First Quarter - Blog #2

This is the last blog of the first quarter. Make sure you have read at least 300 pages and logged them in your reading log. Bring your books and reading log to class for a booktalk with Mrs.H. This is 10% of your grade so make sure your check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. I look forward to talking with you about your reading!


  1. Angelica Castaneda#1
    October 25,2012
    By Elise Broach

    Dear Diary,
    The past few weeks were great. I went to Mrs. Roth’s house, and we are getting closer and closer to finding the diamond. “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” This was on the letter that Arthur gave Mrs. Roth; it is a clue to where the diamond is. Danny read the letter, he was reading the letter over and over, and he figured, hey maybe the diamond is in one of the lights. So he is coming later to help me find the diamond, if maybe the diamond is really in one of the lights. That night Danny came over, while my mom and dad were at a party, and Beatrice was at her friend’s house. Danny came over and we started looking right away. We looked all over, and we could not find it, we were about to give up. It was late and Danny was about to go home. While he was walking to the door, he noticed a light outside and said “what if the diamond is in there, we haven’t checked.” I said we never used that light in years because it didn’t have a switch. Danny said “well….. that’s it! Arthur needed to hide the diamond in a good hiding place, he wouldn’t hide it where it is so easy to find, he would hide it where know one would even think of looking, it has got to be there” So he gave me a boost. I reached my hands in the light, and I felt something. I took it out and…….The diamond! We found the diamond. We were so surprised; we couldn’t wait to tell Mrs. Roth. It was getting late and my mom and dad were almost here so Danny left, and I told him to keep it safe till tomorrow. The next day came I was so excited to show Mrs. Roth the diamond. I was heading to Mrs. Roth’s house when I saw Danny. I ran to him and asked about the diamond. He seemed different. I kept on pulling on his arm to tell me. He finally told me. He said he sent the diamond to his mother. I was so mad, and was thinking what Mrs. Roth would say. We went to Mrs. Roth’s house, and Danny told her about the diamond and how he sent it to his mom. She was sad, but she wasn’t mad. Mrs. Roth took Danny and I in her house. Danny was looking over by the couch, when he noticed a picture of a girl, which looked like his mom. He asked Mrs. Roth, “how come you have a picture of my mom?” Mrs. Roth was confused and said “no that is my daughter” Danny then said “no that is my mom for sure.” Mrs. Roth was shocked. Mrs. Roth said “if that is your mom then I am……..your grandma” I was very surprised and in shock. Mrs. Roth is Danny’s grandma! Even though I didn’t have the diamond at least I got to see it and hold it. It was a crazy week, but it was a great experience! I found the diamond.
    Hero Netherfield

  2. Samantha Doring #4
    Catching Fire Log #2
    Page #200
    Suzanne Collins
    Words 214

    Hi there I am here to tell you about Katniss’ childhood. I wrote the book but I only talk about the little things. Well here is some more info. Well as you know her dad died in a mine accident but he did teach her many valuable things. He taught her about night-lock, a very poisons’ berry that saved her in the arena. Katniss’ dad is her hero she was sad when she lost him but she couldn’t mourn because she had to take care of her family. Her mom was of no help to her mom was in a bad mental state. She had to hunt but if she were caught her family would die after she did. I couldn’t imagine being in her situation. Personally, she is my hero that’s why I created her character. I mean think if that were you, what would you do. I know I would either commit suicide or run away, into the forest with Gale. Think what you would do because if you were caught you would become an Avox, I don’t know about you but I like my tongue. Well those are just the little things for you to think about, bye.

  3. Blog #2
    Jacquelyn Co
    The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate
    By Jacqueline Kelly

    True or False
    1. Calpurnia’s granddad’s name is Walter.
    2. Calpurnia loves sewing.
    3. Harry’s first girlfriend’s name is Minerva Goodacre.
    4. Harry is the youngest brother.
    5. Travis likes Lula Gates.
    6. Calpurnia has two brothers.
    7. Calpurnia lives in Michigan.
    8. Travis has a bunny.
    Multiple Choice
    1) Callie and her granddad found a new
    a. vetch
    b. perfume
    c. wine
    2) Calpurnia’s nickname is
    a. Callie T.
    b. Callie Vee
    c. Cat
    3) Callie Vee’s friend is
    a. Jamie
    b. Lula
    c. Dovie
    4) Calpurnia’s favorite thing to do is
    a. play with friends
    b. watch her mom sew
    c. collect specimens
    5) The oldest brother in Callie’s family is
    a. Travis
    b. Lamar
    c. Harry
    6) Callie soon started bonding with her granddad when he
    a. gave her a book.
    b. gave her a new shirt.
    c. bought her a doll.
    7) Callie wins _______ ________ at sewing.
    a. first place
    b. second place
    c. third place
    8) Viola is the Tate family’s
    a. cousin.
    b. maid.
    c. cooker and cleaner.
    9) Throughout the summer Callie _______ ___ _______.
    a. cuts her hair.
    b. shops and donates.
    c. teaches her brothers.
    10) Callie is frustrated when she gets the book _______ ___ ___________ on Christmas.
    a. Science of Atoms
    b. Science of Housewifery.
    c. Science and Biology.
    Short Answer Questions
    1)When Callie does not get what she wants for Christmas she felt so many emotions. Give two emotions and describe them.
    2)What did Callie think when she could not find her granddad?
    3)All of Callie’s brothers think that their granddad is weird. Why?
    4)For New Years Eve the Tate family came up with resolutions. What resolution or request did Callie give?
    5)Why doesn’t Callie like her brother Lamar?
    Essay Question.
    Give one major theme of this book. Tell why you think it is important.

    Answer Key
    Multiple Choice
    Short Answer
    1)She felt disappointed and heartbroken. Callie felt disappointed because she thought she would get a science book but she did not.
    2)Callie thought that her granddad was collecting specimens without her.
    3)Callie’s brothers think granddad is weird because he is so quiet and he loves biology/science.
    4)Callie gave the resolution/request of wanting to see the Pacific Ocean, Niagara Falls, Coney Island, and the Grand Canyon.
    5)Callie does not like him because Lamar always gets her in trouble.
    Essay Question
    One major theme is caring. I think the theme is caring because Callie cared about her granddad and that helped them find a new type of plant. Callie cared about her brothers and it made her a better person. Mostly she really cared about granddad, so that helped them with every experiment that they had. Caring is important and we need to care for others just like Callie.

  4. Aide Martinez#8
    November 6, 2012
    Log #2
    The Great Wall of Lucy Wu
    Wendy Shang
    Aide: Hi Lucy.
    Lucy: Hi.
    Aide: I heard you had a big basketball game.
    Lucy: Yes, I did. It was great.
    Aide: So you were team captain, right?
    Lucy: That’s right. The worst thing is that if your team loses all the blame goes on you.
    Aide: It was probably a lot of pressure on you. How did you manage to take on the pressure?
    Lucy: Well, everyone in my school kept asking me if I was going to try out for team caption. All the force made me have to do it.
    Aide: During the tryouts all the cans going in Sloane Connors box was filling up. How did you feel?
    Lucy: It’s a very difficult question to answer. All the cans go to the Helping Hearts Pantry, so people need to bring as many cans they could for the children who need it. It isn’t fair that Sloane’s mom brought all the cans, but like I said it goes to the children who need it.
    Aide: I see, if I was in your position I would have said the same thing that you said.
    Lucy: Thank you.
    Aide: I guess we have one more question to ask you Lucy. What were you thinking inside when you put Talent Chang in the basketball game? How did you react when she asked you if she could be in the game for the last couple minutes?
    Lucy: I was thinking that I should put her in the game because she didn’t get to play at all, so I thought it was the right thing to do. I react a little nervously because I had forgotten about her.
    Aide: When Talent took a shot for the net, and when it went in and the game was over and your team won, were you happy for Talent?
    Lucy: I was flowing with joy.
    Aide: Thank you Lucy and have a great day.
    Lucy: Bye.

  5. Marianna Marroquin #7
    November 6, 2012
    Blog #2
    Runaway Twin
    Peg Kehret

    Dear Starr,
    I have missed you over all the years that we were separated. I hope you have too. I still love Twinkies. I know we have both missed mom and grandma since the insident but do not be sad. Just close your eyes, the sun is going down you will be alright no one can hurt you now. Come morning light, you and I will be safe sound. I have made some decisions that were wrong but I know that you can help me out with
    that. You are probably the only one I can trust. You are my sister. My new foster parent is a good one. Her name is Rita. She is a yoga teacher. I do not if she has done anything since I had left her the note that I left. I sure hope she did not freak out and tell everyone that I escaped again. I have always dreamed of seeing you again. You have no idea of how much I have missed you and wished just to hug you. On the way here, I had some terrible experiences like getting mugged by three guys but luckily Snickers, my dog, was there to scare them off. Also after that, there was a dark, gloomy, terrifying tornado. Snickers and I both got hurt but we made I through. I when I saw your face, my heart exploded. I was thrilled to see you happy. My heart sank from all the joy in your face expressions. At least w got to stay together with Rita after all that hard work. Forever and always our sisterly love will last. I love you Starr.
    Your sister Sunny

  6. #11 Sarah Youssouf
    Caching Fire
    Suzanne Collins
    Page 300
    Dear Katniss,
    The way you’ve been playing the games is great. There are something’s you need to work on. Now everyone presumes that you are “pregnant”. You need to work on acting more like a pregnant person to get more sponsors. Be over dramatic like your hormones are acting up. Let the others take the lead and you just stay in the background. Stay close to Peeta so the capital still knows you guys are love birds. Your job in the games now is to be Peetas guardian. It’s been hard know because he is injured and died but was revived by Finnick. Let Finnick take care of Peeta and you take care of Mags. You are also still dramatized by seeing Cinna beaten to pulp. Don’t focus on that but focus on keeping you and Peeta alive in the Games. You received a valuable gift from Haymitch, which was a spile. Use that to your advantage. I know you are concerned about Peetas face being burned from the toxic rain. Act more emotional to get sponsors to send you gifts. You can’t survive without the sponsors gifts. Remember what you are there for. You are there to prove the capital wrong and start a rebellion. The capital is trying to push you to the limit. Fight back as long as you can. You are Katniss the girl who saved her lover from the games. You are unstoppable. Do this for District 12.

  7. Alyssa Zeller #12
    The Romeo and Juliet Code
    Phoebe Stone
    log #2
    page# 150-300

    I was up all night
    Waiting for a letter
    And if I just got one
    I would feel a lot better

    Waiting for Captain Derek
    To see if he is real
    And I am trying my hardest
    Not to squeal

    With my heart pounding
    Like a drum
    I instantly sprung up
    And my body went numb

    I saw the letter
    Laying underneath the door
    And it felt like I could not
    Breath anymore

    The letter said
    The answers to my questions
    "Yes, yes, yes"
    And that gave some suggestions

    The next morning
    The Gram told me to take some food
    Typically breakfast
    Up to Derek's room

    I got a glimpse at his face
    And he is really a boy
    I was so excited
    I was filled with joy

    I am not the only kid in the house
    I am so happy I could scream
    But there is something wrong
    His face is filled with sorrow as it seems

    He use to have polio
    But does not anymore
    And in his low chair
    His arm hangs on the floor

    After therapy with Derek
    Were ready to go
    Without Derek moaning
    It is happier you known

    We try to find the code
    To those Portugal letters
    But that sly little Gideon
    It seems he is better

    It seems a wrong doing
    Came back to bite me
    And it is almost as bad
    As a little sting of a bee

    I entered my aunt
    It to a contest
    That she did not want to be in
    And now she is stressed

    She forgave me
    And I do not have to fret
    Now I am just wondering
    What I will do next

    A couple months later
    I got some news
    That Gideon was my father
    Who would have knew

    That means that Danny is my uncle
    And Gideon my father
    With this news
    I would not bother

    I also got news
    That my parents are spies
    For the good guys in the war
    They must be shy

    The code we found out
    What a pleasure
    Everything is good now
    It is sure to get better

  8. Vincent Macabuhay #6
    Blog #2
    True Talents
    David Luber

    True or False
    1Cheater is bad.
    2Is Flinch the smartest of the group.
    3Did the police arrest Martin.
    4Does Trash steal a lot of money.
    5Torchie is a psychic.
    6Torchie,Cheater,Lucky,Flinch,and Martin become a group.

    Multiple Choices
    1 who was behind cheater in the hall?
    A)The kidnapper
    C)A lion
    2 Who whispered in Trashes ear ?
    3 its been how many years that they didn’t know about their powers?
    A)12 years
    B)14 years
    C)5 years
    4 What power does Torchie have?
    A)Predict the future
    C)Look through people

    5 What school do they go to?
    B)Calvary Chapel
    C)Edgeview Alternative.

    6 Whos the leader of the group?
    7 Who went to the Hospital?

    8 Who is the trouble maker?

    9 Who does Thrash find at the end?
    A)His Mom
    B)His Dad
    C)His uncle

    10 What is Thrashes real name?
    A)Jordan Edgar
    B)Eddie Thalmeyer
    C)Andrew Luck

    D)Robert Griffin

    1 Who went to arts school?
    2 Whos got the groups back?
    3 Where does Trash tests his powers?
    4 Who tries to escape?

    Answer Key
    1 False
    2 True
    3 False
    4 True
    5 False
    6 True

    1 A.
    2 A.
    3 B.
    4 B .
    5 C.
    6 B.
    7 B.
    8 A.
    9 A.
    10 B.

    1 Trash went to arts school.
    2 Trash does he is a good guy.
    3 He tests them in a bank which turns out he steals a lot of money.
    4 Martin does.

    Trash is the coolest person to be around. He is a good leader and a special one.
    His group is smart and wise of what they do to fight crime together as one good team. They are a great team together especially with Trashes help. And Flinches smartness. They stay together believe together and win together.

  9. Joshua Ramirez # 9
    Nov 6, 2012

    The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Log #2
    By C.S. Lewis

    Page 250

    This book was very adventurous. Is has terrifying dragon magicians and much more. The story and plot really draws you into the setting as though you are physically there. I am so fond of the outstanding events that transpired in the story, I would recommend it to anyone. Why? There are no issues with the talmarines, dwarfs, talking beast, and the fauns until a ship called the Dawn Treader sailed across to the end of the world. Along the way during there journey they are forced to fight monsters and many beasts. This book would be perfect book for you if you have a thirst for adventure. I think this book took a lot of imagination and creativity to put together. Although as a fixture I would want Aslan’s country to have a big entrance that has gold and silver and is fit for a king. I love the funny imaginative creatures for example the defflepuds, they are wired looking: they have a giant foot even though they are a size of a dwarf, and they have a beard. I think C.S Lewis is a brilliant writer who comes up with the most funniest and imaginative story line ever. He does a great job of tiding in Christian conduct and beliefs. This is a great book for young readers who are seeking to improve their reading skills yet can enjoy a wonderful novel with great events.

  10. Anthony Luciano#4
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins

    Catching Fire starts off with Katniss in a bit of trouble. Ever since the old hunger games where her and Peeta were going to suicide and then both won. Many have been rebelling. President Snow then makes all the old hunger game victors including Katniss into the arena once more to battle to find a new victor. Peeta takes Haymitch's spot in the battle to protect Katniss. During this Peeta proposes to katniss and becomes her Fiance. President Snow also threatens to kill Prim if Katniss doesn't answer if her act of suicide was part of a rebellion or just love. The characters involved are Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Haymitch Abernathy, Effie Trinket, Gale Hawthorne, President Snow, Prim, Cinna and many more new characters to the story.

  11. Jack Wiese #13
    Blog #2, Log 1
    The Lord of the Rings: Part One: The Fellowship of the Ring
    By J.R.R. Tolkien
    Bilbo Baggins was having his eleventy-first (111th) birthday soon. Everyone knew it would be a wonderful party with lots of nice food and presents. There was a short wait for it, but because of the way people were anticipating it, the wait seemed, to them, agonizingly long. When it did come, it was just as great, or maybe even greater, than people thought it would be. Near the end of Bilbo’s party, he made a speech, and then slipped his ring onto his finger, vanished, and sneaked back to his home. At his home, he packed up some things, left a note, and the ring, for Frodo, and left. Frodo had been aware of what happened at the party, so after the party, he went back to his home. Gandalf was there. He gave Frodo the ring, and told him it was his duty to destroy it at Mount Doom. Frodo left, later, with his friends Sam and Pippin, after selling his home, and pretending to move to Buckland, so that his absence would not be pondered. On the way there, Frodo found he was being hunted by evil men on black horses. After an encounter with elves, Frodo and his friends made it to Buckland. They stayed there for a little while, and then left once again for Mount Doom. They left the shire, and started into the Old Forest that they would need to pass to proceed to the Mount.

  12. Hannah Dumaine#4
    11-6-12 Blog#2
    Michael Vey the Prisoner of Cell 25
    Richard Paul Evans
    Dear Michael Vey,
    I really need to warn you and give you advice about the things that are happening to you. You should have controlled your power, that electric power that you have, before you were five years old because if you did, you would not have killed your dad. You should not tell about your powers to anybody, only people close to you, or else they will find you. You do not have many chances in life since your dad died so when you get a chance, take it. But do not take any chances that involve the Elgen Academy because they are very dangerous. It was very smart of you guys to move to Idaho because not many people live there. Only tell people you trust about your powers. I really think you should go rescue your mom and girlfriend because they are all you have. Go to the Elgen Academy of Pasadena which is a “school” because your mom and girlfriend are there and you got a brochure from them. Go there, but do not let them pull you in because they are trying to rule the world and make everyone mutants like you. I cannot believe they kidnapped your mom and girlfriend, I think they are trying to trick you into going to Elgen and making you rule the world with them. Now stop reading this letter and go rescue your mom and girlfriend, Taylor. You will probably have a lot of problems when you get there. Now go get them and bring Ostin with you because he is very smart. Good Luck!
    Hannah Dumaine

  13. Steven Vego#12
    Blog #2
    The Hunger Games
    Suzanne collins

    Dear diary,
    I know I haven’t been writing but now I want to write when there is a big event. So a couple days ago was the reaping, and everyone was of there chairs but of course there were no chairs. I am now twelve and now I’m eligible for the reaping to go to the hunger games. It’s when two people boy and girl from every district, and they go to the hunger games. They pick your name out of a glass bowl and if you get picked you head on out to the capital, and if you can see the name “hunger games” it mean they put you all in the wood and you fight for your life. I don’t get why when your twelve you’re now eligible it’s kind of young. Anyway they first picked the girl and guess what is was me! I was in shock and so was everyone else then I went up on the stage. My dad was sad because I’m his only daughter not like he wouldn’t be sad if he had another daughter who went to the games. Everyone really knew me that’s why, and because in twelve! The boy that went along with me was Thresh he watches over me when I’m in the capital. We said your last words to everyone who wanted to visit and we were off to the capital. When we went to the capital we went to the training center were all the districts slept we were on floor 11 our district number. Today was the introducing I meet my stylist he will pick out my outfits from this point on, well when we are in front of a crown of people. He made me look great at the introducing but from district 12 were Katniss and Peeta they were the district everyone looked at! Dear diary,
    I know I haven’t been writing but now I want to write when there is a big event. So a couple days ago was the reaping, and everyone was of there chairs but of course there were no chairs. I am now twelve and now I’m eligible for the reaping to go to the hunger games. It’s when two people boy and girl from every district, and they go to the hunger games. They pick your name out of a glass bowl and if you get picked you head on out to the capital, and if you can see the name “hunger games” it mean they put you all in the wood and you fight for your life. I don’t get why when your twelve you’re now eligible it’s kind of young. Anyway they first picked the girl and guess what is was me! I was in shock and so was everyone else then I went up on the stage. My dad was sad because I’m his only daughter not like he wouldn’t be sad if he had another daughter who went to the games. Everyone really knew me that’s why, and because in twelve! The boy that went along with me was Thresh he watches over me when I’m in the capital. We said your last words to everyone who wanted to visit and we were off to the capital. When we went to the capital we went to the training center were all the districts slept we were on floor 11 our district number. Today was the introducing I meet my stylist he will pick out my outfits from this point on, well when we are in front of a crown of people. He made me look great at the introducing but from district 12 were Katniss and Peeta they were the district everyone looked at! The next time I write to you will be hopefully after the hunger games.
    Sincerely, Rue

    Yours truly, Rue

  14. By: Kyle Best
    The Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins
    Log #2
    There is at least 1 conflict in every book. The conflict in this story is that Katniss’ little sister Prim was picked at the reaping. The reaping is when all the kids 12 through 18 are picked to go into a place called the hunger games. In the Hunger games everybody fights to the death till there is only one left. There is one boy and one girl from each district as a tribute, there are twelve districts and the capitol; there used to be a thirteenth district before the revolt against the capital but they were demolished during the war. When Katniss’ sister gets picked Katniss chooses to volunteer so her 12 year old sister doesn’t get killed. Prim only had one name tag in a bowl that contained thousands of other girls names but somehow she got picked. When Katniss volunteered as tribute everyone was stunned because there had not been anyone in a long time that volunteered in district 12. The other tribute that was a boy was Peeta Mellark, he is from the bakers family he has older brothers but unlike Katniss they did not volunteer for him. After the Reaping the tributes are brought to the city hall building to say their last goodbyes before they are shipped off to the capitol for training. At the capitol the get dressed up for the opening ceremonies for people to see them, everyone gets dressed up in something that has to do with what their district does. In district 12 they mine for coal so usually they get jumpsuits, but this year they have a new stylist and they are going to put them in pure black suits that will be on fire. The fire is some type of fake fire so they cant really get burned.

  15. Penny Wiese #9
    Blog 2 first quarter
    Princess of Mars log #2
    By Edward Rice Burroughs
    Finial Exam


    1. John Carter is from Virginia.
    2. Dejah Thoris is a poor peasant Marshan.
    3. Barsoom is the name by which Mars is called by its inhabitants
    4. The egg laid by Dejah Thoris was pure white
    5. Sola doesn’t know who her parents are.
    6. John Carter was in Arizona when he ascended to Mars.

    Multiple Choice

    1. John Carter was chased into the cave by
    A) loan sharks
    B) Indians
    C) his cousin
    D) none of the above
    2. The name of the princess of Helium was
    A) Sarkoja
    B) Sola
    C)Dejah Thoris
    D)none of the above
    3. Sola’s father was
    A) Tars Tarkas
    B) John Carter
    C) Woola
    D) none of the above
    4. What color was the egg that Dejah Thoris laid
    A) Blue
    B) Violet
    C) Red
    D) none of the above
    5. John Carter several times refers to himself as a Virginia
    A) gentleman
    B) thief
    C) farmer
    D) none of the above
    6. How many Marshan sounds were in the sequence to open the door to the atmosphere plant
    A) 7
    B) 12
    C) 1
    D) none of the above
    7. At the end of the book, how many years had it been since John left Mars
    A) 5
    B) 9
    C) 10
    D) none of the above
    8. Which city did John convince the green Marshans to help him defeat?
    A) Helium
    B) Zodanga
    C) the book doesn’t say
    D) none of the above
    9. The name of John faithful pet is
    A) Sarkoja
    B) Kantos Kan
    C) Woola
    D) none of the above
    10. How did John tame the thoats?
    A) whips
    B) kindness
    C) shouting
    D) none of the above

    Short Answer

    1. How many years was John Carter on Mars?
    2. How many years was John Carter on Mars after Dejah Thoris laid the egg?
    3. Who did John Carter fall in love with?
    4. Why did John Carter ask the green Marshans to defeat Zodanga?
    5. Why did John Carter leave Mars?


    1. Explain why Dejah Thoris was offended when John addressed he as, “ My princess.”

    Answer Key

    1. True
    2. False
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False
    6. True

    1. B
    2. C
    3. A
    4. D
    7. C
    8. B
    9. C
    10. B

    1. Ten
    2. five
    3. Dejah Thoris
    4. To rescue Dejah Thoris
    5. He had no choice

    1. The term ,” My princess” on Mars is something men are only allowed to call their wives or fiancĂ©s. John carter was ignorant of Marshan customs and didn’t know this. From Dejah Thoris’ perspective, however, it was as though he was saying she was his fiancĂ© even though he hadn’t asked to marry her.


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