Second Quarter - Blog #1

Welcome to the second quarter. Remember to choose a different option from the list of blog ideas. Include the number of your choice in your post.


  1. Angelica Castaneda #1
    December 5,2012
    Philippa Fishers fairy Godsister
    By Liz Kessler

    Angelica: Hello Philppa
    Philippa: Hello
    Angelica: so you have a new student in your class
    Philippa: yeah, she is really nice
    Angelica: are you guys like best friends now? You guys have been hanging out a lot
    Philippa: well I guess, since charlotte left.
    Angelica: oh, that’s cool
    Philippa: yeah
    Angelica: So you are doing magic tricks for the talent show, right?
    Philippa: yes
    Angelica: how do you feel? Are you excited?
    Philippa: well I am a little scared because I have stage fright and I haven’t performed in front of a large audience
    Angelica: then how come you are doing the talent show if you have stage fright
    Philippa: well because I want to overcome my fear and not be afraid of performing in front of huge audiences
    Angelica: oh, well I think that is great! So when is the talent show?
    Philippa: Next Friday.
    Angelica: Oh yeah I also heard that you were “miss popular” In school, how do you feel?
    Philippa: Oh I feel amazing! But after school when I am walking out a bunch of kids come up to me and ask me stop me and say “hi philippa!” or “do you want to come over?” so it can be a little annoying
    Angelica: oh I bet. So you and Trisha are friends now, I thought you two were like enemies’
    Philippa: we were, then she started being nice to me and then we became friends
    Angelica: Oh, well that’s good
    Philippa: yeah.
    Angelica: well that is all the questions for now, bye philippa
    Philippa : bye!

  2. Aide Martinez#8
    December 5, 2012
    Log #1
    Molly Moons Incredible Book of Hypnotism
    Georgia Byng
    Dear Molly,
    I know you found a book on hypnotism, but it is not the right thing to take the book from the library if someone else was looking for it. The professor had it on reserve and you knew that he was very interested in that book. He yelled at the librarian very rudely because she could not find the book on the computer. Return the book to the librarian and tell her you are very sorry for taking the book. Also say you are sorry to the professor for taking the book when he was very stressed. You know that it is the right thing to do. Going around hypnotizing people so they can give you a job, make them think your more beautiful than you really are, and make them like you isn’t right. You should know better to not do sinful things like that. Show people the real you, and don’t be afraid. It is the right thing to do. I even have some trouble showing people who I really am. Just be you. I also heard about your friend. I’m sorry you lost you best friend who was there for you. Keep trying to find your friend and I’m sure you will be able to find him. Please go out in the world and take my advice. Good luck finding your best friend. Remember keep trying and you will likely succeed. Don’t let anyone bring you down or make fun of you.
    Aide Martinez

  3. Michael Chapin#3
    The Hunger Games
    by:Suzanne Collins

    Hello, and welcome to "The Hunger Games aftermath", guest starring... Katnus!

    Michael: welcome, and may the odds be ever in your favor, just joking, lets talk about this Hunger games experience.
    Katnus: Well, my sister got picked and I knew she was going to die so I went instead.I had a felling of the most fear you would imagine. As I went to the front I was dizzy and scared of what lies ahead.
    Michael: What was the capital like?
    Katnus: It was very colorful and the people dressed rather odd. Peeta and I were in district 12 probably the poorest of them all.
    Michael: when you were there training, what did you feel?
    Katnus: I said to myself, these tributes are very brave. I felt that this could be the end of me.
    Michael: that is a very hard thing to overcome. oops, will you look at the time, next bolg catnus will tell us about the games and what she felt at the end.

  4. Allison Castaneda #2
    catching fire
    Suzanne Collins
    #2 block log #1
    Allison: hi katniss
    Katniss: hello
    Allison: so how is the touring so fair?
    Katniss: it’s going good the food on the train is also good
    Allison: (laughing) is it the pot-roast?
    Katniss: most defiantly
    Allison: ok so how is peeta have you guys been keeping intact?
    Katniss: sort of he's always busy
    Allison: have you and peeta been talking a lot on the tours
    Katniss: Yes we talk every morning and night
    Allison: good about the tours have you had some sympathy going to some districts I know when you get to district 11 you will. Weren’t you close to Rue?
    Katniss: yes I have and yes I felt that she was like my sister back home, I still feel very sad when I think about it
    Allison: oh I am sorry I don’t want you to be sad, but in the games do they ever come up to you like when you are sad or in your dreams
    Katniss: yes all the times, peeta actually painted some of the games on his free time that are so realistic
    Allison: do you love them?
    Katniss: yes but I don’t like to think of the games they kind of frighten me
    Allison: what would you do if you had to go back?
    Katniss: I would try to win again and if it was the same I think I would have an advantage
    Allison: and if you couldn’t help peeta only one winner?
    Katniss: I don’t really know but I know for sure I won’t kill him
    Allison: ok we have time for one more question and I think everyone is wondering it too is Gale really your cousin if not who is he? If he is a friend do you like him?
    Katniss: no he is really just a friend more like a brother I’ve known him for a long time and I do not like him he is a brother.
    Allison: bye katniss
    Katniss: bye Allison

  5. Jacquelyn Co
    December 11, 2012
    Blog #1
    The Blessed Life
    By Robert Morris
    One of the major themes in this book is giving. This book is about giving the Lord tithes and offerings. For example the author says that, giving a tithe is not giving it is returning. Our money and all our possessions were never ours they all belong to God. The important thing is to remember that the Lord does not need a tithe we need to be blessed. When we tithe the Lord blesses us, so in a way we benefit in tithing too. Giving tithes are not the only way to live a blessed life. The author says the three ways to give and have a blessed life is to give tithes, offerings, and extravagant offerings. Another way to give is to give people things they do not have. A good example of giving is when the author, Robert Morris gives away his house and his two cars. He thought he out gave the Lord but he did not. After he gave his house and two cars away God gave him a better house and better cars. That helped him have a blessed life. The author learned that even when you think you out gave the Lord, He (the Lord) is working in ways to make you have a blessed life and a giving spirit. That statement is true for everyone. The book The Blessed Life teaches a lot about the theme giving and it helps change your relationship with the Lord, it helps strengthen your faith and it makes you become a giver.

  6. Samantha Doring #4
    Log #3
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins
    Page #267

    Sam: Well hello Katniss and welcome!
    Katniss: Hi pleasure being here.
    Sam: So being in the arena how dose that feel?
    Katniss: Well it was strange the first time but I got familiar with it very quickly.
    Sam: Let’s talk about the tracker jackers what are those like, cute, vicious, or like a normal yellow jacket?
    Katniss: well I didn’t really look at them because I didn’t want to get stung, but I did luckily Rue was there to save me. I miss Rue a lot.
    Sam: Why did you like Rue so much, I mean you were going to kill her at some point.
    Katniss: Well I guess she reminded me of my sister, Prim and I probably would of let her kill me.
    Sam: Wow you really cared for her, well lets go on to the next subject. Okay Peeta or Gale?
    Katniss: Well since Gale wants to start a rebellion and since I am in enough trouble,I would go with Peeta.
    Sam: Is it true that you are married?
    Katniss: Yes, we did just as we dreamed it would go.
    Sam: Cool so it was just you two?
    Katniss: Yes just us.
    Sam: In every day clothes?
    Katniss: Yes, actually in this shirt.
    Sam: So is it true about district 13? Is it real?
    Katniss: Yes it is all true.
    Sam: So where were all the tributes fighting?
    Katniss: I am not sure but I think that they were in a destroyed piece of land from the past nation call “America.”
    Sam: Fascinating, looks like that’s all the time we have for today, next time we will talk about this Past nation called “America.’’

  7. Hannah Dumaine#4
    Blog #1
    The Fourth Stall
    Chris Rylander
    My name is Chris Rylander. There had happened a lot in this book. Mac, or Christian Barrett, encountered a lot of things after the book. He is still a little sad about the Chicago Cubs World Series, because what happened is that the Cubs made it to the finals and all, but lost the last four games, so they did not make it. But of course though this did not surprise anybody because they will be losers forever. Mac has a good life now; he hangs out with his friends and sometimes gets bullied by some of Staples friends once in a while, but otherwise Mac is fine. The weird thing is that he does not know where Staples, the bad guy, went. Staples just suddenly disappeared, and his gambling job, it is like nothing happened. No one talks about it or Staples anymore. Christian or Mac is trying to figure it out; he also has Tyrell on this case. Tyrell is a very secretive boy, likes hiding, being on cases that have mysteries, and he would not do anything, except for money to get paid back. But the bad thing is that he cannot even find Staples and not even the cops can find him because he needs to go to jail. He committed so many crimes that there is a reward out so other people are trying to find Staples, or known as Barry Larsen. The house that Barry used to live in now is for sale, but at least it looks better all cleaned up and painted neatly this time. That is all that is happening in Mac’s life.

  8. By: Kyle Best #1
    Blog #1 2nd quarter
    Mrs. Holiday

    Dear Katniss Everdeen,
    I would like to give you some advice for the situation you are in. Since there are only 3 other tributes left and you are allied with one, I suggest you guy’s hideout for a few days. I think you should hideout so then maybe the other tributes might kill each other. Before you hideout you should of course gather some food together. When there are two tributes left other than you, go with your ally and make a big fire by the cornucopia. Then the other tribute might go to the fire to try and kill you guys but really you are waiting for him, then you kill him. Then, when it’s just you and your ally left you could do something that will let you both be winners. If not, kill your partner with your bow and arrow. When you get home try and help the other needy people that are in the situation you used to be in. It is also important if you win to not forget about school and your friends. Keep hunting with Gale so you could help him support his family. I know that you and Gale like each other so if you make it I suggest seeing if he would like to be more then friends. And I strongly suggest you reconsider about ever getting married and having kids. I hope this might help you get through your hard situation.
    Your friend,
    Kyle Best

  9. Steven Vego #12
    12-13-12 Blog #1
    School of Fear
    Gitty Daneshvari

    Dear diary,
    today is my first day at School of Fear. I am afraid of bugs, especially spiders. My parents made a big deal out of nothing. It would have been easier if they just would fumigate the house each month, but now I have to go to a summer camp. Summer camps are bug-infested and never allow me to take my bug spray. I met the other students, they are all strange. Theodore is afraid of dying. LuLu is scared of confined spaces. Garrison is petrified of deep water. Schimdty is a counsler with a large comb over. Macaroni is Mrs. Wellington's bulldog. Mrs. Wellington owns the School of Fear. I don't know what to think yet.
    Love Madeleine.

  10. Alyssa Zeller #12
    blog #1
    the house of the scorpion
    Nancy Farmer
    pg 2-64
    Alyssa: how are you doing, Matt?
    Matt: fine.
    Alyssa: so how did you survive the pain of the broken glass?
    Matt: I don't know, I guess I was just lucky. It really hurt though.
    Alyssa: it must have. So when you where found by those rotten kids and taken to the house were you scared?
    Matt: yes, very much. I was never in a house that big and I did not even know any of the people there.
    Alyssa: what about being trapped in that room for so long? That must have been scary.
    Matt: yes it was. I was in there so long that that I rarely saw any light, but for only the small window that was as small as my chances of freedom.
    Alyssa: that must have been really hard living in there like a trapped animal
    Matt: it got really heard when Rosa filled the room with saw dust waist height. Finally Celia found me to comfort me. I was glad to get out of that room, but I didn’t know why I was being let out. Rosa gave me a bath and dressed me in fine clothes. I was surprised to see an old man sitting there in a chair in front of me. He was el patron, my…. actually he was me. The one who made me. He said that this was unacceptable treating me…. or he like this so he took me out of the room, gave me a body guard, and my own room. He was really nice, but made nervous.
    Alyssa: poor you. Well were out of time since its 8:21. Good bye Matt, see you soon.
    Matt: good bye!

  11. Adara Martinez #9
    Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg
    Gail Carson Levine
    Log #2
    Option #3
    In my book, Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg, the character, Vidia has not been described. I have written this to show her characteristics and her behavior when she came to Neverland. The baby, Ally, laughed for the first time. The sound traveled to Neverland. Another baby laughed for the first time and the wind blew the sound rapidly. The two sounds hit each other and one slowed down. One sound made it quickly to Neverland, but the other didn’t make it. The one that arrived was Vidia. When she arrived she was bruised up from hitting the other sound. The fast wind made her talent a fast-flying fairy. She was greeted by the fairies, but stared at her bruised face. Some fairies made fun of her but Mother dove loved her. Vidia one day decided that if she hurt the other fairies then they would no longer make fun of her. She started burning buildings with her fast-flying speed . Mother dove was disappointed with her but Vidia no longer had feelings for her. She started plucking mother dove to gain dust that would allow her to fly even faster. Months went by and Vidias scars started to disappear. She stopped being violent but she no longer had any friends. Everyone hated Vidia for what she did. Vidia was lonely, but she thought that flying fast would amaze some fairies, and she could have friends. Once fairies realized that she was plucking Mother dove’s feathers. They hated her forever. Vidia thought she would never have any friends. This is the story of the life of Vidia.

  12. Adrian Gottuso #6
    December 13,2012
    Second Quarter Blog #1
    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
    J.K. Rowling
    Adrian: Hello Harry
    Harry: Hello Adrian
    Adrian: How are you?
    Harry: I'm doing fine, how about you
    Adrian: I'm fine, thanks, so I heard that Dumbledore died, I'm sorry for your loss
    Harry: Its okay, I just miss him, everyone close to me is dieing, my owl Hedwig was hit by the killing curse when they where trying to get me to the burrow
    Adrian: I'm sorry, she must have been very close to you. Ron told me that Dumbledore told you to find and destroy the remaining horcruxes, and you are taking it upon yourself to follow through with Dumbledore's last request
    Harry: Yes, I am, I will find and destroy every last one of those horcruxes
    Adrian: I have heard it is a very dangerous journey, is this correct?
    harry: Yes, and keep telling my friends Ron and Hermione to not come with me, but they insist on coming, and Ron has already made a plan to make it seem as if Ron were still at home,and that Hermione is too.
    Adrian: How exactly is this going to work?
    Harry: Ron has a ghoul in the small attic space in his house that is wearing some of his old pajamas,and has orange hair, so it will look like Ron, but it doesn't look like the normal Ron, it has a very contagious sickness so that nobody will want to be near him, therefore they won't know it's not actually him. Hermione modified her parents memory so that they forget about her for a while.
    Adrian: This is a clever plan, but where do you plan to start your search for the horcruxes.
    Harry: I don't know, but I think that we will stop at Godric's hollow to visit my parents grave, but Hermione thinks it's a dangerous move because Voldemort may expect me to go there after my seventeenth birthday, that's when I'm an adult in the wizarding world
    Adrian: Happy Birthday!
    Harry: Thanks, I think I have to go now, it was nice talking with you
    Adrian: Thankyou for talking to me I know you are not particularly fond of interviews, because of Rita Skeeter and all that, it was pleasure getting to know
    you, I hope we see each other again soon! And good luck finding those horcruxes and defeating Voldemort
    Harry: Thanks, but it's going to take more than luck to kill Voldemort, Bye
    Adrian: Bye

  13. Alec Shahverdian #11
    The Red Pyramid
    Rick Riorden
    Log #3
    263 words
    In the book, the main conflict is very big and hard. Carter and Sadie both where living normal lives until their dad reveals them their background of being Egyptian Pharaohs. They way it he reveals it is very surprising. He tries to release Egyptian gods and is captured by Set the god of evil. Then the two have to go on a dangerous journey with many conflicts with enemies like magicians and evil gods. This journey is that they are trying to find their dad and save him. They are also trying to fight off Set with their newly found Egyptian magic. The conflict also involves the brother and sisters friends such as Bast, the cat god. The main characters also have internal conflicts. This conflict is literally internal because they are unwillingly hosting gods. The gods Horus and Osiris are in them and they have to be careful not to let them control them. So the main conflict in the book so far is danger of things they do not know about. Their sibling rivalry is another problem that will not help the situation they are in. They are going to have to work together and conquer their urge to make fun of one another. Also, one of their conflicts is fear. They have fear of enemies, future life, and the outcome of their loved ones lives.
    Throughout the rest of the book I am expecting a lot of battles, a lot of arguments and more conflicts the main characters will have to face. In other words it will be very interesting.

  14. Jack Wiese #13
    Blog #3, Log 2
    The Fellowship of the Ring
    By J.R.R. Tolkien

    I love the way the author shows detail. He is not afraid to take up time to describe the events in the book. The result of this is a long, vivid story. There are many examples of vivid description throughout the book. One great example of vivid description is on page195; “It was a pale morning: In the East, behind long clouds like lines of soiled wool stained red at the edges lay glimmering deeps of yellow.” The author often uses personification, using animate verbs to describe inanimate objects, but also applies characteristics of inanimate objects to living creatures. An example of this is “standing still like a stone.” Another thing I love about the book is all of the songs and poems in the book. There are many, and they always fit the current events. The hobbits sing while they are travelling, and usually only sing when they are happy. The songs are creatively written. I also love how the author uses traditional fairy tale elements, but keeps his books original by inserting new things. The perfect example of this is the hobbit. Hobbits are a combination of multiple fantasy creatures. Like elves, they have pointed ears, good accuracy, and enjoy peace. They are also like dwarves when it comes to size. J.R.R Tolkien is a creative, original author. His books are very descriptive and thorough. His stories are complicated but easily comprehendible.

  15. Jack Wiese #13
    Blog #3, Log 2
    The Fellowship of the Ring
    By J.R.R. Tolkien

    I love the way the author shows detail. He is not afraid to take up time to describe the events in the book. The result of this is a long, vivid story. There are many examples of vivid description throughout the book. One great example of vivid description is on page195; “It was a pale morning: In the East, behind long clouds like lines of soiled wool stained red at the edges lay glimmering deeps of yellow.” The author often uses personification, using animate verbs to describe inanimate objects, but also applies characteristics of inanimate objects to living creatures. An example of this is “standing still like a stone.” Another thing I love about the book is all of the songs and poems in the book. There are many, and they always fit the current events. The hobbits sing while they are travelling, and usually only sing when they are happy. The songs are creatively written. I also love how the author uses traditional fairy tale elements, but keeps his books original by inserting new things. The perfect example of this is the hobbit. Hobbits are a combination of multiple fantasy creatures. Like elves, they have pointed ears, good accuracy, and enjoy peace. They are also like dwarves when it comes to size. J.R.R Tolkien is a creative, original author. His books are very descriptive and thorough. His stories are complicated but easily comprehendible.

  16. #11 Sarah Youssouf
    Mocking Jay pg.150
    Suzanne Collins
    Blog #1
    The main conflict so far in Mockingjay is that Katniss has been captured by the rebels during the Quarter Quell. Peeta has been captured and brainwashed by the capital. Katniss has been taken to District 13 and has also found out that there is no more District 12. She has been placed as the rebels war sign. She is their mocking jay .Katniss has also made a deal that being their mocking jay Peeta will receive immunity. The people have all agreed. She also wants to kill President Snow. The people also agree with that with a pleasure. Peeta has been doing interviews with Caser about the rebellion and Katniss. Peeta wants Katniss to not trust the rebellion and not be there mockingjay. Katniss has also visited District 8. She was making a promo so that all the districts will rebel against the capital. Unfortunately there were capital hovercrafts shooting down bombs. The hospital got bombed and all those sick and injured people died. That clip was aired live in all the districts. Katniss was also injured during the bombing. After that event Katniss saw another interview with Peeta and Caser. Peeta told Katniss threw the cameras to stop the rebellion and soon to come war. Katniss heart was in despair. All she wanted was to defeat the capital to have peace. Katniss and Gale get into a fight over the interview with Peeta. Katniss only hope is to win the war against the capital and bring Peeta home.

  17. Marianna Marroquin #7
    December 13, 2012
    Blog #2
    Violet Raines Almost Gets Struck By Lightning
    Danette Haworth

    True/ false
    1. Lottie is violets best friend?
    2. Melissa is from Washington.
    3. Melissa is a goody-two shoes.
    4. Violet is jealous of Melissa trying to take over Lottie.
    5. Lottie’s family is going poor.
    6. Lottie’s house got struck by lighting.
    7. Violet, Lottie and now Melissa live in New York.
    8. Violet and Melissa don’t get along at first.
    9. Eddie dared Violet to cross the bridge where they saw a kid get bit by a coral snake.

    Multiple Choice
    1. Violets emotions to cross the bridge are:
    a. Nervous
    b. Not in the mood
    c. Excited
    d. Anxious
    2. Half of Lottie’s house got destroyed by:
    a. Earthquake
    b. Water
    c. Lightning
    d. Fire
    3. Eddie and violets friendship is:
    a. Well
    b. Close
    c. Bad
    d. Ok
    4. Violet now wants to start to do things like:
    a. Makeup
    b. Play truth or dare
    c. Soap operas
    d. All of the above
    5. Violets personality is:
    a. Spunky and loud
    b. Quiet and shy
    c. Sassy drama queen
    d. Mean and dramatic
    6. At first, Violet and Melissa:
    a. Get along
    b. Don’t get along
    c. Just friends
    d. Barely talk
    7. The moral of the story is:
    a. Never give up
    b. Follow your dreams
    c. You don’t have to change who you are because you are growing up
    d. Popularity doesn’t mean everything
    8. Melissa tries to take over:
    a. Eddie
    b. Violet
    c. Lottie
    d. None
    9. Lottie and violet are:
    a. Enemies
    b. Best friends
    c. Neighbors and don’t talk
    d. Just friends
    10. In the end, violet does:
    a. Cross the bridge
    b. Becomes friends with Melissa
    c. Hates Lottie
    d. Dies young
    Short Answers
    1. What activities do Lottie and Violet do?
    2. Why do Melissa and Violet not get along?
    3. Why did Eddie make Violet cross the bridge?
    4. Why is Lottie and Violets friendship so strong?
    5. Why does Melissa think that Violet has a crush on Eddie?
    Because of Lottie’s house get struck by lightning, it made Melissa and Violet friends. If the house never got stuck by lighting, would Melissa and Violet still have a friendship?

    Answer Key
    1. True
    2. False
    3. True
    4. True
    5. True
    6. True
    7. False
    8. True
    9. True

    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
    5. A
    6. B
    7. C
    8. C
    9. B
    10. B

    1. Fry fish and like to walk in the woods
    2. Because Violet thinks that Melissa is trying to take over Lottie, Violets best friend.
    3. Because he wanted to see if she would really do it.
    4. Because they have faith in each other that they will be best friends forever.
    5. Because they always talk and look at each other.

    1. Melissa and Violet probably would have still been friends. Just became friends by Lottie.

  18. Morgan McElroy #5
    Same kind of different as me
    Denver Morris and Ron hall
    Blog 2-1
    Page 237

    Morgan: So, Ron, nice to have you with us today.
    Ron: Thanks for having me.
    Morgan: So let's get started, first question. What was it like when you first volunteered at the mission in Texas.
    Ron: Well, I didn't volunteer, my wife, Deborah, volunteered us. But looking back, I am ashamed of how I felt that first day at the mission, I felt utter disgust.
    Morgan: And when you first met Denver?
    Ron: I was frightened, he was bigger, stronger, and scarier than anyone I have ever seen.
    Morgan: and you two became friends?
    Ron: Well yes that is what our entire book is based apon, how a god-given woman like Deborah can unite two people so different.
    Morgan: how were you different?
    Ron: well, I was rich, he was poor. I am white, he is black. We didn't have much in common at the time either.
    Morgan: oh I see, were you born into a wealthy family?
    Ron: No, Morgan, I was born into a lower-middle class family, I worked my way up to the top.
    Morgan: Oh, I see. So what was your job?
    Ron: well, first I worked for a bank, then I got into selling art.
    Morgan: oh that's interesting, what was it like to sell your first piece of artwork?
    Ron: At first I was scared because the person I sold it to had not payed me yet and I was reaching my due date, I would have been in a lot of trouble if I hadn't given him his money fast, but it all worked out.
    Morgan: that's great! So, what we all want to know, tell us a little about Deborah.
    Ron: Well, what can I say? She was a grey woman. God-fearing and life-loving. We met in college. She and I had a bumpy relationship in the beginning, but she showed me great love and got us closer to God. She was quite a wonderful woman.
    Morgan: that's amazing she sounds like an angel! How did you feel when she passed away?
    Ron: I was devastated, she was declared cancer free twice and stilled died from it. It was a tragedy, many people were depressed when she passed. She is resting peacefully on our house on Rocky Top as we speak.
    Morgan: I'm very sorry, that is very sad. I'm sorry to say that that is all the time we have. Thank you once again.
    Ron: Goodbye

  19. Deborah Dervartanian #2
    Mrs. Holiday English
    Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
    Blog 2 Log 1
    Page 60 #3
    After Katniss was all dressed up, taken care of by all the stylists, she realized that it she didn’t feel like herself so she didn’t want to try in the Hunger Games. All she wanted to do was go home. Katniss never encountered anybody during the games, instead she hid the whole time. By the end of the Hunger Games, Rue was the only tribute left other than Katniss. Rue couldn’t find Katniss and Katniss couldn’t find Rue either. Whatever the capitalists gave them to try to kill each other, they refused, but soon enough, after months with no response from Katniss and Rue, Katniss decided that she just wanted to go home and wanted to get out of there so she killed Rue. Katniss didn’t want any cameras in he face or be famous so afterwards, she went straight home. Katniss was a hero back at home, her whole district was happy with her and they enjoyed the food and all the presents. Katniss taught Prim how to hunt and her mom how to hunt also. Her family was stronger than ever at that point. Once everybody was settled in, Katniss left to go to the capital because they wanted her to give speeches about how the games went. She didn’t really want to talk about it, but she went anyways because they were paying her. During the time that she was there, all of her mindsets changed about everything. She got caught up with all the capitalists, she didn’t care about anything anymore. She finally decided to go home. When she came back to District 12, everybody was dead because there had been an underground explosion that wiped everybody in the district out. Katniss was soon asked if she wanted to stay with Haymitch at the capital so she said yes for the fact that she was so stressed out. She soon became a drunkard and forgot about her past and from the years on, didn’t care about anything else rather than the bottle of the spirits and all the wine.

  20. Kyle Goudie #5
    Big Nate On A Roll
    Lincoln Peirce
    2nd Quarter Blog #1

    The main problem in Big Nate On A Roll is that Nate Right losses his skateboard while riding it to his Timber Scouts meeting. He lost his skateboard by tripping on a dog leash because the lady wouldn’t move. Then he fell and his skateboard flew into the water below him. The people and anima(s) that were involved in the problem is the lady and the dog walking on the bridge. The problem was caused by Nate riding his skateboard to his Timber Scouts meeting when he could have walked to the meeting. Then the other cause that made this problem happen is again the lady and the dog not moving when Nate told them to move out of the way but they would not move, so then his skateboard went into the water. The conflict is that Nate’s enemy Arthur is getting more sales of cookies then Nate is to get a new customized skateboard for the grand prize. In order to get the grand prize you have to sale the most cookies then anyone else in the city. So Nate had an idea to put flyers on every door to by his cookies. So Arthur makes wall hangings and sells them at the schools play for more money. Then Nate saw him and ask his sister for advice. So Nate goes to his friend Francis so he makes Nate more flyers to put on the neighbors doors.

  21. Jenah Tittle #8
    The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
    C. S. Lewis
    Blog #2
    If you are lucky enough to find your way into Narnia, you will discover that it is a wonderful place for all kinds of adventures, with animals and fairy creatures. There are numberless doors into the kingdom, but you must find your own door. In this book, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy hide in a wardrobe, and when they push their way past the fur coats hanging inside, and keep on pushing, they finally pop out in a mysterious, snow-covered forest, deep in the heart of Narnia. I like how you have to believe to go into Narnia and not just go straight in. Lucy stumbles in first, on her own because she has a wild imagination. She's a happy little thing, willing to think the best of everyone, and she meets Mr. Tumnus the faun, who invites her home to tea. I like how they talk and everything and how Mr.Tumnus is so nice. They have a lovely time. Mr. Tumnus is obviously influenced by Lucy's forgiving response, because he lets her go, and even sees her back to the wardrobe door, but when Edmund stumbles into Narnia he has a completely different experience. It shows that Edmund has less of a happy go lucky attitude and is very upset and I like how they portray the difference experiences. He is in a bad mood, full of hate against his brother and sisters, and he meets the evil White Witch, who extracts a terrible promise from him. So by the time all four children arrive in Narnia together there is quite a mess fix. The White Witch, with her ally Edmund, has Narnia in her icy grip, but she has a tireless enemy, Aslan, the greatest of Lion Kings. I really like how in a Christian point of view you can tell who is who.

  22. Sarah Sarmiento #10
    December 16, 2012
    The Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins

    I am Katniss Everdeen. I live in District 12 with my mother and younger sister Prim. My father was killed by an explosion in one of the mines and I miss him very much. After my father died, I have been the one keeping me and my family alive. Every day I hunt in the woods with my best friend Gale using a bow staff. Every year, all of the districts compete in the national Hunger Games. It is call the Hunger Games for a reason. To win, you have to eliminate the other competitors and be the last one in. The catch is, all you get is a bag of supplies and that’s if you can get one, or someone can sponsor you. From every district, a boy and a girl are chosen. If your name gets picked, it can be the end of your life. This year my sister Prim was chosen and it was her first year included in the reaping. I was not going to let my little sister go into the arena though. She would not no how to use weapons or tools so I volunteered and took her place. The boy that was chosen was Peeta Melark. The day I went into the arena was the scariest day of my life. I ran right when the bell rang and grabbed the first bag of supplies I saw and headed into the woods. my life is turning upside down.

  23. Penny Wiese #9
    2nd Quarter, Blog #1
    Brotherband Chronicles-The Hunters
    By John Flanagan
    Log #1

    The Hunters is the third installment in the Brotherband trilogy. The book is about the recovery of a priceless treasure by a rather small ship’s crew of only ten people. They are, all but one of them from a country called Skandia, and sail aboard the vessel Heron. Thorn, the oldest crewman and only adult, is a one-handed warrior who for three years in a row before he lost his hand was the officially dubbed mightiest warrior in Skandia. Hal is the skirl, what the Skandians call the leader of a ship. He designed the Heron to be unique, and is smart, resourceful, and an inventor. Hal’s right hand man and best friend is Stig. The others of the crew are Stephen, the twins, Ulf and Wulf, Edvin, Ingvar, Jesper, and Lydia. Lydia wasn’t originally part of the crew, but when the pirate Zavoc, who had stolen the treasure the Heron’s were trying to get back killed her family, she joined them to help rid the world of Zavoc and his crew. In this third book, the Herons finally catch up to Zavoc, but have no way to defeat him. His crew outnumbers the heron four or five to one. Hal came up with a solution and challenged Zavoc to a duel. The weapons chosen being ships. Even though Zavoc had more men and a much larger ship, the Heron was still victorious due to its unusual maneuverability. They sunk Zavoc’s ship and returned home with the treasure. They had left home outcasts, and come back as heroes.

  24. Vincent Macabuhay #66
    Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins
    2nd quarter blog #1

    vincent: Lets talk about your Hunger Game experience.
    Katniss: well my sister got called up . so i thought she would die so i went instead.
    vincent: How nice.
    katniss:yes, it was but at the same time i thought i was gonna get killed.
    vincent: But u did the right thing, being a good sister.
    katniss: thankyou.
    Vincent: on the other hand were you a little scared when you took the battlfield with peeta?
    katniss:i wasnt that much until the start when the game started 2 people had already died. then i got a little creeped out. and started to panic.
    vincent:wow that is very tragic. it seems like you had to be really tired right?
    katniss: yes indeed i was very tired that i actually slept in a tree like a sloth.
    Vincent: was peeta on yourside.
    katniss: yes he was , he was my very close friend. he helped me do everything. and that one time when i slipped he was there for me.
    vincent: thats good. so who won?
    Katniss: at the end there were two left and that was me and peeta. and so we both decided not to win.
    vincent: wow what a great story katniss, thank you for telling me about what happened.
    katniss: you are very welcome, so long.

  25. Andy Ly #8
    Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth
    Rick Riordan
    2nd Quarter Blog #1

    Hello, my name's Andy, and I'm Percy's friend. Since I've read his books, I see that he's never mentioned me. It all happened when we were in sixth grade together. One day, we go to a park together when a bunch of Furies come and attack us. By then, we already knew that we were sons of Posieden. We both took out our swords. His was named Riptide, and mine was called Tsuni like a Tsunami. My sword was made of halp bronze, and half metal. Since it was made of different materials, I could kill a human and a monster. Percy's sword was just bronze. Us both fought our way out, and made it to camp. Right when we got there, we were assigned to go into the labyrinth and find Posiden. All we knew was that he went down there for a certain reason. As we geared up and went in, we immedialty had trouble. We kept getting lost, and we didn't have any hope of survivng. After twelve weeks, we were low on food and water. Sleep was little for us both because we knew how dangerous this place was. But two more weeks flyed by, and we found a door. Both of our hearts were beating as fast as a plane. We took out our swords and walked to the door slow. Once we got close, I opened the door, and we rushed inside there. But, all we found was an empty dark plain room. We were really confused, but I realized that there had to be some sort of secret latch. We pressed brick after brick for hours, or even days because the time in the Labyrinth was faster. After so long, I lost hope until Percy pressed a certain brick, then opened a large secret door. Inside, the walls were damp, and we felt a strong feeling. We knew our father was in here. I had an uneasy feeling that I couldn't shake, but we kept going. As we walked down the longest hall ever, we saw a body there. We ran to it as we thought it was our father, trembling. But when we got close, we just found a large, masculine, man, and we immediately knew who it was, the king of the sky, Zeus.

  26. Jackson Pinson #7
    The Mark of Athena
    Rick Riordan

    Dear Journal,

    Something Horrible has happened; Percy and Annabeth have fallen into Tartarus, the deepest and most evil place in the underworld. It happened when we were trying to save the Athena Parthenos. The Athena Parthenos is the statue of Athena and Nike that used to be in the Parthenon until the Romans hid it when they conquered Greece. Stupid Romans! We could have saved them, even if Nico said we couldn't have, I believe it was possible for Frank or Jason to fly down and save them. It's too late for that thought now though. Soy un idiota! I was really psyched about installing the Archimedes sphere into the ships programming, but now, I realized that no success comes without sacrifice as Nemesis said. I should never have opened that cookie! It saved two of my friends when I used it, but later it made me lose two of my friends. People think all I care about is machines and my ship, but that's not always true. I do care about my friends; it's just harder for me to express it. I blame it on my dad, Hephaestus, but I know that could if I wanted to. Anyways, I’m hoping that this new technology I found will help give us an edge against the giants. With all this new technology, I could upgrade the weapons, make flight easier and maybe fix Festus' control disk that was damaged on my first adventure, or better yet, make a brand new control disk. Festus sometimes feels like my only friend because he is the only one that really understands me. Jason and Piper are my friends also, don't get me wrong, but it’s just easier to talk to Festus because he always listens and never really questions me. I better go now because I have to start installing the new technology in now. Plus, I’d better take command of the ship again so coach doesn’t start shooting civilians. I will write again when something comes up again.
    Leo Valdez

    PS: Wish me luck and pray to all the gods you know that I can find Annabeth and Percy and get them out safely.

  27. Grace Diponio
    # 3
    The main problem in this story is telling the truth.This plays out in the story.Because they are accusing Mr.Duffy for strangling his wife to death.Mr.Duffy is telling the judge that he is not guilty.They think he killed his wife because he had one thousand dollars on her life time insurance.The judge told the crowd that the Duffy family was having money problems.Thats when Mr.Duffy got the idea if he killed his wife he would be able to get his house and not get poor.When he did kill his wife he put guns on the floor,,jewlery so it looked like some one robed them. Mrs.Duffy was going to go to her sisters house before she was killed.When Mrs.Duffy was not answering her 15 texts and 4 calls from her sister she began to get worried and called 911.One other theam is guilt. Guilt is important in this book because Mr.Duffy knew he did something bad but he thought he did not have to serve time. what the author is telling is awalys tell the truth or it will get worse.The author is trying to tell if you do something bad you will fell a sign of guilt.

  28. #10 Matthew Montoya

    Dear Diary,
    After dropping off a man who I gave a ride, I got a feeling that something was wrong about him. First, he wouldn’t tell me his name and then he lied to an officer about his name on his license. I just had a feeling that something was wrong. Maybe, he could be a criminal escaping state to come to London and hide from police. Yes, that could be what is true about him. I had given him a ride too. I had already gotten a ticket from a police officer when driving to London. The mysterious man had told me to speed to see how fast my old, junky car was. I got to about 125 mph until the cop sirens had gone off. All I hear was, “Pull Over.” It was the first ticket I had ever gotten in my life. I felt pretty bad for what I had done that day. The mysterious man still makes my mind spin. It was weird how he didn’t want to answer any of my questions. Well he did after all tell me what he did for a living. It shocked me. He was a thief. He was going to the horse Races in London to steal money off of people who won their bets on the horses. He was pretty good at his theft life though. He had stolen my necklace, wallet, and watch without me even feeling anything. He sure was a bad thief. I still had no idea of what was to come.


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