4th Quarter - Blog #1

Only one more to go! Take your time. The blogpost should show evidence of your reading and illustrate your findings with correct grammar, distinctive vocabulary, and immaculate spelling. I look forward to following your reading.


  1. #3 Thomas Coyne
    Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Battle of the Labyrinth
    Rick Riorden
    Prompt 9

    I love the way the author really describes the monsters and mythical beings. He usually says their height and sometimes combines normal animals to describe the monster. Like to describe a sphinx he combined a lion, a schoolteacher, and an eagle. The author is a genius well I think that at least. He also won’t just say he said he will say he bellowed or he exclaimed. I love the way the author connects a ton of Greek myths and Greek myth heroes. Like in The Battle of the Labyrinth they talk about the creator of the Labyrinth Detelus and the labyrinth. They also talk about the king named king minus who put his half bull half human baby the minotaur in the labyrinth and put human sacrifices in there to see if they could survive the minotaur. Nobody did until Theceus son of Zeus came along and slayed the Minotaur. But he didn’t do it by himself he needs help. So he gets help from a mortal girl who gets help from detelus creator of the maze who gives her ariadnies string so he would know how to navigate and escape the maze. The author of this series is amazing when it comes to writing I think his books are so awesome. I think there is not one single thing wrong with the book. I love the characters and the way he describes them.

  2. Steal Heart
    Brandon Sanderson
    Joshua Ramirez #8
    Page #350
    Log #10
    True or False
    James’s dad was shot by an epic
    David grew up in the country known as England
    David swore vengeance on the epic known as Fireflight
    David is eighteen when he encountered the Reckoners
    The most powerful epic is Steal Heart

    Multiple Choices
    Who killed David’s dad?
    a. Fireflight
    b. Fortuity
    c. Steal Heart
    d. Nightwinger

    What do the Reckoners do for a living?

    a. Bankers
    b. Assassins
    c. Sales men
    d. Guards
    Who is the only living person who knows Steal Hearts weakness?
    a. James
    b. Fireflight
    c. David
    d. Adam
    What weapon did the villain use to kill David’s dad?
    A. Gun
    B. Laser
    C. Their own powers
    D. The David’s dad of the building
    What is the source of power to the reactor core that David needs ?
    a. Electricity
    b. Molten lava
    c. Water
    d. Nuclear power
    What are the Reckoners fighting for?

    a. Freedom
    b. Pride
    c. Power
    d. World domination
    What country does this take place in?
    a. Germany
    b. Canada
    c. United states of America
    d. Japan
    Who is the smartest in the Reckoners ?
    a. David
    b. James
    c. Adam
    d. Poof
    Who is the strongest of all the Reckoners?
    a. David
    b. Poof
    c. Adam
    d. Cody

    What kind of gun does David use?
    a. Handgun
    b. Machine gun
    c. Sniper
    d. Rifle
    Short answer
    What is Poofs role on the team?

    Why does David want to join the Reckoners?

    Why is David so full of rage?

    What is Nightwingers ability?

    Why don’t the people revolt?

    Essay name a theme in the book and how it relates to the main character?

    Answers to true or false

    Multiple choices answers
    Short Answers
    #1 Poofs role on the team is to analyze all foreign materials and to give tactics. He is the brains of the operation.
    #2 he needs a team to take down the government he can’t do it by himself.
    #3 The reason for David’s rage is because he lost his father and wants revenge on the man who took him from David.
    #4 Nightwinger is a very powerful epic and can make his body indestructible by his ability t let mater pass through him and his invisability skills.
    #5 The people don’t revolt because they don’t stand a chance against the epics the fight would be over before it ever started.

    Essay answer
    The number one theme in this story is vengeance it is what thrives David’s life. All he has worked for in his life is to find Steal Heart and to kill the so called indestructible menace of America. David holds the clue to Steal Heart’s death and will see to it the the dictator will fall.

  3. #10 Matthew Montoya
    Veronica Roth
    Blog #1
    Divergent Pg. 408

    Dear Diary,
    I haven’t seen my family in a while, and now I’m starting to get scared. Ever since Al died, I feel like everyone wants my head. I have already been attacked a few times by Drew, Al, and Peter. Peter is just all jealous of whoever is beating him, and whoever is, is going to be attacked. I get the memory every night of when Edward was stabbed in the ear in the middle of the night. I have gotten a lot braver than since I first started. I also have a new connection with Four, some connection that is unspeakable. I didn’t know he had only four fears, but that’s why he is named four. His actual name is Tobias. The thing I fear most is someone finding out that I am Divergent. I know someone will find out, but I don’t know who. I still remember when we played paintball and Four and I went to higher ground and saw where the flag was. Yesterday, I had gotten a new tattoo on my arm and now the soreness is kicking in to me. My parents would have never let me get a tattoo but now I am old enough to be on my own and make my own choices. I miss my family too much and that’s starting to affect me in my training. I cant let them get to me like that. I will get back to you when I have something new to tell you.

  4. #17 Trevor Stubbs
    Story of Billy the Kid
    Blog #1
    Pg. 300
    Dear Diary,
    I have been on the run from the law. Now I finally think I am safe but you never know what is around the corner. I am keeping my eye open for the law. I have lost a lot of my gang to the death from the law so I need my revenge. They also killed my best friend so I will kill the sheriff. The sheriff thinks he is the man of the land but no I am. He has something that is just weird and just does not like me. I am hiding out in a house of one of my chumps and I do not know what is going too happened. I woke up in the middle of the night to a racket outside I went to see what happened, so I threw my shoes on and got my gun than I went outside to see what it was then “Bang, Bang.” Billy was found dead a little bit after. He was definitely dead but it was a great life he was the outlaw in the entire west. He was a great man except he killed a lot of people but he was a great outlaw. This was good and bad because no one would mess with him but he was a murder. He was killed by the sheriff and shoot two times. That is the last time Billy was alive bam dead.

  5. #16 Kayla Sin
    Veronica Roth
    Pg. 525
    Veronica Roth did an amazing job with this second book of the Divergent trilogy. It brings suspense after each chapter and leaves you wanting to read more. The events that occur are unpredictable. After what happened in the first book, Tris wants to “sacrifice herself” all the time and puts herself in danger without knowing the meaning of sacrificing. The fighting between Tris and Tobias (Four) was unexpected and makes you want to bring them back together again. There are many tragic deaths that were made by pure science. One of these horrific deaths that occurred was when three of Tris’s friends were under stimulation. The ones under stimulation were forced to jump off the building and die. What was sad was that Tris could only save one of them. Jeanine Matthews caused all the scientific deaths to happen. Jeanine is the leader of Erudite who wants all the Divergent dead. She was a great danger to the factionless, but luckily she dies in the end. Tris kind of betrays Four by working with his father to find the flash drive that her mother was supposed to find. On the flash drive was a video of Edith Prior. Edith Prior was one of Caleb and Tris’s ancestors from their dad’s side. The book leaves you hanging and makes you need to read the next book, Allegiant. I am devastated that I finished this terrific trilogy because it took me on adventures I’ve never been on. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend. This book is liked by many and will be loved and read for a long time. To my perspective, I would rate this book a ten. The Divergent trilogy will blow your mind.

  6. Connor Platt #11
    R.j Paliacio
    page #143
    Prompt #7
    In the book wonder, there is a kid that is physically deformed. “If I had one wish, I would wish to have a normal face, one that nobody would notice me.” His name is August. August has faced some many problems as friends, school and family. I like the book very much. I love how the book gives so many different scenarios for August. I like how it tells us about all of August’s past. I do enjoy how August is put in the first person, but also in the third person. Though this can get confusing, it forces you to keep up with the book. August has a sister name Miranda. Miranda is embarrassed by Augusts’ face. She doesn’t want to get picked up by her mom when August is in the car. This is something I don’t like, even though most people would probably be embarrassed by their deformed sibling. I also don’t like how the other puts you into perspectives of other characters in the book. The author puts you in perspective of at least ten different people. I personally think that the perspective of August is the best. And I also think that the perspective of Miranada is the worst. August Is hated by many different people. But, he is also loved many different people. I do enjoy this because it shows how people can be very mean and selfish, but very nice and kind. Overall I think this book is one of the best books yet

  7. #6 Elijah Holiday
    Hitler’s Secret
    William Osborne
    Pg #147
    Prompt #3
    Hi there, today we are going to talk about Otto’s life before becoming an international spy. A year before he became spy, he had a rough life. He worked in a shop where guns were sold, and one day, a Nazi came in, bought a gun, and then shot his father in the stomach. Two days later he died. His father was the only man he knew in his life. His mother was a part of the international spy association. She was on a mission to hunt down Hitler, and then she was shot by one of Hitler’s men. Otto didn’t realize she died till he was 16; he was ten when she died. His sister was one of the outsiders of the family, and one day, she started to work for a meat shop, and then moved to Japan and was killed for preaching the word of God. Otto had a rough life, then his neighbors decided to take him in and he later became their son. The neighbors had a daughter named Leni who was his age. Otto finally went to school and did very well. During the year of 1947, Otto’s school was bombed by Hitler’s men. He then moved to Germany where the family thought they would be safe, but they weren’t. They moved to seven different houses because of what Hitler had done. One day while Otto and Leni were walking back from their work, a huge plan came and dropped a bomb and killed their family. Now Otto and Leni are after Hitler.

  8. #8 Margaret Kwok
    Imagine I'm the author prompt
    1st blog for 4th quarter
    Ever After High
    Shannon Hale
    pages 110-260

    Hello, I am Shannon Hale, and I am writing to all my fans about a special edition to one of my books "Ever After High." I will be telling you guys about a special back round of Apple White's life before featuring in my award winning book. Well, for starts, she had a very pleasant childhood. She was born to her humble parents Snow White, and Prince Charming. She had a beautiful childhood full of laughter and joy. There was once a time when she felt so happy she fainted. Everybody knew she was the happiest child alive. On her fifth birthday she received a necklace with a pearl inside a bluebird's beak, she claimed it was the most pretty thing she had ever seen. Her parents were very grateful for such a wonderful child, who would one day rule and protect the kingdom, just as her mother did so. Apple's favorite animal had always been a fox, which is probably why when she goes to Ever After High, she is delighted to find that her pet for life is an adorable red wood colored fox! Apple's favorite dessert growing up, and still is apple pie. Her mother, Snow White, always made this delicious treat and covered it in brown sugar and cinnamon. Apple is most delighted when she hears her mother tell of her future destiny. Apple's life is perfect, until she stars in "Ever After High."

  9. Hannah Dumaine#3
    Log #6
    Page #525
    Veronica Roth

    Me: Hello Tris or… Beatrice? What should I call you?
    Tris: Tris is fine and hello Hannah!
    Me: How do you feel about Will? Are you still ok?
    Tris: Surprisingly, I am still sad about it, but I needed to or I would be dead. My friend Christina finally forgave me because of her friend. Her friend was rude but she made a point and Christina understood.
    Me: That is wonderful and I know you needed to.
    Tris: Yes, but sometimes I think he is here. But I killed him in cold blood and he didn’t even notice.
    Me: It’s ok. You don’t need to worry. Do you trust Peter or do you still feel uneasy around him?
    Tris: I feel ok around him and I definitely do not trust him. He could run away or kill someone at anytime.
    Me: Remember, he did save your precious life while you wanted it to go. Why did you want to die?
    Tris: I know that but basically he owed me, and he could still be bluffing. I didn’t really want to die but I did think they didn’t need me anymore.
    Me: Of course they need you! You are precious to them. You could shoot great and is very strong.
    Tris: I guess but the most important situation here is Tobias and me.
    Me: What happened between you two?! You guys were great together!
    Tris: I lied to him.
    Me: Oh, I forgot sorry.
    Tris: I need to make it up to him. What should I do?
    Me: Write a letter? A note? Dinner? I’m the wrong person to ask sorry.
    Tris: Oh, ok. But I might do one of those things though. Those are good ideas.
    Me: Well, I go to go. Good bye.
    Tris: See you later.

  10. #7 Aide Martinez
    Veronica Roth
    Page #525
    Prompt #8
    The main problem in Insurgent is that Tris Prior keeps trying to make sacrifices. She has been saving and helping so many people, but she almost dies from her sacrifices. She doesn’t know what value her life means. Tobias keeps warning her and telling her to be careful, but she doesn’t listen. She keeps breaking her promises to be safe. Tobias and Tris fight over this because he cares about her safety. Tris almost makes them both break up. Another main problem in Insurgent is that Tori kills Jeanie. Tris tries to save Jeanie’s life, but Tori just kills her because Jeanie killed her brother. At the end Tori thinks that Tris is a traitor because she was protecting Jeanie Matthews. The real reason that Tris was protecting Jeanie was because Jeanie had the video of Amanda Ritter or Edith Prior. The third main conflict in Insurgent was that Tobias’ mother Evelyn and Tris didn’t get along so well. Tris didn’t believe that Evelyn was good and she thought that she was hiding something. Tris thought that she was tricking Tobias into going on her side for doing something evil. The fourth main problem in the book is that Tris has to go in the truth serum. She tells everyone that she kills Will and that makes Christina and Tobias mad. Christina stops talking to Tris for a while and Tobias yells at her and they have a big fight.

  11. #4 Samantha Doring
    Fault in Our Stars
    John Green
    Log #1
    Prompt #1
    This year I went to support group with Isaac. Isaac is going to have his other eye removed. He brought a friend and his name is Augustus Waters. He had bone cancer, it came back. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. I made him read An Imperial Affliction he ended up loving it. Since I already spent my wish to go to Disney Land He gave me his wish and we went to Amsterdam to meet Peter Van Hooten, the author of AIA. When we went there Van Hooten was a mess and I got mad at him and stormed off. When we went home Gus told me that his cancer had come back, I was a mess. One night I got a call from him and I thought that it was The Call. But it wasn’t it was Gus he said not to call an ambulance and to come to a gas station. Once I got there I saw his tube unhooked and infected so I called an ambulance. He was saved this time. He said that he was there to get a pack of cigarettes he wanted to do it on his own. When I went to visit him I brought him a pack of cigarettes. Once he got better he wanted to plan a prefuneral with only Isaac and me. Augustus Waters died eight days later. At his funeral I put a pack of cigarettes in his casket. I went home after that and slept. I woke up remembering that he said that he would write me a sequel to AIA. I went to his house but no luck, a few days later Kaitlin called me and gave me the idea that he sent it to Van Hooten and he did, it was perfect.

  12. Yaya Martinez #9
    The wave
    Log #1
    Tod Strasser
    Page #133

    Ross was a history teacher
    He came in and taught about Hitler
    He was a serious killer
    He tried an experiment
    To make the kids intelligent
    He was able to manipulate them
    Robert saw this as unity
    But with David, it’s an opportunity
    This is so wrong
    Says Laurie’s mom
    Laurie thinks it’s a joke
    Amy continues to smoke
    The group can become danger
    They are The Wave

    Its temptation
    Disobeying a violation
    All is a part of the Wave

    Ross is the leader
    He hands out promotion cards
    To show who else is in charge
    They keep an eye on the members
    It’s an opportunity to remember
    Laurie is scared of the wave

    Its temptation
    Disobeying’s a violation
    All is a part of the Wave

    Everyone is joining
    They all think is cool
    Laurie’s the only one who thinks it is cruel
    What is wrong with them?
    Why are they doing this?
    This is a real world problem
    They say it’s the Wave

    Its temptation
    Disobeying’s a violation
    All is a part of the Wave

  13. Sarah Sarmiento #10
    The Book Thief
    Markus Zusak
    Pg. 372
    Prompt #7
    In The Book Thief, it speaks about the Holocaust/World War One but from the eyes of the Jews.
    It is 1939, in Nazi Germany, when Liesel Memingers life completely changes. Her life changes at her brothers “funeral” when she picks up an object hidden in the snow. The object she picks up is a book, The Grave Diggers Handbook, left by accident. This book was Liesel’s first act of thievery. Liesel is taken to a foster home in Munich on Himmel Street. She had very rarely attended school so she hadn’t learned to speak or even read very well. Every night, Liesel had the same horrible dream of her brother’s death on the train, but she is always awakened by her foster father, Hans Hubermann, and he knew just what to do to calm her down. Hans loved to smoke; he even taught Liesel to roll his cigarettes for him. He was also a painter by trade and played the piano accordion. His wife, Rosa Hubermann, was one other story though. Rosa did all of the work in the house and did all of the washing and ironing for some of the houses in Molching, she also did all the cooking (which was horrible). She DID love liesel, she just had a strange way of showing it;including yelling curse words and bashing her with a wooden spoon. Liesel always did what she was told and never complained. Her best friend was Rudy, the blond boy next door who was obsessed with the black American athlete Jesse Owens. These times are very dangerous and they get even worse when the Hubermanns hide a Jew in their basement.

  14. Gannon McDonald#9.5
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins
    page #153
    Prompt #2

    Dear Suzanne Collins:
    I loved your book! It is really neat, inspiring, and casual. I loved all the parts of your book, but there are just some parts that were just not so great. Like the part where when she found out, her district didn’t exist anymore and her family was dead. I really hope Mocking Jay is better than this one. Here is some advice at the end where when she found out, you should made it like she got all mad. Then the guards watching her started to hold her down. To make her stop and make them put her to sleep. Another part is when they told what she was supposed to say, and all the people she was talking to got all mad. Then tried to kill her for what she was saying, then she felt sad and kept doing the same thing. You should of let her say her own thing, but didn’t have to make the person get killed for her saying. You could have made the old guy arrested, not killed and then make her cry for him. I hope you take this advice for your next book, and take your time, to read this and think over it. Thank you for your time for reading this. I wish I could meet you in person and talk to you over this and read over this with you.
    From Your Dear Friend: Gannon McDonald

  15. Alex Gottuso #5
    Blog #7
    Kat Falls
    Dark Life
    Pg. 297
    Prompt #5

    One day Ty decided to go to the topside with Gemma. Ty didn’t exactly like the topside, and Gemma was starting to change her mind. Once Ty showed Gemma around so much undersea, she thought it was amazing, spacious, but dangerous. Then again, it’s crowded, and extremely hot on the topside. That’s why Ty hated it; it was so crowded, and not free, like the sea. Every time Ty came to the topside, everyone obsessed over his ‘glowing’ skin because of bioluminescent fish in the sea. As Ty and Gemma escaped crowds of people overland, a sudden scream came out from their midst. Ty ignored it, thought of some sort of stupid reason for it, like a dolphin mistaken for a shark, or some sort of other creature ‘glowing’. Gemma didn’t see it either, but in a few minutes more than half of everyone was gone. Then they saw it. Was it the Seablite Gang? No, it couldn’t be, they were always undersea. Who was it? Was it a topside gang? Ty and Gemma didn’t move. They were the only ones left too, but Ty had a harpoon. They did have guns for the overseas, or rather optimized for it, so that seemed off from the Seablite Gang. They said, “Come with us.” They followed in fear. They lead them to a… helicopter. Ty had never seen one before. The designs looked a bit scary, and there were more guns in it. Gemma looked pale. “You have to help us,” they said, starting the engine. Neither of them answered. They went oversea to a new land. It took several days to get there, so everyone was quite hungry and dehydrated. The last Ty heard of was of others screaming, “Incoming!” and he fell asleep because of his condition, knowing nothing about where he was, or the people with him.

  16. #7 Isabella Holiday
    Ally Condie
    Prompt 9
    I love the way that this author really emphasizes the emotion and determination, in the characters. I like the way that she describes the characters point of view, emotion for each other, and determination to see each other. This author really helps me understand by going to each character and describing their emotion and determination to see each other. She makes the characters determination and emotion stick out so much that I feel like I am there, in the book watching the characters try to get back and reach each other. I like how when the characters get to the place that they have been searching for and where they hope and think peace is they still make sure that they know that each one of them are safe and healthy. I feel like the author never lets me forget about one person and makes sure that I know that the emotion and that the characters have with each other wasn’t just temporary it is long lasting. Even when dies the author reminds me that all of the other characters still care and have emotion for that person even though they are no longer alive. She also never lets me get that the characters are still determined to see each other even though they might not be with each other that instant or for the next couple weeks. I really like the way that the author emphasizes determination and emotion in this because I feel that it brings a lot of hope into the story.

  17. Lauren Fitts#5
    Blog 1
    Prompt #3
    Word count :
    After they went on the zip line and spread her ashes, the group of friends went back to Four’s place. His mom secretly threw a choosing day party. Four and Zeke helped Shauna with her new brace. Everyone got along there, and all the hatred that was felt between each other slowly faded. Four and Zeke were becoming best friends, because Zeke was forgiving Four more and more. Zeke started calling Four by his real name of Tobias. While this was happening Care went to work with Caleb in his scientific lab. They became presidents of a researching and scientific lab. Soon they started dating. One year later Caleb proposed to Cara and she said yes. Caleb asked Four to be his best man and Four accepted his offer. Four and Zeke threw him a bachelor party and they invited all of his co-workers and friends. Christina threw Cara a bridal shower. Their wedding was nice and small. They did not invite a lot of people. Their original date for the wedding was going to be Tris’ birthday so they moved it back a week. On her birthday, all of her friends and family went to the Hancock building in honor of her. Slowly Tobias and Christina became closer than friends. They dated for 1year and 6 months and then Tobias proposed. Zeke, being his best friend again, was his best man and Cara was Chris’s Maid of Honor. Before their wedding Christina made the comment that Tris was her real Maid of Honor . They had a big wedding. Evelyn was there and so was Chris’s family. It was a big get together and they had a silence in the beginning in honor of Tris. Tobias said that he never thought that he could get over Tris, and that Christina made it easy. He also said that he honestly hasn’t fully gotten over her and Christina said that she was okay with that. Chris moved in with Tobias. Two years after Tobias and Chris got married, Caleb and Cara had a girl named Natalie. At the same time Chris and Tobias had a daughter named Beatrice. A year later Caleb and Cara had a boy named Will and Tobias and Chris had a son named Uriah. The two couples raised their kids together. The two families were so close that they were pretty much family. Every six years they would have a celebration on the Choosing day to celebrate Tris’ life and the day they all made the biggest choices of their lives.

  18. #12 Jayden Ramirez
    Veronica Roth
    Page 525
    Prompt #8
    The main conflict in Insurgent is that Tris, Tobias, and Abnegation are trying to run away from Erudite and the Dauntless Traitors. Jeanine Matthews, an Erudite Leader, had stolen valuable information that had belonged to Abnegation. Marcus, an Abnegation leader, wanted the information back while Tobias wants to follow his mom and the fractionless to destroy Erudite and the information. Tris decides to listen to Marcus because her parents risked their lives for this information. Christina also goes with them. When Tris goes into the room where the information and Jeanine is, Tris sees Tori trying to kill Jeanine and Tris stop Tori because she needs Jeanine to give her the information. Later Tobias and Uriah step into the room and Tobias is mad at her because she was said that she would stay back at home. She said that because a few days before that , Jeanine had controlled some of the minds of the Dauntless(not Dauntless Traitors) and they would commit suicide every two days, unless a Divergent would go to Erudite Headquarters to be examined and then executed. Tris could not stand this, so she went out at night to the Euridite headquarters. Later Tobias went not only to save her, but to get information and on the execution day the Dauntless and fractionless would go in and save them. Tobias listened to Tris and Marcus and forced Caleb to open the information for him. Caleb did and the information was directions. The directions were to tell Amity to open the gates forever when there was plenty of Divergents. This information was given to Abnegation only.This was the main problem in Insurgent.

  19. #14 Alexis Raya
    Veronica Roth
    Page 526 (End)
    Prompt #5
    Spoiler Alert!!! (Possibly)
    After Tris died, I don’t know what to do. Thank God Christina found me before I erased my memory forever. I feel like a part of has died. Why should I live if I am not with Tris? She was a part of me and I was a part of her. I can’t do anything. I am trapped. There are no more fights to fight, wars to win, relationships to fix, or people to love. Of course I love Christina as a friend, but that love is not like a love I had for Tris. Tris is the person I went to for reassurance. She was my everything. I do have people to hate, but that doesn’t do any good for anybody. There is nothing to live for. There is nobody to wait for. Everything I love was taken from me. I want to end my life. I want to erase my past.
    These days I read, eat, sleep, visit Tris’s and Uriah’s grave, and think. I always notice myself thinking about the “what if” questions. Most of the time, I feel guilt when I think about their death. What if Caleb gave up his life and not Tris? That little selfish person would never do that. Caleb said that he loved his sister, but I know those are just words. He says that so I don’t try to kill him. I tried to kill Caleb already. Every time I try I remember to not kill in vengeance. I remember a play I read about somebody killing in vengeance. I think it was called “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar” by some guy named Shakespeare. In the play, Caesar’s friend, Brutus, stabs him in the back and kills him out of vengeance. Some friend Brutus is. The only difference between Brutus and I is that I don’t consider Caleb as a friend. I am still going to try to kill Caleb. I’m going to do everything from now on in the name of love (including death).

  20. Zachary Ramsey #13
    The Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins
    Page #63
    Promt #1

    Dear Diary,

    Today I caught the biggest animal with my bow, a bear. The biggest and nastiest beast anyone has ever seen. The drool running out its mouth the long black hair. I had to think of something quick so I poled out my bow and arrow out from my bag. I shoot the first arrow I miss it by a hair. Then I notice I only have one more in the bag. I was thinking did I only pack two. There is no time to think so I quickly pull the last arrow from my bag and wait till I get this black beast in my site once THEN the long haired beast moans in pain and slowly dies. As fast I can I run over to the bear and skin the bear. I knew this was a good catch black hair is most expensive this time of year. Its up $100. Then I realized the hunger games picking is next week. I am exited and not exited how about if I get picked. Or the people from our district get picked and dies. Or how about if me or someone in my family gets picked. Maybe the hunger games are for good. Ooo id don’t know, I try to ease my mind by hunting but it never seems to work just right. I also have to help out with the family I still I cant just spend all the money I earn.

  21. Alyssa Zeller #11
    Love? Maybe.
    Heather Helper

    Dear Diary,
    It is me again, Piper. I’m o.k. but life is really crazy right now. I really do not know what to do right now. What do you think I should because I have no clue? It is like my world keeps spinning and spinning and it does not stop and it just gets faster and faster. Work at the shop is getting harder that my candies are very popular now and at home I have got a mom who cannot control the two kids she has. I mean I love her but those kids are crazy energetic and they are always jumping off the walls. And it is very confusing with this love thing. I mean I do not know which one to choose. There both so sweet and kind and they both like me but it is like they are different but I like both of those different. I am so confused. My friends just really do not get me right now. I love them to death but they just do not get it. They do not get that my life right at the moment is very stressful and trust me they are not helping me with the pressuring of whom to pick. My dad is not helping this either. When I call him he dose not answer but when I am busy he decides to call. I love him too but he is just the cause of my stress and I really wished that my parents did not split but my mom is happier now and all I want is to see her happy. Well I guess I will figure it out somehow.

  22. #4 Grace DiPonio
    Prompt 8
    Jake and Lilly
    The main problem in the book is when there is a new boy in jake and Lilly neighborhood. Jake is excited to have a new boy on the street. Jake starts to hang out with him everyday. Lilly gets really mad because she feels that jake has totally forgot about her. Lilly thought jake would only hangout with him for a few days but it turned out she was wrong. Everyday jake would be hanging out with him. Lilly thought her and her brother would always have each other. She realized that she had to deal with the fact that her and her brother are getting older. Lilly had to get used to not hanging out with jake as much as she used to. Jake didn't really realize that his sister was sad. We see in the book that jakes character changes through out. In the begging he's a loving caring brother that turns into a mean brother (at least this is how Lilly saw him). Lilly just wanted her brother back. She loved him with all her heart. Lilly wanted to feel love from her brother,just likes she gives to him.After all Jake and Lilly have been through every thing together.In the end of the book they work it out. This proves that their relationship is un breakable.

  23. Heaven Hayden#7
    Insurgent (finished)
    Veronica Roth

    Insurgent by Veronica Roth is a very interesting and tragic book. I love the way the author explains the love between Tris and Tobias.” ‘We’re all right, you know’,he says.’You and me. Okay?’” I love the way the author expressed emotion in the book. I love the words that the author used it the book because it made it even more interesting. “I feel like someone breathed new air into my lungs. I am not abnegation. I am not dauntless. I am divergent. And I can’t be controlled.” I think the author is trying to tell the reader to stand up for yourself and to stand up for what you believe in. The book is very serious but I love how the author adds funny parts to grab the reader’s attention. “’they must have given her too much of what? ‘he says.’You have a nice voice.’ I say. ‘Tris’, he says. ‘Please be quiet.’” I love this book and the artistic words that are in it. This author has definitely written a great book.

  24. #2 Jacquelyn Co
    Page 525
    Veronica Roth
    Log #2
    Hi Tobias,
    I am so sorry for your loss. I knew how much Tris meant to you. Her death was a sacrifice to the whole society. She saved the “experiment” from being reset and all those memories being wiped out. Tobias, I advise you to always remember her in your heart. You and her were something special. Tobias, please do not take the memory serum again. I am glad that Christina stopped you. My advice to you is to never lose hope. I know its hard for now but you just have to keep moving forward. Keep moving forward, remember that every time you think of her she would be brave and courageous, and maybe that memory could help you remember her in your heart. By the way Tobias thank you for giving Peter the memory serum! He like totally forgot everything and he actually was kind. I will be praying for you everyday. I encourage you to zipline more often because that is a memory of Tris and that can also keep her in your heart. Tobias, I know that Tris loved you so much regardless of what you did, and that’s why I know you had such a hard time dealing with her death. All I can say ,Tobias, is that you should always keep moving forward. What this means is that no matter what life takes from you, you should always look at the brighter side and see the future that is ahead.

  25. Sarah Youssouf #10
    The 5th Wave
    Ricky Yancey

    Cassie’s life was different before the first wave hit. She lived with her mom, dad, and little brother. Her real name was Cassiopeisa named after the constellation. She would go to school and from there, to soccer practice. She was best friends with Lizbeth. She had a huge crush on a boy named Ben Parish. He was the star of her high school football team. She has a boyfriend named Mitchell that was new to her school. She used him to get Bens attention. Her strategy is to make him jealous and he would fall in love her. She was a high school student. She lived in a small countryside town. She would pick her brother up from daycare after school and take him home. Her mom would be in the kitchen watching TLC while cooking. In the living room her father would be on the couch watching the news. She would always play with her little brother Sammie and looked after him. Her dad would always talk to her about what’s going on in the world and about her day. Her parents were loving parents. Cassie was living a life a aregular teenage girl. If her life had gone on this way she would have probably have a great life. Only to find out that her great life doesn’t stay great forever. The Waves that have been sent from the aliens from above destroy the earth. From 7 billion people to a population of 1.

  26. Ally Castaneda#2
    RJ Palacio
    I finished the book
    Log #1
    Prompt 9

    In the book Wonder I like how the author switches perspectives. You really get to know both sides of the story. When August overhears Jack saying mean things about him, August doesn’t know why and you don’t get to know why until you get to Jacks perspective. I love the way the author makes everyone hate August and builds up his character by making everyone stand up for him at the camping trip. I loved the book but I did have some parts I hated. I hated how the book repeated itself and ended up being kind of short. I did like how the book gave you different perspectives but it did make the book short and repeated. I hate how the character of Jack was a bully to Auggie then became his Best friend all of a sudden. I think that is they should have kept jack his best friend the whole time because at parts I got really confused. I didn’t like some of the different perspectives because when you already read about something you reread it and it gets confusing. When Auggie was talking about how he didn’t like jack anymore but in the end of his perspective they become best friends it got confusing because later in the book you got to Jacks perspective and they weren’t friends. However I love how the author had Summer and August make their little lunch group. I did really like this book and I like how the author is sending a message through the book that kids today need to learn.

  27. Angelica Castaneda #1
    May 6, 2014
    By, Veronica Roth
    Page 525

    Insurgent is a really interesting book. I really love this book because once you finish it, it just makes you want to read the next book, Allegiant. Before this book we learned that Tris was Divergent, but in Insurgent Uriah reveals that he is to Divergent. So they have to try to stay alive and defend themselves from Jeanine, who wants all Divergents dead. At the end of this book we find out that Jeanine dies. We find out that Tori kills Jeanine. The most shocking thing I never saw coming was when we found out that Caleb was betraying his own sister. He was betraying Tris by helping Jeanine with her torture. In the book Tobias and Tris have a complicated relationship. They always get into fights and it just makes you want to know if they will ever make up. In this book Tris admits her guilt in shooting Will, in the previous book, Divergent. This angers Four and Christina, who were unaware that Tris killed Will. Also, Tobias is angered with Tris when we find out that Tris is helping Tobias father find this flash drive that Tris mother was trying to find. On this flash drive was this video of Edith Prior, one of Tris and Caleb’s ancestors, and that’s how the books ends. It leaves you wanting to know what happens next. I really love this book, and I love how the author adds a little bit of everything. This book has action, romance, death, bravery, and betrayal. This book is very interesting and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

  28. #3Michael Chapin
    The Bad Beginning
    Lemony Snicket
    page #146

    The Baudelaire youngsters were playing
    They watched others go sailing
    When they got the most horrible news
    There mother and father went down in a fire
    the consequences were dire
    and the three young kids became sad
    They were sent to a lad
    whos mane was Mr. Poe
    They stayed with him for a little time
    which was not worth a dime
    They were sent to a man
    who was strict and mean
    his name was Count Olaf
    He was tall and skinny
    And his house was old rickety and beaten
    And the kids were stuck in this house of horror.

  29. #6 Marianna Marroquin
    Blog #1 of 4th quarter
    Pages 1-525
    Me: Hello, Tris!
    Tris: Hello, Marianna!
    Me: How are you?
    Tris: I’m good I guess. Thank you. And you?
    Me: I’m good thank you but why do you say “just okay?” Is everything all right?
    Tris: well honestly, I’m kind of sad because of all the horrible things that have been happening to me since I started into a faction.
    Me: Well, like what?
    Tris: Well, for starters, the two most important people in my life were taken away from me and were murdered right before me. Then all the betrayal that I have experienced, the struggle in trusting people, me killing one of my closest friends that I met from the start of the dauntless challenges, Will. The most challenging struggle that I have had to face these days has been surprisingly been not having the one person that has been rescuing me from all my problems the last few months or so. We were in an argument for sometime and not being able to act the same about the man that I thought I loved by my side to keep me going but after I lost him, I realized that I really did love him.
    Me: Is that special someone Mr. Four?
    Tris: Yes.
    Me: and now, how is your “relationship” with Four?
    Tris: It has diffidently improved. *Laughs*
    Me: Well it was an honor talking to you today and you sharing everything that you have said.
    Tris: Of course! No problem.
    Me: All right then, well goodbye, Tris.
    Tris: goodbye, Marianna.

  30. Gavin Lizik #4
    Prompt #1
    Veronica Roth

    Dear Diary, I am doing really good in working up muscle in training to fight people in the dauntless faction that I chose. I am hoping that Caleb is doing good in his faction because something weird is happening there and I don't know what it is. Today I was sent to a small room with Four and he put an injection in me and next thing I know was that I was standing in a field alone, and all of the sudden a bunch of ravens start to huddle around me and starting nipping at me everywhere on my body, my nose, face, ears, arms, and legs. Next thing I know is it's over and I wake up in the same room I walked in in the first place.

  31. #8 Andy Ly
    Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix
    J.K. Rowling
    Prompt 5- Story about character-

    Once upon a time, there was a young couple ready to have another son. The couple already had two other children that were twins. The new baby's name was to be Ron as they had decided a week before. The only problem was before Ron was born the ministry of magic only allowed families to have two children each. But, many families were “rebelling” and demanding that that rule be taken out allowing families to have as many children as they want. The Weasley's were very lucky that the ministry of magic budged to have the rule removed, because Ron was born the next day. But, at first, Ron was too small, and to light (weight) for the average baby, and the doctors were afraid that Ron could be born with a disease or have an illness. After a week in the wizards “incubator as the muggles call it”, Ron was fine and healthy. Of course like all brothers, his brothers teased and bugged him, but took care of him also when all of a sudden… ZAP. Ron sneezed, and he made one of his brother’s fly and hit the wall then going to the other room, into zero gravity next. The parents didn’t know how to disable the spell, because it was a spell no one’s seen before. They were so stuck that the ministry of magic had to come and explain it and fix it. Somehow the ministry of magic was stumped too, and they concluded that they would have to wait until Ron would sneeze again hopefully reversing the spell. After four hours of waiting, Ron sneezed, his brother went back to normal, the house was repaired, and his family was overcome with joy. Soon Ron learned to control his magic, and he became a true weasly.

  32. #9 Dillon Stubbs
    Into No Mans Land
    Ellen Emerson White
    A year after Patrick Seamus Flaherty got out of the war maybe he would have gone to college. Got a job got a family. I hope he will come back to the marines to help use out maybe teach to the new comers what this is all about. Everyone has this dream to be in the army but not a lot of them ever do go to the army to help the world out they usually go to work in office. That’s what I hope he does he is very smart he has a lot of capabilities. He has gone to war for are country he is a very good he never let his team down even if he didn’t like what they had to do. He might have gone back home and show his dad the journal that he had kept. He probably is working having a good life. His mom is happy that he came back all in one piece. He is in school because that is why he came so he just had to do one year in the marines and they would pay for his college. All the money he did get he gave it to his family because they didn’t have that much money and were running out of money to pay for food. He grew up a very good life and that has shown he is a very good helper he always will help you up in need of help he will never leave anyone out he will always help his family.

  33. #9 Dillon Stubbs
    Into No Mans Land
    Ellen Emerson White
    A year after Patrick Seamus Flaherty got out of the war maybe he would have gone to college. Got a job got a family. I hope he will come back to the marines to help use out maybe teach to the new comers what this is all about. Everyone has this dream to be in the army but not a lot of them ever do go to the army to help the world out they usually go to work in office. That’s what I hope he does he is very smart he has a lot of capabilities. He has gone to war for are country he is a very good he never let his team down even if he didn’t like what they had to do. He might have gone back home and show his dad the journal that he had kept. He probably is working having a good life. His mom is happy that he came back all in one piece. He is in school because that is why he came so he just had to do one year in the marines and they would pay for his college. All the money he did get he gave it to his family because they didn’t have that much money and were running out of money to pay for food. He grew up a very good life and that has shown he is a very good helper he always will help you up in need of help he will never leave anyone out he will always help his family.

  34. Adrian Gottuso #6
    House of Hades
    Rick Riordan
    Prompt #3
    Years after the war both camps were rebuilt and both Greeks and Romans got along. Percy and Annabeth decided to live in New Rome together at Camp Jupiter. The rest of the crew visited each other once in a while and went on different quests now and then. Soon all of them became leaders of either camp half blood or camp Jupiter. Leo went back to Half Blood and became the leader of the Haphaestus cabin and taught all of the new kids about welding and building. He also opened up the secret bunker he found to all the Haphaestus kids to use during the day for projects. Piper switched back and forth between camps often and was a counselor at both camps. At Half Blood she was a leader of the Aphrodite children, and at Camp Jupiter she helped with different barracks and cohorts. Jason became the praetor at Camp Jupiter again after Percy resigned. Everyone at the camp looked up to him. Octavius was banished from Camp Jupiter and was not allowed to go to Camp Half Blood either for starting the war. Reyna was given a second chance and resumed her spot as praetor. Percy and Annabeth attended the college and Camp Jupiter and made a lot of new friends. They didn’t go on any more quests after the second war. They were tired of fighting all the time, and they thought it was best for the kids to go on quests and have their turn. Frank stayed at camp Jupiter as well and was in charge of certain barracks. Hazel traveled around the country with her horse Arion sometimes, but stayed at Camp Jupiter for most of the year. They all remained friends and visited each other often.

  35. Alec Shahverdian #11
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire/ Log#2
    Pg 734/end
    J.K. Rowling
    After the end of the book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the students of Hogwarts all go back to their homes during the summer. For the other students including Ron and Hermione, this is fine. However, when Harry goes back home with the Dursleys’, they are beyond upset with them. So far he has exposed them to a lot of the wizarding world that they did not want to see added to the already poor way they treat him already. They will decide they don’t want to be part of it any more so they leave him with Ron’s family. While this is happening, Voldermort is on the rise and is gathering his group of death eaters ready to attack wizards and especially kill Harry Potter. The Teachers at Hogwarts will try to make the school as safe as possible knowing that Voldermort will especially be targeting their students. Harry, while spending time at Ron’s house, will practice hard for Quiditch because he has not played for two years since last years was canceled by the Triwizard Tournament. He will also be busy helping Fred and George create their joke shop which has created many products thanks to the money Harry gave them. They will call up Hogsmede and ask if they can make a joke shop there. However strange things will probably happen in the summer because of the situation where Harry met Voldermort.

  36. Steven Vego #12
    Kevin Brooks
    Prompt #3

    Years after Tom got his revenge and killed the people who hurt Lucy and her brother he was back to his normal self and in disguise so no one would notice him. He has learned how to control his power and actually uses it in the job that he does now. Tom is now very skilled and experienced electrician, He can use his electric powers to his advantage in his job. Tom got bored because he cannot reveal himself or go back home or he will go tot jail or used as a military weapon. He used his electrical shock powers to form an overlay that gives him oxygen and flies to space using electric shock charges that are powerful enough to propel him into the endlessness of space where he can be himself without being arbitrated by people. One day as he was soaring through the darkness of the sky he found a distant planet that looked like it was inhabited by people. He went to the planet and busted through the atmosphere feeling the fresh air on his face as he smiled with confusion and he was surprised as well. It turns out that astronauts found a planet that could hold a human race. They journeyed to the planet in seek of life on the planet and they found life but it was not human life nor was it extraterrestrial life, but there were plants and lakes and rivers and plains and lots of land and mountains and they decided to name the planet Toth. They were so amazed at the sight that they created a secret life their and NASA reported them dead in space because they had no idea were they had gone. When he arrived he searched the planet and found a whole new beautiful world were he could start a new life. He lived there and found a nice girl name Jennifer settled down and had two kids. The iPhone that ruptured into his head became part of his genes and his kids go his power too. He found this out while he was feeding his kids John and Peter and John wanted a lollipop and Tom would not give it to him and his son got mad and sent a shock to his dad, which did notwork because he had an electrical shield around him that allowed no one to hurt him. Tom was amazed and surprised and was thinking and he turned into a shinning blue that illuminated the dark room and realized what had happened and decided to keep it a secret. As his kids grew they were figuring out the power they had and he told them to try to control their special power. One day Tom got made in the middle of traffic and illuminated his blue color and someone took a video and he was a youtube star. Most people thought it was fake,but one day the king of the planet tracked him down and took him in for questioning Tom was one-hundred percent truthful with them and was given a medal for his awesomeness and became a hero to the planet and him and his kids spent the rest of their days protecting the planet. Years after Tom died from oldness John began to use his power for darkness and evil and tried to take over the planet and succeeded. He killed many and was know the king of Toth. John's brother Peter was not happy what his brother had done and planed to kill him. He tried to fight him and they fought continuous;y for 3 days and Peter knew what he had to do. He went to the army base and took a pocket size atom bomb and flew into space while John followed seeking to kill his brother because he became cold hearted and wanted him dead for what he tried to do. Peter lead him out as far away from Toth as he could and turned and started to fly towards John as he came near him he collided with him and there was a great beautiful explosion that was seen from Toth. The people of Toth went on while grieving and elected a new king by unanimous decision and went on with their lives

  37. Kyle Best#1
    The Lost Hero
    Rick Riordan
    Pg. 408
    Prompt 10

    1. Jason is the son of Poseidon.
    2. Percy is missing.
    3. Leo can make fire.
    4. Jason can fly.
    5. Piper is a daughter of Hera.
    6. Who tried killing Leo, Piper and Jason after the crashed landed with their dragon?
    a. Dracnea
    b. Telkhines
    c. Cyclops
    d. Nymphs
    7. What power does Leo have?
    A. ice
    B. wind
    C. fire
    D. earth
    8. What is Jason’s power?
    A. flying
    B. water
    C. hypnosis
    D. invisibility
    9. Where did Jason meet Leo and Piper?
    A. a school bus
    B. a car
    c. Grand Canyon
    d. Camp half blood
    10. Who is Pipers Mother?
    a. Hera
    b. Aphrodite
    c. Athena
    11. Who is Jason’s father?
    a. Hephaestus
    b. Hermes
    c. Zeus
    d. Dionysus
    12. What does Leo find and fix up in a hidden warehouse?
    a. Boat
    b. Airplane
    c. Dragon
    d. Unicorn
    13. How did Leo’s mom die?
    A. by Leo’s fire
    B. By a dirt women
    C. by Hera
    D. by warehouse fire
    14. Who attacked Jason and Leo and Piper when they first met?
    a. Telkhines
    b. Storm spirits
    c. Cyclops
    d. Dracnea
    15. Who is Jason’s sister?
    a. Thiala
    b. Piper
    c. Adriana
    d. Brittany
    16. Who is Coach Hedge?
    17. When was Coach Hedge taken?
    18. Who is Thiala?
    19. Why is it Important to know that Leo can summon fire?
    20. How was piper claimed?
    21. What is the main theme of the book?
    1. False
    2. True
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False
    6. C
    7. C
    8. A
    9. A
    10. B
    11. C
    12. C
    13. A
    14. B
    15. A
    16. Coach Hedge is a satyr that is sent out in the world to help protect and find demigods.
    17. Coach hedge was taken when storm spirits came and attacked Jason, Piper and Leo at the Grand Canyon.
    18. Thiala is Jason’s sister who has become a hunter. She is also trying to help find Hera and Percy Jackson.
    19. Because all previous demigods who could summon fire meant there was a big war about to happen and the demigod usually destroyed whole cities with fire.
    20. Piper was claimed at camp half blood and was turned into a very beautiful teenage girl with a glowing aura.
    21. the main theme of the book is bravery, this is the main theme of the book because if demigods don’t have bravery they would die and not survive.

  38. #7 Aide Martinez
    Veronica Roth
    Page #525
    Prompt #5
    There was a girl named Beatrice Prior. She took a test to see which faction she would join. Until that point her life was never the same when she found out she was Divergent. She experienced war, hatred, love, and trust along the journeys she made. Tris begins hearing things like the fact that her mother had seen what was beyond the fence. She met a man named David who was telling her all these things about her old family members and mostly about her mother when she was younger. Outside the fence became a problem for Tobias and Tris. One night a woman named Nita tells Tobias about a plan. Tobias then tells Tris, but Tris said that it was a bad idea. Tobias gets mad at her and tells her that she is just jealous. This gets them both into a huge fight and Tobias does the plan. The plan nearly killed Uriah putting him into a severe comma, which he might not wake up from. Tris visits Tobias in his prison and basically leaves them with their relationship coming to an end. Tris hears about the Allegiant going to start up a war with Evelyn. While trying to stop the memory serum being put into her loved ones, she is shot by David. David was the man who told Tris more about her mother and what she did. When Tobias heard this, he could not believe she was dead. He could not accept she was dead which was hard for him to move on.

  39. Luke O’Brien#11
    Eyes of the Dragon
    Stephen King
    Dear Diary,
    Today in my lair under the dungeon I was plotting to kill Peter in order to kill King Roland. It would be mandatory to kill Peter before the king because if I killed the king first peter would stop at nothing to find me and kill me. Peter being king soon he would order gaurds to find me and as I said I would be killed. I have always have hated the king with all my heart so I’ve decided to use one of my most deadliest poisons in the world. It was called Dragon Sand. Once someone would even breath it in their lungs would grow red-hot, with his skin beginning to smoke, and his body would shrivel like the body of a mummy. Eventually the person who breathed or even worse swallowed it would drop dead, most likely with their hair on fire. Someone who would swallow it would burn from the inside out. The way I was going to kill the king in my opinion is quite exciting and clever. I was planning to put the Dragon Sand into King Roland’s cup of wine so that when he drank it he would feel his lungs burning, him sweating on the table he would die a very painful death in front of the whole royal family. If my plan was to work I would be the next in line for the throne and I will be king! This is truly one of the most evil things I have ever plotted on.

  40. #10 Jake O’Brien
    Lone Survivor
    October 29, 2014

    I would recommend this book to any of my friends because of the fact that when I read this book I felt like I grew up about two years in some form of maturity. When I read this book I thought that I am finally seeing this world for what it really is. This world is a cruel and merciless place. I know that when I read this book, that I was thankful for the place that I live in. I am now thankful that I don’t live in a place that being a Christian is outlawed or that I could get killed for what I believe in. There are places in this world that are like places in this world that you could get killed for what you believe and what you read or simply even saying the wrong thing. This book even taught me a very important lesson about courage and the art of never giving up. When these four men got caught by the Taliban they didn’t just up and quit because they were outnumbered. No, they fought, they fought until they shot their last bullet or they got a bullet put in them. This made me believe that there are hero’s out there today, fighting for me and fighting for the United States of America. I would also recommend this to my friends because it would teach them to toughen up every time they had a little cough or every time they had a little cut on their arm because what these men went through is indescribable. They went through the most pain you could think of and they did not give up. For this I would like to pay tribute to the all the men that died on operation redwings and the one man that lived to tell the story. That is why I would recommend this book to anyone of my friends and anyone of my family members.


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