Second Quarter - Blog #2

Here it is. The final blog of the quarter. You have made it half-way through the year. Keep up the good work.


  1. Hannah Dumaine#4
    1-22-13 Blog#4
    Where the Red Fern Grows
    Wilson Rawls
    There are many conflicts in this book. There is one main one though. The characters in this book are Billy and he really wants dogs that can hunt. His parents really want to get him some, but they do not have a lot of money. He starts to not eat and his parents think he is sick. Billy’s mom is really worried about him and she wants to get the dog but his dad thinks they cannot because they are poor. The problem is that the boy wants dogs. So Billy works for two whole years to earn up fifty dollars for the dogs. He then gets all the money he needs and he goes to buy the dogs by himself. The other problem is that he needs to teach the dogs. Billy named the dogs Old Dan and Little Ann. He taught them but it was very hard work and it took about two months. Then the dogs became the best dogs in the country and they go many skins of animals, mostly raccoons. Then they entered a contest and they were a very small bunch compared to all the other people there. Little Ann won a beauty contest and Old Dan was not good for it because he was all scratched up and was worn down. But Little Ann was perfect for it and they won a silver cup. Then when the real contest begins, Billy and his dogs need to get many raccoon skins in order to win they got the most and there was a storm while hunting and Billy’s grandpa broke his foot from the icy floor and he slipped. But they won the contest and then the dogs died, but they were buried next to each other and Billy’s family now lives in the city and he goes to school.

  2. Jack Wiese #13
    2nd Quarter Blog #2, Log #1 – 403 pages
    The Brotherband Chronicles Book 3: The Hunters
    By John Flanagan

    Jack: Good evening, Hal.
    Hal: Good evening, Jack.
    Jack: I have a few questions I’d like to ask you about your recent journey.
    Hal: Oh, sure. I’m actually pretty bored right now. Great timing.
    Jack: Alright, I’ll start going down my list. Question #1: Are you the type of person who has to take a lot of time to think over a decision, or are you able to decide immediately?
    Hal: It really depends on the circumstances, Jack. I usually have to take time to decide, based on the pros and cons, unless the choice is very easy.
    Jack: Good, I like your answer. Question #2: How confident are you in the abilities of your crew?
    Hal: Oh, I’m very confident in the abilities of my crew members. The majority of them are exceptional fighters, more than capable of taking on the average pirate in a melee battle. In the matter of trimming the sails and everything else in that category, I always trust they are able to do what I need them to. Having a smaller crew may come as a setback at times, but it has many benefits. I know each and every one of them very well, and I know they are trustworthy. In a ship battle, they are totally committed to the job.
    Jack: Did you think you would be able to catch the pirate Zavac at the time you set off for him?
    Hal: I really wasn’t sure, but I knew that it was best to have confidence and determination so that my crew wouldn’t be discouraged.
    Jack: Ok, that’s all I have to ask. Thank you for your time.
    Hal: No problem.

  3. Adara Martinez #9
    Log #1
    Page 445
    Stephanie Meyer

    It starts with a girl named Bella
    She met a handsome fella
    She finds out his secret
    A very big secret
    She finds out that he was a vampire
    He loves her and protects her
    She is not scared of this sir
    She gets in danger
    But Edward saves her
    Their love never ends
    Edward calls her on the phone
    And invites her to his happy home
    He tells her his family story
    But it starts to get a little gory
    Edward and his family like to play ball
    Bella goes but hopes she doesn’t fall
    She sits and watches their amazing speed
    Until her life is put in danger

    But then again Edward saves her
    He hides her from a blood thirsty guy
    Hoping that she will not die
    Edward has an amazing plan
    He tricks the guy and confuses the scents
    But this not trick the him
    No it does not
    Not one bit
    He tricks Bella and says that her mom is there
    Oh how gruesome that is not fair
    Bella leaves a note for Edward to find
    She says she loves him with all her mind
    She says for him to not look for her
    She doesn’t want his life to be in danger
    When he comes to try and save her
    Bella escapes from Edwards folks
    And runs away to find her mom
    She goes to her old ballet studio
    Then the trouble was upon
    She finds out that he tricked her
    But has no emotions within her
    Where has Edward Gone?
    Has he found out what trouble is upon?
    What will happen next?
    Will Bella’s danger end?
    Or will their love descend?

  4. Dominic Diponio #3
    The Last Lecture
    I look it right in the eyes.
    I say to it,” I’m not going to let you tear me down. “
    I am filled with so much positivity.
    I live life to the fullest showing what I got.
    I accomplished my dreams and I soared high.

    I won’t give up
    I will never see let them see me cry
    I may have only a little longer to live.
    But I say to myself. “I will not die.”

    I want to show you, my love, I am going to fight
    Tell me that you will never leave me
    The kids might not have any memories
    So please teach them about me.
    I need to do this one last lecture
    It is for them.
    To let them know who I was
    Just tell them I love them.
    And that I love you and I’m fighting for

  5. Heaven Hayden#7
    Blog #2
    Left behind
    Jerry B. Jenkins

    Dear Lionel, I am very sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope that he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior before he died. He knew about the Lord but didn’t accept him in so don’t go blaming yourself and wishing that you were the one that died. You both had a chance and that is why you both got left behind. You could have died in that fire but you loved your uncle so much. You kept trying to get him to accept God but he didn’t listen. Don’t blame yourself! You still have a chance to see your parents again but you never know he could have accepted god right before his heart stopped. Trust god and never give up! Tell Ryan that he was so brave to go next to a house, your house, that was full of murderers! He got some very important information that you needed a lot. Make sure to thank him for that! Lionel, I need you to do a favor for me, lighten up on Ryan. His parents died and are not going to heaven and you have a chance of seeing your parents again because they were raptured. I hope your burns are not too bad and that you get better soon. You also need to thank Judd he risked his life to help you. Judd could have just run of and left you there but he was being a great Christian friend. Remember we are all in this together!
    Love your sister in Christ, Heaven Hayden.

  6. Steven Vego #12
    The Fellowship
    of the Ring
    J.R.R. Tolkien

    I love the way the author has so much detail and description about the characters and their surroundings for example: “It was a pale morning; In the East, behind long clouds like lines of soiled wool stained red at the edges lay glimmering deeps of yellow.” In that one sentence there is so much detail about everything that was going on around them. Another thing that i love about the author is all the creativity he uses in his writing and all the poems, metaphors, similes, alliteration, and songs that he uses. You could literally go through the book and find every type of writing there is and that is why he is such a great author and has so many best sellers and awards for his books because it is so detailed and creative.I also love the way he writes his stories and the order of which the go in is fantastic. If I wrote a book it would probably never be as good as his because his imagination is full of great ideas that never stop and he has so much creativity that he is able to write four very long books that are some of the best books ever. Not only his books but also the movies that were made were some of the best and they are making more movies based off of his books.J.R.R Tolkien is a creative, original author. His books are very descriptive and thorough. His stories are complicated but easily comprehensible. Mr. Tolkien is one of the greatest book authors and a lot of people enjoy his books today.

  7. Anthony Luciano#4
    second quarter-Blog #2
    The Adventures of Robin Hood
    By, Roger Lancelyn Green

    In the book "The adventures of Robin Hood" King Richard was taken to prison in Austria and so his brother John claims the thrown for the loss of his brother. He then started having farmers pay taxes to him even how poor farmers were, ad had the sheriff collect it all from them, but as bad as it sounds he wants to buy his brothers freedom but gets looked upon bad for taxing. Robin Hood is a man named Robert who became an outlaw and went away hiding at first. Then he started revolting and everyone including farmers wanted to pay for the cost to free King Richard but they were all still poor.
    The main problem in the book is Prince John took power in the thrown and started having large taxes on the people and so Robin Hood and his friend little John fight back to give back what money once was the farmers, and to some how free their old King Richard who was sadly locked up in prison in Austria.

  8. Aide Martinez#8
    January 22, 2013
    Blog #2
    The Frog Princess
    E.D. Baker
    The main problem in this book is that Emma and Eadric are trapped as frogs. They both use to be humans, but Eadric is a very bad-mannered prince. He made Emma turn into a frog when he kissed Emma; Emma had a bracelet that had a spell on it to protect her from any bad people. The spell on the bracelet went on her and she became a frog. Both prince and princess went through dangerous adventures and almost got killed. Emma and Eadric get trapped in a witch’s cabin and were locked up in a cage. Eadric fell into a deep sleep because the witch put a spell on worms, he only ate them. Emma wasn’t dumb enough to fall under the witches tricks. She met other friends who were locked up as well and they asked her if she read. They asked her this because if she was able to read a spell from a book, she would be able to open all the cages and they would all be free. When Emma and Eadric escaped from the witch’s cabin they both approached more danger and almost were killed by a snake. Luckily, one of Emma’s snake friends were able to tell the other snake that they were friends. The snake backed off and Emma and Eadric continued their horrible journey to the castle. They made it to the castle and were changed back into a human form by Emmas aunt whom was also a witch. The two got married and were happy together.

    1. Joshua Ramirez #9

      Blog #2
      Log #3

      My Life as a Stunt Boy
      By Janet Tashijian
      150 pages

      Derek Fallon got his first skateboard at the age of 4. He was always on that skateboard. He loved it more than anything. Skateboarding was his passion. By the age of 5, he was pretty good at skateboarding. As he got more comfortable riding, he began doing tricks. At the age of 7 years old, he did wheelies, front flips, and more. So if that wasn’t enough, at the age of 10 he started doing stunts. What kind of stunts? He did back flips and front flips. He was so talented that he became a stunt man for a real show! He became a stunt boy for a girl name Tanya Billings. He got teased and made fun of for being a stunt man for a girl. To make matters worse, his best friend was the one teasing him and making videos for people to see. Derek worked through all this and preserved himself to make things happen in his life. At 14 years of age he joined the theatre as a stunt boy. He was so talented that he was recognized and played in “Mission to Mars”. At 16, he finished high school and goes on to college. He is now 18 years old and is excelling in school. He is getting straight As and put aside his love for skateboarding and doing stunts. He has decided to put forth his efforts towards school and his education. He finally graduates at 20, and continues to Law School after. He became a great lawyer. After working for several years as a Lawyer, he worked himself up to become a professional director. He gets married to a woman name Julia Parks. After 3 years of marriage, they decided to have a family. Julia and Derek ended up with 2 daughters named Sophia and Hannah. His life is now raising his 2 beautiful daughters to be strong and succeed in school. He provides a strong foundation for his family and teaches them to follow God with all their heart, mind, and soul.

  9. Kyle Best #1
    2nd Quarter Blog #2, Log#1
    Catching Fire
    By: Suzanne Collins

    Dear Katniss,
    I would just like to congratulate you on your victory of the Hunger Games and your victory of beating the Capital. I like how you made people think that you were crazily in love with Peeta. You even led him into thinking that. I also like the bravery you showed by first taking your sisters place and then winning while saving another person too. I know that the games are over and you don’t really get along with Peeta. He actually thought you liked him when you were only trying to save both of your guys’ lives, so that made him upset with you. It must be scary that President Snow specifically went to visit you to tell you how you better convince everybody that you truly were in love and not defying the capital. Now your family is on line it was very important that you make everyone believe that. I think you should have told Peeta so he wouldn’t be as mad at you and so he could act even more in love with you. I didn’t think that is was a smart move for Peeta to give the families of Rue and Thrush a check every week to help them survive, which is defiant to the capital. I suggest that you go with your plan to get all the people you love to go into the wild with you so you can be protected from the government. That way, you can all live somewhat normal lives in the wilderness and start a clan of people in the wilderness.

  10. Samantha Doring #4
    log #3
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins
    Pg. #342

    Kattniss survives the games
    she uses her brain
    She is happy at home
    Then but then moans
    Gale was whipped
    then she slipped
    Peeta and Kittenish marry
    She thinks she looks scary
    She looks at dresses day and night
    chooses one with all her might
    Then gets called to the games
    she regains her name
    and her fame
    she meets people of all shapes and sizes
    Then she decides
    Finick is her one of her allies
    and Peeta too
    She knows she must chew
    because if she doesn't she will too die
    In the arena it is wet
    and that is where she met
    Peeta almost dies
    but is revived
    she wants to kill Finick
    but she doesn't want to be mimicked
    In the arena she gets a gift
    everyone takes a sniff
    but it is to get water
    She doesn't moderate
    and she won't at her rate
    They weave
    then leave
    there is a fog
    it came from the bog
    someone ran in
    she was very thin
    The fog killed skin
    but didn't come back again
    Then there was monkeys
    They weren’t chunky
    but they were funky
    orange and claws was all that Kattniss saw
    but then she had one by the paw
    It was one of the tributes
    They dragged it into the water
    and hoping that it would find its father
    Then they met the careers
    they didn't have any gears
    but they ran in fear
    the water arose
    but no one posed
    and all were safe but not for long
    Tick Tock Tick Tock

  11. Penny Wiese #9
    Second Quarter Blog Two
    Sanctum by Sarah Fine
    Log One

    Sanctum is a wonderfully written book about sacrifice and the great lengths people will go to in order to protect their loved ones. It show all aspects of human nature both before and after death. The book it about a young woman named Lela, who dies and awakens in what is basically heaven. She looks across, however and sees the Suicide Gates and to save her best friend who committed suicide, leaves heaven and goes to that special level of hell reserved for those who commit suicide. One of my favorite parts of the book is when one of the characters describes those who inhabit the Suicide Gates and wander about aimlessly. I love the words used. "They're so absorbed in their own sadness they can't see past the darkness." This so aptly describes a great deal of humanity. They become so wrapped up in their own problems that the don't see what's wrong with t he world. The book is incredibly fascinating, to the point of being addicting. It sets your heart racing, makes you want to pray for the characters as if they were real people. I would recommend this book to a friend in an instant, and have already done so. It has nary a dull moment. The main characters are easy to admire, and the book's villains will chill your blood. Another appeal to the book is its romantic aspect. While looking for her friend Lela meets Malachi, who is one of the guards at the Suicide Gates. His job is to keep the demons at bay. He almost instantly upon meeting Lela decides to help her to save her friend. He saves her life more times than can be counted, and teaches her to defend herself. And of course, as they search for her friend, the inevitable happens. They fall in love. Sanctum is the kind of book that you will want to read over and over again, and it will never lose its beauty. It isn't just a book. It is a work of art that will make you pray for sequels.

  12. Michael Chapin#3
    January 23, 2013
    The Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins

    Hello, I am Petta and I was in the Hunger Games.When I was chosen to be one of the tributes for the games I was shocked and I was too scared to say much. I had a feeling of fear and it felt like there was a feeling of death rolling around in my mind. I felt like I knew I was going to die. As time grew closer to the games, the more fear I had that I might die. When the time came I was to overwhelmed with fear. My pulse felt like it was in my temple. When it started I saw the others and they looked brave I had a constant fear of dying any second. I felt more confident as more and more people died. When Katnus and I were the last ones She had a different opinion about me. As we were going to eat then they told us to not. the ladders came and Iwent black.

  13. Jacquelyn Co #2
    January 23, 2013
    Blog #2- 201 pages
    Sword of the Rightful King
    Jane Yolen
    Dear Prince Gawaine,
    Please leave the castle, King Arthur and Merlinnus know that you and your brothers are the assassins. Get out of that castle because you have to warn people about the sword and stone. I know you do not know but Merlinnus and King Arthur are finding a way to make people like King Arthur. The challenge is, whoever pulls the sword out of the stone becomes the rightful king. I have to tell you that the sword is enchanted and the challenge will fool everyone into thinking that Arthur is the rightful king. If you win your mother will be so proud of you. You, Prince Gawaine are the rightful king. Forget your mother’s mission and make her even happier by becoming king. Now go and leave the castle, King Arthur’s brother Kay is convincing Arthur to put you and your brothers in the dungeon or kill you. I am begging you to leave and tell everyone about the challenge. If the crowd does not believe you, then just try to win the challenge and become the rightful king. Prince Gawaine if you leave now there will be less chances of you and your brothers going to the dungeon and dying there. Most importantly leave the castle and tell everyone about the challenge. Thank you Prince Gawaine, I hope that you will use this letter of advice and use it carefully.
    Jacquelyn Co

  14. Andy Ly #8
    271 Words
    Blog #2
    Mrs. Holiday
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
    J.K. Rowling
    Hey, Harry Potter here. So far, I've been with the most annoying Dursley family for 10 years. I am starting to get really sick of this "family" I have. They make me sleep in the cupboard full of spiders, but I'm quite fond of them. The only clothes I get is their fat pig son Dudley's old clothes. He's so fat that his clothes are three times the size of me. Since last week, things have been getting weirder. I went to get the mail, and I got my first mail that Uncle Veron took away. Everyday since then, I've been getting more and more mail for me. They even adressed it to cupboard. When I switched rooms, they switched the adress to smallest room. Uncle Veron rushed us out of the house, and took us to a random shack in the middle of nowhere. Then, during the night time, right when my birthday struck, no one cared but a huge shaggy bearded giant that knocked down the door. He came in and gave me a birthday cake that said Happy Birthday Harry. He said,"I haven't seen you since you were little." That night, I was told that my parents weren't killed in a car accident, but by an evil with name Vuldemort. Hagrid told me that my parents were legends, and their was no way that they would be killed by a car crash.The most shocking new that I got tonight was that I Harry Potter am the son of the best wizards that ever lived, and that it was my destiny to go to the best wizard school ever.

  15. Alyssa Zeller #12
    Blog #4
    The House of the Scorpion
    Nancy Farmer

    Hello, my name is Nancy. I am here to tell you about Matt after the fact. When he grew up, he became a successful clone breeder and has well over 100 son and daughter clones. He married Maria, but she died giving birth to Matt’s only biological son. Tom, Emilia, and Steven became poor drug dealers that got caught and would have gone to prison if Matt hadn’t saved them. They are now servants of Matt and are very faithful. Tam Lin is still Matt’s body guard even though he is well over the hill. Matt’s son, Jacob, is a very smart boy and Matt sees potential in him.

  16. Allison Castaneda#2
    catching fire
    Suzanne Collins

    The main problem in the book is that katniss is getting into so much trouble, and is putting her loved ones in danger. She has to realize that her actions are going to cost her, she also has to make up her mind does she like Peeta or Gale more? Katniss has been thinking about a revolute against the capital, because that is what district 8 is doing, but again there are going to be consequents like they could kill her family, friends, and even her. Katniss has to watch out, because there is a new peacekeeper, and he is very fast this hard action. The new peacekeeper has wiped gale to the flesh, and wiped katniss on the face in the matter of minutes. Katniss needs to watch her every move because president snow has an eye on her, everything she does he is able to see or even her; president snow might even have spies on katniss. Another problem is that in the book katniss is sensing that president snow is doing something to sabotage her life as to her sister prim because when she was thinking about all the stuff she recognized that the capital watched her dad being killed in the mines, prim starving, and her name being picked even though it was only in there once. Katniss has to watch her back, because at any minute she can be killed by anyone, especially by president snow. Katniss also has to watch over her sister prim more because now that she sees that they could be sabotaging her family they could do something to prim.

  17. Sarah Youssouf#11
    Blog #2
    Mocking Jay
    Suzanne Collins

    Sarah: Hello, Katniss,
    Katniss: Hello, Sarah.
    Sarah: How are you felling after that gun wound you got in District 2?
    Katniss: I’m feeling better; just have a big bruise on my rib.
    Sarah: Glad to hear that. When you got choked by Peeta, how did you feel?
    Katniss: I was very surprised, actually. I thought he would have been happy to see me. At first I didn’t know what was going on, but after I realized that Peeta wasn’t the same old Peeta. The Peeta that chocked me was the Peeta the capitol brain washed.
    Sarah: I know you have been going through a lot with Peeta, Gale, and being the Mocking Jay.
    Katniss: Yes I have been worn out by all the things I have been going through.
    Sarah: I have a question about Prim, your sister. She has been giving you words of wisdom through these ruff times. What would do without her?
    Katniss: I would be mentally disordered and would never be speaking to you right now. I would be in a hospital bed for the rest of my life.
    Sarah: Wow, seems like prim has been playing a big role in your life.
    Katniss: Yes she has and I would like to thank her for all she has done.
    Sarah: Another person I would like to talk about is Gale. After you found out Peeta was different you seemed to be getting closer to Gale.
    Katniss: Yes I did get closer to Gale. He is like my older brother to me. Even though we have exchanged kisses, I and he will always be close friends.
    Sarah: That’s all the time we have for now. It was a pleasure to meet with you Katniss.
    Katniss: It was a pleasure to meet you too, Sarah.

  18. Jack Pinson #7
    Mrs. Holiday
    Mark of Athena


    1) How many demigods are in the great prophecy?
    A) Four
    B) Eight
    C) Seven
    D) Six

    2) Who fires upon New Rome?
    A) Piper
    B) Octavian
    C) Hedge
    D) Leo
    Extra Credit: Why did the person fire upon New Rome?

    3) What god/goddess helps the demigods on their mission?
    A) Dionysus
    B) Nemisis
    C) Aphrodite
    D) All of the above

    4) What is the name of Leos Ship?
    A) Argo II
    B) Argo III
    C) Princess Andronama
    D) The Odessey

    5) What was the first stop after fleeing New Rome?
    A) Kansas
    B) Utah
    C) Nevada
    D) Montana

    6) What famous mythological female did Leo and Hazel meet?
    A) Charidys
    B) Echo
    C) Circe
    D) Hestia

    7) What possessed Leo, Jason and Percy?
    A) devils
    B) gods
    C) eidolons
    D) Lares

    8) Who can shapeshift?
    A) Leo
    B) Frank
    C) Jason
    D) Annabeth
    Extra Credit: What is the name of the ancestor who passed down this ability?

    9) What is the name of the river god Jason and Piper meet?
    A) Triton
    B) Poseidon
    C) Acholus
    D) Ariel

    10) Who has to follow the Mark of Athena?
    A) Annabeth
    B) Percy
    C) Hedge
    D) Jason
    Extra Credit: What is the name of the enemy waiting for the character?

    11) What are the names of the twin giants?
    A) Shrek and Otis
    B) Ephialates and Otis
    C) Polybotes and Porphyrion
    D) None of the above
    Extra Credit: Who were they destined to oppose?

    12) Who falls into Tartarus?
    A) Percy
    B) Annabeth
    C) Both A and B
    D) None of the above

    Answer Key:
    1) C
    2) D
    EX: Eidolon possessed him and made him do it.
    3) D
    4) A
    5) B
    6) B
    7) C
    8) B
    EX: Periclymenus
    9) C
    10) A
    EX: Arachne
    11) B
    EX: Dionysus
    12) C

  19. Jack Pinson #7
    Mrs. Holiday
    Mark of Athena


    1) How many demigods are in the great prophecy?
    A) Four
    B) Eight
    C) Seven
    D) Six

    2) Who fires upon New Rome?
    A) Piper
    B) Octavian
    C) Hedge
    D) Leo
    Extra Credit: Why did the person fire upon New Rome?

    3) What god/goddess helps the demigods on their mission?
    A) Dionysus
    B) Nemisis
    C) Aphrodite
    D) All of the above

    4) What is the name of Leos Ship?
    A) Argo II
    B) Argo III
    C) Princess Andronama
    D) The Odessey

    5) What was the first stop after fleeing New Rome?
    A) Kansas
    B) Utah
    C) Nevada
    D) Montana

    6) What famous mythological female did Leo and Hazel meet?
    A) Charidys
    B) Echo
    C) Circe
    D) Hestia

    7) What possessed Leo, Jason and Percy?
    A) devils
    B) gods
    C) eidolons
    D) Lares
    8) Who can shapeshift?
    A) Leo
    B) Frank
    C) Jasn
    D) Annabeth
    Extra Credit: What is the name of the ancestor who passed down this ability?

    9) What is the name of the river god Jason and Piper meet?
    A) Triton
    B) Poseidon
    C) Acholus
    D) Ariel

    10) Who has to follow the Mark of Athena?
    A) Annabeth
    B) Percy
    C) Hedge
    D) Jason
    Extra Credit: What is the name of the enemy waiting for the character?

    11) What are the names of the twin giants?
    A) Shrek and Otis
    B) Ephialates and Otis
    C) Polybotes and Porphyrion
    D) None of the above
    Extra Credit: Who were they destined to oppose?
    12) Who falls into Tartarus?
    A) Percy
    B) Annabeth
    C) Both A and B
    D) None of the above
    Answer Key:
    1) C
    2) D
    EX: Eidolon possessed him and made him do it.
    3) D
    4) A
    5) B
    6) B
    7) C
    8) B
    EX: Periclymenus
    9) C
    10) A
    EX: Arachne
    11) B
    EX: Dionysus
    12) C

  20. Jack Pinson #7
    Mrs. Holiday
    Mark of Athena


    1) How many demigods are in the great prophecy?
    A) Four
    B) Eight
    C) Seven
    D) Six

    2) Who fires upon New Rome?
    A) Piper
    B) Octavian
    C) Hedge
    D) Leo
    Extra Credit: Why did the person fire upon New Rome?

    3) What god/goddess helps the demigods on their mission?
    A) Dionysus
    B) Nemisis
    C) Aphrodite
    D) All of the above

    4) What is the name of Leos Ship?
    A) Argo II
    B) Argo III
    C) Princess Andronama
    D) The Odessey

    5) What was the first stop after fleeing New Rome?
    A) Kansas
    B) Utah
    C) Nevada
    D) Montana

    6) What famous mythological female did Leo and Hazel meet?
    A) Charidys
    B) Echo
    C) Circe
    D) Hestia

    7) What possessed Leo, Jason and Percy?
    A) devils
    B) gods
    C) eidolons
    D) Lares
    8) Who can shapeshift?
    A) Leo
    B) Frank
    C) Jasn
    D) Annabeth
    Extra Credit: What is the name of the ancestor who passed down this ability?

    9) What is the name of the river god Jason and Piper meet?
    A) Triton
    B) Poseidon
    C) Acholus
    D) Ariel

    10) Who has to follow the Mark of Athena?
    A) Annabeth
    B) Percy
    C) Hedge
    D) Jason
    Extra Credit: What is the name of the enemy waiting for the character?

    11) What are the names of the twin giants?
    A) Shrek and Otis
    B) Ephialates and Otis
    C) Polybotes and Porphyrion
    D) None of the above
    Extra Credit: Who were they destined to oppose?
    12) Who falls into Tartarus?
    A) Percy
    B) Annabeth
    C) Both A and B
    D) None of the above
    Answer Key:
    1) C
    2) D
    EX: Eidolon possessed him and made him do it.
    3) D
    4) A
    5) B
    6) B
    7) C
    8) B
    EX: Periclymenus
    9) C
    10) A
    EX: Arachne
    11) B
    EX: Dionysus
    12) C

  21. Marianna Marroquin #7
    January 22, 2012
    Blog #2
    The Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins
    Marianna: Hello katniss!
    Katniss: Hello Marianna you look great!
    Marianna: Thank you too!
    Katniss: Well thank you.
    Marianna: So Katniss, I hear, we all heard that you were a tribute for your little sister Primrose Everdeen?
    Katniss: Yes.
    Marianna: And how does she feel about that?
    Katniss: Ummm…. Well she was scared and I talked to her and she’s taking it hard.
    Marianna: Oh well not only you should win to stay alive, but for your family and for Prim.
    Katniss: Well thank you for having so much confidence in me.
    Marianna: Of course.
    Marianna: And so did you know Peeta, your partner before the Hunger Games?
    Katniss: Not exactly.
    Marianna: Well now you do.
    Katniss: Yes. Yes I do.
    Marianna: And before I forget, your father. He isn’t here with you to this day and you seem very confident about him. Tell us about him if you may.
    Katniss: Umm… yes my father was a mine worker and he has encouraged me to never give up and to stand up for myself. He was such an inspiration to me that to this day, I have not given up on myself.
    Marianna: Well now I think you have inspired everyone hear.
    Katniss: And all of you have inspired me to keep going.
    Marianna: Awww well thank you. We hope you the best of all to try and try and try. And Happy Hunger Games!
    Katniss: Well thank you.
    Marianna: Give it up for Katniss Everdeem!

  22. Angelica Castaneda#1 January 23, 2013
    Blog #2 The Corner of the Universe by: Ann M. Martin

    The Corner of the Universe has many themes but the main one is friendship. Hattie is the main character along with Adam. This takes place in the summer when Hattie turns 12. Hattie and her family just moved into a new house that Hattie is just getting use to. Adam moved here and is now living with his mom and dad who live across from Hattie. People were making fun of Adam because they see him different from them, except for Hattie. Hattie was being really friendly and became Adams friend. Adam has problems and is mentally ill and goes to a special school. The special school that he goes to closed down so he had to move. Hattie never knew about Adam. Adam and Hattie were really good friends; Hattie didn't care if Adam had problems, or if people made fun of him. At first when Adam came to see his family, he was not happy until he saw Angel Valentine (Hattie’s maid), he was in love. Adam becomes really mad and angry because he finds out that Angles has a boyfriend. Adam is the only friend Hattie’s has. This book shows that friendship is really important, that we should not make fun of people. It also shows that we need to stand up for our friends. Hattie is a good example of a good friend.

  23. Alec Shahverdian 11
    Rick Riordan
    The Red Pyramid
    Log #4 1/23/13
    After the Red Pyramid ended, Carter and Sadie have done many things in the time they had. They gave Amos a good farewell as he went for his treatment after the “incident” at the Red Pyramid(the building not the book). After he left, They played basketball with Khufu who beat them who is best in the mansion. The two watched Philip, the albino crocodile, who was glad to be out of his clay form and not trapped in a bag. They spent more quality time with Bast and asked her what it was like to not exist. However, the whole time they were thinking about if any magicians would show up and join their cause. Then some people started to show up all kids under eighteen. They were surprised how many young magicians there were willing to join their cause. Although it wasn't a very big army, they still had the Egyptian gods with them to help at any time to fight against Aphophis, the snake god of chaos. Each student chose different paths of gods and learned the ways of the gods. The mansion became a not so lonely place and was undercrontrol. This was true even with only one chaperon, Bast. The two felt like they knew what they were doing until they thought on there next plan to stop Aphophis. They couldn't consult the gods because some of their judgments were irrational. They couldn't ask their half dead half god parents because it was up to them to find out were what they told them. Whatever they will do, I will be interested to find out in the next book The Throne of Fire.

  24. Natalie Coyne #1
    Saving the World and other Extreme Sports by James Patterson
    Second Quarter blog #2

    Interviewer: hi, Max how are you?
    Max: You know, as good as it can get when you are spending the majority of you life running away from vicious, greedy scientists who want to use you for experiments.
    Interviewer: I’m sorry, I heard about some of your adventures over Fang’s blog. What do you think about that?
    Max: At first I was highly skeptical of it, but when they all of those children came to help us get out of the Director’s dungeon and protested about Itex all over the globe I realized that this could really help
    Interviewer: The flock was split into two groups for a while, what was that like for you?
    Max: I absolutely hated it. I love Gazzy, Iggy, and… Fang so much I don’t know how I could live with out them.
    Interviewer: Looking back, do you think Fang was right to leave? No, Ari was my brother and if I, the person with the biggest trust issues in the world, could trust him, then he should have been able to too.
    Max: Do you mind if we wrap this up, I’m not exactly big on being in the spotlight.
    Interviewer: Of course, just one more question.
    Interviewer: Can you tell me about your relationship with Fang?
    Max: He are not dating, if that’s what you mean. Fang is… confusing. I really don’t know how I feel either though so we are just very good friends… for now.
    Interviewer: Thank you for answering my questions, Goodbye Max and good luck
    Max: Good bye, and I don’t need luck.

  25. Natalie Coyne #1
    Saving the World and other Extreme Sports by James Patterson
    Second Quarter blog #2

    Interviewer: hi, Max how are you?
    Max: You know, as good as it can get when you are spending the majority of you life running away from vicious, greedy scientists who want to use you for experiments.
    Interviewer: I’m sorry, I heard about some of your adventures over Fang’s blog. What do you think about that?
    Max: At first I was highly skeptical of it, but when they all of those children came to help us get out of the Director’s dungeon and protested about Itex all over the globe I realized that this could really help
    Interviewer: The flock was split into two groups for a while, what was that like for you?
    Max: I absolutely hated it. I love Gazzy, Iggy, and… Fang so much I don’t know how I could live with out them.
    Interviewer: Looking back, do you think Fang was right to leave? No, Ari was my brother and if I, the person with the biggest trust issues in the world, could trust him, then he should have been able to too.
    Max: Do you mind if we wrap this up, I’m not exactly big on being in the spotlight.
    Interviewer: Of course, just one more question.
    Interviewer: Can you tell me about your relationship with Fang?
    Max: He are not dating, if that’s what you mean. Fang is… confusing. I really don’t know how I feel either though so we are just very good friends… for now.
    Interviewer: Thank you for answering my questions, Goodbye Max and good luck
    Max: Good bye, and I don’t need luck.

  26. Natalie Coyne #1
    Saving the World and other Extreme Sports by James Patterson
    Second Quarter blog #2

    Interviewer: hi, Max how are you?
    Max: You know, as good as it can get when you are spending the majority of you life running away from vicious, greedy scientists who want to use you for experiments.
    Interviewer: I’m sorry, I heard about some of your adventures over Fang’s blog. What do you think about that?
    Max: At first I was highly skeptical of it, but when they all of those children came to help us get out of the Director’s dungeon and protested about Itex all over the globe I realized that this could really help
    Interviewer: The flock was split into two groups for a while, what was that like for you?
    Max: I absolutely hated it. I love Gazzy, Iggy, and… Fang so much I don’t know how I could live with out them.
    Interviewer: Looking back, do you think Fang was right to leave? No, Ari was my brother and if I, the person with the biggest trust issues in the world, could trust him, then he should have been able to too.
    Max: Do you mind if we wrap this up, I’m not exactly big on being in the spotlight.
    Interviewer: Of course, just one more question.
    Interviewer: Can you tell me about your relationship with Fang?
    Max: He are not dating, if that’s what you mean. Fang is… confusing. I really don’t know how I feel either though so we are just very good friends… for now.
    Interviewer: Thank you for answering my questions, Goodbye Max and good luck
    Max: Good bye, and I don’t need luck.


  27. Sarah Sarmiento #10
    January 23, 2013
    Prophet of Yonwood
    By Jeanne Duprau

    Prophet of Yonwood Exam

    1-10 True/False

    1. Nickie Randolph’s aunts name is Dolly.
    2. Crystal and her sister inherited their grandfather’s house in Yonwood.
    3. The population of Yonwood is 2,460
    4. Crystal wants to stay and move into the house.
    5. Their grandfather’s house is small and ugly.
    6. Crystals grandfathers name is Arthur Blue
    7. Nickie is eleven years old.
    8. The house was spotless.
    9. There was someone on the third floor.
    10. There was a cat in the house.

    1-10 Multiple Choice

    1. Who saw the girl on the third floor?
    A. Nickie
    B. Crystal
    C. the police officer
    D. Arthur Green
    2. How old is Nickie?
    A. ten
    B. eleven
    C. twelve
    D. fourteen
    3. Who made goals to do at Yonwood?
    A. Mrs. Randolph
    B. Crystal
    C. Nickie
    D. None of the above
    4. What was the name of the girl in the closet?
    A. Amanda Stokes
    B. Sandy Danes
    C. Bailey Share
    D. None of the above

    5. What type of animal did the girl have in the closet with her?
    A. Guinea Pig
    B. Dog
    C. Cat
    D. None of the above
    6. What was the name of the girls pet?
    A. Grover
    B. Able
    C. Pepper
    D. Otis
    7. What did Nickie and Amanda do to prevent Crystal from hearing the animals footsteps?
    A. Covered the floor with rugs.
    B. Tied him up.
    C. Make louder noise.
    D. None of the above.
    8. Who went through all the old belongings?
    A. Crystal
    B. Amanda
    C. Nickie
    D. All of the above
    9. Who helped Amanda find another person to take care of?
    A. Nickie
    B. Mrs. Beeson
    C. Crystal
    D. None of the above
    10. What type of person is Amanda going to take care of?
    A. Fortune Teller
    B. Prophet
    C. Mind Reader
    D. None of the above

    1-5 Short Answer

    1. Nickies mother was sending her postcards sent from who?
    2. What part of Yonwood was Nickie staying at?
    3. At what place was there a break-in?
    4. Who noticed that someone broke in?
    5. What was stolen from the Cozy Corner?


    1. Describe the break-in at Cozy Corner.

    Answer Key

    1-10 True/False

    1. False
    2. True
    3. True
    4. False
    5. False
    6. False
    7. True
    8. False
    9. True
    10. False

    1-10 Multiple Choice

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. A.
    5. B.
    6. D.
    7. A.
    8. C.
    9. B.
    10. B.

    1-5 Short Answer

    1. Her father
    2. Greenhaven
    3. Cozy Corner
    4. A child named Grover
    5. A package of chicken


    Early, on a Friday morning, a boy named Grover Persons was walking behind Cozy Corner on his way to school. He noticed that the window next to the back door was broken. Near the broken glass, there was a towel with what looked like blood on it. He went to the front of the restaurant to tell the manager, Andy, about what had happened. When Andy saw the scene, he shrieked which made people surround him. Police were looking for anything that was taken, but all that was missing was a package of chicken.
    Police officers did not know weather the liquid that was on the towel was blood or not.

  28. Deborah Dervartanian #2
    Mrs. Holiday English
    2nd Quarter Blog #2
    The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, Log #2
    Final Exam
    True or False
    1. Katniss’ dad helped her through the Hunger Games.
    2. Madge gives Katniss the mockingjay pin.
    3. Mrs. Everdeen became depressed and gave up on taking care of her family after her husband had died.
    4. The seam is the section of district 12 where the coal miners live.
    5. Mr. Mellark is the person who pulls the name of the tributes.
    6. Gale kills Rue.
    Multiple choice
    7. _____ is the country that Katniss lives in
    a. Panem
    b. Parend
    c. Panama
    8. Buttercup is a
    a. person
    b. dog
    c. Cat
    9. Gale’s nickname for Katniss is
    a. Buttersnitch
    b. Buttercup
    c. Catnip
    10. An illegal black market in district twelve is called
    a. Mob
    b. The black market
    c. Hob
    11. Katniss trusted all these people except for
    a. Cinna
    b. Peeta
    c. Haymitch
    12. This person has loved Katniss since age five
    a. Rue
    b. Gale
    c. Peeta
    13. Katniss hunts with this
    a. Knife
    b. Bow and arrow
    c. Gun
    14. District twelve is a
    a. Coal mining community
    b. Luxury community
    c. Oil community
    15. On this day, Katniss found water
    a. First
    b. Second
    c. Third
    16. Katniss and peeta hide here from the rain
    a. Under a tree
    b. In a cave
    c. In a house
    17. Katniss stayed with mainly these two people throughout the Hunger Games
    a. Gale and Peeta
    b. Gale and Rue
    c. Peeta and Rue
    Short Answer
    18. What do dandelions symbol in Katniss’ mind?
    19. Give an example of how Katniss rebelled in the capitol in the novel.
    20. What did Katniss and Rue do to keep signal when away from eachother?
    21. Not all the peace keepers were nice in this district.
    22. What was the first thing that Katniss did when she entered the Hunger games?
    23. How does Haymitch help give advice to Peeta and Katniss throught he beginning of the novel? What is his strategy that he uses for Peeta and Katniss’ advice that he gives them?
    1. False
    2. True
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False
    6. False
    7. A
    8. C
    9. C
    10. C
    11. C
    12. B
    13. B
    14. A
    15. C
    16. B
    17. C
    18. Survival
    19. Either hunting illegally in the woods, pretending to eat the poisonous berries, trading in the hob, shooting an arrow at the game makers
    20. Either to whistle or hum a song or a rhythm to the birds
    21. Distrit 11
    22. Ran and grabbed a backpack
    23. Haymitch wanted the both to first to attract the sponsors to help them in the arena. Haymitch did want them to look like they loved each other but that was just a strategy to help them. The end of the point here is that he wants to discourage rebellion against each other. He has very effective advice to such as when he tells Katniss keep her bow and arrow skills a secret so she can surprise the other tributes during the games. Haymitch does act like he really doesn’t care, but he always has a strategy for the things he actually says.

  29. Deborah Dervartanian #2
    Mrs. Holiday English
    2nd Quarter Blog #2
    The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, Log #2
    Final Exam
    True or False
    1. Katniss’ dad helped her through the Hunger Games.
    2. Madge gives Katniss the mockingjay pin.
    3. Mrs. Everdeen became depressed and gave up on taking care of her family after her husband had died.
    4. The seam is the section of district 12 where the coal miners live.
    5. Mr. Mellark is the person who pulls the name of the tributes.
    6. Gale kills Rue.
    Multiple choice
    7. _____ is the country that Katniss lives in
    a. Panem
    b. Parend
    c. Panama
    8. Buttercup is a
    a. person
    b. dog
    c. Cat
    9. Gale’s nickname for Katniss is
    a. Buttersnitch
    b. Buttercup
    c. Catnip
    10. An illegal black market in district twelve is called
    a. Mob
    b. The black market
    c. Hob
    11. Katniss trusted all these people except for
    a. Cinna
    b. Peeta
    c. Haymitch
    12. This person has loved Katniss since age five
    a. Rue
    b. Gale
    c. Peeta
    13. Katniss hunts with this
    a. Knife
    b. Bow and arrow
    c. Gun
    14. District twelve is a
    a. Coal mining community
    b. Luxury community
    c. Oil community
    15. On this day, Katniss found water
    a. First
    b. Second
    c. Third
    16. Katniss and peeta hide here from the rain
    a. Under a tree
    b. In a cave
    c. In a house
    17. Katniss stayed with mainly these two people throughout the Hunger Games
    a. Gale and Peeta
    b. Gale and Rue
    c. Peeta and Rue
    Short Answer
    18. What do dandelions symbol in Katniss’ mind?
    19. Give an example of how Katniss rebelled in the capitol in the novel.
    20. What did Katniss and Rue do to keep signal when away from eachother?
    21. Not all the peace keepers were nice in this district.
    22. What was the first thing that Katniss did when she entered the Hunger games?
    23. How does Haymitch help give advice to Peeta and Katniss throught he beginning of the novel? What is his strategy that he uses for Peeta and Katniss’ advice that he gives them?
    1. False
    2. True
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False
    6. False
    7. A
    8. C
    9. C
    10. C
    11. C
    12. B
    13. B
    14. A
    15. C
    16. B
    17. C
    18. Survival
    19. Either hunting illegally in the woods, pretending to eat the poisonous berries, trading in the hob, shooting an arrow at the game makers
    20. Either to whistle or hum a song or a rhythm to the birds
    21. Distrit 11
    22. Ran and grabbed a backpack
    23. Haymitch wanted the both to first to attract the sponsors to help them in the arena. Haymitch did want them to look like they loved each other but that was just a strategy to help them. The end of the point here is that he wants to discourage rebellion against each other. He has very effective advice to such as when he tells Katniss keep her bow and arrow skills a secret so she can surprise the other tributes during the games. Haymitch does act like he really doesn’t care, but he always has a strategy for the things he actually says.

  30. Vincent Macabuhay #6
    blog #2
    the hunger games

    Only one can survive,
    only one to leave
    some enter in fear,
    others a career,
    where this journey leads,
    for all the misdeeds,
    surely theyre forgiven?
    but mostly in vain,
    even the one to remain,
    will suffer here after,
    a life without laughter,
    full of simple terror,
    which fate seems fairer,
    the ones who watched
    and stood good bye,
    the ones who had to die,
    will be forever cried.

  31. Kyle Goudie #5
    Author: Lincoln Peirce
    Book: Big Nate On A Roll
    Second Quarter Blog#2

    Nate Wright is a Timber Scout
    When he sees Artur he makes a pout
    Artur has a girlfriend her name is jenny
    Nate likes her so he will give her a lot pennies

    Nate makes odd jobs cards
    So he has to organize gnomes on the yards
    Then he has to walk a dog
    In the fog

    Nate is trying to win a skateboard for his team
    That is Nate’s biggest dream
    Nate thinks he is really really strong
    But he in really wrong

    Francis and Teddy are his best friends
    We all know that, that is going to end
    Nate Wright gets a black eye
    He got that from the dog that made him fly

    There is a cat that is named Pickles
    The dog licked its belly and is looked like in tickled
    Nate has a enemy named Gina
    Nate thinks of her as a gorilla

  32. #17 Trevor Stubbs
    Author: Suzanne Collins
    prompt #2
    Catnis when you get in the arena run and take cover. You know that your other tribute is turning on you. He is parenting up with Kato and his gang so wait until Kato dies to start fighting. If you ran after him you will die. If you want to start fighting when you step into the arena. You need to make a lot more alliances because Kato and his gang will find you. If you kill Kato kill him when they least expect it then they will be scared. when you're scared in the Hunger Games you will die. So do not be scared. if you are take cover. When the cornucopia is full of dead bodies is called the blood bath. that is when half of the people will die so avoid that so you can win the Hunger Games. Watch out for those berries they will kill you so you can form an alliance and give those berries so they die. I know what it feels like to have to kill to live. But you and your distract can live without having to catch game. Now so if you find a bow climb in a tree and wait for people to pass so you can kill them when you win Hamecht and your family wil be very proud of your sacrifices it is hard being told to kill for food but you have to go back to th Hunger Games.


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