First Quarter - Blog #1

I am looking forward to reading your first blog of the quarter. Make sure that you have followed all the directions and look at previous posts to see if your on the right track. Check your spelling and grammar to avoid simple errors. Have fun!


  1. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    Are You There God, It's Me Margaret
    Judy Bloom
    page #200
    Prompt #9

  2. #15 Anthony Salgado
    I Am A SEAL Team Six Warrior
    Howard E. Wasdin
    page #60
    Prompt #1

    This work that I do is brutal. The drills that they make us do out there is hard and is really a workout.We have to dive into the water fifty meters deep and hold our breath as long as we can. This drill can kill you so do not try it at home. Some people fail the test and are forced to leave. I do not want to be one of them. I'm going to try my hardest and never give up. We run one and a half miles in eleven and a half minutes. We do lots and lots of pull-ups and push-ups each day. It's some hard work. If I want to make it into Seal Team Six, I'd better work hard. I don't know when there's going to be a battle or war. That's why I'm not taking any chances.I wouldn't be scared for a battle because all this training is preparing me. When I was a kid, my family didn't treat me fair. They spanked and made me work all day. So I'm used to it, trust me. After they treated me like that, I thought I was tough enough to join Seal Team Six. I started to work very hard. I'm confident that I'm going to pass the test. Once I make it in the Seal Team Six, I will be really proud of myself. But some day I'm going to have to retire because of all the stress and pain. It would be a pain in the butt to continue for too long. So far my life has been really tough, but I'm starting to like it.

  3. #9 Edward Lueras ` the Underneath Kathi Appelt page #277 prompt #8 THE underneath is a thrilling book about a dog, 2 kittens, and a cat. The mom cat comes to the forest because her family dumps her out in the wild. Using her instincts she runs to a swamp/ wood area and runs to an old abandoned house, at least she thinks. She runs under the house and quickly finds that she isn't alone. She finds a dog named ranger that looks tough and beat up, but luckily he is friendly and welcomes her. She later finds out that a mean old person named gar face lives in the house. Going hunting at night and sleeping during the day gar face is a person feared by everyone and everything in the swamp. Later the mom cat has her kittens in the underneath and takes care of them by getting food for them by night when gar face isn't around and coming back just before he returns. The problem later is that kittens get curious and when they get curious that’s never good. Now the calico cat, the mom cat, had warned both of her kittens to stay in the underneath at all times. But one day puck, the boy kitten, had noticed how nice and bright it was outside the underneath. So he decided to just go out for a second, just a second. So while his sister, mom, and ranger weren't looking he slipped out. Oh but sadly gar face had been up and spotted the cat. He quickly got out of the house and snatched him right up. The calico cat not knowing what to do jumped out of the underneath and tried to stop gar face. Gar face grabbed the other cat and put them in his sack he drove off with them and found a river 2 miles away to throw them in. puck promised to go back to the underneath and release ranger from his post. (Ranger had always been tied up because he was injured, but after healing gar face left him tied up.) Now puck must find his way back to the underneath to free ranger and be back with his sister. ( puck survived and got out of the bag, but the calico cat didn't.)

  4. #10 Sarah Youssouf
    Veronica Roth

    Dear Diary,
    A lot has happened since the attack on the Abnegation fraction. That day is still fresh in my memory. The Dauntless faction was all under control of the Dauntless leaders that worked with the Erudite leaders. Everyone in Dauntless where under the control of an Erudite made serum besides me, I am Divergent. On that day my mother, father, and my best friend Will died. Will died because I shot him. He was about to kill me because he was under the influence of the serum. Before he did, without thinking, I shot him in the forehead. I regret doing it, I have to live with that guilt forever. After that all happened, me, Tobias, my brother, and Peter escaped to Amity. They let us in but soon we needed to get out with a longtime friend Susan. The Erudite had come into Amity to look for us and the surviving Abnegation. If we haven’t escaped as fast as we did, we should have ended up like the Abnegation that died at Amity headcounters. When we escaped from Amity, we all got on a train. On the train we found the some of the factionless. I knew one that was in Dauntless headquarters training with me, his name was Edward. He took us into one of the safe houses that the factionless lived in. Their Tobias found his mom. This whole time I thought she was dead. I was mistaken because my boyfriend lied to me. After a few days my brother and Susan decided to stay and see their old Abnegation friends. Me and Tobias decided to leave the safe house and go to Candor headquarters. There we were arrested. There I was reunited with my friend Christina from Dauntless training. After that me and Tobias were given truth serum shots and sent to the interrogation room filled with Candor. When it was my turn I was not under the influence because of my Divergence. I couldn’t hold it any longer so I said that I killed Will. I killed Christina’s boyfriend. After that Christiana never talked to me and Tobias and I got into a fight. We were both hiding things from each other. When the fight ended, Lynn took me into a place in Candor where many Dauntless slept. The other half of Dauntless where traders and worked with the Erudite. Before I knew it the traders were in control of Candor.

  5. #8 Josh Ramirez
    Left Behind
    Tim Lahaye
    Page # 150
    Prompt #7

  6. Yaya Martinez #9
    Mocking Jay
    Suzanne Collins
    Log #1
    Page 166
    Option 9
    Although, Mocking Jay is very slow, I have been enjoying many parts of the book, especially the parts with the most action. I hate how Suzanne Collins leaves what is going on in the Capitol a mystery. The reader is not a wear of what is being done to Peeta. He could really be acting for the camera and is not really being hurt. I hope he is not acting because then that would mean he is a traitor. I love the way the author makes everything a mystery, something’s I wish she didn’t leave a mystery though. I love how she puts fear into the book, making me want to read more. I like the part when Peeta warns about the nuclear bombs because I think that the book is starting to get a lot better. I love that Gail has more time to spend with Katniss , rather than her spending time with Peeta, because Gail and Katniss always have the adventurous and rebellious personality inside of them, which makes the book a lot better. There is this one part from the book where Katniss talks about the hanging tree which is really interesting but also frightens me out a little bit. Overall I’m really enjoying the book. The first few chapters took me a long time to get through but it starts to get much faster. I’m also getting through it faster because I have much more spare time to read. This is my review on Suzanne Collin’s, MockingJay.

  7. #4 Gavin Lizik
    I Survived Huricane Katrina
    Page # 93
    Prompt #1

    Dear diary,
    When the news was talking about huricane Katrina i thoought it was going to be a very small storm, but they bwerent kidding it was 150 mph winds and i never thought this was going to happen. I never thought it was going to wipe out the city of New Orleans! when they told us to evactuate the whole city i thought it was a joke, but no it was posibly the worst storm in us history! We started to evacuate the city, but when Kleo started to throw up I knew the day was going to go good. Before we knew it i was washed away into the water so quickly i didnt know it even happended. When i was holding on tightly (with all of my breath) to a tree trunk i saw a house and leaped as far as i can and landed into it and i noticed it was Abe's house and before i knew it his dog (who was supposed to be agresssive) was barking at me in favor of being with him and saving him then we found food and ate and then we heard a helicopter flying above and i waved thinking we were saved and then the helicopter went away and since it was soo low the wind knocked Abe's dog out of the house then i jumped to save himn and then we floated away to a top of a car that was flipped over like a turtle on its back. then suddenly there was a girl that came in a boat and saved us and then we went back to a small bridge where it was not flooded and then all of the sudden i heard someone calling my name and it was Mom, Dad, and Kleo! i was soo happing i was crying with joy! i was soo excited to see them!

  8. #11 Connor Platt
    Summer Ball
    Mike Lupica
    Page # 80
    Prompt # 1
    Dear Diary,
    So much happened in the last few days; I just made a stupid mistake to my best friend Tess. I got jealous that she started to hang out with Mr. Perfect, Bobby. I was practicing basketball and I saw her playing tennis with him. I got so mad that I walked over there and said "looks like you got a new best friend, Tess." Then I just ran away like a coward. I got so mad at myself. But I didn't have time to think about because the next day I came here, to play basketball. I am now at camp in Maine and it's pretty cool. I came with my basketball team, but they are in a different cabin. I was sad at first, but then I realized, why should I feel sorry for myself? It's not like I will get what I want if I mope and pout. So I got over and started to have fun. On my team I have all my buds from home, except for Ty. He was fine with it, so it was all cool. My coach though, is really mean. He thought my dad was cheap because my dad said he was going to UCLA, But he chose to go to Syracuse. My coach coached at UCLA and was really excited that my dad was coming to UCLA. When I got back to my cabin I called my dad and he said that coach was a big fat liar.
    Danny Walker

  9. #7 Aide Martinez
    Alex Rider Storm Breaker
    Anthony Horowitz
    Page #234
    Prompt #1
    Dear Diary,
    I’ve been staying at Sayles Enterprise for weeks on a secret mission from MI6. I’ve been sent here to look for why my Uncle Ian Rider died here. I never knew that he was a secret agent instead of a banker. I’ve been invited to come here because I switched places with a boy who won to come here and to try out Storm Breaker. Storm Breaker is a computer that has school games for children in England. I’ve been using it and its awesome I have to admit it even though it was made by Herod Sayle. Mr. Sayle is a bad person who wants to get revenge to a bunch of schools for bullying him. A couple days ago I met him and I played a game with him. He was I’ve been sneaking out of my room and wandering around. I found a secret room in the basement and I heard people talking in it. Nadia Vole caught me out of my room, but thank goodness she didn’t see what I was doing. In my room I realized it was were Ian Rider stayed in. I found a piece of paper he hid and it had all these curved lines on them. I sent it to MI6, but they didn’t know what it was. I’m hoping that I survive and that I can save children in England and that I can find out why my uncle was killed.
    Sincerely ,
    Alex Rider

  10. Angelica Castaneda #1 One for the Murphy’s Lynda Mullaly Hunt Page #156 Prompt #1

    Dear diary,
    The past few days have not been good. My mother is in the hospital, I am being put into a foster care and I am covered in cuts and bruises from the beating of my step father. Three days have gone by and my mother is still in the hospital. Mrs. Macavory, the social worker, told me that my mother wanted me to go into a foster care for a while. As soon as I heard the news I felt devastated, like my mother didn’t want me anymore. I walked into the Murphys house and I already feel like I am not welcomed. As soon as I walk in I see three boys staring at me, with eyes piercing at me like they don’t want me to be here. Mrs. Murphy welcomes me into her house and helps me settle in. One night Mrs. Murphy called me down for dinner, we talked and talked and Adam then told me that he doesn’t like me, that he wish I never came here. When he said that to me I new I was not wanted so I ran away crying. I was running so fast I pasted out and fell asleep, the next morning Mrs. Murphy found me and took me back home. A couple of weeks had gone by and Mrs. Murphy told me I had to go to school. The first day of school had started and someone had already hated me, Toni, a sassy girl in my class. School was horrible, I hate my family and I miss my mother, what else can go wrong? The next day something even worst happened. I heard a knock on the down, I opened the door and I see a police, all I am thinking is why is there a police at my house? He then say’s “Hello is this Carly? I need to speak to you, it’s about your mother” Although this week has not been so fun, I am starting to connect with my family more, that’s probably the only good thing that has happened to me so far.

  11. #3Hannah Dumaine
    Prompt #1
    Page 151
    Dear Diary,
    During these few weeks it has been sad. I had to not do that much work because of my concussion. We are in District 13 now. District 12 was destroyed. I went there and it was a disaster there were bones on the ground everywhere and ashes. I went to my old house to gather my things that I had left there. I looked over and there was a white rose on my dresser immediately, I knew it was from President Snow. He is very evil and I do not know if they are hurting Peeta or not. Even though he’s a traitor I care about him. After I saw the white rose I found Buttercup, Prim’s cat just sitting there. I decided that I needed to be the Mockingjay and kill Snow. I finally found out that Peeta was okay and alive. Plutarch gave me this book that Cinna made. He wanted me to be the Mockingjay that’s why he made the book when I decided to be it. It had a picture of my uniform and of my pin. Under it, it said that Cinna believes in me. They already made the uniform and I was going to be the best well dressed rebel in history. I was going to be on TV. too. Haymitch showed up and said that it should be in my own words not written down for you. So they were videoing a hospital at District 8 and I was visiting them. There were bombings planned for that area and we did not know it. The whole hospital exploded with all the people inside. I got blown to the side of a window. After that we left and I had a concussion. I later asked Prim what she thought what they would do to Peeta and she said, “whatever it takes to break you.”
    Katniss Everdeen

  12. #6 Elijah Holiday
    Tim Tebow
    Nathan Wisth
    Page 156
    Prompt 1
    Dear diary,
    Today was a tough day, I tried out for the football team and I didn't make it. I came back home and was very disappointed. My mom made me some soup to cheer me up. After I was born I had football on my mind. I have 4 brothers and two sisters. We had a dog named Otis who would cheer us up whenever let down. He was brown and a boxer. My family is so supportive in everything I do, especially sports. I have a perfect way of playing sports and one way, hard. God has always been my life, everywhere I go he is with me. My uncle started a missionary in the Philippine’s. I have never been to the Philippine’s since I was three. When I get into high school I get to go on my first missionary trip. Uncle Dick said that I get to preach the gospel to over 100 children in the Philippines’. When I got to the Philippines’ I was already a senor in high school, I was going to play for either play for Florida or Alabama. It was a tough choice but I chose… Florida! It was a really neat school and I played as a freshman, even a starter. My football life is awesome I threw 14 touchdowns my first 4 games as a gator. I finished the season with 34 TD’S and only 2 picks. I was so happy my first year of ball.
    Sincerely, Tim

  13. Lauren Fitts #5
    Michael Scott
    The Alchemist pg. 175
    Blog #1
    Prompt # 1
    Dear Diary,
    The past few days have been weird. I am not sure what is going on, but I think I am starting to figure it out. I talked to Josh earlier and he agrees that we should run away. That is an even better idea, especially since Josh was such a dolt and insulted a first generation elder. I guess I was thinking the same thing, but I still was not going to say that allowed. Mr. Flamel was saying something about awakening our powers. Does that mean we are going to learn how to use magic? Well now I am staring to think we should have gone with our parents in Utah on the archeological dig. I f we do leave I think that Josh will be glad. Ever since Scatty told him she was a “vampire” he has been scared to death of her. The fact that she is a vampire doesn’t bother me because she said her clam doesn’t drink blood. Last night at dinner I was so embarrassed because of Josh. He showed no manners and as his older sister I am the one who has to make sure he stays in line. Even though I am only twenty- eight seconds older than him, I normally take the place of mom since they are normally gone so much on archeological digs. We have a very special bond; not only because we are twins, but every time we moved to new town we couldn’t make friends, but we knew we had each other.
    With love,

  14. #8 Joshua Ramirez
    Left Behind
    Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jinkins
    page #150
    prompt #5

    I am on a plain,
    I am going insane
    People are disappearing left and right,
    They are disappearing in plain sight
    All that is left is their clothes on the ground,
    They left without a trace or even a sound
    Love ones disappear,
    People running in fear
    Just how long,
    Do I haft to stay strong?
    Are the end times here?
    Are they near?
    This is what I truly fear.

  15. # 2 Jacquelyn Co
    Heaven is for Real
    Todd Burpo
    Page #157
    Prompt #6
    Jackie: Hi Colton.
    Colton: Hi.
    Jackie: How old are you?
    Colton: I am four.
    Jackie: How did you feel when you had that bad sickness?
    Jackie: I heard that you had appendicitis.
    Colton: I don’t know what that means but all I know is that my tummy really hurt.
    Jackie: So did you feel really bad?
    Colton: I felt really bad, but I was able to see Jesus.
    Jackie: Oh I know that is really cool.
    Jackie: What did he look like?
    Colton: Well, Jesus had markers.
    Jackie: What do you mean markers?
    Colton: Well, he had like marks on his hands and feet.
    Jackie: What else did Jesus have?
    Colton: He also had hair around his face. His clothes were white but he also had some purple on him too.
    Jackie: Do you mean a sash?
    Colton: Yeah, I guess so.
    Colton: He did not have any wings though. He just went up and down, like an elevator.
    Jackie: That’s really cool.
    Jackie: Your dad said you met some of people in Heaven is that true?
    Colton: Yes, it’s true. I met Pop, my sister, Jesus’ cousin, and of course God and his son.
    Jackie: Who is Pop?
    Colton: He is my daddy’s grandpa. I also met my other sister in Heaven. She told me that she died in my mommy’s tummy. It was very sad.
    Colton: Then I told my mommy and then she started crying.
    Jackie: Really, Wow. So how did you get to Heaven?
    Colton: Well, I got there while I was in the hospital. I was screaming because I wanted my daddy and when I was doing that, God was taking me to Heaven.
    Jackie: Oh really that is very interesting.
    Jackie: Well, I have to go Colton so I will see you later.
    Colton: Goodbye!
    Colton: Remember Jesus Really Loves the Children!
    Jackie: Goodbye Colton.

  16. #12 Jayden Ramirez
    Heaven Is For Real
    Todd Burpo
    Page 151
    Prompt 10
    True or False
    1. _____ Colton goes to heaven for four minutes.
    2. _____ The spider at the Butterfly Pavilion is named Rosie.
    3._____Todd had kidney stones and cancer.
    4._____ Todd has a wife named Sonja.
    5._____ Todd and Sonja had five kids total.
    Multiple Choice
    6. Colton saw _____ at the right side of God’s throne.
    A) Todd Burpo
    B) Jesus
    C) Holy Spirit
    7. Colton saw _____ in heaven.
    A) Jesus had markers
    B) Pop
    C) All of the above
    8. Colton sister is _____.
    A) Rosie
    B) Sonja
    C) Cassie
    9. Todd and Sonja’s coed softball team was called the_____.
    A) Doc’s Dodge
    B) Dodgers
    C) Angels
    10. Todd becomes a _____.
    A) Pastor
    B) Doctor
    C) Major League Baseball Player
    11. Colton says everyone has _____ in heaven.
    A) Wings
    B) Computers
    C) All of the above
    12. Colton’s younger brother is named _____.
    A) Colby
    B) Colin
    C) Todd JR.
    13. Jesus says to have a heart like a _____.
    A) Adult
    B) Child
    C) Angel
    14. Colin’s doctor is _____.
    A) Dr. Henderson
    B) Dr. Shan
    C) Dr. O’ Neil
    15. The Burpo’s live in
    A) Nebraska
    B) New York
    C) California
    Short Answer
    16. Who are the main characters?
    17. What is Sonja’s carrier?
    18. What is Todd’s carrier?
    19. How old is Colton when he goes to heaven?
    20. Describe the angels in heaven?
    21. If you were in Todd’s position in the Hospital, when Colton could have died, would you rage at God.

    1. False
    2. True
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False
    6. B
    7. C
    8. A
    9. A
    10. A
    11. A
    12. A
    13. B
    14. C
    15. A
    16. The main characters are Todd, Sonja, Colton, and Cassie.
    17. Sonja’s carrier is being a teacher.
    18. Todd’s carrier is being a youth Pastor.
    19. Colton is three years old when he first goes to Heaven.
    20. The angels in heaven looked very big, have wings, and glow.
    21. If I was Todd Burpo, I would be mad (or not) at God because…

  17. #2 Ally Castaneda
    Log #1
    Jeff Probst
    page #173 (the end)
    On a vacation
    Never to know what lied ahead
    That nobody knew
    Four kids stranded but don’t know where
    Everyday a disaster strikes like a life gone fast
    But luck will strike back and
    Each life is safe until mouths go dry
    Like a desert in the suns eye
    The four of them go after anything wet
    Then boom faster than a lightning bolt
    They put their life on the line
    Like the last luck is on their side
    They are ok then remember there still stranded
    No one knows where but this time luck was not
    With them and a big grey cloud
    Takes there only thing close to home
    And swallows it up into the oceans floors
    All that’s left is each other and there little things
    The four kids grew close as was planned
    But in a way never imagined.

  18. #5 Alex Gottuso
    The Hunger Games, Catching Fire
    Suzane Collins
    Page 87
    Prompt # 1

    Entry #1 4/2/80
    I am Katniss Everdeen, and to whoever finds this, please listen to me, before someone gets hurt. I just had a little “chat” with president snow. He smells of blood. Anyways, he is plotting to kill me and my loved people if I don’t convince him of the act I am playing. I am trying to pretend I am in love with someone who I really don’t. My true love is Gale, but he will be killed if I don’t convince President Snow. I know what I have to do. I have to marry Peta.
    Entry #2 4/3/80
    Everything has gone wrong. I haven’t told Peta yet, but something worse has happened. I didn’t focus on what my goal was, and I accidentally made all of District 11 show a big sign of respect to me. That sounds good, but I was rebellious towards the Capital. Then victim by victim, the Capital agents killed citizens of District 11. And I don’t know if they were all wiped out. I was taken away after three victims died, and after I tried to go to sleep I was awaken with trauma again.
    Entry #3 4/5/80
    Today is the day of the proposal. I am afraid my mother will reject it, and then I’m sure bad things will happen. Well, some bad things already did happen. Horrible things. Rue’s family might have died two days ago, and Rue was my favorite girl from another district in the Hunger Games. I sang her to sleep. An everlasting sleep. That is why District 11 had so much respect for me. But now I am too nervous to write anymore.

  19. #3 Thomas Coyne
    Percy Jackson
    Rick Rorden
    Page 148
    Prompt 1
    Dear Diary,
    Hi my name is Percy Jackson. I’m a 12 year old sixth grader who attends Yancy academy. My mom is the nicest person you will ever meet, but my stepdad is the meanest person you will ever meet his name is Gabe Ugliano he’s a disgusting wart on society, all he did was drink beer and play poker and he had a job, but he only showed up once a month I Don’t know why they didn’t fire him. My last few weeks are a little blurry. The weird thing that made this all start was when my algebra teacher turned into to some flying devil, later I figured out she’s called a fury summoned by some one from camp. Once that happened a ton of other weird things started to happen like I saw three old ladies sitting on a bench knitting a giant sock. Almost forgot I have a best friend his name is Grover he is very loyal. Also when I was little a guy in a black coat and black hat stalked me on the playground he finally left when the teachers thretaned to call the cops. I could have sworn he had one eye. But the weirdest and scariest thing I had ever encountered was the Minotaur half man half bull this thing had horns from my waist to my hair it also were a giant diaper. That started when I was kicked out of Yancy academy I went to the train station with Grover and ditched him. Once I got home Gabe was playing poker with his buddies and drinking beer my mom was in the back room I ran to my mom and hugged her she told me we were going to Montauk. Once we got there it was stormy that night Grover found us and we left with him immediatly. That’s when I fought the Minotaur, I won. But my mo didn’t she was crushed before my eyes and then I fainted. That’s when we got to camp. I woke up and those nest two days I saw an oracle, Met a pretty girl and a buff dude, I play capture the flag with swords a got offered a quest and I’m taking it.

  20. #6 Elijah Holiday
    Tim Tebow
    Nathan Wisth
    Page 156
    Prompt 1
    Dear diary,
    Today was a tough day, I tried out for the football team and I didn't make it. I came back home and was very disappointed. My mom made me some soup to cheer me up. After I was born I had football on my mind. I have 4 brothers and two sisters. We had a dog named Otis who would cheer us up whenever let down. He was brown and a boxer. My family is so supportive in everything I do, especially sports. I have a perfect way of playing sports and one way, hard. God has always been my life, everywhere I go he is with me. My uncle started a missionary in the Philippine’s. I have never been to the Philippine’s since I was three. When I get into high school I get to go on my first missionary trip. Uncle Dick said that I get to preach the gospel to over 100 children in the Philippines’. When I got to the Philippines’ I was already a senor in high school, I was going to play for either play for Florida or Alabama. It was a tough choice but I chose… Florida! It was a really neat school and I played as a freshman, even a starter. My football life is awesome I threw 14 touchdowns my first 4 games as a gator. I finished the season with 34 TD’S and only 2 picks. I was so happy my first year of ball.

  21. #18 Daniel Vega
    I survived The attacks of September 11, 2001
    Lauren Tarshis
    Page #81
    Prompt #1
    Dear diary,
    Since that faithful when I was walking to see my Uncle Benny at the firehouse in Manhattan I remember the plains coming down. I was wondering was the flight attended doing this on purpose? Until I heard a load crash, the American Airlines plain had crashed into the North Tower. Uncle Benny and I were running wondering what do. We ran back to the Firehouse and uncle Benny threw on his boots a jacket and ran out the door. I stopped him to ask were are you going, what are we going to do. He just said I am going to do what I always do and he rushed out the door. I turned the TV on to the news, and I stayed at he firehouse doing dishes. As I watched plans crashing into towers people dying I got scared. I had to leave. It was just me running around Manhattan during something I couldn’t even explain. Then some man was running towards me and it was dad. He grabbed me quickly and told me we had to get out of here. I tried to call mom but the phone lines were blocked. Now I was really scared. We ran into a building that had collapsed from its top stories. My dad was telling people to run in. We closed the door and started ducking. The windows shattered everyone thought there was another plane. After we ran out we were running back to the firehouse until me dad saw someone in need of help. Afterwards everyone’s faces filled with blood and dust ambulances were driving all around and the NYFD was clearing the streets. After the only person missing was Uncle Benny. I still have memories of everything I experienced in this tragedy. It was a sad day.

  22. #14 Alexis Raya
    School for Good and Evil
    Soman Chainani
    Page 173
    Log #1
    Dear Diary,
    I need to get out of here! Why can’t everyone see that Sophie and I don’t belong here? The Headmaster made a mistake. I should be with the Nevers and Sophie should be with the Evers. If I fail another assignment, I’m going to die. How is Sophie the best in her school? If she’s good why is she like a wolf in sheep’s clothing? All the Evers and Nevers know that Sophie and I aren’t in the right schools. I don’t even think that Sophie is good anymore. It’s like her heart is blackening. After all, at home she did good deeds just to get into the School of Good. Is a good deed considered a good deed if someone is doing it to earn something or try to be someone their not? Did she ever like me as a friend? Oh, my goodness! She’s was pretending to be my friend because I was the witch of the village! She only was my friend because then she would come here. I should have known that. After all, she kept on rejecting that kid because he wasn’t a knight in shining armor and wasn’t good looking or strong. All he wanted to be was her friend.
    Let Sophie become a witch. I don’t want her! She manipulated everyone! All I want to do is find a way to go home. How would I do that? I need to talk to the Headmaster. I can’t fail another class again. I won’t let myself die and I won’t stay in this school.
    Happy living,

  23. #6 Marianna Marroquin
    To Heaven and Back
    Mary C. Neal, MD
    Page 209
    Prompt #4
    I think that one of the main themes in To Heaven and Back is that the main character Mary always had faith in the Lord. She always believed that He was with her when she was unsure of something or if she was in trouble. Since the beginning of when her parents were getting a divorce, she went to the Lord and prayed to Him. To when she was in the minor car accident with her friends, she knew that the Lord her God was with her keeping her safe and comforted. To the biggest major incident happened in Chile while kayaking waters that she was not used to yet. She lost control of her life but she still had faith in the Lord that He was with her and that everything happens for a reason and that she was going to alright. She died. She thought that she was going to leave her family with nothing exept for sadness and worries. She was the brought into a place that she described as Heaven. It was beautiful. She was told that it was not yet time for her to leave her family and her orthopedic surgeon job in southern California. So she went back down to earth and returned telling people about her extraordinary journey with God and her faith in Him.

  24. #13 Zachary Ramsey
    S.A Bodeen
    page 132
    Dear Diary
    Today Robbie has taken the first flight she can take to Honolulu to the midway Atoll, she has to visit her aunt. She gets on the plane on the last minute .She knows the pilot but on this flight, there is a new co op pilot named Max. Then the plane takes off and they fly over the Pacific Ocean. Then suddenly a crazy storm hits .The only passenger, Robbie doesn't panic until the engine cuts out and Max shouts at her to put on a life jacket. They are over miles over miles of Pacific Ocean. She sees Max struggle with a raft. They jump out of the window of the plane and Robbie is fighting for her life. Max pulls her onto the raft, and that's when the real terror begins. They have no water. Their only food is a bag of Skittles. There are sharks in the water. There is an island but no signs of help anywhere. She prays to GOD to just get her out of here. They swim to the island ounce they get to the island they see people jumping out from the plane and dyeing instantly ounce they hit the water. then suddenly Robbie hears big "THUD" piercing the water. Many people died that day I will keep praying for help.


  25. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    Are You There God, It's Me Margaret
    Judy Bloom
    page #44
    Prompt #2

    Hey Margaret it's me Sarah. I have been reading about your life and how many crazy things have been going in your life. I also have a life that has its bumps in the road. I know how hard it on moving. When I was about four, I had to move from the home I felt most safe in. I was so scared. I also thought that I heard foot steeps and people walking around. I had to make new friends and adjust to my new environment. One thing that I would give you advice for is to let the other people come to you or they will think you’re crazy. I heard you and your friends made a club. My friends and I also made a club to and we talked about our bodies changes and other thing like how 11 year old boys are crazy and how all they do is spy on us and do everything that makes us mad. If the boys are make you mad then you should get a nerf football and throw it at them. Most likely they will run away, go play football with their friends, or they will just leave you alone. If a boy asks you if he could mow your lawn and your dad just bought a new lawn mower then say, yes because most likely your dad doesn't know how to use it. One more piece of advice I would like to give you is, if your teacher asks you to write on a piece of paper about who you are, and asks what you think about male teachers, do not put the opposite of a female teacher. Most likely the teacher will think you are crazy. Well, I have to go now; I can’t wait to read more about your adventures.

  26. #7 Isabella Holiday
    Beneath The Surface
    Michael Phelps
    Prompt 7

    This book is a bibliography about one of the world’s best swimmer, Michael Phelps. This Olympic legend shares his story from the very beginning. With his mom and dad splitting at a very young age and having been told by many teachers and doctors that he couldn’t concentrate, Michael had a pretty hard life growing up. When his dad left he was on his own with his mom Debbie and two older sisters Whitney and Hilary. He swam with the NBCA swim team. As his head coach got older and Michael got better they decided to move Michael up to the advanced team and get a new coach. This coach was named Bob Bowman. He was mean, strict, and wanted success for his swimmers. He would push Michael’s buttons but they made a good team over all no matter how much Michael was pushed. Michael spent so much time with Bob that he became his father figure. Bob supported Michael on the inside and sometimes would show it unlike Michael’s real father who didn’t care about him or his sisters. Besides Bob, who Michael would get annoyed by, he really would look up to Whitney. Whitney had received many swim titles but sadly she had to stop swimming because of a back injury. Michael was excelling greatly in swim. He won the world championship, made the Olympics, and broke dozens of world records. If someone would break his record, he would break it again. He managed to get a sponsorship with Speedo by himself without an agent. This book would be great for swimmers and other people who like to watch swim or just need some encouragement when things may be going bad but need to still keep trying.

  27. #17Trevor Stubbs
    Prompt#1 page#150

    dear diary, Just got in to the creepy house. Then we were walking around. Then Ben opened a drew and found a old baseball card. Ben said that the card was valuable. He was right so we went to a local pawnshop. The man that owns the place said it was a knockoff. he gave us fifty dollars. The man went to news and said it was one million dollars. When Ben heard this he was furious. The man two timed us. Griffin had a brilliant but not so brilliant. griffin are you crazy. We will go to jail. His idea was to steal the card back. We got to his house and saw the giant. Ben said it’s the size of me. Ben was not the smallest kid out there. So Ben was still scared but then he got brave. But then we were all scared so we had to come up with a master plan. We tried and tried but no ideas. Ben really wanted the card. His family was going to move because the business was bad. Ben would do all it takes to get that card out of swindles (S.Wendell Palomino) hand but he also did not want to go to jail. Griffin said they will not think it’s a bunch of kids, the police will expect professional hetman. but Swindle knows we want that card. we will do anything for that car. so griffin thought of on more master plan for the card.


  28. Dillon Stubbs #9
    Prompt #1
    Page #150

    Dear diary, today there was a crazy day we have just been attack by The Germans. There is a great bang and there was so much sirens it was so loud and it heart my ears and is was scared that I was going to die so I went in my house and I ran so fast into my house that I thought my legs were going to trip me up. I prayed to God that he would save me from this treble thing that is going on in the world and this man Hitler is a very bad person he is killing everyone that is a Jew and that is not fair because he is killing incent people for no reason and he is not just killing them he burns them when they are taking a bath so that it will be a slow pane full death which is not cool at all. For they have done nothing wrong what so ever and they will not have the chance to do anything in there because they get killed before they can get away. Why God have you sent this man to kill all of these incent people to be killed. When I finish praying we heard more sirens and they were good sirens for they were the ones for that we were going to be helped by the Americans they want to save the poor incent people because they have not done no wrong.

  29. #6 Vincent Macabuhay
    School of fear
    Gitty Danesshvari
    Page # 339
    Prompt 7

    Their were four kids. They were eached terrified of something. And they were sent to the school of fear, they all don’t know what to expect from the school. They don’t want any friends who are mean or scared,. Theyre reality is nothing like they all expected. The principle was named mrs. Wellington. The school of fear seems totally unscary to the four children. They will never encounter the fear that they were expecting. I thought the book was ok. It could have been better. I wish that they actually all encountered something to scare them. I got really bored in the middle of the book. It could have a lot of action to make this a awesome book. It turned out to be a book for a 4th grader. I would rate this book a 5 out of a 10. I was not impressed at all. But the end is very well written

  30. Samantha Doring #4
    Log #1
    Pg. 100
    Option #5

    Cap was a young boy
    He made the mistake of driving
    Arrested was he

  31. Steven Vego #12
    Rumble Fish
    Blog #1

    Rusty-James oh you
    Rusty-James what’s wrong with you
    Rusty-James oh you

  32. Kyle Best #1
    Language Arts Mrs.H
    Skeleton Creek the Raven Ryan’s Journal
    Camping in the woods
    Just found the terrifying
    The scary Raven

  33. Michael Chapin#3
    Something wicked This Way Comes
    Ray Bradbery
    This book is great and it is very creepy. It is about two friends, William Halloway and Jim Nightshade. William Halloway had bright blond hair and tan skin. Jim Nightshade had dark hair and crystal green eyes. They are two kids that experience many things. They are on the grass in the beginning of the book when a business man came to them carrying large rods. They see this man and he tells them if they wanted one. They said that they did not have any money on them. The man said to them that he can give them one very strong one for free because there was going to be a storm and it was going to hit one of their houses. They asked him which one and he said that it was going to hit Jim’s house. Will was glad because he loved to see action. Later that night William saw no storm in the morning, the boys smelt a faint smell of cotton candy. There were flyers on the ground reading couger and dark’s circus. The boys red on. There read the dust witch, hall of mirrors and The Illustrated man. The boys thought that the circus usually comes after holloween. The thing about this, is that it was a week before holloween. At the bottom of the page, it said the most beautiful woman in the world. Just at the moment, William’s dad came and he had white snow hair and bright pale blue eyes. William thought, “He looks like me in a smashed mirror!”

  34. Alec Shahverdian 11
    Catching Fire, Suzan Collins
    Pg 29 Log#1]

    Hunger Games ended.
    There’s not much hope for Katniss.
    Hope they do not die.

  35. #8 Margaret Kwok
    Museum of Thieves
    Liam Tanner
    Page 190
    Prompt #1
    Log #1

    Dear Diary,
    The last couple weeks have been tough. After I ran away from home, there have been many odd events. There is talk that my parents were in court, and would definitely be put in jail. The only reason that they would be put in jail is because they were accused of poor parental guidance. I don’t get it, I never have and I never will. Our community has always been structured, but they are making rules that eliminate every ounce of freedom. I’ve had to sleep chained onto my parents my whole life, so slave traders don’t steal me. Two weeks ago after I ran away, they were going to take my chains off; but then there was a bomb in a nearby library. They canceled taking off my chains; so that’s why I ran away. Anyways, I tried to cross the bridge to Spoke, the next city over, to live with my mom’s relatives. Then I saw a weird shadow; at first I thought it was my imagination, but then I saw a man. The man looked familiar; he was the man who had been watching me carefully in the city. He followed me for hours; finally I came across a messy cabin. I walked in, and I found myself in the old, forgotten, museum.
    I met the man who had followed me; he’s actually really nice. I also met other adults; and a boy my age Toadspit. He’s my age, and he ran away last year; I think he likes me. The adults here are kind, and have taught me how to spy, blend with shadows, and play with people’s minds. There are shifting rooms, which travel to different dimensions. It is creepy, but I think it’s cool. There also are ancient beasts that live here. Nobody knows about them but us. I know this has been my longest Diary; but it’s because I have a feeling there will be no more time for this… Trouble is coming.
    Sincerely signed,

  36. Grace Diponio #4
    With Willa From Love
    prompt #1
    page 100
    Dear diary,
    What am i going to do this summer?My boyfriend jfk and my best friend is gone for the summer.The only person i have to hang out with is my brother Will. I barely know Will, i just meat him this summer and we have nothing in common.I guess the only one i have to hang out with is my dog Salty.I am also worried that JFK (my boyfriend) will fall in love and leave me for a more nicer,cooler girl. And what about my best friend (mariel) dosen't return from L.A. Even though i am happy for her mom presuing her singing career. Plus this guy i ment likes me and i think i like him invited me to hang out with him. What if he ask me out,what will i do about JFK. I've been his girl friend forever i cant just leave him for i guy i just got to know.Plus my mom wants to give my dog,which is NOT happening whats so ever. I just dont understand why she hates dogs. whats to hate about them, he's cute,fluffy but he does cause trouble alot. So far my summer is not looking so hot, but at least i am going to help save the liabary. It all started when this girl game crying out from the liabiary, She said it was going to close and their was only one way to save it. That was we would have to raise $1000. Before the end of summer.Well that's what my summer looks like. Hopefuly i can stop worrying .

  37. Jack Wiese #13
    Rumblefish, S.E. Hinton

    His life isn't good
    He lives in the hood
    He likes to ditch school
    He tries too hard to be cool
    His dad is on welfare
    He has red and black hair
    He got beat up and stabbed
    He went home to his dad
    His family's poor
    He robbed a pet store
    He tried to be the man in charge
    Didn't have the brains to get that far
    Gets into trouble a lot
    His brother got shot

  38. #11 Alyssa Zeller
    Smells Like Dog
    Suzanne Selfors
    page #157
    Prompt #5

    My Name is Homer
    I live on a goat farm
    I’m a bit of a roamer
    But not a very good charm
    My Uncle Drake is explorer
    And I’m striving to be one too
    My dad thinks it’s a borer
    But that’s out of his world view
    So sad he got eaten by a tortoise
    And all they have is his dog and his shoes
    Now that I have lost all purpose
    I’m very down with the blues
    Did I mention in not very popular
    Or the most liked in the class
    If any thing I’m unpopular
    And usually always last
    So I got my uncles dog
    Did you know he can’t smell
    That’s probley why he eats frogs
    And my dad’s hair gel
    I got an invitation
    To the Museum of Natural History
    But my sister wanted to go to that destination
    And now she’s going crazy
    I named my new dog, Dog
    I know I’m not good at naming
    But he usually just sits an a log
    But I’m the one my dads blaming
    But on his collar
    I found a weird coin
    Its probley just worth a dollar
    Nothing to have my attention rejoined
    I tried looking for the coin in a book
    But I ended up setting the library on fire
    Now I can’t take a second look
    And my dads suppose to rebuild it so I know I’m being put in the fryer
    My sister and I snuck to the city
    After the tragedy had been done
    Oh my, it’s not pretty
    I know this ‘aint going to be fun
    I went to the incurrence company of my uncle
    To find out if there was any thing forgotten
    I swear I was going to break my knuckle
    Because they were absolutely rotten
    There was nothing they knew
    Nothing, nothing at all

  39. Andy Ly #8
    Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire
    J.K. Rowling
    Words: 350

    Dear diary, today when I woke up, my scar started hurting. I don't know why though. I had a dream that night before it started hurting. I don't know why, but I was dreaming about some old man that was listening in on a familiar voice. That voice sounded familiar... Voldemort. But, last time, it started hurting when Voldemort was near me. He couldn't be somewhere in Privet Drive or even in the house could he? I didn't want to go and talk to my uncle and aunt, they would have started freaking out major time. I couldn't figure out anyone to ask about this. If I asked Hermoine she would have told me to ask Dumbledore and start reading books. If I asked Ron, he would have said, "Voldemort couldn't be near you could he? He couldn't be somewhere in Privet drive right? I mean he's half-dead so no way right? I'll ask my dad he might know something about it" So, I just decided to ask them. Anyways, the house was too quiet, and so was the neighborhood. Oh! I know I'm going to ask Sirius. I can't believe I didn't ask him before, well I only found out he was my godfather a couple months ago. Fat Dudley's on a diet. My aunt was told by some parents and other people that he's really fat, but she just said he's "special". But, its just he eats too much. Since Dudley's on a diet, the whole family has to be. Even Uncle Veron. For breakfast today, uncle got half a grapefruit, and so did Dudley. The only good thing for Dudley is that he gets more to eat than I do.But it doesn't matter because I asked my friends to contribute some sweet snacks for me because I told them about my problem. I was sent a bunch of goodies and a couple of cakes for my birthday, but of course my family forgot. Uh Oh I have to go, Uncle Vernon's yelling at me, probably in a bad mood because he didn't get enough to eat. See you soon.

  40. #1 Sydney Barbee
    The Phantom Tollbooth
    Norton Juster
    Prompt #10
    True or False
    _______ Milo is the main character in the book. (TRUE)
    _______ Tock is Milo’s stuffed animal he talks to when he is scared. (FALSE)
    _______ Chroma is a floating boy that Milo meets. (FALSE)
    _______ Alec is a musician who hates to talk. (FALSE)
    _______ Rhyme and Reason are two beautiful princesses. (TRUE)
    _______ Alec takes Milo and Tock to a city called Reality. (TRUE)
    _______ Milo and Tock go to jail and meet a princess and prince. (FALSE)
    Multiple Choices
    Tock is a… (a)
    A. Watchdog
    B. Watch cat
    C. Baby
    When Milo meets the king he orders…©
    A. Doughnuts, pickles, and mushrooms
    B. Pizza, candy, fries, and money
    C. Words
    D. Limes, paper, and, hair
    Milo always has… (b)
    A. Soccer
    B. Time
    C. Luck

    Tock has a brother named...(b)
    A. Caleb
    B. Tick
    C. James
    D. Blaze
    Rhyme and Reason are... (a)
    A. Princesses
    B. Cats
    C. Rocks
    D. Prince
    A city that Milo went to is… (a)
    A. Illusions
    B. Candy
    C. Yorba Linda
    D. Orange
    Milo found a present on his… ©
    A. Floor
    B. Roof
    C. Bed
    D. Yard
    Two _________ is locked up in a tower. ©
    A. Prince
    B. Dogs
    C. Princesses
    D. Cats
    In the market Milo and Tock find a… (c)
    A. Chair
    B. Magic carpet
    C. Spelling Bee (animal )
    D. Picnic
    The old witch was named… (b)
    A. Isabella Montez
    B. Faintly Macabre
    Short Answer

    1. What was the first city that Milo went to named?
    2. In the land of EXPECTATIONS who does Milo meet?
    3. Where does Milo want to go in the beginning?
    4. What was the name of the floating boy and where did Milo meet him?
    (Alec and they meet at the point of view)
    5. How did Alec grow?
    How does Milo meet Tock and where did they meet?

    (Milo meets Tock in the city of Doldrums and they meet because little bugs tell him about the watch dog and that he was very scary. The watchdog had to make sure everyone was following the rules. Then Tock runs up barking because Milo wasn’t following rules and then Tock wanted to leave so he jumped in Milo’s little car and they became friends.)

  41. #13 Zachary Ramsey
    S.A Bodeen
    page 132
    Dear Diary
    Today Robbie has taken the first flight she can take to Honolulu to the midway Atoll, she has to visit her aunt. She gets on the plane on the last minute .She knows the pilot but on this flight, there is a new co op pilot named Max. Then the plane takes off and they fly over the Pacific Ocean. Then suddenly a crazy storm hits .The only passenger, Robbie doesn't panic until the engine cuts out and Max shouts at her to put on a life jacket. They are over miles over miles of Pacific Ocean. She sees Max struggle with a raft. They jump out of the window of the plane and Robbie is fighting for her life. Max pulls her onto the raft, and that's when the real terror begins. They have no water. Their only food is a bag of Skittles. There are sharks in the water. There is an island but no signs of help anywhere. She prays to GOD to just get her out of here. They swim to the island ounce they get to the island they see people jumping out from the plane and dyeing instantly ounce they hit the water. then suddenly Robbie hears big "THUD" piercing the water. Many people died that day I will keep praying for help. Shortly after this they see a motor boat fly across the water like a dolphin being chased by a shark. They call "HELP" HELP" hoping they would see them. "There's no hope" said Max. "So how about those Skittles" said max. "You take them" said Robbie. "We have to get out of this place" said Robbie.

  42. Adrian Gottuso #6
    Heroes of Olympus: The Son of Neptune
    Rick Riordan
    Prompt # 9
    I really like the way the author told the story from three people’s perspectives instead of one, it made the story really interesting. The plot in the story is very exciting. I like how the author brought in new characters, but also kept characters from the Percy Jackson series. It is interesting how the author brings in a new Roman camp that meets up with the Greek camp. The author did a very good job of getting the reader hooked. The book keeps the reader guessing the whole way through. The author did a good job telling the story. I liked how the author brought in aspects of Greek and Roman mythology into the story instead of just Greek, like the Percy Jackson series. The author also makes the story more interesting by describing all the characters in detail. The author paints a picture and shows you their personality and what they look like in your imagination. I like the way the author created each character and their personality. The characters personalities make the book more interesting, entertaining, and funny. The themes portrayed in the book are positive. I like how the two enemies unite and work together to defeat a force too powerful for either one of them to win alone. The characters make new friends and meet up with old ones. None of them ever give up if the task seems too hard. Percy and his friends all work together too big for them to complete alone. I like how the themes of friendship and perseverance show up a lot throughout the book.

  43. #7 Isabella Holiday
    Beneath The Surface
    Michael Phelps
    Prompt 7

    Michael Phelps shares his whole life journey from beginning to the present in his book Beneath the Surface. He talks about his childhood before swimming and his swimming career. Although he gives some good advise for athletes, I wouldn’t agree with it all. When Michael says in the book, “coaches are just trying to make us or you better,’’ in some rare cases I don’t think this is true. I think that there are times when the coach just wants to win and don’t consider the athletes. Coaches may be looking at winning more than helping the athlete improve. I also disagree when Phelps says, “the whole idea of competition is to try to test yourself against the best.’’ I think that some athletes are in competition just to have the bragging rights of being better than someone else. Instead of looking at competition as a way to get yourself better, it is looked at as a way to show off. Michael Phelps does make some good points in his book such as “anything is possible” and “I don’t think you should ever talk about what you can’t do.’’ I agree with these points that he makes. Nothing is impossible if you try and work at it. It is about setting a goal so you can work hard towards achieving it. This book does have some great comments for athletes and how to work toward their goals. Over all I think that this book is great.

  44. #16 Kayla Sin
    Blog #1
    Mrs.Frisby and the Rats of Nimh
    Robert C. O’Brien
    Prompt #10
    True or False
    1.___ Mrs.Frisby is a rat.
    2.___ Nimh is a place where scientists experiment on animals.
    3.___ The rats live in a rosebush next to the farmer’s house.
    4.___ Justin is a ninja mouse that fights crime under water.
    5.___ The farmer has a son named Billy.
    Multiple Choice
    6. Mrs. Frisby has______ children in her family.
    a) four
    b) five
    c) six
    7. Mrs. Frisby’s husband’s name is _____.
    a) Gerald
    b) Jonathan
    c) John
    8. Timothy has (a) _____ that concerns Mrs. Frisby.
    a) swollen toe
    b) broken bone in his arm
    c) pneumonia
    9. Dragon in this story is a name for a ____.
    a) predator bird
    b) cat
    c) newborn baby mouse
    10. Jeremy is a _____ that helps Mrs. Frisby meet the owl.
    a) young bird
    b) old duck
    c) flying pig
    11. Mrs. Frisby puts _______ in Dragon’s food.
    a) Tylenol
    b) pizza
    c) sleeping powder
    12. Brutus’s job is a ______.
    a) soldier
    b) security guard
    c) mean librarian
    13. Mr. Ages broke his _____.
    a) foot
    b) arm
    c) neck
    14. The rats ______ Mrs. Frisby’s house.
    a) destroyed
    b) moved
    c) built
    15. Brutus faints because of _____.
    a) rat poison
    b) no water in the heat
    c) a bullet from a gun
    Short Answer
    16. Why does Mrs. Frisby ask the rats for help?
    17. How did Mrs. Frisby’s husband die?
    18. Did Mrs. Frisby’s husband have a connection with the rats? If so, explain.
    19. What items did the Toy Tinker have that the rats used?
    20. How did Jenner die?
    21. Why are the rats so intelligent?
    Answer Key
    True or False
    1. False
    2. True
    3. True
    4. False
    5. True
    Multiple Choice
    6. a
    7. b
    8. c
    9. b
    10. a
    11. c
    12. b
    13. a
    14. b
    15. a
    16. Mrs. Frisby asks the rats for help because moving day was coming soon. Since Mrs. Frisby lives on a farm, she and her family have to move to their summer house in the woods because the plow will come and kill all of them. Timothy, the youngest mouse, can’t go outside because he has pneumonia. She can’t move out of her house in the farm because Timothy can’t go outside. The rats would move her house to the lee of the stone so that the plow would go around the rock.
    17. Mrs. Frisby’s husband died by being eaten by Dragon, a cat. While Mrs. Frisby’s husband was putting sleeping powder in his food, he was eaten. Mrs. Frisby’s husband put sleeping powder in Dragon’s food to keep him asleep while the rats were doing a big project at night.
    18. Yes, Mrs. Frisby’s husband had a connection with the rats. He met them at Nimh when the rats were planning their escape from there. They successfully escaped and stuck together until Mrs. Frisby’s husband died.
    19. The tools the toy tinker had that the rats used were screwdrivers, saws, hammers, clamps, vises, wrenches and pliers.
    20. Jenner died of an electric shock that came from an outlet. He and six other rats were stealing a motor at a hardware shop when the plug was still in the socket. The rats were zapped from the bolt between the plug and outlet.
    The rats are so intelligent because they were injected with a substance that made their brains smarter when captured by the workers of Nimh. There were three scientists there that took care of all the rats and tracked down how much they progressed each day. The rats not only became even more intelligent but also became stronger and gained a longer life span. One of the scientists named Dr.Schultz believed he had made a new species of rats. The rats learned how to read and recognize shapes and other objects at Nimh. Sometimes, I think the rats are a little bit smarter than some people because they know stuff that I know some people would never think of.

  45. #10 Sarah Sarmiento
    Jeff Probst
    Page 128
    Prompt #1

    Dear Diary,
    Hello there, my name is Vanessa Diaz and i am thirteen years old. It is our fourth day out on the open sea. Our as in me, Buzz, Carter, Jane, Joe, and Dexter. We are all sailing on The Lucky Star. This whole voyage was a gift. You see, it wasn't just any gift, it was a wedding gift from my new uncle Dexter. A few months ago, my father, who is also my little brother Buzz's father, married Carter and Janes mother. Other than Joe and Dexter, I am the oldest person on the Lucky Star. Carter was eleven, Jane was nine, and Buzz was eleven like Carter. Anyways, this whole trip was supposed to get us all to know each other better. So far, we all just wander around and to our own thing. The reason I started this diary was because I am stuck at sea with nothing to do and I am bored! I like to sit at the navigation system. Might as well learn something while on this adventure at sea. So far, I am the only kid on the boat who understands it and can read it and right now, what I see is not very good. There is a storm coming. Now this storm thing is just a guess, but I am pretty sure that orange and red on a map is not a good sign. Oh and there is a sign on the bottom of the screen that shows that there are upcoming harsh winds. So that made it an easy guess. We'll I have to go to bed now. It is getting dark and we have to try and preserve energy.

  46. Heaven Hayden#7
    A Dogs Journey
    W. Bruce Cameron
    Pages 9-331end

    Dear Diary,
    Today my girl left me. She put me in a dark cage in the back of a thing that people call a car and I was a front seat dog. Why was she putting me in here? After a got taken out of the car I got put I a place full of barking and howling dogs. I couldn’t help but to bark too. I didn’t know where my girl was or why I wasn’t with her. She got caught by people dressed in black with something shiny on their shirts that I wanted to chew on. They got mad at her because we took a long car ride to California. She ran from them but I didn’t know why. It was fun to run along next to her. Her car windows were rolled all the way down and they was shiny stuff all over the street that she didn’t let me play with. I think about how much I miss her and why she hasn’t come for me but then a lady comes in and gives me to someone, It’s my girl! I am at home right now and I am happy. It does not me happy when my girl eats the most delicious smelling food and then she goes to my water bowl in the bathroom and pukes in it. After she does that she stands on this box and it makes her sad so I decided to call it the sad box. What does make me happy is that she doesn’t put those hot sticks in her mouth anymore. I am so happy I am home but Gloria isn’t. C.J., my girl, is mad at Gloria, who she sometimes calls Mo-ther. My girl is mad at her because Gloria doesn’t want me in the house and she will do anything, like put me outside where the big cars are, to get me out of the house. Gloria doesn’t look at me but when she does she gives me a look like I am a bad dog. I didn’t do anything wrong so why does she not like me. I am called a good dog when I go to see Andi. She gives me treats when I play a game with her. The game is that there are a bunch of people lined up in chairs far away from each other. When I go up to them some smell like food or animals. Sometimes there is this bad tasting kind of metallic taste in my mouth and Andi calls it cancer. Well I must stop writing C.J. is calling me and we are going for a walk.

  47. Adrian Gottuso #6
    The Mark of Athena
    Prompt #7
    The Mark of Athena is a very interesting book. The author puts in a lot of detail into the book to make an image in your head. There is plenty of action throughout the book. The author also reveals many things from the previous books about the seven demigods’ quest. There are many themes throughout the book. Some of the themes are seen more and are more relevant than others throughout the book. The author also does a good job of creating the characters and portraying their personalities. Some characters do not always show their personality or their thoughts as much as other characters. The author just makes every character unique, from their abilities, to what their good at, to what kind of person they are. The author gives each character a fatal flaw, which is something in their personality that may trouble them on a journey. They might not necessarily be a bad thing or hateful thing, for example, Percy Jackson’s is that he is to loyal to his friends, he will do anything to protect them, and will not sacrifice their safety for something that might be his fault. The author also makes the story more interesting by telling the story from more than one person’s perspective. The author does a great job overall hooking in the reader and keeping them reading. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend or anyone who is interested. This book will keep anyone interested the whole way through. This book was very fun to read and I would recommend it to anyone.


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