Blog #2 Third Quarter

You are so close to the finish line! Keep up the great work!


  1. Connor Platt #11
    Kareem Abdul-Jabar
    Page. 265 (end)
    Prompt #9

    The Thing I admire about this book is the fact that the famous athlete (Kareem) is able to write about his hard life. I love how he teaches the reader how to balance what you love to do, whether its playing sports or video games, with your schoolwork. His story is just so uplifting as he talks about his hard and rough childhood. I also love how he also blends it in with religion. For example, Theo (Kareem’s name in the book) is a Christian. One of his best friends is Islamic. Her Dad died in Iran and her mother is poor and works all day. She is going back to Iran to attempt to bring back the rest of her family to America. Rain (Theo’s friend) is living with her dad’s brother for the month. Theo tries to help her with her family and her religion. The way he does it is so amazing. He talks about his religion, but at the same time, he lets her try to explain her religion to him. At the end of the book it says that when she gets older she decides to become a Christian. One of the only things I dislike about the book is how Theo treats his father. Theo’s mom just died and he is having a rough time. On the other hand, just one year after Theo’s mom died, his dad got on online dating and found a date. Theo took this the wrong way as if he thought his dad didn’t care about his mom’s death. In the beginning of the book it clearly states that his dad as well as Theo were crying for months. Instead I think Theo should be happy for his dad for getting over his wife’s death. All in all, this book was one of the best books I have ever read.

  2. #6 Marianna Marroquin
    Veronica Roth
    Prompt #2
    487 pages

    Dear Tris,
    How are you? I haven’t heard from you in a while especially because you chose dauntless at the choosing ceremony and no one gets to write letters home. “Faction before blood.” So how is it in the dauntless atmosphere? How was it not having them know that you are, you know, Divergent? Was it hard keeping it from everyone and trying to figure out who you should trust and who you shouldn’t. Well, I must go now but always remember that your different from all the others and to never give up no matter how much they pressure you to. Always stay you because your divergent, Tris. See you soon hopefully.

    Sincerely, Marianna

  3. #7 Aide Martinez
    Veronica Roth
    Page #487
    Prompt #4
    There are several themes for Divergent. One of the themes is love. In Divergent Tris and Four fall madly in love. They both care greatly about each other and don’t want to lose each other. They make sacrifices for each other. That’s how much they love one another. There love is eternal and it will never be broken. There is a part in the book where Four and Tris have to fight each other because Four is under a simulation made just for the Divergent. As they fight Tris is yelling to Four to snap out of the simulation. Four doesn’t hear here, but keeps fighting. Finally Four has the strength to wake up and beat the serum. He sees Tris and reaches out to her. He returned to his true love. This book also contains the theme war. A woman named Jeanie is trying to start a war with Abnegation vs. Erudite and Dauntless. Tris and Four are the only ones that can stop Jeanie and save many of Abnegations lives. Together they both stop her plan and save Abnegation. Another theme is sacrifice. Tris’s mom and dad sacrifice themselves to save their children. They died for their own kids to save them and to keep them safe from any harm. Tris’s mom gets shot in the stomach and says good bye to Tris in an alley. Tris’s dad dies the same way, but instead he dies in a building.

  4. Dillon Stubbs #9
    The Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins
    Page 374
    Dear diary, Peeta today was so strong in front of me it was so cool I think that I am falling for him. He is so strong he has protected me threw all my troubles that I have been through. He wants me to survive more than he want himself to live I think he likes me to but I don’t really know. He has done so much for me but I have not done that much for him. He so loves he helps me with a lot of things threw out the Hunger Games. He always give me the food before he eats it is so romantic. I wish that I could tell him that I like him to but I can’t because we are being filmed and there is another guy that I like to. Peeta is hurt and needs a lot of help. We have had a lot of fun we almost died we almost ran out of water. It is so cool being able to be here with him. He is really nice when we came in to this I really didn’t like him but know I do. It is so cool we won it is cool because we changed the rules of the Hunger Games. We got the food for are District . It is so cool that we won and everyone wants us to get married but I don’t think that we should we are to young but I really do like him a lot.

  5. Vincent Macabuhay #5
    Tim Teboe through my eyes
    Tim Tebow with Nathan Witaker
    Prompt #2

    Tim tebow you are truly inspiring to me while being a Christian through your eyes of sports and his family is standing beside him and that is what you should need for the support. Tim tebow is a good guy he did many missionaries in the Philippines and his dad preaches and tells them about God. He tells them about Gods message of hope and salvation. And he took his pride with God to the NFL and was drafted to the Denver Broncos. And had a great career.And he had faith in God all of his life and will continue to be a good guy.

  6. Hannah Dumaine#3
    Blog #5
    Page #487
    Veronica Roth

    Dear Tris,
    Hello, my name is Hannah. You do not know me but you have got to trust me. Do not give up that will show your cowardice. You have gone so far you should not stop. I know that you are divergent. You have powers that could ruin the bad people and bring them crumbling down. They are scared of you. Fight if they are willing to go that far. Keep trusting in Tobias. He likes you a lot and he will do anything to keep you safe. He also trusts you to stay strong. Do not get mad when he does not tell you things or keeps things from it might be for a good reason. Maybe because it might hurt you because, the truth hurts sometimes. You two might break apart because of a small unimportant argument. It might happen. No one knows. Stop blaming yourself for something for things you did not do. You did not kill Al. he killed himself. It was his choice to make. Will, on the other hand, you were supposed to do that. He was going to kill you if you did not kill him. Stay strong no matter what happens. Always be brave and trust your instincts. If Christina finds out what you did to Will, you have to explain to her that you needed to. I’m so sorry about both of your parents. They died for you. All you have is Caleb. You also have Tobias, if you do not lose him. Make an army against Jeanine Matthews. She is plain out evil and is going to hurt you in ways you can’t imagine if you don’t do anything about the war is about to happen. Don’t put yourself in danger and don’t do anything dumb that will get you hurt. Fight for what you believe in forever and always.
    Your friend,
    Hannah Dumaine

  7. Joshua Ramirez #8
    Steal Heart
    Brandon Sanderson
    Blog 6
    Prompt 4
    David a young kid about the age eight was attacked by a man named dead point. Dead Point was one of several epics; an epic is a human that receives super abilities. The most powerful of epics was in America and stopped dead point until the kids dad shot dead point but scratched the savior. Then the protector attacked everyone hoping no one saw his weakness, first he killed the dad in front of the son. The son’s name is David and swore vengeance on the epic that killed his dad. He later figured out the epics name and it was Steal Heart. David said, “I saw Steal Heart bleed once and I will see him bleed again.” Ever since that day he was slowly planning to assassinate Steal Heart. David could not do it alone so he seeks help from the Reconers a team of trained assassins who specialize in killing epics. David convinces them to join him and they are slowly are killing more powerful epics. David pours out all his rage in every bullet he shoots. Like when he viciously tried to run over an epic named fortuity with a car. David lost both his parents at the hand of epics. He lost all compassion, mercy, and grace. All that is in his heart is dark hatred for epics. One thing is still in his heart and that is hope. He sees a brighter day where generations later would be free from the chains that hold them in the prison that in America.

  8. #4 Gavin Lizik
    Happy, Happy, Happy
    Phil Robertson & Mark Schlabach
    Prompt #2

    Dear Mr. Phil Robertson,
    Hello my name is Gavin Lizik. I have read 2 of the 3 books your family has out into public for the public to see and read. They are all very good books that I am almost done with. They are very wonderful books. I really like books and I can’t wait to read the last of your series produced by your family. I am writing this letter to try and give you advice for what you could do at your big property in Louisiana. I know how you have been too many churches preaching them about God and I think that is great but, I think that you should go to many more countries like in the places that don’t know anything about God. That would be awesome and maybe someday I can come to one of them and learn a lot more about God and the Bible. That would be really cool and I would like to come to one soon!

  9. Angelica Castaneda #1
    April 1, 2014
    Page 487
    By, Veronica Roth

    The main problem in Divergent is that the Erudite is trying to kill every divergent. This is a problem because Tris is divergent. She found out she is divergent at her aptitude test now she has to keep her secret and not tell anyone, not even her family. A divergent is when you take your aptitude test and your result is inconclusive, which means you fit in more then one faction. After her aptitude test Tori tells her she is divergent, so she has to pick between Abnegation, Erudite, and Dauntless. She picks Dauntless, the brave, and now she has to change from selfless to brave. They are trying to kill every divergent because Divergents destroyed the system. At the end of the book, Jeanine (the Erudite leader) put everyone from dauntless into a stimulation to become her soldiers. She creates her own army so that she can destroy Abnegation and every divergent. Another problem is that Tris and Tobias has to stop Jeanine. Tris and Tobias are awake from the stimulation because they are both Divergent so they try to stop Jeanine. At the end Tris and Tobias beat Jeanine and stop the stimulation and stop the attack. During the book there is alittle twist. Peter (Tris enemy) helps Tris stop Jeanine. They defeat her, but it’s not over. After that they go to the Amity headquarters, where they are safe from their enemies, the Erudite and Jeanine.

  10. Samantha Doring #4
    Log #2
    Ally Condin
    All Done
    Dear Cassia,
    I have heard about your story and I think it is crazy. But you should not leave for Ky yet you need to get supplies. Some supplies you should get are some blue pills but more than the amount that Xander gave you. Also you should get some weapons for food and protection. Bring some extra clothes for you and ky because you never know if you will make it back to society. Also make sure y0ou really love Ky enough to risk your life for his. Beware that the government might have stimulation so that Ky will forget about you. But don’t let that discourage you just remind him about all the good times on the hill you and him had, but don’t remind him about the writing just for safety. On another note never ever burn a poem that is not part of the 100. It is one of the things that you can never get back next time burry it in your backyard or something so you still have it. Because your grandfather gave you that for a reason and you will regret that you incinerated it. That poem told you to hold your temper. But from your story I don’t think you held true to that. Also when Ky was tell you his story he wanted to show you that he wants to be close to you. He lost his family so when you rescue him don’t mention family. Those are my bites of advice I am giving to you.
    Good Luck,

  11. Alec Shahverdian #11
    Prompt #6- interviews
    Mark of Athena, Rick Riorden
    Book Log 2
    “Hello, I am here with a very important person; Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon! Now Mr. Jackson I have heard much about you.” “Well thanks, I didn’t expect to be that popular but thanks anyway.” “Now Percy, I have come to interview on the recent events following the switch of camps for you and Jason Grace, the son of Zeus. Know I haven’t heard much about this but what I have heard about is the large attack your ship did to the roman camp.” “Yes, I thought you might ask about that. It was a terrible shock when it happened and we didn’t know how it happened. We just assumed that it was done by Octavian, the camps annoying, mean, power hungry fortune teller. I didn’t trust that guy, which is why we thought it was him, but it wasn’t; it was one of Gea’s minions possessing him.” “Interesting story. So that is how you got into this mess of fighting Romans, running from dangerous situation, and the fact that almost everyone wants to kill you.” “This is just another normal day for me.” “I’ve also heard that your crew is made up of seven demigods, can you tell me who they are?” “Sure. There is Jason, Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank, and yours truly.” “Ok, One last thing. I just want to wish you luck on your trip to Rome to save the world from Giants and Gea’s forces.” “Thanks, but you have to understand. I am not a lucky person. Heck with my luck I might find myself at the bottom of Tartarus when this is over.”

  12. Yaya Martinez #9
    Veronica Roth
    Log #1
    Final Exam
    1. What is Tris’ original faction?
    A. Euridite
    B. Abnegation
    C. Dauntless
    D. Amity
    E. Candor
    2. Who is Caleb?
    A. One of Tris’ cousin
    B. Tris’ Dad
    C. Tris’ brother
    D. Tris’ best friend
    3. When in the Altitude test, what are Tris’ results?
    A. Euridite
    B. Abnegation
    C. Dauntless
    D. All of the above
    4. In the Dauntless initiation, who was the first jumper?
    A. Four
    B. Molly
    C. Tris
    D. Peter
    5. What is the name of the Candor transfer that Tris befriends
    A. Christina
    B. Molly
    C. Will
    D. Al
    6. What is the first fear Tris encounters in her simulation?
    A. Drowning
    B. Crows
    C. Heights
    D. Shooting her parents
    7. What are Fours fears?
    A. Heights, Drowning, snakes, killing the innocent
    B. Spiders, snakes, Confined places, Moths
    C. Heights, Killing innocent, confined places, his dad
    D. His dad, drowning, heights, snakes
    8. Who does Four take with him In his simulation landscape?
    A. Eric
    B. Tris
    C. His Dad
    D. Peter
    9. Why is Tris awake and not one of the sleepwalkers after the sirum injection?
    A. Because she didn’t get injected
    B. Because she had overcome all her fears
    C. Because she is Divergent and cannot be controlled
    D. Because she had taken it out the night before
    10. Out of the following who is divergent?
    A. Tobias
    B. Tris’s mom
    C. Both A and B
    D. None of the above
    E. Peter
    True/ False
    1. Four has four fears
    2. According to the amity group, divergent are dangerous.
    3. Euridite is in charge of the government.
    4. Candor can’t tell the truth
    5. When entering the fear landscape Tris has Seven fears
    Short answer
    What faction tells the truth?
    What faction is peaceful?
    What faction is selfless?
    What faction is brave?
    What faction is smart?
    What do you think the world’s problems are based on? Cowardness, Violence, Vanity, Lies, Not having enough knowledge on things.

    I think the world’s problems are based on cowardness . Because being a coward shows you can’t handle a situation. This is where world problems come in.

  13. #3 Thomas Coyne
    Titans Curse
    Rick Riorden
    Prompt #8
    There isn’t really one major problem in the Titans Curse. Its more like a ton of tiny little problems. There are some problems that are a little bigger than other like a pretty big problem is Artemis and Annabeth are captured and they don’t know where they are. A smaller problem is that Zoe Nightshade is leaving to go home to the Grand Mountain. Persey really cares about Annabeth and wants to save her, but she is somewhere far away locked away with Artemis. Another problem is they have a manticore on their tail, and a man named the General with his army that also including the trader Luke. Last summer Luke was on Persey’s side but tricked him and became a trader. Ever since Luke betrayed Persey, he has always been running into him. Luke is right on their tail but they keep getting away. The General grew skeletons which now are hunting and running after Persey. They are so hard to kill, they’ve only killed one out of two hundred. Another problem is that Pan the spirit of the king Sater, has been appearing and disappearing in their presence whenever wind comes by. They just figured out that the little fish that’s half cow that’s been following percey is the fate of olmypus and the want Thaila daughter of Zuez who is also on there team to sacrifice the cow fish and whoever sacrifices the cowfish will have enough power to take down olmypus. The fate is in her hands.

  14. #12 Jayden Ramirez
    Veronica Roth
    Page 328
    Prompt #4
    One major theme in Divergent is bravery. Out of the five fractions Dauntless is the brave, and if you are not brave, you shouldn’t be there. Tris is a great example to be brave. Even though she might not be tall or strong, she shows bravery by standing in what she believes in. When Tris changes fractions to Dauntless, everybody thought she did not belong there. One of her leaders Eric wondered how long she could last because she was from Abnegation. Tris choosing Dauntless was a brave act. One day the initiates were having knife training and Tris was doing well and her friend Al was not. Their leader Eric had seen that Al was not doing well and Eric told Al to get his knives when the other initiates were still throwing knives. Al did not want to because it was dangerous, so Eric told everyone to freeze and told Al to stand in front of the target. Al stood in front of the target and told Four (another leader) to throw knives at him. Eric said if Al flinched that he would become fractionless. Tris didn’t like what was going on and said that just standing in front of a target and have knives thrown at you does not show true bravery. Eric got intimidated and told her to go up on the target instead of Al. She did and did not flinch one bit. This shows true bravery. Another example of Tris being brave is when she jumped off a moving train. One other example is when they transferred to Dauntless , Eric told them that they would have to be brave and jump into this whole that was dark and you did not know what was down there. He asked who wanted to go first and no one stepped up and then Tris stepped up to go first. Tris is a great example of bravery.

  15. #14 Alexis Raya
    Prompt #4
    Veronica Roth
    Page 544 (end)
    In the book Insurgent, by Veronica Roth, I think one of the themes is war. In the book, Tris, the factionless, and the Dauntless (who haven’t joined the Erudite) are battling against the Erudite and Dauntless. The governess of the Erudite is Jeanine Matthews. Her goal was to kill all of the Divergent. A Divergent is a person who can be admitted into more than one faction. Jeanine also had the intention to be the ruler of all the factions. The factionless and the Dauntless (who sided with the factionless) are planning to kill Jeanine Matthews. They do succeed in their plan and kill Jeanine, but fight the Erudite to do so. This is one way Insurgent shows the theme of war.
    Another way the book Insurgent, by Veronica Roth, shows the theme of war is though the battles Tris is fighting in herself. She wants to kill Jeanine Matthews, but Jeanine has knowledge that no one else has. She knows that if she saves Jeanine, she will betray Tobias and her faction/ group. If she kills Jeanine, she will have this thought of “what if”. These questions maybe like, “What if Jeanine Matthews did know something that could change our society?” She tries to save Jeanine from death but fails. In her failure, Jeanine is killed and Tris is called a traitor. This act was thought of disloyal instead of loyal because she could hand knowledge no one knew. This is another reason why the theme of battle is a theme in Insurgent by Veronica Roth.

  16. #1 Sydney Barbee
    Ally Condie
    Prompt #3
    Before the book Matched I imagine Xander and Cassia laughing, singing, playing, and swimming together. They have always been friends. They were swimming one day when they found out that Cassia’s mom was going to have a baby boy. About 3 months later the baby is born, they named him Bram. Cassia was not very happy that the baby was born because then Bram would get all of the attention and not her. She didn’t like even thinking about her brother, so when people asked her about Bram she would say that he isn’t very good and then walk away. Bram always wanted to follow Cassia around but he was only about 3 months old. He couldn’t even walk yet. Xander wanted to play with Bram every time he came over. Cassia was getting so bothered by this that didn’t want to be friends with Xander anymore. They were not friends for about 3 days. They couldn’t stand not being each other friends. Cassia was still having a hard time with Bram but she finally learned to live with the fact that she wont be the only person getting attention. As Bram started to grow up he didn’t want anything to do with her. She thought that he didn’t love her any more, until one day Bram came home with a black eye and he didn’t want to show his mom or dad so he asked her for help. They finally had to tell their parents after a little bit, but that little moment of working together brought them closer together.

  17. #10 Matthew Montoya
    Mocking Jay
    Page. 388(end)
    Prompt #9

    The author of Mocking Jay did a very well job of explaining each character and scene through the book. I really enjoyed reading ever word and second that I have read of this book. It was a very interesting and it sucked me into ready all three of the Hunger Games series. I don't think I could have chosen a better book than this Book. I was so thrilled to read and enjoy the book that Suzanne Collins made. She made each character so distinctive and each character had it's own special feature. No character I thought were alike. As I read this story, I thought to myself, why would that happen and how? After finishing this book, I really had a good understanding of how this all started and how this ended up ending. I would highly suggest reading this book if you have not yet. Trust me, you would like this book even if you weren't a big fan of war or anything like that. I wish that the author would continue to this series, it would make it two times better. Katniss, the main character in Mocking Jay goes through pain, sorrow, and better yet, war. How could a teenage girl like this survive through all of that. Even though it was hard for her to fight through all of those, she very well made it out of every single one of those. I would hope that you read this book, cause trust me, you will love it at the end and throughout the entire story.

  18. Lauren Fitts#5
    Blog 2
    The Fault in Our Stars
    Prompt #10
    Page 96 (Maze Runner)
    Word count :500
    1. Hazel is a cancer kid
    2. Hazel loves going to the support group
    3. Augustus Waters was a good driver.
    4. Augustus smokes.
    5. Augustus Waters Loves metaphors.
    Multiple Choice
    1. What book does Hazel Grace love?
    a. An Imperial Affliction
    b. Lord of the Flies
    c. All Quiet on the Western Front
    2. Augustus Waters lost a
    a. Finger
    b. Arm
    c. Leg
    d. None of the above
    3.Hazel Grace Lancaster had her had to
    a. use a wheel chair
    b. carry an oxygen tank
    c. None of the above
    4. Augustus was brought to support group by
    a. Issac
    b. Monica
    c. Hazel
    5.Augustus offered to take Hazel to
    a. France
    b. Delaware
    c. Holland
    d. Great Britain
    6. Who was the author of An Imperial Affliction.
    a. Robert Frost
    b. Peter Van Houten
    c. John Banister
    7. Which character dies?
    a. Hazel
    b. Augustus
    c, Isaac
    d. A and C
    8. What happened at the Anne Frank House?
    a. They learn about history
    b. They get the answers to their question
    c. They kiss
    9. What did Hazel Grace and Augustus try for the first time?
    a. Dutch Soda
    b. Mango Ice Tea
    c. Champaign
    10. What happened to Augustus’ last girlfried?
    a. He dumped her
    b. she dumped him
    c. She died
    Short Answer
    1. Why did Hazel and Augustus want to go to Holland?
    2. What were Hazel’s questions for Van Houten?
    3. What did Hazel compare herself to?
    4. How did Hazel describe how she fell in love?
    5. What was Augustus’ metaphor of smoking?
    1. What did Augustus have to say about Humans leaving scars?
    1. True
    2. F
    3. F
    4. F
    5. T
    Multiple Choice
    1. A
    2. C
    7. B
    8. C
    9. C
    10. C
    Short Answer
    1. Because they made a meeting there with their favorite author.
    2. If Anna’s mom married the Dutch Tulip Man, if the Dutch Tulip Man was a fraud or if he really loved them, what happened to Claire and Jake, and what happens to Sisyphus the Hamster.
    3.Hazel compared herself to a grenade
    4.Hazel said she fell in love like you fall asleep, slowly then all at once.
    5. “You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don’t give it the power to do its killing.”
    1. He said the marks that we leave are too often scars. He said that we always try to make a name for ourselves but most of the time they are bad. Stars would say if I do this then everyone will be talking and everyone will remember me. Augustus said that they will either not remember you will just make the situation worse. He said that we try to make everything ours because we think that it will make people remember us but it wont. Augustus said the truth is that “We are as likely to hurt the universe as we are to help it, and we’re not likely to do either.”

  19. Sarah Youssouf #10
    Maze Runner
    James Dashner

    I love the way the author described everything in detail. The author’s descriptions gave a vivid image of what things would look like or what is going on. I liked the way the author described the Glade. I could picture the vines and moss growing on the walls of the Maze with a black box in the middle of the Glade. The author also did a great job describing the Maze. He described as a complex place with mysterious creatures called Grievers. The Grievers are covered in spikes that make you hallucinate and make you remember things that you have forgotten. I also enjoyed how the author described each and every character. One of the characters that the author described was called Teresa. She was the first girl to ever come in the Glade. She was half-dead when she arrived. She was pale and looked frail. She had a special connection with Thomas and was able to talk to him telepathically. Teresa was special like Thomas and was sent there for a reason. The author gave me a clear image of how Teresa would look like and act like. Another area of the Glade that the author described was the Homestead. The author described it as an old, mossy area with many small homes. The author’s descriptions helped me understand the book more and gave me a clear vision of everything that was described. Without these detailed descriptions the book wouldn’t be the same. The author did a great job with describing everything in detail.

  20. Ally Castaneda #2
    Ally Condie
    382 (finished)
    prompt #3
    Log #1

    Before Cassia turned sixteen she lived a perfect life. Cassias life was already planned so she never worried about anything. Cassia shared this perfect life with her best friend Xander. When she was younger Cassia and Xander would spend their time swimming, Cassia never liked to swim but she liked hanging out with Xander. When Xander and Cassia were at the pool they met Ky, Ky was an Aberration. That means you are not included in some activities and you can never be matched. Cassia and Xander lived an easy life but they had to watch their backs because if they messed up officials would take note, they called this a fracture. One time Xander lost his box in the pool and he had to find it in the pool but it is hard to see in the pool. That's when Cassia and Xander met Ky, Ky tried to help find the box. The only thing Cassia ever worried about was her grandfather she knew when she was younger that he was getting older and closer to his last banquet. But she never let that bother her Cassia would always live for today and wait for tomorrow. When she was in school she would always pay attention, she never got an in-fracture. Unlike her brother Cassia was on time where ever she went. When Cassia turned fourteen she entered second school, junior High. She was very good at sorting even though she was only sorting for a little bit. She knew that when she got older she wanted to be a sorter because everyone in her family was sorters. But then Cassia turned sixteen and found her match.

  21. #4 Grace DiPonio
    3rd quarter blog
    Jake and Lily
    Years later Jake and Lily went their own ways. They were both living in their own houses, had their own kids and were married .They never spoke to each other anymore. It all started when Jake started dating this beautiful girl named Rachel. Lily was happy for brother but she was kind of jealous, Jake and Rachel did everything together, and Lily always got left out. She was used to doing everything with Jake but now all he does is talk to Rachel. Lily tried to act cool about the whole thing; it’s not that she didn’t like Rachel. She just wished that they could hand out altogether, but whenever she tried to hang out with them Jake wouldn’t let her. She knew that they were 17 and they were going to have to start hanging out with other people. She didn’t expect it to happen this fast. One day in September Lily decided to tell Jake how she really felt. Her idea did not turn out as plan, Jake was mad at her he thought she was happy for him. Lily tried explaining to Jake but he was so mad at her. From that day forward Jake and Lily never spoke again.

  22. Michael Chapin#3
    The Illustrated Man
    Ray Bradbury

    Hello, my name is the illustrated man. I am covered with these inked pictures that tell stories. I do not like these illustrations. In the day the pictures are still , shining in the sun. At night the pictures change. The illustrations on me tell the future. When I see the illustrations changing, I get a showing of the future and it can be tragic. The artist that put these on me is always changing. She seems to have the power to travel through time. At some times she is feeble and old, but at other times, she appears to be twenty years old. I thought of her as a witch. The sing is, I have never found her. At night the illustrations glow and change. it seems like twenty of them change at a time. Sometimes violent things even happen to them. I can always feel them changing. If you look at them for some time, you can hear the stories and what is happening as they change. If you see one for a little amount of time, you will be told a story of tale. When I get a job and someone sees this, I get fired. My illustrations start to thin out when there becomes less stories.

  23. Alyssa Zeller #11
    The Fault in Our Stars
    John Green

    Hello I am John green the author of "The fault In Our Stars". I am here to tell you what happens after Gus dies and Hazel’s life after. After Gus dies Hazel is very sad and after the days go by it gets harder and harder for her to be happy. The way she misses Gus is so strong it is like an avalanche of emotion. She gets sadder and sadder every day and she gets very depressed. Life becomes worse for her and she goes on with living. Her eyes are always swollen from crying and can barely ever catch her breath. Her lungs constantly feel like their on fire and always feel like their filled up with the amber cancer liquid filling inside her lungs. As time goes by in her dark room she has almost read “An Imperial Affliction” at least a hundred times. She needs to go almost every week to the hospital to get her lungs drained of the cancer fluid. She can barely keep her breakfast down and has gotten to be skin and bones. She cannot even walk down the stairs without being out of breath. As time goes by her health gets worse and worse and she never has the strength to get out of her room. Eventually the Phalanxifor’s effect wears off and the cancer begins to grow again. She dies in her sleep only to be reunited with her lover Gus in their own little infinity where they can both be “okay” and Gus can stick a cigarette in his mouth but not lighting it and explaining to God that it is just a metaphor even though God knows already.

  24. #7Isabella Holiday
    Solo: A Memoir of Hope
    Hope Solo
    1.Hope Solo was born on July 30, 1981
    2. Hope Solo has two half siblings and one full sibling.
    3. Hope solo goes to the University of South Dakota
    4. Hope Solo sometimes puts her dads ashes in her goalie gloves to know that her dad is with her before an important game.
    5. Hope Solo has a step-dad named Jimmy
    Multiple Choice
    6. Hope’s best friend is
    A Tina
    B Cheryl
    C Julie
    7. Hope’s dad called her
    A baby hope
    B cherry blossom
    C Ho
    8. Hope Solo went to college at
    A university of Washington
    B University of Dakota
    C University of Texas
    9. Hopes College coach is first name is
    A Francis
    B bob
    C lesle
    10. Hop was originaly
    A forward
    B defense
    C keeper
    11. Hope Solo’s brother has
    A boy
    B girl
    C both
    12. Hope Solo lives in
    A Washington
    B South Dakota
    C Seattle
    13. One of Hope’s best friends who died was
    A Liz Duncan
    B Whitney Thompson
    C Quinn Charles
    14. Hope’s step-mothers names is
    A Marry
    B Mia
    C Terry
    15.Hope’s brother is named
    A Jonny
    B Marcus
    C Jimmy
    Short answer
    16.How did Hope choose her college?
    17.Name one reason why Hope’s dad was arrested.
    18.Was Hope mad when she first found out that one of her coaches wanted her to play keeper? Why?
    19.Who is Glenn?
    20.Why did Hope put her father ashes in her gloves?
    16. She went to Washington because her club coach was there walked around and decided that she loved the school.
    17. He was accused of murder.
    18.Yes, she wanted to score.
    19. Glenn is Hope’s moms husband who was always there for Hope and giving unconditional love.
    20. Hope put her fathers ashes in her gloves so she could remember that he is there with her.

  25. #16 Kayla Sin
    Veronica Roth
    Pg. 487
    Years before Tris took the test, she had an interesting childhood. The day she turned six was the day she first saw the Dauntless soldiers jump from the trains. She was awed by their bravery and from then on was delighted when seeing the Dauntless people pass by. She enjoyed giving to the factionless, but she found it scary being around them now and then. Tris didn’t usually like being around them because she didn’t like thinking about herself being one of them. The thought of that gave her nightmares at the time, but over time, she grew out of it. One of the times she messed up was when her mother trusted Tris to close the mirror’s sliding door. A few minutes after her mother left the room, she came back and saw Tris looking at herself in the mirror longer than what the faction let the Abnegation do. Abnegation let the people look at the mirror for one second the second day of every three months. Tris was delighted when she saw her reflection. After that little incident, she did not think her test results would end up as Abnegation. She thought she wasn’t cut out for Abnegation because she wasn’t selfless in those few minutes. Maybe she was meant to be with the Erudite (smart), Amity (peaceful), Candor (honest), or Dauntless (brave.) Only the test would determine what faction you would fit the best in. She didn’t know that she could fit into three different factions, only Divergent citizens would get those types of test results. Time flew by and soon she was sixteen and took the stimulation test. That day changed her whole life.

  26. #8 Margaret Kwok
    2nd blog for the 3rd quarter
    The Wide Awake Princess
    By, E.D Baker
    Pages 151-261
    Option #5 (poem)
    There once was a girl named Annie,
    She wasn’t the least bit classy,
    Her sister was nice and pretty,
    While she was yuck and icky,
    It was said her sister would fall asleep,
    On her sixteenth birthday,
    She’d fall to sleep so deep,
    Off went Annie on her journey,
    Then she met Digby,
    She found herself quite dizzy,
    But she couldn’t get caught up,
    For she was so, so busy,
    He protected and loved her,
    As if she was his brother,
    They met odd creatures on the way,
    Who had features happy and gay,
    But some were snappy and lame,
    As the bear prince would say,
    The nasty dwarf is on my tail,
    Annie thought she mustn’t bail,
    For she was confident and strong,
    Yet she felt something was wrong,
    She didn’t have time to think,
    She was almost married in a blink,
    To a prince she barely knew,
    Oh how time had flew,
    She had to deny her vows,
    She had a mission to continue but how,
    She found herself in a castle,
    Oh what a hassle,
    Then Digby rescued her,
    Now their love really had no cure,
    She found her sister’s true love,
    Who kissed her as soft as a dove,
    When all felt right,
    War struck,
    The kingdom was almost defeated,
    But Annie saved it again,
    Everyone loved her including every little hen,
    Annie and Digby now close as ever,
    Stayed together,
    Probably forever,

  27. Jacquelyn Co #2
    Veronica Roth
    Page 525
    Prompt #4
    One of the many themes in this book is sacrifice. One of the ways this book shows sacrifice is because Tris has to help Marcus (Tobias’ father) because she has to find the information that her mom was trying to find before she died. It was a sacrifice because Tobias was helping his mom , Evelyn, and her plan while Tris was helping ,Tobias fear and dad, Marcus. She sacrificed to help the whole society instead and risking her relationship with Tobias. Another theme in this book is love. In this book Tris and Tobias say that they love each other. In this book Tris realizes that Tobias is hers and she is his, and that she will always love him. This book also shows Anger because Tris and Tobias fight with each other in this book a lot. They disagree on their plans and many of their points of view. This book shows a lot of adventure and war. The adventure shows when they constantly have to fight to protect the Divergent and Jeanine’s plans. There is war in this book because Tobias, his mother, and the factionless are fighting the Erudite. Evelyn (Tobias mother) wants to start a war by completely wiping out the faction Erudite. At the same time Tris and Marcus are fighting against both Erudite and the factionless. In this book it shows many sacrifices, love, and war. Sacrifice is when you have to think and help more important things than your own benefits and needs. Love is putting others needs before yours. War is when people disagree and think that they are the ones who are right. Overall this book has many themes and interesting parts in the story.

  28. Adrian Gottuso #6
    Prompt #3
    House of Hades
    Rick Riordan
    Many years later after the war, when peace and unity has been restored, Percy, Annabeth, the rest of the crew all stay together. Annabeth gets to redesign and reconstruct New Rome. Camp Half Blood is almost completely destroyed in the war, but is able to be rebuilt. The Greeks and Romans now get along and live among each other peaceably. There are still a few that try to stir up trouble, but the majority get along with everyone. Percy and Annabeth live together in New Rome. The rest of the crew live in New Rome with Percy and Annabeth, but all of them go back and visit Camp Half-Blood often. The crew still does almost everything together and they still go on quests. But as they get older they train apprentices and teach younger children how to fight. The crew travels the world together and gets into even more trouble with other monsters and things. Back at Camp Jupiter, Percy resigns from his post and lets Jason resume his place as praetor. Percy and Annabeth go to college in New Rome, then they eventually get married. None of the crew ever forgets their adventures and hardships, and they frequently talk about it. They recall stories of the war and how they defeated the giants and Gaea and tell the children. They become very well known throughout their community and they know everyone too. When they rebuild camp half-blood they made it bigger and added the city of New Athens so more people could go and live there. They all live happy lives and wait for the next big war to come, but it never does and everyone lives happy lives from then on.

  29. Andy Ly #8
    Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire
    J.K. Rowling
    Prompt 3

    After Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, Harry, Ron, and Hermione all went to stay at Ron’s house for a while. Harry and Ron both got the same jobs as helpers of the ministry of magic. Hermione of course went into the district of ministry of magic as well, but she got into a job where you have to know a lot of stuff and you always have to look at jobs. Meanwhile Ron and Harry just had to do what they were told, kind of like a secretary. All three of them were paid of course, just not as much as normal wizards get. But, after a month or so working there, Hermione went to see Harry and Ron while she was taking a break, but found them fooling around, and not doing as they were supposed to. Hermione tried to get them back to work, but they just wouldn’t listen, so she tried to cast some sort of spell that she had created that made whoever she cast it on listen to her. But, their boss walked in right as she cast the spell, and at that exact moment, Ron and Harry tipped over a very big wizard filer that held thousands and thousands of years’ worth of spells, wands, scrolls, and all of that just fell onto the floor. The boss was raging with so much fury that Ron, Harry, and Hermione were all fired. Hermione blamed Ron and Harry, but they didn’t mind too much because even back at Hogwarts, she would always complain and yell at them, so they learned to tone her out. After all three lost their jobs, all they had to do was stay inside and talk. They soon became Hogwartssick (like homesick but hogwartsick) missing all the fun things to do at Hogwarts, especially quidditch for Harry. Harry missed playing games against other teams on quidditch, Hermione missed the homework, the tests, the books, and Ron just missed playing around. They all became very lonesome of Hogwarts, and they were ready to go back. The only problem is, that it was their last year and they can never go back.

  30. Sarah Sarmiento #10
    Veronica Roth
    Page 526 (end)
    Prompt #8

    There are many problems and conflicts in the book Allegiant. There are two narrators; Tris and Tobias. At the end of Insurgent (previous book in the series) the author leaves the story at a cliffhanger. The Edith Prior video. The video indicates that when there is a great amount of Divergents, to go beyond the fence. Tobias’ parents are rivals planning to move forward on war. While this is happening, Tobias leaves his mother to go beyond the fence along with Tris, Tori, and a few others. Most of them who were Divergent. Before they leave, Tobias goes to break Caleb out of prison so he won’t be executed. They all reach the outside of the fence except for Tori who is shot and killed while ambushed close to the fence. They reach an enclosed government compound which is an abandoned airport. Here, they find out that their whole lives they were being watched by the government and put into categories; the genetically damaged and divergent. Throughout Allegiant and also the other previous books in the divergent series Tris and Tobias are romantically involved. Sadly, because of some mistakes Tobias makes, they start to drift apart. Tobias tries so very hard to earn back the trust and respect. He eventually succeeds in doing so. The government compound is discovered to be in control of Chicago (where all of the factions are enclosed in the fence) and are the creators of all of the serums. This means that they can destroy Chicago. Chicago is one of their experiences and they have terminated their experiments in the past. The government compound plans to erase all of the faction’s memories because they wanted to refresh their compound and try to become better people. Doing so, this would erase most of their lives, leaving Tris to save the day. Ending in a not so happy ever after.

  31. Alex Gottuso #5
    Dark Life
    Kat Falls
    Pg. 1-150
    Prompt 6

    Me: Hello, Ty.
    Ty: Hello.
    Me: First things first. How is it to be living underwater?
    Ty: You get used to it. There’s lots of room down there too. It’s nice to have sea animals around you all the time and to explore such a vast place. I would say that life on the Topside is worse.
    Me: What’s your favorite part about living underwater?
    Ty: I wouldn’t really say there’s anything to be so excited about down there. Like I said, it really just becomes normal to live down there. But if I had to say, I would say probably all the sea creatures and uncovered artifacts resulting from the sea flooding in covering and sweeping out the lowlands. I collect lots of that stuff and then I have to ship it to museums.
    Me: How big of a problem is the Seablite Gang?
    Ty: Definitely a major one. Until we get rid of them, our Representative won’t really take much care for our supplies and land. There are lots of rumors about how horrid they are, but they just cause lots of havoc through things other than gruesome murder. Although there is bits of evidence of that,
    Me: Speaking of that evidence, do you think the ‘bloodbath’ in that sub you hid in from predators and met Gemma was a result of the Seablite Gang?
    Ty: I would like to say no, but not that much blood could just come from fish. If the sub sunk after some sort of crew escaped then maybe, but there’s also a corpse tied to the gang’s sub.
    Me: Do you think you can stop the Seablite Gang with some help?
    Ty: Maybe with some tactics.

  32. Heaven Hayden#7
    Allie Condie
    380 (finished)
    1. Cassia was matched with Ky.
    2. Cassia wore green at her matching ceremony
    3. Cassia had a compass for her artifact.
    4. Ky is an aberration.
    5. The society is broken and full of rule breaking bad people.
    6. Cassia burned her grandfather’s poem.
    7. Cassia is in love with Ky.
    Multiple Choice
    1. Cassia wore a
    a. Green dress
    b. Blue dress
    c. Yellow dress
    2. The hill was
    a. Beautiful
    b. Open to public
    c. Restricted
    3. Em was
    a. Cassias enemy
    b. Xanders forbidden girlfriend
    c. Cassias best friend
    4. The story told from
    a. Cassias point of view.
    b. Xanders point of view
    c. Ems point of view
    5. The green tablet
    a. Kills whoever takes it
    b. Calms whoever takes it
    c. Makes whoever takes them forget everything
    6. Xander is
    a. Jealous of Ky
    b. Best friends with Ky
    c. Kys brother
    7. The matching banquet matches
    a. Teen agers
    b. Animals
    c. Puzzles
    8. Ky has a cousin named
    a. Edward
    b. Richard
    c. Matthew
    9. Cassia has never taken the
    a. Green tablet
    b. Yellow tablet
    c. Orange tablet
    10. The age that everyone dies is
    a. 100
    b. 90
    c. 80
    Short answer
    1. What is cassias brothers name?
    2. What artifact did cassia have?
    3. What artifact did Ky have?
    4. What is the person in the museum that trades called?
    5. Why does Kys face show up on Xanders microcard?
    Essay Question
    Do think it is right for there to be a society that decides where you live and when you die and who you love? Why?

    1. False
    2. True
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False
    6. False
    7. True
    Multiple choice
    1. A
    2. C
    3. C
    4. A
    5. B
    6. A
    7. A
    8. C
    9. A
    10. C
    Short answer
    1. Bram
    2. Compact
    3. Compass
    4. Archivist
    5. Someone out him into the matching pool.
    Essay question
    No, it is not right to have a society that controls everything you do. We choose who we love and where we live and what we eat. If our world came to this there would be nothing but rebellion. Everyone would have a say in what they do. We need freedom. A society like this would just be cruel.

  33. Steven Vego #12
    iBoy Kevin Brooks

    I can’t stop thinking about Lucy and how much I want to get revenge on the people that hurt her and her brother. I’ve been trying to control my power, but sometimes when I get angry I can’t help myself. It’s kind of like it takes control over me and I can’t stop myself. The other day I almost threw a guy out the window because he made me angry and I tried to stop myself, I really did. I just don’t understand how the iPhone could have mutated with my brain. It seems so confusing, but I also understand it. Sometimes when I think about stuff I see a lot of numbers. They don’t make sense, but at the same time they make a whole lot of sense and I see pictures and I can hear millions of phone calls and people talking. Ive come to a conclusion that I can use my knowledge that I gained from the iPhone that was dropped from the twenty-eight floor of a flat and hit my head that cracked my head open and some of the iPhone parts that give me this knowledge were not recovered and I can use that knowledge to my advantage for power. I can use this power to find who did this to Lucy and her brother Ben and get revenge for what they did to them.


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