Save the Best For Last!

This is the final blog of the year. Be sure and follow the prompt. Use your knowledge and your creative writing skills to let me know about your reading choices. I look forward to reading about your reading!


  1. #8 Margaret Kwok
    Tomorrow Girls
    Eva Gray
    pages 1-211
    2nd blog for 4th quarter
    What happened after book prompt

    Louisa had a perfect life, up until the war started. She has been living the dreadful life of experiencing the war. After Louisa finds out about the plot of the conspiracy to kill all the kids, she darts for freedom. Her and three other close friends escape the secret school in the middle of nowhere. After this they star in a new book, where danger is calling their name, like hunger is to food. They endure many hardships and trials, but manage to survive. They are encountered with many things on their way to freedom; and though it seems they are almost safe, the enemy lingers. The enemy is close, and people who they thought they could trust, are turning their backs. Rosie holds a secret, far more confusing for anyone to believe or even decipher. Will the other girls find out? Will they hate her for this? Will they abandon her? They four girls are in grave danger and suffer greatly. They are all equally afraid, and wish they could be home. They struggle to stay alive, and have many problems. The enemy is close, and then it is far, then very near. Strange things that took place, are starting to make sense, and almost all the puzzle pieces fit together; until...

  2. Hannah Dumaine #3
    Log 8
    Prompt #9
    Brandon Sanderson
    I loved this book and did not like it at the same time. The reason why I did not like it at times is that I did not expect it to go that way. Some things I did not expect were also very interesting and I would have never thought of. I hated how there were not that many good Epics. The Epics were human gods that were picked randomly. The humans all had different types of powers. I thought David was going to be with Megan but they were not. I did not like that. I hated the book because in the beginning it was very confusing, but then suddenly it got very suspenseful. I loved the book because it was full of mysteries and challenges. I also loved it because it had action, arguments, casualties, and motorcycles. I hated the book because the girl, Megan, did not really like David. She started hating him because of her powers. If Megan used her powers she would slowly become hateful. She used her powers to protect David but she never like liked him. I did not expect Megan to have powers in the first place. I hated it when she died but I liked it when I found out she was still alive. Megan died but she lost all of her memory except for the few last words spoken to her before she died. I loved it how she kept rewinding the tape to hear the last words spoken by David. She did not know who David was though so she did not trust him. I hated it at the end of the book how Megan stayed behind and did not go with David. She did not feel it was right. I hated how the author chose the book to end that way. But the way he picked the Epics weaknesses was very clever. I loved how David was so smart he figured out Steelheart’s weakness. Steelheart was one of the most powerful Epics. Not fearing Steelheart was his weakness. I loved how David said that Steelheart was the only one that was not afraid of himself. Therefore, Steelheart would have to kill himself and to do that, David tricked him. Overall, I loved this book.

  3. #12 Jayden Ramirez
    Veronica Roth
    Page 526
    Prompt #7
    I love the way Tris is so brave. She was willing to die for her brother and was willing to risk her life for the whole population, throughout the Divergent series. Tris was brave dying for her brother, but I wish David did not shoot her. I wish he knew what she was trying to do and not trying to get to the memory serums. I think that Caleb, Tris’s brother, deserved to die because he turned his back on Tris and his family. Tris knew that she had a chance going through the death serum because she was divergent and Caleb was not. She did survive the death serum, but David shot her because he thought she was trying to get to the memory serums. She was willing to die for Caleb because her mom and dad died to save her. When she was dying she saw her mom and Tris asked if she was proud of her; and her mom said she was proud to be her mother. What is even more devastating is that Tobias didn’t even know she died, until he got back from the city to make things right with his parents. When Tris had died she told Caleb, if she died, to tell Tobias that she did not want to leave him. I didn’t think that Tris would die the way she did. I do not like that Tris had to die, but I did not see it coming. Tris is a true hero, and her bravery is unbelievable.

  4. #4 Samantha Doring
    Ally Condie
    Log #1
    Prompt 2

    Dear Cassia,
    I know that you don’t want Ky to leave but you must have a rescue plan before you rescue him. He is in the training camp thing so you need to look at the security. But you need supplies and weapons and help. Xander already gave you more blue tablets but that might not be enough you need to stock up on some more. Also I am sure that Ky’s Aunt and uncle will help you they have nothing to lose anyway. Now you need to just disappear on night and not come back. You need to go to another area and blend in just say that you moved there with your husband with a assumed name. But first you need to rescue Ky. Ky wrote a letter saying that one man was killed in the camp and he had to dispose of the body you can use that to create a rebellion if you need it. Ky said that soon he is going to be shipped off to the battleground and he isn’t afraid. He isn’t afraid of death anymore now that he knows he has nothing to live for. You need to somehow make sure he knows that you remember him he thinks you don’t remember him but you never took the pill he needs to know that. When you are at the camp find him but don’t take him if you want a rebellion. You can tell him to get some friends and their friends and tell them that he has weapons that can break them out and from there you can formulate a plan.
    Good Luck,

  5. #17 Trevor Stubbs
    Adventure of Huckleberry Finn
    Prompt #5
    Huckleberry was a very mischievous
    Boy him and Tom Sawyer
    They went on journeys
    Trips they even went
    Down the Mississippi
    River. They got in storms and everything else
    So that is why they are crazy little kids.

  6. Gavin Lizik #4
    Prompt #1
    Veronica Roth
    Page #234-END

    Dear Tris,
    I know that it has been hard for you all throughout the time that you have been with your faction. So i heard that you decided to get a tattoo. That sounds really cool and I hope that you will like it and not try get rid of it. I know it’s really tough now that the two factions hate each other and want to get revenge on each other. My advice for you is to just stay calm and get through all of the tough times and maybe get to know some more people. Kristiana is like your best friend and so is Four and I think that it should stay that way. The anger between the two factions have brewed up some much that they are just on the verge on attacking each other. I heard that you went on the sky-lining thing that goes through all of the tall skyscrapers in the city that are basically useless now. Anyways I heard that you had a good time doing it and I want you to be as happy as you can be in the faction that you chose, dauntless. My advise is to have as much funa as you can and have fun until you cant have anymore fun. Until your old, weak, and tired. I wish you a could luck and to the rest of your family especially Caleb because he is in one of the anger factions that ae mad at each other . Good luck in dauntless Tris.

  7. #6 Elijah Holiday
    Hitler’s Secret
    William Osborne
    Pg #324 (Finish)
    Prompt 5
    Once there was a boy and a girl
    Whose names where Otto and Leni
    Hitler bombed their house
    And killed a mouse
    They moved to England
    And where left in alone
    They wanted revenge
    But didn’t know how
    Took out a spy
    That almost died
    And the government saw them
    And said hey
    Aren’t you they spies
    They said yes to become a spy
    Even though it was a big fat lie
    They joined the army
    And plotted to kill Hitler
    Got close
    Then Hitler killed himself
    They saved the people
    And lived happily ever after

    1. #3.5 Ethan Gould
      The Boy in the
      Striped Pajamas

      A boy lost in inocents
      Only to be found with the "enemy"
      2 boys lost in a war
      1 striving to survive
      The other in wealth by
      A physchotic leader
      With a great friendship
      The boys can to anything
      In the end...
      the vonerable childeren
      Are faced with the eyes of death
      In the gas chamber...
      families are lost
      Friendships torn apart
      But this extrodanary friendship
      Between 2 differnt coultures
      Will live on forever

  8. Vincent Macabuhay #5
    Jesus calling
    Sarah Young
    Page 216

    This book is about growing your relationship with our God. This book is for people who want to experience Gods great love. You will connect your relationship with God, when you read this book it is a journey with just you and God. I really loved this book. Because its about my God. And me getting closer with God. I really want people who don’t know the Lord to read this amazing book. And the author got closer with God with her crazy story. When she was writing this book she became a member of Christ. I highly recommend this book.

  9. #10Matthew Montoya
    Legend Pg. 238
    Marie Lu
    Prompt #7

    Legend was such an exciting book to me because all throughout the book, I was attached. It was filled with many journeys, and filled with action. I never wanted to put the book down. The author of this book did an amazing job explaining everything and what was going on. I always had a clear picture in my head of what was happening at the moment. I love books that give you a good picture and explain it very well. Legend was not just a story of two people, it was their life and how stuff that they did affected them later on. Actions do take a big part in our lives. In Legend what their actions caused them to do gave them a consequence. Legend got its name I think by the two characters named Day and June. They both left behind a huge legend in their country. I think Day made more of better choices than Day did. June left her family just to save some boy she didn’t even know. She betrayed her own Capitol city. This book draws you in closer and closer as you read the book. I like this book a lot because of the action and how good you can picture stuff. The author Marie Lu did an amazing job writing this book and I think she might have inspired a few people too. I would recommend this book to anybody who likes action and a great story.

  10. Lauren Fitts#5
    Blog 2
    Looking for Alaska
    Prompt #3
    Word count: 232
    The story is about Miles “Pudge”, and his experiences at boarding school. The main conflict is Pudge trying to fit in. He and his group of friends are pulling pranks and doing things they should not be doing as juniors in high school. One thing that they like to do is pull pranks. They planned this big prank that got back at the people who pulled a prank on Alaska, and they also made the Eagle mad. Alaska and the Coronel are the master minds behind the pranks, and Takumi, Lara, and Pudge carried out the plan. They decided to celebrate by getting drunk and smoking cigarettes. Suddenly Alaska wakes up screaming “Why do I always have to mess up?”, and asks Pudge and the Cornel if they can cover for her so that she can leave. They let her go. Then the next day they find out that she died in a car crash. The next conflict was Pudge and the Cornel trying to figure out what happened. Because of the guilt they felt for letting her go drive at night, drunk and angry, they kept the investigation to themselves. There was a line of police cars that made a fork in the road, and she just went straight through without even slowing down. They had to figure out if it was suicide or if she was too drunk to move out of the way. They found in one of her books that the only way to get out of the labyrinth (suffering) was to go straight and fast. They ignored Takumi, and Lara, because they did not want to tell them that it was partially their fault that Alaska died. Lara and Pudge broke up and Takumi felt rejected by the Cornel and Pudge. In the end Lara and Pudge start talking again, but Takumi leaves before they can say anything to him. There was no proof that it was suicide or not so the case was left unresolved.

  11. 1. Zachary Ramsey #13
    The Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins
    Page #87
    Promt #2

    Dear Diary,

    Today its time to sell the skin from the black bear I killed last week. Once I got close to my local trading store I see how much the skin is worth. I think it will around one hundred dollars. The tall thin man said it is worth two hundred and fifty dollars! I yell with joy. This is more than I thought. Then I realized the hunger games picking is next week. I am exited and not exited how about if I get picked. Or the people from our district get picked and dies. Or how about if me or someone in my family gets picked. Maybe the hunger games are for good. Ooo id don’t know, I try to ease my mind by hunting but it never seems to work just right. I go to hunt anyway anthing helps a little ,right? Well then on my way to the woods. I try to practice all little just in case I get picked. I work on my running, rolling, huting but most of all using my bow. I set up bottles as targets. I always hit then and never miss. Then the day of the hunger games picking is here. They call anyone boy and girl from the ages of twelve to eighteen. Once they get to our district they chose Peeta and……… My younger sister. I am shocked I was could not think of anything I was tense and the only thing I could say to save her is “ I volunteer as tribute”.

  12. #8 Andy Ly
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    J.K Rowling
    Page 870 (Finished)
    Prompt: 5
    Harry Potter once a young boy
    who didn't even know that he was a wizard
    Now he's got these cool toys
    and can even turn someone into a lizard
    His life was miserable and his guardians treating him very bad
    and sometimes it made him very mad
    Though he wasn't homeless or poor
    At least he had a house and a door
    He was blessed
    even though his room was a mess
    After knowing he was a wizard, his life was better
    especially since he got to write with a feather

  13. Steal Heart Brandon Sanderson page 400 Log #4 Joshua Ramirez #8
    Steal Heart the most powerful epic in the entire world was destroyed by his greatest gift. His organs were blown to smithereens his bones melted him inside out and it was all on the idea of fear. His weakness was his greatest accomplishment he gave people fear in order to keep them from knowing his own fear. One who can control his fear can accomplish anything from that point nothing can hold you back. Steal heart gave fear because from the moment someone doesn’t fear him his own powers would destroy him. So when David was about to die he did not fear death because he knew that he would see his father once again, so there for he did not fear Steal Heart. Life was the only hold that Steel Heart had on people and once someone doesn’t care about their own life nothing can stop them from doing anything. Although fear is not real Danger, pain, death is real. Although David has conquered his ultimate fear he has gained a new one his all time love was killed, but then was remarkably living in the fight and has gained powers. And she has changed sides even freedom fighters have the ability to give up. There will never be a time without fear it is a part of our code. In spite of all of the fear we were given a gift that is for everyone whether or not you want to open it or not that gift is bravery. It is a constant cycle you gain a fear with bravery you overcome it and then you get a new fear. Regardless fear is a choice you chose to have it or not.

  14. #2 Jacquelyn Co
    John Green
    Page 305 (Finished)
    Prompt #3
    Once Quentin and Margo share a kiss and once Quentin learns that Margo used to have a crush on him, then Quentin falls more in love with her. When Quentin leaves Margo at Agloe he soon finds out that he is missing a part of him that he has always loved. The same night Quentin and all of his friends found Margo, he called Margo and emailed her. She answered and they wanted to meet each other for the summer. Both of them agreed and said goodnight. Weeks later Ben, Radar, Lacey, Margo and Quentin all hang out at SeaWorld. There Margo and Quentin remember when they sneaked into that amusement park the night Margo disappeared. It showed both of them their greatest memory that they shared together. At SeaWorld they all got together and saw Shamoo and rode some rollercoasters there. At Seaworld Quentin and Margo once again shared a kiss. Soon at the end of the day they all went to the souvenir shop and Quentin gave her a photo of them both next to Shamoo and also kept one for himself. She kissed him on the cheek and they all went home. Later in that day they both hung out at Quentin’s house not telling Margo’s parents because she did not want them to know that she came home after all these days. Quentin and Margo talked and agreed on seeing each other every summer and that they would email, call, text, and communicate on omnictionary everyday or every other day. Then she jumped in her car and Quentin said “I love you.” She said the same and drove away. Quentin missed her still, but the picture of him and Margo made him smile with a sense of happiness and still a little bit of sadness. Then he started to log on to omnictionary and type away….

  15. #2 Ally Castaneda
    Neal Shusterman
    Pg. 337 (finished)
    Prompt 7
    Unwind was an amazing book. Unwind takes place in a futuristic dystopia. The author wrote the book and made unwind the main characters, and the unwinds had an interesting life that was at the same time very scary. “He reaches for his tranq pistol, but it not there. Instead he feels its muzzle against his left thigh, and he sees triumph in the unwinds dark, vicious eyes.” In that quote the unwind just took the officers tranq pistol and shot him with it, the book really gets you wondering what happens next. “Lev was one of the clappers- the one who didn’t go off.” If you read the book which I do recommend you would know that this is very shocking. Clappers have this explosive liquid in them and when you clap your hands the liquid activates and explodes like a bomb. This whole book keeps you wanting to read when you think someone is on your side they shock you and end of being the reason you might die which is what happened in unwind. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend. My friend actually recommended this book to me. I would recommend this to a friend because it is a very good read, and if you like books that keep you on your toes then this is the book for you. It’s also a good book because it is part of a series and if you love this book so much they have others that you could reads. I loved this book and definitely recommend it.

  16. Sarah Youssouf #10
    Fault In Our Stars
    John Green

    After Augustus died, Hazel’s life was never the same. Hazel was going through the worst of times. She struggled to breathe and was sent to the ER multiple times. It was hard for her to live a life without Augustus Waters. When she was feeling ok, she would go to the support group with Isaac but not often. Sometimes she and Isaac would hangout. When she was alone, she would go to Augustus’s grave and talk to him as if he were alive. Sitting at his grave she would talk about their time in Amsterdam and how much she missed him. Hazel also started to carry a pack of cigarettes with her to remind her of him. Life was growing tougher by the day for Hazel. Some days she wouldn’t eat and others she would puke. She lost hope of her will to survive. One day Hazel was walking to support group and suddenly she collapsed. Her mom rushed out of the car to help her. Her mom called 911. When the ambulance came Hazel couldn’t breathe and had a gash on her head from the fall. At the hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Waters came to visit her. They brought her balloons and flowers to her hospital room. Hazel felt that it was her time to go. Dead or alive things would never be the same. She didn’t want to leave her family but yet she wanted them to live a life without worrying about their daughter. She talked to her parents at the hospital before they went home. She told them how much she loved them and all the good memories they shared. That night her pulse went dead. That night her little infinite came to an end.

  17. Alyssa Zeller #11
    Ally Condie
    Prompt #1

    Dear Diary,
    So about a month ago I got matched to Xander. Then the next day I look at his microcard, it has all of his information on it and stuff, and before I take it out I see a face I have not seen in a long time. It was KY’s face. We used to be friends when we were little but I do not really notice him until know. So ya, and an official came to me today and told me that seeing Ky’s face was a mistake and he’s a aberration and his data was entered into the matching pool even though it was not suppose to. I am so nervous now because do not know if I love Xander because we have been best friends since forever. Well anyways, grandpa turned 80 and so that is when he dies. They have a planed death for everyone and the special ones get to have their DNA taken for when technology advances and we can bring people back from that. Grandpa had that done to him a dad was in charge of it but he lost it bet later he tells me that Grandpa told him to throw it away so he did and he did not tell mom. And they tell each other everything. So I signed up for hiking this summer and KY did it too. We have been talking more and I think I am beginning to like him. He is also teaching me how to write. Things have been getting really strange around here with the officials and things have been changing too. Like they are getting rid of things and shrinking my portions and it is weird. OH, and in my artifact there was a poem. I think it was called “Do Not Go Gentle” maybe. I get it though. It talks about how you need to do something before you can not do it anymore. I showed it to KY and he gets it too. And guess what. The officials also took our artifacts because some people do not have one and their trying to make it “fair”. The officials have been on our tail and they asked me to sort some people if they are good workers and Ky was there and he was in the middle but I wanted him to get a better jot since he is an aberration so I sorted him with the good but that was a mistake because in the butt crack of dawn we here screaming and you do not usually here that ever so we went out and there if Ky’s mom screaming because the officials are taking him away so I run as fast as I could to him and there he is in handcuffs. They said they were taking to a better job and that it is far away so that is why his mom is screaming but really he is being sent to the outer providence to fight the war so basically it is a death sentence. And it is all my fault.

  18. #5 Alex Gottuso
    The Roar
    Emma Clayton
    Pg. 481
    Prompt #4

    A theme expressed and covered in The Roar is truth. Mika is the brother of Elli who has been told her disappearance is because she had drowned. But Mika knows something is not right about that. A lie leads to another lie from Mal Gorman, Ellie’s captor, and from the government, about the walls surrounding him and why there way of life is the way it is. He’s been told the giant walls are to keep out ‘animals with the plague’ spread from a supposed experiment. Really they are covering a beautiful outside world, but one lie lead to another, and also more than just a lie is what they came to. Mika is a ‘mutant’ and has a special telekinetic power from his eyes as well as other mutant in his poor society have special abilities. But his most important ‘power’ is the bond with his sister, and he knows she is still alive. Mika as well as many others is sucked into an arcade game, but soon Mika figures out its real purpose. He is brought to a ‘competition’ for winning the game, but the competition is much more than a game. Mika gets the prize of a new home for winning, and is flown in a jet there. But soon also he will be sent to war as a ‘prize’. The game was all just training for war, so Mika knew how to fly a jet, or ‘pod fighter’. With his friend Audrey, they find out the truth of a beautiful world out of others’ reach for the good of an individual. This book shows the importance of truth throughout the whole story.

  19. Kyle Best#1
    The Lost Hero
    Rick Riordan
    Pg. 502
    Prompt 9
    I love how Rick Riordan makes different stories and adventures out of people’s lives. He makes one of their parents a Greek god and the other an ordinary person. He had to think of so many different things, and character traits of each character in his book, and they all had to work together to be able to help each other to defeat a greater evil. In the book, The Lost Hero, Rick Riordan started his book really well. I like how he gave you insight on what the character was thinking while everyone else around him was actually talking to the character. I also like how every chapter is stated in the perspective of a specific person, and not just told from a narrative type view. He is really good at drawing a picture in your mind with the different descriptive words that he uses. He can turn something so simple into a beautifully designed piece of art that has its own story. What I also like about Rick Riordan is how he ties everything together, from one characters perspective to the next characters perspective. Also, how he knows which character to switch perspectives with to give the reader a better experience of the book. He can create a more vivid picture of what’s going on. Overall, Rick Riordan is a great writer and I like everything about his books. I especially like the way he puts them together to make a great story, and I plan to read all of the series he has written.

  20. #16 Kayla Sin
    Victoria Roth
    Pg. 566
    Oh the world needs more with courage,
    Those who could jump the high bridge.
    The winds and storms cause fear,
    Pain lurks far closer than near.
    The winds howl and hope is low,
    Bravery helps us go.
    It comes from beneath our skin,
    And comes out willingly from within.
    It lets people know what we are fighting for,
    And demands what it wants at fear’s front door.
    It tells you to keep up the fight,
    But inside you have fright.
    Tris had the bravery and the will that was sufficient,
    She wanted the society to be different,
    In the end she died a very heroic death,
    And fought well to the very last breath.

  21. #6 Marianna Marroquin
    June 3, 2014
    Freak the Mighty
    Rodman Philbrick
    Page 160 (finished)
    Prompt #2

    Dear Kevin and Max,
    I think that when you were born that Grim and Gram should have told you about your parents and what happened to them. When you grew up, max you should of went looking for your dad Killer Kane. Killer Kane tried to send you things but Grim and Gram keep them from you. Max you should have known more about your dad and your mom and what happened to your mom. Kevin and you should have been closer because you guys work together really well he’s the brain and you’re the body because your body is so big and he is cripple. When you meet your dad for the first time you should have asked where he’s been for the past years of your life and if he ever missed you or thought of you or wished to see you. When you max meet Kevin what did you think of him and would you have changed your mind if you meet him earlier in your life and you guys became better friends now but if you were younger do you think you would be as good of friends than you are now. If you were able to meet your mom in person what would you say to her, I think it would be right to say that you missed her and love her. Kevin if I were you I would not scare people because then you wont have a lot of friends. This is my advice to Max and Kevin.

    Marianna Marroquin

  22. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    Smells Like Treasure
    by Suzanne Selfors
    page 403 end
    Log # 2

    Prompt #3
    To Reader:
    In this book there is the main character and his dog that go on this amazing adventure. The boy is Homer Pudding and his dog is Dog. The two start there adventure at a goat farm where they live. Homer and his dog are on the farm being kids and digging throughout the farm. When playing, Dog starts trying to get Homer to come his way to where he had found something in the dirt. When Homer finally gave in he went over and found this old, worn out, beaten up paper. There is a huge red X on the paper followed by lots of tiny dash marks with pictures next to them. After a while of thinking Homer figures out that it is a treasure map. Then remembering his favorite uncle was a treasure hunter who was always encouraging Homer to follow in his foot- steps. Homer took the map into his room and looked at it for several hours. He then pulled out a book from his shelf about a pirate named Rumpold Smeller who was a famous pirate. He was once a perfect little boy but then turned in to the most deadly pirate that the world has ever heard of. Homer could not believe his eyes. When Homer decides to trace down this pirates booty he has to take on threatening challenges. He also has to keep a close eye on his trusty and mysterious dog of his through an adventure of his life. Will he survive?

  23. Angelica Castaneda #1
    June 3, 2014
    Catch a Falling Star
    By, Kim Culbertson

    Kim Culbertson did a great job with Catch a Falling Star. She brings these characters to life, and further on this book I really started to fall in love with the characters. Catch a Falling Star is a book about a girl trying to find true love… and herself. Carter Moon is a teenager just living a normal life, until a movie star arrives at her home town. Adam Jakes is a handsome movie star that every girl loves, but Carter does not feel the same way. She soon gets the part in his movie and she plays Adams girlfriends. She starts hanging out with him to get to know him better, when she soon figures out that Adam is not who she though he was. Adam is a sweet, kind, funny guy that she soon realizes that even though he is a movie star, he is just a normal guy. She starts falling in love with him, and everything starts to change. At the end they end up together apart from the movie. The relationship between Adam and carter were kind of predictable, but overall the book was great. I love this book and I recommend this book. I love this book and recommend it because it is a book that you can’t stop reading, you just want to know what happens next. This book has comedy and romance and I recommend this book if you have read The Fault in Our Stars.

  24. Yaya Martinez #9
    Chicken Soup for the Soul
    Multiple authors
    Page 65
    Log 1

    In chicken soup for the soul, many authors put together different stories about different themes and images in life. I love the way the authors have relatable stories in the book, it shows how they handled the circumstance they are in. I love the way the authors tell their stories like they are just ordinary people, and they make you feel that they are sinners and have problems in their life just like us. I love how the authors make the problems so relatable that it teaches us how we can handle the situation. I love the way the authors make the stories funny at the same time. I love the way the authors have words of advice after every theme and story. They are strong and inspirational advice for people to take. I love the way that the authors make some stories very emotional and something to think about. On story that I loved was a girl who had cancer and was made fun of all over her school. She was being called names like “class freak”. There was one girl who had got to know her and became her best friend. Sadly when she passed away, she left her a note. It said “Thank you for getting to know me when nobody else wanted to, you were my best friend.” It was a really emotional story. I hate the way the authors sometimes can be a little over dramatic on the stories, some stories don’t need to be told in the book because it wasn’t a great story, they make it too dramatic. I hate the way the books stories sometimes don’t need to be included because some stories aren’t so great. I hate the way that some stories are so addicting and you can’t put the book down. This is my review on “Chicken Soup for the Soul”.

  25. #1 Sydney Barbee
    Ally Condie
    Prompt #9

    In the book Crossed I loved the way the author brought Ky and Cassia together. She leaves you hanging at the end of the first book by telling the reader that they get separated. In Crossed it starts out with Cassia far away from Ky and then in the middle of the book they reunite and they try to find the rising. The rising is like a secret service in the making. Once the right time hits the rising goes in and destroys the society. The only bad part of this part is that it takes forever to get Ky and Cassia back together. The author also tells us that one girl Indie likes the guy that Cassia is matched with even though she never met him. I hate the way the book ended because then after the whole wait for Ky and Cassia to get back together they need to separate to get to the rising. When Ky gets to the rising Cassia was already there and she got sent to her position already. They never get to say goodbye and that part really made me mad. I wanted them to stay together the whole book so that they could build their relationship more and so that they could find the rising together. It was a very sad ending and then when you go to read the last book its really boring and its really hard to finish the book. This is what I loved and hated about the book Crossed.

  26. #7 Isabella Holiday
    Ally Condie
    Prompt 5-poem-theme
    We have ran,
    We have walked,
    We have climbed,
    We have crawled,
    We have paddled,
    We have swum,
    We have stood as a team,
    And fallen as a team,
    Our team has had our up and downs,
    We have wanted to give up,
    But we didn’t,
    We knew whom we could count on and always lean on,
    Our team never gave up on each other,
    We never gave up on ourselves,
    That was our team,
    When one got sick one of us was always there,
    When one was hurt one of us was giving them ice for their injury,
    We always had a person with someone,
    We never split up,
    We had a team,
    We were a team,
    And our team had a goal to finish a race,
    And we were half way there,
    At one point we had a traitor,
    Who tried to kill one of our captains,
    At that point we were slowly rolling down hill,
    Our team was not the fastest but we were gaining back speed,
    We were down one player,
    But we were not down one hope,
    The race was almost finished,
    We had a player sick but,
    We were fine we just stopped our race to get the right medication,
    After a couple test we found the cure,
    We were ready to speed to the finish line,
    We were stronger then we could ever imagine,
    Nothing did or was going to stop us,
    We did it we finished the race,
    We were a team and we were survivors.

  27. Adrian Gottuso #6
    Prompt # 5
    House of Hades
    Rick Riordan
    Once there was a boy named Percy,
    By his enemies, he was shown no mercy,
    He was a half-blood, the son of Neptune,
    And his powers left places in ruin,
    So he went to camp Half-blood,
    Where he had lots of fun,
    And met people who were just like him.
    There he learned to fight and control his powers,
    He trained this way every day for many many hours,
    At camp Half-blood he made a lot of friends,
    Little did he know that without his help the world wood soon end,
    But with team work he and his friends saved the world.
    Now the world is being threatened once again,
    Now the task of saving it is up to him and his friends,
    This time their quest is more dangerous than before,
    Because this time, wide open, are death’s doors,
    But Percy and his friends will be okay, just like always,
    But that doesn’t mean there won’t be struggles along the way.

  28. #3 Thomas Coyne
    The Mark of Athena
    Rick Riorden

    In Greek mythology a lot of there storys make a lot of the words we use today. Here is the greek story of Arachni the first spider woman. There once was a beautiful woman who lived in ancient Greece. Her name was arachni. Arackni was the most beautiful and creative in all of ancient Greece. Arachnis best talent was weaving tapestrys. One day Arachni says she is better at making tapestries than Athena. Athena was angry because she is the god of arts and crafts so it was here duty to have the best tapestries. So Athena decide to go down to earth and challenge Arachni to a tapastrie making contest. Of course Athena won shes a god. After the contest Arachni is being a sore loser so she tells everyone that she won the contest and beat Athena bad. Athena was furious so she had to punish Arachni. She did the only logical thing. She turned her into a half-human half-spider lady. Then she started to give birth to spiders and that’s how spiders were born. The word Arachnid comes from this story because the girls name Arachni. Other words like Achiles heel and laurels come from myths to ut that’s a different story.

  29. Alec Shahverdian #11
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    J.K. Rowling
    Pg 115
    Log #1
    Diary Entry
    The past day has been very frustrating. This whole summer has been frustrating. The memory’s of the boring days with the Dursley’s has been horrid. I wish I had a pensive like Dumbledore’s so that I could ease my brain. It was dreadful staying with them, but the worst part was that I received no information, no recognition of Voldermort from the wizarding world. I feel as of now I should know things about that since I fought Voldermort myself. And now I hear that Dumbledore is the one that is keeping this information from me. I don’t understand it the slightest. Dumbledore knows my responsibility and capability and yet he says that I shouldn’t get any information about it. Is it maybe because he is trying to protect me? My thinking is clouded by my anger towards him. I wish I could have a pensive even more now. A pensive could do so much for me. It could get rid of my summer memories with Dudley and all this anger. My anger has gotten the better of me today. I do not think that it was bad that I yelled at Hermione and Ron. After all that time without hearing a word from them I thought they deserved it. I was just not expecting their reaction. Another thing I could put in a pensive. But now, my major concerns are with the Order of the Phoenix. When I got to Sirius’s house, the order let me in on what has happened so far. Nothing big has popped up about Voldermort so far, but I know that something will happen. I just hope I am prepared for it.

  30. Heaven Hayden#7
    Looking for Alaska
    John Green
    SPOILER ALERT! (if you want to read this book)
    Pg. 254(finished)
    Looking for Alaska is about a boy named Miles. He goes to a boarding school and meets another boy named Chip and a girl named Alaska. In the book they go through high school together and Miles starts smoking and drinking just like Alaska and Chip. He knows that he has fallen into the “wrong group” just like his parents told him not to. Chip calls him Pudge and everyone calls chip, the Colonel. They spend time with each other and get closer and closer. Pudge liked Alaska since he first met her but he knew he would have no chance because she already had a boyfriend. One night they go to Alaska’s dorm room and they play truth or dare. Pudge gets dared to make out with Alaska and when they do and she tells Pudge “to be continued”. Then in the middle of the night Alaska freaks out and starts screaming “I forgot! I forgot!”. She is already drunk and Pudge and the Colonel don’t want to let her drive and she won’t tell them where she wants to go. They finally let her but they are very scared to let her go. The next morning they get called to an assembly and the whole time Pudge wants to know where Alaska is and that they can’t start without her. The Eagle (Mr. Starnes) keeps trying to tell him that Alaska….. Is dead. He says that she is pulling a big prank and that it can’t be true. Once the Eagle says she died in a car accident while being intoxicated he knows that it is true. Once Alaska dies everyone’s world is turned upside down because everyone loved her so much. Before the end of the school year they pull a big prank that Alaska wanted to do for a while in honor of her. They try to investigate to see what happened to her. After almost giving up at the end of the year when everyone is leaving Takumi says that he saw her before she left and she went to go visit her mother’s grave but they do not know if she committed suicide or not. Takumi did not tell because he promised Alaska that he wouldn’t.

  31. Connor Platt #11
    Wonder page 143
    R.j Palico
    Log 8
    Prompt 5

    There once was a boy, whose name was August. He wasn’t the most handsome guy out there. In fact, many people wouldn’t call him handsome at all. There is a reason for this. August’s face is deformed. August is not mentally challenged, but he is treated like he is. So one day, August decided that he wanted to rule the world. And show everyone that he wasn’t indeed mentally ill. He built a mechanism that made him ten feet tall. He became much stronger, faster, and most of all, smarter. He did all of these with nonstop work. Whether it was building a machine to do it for him, or just doing the task over a long period of time. So the time came when he thought he was as good as he could get. He then called the white house. And when they didn’t answer, that enraged him even more! He drove down all the way from San
    Diego, California, to WashingtonD.CC. When he got to the white house. He decided that he wanted to infiltrate it, so that if he got control of America, it would be much easier to get control of the rest of the world. He beat up a couple of guards. He dressed like them, and tried to sneak his way into the white house. When he got into the white house, he was excited yet nervous. He then saw President Barack Obama walking down to his room. He then walked towards Barak. He was just about to lunge at him when he realized that there were at least ten secret service people around him. August then left the white house realizing, that, he world doesn’t have to pay for your lose, those who did, they have to. So he drove all the way back home. And went to school. And the thing is, that no one would try to beat him up because of how big he was. So all in all, August succeeded in his mission.

  32. Sarah Sarmiento #10
    June 4, 2014
    The Scorch Trials
    James Dashner
    Pg. 360

    Thomas, Minho, Newt, Alby and their fellow surviving Gladers have just escaped the maze. They are sent to a shelter to be protected from the Flare, a man made disease that is highly contagious. Suddenly, they are left all alone. No one except for the Gladers and they are phased with Phase two of the Trials. Tommy and his fellow Gladers are starved for days until a room which was once empty was filled with food and something else. A man they all called Rat Man was sitting at a desk with an invisible force field around him. Rat Man explains the Trials to them and that they have just completed Phase One. Of yeah, they have all been infected with the Flare. They are told that they have two weeks to find the safe haven and get the cure for the Flare. They are sent into an underground hall way that is pitch black and goes on for miles with flying killing balls that attack one by one every few miles. They walk for days until they reach a huge stare case that is hundreds of feet high that leads to a trap door. Behind the trap door is the Scorch. The Scorch is where all of the infected munies live. It is in horrible heat that will burn off your skin if unprotected. All of the Gladers have to walk one hundred miles to the saw haven to get the cure for the Flare. On the way, they find a city with buildings to protect themselves from the heat. They are faced with horrible storms, the dangerous heat, and man eating munies.

  33. Steven Vego #12
    iBoy Kevin Brooks

    I really like this book. It was written really well by Brooks, it flowed well and I could not put it down until I reached the last page. The story was so gripping and intense, that I felt like I was Tom and that I became the characters every time I picked up the book. The author is an amazing writer. I like his writing because of how creative he is with his writing. In this book a boy named Tom Harvey. He lives in a gang filled part of London. One day when he goes to visit his good friend, Lucy. After getting hit on the head by an iPhone that was thrown from an apartment thirty stories above him, Tom is in hospital after major surgery. The iPhone that hit his head gives him extreme amounts of knowledge about basically everything. "Knowledge is power." This quote is one of the reasons I like this book so much. Tommy can use all of his knowledge that he gained from the "accident" for power. He can figure out that if a phone is being called at the same time by many people it can overheat its battery and explode. He uses this for revenge against some gang members who hurt Lucy, who he has feelings for, and her brother. He knows that they did it because of the knowledge he gained from the iPhone in his head. That is very interesting to me and very creative. This book overall is a good book and can teach you that knowledge is power.


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