4th Quarter Blog #1

Your in the home stretch...just one more blog to go. Keep up the good work.


  1. Sarah Youssouf
    By: Marie Lu
    Legend Final Exam
    1. Does Days mom think he’s dead?
    True or False
    2. Does June go to Princeton University?
    True or False
    3. Are June and Day from the Colonies?
    True or False
    4. Are the Colonies and Republic at war?
    True or False
    5. Is Day the most wanted criminal?
    True or False
    6. Who is the Republics favorite prodigy?
    a. June
    b. Day
    c. Metias
    7. Who does June want to find and kill?
    a. Day
    b. Tess
    c. Commander Jameson
    8. Who is June’s brother?
    a. Day
    b. Metias
    c. Thomas
    9. Who is Days partner?
    a. Thomas
    b. Tess
    c. Metais
    10. What is June’s dog’s name?
    a. Lucky
    b. Manny
    c. Ollie
    11. What is Days real name?
    a. Dave
    b. David
    c. Daniel
    12. Who is June in love with?
    a. Thomas
    b. Aden
    c. Day
    13. Who is Day in love with?
    a. The girl in the bar
    b. June
    c. Tess
    14. Who did June beat at the Skiz fight?
    a. Day
    b. Kaede
    c. Tess
    15. Who took the place of Day on his execution date?
    a. John
    b. Thomas
    c. None of the above
    16. One of the themes in the book is love. Describe a scene in the book where love was token place.
    17. After reading the messages Metias left for June, reality soon came into play. Describe her emotions and the way she felt after reading the messages.
    18. When June asked the Patriots to try to rescue Day from his execution, they agreed to do it for a useful weapon and 200,000 Notes. Explain how The Patriots were able to get day and June out.

    19. Day is the most wanted criminal. Explain why he was the most wanted criminal.
    20. June was the Republics favorite prodigy. Explain why she was the Republics outstanding prodigy.
    21. Threw out the book there has been so many action roles token place. One of them is when the Republic captures Day. In five or more sentences explain how Day is captured.

    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. True
    6. a
    7. a
    8. b
    9. b
    10. c
    11. c
    12. c
    13. a
    14. b
    15. a
    16. A scene in the one of the themes, love, is taken place when Day and June are sitting down and Day kisses her.
    17. June was frightened, scared, and angry. She wanted to get revenge on the Republic
    18. The Patriots (also known as the Colonies) were able to get June and Day out because they used the device that June gave them to turn of the soldiers guns and the lights. The Patriots were dressed as Republic soldiers and were able to escape from Batalla Hall.
    19. Day is the most wanted criminal because after he “failed” his Trial he was taken into a “labor camp” and escaped. Since his escape, he has been destroying things that the Republic uses for war.
    20. June is the Republics favorite prodigy because of what she has accomplished. She went to Drake University and is the youngest senior there. She was the “only” person to get a perfect score on her Trial.
    21. Day is captured when June tells him that the plague control is coming for their family. Day starts to run to his house and June follows behind. When day reaches there house he warns his family and hides them. The Plague control and the soldiers find them. Thomas shoots and kills Days mother. They take Eden to the hospital and arrest Day and take his brother.

  2. Dillon Stubbs#10
    May 4,2013
    The Legend
    The main problem in the Legend is that June and Day are running from the law they are tiring to save there families from dying . They try to get medicine for them but they have to run and they almost get caught but they didn’t and they heal their families. They cops have been looking for them for as long as could steal he steal a bank in 10 seconds and he is very surprise when he tries again he does not do it in 10 seconds he does it lick in a minute. He is mad at himself for not doing it in lease time so but then he says I did break both my ankles then. He gets away from the cops many times one time the cop should have arrested him but they let him go. He never does get caught but he should have so many times and he doesn’t he is very lucking he doesn’t. He and June both have very bad life stores they are both really bad people and they work with even worst people. They all have been doing bad stuff for as long as they can think of. Do not do what these people do when you grow up it is not a good life at all you are running your life from the cops and trying to just get in trouble when it should be the other way and try to stay out of trouble.

  3. Samantha Doring #4
    Mockingjay Log #1
    302 words

    I hate how the author lets Prim die. Prim was helping with a bunch of other people then she gets bombed. And it is annoying because you don’t know who detonates the bomb. She was helping enemy children not her own people’s but the enemies. I just think that that is sad she wasn’t doing anything wrong she was just following orders. If it was Gale that killed her it is sad I mean its not like one bomb isn’t going to kill everyone, and he already knew that a back-up team was going to be sent in. But if it was Snow that is another story. Snow killed his own people and then sent in another bomb that might not do anything but burn the bodies and leave the families even more heart broken. I also hate how Katniss votes for another Hunger Games, I mean isn’t that the reason they started the whole rebellion. And how talented are these tributes anyways there is going to be some sort of advantage there, I mean a pampered princess against a person from district two. If they want the people whose relatives are in the games to suffer the need to keep them alive not kill them that refutes the point. And Snows granddaughter might of died in the bombings like Prim did. And the last thing I hate is how Katniss doesn’t kill Snow. That was part of that treaty thing right. But the one thing I don’t get is why she killed Coin. She had the opportunity to kill snow I mean he was tied up and she had the bow and arrow but why didn’t she take that opportunity I don’t know. That is what I hate about the book Mockingjay.

  4. Michael Chapin#3
    Jurassic Park
    Michael Crichton

    Hello, my name is Tina Bowman,and I was on a beach with my parents and I was walking along the wet sand. I could feel the salty water rushing on my feet. I went into the trees and found this odd birdlike animal it had three toes like a bird, but a very long tail. I stuck my hand out and said that I had no food. it got closer and closer to me. Before I knew it, it was on my arm. It suddenly started biting me. I felt the sticky,wet saliva stinging in my arm. I was in agony. I yelled and cries very loud and my parents came. Before I knew it, I was in the hospital. My arm was swelling, and then I heard someone and the doctor came. He said it was odd for this animal to bite so many times. The doctor, Guitierrez, Said it was a Basilisk lizard. I told him it had three toes. When I told him that, he had his doubts.

  5. Alec Shahverdian 11
    The Lost Hero- Log 2
    Done with book
    Jason, Journal entry, one. Today we have decided to start building the great ship that we will ride to the roman camp. Even though I will not be helping personally, I still feel like a big part of the team just by encouraging my fellow camp mates. Other than just hanging around with friends, everything else we do while we wait is just boring or odd. The only thing I have been doing to pass the time is practicing my sword work. I now that I took down a giant with a weapon but a whole camp full of tough, warlike Romans? I am not going to be taking chances any time soon. Especially considering what is on the line. My friends, my sister, and the whole world are counting on our soldiers. The ship is turning out pretty well considering the two “small” fires caused by Leo. Personally I think he was just showing off his power. Piper has been acting really strange ever since the convincing the ground to go back to sleep conversation, she has been staying away from long conversation. Many people tried to make her in charge of giving commands, and she dreaded it was because of something she said to convince them. The rest of the campers were busy at work only stopping for food, breaks, and quick chats. Even though no one mentioned it much, everyone was thinking about Percy Jackson. I was informed about how good of a warrior he is and if it’s all true, I would defiantly want him with us.

  6. Heaven Hayden#7
    Left behind books 1-8

    Dear Vicki,
    I know that you are going through a very hard time. your parents are not with you, you had to go through a detention center and a foster home. You are amazing though. I’m going to tell you about Ryan. Remember when he gave you that gift and you thought it was from Judd and he got angry. I think he got angry because he bought you an expensive gift and also he might like you a little bit. I know it sounds weird but it might be true. Ok so now let’s talk about Judd. I am going to tell you something he told me, but you have to promise not to tell him I told you ok? He said that one time he talked to Bruce about dating and while he was talking he was thinking about you! I also know that you have feelings for him. Another thing I want to talk about is Bruce, the pastor and your adopted father, and how it affected you. Recently Bruce was acting strange on the plane and then he seemed to be all right the next minute he is in the hospital. He then tries to tell the doctor about you and falls into Acoma! Then to make matters worse Ryan runs away and goes to the hospital. The next minute the hospital is bombed with Bruce inside and you have to look at his dead body. Then the medics look through to find Ryan’s remains but they don’t find them. He must have got away. We have to find Ryan and quickly!
    Love, Heaven

  7. Adara Martinez #9
    May 6, 2013
    Log #1
    Faith, hope, and Ivy June
    Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
    1. Ivy June is a poor girl from Thunder Creek.
    2. Shirl is Ivy’s biggest enemy.
    3. Catherine’s mom was ill when Ivy visited.
    4. Ivy is a beautiful singer.
    5. Catherine’s uncle works at a mine.
    6. In the end of the book, Catherine’s mom finds out that she had a infection in her hip.
    Multiply choice
    1. Catherine is from …
    A. Lexington
    B. Brooklyn
    C. Thunder Creek
    2. Each girl has to leave home for ….
    A. One week
    B. Two weeks
    C. 3 days
    D. 4 weeks
    3. Catherine receives calls from… very often
    A. Her principal
    B. Her mother
    C. Her crush
    D. Her best friend
    4. Catherine’s best friend is…
    A. Shirl
    B. Mackenzie
    C. Ruth
    D. Fred Mason
    5. Who from Ivy’s family works in the mines?
    A. Her brother
    B. Her father
    C. Her uncle
    D. Her grandpa
    6. Ivy June lives with…
    A. Her stepdad and mom
    B. Her mom and dad
    C. Her uncle
    D. Her grandparents
    7. Ivy sleeps with what under her pillow?
    A. A locket from her mother
    B. A note from her best friend
    C. A rock that her grandpa gave her
    D. A knife
    8. Where does Ivy go where she feels free?
    A. Her room
    B. Her backyard that has a beautiful view of the mountains
    C. To her mom
    D. Her best friend’s house
    9. At the end of the book, what happens to Ivy’s grandpa?
    A. He gets hit by a rock and is in a coma
    B. He is trapped in the mine
    C. He is very sick
    D. He wins the lottery
    10. Who also has a crush on the same boy as Catherine?
    A. Ivy June
    B. Hannah
    C. Mackenzie
    D. Jennifer
    Short answer
    1. What is the name of Catherines sister?
    2. Is Rosemary a friendly or arrogant lady?
    3. What is the name of Shirl’s “boyfriend”?
    4. What is Shirl jealous of?
    5. How many miners died from the cave in?
    1. Has anyone in your life been in terrible danger? Describe how it was like.

    Answers-1. True 2. False,3. True,4. True, 5. False, 6. False
    1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. C
    1. Claire, 2. arrogant,3. Fred Masoon,4. Catherine and Ivy being great friends 5. Two
    Essay- answers may vary
    When I was little my mom and my sister almost got hit by a car. They were standing outside while my dad and I were inside. The car saw a mattress on the ground and it swerved near the direction of my mom and my sister. The car swerved again just before they hit them. Luckily the car hit something else instead of them. My mom and my dad were very frightened. God saved them and I am so grateful to him because if he didn’t I would be living without a mother and a sister.

  8. Adrian Gottuso #6
    Quarter 4 Blog 1
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins
    Interviewer - Hello Katniss.
    Katniss - Hello.
    Interviewer – Are you still considering running away to the woods with your loved ones?
    Katniss – The Capitol can’t hear this, right?
    Interviewer – No, they can’t.
    K – How do I know you are telling me the truth?
    Int. – I don’t like the Capitol either, they sent my friend to the games and he got killed.
    K – Ok, I’m sorry for your loss.
    Int. – Thank you.
    K – I will tell you what I have been thinking about doing. Ever since I saw that uprising in District 8 on the mayor’s television, and seeing Gale getting whipped by the new peace keeper, I have been thinking about starting an uprising. When I saw what they did to the square, and how the people reacted to me, I started to have doubts. But then I met those two girls in the woods, and they told me that they supported me, and that gave me just a bit more hope. I know that this could potentially start a full on rebellion, and that there is a slim chance that a rebellion will succeed. This won’t stop me though. The only thing is that with the quarter quell and the slight changing of rules, I could very well be on my back to the games. This upsets me a lot, but I am trying to stay optimistic.
    Int. – How do you feel about the fact that you almost have to marry Peeta?
    K – I don’t really know, I have had confused feelings about Peeta this whole time, I guess I don’t really like that I am being forced to marry someone, one of the few rights that I thought I would always have would be to choose who I would marry, if I marry at all.
    Int. – That is all the time I have. Good bye.
    K – Bye.
    Word Count: 309

  9. Hannah Dumaine#4
    Ingrid Law

    Hannah: Hello, how are you doing?
    Mississippi/Mibs: Good
    Hannah: Well, were you excited when you found out what your Savvy was when you got it?
    Mibs: Yes, kind of. I did not know what it was in the beginning because all I heard were these voices in the back of my head. They kind of scared me, of course because it was my birthday and I fainted. I woke up and I heard a lot of voices and I just wanted to run away from everything and to be alone. So I decided to go to my parents.
    Hannah: When you’re your brothers birthday came, were you guys scared about his Savvy?
    Mibs: Yes, because his Savvy is very powerful and strong. His wind and tornadoes almost blew US away.
    Hannah: When you four people ran away, was it hard? And what did you take to go there?
    Mibs: Well, first off we took this bus that belonged to this Bible Guy. He sold pink bibles! It was kind of sad though when he got yelled at by the Pastor of the church. He was saying like, “Pink bibles! Who do you think we are!? This is a church you should have brought black bibles! Go away!” it was so crazy. And there actually five of us on the bus. My little brother Samson was on it because he always runs away and hides somewhere.
    Hannah: who were the other people again with you?
    Mibs: there was Will, Samson, Bobbi, Fish, and me. The man (Lester) finally found us on the bus.
    Hannah: were you happy in the end with your mom and dad? And what was your Savvy again? Was your dad okay?
    Mibs: WO wo wo! Too many questions! Yes my dad’s okay; my Savvy was reading minds, but only with people that have ink on them. I was very happy in the end.
    Hannah: Thank you very much.
    Mibs: You’re welcome. It is my pleasure.
    Hannah: Bye.
    Mibs: Bye.

  10. Aide Martinez#8
    May 10, 2013
    Blog #1
    Love? Maybe.
    Heather Helper
    The book love maybe has many themes, but the one that is mentioned the most is love. In this book love is almost in every chapter. This book is about a girl named Piper who doesn’t really know what love is. Her birthday is on Valentine’s Day so her two best friends Jillian and Claire try to get Piper a date. Piper just keeps on refusing to boys that that they picked for her until one day that all stopped. Piper had fallen in love with the most popular guy in the school that she met at detention. His name was Ben Donavan. When Piper started going out with him she didn’t knew that he wasn’t her type. When Valentine’s Day came Piper started to get all these different love candies and she kept on wondering she kept on wondering who gave them to her. Piper knew who had been her little valentine. It was her neighbor Charlie. Charlie and Piper had known each other since they were little. Piper was shocked that somebody loved her and that somebody was Charlie, her neighbor. She realized that Charlie had loved her for years now and she didn’t know that she loved him too. When Pipers birthday came up her friends celebrated Piper’s birthday. In the end of the book it talks about love the most. Piper danced with her true love and that was when Charlie told her something. He told her that he loved her.

  11. Grace Diponio
    #3 5-9-13
    hunger Games
    katniss is a very brave,kind,willing to secriface her life for her sister. in the hunger games katniss is willing to go to the hunger games insread of her 12 year old sister,The hunger games are were kids fight for their life's to stay alive.the huner games resembale death fear and survivle at the end of the day don't trut your emenies.Katniss is paired with this guy named gale.she didn't care for him but she new she had to try to win for her sister prim.She had promiesed peta she would at least try to win for her.She knew she wouldn't stand a change beacuse all the other kids have been trained to kill.Katniss has been hunting but not for people.katinss awalys thinks that she is not good enough so when it was the last 2 her and this other guy. at the end katniss took the win home and she did all for her little sister prim

  12. Lauren Fitts #5
    4th Quarter Blog #1
    Where the Red Fern Grows
    Wilson Rawls

    Sad he was working alone
    Watching and listening to the hunters go by
    He was a lonely boy who just wanted dogs
    But the cost is what held him back
    Then on one lucky day
    Billy found a special flyer
    He thought that dogs cost seventy-five dollars
    But his flyer said it was only fifty
    He went and told his grandfather who agreed to help

    For the next two years Billy worked real hard
    He sold berries and did extra work
    So he could afford the only thing he wanted
    Which were two little pups
    His grandfather ordered the two little dogs
    Now all Billy had to do was find a way to get them

    Billy finally decided to go get them his self
    But the only thing was the were in the city and he was in the country
    That night Billy packed a little cotton sack
    And headed for the city
    After one log walk he rested in a cave
    And when it was morning he was to start again

    When he reached the city he found where they were,
    But when he got there he was nervous and couldn’t go in
    He made himself go and he was glad he did
    The man in the office had his pups waiting for him
    When he was leaving the town a group of boys approached
    They were picking on his dogs so he so they got into a fight

    The sheriff came and helped Billy up
    Then Billy was on his way again
    He couldn’t find the right name for his dogs
    Until he saw two names written on a tree
    When he got home his sisters loved his dogs
    And then he had to start training them

    He trained his dogs to be fierce hunters
    They were after those sly little coons
    He had much fun with Dan and Ann,
    But their fun had to end some time
    When the time came Dan died for Billy,
    And Ann died in grief for Dan.
    Both dogs were buried together
    And soon a sacred red fern grew in between them.

  13. Dominic DiPonio
    It was a normal day
    To do our school work and be bored all day
    We would lauph and joke and have a good day
    Until our teacher disappeared
    We thought we were seeing thing
    We found out that every adult was now missing
    We were in trouble we would have to look out
    This is our time but a scary time indeed
    We would look we would hide
    we would discover new things about each other
    we are the

  14. Kyle Best#1
    Mrs. Holiday
    4th quarter Blog #1,log #3
    Catching Fire
    By: Suzanne Collins
    I really like the Series of "The Hunger Games" by: Suzanne Collins. I have already ready the first book which is called The Hunger Games; but know I am almost done with the second book Catching Fire. Catching Fire is a great book. There is a lot of action and strategy included in the series. The second book, “Catching Fire” Is how Katniss gets drafted into the Hunger Games a second time which is for all the previous victors. What Katniss does not know is that there is a secret plan that is going to start a revolt against the capitol. Even the head game maker of the Hunger Games is in on the revolt. Most of the tributes are also in the plan, the character Beetee is in charge of blowing a break through the force field. In the whole process Katniss has to get a knife stabbed into her arm to get her tracking device out. The Katniss shot one of her arrows into the force field which resulted in it blowing up and aircrafts airlifting them out to their secret location. Their secret location is district 13, when Katniss becomes fully conscious again after the blast she recognizes that Peeta is missing. And goes into psycho mode. Later her best friend Gale visited her and she was so relieved to see him, unfortunately he has to give her the bad news that district 12 has been completely destroyed.

  15. Jack Wiese #13


    by Neal Shusterman

    One of the major themes in UnWholly is morality, and how it can change with different kinds of people. Whenever countries find a new, better method of doing things that will increase their country’s productivity rate, it often has problems morally. This is bound to happen, as things that increase productivity are often things like slave labor, very harsh treatment of prisoners in the form of labor, encouraging citizens to suck the wealth from other countries, create monopolies, etc. So the country can either give up on the particular idea, or, through propaganda and twisted philosophy, have their people accept it. And this is often the choice. In UnWholly, that is the case. Scientists discover a way to divide the human body, and preserve all its useful organs, without technically killing it. This process officially becomes known as unwinding. Some people are quick to accept the idea, as they know it will make obsolete issues such as bad eyesight, paralyzation, and losses of limbs. If you lose one limb, its no big deal. Just put an unwind’s limb on and replace it. No more glasses, no more wheelchairs, seems pretty good, right? Until you see that only adults can have their kids unwound from 13 to 18. Some parents have their kids unwound for money, others because they don’t want them, and some parents “tithe” their children as an offering to God. Most people accept this, and it quickly fades in as part of society. But some actually realize what is happening. They see that unwinding is just legalized execution. People make themselves believe unwinding is fine, only because it makes their lives better, while bringing terror to some. The moral flexibility of societies often lead to their descent into sin.

  16. Andy Ly #8
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
    Pg. 81
    Dear Harry, I'm so happy that Sirius Black is your grandfather. I laughed so hard when I found out that he was "stalking" you while the wizard bus came along. I can't believe that you had to go on a diet just because of Dudley. It is so unfair how Dudley had more food than you even when he was the fat one that needed the diet the most. But whats even sadder is how Dudley stole his own dads food. Going to the Quidditch world cup must be so exciting I know I'm really jealous of you. I know that your scar was hurt earlier, but I wouldn't worry now that your with the kind hearted yet strong Weasely family, not to mention that you have Sirius Black as a godfather to protect you when you need it. Just a heads up, since I'm a muggle myself, I'd ought to let you know that a man was killed. He was an old gardener, and everyone knew him. He was such a kind man, and everybody loved him. The police thinks that it was an accident saying he was in the mansion last night using the fireplace when he had a heart attack, but I think that he was murdered. By Voldemort.

  17. Jacquelyn Co #2
    Blog #1
    Log #8
    Saving Zasha
    By: Randi Barro

    This book has many different conflicts and problems. The main conflict would probably be trying to survive in World War II. Many other conflicts would be this boy Ivan stealing a German Nazi soldier’s two dogs. He also is part of the partisans, so he has to know how to keep it a secret. This book is such a good book. The main characters in this book would be Ivan, Ivan’s aunt, the two dogs, Petr, and Major Axel Recht. This book is about a boy name Ivan who has to move to this place called Vilnov because his mother’s work got bombed by the Germans. Soon he joins the partisans and has to be very careful. Then he was commanded by Major Axel Recht to play his concertina for him. So soon he stays with the Germans, then one day he steals the Nazi soldiers dogs. Then Axel gets furious and swears to kill Ivan when he finds him and his dogs. So throughout the book he is running from Axel and soon Axel shows up again. Another partisan named Petr (Ivan’s other friend) fights him and Ivan suddenly gets knocked out. Later Ivan finds out that Zasha and Petr are missing. He gets even more afraid because Zasha is pregnant with puppies. So Ivan has to decide to look for his friend Petr and Zasha or risk everything the partisans have worked for and go back to his home in Lenigrad. Overall this book is such an awesome and interesting book and it makes you want to read it more and more.

  18. Jenah Tittle #8
    Blog 1
    The Boyfriend
    Thomas Perry
    Have to find who killed
    Catherin is dead and needs my help
    She dies in her home

  19. #7 Marianna Marroquin
    may 9, 2013
    blog #7
    Glory Be
    Augusta Scattergood
    As much as Gloriana June Hemphill, or glory for short, wants to stay young, she wants to turn twelve. She try’s to act more mature like an older kid. Her sister Jesslyn has no time in the day for her now that she will be entering her first year of high school and try’s to keep their relationship close with their dad being a preacher. And then there’s her best friend Frankie. Frankie and glory have always just seemed to click until now. It could just be the new girl from the north that just made everyone change in a way. Or maybe it’s the debate of whether or not the town will decide to keep the pool open or close it. Just because the little accident that happened at her Fourth of July birthday at the community pool. So because of that they closed it “for repairs”. So her birthday tradition ended for a while.

  20. Allison Castaneda#2
    The Whisper
    Emma Clayton
    Mika and Ellie are twins, telepathic twins, Mika and Ellie were not always brainwashed and controlled by a microchip. Before Mika and Ellie entered the world of horror they used to go to school and play with their friends. Mika, one of the twins, was very shy because of his appreciate. Ellie was shy too but she got used to it. Ellie and Mika did not have much time to experience life because when they were very young Mal Gorman took them to test brainwashing. Mal Gorman wanted to brainwash kids to make an army of children that would fight for the government. Mika and Ellie were separated during the test. Ever since Mike and Ellie were separated Mika changed and started to act more aggressive. Mika and Ellie had never seen each other since until all the brainwashed kids started to act crazy. First you need to know how they were taken and brainwashed. There was an arcade that all the kids used to go to and the government saw that as a way to take the kid’s in. the kids where playing a game and the next thing they remembered there was a chip being placed in their head. The kids would be asleep until Gorman needed them for war. All the kids would be taken from their parents almost every parent had their child taken from them for war. Really Mika and Ellie didn’t have a chance to be a normal kid.

  21. Jackson Pinson #7
    Flags of our Fathers

    Quiz Time!!

    1. Who were the six flag raisers?

    2. Who wrote Flags of our Fathers?

    3. What was the name of the flag raiser that was a Pima Indian?

    4. Who was the oldest out of the six flag raisers?

    5. During what famous battle did the flag raising happen?

    6. Who were the three flag raisers that survived?

    7. Who was the youngest flag raiser?

    8. Who did Ira Hayes vow to kill, but never did?

    9. Which flag raiser is the author related to?

    10. Who was the goofiest out of all the flag raisers?

    11. Which flag raiser was called "Doc"?

    12. Which flag raiser got a ballad named and about him?

    13. Which flag raiser was from Czechoslovakia?

    Answer Key:

    1. Rene Gagnon, Jack Bradley, Franklin Sousley, Mike Strank, Harlon Block and Ira Hayes.

    2. James Bradley

    3. Ira Hayes

    4. Mike Strank

    5. Battle of Iwo Jima

    6. Rene Gagnon, Jack Bradley and Ira Hayes

    7. Franklin Sousley

    8. Rene Gagnon

    9. Jack Bradley

    10. Frankiln Sousley

    11. Jack Bradley

    12. Ira Hayes

    13. Mike Strank

  22. Steven Vego #12
    Language arts blog
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins

    Dear Katniss,
    I would just like to congratulate you on your victory of the Hunger Games and your victory of beating the Capital. I like how you made people think that you were crazily in love with Peeta. You even led him into thinking that. I also like the bravery you showed by first taking your sisters place and then winning while saving another person too. I know that the games are over and you don’t really get along with Peeta. He actually thought you liked him when you were only trying to save both of your guys’ lives, so that made him upset with you. It must be scary that President Snow specifically went to visit you to tell you how you better convince everybody that you truly were in love and not defying the capital. Now your family is on line it was very important that you make everyone believe that. I think you should have told Peeta so he wouldn’t be as mad at you and so he could act even more in love with you. I didn’t think that is was a smart move for Peeta to give the families of Rue and Thrush a check every week to help them survive, which is defiant to the capital. I suggest that you go with your plan to get all the people you love to go into the wild with you so you can be protected from the government. That way, you can all live somewhat normal lives in the wilderness and start a clan of people in the wilderness.

  23. Angelica Castaneda #1
    May 9, 2013
    By, Jeff Probst

    When Vanessa and Buzz’s dad marry Carter and Jane’s mom the kids have to get to know each other a little better. So while the parents are away, their uncle Dex and his friend Joe go on a vacation with the kids. They spend the week on their boat, but things did not look so good. While they were on the boat a massive storm came in without warning. Books flying everywhere, papers ruined, water up to their waist and…….Dex and Joe in the water? Dex and Joe gets knocked into the water with only a life boat, nothing else. They tried to save Dex and Joe but they were too late, they look out the boat and all they could see was an orange thing getting further and further away from them. The main conflict here is man vs. nature. One of my favorite conflicts is where Carter and Jane had to go through a hard time trying to find water, and things did not work as planned. Carter and Jane where trying to find water when there was this big river they had to pass, but the water was to strong and fast for them. But they still decided to cross; all they needed to do was to stick together. As soon as they got in the water the water brought them in, in less than a second and they both went separate ways. 3 minutes went by and Carter managed to grab a hold of Jane and drag her back to land. It was a scary moment for them and it was a battle between them and nature. A little more in the book Vanessa, Buzz, Carter and Jane’s ship gets hit by a big way and washed into the ocean. After that they headed to the cave to get shelter. They started running towards the cave and all they needed to do was to stick together.
    To be continued…..

  24. Penny Wiese #9
    Blog 4-1
    Unholy by Neil Shusterman
    Log #1
    Diary Entry from pov of Risa

    Well, this sucks. I’m always hungry, but it’s rather laughable that they think depriving me of a little food will make me crack. The constant questioning does nothing either. It’s honestly a little pathetic. Oh, and lets not forget the constant, “We have Elvis Robert Mullard.” If they really had captured him they would know that isn’t his real name, and Conner isn’t dead. They really need to work on the whole interrogation thing. That’s what went through my mind until they tranquilized me (Oh joy!) and put me in a different cell. It wouldn’t be so bad if I had the use of my legs. Still, I am grateful for the explosion that damaged my spinal cord. I may not be able to walk, but now they can’t unwind me. But, if they honestly think this discomfort will make me tell them what they want to know, then they need mental help. Before now, I lived in a gutted plane in the sweltering desert, our food shipments weren’t coming regularly, and everything was just going to hell in a handbasket. At least here there is no danger of heat stroke and I don’t have to tend to idiots who hurt themselves dismantling engines for dares. Those idiots are the reason I am here. Although, I did get some amusement out of the first couple weeks. I drove those dirtbags crazy with my ridiculous answers to their questions. But now, all I can do is pray for a way out of this.

  25. Vincent Macabuhay#6
    fourth quarter blog #1
    Basketball a history of hoops
    Mark Stewart

    His shoes are sold world wide,
    he made us believe we could fly,
    he put on a show in every game,
    he climbed the charts to fame,
    michael jordan is a hero in my eyes,
    watch him play and you'll get a big surprise,
    he wears number 23 on his jersey,
    he shows his opponets no mercy,
    michael jordan can almost touch heaven,
    michael jordan is a living legend...

  26. Natalie Coyne #1
    The Host by Stephanie Meyer
    619 pages
    Quarter 4 Blog 1

    She was perfect. Her long red hair flowing down her back could be spotted from across the room. I had been waiting a long time to get the nerve to talk to her.
    “Hello, I’m Walter.” “Hi,” she said cheerfully. “I’m Gladys. That’s spelled with a Y, not an I.” I chuckled to myself. “What a pretty name, and a interesting way to spell it.”
    “Thank you” she said almost proudly. “Would you mind if I bought you something to drink?” she looked a bit shocked, but then recovered. She pondered what I said for a moment. “That would be nice. Thank you.” I smiled at her “It’s no trouble at all, really.” We walked up to the counter. “What would you like?” I asked her. “Could I have an orange soda?” “Two orange sodas,” I told the cashier. He walked away and came back a moment later with our drinks. I paid for our drinks and we sat down at a booth. It was silent for a moment. I tried to think of some way to break the tension. “Orange soda is my favorite too.” Wow, that was stupid. “Can I tell you something?” Gladys asked suddenly. “I really… like you.” I was shocked. She was beautiful. I’m surprised she even agreed to sit with me. “I really like you too, Gladys.” She slid closer to me and our hands intertwined. That was how I met the love of my life, Gladys.

  27. Sarah Sarmiento #10
    Gregor the Overlander
    By Suzanne Collins

    Gregor and his little sister Boots are in the Underland trying to find their father with no idea of what is coming. In order to get back their father, they have to follow every step in The Prophecy of Grey.
    The city, Regalia, in the Underland is the only safe place but the people in the city hunt some of the other creatures in the Underland. The creatures are not normal though, they are all human size and can talk. It is said in the prophecy that the hunters are hunted and the gnawers extinguish the rest. The gnawers are the rats. Before they attack, Gregor, Boots and some other people leave to begin the journey. In the prophecy, it mentions and Overland Warrior that will save the Underland if they listen to him or the rats will devour them. Everyone believes that that Gregor is the Overland Warrior who will save Regalia. The prophecy says it needs two people of royal descent, which are, soon to be queen of Regalia, Luxa and her cousin Henry. They also need two fliers, two crawlers, and two spinners. The fliers are giant bats they use to ride on, the crawlers are giant cockroaches who think Boots is the princess and worship her, and the spinners are giant spiders that make all the cloths for the Underland people.
    They also need a gnawer, which are all against them, except for one, Ripred, who no one seems to trust. He is left as their guide to the rat kingdom after Vikus, Luxa’s grandfather, has to leave. There are twelve people on the quest, but in the prophecy it says that only eight will be left when they count up the dead.
    There is also one more stanza to the paragraph to The Prophecy of Grey, but no one seems to understand it…yet.

  28. Kyle Goudie #5
    Forth Quarter blog #1
    Book: Big Nate: Goes For Broke
    Author: Lincoln Peirce

    One year ago Nate Wright was in 5th grade he was going to school with his best friends Teddy, and Francis. The Middle school that they wanted to go to was P.S. 38, P.S. 38 is the rivalry of the school named Jefferson Middle School. When they were walking home they bumped into the neighborhood bully which is going to go to Jefferson Middle School. Nolan (the bully) was throwing snow balls at Nate, Teddy, and Francis. So Nate and his gang threw snow balls back while running home from school. When they got to Nate’s house they helped each other make a comic strip. When they were done they showed it to Nate’s Dad. Then the next day it was showing day for their class. So Nate, Teddy, and Francis got up to share the comic strip to the class. At Physical Education they played dodge ball everyone got out except for them three boys on their team, and four boys one the other team. Then Nate’s team won!
    The End

  29. Deborah Dervartanian #2
    Mrs. Holiday English
    Log #1 for I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore
    Dear Diary,
    For over nine months now, there has been no sign that the Mogadorians have found out where I am or have messed with any others of my kind. It has been so long, I had started to make friends at my school and I was even invited to a party. We went on a boat but as soon as I was in the moment with a really cute girl, my ankle scar started to glow. I knew I couldn’t stay there any longer so quickly swam across the water to shore and ran inside to Henri. I knew that we had to leave so I packed up most of my stuff and we went on our way. Though, I didn’t realize it until now that number 3 had just been captured, that leaves me, next. The big commotion that I caused didn’t really help in hiding me, it rather made it worse. I said my good-byes to Daniel, that was my name Henri gave me now I have to think of a different one. It sucks because before Henri picked where we went from Minnesota to Colorado, but that time I had the chance to pick and it was on the beautiful coast and I enjoyed it for the first time over all my life. Henri and I drove off. I wish I had the chance to say good-bye to everybody, they were all so nice and all that I said to the girl was that it was nice meeting her. I knew coming to that party was a bad idea, but at least it was fun until the incident. My ankle was glowing up and it everybody had to come near, the girl was screaming, I know it isn’t normal but those were my last words. Now were on the road heading to Ohio. Our story is that I grew up in California but we are moving here because of my dad’s computer programming job. On the road I made up Henri’s name, it is going to be John Smith. Henri had never been a John before, not a Smith either, but it’ll be a new experience. I am scared though, I know that I am next, I am number four, three are dead, and I am next.

  30. Alyssa Zeller #12

    May 10, 2013

    Blog #7

    The House of the Scorpion

    Nancy Farmer

    True or False

    1. Matt created a clone
    2. El Patron is called “the drug lord”
    3. Stuart is Matt’s body guard
    4. Steven helps Matt escape
    5. Maria is the only one who likes Matt

    Multiple Choice

    1. At the beginning Matt lives in
    a. The house on the poppy fields
    b. The mansion
    c. The eejit pens
    d. A little shack on a cliff

    2. Matt is found by
    a. Emilia
    b. Steven
    c. Maria
    d. El Patron

    3. Matt is imprisoned by
    a. Rosa
    b. Molly
    c. Jamey
    d. Chloe

    4. Matt is _____ by everyone
    a. Loved
    b. Hated
    c. Mocked
    d. Envied

    5. Maria’s dog is called
    a. Fur ball
    b. Fuzz ball
    c. Snowball
    d. Oreo

    6. _____ poisoned Maria’s dog
    a. Felicia
    b. El Patron
    c. Matt
    d. Tom

    7. _______ IS Maria’s mom
    a. Esperanza
    b. Felicia
    c. Zoe
    d. Emily

    8. who is the keeper in “The Hive” that puts Matt in “The Bone yard”
    a. carols
    b. Jorge
    c. Jose
    d. Roberto

    9. What city is Matt going to?
    a. San Diego
    b. San Jose
    c. San Luis
    d. San Francisco

    10. when Matt finds Maria, he finds her in
    a. a hospital
    b. a restaurant
    c. a party
    d. a prison

    Short answer
    1. How does Matt feel when he finds Maria?
    2. When does Matt find out that Tam-lin had died?
    3. Does Matt take any of his friends in to Opium?
    4. Why is Matt sent to the “Bone Yard”?
    5. How does everyone in Opium die?

    How does Matt get to San Luis?
    Answer key
    True or false
    1 false
    2 true
    3 false
    4 false
    5 true

    Multiple choice
    1 a
    2 c
    3 a
    4 b
    5 a
    6 a
    7 a
    8 a
    9 c
    10 a

    Short answer
    1. Matt feels happy and overjoyed
    2. Matt finds out when he re-enters Opium
    3. no, Matt does not
    4. Matt is sent to the “Bone Yard” for starting a riot
    5. By drinking the wine that El Patron gave them to drink when he dies

    Matt gets to San Luis by escaping his orphanage. He gets help from some people from a near by cemetery and than they take him to San Luis.

  31. Edward Lueras #9 5/3/2014 the legend of Thunderfoot by Bill Wallace prompt #10 page #151 T or F 1. Berland is a young turtle. False 2.Thunderfoot is attacked by a coyote when he gets his big feet. False 3.The roadrunners tell a fake story about Thunderfoot to young roadrunners. True 4.A baby rattlesnake bit Thunderfoot's feet only once in his life. True 5.Tess is a bobcat. True 6.Thunderfoot is always depressed by his big feet. false multiple choice 7. Rocket is what type of animal? A. bobcat B. coyote C. turtle D. none of the above answer: D 8. Thunderfoot didn’t do which of these? A. raise a family B. get eaten by a coyote C. learn to fly answer: B 9. Who wins the race between rocket and Thunderfoot? A. Rocket B. Thunderfoot C. neither answer: C 10. Who would always preen their feathers? A. Thunderfoot B. Brisk C. Rocket answer: C 11. What happened after Thunderfoot got bit by a rattlesnake? A. nothing B. he dies C. none of the above answer: C 12. Can tarantulas bite through roadrunners feathers? A. yes B. no C. sometimes answer: B 13. what weather did Thunderfoot see in the book? A. rain and snow B. sleet and hail C. thunderstorms answer: A 14. where does Berland live? A. grass B. holes C. none of the above answer: B 15. what clan does Thunderfoot belong to? A. no clan B. quick clan C. foote clan 16. how does a roadrunner get its name? A. by its way of hunting B. by its color C. none of the above answer: A 17. who feds Thunderfoot when he can't walk? A. no one B. his parents C. Berland answer: B short answer 18. who is Rocket? A roadrunner who preens a lot and eats more than he should. 19. describe Berland. Berland is a gopher tortoise who is very old and is friends with Thunderfoot. 20. how does Thunderfoot learn to fly? He carried a rock and tried to fly with it every day until he could fly. 21.describe how Thunderfoot uses his flying skills for good. He used it for good by saving his friends from a coyote by flying on its head and scratching it. 22. what was so good about the valley Thunderfoot was in before searching for his rock? It had water and tarantulas to eat. essay describe how Thunderfoot accomplished flying and overcoming his big feet. Answer: Thunderfoot was diligent in finding a rock, but not just any rock, a rock that would fit his feet perfectly. Once he found that he was able to train with it by holding it and trying to fly. Eventually he was able to fly and then returned to the valley he was in before. He conquered his big feet by embracing them and making the best out of them by just accepting it and training hard to run, fly, and just do everyday things.


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