4th Quarter - Blog #2

This is it! The fat lady is singing. The end of the road draws near. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel...and all the other idioms about how the end has come. Remember that you will receive a grade of "0" if you repeat one of the options that you have done earlier in the year. Use your prompt and work hard until you cross the finish line.


  1. Sarah Youssouf#11
    The Prodigy
    By: Marie Lu
    Pg. 250
    From being on top of the world
    To living in the slums of the sectors
    I am the capitols best prodigy
    Life has token me into twist and turns
    My brother’s death took a huge toll on me
    That’s when Day came into my life
    The capitols most notorious criminal
    I thought he was the one who had killed my brother
    I wanted to kill him
    Do anything to bring him down
    That’s when I found out the dirty truth
    Day was the good guy
    The capitol was my worst enemy
    Day and I ran away and become alliances with the Patriots
    Now my face is everywhere
    Claiming that I have “gone missing”
    We escaped to Vegas
    Meeting some familiar friends
    Then I found out that that the capitols president is dead
    His son has token control
    The Patriots think he is dangerous and a major threat
    Deep inside I think he is not all as bad as his father
    I need to make a decision
    To be a part of his murder or protect him from it
    I thought my whole life that all I needed to do was be the best

    But now all has changed
    I lost my family, money, house, and my dog
    All for saving Day
    I ruined his life too
    I was the reason his mom died and his brother
    All he has left is his younger brother Eden
    I have always been tough and been self-reliant
    Now I feel as if I am relying on others
    I am stuck in-between a rock and a hard place.

  2. Samantha Doring #4
    Log #1
    The Allegra Biscotti Collection
    Olivia Bennett

    Not a lot happened today: Paige Young came to Laceland; she liked my dress and blogged about it. But there was only one problem; I gave her a fake name. Instead of my real name I came up with one it is an Italian name: Allegra Biscotti. I know I should have taken credit but I didn’t know what to do I mean do I say oh ya I made that with that cheap fabric found on some random street, I mean she could have taken the idea. But know on to another topic, telling Holly me best friend. I don’t know when to tell her because she is always with Ivana and the bees. That’s what we call them her “bees” always follow Ivana like the Queen bee it is so annoying. I just hope Holly doesn’t become a bee. I don’t know what I will do the only friend that I will have is Charley and he is weird. I am kind of sad because he is the only one who knows about Allegra Biscotti. I am so happy that Paige blogged about my dress I just can’t stop thinking about it. I mean someone that is popular likes something you made I don’t know how you cant be happy. Well I guess that I have written a lot so bye for now.

  3. Alec Shahverdian 11
    Lost Hero –Rick Riorden
    Finished Book
    Lost Hero Exam
    1- Jason is Greek. =False
    2- Piper is the daughter of Artemis. = False
    3- Leo is immune to fire. = True
    4- Leo’s dragons name is Smokey. =False
    5- Percy Jackson has lost his memory. = True
    Multiple Choice
    Zeus=G Aphrodite=F Hephaestus=E Percy Jackson=D Festus=H Coach Hedge=C Leo=I Jason=J Piper=A Hera=B
    A-Jason’s girlfriend, daughter of Aphrodite B-Wife of Zeus, damsel in distress C-Runs Wilderness School, is a Satyr D=Lost Hero E=Greek god of tools and fire F=Aphrodite= Greek goddess of Beauty G=Greek god of the heavens H= Metal Dragon with a major role in the story I=Fire Bending, ADHD son of Hephaestus J=Son of Zeus, hero of story
    Short Answer
    1- Who is the first villain of the story? = Dylan
    2- What origin is Jason of? = Roman
    3- What is a Satyr? A half man, half goat creature
    4- What creature is helping the Earth goddess’s rebellion? = the giants
    5- What is the Camp of the Greek demigods called? = Camp Half Blood
    At the end of the book, the camp plans to head over to the Roman demigod camp for help. They wonder if they will help them or be hostile as to their reputation. What do you think will be the relations between the two camps? Will they be bad or good? Explain the event of the meet in detail and explain what you think happened to Percy in a full paragraph.
    1. I think the two camps will bond and create an alliance. They will do this because they have a common goal of fighting off the giants and the Earth. The Greeks will show up at the camp and the Romans will greet them, at first, with hostility. After that they will align as one army and start the plan to attack the enemies. For the outcome of Percy Jackson, I think he has done the same as Jason and has learned of his life and has bonded with the Romans.

  4. Aide Martinez#8
    June 7, 2013
    One for the Murphys
    Lynda Mullaly Hunt
    It all started with a girl named Carley Connors. She was a girl who was beaten by her stepfather. One day a very nice foster lady named Mrs. MacAvoy takes Carley to a foster home. She takes her to the home of the Murpheys. When Carley gets there she sees Mrs.Murphey who smiled at her with love.. Day by day went and Carley did not feel welcomed by the children. They hated her and teased her that she was a foster child. One dinner night and one of the kids yelled at her so bad that Carley ran away. Carley was cold and scared and just fell asleep on the grass and slept there. In the morning Mrs.Murphey found her and comforted her. Carley didn’t really love Mrs.Murphey. She always just felt like a stranger to the home. One week day came and Carley had to go to school. She met a girl named Toni who became a really good friend of Carleys. One afternoon Carley asked if she could play basketball outside and Mrs.Murphey said yes. When Carley was shooting hoops Daniel was being bullied by his neighbor. Carley taught him a lesson and Daniel and his brothers thought that she was a hero. That same night Carley heard word from her mom and that she was going to see her the next day. The next day came and Carley saw her mother she was still angry at her mother so she left her. When Carley heard word from her mom again, Carley remembered the truth about the night she was being tortured. She visited her mom at the hospital again and told her she was sorry. Two weeks passed and Carley was going home with just her mom. She was going to miss the Murpheys very much because they helped her love others and she felt like she was part of the family again. She gave the Murpheys hugs and went with her mom back to Vegas where they belonged together.

  5. Jack Wiese #13
    Blog #8, Log #2
    by Neal Shusterman

    Some people have a funny way
    of doing what they do
    They treat a normal human mind
    as if it is a tool
    They like to turn their brainwashing
    into a form of art.
    For nothings easier to bend
    than an ignorant man's heart
    Persecuting others
    Killing fellow man
    Brainwashers will get away
    with whatever they can
    You can bring out the best in man
    or bring out the worst
    Brainwashers have this option;
    but they never choose the first
    They'd love to make you think
    its for the good of all the people
    But that would only come from
    man's rights becoming equal
    They don't care for your well being
    They don't care if you starve
    As long as there is money
    flowing into their penny jar
    They could even have you
    eliminate a race
    You wont realize what you've done
    Until you know that its too late
    They do not need fame
    They just need your will
    They don't need to lift a finger
    As long as they have your skills
    Its funny how in the process
    they brainwash themselves
    they sneak it in their brains
    with manipulative stealth
    They might even convince themselves
    that what they do is good
    For some they'll think that
    they're doing what they should
    they rule civilians through fear
    and their soldiers hearts they harder
    Have them think being on his side
    is how they stack a bargain
    Brainwashing doesn't work so well
    on righteous, strong believers
    They know that brainwashers are just
    lazy underachievers.

  6. Hannah Dumaine#4
    Julie Chibbaro True or False
    1. Prudence has no brother anymore
    2. She calls her mom marm
    3. The girl has a lot of friends
    4. She has no job yet
    5. Prudence’s name is at beginning of book
    Multiple Choices
    1. Where does Prudence’s friend Anushka live now?
    A. A farm
    B. A house
    C. A townhome
    2. What does she send to Anushka?
    A. A text message
    B. A postcard
    C. A letter
    3. What job does Prudence have now?
    A. A scientist
    B. A researcher
    C. A nurse
    4. What is Mary Mallon’s nick name?
    A. Sick Mary
    B. Yucky Mary
    C. Typhoid Mary
    5. What is Prudence’s last name?
    A. Baker
    B. Smith
    C. Galewski
    6. How old is Prudence?
    A. Sixteen
    B. Eighteen
    C. Seventeen
    7. What job does her friend Josephine have?
    A. A nurse
    B. A clerk
    C. A stylist
    8. What is the disease that is killing everyone that gets in its way?
    A. Cancer
    B. Tuberculosis
    C. Typhoid
    D. Polio
    9. What do the police do to Mary when she’s running?
    A. They drug her
    B. They trip her
    C. They grab her
    D. Or they tackle her
    10. What do they do to Mary after they have her?
    A. Take her fluids
    B. Lock her up in a room
    C. Do tests on Mary
    Short Answer
    1. What did Prudence do before her job?
    2. What happened to her father?
    3. What happened to her brother?
    4. What boy likes Prudence?
    5. Is Mary the 1st person to see that illness can be inside of people when not noticeable?
    Why does Mary Mallon believe that she doesn’t have an illness in her? 5 or more sentences

    Answer Key
    1. True
    2. True
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False
    6. A
    7. C
    8. A
    9. C
    10. C
    11. A
    12. C
    13. D
    14. D
    15. A
    16. She helped her mom give birth to other peoples babies.
    17. Her father got lost during a war in an army.
    18. Her brother died of a horse trampling over him.
    19. Jonathan is a scientist that likes Prudence.
    20. Yes she is.
    21. Mary Mallon thinks she doesn’t because she thinks it is not possible. After many tries they finally catch her. They take her fluids and she does have the disease. She still doesn’t believe them though. She gets freed and they have the judge decide. She was sick after all with typhoid and then believed it.

  7. Hannah Dumaine#4
    Julie Chibbaro
    True or False
    1. Prudence has no brother anymore
    2. She calls her mom marm
    3. The girl has a lot of friends
    4. She has no job yet
    5. Prudence’s name is at beginning of book
    Multiple Choices
    1. Where does Prudence’s friend Anushka live now?
    A. A farm
    B. A house
    C. A townhome
    2. What does she send to Anushka?
    A. A text message
    B. A postcard
    C. A letter
    3. What job does Prudence have now?
    A. A scientist
    B. A researcher
    C. A nurse
    4. What is Mary Mallon’s nick name?
    A. Sick Mary
    B. Yucky Mary
    C. Typhoid Mary
    5. What is Prudence’s last name?
    A. Baker
    B. Smith
    C. Galewski
    6. How old is Prudence?
    A. Sixteen
    B. Eighteen
    C. Seventeen
    7. What job does her friend Josephine have?
    A. A nurse
    B. A clerk
    C. A stylist
    8. What is the disease that is killing everyone that gets in its way?
    A. Cancer
    B. Tuberculosis
    C. Typhoid
    D. Polio
    9. What do the police do to Mary when she’s running?
    A. They drug her
    B. They trip her
    C. They grab her
    D. Or they tackle her
    10. What do they do to Mary after they have her?
    A. Take her fluids
    B. Lock her up in a room
    C. Do tests on Mary
    Short Answer
    1. What did Prudence do before her job?
    2. What happened to her father?
    3. What happened to her brother?
    4. What boy likes Prudence?
    5. Is Mary the 1st person to see that illness can be inside of people when not noticeable?
    Why does Mary Mallon believe that she doesn’t have an illness in her? 5 or more sentences

    Answer Key
    1. True
    2. True
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False
    6. A
    7. C
    8. A
    9. C
    10. C
    11. A
    12. C
    13. D
    14. D
    15. A
    16. She helped her mom give birth to other peoples babies.
    17. Her father got lost during a war in an army.
    18. Her brother died of a horse trampling over him.
    19. Jonathan is a scientist that likes Prudence.
    20. Yes she is.
    21. Mary Mallon thinks she doesn’t because she thinks it is not possible. After many tries they finally catch her. They take her fluids and she does have the disease. She still doesn’t believe them though. She gets freed and they have the judge decide. She was sick after all with typhoid and then believed it.

  8. Michael Chapin#3
    Jurassic Park
    Michael Crichton

    This fascinating book has had much conflict.The main problem in this book is that John Hammond, the owner of Jurassic Park lost control of the dinosaurs that he created (by obtaining DNA from them)keep breaking loose. The dinosaurs that break loose injure and kill scientists and others on the island. A T-rex killed Regis and injuring Ian Malcolm. This problem continues throughout the book. Tim and Lex, the kids, get stalked by an escaped raptor. Tim then locks the raptor in the freezer saving the kids. While this is happening, Dr. Grant manages to find Gennaro and turn on the generator. Tim turns on the electric fences before the raptors break through the electric bars. He calls a supply ship that left and is about to dock Costa Rica and Gennaro tells them about the velociraptors on board. Malcolm dies of his earlier complications while the Costa Rican Officials take the survivors and blow in the island. Dr. Grant hears from a man that approaches him that there are unidentified lizards in the mainland of Costa Rica. The lizards went deep into the jungle and no one knows where they are.

  9. Grace Diponio
    #3 BLOG
    Confectionately yours
    Hayley’s life is far from perfect her parents are divorced and her mom lost her job. But luckily she still has one passion baking. Hayley has always loved baking. One day her and her friend Artie decided to open up their own online bakery. At first Hayley thought it was a bad idea because they were only 13. Arnie then told Hayley that if they do the online bakery they can show their talent through baking. Hayley agreed with her friend and they soon thought of a plan. Their plan was that they would ask Arnie’s mom to set up a web site and they would use flyers to get their online bakery a shout out from Hayley’s mother’s advertisement company. But soon the girls realized that they need a bakery name. Arnie thought of raining cupcakes. Hayley thought it was not cool and pink glitter cupcakes were a better name. Arnie got mad and said “I quit” and ran home angrily. Hayley than realized that she was not being nice and that she should apologize. So Hayley did and they agreed with the name wonderful swirly cupcakes. After they picked out a name they put the website up with all their cupcake names and they already had 5 orders. The girls relized what they want to do for a living.They knew theyb will be best baking friends forever

  10. #7 Marianna Marroquin
    June 7, 2013
    Island of the Blue Dolphins
    Scott O'Dell
    The main character, Karana, is on an island with her Indian tribe. When a ship comes and persuades the Indians to let them hunt food and other goods. Then they leave without paying. When the head chief, Chowig, Karana’s father, gets confronted and a battle takes place between the two. Karana’s father and other people die during the battle. Then the new Chieft Kimki, sails out to the East. All though he doesn’t come back, white men come over to the island. The Indians intend to leave the island. Before a storm comes. Ramo, Karana’s brother is still on the island trying to find his fishing spear. While they are leaving the island, Karana jumps off the ship and returns to the island. Both of the siblings are alone on the island. Then sadly, Ramo is killed by a pack of wild dogs. Karana is left all by her self. Alone. She strives to stay strong and alive. She waits for her ship to come back. But it doesn’t. The only thing that makes her happy anymore is the blue dolphins that keep her comforted. She then sees that one summer, the enemies come back. She meets a girl named Tutok. She meets other women and becomes a duty cleaner as well. Then they take her back with them and she starts a new life and says bye to the island of blue dolphins

  11. Andy Ly #8
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    Dear Journal,
    My muggle guardians said that I could go to Quidditch World Cup! But Ron said that he was going to bring me to the World Cup even if the guardians said that I couldn't go, and they would have gotten really mad but at least they said that I could go. Whew. Ron picked me up at 5, and we went to his house. We woke up early and we left the house early so we could go to the World Cup. It was to early though. We met Ron's dad boss and his son. When we got to safe area so that we wouldn't be seen by muggles. The way we got there was by "transporting". When we found our tent, it looked super small, but inside was really big not like outside, I guess that's the good thing about being a wizard. The girls rooms were bigger than ours which stinks. I can't wait till the game starts. Quidditch is the best game on earth, but I hope nothing goes wrong like things usually happens. Wish me luck, and hope that bad luck doesn't find me.

  12. Lauren Fitts #5
    4th Quarter
    Blog 2
    Little House on the Prarrie
    Laura Ingles Wilder

    Before this story Laura, Mary, Carrie, Ma and Pa lived in a peaceful town. They lived with all their family. Laura and Mary would play with their cousins and neighbors while ma would raise Baby Carrie. Then they would go inside for their school lesson. After that then they would help out in the house. They would clean up their rooms and make their beds before they would go outside again. When they went outside again they would chase the animals and play with snakes. They would go chasing birds and run through the woods. When it was getting dark then they would have to go inside to help ma make dinner. Then pa would come home from farming and they would have a family dinner.Pa would feed the horses and jack. Then ma would dress the girls in their night gowns and tell them to go to bed. As Baby Carrie got older she would have Laura and Mary start to watch her during the day while ma washed clothes and made clothes and quilts. Some times they would have to watch Carrie instead of playing outside, but they were ok with it because they loved their little sister. During the day Pa would sometimes go hunting with Jack, the family’s bulldog, and catch the night’s meat. When there was something breaking in the house Pa would spend the day mending it because he is the one who built it. They all lived happy lives in the wood with their family and friendly neighbors.

  13. Steven Vego #12
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins

    1 Katniss is in the Quarter Quell
    2 Finick kills Peeta
    3 Katniss doesn’t like Johanna
    4 The arena is made up of jungle and mountains
    5 Katniss and Peeta are having a baby
    6 Katniss falls on her back and hurts herself
    7 Peeta gets whipped
    8 Buttercup dies while Kattniss is gone
    9 Kattniss can’t swim
    10 The Capital loves Kattniss and wants her to win

    Multiple Choice

    11 Finick’s weapon of choice is
    a. Spear
    b. His hands
    c. Trident

    12 Kattniss’ weapon of choice is
    a. Bow and Arrow
    b. Her hands
    c. Spear

    13 Peeta’s weapon of choice is
    a. His hands
    b. Lifting heavey things
    c. Bow and Arrow

    14 Katniss has dreams about
    a. The arena
    b. Her wedding
    c. The baby

    15 Peeta and who can go to the Quarter Quell with Katniss
    a. Gale
    b. Haymitch
    c. No one

    16 Haymitch won the Hunger Games in the
    a. He wasn’t in the games
    b. The normal games
    c. Quarter Quell

    17 Katniss stylists act like what before the Quarter Quell
    a. They will see her later
    b. They will never see her again
    c. They don’t say a word

    18 Kattniss _________ her wedding dress
    a. Loves
    b. Hates
    c. Loves then hates

    19 Haymitch is a
    a. Drunk
    b. Sober person
    c. Good house keeper

    20 District ___ was rebelling
    a. 3
    b. 2
    c. 8

    Short Answer

    21 Why did Peeta and Katniss act like they were expecting?
    22 Why did Finick protect Peeta and Katniss?
    23 How many districts were there?
    24 After Katniss was picked up in the aircraft did she see anyone is the room she woke up in?
    25 Why did Peeta volunteer and not let Haymitch go in the games?


    Who do you think that Katniss loves more Peeta or Gale?


    1 T
    2 F
    3 T
    4 F
    5 F
    6 T
    7 F
    8 F
    9 F
    10 F
    11 C
    12 A
    13 B
    14 A
    15 B
    16 C
    17 C
    18 B
    19 A
    20 C
    21 So Katniss wouldn’t participate in the Quarter Quell.
    22 For the rebellion.
    23 13
    24 Yes
    25 So he could protect Katniss.
    26 Peeta/Gale
    Gale because Katniss has always loved him and she grew up with him.
    Peeta just saved her life.

  14. Jacquelyn Co#2
    Dark of The Woods
    Edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
    The book Dark of The Woods is a great book. This book basically has many fairy tale stories in a whole book. I would recommend this book to a friend because it has so many interesting stories within it. For example there was one story where there was a girl from Manhattan who talks to a painting of the months and she talked good about all the months and so she received good luck. Another story was when a girl had a lily on her face and she was always teased by her sisters. One day her parents melted into the ground and disappeared to the Kingdom of Melting Glances. So she got teased even more, until a hummingbird was about to take her to a happy place. Then her sister made him go away. The next night Rose (the girl with the flower on her face) put a tub of water out for the hummingbird but her sisters put blades in it. So the hummingbird started bleeding and flew away. Soon she saved the hummingbird and turned into a lily flower and the hummingbird visited her everyday. Her sisters turned into mosquitoes. Another story is when a guy named Ali Baba finds aliens in a toxic area. Soon he finds gold where the aliens are and his brother turns suspicious. Then Ali is forced to go back to the toxic area with his brother. After that his brother turned greedy, Ali told him to leave because he sensed trouble. He did not want to go, so Ali left him. Soon he never saw his brother again. He figured the aliens took him. Ali learned his lesson. One of the best stories was Hansel’s Eyes. In that story, Gretel and Hansel get kicked out of their house from their mom. Then they get lost in a video game store and a old hag said to Gretel, that she either was her assistant or she got killed. Later the hag said she would take Hansel’s eyes out. In the end Hansel lost his eye and the witch froze to death in a freezer. So Hansel took a cat’s eye from the hag’s castle so then they to home. Overall this book is a delightful book and it is very interesting.

  15. Yaya Martinez #9
    June 6, 2013
    Mocking Jay
    Suzanne Collins
    Log #1
    Option seven
    I think Suzanne Collin’s Mocking Jay is very slow. I have heard that it gets better, but it’s really hard to keep reading; I just can’t read it. I plan to finish it over the summer by forcing myself to read a chapter a day. I hope I finish it. The Hunger Games and Catching Fire had better beginnings. I like how they started with conflict in the beginning. Mocking Jay has some great parts and some slow parts. Some parts of the book make me want to read more, ( page 31,”I’m going to be the Mocking Jay.”) This part of the book made me want to read more before I went to bed. Another part is on page 46. Katniss finds her Prep team imprisoned. I kept reading to find out how they got there. Another part I enjoyed was when The Capitol brainwashed Peeta. It is boring in the beginning when Katniss is in her district, but it is destroyed. She goes to district thirteen were the rest have been evacuated. I think that part started a little slow but it started getting better around chapter seven. I would recommend this book to a friend. I would warn them that it seems boring but it gets better in the end. I would recommend this series to everyone because this series is so good that everyone would want to read it. This is my review of the book.

  16. Penny Wiese #9

    Blog 2 Fourth Quarter
    Unwholly by Neal Shusterman
    Log #2
    Book Complete
    Mini Prequel

    The couple walked slowly up and down the streets, he with his arms around her, and her with her arms around a tiny baby girl. They glanced around at all the houses and families. To those around them they seemed a normal couple, out to enjoy the beautiful day. Only they knew why they were really there. They were browsing. Trying to find the perfect family. They knew they couldn’t keep their baby girl, so they were looking for the best people to raise her. Because where they were going next, they refused to take their child. After hours of searching, they chose a family that they knew would raise their daughter well. A happily married couple who didn’t believe in unwinding, already had two young children, and lived in a beautiful four story home. They went back home for one last night with their little girl, and in the wee hours of the morning, they snuck back and left their little girl on the steps of that house. They would never know that the family had moved away the day before, just few neighborhoods over. The child, as a result of being storked to an empty home, became a ward of the state. Her name became Risa Ward. A few neighborhoods over, a couple walked slowly up and down the streets, he with his arms around her, and her with her hands coming together to set of the chemicals in her blood, and create a massive and deadly explosion.

  17. Anthony Luciano#4
    June 6,2013
    The battle of the Labyrinth
    Rick Riordan

    Percy Jackson is once again puled into battle against demons once demon cheerleaders attack him at his new school which makes him return to his old camp, camp half-blood. At camp is where Percy then learns about the labyrinth. While at camp Percy and Annabeth stumble onto a secret entrance to the labyrinth and then learns his old camp enemy Luke once used the passage and was going to lead an army straight through it into the middle of camp to attack. While there Annabethe reads a prophecy which tells that Percy is going to die and is heart broken but does not tell Percy. So now Percy and his friends know they need to stop Luke from figuring out how to use the Labyrinth for his evil ways. During this time Percy meets up with old friends and familiar faces and falls in some troubles until it comes down to the time where the prophecy about comes true about Percy at Mt. St. Helen when it erupts awakening to find himself on a mythical Island. There he gets Help from a Mortal Girl who helps him find his way back. Then at camp fighting a battle known to be a loss most of camp half blood campers die and rest injured when Grover starts a panic to evacuate. At home Percy is talked to with his Father and soon learns how to defeat Luke.

  18. Allison Castaneda #2
    The Whisper
    Emma Clayton
    choice #5

    There’s a whisper that they hear
    A sound so quiet and near
    From mountains far to the rivers below
    Children waking up
    Fighting and screaming of fear
    Yet that whisper is still there
    War to war that they will not stop
    The whisper they can hear even though the night is rough
    They sleep and sleep till they wake up
    Which can be years until needed up
    The children don’t laugh or sing any more
    They are caged like ghost which are controlled
    Man has been power hungry and used their minds
    They use the youth’s strength that they have yet to find
    Day by day they sleep until war has started
    Many lives go by and many lives are taken
    They fight to find their parents
    That was forced to let them go
    Until they escape they will not know
    But two may have a plan, the whisper is there’s
    They wake up the children to find their homes
    The two that have not seen their parents for long
    Only a evil man and a monkey which they dear love
    A monkey that has only seen white who has been caged in for life
    Tested and tested he has been in fear
    The children used to play all day
    Until one was taken away
    Many more joined the fun that never begun
    There’s a whisper that you can hear
    A whisper that is not so clear
    Unless you are the one who is controlled
    The revolution will begin with a whisper.

  19. Alyssa Zeller #12
    Smells Like Dog
    Suzanne Selfors
    Blog #1

    I like this book very much. I like it because it’s an interesting story about how a boy’s treasure hunting uncle is supposedly “eaten by a tortoise” and his only possession is the shoes on his feet and an old basset hound that cant seem to smell but can smell treasure. This boys name is Homer. He has a sister and a younger brother. His sister wants to be a taxidermist and after he gets an invitation from the Museum of Natural History, she’s angry. See she wanted to work there as a Royal Taxidermist but homer hasn’t considered going once in his life, so she’s mad at him for no reason. This book gets interesting when the Pudding family gets notified of the death of Uncle Drake. What's weird is that a tortoise is an herbivore and that means that they eat vegetation. Another thing is that when he gets that letter it says not to bring his parents to the v.i.p. party. Homer also has some encounters with clouds. Sounds very strange but he swears that he saw a cloud with eyes and later a man hanging from another cloud. Trust him he gave his eyes a good rubbing but they were still there when he saw it. I like this book and would recommend it to a friend. It’s a very exciting tale with twists and turns every where he go. With a dog and a craving for a solved mystery how is Homer going to let this adventure slip him by

  20. Heaven Hayden#7
    In Front of God and Everybody: Confessions of April Grace
    blog#8 log#2

    April Grace just a little girl
    didn't know her life would change
    A girl who loved books
    A girl who loved God
    She didn't see it coming
    Until she met Isabel
    Nasty ole' mean Isabel
    The complainer and the vegetarian
    April Grace didn't see it coming when she met Jeffrey Rance
    he seemed nice
    He seemed polite
    In love with her grandmother
    Or was he
    He tricked them all
    That mean ole' Jeffery Rance
    He wanted Grandmas money
    He wanted April's farm
    He tricked them all
    April Grace thought he looked suspicious and knew he was a liar
    She told her Grandma hoping she would listen
    but she didn't
    she was caught up in love
    Isabel, ole' mean Isabel started to change
    polite Isabel who would have thought
    Even Isabel's husband was polite
    What has changed
    What made them change
    It was God you see
    He changed it all
    God fixed their life and made that mean old Mr. Rance leave
    has God changed your life?

  21. #6 Vincent Macabuhay
    June 6,2013
    The story of The Los Angeles Clippers
    Aaron Frisch

    The story of the Los Angeles Clippers is a good book. I think it’s a good book because I like basketball. And some of my friends have the passion for the sport too. If anyone reads this book, even though they don’t like basketball, I think people should read it. The Clippers today is the best Clippers franchise they have ever had. With conquering the top spot in their division. It all started in buffalo where the clippers weren’t as good as they thought they were. Until everything started to break down more. As they went into theyre last season in buffalo they were the worst team at the time. Then moved to san diego. Then they were doing so much better. But at the end of the season they fell short during the playoffs. As they moved to LA it was a totally different story. They had three of the best stars on the team, it was Eric Gordon, Blake Griffin, and veteran Baron Davis. I really want people to know how far the clippers have come since 1970.

  22. Jackson Pinson #7
    The Magicians Nephew
    C.S. Lewis

    Dear Journal,

    Hey journal, it’s me Digory. It's a disaster here at home right now journal, but i should explain from the beginning. I live with my mother, my uncle Andrew, and my aunt Letitia. My mother has been very sick lately and I think she might die. Then there is my friend Polly, I didn’t like her at first because she would make fun of me. We became friends later though. The trouble started when Polly and I decided to go have a look around in the basement because we were curious to see what was in the empty house connected by the basements. When we got in the house, we discovered a laboratory and some strangely colored rings, yellow and green to be exact. Then Uncle Andrew came up and we figured out that he used this house as a laboratory. I thought this was strange so I wanted to leave, but before we tried to leave, Uncle Andrew insisted that Polly have a yellow ring to wear. When she put it on, she vanished! I was angry; I thought Uncle Andrew had killed her. Uncle Andrew explained to me though that the rings were portals and I went after her. Before I left though, he told me that yellow is to transport and green is to come back. I came upon a series of pools and found Polly quickly; I wanted to go straight home, but we decided to explore the other pools for a bit. Then we came upon the realm where she lived, Jadis, the witch. We tried to run from her but she caught onto my ear and teleported with us. When we got back to the pools, she was weakened. We were going to leave her there but she grabbed us when we teleported back home. Uncle Andrew was startled at first, but fell in love with Jadis. That is just plain wrong! Anyways she began to destroy everything in sight and is beginning to try to take over our world. I must go now to stop her. I'll write soon.


  23. Deborah Dervartanian #2
    Mrs. Holiday
    Language Arts
    I am Number 4, by Pittacus Lore
    Log #1, page 258
    I am number four
    They are chasing me
    I can see them behind the door

    I am number four
    They are killing my people
    I do not adore

    I am number four
    I am in danger
    I am only poor

    I am number four
    I need my friends
    Though I don’t have many, but they can’t hear me roar

    I am number four
    I am in hiding
    I’m now on the floor

    I am number four
    I refuse to die
    I wish I could be ignored

    I am number four
    I am next
    What am I here for?

  24. Angelica Castaneda#1
    June 6, 2013
    Pg. 140
    Love? Maybe
    By, Heather Hepler

    The main character in the story, Piper, is a person who does not really like Valentine’s Day. While all her other friends can’t wait for Valentine’s Day to come. Because even though Piper’s birthday is on Valentine’s Day does not mean she is all happy about that, she is not a big fan of love because she have seen many relationships go down. Valentine’s Day is around the corner and things do not turn out as planned. Her best friend is heartbroken after her break up, so she decides to help her. Piper and a couple of friends agree to find dates for Valentine’s Day. A couple days later Piper is dating her crush, the most popular boy in school. At the candy shop Piper works at, she creates a delicious heart valentine candies. The next day of school she received gifts in her locker from….who? Piper and her friends try to find out who her secret admirer is. Love? Maybe is a great book, it is a book about love. This book has a lot of twists and turns and you probably did not see it coming. I love the way the author makes it a misery, it keeps you guessing and you won’t know the answer until you read the whole book. This book is a book that I think girls would really relate to. Love? Maybe is a great book that kids would love and enjoy reading.

  25. Adrian Gottuso #6
    Quarter #4 Blog #2
    Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
    Katniss Everdeen was known as the girl on fire
    But the president was convinced she was just a little liar
    He always thought that her love for Peeta was always fake
    And threatened to kill the ones she loved, that was all she could take
    She had one more chance to convince the president that her love was true
    She would do her best but the outcome she almost already knew

    Katniss tried as hard as she could to make the president believe
    And what the president told her made her worry and grieve
    He still did not think that her love for Peeta was true
    She had endangered everyone in district one-two
    Now Katniss and everyone she cared for were doomed
    And now death and destruction for everyone she cared for loomed

    She made a plan to run away
    And she thought about it for many days
    She talked about this to all the ones she trusted
    And some thought it was a good plan, but others just looked disgusted
    But then she decided that would be a really bad mistake
    Yes, that would be a very poor decision to make
    Then one day Gale was being whipped
    And Katniss stepped in front of him and took the hit
    Katniss and Gale were the best of friends
    And now Katniss feared that their time together was nearing the end
    She had thought about starting a revolt
    But then she remembered with a jolt
    That it might cost her her life
    And this caused internal conflict and strife
    She convinced herself to brave
    Then she found out that she was being sent to the games
    Word Count: 275 words

  26. Natalie Coyne #1
    Quarter 4 Blog 2
    Unwind by Neal Shusterman
    Pg 1-335

    After my recital,
    They told me the news.
    I was to be unwound.
    My parts given to others to use.

    They said I would still be alive.
    They said It was for the greater good.
    I knew that they were lying,
    I couldn’t believe that they would.

    I exchanged some goodbyes,
    With my few close friends.
    Then I got on to a bus,
    Knowing my life was about to end.

    And in an accident,
    I evaded this horrible fate.
    I ran away with Connor and Lev.
    Searching for an escape.

  27. Kyle Best#1
    The Battle of the Labyrinth
    By: Rick Riordan
    The Battle of the Labyrinth final Exam
    1. Percy Jackson has stayed at the same school as long as possible?
    True or False
    2. Percy Jackson fought with cheerleaders?
    True or False
    3. Nico is the son of a god?
    True or False
    4. Tyson is Percy’s brother
    True or False
    5. Grover doesn’t really find Pan?
    True or False
    6. Who is Percy’s mom’s new boyfriend?
    a. Bob Duksh
    b. Paul Blofis
    c. John Dully
    d. Jake Arther
    7. Who does Percy like?
    a. Rachel
    b. Annabeth
    c. Zoe
    d. Sally
    8. Who does Percy see in his Iris message?
    a. Grover
    b. Annabeth
    c. Nico
    d. Luke
    9. Who has come back that was the jailer of the Cyclops and 100 handed ones?
    a. Braires
    b. Kampe
    c. Bombe
    d. Luke
    10. How many different faces do 100 handed ones have?
    a. 15
    b. 25
    c. 50
    d. 100
    11. Who are Percy and Annabeth looking for?
    a. Daedalus
    b. Nico
    c. Luke
    d. Henry
    12. What did Daedalus make for him and his son to escape prison?
    a. an airplane
    b. Wings
    c. Robots
    d. manipulators
    13. What is Daedalus’ son’s name?
    a. Jake
    b. Merallis
    c. Icarus
    d. Luke
    14. How many hearts does Geryon?
    a. 1
    b. 2
    c. 3
    d. 4
    15. Who does Percy find at Triple G Ranch?
    a. Luke
    b. Matt
    c. Nico
    d. Dephasus
    16. What is Percy doing in the Labyrinth?
    17. Who is Percy in the Labyrinth with?
    18. What cost Bianca her life?
    19. What favor does Hephaestus want?
    20. How did Percy defeat Antaeus?
    21. Who is Ethan Nakamura, and where is he introduced?

    Answer Key
    1. False
    2. True
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False
    6. b
    7. b
    8. c
    9. b
    10. c
    11. a
    12. b
    13. c
    14. c
    15. c
    16. Percy is trying to find Daedalus before Luke gets a hold of him.
    17. Percy is in the Labyrinth with Annabeth, Grover, Tyson, and 100 Handed one.
    18. Hephaestus’ defective Talos statue cost Biaca her life.
    19. Hephestus wants Percy to go and check on his favorite workshop in Mt Saint Helens.
    20. Percy defeated Antaeus by hanging him by chains and stabbing him with riptide.
    21. Ethan Nakamura is trying to prove himself to join Kronos’ side. He is introduced when Percy is in the arena in the Labyrinth.

  28. Kyle Goudie
    Book: I Survived The Sinking of the Titanic
    Author: Lauren Tarshis
    4th Quarter Blog #2
    One major themes in the story I Survived The Sinking of the Titanic is fear. There is fear because there is a life or death situation. A ten year old boy named George Calder is looking for a mummy everyone is talking about. While he is looking for the mummy he hears a loud sound. Then George got scared and ran back to the room. Another example of fear in the story is when everyone finds out the Titanic is sinking. So George and his family realizes that George’s sister is lost. While the ship is sinking the family is looking for Phoebe, and George is looking for his friend he met on the ship named Marco. George finds him and helps Marco get on the life boat. Another theme is relief. Relief is one of the themes in this book because George, Phoebe, their family, and Marco is safe and survives the Titanic.

  29. Dillon Stubbs #10
    I Funny
    Mrs. Holiday
    Dear , dairy I just read the best book ever it was so funny they were just telling jokes left and right and I could stop smiling it was a great book it was funny because this kid was a comedian and was the funniest kid in New York. There was a sad part in the book though when he tells how he got paralyzed in a crash and lost his mom and dad and brother it was really sad. He is in this home with these random strangers and he was the only one who wanted to be a comedian and nothing else so he got many book and went in his room and read all of them in one night all joke books to he seemed to be a nice guy and he like this girl and every time he saw her he would not move. The story that he went trough was very tragic. Then it got better because he was so funny that he was going to Las Vegas and will be competing with all the other kids that are going. To be there don't know if he made it the book just stop but hopefully he did and can't wait tell the other book comes out that will be even funny ere. So his most use line in the book is " I Funny" it weird because that the name of the book so it works out good for them.

  30. The Tale of Despereaux
    by Kate DiCammilo
    Edward Lueras #9 6/3/2014
    prompt #6 page 207

    Edward: Hi, Despereaux, we are here to talk about your journeys in your life.
    Despereaux: Hi, Edward, I have had many journeys and many things happen to me in my life.
    Edward: would you like to talk about the worst and best ones?
    Despereaux: Sure. A good one would be when I met the king and the daughter of the king when he was playing his guitar for his daughter. The sound was so great and the daughter even wanted me as a pet but the king wouldn’t allow it. He has a thing against rodents.
    Edward: The king's queen wouldn’t allow it either?
    Despereaux: The king's queen isn’t alive because of rodents but I wouldn’t like to share that story.
    Edward: Okay, maybe you would like to talk about a bad thing that has happened in your life.
    Despereaux: Sure. When I was a young mouse I was thrown in a dungeon for reading books and not eating them. I have always been a different kind of mouse. I’m not always searching for food or scurrying on the floor. Anyways I was being sent to the dungeon by my brother and a couple other mice. They were going to lock me in the dungeon so I could be eaten by whatever was down there.
    Edward: How did you make it out?
    Despereaux: I was saved by the jailer for the dungeon by telling him a story. Stories was all he wanted because in that dungeon there was no happiness and he believed stories were happiness.
    Edward: Thanks for sharing with us Despereaux.


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