2nd Quarter - Blog #1

Post your first blog of the second quarter here. Remember this quarter will go by very fast. Make sure you get your reading in and choose your third option for your blog. Happy Reading & Blogging!


  1. #7Isabella Holiday
    Marie Lu
    June is back in war with the colonies trying to lead her troops to win for the third time. She knows that every little word she says and move that she makes is a matter of life or death for her country, yet all she can and wants to think about is Day. The last time she saw him was five years ago at a dinner with Tess and Pascao. She still really misses him, for while she moved on but now ever since she saw him she’s missed him. Day was her rock once Metias her older brother died, and now she never sees him. It is really hard for her but she knows why the Republic put her in her position. They know that she has the skill and would never take her eyes off the prize but, right now that is not the case. Her dog had just died during the third week of war and now she has only three people who she has known for a while and are there for her, Pascao, Tess, and the young elector Anden. Day is never there because he is off in Atlanta a lot working and for got about June after his concussion fifteen years ago but he still rembers a small part of what she looks like. Then Days younger brother Eden rembers June a lot. Day always told Eden that if anything was ever wrong and he need help to call June, Tess, and Pascao. June had recently to Anden that she needed to take a break for a night and figure some problems out. He said yes and immediately she called Day. They had a long talk and he decided that he would go back and help.

  2. #9 Edward lueras
    Star Wars Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina
    different author for every story
    prompt #7
    I am doing a review of one of the stories from the book. The story I am doing a report on is a hunters fate: Greedo's tale. This story is by Tom and Martha Veitch and is about the life of Greedo a born hunter. My opinions on this book are very high and I would definitely recommend this story to someone. I think its very interesting how Greedo starts out born in a peaceful tribe with no war or fighting, but eventually finds himself later working as a vicious bounty hunter. I also like how after Greedo and his tribe moved to Nar Shadda after being attacked they got naturally used to the way modern people live unlike how Greedo and his people lived in the jungle away from technology. I noticed that the authors used very good descriptive language so you feel like you are there experiencing everything. A quote showing this is "as the first two ships shot skyward, a bright sphere fusion fire blasted back the jungle , mocking the midday sun. That quote really puts a picture in your mind that makes you see that explosion in the jungle. Even though it is one of the longest stories in the whole book it keeps you interested the whole time and it explains the whole story without any gaps while not being too wordy or long. it stands out from the other stories in the book in many different ways. I also like how each part of the story is separated by a heading like 1. The Refuge or 6. The Teacher. I don't like how the book didn't say much about Greedo's dad or about Nar Shaddaa. Other than that this book is great. I give it a 8/10.

  3. #18 Daniel Vega
    The Lost Hero
    Rick Riordan
    Page 204
    Prompt #6
    Daniel: Hello Jason.
    Jason Grace: Hello Daniel.
    Daniel: So Jason you woke up today in a bus?
    Jason: Yes, I had no idea where I was and why.
    Daniel: And you said a girl was holding your hand too?
    Jason: Yes a girl who looked at me like we knew each other.
    Daniel: Why did you say you did not belong there?
    Jason: I felt like I did not know anyone there and they all knew me.
    Daniel: So what was here name?
    Jason: Well actually there were two friends that knew me Piper, and Leo.
    Daniel: Where were you on the bus?
    Jason: We were driving in the desert until we arrived at a museum.
    Daniel: What happened in the museum?
    Jason: Well we walked outside to the Grand Canyon to fill out these work sheets when they all started to blow away.
    Daniel: What was happening a storm or what?
    Jason: Well these weird clouds just went above the Grand Canyon, just the Grand Canyon.
    Daniel: Wow! What was happening?
    Jason: Well this guy who was Pipers partner Dylan turned into a storm spirit.
    Daniel: So he turned into a storm spirit and was going to kill you!
    Jason: Yes, but I remembered a golden coin I saw in my pocket earlier, and I flipped the coin and a golden sword came out.
    Daniel: So you defeated him? And how did Dylan turn to a storm Spirit?
    Jason: I don’t really know how he turned into a storm spirit and no I did not, he managed to escape.
    Daniel: Then what happened to you and your friends?
    Jason: Well some people came in a Chariot.
    Daniel: What did they say to you?
    Jason: Well they said I needed to come with them.
    Daniel: Where did they take you next?
    Jason: They took me to a champ called camp half blood.
    Daniel: Were there any people there to greet you?
    Jason: Well the people who brought me there greeted me. Her name was Annabeth.
    Daniel: Did you get to see all the camps and the Gods camps?
    Jason: Yes, I even saw the coldest and weirdest rooms, Zeus’, and Hera’s rooms.
    Daniel: Did you ever get to talk to the camp director?
    Jason: Actually I did and he told me I should be dead.
    Daniel: Where you spooked and, and why did he say you should be dead?
    Jason: I had no idea why I should’ve been dead.

  4. #10 Sarah Youssouf
    Veronica Roth
    Prompt #1

    Me: Hi Tobias.
    Tobias: Hi Sarah.
    Me: How is life in the Bureau so far?
    Tobias: It’s not going to well, a lot has happened.
    Me: Well first tell me about the genetic test you took with Tris.
    Tobias: At first I didn’t mind, but after seeing the results, I regret taking it.
    Me: Tris’s genes were pure and yours were not. How did you feel?
    Tobias: I felt like something was wrong with me. All my Life I thought I was Divergent, but finding out I was not hurt.
    Me: Did you ever feel like you were below Tris?
    Tobias: Yes, I did. I felt like she was better than me in more ways than one.
    Me: You and Tris have always been close. Do you think that while you guys are at the Bureau you feel distance between each other?
    Tobias: I feel like there is descant’s between us from all that is going on.
    Me: Nita told you about the Genetically Damaged people and what her plan is to stop the inequality between the Pure and the GD. You told Tris about her plan and Tris new that she was lying; do you regret not lisening to Tris?
    Tobias: Yes I do. Nita was a liar. She told me that she wanted to take the memory serum but she wanted the death serum so she can kill important leaders. She told me she wanted to destroy the memory serum. I believed a lie and I wish I listened to my girlfriend.
    Me: You were arrested for shutting down everything in the control room. Nita almost killed the Bureau’s leader David. Without Tris, Nita could have gotten what she wanted.
    Tobias: I am proud of Tris but I know she is not proud of me.
    Me: You have put your relationship on the line you know.
    Tobias: I do hopefully we move past this.
    Me: Good luck and hopefully all goes well.
    Tobias: Thank you.
    Me: Bye Tobias.
    Tobias: Bye Sarah.

  5. #11 Connor Platt
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hard Luck
    Jeff Kinney
    Pg. 92
    Prompt #2

    Me: Hello Greg, my name is Connor Platt.
    Greg: Hello how are you doing?
    Me: Great! And yourself?
    Greg: Fine.
    Me: Whats the matter?
    Greg: Well… Me and Rowley haven’t been getting along very well lately. He has a girlfriend now and she is supper mean and sassy.
    Me: Wait, who is Rowley?
    Greg: Rowley is my best friend. He has been ever sense kindergarten.
    Me: What’s Rowley like?
    Greg: Rowley is a big and tall smart kid. He isn’t strong so everyone picks on him and I. I obviously can’t do anything about it sense I’m the smallest kid in school.
    Me: I don’t mean to offend you when I say this, but it sounds like you and Rowley are the outsiders at school.
    Greg: I know we are, but I try to make us cooler and all that, but Rowley dosen’t like it.
    Me: Don’t make Rowley be cool or whatever. You just do what whatever you need to do to get in with the cool kids. But stay good in school. Do not become one of those kids who don’t care. Eventually Rowley will see that you have a bunch of friends, and will try to become like you.
    Greg: No he wont, his girlfriend is way to important to him. He might try to become like me, but his girlfriend would literally force him to dress all preppy.
    Me: Well if Rowley is really like you say he is, I say you try to find another best friend.
    Greg: Alright, I'll try. Thanks Connor!
    Me: No Problem, See you later!

  6. #2 Allison Castaneda
    Suzanne Collins
    page #390
    Log #1

    Dear Katniss,
    Katniss I don’t know if you will get this letter but I hope that you will be safe. Just know your enemy know why you are doing this and going into war. Katniss I don’t know if you will actually go far into the war because I know they don’t want you to get hurt and that they just want to get good footage. But be safe because you never know what will happen. Besides war is different from the hunger games you are going to face traps and people that are armed with weapons that can easily kill a person. Katniss I know that you can win this war everyone will fight for you because you are there motivation and you’re my sister. If I was with you right now I would tell you that if you want to win this war don’t focus on killing snow. If killing snow is the only motivation you have you won’t get far in this war. Katniss I forgot to tell you President Coin is sending to the war but not to fight or anything I’m one of the aids. Anyway Katniss I hope you don’t get hurt and just remember keep a clear mind, don’t let anyone distract you. Katniss please keep watch of Peeta I have a feeling that president Coin sent him out there for a reason. Also Hazel said to make sure that Gale is safe and I talked to Annie she said to tell Finnick that she loves him and can’t wait to see him. Katniss remember what Haymitch said “know who your enemy is”.
    Love, Prim

  7. #12 Jayden Ramirez
    Go for the Goal
    Mia Hamm
    Page 254 (I started a new book and read 58 pages)
    Prompt #5
    Fast, Quick, Hard Worker, Perseveres
    Daughter of Bill and Stephanie
    Believed she could be the best soccer player in the world
    Who felt that winning was everything
    Who has a gold metal
    Who would go eat pizza and celebrate with her team after a game
    Who fears nothing when playing on the field
    Who wanted to win the World Cup

  8. Steven Vego #12
    The Assault by
    Brian Falkner
    The book is set in the year of 2030. Aliens called Bzadians have come to try and take over the earth. They first landed in Australia, took the place over peacefully with an agreement that we made with them and then used it to help them take over the Earth and eliminate human beings. They took over Asia, Africa and Europe, but they are not good in water wars and we have a great navy and they did not take control over the U.S. They, the humans, have detected some strange activity in Ayers Rock, Uluru, and sent a six member team into Australia to investigate. Bzadians are only 1% different from humans. They call humans Scumbugz and we call them Pukes. The six members went in disguised as Bzadians. Out of the six members there are five recon soldiers, two SAS troopers disguised as RAF soldiers, and one traitor. Throughout the book a man on the team trys to figure out who that traitor is in the team. The book is a really good book and it is realistic enough to make people believe that it really happened.

  9. #8 Margaret Kwok
    Miss Fortune
    Brandi Dougherty
    pages 1-168
    Blog #1 for the 2nd Quarter
    Option #3
    Hello, I am Brandi Dougherty the author of Miss Fortune. Before I wrote my book, I was trying really hard to design a main character for my book. It took me two whole months to think of Zoe. Before Zoe had the taunting adventure of being cursed, she was just an ordinary girl. When she was four her parents got divorced, and she has not seen her mom since. She lives with her dad and her brother Conner. Her brother is seventeen years old, and Zoe is in seventh grade. Ever since she can remember Zoe calls her mom every week; wishing her mom will pick up. Zoe always tells herself that her mom doesn't pick up because of work, but deep down inside she knows her mom is just ignoring her. She knows her mom loves her, she sends her expensive gifts for Christmas. Zoe tries to not to worry about her hard life too much, she spends a lot of time with her best friend Mia. Zoe has known Mia since the third grade, and Mia and Zoe are like sisters. Unfortunately, Mia is a competitive dancer and is very busy. On Zoe's free time she enjoys filming movies, directed by herself, and reading. She has gone to multiple film camps, and is positive filming is her passion. This year Zoe went dreamy eyed over a new student, Noah,; who had transferred to her school only a couple months ago. Noah has brown hair, and perfect green eyes, bright as leaves. Zoe started to enjoy life, until she was cursed! Find out more about Mia in my new book Miss Fortune.

  10. Kyle Best #1
    Blog 1
    David Laake
    Prompt #1
    Dear diary,
    Yesterday, my best friend arrived who is a demolitions expert. His name is Lieutenant Commander Sullivan J. Leeds. When I first saw him, I pictured him as a super hero. When he opened the door, the light was bright behind him. His hands were on his hips and he looked like he was ready to save the world although he probably destroyed more than one world. He lived on the edge of life, using explosives and climbing structures to plant bombs, but never missed an opportunity to have fun or laugh. He always said, “The edge had a way of reminding you of your own mortality.” He also cheated death many times and planned to do it many more times before dying. Then today, I was in the briefing room and heard an idea that we need to attack the enemy with a surprise attack. We’ll send ships to one side; then we will come from behind and mow them all down until the last one standing. This was announced by the newest person added to Sarta-11. He came straight from the academy and he was Lieutenant Chip Allison. These types of tactics were taught at the academy on war areas. The plans looked great on paper but they didn’t take into account one thing, reality. The academy always taught the rules of war and tactics but they didn’t teach that, in the insect world there are no rules for war.

  11. Yaya Martinez #9
    Neil Shuterman
    Log #1

    Chowilawu was unwound 30 years ago. He was a great guitar player that could bring so much emotion to one by just hearing his music. Wil is apart of an experiment that was made by Roberta. She took a lot of unwinds special parts and put them together to create this handsome sixteen year old who can speak many languages. There is a part of Wil that is in him, and that is his fingers. Wil uses his fingers to speak to everyone through emotion. Wil lives in Camu now. The other parts of him went to a twelve year old little girl dying in Kansas. She had fallen off a large building and hit her head, but was rushed to the hospital. She wakes in anesthesia, not knowing who she is. Half of Wil’s brain went to her so she now has most of his personality. She wakes up thinking her name is Willa. Willa later learns to play guitar when she had a thought of guitar in her head. Wil had communicated to the girl so Wil could keep on playing while in another person. Willa grows up to be a lead guitarist in a small band called Peace . Every year she grows she becomes more and more like Wil. By the time Willa reached sixteen her parents had died from a car crash. She becomes a Ward of the state and has to work extremely hard to stay in the homes. If the state no longer wants her or thinks she is useless , they can send her to a Harvest Camp. Willa becomes eighteen and she leaves the state homes to find a new life. She is now happy married to a man named Aaron, where they both teach guitar to young children. The End.

  12. #10 Matthew Montoya 12/3/13
    The Lord of the Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring)
    J.R.R. Tolkien
    Page 360
    Prompt #1
    Dear Diary,
    It’s been a while since I have wrote in my diary, but I know that a lot of stuff is going down. I am in a big hurry to get home but time is not on my side. I heard that Frodo was going to leave everything and run away. Time is not on my side at all. I am very anxious and scared. I don’t want my dear nephew Frodo to leave me. We have been together for ever and nothing has kept us apart. This is my entire fault, for going on this trip that I didn’t even want to go on. Good news is that I have a ride coming in first thing in the morning to pick me up. This whole trip has been a disaster. I knew that I couldn’t be away from home for even one week. First of all, the chaos when Frodo and Gandalf were together. I knew that would start off bad. Then I had to worry about my dear ring, The Ring of Golem. That ring I had to fight for when the Hobbit took place. I was almost killed by all the monsters on that joy ride. All the goblins kept following us. The only companions I had were the twelve dwarfs. I hope to get back to you soon my dear Frodo. I am very excited to come home and see you. Talk to you later bye.

  13. #7 Aide Martinez
    Alex Rider Point Blank
    Anthony Horowitz
    Prompt #6

    Aide: Hello Alex! How are you?
    Alex Rider: I’m doing well thank you.
    Aide: I was very shocked to see you here today. I thought you wouldn’t come at all since you were in the hospital from your major injury. Can you tell me what happened that night? When you escaped Point Blank.
    Alex Rider: Yes, of course! The day before all the violence happened I pushed for the panic button MI6 gave me the day I left. Nothing happened for the next twenty-four hours. Dr. Grief discovered I was working for MI6. His men captured me I thought all hope was lost.
    Aide: Wow! That’s crazy!
    Alex Rider: I know right! Anyways while I was in my cell I remembered that I had one gadget on me. That was my earing that could explode anything you wanted if you took it off your ear.
    Aide: Can it explode if it’s on you?
    Alex Rider: No, only if it’s not on your ear. So I put it one the cell door and it exploded. I quickly went to the storage room to make a snowboard. When I had finished I went to put on my bulletproof vest and my night vision goggles. I snowboarded down the hill when guards chased me. I took care of them and they were all wiped out.
    Aide: Cool! So you were safe now?
    Alex Rider: Not exactly. There were two men at the bottom of the hill ready to shoot at me when I jumped on a train. The men could no longer see me and they crashed into the train. The last thing I remember was blood and snow.
    Aide: Wow! Thank you Alex, but I’m afraid I must go.
    Alex Rider: Me too it was very nice meeting you.
    Aide: Nice meeting you too. Good luck Alex and be safe.
    Alex Rider: Thank you. Good-bye.
    Aide: Bye.

  14. Angelica Castaneda #1
    December 4, 2013
    The Raft
    By, S.A. Bodeen
    225 pages

    The Raft is a book about a girl named Robie, who visits her aunt in Hawaii. Robie is having fun with her aunt in Hawaii until her aunt tells that she has to go on a very important business trip. One day Robie takes a last minute flight to take her back home to the Midway. Robie knows all the people who work at the airport when she notices a new guy, Max, a new copilot. While she is on the plane it is going all smooth when a big storm hits. The plane was about to crash so the only way they would survive was to jump out. Max took out a yellow raft and told Robie to jump out, Robie thought he was crazy so she wouldn’t do it. Max pushes her out, and Robie and Max soon ended up in the ocean. It was pouring rain all night and it was difficult for Robie to sleep. With no food and no fresh water to drink, it was hard for them to stay alive. When the raft soon takes them to shore by the wind, Robie starts looking around for food. I love the way the author puts twists in the book. Things happen when you don’t expect it to happen. In the middle of the book the author soon tells us that Max had already died, that she was just pretending that he was there. Then at the end of the book a boat rescues her and then she calls her mom on the phone. Then Joe, tells her that everything is going to be fine. I love the way the author made the book so interesting like I could not stop reading it I just wanted to find out what happened next.

  15. #2 Jacquelyn Co
    Jake and Lily
    Jerry Spinelli
    Page #335
    Prompt #10
    True or False?
    1. Jake’s best friend will be Bump Stubbins.
    2. Lily’s best friend is Sydney.
    3. Jake and Lily are normal brother and sisters.
    4. Goombla is Jake and Lily’s favorite drink.
    5. Poppy is Jake and Lily’s grandpa.
    Multiple Choice:
    1. Sydney (Lily’s best friend) has a brother named:
    a. Nick
    b. Devon
    c. Ernie
    2. _________ is from Gary, Indiana:
    a. Bump
    b. Ernie
    c. Sydney
    3. Bump, Nacho, and Burke were originally part of a group named the:
    a. Rocket Destroyers
    b. Death Rays
    c. The Riders
    4. July ____ is Lily and Jake’s Birthday
    a. 4
    b. 28
    c. 29
    5. Poppy told Lily to _________ so she would not feel bad about Jake:
    a. Get a life and find new hobbies and friends
    b. To keep annoying Jake until he hung out with you again
    c. To buy new clothes and anything she wanted
    6. Lily and Sydney build a __________ together:
    a. Playground
    b. A shed
    c. Toys
    7. _________ is what Lily and Jake call their twin “power”
    a. Goombla
    b. Special power
    c. Twin Telepathy
    8. Jake and Lily would always sleepwalk to the ______ ________ on their birthday:
    a. The mall
    b. Train station
    c. The park
    9. Before Ernie was their good friend, Jake and his friends called him:
    a. Weirdo
    b. Goober
    c. Super Goober
    10. When Lily tried to hang out with Jake’s friends she said this when they told her to go away.
    a. “I am not a girl”
    b. “You guys are so mean”
    c. “ I can’t believe you guys are kicking me away from my own brother.”
    Short Answer:
    1. Did Jake actually destroy Ernie’s tree house?
    2. Did Jake and Lily write in their journals separately?
    3. Does Poppy move into Jake and Lily’s neighbor hood?
    4. When Lily was in trouble with the black dog how did Jake know and what did he do?
    5. How did Lily feel when Jake got his own room?
    Essay Question:
    1. What is the theme about family in this book?
    1. False
    2. True
    3. False
    4. False
    5. True
    Multiple Choice:

    1. B
    2. B
    3. B
    4. C
    5. A
    6. A
    7. A
    8. B
    9. B
    10. A
    Short Answer:
    1. No, Jake did not destroy Ernie’s tree house. Bump Stubbins destroyed it.
    2. Yes, they did so that they could have privacy in what they wrote.
    3. Yes, Poppy does move into their neighborhood so that he be closer to his children and grandchildren.
    4. Jake knew that his sister was in trouble because of his goombla power and he felt it inside him. After that Jake went to his sister and tried to distract the dog, but the dog soon liked Jake and they were both fine.
    5. Lily felt like she was losing her brother and that they were growing apart. She felt like they could not tell each other everything anymore.
    1. A great theme about family in this book is Family is unconditional no matter what. This book shows that because Lily and Jake did not hang out with each after a while and still they had their special bond and love together. In this book Poppy says that the “goombla” is like their special bond and he compares a cantaloupe with the goombla. He told Lily to turn her back from the cantaloupe and she turned away and then turned back and it was still there. So this example shows that even though Lily turned her back against the goombla or cantaloupe it would still be there no matter what. Overall this book shows true heart and family.

  16. #2 Jacquelyn Co
    Jake and Lily
    Jerry Spinelli
    Page #335
    Prompt #10
    True or False?
    1. Jake’s best friend will be Bump Stubbins.
    2. Lily’s best friend is Sydney.
    3. Jake and Lily are normal brother and sisters.
    4. Goombla is Jake and Lily’s favorite drink.
    5. Poppy is Jake and Lily’s grandpa.
    Multiple Choice:
    1. Sydney (Lily’s best friend) has a brother named:
    a. Nick
    b. Devon
    c. Ernie
    2. _________ is from Gary, Indiana:
    a. Bump
    b. Ernie
    c. Sydney
    3. Bump, Nacho, and Burke were originally part of a group named the:
    a. Rocket Destroyers
    b. Death Rays
    c. The Riders
    4. July ____ is Lily and Jake’s Birthday
    a. 4
    b. 28
    c. 29
    5. Poppy told Lily to _________ so she would not feel bad about Jake:
    a. Get a life and find new hobbies and friends
    b. To keep annoying Jake until he hung out with you again
    c. To buy new clothes and anything she wanted
    6. Lily and Sydney build a __________ together:
    a. Playground
    b. A shed
    c. Toys
    7. _________ is what Lily and Jake call their twin “power”
    a. Goombla
    b. Special power
    c. Twin Telepathy
    8. Jake and Lily would always sleepwalk to the ______ ________ on their birthday:
    a. The mall
    b. Train station
    c. The park
    9. Before Ernie was their good friend, Jake and his friends called him:
    a. Weirdo
    b. Goober
    c. Super Goober
    10. When Lily tried to hang out with Jake’s friends she said this when they told her to go away.
    a. “I am not a girl”
    b. “You guys are so mean”
    c. “ I can’t believe you guys are kicking me away from my own brother.”
    Short Answer:
    1. Did Jake actually destroy Ernie’s tree house?
    2. Did Jake and Lily write in their journals separately?
    3. Does Poppy move into Jake and Lily’s neighbor hood?
    4. When Lily was in trouble with the black dog how did Jake know and what did he do?
    5. How did Lily feel when Jake got his own room?
    Essay Question:
    1. What is the theme about family in this book?
    1. False
    2. True
    3. False
    4. False
    5. True
    Multiple Choice:

    1. B
    2. B
    3. B
    4. C
    5. A
    6. A
    7. A
    8. B
    9. B
    10. A
    Short Answer:
    1. No, Jake did not destroy Ernie’s tree house. Bump Stubbins destroyed it.
    2. Yes, they did so that they could have privacy in what they wrote.
    3. Yes, Poppy does move into their neighborhood so that he be closer to his children and grandchildren.
    4. Jake knew that his sister was in trouble because of his goombla power and he felt it inside him. After that Jake went to his sister and tried to distract the dog, but the dog soon liked Jake and they were both fine.
    5. Lily felt like she was losing her brother and that they were growing apart. She felt like they could not tell each other everything anymore.
    1. A great theme about family in this book is Family is unconditional no matter what. This book shows that because Lily and Jake did not hang out with each after a while and still they had their special bond and love together. In this book Poppy says that the “goombla” is like their special bond and he compares a cantaloupe with the goombla. He told Lily to turn her back from the cantaloupe and she turned away and then turned back and it was still there. So this example shows that even though Lily turned her back against the goombla or cantaloupe it would still be there no matter what. Overall this book shows true heart and family.

  17. #4 Gavin Lizik
    I am a Seal Team Six Warrior
    Page #83
    Prompt #1

    Me: Hey Howard!
    Howard: Hi Gavin! How are you doing?
    Me: Good! What about you?
    Howard: Awesome! I just finished my BUD/S training to become a SEAL team six Warrior. I passed! I am officially a SEAL Team Six Warrior!
    Me: That is awesome! Congratulations!
    Howard: Thank You! I have just finished my first mission has a seal and it was really fun but really scary trying to hurt or kill people with a gun.
    Me: Tell me about it!
    Howard: Well first, I was dropped onto one of our US carriers and when we were dropping in I was in charge of making sure none of my men do not get hurt. Then, after that we boarded the ship and checked all of the levels and made sure that no one was walking around that was none-US military and armed, So when we got to one of the levels there were 3 bad guys and we kept on telling them to get on the ground but they wouldn't, so we had to take action and we grabbed them and tied them up and put them with the other guys we caught and tied up. Then when we got to the hallway ,that we would take to get out of the room, there was a sound and when we got to the end we were met by 2 bad guys and yelled get on the ground and they didn't listen. When we moved a single muscle they started charging at us. It was just me and my buddy and when they charged he took the right guy and beat him to the ground and my guy barely hit me in the head with a fire extinguisher and then I grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Then In a hour we got out of their with the kidnapped seamen and took them back to our ship.
    Me: Wow Howard that is really cool and good for you! Do you have anymore stories/missions you could tell me?
    Howard: No. I'm sorry I have to go.
    Me: Alright. Well I will see you next time for another interview.
    Howard: Alright Gavin. See you then!
    Gavin: See you then! Bye

  18. #6 Elijah Holiday
    Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins
    Page 100
    Prompt #2
    Dear Katniss Everdeen,
    I have been watching you participate in practice. I think, if you want to win these games, you are going to have to stay away from killing and hide from the other tributes. At the start do not go for anything. You should just run as fast as you can without looking back. There will probably be a bow, but don’t go for it, just run and find shelter. Do not start a fire. Your enemy will be able to find you from the smoke. Now if you are trapped by an alliance, just run doesn’t even think about grabbing a knife. If you can, make a bow, or just wait for the right time and snag it. Usually there will be like a beehive or something and try to use that as a weapon. At the start there will be a backpack, in the backpack there are ropes, water canisters, and knives. If someone that is not from your district say a 1, do not trust them, they are basically tricking you. If you want your friend Peeta to survive, protect him until the end, or if you have to, say, “Why don’t you go ask that two to help us.” Late in the games, the game directors will send a dog or something deadly to make the games speed up. Usually, if you last a day or two there will be a small bag that says 1, 2, 3… and so on, in that bag is food and healing cream, watch for about a minute and if it is clear, run and grab it. I think if you follow these steps, you will win these games. I wish you the best and of course, may the odds ever be in your favor.


  19. #8 Joshua Ramirez
    The Story of King Author and His Knights
    Howard Pyle
    pg #155
    prompt #1

    Dear, reader
    My name is Arthur and at the beginning of my journey I was a little esquire. I was a little boy and my father died and the kingdom of Britten was a waiting for a new king. There was a great battle for the kingdom of Britten and ten kings from far lands and four dukes came to have a tournament to fight for the right to the British throne. It was a great clash of weaponry. I was in it all with my knight I was giving him weapons to fight with. Later the net day my knight and I went with everyone who entered the tournament and we all attempted to pull the great sword out of a rock and every Knight failed except for me they all tried their hardest and all failed. When I went up to pull the sword I did it with ease and haft of the people there were mad that I became king of Britten. The other haft was amazed and congratulated me. Later on that year I had a very honorable knight who was overtaken by a knight called the Sable Knight and later I left for my journey. I went to the Sable knight’s castle and challenged him it was a ferocious battle and I was knocked of my horse and it was a foot battle. The sword was clashing and I unfortunately loss the battle and was carried away from the battle field. I lost my right as king of Britten.

  20. Alex Gottuso #5
    Prompt #9
    Suzanne Collins
    Hunger Games: Mockingjay
    Pg. # 390

    I love and hate the way the author decided to make the final book with final events of the Hunger Games series. In some ways, I really hated how everything turned out. I know that the book was on the revolution or war between the rebel and capitol sides, so I should have expected something tragic to happen. The point is I really hated how Prim died. In fact, it was technically partially Katniss’ fault because she agreed to Gale’s plan in their final mission. I also really hated (but not as much) how so many people died. Again, I know it was a war, but I didn’t even expect so much death even from this sort of genre. But I really did love how the author wrote the book overall. I honestly felt like I was a part of the story, and that’s why I hated some of the events that happened. I was so mad at Gale in several parts of the story especially for his decisions. Even Katniss couldn’t forgive him. I also thought that the ending was so “girly” or whatever you want to call it. I don’t know the right word for it, but I feel like the ending somewhat better. I don’t blame her for not liking Gale anymore, and I did have some sympathy for Peeta because of what had been done to him by the capitol, but the ending was almost like it was out of a fairy tale. It was like a “happily ever after” sort of thing but Katniss and Peeta must have really sad on the inside because of all they went through. The capitol deserved to go to the Hunger Games as Katniss chose. I feel like the ending did really make up for all the sadness in the book. Overall, I just have very mixed feelings about this last book of the series.

  21. #16 Kayla Sin
    Smells like Dog
    Suzanne Selfors
    Pg. #354
    Some years later after the whole catastrophe in The City, Homer had a much better life. Although Homer loved the first library in Milkydale with some of his heart (the rest of his heart was to treasure hunting,) he thought the new Milkydale library was remarkable. It had much more books, especially on treasure hunting. Homer borrowed one of the new books at the library on dog tricks. The only tricks Dog could accomplish are the sit and stay and roll over (Dog would roll over very lazily.) On the other hand, Homer and his dad became closer and closer every single day. Before and after their chores, they would both go outside by the barn studying Homer’s maps. Homer and his father gave each other tips on treasure hunting or reading/making maps ever since the moment both father and son drew very close. When the new Milkydale museum came about, Gwendolyn applied for an animal stuffing job and received it. Gwendolyn was never the same after that. She even complimented Homer’s work as he got closer to finding Rumpold Smeller’s treasure. Squeak grew up to be a tough little boy and started to play football. His team was called “Fierce Dragons” and was an undefeated team. Their mom became the strict one for a while when her husband started becoming interested in maps again, but the strictness wore off after two weeks. By then, their mom was back to normal. Lorelei found Homers coin and questioned Homer a lot on it, but Homer knew to keep the society secret and never to give it away. He never forgot about Drake, so every time he woke up, he felt like a real hunter. Sometimes, with his parents unknowing, he cried himself to sleep wishing his uncle hadn’t died from the horrendous creature. Even though he had these awful memories, life became so much better after being in The City.

  22. #15Anthony Salgado
    Ring of Fire
    page #55
    prompt# 2

    Dear Elettra,

    I know it has been really hard for you and your friends trying to find the ring of fire. You have been doing a great job, unraveling the mysteries of Rome and finding these clues. You have also tried to avoid the villainous people who are after the ring of fire and keeping people from finding out about the ring. People like Jacob Mahler are really powerful, so watch out before he does some kind of mind trick on you. You are really courageous and brave, and your friends are as well. It is a little odd and coincidental for you all to have the same birthday date, don't you think? Anyway, you're doing great. I would believe what you said about taking that briefcase from that strange man. The others just think,"Good grief." It was like that strange man gave you strange messages through your mind, telling you to take the briefcase. I really think your friends should be more optimistic than pessimistic. But sometimes they a great help. If someone puts you down with words, do not give up. Oh, I forgot to mention this, how did you melt the device into the security guard's eardrum at the library? I really want to know. Do you have some kind of superpower that only comes when your anger level rises? As I was saying, do not give up, you're doing great, and proceed in searching for the ring of fire.
    Your adviser,
    Anthony S.

  23. #5 Vincent Macabuhay
    Dream Team
    Jack McCallum

    In his entertaining "Dream Team," Jack McCallum initially gets into the flesh of how the Olympics came to invite NBA players in the first place, 1992 was the first year that pros were allowed at the Games, before deciding, rightly, that no one cares. Readers just want to know what these superfriends are like and what happened when they gathered in the same room. The book does not disappoint, though it's hardly a sordid . Mr. McCallum, a longtime writer for Sports Illustrated, has covered these players for so long that each one knows him better than most of their past teammates. The book becomes a laid-back of Mr. McCallum's career, a narrated notebook . I really think this book is really good because me I love basketball and theres nothing better than reading something about what you like cannot get better so I really like this book. They talk about my favorite players like Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, and Charles Barkley. So if I had to rate this book from one to 10 I would rate it to an 12 because its really interesting that’s why I love it.

  24. Michael Chapin#3
    A Night To Remember
    Page #123

    The main problem in the book is that the Titanic is going to crash because the iceburg that it ran into is sinking the boat. Lightoller woke up as the boat jerked. the captains noticed a big hole in the side of the boat and water was coming in. the people are scared and are all piling into the lifeboats. There are many passengers and many lifeboats. Earlier in the book, there were many small problems. People complained that there was problems with the food or something was unpleasant. later, people put these problems aside because they were being faced with survival. they had to go on the lifeboats because of the crash and it was freezing. they experienced the horror that night when the titanic crashed. many people died because of the cold because they were near the Artic ocean. Nothing ended the problem but people remembered that night because the unthinkable happened.

  25. Thomas Coyne #3
    The Lighting Thief/Sea of Monsters
    Rick Rordan
    Prompt #2

    Dear, Percy Jackson
    I feel bad for you and you situation right now. I wish I could be there to help but I can’t so I’m going to give you some advice. You need to stop always trying to help everyone, that’s what’s getting you almost killed every minute. And don’t let Clarisse push you around. You just need to stop picking fights and getting Clarisse mad. Also dude everyone knows you like Anabeth and Anabeth likes you. So dude I say go for it if you aren’t scared BOCH BOCH. I am saying you are probly the third best fighter there. You really need to stay at camp they need you more than you need them. If you are a twelve-year-old boy that can take down a Minotaur I’d pick you to be my bodyguard. And don’t let people push you around stand up and show them what you’re made of. I mean you can take down three eight-foot tall cannibal giants and you can’t take down a bully, that’s sad, so so sad. If the don’t listen to you show them riptide. You can’t use it on them so you just threaten. You took down a god come on man. Don’t go on any adventures unless you have to. Like that’s like fifty percent why you’re almost dying every second. The other twenty-five’s are because you’re a have blood and because you’re a know fugitive and blow up everything in site. Stay save.

    Best wishes,
    Thomas Coyne

  26. Grace Diponio #4
    Stir it up
    Ramin Ganeshram
    Page 148
    prompt #5(song)
    I am tired of people always ...always telling me that I can't follow my dreams. I am tired of always being pushed around .. By my family.. I wish I could show ooo them that I have what it takes..to become the best baker The best beaker there is..oooo.I wish I could just just tell them how I feel.oooo.I can't deal this anymore. I am finely going to tell them how I feel. Can't be pushed around anymore. I have to follow my dreams. Not going to let anyone stand in my way anymore ooo anymore

  27. Heaven Hayden#7
    A Dogs Purpose
    W. Bruce Cameron
    Pg. 150
    It was blurry and foggy
    But I could hear
    But I could smell
    I was seeking out warmth
    I was seeking out milk
    I felt that warmth
    I tasted that milk
    And soon I could see
    Soon I could walk
    It was all new
    It was all scary
    But my mother
    My mother was there
    She protected me
    She loved me
    I soon was captured
    And I soon I was sad
    I was not with my mother
    I was not with my brother
    My mother had left
    But my brother was found
    I was put in a cage
    All cold and all dark
    I soon saw my brother
    I soon found my sister
    And I lived happily ever after
    Bu that soon all changed
    I was taken away
    From my owner
    From those I love
    Then all of the sudden it ended
    I felt this sleepiness come over me
    Like a smell through a house
    And I was awakened
    But I wasn’t myself
    I was a puppy again
    But I didn’t have the same mother
    But I didn’t have the same brother
    Then I realized
    I had a purpose to fulfil in life
    And an owner to meet
    I had to get out
    I had to escape
    After that my life was never the same.

  28. Alec Shahverdian 11
    The Adventures of Robin Hood
    Roger Lancelyn Green
    pg. 20
    Log #1
    Dear Robin Hood/Earl Robert,
    I have heard of your legacy and your kindness. I have also heard about your troubles with Prince John and your unfortunate loss of power and money. The King and the sheriff’s trickery and cruelness are unjust and must be put to a stop. I am glad to hear that you have many followers that believe in your cause, but I don’t believe you know how much power you have in support of numbers. Since everyone knows of the Kings evilness and also knows of your goodness they are ready to back you up. It also helps that you have a nice, kind, and heroic figure. So what do you do with all this support? My advice is that you convince the people to rebel and fight back. It is not wise for it to happen now, but train others and build up your figure some more and you should be okay. You already have a well trained group with you to help you, and the downside of the king’s power is that he is arrogant and is too high up. As soon as he sees that he is overpowered and that there is no chance of him being able to win, he will freak out and break down. Even if the chances of winning were slim, convincing him could be easy enough for you. Also, the chances of him catching you are slim because he has still not been able to catch you yet. Well, I wish you the best of luck.
    Yours truly,

  29. Adrian Gottuso #6
    The Mark of Athena
    Rick Riordan
    Prompt 8

    The main conflict in this book is between the Greek and Roman camps. Both camps were unaware of each other’s existence until the two members from opposite camps switched places. The two people were Percy Jackson and Jason Grace. They were supposed to unite the two camps, but instead, both camps end up at war against each other. Seven other demigods from both camps tried to stop it, among those seven were Percy and Jason, but also Piper Mclean, Leo Valdez, Annabeth Chase, Frank Zang, and Hazel Levesque. They are accompanied by coach Hedge, their very crazy, very violent chaperone who is half man, half goat. He is known as a Satyr to the Greeks and a Faun to the Romans. Despite their attempts to settle the animosity and hatred between the two camps, the Roman augur, Octavious, stirs up the Romans against the Greeks. As an augur he is supposed to read omens from the gods by cutting open an animal and examining the entrails to see if there are any signs from the gods in them, but he prefers to just use teddy bears and try to read the stuffing. The Romans believe everything he says, which is mostly made up, and he tells them that the gods are telling him to war against the Greeks. They trust him enough to listen to him, even though he just wants power. The seven demigods go on a quest to find an object that could save both camps from tearing each other apart and to stop mother earth, Gaea, from rising and destroying everything and everyone. But to stop this from happening, both camps need to unite and fight against it together, because they are unable to defeat their enemy alone.

  30. #14 Alexis Raya
    Don’t Die Dragonfly
    Linda J. Singleton
    Page 288
    Entry #3
    Before Sabine started living at her grandma’s house, she was an outcast. She was treated as an alien at her high school and at home. Her mother was scared at her. This made Sabine not like her own mom. She would always be alone when eating at lunch and was looked upon others as an alien from another planet. She’d get notes in her locker daily from anonymous people in her class. Teachers would also fear and look oddly at her as if she didn’t belong there. In fact, Sabine thought she didn’t belong anywhere. Sabine has always thought of running away. The insults and threats came so often that Sabine started not caring about them. She always knew why they threatened her and treated her like an alien. She was a psychic.
    She had it through her genetics. It always skips a generation who fortunately was her mom whose generation was skipped. Her grandmother, though, was in fact a psychic. She was very excited to find out that her granddaughter was one of her own. Sabine’s grandmother ask Sabine if she wanted to start training her psychic abilities when she moved. Sabine lied and told her grandma that she grew out of her abilities. She lied because she was scared of telling the truth. She was scared to admit that she could see ghost and spirits; scared to admit that she could predict tragic events before they happen. She was also scared to admit what happened the day this all happened; the day she predicted her boyfriend’s death.

  31. Hannah Dumaine #3
    Anthony Horowitz
    Page 312
    Prompt #8
    The main character is Alex Rider, is a British teen spy working for MI6. The characters are, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Blunt, which are the leaders of MI6. The enemy is the most powerful and lethal organization in the world named Scorpia. The conflict in the book is getting rid of Scorpia’s plan called “Invisible Sword”. Alex learns during the complications that Scorpia never forgives, or forgets. What is happening is that Alex finds out that his father and mother got murdered on purpose by Scorpia on a plane. At first Scorpia wanted him on their side because his dad was. And that he was told by them that his father got murdered by MI6, but turned out to be Scorpia. One of the reasons why Scorpia killed Alex’s father is because, Julia Rothman, the leader on Scorpia, got jealous of Alex’s parents being together so she killed them. Mrs. Rothman wanted Alex to kill Mrs. Jones because she told Alex that she had killed his father. Alex was sent in disguise to kill Mrs. Jones. He then took his gun and entered Mrs. Jones apartment. He shot at her after they had chatted for a little while, but surprisingly she was on the other side of a very thick glass. Out of nowhere guards came and took him. They interrogated him then set him on a mission to find out where “Invisible Sword” is going to be. “Invisible Sword” was a plan to kill all the children of Britain. They would die, not by getting shot but by a syringe. The children had vaccinations and that had poison. A push of a button would kill all the children. Alex had a vaccination. Mrs. Rothman died while MI6 came and fought Scorpia’s people. Alex then went and talked to Mrs. Jones at MI6’s organization. He was walking out when he got shot. Scorpia never forgives or forgets.

  32. Andy Ly #8
    Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire
    J.K Rowling
    Prompt 3
    Dear Readers (If this even gets read). My names J.K Rowling, and no one ever knew what happened to Harry Potter after the Goblet Of Fire... everyone except me. After the Goblet of Fire, Harry returned to his aunt and uncles house. He lived their miserable because of Vernon and Petunia, but Harry never said a word or talked back. Until one day, Uncle Vernon got really upset at Harry, and kicked him out of the house. Harry then lived in the park for a couple days while he sent Hedwig (his owl) with a letter to Ron saying, "Dear Ron, Harry hear. Guess what? My uncle and aunt kicked me out of the house... those... those muggles. Anyways Ron I've been living in the park for a while, but since its winter its getting a little chilly now, and I was wondering if I would be able to live with you just until we go back to Hogwarts." But of course Ron's parents were so kind enough but to take Harry in until Hogwarts new year. During another year at Hogwarts, there was a tragic accident. Harry was in his quidditch match when all of a sudden, his broom just exploded into nothing but dust. Harry thought it was just a dream but it wasn't. Harry was falling faster and faster through the air when right when he was about to fall, his God father Sirius Black Comes out of nowhere riding a dragon. He and Harry flew far away in the middle of nowhere. A snowy, vast, waste less, white as snow, cold, God forsaken island was not just an island, but Sirius' hiding area from the dementors. Harry told Sirius about his uncle and aunt about kicking him out of the house, so Sirius did what other good God fathers would have done. Sirius took Harry in and lived happily every after... Or so they thought.

  33. #1 Sydney Barbee
    Eileen Beha
    Prompt #1
    Dear Diary,
    I am having a wonderful day. I finally received an owner. Her name is Marcellina LaTour. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have a home, because I was the odd one out of my brothers and sisters. Nobody wanted me which made me feel dreadful. She saw the real me nice, quite, and well-behaved. Then her friend Diego had a birthday party. It was so amusing, until I ate masses of delious cake. I sat on the stairs and watched Diego open presents. When he got to ours he was overly excited. It was a boat, a nice and shiny boat. The next day I heard Marcellina and Diego talking about going to Main on his new boat. Finally they agreed that they would go. We hoped on the boat and sailed away. Then I could not see the bay, so I began to panake. All of a sudden gaint waves splahed on top of us. We tipped out of the boat. That was the last thing I remembered. I washed up on shore, about to die. I was caught on a lobster trap. A nice lady took me in and helped back to health again. Her name was Miss Gustie. When I began healthy again I meet a girl named McKenna. She lived in a shack next to her uncles house. Her aunt didn’t want her in the house because she had a whole heap of children. McKenna was a nice girl who wanted to start a business. Her business would be making Enchanted Candles. Miss Gustie helped her out by giving her a candle making kit. Then Miss Gustie and I went back home and went to bed.

  34. #6 Marianna Marroquin
    The Fault in our Stars
    John Green
    Page #313
    Prompt #9
    I loved the book “The Fault in our Stars” by John Green because the main character of the book, sixteen year old girl Hazel Grace Lancaster is diagnosed with Stage 4 Thyroid cancer with metastasis forming in her lungs since she was thirteen has the potential to show the courage and faith in getting stable enough to live a normal sixteen year olds life as a wounded soldier would say to go back into the dangerous battlefield would say. She is forced by her mom and dad to attend a support group for children living with cancer. When she goes for the first time, she meets a boy named Isaac who is almost blind and he introduces his friend Augustus “Gus” Waters to Hazel Grace who is a survivor of cancer himself. As soon as she met him she knew she was in love with him. The second time he sees her at the support group meetings, he asks her to go see a movie with him at his house. She is introduced to his parents and learns about him even more then that he’s a bad driver. Hazel and Augustus eventually find out that they physically have a lot in common. One thing that they both have in common is the book they both end up loving. They love it so much that they want to take a trip to Amsterdam to meet the author himself because he has not wrote a sequel to the amazing book they love. Augustus being the best guy in the world is granted a wish because he had cancer and so he uses it to travel with Hazel to Amsterdam. After Hazel is cleared to go Amsterdam with her, her mom, and Augustus, they go and meet the author Van Houten. He turns out to be really mean about them asking questions if he is going to make a sequel or not when they go to dinner together. So they left Van Houten. They then go to the house of Anne Frank where Hazel and Augustus reveal their love to each other. They then kiss. Then he tells Hazel that his cancer has turned and that he doesn’t have much time to live. They return to Indiana and Isaac and Hazel are asked to make a pre- funeral for Augustus. They do and eight days later he dies. This book was diffidently a fantastic book to read. It has morals like you can do anything you want to do even if you have disorder or disability or any disease like cancer.

  35. Zachary Ramsey
    I Survived
    Lucas just got out of the hospital and he is back on his football team. But suddenly there was a deep roaring noise. The ground trembled. Dad grabbed Lucas’s arm and shouted RUN! Lucas had no idea what happened. But suddenly there was the loudest noise he has ever heard. Louder than a hundred freight trains. What is it cried Lucas. Dad kept looking over his shoulder pulling Lucas harder to move faster . They came to a convience store. They duct behind the counters suddenly WHOOSH! There was a sound of shadering glass and a powerful blast of hot wind. His nose filled with gritty dust. It was hard to breath. Dads voice broke the silence. “LUCAS” Dad shouted . Is anyone hurt. Dad gave everyone a piece of clothing for their mouths. Lee the store keeper got big bottles of water for everyone. Catherine the younger of the two women, was crying. The other people comforted her. What was that Catherine sobbed. Was that another plane. “NO” dad said . That was not a plan. Think the top part of the building must have come down. Dad stopped just outside the store his hand clamped to Lucas’s shoulder. Big chunks of concrete filled the streets. All around people climed out of windows. Cars were on fire. War2 last year. There were pictures of cities that had been bombed and burned down t the ground. The dust, lucas realized. That was the tower. It was practically what was left.

  36. Lauren Fitts#5
    Blog 1
    Prompt# 2
    30% (second book)
    Dear Sophie,
    I know that you have to make some really important decisions right now, so I am writing this to give you some helpful advice. Even though Josh hates you right now, that doesn’t mean that he will hate you forever. Do not forget that you two are, and will forever be twins. Think about it, do you want to end up like Scathach and her twin? You have to think about what the good of all is before yourself. You should side with who you think will end up with less people injured or dead. I know that you want to make everything right with your twin brother, but that can wait. You need to you need to do what is best for everyone, not just for you. Think about your idol in life. Then ask yourself what that person would do. Also, about your “Aunt Agnes” she is a very wise person. She is as old as your friend Gilgamesh. Just because you see her acting differently around different people does not mean that you do not know her still. You still grew up in her house and you should still love her like you did before. You should use her as someone you can talk to because she understands magic and still loves you as her aunt. There is no reason that you should hate her, because at the end of the day when you see your parents again, you cannot hate her because she is still family.
    Your Friend,

  37. 12/2/14
    #11 Luke O’Brien
    Language arts
    In this book that I wrote, I tried to put every single detail from the game and express it in words. For example, Cole Train. Cole train, before the war, was a professional Thrashball player. In this novel Thrashball is their form of football. In Thrashball he was on a team called, The Panthers. On this team he dominated the Thrashball league. In fact he was such a great Thrashball player, that the owners of the league made a statue of Cole in the entrance of the stadium. Cole was not friends with any of the troops he knows in the war. Actually he didn’t even know about his fellow troops at all before the war. Though all the troops in the COG force knew about Cole Train through the sport and the bets men made on his games. Do to his strength and speed was would now join the COG to fight the most dangerous force mankind has ever seen. For example, in GEARS OF WAR 3 Cole has a dramatic flashback of when he was still playing Thrashball. When he was having this flashback he a pack of C-4 was the ball. When he planted the C-4 he finally realized that the ball was not at all the ball. This unfortunately the explosion sent him back to base with several injuries and burns on his back. Although this did not stop him from fighting with his team and conquering all the Locust army.

  38. 12/2/14
    #10 Jake O’Brien
    Language arts
    Blog #3

    Mr. Dominic Santiago, do you think that what they COG gears and their military tactics are right?
    “Honestly kid, when you’re COG, you are not really supposed to criticize what your commanding officer tells you what to do. For instance, if your commanding officer tells you to jump, you probably shouldn’t say “Well why would I do that?”, and just plain out say “How high?”
    Okay, but I’m sure that if your commanding officer tells you to go in with three guys against a platoon of about 15 guys, you have to have some second-thoughts, right?
    “Of course. If you didn’t second-guess your orders in a situation like that, you wouldn’t be human. But what I’m trying to say is that in a situation like that you have to make some of your own decisions. So I guess you don’t have to follow every single order that your commander gives you. Of course, you have to obey him, but not if it’s insane”
    Mr. Santiago, this might be a hard question to answer and just tell me if I am offending you in anyway, but why did you shoot your own wife, Maria, in the head with a pistol?
    “Listen kid, I didn’t shoot my wife in the head out of anger or the fact that I just wanted to murder my wife. I killed her because I wanted to end her misery. For five whole years I was searching for Maria. Ever town that we stopped in, ever place that we stopped as a rest point I asked a civilian if they have seen her. When I had finally found her in a locust torture center, I didn’t see the loving, beautiful, wife that I once knew. I saw a, tortured and broken soul that looked as if she was just waiting to die. In that moment I knew that I didn’t want her to keep going through that pain. So… that is why I killed my wife”
    Thank you, Mr. Santiago. I am so sorry for your loss.


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