Hello, I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Grace Diponio
ReplyDelete#3 mrs.holiday
song title:normal is boring
people think that being normal is cool but the truth is being diffrent is cool. It doesn't matter what you look like.God made everyone in their own unique ways.it doesn't matter what shape,color or size you are. just be you and that's all that matters. normal is boring.oh yeah normal is boring yeah yeah
Hannah Dumaine#4
ReplyDelete4-8-13 Blog 2
No Passengers beyond this Point
Once upon a time there were three kids and their last name was Tompkins. Their names were Mouse, Finn, and India. The oldest was India and she was the boss most of the time. The middle kid was named Finn and he was the one to always worry and he was a basketball player. Finn was 12 years old. The smallest and youngest child is Mouse and she was very smart and loved planets. She also did not want the planet Pluto to be taken away from the solar system because she loved Pluto. Mouse has curly, crazy red hair and she has an imaginary friend named Bing and she actually had a drivers license for her “friend” . During the novel the Tompkins have to move away because e their house is getting taken away from them. The bank is taking their house because they do not have any more money. Finn, Mouse, and India’s mom has to let them go alone and travel on a plane to their Uncle Red and their mother was going to live with their aunt and stay until she could get a job. The children went on the plane and India was in charge and Mouse and India did not get along to well. They started getting in a fight when they got on the plane they were fighting. They got to this creepy place that had awesome houses and they had to get away and in the end it was all a crazy dream and the plane that they were on crashed and they were the only kids that had survived. They were found in a big tree.
Jacquelyn Co #2
ReplyDeleteApril 9, 2013
The Raft
S.A. Bodeen
Dear Diary,
I am so glad that I am safe and sound in the hospital. I am so glad that the NOAA ship found me on the island. They asked me many questions though. I told them about the plane crash and how I ended up on a raft with Max. They asked me who Max was and I told them that he was the copilot of the plane. At first they did not believe that anyone survived the plane crash. I told them that I did. They also asked me where Max was. I told them the truth. I told them that I pushed Max off the raft because he was too heavy and doing that would save myself. They told me that I would be asked more questions about that later. I also told them that I ended up on the island because the wind got me over there in my raft. They said I was lucky to be found alive. So I was happy that I would soon go home. I realized that I did not want to take a plane back to my aunt’s house in Hawaii anymore. I was too terrified. Overall I kept thinking in my mind that the whole time I thought Max was with me, I made him be there with me so I would be less afraid. I felt so bad about Max especially when I read his journal. I read his journal when this girl, Kirsten gave me all the stuff from the raft. When I read his journal, I read about his girlfriend, Brandy she died in a car crash when the two of them were going to a concert. I felt horrible. I kept on reading and I read that she meant to give him a necklace. That is what Brandy’s art teacher told Max. So I read that Max would never take off that necklace. Then for some reason I saw that necklace in Max’s backpack. I thought that was impossible because he never took that necklace off. Then I thought to myself maybe I was never alone.
Samantha Doring #4
ReplyDeleteThe Raft
S. A. Bodeen
Well this book is about a girl named Ricky that stays with her aunt on the tropical Hawaiian island of Oahu during the summer. She has cornrows and just got her nose pierced and knows that her parents would be really mad at her. The person that pierced her nose told her to stay away from salt water at all costs. Her aunt must leave so she stays at her aunt’s apartment by herself. That night she went to go get food so she walked to McDonald’s, on her way back a man scares her and she decides to go back to Midway where her parents are. She finds the first flight back to midway, a cargo shipment that goes once a month to Midway. That morning she got up and went to the airport, her captain Larry, who she had known for a long time welcomed her and boarded her. Her plane was a D-7 a plane that could fly with only one engine with a weight limit of three-thousand pounds. Once the plane took off there was a big storm and one of the engines blew out. The co pilot, Max inflated a raft and gave her a life jacket and threw the raft out. He told Ricky to but on the life jacket and threw her out of the airplane. When she was in the raft she caught a fish with a string, fixed the raft, and stayed alive while trying to stay sane by talking to a dead person. After a week at sea she landed on an island that was uninhabited. She ate seal and skittles that she found in Max’s bag. Then after two days on the island two researchers found her and were going to Midway. I would recommend this to a friend because this is the best book I have ever read.
Aide Martinez#8
ReplyDeleteApril 9, 2013
Blog #2
Jeff Probst
I love the book Stranded. It is so interesting how the author just hooks you into the book and you actually feel that you are on a boat and everything. In the beginning of the book the author just starts right away with the family on a boat in a big thunderstorm. I like that because it really makes you keep reading and reading the book and makes you wonder what is going to happen. I also like the part when Carter and Jane go out to look for water on the island. Instead they almost die looking for water. They both get trapped in a wave and almost drown because the waves are going crazy. The next day Vanessa and Buzz save them. The author is so creative describing every little detail in the entire book. My favorite part of the book was when the four children are shipwrecked on an island they don’t know. It is so interesting because you don’t know what they’re going to do or if they all are going to survive on this strange island. I would recommend this book to a friend because people who don’t like to read will defiantly read this book for how interesting it is. It will catch the reader like it did to me when I read it. I will always pass this book down to all my closest friends or even family members. I really hope that they enjoy the book like I did.
Kyle Best #1
ReplyDelete3rd Quarter Blog #2, Log#2
Catching Fire
By: Suzanne Collins
There are many problems in the book “Catching Fire”. Sometimes there are problems inside problems. The main problem in the “Catching Fire” is that Katniss and Peeta have to go back into the hunger games a second time. Even though they already went once they had to go again because of the quarter quell twist. The first time they were in the arena they both barely survived. They were ready to kill themselves if they couldn’t win together. In the Hunger Games, tributes have to be younger than eighteen, but this Hunger Games is for all the previous winners. So this means that the best of the best go against each other. This is why them going back into the games is the main conflict of the story. Also in the previous Games with Katniss and Peeta, is that Peeta had to get his leg amputated so know he has a fake leg. During the Games Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, Wirress, Mags, Johhanna, and Beetee became allies. At first the alliance accompanied only Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, And Mags but Mags sadly died by poisiness fog. Then one day Wiress was killed by getting her throat slit. Then Katniss killed two peopleand chased two more off. Katniss’ alliancestill has to kill multiple threats to win then they have to kill each other which means that they cant get very close to each other. Katniss and Johanna don’t get along to the point were they might kill one another.
Angelica Castaneda #1
ReplyDeleteApril 8, 2013
Last Shot
By, John Feinstein
The Last Shot is a great book. It is a mystery, and when u start to read you can’t stop and you just want to know what is going to happen next. The Last Shot is a book about two eighth graders Steven and Susan winning a writing contest. When Steven and Susan are playing in the superdome they over hear someone telling MSUs best player (Chip Graber) to lose the final game or……blackmail. After, Steven and Susan hear this they go to ask Chip Graber if this is true. When Chip Graber hears this he says it is true. Throughout the book Steven and Susan are trying to figure out who is blackmailing Chip Graber. In the story Steven and Susan are going everywhere to try to find out clues to see who the blackmailer is. At the end they find out who was blackmailing Chip Graber, they find out that……Dean and Jurgensen were the ones who were blackmailing him. When Steven and Susan go and try to stop them Dean and Jurgensen, Dean and Jurgensen duck tape them both until the game is over and when Chip Graber’s team loses. In my opinion I think the Last Shot is a great book for people who love sport and it is great for all ages. It is a book that you can’t stop reading and I think it is a perfect book to read on your free time.
Adara Martinez #9
ReplyDeleteNew Moon
Stephanie Meyer
Log #2
I love Stephanie Meyers book, New Moon. I love the book but I hate a few things, I hate that she separated Edward and Bella in the middle of the book. Edward has stayed in Forks too long so he has to leave so nobody notices that his age never changes. Bella is lonely so she goes to her best friend, Jacob. Throughout the book Edward has been speaking to Bella using mind messages. I love how the author has Bella do stupid things like driving a motorcycle over a cliff. I also love how Bella is making Edward second guess himself for leaving her, now Bella can get hurt easily. I hope Edward comes back to Bella, they are perfect for each other. I also hate that Jacob loves Bella. I also hate that he gets jealous when Bella and Edward together. I feel bad that Bella only likes him as a friend not anything else. I love that the author has Alice come visit Bella. Alice is one of my favorite characters. She was sneaky coming; Edward would have gotten mad if he knew. I also love how Edward can’t read Bella’s mind, Bella can think of anything she wants and he wouldn’t be able to know. It is hilarious when Edward gets frustrated when he can’t read her mind. I also love how the author makes Edward super strong and Bella a clumsy weakling. This is my review of Stephanie Meyer’s book, New Moon.
Jack Wiese #13
ReplyDeleteLog #1
Neal Shusterman
I still can’t get over the fact that my parents chose for me to be unwound. It’s such a cruel fate to be unwound. I don’t know how anyone could live with themselves after knowing that it was their fault someone had been unwound. They say you’re not really dead, but I know that’s not true. If your body isn’t yours, and if you aren’t yours, is that really life? Every unwind that isn’t a brainwashed tithe knows that once you’re unwound, it’s the end. I will never forgive my parents for what they have done to me, and I hope they suffer. But oddly, I still seek their comfort. I will have to survive a long while before I am sure I will not be befallen the fate of other unwinds. And if I do survive, I know I will be imprisoned or something of the sort. But being unwound is even worse than death. Because if there is an afterlife, an unwind is forever stuck semi-living in this world. Right now, I am traveling with a group of other unwinds. We have been loaded onto a plane, 4 people to a crate, and we have gone through some pretty harsh experiences. But in the end, I hope, it will all be worth it. Everyone deserves life. And there are some people who need to know that. And if they need to experience what I have gone through, and will go through, then so be it.
Marianna Marroquin#7
ReplyDeleteApril 9, 2013
The Raft
By, S.A. Bodeen
Robie is a traveler that is used to it. She is on a journey on flight from midway to Honolulu where her parents are from. When she has to get to midway to see her aunt in Hawaii, she gets on at the last minutes. She is friends with the pilot named Max. Then guess what. There is a storm. She is the only passenger and is panicking because the engine is out. Then Max tells her that their going down and she has to put on the life raft. If that was me yes would be scared. She then gives faith in herself to keep her head up and survive. That is good that she thought that and kept herself positive. In the hope she had, she survived and found an island but who said there was help coming?
I would recommend this book to a friend. I would because it teaches the reader to stay positive and always keep hope and faith with you. It teaches lessons of life.
Allison Castaneda#2
love maybe?
Heather Helper
The book love maybe? Is about a girl, piper, who doesn’t want to fall in love. Her birthday is on February 14 also known as Valentine’s Day but she doesn’t care that it’s on Valentine’s Day because falling in love isn’t her thing. Two weeks before Valentine’s Day her best friends heart breaks and her friend has a solution to fix piper’s best friend’s heart. Piper loves her best friend so much that she gives love a chance. Piper’s two friends help her appreciate love while piper is still helping her best friend. Piper’s two friends will stop at nothing and are determined and believe in piper to appreciate love. Piper also works at a candy shop where she sells the best chocolate hearts that everyone wants. Piper has a little brother and sister that she has to take care of because her mom works late sometime; piper has to do everything for them which set her behind on homework that can get her on trouble. Piper is a girl that has a great life but when she sees love she tries to stay away. The book is a great book it draws you in and you feel as if you really where in the book. “Love potion?” this quote from the book really wanted me to finish the book faster. This book is great you can really relate. “‘Love? no thank you’ ” this quote from the book also draws you in because you want to know if she falls in love at the end knowing that she made a promise to her friends. I definitely recommend this book you can’t put it down.
Alyssa Zeller #12
ReplyDeleteApril 9, 20013
House of the Scorpion
Nancy Farmer
Dear Matt,
First I would like to say I am very impressed that you still stay strong even through the beatings and the meanness of your “hive”. First I would like to give you some advice about escaping. Turn the eclectic fence at 9:50 before they lock it and clime over. if that doesn’t work cut the wires on the gate than escape. I really like how you stood up for your friends. I would suggest that you stand up for you too. People won't take you seriously and that’s never good especially in a place your in. I would also suggest that you start working out so that you’re stronger when you escape and so you can carry Fidelio since he is very weak and could break very easily. You should also teach Chacho how to control his mouth because he is getting you and Fidelio in trouble with the keepers. Hope you do well on your journey and find Maria.
Love, Alyssa
Andy Ly #8
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
J.K. Rowling
Hello, my name is Harry Potter. I’m a wizard, and I got my powers from my wizard parents. It’s almost time to go to the wizard school Hogwarts. I can’t wait to see my friends, but when Ron called, my muggle family didn’t like it, but rather hated that I gave my number to people like “me” my fat uncle said. Anyways, it’s my birthday tonight, but of course all my aunt and uncle care about is their son the dweeb Dudley. Since I’m not in school, uncle always locks up my wizard things like my wand and magic books. Thank goodness I still have my amazing friends, Hermione and Ron Weasely. I still have my beautiful owl, so that’s how we stay connected. Their owls came in at night time, but Ron’s owl that he got from his brother is lazy so my and Hermione’s owl had to carry Ron’s and packages. I tore open all of them, and they each had a note. One was from Ron saying that his family was in Egypt because his brother Bill was giving them a tour. Ron got me a Pocket Sneak scope that lights up and spins if someone untrustworthy is around me. I then opened the letter that Hermione gave to me. It said that she and her family are in France for the holiday, and that she was getting home a week early to pick up new books for the New Year at Hogwarts too. Hermione got me such an amazing present, a Broomstick Servicing Kit! They both want to meet me at London so hopefully I can survive my muggle family for now.
Vincent Macabuhay #6
Diary Of A Wimpy kid
Jeff Kinney
Vincent: Hi Gregg im Vincent Macabuhay i will be interviewing you today.
Gregg: Hi .
Vincent: so who are your brothers.
Gregg: they are Manny and Rodrick, Manny is only five years old. and he always blames me for doing the bad stuff he does.Rodrick is the family bully.
Vincent: Do u like school.
Gregg: No not at all everyone always makes fun of me. the only good part of school is sseing Holly Hills everyday.
Vincent: Who is your best friend?
Gregg: his name is rowley Jefferson. He is really fun to play with. but his parents are not.
Vincent: is your parents fun?
Gregg: my parents are so embarrising, and mean they almost made me go to milatary school.
Vincent: are you lazy?
Gregg: Yes i am very lazy. i do not like playing outside. i like to play video games. and watch tv.
Vincent:I see you are the kind of kid who likes to get good grades without doing anything.
Gregg: yes i am very similar to that.
Vincent: ok it seems like we are done here thank you for yyour time.
Gregg: Your welcome
Dillon Stubbs #10
ReplyDeleteApril ,10,13
Tim Tebow
Dear , diary I am Tim Tebow and I am the first Christian quarterback to play the NFL. I am a good player but I get made fun of because my religion beliefs. I am a good man, and hoped that if I played really well and proved myself they might stop making fun of me. I played really good and slowly they stopped making fun of me. I am still a very strong Christian that plays really good football. I will always be a follower of Christ even if people make fun me, and so should you. Who cares be the bigger person and stand up for what you believe in for God is all there for you and he will never want to see you go away from him but people do. They quit believing, when they should never go away from him he is the best thing that will ever happen to you so never ever let him leave your heart. For god is everywhere he was with me Tim Tebow when I need him so that is why you never let him go. He will make you the best man that you can bet that is me, Tim Tebow is in the NFL. He made me a great player and has made me a star. Never let God go from your heart, we all need God because he will never leave use when we need him. God will always be there for us, he is the best thing in the world never let him go. So no matter what people say about you, don't be embarrassed to believe in what your heart tells you. I am not afraid to pray to my God before or during a football game regards of what people may think of me.
Michael Chapin#3
George Orwell
Hello everyone and welcome to the interview in which we will interview one of the most exiting people in 1984.
Michael-how are you Winston?
Winston-good, good.
Michael-How was you experiences in the book 1984?
Winston- they were kind of bad at some times but good at other times.
Michael- what were your thoughts about the party and Big Brother?
Winston- They were not good. I do not think of them to be good.
Michael- who do you think was the best person you met?
Winston- Julia.
Michael- why?
Winston- she was my only friend and was beside me while I was going against the party
Michael- what happened that greatly affected you?
Winston- when the party took me to the department of love.
Michael- overall, was that experience you had good?
Winston- yes.
Michael- well, that is all the time we have. Thank you for coming it has been a pleasure.
Winston- thanks too.
Heaven Hayden#7
ReplyDeleteBlog #2
Left behind books 1, 2, 3,4,5,6
Jerry B. Jenkins
Heaven: Hello Vicki I am here to ask you some questions about your life and your beliefs.
Vicki: Ok but don’t tell my school or the church-and-state officers might get me in trouble.
Heaven: Why would you get in trouble?
Vicki: They do not let anyone talk about God or even bring bibles.
Heaven: Don’t worry I am a Christian too and I would not tell anyone.
Vicki: Oh that’s reassuring thank you.
Heaven: What exactly has been going on with your life? Who are your friends?
Vicki: Well I am going through a hard time since the rapture, I lost my whole family. I have changed my whole aspect on life. My friends are Judd, Lionel, and Ryan and I live with them. My trailer has burnt down so Judd offered to have me live with him.
Heaven: What about the other two are they Judd’s brothers?
Vicki: No they each had their parents raptured and don’t want to live in their houses alone.
Heaven: Oh okay well do you have anything special that you are doing?
Vicki: We are writing a newspaper to try to get kids to believe in God.
Heaven: Do you go to church?
Vicki: Yes I go to New Hope Village Church.
Heaven: Who is your pastor, wait that’s a silly question he probably got raptured right?
Vicki: No actually he didn’t he got left behind but his family got raptured. His name is Bruce Barnes.
Heaven: Wow that is crazy he must have not been doing the right thing.
Vicki: Yes but he knows now and he is a great teacher.
Heaven: Well you better get going now you got some important things to do.
Vicki: Yes you are right. Goodbye
Heaven: Goodbye!
Alec Shaverdian 11
ReplyDeleteRick Riorden, The Lost Hero
Log #1, words
In the book The Lost Hero, the start is a sudden drop into the life of the main characters and you do not know much about them and their past. As the story progresses we find out more about the characters and how they got to where they are. Before the book started the three main characters, Jason, Piper, and Leo, are total strangers. Leo grew up as a small boy with remarkable powers in a Spanish speaking community. His mom died in an uncontrollable fire that he started and was sent to foster homes only to escape all of them. He then was sent to a camp for delinquents where he met his friends. Piper spent her days with her famous dad who could provide her with anything she wanted but who just wanted a normal life. She also wanted attention from her dad so she did bad things to get his focus. One day he persuaded a man to give her a car and she stole it. She was caught and was sent to the same camp as Leo and her talent was charm and beauty, but she denied it with all her heart. Jason has the power of lightning and has lost his memory. He was probably doing okay on his own until his memory was taken. He was dropped into camp with the rest and they believed he was with them the whole time. Know they are on a quest of monumental danger in hope of success.
Deborah Dervartanian #2
ReplyDeleteMrs. Holiday Language Arts
Log #1 Mysteries Unfolding by anonymous
Third quarter blog #2, page 9, option #7
Mysteries Unfolding is an amazing book so far, the action never stops. The author uses cliffhangers to make you want to read more and always keeps you entertained. The book is about four teenagers who at first, thought were just friends, but they eventually get into a battle with evil relatives of two of the characters who want them for their parent’s money. The parents of Rebecca and Jessica were striving in their business when they died of an explosion in their lab. The explosion leads to another one and another one that continues on in different ways. Rebecca, her sister, and her friends go on a journey to find out what actually is happening. They started out with nothing and slowly learn more and more of what is going on. The book is filled with words that put questions in your head and makes you want to know what happens next and who the mysterious person is, it is always interesting to read. For example, Rebecca says, “Yeah, it bugs me if only I could find out whom that man is it might help me figure out what this is all about”. The book keeps you thinking throughout the text, I would totally recommend it to a friend. It’s always thought-provoking and it leaves you with cliff hangers wanting you to read more and see what happens. Then you want to see what happens and you get a sense of relief or finally get it when the author reveals what happened or who it was. Such as when Rebecca knows someone is there and then in the end you finally find out who it is such as, “They were screams of a boy, not just any boy, Drew.” Some things unexpectedly happen in the book that you wouldn’t have even guessed would. For example, “I couldn’t do that to my niece, I had to let her boyfriend stop me.” “I told you before the call, I it was her life or yours.” The book always keeps you thinking and the story never stops, new information comes in and the story continues to unfold for you.
Morgan McElroy #5
I hide at the graveyard
Under the planes
I'm the leader, I'm the guard,
Here it rarely rains,
It's getting hard,
And it brings me pains
To know what they have done,
They destroy children
Who they don't see fit
To live in this world with them
They come to raid
But I won't forget
All they have done to me,
I won't loose,
I will fight,
I will protect my friends,
Even if they don't want it.
Adrian Gottuso #6
3rd Quarter Blog #2
Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire is a very good book. The author did a very good job getting the reader’s attention and keeping it. I would recommend this book to my friends because it is very interesting. Everything about the book is interesting, the setting, the characters, and the plot. The book is very fast paced and filled with action. It all hooks in the reader as if they were in the story. The author uses imagery to paint a picture in your mind. I think the reason that this book is so interesting is because it appeals to all sorts of audiences. The overall story makes you want to keep reading. You want to know if Katniss survives the hunger games for the second time. The author pulls you into a little world inside your head. With books you imagine what everything looks like in your head, but with movies, it is what someone else thought what the book would look like. I think that the books are always better than the movie because there is only so much that you can do with a movie. I heard there is a movie coming out soon for this book, and if there is, I would recommend that you read the book before you see the movie. This way you can have some fun imagining what the book looks like to you instead of reading it later and always picturing the people and settings from the movie. Movies are fun to watch, but sometimes they miss important details from the book. I would recommend the Hunger Games Trilogy to anyone who enjoys reading, because it is a very interesting book.
Word Count: 276 words
Natalie Coyne #1
ReplyDeleteMax by James Patterson
233 pages
Quarter 3 Blog 2
Interviewer: Hello Max
Max: Hello
Interviewer: How are you?
Max: Pretty good actually. No impending doom at the moment, although I know that won’t last long. I’m just so glad to be of that floating, or rather sinking, tin can.
Interviewer: What was so bad about the submarine
Max: You try being trapped in that small of a space with a bunch of other people for longer than five minutes and see how you like it. It’s especially bad for us, we are used to flying and being free. It almost reminded me of being trapped back at the school.
Interviewer: Well, that doesn’t sound very pleasant at all. How have things been going with you and Fang.
Max: Surprisingly, very well. I really do love him. I don’t know what I would do with out him. I’m glad we are able to go off alone more often now.
Interviewer: I’m glad that’s going well. You and Angel seem to have been getting along better, is that true.
Max: Yes, for now. She wants to be the leader of the flock and doesn’t really listen to me like she used to. I’ve been trusting her with more responsibilities and she can handle it. I think that’s all she really wanted, to not be treated like a kid. No matter what, she will still be my Angel.
Interviewer: that’s very sweet.
Max: Can we wrap this up? I really want to get to back to Fang… and the rest of the flocks of course.
Interviewer: Yes, of course. I hope things stay peaceful. Bye
Max: I doubt the will. Bye.
Kyle Goudie #5
Third Quarter Blog #2
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
Jeff Kinney
Kyle: Hi Greg Heffley, I’m Kyle Goudie can I interview you for a couple minutes?
Greg: Yeah.
Kyle: Ok, why did you decide to go to the board walk with Rowley and his parents?
Greg: Hm… I wanted to go to the board walk because I want wanted to ride the ride called The Cranium Shaker.
Kyle: Who told you to ride this ride?
Greg: My older brother Rodrick told me to ride The Cranium Shaker, he said that if I don’t ride it I won’t be a man!
Kyle: Ok. Ok. I get it you just want to prove to your big bro that you’re a man!
Greg: Yeah.
Kyle: How is your Summer so far?
Greg: It’s ok I guess.
Kyle: What have you been doing lately, Greg?
Greg: Playing video games
Kyle: No, I mean outdoor things.
Greg: Oh! I been going to the community pool every day.
Kyle: Why is that?
Greg: To go swimming. Duh!
Kyle: Sorry my bad.
Greg: Yeah…
Kyle: How do like your new dog?
Greg: Not very much. He always ruined my day, once when I took him out to go to the bathroom he ran out the door so I had to chase him all around my neighborhood!
Kyle: Ha! That is funny.
Greg: Don’t laugh I know you did that before.
Kyle: True
Greg: Are we done yet because I need to get home for dinner.
Kyle: I think we are. Nice talking to you Greg.
Steven Vego #12
The Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien
Bilbo Baggins was having his eleventy-first (111th) birthday soon. Everyone knew it would be a wonderful party with lots of nice food and presents. There was a short wait for it, but because of the way people were anticipating it, the wait seemed, to them, agonizingly long. When it did come, it was just as great, or maybe even greater, than people thought it would be. Near the end of Bilbo’s party, he made a speech, and then slipped his ring onto his finger, vanished, and sneaked back to his home. At his home, he packed up some things, left a note, and the ring, for Frodo, and left. Frodo had been aware of what happened at the party, so after the party, he went back to his home. Gandalf was there. He gave Frodo the ring, and told him it was his duty to destroy it at Mount Doom. Frodo left, later, with his friends Sam and Pippin, after selling his home, and pretending to move to Buckland, so that his absence would not be pondered. On the way there, Frodo found he was being hunted by evil men on black horses. After an encounter with elves, Frodo and his friends made it to Buckland. They stayed there for a little while, and then left once again for Mount Doom. They left the shire, and started into the Old Forest that they would need to pass to proceed to the Mount.
Penny Wiese #9
ReplyDeleteBlog #2 3rd Quarter
by Stepanie Meyer
Log #1
Book completed
The main theme in the book Twilight is love. How love can overcome the most impossible boundaries, and occasionally create them, only to knock them down. Love can be someone’s greatest strength, or most dangerous weakness, or even both. For Edward and Bella in Twilight, love overcame the difference between myth and reality, impossible odds, and both human and, in Edward’s case, inhuman instinct. Bella’s instinct of self preservation must have told her to run, escape, get as far away from the blood drinking, superhumanly fast, and impossibly strong hundred year old vampire as possible. But her heart told her not too, and the love she had for him was stronger than any instinct of self preservation. And it turned out to be right. Edward’s vampiric instincts told him to kill Bella and drink her blood, because for whatever reason, it called to him and smelled better that any blood ever had. But his heart told him not too, and the love he had for her, told him to keep her alive at all costs, because she was everything to him. The love he had for her was strong enough to stop him from killing her when he had to drink her blood to suck the venom from her bloodstream after James had bitten her. Their love for each other made the impossible possible, the unthinkable true, the inconceivable reality. Twilight shows a love as strong as that of Romeo and Juliet, but has a happy ending, which is really a happy beginning.
Edward Lueras #9 1/22/14 prompt #1 lunch money by Andrew Clements All my life I was only interested in making money. I would collect it and hide it where no one could find it. Later I started saving it in a bank. I thought all you needed to be happy was money and nothing else. At school, I thought, was a great place to sell many things. I would get in trouble for it but it was worth it to me. I found out that the school couldn’t get me in trouble for selling books because they are learning right? So I started making graphic novels for people at school. They would pay and I thought I had all I needed. Then another person wanted to help me with making the books. I was not sure about it at first but I started enjoying having someone to talk to and have fun with. The school then banned our books and we had gotten me, my friend, and my favorite teacher to talk at the school board meeting to say why graphic novels should be allowed and sold at school. We went home winning the argument at the school board meeting. I figured out later what is more important than money. Having friends who will help you. My graphic novels weren’t just approved at my school, but later got approved at many schools! Money was going to the school, my friend got some of the profits, I did too, and my favorite teacher got some money too. I always remembered though that friends are more important than money or anything else.
ReplyDelete3rd quarter blog #2 Edward Lueras #9 4/1/14 Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls page #150 prompt #1 lately I have been the luckiest boy in the Ozark mountains. I have not one but two coon hunting dogs! They are so good at hunting they have the most coon skins at my grandpas store. No one can compete with my dogs when it comes to coon hunting . To think I only paid $40 for my dogs! I worked hard for that $40. I worked hard at harvesting and helping my grandpa and my dad everyday. My dogs have been loyal and have worked hard to be known all over the Ozarks. The only thing that ever mad me sad was the death of Rubin Pritchard. We had a bet that I couldn’t catch a old and smart coon. We are watching my dogs catch the coon when he trips while holding my axe. I felt pretty bad until I payed my respects by putting flowers on his grave. After that I didn’t feel bad or guilty that much and things have been good for me lately. My grandpa was really excited one day and told me he had entered me into a coon hunting competition and had even paid the entry fee! I was so happy already I could hardly think. It would take a while to travel to the competition but that didn’t bug me at all. My grandpa could hardly contain his happiness too. After that he gave me a sack of candy and then I left his store. It was hard to wait for the day we would start traveling to the competition but the day if finally here! We have just stopped to camp for the night and then travel again. I can only imagine how the competition is going to be.