1st Quarter Blog #2

It is that time again! We are at the end of the first quarter. I hope you enjoyed your book and are ready for a booktalk. Don't forget to follow the directions and choose a new prompt for your blog post. I can't wait to read your work.


  1. Edward Lueras #10
    blog #2 first quarter
    prompt #8
    The River page 149
    author Gary Paulsen
    The River is the sequel to Hatchet and the river, unlike the Winter, it is not a alternative ending to the story it is just a sequel. The story begins where Hatchet left off. A man comes to Brian Robenson's door and says the words “we want you to do it again”. That sentence can sum up the whole book. This was a challenge from a person who works on training people so they can survive if stranded in the wilderness. Brian after thinking it over decides to accept this challenge and the person who challenged him, Derek Holtzer, is to come along with him and write down everything Brian does to survive. Derek wants to bring things that could help in survival like sleeping bags and emergency food but Brian believes that that would just take away from the survival experience. This is when the problem comes. Brain and Derek only bring a radio for emergencies on the survival trip and everything is going fine. They are finding food and have a place to sleep but one night when it is raining and there is thunder Derek gets struck by lightning and cant be woken up. The radio is in his hand when he gets electrocuted and is shorted out and broken. Now without being able to call for help so Derek can get medical assistance, Brian must remember the map he memorized before coming on the survival trip. That map showed the rivers around his area and it showed a trading post where he could get help. He must take Derek on a raft and go 100 miles on a lake to make it to the trading post. He makes this voyage with hardly any sleep and finally makes it to the trading post. People at the trading post call for help and Derek is brought out of the coma . Things after that go back to normal for Brian and he stays at home knowing that he saved a life.

  2. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    Blog #2 First Quarter
    Prompt #1
    Finished book
    Dear Diary
    I love the advice Sarah gave me a few weeks ago. I won the battle with Eve’s parents and I have now complete custody over Zoe. Zoe and I are going on a great journey for my life to come. I am going to be a professional race driver and Zoe and I are going to live in Maranello, Italy. We are going to live in a small apartment and I am going to get a new Fiat. I can’t wait to be a pro at my favorite thing in the whole world, Racing. I love it so much because you always feel your heart pumping and your body not having a care in the world. I am still upset about Enzo, but life is life and now his hips won’t hurt, and he won’t have to worry about anything. Zoe is also upset and sad because that was here first dog and she loved him very much. I am still excited that my parents stepped in and saved me financially. They are so kind to sell their home so that I will get my daughter and be reunited with her. My life is going well planned now and I could never be more excited for what is next to come. I must be the most excited person alive. I got my daughter back and she will only have one father figure. I get to be a professional race car driver and all is going well. I will have to get use to the food in Italy. All that bread I will have to work out extra.

  3. Dear Diary,
    Today we all ran away from CMS and now we have these annoying boys with us.The we is Evelyn ,Maddie ,Louisa ,and I. we needed to leave CMS ,which was our school, because Louisa over heard the principle talking to the teachers that the school is a sleeper cell and all our teachers are Allience agents. They only excepted the rich kids because they know if they keep us hostage than our parents will give them all the money they want to get their children back. My parents would pay anything to get me back because I am their last daughter. Drew brought us to a place where the teachers come to plan their next attack while we are in the woods camping. I thought it was a little weird that this kid knew how to get in but now Louisa thinks I like him because I want to keep a good eye on him to see if he is part of the Allience. We found a secret door under a rug and at the end of the passage way it was an alliance camp. There was a prison and I went over to see if my sister was there. We lost her along time ago and we think she was caught by the Allience. My parents and I have been looking for years and we could never find her. To get out we all quickly ran into a moving truck and hid ourselves behind boxes.. Everyone got out of the truck and the truck driver found us and we ran onto the feeway. Then for the night we hid in an abandoned mall and in the morning I found out that Drew and Maddie had gone out to find food. Maddie is the weakest here and I still needed to keep an eye on Drew. I walked outside and fond them walking back ,but all of a sudden a big black van pulls up and grabbed Maddie. Why Maddie? What would they do with Maddie? She isn’t rich the only reason she got into the school is because Lousia paid for her to get in. Louisa started to cry and we all felt bad for her so we went inside to try to figure out a plan to find her again.

  4. #17 Anthony Salgado
    Quantum Prophecy: The Gathering
    Michael Carroll
    Pg. 177
    Blog 6

    Me: Hi. I’m Anthony Salgado, and I’m interviewing Colin from the book Quantum Prophecy. So, let’s start with the obvious, how does it feel to be a superhuman?
    Colin: well, uh, it’s awesome but it is mostly a burden for me having to protect the city from terrorism at this age. I’m the youngest out of all us super humans, but I’m the most trustworthy out of all of us. I keep overhearing the adults, because one of my powers is super-hearing, saying that if they were to trust one of us with secret, it would be me.
    Me: Ok, so I’ve heard that one of you’re best friends, Danny, lost an arm saving the world, are you jealous of him first of all because he saved the world and because all of the girls like him?
    Colin: Maybe a little bit about the girl thing, but I’m proud of him saving the world and all. How can I even be jealous, he killed his father on accident, Façade pretended to be his father for eleven years, and he lost his right arm. And he is a righty!
    Me: That’s very sad. Must be tough. So, do you trust Josh Dalton?
    Colin: After what happened with his brother Max’s betrayal, I really don’t think so. And if I do find out that he’s going to betray us, I don’t want to find out. Everyone also thinks that Façade must be the betrayer because he has a huge history of betraying people. I don’t think that he is the betrayer because I think he’s a changed man.
    Me: Ok it was nice having you Kid Titan.
    Colin: It’s Titan not Kid Titan!
    Me: bye.

  5. #8 Gregory Luciano
    Harry Potter
    J.K Rowling
    Blog #2 First Quarter
    Prompt #2
    Dear Harry,
    Next year at Hogwarts, try not to get in as much trouble. You were just lucky enough you were rewarded enough points to win the House Cup. Try to stay away from Severus Snape, he may be after you even more this year. In his class try not to say or do anything wrong, he may purposely take away many points. If you think of sneaking around the halls, don’t forget your invisibility cloth, of you may be caught. Watch out for Draco Malfoy I’m sure he is out to get you more than last year, try to stay away from him, he’s always out to find trouble. Although, I’m sure he is just jealous of how cool you are and how lame he is at school. Keep winning those quidditch matches for Gryffindor and you’ll be sure to win the House Cup, and be able to rub it in Malfoys face. Make sure you can find platform nine and three quarters this year, you were nearly late last year to the first day. In the future when you can use magic outside of school, make sure you get your revenge on your brother, Dudley, for treating you awfully those past years. Maybe set his shoes on fire, or make his papers go flying in the air, or annoy him by flickering his lamp on and off until he goes nuts.
    Anyways, See you later, Gregory.

  6. #1 Matthew Burnette
    Pinch Hit
    Tim Green
    Blog #2 1st quarter
    Log #8
    A review I would give this book would probably be a 4.5 stars, this book really stood out to me in the end of the book because there was a lot of baseball and the kid Sam one of the main characters got MVP which he really wanted because if he got it had a spot on the USC elite training team. I would recommend you to read this book because it has a lot of cliff hangers and is a. really fun and adventurous book and I looked forward to reading more of Tim Greens books. Pinch hit was one of my favorite parts would have probably been close to the end of the book because they had switched places and the kid Trevor was going to play baseball but he wasn't really the baseball player Sam was so there was a problem with the USC training elite coach so they had to pick the MVP that day so Trevor calls up Sam and say they are picking the MVP today so Sam rushed over to the field as fast as he could and made it the game and they switched and he ended up winning MVP . I hope some of you start reading this book and I hope my summary of the book excites you and makes you really want to read this book. When you read this book I wish it will be one of your favorites because right now this is one of my favorite books so far.

  7. Jacquelyn Co #2
    James Dashner
    Scorch Trials
    Pg. 100
    Log #1
    Dear Diary,
    Hi it’s me Thomas, I know it is weird to keep a diary as a guy, but honestly I don’t shucking care, and I am freaking out right now. One of my best friends Theresa is missing and she is nowhere to be seen, and I have talked to her through our telepathic communication but she said to leave her alone or she would kill me. Strange things have been going on lately. Like after we spent our first night after escaping the maze, these people called Cranks started surrounding our cabins as if they wanted to kill us. Then when we left our cabins and escaped the Cranks we saw a bunch of dead bodies hanging from the ceiling. Soon we were in a white and plain room. We walked around and it lead us to this room where this rat man told us we had the Scorch. The Scorch is a disease that can kill. It is the disease the Cranks had. That is why they look so disgusting and burned. The man said that we all caught this disease and that we needed to go to a journey to escape the disease. He said that it was very dangerous and that the journey could be deadly and people could kill us. This man said that if we did not go on the journey he would make sure that the guards of that place would kill them, and he said it would be better for them to take a risk and go on the journey. He said that the journey was called the Flat Trans. Ok, diary I will talk to you later. I will write again when I have a chance or if I stay alive.
    Yours Thomas

  8. Jacquelyn Co #2
    James Dashner
    Scorch Trials
    Pg. 100
    Log #1
    Dear Diary,
    Hi it’s me Thomas, I know it is weird to keep a diary as a guy, but honestly I don’t shucking care, and I am freaking out right now. One of my best friends Theresa is missing and she is nowhere to be seen, and I have talked to her through our telepathic communication but she said to leave her alone or she would kill me. Strange things have been going on lately. Like after we spent our first night after escaping the maze, these people called Cranks started surrounding our cabins as if they wanted to kill us. Then when we left our cabins and escaped the Cranks we saw a bunch of dead bodies hanging from the ceiling. Soon we were in a white and plain room. We walked around and it lead us to this room where this rat man told us we had the Scorch. The Scorch is a disease that can kill. It is the disease the Cranks had. That is why they look so disgusting and burned. The man said that we all caught this disease and that we needed to go to a journey to escape the disease. He said that it was very dangerous and that the journey could be deadly and people could kill us. This man said that if we did not go on the journey he would make sure that the guards of that place would kill them, and he said it would be better for them to take a risk and go on the journey. He said that the journey was called the Flat Trans. Ok, diary I will talk to you later. I will write again when I have a chance or if I stay alive.
    Yours Thomas

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  10. #10 Sarah Youssouf
    The Scorch Trials
    James Dashner
    Log #2
    Dear Diary,
    I am trapped. I am locked up in a white room. I feel so alone and confused. I have been through a lot the past few weeks I have been in the Scorch. Teresa, the girl I loved, betrayed me. She told me the only reason she betrayed me was to keep me alive. I don’t trust her and I don’t think I can ever forgive her. When I think of Teresa, Aris pops up into my mind. She kissed him right in front of me. So many emotions are running threw me right now. Before I was trapped in this white prison, Brenda talked to me through my mind. She told me that something bad was going to happen to me. The next thing I knew, I was trapped in here. Wicked is my true enemy. Teresa talked to me in my mind. She told me that I have been trapped in here for over two weeks! I told her that I didn’t want to talk to her anymore. Before she stopped talking to me through my mind, she told me that Wicked was good. How could she say that? After all that we put us through. I have been trapped in the Scorch Trials to find my way to the safe haven. I thought that it. I get my cure and finally be free from Wicked. I am starting to feel I never will. During my time in the Scorch, the other Gladers and I found Teresa and Group B. Group B was all girls. I was stuck with them for a while too. There is so many things running through my head right now. When I find Wicked I am going to fight them no matter what. That’s the truth.

  11. #7 Aide Martinez
    October 28, 2014
    Veronica Roth
    Page #232
    Log #2
    Dear Tris,
    My name is Aide Martinez. I heard that you are getting out of the city. Be careful because you never know what things are out there. There could be dangerous people, animals, and much more. Also watch out for Tobias’ mom Evelyn. I agree completely with you that she is hiding something or just using Tobias. Try to stay away from Evelyn. If you don’t want to I completely understand. Try to tell her that Tobias isn’t hers to keep. Protect Tobias from Evelyn. Evelyn lies and is very good at being sneaky. If Tobias can’t see that his mother is bad then I know you can. Also tell Tobias how you feel. You keep lying to him and that’s going to make you guys come apart. Tell him how you feel. That all he wants. He just wants your honesty. I want to help your relationship with him because I can’t see you guys break up. And I just realized that you guys need to go out more with each other. Go for a walk and share your feelings. Your relationship with him will grow stronger with each other if every now and then you guys had talks. Well I guess that all I have to say. Again be careful you never know what waiting for you at the gate and beyond it. Good luck and remember talk to Tobias I promise things will work out between you two. Please write back if you can. If not, no worries.
    Your friend,
    Aide Martinez

  12. Joshua Ramirez #8
    Maze Runner
    James Dashner
    Page # 374
    Blog #2
    Log #4

    In the maze runner there are various themes that can be corporate in this story, for example will, death, trust, and faith. The one that stands out to me and portrays all of these themes in a blend is survival. In the end of it you must have trust and faith in your comrades to survive. In order to have the will to survive you must fear something and that fear for the Gladers is death. That fear drives them to fight and keep trying to survive. For example in the book they were going to fight fourteen griever that before killed several of their partners. Unfortunately in the end of the battle there were only twenty survivors out of forty. They still pressed on because they were unwilling to give up. They will learn that they will need to survive because the maze was only the beginning it was the easiest of their test. Which means the second test must begin, they must go thought the most dry and hot part of the world. It will be a two week journey and they thought that trust and brotherhood will be the most important factor, but they were wrong. There are other Gladers now, friendships will be tested, loyalties will be broken all the bets are off. It will be every Glader for them self. Their survival depends on the other team’s failure this will be a test of their will. They must never stop running or it will catch up.

  13. #9 Dillon Stubbs
    Behind Enemy Lines Under Fire In The Middle East
    Bill Doyle
    Blog 2 quarter one
    Page 136
    Prompt #9
    I love how descriptive they are about the war and what they had to go through to get to be in the war. They go through so much more than anyone that you could ever think of. They go through the worst conditioning to go fight in the war. He goes to Iraqi to save a trapped teammate. His teammate has been assign there because of all that has happened with the Iraqi. There are dogs that come to save one of their teammates they would have died if the dogs would have never been a live. God has come out through this book by sending the dogs coming and saving that man. Five prisoners board a life craft to save their life they are from Iraqi. They get free but they risk there life trying to become free. This is a true and threw are life they will have more and more people going to save their life to make are life easier. If we didn’t have these men and women we would not have the freedom that we have now. We all need to thank the men and women for what they have done for America. God comes out again when he saves the men from the Iranians so they can have the freedom that we have here. God loves all of us so when you are down look up to God for hope he will always be there.

  14. Hannah Dumaine#3
    Blog #2
    Log #5 Poem
    The Time Keeper
    Mitch Albom

    There was a man
    He was normal
    Then he became the Time Keeper

    He had to rescue two people
    Before they make life changing moments
    One was named Sarah, and the other Victor

    The man was rich and old
    The girl was a teenager and struggling
    They were very unlikely to meet if it wasn't for Dor

    Dor changed their minds
    And showed them a reason to live
    He showed them the past and the future

    But the man who could never age
    The man that could stop time
    Died with his wife and wondered why
    He would ever leave her

  15. Hannah Dumaine#3
    Blog #2
    Log #5 Poem
    The Time Keeper
    Mitch Albom

    There was a man
    He was normal
    Then he became the Time Keeper

    He had to rescue two people
    Before they make life changing moments
    One was named Sarah, and the other Victor

    The man was rich and old
    The girl was a teenager and struggling
    They were very unlikely to meet if it wasn't for Dor

    Dor changed their minds
    And showed them a reason to live
    He showed them the past and the future

    But the man who could never age
    The man that could stop time
    Died with his wife and wondered why
    He would ever leave her

  16. Angelica Castaneda #1
    October 28, 2014
    Paper Towns
    John Green
    Pg. 305 (finished)
    Log. 1

    Dear Diary,
    I am in a sad mood right now, and it all started when Margo went missing. It had been a long time since Margo went missing. Prom was yesterday and it was a crazy day. After prom Ben called me from a party. I went over to the party to find Ben drunk and out of his mind. He asked if I could drive him home, so I did. The next day was the day I was determined to find Margo, I need to find Margo right away because people were thinking she was dead! I called Ben and Radar that morning and they came over to my house soon after. After we all took an adventure to find Margo. We drove though all these places and we still could not find her, when one day we drove to this store. We walked in and it was dark but we saw a light and a person sitting at a desk. We found a girl who did not look familiar, when we soon realized that it was Margo. It was Margo, but she had cut her hair. We talked and we said some stuff but when we were about to leave and take Margo she told us something. She told us that she had wanted to stay, and it was her decision so we could not stop her. So that was it, we left, with no Margo. That is why I am sad.

  17. #5 Gavin Lizik
    The Closer
    Mariano Rivera w/ Wayne Coffey
    Blog #2
    Dear Mariano Rivera,
    I love the way that you play baseball with all your heart and support your family. What makes your book very interesting is because you explain your feeling before, throughout, and after any game you play. My favorite part about your book is the part where you win the World Series, many times (27 to be exact), and all of your emotions, feelings, and anxiety going into the game and the moment when you win. My advice to you is that playing the game of baseball is not for the money or the fame is it for the love of the game and to support whoever or whatever you need to support and love. I am sorry I am giving you advice because I have no experience what so ever because I have never ever come close to playing in the MLB and feeling the feelings of pitching in front of nearly 50,000 people cheering and/or screaming or booing you. It must be so hard to ignore all of those fans screaming at you. It is shocking that you play so well in front of those people. I give you credit for doing that. I hope you one time teach me how to do that or I meet you. I congratulate you on winning so many World Series and so many AL Pennants. Some more advice is to focus more on your family then playing the game of baseball because family and God before any other thing in the world.

  18. #13 Jayden Ramirez
    Maze Runner
    James Dashner
    Page 179
    Log 8

    The main problem in the Maze Runner is that the Gladers (the people who live in the Glade) cannot find a way to get out of the maze. Every month a new boy comes up from the cage. They forget everything; where they came from; how they got there and so on, but what they don’t forget is their name. A kid named Thomas is coming up from the cage. Thomas was different from the other Gladers. He wanted to know what was beyond the big gap in between the rock and was mysterious. Chuck was his companion, showing him around. Thomas had asked him what was in the gap of the two rocks. Chuck accidentally told him that that was a maze and the gap was a door, and it the maze would also change at night. Thomas was amazed in how the two doors could open. Thomas knew that he wanted to see what was in the maze. At night Thomas would get these dreams and visions about WICKED and this girl. He didn’t know why but he just did. A few days past and Alby (head leader of the Gladers) and Minho (head leader of the Runners) went out in the maze. Everyone was worrimg because they weren’t back yet and the doors were going to close. Soon enough as the doors are closing the Gladers could see them but they weren’t going to make it because Alby got stung from a Griever. Thomas all of a sudden runs out there in the maze. No one has ever survived a night in the maze. Thomas and Minho survive the night and end up killing four Grievers and tied Alby to one of the walls, so he would not die. Soon they return and some of the Gladers think that Thomas should be punished because he broke a rule and others thought he was a hero. The Gladers cannot find a way out of the maze, but I think Thomas will be the key.

  19. #11 Matthew Montoya
    Legend-Marie Lu
    Prompt #2
    Pages 173-329

    Dear Day,
    You shouldn’t be worried about your family and what’s going on in their lives. You need to worry about what’s going to happen to you if you don’t escape from the capitol. June is helping you escape and you need to take advantage of her and let her lead you to safety. Your only hope to survive is June. She is the only one who knows where she is and where to go. I can assure you that you family is okay. If you don’t escape from the capitol soon, they will kill you. If you do escape, you need to move every day because they will have search parties coming to look for you. You need to run away with your family. Once you escape, they will come after not just you, but your entire family. They will use your most desired thing against you. They will go after your family until you confess and come back to the capitol. June will lead you to the right way. You might not believe her, but she is your only help. You will be lucky to have her if you escape with your life. June’s family if part of the capitol and her father is head of the government. Day, be smart on this journey because your life is at risk and I fear that you might be captured. If you do become captured, my only advice for you is to stay alive. I hope my advice helps you and I wish you the best of luck.

  20. #5 Alex Gottuso
    The Maze Runner pg. 300
    James Dashner
    Prompt #6

    Me: Welcome, Thomas, to your interview!
    Thomas: Hello, nice to meet you.
    Me: It’s a pleasure to have you here today.
    Thomas: Thank you.
    Me: Now, let’s get to the questions. What was it like when you first came out of the box?
    Thomas: It was really just very confusing. While I was in the box I was scared too. I guess I just really didn’t know what to expect. I mean, come on, I practically had lost all my memory of everything.
    Me: And that brings us to our next question! What did you remember after your memory was wiped away from you?
    Thomas: Well, I knew I had a family, I just didn’t know their names or what they looked like. I also knew things like games I used to play, but very vaguely. When I saw animals at the Glade too, I remembered those.
    Me: At what time to get used to the place where you were living?
    Thomas: After I knew I had someone to count on. I guess I just need someone to get all my information from, and really, having a friend made life fell normal again.
    Me: What were you thinking when Ben tried to attack you?
    Thomas: At first, I was very scared. It was so surprising, after asking if someone was there so many times and getting no response. I had no idea what to do, but then Alby came in. I guess the whole situation was just very overwhelming.
    Me: What was your reaction when the girl came out of the box?
    Thomas: I guess I really don’t know. All the other boys were acting so weird about it though.
    Me: Well that’s all for today! Thank you for coming!
    Thomas: Your very welcome, and nice meeting you.

  21. #19 Trevor Stubbs
    Blog #2
    Prompt #1
    If I was the character in the adventure of Huckleberry Finn it would be very scary because he is a kid that does stuff that nobody would do but he is just a crazy kid. Huckleberry Finn was a kid that needed a diary for all his adventures. So if I was Finn I would write my feelings about my adventures. Some of my feelings of my adventures were that they were very scary at first but after the first adventure I thought I was a pro. So I was never that scared until I stumbled on to Jim my friend. He was a slave. Jim and I were best friends because I went to his owner’s house to learn proper “manners.” This was the worst time I have ever had going to a job. I would rather go to school. It was the hardest thing ever. It was the worst thing I have ever done. I have much better things to do like hang out with Tom my best friend. Tom is really cool I really like him he is cool. That is why I hang with him. Him and I have a lot in common like we always go fishing. We also like to go on adventures. He loves hanging with me because we like the same thing. I also like to hang with Jim but I cannot tell Tom that Jim is a run away salve that is why we do not hang together. I think Tom would flip out. That is all for this enrty see you tomorrow.

  22. Zachary Ramsey

    My opinion on this book so far. This book didn’t capture my attention on the cover page of the book but then. In the beginning it starts of saying “After one big storm”. Normally this would capture my attention which it did. Then it takes a big turn by the family going on a cruise to Santa Barbra. And everything is great. They go to fiestas and have a good time with the family. So everything is great then they get home and see a huge cloud of smoke is covering the church. And people running for there lives. And Zia and her brother had to hop into a raft to get away from the fire. Of course the kids were scared until the fell asleep. They woke up at the Island of the Blue Dolphins. At this point they have no food lost there family on a Island . Everything is bad at this point. Later on this book the find a adobe brick house in the island and get find food on the island. They still try to get back home with a piece of cloth for a sail a compass and o sailing experience. The had to do trial and error until. A rushing wind comes and make it home tired and hungry but safe. The family is inlighten by seeing there kids home safe and sound. So I really enjoyed this book. So don’t judge a book by its cover. I started this book loving it and still enjoying it.

  23. Gannon McDonald#9
    Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins
    page #153
    Prompt #9

    I love the way Katnis played in the hunger games!! She was fiery, amazing, nice, apprehensive, and concerned. She played well most of all, she was an amazing character and everyone would love to be like her. Remember the time when she found out Peeta touched the force shield and she thought he had died, because of his heart not beating anymore. Her and Finnick were trying so hard and they were about to give up, but when she cried he woke up and I thought that was a very romantic part. Another time is when she noticed that the arena was like a clock, then her Finnick, Peeta, and the group saw that one of them got there throat slit. Then they rushed to the cornicopia and battled but the game maker had told his workers to set off the cornicopia to spin really fast that if you had fell off it you would have died. But she had held on barely and that was a really good action part. The last part I thought was amazing when she found out the lighting strikes the tree at 12:00 every day, so she grabbed an arrow with a wire connected to the tree. Finnick tried stopping her but she was so desperate to take out the dome that she shot the arrow and Finnick and Katnis exploded but were still alive. Then the planes came in and took them away, thank you for taking your time to read this from your big fan and I hope you have more good stuff like this coming.

  24. #12 Emily Platt
    Of stampy

    Dear diary
    Wake up with my sister. She is scared of the zombies. When I woke up I got out of the house, but my sister was still asleep. I was walking in the woods. I saw a man the man was red and yellow. He said hi I was scared but he wanted to be my friend so I said yes. I said I have to go. I walked more and more. I saw a squid his name was iballisticsquid. We came best friends. My sister woke up and was scared because she did not know where I was. She looked for me then she saw my friend. She walked way. Then she was a bird and they became best friends she helped her find he brother. She saw Amy lee and Rosie. Amy and Rosie walked away then saw he brother. He was not happy because he wanted to be free. The met up and he told the truth. Then he saw his friend. He said I want to kill you. The got ready armor and swords and everything. They won. They were happy, but he did not want to come home. His sister was sad but she has her friend. They lived together. Stampy and his friends were free. But they were not safe. They know that danger will come soon. So they always where on the lookout so they will be ready for harm. Everyone was happy and free strangers became best friends forever.
    To be continued….

  25. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
    Page # 109
    Blog #2
    Prompt # 2
    Dear Legolas,
    Hi, how are you doing? I hope you are doing well because you will need to feel good to motivate yourself on your journey. I hope that your journey has served you well. If you ever run into another Black Rider or Gollum, just make sure that Gandalf is there to guide you. Maybe, since he is Gandalf the White now, he might be wiser because he has Sauruman’s power too. Make sure that you eventually find Merry and Pippin on your quest, as well as Frodo and Sam too. Hopefully, Gandalf won’t turn corrupt with Sauruman in him. Make sure that you have enough food and water for your journey. If you reunite with Merry and Sam, they have spare lembas that you can use for your consumption. I hope that this advice is useful for you on your journey. Also, make sure that you have all your weapons fastened and sharpened. By the way, I have some bad news. Boromir is completely missing. Frodo and Sam are near the Misty Mountains so you will most likely meet up with them near Mount Doom. Merry and Pippin are with Treebeard so you will most likely meet up with them soon. This journey is going to be long and perilous, so make sure that you have as much resources as you need to complete this journey. I hope that this advice is useful enough for your journey, and write back if you can!
    Your Friend,
    Jack Cardeno.

  26. #15 Emilia Shahverdian
    James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
    Page 65
    Blog# 2 Quarter 1

    I like how James is an optimistic and bright boy. He is diligent despite all the problems he has had in life. All the problems the Centipede, Spider, Old Grasshopper, Earthworm, and Ladybug have they can always look to James for help or advice. Things are looking up for James when he has the comfort of his new friends. The author Roald Dahl does a fantastic job of giving the reader an imagery of James. There is now a hope for James which makes me apprehensive. They could land in New York City and James could have a new family. I feel like James can make it and have a better life since his wicked aunts are dead now. He has better friends now which are kind of odd. They are human-size insects! If I were James I would stop what I was doing and get the heck away from that peach. James handled the whole Cloud-men situation and the dim-witted Centipede who won’t shut his mouth “ever.” He is involved in many of the conflicts that the group faces. In my opinion I think that the centipede should have drowned in the ocean. To think James actually caught all five hundred seagulls. If he’s lucky he will be taken to an orphanage and be adopted by a new family. I thank Roald Dahl for making a book that I can enjoy and laugh at.

  27. #5 Karina DiPonio
    Love Maybe?
    By Heather Hepler, p.126
    Log #2

    Dear Piper,

    I have some advice for you. I know that your BFF just got her heart broken by her boyfriend. I know she is sad. I hope she feels better soon. Please try to do what you can to make her forget about her boyfriend.

    Speaking of boyfriends, I know that your friend wants to get you a boyfriend but you don’t want one because you aren’t interested in love. Just try to tell her nicely that you don’t want one. If that doesn’t work, I have another tip for you. Just agree with her and see where that will take you. If that doesn’t work, then plan a fun girls day.

    How have your brother and sister been? I always enjoy hearing their stories. They seem very silly and mischievous and it must makes me laugh. It reminds me of my sister and I. We get in trouble all the time, too. Maybe someday you will think their antics are funny, even though they blame you for all their situations right now. My favorite story is when they put syrup all over each other and you had to put them in the shower. I know they might be annoying sometimes, but just think about it; they are going to have kids of their own someday. I do have advice for you: just put your earphones in and ignore them, and try to do the best you can. And if you can’t help yourself, tattle once in awhile.

    I hope this advice helps you. I hope we talk again soon.

    Your friend,
    Karina DiPonio

  28. #18 Kayla Sin
    Death Cure
    James Dashner
    Me: Hello Thomas.
    Thomas: Hi.
    Me: So, how are you doing these days?
    Thomas: Well now it’s really nice since we munies are in a better location now.
    Me: How was it like to be in that white room for a month alone?
    Thomas: It was terrible. I was going to kill the next shank that walked into my room.
    Me: Why did you trust Gally in the beginning? He was never your friend.
    Thomas: Well, I just felt like we could trust him this time. I knew he hated WICKED too and if we shared a common enemy, we could work together. It turned out the Right Arm was good.
    Me: Were you happy when the plan worked to destroy WICKED?
    Thomas: Yes and no. I was so glad that we destroyed them but I was crushed when Teresa had died in the process before we could make it here.
    Me: About that, are you over them now?
    Thomas: I’m not over them and I never will be. Let’s just say I’m not as sad. I just hate those shuck faces who brought the flare into the world. My friends wouldn’t have died.
    Me: I’m very sorry about that. How did it feel when Teresa died?
    Thomas: I was so sad. I never saw that piece of ceiling coming. All my friends died right in front of my eyes and I can’t bear it anymore. I hate WICKED no matter what they say. Shuck them. Can we not talk about this anymore?
    Me: Sure, we have time for one last question. So, do you regret not having the chance to have your memories back?
    Thomas: I don’t know. In the Glade I was so eager to have my memories. Over time I didn’t trust WICKED and I didn’t want them putting something else in my brain. I don’t think I would like my past anyway. At least I still see glimpses.
    Me: Well, that’s all we have time for. Thanks for coming in Thomas. Bye.
    Thomas: Bye.

  29. #1 Sydney Barbee
    Tomorrow Girls Run For Cover
    Eva Gray
    Pg. 207
    Prompt #1
    Log #2

    Dear Diary,
    Today we all ran away from CMS and now we have these annoying boys with us.The we is Evelyn ,Maddie ,Louisa ,and I. we needed to leave CMS ,which was our school, because Louisa over heard the principle talking to the teachers that the school is a sleeper cell and all our teachers are Allience agents. They only excepted the rich kids because they know if they keep us hostage than our parents will give them all the money they want to get their children back. My parents would pay anything to get me back because I am their last daughter. Drew brought us to a place where the teachers come to plan their next attack while we are in the woods camping. I thought it was a little weird that this kid knew how to get in but now Louisa thinks I like him because I want to keep a good eye on him to see if he is part of the Allience. We found a secret door under a rug and at the end of the passage way it was an alliance camp. There was a prison and I went over to see if my sister was there. We lost her along time ago and we think she was caught by the Allience. My parents and I have been looking for years and we could never find her. To get out we all quickly ran into a moving truck and hid ourselves behind boxes.. Everyone got out of the truck and the truck driver found us and we ran onto the feeway. Then for the night we hid in an abandoned mall and in the morning I found out that Drew and Maddie had gone out to find food. Maddie is the weakest here and I still needed to keep an eye on Drew. I walked outside and fond them walking back ,but all of a sudden a big black van pulls up and grabbed Maddie. Why Maddie? What would they do with Maddie? She isn’t rich the only reason she got into the school is because Lousia paid for her to get in. Louisa started to cry and we all felt bad for her so we went inside to try to figure out a plan to find her again.

  30. #3Daniel Chapin
    October 28, 2014
    Why I fight
    BJ Penn
    “Good evening BJ Penn, first of all why do you fight?"
    "Good question, I fight because it is what I love and the belt, and all the people who look up to me as a fighter, also the fans."
    "When you won your first title describe the emotions."
    'I felt like I was on top of the world and I had the ability yo do anything.'
    "When you finally had the rematch with Jens Pulver, where you nervous?"
    "I did and did not because I knew how good he was but I know I had the ability to beat any living man on this earth"
    “Would you consider coming out of retirement for another rematch with Frankie Edgar?”
    “Even though I am a bit old I still feel like I am in my prime, so yes.”
    “Explain your journey to get to the UFC”
    “Well It has been wonderful because I love to fight. But there are injuries to and people do not know what fighters have to go through. I feel that when people say that they could have been in the UFC because it is disrespectful because they do not know what it takes.”
    “When people people mention the best fighters of all time wich spot would you be?”
    “number one.”
    “If you could not fight what would you do?”
    “I would not do anything in life because this is the greatest sport ever.”
    “One last question, what does it feel like to have all the fans saporting you and to have that belt?”
    You explained why I fight, but that is why there is a reason to keep living

  31. #7 Sienna Inman
    The Girl Who Could Fly
    Victoria Forester
    Blog #2 - 1st Quarter
    Log #1

    Dear Diary, 

    Today I was in the kitchen talking to my family. In my mind I knew that my parents wouldn’t let me go anywhere without them. Ever since they found out my big secret, the fact that I could fly, things haven’t been the same. Today, however, was the day everything changed. I was sitting at the table when I heard my Mother say, "Piper, this year we’re going to a big picnic that everyone goes to.” When she told me that, I got excited because I knew that the most popular girl in school was going to be there. I’ve never been at an event where I could make new friends. Finally, the day I’ve dreamed of is about to come true! I could tell my parents were very nervous to take me with them. I knew they would try their best to keep me from showing my power to fly. The day was here! I was going to the picnic and I was hoping to make a lot of new friends. Me and parents arrived early. Right away they started talking to new people and had great conversations. I told myself I was going to do it! No matter what, I was going to be friends with the most popular girl in school. Eventually we would have play dates, sleep overs, and maybe if I became a quick friend, my parents would let me go to a real school instead of being to homeschooled. I don’t know, we’ll see. Well, I’ll tune in with you later.


  32. Janessa Fuentes
    Page 195
    Every Day Angel
    Victoria Swave

    Me: So Gabby, How has Aria influenced your life by being your friend?
    Gabby: Well, Aria is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She has influenced my life a ton.
    Like one time when I was crying at track and field because I was sad about my brother. She sat with me and gave me encouraging words. She always knows how to lift my spirits.
    Me: That’s good. It must be special to have a friend like that.
    Me: How is your brother feeling?
    Gabby: My brother is feeling better, amazing actually. He is cancer free now. Thanks for asking.
    Me: You’re welcome.
    Me: When did you find out Aria was an Angel?
    Gabby: Well, I found out when she was getting the mail one day. She had to go down seventeen flights of stairs but instead of walking, she flew. I wish I could do that.
    Me: Me too!
    Me: What do your parents think of Aria being an Angel?
    Gabby: My parents don’t know much about Aria. But they have heard a lot of stories about her. They wouldn’t believe she is a true angel.
    Me: Does your brother know Aria?
    Gabby: Yes, he thinks she is super amazing.
    Me: What is your favorite color?
    Gabby: My favorite color is Blue, Aria like purple.
    Me: Last question, are you still friends with Arai.
    Gabby: Of course! Without a doubt, I will never let that girl out of my life. She is my best friend and my angel.

  33. #15 Alexis Raya
    The School for Good and Evil
    Soman Chainani
    Page 158
    Blog #2- 1st quarter
    Log #2
    Dear Sophie,
    Stop disagreeing with Agatha. She is only trying to help you. At least try to conform to the school of evil. If you fail your classes, you will die. You may think that you are destined to be a princess, but you are not. You do good deeds in vain thinking you will receive something in return. If the schoolmaster put you in evil that means your heart is pure evil. He saw evil in you. Sophie, stop pretending to be something you are not. You are not good. If you keep on thinking that you are good, you will fail the school of evil and die. Do not live in vain and jealousy of Agatha. Living like this will end up trying to kill her eventually (which will kill you). Agatha was destined to be good. You were destined to be evil.
    Life never works out the way you want it to work out. You do not control your life. Everybody has their good days, and everybody has their bad days. Sophie, do not cry over spilled milk. Do not live a lie. I have watched over you since your journey in the school for evil began. You may not know where I am, but I always know where you are. Protect Agatha, Sophie. Be the best villain in the school for good and evil. Do not fail your studies. Most importantly, do not die. Your journey has only just started. I am only protecting you.
    Your protector,

  34. #17 Zachary Tittle
    The 39 Clues: Cahills vs. Vespers: The Dead of Night
    Peter Lerangis
    Blog #6

    Announcer: Hello everyone and welcome it’s your host your very own Zachary Tittle. Today we will be interviewing the most wanted criminal on Interpol’s list, Dan Cahill.
    Zach: So Mr. Cah----
    Dan: Oh no please call me Dan.
    Zach: Ok then, Dan, What does it feel like to be on the top of Interpol’s list of most wanted criminals?
    Dan: Well, Zach, it feels kinda good and still kinda bad.
    Zach: Why does it feel good and still bad?
    Dan: It feels good because I’m at the top the list and well, ya know, it’s almost always good to be at the top of the list.
    Zach: Well, then why does it feel bad?
    Dan: It feels bad because it’s the top of the MOST WANTED LIST of Interpol. I mean com’on the list is for criminals.
    Zach: Did you want to have this life?
    Dan: No, I never wanted to have to steal priceless artifacts and pieces of art, but now that there are seven hostages on the line my sister and I just have to do it.
    Zach: Who took the hostages?
    Dan: The secretive, powerful, leader of the Vesper family branch: Vesper 1 Zach: Do you have any leads about the hostages?
    Dan: I’m sorry that information is to be kept safe in the branch of the Madrigals.
    Zach: What is this “Branch of Families”?
    Dan: This “Branch of Families” are many families from the Cahills side of action. The branches were formed from the Madrigals, then branched off and formed many other families. The Vespers are technically Cahills, but in the mid 1800’s one family branch broke off and formed their own rebellious tree.
    Zach: Oh no, that’s all we have for today folks. Next week we will be interviewing Dan’s big sister Amy Cahill. Thank you all for coming and goodnight.

  35. Alyssa Zeller #11
    Allie Condie
    Pg. 210
    Blog #2
    Prompt #5

    Seeing Ky’s eyes
    Makes me forget about the lies
    The society made me believe
    But what I have done to achieve
    Doesn’t come close to what I have thought
    Or anything I was taught
    I am now stronger than what you see
    Or anything you believe of me
    I left one love to find another
    And forgot about the others
    I focus on what's ahead
    Because if I don't I’m surely dead
    Looking for what they call the Rising
    There is no escaping dying
    Out here the people die quickly
    Not because their sickly
    The unknown people, enemy of the society
    Has shot down these people quietly
    Wiping out their kind
    Only few you will find
    My crossing is not over yet
    For there is still a great threat

  36. #8 Matthew Johnson
    The Blood of Olympus
    Rick Riordan
    Blog #2
    Dear Diary,

    Today we are on our way to Greece in the Argo II. I only wish Annabeth and I could spend our years in New Rome but with Gaea rising there isn't much time for sitting around and doing nothing. I'm scared that Annabeth will get hurt on the trip, but after she killed Arachne and retrieved the Athena Parthenos I feel more confident that she will not get hurt. Who I'm also scared for is Leo because I feel bad for him because of that thing Nemesis said to him about being the seventh wheel. I think he's taking seriously because he is always left out. But who I'm mostly scared of is Nico because he's in charge of the most important part of the quest. He has to get the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood, but he is with Reyna and she is a very smart and confident demigod. The reason his part of the quest is so important is because if he gets the Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood then the gods will stop fighting against their roman self. Then they can actually help us with our quest. If the gods aren't healed soon then they won't be able to help us kill the giants and the only way to kill a giant is for a god and a demigod help each other. So if the gods don't get healed by the time we get to Greece then the quest will fail and the whole world will get destroyed by Gaea, also I was wanting to spend some time in New Rome with Annabeth. Also I think Leo is hiding something because Frank and Hazel have been acting weirdly around Leo like he's gonna die or something. Well whatever it is we're gonna get the physicians cure so we could revive anyone. I'm just scared that the wrong person will have the physicians cure and won't have the time to revive whoever dies, because I'm sure someone will die because that's what we were told. I kind of wish Hazel would have gone with Nico because she is becoming a very powerful demigod, she can manipulate the mist so well she could probably hide mount Olympus from the gods and that's where they live. If she would have gone with Nico she could have probably hidden the Parthenos and the whole group and they wouldn't even meet any dangers.

    Percy Jackson

  37. #6 Elijah Holiday
    The Captain
    Derek Jeter

    October 28, 2014, as I Derek Jeter watch the Kansas City Royals crush the San Francisco Giants 9-0 in the bottom of the 8th inning I wonder, what could I have done better. Should I not have swung at that pitch, taken ball four, or take a strike. In my childhood I was a decent baseball player. I had two tools, heart and hard work. I soon kept that saying and became one of the greatest shortstops of all time. My career had some bumps and rides in my time but overall I said to myself, “ You could’ve done better.” I had many terrible losses but the worst came in 2002 against the Los Angeles Angels. ALDS game 3 in Anaihiem I grounded out on a 3-0 count to end series and later on the Angels ended up winning the World Series. The best loss, yes it exsists, was against the Chicago Cubs, it was snowing and we lost 18-16. The most memorial moment of my carreer was against the Tampa Bay Rays when I homerd of David Price for 3000 hits. The most embarrising moment of my career was winning the first two games at home and then losing the series to the Detroit Tigers. My favorite part about baseball was my mom calling me every game and saying, “ Get a hit for me and papa bear.” My career was so moving to so many people and that’s all I ever wanted, to make people happy. Overall I think I had a great career.

  38. #6 Elijah Holiday
    The Captain
    Derek Jeter

    October 28, 2014, as I Derek Jeter watch the Kansas City Royals crush the San Francisco Giants 9-0 in the bottom of the 8th inning I wonder, what could I have done better. Should I not have swung at that pitch, taken ball four, or take a strike. In my childhood I was a decent baseball player. I had two tools, heart and hard work. I soon kept that saying and became one of the greatest shortstops of all time. My career had some bumps and rides in my time but overall I said to myself, “ You could’ve done better.” I had many terrible losses but the worst came in 2002 against the Los Angeles Angels. ALDS game 3 in Anaheim I grounded out on a 3-0 count to end series and later on the Angels ended up winning the World Series. The best loss, yes it exists, was against the Chicago Cubs, it was snowing and we lost 18-16. The most memorial moment of my career was against the Tampa Bay Rays when I homer of David Price for 3000 hits. The most embarrassing moment of my career was winning the first two games at home and then losing the series to the Detroit Tigers. My favorite part about baseball was my mom calling me every game and saying, “ Get a hit for me and papa bear.” My career was so moving to so many people and that’s all I ever wanted, to make people happy. Overall I think I had a great career.

  39. Jacob Yost
    I Am Number Four
    Pitticus Lore
    Blog #2
    Dear Diary,
    I haven’t logged for a while so let me tell you what’s been going on in my life. Ever since I got to Paradise things have been getting a little weird. It’s not normal. Sure, I am an alien and my life should be weird but you know stuff happens. So it’s been very nice at school. I’ve got a girlfriend now named Sarah and a best friend named Sam. Everything was amazing being invited by Sarah to a harvest festival and we went on the hay ride. We got separated by her ex-boyfriend, Mark. Since I had super strength it was a piece of cake beating him up. My friend Sam was with me when I beat up Mark. Sam became a little suspicious because he had been reading a book called, They Walk Among Us.
    I was nervous that I had blown my cover. When I went to Sam’s house, he pulled a gun on me. He thought I was an alien! I had no choice but to tell him the truth.
    I immediately told Henri what had happened. The next morning, Henri was gone. He said he would be back by the time I got to Sarah’s house for Thanksgiving. I decided to go to Thanksgiving with Sarah. When I was there, her parents kept asking me questions. I remembered Henri and that he wasn’t back yet. So, I left and called Sam over. We drove all the way to the place where Henri was. He had been taken by a group of people. We beat them up, found him tied up in a chair and set him free. We all went upstairs and found other people there! We overheard them say that someone was hunting them. These things were called Mega drones. At that moment, we heard a creek of the door and saw the Mega drone’s white, pale face. We ran all the way back to the house. Henri said we have to leave, but I didn’t want to leave. I had a life. An argument broke out between me and Henri. He agreed to stay but insisted that training come first and at the first sign of danger we would leave. I agreed.

  40. #6 Vincent Macabuhay
    Nine Days of Heaven
    Dennis and Nolene Prince
    Blog #2
    Heaven is the place to be
    Heaven is a place with peace and joy
    Heaven is where I will see you again
    Heaven is where we rejoice with our family
    Heaven is my dream home
    Heaven is love at the heart
    Heaven is the land of gold and silver
    Heaven is where my soul shall be restored
    Heaven is my home, home, home
    Heaven I need you.

  41. Olivia Tidwell

    Cynthia Lord
    Page 76
    Blog #2

    Autism is a very hard disorder to deal with. It has to do with people whose brains are created differently. One in every 68 American children are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. People with autism struggle with verbal and non-verbal communication and sensitivity to their environment and have repetitive behavior. They tend to not like contact with other human beings because of their sensitivity. Many people with Autism Spectrum Disorder excel in visual skills, music, math and art. Even though autism is hard to deal with, there are still positive things about them. They tend to be smart and can be fun and nice. There are many people in the world who struggle with it. But there are ways to help people with autism. Some suggestions for help are getting a good communication book with many words and pictures neatly placed in plastic slots. Another way to help is to get a paper with rules to help remind a person with autism to follow so they don’t stand out in a crowd as different and can fit in with the rest of the world. These suggestions were helpful to the 2 boys in “Rules”. David’s sister, Catherine has rules for David to follow and continues to add more rules to the list when she remembers one. No one really knows how a person gets autism but it is how God makes that person. He has a plan for their minds. He wants everyone to be unique and different for many reasons.

  42. #4 Grace Diponio
    Divergent page 200
    Choice #6
    Me: hi Tris, my name is Grace Diponio
    Tris: hello Grace how are you?
    Me: I am good, how are you
    Tris: I am doing okay
    Me; Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
    Tris: sure why not
    Me: first question why did you pick to be Dauntless
    Tris: I was selfish, brave and up for a little challenge
    Me: oh okay, next question
    Tris: Okay what is it?
    Me: What were your recations when you found out you where Divergent
    Tris: I felt a whole bunch of emotion, I felt scared, worried and just shocked
    Me: oh okay, that’s how I would feel
    Tris: I think anyone would just feel terrified
    Me: Tris do you think you made the right choice by picking being Dauntless
    Tris: To be honest I really don’t know.
    Me: why don’t you know?
    Tris: well, I guess I meant to say is I did and didn’t make the right choice
    Me: oh okay
    Tris; I happy I got to meet Four, but I lost both of my parents and now I feel that I have nothing left
    Me: I am sorry to hear about your parents
    Tris: It’s okay
    Me: how grateful are you that your mom risked her life too save you
    Tris: I am still in shock that my mom is gone
    Me: well it was nice talking too but I have to go to school
    Tris: Okay bye

  43. #3ThomasCoyne
Blog #2
Log #5
The Blood of Oylmpus

    So there Leo was stressing under the sink banging his wrench on all the pipes on the bottom deck of the Argo 2. They he just got so made he had to swing wrench full speed at one of the pipes. Then the floor cracked he fell so fast he couldn’t even but “I’m going to die that’s Leo did something he couldn’t even know he could do without instink he to the jewl and the astrolabe out of hjis poket and smashed them together. He just thought well great that might have been the key to there journey. But the astrolabe started glowing. Then two handles poped out so I grabed on. It stated buzzing and vibrating. A screen poped out and it said were do you want to go I said the Argo 2. Right before I was going to hit the ground I teleported the next thing I new I was standing on the table as the were having breakfast. Oh ya and I had no shoes. We talked and figured everything out. But I had just succedded were the greatest demigod in time had not. I intalled into the mainfram so the whole ship went. And then it asked me were do you want to go. I said oggigia. And boom we were there.

  44. #4 Samantha Cheng
    The Last Present
    Blog #2
    Option #6
    Chapter 13

    Samantha: What year were you born?
    Amanda: I was born December 27, 2002.
    Samantha: Who are your best friends?
    Amanda: My best friends are Leo, Rory, Tara, and Connor.
    Samantha: When is the last time you met each other?
    Amanda: I met Leo when I was a baby. We were born on the same day. I met Rory when we were twelve years old. I met Tara when she was thirteen. I don’t know when I met Connor or how old he was.
    Samantha: How many years have you spent time together without fighting?
    Amanda: We have not had a fight for 10 years. We had our first fight on our 10th birthday. We fought because Leo’s dumb friends made me think he didn’t like me anymore.
    Samantha: How did you reconcile your friendship with Leo when you were 11?
    Amanda: We figured out that if we didn’t stop fighting the day was going to keep repeating over and over again like a bad dream.
    Samantha: Where do you live?
    Amanda: I live Willow Falls, Tennessee.
    Samantha: What school do you attend in Willow Falls?
    Amanda: I attend Willow Falls Middle School.
    Samantha: What is your favorite subject in school?
    Amanda: My favorite subject is spelling.
    Samantha: Why did Tara move to Willow Falls?
    Amanda: Tara moved to Willow Falls because she had to leave her old school. She had to move in with her aunt and uncle for the summer as punishment. She was punished because she tried to steal the principal’s goat.
    Samantha: Thank you for your time.
    Amanda: Your welcome.

  45. #7 Isabella Holiday

    Hitlers Secret

    William Osborne


    Pg #333

    When Otto young he was taken from his parents and sent to Russia. During his time in Russia he got into so much trouble that he was sent to England and put in a special program for juvenile delequents. After a while in this special program he was sent live with a family ad went to an expensive private school. Otto would get in fight s with people that teased him about his bac round and would often times win them. Sometimes on his walk back home he would get talked to by the police saying that people were calling and saying that'll he needs to be locked up for hurting people really bad in those fights. A couple of years went by and the same things were happening, really bad fight, injuries, and phone calls to the police. After a long time the military found out and kept a really clos eye on him. His every move was watched. Whenever he went to bed, ate, moved, really anything he did was closely watched by the authorities. Every once in a while he was brought into to the local training camp to be told that he was a possible candidate for a possible mission. Later he would find out that they were going to go with an adult because they didn't think that a teenager would be able to handle that high class of a mission. Otto didn't really understand what was going on a would keep going on with his boring, ordinary life. Finally he was brought in with a girl and was told that they were going to be in a mission for sure. At that moment he knew that his life was going to turn around and never be the same again.

  46. Luke O’Brien#11
    Eyes of the Dragon
    Stephen King
    Dear Diary,
    Today in my lair under the dungeon I was plotting to kill Peter in order to kill King Roland. It would be mandatory to kill Peter before the king because if I killed the king first peter would stop at nothing to find me and kill me. Peter being king soon he would order gaurds to find me and as I said I would be killed. I have always have hated the king with all my heart so I’ve decided to use one of my most deadliest poisons in the world. It was called Dragon Sand. Once someone would even breath it in their lungs would grow red-hot, with his skin beginning to smoke, and his body would shrivel like the body of a mummy. Eventually the person who breathed or even worse swallowed it would drop dead, most likely with their hair on fire. Someone who would swallow it would burn from the inside out. The way I was going to kill the king in my opinion is quite exciting and clever. I was planning to put the Dragon Sand into King Roland’s cup of wine so that when he drank it he would feel his lungs burning, him sweating on the table he would die a very painful death in front of the whole royal family. If my plan was to work I would be the next in line for the throne and I will be king! This is truly one of the most evil things I have ever plotted on.

  47. #10 Jake O’Brien
    Lone Survivor
    October 29, 2014

    I would recommend this book to any of my friends because of the fact that when I read this book I felt like I grew up about two years in some form of maturity. When I read this book I thought that I am finally seeing this world for what it really is. This world is a cruel and merciless place. I know that when I read this book, that I was thankful for the place that I live in. I am now thankful that I don’t live in a place that being a Christian is outlawed or that I could get killed for what I believe in. There are places in this world that are like places in this world that you could get killed for what you believe and what you read or simply even saying the wrong thing. This book even taught me a very important lesson about courage and the art of never giving up. When these four men got caught by the Taliban they didn’t just up and quit because they were outnumbered. No, they fought, they fought until they shot their last bullet or they got a bullet put in them. This made me believe that there are hero’s out there today, fighting for me and fighting for the United States of America. I would also recommend this to my friends because it would teach them to toughen up every time they had a little cough or every time they had a little cut on their arm because what these men went through is indescribable. They went through the most pain you could think of and they did not give up. For this I would like to pay tribute to the all the men that died on operation redwings and the one man that lived to tell the story. That is why I would recommend this book to anyone of my friends and anyone of my family members.

  48. #19 CJ Zeller
    Charlie Jackson Joe guide to not reading
    roaring book press New York
    Log #2
    Page 220

    Dear Jackson,

    So far I have been having a wonderful time reading your book. It has helped me a lot since have red the whole entire book all by my self. Know I know almost all of the tips and if I do not remember it I can just look it up in your book. I love all your tips like the one were if my mom is reading me it and she tells me to read the rest I should start crying so she will read the rest of the chapter for me. I would usually just read the whole book but know I know that I only have to read the first and last chapters. So now if my mom is not here to read me the book I can just read the front of the book and the back of the book. I am mostly surprised because it actually works all the other books I have read usually say to yell at your mom acting like a brat. I really think it is dumb that they would say that you should act like a brat I really think that your tips are better than everyone else’s tips. Know if any of my friends ask me if I read the book I can just say yes because my mom read it to me. So I would just like to thank you for your helpful tips.

    Your friend, CJ Zeller

  49. #16 Makayla Rydbeck
    Log #2
    Grace, Gold, and Glory
    Gabriella Douglas
    Pg. 222

    Would you like to know how the book Grace, Gold & Glory is? Well, this review is all about this book and the opinions that I have.

    The book Grace, Gold & Glory is a very well written very well. It has a lot of Gabrielle’s personal life most people might never talk about let alone publish in a book. Gabrielle shared about how her father left and she lived with her grandmother, not knowing when her father or if her father would ever come back. Gabrielle’s brother and sisters gave up their sports so she could pursue the sport she loved. Gabrielle’s mom worked three jobs to pay for gymnastics. Gabrielle and her brother used to make people pay money to watch her do tricks at school.
    This book was very well written. When Gabrielle was writing this book she put a lot of intricate little details that many people miss when writing a book. Gabrielle for never writing a book before it was excellent. When reading the book I could tell she put a lot of time into the dialog. Over all she was very accurate with everything.
    Would I recommend this book to a friend? Yes, I would because even if you are not familiar with gymnastics Gabrielle explains what every skill is. Now this book is non fictional so to some people it may not be very interesting. This book I wouldn’t change a thing. Remember don’t judge a book by its cover.
    Now you may know before you read. I’ll give this book a four out of five stars because every book needs improvement. This was a review on the book Grace, Gold & Glory.

  50. #9 Margaret Kwok
    Veronica Roth
    Pages 1-525
    Option #2
    Blog #2
    Dear Tobias,
    I am writing you this letter so that I can give you some advice. First of all, you and Tris have been fighting a lot lately. It's neither you, nor Tris to blame, but there are ways you can prevent it. Tobias, it is not your fault, but Tris has been under a lot of stress lately, and deserves a little more patience. Tris' parents died, and ever since then her life has been completely changed. She can't help being sensitive and fragile. And only recently, her brother Caleb betrayed her and didn't even try to stop her immediate death, that's very hard for her to even think about. Also she has been having a hard time trying to decipher what is, and isn't true from everyone around her. So what I recommend is that instead of getting mad at her, right when you are about to raise your voice or do something that might offend her, calm down and comfort her. Wrap your arms around her and tell her that you are there for her and that you love her. Also I know that it is hard for you to constantly be around Marcus. Because of your past experience with him within your household, you should really not credit him any trust. As for your mother, I would say she's no better, and deserves none of your trust either. Both betrayed or hurt you one way or another. This is some advice that most likely will help you vastly.
    Yours Truly,


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