You are half way done with the year! I enjoy reading about your journeys through literature. Remember that spelling, grammar, and word counts are part of your grade too.
Lauren Fitts #5 Blog 2 Prompt #6 Page # 196 Me: Hi Sophie nice to meet you. Sophie: Hi Lauren, nice to meet you too. Me: So tell me Sophie, How are you handling everything going on in your life? Sophie: Well Lauren it is hard to say. Everything has been so different the past two weeks. I have to say that it is not the easiest thing to accept that your parents are elders who were also Egyptian gods. Me: So how is your brother taking things? I know that you guy used to be really close. Do you guys have the same opinion? Sophie: Well I think on this one we are on the same page, but you know thing in the past few day have separated us a few, but I am so happy the we are finally back together. Me: Oh ok well I am happy that you and your brother are finally back together. Sophie: Ya, but I am still not sure about the whole Isis,Osiris and Sarah and Richard thing. They say that they are our parents, but now all of the sudden they seem to be acting different. I guess we have been acting different too. Me: So what exactly does that mean? Can you give me an example? Sophie: Sure. Ok well I remember Isis or Mom was disappointed that Josh and I were wearing the types of clothes that we wore back in San Francisco. Also normally when she tells us to do something like change clothes we do it the first time. But when she wanted us to change, she had to tell us to do that twice. Me: Do you feel suspicious about what is going on? Why do you think that they brought you and your brother here? Sophie: Well it is hard to say. Like I said earlier they are acting different but to be honest I have no idea why they brought us back to the original Danu Talis. All I can say is that they want Josh and I to be the next rulers. They said that the throne is rightfully ours. Me: Well we are out of time for more questions. Thank you so much Sophie, and it was a pleasure to meet you. Good Luck!!!!!! Sophie: No problem Lauren, thank you. Good bye!
Dear diary, Its Tris again and I am completely overwhelmed today but then again when am I not. Jennie has gone overboard this time she has put every dauntless under a simulation and basically killed every abnegation leader. Including my parents. Jennie even captured Tobias and put him under a simulation, and he almost killed me sometimes I can get into the craziest situations. Oh did I mention that I almost died before I almost died (it’s a little confusing), Jennie tried to drown me but luckily my mom saved me. after that I encountered some of the dauntless that were under the simulation and will was one of them he was chasing me and shooting at me and the only choice I had was to shoot him. I shot one of my best friends. After I met up with everyone at the safe house we went to amity headquarters. But it hurts to talk about the couple of days there. I am very happy I can tell you or whatever you would call a diary everything because I can’t tell everyone that I was the one that shot will. Also I really miss my parents it’s really hard knowing that the only person left with me, you know family member, is Caleb but we are not very close anymore because he betrayed me. Well anyways Christina and I are going to invade the erudite headquarters and force Jennie to open the secret file tonight, we have to get there before Tobias and the others get there. I hope Tobias doesn’t get mad and think that we are betraying them especially because we are working with his dad. This will probably be the last time I write for awhile. Bye. Tris
#8 Margaret Kwok 1-15-14 Option #6 2nd blog for the 2nd quarter The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester pages 1-168 Me: "When you heard the crack, thud, sound were you afraid?" Owen: "Well, not really, I was more curious that anything!" Me: "By the end of your submarine ride with Viola, how do you think of her?" Owen: "I never really liked her, but I sort of started to like her." Me: "Were you nervous that someone was going to see you, when you were stealing the pipes?" Owen: " Yes, absolutely! In fact I was horrified, I wanted to back out at the last minute!" Me: "Wow, I would have never thought that you out of all people would have been scared..." Owen: "Haha!" Me: "So when you first saw the beautiful red, shiny submarine, what were your thoughts?" Owen: "I was completely awe-struck! I was totally amazed, it was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in my life!" Me: "So I know that Tooley is a green toad, he is pretty big for his kind, and is completely calm and peaceful, what else can you tell me about Tooley?" Owen: "Tooley is a joyful little fellow, he loves crickets and flies, but no other insects, he is super slimy, and hates being around any animals other than frogs and toads." Me: "Why do you really, truly think Earlene doesn't like you?" Owen: "I think she likes me, but she is just a very stern person, to begin with." Me: "Now, for my final question..." Me: "Do you think when you are older, you will want to run a submarine business?" Owen: "No, probably not, I love my simple life the way it is!" Me: "Well thank you very much Owen Jester, it has been a blast interviewing you, have a wonderful day, and God bless!"
#7 Aide Martinez Alex Rider Skeleton Key Anthony Horowitz Page #327 Prompt #7 Skeleton Key was such an adventurous book. It went into so much detail about how Alex Rider survives all his journeys he has been through with MI6. I loved how Alex Rider met a young girl named Sabina Pleasure while he was on a mission. Both of them became really good friends. This book is very interesting because I love reading about the parts when Alex Rider is fighting against the evil General Alexei Sarov. Sarov wants to destroy a whole continent with a nuclear bomb and Alex is there to stop it, as he is disguised to be the son of two other agents. Together they all are trying to see what Sarov is up to and why he is doing it. As the disguised family is headed off to the ocean to find a secret cave, being smashed alive the two agents who pretend to be parents are killed. Alex goes after them and is captured by Sarovs men. Sarov now wants to adopt Alex because Alex was like his other son who died. Alex now tries to escape Sarovs prison, but is caught and he is nearly killed. Sarov has possession of the nuclear bomb until Alex Rider comes to put an end to Sarovs evil plan. It is up to Alex to save the world. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend because once you start to read you wont be able to put it down.
Yaya Martinez #9 Log #1 Page 268 To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
Dear the Finch family, My name is Yaya Martinez and I have written a letter of advice for your family. Atticus, I know your trial is coming up and I wish you the best of luck. I honestly think that what you are doing is an amazing thing, defending Tom Robinson. Not many people would defend an African American like you would. I need you to know that on your trial, do not be persuaded by them right away, you can’t really trust many people, especially at a time like this. You need to use your knowledge of what you know and notice the small details. Please try not to get too deeply involved in the trial; you do not want to get into a hard, dangerous situation for your family. Scout, I love your personality. You can just make anyone laugh; don’t get into too much trouble either though. I think you should stop bothering Boo Radley; he’s probably had enough of that. Also, your really young so I think you should know that you would learn plenty when you get older. Don’t try to learn it all right away, enjoy your childhood while you’re at it. By the way, please keep the cussing at the minimal; you are only nine. Jem, I need you to know that a lot of the people in the world right now are being treated unequal and unfairly. There is only one race in the world and that the human race, we are all people. You know why Boo Radley stays in the house all the time, it’s because he probably wants to keep himself isolated from the world. Stay safe, Jem, I will write to you again soon. It was a pleasure writing to your family. I hope that this was helpful advice for all of you. May God bless you and keep your family safe.
Samantha Doring #4 Series of Unfortunate events book 3 the wide window Lemony Snicket 150(I read another book this quarter) Log 1 Prompt 9
I love the way the author interrupts you in the book. One of the reasons is if you are reading a scary or intense part or you are just lost reading you remember that you actually aren’t there with the characters telling them what happens next. Like if you are in an intense part it is like the author just swoops in and saves you from screaming out loud, that would be embracing. And he also interrupts with funny things to, like, “which reminds me I must do the dishes.” He finds the worst times to interrupt but they are always worth it. He is an awesome writer with details but not to many, one thing I hate is that in every book beginning he says who every one is even though we already know who they are, he just needs to get to the point. He thinks of the most unfortunate things and writes about them. His interruptions are very well thought of and you can tell that he put a lot of thought into them. He finds a way to interrupt without being annoying. Any other author that did that I would not read the book but he just dose the trick. He should interrupt more often; usually he interrupts once a chapter if that. He should interrupt twice a chapter minimum unless he makes a short chapter and needs to get the point across. So in conclusion he should interrupt more and write more books. That is what I love about the author.
Angelica Castaneda #1 January 16, 2014 Pg. 314 The Forth Stall By: Chris Rylander
Angelica: hi Mac Mac: hi Angelica: how are you? Mac: I am good thanks, you? Angelica: I am good, so tell me about your life Mac: well my best friend Vince and I have a business at school Angelica: at school? Where? Mac: in the fourth stall of the boys bathroom Angelica: oh ok, what is this business? Mac: if you have a problem and need help, were your guys Angelica: oh cool, how is business going? Mac: business is doing great, but we have a little problem... Angelica: what is it? Mac: staples, the biggest bully, have been paying kids to do bad things. Angelica: tell me more Mac: ok so one day, Fred, this little kid about 9 years old, came to me for help, protection from staples. Angelica: why? Mac: staples is forcing him to help him with the business, and if Fred tells anyone he will pay for it. Angelica: so how are you going to help Fred? Mac: we paid some bullies to help protect Fred while we try to defeat staples. Angelica: well that’s good Mac: yah were just trying to do everything we can for our customers. Angelica: oh ok Mac: yah. Angelica: so I hear you like the Chicago Cubs? Are you going to see them play? Mac: yes, me and my partner and also my best friend, have been saving up money to watch them play in the world series, but we have been paying some bullies to protect Fred so we might not have enough money. Angelica: oh, well you’re using your money for a good cause. Mac: yah I guess Angelica: well tell me if you defeat staples, good luck Mac: thanks.
Angelica Castaneda #1 January 16, 2014 Pg. 314 The Forth Stall By: Chris Rylander
Angelica: hi Mac Mac: hi Angelica: how are you? Mac: I am good thanks, you? Angelica: I am good, so tell me about your life Mac: well my best friend Vince and I have a business at school Angelica: at school? Where? Mac: in the fourth stall of the boys bathroom Angelica: oh ok, what is this business? Mac: if you have a problem and need help, were your guys Angelica: oh cool, how is business going? Mac: business is doing great, but we have a little problem... Angelica: what is it? Mac: staples, the biggest bully, have been paying kids to do bad things. Angelica: tell me more Mac: ok so one day, Fred, this little kid about 9 years old, came to me for help, protection from staples. Angelica: why? Mac: staples is forcing him to help him with the business, and if Fred tells anyone he will pay for it. Angelica: so how are you going to help Fred? Mac: we paid some bullies to help protect Fred while we try to defeat staples. Angelica: well that’s good Mac: yah were just trying to do everything we can for our customers. Angelica: oh ok Mac: yah. Angelica: so I hear you like the Chicago Cubs? Are you going to see them play? Mac: yes, me and my partner and also my best friend, have been saving up money to watch them play in the world series, but we have been paying some bullies to protect Fred so we might not have enough money. Angelica: oh, well you’re using your money for a good cause. Mac: yah I guess Angelica: well tell me if you defeat staples, good luck Mac: thanks.
#2 Jacquelyn Co The Fault In Our Stars Page 313 Prompt #7 SPOILER ALERT!!!! This book is the best book I have ever read. The Fault in Our Stars is an excellent love story about Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. I especially loved that these two could be great friends while loving each other. I liked how Augustus was really sweet to Hazel and how showed how he really cared for her. One thing I really enjoyed in the book was when Augustus bought Hazel’s planed ticket to Amsterdam just so they could meet one of their favorite authors Peter Van Houten. Another one of my favorite parts in this book is when Augustus Waters told Hazel that he loved her, and that he loved her no matter what anybody said. This book was also interesting because in the end Augustus goes to a better place. It is interesting because he loved Hazel so much that when he passed he let Hazel write his eulogy and before he dies he still writes Hazel a eulogy. It is so sweet because it shows he still cares about her even when he is in pain with his cancer and dying. This book is amazing and I like how Augustus made Hazel feel special because before she didn’t really feel happy about herself. They were one of the cutest couple ever. I would recommend this book to a friend and I already have. She is reading it right now and she loves it. This book gives you a warm feeling inside, and it makes your heart joyful. I enjoyed this book very much. It gives you a picture of what love really is.
#2 Jacquelyn Co The Fault In Our Stars Page 313 Prompt #7 SPOILER ALERT!!!! This book is the best book I have ever read. The Fault in Our Stars is an excellent love story about Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. I especially loved that these two could be great friends while loving each other. I liked how Augustus was really sweet to Hazel and how showed how he really cared for her. One thing I really enjoyed in the book was when Augustus bought Hazel’s planed ticket to Amsterdam just so they could meet one of their favorite authors Peter Van Houten. Another one of my favorite parts in this book is when Augustus Waters told Hazel that he loved her, and that he loved her no matter what anybody said. This book was also interesting because in the end Augustus goes to a better place. It is interesting because he loved Hazel so much that when he passed he let Hazel write his eulogy and before he dies he still writes Hazel a eulogy. It is so sweet because it shows he still cares about her even when he is in pain with his cancer and dying. This book is amazing and I like how Augustus made Hazel feel special because before she didn’t really feel happy about herself. They were one of the cutest couple ever. I would recommend this book to a friend and I already have. She is reading it right now and she loves it. This book gives you a warm feeling inside, and it makes your heart joyful. I enjoyed this book very much. It gives you a picture of what love really is.
#12 Jayden Ramirez Courageous Randy Alcorn Pg. 207(I read another book this quarter) Prompt #1 Dear Dairy, A few months ago I let my daughter Emily go with a friend to her birthday party. While they were driving to the party, a drunk driver hit the side of the car were Emily was and she died. When this happened I was building my shed with a person I hired named Javier. All of a sudden Shane tells me to get in the car and it was about Emily. I am so sad because one day she wanted to dance with me and I refused. On the other hand I have my son Dillon taking drugs. I found it in his room. Dillon said he has been taking drugs for over a year now. He said he took it because of pure pressure of his friends and when Emily died he wanted to forget about it. When I found out I felt like I was a terrible father. I have just decided to do the Father Son Race with him and be more involved in his life. Speaking of fathers I have been assigned as a sheriff to drug dealers and how these fathers are abandoning there’re children who turn into drug dealers and get involved in gangs. I have just signed a resolution and vowed to my family to be the best husband and father I could be. Along with this I have the paper in a glass case hung on the wall in the hall way to remind me what I vowed to my family. Oh by the way, I just found out my wife has been hiding a stash of chocolate somewhere and I will find it. I will do whatever it takes to get the chocolate. Sincerely, Adam
Joshua Ramirez #8 The Story of King Author and His Knights page #400 prompt #2 Dear, king Arthur It is really hard ruling a kingdom. Although I can see it is hard I can’t say that I get what you’re going through completely. What I can do is give you some pointers. First I see you getting into a lot of fights or joust. I already know it is for honor. If you are ever sore, suggest a cold ice bath it really helps with the swelling. Yes, I already know you have wizards who do that for you, but if they are out of town ice will help. Secondly you should put your knights in their place don’t let them disrespect you because you tell them to help a farmer boy. Any way you did all ready defeated them in battle countless times, and on top of that you shattered all their weapons using only one spear. I remember when you were hurt and broken when fighting the black knight. I want to let you know that that was the first time you have ever been defeated and that you should never drought yourself God put you here for a reason. You lead a whole nation and they are going to follow your example. So stay confident for not only for your own well being, but for your people. I also want you not to worry about the people you lost to the evilest of people but rejoice because you will see them at the gates of heaven. So I also want to advice you not to let all people change you or trick you and remember the only person who can corrupt you is yourself. And with this being said I hope you don’t take my words lightly
#10 Sarah Youssouf Alex Rider Stormbreaker Anthony Horowitz Page#256 Prompt#2
Alex Rider was just a teen, When his uncle was killed. There was something mysterious about his death An innocent banker suddenly killed? Oh how could this be? Soon Alex knew that his uncle’s death was no accident, But a murder waiting to happen. His uncle worked as a spy. Which astonished Alex. How could a man keep such a secret? Alex was recruited to find his uncles killer. So there he became the first teen spy. Undercover he went as a boy that won the prize, Of using the first Storm Breaker at Sayles Compound. Sayle was the man who created the Stormbreaker. A computer to help schools and students across England and more. There was something mysterious about the man, He was planning something evil inside his head. So there went Alex searching for clues, Until he found out the truth. Sayle was not a good man but planted viruses on each Storm Breaker. So when the day came to connect all the computers, The Prime Minister of England would press a button, To send the virus out to the world and be put to blame. Alex went to go save the day. Threw life and death situations he went thru. Until he made it on time and stopped Sayle. Sayle then escaped but soon killed. On top of a roof were Alex would meet his uncles killer. Friendly the killer was to him, Alex didn’t know what to think. There his adventure ended but not for long, Until the next mystery to solve.
#10 Sarah Youssouf Alex Rider Stormbreaker Anthony Horowitz Page#256 Prompt#2
Alex Rider was just a teen, When his uncle was killed. There was something mysterious about his death An innocent banker suddenly killed? Oh how could this be? Soon Alex knew that his uncle’s death was no accident, But a murder waiting to happen. His uncle worked as a spy. Which astonished Alex. How could a man keep such a secret? Alex was recruited to find his uncles killer. So there he became the first teen spy. Undercover he went as a boy that won the prize, Of using the first Storm Breaker at Sayles Compound. Sayle was the man who created the Stormbreaker. A computer to help schools and students across England and more. There was something mysterious about the man, He was planning something evil inside his head. So there went Alex searching for clues, Until he found out the truth. Sayle was not a good man but planted viruses on each Storm Breaker. So when the day came to connect all the computers, The Prime Minister of England would press a button, To send the virus out to the world and be put to blame. Alex went to go save the day. Threw life and death situations he went thru. Until he made it on time and stopped Sayle. Sayle then escaped but soon killed. On top of a roof were Alex would meet his uncles killer. Friendly the killer was to him, Alex didn’t know what to think. There his adventure ended but not for long, Until the next mystery to solve.
Kyle Best#1 They last Olympian Pg# 164 Prompt # 2 By: Rick Riordan Dear Percy Jackson, There are many things I would like to tell you, even though you have such little time. First off, I would like to tell you how brave and courageous I think you are. I cannot believe you actually swam in The River Styx and did not die. Also, on how courageous you are to protect Olympus with only forty other half bloods against Kronos’ army. I hope you win and you put down the surprise attack that is bound to happen to Olympus. Go and slay all the monsters you can but be sure to protect your back so that you will not die. Also, you should try and do some research on where you might think Luke’s weak spot is before you go against him. Second, you should really evaluate who and what you care about. Make up your mind on whether you like Rachel or Annabeth. Choose one! You should probably not pick a mortal like Rachel, for she can get seriously hurt, and she does not know how to fight monsters. But you might want to pick Annabeth because she is a half blood just like you. You and she seem to be like a perfect couple. I hope that all works out with your plans to stop the invasion. I also hope that the prophecy means something else than what you think it means. Good luck and stay out of harm’s way, Yours Sincerely, Kyle Best
#10 Matthew Montoya 1/23/14 The Wonderful World of Henry Sugar Page 248 Prompt #1
Dear Diary, I have gone through way too many adventures for me to even be alive still. First, I had to drive a thief all the way to London. I had no clue that he was a thief at first, but he told me what he did for a living and about his life. He played lots of tricks on me like taking my wallet, my driver’s license, and even take my business card from my shirt pocket without me even knowing. I know now to never drive someone anywhere if I don’t know them. My hands were shaking the whole time while I was driving, I’m lucky that I didn’t get into a car crash. Next, a couple years after that, I went on an adventure with the Butcher. I was glad I had someone with me, if I didn’t; I probably would have been dead by now. On that very adventure, I felt like I was Indiana Jones. It was a very enjoying trip with the Butcher. We had found something that I had always wished to see. It was buried treasure. It stood before my very eyes at the end of the tunnel. Except, one huge problem, there was numerous booby traps on that tunnel. We were both lucky enough to get out alive. There were gold, king crowns, jewels, diamonds, and all other stuff like that. I was in shock for about 10 minutes then we started taking all of it. We eventually just left all of it because getting out, was impossible. The booby traps had taken the best of us. We came out with minor injuries. I can’t wait to see what’s next. I will write back to myself after the next adventure. Sincerely, Henry Sugar
#6 Elijah Holiday Hunger Games Page 313 Prompt #7 Spoiler Alert!!! This is one of the most interesting books ever. It has twisting turns, close calls, and best of all, it all makes sense. The characters really take control of their actions; they have to kill people in order to be a victor. Katniss is the one who really takes care of the ones she loves. Peeta is the other main character that is from district twelve that says he is in love with Katniss. Katniss is probably the most unexpected person to enter, she also volunteered for her sister. Cato is the most likely person to win in the Hunger Games because he is from district one and they hope to get in the games. In the games, Katniss doesn’t really attack as everybody expected her to. Early in the games the game makers forced Katniss into the center of the arena. Rue is Katnisses heart in the games; she is the one who told Katniss to cut down the honey jackets nest down while Cato and Peeta were sleeping to shock them. Katniss late in the Games starts to attack more than she use to; she kills a one, steels food from Cato, and blows up his camp site. Cato also starts to get attractive later, he kills Thresh the one who saved Katniss, and nearly kills Peeta. Very late in the games, Katniss finds Peeta leaning in stone in camo. They unite and take down Cato and become victors.
Wonder Page #23 Prompt number #8 By: R.J Palicio In the book, Wonder, August Pullman has a face that is not normal. He is twelve years old and is getting ready to attend his first school. He is just getting ready to go to school. But first a couple of students in his homeroom give him a tour of the school. The kids that give him a tour are not very nice. The question why his face looks the way it is and August is to afraid to tell them to stop. Before August attended school he had a couple of really good friends, Chris and Sean. They were twin brothers. Sadly, they both had to move to a city far away. August wants to go to school anyway to try to find new friends. His mother dosen’t want him to because she is afraid that he will get made fun of. His dad on the other hand, wants him to go to school and try new things. August has been homeschooled all of his life. August has a sister named Via and is very protective of August. Even more than herself. Which in her moms eyes, is a good thing, but in his dad’s eyes, the thinks that August should learn how to stand up for himself. This just creates even more drama between August and his family. August is getting ready to get on the school bus when a kid starts to make fun of him. This I the start of many problems for August.
#7 Isabella Holiday Champion Marie Lu Prompt 8 Being back from a long journey against the Colonies then with the Colonies and then against the Colonies, June is finally back working high up in the Republic’s military force and Day is back protecting his brother after they face the colonies in war. A year before June and Day need their friends help when the Colonies threaten to attack and the Republic doesn’t have what they need to protect themselves and win the war. War was rising though and they knew what to do. Easily they and some Patriots make a good plan while making sure that everyone will be safe while they are putting it in play. June finds a little information out before though. Thomas, the guy that killed June’s brother and is going to be persecuted asks to meet her. June thought that something was up she walked away nervous but aware of her surroundings and looking at every single detail. The Republic army were fooled and lost two major threats, Captain Thomas and Commander Jameson. Commander Jameson and Captain Thomas were working for the Colonies and escaped. The day that June, Day, and the patriots were told about the escape was the day that the plan would take place. Day and one of the Patriots almost got caught and killed but Thomas regretted his choices in the past and got in the way of the gun shot he turned on the Colonies and saved to lives. Commander Jameson escaped but tried to capture June. Yet, the Republic won a hard battle.
Alec Shahverdian #11 The Son of Neptune Log#1 Finished with book Dear Percy Jackson, I have heard of your trials and the events that have happened to you and your friends this Roman camp. Your friends at camp Half Blood have been searching for you for a whole eight months which I hope you have remembered by now. You should try your best to convince your roman leaders to accept the Greeks as allies and not as a threat like they perceive. You have received the message from camp Half Blood that they are coming and do not be attack them when they land. However, do not tell the officials about the message, because they might think you’re a traitor and would not listen to your idea of letting the Greeks land. You can take sides when camp Half Blood lands their boat and they can back you up. Also, when you meet Jason, try to make friends with him, understand his position, and find similarities between you two. You are going to have to team up with him and fight the earth and the monsters. I suggest you take a more powerful leadership role than him because you have more experience, but you should understand that he is a great leader and is just as powerful as you. Also, embrace the four new friends as a group and know that they are just a important as you. You and Jason, Annabeth, and your four new friends, are the Seven that will defeat the armies of earth. So my advice is to carry this out and remember this.
#10 Sarah Sarmiento Rumble Fish Prompt #7 Rumble Fish is an outstanding book. It is the type of book that gets you heart racing and just makes you wants to keep flipping the page. Rusty-James is portrayed as “the number one tough guy among the junior high kids who hang out and shoot pool at Benny’s.” Rusty-James was fourteen. He lived at home with his father, who is constantly drinking, and his big brother, the Motorcycle Boy. Rusty-James looked up to the Motorcycle Boy; he wanted to be just like him. Whenever he got in trouble, either with a fight or the police, the Motorcycle Boy would bail him out. Rusty-James lives a life that even though he may enjoy, is nothing a kid should go through. When he was around the age of nine, he was in a gang and got knifed for the first time in a gang fight. According to Rusty-James, there are no more games, but when someone wants to fight you, you bring all your friends as backup. He is very proud of his reputation. Rusty-James is not the best student. He relies more on his physical strengths than his brains. Because of getting seriously injured in fights, he failed to participate in school participation; so bad that he didn’t even bother to show up. He didn’t like his school anyways. The only teacher he liked was the gym teacher, who would occasionally pay him to beat up a kid he didn’t like. Steve is Rusty- James’ best friend. One day, the Motorcycle Boy, Steve, and Rusty-James went into town to see a movie. Steve has very strict parents and when he comes home to late, he gets in serious trouble. He knew that going to the movies would cause him to come home past midnight, but he came because he knows that the Motorcycle Boy usually forgets Rusty-James is with him and leaves to do his own thing, leaving Rusty-James alone. They went to see the movie, and as expected, the Motorcycle Boy left. When they go into town, they have to stay on the streets; especially at night. Steve and Rusty-James of course go through side streets and get jumped. This time, the Motorcycle boy is not there to protect him, causing Rusty-James to come really close to death.
#4 Grace Diponio Dairy of the wimpy kid:hard luck By Jeff Kinney Option #6 Me: Hello Greg my name is Gracie DiPonio Greg: hey Gracie, how’s it going Me: wonderful, how about you Greg Greg: well it’s a long story Me: I have time Greg: well ever since my best friend Rowley got a girlfriend he toattly changed Me: how did he change? Greg: well, he’s always by his girlfriend and I never have time to talk to him Me: oh, do you ever try to talk to him? Greg: well, yes of course but he’s been mean and sassy lately Me: oh, that stinks Greg: yes it does, and all the stuff we used to do we can’t do anymore because his girlfriend won’t let him Me: like what? Greg: like the five second rule, Me: what’s that Greg: if you drop a piece of food you can still eat it if you pick it up by 5 seconds Me: oh, I remember that rule, boys at my old school used to do that all the time Greg: cool, I want Rowley to be happy but I want ,y old friend back Me: have you ever tried talking to Rowley about how you miss him Greg: well no, Me: well you should, I think that will help Greg: thanks Gracie Me: no problem Greg , well I got to go but ill catch you latter Greg: ok bye
#14 Alexis Raya Champion Marie Lu Page 257 Prompt #6 “Hello, Ms. Iparis.” “Hello, Ms. Raya, but please call me June.” “Please, call me Alexis.” “I see that these are some troubling times for the Republic. How are you coping with all this chaos?” “Can you please be more specific on an event, please?” “When Day told you about his illness, where you shocked to hear the news or did you know all along?” “When Day told me about his illness, I was shocked to hear that it was killing him. I guess I love him so much that I don’t want to see him die. I always cringe at the thought of him in pain.” “As you know Day and the Elector do not get along as well as you would like to, right?” “Yes, that is right, Alexis. What is your point?” “If it ever came down to Day or the Elector, who would you choose?” “If that day would ever happen, I would choose Day.” “Why?” “Because Day is the person that I will never leave me until I die.” “That truly is love, June, and if there is one thing that anybody can’t separate is love.” “Thank you, Alexis.” “Who is your mentor?” “My mentor would be Metias. He always had his feet on the ground and never gave up on anything. I am very proud to say that he was and still is my brother.” “Thank you, June. That is all the time we have for today. Long live the Republic.” “Thank you, Alexis, for having me. Long live the Republic!”
#16 Kayla Sin Titan’s Curse Rick Riordan Pg. 311 #6 Me: Hi Percy! Percy: Hi Kayla! Me: How did you feel when you found out that Annabeth was alive? Percy: I was so relieved. I thought she was dead! That fall could’ve killed her. Me: Were you angry when you found out Luke was still alive? Percy: Well, yes I guess. That fall should have killed him and he deserved it! Me: Okay, okay, calm down. Percy: You sound like my mom, but alright. Me: Did you like Zoe Nightshade as a friend? Percy: At the beginning, no. But after a while, I began to like her when she wasn’t acting all mean. So now I wish she was still alive. Me: I’m sorry for your loss. Percy: At least she’s in the stars, where Artemis put her. Me: Percy, how did you honestly feel when you saw your mom with Mr. Blofis? Percy: Honestly, I felt happy for her. She deserves someone better than Gabe. He seems pretty nice to me. Me: That’s nice. Anyways, do you think the prophecy is talking about you? Percy: Honestly, I don’t know. At first I thought it was Thaila but she became a Hunter the day before her sixteenth birthday. I think I should take the curse because if it was Nico’s choice, it might not end up well since he is the son of the god of the underworld. Me: That’s logical. Speaking of logic, do you not like Athena? Percy: Well no. She just made me feel so bad about myself because she said that she didn’t accept the friendship between Annabeth and I. That comment just stabbed me in the heart. Me: Well, it looks like we are out of time. Percy: Thanks for having me. Me: Bye! Good luck on saving the world! Percy: Bye! I’ll try to help you guys stay alive!
#3Hannah Dumaine 1-27-14 Prompt #5 Blog #3 Ark Angel Anthony Horowitz Alex Rider was in a hospital when it happened. When they came. They were looking for Paul Drevin, the son of a billionaire. Paul was in a room right next to Alex. Alex was recovering from a bullet wound in his chest. It was midnight and Alex saw and heard what the people said to the man at the desk. The trespassers went upstairs in search of Paul. Alex pretended to be Paul. He then knocked them all out but made his first mistake; there was a person that stayed behind. He was kidnapped by Force Three and they asked him to tell his dad to give them money. He told them he wasn’t Paul and they discovered he was telling the truth. He called them Steelwatch, Spectacles, Silvertooth, and Combat Jacket. Kaspar was the leader. He had a tattoo of the earth all around his head. They left Alex there and set the building on fire. He escaped and got thanked by Mr. Drevin on the phone for what he did to save his son. Alex met Drevin and stayed at one of his several houses with him. Drevin was an unimpressive, competitive, and very rich guy. Alex found out later Drevin created Force Three and pretended that Force Three was his enemy all along. Drevin killed every person that got in his way. He was building Ark Angel in space because he wanted to blow it up and the whole thing would go towards earth and hits the Pentagon. Ark Angel was going to be the first hotel place in the world. Drevin hated the people in Washington because he didn’t like those making wrong decisions. Ark Angel would also destroy most of Washington. Drevin tried killing Alex but resulted in his son Paul getting shot. Alex went into outer space to get the bomb out of the way in time before it blows up and thousands die. He succeeded and survived. He got to earth and landed on the wrong side of earth but he didn’t care about that. As long as he was at home.
Prompt #4 In the Hunger Games the main theme is that you do not always get what you want. I thought me that not everything in life is handed to you. The moral of the story is that we need to learn how to fight for what we need. The book is teaching our generation to work for are needs. If we think we are going to get everything handed to us that are not true, but if we work for what we need we will exceed in are life. But if you live off what we get handed to us we will not get anything. So the theme is that the people in the Hunger Games need to work for everything that they have. Than every year they have a Hunger Games to get a year supply of food. So that is the only thing they get handed to them. But they really actually get anything handed to them they have to fight to the death for the year of food. This is not real but you can apply the Hunger Games to your life. How to is by when I get older my parents will not always give me what I need. So I need to start to learn how to fight for myself. So the theme is trying to tell the people in the Hunger Games that they are not going to get anything handed to them. The Hunger Games is trying to teach the youth to work for their needs.
#5 Vincent Macabuhay 1-27-14 pg,55 blog #3 The Magicians Nephew C. S. Lewis
neighbors Polly Plummer and Digory Kirke look for adventure during their summer holidays. They live in a row of connected houses and decide to travel through the attic passages to get into a vacant house and expl ore it. Instead of discovering an abandoned house, the children stumble into a forbidden study room that belongs to Digory's Uncle Andrew. When Uncle Andrew discovers them, he , pretends that he is going to keep the children captive, but lies and says they may go. As Polly is leaving, he gives her a present of a yellow ring. Polly dissapears along with the ring. Uncle Andrew tells Digory that Polly has been sent to another world, and the only way Digory can bring her back is to put on a yellow ring himself and follow her. Digory is also given a pair of green rings, which are supposed to bring them both back home.
#9Dillon Stubbs 1/28/14 prompt #4 blog #3 I survived Gettysburg Lauren Tarshis The theme is don’t give up as soon as you give you will end up dying in war there are two kids that run away from home because they are scared to become a slave. So they run away to go to live somewhere else were slavery is out lode and on their way they run into a guns they say I can't move and his leg is hurt. He moves because he does not want his sister to die so he loves and has to run so his sister can live. They run into the team that is fighting to stop slavery and this guy saves them. They think that they are going to be going to be killed by this guy but they are wrong so they don’t move and they are saved. So I can apply this to my life because if you give up then you will lose and you will not survived in the war if you give up. God will always help you if you think that you can't do it always look to God to help you. God might not help you because it could be part of his plan. Just cause God doesn’t help you that does not mean that you have to give up on yourself. We need to realize that God will never leave use you might think that he will but it's really the person who leaves God. We all should never give up on are self.
Si-cology 1 is an outstanding and amazing book. Si starts out the book of what he is going to say and write throughout the whole book. He says, " Many of the stories I like to tell happened when I was a young boy or when I was in Vietnam." I could tell he loved to write the stories and most of them are pretty funny. Si-cology 1 is part of a series of three books that the three main characters of the Robertson family: Silas, Willie, and Phil. They all wrote a book and when i was done with this book i was going to read the other ones. Si talks a lot about his hunting trips and a lot about his faith and his family. His book is and comedy and then he gets serious in his last few chapters. He explains how in his faith that when people ask him where he goes to church he says, "That's not important. The only thing that is important is that if believe in Jesus Christ and that God sent him down to save our sins and die on the cross." I totally agree because that is what Christianity is all about. It doesn't really matter what church you go to it only matters that you believe that Jesus died on the cross to save our sins. The whole book is not all about that, it is all about getting to know the Silas Merritt Robertson, his family, and what he did with his life and how he lived it as a kid. He learned how to hunt at a very early and he said after they came home and were done homework they would go out and kill a couple of squirrels for Mama Kay to cook for dinner. also when he was kid he had a very strong relationship with his brothers and the rest of his family.
#5 Alex Gottuso Tyger Tyger Kersten Hamilton 54% Prompt 8
The conflict in Tyger Tyger starts with a boy named Finn, who supposedly comes from a family of Irish Travelers who are very special. They had many conflicts with goblins, or sidhe, and also have a second sight to see the goblins. Usually the goblins are in Mag Mell, but they have made an entrance to earth. The goblins have already killed Wylltson family’s mother, and now have kidnapped their father. Teagan, Finn, and Aiden are all on a journey to find out more about Mag Mell from Finn’s grandmother Maemeio and to get to Teagan and Aiden’s father again and stop the goblins. The goblins are equipped with strange powers like shape-shifting, and are very skilled in the art of killing. They can set a curse on anyone and are usually visible to humans unless if you have the second sight. They can kill you almost instantly just by sticking their ghostly hand through your body. And no metal is allowed in Mag Mell, which means no weapons. They must all go on foot to find out more and find more about what's all behind the scenario and defeat the goblin king to stop the never ending war that Finn’s ancestors have fought since the thirteenth century. Teagan has already had a very close call with one of the goblins and all of them have met a cursed man whose toes are like the roots of a tree in Mag Mell. Essentially, the goblin wars must be stopped.
#13 Zachary Ramsey The Water Horse David Parkins page 103 prompt #1 When eight year old Kirstie brings home a strange egg from the Scottish shore, her family never expects it to hatch. But the next day, Kirstie discovers a baby sea monster swimming in her bathtub! Part horse, part toad, part turtle, and part crocodile, he’s the oddest looking creature Kirstie’s family has ever seen. Only her grandfather knows what the beastie really is …… a water HORSE! This lovable creature is a perfect pet. The only trouble is, he can’t stop growing! He get bigger. And bigger. And BIGGER. Before long, he has outgrown nearly every loch in sight. They can’t seem to find a home that is best for him. So they have to dump him into the Scottish sea. But now he is to small for the sea so they keep the sea horse in there bath tub. In about two weeks he is as three sail boats combined. So they have no choice but to let him go. So late one night is when they have to let him go because people in the town will see the sea horse and call the guards to kill it. One midnight they sneak out the back door off the house and sail far into the Scottish sea. Once they get to where no one can see they unwrapped the sea horse. And say there good buys forever. They have to dump him know. Slowly he slithers into the deep blue ocean.
#2 Sarah Chiaromonte Girl's Best friend By Leslie Margolis 288 pages Prompt #8
The book I read was about a mystery person who was stealing the neighborhood dogs. Maggie, the main character was determined to find the dogs that this mystery person had stolen and return them to their owners safely. Maggie loved dogs, but she could not have one. Her little brother was allergic to dogs. Maggie started a dog walking job without her parents knowing so she could be around dogs. When her friend Ivy came to her for help when her dog had gone missing, Maggie knew she had to take action. When Maggie and Ivy received a ransom note that read; bring 100 dollars, or never see your dog again, they felt threatened and upset. They decided to follow the instructions of the note; they got the money and took it to the drop off. The note said for Ivy to come alone, but she was scared so she took Maggie with her. So when the thief saw them together she did not show up to meet them. Maggie and Ivy looked everywhere for their dog. They questioned everyone they saw. One day when Maggie went to pick up one of the dogs she walked, the owner asked if she would take it to the vet for her. Maggie called the vet for an appointment. The doctor told her to come in as she did not have any other patients at the time. When Maggie brought the dog in, she heard small whimpers in the background. She asked the vet who was making that noise, remembering that the vet had said there were no other patients there. The vet turned quickly and ran out of the room. Luckily Maggie’s little brother was outside and saw the vet run out. He called 911, while Maggie chased after the vet. The police showed up and arrested the vet. Maggie found all the missing dogs and was able to return them to their owners. The mystery was solved and everyone was happy to have their dogs back.
#3Michael Chapin A Night to Remember Walter Lord Page #176 prompt#7 This book was not very interesting at first. It was slow and long. People were just doing what they do on the titanic. The book started to become more in interesting when the rising action got closer to the climax. The titanic ran into the iceburg and the captain and ship staff got scared. the people on the titanic were shocked and scared when this happened. many of them died trying to get into the boat. When they were in the ships funnel, it was like they were standing in ice because it was so cold. Chaos followed and people were fighting to get into the lifeboats lowering on the side of the ship. many people in the lifeboats were shocked by the sinking of the unsinkable titanic. The end of the book talked about the demensions of the ship, how many people were saved and how many people died. The titanic was a tragedy from 1912 that is still remembered to this day. The Titanic had eleven stories. It was very wide and it was thought to be unsinkable. Jack Thayer, one of the ship's passengers, managed to get on a ship called the "Carpathia". Many people were lucky like him, but the majority of the people on the titanic died on that tragic day.
Adrian Gottuso #6 Heroes of Olympus: Son of Neptune Rick Riordanx Page number: finished Prompt 1 Word count: 284 Percy and Annabeth just fell into Tartarus. We all fell horrible for letting it happen, but everything happened so fast. One second we were coming in saving the day and the next two of our friends are gone, and no one knows how long or if they are ever coming back. Nico says that he senses that Percy and Annabeth are still alive, and if anyone knew if they were still alive it would be him, being a son of Hades and all. Hades is the Greek form, all the Romans know him as Pluto, both are still the same though, the only difference is the names and the personality changes a little bit from the Greek to Roman form. Hades is the god of death and riches, so Nico can usually sense when someone he knows is dead or alive. I’m hoping that he’s right about Percy and Annabeth though, I would never forgive myself if they died, and I think that everyone else feels the same. We were all so focused on getting the statue out of the cavern that we didn’t see Annabeth being pulled into Tartarus until it was too late. Percy was the only one who tried to save her but he couldn’t cut the web off before it pulled Annabeth in so they both fell. Before they fell, Percy told Nico to meet him on the other side. Percy wants us to go to the other side of the doors of death, the mortal side, so we can stop Gaea from rising, but I don’t know how he can survive. I guess we’ll see when we get there. I hope they are okay and everything goes as planned.
#8 Andy Ly 1-28-14 Prompt 8 Harry Potter the Goblet of Fire J.K Rowling.
A conflict in the Harry Potter, is that Harry has dreams of Voldemort talking to his minion. And after the dream, a sting/pain of his scar happens. At first, harry was to afraid to tell anyone the first time this happened, because Hermione would just say to look about it in a book, Ron would ask his father in the ministry and manic, and his uncle and aunt would just freak out. Harry thought about telling Dumbledore, but he didn't know how to ask him without making it seem he was scared. He knew he could trust Dumbledore, but if he wrote to him saying, " Hello Dumbledore, my scar started hurting, have a great summer -Harry" he would sound insane! But, during the wizard school year, Harry summoned the guts to tell Dumbledore about the strange dreams followed by his scar hurting. Dumbledore asked very important questions like did it hurt during any times, except the time during the summer which woke him up. Harry became curious of how Dumbledore knew about that, when Dumbledore revealed his secret. Dumbledore had a correspondent. Someone Harry knew and trusted. Someone which Harry has saved his life. Someone that was just like he was, but in a different way. Someone that had the power to kill with his mouth. Someone that could be violent, but was loving. Sirius Black.
Heaven Hayden#7 A Dogs Purpose W. Bruce Cameron Blog#2 Log#6 Me: Hi, buddy. Awe how are you? Huh? Huh? Bailey: Please, treat me like a human! Me: Ok but that’s going to be hard because… Bailey: I know I’m a dog! Me: Well lets go on with the interview. Bailey: Ok what do you need to ask me? Me: How did it feel when you died and were born again as a new dog. Bailey: Well it was more like a wave of peacefulness came over me and I woke up as a new puppy. Me: Ok. Well I heard that just recently your master and his parents were awakened to a fire encompassing their house. Your master was injured greatly from jumping out a window to save his life. You bit the man that did it right? And how did this whole incident make you feel? Bailey: I went with my instinct, so I bit the person that was harming my family. This made me scared and panicked because my boy, my master, was hurt. Me: You did the right thing. If you had not bit him we would have not found the trace of blood that led is right to our suspect. You’re a good boy Bailey! Bailey: Thank you very much. Well I have to go now Ethan, my boy is calling me! Bye! Me: Goodbye I hope we talk again sometime!
#12 Steven Vego 1-30-14 Prompt 7 The assault Brian Faulkner This book takes place in 2013 on earth where aliens have invaded and have taken every country, but America. They heavily fortified America to block the aliens from wracking and they are trying to make a plan to drive the alien race off of the planet. The book takes place in the perspective of the 4th recon team, also known as Angel. They are a Special Forces unit created to take kids and train them to infiltrate the aliens to do whatever they can to slow them down and try to weaken them and find a weakness. Some of the parts of the book I enjoyed were when the characters came into contact with the aliens and had to fool them into believing that they were also aliens and the characters hoping that what they did to train was enough. I enjoyed this book very much. It is a very action pack, but kind of short book. I also like this because of how much detail the author puts into the book. He is so detailed about how earth is and how it’s changed that it makes you feel like you are really there and that aliens have actually invaded earth. He makes it seem like you are actually there with the soldiers every step of the way throughout the book. It seems like you live there in 2030 and aliens are controlling much of the world and I think it is interesting how detailed and vivid he makes it to us.
#13 Zachary Ramsey The Water Horse David Parkins blog#2 Dear diary My name is Kirstie I will be setting my strange creature I found back into the sea. It was a dark and stormy night when I was going to set my Water Horse free back from where it came from. It will be missed. In the middle of the night I set out to the sea from where it came from. I see if any guards are around when there where no more guards I quickly grab a sail boat with my Water Horse to the side of me. When we got to the middle of the foggy sea. I take the tarp off the Water creature and said my goodbyes to it and let it go. All the sudden I see a light grazing from across the shore line and point at me. saying we found it the thing from the sea. People screamed with JOY!!! There is a great lights an sirens going off as loud heaven can hear. I as fast is I can let it go! Guards ten by ten load into boats with spears and won’t rest until they kill the Water Horse. And suddenly the land trembles the water sloshes then WHOOOOSH The Water Horse leaps out of the water! The guards get there spears ready. Ready aim FIRE! They all fire at ounce but only one spear manages to hit him slashing his fin open! NOOOO, screams Kirstie!!! The Water Horse slowly sinking down into the dark bottom less ocean.
What I admire about Divergent is the way the author describes the battle, and the whole motion of the book, it never stops moving forward. Tris is really described well in the book, she is tough and fearless. I think that Uriah should have been described more; he was only mentioned once really. My favorite character is probably Tris because she is brave, daring, and tricky. In Divergent, there isn’t as much death, blood, and gore as much in the Hunger Games. I think that Divergent is twice as good as the Hunger Games, but I have not seen Divergent in movie version so I could think Hunger Games is better. The reason why I think Divergent is better than Hunger Games because Hunger Games described the situation well, but it kept going back and back and in Divergent would keep progressing forward. The thing that I really liked about Divergent was its language. It didn’t use curse words, unusual words, and just good old-fashioned language. The parts I didn’t understand about Divergent are the way it was formatted, like the way the fights were formed. The character that really stuck out to me was probably Uriah. Uriah because he was like a guy who took care for others and wasn’t shy even though he was only mentioned once. My least favorite part was when Tris was put into the room with the dog and little girl. It didn’t make really any sense to me? That’s why I think the author should have taken it out of the book. Those are my thoughts on divergent.
Hello, I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Here it is! This is the first blog of the quarter. Follow the directions carefully and post your thoughts thoroughly. Remember this is not a summary of the book. This is your opportunity to show your understanding of the text and engage the class in your story. I am looking forward to reading your entries.
Lauren Fitts #5
ReplyDeleteBlog 2
Prompt #6
Page # 196
Me: Hi Sophie nice to meet you.
Sophie: Hi Lauren, nice to meet you too.
Me: So tell me Sophie, How are you handling everything going on in your life?
Sophie: Well Lauren it is hard to say. Everything has been so different the past two weeks. I have to say that it is not the easiest thing to accept that your parents are elders who were also Egyptian gods.
Me: So how is your brother taking things? I know that you guy used to be really close. Do you guys have the same opinion?
Sophie: Well I think on this one we are on the same page, but you know thing in the past few day have separated us a few, but I am so happy the we are finally back together.
Me: Oh ok well I am happy that you and your brother are finally back together.
Sophie: Ya, but I am still not sure about the whole Isis,Osiris and Sarah and Richard thing. They say that they are our parents, but now all of the sudden they seem to be acting different. I guess we have been acting different too.
Me: So what exactly does that mean? Can you give me an example?
Sophie: Sure. Ok well I remember Isis or Mom was disappointed that Josh and I were wearing the types of clothes that we wore back in San Francisco. Also normally when she tells us to do something like change clothes we do it the first time. But when she wanted us to change, she had to tell us to do that twice.
Me: Do you feel suspicious about what is going on? Why do you think that they brought you and your brother here?
Sophie: Well it is hard to say. Like I said earlier they are acting different but to be honest I have no idea why they brought us back to the original Danu Talis. All I can say is that they want Josh and I to be the next rulers. They said that the throne is rightfully ours.
Me: Well we are out of time for more questions. Thank you so much Sophie, and it was a pleasure to meet you. Good Luck!!!!!!
Sophie: No problem Lauren, thank you. Good bye!
Allison Castaneda #2
Veronica Roth
525 (the end)
Log #1
prompt # 1
Dear diary,
Its Tris again and I am completely overwhelmed today but then again when am I not. Jennie has gone overboard this time she has put every dauntless under a simulation and basically killed every abnegation leader. Including my parents. Jennie even captured Tobias and put him under a simulation, and he almost killed me sometimes I can get into the craziest situations. Oh did I mention that I almost died before I almost died (it’s a little confusing), Jennie tried to drown me but luckily my mom saved me. after that I encountered some of the dauntless that were under the simulation and will was one of them he was chasing me and shooting at me and the only choice I had was to shoot him. I shot one of my best friends. After I met up with everyone at the safe house we went to amity headquarters. But it hurts to talk about the couple of days there. I am very happy I can tell you or whatever you would call a diary everything because I can’t tell everyone that I was the one that shot will. Also I really miss my parents it’s really hard knowing that the only person left with me, you know family member, is Caleb but we are not very close anymore because he betrayed me. Well anyways Christina and I are going to invade the erudite headquarters and force Jennie to open the secret file tonight, we have to get there before Tobias and the others get there. I hope Tobias doesn’t get mad and think that we are betraying them especially because we are working with his dad. This will probably be the last time I write for awhile. Bye.
#8 Margaret Kwok
Option #6
2nd blog for the 2nd quarter
The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester
pages 1-168
Me: "When you heard the crack, thud, sound were you afraid?"
Owen: "Well, not really, I was more curious that anything!"
Me: "By the end of your submarine ride with Viola, how do you think of her?"
Owen: "I never really liked her, but I sort of started to like her."
Me: "Were you nervous that someone was going to see you, when you were stealing the pipes?"
Owen: " Yes, absolutely! In fact I was horrified, I wanted to back out at the last minute!"
Me: "Wow, I would have never thought that you out of all people would have been scared..."
Owen: "Haha!"
Me: "So when you first saw the beautiful red, shiny submarine, what were your thoughts?"
Owen: "I was completely awe-struck! I was totally amazed, it was one of the most amazing
things I've ever seen in my life!"
Me: "So I know that Tooley is a green toad, he is pretty big for his kind, and is completely calm
and peaceful, what else can you tell me about Tooley?"
Owen: "Tooley is a joyful little fellow, he loves crickets and flies, but no other insects, he is
super slimy, and hates being around any animals other than frogs and toads."
Me: "Why do you really, truly think Earlene doesn't like you?"
Owen: "I think she likes me, but she is just a very stern person, to begin with."
Me: "Now, for my final question..."
Me: "Do you think when you are older, you will want to run a submarine business?"
Owen: "No, probably not, I love my simple life the way it is!"
Me: "Well thank you very much Owen Jester, it has been a blast interviewing you, have a
wonderful day, and God bless!"
#7 Aide Martinez
ReplyDeleteAlex Rider Skeleton Key
Anthony Horowitz
Page #327
Prompt #7
Skeleton Key was such an adventurous book. It went into so much detail about how Alex Rider survives all his journeys he has been through with MI6. I loved how Alex Rider met a young girl named Sabina Pleasure while he was on a mission. Both of them became really good friends. This book is very interesting because I love reading about the parts when Alex Rider is fighting against the evil General Alexei Sarov. Sarov wants to destroy a whole continent with a nuclear bomb and Alex is there to stop it, as he is disguised to be the son of two other agents. Together they all are trying to see what Sarov is up to and why he is doing it. As the disguised family is headed off to the ocean to find a secret cave, being smashed alive the two agents who pretend to be parents are killed. Alex goes after them and is captured by Sarovs men. Sarov now wants to adopt Alex because Alex was like his other son who died. Alex now tries to escape Sarovs prison, but is caught and he is nearly killed. Sarov has possession of the nuclear bomb until Alex Rider comes to put an end to Sarovs evil plan. It is up to Alex to save the world. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend because once you start to read you wont be able to put it down.
Yaya Martinez #9
ReplyDeleteLog #1
Page 268
To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee
Dear the Finch family,
My name is Yaya Martinez and I have written a letter of advice for your family. Atticus, I know your trial is coming up and I wish you the best of luck. I honestly think that what you are doing is an amazing thing, defending Tom Robinson. Not many people would defend an African American like you would. I need you to know that on your trial, do not be persuaded by them right away, you can’t really trust many people, especially at a time like this. You need to use your knowledge of what you know and notice the small details. Please try not to get too deeply involved in the trial; you do not want to get into a hard, dangerous situation for your family. Scout, I love your personality. You can just make anyone laugh; don’t get into too much trouble either though. I think you should stop bothering Boo Radley; he’s probably had enough of that. Also, your really young so I think you should know that you would learn plenty when you get older. Don’t try to learn it all right away, enjoy your childhood while you’re at it. By the way, please keep the cussing at the minimal; you are only nine. Jem, I need you to know that a lot of the people in the world right now are being treated unequal and unfairly. There is only one race in the world and that the human race, we are all people. You know why Boo Radley stays in the house all the time, it’s because he probably wants to keep himself isolated from the world. Stay safe, Jem, I will write to you again soon. It was a pleasure writing to your family. I hope that this was helpful advice for all of you. May God bless you and keep your family safe.
Yaya D. Martinez
Samantha Doring #4
ReplyDeleteSeries of Unfortunate events book 3 the wide window
Lemony Snicket
150(I read another book this quarter)
Log 1
Prompt 9
I love the way the author interrupts you in the book. One of the reasons is if you are reading a scary or intense part or you are just lost reading you remember that you actually aren’t there with the characters telling them what happens next. Like if you are in an intense part it is like the author just swoops in and saves you from screaming out loud, that would be embracing. And he also interrupts with funny things to, like, “which reminds me I must do the dishes.” He finds the worst times to interrupt but they are always worth it. He is an awesome writer with details but not to many, one thing I hate is that in every book beginning he says who every one is even though we already know who they are, he just needs to get to the point. He thinks of the most unfortunate things and writes about them. His interruptions are very well thought of and you can tell that he put a lot of thought into them. He finds a way to interrupt without being annoying. Any other author that did that I would not read the book but he just dose the trick. He should interrupt more often; usually he interrupts once a chapter if that. He should interrupt twice a chapter minimum unless he makes a short chapter and needs to get the point across. So in conclusion he should interrupt more and write more books. That is what I love about the author.
Angelica Castaneda #1
ReplyDeleteJanuary 16, 2014
Pg. 314
The Forth Stall
By: Chris Rylander
Angelica: hi Mac
Mac: hi
Angelica: how are you?
Mac: I am good thanks, you?
Angelica: I am good, so tell me about your life
Mac: well my best friend Vince and I have a business at school
Angelica: at school? Where?
Mac: in the fourth stall of the boys bathroom
Angelica: oh ok, what is this business?
Mac: if you have a problem and need help, were your guys
Angelica: oh cool, how is business going?
Mac: business is doing great, but we have a little problem...
Angelica: what is it?
Mac: staples, the biggest bully, have been paying kids to do bad things.
Angelica: tell me more
Mac: ok so one day, Fred, this little kid about 9 years old, came to me for help, protection from staples.
Angelica: why?
Mac: staples is forcing him to help him with the business, and if Fred tells anyone he will pay for it.
Angelica: so how are you going to help Fred?
Mac: we paid some bullies to help protect Fred while we try to defeat staples.
Angelica: well that’s good
Mac: yah were just trying to do everything we can for our customers.
Angelica: oh ok
Mac: yah.
Angelica: so I hear you like the Chicago Cubs? Are you going to see them play?
Mac: yes, me and my partner and also my best friend, have been saving up money to watch them play in the world series, but we have been paying some bullies to protect Fred so we might not have enough money.
Angelica: oh, well you’re using your money for a good cause.
Mac: yah I guess
Angelica: well tell me if you defeat staples, good luck
Mac: thanks.
Angelica Castaneda #1
ReplyDeleteJanuary 16, 2014
Pg. 314
The Forth Stall
By: Chris Rylander
Angelica: hi Mac
Mac: hi
Angelica: how are you?
Mac: I am good thanks, you?
Angelica: I am good, so tell me about your life
Mac: well my best friend Vince and I have a business at school
Angelica: at school? Where?
Mac: in the fourth stall of the boys bathroom
Angelica: oh ok, what is this business?
Mac: if you have a problem and need help, were your guys
Angelica: oh cool, how is business going?
Mac: business is doing great, but we have a little problem...
Angelica: what is it?
Mac: staples, the biggest bully, have been paying kids to do bad things.
Angelica: tell me more
Mac: ok so one day, Fred, this little kid about 9 years old, came to me for help, protection from staples.
Angelica: why?
Mac: staples is forcing him to help him with the business, and if Fred tells anyone he will pay for it.
Angelica: so how are you going to help Fred?
Mac: we paid some bullies to help protect Fred while we try to defeat staples.
Angelica: well that’s good
Mac: yah were just trying to do everything we can for our customers.
Angelica: oh ok
Mac: yah.
Angelica: so I hear you like the Chicago Cubs? Are you going to see them play?
Mac: yes, me and my partner and also my best friend, have been saving up money to watch them play in the world series, but we have been paying some bullies to protect Fred so we might not have enough money.
Angelica: oh, well you’re using your money for a good cause.
Mac: yah I guess
Angelica: well tell me if you defeat staples, good luck
Mac: thanks.
#2 Jacquelyn Co
ReplyDeleteThe Fault In Our Stars
Page 313
Prompt #7
This book is the best book I have ever read. The Fault in Our Stars is an excellent love story about Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. I especially loved that these two could be great friends while loving each other. I liked how Augustus was really sweet to Hazel and how showed how he really cared for her. One thing I really enjoyed in the book was when Augustus bought Hazel’s planed ticket to Amsterdam just so they could meet one of their favorite authors Peter Van Houten. Another one of my favorite parts in this book is when Augustus Waters told Hazel that he loved her, and that he loved her no matter what anybody said. This book was also interesting because in the end Augustus goes to a better place. It is interesting because he loved Hazel so much that when he passed he let Hazel write his eulogy and before he dies he still writes Hazel a eulogy. It is so sweet because it shows he still cares about her even when he is in pain with his cancer and dying. This book is amazing and I like how Augustus made Hazel feel special because before she didn’t really feel happy about herself. They were one of the cutest couple ever. I would recommend this book to a friend and I already have. She is reading it right now and she loves it. This book gives you a warm feeling inside, and it makes your heart joyful. I enjoyed this book very much. It gives you a picture of what love really is.
#2 Jacquelyn Co
ReplyDeleteThe Fault In Our Stars
Page 313
Prompt #7
This book is the best book I have ever read. The Fault in Our Stars is an excellent love story about Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. I especially loved that these two could be great friends while loving each other. I liked how Augustus was really sweet to Hazel and how showed how he really cared for her. One thing I really enjoyed in the book was when Augustus bought Hazel’s planed ticket to Amsterdam just so they could meet one of their favorite authors Peter Van Houten. Another one of my favorite parts in this book is when Augustus Waters told Hazel that he loved her, and that he loved her no matter what anybody said. This book was also interesting because in the end Augustus goes to a better place. It is interesting because he loved Hazel so much that when he passed he let Hazel write his eulogy and before he dies he still writes Hazel a eulogy. It is so sweet because it shows he still cares about her even when he is in pain with his cancer and dying. This book is amazing and I like how Augustus made Hazel feel special because before she didn’t really feel happy about herself. They were one of the cutest couple ever. I would recommend this book to a friend and I already have. She is reading it right now and she loves it. This book gives you a warm feeling inside, and it makes your heart joyful. I enjoyed this book very much. It gives you a picture of what love really is.
#12 Jayden Ramirez
Randy Alcorn
Pg. 207(I read another book this quarter)
Prompt #1
Dear Dairy,
A few months ago I let my daughter Emily go with a friend to her birthday party. While they were driving to the party, a drunk driver hit the side of the car were Emily was and she died. When this happened I was building my shed with a person I hired named Javier. All of a sudden Shane tells me to get in the car and it was about Emily. I am so sad because one day she wanted to dance with me and I refused. On the other hand I have my son Dillon taking drugs. I found it in his room. Dillon said he has been taking drugs for over a year now. He said he took it because of pure pressure of his friends and when Emily died he wanted to forget about it. When I found out I felt like I was a terrible father. I have just decided to do the Father Son Race with him and be more involved in his life. Speaking of fathers I have been assigned as a sheriff to drug dealers and how these fathers are abandoning there’re children who turn into drug dealers and get involved in gangs. I have just signed a resolution and vowed to my family to be the best husband and father I could be. Along with this I have the paper in a glass case hung on the wall in the hall way to remind me what I vowed to my family. Oh by the way, I just found out my wife has been hiding a stash of chocolate somewhere and I will find it. I will do whatever it takes to get the chocolate.
Joshua Ramirez #8
ReplyDeleteThe Story of King Author and His Knights
page #400
prompt #2
Dear, king Arthur
It is really hard ruling a kingdom. Although I can see it is hard I can’t say that I get what you’re going through completely. What I can do is give you some pointers. First I see you getting into a lot of fights or joust. I already know it is for honor. If you are ever sore, suggest a cold ice bath it really helps with the swelling. Yes, I already know you have wizards who do that for you, but if they are out of town ice will help. Secondly you should put your knights in their place don’t let them disrespect you because you tell them to help a farmer boy. Any way you did all ready defeated them in battle countless times, and on top of that you shattered all their weapons using only one spear. I remember when you were hurt and broken when fighting the black knight. I want to let you know that that was the first time you have ever been defeated and that you should never drought yourself God put you here for a reason. You lead a whole nation and they are going to follow your example. So stay confident for not only for your own well being, but for your people. I also want you not to worry about the people you lost to the evilest of people but rejoice because you will see them at the gates of heaven. So I also want to advice you not to let all people change you or trick you and remember the only person who can corrupt you is yourself. And with this being said I hope you don’t take my words lightly
#10 Sarah Youssouf
ReplyDeleteAlex Rider Stormbreaker
Anthony Horowitz
Alex Rider was just a teen,
When his uncle was killed.
There was something mysterious about his death
An innocent banker suddenly killed?
Oh how could this be?
Soon Alex knew that his uncle’s death was no accident,
But a murder waiting to happen.
His uncle worked as a spy.
Which astonished Alex.
How could a man keep such a secret?
Alex was recruited to find his uncles killer.
So there he became the first teen spy.
Undercover he went as a boy that won the prize,
Of using the first Storm Breaker at Sayles Compound.
Sayle was the man who created the Stormbreaker.
A computer to help schools and students across England and more.
There was something mysterious about the man,
He was planning something evil inside his head.
So there went Alex searching for clues,
Until he found out the truth.
Sayle was not a good man but planted viruses on each Storm Breaker.
So when the day came to connect all the computers,
The Prime Minister of England would press a button,
To send the virus out to the world and be put to blame.
Alex went to go save the day.
Threw life and death situations he went thru.
Until he made it on time and stopped Sayle.
Sayle then escaped but soon killed.
On top of a roof were Alex would meet his uncles killer.
Friendly the killer was to him,
Alex didn’t know what to think.
There his adventure ended but not for long,
Until the next mystery to solve.
#10 Sarah Youssouf
ReplyDeleteAlex Rider Stormbreaker
Anthony Horowitz
Alex Rider was just a teen,
When his uncle was killed.
There was something mysterious about his death
An innocent banker suddenly killed?
Oh how could this be?
Soon Alex knew that his uncle’s death was no accident,
But a murder waiting to happen.
His uncle worked as a spy.
Which astonished Alex.
How could a man keep such a secret?
Alex was recruited to find his uncles killer.
So there he became the first teen spy.
Undercover he went as a boy that won the prize,
Of using the first Storm Breaker at Sayles Compound.
Sayle was the man who created the Stormbreaker.
A computer to help schools and students across England and more.
There was something mysterious about the man,
He was planning something evil inside his head.
So there went Alex searching for clues,
Until he found out the truth.
Sayle was not a good man but planted viruses on each Storm Breaker.
So when the day came to connect all the computers,
The Prime Minister of England would press a button,
To send the virus out to the world and be put to blame.
Alex went to go save the day.
Threw life and death situations he went thru.
Until he made it on time and stopped Sayle.
Sayle then escaped but soon killed.
On top of a roof were Alex would meet his uncles killer.
Friendly the killer was to him,
Alex didn’t know what to think.
There his adventure ended but not for long,
Until the next mystery to solve.
Kyle Best#1
ReplyDeleteThey last Olympian
Pg# 164
Prompt # 2
By: Rick Riordan
Dear Percy Jackson,
There are many things I would like to tell you, even though you have such little time. First off, I would like to tell you how brave and courageous I think you are. I cannot believe you actually swam in The River Styx and did not die. Also, on how courageous you are to protect Olympus with only forty other half bloods against Kronos’ army. I hope you win and you put down the surprise attack that is bound to happen to Olympus. Go and slay all the monsters you can but be sure to protect your back so that you will not die. Also, you should try and do some research on where you might think Luke’s weak spot is before you go against him. Second, you should really evaluate who and what you care about. Make up your mind on whether you like Rachel or Annabeth. Choose one! You should probably not pick a mortal like Rachel, for she can get seriously hurt, and she does not know how to fight monsters. But you might want to pick Annabeth because she is a half blood just like you. You and she seem to be like a perfect couple. I hope that all works out with your plans to stop the invasion. I also hope that the prophecy means something else than what you think it means. Good luck and stay out of harm’s way,
Yours Sincerely,
Kyle Best
#10 Matthew Montoya
The Wonderful World of Henry Sugar
Page 248
Prompt #1
Dear Diary,
I have gone through way too many adventures for me to even be alive still. First, I had to drive a thief all the way to London. I had no clue that he was a thief at first, but he told me what he did for a living and about his life. He played lots of tricks on me like taking my wallet, my driver’s license, and even take my business card from my shirt pocket without me even knowing. I know now to never drive someone anywhere if I don’t know them. My hands were shaking the whole time while I was driving, I’m lucky that I didn’t get into a car crash. Next, a couple years after that, I went on an adventure with the Butcher. I was glad I had someone with me, if I didn’t; I probably would have been dead by now. On that very adventure, I felt like I was Indiana Jones. It was a very enjoying trip with the Butcher. We had found something that I had always wished to see. It was buried treasure. It stood before my very eyes at the end of the tunnel. Except, one huge problem, there was numerous booby traps on that tunnel. We were both lucky enough to get out alive. There were gold, king crowns, jewels, diamonds, and all other stuff like that. I was in shock for about 10 minutes then we started taking all of it. We eventually just left all of it because getting out, was impossible. The booby traps had taken the best of us. We came out with minor injuries. I can’t wait to see what’s next. I will write back to myself after the next adventure.
Sincerely, Henry Sugar
#6 Elijah Holiday
ReplyDeleteHunger Games
Page 313
Prompt #7
Spoiler Alert!!!
This is one of the most interesting books ever. It has twisting turns, close calls, and best of all, it all makes sense. The characters really take control of their actions; they have to kill people in order to be a victor. Katniss is the one who really takes care of the ones she loves. Peeta is the other main character that is from district twelve that says he is in love with Katniss. Katniss is probably the most unexpected person to enter, she also volunteered for her sister. Cato is the most likely person to win in the Hunger Games because he is from district one and they hope to get in the games. In the games, Katniss doesn’t really attack as everybody expected her to. Early in the games the game makers forced Katniss into the center of the arena. Rue is Katnisses heart in the games; she is the one who told Katniss to cut down the honey jackets nest down while Cato and Peeta were sleeping to shock them. Katniss late in the Games starts to attack more than she use to; she kills a one, steels food from Cato, and blows up his camp site. Cato also starts to get attractive later, he kills Thresh the one who saved Katniss, and nearly kills Peeta.
Very late in the games, Katniss finds Peeta leaning in stone in camo. They unite and take down Cato and become victors.
ReplyDeletePage #23
Prompt number #8
By: R.J Palicio
In the book, Wonder, August Pullman has a face that is not normal. He is twelve years old and is getting ready to attend his first school. He is just getting ready to go to school. But first a couple of students in his homeroom give him a tour of the school. The kids that give him a tour are not very nice. The question why his face looks the way it is and August is to afraid to tell them to stop. Before August attended school he had a couple of really good friends, Chris and Sean. They were twin brothers. Sadly, they both had to move to a city far away. August wants to go to school anyway to try to find new friends. His mother dosen’t want him to because she is afraid that he will get made fun of. His dad on the other hand, wants him to go to school and try new things. August has been homeschooled all of his life. August has a sister named Via and is very protective of August. Even more than herself. Which in her moms eyes, is a good thing, but in his dad’s eyes, the thinks that August should learn how to stand up for himself. This just creates even more drama between August and his family. August is getting ready to get on the school bus when a kid starts to make fun of him. This I the start of many problems for August.
#7 Isabella Holiday
Marie Lu
Prompt 8
Being back from a long journey against the Colonies then with the Colonies and then against the Colonies, June is finally back working high up in the Republic’s military force and Day is back protecting his brother after they face the colonies in war. A year before June and Day need their friends help when the Colonies threaten to attack and the Republic doesn’t have what they need to protect themselves and win the war. War was rising though and they knew what to do. Easily they and some Patriots make a good plan while making sure that everyone will be safe while they are putting it in play. June finds a little information out before though. Thomas, the guy that killed June’s brother and is going to be persecuted asks to meet her. June thought that something was up she walked away nervous but aware of her surroundings and looking at every single detail. The Republic army were fooled and lost two major threats, Captain Thomas and Commander Jameson. Commander Jameson and Captain Thomas were working for the Colonies and escaped. The day that June, Day, and the patriots were told about the escape was the day that the plan would take place. Day and one of the Patriots almost got caught and killed but Thomas regretted his choices in the past and got in the way of the gun shot he turned on the Colonies and saved to lives. Commander Jameson escaped but tried to capture June. Yet, the Republic won a hard battle.
#3 Thomas Coyne
ReplyDeleteSea of Monsters
Rick Riordan
Prompt 6
“Hi Perceus Jackson”
“How do you now my real name nobody knows my real name unless they are Greek friend or Greek enemy”
“I’m an interviewer I know everything about you”
“So how does it feel to go back from a quest accomplished”?
“Well it just gives me a big warm felling inside and being able to say I did that”
“That’s interesting, ok so how do you think of Luke”
“Well he trick me and that’s not cool and he was a nice guy at first until he tried to kill me”
“Luke doesn’t seem like the nicest guy in the world”
“He’s not”
“So how did he try to kill you?”
“Well he made a deadly scorpion appear then he made it sting me in the hand”
“Ouch that must have hurt”
“Oh it did”
“How mad were you when they choose Clarisse over you”
“Oh I wasn’t made at all”
“Com’on tell us the truth”
“I was the maddest person on earth”
“There it goes”
“So how do you feel about your dreams”?
“What dreams”?
“You know the ones with Grover”
“How do you know about my dreams”?
“Like I told you imp a reporter I know everything”
“Well im really worried about Grover and the last thing I want is for him to be eaten by Polyphemus the largest and meanest of the Cyclopes”
“So how do you feel about Annabeth?”
“Well I and her are really good friends and I don’t want anything to happen to her.”
“I don’t believe it for a minute you and her are a perfect match”
“Ok I really like her but I don’t know if she will like me back.”
“Well you go and do something heroic and then ask her out”
“Well see you later percy.”
Alec Shahverdian #11
ReplyDeleteThe Son of Neptune Log#1
Finished with book
Dear Percy Jackson,
I have heard of your trials and the events that have happened to you and your friends this Roman camp. Your friends at camp Half Blood have been searching for you for a whole eight months which I hope you have remembered by now. You should try your best to convince your roman leaders to accept the Greeks as allies and not as a threat like they perceive. You have received the message from camp Half Blood that they are coming and do not be attack them when they land. However, do not tell the officials about the message, because they might think you’re a traitor and would not listen to your idea of letting the Greeks land. You can take sides when camp Half Blood lands their boat and they can back you up. Also, when you meet Jason, try to make friends with him, understand his position, and find similarities between you two. You are going to have to team up with him and fight the earth and the monsters. I suggest you take a more powerful leadership role than him because you have more experience, but you should understand that he is a great leader and is just as powerful as you. Also, embrace the four new friends as a group and know that they are just a important as you. You and Jason, Annabeth, and your four new friends, are the Seven that will defeat the armies of earth. So my advice is to carry this out and remember this.
#10 Sarah Sarmiento
ReplyDeleteRumble Fish
Prompt #7
Rumble Fish is an outstanding book. It is the type of book that gets you heart racing and just makes you wants to keep flipping the page. Rusty-James is portrayed as “the number one tough guy among the junior high kids who hang out and shoot pool at Benny’s.” Rusty-James was fourteen. He lived at home with his father, who is constantly drinking, and his big brother, the Motorcycle Boy. Rusty-James looked up to the Motorcycle Boy; he wanted to be just like him. Whenever he got in trouble, either with a fight or the police, the Motorcycle Boy would bail him out. Rusty-James lives a life that even though he may enjoy, is nothing a kid should go through. When he was around the age of nine, he was in a gang and got knifed for the first time in a gang fight. According to Rusty-James, there are no more games, but when someone wants to fight you, you bring all your friends as backup. He is very proud of his reputation. Rusty-James is not the best student. He relies more on his physical strengths than his brains. Because of getting seriously injured in fights, he failed to participate in school participation; so bad that he didn’t even bother to show up. He didn’t like his school anyways. The only teacher he liked was the gym teacher, who would occasionally pay him to beat up a kid he didn’t like. Steve is Rusty- James’ best friend. One day, the Motorcycle Boy, Steve, and Rusty-James went into town to see a movie. Steve has very strict parents and when he comes home to late, he gets in serious trouble. He knew that going to the movies would cause him to come home past midnight, but he came because he knows that the Motorcycle Boy usually forgets Rusty-James is with him and leaves to do his own thing, leaving Rusty-James alone. They went to see the movie, and as expected, the Motorcycle Boy left. When they go into town, they have to stay on the streets; especially at night. Steve and Rusty-James of course go through side streets and get jumped. This time, the Motorcycle boy is not there to protect him, causing Rusty-James to come really close to death.
#4 Grace Diponio
ReplyDeleteDairy of the wimpy kid:hard luck
By Jeff Kinney
Option #6
Me: Hello Greg my name is Gracie DiPonio
Greg: hey Gracie, how’s it going
Me: wonderful, how about you Greg
Greg: well it’s a long story
Me: I have time
Greg: well ever since my best friend Rowley got a girlfriend he toattly changed
Me: how did he change?
Greg: well, he’s always by his girlfriend and I never have time to talk to him
Me: oh, do you ever try to talk to him?
Greg: well, yes of course but he’s been mean and sassy lately
Me: oh, that stinks
Greg: yes it does, and all the stuff we used to do we can’t do anymore because his girlfriend won’t let him
Me: like what?
Greg: like the five second rule,
Me: what’s that
Greg: if you drop a piece of food you can still eat it if you pick it up by 5 seconds
Me: oh, I remember that rule, boys at my old school used to do that all the time
Greg: cool, I want Rowley to be happy but I want ,y old friend back
Me: have you ever tried talking to Rowley about how you miss him
Greg: well no,
Me: well you should, I think that will help
Greg: thanks Gracie
Me: no problem Greg , well I got to go but ill catch you latter
Greg: ok bye
#14 Alexis Raya
Marie Lu
Page 257
Prompt #6
“Hello, Ms. Iparis.”
“Hello, Ms. Raya, but please call me June.”
“Please, call me Alexis.”
“I see that these are some troubling times for the Republic. How are you coping with all this chaos?”
“Can you please be more specific on an event, please?”
“When Day told you about his illness, where you shocked to hear the news or did you know all along?”
“When Day told me about his illness, I was shocked to hear that it was killing him. I guess I love him so much that I don’t want to see him die. I always cringe at the thought of him in pain.”
“As you know Day and the Elector do not get along as well as you would like to, right?”
“Yes, that is right, Alexis. What is your point?”
“If it ever came down to Day or the Elector, who would you choose?”
“If that day would ever happen, I would choose Day.”
“Because Day is the person that I will never leave me until I die.”
“That truly is love, June, and if there is one thing that anybody can’t separate is love.”
“Thank you, Alexis.”
“Who is your mentor?”
“My mentor would be Metias. He always had his feet on the ground and never gave up on anything. I am very proud to say that he was and still is my brother.”
“Thank you, June. That is all the time we have for today. Long live the Republic.”
“Thank you, Alexis, for having me. Long live the Republic!”
#16 Kayla Sin
ReplyDeleteTitan’s Curse
Rick Riordan
Pg. 311
Me: Hi Percy!
Percy: Hi Kayla!
Me: How did you feel when you found out that Annabeth was alive?
Percy: I was so relieved. I thought she was dead! That fall could’ve killed her.
Me: Were you angry when you found out Luke was still alive?
Percy: Well, yes I guess. That fall should have killed him and he deserved it!
Me: Okay, okay, calm down.
Percy: You sound like my mom, but alright.
Me: Did you like Zoe Nightshade as a friend?
Percy: At the beginning, no. But after a while, I began to like her when she wasn’t acting all mean. So now I wish she was still alive.
Me: I’m sorry for your loss.
Percy: At least she’s in the stars, where Artemis put her.
Me: Percy, how did you honestly feel when you saw your mom with Mr. Blofis?
Percy: Honestly, I felt happy for her. She deserves someone better than Gabe. He seems pretty nice to me.
Me: That’s nice. Anyways, do you think the prophecy is talking about you?
Percy: Honestly, I don’t know. At first I thought it was Thaila but she became a Hunter the day before her sixteenth birthday. I think I should take the curse because if it was Nico’s choice, it might not end up well since he is the son of the god of the underworld.
Me: That’s logical. Speaking of logic, do you not like Athena?
Percy: Well no. She just made me feel so bad about myself because she said that she didn’t accept the friendship between Annabeth and I. That comment just stabbed me in the heart.
Me: Well, it looks like we are out of time.
Percy: Thanks for having me.
Me: Bye! Good luck on saving the world!
Percy: Bye! I’ll try to help you guys stay alive!
#3Hannah Dumaine
Prompt #5
Blog #3
Ark Angel
Anthony Horowitz
Alex Rider was in a hospital when it happened. When they came. They were looking for Paul Drevin, the son of a billionaire. Paul was in a room right next to Alex. Alex was recovering from a bullet wound in his chest. It was midnight and Alex saw and heard what the people said to the man at the desk. The trespassers went upstairs in search of Paul. Alex pretended to be Paul. He then knocked them all out but made his first mistake; there was a person that stayed behind. He was kidnapped by Force Three and they asked him to tell his dad to give them money. He told them he wasn’t Paul and they discovered he was telling the truth. He called them Steelwatch, Spectacles, Silvertooth, and Combat Jacket. Kaspar was the leader. He had a tattoo of the earth all around his head. They left Alex there and set the building on fire. He escaped and got thanked by Mr. Drevin on the phone for what he did to save his son. Alex met Drevin and stayed at one of his several houses with him. Drevin was an unimpressive, competitive, and very rich guy. Alex found out later Drevin created Force Three and pretended that Force Three was his enemy all along. Drevin killed every person that got in his way. He was building Ark Angel in space because he wanted to blow it up and the whole thing would go towards earth and hits the Pentagon. Ark Angel was going to be the first hotel place in the world. Drevin hated the people in Washington because he didn’t like those making wrong decisions. Ark Angel would also destroy most of Washington. Drevin tried killing Alex but resulted in his son Paul getting shot. Alex went into outer space to get the bomb out of the way in time before it blows up and thousands die. He succeeded and survived. He got to earth and landed on the wrong side of earth but he didn’t care about that. As long as he was at home.
#17 Trevor Stubbs
ReplyDeletePrompt #4
In the Hunger Games the main theme is that you do not always get what you want. I thought me that not everything in life is handed to you. The moral of the story is that we need to learn how to fight for what we need. The book is teaching our generation to work for are needs. If we think we are going to get everything handed to us that are not true, but if we work for what we need we will exceed in are life. But if you live off what we get handed to us we will not get anything. So the theme is that the people in the Hunger Games need to work for everything that they have. Than every year they have a Hunger Games to get a year supply of food. So that is the only thing they get handed to them. But they really actually get anything handed to them they have to fight to the death for the year of food. This is not real but you can apply the Hunger Games to your life. How to is by when I get older my parents will not always give me what I need. So I need to start to learn how to fight for myself. So the theme is trying to tell the people in the Hunger Games that they are not going to get anything handed to them. The Hunger Games is trying to teach the youth to work for their needs.
#5 Vincent Macabuhay
blog #3
The Magicians Nephew
C. S. Lewis
neighbors Polly Plummer and Digory Kirke look for adventure during their summer holidays. They live in a row of connected houses and decide to travel through the attic passages to get into a vacant house and expl ore it. Instead of discovering an abandoned house, the children stumble into a forbidden study room that belongs to Digory's Uncle Andrew. When Uncle Andrew discovers them, he , pretends that he is going to keep the children captive, but lies and says they may go. As Polly is leaving, he gives her a present of a yellow ring. Polly dissapears along with the ring. Uncle Andrew tells Digory that Polly has been sent to another world, and the only way Digory can bring her back is to put on a yellow ring himself and follow her. Digory is also given a pair of green rings, which are supposed to bring them both back home.
#9Dillon Stubbs
prompt #4
blog #3
I survived Gettysburg
Lauren Tarshis
The theme is don’t give up as soon as you give you will end up dying in war there are two kids that run away from home because they are scared to become a slave. So they run away to go to live somewhere else were slavery is out lode and on their way they run into a guns they say I can't move and his leg is hurt. He moves because he does not want his sister to die so he loves and has to run so his sister can live. They run into the team that is fighting to stop slavery and this guy saves them. They think that they are going to be going to be killed by this guy but they are wrong so they don’t move and they are saved. So I can apply this to my life because if you give up then you will lose and you will not survived in the war if you give up. God will always help you if you think that you can't do it always look to God to help you. God might not help you because it could be part of his plan. Just cause God doesn’t help you that does not mean that you have to give up on yourself. We need to realize that God will never leave use you might think that he will but it's really the person who leaves God. We all should never give up on are self.
#4 Gavin Lizik
Prompt #7
Sicology 1
Silas Robertson & Mark Schlabach
Page 240 (end)
Si-cology 1 is an outstanding and amazing book. Si starts out the book of what he is going to say and write throughout the whole book. He says, " Many of the stories I like to tell happened when I was a young boy or when I was in Vietnam." I could tell he loved to write the stories and most of them are pretty funny. Si-cology 1 is part of a series of three books that the three main characters of the Robertson family: Silas, Willie, and Phil. They all wrote a book and when i was done with this book i was going to read the other ones. Si talks a lot about his hunting trips and a lot about his faith and his family. His book is and comedy and then he gets serious in his last few chapters. He explains how in his faith that when people ask him where he goes to church he says, "That's not important. The only thing that is important is that if believe in Jesus Christ and that God sent him down to save our sins and die on the cross." I totally agree because that is what Christianity is all about. It doesn't really matter what church you go to it only matters that you believe that Jesus died on the cross to save our sins. The whole book is not all about that, it is all about getting to know the Silas Merritt Robertson, his family, and what he did with his life and how he lived it as a kid. He learned how to hunt at a very early and he said after they came home and were done homework they would go out and kill a couple of squirrels for Mama Kay to cook for dinner. also when he was kid he had a very strong relationship with his brothers and the rest of his family.
#5 Alex Gottuso
ReplyDeleteTyger Tyger
Kersten Hamilton
Prompt 8
The conflict in Tyger Tyger starts with a boy named Finn, who supposedly comes from a family of Irish Travelers who are very special. They had many conflicts with goblins, or sidhe, and also have a second sight to see the goblins. Usually the goblins are in Mag Mell, but they have made an entrance to earth. The goblins have already killed Wylltson family’s mother, and now have kidnapped their father. Teagan, Finn, and Aiden are all on a journey to find out more about Mag Mell from Finn’s grandmother Maemeio and to get to Teagan and Aiden’s father again and stop the goblins. The goblins are equipped with strange powers like shape-shifting, and are very skilled in the art of killing. They can set a curse on anyone and are usually visible to humans unless if you have the second sight. They can kill you almost instantly just by sticking their ghostly hand through your body. And no metal is allowed in Mag Mell, which means no weapons. They must all go on foot to find out more and find more about what's all behind the scenario and defeat the goblin king to stop the never ending war that Finn’s ancestors have fought since the thirteenth century. Teagan has already had a very close call with one of the goblins and all of them have met a cursed man whose toes are like the roots of a tree in Mag Mell. Essentially, the goblin wars must be stopped.
#13 Zachary Ramsey
ReplyDeleteThe Water Horse
David Parkins
page 103
prompt #1
When eight year old Kirstie brings home a strange egg from the Scottish shore, her family never expects it to hatch. But the next day, Kirstie discovers a baby sea monster swimming in her bathtub! Part horse, part toad, part turtle, and part crocodile, he’s the oddest looking creature Kirstie’s family has ever seen. Only her grandfather knows what the beastie really is …… a water HORSE! This lovable creature is a perfect pet. The only trouble is, he can’t stop growing! He get bigger. And bigger. And BIGGER. Before long, he has outgrown nearly every loch in sight. They can’t seem to find a home that is best for him. So they have to dump him into the Scottish sea. But now he is to small for the sea so they keep the sea horse in there bath tub. In about two weeks he is as three sail boats combined. So they have no choice but to let him go. So late one night is when they have to let him go because people in the town will see the sea horse and call the guards to kill it. One midnight they sneak out the back door off the house and sail far into the Scottish sea. Once they get to where no one can see they unwrapped the sea horse. And say there good buys forever. They have to dump him know. Slowly he slithers into the deep blue ocean.
#2 Sarah Chiaromonte
ReplyDeleteGirl's Best friend
By Leslie Margolis
288 pages
Prompt #8
The book I read was about a mystery person who was stealing the neighborhood dogs. Maggie, the main character was determined to find the dogs that this mystery person had stolen and return them to their owners safely. Maggie loved dogs, but she could not have one. Her little brother was allergic to dogs. Maggie started a dog walking job without her parents knowing so she could be around dogs. When her friend Ivy came to her for help when her dog had gone missing, Maggie knew she had to take action. When Maggie and Ivy received a ransom note that read; bring 100 dollars, or never see your dog again, they felt threatened and upset. They decided to follow the instructions of the note; they got the money and took it to the drop off. The note said for Ivy to come alone, but she was scared so she took Maggie with her. So when the thief saw them together she did not show up to meet them. Maggie and Ivy looked everywhere for their dog. They questioned everyone they saw. One day when Maggie went to pick up one of the dogs she walked, the owner asked if she would take it to the vet for her. Maggie called the vet for an appointment. The doctor told her to come in as she did not have any other patients at the time. When Maggie brought the dog in, she heard small whimpers in the background. She asked the vet who was making that noise, remembering that the vet had said there were no other patients there. The vet turned quickly and ran out of the room. Luckily Maggie’s little brother was outside and saw the vet run out. He called 911, while Maggie chased after the vet. The police showed up and arrested the vet. Maggie found all the missing dogs and was able to return them to their owners. The mystery was solved and everyone was happy to have their dogs back.
#3Michael Chapin
ReplyDeleteA Night to Remember
Walter Lord
Page #176
This book was not very interesting at first. It was slow and long. People were just doing what they do on the titanic. The book started to become more in interesting when the rising action got closer to the climax. The titanic ran into the iceburg and the captain and ship staff got scared. the people on the titanic were shocked and scared when this happened. many of them died trying to get into the boat. When they were in the ships funnel, it was like they were standing in ice because it was so cold. Chaos followed and people were fighting to get into the lifeboats lowering on the side of the ship. many people in the lifeboats were shocked by the sinking of the unsinkable titanic. The end of the book talked about the demensions of the ship, how many people were saved and how many people died. The titanic was a tragedy from 1912 that is still remembered to this day. The Titanic had eleven stories. It was very wide and it was thought to be unsinkable. Jack Thayer, one of the ship's passengers, managed to get on a ship called the "Carpathia". Many people were lucky like him, but the majority of the people on the titanic died on that tragic day.
Adrian Gottuso #6
ReplyDeleteHeroes of Olympus: Son of Neptune
Rick Riordanx
Page number: finished
Prompt 1
Word count: 284
Percy and Annabeth just fell into Tartarus. We all fell horrible for letting it happen, but everything happened so fast. One second we were coming in saving the day and the next two of our friends are gone, and no one knows how long or if they are ever coming back. Nico says that he senses that Percy and Annabeth are still alive, and if anyone knew if they were still alive it would be him, being a son of Hades and all. Hades is the Greek form, all the Romans know him as Pluto, both are still the same though, the only difference is the names and the personality changes a little bit from the Greek to Roman form. Hades is the god of death and riches, so Nico can usually sense when someone he knows is dead or alive. I’m hoping that he’s right about Percy and Annabeth though, I would never forgive myself if they died, and I think that everyone else feels the same. We were all so focused on getting the statue out of the cavern that we didn’t see Annabeth being pulled into Tartarus until it was too late. Percy was the only one who tried to save her but he couldn’t cut the web off before it pulled Annabeth in so they both fell. Before they fell, Percy told Nico to meet him on the other side. Percy wants us to go to the other side of the doors of death, the mortal side, so we can stop Gaea from rising, but I don’t know how he can survive. I guess we’ll see when we get there. I hope they are okay and everything goes as planned.
#8 Andy Ly
Prompt 8
Harry Potter the Goblet of Fire
J.K Rowling.
A conflict in the Harry Potter, is that Harry has dreams of Voldemort talking to his minion. And after the dream, a sting/pain of his scar happens. At first, harry was to afraid to tell anyone the first time this happened, because Hermione would just say to look about it in a book, Ron would ask his father in the ministry and manic, and his uncle and aunt would just freak out. Harry thought about telling Dumbledore, but he didn't know how to ask him without making it seem he was scared. He knew he could trust Dumbledore, but if he wrote to him saying, " Hello Dumbledore, my scar started hurting, have a great summer -Harry" he would sound insane! But, during the wizard school year, Harry summoned the guts to tell Dumbledore about the strange dreams followed by his scar hurting. Dumbledore asked very important questions like did it hurt during any times, except the time during the summer which woke him up. Harry became curious of how Dumbledore knew about that, when Dumbledore revealed his secret. Dumbledore had a correspondent. Someone Harry knew and trusted. Someone which Harry has saved his life. Someone that was just like he was, but in a different way. Someone that had the power to kill with his mouth. Someone that could be violent, but was loving. Sirius Black.
Heaven Hayden#7
ReplyDeleteA Dogs Purpose
W. Bruce Cameron
Me: Hi, buddy. Awe how are you? Huh? Huh?
Bailey: Please, treat me like a human!
Me: Ok but that’s going to be hard because…
Bailey: I know I’m a dog!
Me: Well lets go on with the interview.
Bailey: Ok what do you need to ask me?
Me: How did it feel when you died and were born again as a new dog.
Bailey: Well it was more like a wave of peacefulness came over me and I woke up as a new puppy.
Me: Ok. Well I heard that just recently your master and his parents were awakened to a fire encompassing their house. Your master was injured greatly from jumping out a window to save his life. You bit the man that did it right? And how did this whole incident make you feel?
Bailey: I went with my instinct, so I bit the person that was harming my family. This made me scared and panicked because my boy, my master, was hurt.
Me: You did the right thing. If you had not bit him we would have not found the trace of blood that led is right to our suspect. You’re a good boy Bailey!
Bailey: Thank you very much. Well I have to go now Ethan, my boy is calling me! Bye!
Me: Goodbye I hope we talk again sometime!
#12 Steven Vego
Prompt 7
The assault
Brian Faulkner
This book takes place in 2013 on earth where aliens have invaded and have taken every country, but America. They heavily fortified America to block the aliens from wracking and they are trying to make a plan to drive the alien race off of the planet. The book takes place in the perspective of the 4th recon team, also known as Angel. They are a Special Forces unit created to take kids and train them to infiltrate the aliens to do whatever they can to slow them down and try to weaken them and find a weakness. Some of the parts of the book I enjoyed were when the characters came into contact with the aliens and had to fool them into believing that they were also aliens and the characters hoping that what they did to train was enough. I enjoyed this book very much. It is a very action pack, but kind of short book. I also like this because of how much detail the author puts into the book. He is so detailed about how earth is and how it’s changed that it makes you feel like you are really there and that aliens have actually invaded earth. He makes it seem like you are actually there with the soldiers every step of the way throughout the book. It seems like you live there in 2030 and aliens are controlling much of the world and I think it is interesting how detailed and vivid he makes it to us.
#13 Zachary Ramsey
ReplyDeleteThe Water Horse
David Parkins
Dear diary
My name is Kirstie I will be setting my strange creature I found back into the sea. It was a dark and stormy night when I was going to set my Water Horse free back from where it came from. It will be missed. In the middle of the night I set out to the sea from where it came from. I see if any guards are around when there where no more guards I quickly grab a sail boat with my Water Horse to the side of me. When we got to the middle of the foggy sea. I take the tarp off the Water creature and said my goodbyes to it and let it go. All the sudden I see a light grazing from across the shore line and point at me. saying we found it the thing from the sea. People screamed with JOY!!! There is a great lights an sirens going off as loud heaven can hear. I as fast is I can let it go! Guards ten by ten load into boats with spears and won’t rest until they kill the Water Horse. And suddenly the land trembles the water sloshes then WHOOOOSH The Water Horse leaps out of the water! The guards get there spears ready. Ready aim FIRE! They all fire at ounce but only one spear manages to hit him slashing his fin open! NOOOO, screams Kirstie!!! The Water Horse slowly sinking down into the dark bottom less ocean.
ReplyDelete#6 Elijah Holiday
Veronica Roth
Page #487 (End)
Prompt #9
What I admire about Divergent is the way the author describes the battle, and the whole motion of the book, it never stops moving forward. Tris is really described well in the book, she is tough and fearless. I think that Uriah should have been described more; he was only mentioned once really. My favorite character is probably Tris because she is brave, daring, and tricky. In Divergent, there isn’t as much death, blood, and gore as much in the Hunger Games. I think that Divergent is twice as good as the Hunger Games, but I have not seen Divergent in movie version so I could think Hunger Games is better. The reason why I think Divergent is better than Hunger Games because Hunger Games described the situation well, but it kept going back and back and in Divergent would keep progressing forward. The thing that I really liked about Divergent was its language. It didn’t use curse words, unusual words, and just good old-fashioned language. The parts I didn’t understand about Divergent are the way it was formatted, like the way the fights were formed. The character that really stuck out to me was probably Uriah. Uriah because he was like a guy who took care for others and wasn’t shy even though he was only mentioned once. My least favorite part was when Tris was put into the room with the dog and little girl. It didn’t make really any sense to me? That’s why I think the author should have taken it out of the book. Those are my thoughts on divergent.