3rd Quarter - Blog #1

We are more than half way done with the year. There are so many books to read and so little time to do so. I can't wait to read about your literary adventures. Don't forget to check your spelling, grammar, and word count.


  1. #12 Jayden Ramirez
    R.J. Palacio
    Prompt #2
    Page 239
    Dear Auggie,
    I know some people at your school aren’t very nice to you and give you a hard time. I know how Jack, one of your best friends, was talking bad about you and was told by the principle to be your friend and how you still forgave him. That is not an easy thing to do. Oh, by the way, my name is Jayden. That girl Summer is really kind. You know she was invited to a Halloween party with the popular kids and she was invited. At the Halloween party, since it was the cool kids they weren’t supposed to wear costumes. Summer thought it was weird, but she did the same. Guess what? Julian was there. When Summer got there she didn’t feel very comfortable, so she went to the bathroom and called her mom to pick her up. Hey, I know Miranda was always nice to you and tried to include you in the things that she , Olivia and Ellie were doing but is Miranda acting different. Your sister said that Ellie and Miranda were hanging out over the summer without her? I heard she was part of the popular group now and your sister Olivia is in the smart group. You know Miranda doesn’t like being different and wants to be Olivia’s friend again. Miranda went to this summer camp with the popular group and they changed her appearance. Anyway, I heard your dog died and I know that was really hard for you. I hope you feel better. Bye Auggie and remember what makes you special is that even though you might be different then other kids in the world, is that you are smart and have a kind, thoughtful, and forgiving heart.
    Yours Truly,

  2. #6 Elijah Holliday
    Prompt #8
    Veronica Roth

    This book Divergent, is about a girl named Tris and her brother Caleb are on a bus on there way to the aptitude test where the will find factions, and then be sent to the Choosing Ceremony. At the Choosing Ceremony, Tris is chosen as is another girl named Susan, whose father works in the city. Tris and Susan look like they are twins, but they aren’t, they both have gold, blond hair, and when they were walking up to the ceremony, no one was able to tell which was which. The boy that was chosen was Trises brother Caleb. In chapter 4, Tris is taken into a testing room where she was put to sleep, a dog came to her and growled at her and she was frightened, but then she leaned towards it and pet the dog she loved it, then a little girl walked in, the dog ran towards it, and Tris screamed. After she screams, the room goes back to the way it was and Tris wakes up. In chapter 8 Tris goes into the Pit Floor and Christina says, “ Your clothes.” Tris reply’s, “ What’s wrong with them” She says they are too big and ugly.” Later Tris realizes that she gets clothes faster than she would at home, at home, every six months her mom would go out and by clothes, and then so on. In chapter 9 there is an odd number of fighters, so they find out that one of them wont be fighting. Late in the chapter, Tris asks Christina “ Do they already know I hate them?” Christina says, “ Shush you shouldn’t be gossiping.”

  3. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    The Candy Makers
    by Wendy Mass
    page 240
    Log # 1

    Prompt #9
    I loathe the way the character Philip only thinks about himself and not the other contestants. I think Philip is a very selfish boy. All of the other players share their ideas while Philip stays by himself, alone in the corner. He doesn’t cooperate with the others while they are together exchanging ideas that will help them and the other contestants. He believes that their ideas are useless and aren’t going to help at all. He is always by himself and he doesn’t even like candy. Philip doesn’t socialize with anybody but his greedy self. He only wants to win so he can get the privilege to say that he won. Philip is a self-centered boy who only cares about himself and not the others. He doesn’t care about the other’s feelings. For instance, if he does win, he brags to the others and rubs it in their faces, which doesn’t make anyone else feel very good. I believe that Philip shouldn’t even be in the competition. He is just going to take all the money and brag to the other kids that worked harder than he did to win the competition. They actually worked hard and put all their effort into making the candy that was going to go nationwide and would be given to all the children in the world. They have good intentions, and Philip doesn’t. If Philip weren’t so self centered and actually cared for others, I would like Philip. I don’t think that will happen.

  4. #10 Matthew Montoya
    Prompt #1
    Pages 1-169
    Mocking Jay

    Dear Diary,
    I have been hiding and scared for more than more that I can count. Finally, I got to see my mom and Prim. I had missed them so much and haven’t seen them since I left the Games. I don’t know if Peeta is dead or alive, I just hope to death that he is alive and okay. Last time I saw him was when I shot the arrow to the top of the dome and it crashed. Ever since then I haven’t heard any sign or wonders from him. Everyone is telling me that he is being held captive in the Capitol. I know that they will kill him soon enough. Everyone in the Capitol hates me, including President Snow. Snow has tricked me into things that can get me killed. I know that if I go and try to rescue Peeta, they will find me and kill me then and there. It is too much of a risk for me to go and risk my life for him. The right thing to do is go to the Capitol and at least try to get Peeta out of there. Right now I am just wishing that they would have never blown up District 12 and bring everyone back to 13. Everyone in 12 is gone, blew up. Almost half of the population is gone that was in District 12. I will get back to you all when I get back. I will assure you that it is my goal to find and save Peeta.

    Katniss Everdeen


  5. Joshua Ramirez #8
    To Heaven and Back
    Mary C. Neal MD
    Pg #220
    Prompt #9
    This story is amazing with several life lessons for Christians and non Christians. I love that this story is based on a true story. I amazed in the fact this documentary is about her death, heaven, angles, and life again. And it has a lot of verses inside of each chapter in fact it opens each chapter with a verve. Mary C. Neal is an orthopedic surgeon that specializes in spinal surgery. She trained for eighteen years and she is happy. Although this story is happy it is also tragic. Still it is amazing because even in her death she portrays a vivid picture of her death and it is as if I was there in the water with her. I love that she went to UCLA to become a surgeon and she still finds time to work out. She even saw angles and without them she would have died. I love how God promised in the Bible ask and you will receive and in this book she asked and God answered. This story is amazing I hardly can say anything bad but there was one part I wished did not happen. Mary’s oldest son died his name was Willie. And it happened three years after the incident with Mary happened. This story I think is better than Heaven is for Real. This story is inspiring and devastating at the same time. I love this story and can learn a lot from this story. This story gives me enhance of the true God’s power.

  6. #10 Sarah Youssouf
    Maze Runner
    James Dashner

    The main problem in Maze Runner is the Maze. The Maze is very difficult to go through. It changes every night. In the Maze are creatures called Grievers. They are dangerous and if you get pricked by one of there needles, you will never be the same again. In the center of the Maze is a Glade. The Glade is where all the boys live. All of the boys in the Glade don’t remember anything besides there first name. Each month a new boy is sent up by a black box in the middle of the Glade. The whole point was to figure the Maze and hopefully get there old life’s back. Thomas was one of the unfortunate ones. When Thomas came everything changed. A week after Thomas’s arrival, a girl came into the Glade. A girl has never come into the Glade. She was weak, near death, but carried a note with her saying, “She’s the last one. Ever.” Also Thomas was the first to go into the Maze at night and survive. He also killed four Grievers. The people in the Glade were astonished because people that stay in the Maze at night are either killed or go threw the Changing. The changing is when you get pricked by a Griever and start acting weird and your body goes threw excruciating pain. Your skin also turns green and you remember things from your past. Thomas also found these little silver rats. These rats are not any ordinary rats but rats that watch you. On the bottom of each one says WICKED. The people of the Glade were being watched. The Maze was a puzzle piece to never be solved. Only one way in, and no way out. Beware of the treacherous Maze.

  7. #17 Trevor Stubbs
    Hunger Games
    This book is about a girl being a hero. This book is a very good book. But I did not like the way that Kato died. But the part I dislike was when Peta tried to help kill Catnis because they were supposed to work together. If Peta were to kill Catnis he would be a disgrace. If they were going to work together it would be a lot easier to win the Hunger Games. But I liked when they fought they girl that threw knives. If they were going to have to fight each other because only one could win. But Peta thought that Catnis liked him but she was just kidding. But Catnis liked Gale. Gale was a man that went with Catnis to go hunt for food. But when Catnis got home she went to Victor Village. Were she got all the food she could eat for a year. But then she had to earn her food for the time before she won the Hunger Games. But when she won I would be happy She did not have to fight for anything she would need. She could have anything she could want. But then she might have to go back to the Hunger Games. Even if she is a victor she is still in the reaping. But she might get lucky and never have to go back to the Hunger Games even though she could it is very unlikely. This was a great book.


  8. #11 Connor Platt
    Prompt #6
    Kareem Abdul Jabar

    Me: So you are Theodore, yes?
    Theo: Yes, but just call me Theo.
    Me: Ok THEO! Tell me about yourself.
    Theo: Well, I play basketball. But I’m not that good. My coach thinks that if you’re tall good. I’m not saying he’s wrong, but he’s definenetly not right.
    Me: Do you like to play basketball?
    Theo: I don’t like to play basketball, I LOVE to play basketball when I’m not being yelled at by everyone in the gym.
    Me: What do they yell at you?
    Theo: The fans would call me Sasquatch or Bigfoot or even just Big. Then on top of the fans yelling at me I have almost everyone team yelling at me if I do a play wrong or doesn’t get a rebound.
    Me: Why are the fans calling you Bigfoot?
    Theo: Because they think I’m just a big scarecrow.
    Me: Do your teammates defend you?
    Theo: No. actually they yell at me even more. Especially Gavin.
    Me: Who’s Gavin?
    Theo: Gavin and me use to be friends. But now he is just a big jerk. He thinks to highly of himself and wont dare to complement anyone
    Me: Do you have any friends that you can trust.
    Theo: Yes. I have my friend Brian; He plays on my basketball team too. He’s not that good though. He wouldn’t dare to stick up for me because he knows he will get beat up by Gavin.
    Me: Are you over it or do you think about basketball every night?
    Theo: I’m over it.
    Me: good

  9. Samantha Doring #4
    The Wave
    Todd Strassser
    Log #1
    Entry #3

    Ten years after this whole wave experiment took place Laurie Saunders’ life changed. She finished high school and broke up with David because he did not apply to college. She was accepted to Yale. One year after Laurie went to college David applied and got into Arizona State. After the finished college dating many boys she got back with David after running into him at a coffee shop, they started talking and got back together. Laurie was happy that David got into college and agreed to go to Arizona with him to finish his studies so that they could travel the world together. After David finished college the couple went to Japan for five days then went to Russia for a week then to India for a week and two days. After India they went to Germany they were very excited to go to Germany to find out more about the Nazi ways they went to many museums and at one they ran into a German history teacher and told him about the wave from their past and he took their advice and started a wave on his own. Laurie and David were careful to warn him not to let the experiment go to far and it didn’t. On the last day in Germany David proposed to Laurie and she said yes. After David and Laurie’s month long adventure they went back to Palo Alto, California and settled down and had two children one boy and one girl. The boy became a NFL superstar and the girl became a lawyer. In the end history never repeated itself again.

  10. #5 Alex Gottuso
    Tyger Tyger
    Prompt 2
    So far on your journey you have done well. You have taken information from Maemieo and used it very well. You going to her home correct? I advise you to stop and turn around. This letter may get to you late, but wherever you are, please just stop. The cat-sidhe have already seen you and they have heard your words and are following you. They have brought their information back to Mag-Mell and to Fear Dorich. If you get this letter and you are already there, change your route and get back to Mag-Mell and search for whom you seek, and trust no goblin. You may think you know it all, but the goblins can even manipulate your mind. Make some sort of protection for your ears. I know you know that silver is the goblins’ weakness. Find or make a tool if you have already made it to Maemieo’s so that you can harvest the iron and make whatever you can out of it. If you are not there yet, you must still change your route and find whatever you can. I suggest you make metal-bars. At first, use them individually as a weapon. Hopefully soon after that you will find more and you can make it as shelter. Make the very large and thick also, for range and strength. I know that you may be thinking, “How or what tool will I use?” Use something strong to slightly mend silver if possible, and mostly to break free silver from the streets, like the lids of the entrance to the sewers. Whatever is possible of this you must do. This is all my advice. Good luck.

  11. Steven vego #12
    iBoy Kevin Brooks

    I really like this book so far. Once I read the first sentence I was hooked. The author is an amazing writer. I like his writing because of how creative he is with his writing. In this book a boy named Tommy is hit in the head with an iPhone. This gives him extreme amounts of knowledge about basically everything. "Knowledge is power." This quote is one of the reasons I like this book so much. Tommy can use all of his knowledge that he gained from the "accident" for power. He can figure out that if a phone is being called at the same time by many people it can overheat its battery and explode. He uses this for revenge against some gang members who hurt a girl he likes and her brother, which is how he was hit with the iPhone in the first place that was dropped from an apartment thirty stories up. He know that because of the knowledge he gained from the iPhone in his head. That is very interesting to me and very creative. This book overall is a good book and can teach you that knowledge is power

  12. Jacquelyn Co #2
    Veronica Roth
    Prompt #9
    Blog #5
    I love the way the author put action and romance in this book. I like how he made it very interesting and put sparks of romance in it. I like how the author made Tobias very sweet to Tris yet he still had to keep his emotions for her a secret. I think one of the funniest parts is Tris’ fears. Especially a certain one. Her fear is funny but it is also a little bit weird. A part that really shocked me was when Al contributed to Tris’ death that he stooped so low to do that. One part that I did not like in this book is when Tris’ parents died. That was a very sad and depressing moment in the book. It is very heart touching and sad when her mom died for her, and her mom saved her life. Out of all the factions I do not like Erudite. They think that they are the best of all Factions, but in fact they are just cowards, especially Jeanine. I like how towards the end the author showed that Tobias and Tris’ mother were divergent also. It showed that she was not the only one who was different from others and it showed her that she was not alone. I also liked how Tris came from the Abnegation (which was the faction that did not like attention) and she still was one of the most brave person there. She never gave up, and she still came back no matter how hard it was. I think she belongs in Dauntless. Overall I like how the author expressed the theme to never give up and to try your best no matter what the odds are.

  13. #2 Allison Castaneda
    Veronica Roth
    424 (end)
    Log 1
    Option 10

    True or False
    1. Tobias went behind his moms back and joined the Allegiant.
    2. Tris joined forces with Tobias’ mom.
    3. Caleb and Tobias became best friends in chapter 4.
    4. Uriah dies.
    5. Tobias dies.

    Multiple choices
    1. Which member of the allegiant died on the way out of the boarder?
    a. Uriah
    b. Tobias
    c. Tris
    d. Tori
    2. Who is alive at Bureau that was thought to be dead?
    a. David
    b. George
    c. None of the above
    d. A and b
    3. What faction was Tobias’ mom part of?
    a. Abnegation
    b. Amity
    c. Candor
    d. Dauntless
    4. Who was the leader of the rebellion Tobias joins that is against the Bureau?
    a. Nita
    b. Matthew
    c. Caleb
    d. Peter
    5. Who was George related to?
    a. Tris
    b. Tobias
    c. Christina
    d. Tori
    6. Who died in Allegiant?
    a. Tris
    b. Uriah
    c. Tori
    d. All of the above
    7. Who slashed the tires of Amar’s car?
    a. Tobias
    b. Peter
    c. Christiana
    d. Amar
    8. Who restarted there memory by choice?
    a. Christina
    b. Caleb
    c. Peter
    d. Tris
    9. Who was the last death of the book?
    a. Uriah
    b. Caleb
    c. Tris
    d. Tori
    10. Who told Uriah’s Family that he had died?
    a. Tris
    b. Tobias
    c. Christina
    d. Amar
    Short Answers
    1. Why did Tobias want to erase his mom’s memory?
    2. Explain why Caleb wanted to get the Memory Serum?
    3. Why did Matthew agree to help Tris’ rebellion against the Bureau?
    4. Why did Tobias go zip lining when he was afraid of heights?
    5. Why hadn’t Tobias seen his mother when he lived in Chicago?
    Essay Question
    1. Why did Tris go get the Memory Serum instead of Caleb?

    Answer Key
    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False
    Multiple Choices
    1. D
    2. D
    3. A
    4. A
    5. D
    6. D
    7. C
    8. C
    9. C
    10. B
    Short Answer
    1. Tobias wanted to erase his moms’ memory because he thought they could reconnect as mother and son.
    2. Caleb wanted to get the memory serum because he thought that if he died for something Tris cared about she would forgive him.
    3. Matthew wanted to help Tris and her rebellion because he was dating a girl that was genetically damaged and no one approved, she was violent and ended up dying.
    4. Tobias went zip lining because he knew that was Tris’ favorite thing to do and it was the best way to spread her ashes.
    5. Tobias hadn’t seen his mother when he lived in Chicago because she said that if Chicago would change for the good she would leave so that that could happen.
    1. Tris went to the weapons lab to release the memory serum instead of Caleb because she knew he was doing it because he loved her not to say sorry. When Tris was younger she learned that people died for each other because they loved each other. Tris loved Caleb so much she could help but save him. Also she had to take a chance, and try to fight of the death serum, and she knew that she might come out alive but that Caleb wouldn’t. Tris loved Caleb, and couldn’t see him die.

  14. Lauren Fitts#5
    Blog 1
    Page #359(Allegiant)
    Word count:272
    Divergent was a very good book. I would defiantly recommend it to all of my friends. I like how the author, Veronica Roth, used the problems of human nature for the basis of the book. Each faction represents how people react to fixing the world. Amity blamed war, Abnegation blamed selfishness, Dauntless blamed cowardice, Candor blamed lies, and Eurudite blamed ignorance. People in the world do something to fix those problems. The author did a very good job at representing the world’s problems. While she had that deep meaning, she also made the book very intriguing. Divergent is an action filled and makes you want to just keep reading. I would recommend this to a friend because it is one of my favorite books. It is an interesting war story, but it is not just gory like most things are today. It expresses the point of war without making me sick. It is a love story in a war story expressing the flaws in human beings. It shows how easy it is for human beings to fall into anarchy. It is almost a mystery because you have to read the next chapter to find out what happens next in the story. Every chapter is a cliff hanger whether it is for the love story, or to find out more about the city. This book will make you think about what you think the solution to the world’s problems. There are parts where you will cry, laugh, and will make you nervous about what will happen next. This is truly a great book and I would recommend the book to everyone I know.

  15. #14 Alexis Raya
    Veronica Roth
    Page #487
    Prompt #9
    I love the way the author describes the characters. When I am reading, I almost think that the characters are real. When Tris is scared of leaving her faction to choose Dauntless, I feel sorry for her. I have to keep on reminding myself when I read Divergent that the characters such as Tris and Four are only characters that were made up in Veronica Roth’s mind. When veronica describes Tris, I am able to picture her as weak and undeveloped such as Veronica Roth wrote.
    I also love the way Veronica Roth incorporates God and Christianity in the book, Divergent. As Tris is living in Abnegation, her family prays before meals. The practice of prayer is practiced in many families who live in Abnegation. I love the use of religion because it is dear to my heart and the religious practices in Abnegation remind me of Christianity.
    I hate the way Tris (the main character in Divergent) is always putting herself down. She can’t forgive herself. I also do not like that she traumatizes on life changing mistakes. The people that she affected by killing her best friend, Will, while he was under a simulation to attack forgave her faster than she forgave herself. This shows us that forgiving oneself can be harder than it seems. Yet, Veronica Roth makes the act of forgiving oneself nearly impossible.
    Also, I do not like how Tris is always crying. Crying does not relieve stress all the time. I, personally, would not cry in most of these situations. Then again, it depends on your personality. Tris is the type of person who cries under stress. I think Veronica Roth was trying to show Tris’s personality when she cried.

  16. Isabella Holiday #7
    Solo: A memoir of Hope
    Hope Solo
    Prompt #8

    It was two days before the World Cup semi finals, Hope was eating dinner and Phil my goal keeper coach had walked up to me and told me that Greg my teams head coach had wanted to see me. Hope asked Phil why but he just walked away. Hope knew that some that something was wrong but she didn’t know what was wrong. She went back to my room to calm down and relax but a couple minutes later Hope got a call from Phil he said that Hope was late and Greg was getting irritated. Immediately Hope got in an elevator and went to Greg’s floor in the hotel. When she walked in the room she saw Greg sitting in a chair with his guitar. Right the Hope knew that the news that she was going to receive was not going to be good. Hope was so worried her face could not hide it and Greg saw it. Hope sat down ready to hear the news. Phil walked in he stood by Hope, he knew what information was going to be given to Hope. Moments later Greg was mad at her about being late. Hope looked at Phil and said that she was told to be there after dinner. Greg got even madder when Hope looked at Greg and said he that what she did was disrespectful. He told Hope that she wasn’t ready for this big of a tournament and that Briana Scurry would be taking her spot. Hope fought for her position but it did not make a difference Her spot was going to Briana Scurry and she couldn’t do anything about it. Hope stood up to leave but Greg wouldn’t let her. That night Hope found out that replacing her was Kristine Lilly and Abby Wambach’s idea I talked to them but they did nothing except stand up for Brianna.

  17. Angelica Castaneda #1
    March 11, 2014
    R.J Palacio

    The main character August Pullman or Auggie, was born with a facial deformity. He is shy and scared of the world around him so he doesn’t really go out and play like any other normal kid. Auggie just wishes that he can be, normal. Auggie is home schooled because he does not like how he looks, and he is afraid that people will laugh at him if he went to a real school. He likes being home schooled, but then one day his parents tell him he has to go to a real school. He is really scared to go to school because he is afraid everyone will laugh at him. On his first day of school he is a little nervous; so far no body has talked to him until lunch. He is sitting alone at a table when a girl named Summer joins him for lunch. In the beginning Auggie was afraid about what everyone thought of him but throughout the story he learns to really accept himself for who he is, and he doesn’t care what other people think. In the book Auggie starts to like Summer. What I really love about the book is that even if Auggie is different from everyone else, Summer doesn’t care. Also I like how the author teaches us a lesson, that we shouldn’t care what other people think, we are all different and we shouldn’t care about what other people say.

  18. #16 Kayla Sin
    11 Birthdays
    Wendy Mass
    Dear Amanda,
    Hey, Amanda! How’s it going? I hope you and Leo are still together. You two need to stay friends forever. You have known each other your whole life. You two were born in the same hospital and had all of your birthdays together. Leo is like your brother, and I know you feel that way. Are you still taking good care of the magical plant? I hope you are. Please don’t throw it out the window again because you are angry with somebody, especially Leo. You cannot forget that the plant is not just an ordinary plant. You need to remember that the plant’s protection over you only lasts until you are eighteen, so don’t mess up after that. If you guys go another year apart from each other, well, both of you know the consequence. It’s all because of your great grandparents fighting and Angelina putting the spell on your family. Since your great grandparents made up easily, you two should too. At least don’t mess up when you are over 18. As a piece of advice, you and Leo should live close by each other until you die because if you repeat the same day, you guys might not know where to find each other to fix the spell. Anyways, I don’t want to repeat the same day without knowing it because of you and Leo. If both of you have kids, make sure that you tell them what to watch out for and make them both friends with each other. Hand down the plant to them and tell your children to keep it with them forever no matter what the cause. Well, I hope you take my advice and tell Leo the same.
    Kayla Sin

  19. Hannah Dumaine#3
    Prompt #2
    Log #5
    The Fault in Our Stars
    Jon Green
    Dear Hazel Grace,
    Here is some advice, love someone while you can. Life is short so you have to live it. Love does not last forever so go for it. Love is a symbol; it means that it is an intense feeling of deep affection of someone or even something. Life is put into categories. In bad and also good, so if you are going to be patience wait because something wonderful will happen or has already happened. You might even find the most wonderful guy in the whole universe. The guy that makes you smile every day and you wish you were always with him. That is a great example of love. Augustus Waters changed everything in your life. He persuaded you to travel to Amsterdam and loved you for the way you are. Be yourself because you are who you are and should not change yourself or try to be anyone else. Travel whenever you can because time is running out for you. You have cancer and that should not stop you from doing the things you would like to do. Always remember Augustus Waters in your heart because he cannot come back. But you could go to him when your time is up. It does not mean he is completely gone. He is still alive in your heart and might be watching you even now. What had happened between you and him is amazing. Do not be sad or cry, smile because it had happened. Always remember the memories between him and you because it may never happen again. Do not be stubborn because you need help and are very weak. Accept help from people that wish to give it.
    Hannah Dumaine

  20. #4 Gavin Lizik
    Prompt #4
    Log #5
    Happy, Happy, Happy
    Phil Robertson with Mark Schlabach

    The main theme that Phil Robertson mentions in his book is “Faith, Family, and ducks in that order.” What he is saying is that he wants is Faith to be the most important, then Family, and last but not least, ducks. He has a very strong faith and he has talked at many churches around the country spreading the gospel. Phil mentions the scripture in almost every section of his book; he even mentions a scripture from Romans 1:28-32, which says, “…They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, and insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, and ruthless. Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.” Phil is a very faithful follower of Christ. He spends most of his time going to churches and speaking and, of course, going duck hunting. He loves his all of his friends and family very well. Phil spent his money on a lathe, which is a machine that build the main part of the duck call, and only had about 20-30 dollars left because it was $24,985 and he had only $25,000. He didn't know this but only years later his duck call making business would turn into a multi-million dollar business that would soon become the “Nation’s Most Watched Reality Show.” Soon his son, Willie Robertson, would take over the business for Phil and take it in a direction they never knew could happen.

  21. Vincent Macabuahay #5
    Percy Jackson and the Olympians the demigod files
    Rick riodan

    This book was not as interesting but some parts were because a lot of action parts were interesting with them fighting and stuff. I only read the first story in the book. In the book there are three stories that talk about different things. The first story was ok. But it gets intense some parts and that’s the cool part about the story. So if you are a person who loves to read about action books this is your book. I haven’t got too read the second story yet but I kinda want to read it now. So if you ask me if you should read this book my answer would be yes for many reasons. Ok some parts may be boring but every thing else im sure you will love so if im grading this, this would be a nine out of ten. It’s a great book and hope you read it.

  22. #10 Sarah Sarmiento
    Prompt 10
    Veronica Roth

    1 - Amity is known for knowledge, intelligence, and astuteness.
    2 - Erudite is known for peacefulness, kindness, generosity, and neutrality.
    3 - Will kissed Christina in the late part of Stage 1.
    4 - Will transferred from Erudite.
    5 - Will was killed by Dauntless officers.

    Multiple Choice
    1 - Who is the main character?
    A - Christina
    B - Four
    C - Beatrice
    2 - What is a faction?
    A - A club
    B - A group of people
    C - A house
    3 - What tattoo did Beatrice have across her chest?
    A - The Erudite Symbol
    B - The Abnegation Symbol
    C - Ravens
    4 - Who can be heard crying at night?
    A - Peter
    B - Al
    C - Lynn
    5 - What is one of Fours fears?
    A - Heights
    B - Death
    C - Eric
    6 - What faction was Beatrice’s mother born in?
    A - Abnegation
    B - Amity
    C - Dauntless
    7 - What faction is Christina born in?
    A - Candor
    B - Amity
    C - Dauntless
    8 - What age is considered adulthood among the factions?
    A - 15
    B - 16
    C - 18
    9 - How old is Four?
    A - 16
    B - 17
    C - 18
    10 - Who is Marcus?
    A - Al’s father
    B - Tobias’s father
    C - Peter’s father

    Short Answer
    1 - List the five factions.
    2 - What are the three tattoos Tris gets while in Dauntless?
    3 - What do all of the factions stand for?
    4 - What are Tobias’s four fears?
    5 - At the choosing ceremony, what elements were in the bowls and what faction did they represent?

    1 - What significance do Tris’s relations have in her life?


    1 - False 2 - False 3 - False 4 - False 5 - False

    Multiple Choice
    1 - C
    2 - B
    3 - C
    4 - B
    5 - A
    6 - C
    7 - A
    8 - B
    9 - C
    10 - B

    Short Answer
    1 - The five factions are Abnegation, Candor, Amity, Erudite, and Dauntless.
    2 - Tris gets a raven tattoo, the Abnegation Symbol, and the Dauntless Symbol.
    3 - The Abnegations are the selfless, the Candor are the honest, the erudite are the intelligent, the amity are the peaceful, and the dauntless are the brave.
    4 - Tobias is afraid of heights, small spaces, fear of killing, and his father beating him.
    5 - The elements were the gray stone for Abnegation, the glass for Candor, Water for Erudite, Earth for amity, and lit coals for Dauntless.

    1 - Various relationships began to blossom for Tris right after she left Abnegation. Her family is broken apart, but even at a distance she seems to get even closer to her mother, learning more about her past then she ever knew before. In Abnegation, Tris never really had any true friendships, but in Dauntless she befriends Christina, Will, Al, Uriah, and many of the other initiates. Without them, she may not have gotten through initiation. And finally, her relationship with Four has changed her in many ways; Four is someone she could open up to. And it turns out that Four opens up to her to.

  23. Yaya Martinez #9
    Log #1
    Vampire Academy
    Richelle Mead

    Yaya : Hey Lissa, I'm doing a school project and I had to interview a Moroi; may I ask you a few questions?
    Lissa: Ask away!
    Yaya: I don't understand what the Strigoi are.
    Lissa: They are vampires who were turned bad by a simple bite. If a Strigoi bites a Moroi, they turn into a Strigoi.
    Yaya: What happens if a Stritogi sucks all the blood out of a Moroi?
    Lissa: They become even stronger, this is why if you ever see a Stritogi, you run.
    Yaya: Is that why you guys need guardians?
    Lissa: Exactly, we need them to protect the Moroi.
    Yaya: Who is your guardian?
    Lissa: My best friend, Rose. We actually ran away once, it was hard for me to stay alive but she kept me going everyday.
    Yaya: What made you come back?
    Lissa: Dimitri had found us and made us come back to the academy. We sure did get it a lot of trouble when we went back.
    Yaya: And Rose? Was she fired?
    Lissa: Almost, but I defended her; she got to keep her job but she has her restrictions. We only see each other during lunch. She only can go to her classes and she has to stay in her room after.
    Yaya: What does she do to kill time?
    Lissa: I don't know I never asked , but she does try to sneak out to hang out with friends.
    Yaya: I would do the same. It probally gets so boring being inside all the time.
    Lissa: She also has to do a lot of training, and its hard for Rose, she is out of shape big time, that's what Dimitri said anyways.
    Yaya: That's tough. I think I have all I need. Thank you for your time. It was really interesting talking to a royal Moroi.
    Lissa: No problem.

  24. #7 Aide Martinez
    Alex Rider Eagle Strike
    Anthony Horowitz
    Page #322
    Prompt #9
    I love the way the author portrays the adventurous and exciting journey of Alex Rider. My favorite part about the book is when Damain Cray stole the presidents plane and is about to launch many missiles throughout the world and Alex tries to stop him. When Alex tries to stop Cray, Cray hits Alex hard on the head with a gun. Alex is knocked out and Cray hits the launch button. Still a little wobbly Cray and Alex return to Yassen and Sabina where they were in the passenger area. Yassen, who was a killer, was told to kill Sabina and Alex. He refused and Yassen was shot in the chest. Alex got to his feet and fought Cray. Cray was three times more stronger then Alex and Alex started to get weaker and weaker. Finally Alex pushed Cray of the plane and he died by getting sliced into pieces by the engines. Alex went over to Yassen on the floor where he was bleeding out. Yassen explained to Alex that he knew his father and told him that he was a killer too. Alex did not believe that his dad was a killer. Seconds before Yassen died he told Alex that if he did not believe him then he would need to go to Venice, find Scorpia, and he would find his destiny. This part is the most touching part of the book, and it is my favorite part.

  25. #15 Anthony Salgado
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins
    Page 150
    Prompt 6

    Me: Thank you Katniss for joining me today. Please have a seat.
    Katniss: Hi, glad to be here.
    Me: Now tell me, how does it feel to win the Hunger Games? You have truly earned it.
    Katniss: It's actually pretty amazing winning with the prizes a new home in Victor's Village and everything. Just one thing the spark I may have set off. It has created a big fire.
    Me: Well, I have faith in you Katniss. The girl on fire, doesn't that sound like the name of a true hero? Because I do think that you are a hero and that you will win the rebellion and save your loved ones.
    Katniss: Thank you. I do think I will win, just like I did the Hunger Games. With almost all the districts, friends, and family leading in the rebellion with me, I think I'm covered.
    Me: Also, isn't there a lot of pressure on you starting and leading the rebellion?
    Katniss: I'm more concerned than pressured about the Capital killing me, my friends, and family; but yes, I am pressured.
    Me: And if you had the chance, would you had run away into the forrest to solve the problem?
    Katniss: No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't because I would not want to leave Peeta, Gale, and especially Prim alone. If the Capital found out about that and went searching for me in the woods, imagine what punishment they would have for me. Probably cut my tongue out and turn me into an Avox. The Capital never runs out of different kinds of punishment it seems.
    Me: You have a good point there. I would do the same. I would never leave my family. I don't even think I'm good enough like you at hunting so I can get food to survive. Well, it was nice to have you here. Thank you for dedicating this time for this interview. I have faith in you, and good luck girl on fire.
    Katniss: I will try my hardest.

  26. Kyle Best#1
    The Lost Hero
    Prompt # 3
    By: Rick Riordan
    When Jason was a young little boy he had a great life. His family was rich, he had a big house, and he had all the newest gaming systems and had a lot of friends. He even got to design his own island at the age of 12. He made it really big and almost became its own country. He put houses and planted all kinds of trees and plants and brought over animals from different parts of the world. He even made a volcano on the mountain with a water park inside. There were water slides, lazy rivers, wave pools, and all types of different cool rides. Then he even made his own military defense system that protected all sides of his island. He went on to equip his island with nuclear weapons when he turned 13 and also created his own navy and air force. He had a whole section of his island set aside for just housing and the other parts were used for different types of arenas. There were air soft arenas, paintball arenas, trampoline parks, go kart tracks, football stadiums, baseball stadiums, soccer stadiums, and many different fighting and wrestling arenas. When he was 13 and a half, his first island had so many residents he had to make a complete separate island which was only a mile away by sea and was more of a home based island. There was also a long jogging bridge that connected the two islands together so that the people could interact with each other. And then out of nowhere he turned up at the wilderness academy and forgot everything.

  27. Andy Ly #8
    Option #6
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
    Page: Finished the book
    Language Arts

    Me: Hello Harry
    Harry: Hello
    Me: I've wanted to ask you questions about what's happened during the competition.
    Harry: Oh yes, a ton of stuff tragic horrible things happened.
    Me: Can you explain what happened throughout the competition?
    Harry: There were a series of "challenges" that we must face. Such as the maze, except it wasn't just any maze, it was as very dangerous maze that gets darker and more dangerous the deeper in you go.
    Me: Sounds dangerous, weren't you scared?
    Harry: That wasn't just it, there was also a challenge in which the competitors must go in the deep water and save their friends with a the danger of drowning and losing lives.
    Andy: Why would you go through all this? Did you like the exhilaration?
    Harry: No, its not that I like it, to be honest with you, I myself don't even know why I did it, and I still don't know.
    Andy: Ok, thank you for your time that's all.
    Harry: Your welcome, goodbye.

  28. Grace DiPonio #4
    Diary of the wimp kid hard luck
    Jeff Kinney
    Option #1
    Dear dairy, this year has not been that great. For starters my best friend has a girlfriend. They do everything together like, sit together eat lunch together and one time I had him over for a sleepover and all he did was talk to his girlfriend (Abigail). I don’t know why I am so upset about this I mean Rowley has been my best friend forever, I just wish we could spend more time together. Also my principle started a new thing called hero points that means whenever you do something good? Nice you get a ticket. If you earn enough tickets you get to turn them in for a prize!! The only problem with this is people are always doing good things in front of the teachers just to get a ticket. Not to mention the other day I was walking to school with my brand new shoes on and guess what I stepped in dog poop. It gets better in class I smelt something and guess what it was my shoe, talk about embarrassing. So that was my year, oh wait I forgot something. A few weeks ago I found a magic 8 ball I and I asked it all these questions like “is my year going to get better?” Guess what it said? Yes it said yes and it turned out being right. Me and my friend made up and I didn’t embarrass myself the rest of the year. Well my mom wants me to do the dishes so bye

  29. Adrian Gottuso #6
    House of Hades
    Rick Riordan
    Prompt #2
    Word Count: 251
    Dear Leo,
    You need to get you and the rest of your crew to the doors of death before Percy and Annabeth get there. If they get there first they’ll be too weak to fight. You need to weaken Gaeas forces so that Percy and Annabeth can get out Tartarus as soon as possible. Percy is one of the most important in your crew, along with Annabeth, and if they can’t fight it will be a huge disadvantage to your team. You need to stop Gaea and her army before she destroys the world. You should have Nico guide you since he knows where the doors of death are. Get there as fast as you can to help Percy and Annabeth. You should try to avoid as many obstacles as you can and try not to let anything slow you down. You should have everyone pitch in and help so everything runs smoothly. And remember, even if something looks easy or if a certain area looks the quickest way to go it might not always be. Just like that mountain pass where your ship almost got shot down by those weird rock god things. Make sure that everyone is being careful and safe, since there are only five of you now with Percy and Annabeth missing. You can’t afford losing any more people. Good luck on your quest, and you better hope that everything goes as planned, because if any one little thing goes wrong it will endanger the whole quest.

  30. #8 Margaret Kwok
    Blog #5 1st Blog for 3rd quarter
    Option #8
    Pages 1-150
    The main problem in the book The Wide Awake Princess is Princess Annie, the younger sister of Princess Gwendolyn, is on a journey to find Gwennie's true love. Annie needs to find Gwennie's true love so he can kiss her and awake her and the whole kingdom from their deep sleep. Annie is not affected by the curse, because magic cannot touch her. Liam isn't asleep because, he simply wasn't around when Gwennie pricked her finger on the spinning wheel. Annie takes one guard, Liam on her journey, who she secretly has a crush on; together they meet many princes, fairies, magical creatures, dirty beasts, and get themselves tangled in many situations. Together they try their best to awake Gwendlyn and rescue the whole kingdom from the curse. One struggle that Annie faces throughout her adventure and even her everyday life, is Gwendolyn is beyond beautiful, and her beauty reaches the stars. Annie on the other hand, is less attractive and not as charming. On her journey she learns that it isn't what you look like on the outside, but on the inside. She comes across some princes who are handsome as if they were in a dream, but are as rude as a monster. Annie learns to love herself and others based on their inner character traits, instead of their outer appearance. Annie especially takes liking to Liam when she sees how kind, loving, gentle, and how considerate of others he is, although he's not the cutest or most handsome man there is.
    Annie becomes self confident and happier than she ever was through her adventure.

  31. #3 Thomas Coyne
    The Titans Curse
    Rick Riorden
    Pg. #110
    Prompt #7

    Now I have been reading the Percy Jackson series and it’s been great. I am on the third book The Titans Curse. Let me just say these are the best books I ever read. There full of action and adventure and mystery. This series has one of the coolest plots yet. The author Rick Riorden did a fabulous job on this book series. But whoever made the movie didn’t read the book. The worst part was there age they were supposed to be 12 they were 18 in the movie, which doesn’t make sense for the prophecy that’s in the book because the prophecy says when you turn sixteen. But what really ticked me of was when they made Percy’s best friend Grover who was supposed to be a ginger a black dude. But I love every thing in the book so far. So I would for sure recommend this book to any body in the world. But not the movie. I dislike the movie a lot. In the book there is also love laughs and action. I like Rick Reorder because he is a Christian and pastor. Even though I’m a Christian Greek myths amaze me. I think they are so cool because im into the dragons and monsters and all the magical powers. I really like the way the author describes the pain and adventure and the monsters. Basically the book and series are the best.

  32. Dillon Stubbs #9
    Seal Team Six
    Howard E. Wasdin
    Stephen Templin

    I love how the author is the character it is I think easier to understand he is torchered in the begging he has nothing when he is a baby he sleep in a drawer. He is not treated well at all he has to be trained his dad is never there for him and he is always hitting him when he is there so this poop kid doesn’t want his mom to marry this but evenly she say yes and his life is ruined for ever so he try hard to just not talk to his dada when he comes home from the bar. as he gets older he starts thinking that he wants to be on seal team six so he starts training he is now old to try out for seal team six. He has do some crazy things that no other person that I hear bout in this book cod do what he had to do he gets in and he becomes the sniper man like a week later he has to go to war to fight for U.S.A and they are going hard he saves his teams life many of times. He is the first sniper seal team six have a book written about him. God has given him the chance to show his dad that he isn't just another boy that has this dream of being a star in the army his dad tells him good job and stop drinking. I loved this book.

  33. Alec Shahverdian #11
    Rick Riordan, Pg 219
    Log 1, The Mark of Athena
    The book The Mark of Athena has a lot of themes that are major and that are shown throughout the book, but the most important two that tie together as the two major rolls are the themes rivalry and untrust. The book’s story begins with the Greek demigod camp meeting with the Roman demigod camp. These two groups had always been rivals and were not very willing to trust each other fully. And as the book goes on the themes become more apparent and play a bigger role in the novel. Rivalry is a theme that was talked about but was not really shown until we reached the first climax in the book. Then, rivalry becomes an even bigger theme when two of the main characters see each other as equally great opponents and become possessed and fight each other. And after that, their rivalry still continues. Rivalry is a terrible thing. It is a temptation with two or more people to see who is better at something, or it is just hatred between people because they dislike each other. The other theme, untrust, ties in with the theme of rivalry because untrust can be one of the causes of rivalry. Untrust, was shown throughout the novel ever since a person interacted, talked about, or even thought about someone from the other camp. It became an even greater theme when the camps met and the uneasy feeling began. It was apparent that nobody trusted another person from another camp and it became worse when the Greek demigod camps airship fired on the Romans on accident by possession. When it comes to untrustworthyines, everyone feels it towards another unless they can build up their trust.

  34. Edward Lueras #9 1/22/14 prompt #1 lunch money by Andrew Clements All my life I was only interested in making money. I would collect it and hide it where no one could find it. Later I started saving it in a bank. I thought all you needed to be happy was money and nothing else. At school, I thought, was a great place to sell many things. I would get in trouble for it but it was worth it to me. I found out that the school couldn’t get me in trouble for selling books because they are learning right? So I started making graphic novels for people at school. They would pay and I thought I had all I needed. Then another person wanted to help me with making the books. I was not sure about it at first but I started enjoying having someone to talk to and have fun with. The school then banned our books and we had gotten me, my friend, and my favorite teacher to talk at the school board meeting to say why graphic novels should be allowed and sold at school. We went home winning the argument at the school board meeting. I figured out later what is more important than money. Having friends who will help you. My graphic novels weren’t just approved at my school, but later got approved at many schools! Money was going to the school, my friend got some of the profits, I did too, and my favorite teacher got some money too. I always remembered though that friends are more important than money or anything else.

  35. The Water Horse
    Dear diary
    After I let the Water horse go the guards found me, I was in serious trouble now. I was thinking how am I going to get out of this. Then I heard sirens and light tower lights flashing at me. Guards came rushing with spires and guns. Four guys holding a net coming strait towards me. I thought I was going to die. Suddenly the Water horse lunges out of the water blasting the guard with slimy water! Giving me enough time to escape the guards. The next morning I wanted to see the water horse again. So I sailed out to the last place I was yesterday to find It. then with. a long heap of joy the creature came out of the water to see me. I noticed it was bleeding it must of got slit with a spear last night from fighting with the guards. I suddenly got the water horse into my sail boat and rushed home and laid the bleeding creature on the ground and wrapped bandages all around its fin. And gave the water creature food. I left the creature in my garage with everything it needed. the next day I went to go check on it. But messenger soldiers came to me saying my father was dead from war. When I was still crying I remembered I had a letter from my dad. Then my mom came to me weeping and saying your father is dead…..

  36. Kyle Best#1
    The Lost Hero
    Prompt # 8
    By: Rick Riordan
    In The Lost Hero there are many different conflicts. Yet all of these conflicts revolve around one major conflict. The conflict is that the roman gods have shut the opening to Olympus and that Hera, the queen of the gods, has been captured by some evil spirit that is very powerful. Hera has taken a kid named Jason’s memory away. Jason is a demigod, half human and half god; he is a son of Zeus. There was a prophecy given about him and six others who would have to save Hera and unleash her rage. The other people that are going to help save Hera are Piper and Leo. As Jason, Piper and Leo go across the country finding different clues and fight different monsters they eventually run into one of the evil spirits worker. The person who worked for the evil spirit was called Medea, an evil sorceress who supposedly died 3000 years ago but was brought back to life by her evil master. When Jason, Piper and Leo came upon Medea they had no idea who she was, the just happened to find the opening of her store in the sewers. Medea knew who they were and was hypnotizing Jason and Leo but Piper was not falling for Medea’s trick. Eventually Medea almost got Leo and Jason to fight each other to the death but Piper snapped them out of it and then they started to attack Medea and went on to blow up her entire shop and herself included.


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