Second Quarter - Blog #1

I am excited to read your comments. Don't forget to include your name, number, blog choice #, page number of the book your on, and the title of your book. Be creative, take your time, and write thoroughly and thoughtfully. Happy Writing!


  1. Brian's Return
    Edward Lueras #10 11/22/14
    author Gary Paulsen
    page 125 finished book
    prompt #6

    Me: Hello Brian Coleson today I am here to interview you on your adventure you have just had and are still journeying on now.

    Brian: Thanks I have a lot to talk about on my adventure so far.

    Me: Ok first let me ask you why you would even go on another adventure in the wild after you have had already two tragedies happen in the wild before?

    Brian: The answer is simple I love the wilderness and the peace to it. You cant find that in civilization only in the wild do I really feel at home.

    Me: Ok have you ever felt like you would rather be in the city at home more than being in the wild?

    Brian: I did when I was in a plane crash when I was 13 but then it was my first time in the wild and everything was new to me so I just didn't feel at home yet.

    Me: Lets talk about your latest adventure you are on right now. Tell me why you are on this adventure and do you think you will come out of this adventure unharmed?

    Brian: I am on this adventure to visit a family that saved me from the wilderness on one of my more dangerous times in the wild. I could just fly to see them but since they live in the wilderness I thought why not just travel through the wild to visit them. I think that whenever you go into the wild you will always be changed. I am a little more skilled than normal people when it comes to survival so I will be unharmed for the most part.

    Me: Ok and to close on this discussion what do you like most about the wilderness?

    Brian: I can't pick one thing because if you take one thing out of the wild it won't be the same so everything in the wild I like equally because it is all part of one experience.

    Me: thank you for your time Brian.

  2. #1 Matthew Burnette
    Counting My Blessings
    Herb Weatherwax
    Blog #1 2ND Quarter
    Log #6
    So Mr. Weatherwax what would you Say was probably the most scary thing in your life either in the war or even just in life?” The scariest thing in my entire life is when I looked outside on a December day and saw a bunch of flames in the sky and the radios saying we are under attack this is not a drill”, said herb. How is your family doing? Yes they are doing well, but my brother isn’t doing so well he is very sick. Would you say that your business back at home is running good? It is running great thanks for asking my son is touching it up a little bit though. Not to be rude though but has your drinking problem stopped or are you still drinking a lot? No I am not drinking a lot because when I married Lihue I wanted to show here that I was a good and respectful man. Was it hard to see all those people dead you were fighting against in Germany? Oh yes, it is always so hard to see people dead even from the other side but you can’t let thinking about it or then you will be killed because it is to much on your mind. So do you go to the USS memorial a lot? Yes I go about 3 times a week because I just like giving honor and thanks for the people who served and even died for this country. Last question: was it really hard to leave your wife after getting married to go back to the army? It was one of the hardest things to do to leave your wife back at home. Well thanks for coming out here and answering some question. It’s my pleasure said herb.

  3. #8 Gregory Luciano
    Harry Potter
    J.K Rowling
    Blog #1 2nd Quarter
    Prompt #3
    Years before the book, Harry Potter, was written, Harry’s parents had died. His mother and father had died by the same evil person, Voldemort. Voldemort had always wanted to kill Harry, but his parents protected him. Harry’s father went to the same school that Harry goes to today. Most of the teachers there did not like Mr. Potter because he had saved a few of their lives, Like Severus Snape. Mr. Potter saved Snape’s life, and Snape wasn’t too happy about that. He did not want to live the rest of his life living in Harry’s father’s debt. Severus Snape despised Harry due to his father, and Snape would pick out everything Harry Potter did wrong just to make him feel bad. Voldemort was also at the same school. He was very jealous about Mr. Potter, because he could do many spells, but Voldemort could only do a few. Voldemort swore to himself that one day, he would get Mr. Potter back for what he did in school. He figured instead of hurting Mr. Potter physically, he’d hurt him emotionally. He said that when Mr. Potter grew up and had a family, he would hurt a loved one. As years went by, Voldemort spied on Mr. Potter, and listening if he would ever have a child. The one day when Voldemort heard the news that he was having a child, Voldemort immediately started preparing. It took two years of preparing and finding the ways around places for Voldemort to strike his move. When the day came, Harry was sitting in his crib alone in his room, while the Potters were talking downstairs. Voldemort was just going to kidnap Harry, but Mr. Potter spotted him. They fought, while yelling, which alerted Mrs. Potter. She tried to grab Harry and run, but Voldemort seized her. Voldemort couldn’t kill Harry, due to the love that the parents had for him. Voldemort, sadly, escaped with killing the parents, but left Harry Potter living.

  4. #17 Anthony Salgado
    Quantum Prophecy: The Gathering
    pg. 277
    Blog #1

    Dear journal,
    I’m Danny Cooper, son of formal superhero known as Quantum. He died because, well, me. It was an accident. Yesterday, the U.S. military just announced that us, the superheroes, and the rest of the people along with our headquarters, Sakkara. One of my best friends Colin Wagner, another superhuman like me, has defeated the notorious formal super villain Dioxin. Colin didn’t like being called kid Titan anymore so after he defeated Dioxin, he called himself Power. That name is really catching on now. That is a great name for him because he inherited both his father’s powers and his mother’s. He is really the only superhuman the people at Sakkara trust, but since he left Sakkara it has been hard for us to do the missions the military has assigned us. And I have felt lonely without him. The reason why he left, well he literally just ran away in front of us, is because the night he defeated Dioxin, Dioxin’s partner, Victor Cross, called him. He called with Solomon cord held captive and some of my innocent family. I hate that guy! If I had any chance I would kill him! Anyway, Victor told Colin to pick witch people he didn’t want to die. Colin chose y family. So he killed Solomon Cord. Solomon cord had talked to Colin before he died and told him to do the right thing. In my opinion, I think he did the right thing. Solomon’s daughters had asked Colin to promise them to protect their dad, but when they heard the news, they were very angry with Colin. I feel bad for the kid. If I were him, I would run away, and he had a good reason to run away.

  5. #16 Olivia Tidwell


    Cynthia Lord

    pg #121

    Blog #1 2nd quarter

    Log #8

    In Rules there is a girl named Catherine and she has a brother with autism. Everyday she goes to the clinic because David has to go there to meet the receptionist. Catherine is always around David and knows he has trouble communicating so she gives him rules to follow. Catherine knows how to handle people with autism. One day when she was at the clinic she met a 14 year old boy named Jason who was in a wheel chair. Catherine knew there was a problem because he could not speak. She knew he could not speak because he communicated using word cards. Jason asked Catherine to make him word cards with pictures on them and to make sure they fit in the empty slots. Catherine wrote words like gross, guinea pig, drawing, awesome, stinks a big one, RULE, music, loud, and more. Catherine always is giving Jason lots of word cards and helping him all the time. A lot of the time Catherine is just sitting around and writing words and pictures for Jason. Every time she gives Jason new cards, Jason and Catherine have a new conversation about the words. In order for Jason to communicate with Catherine, he shows her the word by pointing to them. Jason is just like everyone else. The only big problem that Jason has is communication, but Catherine makes him feel better. Catherine makes it possible for him to communicate in a way he didn’t think was possible with autism. Even though his autism won’t change, his communicating with others can.

  6. Hannah Dumaine#3
    page 322
    Every Soul A Star
    Wendy Mass
    Blog 3
    Log 3

    Bree was a very pretty girl in the book and everything, but you haven't thought of her life in the past when she was younger. It was the other way around for her. Everyone would come up to her mother and say she has a very ugly daughter, instead of saying she was the most beautiful girl they have ever seen. Bree was very depressed when she was younger, but she hadn't given up hope yet. Her mother and father were beautiful and handsome. She knew that one day she would get her growth sprout and be the most beautiful. Bree was very short back then but when she did have her growth sprout she was the tallest girl in her class. She has long blond hair, but she isn't very pretty. Right now she is the shortest in her class and ugly. She always had interests in guys but when she told them she liked them, they would always walk away from her. Bree was very sad that no one liked her. Suddenly, summer was just around the corner and she was super excited. She slept most of the summer. Her mother noticed she was getting much taller and her pimples we're going away. Bree woke up one day, and went into the bathroom. She never looked in the mirror much because she knew she wasn't pretty. At the end of the summer, she looked in the mirror and screamed. There stood the most beautiful girl she has ever seen. She touched her face and the image across from her toured her face. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was her. She went to her mother, because it was very early in the morning and her mother worked a lot. Her mother saw her and hugged Bree. She told Bree that she truly got what she wanted, her growth sprout. She and her mother went shopping that day, for make up and a new wardrobe because they were very wealthy. Then the story of the three kids began.

  7. #13 Preston Parker
    Blog #1 Second Quarter
    Option #3
    Hunger Games Catching Fire
    One morning I woke and had found myself on an aircraft Gale by my side I had asked him were Pieta had been. He said during the night the Capitol had kidnapped Pieta and I was furious they had taken one of the things I had loved most. I just wanted to march up to the Capitol slit President Snows throat and leave his blood splattered remains on the snow white floor. I was just about to ask Gale where we were going when he had just answered my question, we are going to save Pieta. We were just being dropped in when I heard the sounds of missiles coming from all directions everyone quickly ejected from the helicopter and our ride had been blown to bits. As we landed on the building our rider had some severe scorch marks on his lower back and his higher thigh. As we moved on the rider had been moving when suddenly he grew silent more silent then a lifeless planet. We turned around to see his body hanging from the roof of the room on a noose, I was just horrified that the Capitol would do this and take Pieta. Then again every year they take kids from every district and put them in games where they kill each other. But we swiftly moved on and gave our respects to the captain. As me moved on to each room we found a horrifying room that contained torcher tools and some other items that I would not like to mention. As we moved on the building witch was the training center we trained in in the games. As we moved on into the next room Pieta was in that one we took a Capitol airship and left off too District 13.

    (Takes place 6yrs after quarter quell Pieta and Katniss are married with no kids)

  8. Karina DiPonio
    The Dork Diaries #8 by Rachel Renee Russell
    p. 152
    Quarter 2, Blog #1, 12/1/14
    Blog Option 6

    KD: Thank you for coming, Niki.
    Niki: Thank you for having me.
    KD: Well today I am going to ask you some questions.
    Niki: Ok.
    KD: The first question is do you like when Brianna takes your alarm and makes you late?
    Niki: well, no, because I have to hurry up and get ready.
    KD: How did you feel when your sister stained your t-shirt with her pickle peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
    Niki: Well I was mad because I didn't have time to change so I had to wear it to school. It smelled so bad I could not stand it.
    KD: My third question is did you like it when people were staring at you when you were walking down the hall?
    Niki: Well I tried to just ignore them and just walk down the hall. No one said a word about my shirt.
    KD: And how did you feel when Mackenzie saw the stain?
    Niki: Well I couldn't do anything once I saw Brianna's sandwich stuck to my t-shirt with gum.
    KD: did you change?
    Niki: No.

    KD: Moving on from the sandwich story, how did you feel when your teacher took out the big and dusty fairytale book?
    Niki: At first I thought it was boring but now I am interested by it and am really enjoying reading it.
    KD: Do you imagine that you and Brandon were Prince and Princess and you lived happily ever after?
    Niki: Yes, because they are characters from my own fairytale characters I made with my doodles. My favorite part is Mackenzie as a witch with warts who scares children.
    KD: Thank you for coming, Niki. Hope to see you soon!

  9. #13 Jayden Ramirez
    Maze Runner
    James Dashner
    page 242
    Log #3
    When the Gladers enter the maze, they do not remember anything, but their name. A Glader comes up from a cage every month. The Gladers wonder how they got their, why they are even there, and what has happened before they even get there. Thomas, the main character, goes in the maze and does not know anything. He tries to find out how they got there and how to get out. Before the Maze Runner, this organization WICKED put these people in the glade. WICKED made this maze for these people. WICKED wants the best for them, but they want these people to get out of the maze themselves while surviving. WICKED is in control of the maze and want to see who has what it takes to survive. Thomas and Teresa worked for this organization and went into the maze to lead the out of there. WICKED stands World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department. These Gladers were orphans and this organization, WICKED, put them in this maze for a test. The world is in a catastrophe and WICKED is using these orphans as a test. Thomas got this vision from a Griever bite. He did this on purpose to get more information about where they came from. On some walls in the maze it says "WICKED is good.” WICKED thinks they are helping the world. The maze was a code. They believe that there is a way to get out of the maze. Thomas did not get these clue's until he got stung by a Griever. WICKED thinks they are doing the right thing. WICKED were using these poor people as a test and experiment. Terisa and Thomas were the Gladers way out. They were special from the other Gladers. They were the key to get out of the maze. WICKED is the one who was behind the scenes this whole time.

  10. #6 Elijah Holiday
    Harry Potter
    JK Rowling
    Pg #298
    Option #2

    Dear Harry Potter,
    I think if you want to succeed in being a wizard, you will need to trust your friends a little more. The keys to succeeding in Hogwarts are to make friends you can trust. There might be a couple more gifts coming your way so always be prepared. The blanket you received earlier it will help you a lot more if you use it. There is a dreaded wizard coming your way and his name is Voldemore. He is deadly, talented, and creepy looking. He scares his opponents by saying come with my or dye. His wizard is one of a kind, nobody knows how he got it exactly. He will come to you some day so you must be prepared. You must train as hard as you can to be prepared for him. Your friend Ron, he is a clumsy one eh. He might seem like it butt you just have to push him to the limit. If there is a car and Ron is with you, I wouldn’t get in it. That car will probably take you to the woods, were a big, scary spider is. It will probably make you wet your pants. He will act all sweet and kind, but he is sweet talking you, and he will probably try to eat you. If you are sleeping at night and you hear a big thump, do not be frightened. You are surrounded by some of the greatest wizards ever. Quitage might be rough but you will make it. All well.

  11. Joshua Ramirez #8
    Scorch Trials
    James Dasher
    Page #153
    Log #6
    Me: How are you Thomas?
    Thomas: To tell you the truth I am not doing very well.
    Me: Why is that?
    Thomas: well for starters I had just made it out of the maze to be given a disease called the scorch.
    Me: What is the scorch per say?
    Thomas: well it is worse than you might think.
    Me: How so?
    Thomas: I’ll explain, it is a disease sent from space that put images in your head that look real, feel real , sound real, and smell real.
    Me: So it is just in your head?
    Thomas: Not quite, whatever happens in your head Affects you in real life so if you die there is no second chance. The worst part is that if you get hurt you experience the same sufferings that death provides.
    Me: Have you experienced anything like this yet.
    Thomas: I have, the first thing I saw was dead corpse hanging from the electrical wires from above. The stench of death filled the air. To later vanish in minutes
    Me: How did this affect you?
    Thomas: Well I am used to death, but it was impossible how the smell and the body’s ended up gone.
    Me: By any chance did any other weird things happen?
    Thomas: Yes, we were told to go through a portal but I did not realize we would be attacked in pitch darkness.
    Me: what were you attacked by?
    Thomas: we were attacked by a liquid metal that eats your flesh till there is nothing left. It decapitates you and leaves your head a metal ball rolling around in blood.
    Me: How did you survive?
    Thomas: We ran as fast as possible sadly tree of us did not make it through to the end.
    Me: Sorry Thomas but we are out of time.
    Thomas: Thanks for having me
    Me: Of course bye
    Thomas: BYe

  12. #7 Isabella Holiday
    Pg #152

    Lev, How is it? I mean how is it knowing that you were on your way to being unwound but then you were captured. How is, how is it knowing that you aren’t doing something that you are supposed to for a change. Well, when I first found out that I was going to be unwound I was happy. I was happy that apart of my body was going to be used for good in a different way then it was being used now. I was sad a little bit though because I would have to say goodbye to all of my friends, family and my very good, kind pastor. I would have to say goodbye for good. I don’t know if you remember from the book but my pastor’s name is Dan, Pastor Dan. Pastor Dan was actually the one that took me out of my car and sent me with Risa and Connor. He is a great person and I am thankful to have him be apart of my life. For the second part of your question, yes, it was hard at first to know that I was running with two teenagers from basically being killed and having parts of my body being used for other things. Do you ever find yourself wanting to turn yourself in? Yes, I do but then I remember that if I turn myself in then I turn everyone in. at this point everyone depends on each other. In this case Connor, Risa, the baby, and I all depend on each other. If I turn myself in then at one point or another everyone else is going to get caught and end up being unwound, what they have been running from the whole time. One last question would you do this do this again? Yes, I would. That is all that I have time for, thank you very much Lev, no thank you Isabella.

  13. #3 Thomas Coyne
    The Blood of Oylmpus
    Rick Riorden
    Pg. 300
    Prompt 2

    Dear Percy Jackson,
    You know your the best and so do I. Jason thinks it and a lot of the others think they are to. But your are superior to all of them. Embrase it you are the best. Don't go up to them and say I'm the best. Just show of your powers a little more do like a flip or a spin during a battle. A show up Jason he thinks hes the best but hes really not. And I know your fighting monsters and everthing its just that you should have a picnic just you and Annabeth. Don't tell her you got the idea from me or you won't hear the end of it. And try to stay out of trouble ok. Also don’t go to the place were monsters die again. I know it wasn’t your falt but you need to be a little more on guard. And stop thinking about the future. You keep talking about get married with Annabeth. Just stop you aren’t going to get married anytime soon so why think of it. Foucus on the things now. Because you need to save the world here. I know I might not doing anything and your trying but still I’m not a halfblood like you. I don’t get to go kill monsters. And I don’t have awesome powers like you. And I wasn’t born of a god like you. In my eyes you seem cool and privalged. But in your eyes I probly seem cool and privalged.

    Your Friend, Thomas

  14. #6 Vincent Macabuhay
    Narnia the lion, the witch and the wardrobe
    C.S. LEWIS
    Page 78
    OPTION #8
    Peter, susan, lucy, Edmund, and lucy. Are five siblings who were sent to live in the country with professor kirke. This was during world war two. On one rainy day the kids play hide and go seek, while, lucy the youngest of the five goes in to this room and a closet, she goes in there then explores the most magically thing shes ever seen. She sees the white dusty snow in her face and she cannot believe her eyes. Thid land is called Narnia. Lucy immediatlies goes back in the world and tells her sibilings. But when they go look at the wardrobe there was nothing there just jackets and sweatshirts. Edmund started teasing lucy about her imagination. Lucy then goes back into Narnia, then a couple minutes later Edmund follows lucy then enters the world of Narnia.

  15. #5 Gavin Lizik
    The Missing: Found Book 1
    Prompt #8
    Blog #1
    Ok so first of all the main characters are Chip, Jonah, Katherine, and, Angela DePre, a flight attendant for Sky Trails Air. Thirteen years before, Angela is on boarding a plane for passengers and soon realizes that there is a plane sitting at gate 2B that she claims was never there before and appeared out of nowhere. So she looks on her computer screen and nothing on the screen says anything about a plane going to gate 2B or arriving there. Then soon later her friend Jonah gets these letters saying “You are one of the missing” and “Beware! They’re coming to get you!” What they don’t know is that Chip and Jonah, who both got letters, are in a secret group that was stolen from time. Since they were stolen they damaged time and so a guy named J.B. is assigned to gather up all 36 kids and send them back in time.

  16. Janessa Fuentes
    110 Pages
    Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing
    Judy Blume

    I love the way Judy Blume explains things with great detail to make the story funny. One example was when Peter made fun of his baby brother Fudge. When Fudge was born, he was born with one sharp tooth in the center of his mouth. Peter made fun of him all of the time. Poor Fudge had to eat under the kitchen table, like a dog because his parents did not want to see his hilarious tooth.

    I also liked the way Judy Blume sets the settings of the story. One example is when Peter won a turtle at a birthday party. When he got home Fudge loved it so much he chased Peter all over the house to get the dumb turtle. Then finally Fudge got the turtle and he decided to eat it. Peter was so mad and cried. His mother ran into the room and panicked at the thought of Fudge eating the turtle. She immediately raced him to the emergency room. The doctor said he’d never heard of anyone eating a turtle before. Peter was so mad at Fudge; he asked the doctor if there was any way he could get his turtle back. The doctor said “there is no chance of that happening”.
    Peter’s mother asked the doctor “is Fudge was going to be okay?” The doctor said he would be fine, he just had to stay overnight at the hospital.

    My favorite part of the story was when Peter got a dog. Peter’s mother told him he had to be responsible for the dog. Fudge also tried to eat the dog! But mother stopped him and put Fudge in time out. Fudge kept the story entertaining and made the book super funny.

  17. #11 Matthew Montoya
    Marie Lu
    Pg 258
    Option #3

    Long ago before I wrote Prodigy and the story of Day and June started, they were just two ordinary people living their lives as anyone else would. It all started when Day went to the Capitol to steal items for his family. it was a hard time for his family. they had barely enough food to survive on, no warm blankets, and no warm cozy house to live in. June was the daughter of the President of the Capitol. Day had many attempts to go to the Capitol to get supplies for his family. June had seen his mat his attempt to steal items, but she never cared about him until one day. June's father's soldiers captured Day once. June had a secret crush on Day but she never wanted to let her feelings get into the wrong hands. June soon helped Day escape from the Capitol. June knew she could never go back because her father would be furious with her. The Capitol had been searching for both Day and June. They were considered criminals to the Capitol at this point. They could never show there faces back to the Capitol ever again. Day and June then went on into hiding. They both had a connection between each other but they were both scared to share each other's feelings with each other. They had many romantic times and many arguments. They were the perfect team. They knew they were perfect for each other and no one else. They both looked out for each other and hey had each other's backs. They cared for each other and what happened to one another. These two young teenagers had a strong bond that could never be broken. They soon went on to others cities in search of a home to live in. They have been hiding for 3 months. They went on to the country and found a home. They lived their lives as if nothing had happened. They never brought back the memories of being captured and escaping from the Capitol. Day wouldn't be alive if June wasn't to save him from the Capitol.

  18. #19 CJ Zeller
    Charlie Joe Jacksons guide to extra credit
    Tommy Greenwald
    pg 2606
    option #3

    After the school year was over Charlie went on an adventure during the summer. So Charlie, Zoe and Hanna went on to the adventure “Were should we go first” Zoe said.
    “I think we should go to the candy store to get root beer floats” Hanna said in a excited voice.
    “Well I think we should go to the forest fist and use are imaginations” Charlie said.
    “That’s boring I’ll just go get a root beer float instead me too” Zoe and Hanna said. So I jus went to Evans house and see if wants to join me in my righteous quest. When I was there I asked him he will join my action packed, bone breaking, and heart stopping quest to the golden crown of the school. He said yep so we were of to school for our first clue, but first we would need to dress up in our righteous costumes. Now that were in our minecraft costumes with diamond armor and swords we are ready to start our quest. When we got to school we looked around for clues and finally I found a clue. It said “For your next clue you must go into the woods aka your tree house.” So we rushed to my tree house and we found an ogre. So we had to battle him and with the final slash with Evans sword the ogre exploded. As soon as we got the last clue we read it and it told us that the treasure was at the school in locker 765. Once we got there we opened the locker and there was a note and it said, “ Better luck next time

  19. Angelica Castaneda #1
    December 2, 2014
    Allegiant (pg. 305)
    Veronica Roth

    True or False
    1. Amar died because he was Divergent.
    2. Tori's brother also died because he was Divergent.
    3. Zeke and Tori helped Cara in her plan.
    4. Evelyn Johnson is Tobias mother.
    5. Cara’s goals were to help Evelyn and the factionless.

    Multiple Choice
    1. Who died out of the group?
    A) Tobias
    B) Tori
    C) Christina

    2. Who is David?
    A) An enemy of theirs
    B) The leader of Erudite
    C) Leader of the Bureau

    3. What was the information of Edith Prior?
    A) She helped kill Divergents
    B) She provided information for experiments
    C) She helped Divergents escape

    4. What does "Divergent" mean?
    A) Genes are healed
    B) You are born smart
    C) Your genes are not fully healed

    5. If you’re not Divergent then you are...
    A) Perfect
    B) Genetically damaged
    C) Genes are almost healed

    6. What is Allegiant?
    A) Loyal to the faction system
    B) Rebels
    C) Friendly

    7. Who helped Amar and George Wu escape?
    A) Evelyn
    B) Cara
    C) Natalie Prior

    8. Who is George Wu sister?
    A) Tori
    B) Jeanine
    C) Tobias

    9. Who was not Divergent?
    A) Tobias
    B) Tori
    C) Amar

    10. Who can lie under truth serum?
    A) Tris
    B) Tobias
    C) No one
    D) Both

    Short Answer
    1. What two people helped Jeanine?
    2. Who are the leaders of Allegiant?
    3. What does GD stand for?
    4. What did Edith Prior do?
    5. What was the Allegiants goal?

    In Allegiant, Tris, Tobias and a few other people went outside the fence when on there way there they were being attacked. During the attack, Tori got shot and Tris, Tobias, Uriah, Christina, Caleb, Peter, and Zeke made it outside the fence alive. They ran into some people and Tobias realized one of them was Amar, that Tobias thought was dead. Amar soon told Tobias that he faked his death because he heard Jeanine was trying to kill all Divergent.

    Answer Key
    True or False
    1. False
    2. False
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False
    Multiple Choice
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. A
    5. B
    6. A
    7. C
    8. A
    9. B
    10. D
    Short Answer
    1. Caleb and Peter
    2. Cara and Johanna
    3. Genetically Damaged
    4. Help find information for their experiment
    5. To get outside the fences

  20. #18 Kayla Sin
    The 5th wave
    Rick Yancy
    Dear Diary,
    I can’t believe I’m doing a journal at a time like this. Anyways, I’m so sad Evan died. He sacrificed himself for me during the explosion. He was so perfect and human…sort of. Now I am with Ben Parish like I’ve always wanted but I still want Evan back with me. He was so kind and nice. Although he was a Silencer, he saved me. He sneaked up on me the first time we met and shot me in the leg. Later he helped me recover and revealed his secret. Evan said that when he shot my leg it was because he couldn’t kill me. Maybe I’ll adjust to Ben again. At least I’m with Sammy. That’s my biggest success. I even saved his little teddy bear that is all worn out. At least now he is with me. We are safe and I hope we killed all those aliens and their species is forever gone. They ruined our world and tore the civilization apart. Every wave they brought was unexpected and no one knew how to survive it. In the 1st wave, thousands of people died. In the 2nd wave, only the lucky survived. In the 3rd wave, only the unlucky survived. Then in the 4th wave, the Silencers came to kill. The 5th wave was the scariest but did not leave to success. Before I thought that I was the only human left, but then I met people like Evan. Evan died with the aliens when he exploded the camp. Ben, Sammy, and I jumped onto a platform nearly saving our lives. What Evan has done was a great act of bravery and I love him for it. I better get along now with my M16 to go hunting for some deer.

  21. #14 Zachary Ramsey
    Jeff Smith
    Pg 213
    Iam sorry Thorn for what happened 6 Years ago when your mom left you alone with those evil creatures. Grandma Ben is not bad isn’t she, she saved your life from the evil. Later on you are going to have to trust you friends. You will be battling those creatures till you die. The good thing is that Stitch mask good friends with the creatures. There will still be evil ones who don’t want to be friends. Also you will die in battle because you don’t trust Grandma to save you in your battle with the red eyes. Even though Grandma Ben said she will protect you…. Nevermind enough about death right now to save your self from the evil you will have to take the knife Grandma Ben gives you and don’t take is for granted. Slay as many as possible. I can see that it would be hard to trust anyone because your mom left you with those things. You never knew her or even seen her face. Also when you see this huge lion laying on the ground sleeping sneak around it and watch your sword because you cut of one of his whiskers and the lion wakes up and chases you. Jus put your sword away tip toe and be quite. Don’t go threw the dragon cave because Bone is not scared of anything but dragons so Bone leaves and you go and fight them with Stitch. Just trust your friends and be more careful.

  22. Blog #1
    #2 Jacquelyn Co
    December 3,2014
    Scorch Trials
    James Dashner
    Log #9
    Pg 100 to the End
    I love the way the author twists the plot of the story. I love how the author grabs the attention of the reader. In one part Thomas is seperated from his friends and is left with Brenda. Brenda is one of the Cranks in the Scorch. Cranks are people who get the disease called the Flare and have one of the worst case scenario part of the disease. Thomas and her soon kiss and that makes Thomas feel like he is betraying Theresa. When in actuality Theresa soon betrays Thomas. In the second half of the book Theresa takes Thomas captive and pretends like she never cared for him. She betrayed him by hurting and making him suffer. Thomas then is put in a chamber and when he gets out he sees Theresa and she hugs him. Thomas then pushed her away and she told him that the creators of the Maze told her to pretend to not care for Thomas and to make him feel like she was no longer his friend. Thomas of course does not trust her and I like how the author makes that turning point in the book because it makes the book very interesting and changes the conflict. In the end Brenda and David disappear when they are about to escape the Scorch. They all enter this vortex and then Thomas wakes up in a blank and plain white room. Thomas soon was awoken by the sound of Theresa telepathically talking to him and he says for her to get away because he does not trust her anymore. The last thing she said was that WICKED is good.

  23. Emily Platt #12
    Author: Veronica Roth
    Pg. #152
    Prompt #5

    I am Beatrice

    I am strong willed,
    Ready to fight for freedom and peace,
    Willing to change who I am for the cause.

    I am brave,
    I don’t care what others think,
    I am ready for action.

    I am athletic,
    I jump from trains,
    I jump from buildings.

    I am an orphan,
    My parents shot and killed,
    No one to truly call family.

    I am Beatrice,
    Although I have changed,
    Shortened my name to Tris.

    I am normal,
    And divergent
    All at the same time.

    I am innocent,
    Believing in the cause,

    I am homeless,
    Living between places,
    Anywhere that I am safe.

    I am scared,
    Of not being accepted,
    Of not being loved.

    I am emotional,
    Crying when I am sad,
    Smiling when I am happy.

    I am adventurous,
    Searching at night
    Experiencing new things.

    I am spiritual,
    Praying often,
    Not knowing what to pray for.

  24. #3 Daniel Chapin
    book: President has been shot
    current page: 139
    One of the main conflicts in the book was the election of being president between John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Richard Millhouse Nixon. Going into the election many people thought that Kennedy was to young and that his time for presidency would come later. Richard Nixon, from a young child, had to work hard for things because his family was really poor. On the other hand Kennedy grew up the opposite, he did not have to work hard for things because hid family was wealthy, he had a lot of things handed to him as a young child. From a very young age Kennedy was interested in politics. During the election it was very close to see who would win. People who listened on the radio about their speeches, many thought Nixon would win. Others who watched it live on their televisions, thought Kennedy would win because he was very calm and collected while Nixon was a bit shaky. They both served in the war, Kennedy served as a navy lieutenant and Nixon was served as a navy officer. Richard Nixon was the former vise president of the United States under the famous president Dwight Eisenhower. In college Kennedy earned the reputation of being an unserious student, by the time got a democratic nomination he became a mature leader who was very much respected. The nineteen sixty election was actually the closest election in history. Nixon came in as a favorite because of his achievements. It was though Kennedy had won in a landslide, he had only 119,450 more votes than Nixon. Neither man knew late at night but until the morning they announced the winner.

  25. Connor Platt #12
    The Hardy Boys: The Masked Monkey
    Pg. 177, (end)
    Date: 11/30/14
    2nd quarter blog 1
    Prompt #1

    So I, Joe Hardy, have had one of the most thrilling and most scary cases I will every take on. Though it was very fun, it got very scary. First, Frank and I thought that we were dealing with a kidnapping. We had no idea that it would soon threaten our lives numerous times. With the clues we gathered, we went to Brazil. We thought that our boy we were trying to catch, (his name is Graham), was taken to Belem. When on our plane trip, we made friends with a Brazilian zookeeper; or so we thought. We soon found out that he was in on the kidnapping of Graham. We then hear that Graham was taken back to America. We travel to America to find out that there have been various screams at night. It just so happens that the place these screams are occurring is at a golf club where Graham and his whole family have a membership. Frank and I soon find out where Graham is being held. Now it is just a matter of how to get there. WE get a police officer to help us. He finds out that they are torturing Graham in the Attic. But the only way to get there is from the ventilation shaft. We get to the attic, and bust the captors. Once we recognize everyone, we realize that the leader of the gang is Graham’s dad! He confessed that he led the Hardy’s onto the case because he thought it would make as a good cover for him. It ended up backfiring for him. Though it is one of the most exhilarating cases I’ve ever been on, we were close death at least a dozen times!

  26. #10 Sarah Youssouf
    The Death Cure
    James Dashner
    Pg #200
    Prompt #1

    The main problem in Death Cure is WICKED. WICKED is a group of scientist who created the Maze and these Trials to find a cure for the Flare. The Flare is a disease that affects your brain and ends up making you go crazy. Thomas and the Gladers (people who lived in the Maze) have escaped the Maze and completed the Scorch Trials. Once the Trials where completed, Thomas and his friends where each told if they were immune to the Flare or not. They were also given the choice to have their memories back. There memories where taken away before they were put into the Maze. Everyone wanted their memories back besides Thomas, Minho, and Newt. Out of the three, Newt was the only one who wasn’t immune to the Flare. Then, WICKED was forcing the three to get there memories back because wicked was close to finding a cure. The three made up a plan to escape and on their escape they found Brenda and Jorge. When those five went to find the other Gladers to escape, they couldn’t find any of them. Luckily, they were able to escape the WICKED soldiers and left the WICKED compound. All of them flew on a Berg (a type of aircraft) to Denver. Denver was a safe place for them to go to. In Denver there was a doctor that used to work for WICKED and could help them take the chip that could locate Thomas and Minho. Newt wasn’t able to leave the Berg because he wasn’t immune and could be taken away.

  27. #5 Alex Gottuso
    Divergent pg. 151
    Veronica Roth
    Prompt #3

    My name is Veronica Roth and I am here to tell you more about the characters in my book, Divergent. Specifically about the main character, Tris, and about the earlier stages of her life that are not stated in the book. Tris was born into a family of the faction of Abnegation (as you may already know) in which her father was one of the leaders of this faction. Caleb (her brother) was ,at first, the trouble maker, but eventually he grew into the selfless man like his father. Not only did he grow to be selfless, but he would always be reading instead of playing and other things that wouldn’t seem normal for a child his age. Tris, on the other hand, felt like she didn’t want to part of Abnegation, and didn’t want to obey her parents. She would always try to sneak looking into the mirror, would try to sneak out of bed to get up late, and also other “reckless” things. She had the “reckless” attitude, which eventually led her into the faction of Dauntless (as you may know) which had a brave and energized personality to it. The Dauntless faction also protected others, like the armed forces today. Although Tris did go to the Dauntless faction, from the beginning years of her life she always wondered if she would fit in to any faction, or if any of the factions would suit her. She wanted to be like Dauntless since she was a child, but as she grew up she also knew she wanted to be selfless like her mother.

  28. #17 Zachary Tittle
    The 39 Clues: Shatterproof (Cahills vs. Vespers)
    Pg- 190
    Log #1

    It has been almost one year since the vespers have kidnapped and demanded outrageous ransoms for seven family members. The Vespers have been demanding crazy manuscripts, maps, and even ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian artifacts. When the clue hunt ended I thought the fighting was over. The clue hunt made some of the families go as mad as the Mad Hatter. The clue hunt had revealed a special god serum. The serum would supposedly give any person that drank it enhanced senses. I’ve seen this serums recipe and because of my photographic memory I have been trying to gather the ingredients. The serum will give me enough power to defeat and end the vesper madness and return the hostages safely. I have been gathering the ingredients over the past few trips we’ve had because of the bizarre ransoms. With the Interpol agent Milos Vanek tailing out every move my sister Amy and especially I need to be careful not to get caught or arrested following the retched ransoms the vespers have given us. The worst part is that another fake Interpol agent is also following us, Luna Amotto. She is an under cover fake Interpol agent working for the vespers. We have only found this out after recent evidence she is a vesper. Agent Vanek had known this for a long time that she was a traitor. He had been searching and trying to arrest her too. The worst news is that Erasmus is dead. He was killed my Luna when he was scouting a vesper safe house, but he was not the only person scouting the safe house, agent Vanek was also too. Erasmus was not alone though, Hamilton and Jonah were there with him but they arrived too late to save Erasmus. Hamilton and Jonah were able to take agent Vanek and dump him somewhere safe. Before they had taken him Jonah had tried to save Erasmus but couldn’t when he shot and killed Luna Amotto.
    -Dan Cahill

  29. I am number four
    Pittacus Lore
    Blog #3

    Today, I will be interviewing one of the characters from I am number four-- the book I am currently reading. The character is John. He doesn’t share his real name because he is hiding from another alien race called the Mega Drones.

    So, John tell me what happened since the last time we saw you?

    Ok...well, when you saw me last I was having my vision and all of my legacies were forming. I was so happy, and once on the news there was a report of a girl that saved a boy from rubble Henri said she was number 6. Also after that I was going on a date with Sarah we were going to Mark’s house to have a party. I took Sarah and Sam. We took Sam because Emily, the girl he loved, was going to be there. It was going to be so much fun. When we got there, Sam and I were on the balcony looking at the party. All of the football players were drinking beer. I said, “Sam, why aren’t you with Emily?” He said, “I am nervous to talk to her. I’ve never liked someone before.” We both stared downstairs at Emily’s old boyfriend. He was sleeping on the counter because of all the beer. I said, “Do you really think she would like him over you?” Sam stood up and talked to her. A couple minutes later a fire started to burn from where Sam was. We all got out but Sarah was still in there. I rushed through the fire to save her. It’s a good thing I was fire proof! I got her and we went home. I was questioned by Henri the whole way home. He said, “We can stay if my names not on the paper next week.” I went back to school and I found the paper. I wasn’t on it! I heard a scream inside the school. It sounded like Sarah! I went in and got her. She said, “We are not alone.” We walked down the hallway. The lights turned on and off. Then…something was holding me! It was number six.

  30. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    A Dog’s Journey
    W. Bruce Cameron
    Page 150
    Log #1
    Prompt #3

    As the author of this book, I am going to tell you about one of the characters in this book years before this book was written. In this book the character of Ethan is mentioned but no longer alive. Ethan was a great boy and man. His best friend was his dog Buddy. When Ethan was a young boy he was always being bullied by others. His biggest bully was Travis. He would call him names and through balls at him. No matter how many times he would go to the office they would comfort him then tell him to go back to class. Travis would get talked to then would go back to class without a care in the world. Travis was known for being rude, talking out in class, and making an excuse when he would get in trouble. Ethan would not want to go back to school because he was scared by Travis. One day when Ethan went home and his mom felt really bad for what Travis was doing to him. She decided to get Ethan a puppy to help him through the tough times at school. Ethan was so excited and loved his new dog. He decided to name the dog, Buddy. Whenever Travis would put him down at school he would be excited because he had no reason to be sad. He could go home and see his best animal friend, Buddy. He grew up with buddy as his best friend. They would go to the park, dog beach, and just around the farm. There he grew up with Buddy and he also met the love of his life.

  31. #15 Alexis Raya
    The School for Good and Evil
    Soman Chainani
    Page 325
    Prompt #8
    The main conflict in the book, The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani, is two girls, Sophie and Agatha, trying to get back to their home of the woods beyond. These two girls were taken by a being called the Schoolmaster to a school for good and evil. Sophie and Agatha believe that they somehow switched schools. In the beginning, when they first came to the schools, Sophie and Agatha both wanted to go home. If a student in the School for Good and Evil failed, they would be killed. If you succeeded and passed the School for Good and Evil, they would not die and receive their own fairytale. Eventually, the two girls finally met the Schoolmaster. Agatha and Sophie begged to be sent home. The schoolmaster would have done so if his pen, the Storian, did not already start writing their fairytale. (The Storian is the Schoolmaster’s magical pen that writes all the fairytales that have ever happened.) The Schoolmaster would take the two girls, Sophie and Agatha, home if they could answer a simple riddle. Sophie, seeing that she was not able to answer the simple riddle, gave up on the idea of going home to the woods beyond. The only thing that she wanted now was Tedros, king Arthur’s son, to fall in love with her and take her to the Ever’s Ball. This could not happen because she is a Never and Nevers do not go to balls. Now it is up to Agatha to bring Sophie and herself home to the woods beyond.

  32. #1 Sydney Barbee
    Tomorrow Girls: With The Enemy
    Eva Gray
    Pg. 80
    Prompt #6

    Me: How are you doing today Evelyn?
    Evelyn: Just fine. A little stressed but I am alright.
    Me: Oh, so sorry. Why are you stressed?
    Evelyn: I am so stressed out because all of my friends expect me to find our friend Maddie. I can’t handle all the pressure. They need to help me find her and they are but I am afraid that if we don’t find her in time they will all blame me.
    Me: I am so sorry for you, and what do you mean don’t find her in time?
    Evelyn: Well, we met some people along the road and they told us what they knew about the black truck that she was taken away in ,and that the only way out was very hard and he didn’t tell much.
    Me: How does Maddie get out of that place?
    Evelyn: It is top secret. I’m sorry I can’t tell you.
    Me: It’s fine, I understand. Do you have a favorite friend or can you not say?
    Evelyn: Well, I do have a favorite friend out of our group. I will say that I love them all equally but I mostly hang out and talked to Maddie. Right now because Maddie is not here I think it might be Louisa. Louisa and Rosie are a bit of a tie ,but I have known Louisa longer. Does that answer your question?
    Me: Yes, it did answer my question. My next question would be since you have been with the boys for so long do you like any of them and do you think he likes you back if so?
    Evelyn: I am not so sure if I like one of them but I think I am having feelings for one of them. Louisa tells me that she thinks he likes me back but the way he looks at Louisa clearly shows he likes her. It’s not the same but I’m not sure.
    Me: Can you tell me which boy or is that top secret too?
    Evelyn: Well, I wish I could tell you but I really need to go and help find Maddie. Bye.
    Me: Okay, Bye.

  33. #9 Gannon McDonald
    Lord of the Rings
    J.R.R. Tolkien
    Page #381
    Prompt #1
    I have been trapped behind the walls of helms deep, the orcs are outside of the gates. We may not survive the invasion of the dark orcs, of middle earth. They have thousands outside of our gates, I don’t think we have enough arrows to stop them, they have strong armor and it might take about two to three arrows per orc. These immortal, dark, black, and grey orcs are fearless and tall. King Rohan told me, “grab a horse and ride out, we need reinforcements to defend against these orc” he had told me this before the orcs had come. The reinforcements should be coming by tomorrow morning, if they don’t we are just going to die. I am so glad we have gotten troops for the defense against the orcs, Legolas was so kind enough to ask his friend to come help us. The elven troops are perfect for the invasion because of their sword skills and amazing bow skills. If only Saurmon was willing to just have peace with the middle earth, instead of trying to take over the world. Because of the orcs not attacking yet, me and the soldiers have had some time to train. The invasion has just begun! One Rohan soldier just accidentally shot an arrow at an orc. They are now charging down at the walls, I must go get my weapons and put on my armor. Please if you are reading this send help!

  34. Alyssa Zeller #11
    The Vanishing Game
    Kate Kae Myers
    Pg #104
    Option # 3

    Hello my name Kate and it has been very requested to give a back-story on Jack and Jocelyn. So when the twins were born, their mother had given them up to adoption because she had almost died while giving birth. After they were put into foster home called the Seale House, they thought their lives would get better. They could not have been more wrong. Their first night there, they were given no food and locked down in a dark cellar so that they “know to follow the rules”. As they were locked down there a boy came down there quietly and told them that there were better blankets and flashlights, and he introduced himself as Noah. After he told Jack and Jocelyn what to do and not to do, they became the best of friends. They learned how to survive in the Seale House, and maybe even enjoyed a little, even though it was still a hell on earth. Once Jack and Jocelyn left the Seale House, they were move into a different foster home, which was run by a Catholic family. When Noah and Jack were younger they were good at computer programming. When they were finally reunited after many years on a social media, they began working on computer programming and earning a lot of money. Jack and Noah loved it because they were once supper close and it was good to talk to each other again. This job stopped once Jack was in his accident. When that car had hit him he was dead on contact but Jocelyn believes otherwise. Once she gets a letter from Jason December, a code name for jack only he, Jocelyn, and Noah know about, she assumes he is still alive. So she asks for Noah’s help to try to find him, but will she?

  35. Peter And The Secret Of Rundoon
    Dave Barry and Riley
    Page 185
    Blog #3 2 quarter
    #16 Makayla Rydbeck

    Dear readers, many of you have been writing to me about what happened to the characters before their crazy story began. So buckle up because it is going to be a wild ride. When Molly was just a little girl she was out playing around and saw a shadow. She went and ventured off to go find the shadow that was following her. When she finally found the shadow she saw an evil man appear she knew something was wrong. She tried to run but the evil man seized her with his magical power. As she was frozen he was telling her who he was and he said to her “My dear child you have made a terrible mistake now I must take you off to Neverland were no one would ever find you”. His snake Kundalini started to hiss “ I shall eat you for breakfast.” Molly started to scream and cry “let me go” luckily Peter Pan was near by. Peter came flying in on a magic carpet to save her and take Molly away. After he had taken her away he took Molly and her family off to Neverland where they would be safe or so they thought. When they arrived in Neverland Molly was amazed with tall of the magical thing there were flying camels, magic carpets, and evil spirits. She was scared she would get possessed by some of the evil sprits but Peter said they could only harm you if you let them so Molly was safe for now. Very soon after a war breaks out in Neverland and that is where the story will begin to pick up eventually. Thank you readers and I hope to hear many more responses and any questions you have on the book.
    Sincerely, Makayla Rydbeck

  36. #15 Emilia Shahverdian
    December 2, 2014
    Language Arts
    Blog#1 Quarter 2
    To Heaven and Back

    “Don’t Let Faith Run Out”
    ( Parody of One Republic’s “Love Runs Out”)
    You need faith in God and so much more you need his light his grace it feels so good and it feels alright and feels alright let him work it out work it out. If you lose him then go seek him out, don't let faith run out don't let faith run out. Heaven will be your peace your rest when your time comes all you'll need is faith in the son who helped us out. And you'll feel alright and you'll feel alright just have faith right now, just have faith right now, don't shut him out just have him right now don't let faith run out, don't let faith run out. I got faith right now, and I want to know how long until we get to be home, oh with the Father, oh with the Father, don't let faith run out, don't let faith run out. We can be with Him just don't turn him down, don't let faith run out don't let faith run out
    There's a person in front of me, they don't believe, God is calling me to help them please. God is guiding me he is teaching me. I've been taught to preach because it's right but over years that became a fight, don't let faith run out, don't let faith run out. I love Jesus Christ and he helps my soul, to keep it strong and overflow. Oh keep on trusting, keep on trusting, don’t let faith run out, don’t let faith run out.

  37. Dillon Stubbs #9
    Mocking Bird
    Suzanne Collins
    Page #155
    Log #3
    Gale Hawthorne he is hunter a hard worker and is in love with Katniss. Gale has to go through lots of hard time in the years before Katniss is put in the hunger game. When Gale was a little boy he had to help his family out with hard time of starving. They were starving because the Hunger Game. Hunger Games where a type of game that you went in to a pick open land and tried to kill people and who ever came out of the area would be the winner. Well district twelve had not one for a long time so they were really just trying to stay alive. The winner got free food tell the next Hunger Games happened. Gale was a little boy and had lost his mom and his dad. So one day he on the streets and he sees this most beautiful girl ever and he goes over to her and they start talking they both are really dirty. Well they end up become best friends and get older and end up going out tell Peeta takes Gale girl. Katniss can't pick which one of the guys she wants so she picks both and kisses them every time they see each other. Gale feels really bad that he lost his girl so he goes and works in the coal minds for a while and then Katniss come back and she is in love Gale now but when she leaves she in love Peeta. Gale ends up to be ok and he is still alive.

  38. #9 Margaret Kwok



    Veronica Roth

    Option #6

    page 1-358

    blog #1 for quarter 2

    "Hello Four, or may I call you Tobias?" -interviewer

    "Hello, and yes you may call me whatever you want." -Tobias

    "Okay, I think we shall get started." -interviewer

    "Yes, indeed." -Tobias

    "So how is it now in a completely new world, with almost everything you've ever known reversed to opposite?" -interviewer

    "I'm probably not the one you want to talk to, Tris is more in contact and aware of the situation then me." -Tobias

    "Well Tobias, let me assure you, this interview was intended for you, certainly not Ms.Prior."


    "Okay, if you insist on a theory far from what you probably expected." -Tobias

    "Carry on." -interviewer

    "I believe and have quite so inquired that this whole entire world is bigger than it seems; that people keep on discovering other sections that by no means are near the space and captivity of this world." -Tobias

    "That's very interesting, please continue." -interviewer

    "I also believe that this interview is completely ridiculous and has absolutely no mean to it at all!" -Tobias

    "I suppose if you are so urgent to end, that we shall do." -interviewer

    "I apologize, but if only you understood..." -Tobias

    "Shall we approach another question." -interviewer

    "Please." -Tobias

    "Well the media in your new city is quite interested in your connection with Tris." -interviewer

    "You are most certainly an expert at targeting people's unspoken subjects." -Tobias

    "That's my job I'm afraid." -interviewer

    "We have grown closer and closer as time goes, and not just in a physical aspect, but in a more intimate way. We know each other so well, have experienced extreme difficulties and trials with one another, and respect each other so much, that sometimes it's impossible not to be in love."


    "Oh I think I almost understand what you're getting at." -interviewer

    "Mhm." -Tobias

    "Okay, one last question; after you've settled in, and the conflict has died down what do you want to do with the rest of your life?" -interviewer

    "Well that's certainly one thing I try to avoid thinking about, because I don't think I would be able to sleep at night." -Tobias

    "Well with that said, I think this interview has reached its end, thank you Tobias, this was certainly most appreciated as was your time." -interviewer

  39. #4 Samantha Cheng
    The Last Present
    Wendy Mass
    Pg # 173
    Blog #1

    Dear Amanda,
    Do you know who is older? You or Leo? I know that Grace, your friend, is frozen. I wish we knew why she is frozen. Do you think you will be able to figure it out? We just heard that Grace grew 4 inches taller in a short time. I understand that it is really impossible for that to happen, but do you think that she will grow smaller after she is defrosted?
    How is your mission going so far? I just know that in your mission you will figure out why Grace is frozen. Do you talk to the people from the past? Do they know your name? If not, then do you feel upset?
    How long have you been in the past? I hope you figure out why Grace is frozen.
    Merry Christmas, Your friend,


  40. #7 Sienna Inman
    The Girl Who Could Fly
    Victoria Forester
    Blog#1 2nd quarter
    Prompt 2

    Dear Piper,

    I know you are still deciding to either go or not go to the Doctors institute across the country. I’m hoping you’ll make the right decision in your own time. Make sure you think long and hard about this before you choose. You’ll be far away, way far from your family, but you’ll be ok. Some advice I have for you though, it’s to make sure you get e people that will be taking you there, also to make sure there’s no funny business going on. They know you can fly so don’t let them do anything to you. Like experiments on you and other things. If you choose to go be safe and don’t let them hurt you. Tell me about it if you go, tell me all the details, how it looks, how they treat you, and more. Talk to your parents and see what they think, if their ok with it than you should go. If their worried, not just worried like any parent would be. Worried like not wanting you to go because of sudden danger that could happen. Danger that could harm you, than don’t go. Parents always know what’s best for their children. So whatever you decide don’t show them to much of what you can do. Make sure you know what their up too. Do whatever your heart tells you too. Well, choose wisely. I know it will be hard to leave your parents if you do but make sure to get your parents opinion on it first, ok ?

    Sienna Inman

  41. #4 Grace DiPonio
    Out of my Mind
    Sharon M Draper
    Page 160
    Dear diary,
    Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have a photographic memory? Well if you have, I can tell you what it’s like. Yes, I have a photographic memory. There’s no delete button in my mind, I can remember anything! Sometimes I like it but other times I don’t. For example there are some things bi wish I can forget but sometimes I like it because I can remember things that may only happen once to me. The thing is no one knows me that I have a photographic memory. My teachers, parents, and doctors don’t think I am capable of learning, they all think I am dumb. But what they don’t know is secretly I am really smart. If only I had the courage to speak up. Wait I think I might of left something out! Did I mention I can’t talk or walk? All I can do is think and hope that somehow someone would see my pain. No one understands how weird I feel. I have all these thoughts but they just won’t come out. Maybe it’s a good thing, because maybe if I could, talk or walk they would judge me even more. This why I keep on going on and on. But have you ever had all these words or thoughts that just wouldn’t come out? Imagine having that your whole life. So I guess you’re kind of my friend, because I heard that friends tell friends everything. Sometimes I just wish I could be a normal girl, instead of feeling weird all the time. I wonder if my life will ever change. Why do I always feel like no one understands me, I just wish my mom and dad mew what I was feeling. Well it doesn’t even have to be them I just want one person to understand me. Have you ever felt scared? Well that’s how I’ve been feeling my whole life. I just want to break free.
    Yours truly,

  42. #14 Andrea Sanchez
    Destiny Rewritten
    Kathryn Fitzmaurice
    Pg. 297
    Blog #1 2nd quarter
    Me: Hello Emily.
    Emily: Hello.
    Me: So I have heard that you have lost your book?
    Emily: Yes, but I have found it.
    Me: You have! Oh, I bet you were so happy.
    Emily: Yes, I was, but the person who had it had whiten all of the writing in it.
    Me: Even the poems?
    Emily: No, not the poems just the writing my mother put next to the poems.
    Me: Oh I bet you were devastated.
    Emily: Yes, I was in the beginning but then I realized that I should begin a new destiny.
    Me: What do you mean a new destiny?
    Emily: I mean I have been looking for my destiny for so long and since the person that found it was a sign that, that person would become an amazing poet someday.
    Me: If you don’t mind me asking, but who did find your book?
    Emily: No not at all, the person who found my book was actually was a friend of mine-
    Me: Oh! Really, what’s your friends name?
    Emily: Her name is Cecily Ann, she is an amazing poet.
    Me: Oh, well I can’t wait to hear about her.
    Emily: Actually one of her poems are in the newspaper.
    Me: Really? Wow that’s amazing.
    Emily: Yeah I’m really proud of her.
    Me: Well of course she is your friend.
    Emily: yeah.
    Me: Well thank you for coming today and telling us about your book story.
    Emily: Thank you for having me here today.

  43. #17 Trevor Stubbs
    Prompt #7

    I did not like this book it was very confusing to me because it just did not make any sense. It was about a kid who wanted to be a comedian but was not very funny. So he was in a contest to be a very
    good comedian. Then he wanted to be very good comedian. But he just was not any good he was not funny at all. It did not do anything exciting. The book just was not appealing to me. It just He was not any good as a comedian. He was only good more towards the end and he still was not funny. He was not a good comedian but good at nothing he was just a kid with a dream. He wanted to just be good comedian but he was not good at all. He was just a kid not a comedian he was just to upsets with being a comedian. He keepers getting kick out by the owners of the place. He needed to just try to be something else. But he would not try to do anything else but he really need to do something else because he was a terrible comedian. I am not trying to be mean but he was a terrible comedian anything else would be a better than a comedian. But at the end he was an ok comedian but still not very good.I would never recommend this to any body because no one would like this book because he was being to influenced by being a comedian that is what I think of this book.

  44. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
    Page 281
    Log 6, 2nd quarter

    Me: So, Frodo, how has your adventure been going so far?

    Frodo: Our adventure has been good so far. We haven't faced many dangers so far but our journey will be harder, as we are on are way to Mount Doom. Sam and I had recently found Smèagol on our journey. We haven't seen Gandalf anytime recently, along with the rest of the company.

    Me: How is it having a creature as scary as Gollum be in your company?

    Frodo: He isn't very bad, but he sometimes can be a pain. He always wants to eat raw fish, and we don't have any. We aren't close to a river, and whenever we do find a river, it is almost impossible for us to find any fish. We've been eating lembas, a kind of food that doubles as a beverage too.

    Me: Has there ever been a moment where there was a major roadblock that you couldn't get past without the aid of your companions?

    Frodo: No, not that much, except when we had to get Gollum to eat something, then I needed Sam's help because finding a raw fish and catching it with your bare hands is tiring, hard, and really irritating because he won't eat anything else. We did give him a wafer once, but then he climbed up a tree and wouldn't come down.

    Me: Why is Gollum even helping you?

    Frodo: Gollum is helping us because he thinks that we will give him our "precious" which is really the ring. We are using him as our guide to Mount Doom.

    Me: Okay, thank you for your time.

    Frodo: No problem.


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