy named Peeta is picked and a girl named, Primrose. Katniss loves her sister so much she volunteers herself to go. On the way to the Capital, Katniss gets a chance to meet Peeta. It's time to start the games and time to say the last goodbyes before they die. They get in the pods and wait for the games to begin. The fighting has been going for a little while, and Katniss has a friend. The little girl from district five named Rue. She helps Katniss Survive for a few days until a boy from distract two stabs her with a large sword. Katniss was struggling and almost dies, but makes it through and goes home with Peeta.

  20. Aly Carpenter #2
    The Secret Language of Girls
    Aly: I hear you and Marylin are not in the best situation right now.
    Kate: Yes we are
    Aly: So do you mind if i ask you a few personal questions?
    Kate: Yes you may.
    Aly: Well lets get started. First question: do you think Marylin is pathetic for always hanging out with Flannery?
    Kate: Yes, I do, but I think she is smart considering how popular she is.
    Aly: Do you think it is important to be popular?
    Kate: It is nice to be, but if you are not yourself there is no point in being popular.
    Aly: Good answer. I think most people would agree.
    Kate: Thank you
    Aly: Do you think you will be friends with Marylin again.
    Kate: Yes, it should work itself out.
    Aly: Sweet. Good way of thinking. We are out of time.
    Kate: Thanks for having me.
    Aly: Hello Marylin.
    Marylin: Hello Aly.
    Aly: Lets jump right in, but first do you mind if I ask you some questions?
    Marylin: No, you can ask me anything.
    Aly: Good. So is Flannery controlling?
    Marylin: Yes, but I think she feels like she has to.
    Aly: Why do you think that is how she feels?
    Marylin: Maybe because she is older.
    Aly: I can see that, good answer.
    Marylin: Thank you.
    Aly: Next question: did you feel like you accomplished something out of your first kiss?
    Marylin: No! I strongly disliked my first kiss.
    Aly: We are out of time, but thanks for the talk I had a good time.

  21. Julia Normandeau #11
    #2 third quarter blog
    In a town without a heart
    Being a pigeon is not smart.
    Do not come down
    To this town.

    Smooth and sleek
    Pointed beak.
    These are the creatures
    With these features.

    By the railroad track
    They are coming back.
    Into the crate you go
    You never knew they were a foe.

    Red eyes all around
    Do not make a sound.
    Bound in a crate
    This must be your fate.

    The sounds of childrens laughter
    The smell of fresh baked batter.
    All this hides the crime
    Buried in time.

    Up you fly
    In the sky.
    Not looking back
    To the town that's wack.

    Down you fall
    Hear the call.
    They start to gather
    That dreaded wringer.

    The blood that has been spilt
    Like the flowers that wilt.
    Has scarred this land
    On this cursed sand.

  22. Natalie Coyne #4
    The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
    374 pg
    Natalie: Hello Katniss, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
    Katniss: No, not at all.
    Natalie: What was your first thought when you heard Prim’s name called.
    Katniss: I was in utter shock. At first I told myself that it wasn’t true, that I had somehow misheard and someone who I did not know was called and it would be the same as any other year. All of the odds were against Prim. Her name was written once and somehow it was still pulled. But I could not let my little innocent sister go, so I volunteered to take her place.
    Natalie: Can you describe the relationship between you and your sister?
    Katniss: I love my sister more than anything in the world. She is the only person other than Gale that I can truly trust, with my father dead and my mother not really caring. I would be devastated if anything to her and I will do everything in my power to make sure nothing does.
    Natalie: You mentioned Gale. He is your hunting partner, correct?
    Katniss: He was my hunting partner, before the games anyway. Things will never be the same as they were before my sister’s name was called at the reaping.
    Natalie: Can you tell us a little more about what you did with Gale?
    Katniss: We would go hunting together whenever we could, before school, after school, and on the weekends. Gale has particularly good with traps. He could snare just about any animal in the woods. Thanks to my father’s book, I knew which plants were safe to eat and which one’s were not. We are both very good shots with bows and arrows.
    Natalie: Was preparing for the games like?
    Katniss: Well with all of the people Who helped me like Cinna, my prep team, Effie, Haymitch, and my partner in the arena, Peeta it was so much easier to win. I never could have won without them.
    Natalie: Ok Katniss, last question. Do you love Peeta?
    Katniss; That is a very difficult question. I am not really sure. At first everything was staged, but later on it almost felt . . . real.
    Natalie: ok, Katniss that is all for now, Bye.
    Katniss: Good bye

  23. Julia Normandeau #11
    Blog #2
    In a town without a heart
    Being a pigeon is not smart.
    Do not come down
    To this town.

    Smooth and sleek
    Pointed beak.
    These are the creatures
    With these features.

    Cast out and alone
    Hanging out at home.
    Finally feeling popular
    Never knew this was how things were.

    Not wanted around here
    Causing so little fear.
    You come down anyway
    Not knowing you will pay.

    You both find each other
    Not telling another.
    There’s no way to kid
    In a town that forbid.

    Hidden from sight
    To not cause a fight.
    Hidden away
    Without a say

    It comes to the window.
    You just cannot say no
    To those gazing eyes
    So many sighs.

    Your secret is out
    No reason to pout.
    She loves that bird
    So you have been heard.

    No more must know.
    They will be a foe.
    It will make them scowl
    At this little fowl.

    They have heard
    Of your bird.
    He cannot stay
    He must go away.

    They set a fat cat
    On top of the mat.
    To find that thing
    No longer shall it sing.

    She takes him down
    Way out of town.
    To the rail road track
    No going back

    They have found him
    It was quiet dim
    To take him home
    To the danger zone.

    Millions of birds
    Cannot speak of words
    To describe the crime
    Buried in time.

    They soar in the sky
    Ever so high.
    Only to fall
    Never to call.

    You see him fly
    His life flashes by.
    He thinks it’s a game
    Not to you the same.

    He lands on the ground
    Without a sound
    As so many names
    Take their aims.

    You know the risks
    Not taught on a disc.
    Either to fade
    Or come to his aid.

    You make the leap
    A choice you must keep
    To keep him from the knife
    To save his life.

    His life has been saved
    Not simply waved.
    A town changed
    A town saved

    But this crime
    Without a time
    Has scarred this land
    Of this cursed sand.

  24. Anthony Luciano#8
    Hardy Boys

    Dear diary
    It's Joe here. Today been rough with another mystery. Actually not a mystery, some guy was robbing the old lady story. We went over and got beat up. But, eventually the cops came and helped because it was really their job not ours. We do mystery stuff but that was no mystery more a crime. We went home sore. We had a week of no mystery's till now. We were called on a high tech mission. Ok not high tech, just some national golds is, well as they say vanishing. What people do this stuff and how, they said they had tons of guards. Well two were sent to prison because people think they are bad and let them in for the gold. Frank and I are on the case so never fear I'm here....That sounded lamer than I thought.

    Well I'm back and still looking good and guess what.....We saw a nerdy dude steal a gold statue. We were chasing after him but we lost him. But guess what, we caught him and went to Switzerland where strange things happend. We went skiing with new friends which turned out bad because of one of our friend went down a dangerous rout and we went after and it got messy.

    Today we found the money, well gold at a old pyramid. Things were creepy saying how it looked. But our father backed us up and it was a mission success and we even got some gold that we really couldn't buy stuff with but we were happy to relax once again.

  25. Penny Wiese #15
    4, 7,2011
    Jane Eyre
    By Charlotte Brontë



    1. At the end Jane gets married and lives happily with her husband.
    2. Mr. Rochester is a bit eccentric.
    3. Miss Ingram is fond of Jane.
    4. Jane is pretty and always has been.
    5. Mrs. Reed is Jane’s aunt.
    6. John Reed respects and is fond of his cousin Jane.
    7. St. John thinks that pleasure is all that matters in life.

    Multiple Choice

    1. Jane Eyre is a(n)
    A) orphan
    B) criminal
    C) government official
    D) A and C

    2. Mr. Rochester is
    A) poor.
    B) royalty.
    C) rich.
    D) B and C.

    3. Miss Ingram wants to marry Mr. Rochester because
    A) she loves him.
    B) he is rich.
    C) A and B
    D) None of the above

    4. St. John
    A) is very vain.
    B) only eats pie.
    C) doesn’t eat meat.
    D) None of the above

    5. Jane is in love with
    A) St. John.
    B) Mr. Rochester.
    C) no one.
    D) John Reed.

    6. The treasurer of the school Jane went to is
    A) Mr. Rochester Senior
    B) Mr. Brocklehurst
    C) Mr. Reed
    D) None of the above.

    7. Mr. Rochester’s first name is
    A) Fred.
    B) Ted.
    C) Edward.
    D) George.

    8. St. John Wants Jane to
    A) die.
    B) leave.
    C) marry him.
    D) none of the above.

    9. Jane marries
    A) St. John.
    B) Mr. Rochester.
    C) no one.
    D) John Reed.

    10. In the beginning of the book John Reed throws ____ at Jane’s head
    A) a block of cheese
    B) a book
    C) his pillow
    D) a clock

    Short Answer

    1. Why does St. John want Jane to marry him?
    2. Why can’t Jane marry Mr. Rochester?
    3. Who is Jane’s pupil?
    4. What is engraved upon Helen Burns’s gravestone besides her name?
    5. What did Jane do first thing in the morning the day after she found out that Mr. Rochester was already married?


    1. In a one paragraph essay, describe Jane Eyre’s appearance and accomplishements.

    Answer Key

    True/ False
    1. True
    2. True
    3. False
    4. False
    5. True
    6. False
    7. False

    Multiple Choice

    1. A
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. B
    6. B
    7. C
    8. C
    9. B
    10. B

    Short Answer

    1. St. John wanted Jane to marry him because he thought she would make a good missionary’s wife.
    2. Jane can’t marry Mr. Rochester because he is already married.
    3. Jane’s pupil is a little girl named Adèle.
    4. The word “Resurgam” is engraved upon Helen’s tombstone.
    5. Jane ran away the day after she found out about Mr. Rochester’s previous marriage.


    1. Jane Eyre was not a handsome person. She was small and plain. She had green eyes and brown hair. She can play the piano a little. Jane is very good at drawing and painting. The can speak French fluently. She was also a school teacher for a time. That is Jane Eyre’s appearance and accomplishments.

  26. David Spindler
    Suzzane Collins
    Dear Diary,
    I cannot take living like this anymore. I have been stuck in district 13 for a while. I have been filming and fighting. The only person that understands me is Peeta but the capitol has him. Gale has not been in the games and my mom has not either. The capitol needs to be taken down in order for me to be sane again. This will secure everyone’s safety. President Snow only cares about himself and he is selfish. He needs to be put in prison. The country of Panem needs to restore itself through peace and prosperity. We have been lied to and taken advantage of for too long. The districts have joined together and the fight is on. I need to make more strategies and end the war quickly before the districts give up. After long enough of their people dying, they will give up. I cannot let this happen. The Capitol will also only wait a long enough time before they hurt Peeta. Peeta does not deserve this, he has already been through the games twice. I have to hurry before they hurt him. I also need to save Prim. She has watched me through this and it has affected her. The war has already changed her and I cannot let the capitol win and take her away. I will do whatever it takes to save her. I will fight until I die for all the people in the districts. I will be there Mockingjay and guide them to freedom.

  27. David Spindler
    Blog #1
    Mockingjay, Suzzane Collins

    To Katniss,
    You need to be the Mockingjay. Everyone is counting on you to be the Mockingjay and no one is as skilled and courageous as you are. You must save all the districts from the capitols aggression. You must save Peeta and avenge Rue and her family. You must make her death worth something other than for a game. It will be hard but you are strong enough physically and mentally to do it. President Snow is planning to bomb District 13 and you have to beat him. He is beating hurting Peeta and you need to stop him. You need to keep going. They are sending in a rescue team to get Peeta but they need your help. You also must do this for Prim. She must live knowing that she will not die by the capitol killing her. She needs to be protected by you. You cannot go to save Peeta. That will endanger everyone’s life. Let Gale and the rescue team do it alone. They will be home and safe after they complete the mission. After they get Peeta it will make your work easier because you will have him to help you. He can help you decide because he knows all what you have been through. If you go in to rescue him and the capitol gets you, they will torture you for the rest of your life. You cannot go with them and you need to be the Mockingjay

  28. Aide Martinez
    October 2, 2012
    Blog #1
    The Great Wall of by Jack Co

  29. Steven Vego
    October 3, 2012
    Blog #1
    Spaceheadz-by John Schmidt


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