4th Quarter Blog #1

You are almost there. If you stretch out you will be able to touch the finish line.


  1. Jenah Tittle #13
    Alex Flinn
    page #1-144

    Jenah: Hello Kyle how are you I will be interviewing you
    Kyle: I hope you are nothing like Mr. Anderson
    Jenah: Don't worry, I will just be asking a few simple questions
    Kyle: OK ask away
    Jenah: when you were popular and had Sloane as your girlfriend what did you think about Kendra?
    Kyle: well when I had it all she didn't matter
    Jenah: now you are a beast and you have changed your name to what was it...?
    Kyle: Adrian
    Jenah: yes Adrian, now how o you feel about her
    Adrian: well she kind of rules my life
    Jenah: when you found out that all of the doctors could not cure you what did you think?
    Adrian: I knew that the only way to break the spell was to get true loves kiss
    Jenah: ... and do you have a true love
    Adrian: to personal and well I have my eye on somebody
    Jenah: the mirror that Kendra gave you to look at somebody why have you not used it for a while
    Adrian: well I have to take care of my plants and I have to take care of my life and not spend all of my time gazing into that mirror
    Jenah: what do you do instead of gazing into a mirror then?
    Adrian: well I like to walk around the streets
    Jenah: and people don’t notice you
    Adrian: it is like I don’t even exist
    Jenah: So do you have a plan to get out of this beast
    Adrian: yes
    Jenah: ok let’s wrap it up with one last question
    Jenah: what will you do next...?

  2. Elijah Hernandez#4
    Margaret Peterson Haddix
    Dear Harry Potter,
    This year at Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry, try not to break almost all the rules in the time span of one week. Do not be running around with Ron and Hermione with you in the middle of the night in your Invisibility Cloak, especially since the dementors can see you even if you have the cloak on. Do not be sneaking around outside in the middle of the night because the dementors will see you, and you will get in trouble for going outside in the middle of the night and a lot of others reasons. Ignore Draco Malfoy who will keep acting like a fool for a couple of months just because you fainted on the train to Hogwarts because of a dementor. Do not be sad that you cannot go to Hogsmeade because it probably was not that great anyways. When Professor Trelawney told you that you are going to die because she saw, or said she saw, the grim, the omen for death, she was probably lying to you. Try not to get in the way of the dementors because you never know what might happen to you. During the Quidditch season you should not stay up late the night before you have a match because then you will not do your best the next day. You might make your team lose because the snitch is worth one hundred-fifty points. Do not let your Quidditch team down. Try to stay focused and ready for anything that might happen.

  3. TannerMedina#5
    the lion the witch and the Wardrobe
    There are several themes in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe such as betrayal, remembrance, and friendship. The theme that relates the most to the novel is trust. The way the author C. S. Lewis uses trust with Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter is they all have to stick together and help echoer. Edmund betrays them and ruins the trust. He tries to get them to forgive him but since he gave them up to the White witch. The other main theme is hate such as the White witch hates everyone and is just a horrible mood. The lion is the opposite and tries to help everyone and sacrifices everything so they can win.

  4. Sofia Youssouf#9
    The Lost Hero
    By: Rick Riordan
    Dear Diary,
    It has been a difficult couple weeks because my boyfriend does not remember me at all. He woke up next to me. He looked banged up and he didn’t remember anything. It destroyed my heart because it took me a while to make him notice and like me more than a friend. Well, we got attacked by storm spirits and my gym coach is a satyr and he was protecting us (Jason, Leo. And Piper, which is me) from devil creatures that want him dead. I met this girl Annabeth that is looking for her lost boyfriend. She came to rescue us from the storm spirits because she thought her boyfriend was going to be there. It was a disappointment for her and I felt her pain. They told us the safest place was Camp Half Blood. Well, we hop on and start going to Camp Half Blood. They told us the safest place was Camp Half Blood. Well, when we got their it was not the greatest thing. I felt like I was out of place because I didn’t match with these types of people. Leo got claimed first by Hephaestus, the god of the forge and fire. This fit Leo perfectly because he loves to build things and play with fire. One of the things we don’t talk about is what happened when his mom died. All in all when he touched the door his hands were burning and he killed his mom. This was a very tragic story and it broke Leos heart deeply. The second person to be claimed was me. I got claimed by Aphrodite. When I got claimed I turned instantly into a Barbie. I felt gross and not myself, but at least I got a complement from Jason. The last person to be claimed was Jason. He got claimed by Zeus. This was a shock to everybody because we didn’t think Zeus would have children. He finds out Thalia is his sister and he is on a mission to find her.

  5. Felix Sarmiento #9
    Blog #1
    Hunger Games
    The Hunger Games is a book about a girl named katniss who has to go on an adventure and try to survive all of the things she is going to have to go through. She is in a live or Die situation because she is going to have to go through a battle to the death with a bunch of other kids her age. She does this not really meaning to but is forced to pretty much. The only good thing about this is that she has fighting skills that her father taught her before he died. She basically is the man of the house because she is the one to put food on the table and she is the one that goes hunting for the family. She has a mom and a little sister who she has to feed for. They are usually used to not eating very much because it is usually pretty hard to get food for a person who doesn’t have job. This is not her biggest worry right now though she is going to have to have to go into a fight that can probably kill her and her family because no one will be able to put food on the table. If she is to win then she will start making the choices she thinks is right and also to start making her own choices that would way survival against humanity and life against love. This is a violent good book that makes you really want to know what happens through the whole thing

  6. Tre Fitts #3
    The Necromancer: Michael Scott
    Blog 1
    Dear Sophie and Josh,
    How are you two? I hope that you are doing well and I am glad to see that you guys have recuperated from your last encounter with Dr. Dee. And congratulations to you Sophie on completing your training in the magic of Earth. I hope that it is of great use to you in your final (hopefully) battle against Dee, Billy, and Machiavelli. Listen, I overheard that Dr. Dee meet up with his old colleague Miss Virginia Dare. And now they are teaming up and heading into a Shadow realm in Britain and are heading straight for San Francisco. Ironically you are in San Francisco and are vulnerable to his attack. Luckily, Odin the Viking has a thing against Dee because Dee destroyed his wife Hecate’s Shadow realm and killed her in doing so. Josh, be extremely careful with Prometheus. He is extremely defensive. You must be careful with what you say or he will crush you like a little ant in a Giant’s house. I also give josh praise for taking on such a risk in order to master the magic of Fire. It is not easy to persuade Prometheus to teach you after his last apprentice failed him. But, you must hurry to complete your training because Machiavelli is already setting up an invasion force at Alcatraz. I wish you both luck in your quest to save this world and the world of the Shadow realms. But, time is of the essence and you both must defeat Dee and Machiavelli before they summon the Elders, because once the Elders are summoned... there will not be a world to save anymore.

  7. Anthony Luciano#8
    Language arts

    My brother and I have not been doing anything fun for a while until we got a message. We opened it as soon as we got it. Frank started reading as I listened. The letter was a mission because those are the only letters we got. Frank kept reading as it said there has been attacks from a group of planet lovers. They wanted us to go to their base in disguise and stop any major attacks on people. The compound was so called heaven to them and the leader was a man named stench. I thought this would be pretty easy until it said the compound is in the middle of the desert. So Frank and I started packing our bags full of water and getting our motorcycles ready for a long road trip.

    Well we have been on the road for a couple of hours and only three breaks. Soon we got out in the desert and nothing in sight. What really got us lost was our cellphones and G.P.S.'s started to go out of range. Soon we came to a sign saying “DO NOT ENTER” Frank and I ignored it and went on. Soon we got in a trap of sharp objects popping our tires. We ditch the bikes and walked on. We were hot tired and sweaty with vultures hovering our weak bodies. We then saw something we didn't think we would see in the desert, a car coming to us. The car came to a stop with a girl named Petal Northstar from the compound. We lied and said we wanted to join and want to change the earth. We were driving until we saw a sign saying “WELCOME TO HEAVEN” we drove in and it was rose of tents, a few big ones and a wooden building in the middle. Then we were sent to meet Stench and everyone else in this wacko place.

    We met everyone and now we went on our first mission witch ended with us being chased. After we got back to the compound we met stenches body gourd Mondo. He was a huge guy just sitting there. The worst part was all we had to eat was tofu witch tasted horrible but then got use to it. Everyone seemed nice but the mean missions. Soon we were told what each the buildings were for and the wooden one with no windows was stenches “thinking room”. Soon some teenagers came to the compound and destroyed some stuff. But, the thinking room was untouched. Soon we got a note from well, we didn't Know, and it said check out Stench's room.

    We finally found out who Stench was, a fake he had tons of electrical stuff in his room and worked for an oil company and told him to take these people who love the world and hate oil and make them look bad so no one would talk to them. Also Stench's big plan was to blow up a nuclear power plant that the oil company hates with a remote control but life size helicopter with us in it but Petal helped free and the helicopter crashed on Mondo. Then our dad showed up to take us home after his better mission that he said was top secret. This was a fun mission but lost our bikes but, I still say this was an awesome mission but better for Frank because him and Paula are now dating by texting, e-mailing each other and writing letters. I choose to actually see my girlfriend in person and also see never noticed me at all. It was like they were the only ones there. But I still say this was major fun.

  8. Morgan McElroy #10
    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
    J.K. Rowling

    Morgan: How are you today Harry?
    Harry: I’m fine thank you.
    Morgan: I just want to thank you for taking the time for this interview.
    Harry: No problems, Hermione can disapparate and apparate here.
    Morgan: What is that again?
    Harry: It is basically teleporting.
    Morgan: Oh, ok.
    Harry: Yah it was scary at first but then I got used to it.
    Morgan: Ok time for the first question, why did you decide to skip your last year at Hogwarts?
    Harry: Well Dumbledore left me a secret task that I can’t tell you about, I hope you understand.
    Morgan: Oh yes I do, so Ron and Hermione went with you?
    Harry: Yes, there were fights but we got through it.
    Morgan: I hear that you and Lupin had a fight at Grimmauld place.
    Harry: Yah he was going to leave Tonks, I couldn’t let him do that!
    Morgan: I understand no need to yell. Second question, how did you feel when you found out Dumbledore left you something in his will?
    Harry: I was surprised.
    Morgan: What did he give you?
    Harry: I got the snitch from my very first Quiditch match and the sword of Gryffindor.
    Morgan: Wow! The sword of Gryffindor!
    Harry: Yes, but the ministry is refusing to give it to me.
    Morgan: Really, well at least you have the snitch, does it do anything special?
    Harry: Yes, when I breathe on it the words “I open at the close” appear on it.
    Morgan: Strange.
    Harry: Yes very.
    Morgan: Harry if you don’t mind me asking, where did you find the first Horcrux?
    Harry: I’m sorry I can’t say, but I can tell you it puts whoever is holding it in a bad mood.
    Morgan: Wow that’s incredible!
    Harry: Not for me, it put Ron in such a bad mood he left.
    Morgan: I’m so sorry, but he will be back.
    Harry: Your pry right, I mean its Ron.
    Morgan: Ok last question. I haven’t seen your owl in a while, where is he?
    Harry: He’s dead.
    Morgan: I’m so sorry for your loss.
    Harry: It’s all right, but I have to go now, Hermione is waiting.
    Morgan: Ok bye.
    Harry: Bye.

  9. Morgan McElroy #10
    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
    J.K. Rowling

    Morgan: How are you today Harry?
    Harry: I’m fine thank you.
    Morgan: I just want to thank you for taking the time for this interview.
    Harry: No problems, Hermione can disapparate and apparate here.
    Morgan: What is that again?
    Harry: It is basically teleporting.
    Morgan: Oh, ok.
    Harry: Yah it was scary at first but then I got used to it.
    Morgan: Ok time for the first question, why did you decide to skip your last year at Hogwarts?
    Harry: Well Dumbledore left me a secret task that I can’t tell you about, I hope you understand.
    Morgan: Oh yes I do, so Ron and Hermione went with you?
    Harry: Yes, there were fights but we got through it.
    Morgan: I hear that you and Lupin had a fight at Grimmauld place.
    Harry: Yah he was going to leave Tonks, I couldn’t let him do that!
    Morgan: I understand no need to yell. Second question, how did you feel when you found out Dumbledore left you something in his will?
    Harry: I was surprised.
    Morgan: What did he give you?
    Harry: I got the snitch from my very first Quiditch match and the sword of Gryffindor.
    Morgan: Wow! The sword of Gryffindor!
    Harry: Yes, but the ministry is refusing to give it to me.
    Morgan: Really, well at least you have the snitch, does it do anything special?
    Harry: Yes, when I breathe on it the words “I open at the close” appear on it.
    Morgan: Strange.
    Harry: Yes very.
    Morgan: Harry if you don’t mind me asking, where did you find the first Horcrux?
    Harry: I’m sorry I can’t say, but I can tell you it puts whoever is holding it in a bad mood.
    Morgan: Wow that’s incredible!
    Harry: Not for me, it put Ron in such a bad mood he left.
    Morgan: I’m so sorry, but he will be back.
    Harry: Your pry right, I mean its Ron.
    Morgan: Ok last question. I haven’t seen your owl in a while, where is he?
    Harry: He’s dead.
    Morgan: I’m so sorry for your loss.
    Harry: It’s all right, but I have to go now, Hermione is waiting.
    Morgan: Ok bye.
    Harry: Bye.

  10. Ellen Cho#3
    Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

    Dear Diary,
    I have a friend who has a mild mental disability. His name is Lennie, and he is large and awkward while I’m small, wiry, and sharp-featured. My name is George, and we work at a ranch, but the bus driver dropped us off a long way from our destination. It’s a long way, but I’m just worried about Lennie’s behavior, because he caused the trouble that we had in Weed, the last place we worked. So, I told him that he must behave himself when we meet the boss. I saw Lennie holding a dead mouse, so I threw that away. But, he had retrieved it, and I was so mad about him and complained to him. If I didn’t have to care for him, I could get along much better. And Lennie would not let go of a girl’s dress which was soft and kept stroking. But I felt sorry for losing my temper, so I told him about our future which is the life of a ranch-hand. Next day, we went to the ranch bunkhouse, and we were greeted by Candy who has lost his right hand. The boss was angry that we did not arrive the previous night, so I blamed the bus driver. But then, Lennie forgot my instructions and spoke. The boss became suspicious of his behavior, so I replied that he is my cousin and was kicked in the head by a horse when he was young. Nonetheless, we were assigned to one of the grain teams with a man named Slim. I was mad at him for speaking. I just wish my life in this ranch goes well.

  11. Kaylie Currier #5
    Bandits Moon
    Dear diary,
    Today I was in O.O.Mary's barn and one day she told me that I should hide because the bandits were coming, then she left me and rode off in her carrage. I ran out of the house and hid behind a bundle of hay. The bandits burned down the place and found me a few minutes later. They wanted to kill me but then I begged them not to and they asked me a few questions then they let me live. I begged them to take me with them and they said yes. They took me to were they rest and eat with there family. I saw that the bandit Juaquin liked a girl but did not want to get married because he was not ready to relax yet. He took me to bugtown to steal some things and to find a man that killed his brother and his good friend. We did not find his friend that day but he told me that he wanted to learn how to read to be able to read the wanted sighns on himself. I taught him how to read and so he read his wanted sighn. We went back to town and I turned Jauquin in for the money. I was sad that I did that because I turned him in because I thought that he killed my brother but he really did not. So I went back after Jauquin and we ran into the guy who killed his brother and the police officer shot him. I found my brolther and Jauquin got away.

  12. Grace Brown #1
    May 20, 2011
    Nobody’s Princess

    From the elegance of a woman,
    To the dirt of a man,
    You cover the field with beauty and stand.
    You enter business
    With a sense of duty.
    From the sweet smell of sweat,
    You hold your arms around me.
    I feel so safe when im around.
    Hold me up when I fall to the ground.
    You maybe woman, but you’re my hero
    Oh so elegant.
    From the water of the mist
    to the sign of secrets.
    You are there for me.
    You freed a slave
    And now he wants to stand by you
    Until he meets the grave.
    You hold your arms around me
    Sweet smell of victory.
    Theres nothing that can deny your dignity.
    I love that you are so brave
    And courageous any where you sail.
    The sweet sound of your voice
    Comforts Milo.
    The seas are setting.
    People regretting.
    Enunike is lying.
    People now crying,
    They miss their sweet queen.
    Now you return to not your home
    But where you yearn.
    Nobody’s princess is home,
    But their prize is on an adventure.

  13. David Spindler
    Blog #1
    Mockingjay, Suzzane Collins

    To Katniss,
    You need to be the Mockingjay. Everyone is counting on you to be the Mockingjay and no one is as skilled and courageous as you are. You must save all the districts from the capitols aggression. You must save Peeta and avenge Rue and her family. You must make her death worth something other than for a game. It will be hard but you are strong enough physically and mentally to do it. President Snow is planning to bomb District 13 and you have to beat him. He is beating hurting Peeta and you need to stop him. You need to keep going. They are sending in a rescue team to get Peeta but they need your help. You also must do this for Prim. She must live knowing that she will not die by the capitol killing her. She needs to be protected by you. You cannot go to save Peeta. That will endanger everyone’s life. Let Gale and the rescue team do it alone. They will be home and safe after they complete the mission. After they get Peeta it will make your work easier because you will have him to help you. He can help you decide because he knows all what you have been through. If you go in to rescue him and the capitol gets you, they will torture you for the rest of your life. You cannot go with them and you need to be the Mockingjay

  14. Jacob Ramsey #7
    Dead or Alive
    Blog #1

    I like the book Dead or Alive, by Tom Clancy, because the book is all about action and some suspense. Near the beginning of the book, you find out that Sergeant Driscoll, the sergeant of the 75th Ranger Regiment, scouts the Afghanistan Mountains with his team, searching for Afghanistan troops. They come across this cave in the mountainside. Inside were ten sleeping, armed soldiers lying on cots. Driscoll shot them so they wouldn’t wake up and see them. Now as you read to the half way mark of the book, you read that Driscoll is being put on trial for potentially “murdering” soldiers for no cause. There is a debate between President Jack Ryan Sr., and the court that Driscoll was tried in to kill him or for him to be sent free. There are conflicting ideas between the two because Driscoll was President Jack Ryan Sr.’s best Sergeant in the Rangers. He was also doing his job killing those soldiers because he is a trained killer. I like the action part of this book because whenever the Rangers are on a mission, it always involves secretly assassinating targets to achieve their ultimate goal of taking out a high valued target. In one mission, Jack Ryan Jr. infiltrated an “empty” building to find one of the high valued targets. He was equipped with a flashlight and a pistol. As he sneaked across the hallways, he kept seeing figures appear in front of him and no one would be there. As he opens a door, he finds out that he has reached the back of the building and no one was ever inside; they left before he had arrived.

  15. Andrew Chapin #1

    The Battle of the Labyrinth

    Blog #1

    Dear Journal,

    The last year has been a wild ride for me. I have found so many new secrets and I am trying to unlock the secret of the Labyrinth. Surprisingly, I haven’t died in my search for the center of this treacherous maze. It has been an emotional ride even though I am not really like that. Luckily, Tyson came back to camp so he got to come with me down into the maze. At first Grover and Tyson did not get along, but lately they have gotten to know each other really well because of the life and death situations. We met Briares in the jail of Alcatraz. Tyson looked up to him, but Briares was not what he expected. I have been in a stare down with Nico ever since his sister died. He believes that I am the one that let her die. The strangest thing that happened was when we went to a farm. All the animals were irregular. The owner of the farm sold all his animals to the underworld. To get my friends back I had to clean the stables of the terrifying flesh eating horses. They wanted to eat me, I didn’t let it happen. I was going to use the river to wash it down, but a river godess didn’t want me to. I figured out how to throw clams and they would open up water spouts and that’s what I used to clean the stables. The land owner lied and didn’t let me have my friends back. The good things that I got them back in a way you don’t want to know.

  16. Robyn Rosales #8
    Blog #1
    Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo

    Dear Todd Burpo,

    I have recently heard that your son Colton is having serious medical problems. It must be terrible for your son and your family. I cannot image what it is like to be a four year old and have to be rushed to the hospital several times in one week for a ruptured appendix. Colton must feel terrible. I also cannot image what it is like being a parent and having to go through all of this stress. I am sure your wife Sonja is hurting just as much as you are. You and your wife must stick together with your son through these difficult times. It must be very hard for you right now because I have heard that you are starting to doubt the Lord. As a pastor you should know that God places trials in your life to make you a stronger Christian. During this time, you should place all of your trust in the Lord. Right now, He is testing your faith. No matter what the Lord will protect your son. You need to make sure that you are constantly praying for Colton and that you are doing everything you can to keep him safe. Give Colton all the attention he needs because he needs to know that his family is always with him and protecting him. Keep it in your mind that the Lord is always watching over Colton and protecting Him. The Lord is good and everything that happens to your son id a part of God’s plan. I wish you, your family and Colton the best. You are all in my prayers.

    Robyn Rosales

  17. Penny W.#15
    May 19, 2011
    By Christopher Paolini

    This incredibly well-written novel starts in the forest of a fictional land called Algaësia. The evil shade Durza along with monsters called Urgals captures the beautiful elf Arya and kills her traveling companions. Arya had been taking a dragon egg to a group called the Varden. Moments before she is captured, Arya transported the egg with magic, not knowing where it went. The egg appeared in the Spine, “a range of untamed mountains that extended up and down the land of Algaësia,” where a fifteen year old boy named Eragon was hunting for deer. The blue egg appeared before him and he thought it was just a blue stone that might have some value. He takes it home to t he small village of Carvahall and a while later it hatches. Eragon is awestruck by the infant dragon since dragons were said to be extinct except for the Shruikan, the dragon of the evil king Galbatorix. As Eragon touches the hatchling he feels terrible pain all over his body and before his eyes a white oval forms on the palm of his right hand. Eragon and the dragon become mentally linked and for a few months Eragon hides the dragon from his Uncle Garrow, cousin Roran, and the other villagers of Carvahall raising it with information he was able to obtain from the village storyteller Brom without telling him about the dragon. One day two mysterious strangers appear in Carvahall asking about a stone like the egg of Eragon’s dragon, that he has affectionately dubbed Saphira. A few days later the short tempered butcher Sloan tells the strangers about Eragon having the stone and they destroy his home and almost kill Garrow, but Saphira kept Eragon away. Later Garrow dies and Brom confronts Eragon, saying that he knows he is a Rider (dragon rider, that is), and they leave Carvahall. They head toward the Varden, a group that opposes Galbatorix. On the way Brom is killed by the strangers that appeared in Carvahall, who are monsters called the Ra’zac, and he confesses that he, too once was a Rider. Also, Eragon is captured and escapes with the help of a young man he encounters. He also rescues the elf Arya from the same prison. He makes it to the Varden and in a bloody battle, kills the Shade Durza, but received a painful scar as a memento. Murtagh, the young man who helped Eragon is killed by Urgals, and the story continues in the next book, Eldest.

  18. Deborah Dervartanian #6
    Mrs. Holiday
    English Blog
    Ranger’s Apprentice by John Flanghan
    Book 1 the Ruins of Gorlan
    Final Exam
    1. Will has a last name.
    2. Rodney is Will’s brother.
    3. Will was a weak boy from the start of his life.
    4. Will’s pony’s name is Tug.
    5. Halt is a battle master.
    Multiple Choice
    6. Will’s brother’s name is
    A. Horace
    B. Rodney
    C. Halt
    7. Halt is
    A. Will’s brother is a
    B. A Ranger
    C. A battle master
    8. Will’s pony’s name is
    A. Tug
    B. Ricky
    C. Derek
    9. Will’s dream is to become a
    A. Battle Horse Trainer
    B. Ranger’s Apprentice
    C. Battle master
    10. Will’s brother is in
    A. Battle School
    B. Ranger’s school
    C. Cooking school
    11. Jenny becomes a
    A. Cook
    B. Ranger’s Apprentice
    C. Battle master
    12. Rodney was
    A. Will’s brother
    B. Battle master
    C. A chef
    13. Gilan’s father was a
    A. Knight
    B. Ranger
    C. Chef
    14. Kalkara’s were _______ creatures
    A. beautiful
    B. beasts
    C. annoying
    15. Gilan was______ Ranger’s apprentice
    A. Halts
    B. Rodney
    C. Alyss
    Short Answer
    16. What is a Kalkara? How much damage can they do?
    17. Describe Will’s and Horace’s relationship throughout the book.
    18. At the end of the book, Will gets to choose to both give up his Ranger’s Apprentice and work in the Battle School or to keep his job. What does he choose from and why?
    19. What is one reason that Will gets to become a Ranger’s Apprentice?
    20. What is a Ranger’s job?
    Essay Question
    21. If you were to relate to one of the characters in the book, which one would it be? Explain.
    1. False
    2. False
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False
    6. A
    7. C
    8. A
    9. A
    10. A
    11. A
    12. B
    13. A
    14. B
    15. A
    16. A Kalkara is a ferocious, dangerous beast. If you look at one exactly in the eye, you can become paralyzed. They can do a lot of damage to about anyone.
    17. At the start Will’s and Horace’s relationship wasn’t to good, they always argued and talked bad at each other. Toward the middle they kind of got to know each other better and became less unfriendly. At the end they acted great to each other like best friends.
    18. At the end of the book, Will gets to choose to both gice up his Ranger’s Apprentice and work in the Battle school or to keep his job. Will chooses to stay a ranger because he know that he is right for being a ranger and that Halt is his own Ranger, he is Halt’s apprentice, and he always will be.
    19. One reason that Will gets to become a Ranger’s Apprentice is because he is great at doing stuff without being seen.
    20. A Ranger’s job is to protect the kingdom by fighting battles before the battles actually reach the people.
    21. Answers vary. If you can do great things, but you are also very small and weak, you would be a great Will. If you are strong and courageous you would be Horace. If you can do things where you can’t be seen doing them and you are very good at it, and you’re also very intelligent, you would be Halt. If you are strong and you can also do things where nobody would even notice you then you would be Gilan. If you were great at doing stuff such as battles you would be Sir Rodney. If you are a ferocious animal that is absolutely terrifying, and when you look somebody in the eye and they become paralyzed you would be a fabulous Kalkara.

  19. Tommy Normandeau
    Ender in Exile
    Orson Scott Card
    Dear, Ender
    I know the past few years have been very hard on you What with you Destroying the Formic race, Graffs court martial directed at you, and being the first I.F. selected Governor of a colony. I think its amazing that you managed to govern planet Shakespeare so well. It must stink to not be allowed to go back to Earth and be the center of ridicule. Whats worse Everyones yelling at you because of a book that you wrote anonamously. Now back to the begining what was it like to be couped up for two years on a relativly small starship, but while you spent two years on that ship to everyone else not traveling at the speed of light fourty years had past. You truly do come from a family of geniuses cause towards the middle of our journey your brother had become leader of Earth. After two years on the planet Shakespeare you decided to leave and take care of some business on the planet Ganges. Then amazingly you found one of your old friends sons who had been kidnapped and believed his father was a meglamaniac named Achilles. You stood up to him and made him understand that his parents were "Bean' Julian Delphinki and Petra Arkanian, after he had beaten you half to death. So you continue your journey into the future planning to avoid years and years of human history.

  20. Adara Martinez
    March 18, 2011
    Harry Potter

    Dear, Diary
    Today I went aboard the Hogwarts express. Mr. Weasley told me that Sirius Black was out looking for me. He said to stay in Hogwarts and not to go looking for him. I was pretty scared. I sat by Ron and Hermione told them that Black was looking for me. We saw a stranger sleeping I was not sure if he was sleeping or not. I did not even know who he was. Hermione said that it was our defense of Dark arts teacher. During the middle of our ride the train jerked to a stop. We were not sure what had happened. The room went cold and I saw the worst nightmare ever. It was a ghost and it was going near me. It was sucking the life out of me. I couldn’t breathe. Right when I knew I was going to die, I heard a terrifying scream, and then everything went dark. When I woke up someone was shouting my name. Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Ron and Professor Lupin were all around me. The professor gave me some chocolate and went away. He came back and told us that he would be at Hogwarts in ten minutes. We finally arrived in Hogwarts. The sorting began and then Professor Dumbledore told us about the dementor and how they don’t distinguish the one they are hunting and the one that gets in their way. Then He introduced the new defense arts teacher and Hagrid, the care of magical creature teacher. Then the table was covered in delicious food, and began our delicious feast. Later he headed for our houses and went to bed.

  21. 5/20/11
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    The summer before my 5th year at Hogwarts was so boring. There was a never ending complaints and nagging from the Dursleys. Today was the one summer day that might just destroy my hopes and dreams. Dementors came in every direction and the fear that overwhelmed me was hidden by the strength of my wand. I knew that when I pulled this wand out it would mean the end to my wizard powers but I did anyways. I defeated the
    Dementors but the punishment has come. All my professors came to aid me in leaving Pivet drive to save my wizard powers. Before my hearing at the order of the phoenix, I felt like the world around me will fall and how could I defeat Voldemort while I’m power less. Dumbledore was my witness and he convinced that I should get my powers back. After this whole ordeal I went to my “normal” life in Hogwarts. I thought to myself about all the times I was in need of help and were ever I was I was surrounded by comfort and friendship. After many days I was confronted with a task. I was asked to teach Defense against the Dark Arts and I agreed. I thought that it would be fun and also interesting to see my friends learn from my teachings. I was happy for Ron to be accepted in the Quidditch team. I hated that I had to be in detention for my use of magic out of school grounds. Mrs. Umbridge grabbed my hand it my scar burned tremendously. It felt like an iron was pushed onto my heads so I wrote Sirius a letter and he said its fine.

  22. Julia Normandeau
    4th quarter
    Blog #1
    Dark Blue

    I’m all alone
    Waiting by the phone
    For you to call
    Staring at the wall

    It’s time to face the fact
    That you have turned your back
    And left me here
    With everything to fear

    Am I not good enough you?
    You had to find something new
    But it won’t last
    It’s ending fast

    I try to go on
    But with you gone
    I can’t stand it
    Not one bit

    Like a mountain range
    So hard to change
    Just can’t turn the page
    In all this rage

    I find new friends
    But nothing seems to mend
    This emptiness inside
    Without you as my guide

    But eventually
    I finally see
    Gods all I need
    You don’t need to lead

    I feel renewed
    A whole new mood
    To face the day
    In a whole new way

    But you come back
    Not part of the pack
    You traded me for
    A choice so poor

    It’s ever so tempting
    To forget the whole thing
    But I have something greater
    Trust me I don’t hate her

    I know she can never be
    The perfect key
    To happiness
    All you can do is guess

  23. Dillon Stubbs#10
    Mrs. Holiday

    Dear ,diary I want to say to day was a weird day I just got a baby dog. is name is Marley and he is a crazy dog. He does not listen to use at all he is a bad dog. He is getting older and he is getting even worse and there is a baby on its way and they have a baby. The dog is still as bad as we was before and worst. The family tried to train the dog to listen when the baby came around and he did not listen at all. He said to them like get me my food but I will not obey you so deal with it. So they said whatever and they had another baby. He just got even worst he was scared of lightly and every time it happed he would bark at it. He would wake everyone up in the house not stop at all un tell the lighting stop. The dog was the worst dog ever the dog never listen to anyone and did whatever he want to do and ate anything that would go down in his stomach. He was a very bad dog and what he did to their house they got home and sow that he was making a snow in the room. He would make a snow in the room and did not do anything with the chair and made it go away on one of the chair legs. The will not do anything for the dog now that they have kids and they move to some where it snow and it is bad . He is dyeing he gets old and tries to run away and die and he gets a problem in his leg and he dies because of his hip problem.


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