1st Quarter Blog #1

Welcome! This is the first blog of the quarter. Take your time, check your entry for spelling and grammatical errors, and use your excellent vocabulary to express your thoughts. I look forward to reading about your the books you have read.


  1. Hannah Dumaine#4
    The Stone Child
    Dan Poblocki

    Dear Diary,
    It has been very rough so far moving into Gatesweed. My mom got “inspired” to come here, she is a writer. But she did not publish anything yet. Right now the Woman in Black is stuck in the gate forever, but before she was trying to get my mom to write the rest of her story so she can get out of the gate. We are going to get to that later. So far it is not good. First we crashed into this monster looking thing, second, our car won’t start up, and thirdly, we were told that people move out of Gatesweed not in. My name is Eddie Fennicks. I have no friends because I like to read Nathaniel Olmstead’s books. But now I have two amazing friends. Harris, he likes to read Nathaniel’s books. Maggie, a girl that likes to read, but not these books. We found out that Nathaniel went into the gate, but he ended up somewhere else. Also the gate closed on him so he can’t get out. That is why he disappeared 13 years ago. Then we found out that the creatures in the book are real! Before he got locked in the gate, he was forced to write the Woman in Black’s story so she can get out and ruin the children’s lives or else she will haunt him forever and make him afraid to sleep. So he was writing it and then knew it was a bad idea to do it, so he stopped and opened the gate and went inside to destroy her. After my friends and I destroyed the gate and were walking home. Suddenly we heard footsteps behind us and it was Nathaniel Olmstead! He had aged a bit, but he looked tired, hungry, and confused about where he was. So then we told him everything that has happened. He told us that we were very smart and that he should have done that in the first place to get rid of her. Now she is locked in the gate forever.
    Sincerely, Eddie Fennicks

    1. Marianna Marroquin#7
      October 3, 2012
      blog #1
      In Harm's Way
      Ridley Pearson

      Dear Diary,
      Ever since I have saved the girls life from the pond in Sun Valley, everyone is referring me as a “hero.” I do not think I am supposed to be called a “hero”. I just did what I thought was best which was to help that poor girl. Anyways, while Walt and Pam, my second boss, where in the St. Lukes emergency room, Pam was telling Walt and I that she was going to run the picture of me saving the girl from the pond. I was so scared because that would mean that everyone would ask me all these questions and I would get all this attention and I do not like attention. Finally I convinced her not to post it. Thank you Pam. Anyways, after I came back from babysitting the rich couples kids with Kira, my friend, we were scared about the whole thing about that a famous football player was found dead with a baseball in his skull, he just had to put baseball bats at the door for protection. Then even better Boldt finds another body in Sun Valley. Walt is holding back information from Boldt. Oh ya, and I think Walt might be in love with me. Then Walt refers to tell us that we should go with him and Boldt up to the mountains to catch the two thiefs. While we are all in our own cottages, I hear a sound like if someone or something was in the bushes and crushing everything that was in its way. I was so scared I crawled into Kiras cottage. Then we checked and nothing was there. I guess who it was or what it was? Who knows?
      Sincerely, Fiona Kenshaw

  2. Alyssa Zeller #12
    The Romeo and Juliet Code
    Phoebe Stone

    Dear diary,
    the past three weeks weren’t fun. World War 2 has just broke out and my mom and dad, Winnie and Danny, have to send me to Bottle bay, Maine with distant relatives that I don’t even know. There are four people living in the house. One is my grandma that everyone calls the Gram. The other girl in the house is Miami and she is a Romeo and Juliet freak. You can hear her reciting it all day and night. There’s my uncle Gideon. I don’t like him. He hides things and I don’t trust him. He’s been getting letters from Portugal and the writing on the envelope looks my sweet Danny’s. The last person is some sort of captain named Derek that may or mat not be real.a couple weeks later i dedicated to make a letter to Derek to find out whether he was real or not. he didn't answer so i sent him another letter and he replied back! it was so exciting!

    forever mine (he, he!),

  3. Jacquelyn Co #2
    Ginger Pye
    Eleanor Estes

    Jacquelyn Co
    Ginger Pye
    Eleanor Estes
    Jackie: Hi Jerry.
    Jerry: Hi.
    Jackie: Jerry, how did you manage to buy Ginger?
    Jerry: I dusted the pews for a man named Sam.
    Jackie: Were you devastated about losing Ginger?
    Jerry: Of course I was!
    Jackie: Did you suspect it was Wally Bullwinkle who stole your dog Ginger?
    Jerry: Not at first.
    Jackie: Why do you think Wally Bullwinkle stole your dog?
    Jerry: Probably he was jealous of Ginger being so smart and all.
    Jackie: I can’t believe your three year old uncle found Ginger.
    Jerry: I know it surprised me too!
    Jackie: Your dog is so smart. Imagine he even knew Uncle Bennie by the sound of his wagon!
    Jerry: What I wonder is if Ginger was abused or did he just hurt himself.
    Jackie: I hope Ginger was not abused because Ginger does not deserve that.
    Jackie: Why did you think Ginger was in Judges Cave Jerry?
    Jerry: I don’t know. Probably because I was so determined to find Ginger I was willing to look anywhere.
    Jackie: Ginger has grown so much since you and him last seen each other. You probably did not recognize him did you .
    Jerry: Nope. Not even grandma recognized him.
    Jackie: So Jerry were you heartbroken when you lost Ginger Pye.
    Jerry: Yes, I really wished that that would have never happened.
    Jackie: I’d understand what you were feeling because if I lost my dog I would be heart broken.
    Jackie: Thank you Jerry. That’s all the questions I need for now.
    Jackie: Goodbye Jerry.
    Jerry: Bye.

  4. Dear Diary,
    All week was terrible. On Monday I had to go to the Golden Lotus for a birthday party. It was for my dad’s cousin. When I got there the waiters served me disgusting things that made me throw up. The next day I had to pick up my great aunt Yi Po and my dad at the airport. I wasn't happy to see them, and Yi Po had to sleep in my room! I was so angry, but at least Regina was leaving for college. We went home and I had to give a tour to Yi Po of the house. On Wednesday, Regina came to visit Yi Po from college. Later on Regina left. On Wednesday night, my mom and dad told me I had to go to Chinese School. I hated them for that. I tried to not speak or eat anything Chinese. On Thursday there was an announcement at school that one student from 6TH grade would be captain for the basketball game at school. I wanted to be the captain so badly. On Friday my mom took me to the dentist in the middle of school. Dr. E told me that Coach Mike had changed practice time to 8:00. I thought that this could be my time to go to practice. Saturday came and I went to basketball practice. Coach Mike worked the team out really hard. After practice I had to go to Chinese School. I stepped out of the car and waited in line for the check in. The person was talking to me in Chinese. I barely understood. Thankfully Talent Chang came in and saved me.
    Lucy Wu

  5. Michael Chapin#3
    The Sea of Monsters
    Rick Riordan

    There is a theme that comes mostly at the begining of The Sea of Monsters. That theme is love. That is cool because Percy has a friend named Tyson. Percy was at school and when people made fun of Tyson, Percy stands up for him. people call Tyson a monster because of his size.
    Lets give a hand for Percy Jackson!
    Hey Percy how are you doing?
    Percy- I am doing great, Thank you.
    Me- how did it feel when you helped Tyson
    Percy-It felt good, thank you. You know, I wanted to stand up for him because imagine what he can do for us in camp half blood.
    Me- How does this relate to love?
    Percy- Well, I think that...
    Me- What does this have to do with love?
    Percy- Oh, well I think of him as my only friend and you can't betray your friend. He depends on me even in tough situations in Half Blood.
    Me- Well you can't say anything to that.
    Percy- Well, I have to go save Camp Half Blood
    Me- thank you!
    Percy- Bye
    Me- Bye

  6. Jacquelyn Co #2
    Ginger Pye
    Eleanor Estes

    Jackie:Hi Jerry.


    Jackie:Jerry,how did you manage to buy Ginger?

    Jerry:I dusted pews for a man named Sam.

    Jackie:Were you devastated about losing Ginger?

    Jerry:Of course I was!

    Jackie:Did you suspect it was Wally Bullwinkle who stole your dog Ginger?

    Jerry: Not at first.

    Jackie: Why do you think Wally Bullwinkle stole your dog?

    Jerry: Probably he was jealous of Ginger being so smart and all.

    Jackie: I can’t believe your three year old uncle found Ginger.

    Jerry: I know it surprised me too!

    Jackie: Your dog is so smart. Imagine he even knew Uncle Bennie by the sound of his wagon!

    Jerry: What I wonder is if Ginger was abused or did he just hurt himself.

    Jackie: I hope Ginger was not abused because Ginger does not deserve that.

    Jackie: Why did you think Ginger was in Judges Cave Jerry?

    Jerry: I don’t know. Probably because I was so determined to find Ginger I was willing to look anywhere.

    Jackie: Ginger has grown so much since you and him last seen each other. You probably did not recognize him did you.

    Jerry: Nope. Not even grandma recognized him.

    Jackie: So Jerry were you heartbroken when you lost Ginger Pye.

    Jerry: Yes, I really wished that that would have never happened.

    Jackie: I’d understand what you were feeling because if I lost my dog I would be heart broken.

    Jackie: Thank you Jerry. That’s all the questions I need for now.

    Jackie: Goodbye Jerry.

    Jerry: Bye.

  7. #11 Sarah Youssouf
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins

    Dear Diary
    I just came back from the Games. President Snow is mad at me for tricking him and the game makers. Peeta and I are the victors. Before the Victor Tour, President Snow came to my house in the Victor Village. He told me that I had to make him and the capital believe we were in love. He smelt like blood and roses. Then we were off to the tour. The first stop was district 11. I was horrible starring down at Rues and Threshes families. After going through the tours we got to the capital. The party was at Presidents Snows mansion. Apparently my mocking jay pin is very popular. At the dance I got to dance with the new game maker. The other one is dead. Then know me and Petta are now engaged and soon to get married. There is an uprising in district 8. Gale is mad at me and know got whipped till he was unconscious by a peace keeper. Then I met these two girls that escaped district eight and are looking for district 13. They were dressed as peace keepers to be safe. I gave them food and wished them good luck. I am stuck and don’t know what to do. I want to escape with my family into the woods forever. I also want to start a uprising. I am also forced into a wedding I don’t want. I am torn in between two loves. I am also so confident in myself than ever before. I am not going to let the capital win.

  8. Jacquelyn Co #2
    Ginger Pye
    Eleanor Estes
    Jackie: Hi Jerry.
    Jerry: Hi.
    Jackie: Jerry, how did you manage to buy Ginger?
    Jerry: I dusted the pews for a man named Sam.
    Jackie: Were you devastated about losing Ginger?
    Jerry: Of course I was!
    Jackie: Did you suspect it was Wally Bullwinkle who stole your dog Ginger?
    Jerry: Not at first.
    Jackie: Why do you think Wally Bullwinkle stole your dog?
    Jerry: Probably he was jealous of Ginger being so smart and all.
    Jackie: I can’t believe your three year old uncle found Ginger.
    Jerry: I know it surprised me too!
    Jackie: Your dog is so smart. Imagine he even knew Uncle Bennie by the sound of his wagon!
    Jerry: What I wonder is if Ginger was abused or did he just hurt himself.
    Jackie: I hope Ginger was not abused because Ginger does not deserve that.
    Jackie: Why did you think Ginger was in Judges Cave Jerry?
    Jerry: I don’t know. Probably because I was so determined to find Ginger I was willing to look anywhere.
    Jackie: Ginger has grown so much since you and him last seen each other. You probably did not recognize him did you .
    Jerry: Nope. Not even grandma recognized him.
    Jackie: So Jerry were you heartbroken when you lost Ginger Pye.
    Jerry: Yes, I really wished that that would have never happened.
    Jackie: I’d understand what you were feeling because if I lost my dog I would be heart broken.
    Jackie: Thank you Jerry. That’s all the questions I need for now.
    Jackie: Goodbye Jerry.
    Jerry: Bye.

  9. Julia Normandeau #6
    Wuthering Heights
    Emily Bronte
    Page 150
    Dear Diary,
    Today I went to Heacliff's house. There were lots of dogs in the living room. That seems kind of unsanitary. Yesterday Heacliff seemed nice but he seemed irritaded that I had invited myself over. When I decided to leave it was snowing to much and if I were to leave I would get lost and die. I said I could sleep in the living room but Heacliff said I had to sleep in a room. He told his maid to take me to a room. when I got to my room and lie down I could not sleep.
    Next to the bed there were lots of books. I picked them up and flipped through them I noticed there was lots of writing in the margins. The name Catherine Linton kept showing up, I kept spelling the name to help me sleep. I do not know what will happen tommorrow but I cannot wait to get out of here because it is very unpleasent.

  10. Jack Wiese
    Mocking jay
    Suzanne Collins
    Log #1 – Complete Book

    I find that Mocking jay is a very written book. The plot is direct but thorough, and Katniss’s internal conflict is displayed professionally throughout the course of the story. The elements of the story flow perfectly from one sequence to the next. In my opinion, it is a relatively interesting book. There are many “What would you do?” types of situations that cause you to think. The goal of many authors in their novels is to have the reader imagine themselves in the situation of the characters, and Suzanne Collins is exceptionally well at creating those types of scenarios. The book also brings out some of your own feelings, such as hating the people of the Capitol, who work the other districts and do no work themselves, and then hating the people of the Capitol even more for the bombing of District 12. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, as well as the rest of the trilogy. Even those who don’t usually like to read should try this book, because they will probably get hooked on it. The concept of a place like Panem is not new, but it is very creative on Suzanne Collin’s part. I thought Mocking jay was very entertaining. If you decide to read this book, I recommend reading it slowly, and taking the time to stop and think about the story. This method can help you understand and enjoy almost any book you read, especially Mocking jay.

  11. Adara Martinez #9
    Log #1
    The Two Princesses of Bamarre
    Gail Carson Levine

    Dear Diary,
    It’s me, Addie. This week has been very surprising. It started when I found out my sister, Meryl, had the Gray Death. We were standing in the courtyard watching Meryl fence. Suddenly she felt ill so went to lie down. I was told that she had the Gray Death by Rhys. I knew that it wasn’t true. Meryl was brave and strong. She was supposed to be the one who found the cure, not the one to have it. I feel so scared. I hope Meryl fights it while I’m out finding the cure. I finally decided I should go right away to find the cure. I told everyone that I would need all the help I can get to save Meryl. Rhys gave me two gifts. The first was a cloak. It would cover me from humans and ogre. Sadly, it would not hide me from dragons or specters. The next was a tablecloth with a picture of food. I would get my meals from it. All I had to do is say,”Good tablecloth please set thyself,” and I would have food. He gave me maps to help me on my journey. I said goodbye to Meryl and went away. When I was walking I slid and fell. Then out of nowhere came a huge ogre and grabbed my arm. I took a step and he came with me. When I ran I was dragging him! My arm was throbbing with pain. He ran into a wall. I went far away and I sat down. I fell asleep. Rhys woke me up! He was standing in front of me; he said he found a plan to find the cure. I guess I will tell you what happens later. Goodbye diary.
    PS: I hope Meryl is fine. She has to survive the Gray Death.

  12. Natalie Coyne #1
    Maximum Ride
    James Patterson
    Page 1-340

    Dear Journal,
    These past few days have been especially hectic. I miss Ella and her mom. They were the closest thing I had ever had to a real family (besides the flock that is). I hope I can go back someday and get some more of those delicious chocolate chip cookies.

    Fang taught me some more flying tricks he learned from the hawks and they are really helping. I don’t know how to feel about Fang right now. I mean I kissed him, but I don’t know if that was just because he was hurt or if deep down I love him.
    My sudden migraines are starting to scare me. Am I going to die soon? I am the oldest and I have lasted far longer than any eraser would. I can’t die now. The flock needs me more than ever now.

    I’ve learned to live with my voice now. Its very annoying, but it hasn’t steered me wrong yet. It talks at the most inconvenient times. Where is it when I need it! I wonder if it has anything to do with my chip.

    I don’t why there is a chip in my arm. It was obviously planted by the school, but I don’t know if it works anymore. It could be the reason the Erasers can find us so easily or the cause of my voice. On the other hand, there could be a chip on Angel, she was in the school recently.

    I am really conflicted about Ari. He was attacking me so self defense was necessary. His final words were, “I wouldn’t hurt you. Not like this.” I don’t know if that’s true. He has tried to kill me several times so I don’t think he would have hesitated to kill me. But about what Jeb said I don’t know what to think. Was he serious or was this just more of his “game.”


  13. Andy Ly #8
    Percy Jackson Battle of the Labyrinth
    Rick Riordan
    Log #1
    Page 157
    Dear Percy,
    Hello Percy Jackson, I'm Andy,and I have some good advice for you. Now, when you went into the gym, your senses were correct, so next time, slay those monsters so you wouldn't be wanted from the police. When you killed her, you should have waited after the group walked past to slay her, so you don't look like a murderer. That Rachel girl, you should hang around with her more often, so you be safer because she can see through the mist. Once you left, getting back to camp half blood was good, and at least you got to see Grover, but you need to help him quickly. When you guys went into the Labyrinth, you guys should have made up a plan before you went in the trap. After getting out, when you guys met Geryon, making that deal was tough, but after you find water somehow, and clean the stalls, I will right back to you soon, somehow.
    Andy Ly

  14. Adrian Gottuso #6
    Blog #1
    Page 618
    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
    By: J.K. Rowling
    I think that Malfoy is up to something but Dumbledore doesn’t believe me. It’s really frustrating when I know Malfoy is doing something but Dumbledore always trusts everyone. He trusts Snape even though he heard the prophecy about me and told Voldemort to go kill my mom and dad. Malfoy has been in the room of requirement doing something, and I know it, but no one believes me. I really hate Malfoy because his dad was part of the organization whose leader killed my parents. He is also part of Slytherin, Gryffindor’s enemy house. Dumbledore took me to destroy a horcrux that Voldemort created. A horcrux is an object that holds part of one’s soul. Voldemorts soul has shattered from how many people he has killed. Every horcrux he has keeps him immortal, but makes him weak and his body has to be restored. So after I somehow killed him as a baby he wandered around as a soul. Dumbledore has been finding and destroying these horcruxes so Voldemort will be mortal again. Dumbledore said he had found another one and said he would take me if I followed every order he gave me. I agreed and he took me. We apparated to a cliff next to the sea. There was a cave in the cliff and we went in. There was a large open area and Dumbledore found a part in the rock wall that could be opened by an offering of blood. He cut his arm and the wall opened. Inside the walls and ceiling were so high that you could not see them. There was a lake full of black water and a green glow in the middle. I tried to summon the horcrux with a spell but something jumped out of the water and prevented it from coming to me. Dumbledore said that it was good because now we knew what we were up against. I’ll tell you what happened next time.

  15. Sarah Sarmiento #10
    October 3, 2012
    By Suzanne Collins

    Dear Katniss,
    So, you have decided to be the Mockingjay. Being the Mockingjay is not a privilege but a responsibility; a responsibility that only you can accept. When choosing to be the Mockingjay, you also asked for things. You asked for people, hunting time, weapons, and to kill Snow. How is your best friend Gale? Gale was on your list as well, correct? How exciting, you and Gale have received new weapons. I heard that Cinna new that you would probably make the choice to become the Mockingjay on your own, so he left you a journal filled with clothing designs. After receiving the journal, you needed stylists; perhaps your old stylists. They have been in District 13 this whole time. They have been imprisoned for stealing bread. It is a little strange and cruel to be imprisoned for stealing bread. I mean, it’s just one loaf of bread. When seeing your stylists, there was something wrong. They had cuts and bruises and their hair and cloths were all messed up. I guess that is what happens when you are imprisoned. After getting them out of the jail, they were taken to your mother. I heard that they were able to leave the next day! They were probably nervous when working on you; maybe even scared. Once again, they probably had to cover up all of your scars and cuts with makeup. The scar from where the tracker from the arena was removed must have left a big scar and would be hard to cover. Have an amazing day Mockingjay.

  16. Lauren Fitts #5
    The Help
    Kathryn Stockett
    Me: Hi Minny how are you today
    Minny: hey I doin fine.
    Me: so Minny tell me about your self.
    Minny: well I have five children and a husband. I grew up raisn the family with my mother. I lost my first job sass mouthin my first white lady. I feel like I should be able to stand up to the white people.
    Me: so I wanted to ask you about Mrs. Celia Foote, what are your thoughts about her and how so you like working for her?
    Minny: Honestly I thinks she’s a bit crazy, when I first started to work for her I realized that she is lazier then my sister who didn’t lift a finger. Also that woman is the WORST cook I haves ever seen. Another strange thing about her is she doesn’t know that she supposed to boss me around. (I kinda like it) I don’t get her that much but I don’t understand white peoples
    Me: So what do you think is the cause of that?
    Minny: well I ain’t know, I have think that it has something to do about her not telling Mr. Johnny that I work for her
    Me: Do you ever feel scared about him not knowing about you?
    Me: Hi Minny how are you today
    Minny: well sometimes I do, I have planned out all of the escape routes form the kitchen
    Me: What would you do if Mr. Johnny came in the house?
    Minny: If he came in the front I would go through a door that leads to the garage, if he came out the back then I would sprint to the front door.
    Me: Thank you Minny for your time
    Minny: No problem Lauren

  17. Allison Castaneda#2
    The Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins

    Dear diary,
    I know I haven’t been writing but now I want to write when there is a big event. So a couple days ago was the reaping, and everyone was of there chairs but of course there were no chairs. I am now twelve and now I’m eligible for the reaping to go to the hunger games. It’s when two people boy and girl from every district, and they go to the hunger games. They pick your name out of a glass bowl and if you get picked you head on out to the capital, and if you can see the name “hunger games” it mean they put you all in the wood and you fight for your life. I don’t get why when your twelve you’re now eligible it’s kind of young. Anyway they first picked the girl and guess what is was me! I was in shock and so was everyone else then I went up on the stage. My dad was sad because I’m his only daughter not like he wouldn’t be sad if he had another daughter who went to the games. Everyone really knew me that’s why, and because in twelve! The boy that went along with me was Thresh he watches over me when I’m in the capital. We said your last words to everyone who wanted to visit and we were off to the capital. When we went to the capital we went to the training center were all the districts slept we were on floor 11 our district number. Today was the introducing I meet my stylist he will pick out my outfits from this point on, well when we are in front of a crown of people. He made me look great at the introducing but from district 12 were Katniss and Peeta they were the district everyone looked at! Dear diary,
    I know I haven’t been writing but now I want to write when there is a big event. So a couple days ago was the reaping, and everyone was of there chairs but of course there were no chairs. I am now twelve and now I’m eligible for the reaping to go to the hunger games. It’s when two people boy and girl from every district, and they go to the hunger games. They pick your name out of a glass bowl and if you get picked you head on out to the capital, and if you can see the name “hunger games” it mean they put you all in the wood and you fight for your life. I don’t get why when your twelve you’re now eligible it’s kind of young. Anyway they first picked the girl and guess what is was me! I was in shock and so was everyone else then I went up on the stage. My dad was sad because I’m his only daughter not like he wouldn’t be sad if he had another daughter who went to the games. Everyone really knew me that’s why, and because in twelve! The boy that went along with me was Thresh he watches over me when I’m in the capital. We said your last words to everyone who wanted to visit and we were off to the capital. When we went to the capital we went to the training center were all the districts slept we were on floor 11 our district number. Today was the introducing I meet my stylist he will pick out my outfits from this point on, well when we are in front of a crown of people. He made me look great at the introducing but from district 12 were Katniss and Peeta they were the district everyone looked at! The next time I write to you will be hopefully after the hunger games.
    Sincerely, Rue

    You’re truly, Rue

  18. Deborah Dervartanian #2
    Ranger’s Apprentice-The Sorcerer of the North
    John Flanagan
    I finished the book
    Blog #1
    During the book series of the Ranger’s Apprentice the main character, Will, has gone through so many battles. He used to be a small, scrawny little boy who wasn’t thought of somebody who can shoot down a bear or deal with war horses. He looked like a useless piece of dirt, thought to have been worth nothing. He has come a far way now with being able to travel right next to people without being seen, winning battles, and being committed to all his tasks that he has been given to by Crawley or Halt. Towards the end of book 5, Will barely escapes the castle with the help of Malcom and is left with Alyss captured. A couple weeks later, Halt and Will came back to take Alyss back and they succeeded in doing that. A few years passed by with Will doing the same routine everyday and nothing special happening. Then exactly three years after capturing Alyss, Halt and Will go on a mission to go capture as many Skandianians as possible so that the Skandianians don’t become so strong anymore. Halt and Will were successful in doing that, but something horrible happened. Two days after Halt and Will had returned with the prisioners, Halt had a sickness in his leg and he could barely walk. Halt took a step down from his position and Will was miserable. He couldn’t stay with his job without Halt there so he resigned also. He didn’t want to stop working so he went to spend time with his brother with the war horses. He got his job back and the army was in good shape and won many battles. In one of Will’s battles, he got his leg chopped off and he was paralyzed in the part of the leg that was left. He hated doing nothing so he wanted a change. He decided to take all the young boys who didn’t get assigned a job yet and he and Halt set up training camps for them to improve in their skills. The camp worked outstanding and after many generations it was continued. Will liked doing that but then he needed to settle down so he married Alyss and they died together as a happy couple.

  19. Vincent Macabuhay#6
    True talents
    David Luber

    Its been about 14 years when trash thalmer and some of his friends from edgeview alternative school. They figure out that trash and his friends have special powers and hidden talents. When trash tests his powers in the bank he actually steals a handful of money.When there powers get exposed bad guys come in the scene.
    Trashes friends are Torchie is a fire starter, Cheater reads minds, Flinch can predict the future,Martin can see into peoples seoul.They have preety cool powers.Then they become a team together and are called the true talents.

  20. Jenah Tittle #8
    Log #1
    Mocking jay
    Suzan Collins
    Page 101

    True or False
    1. After Katniss was rescued she visited her home.
    2. Katniss lived in district 12.
    3. Katniss and gale are siblings.
    4. There’s a district 13.
    5. Gale and Peta are friends.
    Multiple Choice
    1. Primrose is Katnisses are
    a. Sister
    b. Mother
    c. Cousin
    2. Gale and Katniss are
    a. siblings
    b. Friends
    c. Cousins
    3. Katnisses mother is a
    a. Doctor
    b. Minor
    c. Baker
    4. Everyone in district 13 has what on their arm
    a. Bracelet
    b. Schedule
    c. Bag
    5. Coin is the __________ for district 13.
    a. President
    b. Outlaw
    c. Doctor
    6. Katniss found who being beaten.
    a. Rebels
    b. Gale
    c. Stylist
    7. Beetee created what for Katniss.
    a. Jacket
    b. Sword
    c. Bow and arrow
    8. Finicks favorite weapon is
    a. Knife
    b. Trident
    c. Sword
    9. What did they bomb in district 13
    a. Food bins
    b. The animals
    c. The hospital
    10. What does Katniss walk around with when she is in district 8?
    a. Dogs
    b. Camera crew
    c. Prim
    Short answer
    1. What are Katniss and gale?
    2. Where is Peta?
    3. Why did president snow want to bomb the hospital?
    4. What happened to Katnisses baby?
    5. Is Peta alive?
    Give your opinion on the wars between the rebels and the capitol.


    1. True
    2. True
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False
    1. A
    2. B
    3. A
    4. B
    5. A
    6. C
    7. C
    8. B
    9. C
    10. B
    1. Bets friends
    2. Held captive in the capitol
    3. He didn’t want to win the war and have injured slaves
    4. Miscarriage
    5. Yes
    1. I think the capitol should help the other districts and leave district 13 alone and not interview with them. District 13 should keep to themselves and not try to start rebellion agents the capitol. They should welcome whoever wants to come there and the capitol should deal with that. The capitol should give the other districts more food and water and things needed to survive so the districts will provide for them.

  21. Samantha Doring #4
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins
    Blog #1
    227 words

    Dear Katniss,

    Why are you thinking of running away? If you were to run away with Peeta, Gale, and your family and Hamich you would get caught. That would be around ten people in the woods without food that’s crazy. I know you, Peeta, and Hamich are all victors but that was just you and Peeta and in Hamich’s case only one person to take care of. Okay Hamich can take care of himself but he will go mad without any alcohol. But enough about bad ideas, now lets talk about the engagement. Congrats, I know it is kind of forced but it is someone you know. But are you really going to have it in the Capitol? If so why not District Twelve? I am sure it might be nice at the Capitol but that isn’t your home. Personally I think you should have it in District Twelve. So what happened to Gale? Is he ok? What’s with the new Peace Keeper? What happened to Cray? Is he ok? Are you ok I heard about how the new Peace Keeper whipped you. I know I must be overwhelming you with questions but it is amazing how fast news spreads. Please write back as soon as you can, well until next time good-bye.
    Your Friend,

  22. Penny Wiese # 9
    Princess of Mars
    Edgar Rice Burroughs
    28% read
    Log #1

    I love the way the author gives very few Martians the character traits of sympathy and compassion and kindness, and the others only ever display love for the death and agony of others. The main character, John Carter is somehow transported to Mars and only a shadow of his body is left behind, and what he finds on Mars is not what one would expect. He is found by a group of fourteen foot green aliens with tusks and four arms. They sat astride huge beasts and both creatures were entirely devoid of hair. John Carter found that he could, as a result of the reduced gravity, jump to great heights and distances. The more humanoid of the creatures attempted to communicate with him, but spoke a different language. They escorted him to their community, and a female was assigned to care for him. He saw that the creatures found humor in death and suffering. Not just that of their enemies, but anyone. But his caretaker, Sola, displayed different character traits. She displayed characteristics such as compassion and sympathy. He was also assigned what he calls a watch-thing. It is a peculiar creature with ten short legs and a head resembling that of a frog. It follows John everywhere he goes and more than once saved his life. It displays, “more love, more loyalty, more gratitude than could have been found in the entire five million green Martians who rove the deserted cities and dead sea bottoms of Mars.” It fascinates me that in a society with no compassion and less love, a single being (in that category of Martians) displays such human qualities, and that the majority of good human qualities are displayed by the creature that is more like and animal than a human (this is a reference to the watch-thing). I love how all the characters stand out in a unique way.

  23. Kyle Goudie#5
    Book:"The batboy"
    Aouthor:Mike Lupica

    Dear Brian,
    I that you love baseball, and its is sad that your parents are divorced.I think that it is really cool that your dad had his own baseball carrer.Your favorite baseball player was on steroids and that affected his is whole baseball carrer I bet that suck for you. I think that your summer dream is pretty cool to be a bat boy for the Detroit Tigers at Comarica Park. Your mom and dad taught you how to belive in your deams, then your dream came true to be batboy for the Detroit Tigers. I like how you uderstand the game of baseball just like me.I saw that that you didnt get about what a job as the batboy ment but I know you will get it soon. Why did your parents didnt care that you were only getting paid only $7.50? You made the all-stars just like me two years ago. I wanted to be a batboy for the San Francisco Giants just like you when I was like 8 years old but I was to young like you. How did you feel when your dad said that he is being a bad dad to you? I like when you said that you had to keep your grades up. Wow that is a very fast pitch 97mph id want to pitch that fast like Curtis.I bet that 0-4 day for the catcher is bad and ugly for him.That is so funny he only got one hit off of him in his whole carrer.
    Kyle Goudie
    255 words

  24. Joshua Ramirez #9
    The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
    C.S. Lewis
    Page 160
    Log #1

    Dear Reader,

    It has been a devastating journey at sea. The sea is very rough and I am always doing the hardest jobs. We just docked at the Lone Island. Caspian and his party are going to see what is there. Meanwhile, I am stuck on the ship cleaning the poop deck. I started to sharpen the weapons even though to me, this is a very boring task. We got suddenly got news that Caspian was captured. Another member on the ship by the name of Drinan and I decided to go look for Caspian’s party. Finally some action! When we found Caspian, he was in the slave auction. I sneaked around to the back cracked some arms. I got to use my skills and took down some men. I grabbed Caspian and escaped.
    We continued to sail to the second Lone Island. When we landed at the dock, it was October 9th. We all drank wine and had a feast at the shore. Not too long after, Lucy, the princess realized Eustace was missing. She told Caspian and he searched all night long. But nothing! About an hour later a dragon appeared. We waited until the next morning to face the dragon. No one but Lucy was able to understand the dragon. She learned the dragon was actually Eustace. It was kind of strange, but we all went to the most mysterious island. We docked and decided to sleep on shore when all of a sudden we were attacked by invisible monsters. They said they only wanted Lucy. Why, you may wonder? They wanted Lucy to read a spell so they would be visible. Lucy agreed but left over an hour ago…We are now all worried for her safety.

    Until next time.

  25. Alec Shaherdian #11
    The Red Pyramid
    Rick Riorden
    page 158
    Log #1
    About 276 words

    Hello journal,
    So far my life has been terrible. It only took one family secret to screw things up for me and Sadie. First of all, I should of known this day would go out of hand when my dad was shoeing signs of stress and suspicion, but this is what my dad is always like and nothing bad like this has never happened so what would you suspect. Also this day is way worse though because Sadie is here. I am very glad she's not here at the moment to see me write this. Though things aren't all bad. I mean we stayed in an amazing, hidden mansion(which got blown up). Found to odd pets, a baboon and an albino crocodile, oh, and my sisters cat is a goddess. Not to mention an amazing guide named Zia who, when we met, tried to kill us. The best part about this trip is that I have somehow found a way to keep my sanity. Though I am starting to find out my true potential and why my life has come to what it is now. My best intentions though is to learn of what has happened to my dad and that why are Sadie's powers better than mine. Well, only time will give me the answer, but patience isn't something I like. I'm still happy that now my idea of Egypt is much more accurate. If I make it it alive until tommorow, I will write again.
    Yours truly,

  26. Angelica Castaneda #1
    October 4, 2012
    Pages 1-152
    Shakespeare’s Secret
    By Elise Broach

    True or false
    1. Hero was the oldest child in the family
    2. Beatrice was Hero’s best friend
    3. Mrs. Roth told Danny all about the diamond
    4. Arthur hid the diamond
    5. Arthur and Eleanor hide the diamond in a safe
    6. Eleanor died because she was really sick
    7. Hero and Danny told a lie to his dad
    8. hero is dannys girlfriend
    9. Mrs. Roth had a daughter

    Multiple Choices
    1) Danny’s dad was a
    a. baker
    b. farmer
    c. police man

    2) Why did they think Arthur stole the diamond?
    a. because they saw him take it
    b. because they knew that his wife was sick and he needed money to buy expensive medicine.
    c. they did not think he stole the diamond

    3) What was in the box that Arthur gave her?
    a. books
    b. the necklace
    c. nothing was in the box

    4) What did they think the initials were on the necklace?
    c.There were no initials on the necklace

    5) What were the real initials on the necklace and what did it stand for
    a.AR Ana Rose
    b.BG Bella Green
    c.AB Anne Boleyn

    6) Why was Mrs. Roth Sad?
    a. She felt lonely
    b.her plants were dying
    c.she missed her friends

    7) How old was the necklace?
    a.500 years
    b.250 years
    c.136 years
    8) Why did she lie to Danny about the diamond? (There might be more than 1 answer)
    a. Because she did not like him
    b.she did not trust him
    c. she wanted to keep it between her and Mrs. Roth

    9) Who is was Mrs. Roth ex husband?
    a. Murphy
    b. Henry
    c. she never had a husband

    10)Mrs. Roth was married for____years

    1. What play was hero named after?
    2. What did hero and Danny think Mrs. Roth did?
    3. What did hero eat for breakfast?
    4. how old was Anne Boleyn when she died?

    Answer key
    1. False
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False
    6. True
    7. True
    8. False
    9. True

    1. C
    2. B
    3. B
    4. A
    5. C
    6. C
    7. A
    8. C&B
    9. A

    1. Shakespears
    2. Hid the diamond
    3. Chocolate ice cream
    4. 29

    Hero was scared to start her new school. Beatrice was her sister who was like one of the popular kids in her class. When hero enters the school the kids make fun of her name. Because one of the girls said “hey my dog is named hero” so everyone started bullying her. Saying stuff like “woof woof” so hero is not like the school so far. After the first day of school she went home sad. When she then started hanging out at Mrs. Roth’s house (her neighbor) then Mrs. Roth started telling her all about the diamond and how Arthur hid it somewhere before he died. Arthur gave Mrs. Roth a riddle that they have to salve to find the diamond. So now they are trying to do everything to find the diamond. That might be in Arthur’s house (that is now hero and Beatrice’s house). danny and hero started hanging out then the kids at school are starting to ask questions like “why are you hanging out with danny. So she feels embarrassed.

  27. Kyle Best #1
    Blog #1
    Hunger Games
    Susanne Collins

    Hello, my name is Katniss Everdeen and I am 16 years old. I have a sister and a mom and my dad was blown to bits in a mining explosion. My sister’s name is Prim, she is 12 years old and we are very close. Today I woke up bright and early, and my sister wasn’t sleeping next to me, which meant she had nightmares and went to sleep with my mom. I got up and got dressed and slipped on my boots and headed out towards the woods to go hunting. On my way, coal miners are usually walking the streets, but because today is Reaping Day, they are staying home with their families. As I approached the fence of the woods I listen for the buzzing noise of the electric gates. Although in District 12 we don’t get much electricity, I make sure it isn’t on. As I slip though the fences, I go to a special tree where I hide my bow. It is illegal to hunt in my district, but since the guards are just as hungry as us, they don’t care because they buy some of the animals off me. My dad made my bow and taught me how to hunt. I go to another tree to retrieve my arrows. Later in the morning, I meet up with Gale in the woods. He comes up and greets me. We sit down and talk and he shows me a fresh loaf of bread from the bakery. I take it from his hand and break a piece off to smell the freshness. I asked him what he had to trade for the bread and he said, “I traded tow rabbits”. I pulled out my goat cheese that was given to me from Prim and we had a feast. Gayle proposed that we should run away but then I reminded him that we have to take care of our families and that they wouldn’t be able to live out in the woods.

  28. Marianna Marroquin#7
    In Harm's Way
    Ridley Pearson

    Dear Diary,
    Ever since I have saved the girls life from the pond in Sun Valley, everyone is referring me as a “hero.” I do not think I am supposed to be called a “hero”. I just did what I thought was best which was to help that poor girl. Anyways, while Walt and Pam, my second boss, where in the St. Lukes emergency room, Pam was telling Walt and I that she was going to run the picture of me saving the girl from the pond. I was so scared because that would mean that everyone would ask me all these questions and I would get all this attention and I do not like attention. Finally I convinced her not to post it. Thank you Pam. Anyways, after I came back from babysitting the rich couples kids with Kira, my friend, we were scared about the whole thing about that a famous football player was found dead with a baseball in his skull, he just had to put baseball bats at the door for protection. Then even better Boldt finds another body in Sun Valley. Walt is holding back information from Boldt. Oh ya, and I think Walt might be in love with me. Then Walt refers to tell us that we should go with him and Boldt up to the mountains to catch the two thiefs. While we are all in our own cottages, I hear a sound like if someone or something was in the bushes and crushing everything that was in its way. I was so scared I crawled into Kiras cottage. Then we checked and nothing was there. I guess who it was or what it was? Who knows?
    Sincerely, Fiona Kenshaw

    1. Dominic DipPonio
      The Kid Lawyer
      Adults don’t seem to believe in me.
      Trying to figure out the case without anyone noticing.
      I figured out who did It all
      The murder suspect did it after all
      But no one seems to believe me
      Getting the case together.
      Not wanting him to get away
      With the murder that he has done
      He did after all
      He killed his wife and thought he was going to get away
      Oh no.
      He is not.
      He solved the case
      And he didn’t get away.

  29. Morgan McElroy #5
    The brotherband chronicles
    John Flanagan
    Blog 1

    Dear diary, it's Hal again.
    Life has just taken an unexpected turn. I have recently started brotherband training. Brotherband is where people in Skandia train to become men. When it came time to pick for who would be in what brotherbands, Oberjarl Erak showed up. Thank Gorlog he did! I was almost stuck in Tursgud's group. When there were two groups of ten set up, eight people were left over, myself included. The Oberjarl made us outcasts into our own brotherband. I was soon appointed their leader, or skirl. I never thought of myself as much of a leader, but better this than be in Tursgud's group. My brotherband was soon names the herons. The other groups made fun of our name because it wasn't quite as frightening as theirs, the wolves and the sharks. We have started a few of the training days and there have been days we are so sore we don't want to move. Oh did I forget to update about my boat? Well I have designed a new type of sail that can sail into the wind, not many people like it because it breaks tradition, but it is an amazing design if I do say so myself. 203 I am really looking forward to seeing where this training will take me. Brotherband is extremely difficult, but it is suppose to take us far in life. I am anxious to see which brotherband will win the tournament. As long as Stig keeps his temper under control, and the twins keep from arguing, I think we can do it.

  30. Steven Vego#12
    Jon Sciezka

    There's a man who leads a life of danger.

    To everyone he meets he stays a stranger.

    With something something makes, another

    something something takes.

    something something else about tommorrow.

    Secret agent man!

    They've given you a number and taken away your name.

  31. Heaven Hayden#7
    Fever 1793
    Laurie Halse Anderson

    Fever 1973 is about a girl. The girls name is Matilda She lives above a coffee shop that her mom owns. Her dad died so she lives with her mom. She thinks her mom turned sour after her dad died. One day her mom woke her up and she didn’t want to get up, but when she did she went downstairs to the coffee shop , she looked for Polly, the waitress, and she could not find her. She suspected that she was at the blacksmiths staring at him. After a while it got annoying. Where was Polly? Her mother came in with bad news she had met up with Polly’s mom to see where Polly was and her mom said she had been by the fire place and fallen dead. Matilda was in shock and could not believe it. Her mom would not let her go and tell the mom she was sorry for her loss and to say goodbye to Polly. Sofar this a good book although it has a sad beginning it is very interesting.


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