3rd Quarter Blog #1

We are in the last half of the school year. Keep working hard. I look forward to reading about the novels you are immersed in. Remember you can only do each option once.


  1. Angelica Castaneda #1
    March 5, 2013
    Last Shot
    By, John Feinstein

    The Last Shot is a book about two eighth graders winning a writing contest. They now get to fly to New Orleans to watch the final four win in basketball. When Steven (one of the winners) flies to New Orleans with his dad he meets the other winner named Susan. Two days before the game Steven and Susan were walking around the superdome and looking around, when they over heard people talking. They over heard the best player in the country (Chip Graber) being blackmailed to throw the championship game. When they heard this they did not know what to do because they thought no one would believe them if they told. In the next two days Steven and Susan were trying to think why does the person want MSU to lose? They were thinking and thinking when they finally thought of something. They were thinking they should ask Chip Graber if it was true. When they are on their way to talk to Chip Graber they were stopped by the security guard, then Steven told him that he was on his way to see his uncle Chip Graber. Then the security guard took Steven and Susan to see Chip Graber. Through out this book Steven and Susan are trying to figure out who the person was who was blackmailing Chip Graber. I love how the author makes it a mystery; he makes it more interesting to read, and you just want to know the whole story.

  2. Hannah Dumaine#4
    3-5-13 Blog #1
    Island of the Blue Dolphins
    Scott O‘Dell
    There are many themes in the entire novel. Some can be love, friendship, betrayal, and even forgiveness. There is one important one and that is trust. Karana is the main character and she experiences that she needs to trust people that she meets more often. She has many difficulties on the island alone. Karana was very sad since her brother died from the wild dogs roaming around the island. Karana was very scared about the idea of sleeping until she found a place to sleep. Ever since her brother, Ramo, died she wanted to go and kill the dogs to seek her revenge. Karana caught one of the dogs which was the leader, but she kept it and named it Rontu. The dog was getting used to her and they began to build up trust. She wanted to be with her family when the boat left, but Ramo was on the beach of the island when they had sailed away from the Island of the Blue Dolphins. So Karana swam back to Ramo. The bad guys, or Aleuts, went back the island and there was a girl there named Tutok. Karana despised everything about the girl, but Karana did not know why. The girl named Tutok found Karana one day and they started speaking to each other in different languages and Karana suddenly trusted Tutok. They became best friends and switched gifts that they had made for them. Then one night Karana was waiting for Tutok to come over but she never came back.

  3. Jack Wiese #13
    Blog 5, Log 2
    The Fellowship of the Ring
    By J.R.R Tolkien

    I love the way J.R.R. Tolkien uses so much detail in his writings of The Fellowship of the Ring. He is not afraid to take his time to give you a clear view of what he is writing. He wants you to have a good idea of what is going on, but he also gives you some room for your imagination to envision the story. The fact that he can do this successfully says how great an author he is. He uses original elements mixed in with classical mythical creatures, and he never hesitates to give you a full description of each and every one of these creatures. Authors like J.R.R. Tolkien actually use the readers imagination as a writing tool or device. This is something movies cannot do. The characters in the book are never idle for long; there is always some sort of problem introduced expertly into the plot to keep it going. A good writer can put people into trouble without making them make stupid decisions; he can engineer some sort of problem that makes sense that they had not known about before, or hadn’t considered, or had taken a risk of. Good detail and description is so important in stories. It is like the colored pencils you use to fill up the coloring book that is your plot. J.R.R. Tolkien also almost always uses specific verbs, like sprinted, and bounded, when he could use a much more vague verb, like ran, or jumped.

  4. Jack Wiese #13
    Blog 5, Log 2
    The Fellowship of the Ring
    By J.R.R Tolkien

    I love the way J.R.R. Tolkien uses so much detail in his writings of The Fellowship of the Ring. He is not afraid to take his time to give you a clear view of what he is writing. He wants you to have a good idea of what is going on, but he also gives you some room for your imagination to envision the story. The fact that he can do this successfully says how great an author he is. He uses original elements mixed in with classical mythical creatures, and he never hesitates to give you a full description of each and every one of these creatures. Authors like J.R.R. Tolkien actually use the readers imagination as a writing tool or device. This is something movies cannot do. The characters in the book are never idle for long; there is always some sort of problem introduced expertly into the plot to keep it going. A good writer can put people into trouble without making them make stupid decisions; he can engineer some sort of problem that makes sense that they had not known about before, or hadn’t considered, or had taken a risk of. Good detail and description is so important in stories. It is like the colored pencils you use to fill up the coloring book that is your plot. J.R.R. Tolkien also almost always uses specific verbs, like sprinted, and bounded, when he could use a much more vague verb, like ran, or jumped.

  5. Heaven Hayden#7
    Left Behind Books: 1,2,3,4,5:pages 1-14
    Jerry B. Jenkins
    Blog #1

    True or False

    1) Lionel hated his uncle and never wanted to be with him.
    2)Bruce is a pastor that had been left behind
    3)Nicolae Carpathia didnt shoot anyone at a meeting.
    4)Vicki is in love with Judd.
    5)Judd is worried about Vicki for sneaking away.

    Multiple choice
    1)Ryans father died from____________
    a. a gun shooting
    b. a plane crash
    c. a bomb
    2)Loinel has an uncle named___________
    a. Bob
    b. Ricky
    c. Andre
    3)Judd is the__________
    a. oldest
    b. youngest
    c. smartest
    4)Vicki is sad because_______________
    a. her trailer burned down
    b. she got stung by a bee
    c. Bruce died
    5)Lionel knew God all of his life because______
    a. he had a christain friend
    b. heard it on th news
    c. his mom taught him
    6)Bruce thinks that the Anti-Christ is_________
    a. Judd
    b. Carpathia
    c. the guy at the doughnut place
    7)The tibulatoin will not start until__________
    a. The Anti-Christ dies
    b. The Anti-Christ signs a agreement with isreal
    c. everyone gets saved
    8)Ryans mom died because___________
    a. heartattack
    b. drowned
    c. was accidentally gassed
    9)The four kids are called_________
    a. the kids
    b. the jr. tribulatoin force
    c. the four bible kids
    10)lionel is sad because______________
    a. his uncle died
    b. he is short
    c. he lost a bet

    Short Answer
    1)Who are the main charcters?
    2)Who is thought of as the anti-Christ?
    3)Who left to go see Bub?
    4)Why were they left behind?
    5)Who is Bruce Barnes?

    Essay: Who do you think the Anti- Christ is and why?

    answers: T/F
    Multiple choice
    short answer
    1)Vicki,Judd, Lionel, Ryan, and Bruce
    4)didnt accept God into thier heart
    5)a pastor that got left behind
    i think that the Anti-Christ is Nicolae Carpathia. i think that he is because he can make people do what he wants easily and he can get away with thig like killing somebody. I think that he is because he came to power so fast and he is already getting things named after him.

  6. Heaven Hayden#7
    Left Behind Books: 1,2,3,4,5:pages 1-14
    Jerry B. Jenkins
    Blog #1

    True or False

    1) Lionel hated his uncle and never wanted to be with him.
    2)Bruce is a pastor that had been left behind
    3)Nicolae Carpathia didnt shoot anyone at a meeting.
    4)Vicki is in love with Judd.
    5)Judd is worried about Vicki for sneaking away.

    Multiple choice
    1)Ryans father died from____________
    a. a gun shooting
    b. a plane crash
    c. a bomb
    2)Loinel has an uncle named___________
    a. Bob
    b. Ricky
    c. Andre
    3)Judd is the__________
    a. oldest
    b. youngest
    c. smartest
    4)Vicki is sad because_______________
    a. her trailer burned down
    b. she got stung by a bee
    c. Bruce died
    5)Lionel knew God all of his life because______
    a. he had a christain friend
    b. heard it on th news
    c. his mom taught him
    6)Bruce thinks that the Anti-Christ is_________
    a. Judd
    b. Carpathia
    c. the guy at the doughnut place
    7)The tibulatoin will not start until__________
    a. The Anti-Christ dies
    b. The Anti-Christ signs a agreement with isreal
    c. everyone gets saved
    8)Ryans mom died because___________
    a. heartattack
    b. drowned
    c. was accidentally gassed
    9)The four kids are called_________
    a. the kids
    b. the jr. tribulatoin force
    c. the four bible kids
    10)lionel is sad because______________
    a. his uncle died
    b. he is short
    c. he lost a bet

    Short Answer
    1)Who are the main charcters?
    2)Who is thought of as the anti-Christ?
    3)Who left to go see Bub?
    4)Why were they left behind?
    5)Who is Bruce Barnes?

    Essay: Who do you think the Anti- Christ is and why?

    answers: T/F
    Multiple choice
    short answer
    1)Vicki,Judd, Lionel, Ryan, and Bruce
    4)didnt accept God into thier heart
    5)a pastor that got left behind
    i think that the Anti-Christ is Nicolae Carpathia. i think that he is because he can make people do what he wants easily and he can get away with thig like killing somebody. I think that he is because he came to power so fast and he is already getting things named after him.

  7. Jacquelyn Co #2
    Blog #1
    Sword of the Rightful King
    Jane Yolen
    Many events happened to the character Gwen. Gwen lives a happy, rich, and successful life as the new queen. Queen Gwen has a baby boy with King Arthur and names her son Magnus. She also had a daughter and named her Caroline. King Arthur, Queen Gwen, Prince Magnus, and Princess Caroline live happily together. Gwen’s son Magnus learns to ride a horse at nine years old and becomes a wise and handsome boy. Caroline became a young and attractive girl. Queen Gwen also learned how to fight with a sword and she taught her husband, King Arthur how to write better. Soon Gwen’s husband Arthur writes a famous book and earns the castle a lot of money. Gwen also made her own sewing shop and gave her daughter Caroline many dresses. Queen Gwen taught people to sew and she also sold a lot of fabric and dresses. Gwen also becomes the apprentice of Merlinnus and learns some spells. Then Gwen helps a lot of poor people by giving them money and helped by her son doing hard and tiring labor. Gwen’s daughter soon marries a young man named Curtis and he was a funny and brave man. Curtis was the best horse rider in the town Cadbury and did many tricks on the horse. Queen Gwen’s son also married a girl named Brooke and she was beautiful. When Gwen’s children left her and lived their own lives she spent time with her husband King Arthur. Queen Gwen lived a happy and successful life, even though it took a lot of courage and bravery to live it.

  8. Adara Martinez #9
    New Moon
    Stephanie Meyer
    Log #1
    March 6, 2013

    Adara: Hello, my name is Adara Martinez; may I ask you a few questions.
    Jacob: Sure.
    Adara: First of all I want to say that it is sweet how you are always there for Bella.
    Jacob: Yeah, after Edward left her she looked like she was felling down. I’m her best friend so I am always there for her.
    Adara: That’s nice. Do you think of Bella as a friend or more than a friend?
    Jacob: Diffidently more than friends, well I’m pretty sure she thinks of me more than friends too.
    Adara: I’m sure she does. How do you turn into a werewolf?
    Jacob: Well, when vampires are nearby, we turn into werewolves.
    Adara: Sweet! Do you guys kill vampires?
    Jacob: Yes that’s what we are all about. It’s good that I’m a werewolf, I saved Bella from Laurent, he was about to kill her.
    Adara: Wow! So how did you tell Bella you were a werewolf?
    Jacob: Actually I didn’t, she figured it out. I just told her to remember a story I told her at the Beach. The next day she knew what I was. I expected her to leave me, but she didn’t care what I was, she still loved me.
    Adara: That sounds like Bella alright. She did the same thing with Edward, she didn’t leave him either.
    Jacob: Ugh! I hate it when anyone talks about him.
    Adara: What! Why isn’t he your friend?
    Jacob: He’s a vampire and I don’t like it when he and Bella are together.
    Adara: Oh, well he’s gone now.
    Jacob: I know but I still don’t like him
    Adara: You and Bella are together so there’s no need to be like that.
    Jacob: Yeah, I guess you are right.
    Adara: Well thank you for your time, Jacob.
    Jacob: No problem.

  9. Adara Martinez #9
    New Moon
    Stephanie Meyer
    Log #1
    March 6, 2013

    Adara: Hello, my name is Adara Martinez; may I ask you a few questions.
    Jacob: Sure.
    Adara: First of all I want to say that it is sweet how you are always there for Bella.
    Jacob: Yeah, after Edward left her she looked like she was felling down. I’m her best friend so I am always there for her.
    Adara: That’s nice. Do you think of Bella as a friend or more than a friend?
    Jacob: Diffidently more than friends, well I’m pretty sure she thinks of me more than friends too.
    Adara: I’m sure she does. How do you turn into a werewolf?
    Jacob: Well, when vampires are nearby, we turn into werewolves.
    Adara: Sweet! Do you guys kill vampires?
    Jacob: Yes that’s what we are all about. It’s good that I’m a werewolf, I saved Bella from Laurent, he was about to kill her.
    Adara: Wow! So how did you tell Bella you were a werewolf?
    Jacob: Actually I didn’t, she figured it out. I just told her to remember a story I told her at the Beach. The next day she knew what I was. I expected her to leave me, but she didn’t care what I was, she still loved me.
    Adara: That sounds like Bella alright. She did the same thing with Edward, she didn’t leave him either.
    Jacob: Ugh! I hate it when anyone talks about him.
    Adara: What! Why isn’t he your friend?
    Jacob: He’s a vampire and I don’t like it when he and Bella are together.
    Adara: Oh, well he’s gone now.
    Jacob: I know but I still don’t like him
    Adara: You and Bella are together so there’s no need to be like that.
    Jacob: Yeah, I guess you are right.
    Adara: Well thank you for your time, Jacob.
    Jacob: No problem.

  10. Samantha Doring #4
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins
    Log #5

    1 Katniss is in the Quarter Quell
    2 Finick kills Peeta
    3 Katniss doesn’t like Johanna
    4 The arena is made up of jungle and mountains
    5 Katniss and Peeta are having a baby
    6 Katniss falls on her back and hurts herself
    7 Peeta gets whipped
    8 Buttercup dies while Kattniss is gone
    9 Kattniss can’t swim
    10 The Capital loves Kattniss and wants her to win

    Multiple Choice

    11 Finick’s weapon of choice is
    a. Spear
    b. His hands
    c. Trident

    12 Kattniss’ weapon of choice is
    a. Bow and Arrow
    b. Her hands
    c. Spear

    13 Peeta’s weapon of choice is
    a. His hands
    b. Lifting heavey things
    c. Bow and Arrow

    14 Katniss has dreams about
    a. The arena
    b. Her wedding
    c. The baby

    15 Peeta and who can go to the Quarter Quell with Katniss
    a. Gale
    b. Haymitch
    c. No one

    16 Haymitch won the Hunger Games in the
    a. He wasn’t in the games
    b. The normal games
    c. Quarter Quell

    17 Katniss stylists act like what before the Quarter Quell
    a. They will see her later
    b. They will never see her again
    c. They don’t say a word

    18 Kattniss _________ her wedding dress
    a. Loves
    b. Hates
    c. Loves then hates

    19 Haymitch is a
    a. Drunk
    b. Sober person
    c. Good house keeper

    20 District ___ was rebelling
    a. 3
    b. 2
    c. 8

    Short Answer

    21 Why did Peeta and Katniss act like they were expecting?
    22 Why did Finick protect Peeta and Katniss?
    23 How many districts were there?
    24 After Katniss was picked up in the aircraft did she see anyone is the room she woke up in?
    25 Why did Peeta volunteer and not let Haymitch go in the games?


    Who do you think that Katniss loves more Peeta or Gale?


    1 T
    2 F
    3 T
    4 F
    5 F
    6 T
    7 F
    8 F
    9 F
    10 F
    11 C
    12 A
    13 B
    14 A
    15 B
    16 C
    17 C
    18 B
    19 A
    20 C
    21 So Katniss wouldn’t participate in the Quarter Quell.
    22 For the rebellion.
    23 13
    24 Yes
    25 So he could protect Katniss.
    26 Peeta/Gale
    Gale because Katniss has always loved him and she grew up with him.
    Peeta he saved Katniss’ life.

  11. Sarah Sarmiento #10
    March 6, 2013
    Gregor the Overlander
    By Suzanne Collins

    I love the way the author has made the story very creative and adventurous. The story starts off in a little apartment in New York with a family that no longer has a family because he “disappeared”. No one knows where he went, one night he just never came home. One day, eleven-year old Gregor and his little sister Boots go down to the laundry room to wash cloths. Because Boots is young, Gregor needs a way to entertain her. He would bring a ball and would have Boots run and get it, like fetch. This one day the ball rolled behind a washing machine. Boots, playing the game, went to fetch the ball but Gregor had noticed that she was there for a long time. When Gregor went to check on her, he saw a grate behind the machine. Next thing you know, Boots had fallen into the grate and Gregor also fell trying to grab Boots. I loved the place the story took place at. In the beginning, the setting is calm and it’s a regular day in New York. Boots and Gregor were falling for ten to twenty minutes, until they slowed down and landed on a platform. Boots wandered off, like usual, and went to a little noise. Gregor hurried to find her and when he did, she was with giant cockroaches. The cockroaches could even talk. They took Gregor and Boots to a big arena. I love how in such little time, the author changes the setting completely. All Gregor could think about was getting up to the surface and getting home before his mother. little did he know, it was almost impossible to get back up.

  12. Aide Martinez#8
    March 6, 2013
    Blog #1
    Philippa Fisher’s Fairy Godsister
    Liz Kessler
    I love the way the character; Daisy becomes Philippa’s best friend in the end. It was so sweet how Daisy solved her problem and learned to be kind hearted and willing to take the risks for others that are dangerous. Daisy is a role model. She is a reflection of what Jesus did for us. Jesus died on the cross to pay our consequences. Daisy stood up and took the punishment for Philippa. She helped Philippa have a good life. Daisy changed Phillippas ways and taught her that you don’t need to be normal you just be yourself. Daisy taught herself to not be rude and to show love to others. She learned to reach out to others and to fellowship with others too. In the end I love the way the author says that Daisy got promoted to a higher job in the fairy world. This means that Daisy did her job successfully and that she helped Philippa wonderfully. At the end of the story I loved when Daisy and Philippa hugged each other when Daisy was about to go away. That was a powerful hug. It was powerful because it was a memory they both wouldn’t forget. It was a good lesson learned during their goodbye hug in the very end. When Daisy and Philippa first met they didn’t know what was going on, but faith brought them together and they became the best friends each other ever had.

  13. Sarah Youssouf
    The Girl Who Could
    By: Victoria Forester
    I love the way the author portrayed the character Piper Mcloud. Victoria Forester describes Piper as a southern girl that lives with her regular parents. Piper is home schooled and has never had a friend in her life. A secret about Piper is that when she was a baby she was able to float above ground. One day she jumped off her roof and soared above the farmland and hills as if she were a bird. Her parents caught and her mom collapsed. Pipers parents told her that they never want to see her up in the air ever again. Piper loved flying and treated it as if it were her best friend. Piper was invited to her town’s annual picnic. She dreamt about meeting her first ever friend. Sadly, the dream of a friend was cut short. The girl she meet found out how she was and pushed her away. After Pipers tragedy, the baseball game started. Piper was the last one to be chosen. During the game Piper didn’t feel wanted and stopped away. As she was walking she saw the ball up in the air. She flew up and caught the ball. The people stood there in astonishment. Piper was known throughout the world from that day forward. Piper was greeted by a woman that was a part of the government. The lady offered her a place at a institution. Piper gladly said yes and went with the lady with a kiss of goodbye from her parents. Piper met children with special powers like her. Victoria Forester described Piper very well in the book.

  14. Allison Castaneda#2
    catching fire
    Suzanne Collins

    I love the way the author pulls you into the book. When you start to read catching fire in the beginning it’s about katniss and her life after the games. It’s about katniss and her love life with Peeta, about how she has to pick fast between Peeta of Gale. Also I love the way the author describes President Snow how his breath smelled like blood and how he would act nice on stage but behind sense he was a totally different person. I love that when they go back to the games the arena is all water and just by reading you really feel you’re there and next to katniss, Peeta, or Finnick. When Finnick is running you get the sense you have to read faster just to keep up with Finnick, you really get the picture of how he looks by the small descriptions. When katniss is down at the end she says everything was all blurry and you feel that same thought, that you can’t really see that good just by how into it you are. I love how each chapter ends in the way that if you stop you’ll never know what will happen and that you just got to keep reading. I love that at the end of the book when katniss wakes up and she realizes she’s still alive that she was in a big shock that when she sees Haymitch she digs her nails into him how you get a good picture of what’s happening. Also at the end when Gale tells katniss what has happened to district 12 and it stops, you really want to know what happens next. I really loved how the author just pulled you in the whole time.

  15. Alyssa Zeller #12
    blog #5

    The main conflict is because of Matt. Its not really Matt’s fault but it’s because he's a clone and every one thinks he's an abomination. Tom keeps giving Matt a problem. Matt wants to hang out with Mira but Tom is always with her and than they get in fights. Like when Mira was looking for her dog Furball, Matt found it in the toilet with the lid down. He looked at tom and he had an angry look like Matt had just messed with his plan. It was Tom that did it but Mira wouldn’t believe it. Some times it is Matt’s fault though. Like when El Patron came to have a birthday party, Tom was suppose to sit next to him but switched sitting tags with Mira and put Tom at the baby’s table. Tom’s mom Felicia was mad at him so since Mira was mad at what he had done Matt had stole her dog to get her to come but Felicia poisoned Furball and he died and everyone though that it was Matt. another conflict was with Matt and Rosa, the one that had Matt trapped for so long. She was turned into an eejit fro doing so. Even though Rosa tortured him, he still fells bad that she was turned into an eejit. Matt has conflict with himself. He wishes that all the eejits would wake up but without them who would do the work. So there are a lot of conflicts whether it is physical or mental.

  16. Vincent Macabuhay#6
    Diary of A Wimpy Kid The Last Straw
    by: Jeff Kinnely
    blog #2

    This is a story about a boy named Gregg Heffly. he makes a diary of his life of every day things. Every day is the worst day of his life. it is because his two brothers Rodrick and Manny. Rodrick is the meanest brother you can ever have. he picks on Gregg and makes him embarrased all the time. and for his other brother, Manny does lots of things wrong. But Gregg is the one who gets told on all the time. he is not close to be the popular kid in school. he hangs out with rowley. rowley makes stuff even worse for Gregg. and Gregg has the biggest crush on a popular girl at school, her name is Holly Hills. He tries to impress her but always attempts to always fail. school is tough for Gregg because Rodrick had been to the same school and Gregg has the same teachers that Rodrick had so they thing Gregg is the same as Rodrick. His parents are the most embarassing part of the family. but to be specific Greggs dad is the most. on his way to work every day he sees his bosses kids always playing. unlike Gregg,Rodrick and Manny. they are always inside being lazy playing video games,watching tv, sleeping. and thats what Gregg Hefflys life is about.

  17. Kyle Best #1
    Log #2 Catching Fire

    Hi, I am Suzanne Collins. I am going to tell you some info about Haymitch when he was a little boy. Haymitch’s family were the owners of a tool/repair shop. He was not a very hard worker but if he wanted to really try he was the most productive. At school he was a normal kid, got decent grades, was not popular but was not unpopular. He had his own group of friends that had a club that wondered about what was like beyond the fence. They would gather every day after school for an hour to talk about what they thought it might be like. When he got home from meeting with his club, he would first practice his guitar for an hour and then do his homework. He would help with the shop after his homework was done. This was his routine every day of the year, except the year when he was 13 and the reapings came up. It was the 50 year anniversary of the Hunger Games called the Quarter Quell. This year, there would be double the tributes making it 4 tributes per district instead of the usual 2. Haymitch was picked as one of the tributes to participate in the games. No one in his family volunteered for him, even though he had 2 older brothers that could have volunteered. Every district has a mentor who is someone who has won the games, but District 12 has not won in such a long time that the last winner has died. Therefore, all of the tributes are on their own without help. When Haymitch got to the capital, he was amazed at all of the capital buildings and funny hair styles. In the training room, he learned the skills that he didn’t have such as how to get food or use weapons. While he was in the games, it was very hard to survive. There was not a lot of food and there were twice as many competitors. He would go and find hiding spots every day and usually would come upon a person and would have to sneak attack them to their death. Eventually, it was down to Haymitch and an 18 year old from District 4. Haymitch managed to get a combat axe, which he had practiced throwing in the training arena and after multiple days, he found the 18 year old hiding in a bush. He threw the axe and sliced off his head, making Haymitch the winner of the 50th Hunger Games/2nd Quarter Quell.

  18. Amdy Ly #8
    Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
    Hey Guys, Harry Potter here. The last time I wrote was five years ago, so I'll catch you up. A lot has happened since then. Some evil thing has been attacking people in the school, and everyones freaked out that it might attack them next. Hermoine, Ron, and I are pretty scared too, but we think that it's after me. I learned that I can understand how to understand parlystounge. I can also speak parlystounge when a snake is around only because its a snake language. I found out that I got this power from Voldemort becuase when I was young, he struck me with a bolt of lightning and I became a part of him. There is this diary and it belongs to Tom Riddle. He kept writing to me, but then Ron's little sister stole it from me, and she started writing in it. Tom Riddle fooled her and kept pretending to care about her. Eventually, she thought that she was the one doing all of the attacks, but it was really Tom Riddle trying to frame her. I found the enterance to where Tom Riddle was hiding, and went in there with Hermoine and Ron. I fought Tom Riddle, and I was almost killed. But thank goodness Dumbledor's Phoneix saved me. When I got stabbed, it cried on my wound, and it healed very fast that I didn't die. I would have if it weren't for him. Dumbledore knew the whole time that I would need the bird.

  19. Marianna Marroquin#7
    March 6, 2013
    blog #4
    Love? Maybe.
    Heather Hepler
    Just because Piper’s birthday is on Valentines Day it doesn’t mean she is the kind of romantic girl. She’s seen too many relationships break apart. But when her best friends heart gets broken two weeks before Valentines Day while her other best friend has the sweetest date plan, Piper decides to help out. She even gets convinced to get a proper date herself for Valentines Day. The three girls figure out a Valentines Day to work the entire spark plan they need. Within days, Piper is already dating the most popular guy in school. She creates the best candy hearts for the candy store she works at. Only one question, who is leaving all the sweet secret Valentine’s gifts in her locker? With the help of her best friends, she actually appreciated the sparks of love in the air.

  20. Alec Shahverdian
    Rick Riorden
    The Serpents Shadow
    Log #1
    266 words
    After the end of the story, the two main characters live in an era of peace and harmony. Except for all the mess left behind from the huge battle, everything is calm. The magicians in the schools the new ways and new ideas. They now have very little encounters with enemies, but they still do encounter them. They encounter surviving demons, magical curses, rebel magicians, and the ghost on the loose Setne. Other than that they are living happy lives, especially when they are going to school and hanging out with their friends. Their biggest problem is trying to cover up the fact that many superstitious forces happened on the of the battle. They also have to try to repair the damage done to Egypt. As for their pets at the Mansion, they are doing much better. Khufu the baboon is playing more basketball, Freak the griffin has discovered frozen chicken and steal, and Philip the albino crocodile is splashing in is pool with more enthusiasm. The magicians in the Mansion are learning more magic and are growing. Ten year old Felix is learning ice magic, Cleo the Librarian is finding more magical spell books, and the two main characters have become a few of the most powerful magicians in the world. However, they hardly now use their magic for battle , but more for doing hard tasks and fixing problems. As time goes on, they have fear of their enemy ghost, Setne, rising in power. As their worries grow high, their is no other option but to think about creating a new audio documentory.

  21. Natalie Coyne #1 8th
    The Final Warning by Maximum Ride
    201 pages
    Quarter 3 blog 1#
    “Daddy, I’m scared,” said Ari while strapped onto the metal table. His dad took him to the school, an evil lab where they conduct experiments on human. “You will be fine,” Jeb reassured, “You are helping the world become a better place. You will be more genetically evolved than humans.” “Do I get wings like Max?” Ari asked hopefully. “No we are trying something new on you. We are going to graft wolf DNA into yours. Sort of like a werewolf.” Jeb explained. “I don’t want do be a werewolf. I want to have wings like max or just be a normal kid,” Ari whined. “I’m sorry, but that’s not your decision,” he said. The six other whitecoats entered the room. The proceed to inject Ari with lupine DNA. The took a large syringe and pushed it into his spine. Ari screamed, “Daddy please make them stop, it hurts so bad.” A whitecoat slapped him. “Shut up,” he said. After working on Ari for three hours they threw him back into his dog crate. His body ached all over. A whitecoat walked over and pried open his jaws. He poured in a purple sour liquid. “That will increase your growth rate so you will be physically mature enough to lead your pack and hunt down those avian-human hybrids that have been causing so much trouble,” he said, probably not realizing Ari understood. The children in the lab where treated worse that animals. “I don’t want to hurt Max,” he said. The whitecoat looked shocked that he could talk, then realized it was Jeb’s son. “It doesn’t matter,” he laughed, then was very serious “ It’s what you are being created to do.”

  22. Natalie Coyne #1 8th
    The Final Warning by Maximum Ride
    201 pages
    Quarter 3 blog 1#
    “Daddy, I’m scared,” said Ari while strapped onto the metal table. His dad took him to the school, an evil lab where they conduct experiments on human. “You will be fine,” Jeb reassured, “You are helping the world become a better place. You will be more genetically evolved than humans.” “Do I get wings like Max?” Ari asked hopefully. “No we are trying something new on you. We are going to graft wolf DNA into yours. Sort of like a werewolf.” Jeb explained. “I don’t want do be a werewolf. I want to have wings like max or just be a normal kid,” Ari whined. “I’m sorry, but that’s not your decision,” he said. The six other whitecoats entered the room. The proceed to inject Ari with lupine DNA. The took a large syringe and pushed it into his spine. Ari screamed, “Daddy please make them stop, it hurts so bad.” A whitecoat slapped him. “Shut up,” he said. After working on Ari for three hours they threw him back into his dog crate. His body ached all over. A whitecoat walked over and pried open his jaws. He poured in a purple sour liquid. “That will increase your growth rate so you will be physically mature enough to lead your pack and hunt down those avian-human hybrids that have been causing so much trouble,” he said, probably not realizing Ari understood. The children in the lab where treated worse that animals. “I don’t want to hurt Max,” he said. The whitecoat looked shocked that he could talk, then realized it was Jeb’s son. “It doesn’t matter,” he laughed, then was very serious “ It’s what you are being created to do.”

  23. Deborah Dervartanian #2
    Mrs. Holiday Language Arts
    James Madison by Robert Rutland
    Log #1 Finished book, First blog Page 287
    Deborah- Hello Mr. Madison, how are you doing today?
    James Madison- Good, thank you.
    Deborah – Good. Let’s get started. How was the journey like to move from a small town to being president?
    James Madison- It was a huge move, but in between I have been moved to different positions and the constitution was a big part of the whole transformation.
    Deborah- I have heard, you are the “Father of the Constitution”, then to having a seat in the U.S representatives for being a congressman and a statesman. Have you had any help along the way?
    James Madison- I couldn’t have done all this without the help of Jefferson, he was there with me during the constitution. The financial issues though with Washington and the Secretary of State Hamilton, there were some problems but that does have an effect on what I do so that I can gain more knowledge in a way. Jefferson’s efforts helped me a lot; I supported him and his ideas like the Louisiana Purchase. It all helped me to the end.
    Deborah- You were President and during your first term there was great tension between the United States and Great Britain. How’d did you get through all that and overall the pressures and issues of being a president?
    James Madison- Henry Clay with the War Hawks and the War of 1812 and other situations that others and I put together practically make the country move forward. Being president does add pressure and it does get to my brain sometimes but we all just have to work through it.
    Deborah- I haven’t heard much of you after you left office in 1817, but what have you been doing since?
    James Madison- Around that time my wife Dolley retired and I kept myself busy running the plantation and helped serve on a special board to create University of Virginia with Thomas Jefferson. Then I took over after he had passed and then I moved more onto public life onto serving as a delegate to the state’s constitutional convention.
    Deborah- You have a lot on your plate there and I heard that have worked on the American Colonization Society with Jackson and Monroe.
    James Madison- It was quite an adventure.
    Deborah- I see that you have lived a full life so far and I wish you the best in the future.
    James Madison- Thank you, you too.

  24. Penny Wiese#9
    by:Neal Shusterman

    Everything is in pieces
    That’s how the system works
    The unloved are ripped apart
    Until a rebellion sparks

    The rebellion isn’t violent
    There is no declaration of war
    But they work to beat the system
    That’s what they were saved for

    One life for many,
    That’s fair right?
    But the ones should have a choice,
    That is why they fight

    They could have been content
    To wait ‘till they were safe
    And live a normal life
    But they chose to help the waifs

    For a time so short and yet so long
    They didn’t know how to cope
    But an accidental victory
    Unleashed tidal waves of hope

    Their rebellion is a quiet one
    Yet shockingly well known
    They keep the “ones” safe
    So they won’t be undone

    And before you think it selfish
    To favor one over many
    Would you rip a soul to pieces
    Just to preserve bodies?

  25. Kyle Goudie #5
    Third Quarter Blog #1
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
    Jeff Kinney

    Dear Diary,
    It is summer vacation the weather really nice and hot. My parents wanted me up to go to a country club. When I went there, there is a golf course and a huge swimming pool. My parents wanted me to go to a country club because they said I play too much of video games. Another reason why they wanted me to go to country club is that they want me to get outside more. I thought that going outside would just make me feel hot. I ask my parents if we can go to the beach but they are too busy with work. I went to the country club for the first time I thought it was very fun being outside all day. The best thing I loved about the country club is the pool. I think the pool is the best part because you get to be relaxed and you get to exercise. When my mom picks me up from the country club I do my chores. I have to take out the trash, wash the dishes, and clean my room. When I don’t have to go to country club I go to my friends house. Me and my friend play games together. Sometimes if I’m really bored I grab my sports equipment and walk to the park to play. I usually ask someone at park if they want to play with me. That is my diary about my summer.
    263 words
    (Mrs. Holiday I change my book I didn’t want to read Big Nate so I changed to this book)

  26. Michael Chapin
    George Orwell

    I think that this book had, in my mind a rough start. It is starting to make more sense, but I thought that Winston just woke up. When it talked about the department of love, it was scary because everything was closed down and there were towers and guards up and down the street. If I would have to give one word to this novel, I would say "different". This novel shows out more than other novels as you get further into the book. This is a lot more interesting now that I got further in the book. The idea of the book is very good and fun to read. At the begining, the author did a good job on making the novel seem black and white. This book is very cool in all kinds of different ways. I would surly recomend this to a friend. They would like this book very much. Maybe at first they would not understand it very well but if you read a whole story it will make a lot more sense.

  27. Adrian Gottuso #6
    3rd Quarter Blog #1
    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
    J.K. Rowling
    I love the way that the author wrote this series. She told a very good story. With the first book it started off a little bit slow, but then it got more interesting as the story progressed. Each year Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione have a new adventure. The adventure is also a conflict for and between the three friends. The story starts by explaining about how Harry’s parents are killed by Voldemort when he is very young. Harry was told that his parents died in a car crash, and he was never told that he was a wizard. When Harry learned that he was a wizard, and went to Hogwarts, he was very happy that the people there accepted him. Hogwarts was more like a home to Harry than a school. This was because he went to live with the Dursleys, his relatives. They hated everything about magic and things like that. Voldemort was killed when his killing curse rebounded off of Harry, killing him. But he was not dead. Voldemort was the most evil, and one of the most powerful wizards of all time. He had found a way to not die completely, when he was killed. Every time he killed someone his soul split apart, and he would a part of his soul in an object, so that when he died he became a fragment of his soul, and was brought back to life by his followers, the Death Eaters. And this whole series is all about Harry’s task of killing Voldemort forever, by destroying the horcruxes and then defeating Voldemort in a duel. Harry goes through much pain in the process, and sees many people close to him die, just like his parents. But his friends are with him all the way through and he completes his task. I also like how the author told us about what happened to Harry after he left Hogwarts at the age of seventeen, and what happens to Ron and Hermione too.

  28. Adrian Gottuso #6
    3rd Quarter Blog #1
    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
    J.K. Rowling
    I love the way that the author wrote this series. She told a very good story. With the first book it started off a little bit slow, but then it got more interesting as the story progressed. Each year Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione have a new adventure. The adventure is also a conflict for and between the three friends. The story starts by explaining about how Harry’s parents are killed by Voldemort when he is very young. Harry was told that his parents died in a car crash, and he was never told that he was a wizard. When Harry learned that he was a wizard, and went to Hogwarts, he was very happy that the people there accepted him. Hogwarts was more like a home to Harry than a school. This was because he went to live with the Dursleys, his relatives. They hated everything about magic and things like that. Voldemort was killed when his killing curse rebounded off of Harry, killing him. But he was not dead. Voldemort was the most evil, and one of the most powerful wizards of all time. He had found a way to not die completely, when he was killed. Every time he killed someone his soul split apart, and he would a part of his soul in an object, so that when he died he became a fragment of his soul, and was brought back to life by his followers, the Death Eaters. And this whole series is all about Harry’s task of killing Voldemort forever, by destroying the horcruxes and then defeating Voldemort in a duel. Harry goes through much pain in the process, and sees many people close to him die, just like his parents. But his friends are with him all the way through and he completes his task. I also like how the author told us about what happened to Harry after he left Hogwarts at the age of seventeen, and what happens to Ron and Hermione too.

  29. Anthony Luciano#4
    Mrs. H
    March 18th 2013

    A boy named Daniel X, who's parents were killed and incinerated when he was around four years old was born with one of the most extraordinary powers, the power to create. With his amazing talent he can conjure anything and everything, from living objects to non-living objects, and breathing people. This power is amazing but wasn't enough to save his parents. Obtaining a list full of dangerous alien criminals Daniel X seeks to exterminating all of them off as his father was to and ending up to his parents assassin. All alone he must uncover the dark truth that will determine mankind's fate, but on his trail there is one who knows exactly what Daniel X can do.

  30. Sarah Youssouf#11
    The Girl Who Could Fly
    Victoria Forester
    Hi, I am Victoria Forester. In the book Conrad is a super genius. When Conrad was a toddler, he was the center of attention at every event. At two years old, he could recite all of the presidents in order. His father was Senator Harrington and his mother was Abigail Harrington. When Conrad got older he grew even smarter. At age six his popularity came to an end when he questioned his father’s matter of foreign policy in front of the Chines ambassador at the annual Thanksgiving cocktail party. Conrad was a humiliation and liability to his family. Not even the best schools would accept Conrad because of how intelligent he was. Conrad was the best child physiologist in Washington D.C and was paid 500 dollars an hour to “act out.” At seven years old, Conrad reprogramed a orbiting satellite armed with nuclear missiles at the Defense Department mainframe. When the CIA told the Oval Office, the President wasn’t very happy to hear what the seven year old did. Instead of handling the humiliation the Harrington family handed Conrad over to Dr.Hellion. For four years, Conrad has been trapped in Dr.Hellions control. He worked nonstop every day to escape from the Institute. Conrad’s family didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. They had another child and started a new family that didn’t involve Conrad. Thanks to Conrad he prevented a collision with the Russian space station that was out of orbit. Conrad’s life would have been completely different if he wasn’t the genius he was.

  31. Joshua Ramirez
    Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins
    Blog 6
    Log 8

    In the book hunger games the main problem is ironically the Games. To send twenty-four tributes to kill one of another in the Games. Unfortunately Katniss takes the place of her sister Prim, with a boy named Peeta. They both are taken to the capitol where they will prepare for the games. In training they use special skills to equip themselves to survive. That is not even the problem, they finally start the games. There are twenty-four tributes two from a district. All you can see is them heading strait at one another killing and beating each other. Eleven tributes died on the first day that leaves thirteen remaining Katniss runs for the woods days go by and slowly tributes begins to die. She is derived away toward other tributes and was chased in to a tree where she is lead to tracker jackers. Where she drops the nest where the four tributes under her were and kills one of them and survives with hallucinations save by Rue a little girl. They decide to make an alliance with her. Sadly Rue dies and Katniss morns for her. The games are slowly coming to an end and there are only five tributes left. Katniss teams up with Peeta even though Peeta is injured has a fever Katniss nurses him back to health. Soon later Foxface and Thresh diesleaving Cato, Katniss, and Peeta left. All three of them are chased by dogs and they fight Cato on the Cornucopia. Cato is killed and the Game Makers change the rules that Peeta and Katniss haft to kill each other. So when they were about to eat poisonous berries the Game Makers announced the winner of the seventy- fourth Hunger Game. This novel was about fighting for life, love and relationships.

  32. Edward Lueras #9 1/20/14 prompt #4 page 281 white fox chronicles by Gary Paulsen People often times have many different opinions about a books composition, main conflict, the best part of the book, and more. In reading the white fox chronicles I deiced that the main composition would be helping others. Helping others especially when you get nothing in return can be tough. It can be hard to do more than what you’re required to do at times, but you know it is the right thing to do. The white fox (who is a 14 year old boy) has escaped from a evil corporations prison. The evil corporation (the c.c.r.) is trying to stop and capture the white fox before he can have a chance to escape. He sees a woman in a cell who was captured and beaten by the c.c.r. It is a big risk for him to help her get out of the prison camp but he knows that she is in bad shape. They escape and the white fox goes back to the prison camp to rescue the others! This is a great example of doing more than what you need to, to help others. He not only helps the prisoner that was beaten, but also goes back to the prison camp to help free the others. He could have very well lost his life trying to free them, but he did it! He knew he could have died but had no regret dying in helping others. After that he goes on to help free and defeat the c.c.r. The book never says whether the c.c.r. is defeated or not but the message they wanted to get across is that helping others is worth it no matter the cost.


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