Blog #2 - Second Quarter

Here we go! This is the 4th blog of the year. Don't forget that we will have booktalks to go along with your blog. Think about themes, protagonists, antagonists, literary devices, and connections to other works. I can't wait to sit down with you and talk about your reading.


  1. #8 Gregory Luciano
    Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets
    J.K Rowling
    Pg 341
    Blog #2 2nd Quarter
    Prompt #7
    My opinions on Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets are that this book was overall fantastic. If I were to rate this book out of ten, I would rate it 10 out of 10. I rate it ten due to the great descriptions and just how the author, J.K Rowling, revealed the story. Each chapter made you want to read on and on. Towards the end of the book, it got very exciting and just grabbed me majorly. The way the story fell in to place was great, and this book was much different than the first one. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone gave you information about each character and what they did, but in the Chamber of Secrets it was like one big puzzle. Like where were the voices Harry was hearing coming from? How come he was the only one who could hear it? Who was the heir of Slytherin? And who open the Chamber of Secrets years ago and this time? In many different chapters it answered each one of these questions in much description while still keeping you grabbed. The puzzles was a huge example while I liked the book, and I just like how Voldemort this time was back to kill Harry, just in his old body years ago with his real name, Tom Riddle. “It’s our choices,Harry,that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” This quote was said by Dumbledore, when he was telling Harry he was nothing like Voldemort.
    “Oh well... I'd just been thinking, if you had died, you'd have been welcome to share my toilet.” This quote was said by Moaning Myrtle, which I thought was just a funny quote. “Honestly, if you were any slower, you’d be going backward.” Funny, too.
    I would definitely recommend this book to a friend. It was funny, scary, and was awesome to try to figure out the puzzles on your own. This was probably the best book I’ve read before.

  2. #1 Matthew Burnette
    blog #2
    quarter #2
    language arts

    Dear Harry Potter,
    If I were you I would be extremely mad at the Durseleys for not telling you about what all the letters where about and they lied to you about how you parents died ; I would never go back home. I think next time you sneak out of the house bring your cloak and stop looking for the mirror because sooner or later you will get in trouble. I would also stop trying to figure things out about the Sorcerer’s Stone because sooner or later you are gong to be busted and yo are going to get Hagrid in trouble. In that Quiditch game is coming up I’ll give you some advice don’t do anything stupid and just have somebody stop Snape when he’s making your nimbus 2000 go crazy. Stop looking for Nicholas flame in all the looks you are not supposed to be looking at .Also stop getting in trouble in class so much;just stop talking. Mind your own business to just stop trying to figure out if snitch is trying to get the Sorcerer’s Stone because that’s why you keep getting messed around with. Just stop trying to figure out what the sources stone is all about and don’t bug fluffy because he will eat you. Just start trying to make more friends maybe some strong ones too ; to protect you from snitch because I believe he is not going to stop bugging you.

  3. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    Out of my Mind
    Sharon M Draper
    Page 295
    Blog #2 second quarter
    Prompt #6

    Me: Melody how did you feel when you received Elvira?
    Melody: It was the best feeling in the world.
    Me: How did you feel when you first heard Elvira talk for you?
    Melody: I for once felt like I had someone who understood me.
    Me: Do you think if you had gone to Washington your class would have done better?
    Melody: Umm maybe if they had included me I could of helped and they might have done better.
    Me: When you say Penny does not go inside and into the rain how did you feel?
    Melody: OMG I felt like I was going to scream and shout. I didn’t have Elvira so I couldn’t.
    Me: If you could talk without the machine what would you say?
    Melody: Probably Mom stop Penny didn’t go inside. She is going to get hurt.
    Me: If you did say that what would your mom do?
    Melody: Slam on the brakes, turn around and look until she found Penny.
    Me: What if you were young and could walk and escaped. What would your mom do then?
    Melody: That is easy. The same thing she did for Penny.
    Me: In the same manner or…what?
    Melody: Depends on the situation.
    Me: What do you mean by that?
    Melody: Well if she was in the car then stop and get me. If she was in the house she would yell and scream until she found me.
    Me: Did you ever in your mind think that penny had passed?
    Melody: Kind of. I sort of maybe thought she would get ran over or fall and really get hurt.
    Me: Well Melody I am sorry but we are out of time.
    Melody: No problem thank you for interviewing me.
    Me: No thank you. I will talk to you later.

  4. #17 Zachary Tittle
    Lone Survivor
    Marcus Lattrell with Patrick Robinson
    Pg 231
    Blog #5 (song)

    The one time he could only…….. the one and only time. The people just had to hate and his country… The people were terrorist, killers, and robbers. They just love to kill and they just love the thrill ohhhhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. The only time he could save them, the only time he could help them, the only time they helped him. If they were more accepting, they could have been worthy, of the save the save…. They only knew what they were taught, they only knew what they were told, they only knew what they saw from their elders, parents, and their masters they all just betrayed their kin, their children, and their family. When he showed them mercy they just kept killing all the families and the children. They were cold blooded killers, they knew what they were doing, they didn’t care at all.
    The one time he could only…….. the one and only time. The people just had to hate and his country… The people were terrorist, killers, and robbers. They just love to kill and they just love the thrill ohhhhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. The only time he could save them, the only time he could help them, the only time they helped him. If they were more accepting, they could have been worthy, of the save the save…. They only knew what they were taught, they only knew what they were told, they only knew what they saw from their elders, parents, and their masters they all just betrayed their kin, their children, and their family. When he showed them mercy they just kept killing all the families and the children. They were cold blooded killers, they knew what they were doing, they didn’t care at all.

  5. Hannah Dumaine #3
    Blog #2 Log #6
    page #274
    Point Blank
    Anthony Horowitz
    Me-Hello! My name is Hannah. I'm going to interview you today if you don't mind!
    Alex-Hi. Yes, that's fine but we better make it quick I...have things to do.
    Me-Ok. It won't be long. What was your favorite part in your adventure with being a spy these past few weeks?
    Alex-Nothing was my favorite. It was very scary. I had to climb up a building that was four stories tall. I had to climb up the chimney and almost got shot.
    Me-Oh no! Are you okay?!
    Alex-Yah, I was just really scared. I was chased after these people on snow mobiles down a mountain while I was on this snowboard I made.
    Me-Wow. It must have been hard! Did you get hurt in anyway and why did you have to ride down the mountain?
    Alex- Yes I got hurt. I got a deep gash on my forehead when I had been knocked out when I hit this wire fence. All I remember was going super fast but the snow was running out and I bounced twice on the ground as my snowboard was feared from my feet.
    Me-That's so scary. Why were you being chased?
    Alex-Well, because they found out I was a spy. They found out I was working for MI6 and they wanted me dead. But MI6 pretended I was dead with a funeral.
    Me-Why did you need to go to the school in the first place?
    Alex-MI6 thought there was something going on. The school was. place for rich boys that get into a lot of trouble and the school could "change" them, they then sent me to find out what was going on. I found out they making clones of the children.
    Me-Did they make a clone of you? And I'm so glad you're alive!
    Alex-Yes, they really did. I encountered him at my school when I came back from Point Blanc. He tried to kill me. He got burned though, with the rest of the school. Well, part of the school.
    Me-That's all I need. Thank you, that was a fascinating story!
    Alex-You're very welcome. I got to go anyways. Bye!

  6. #2 Jacquelyn Co
    Death Cure
    James Dashner
    Blog #2 2nd Quarter
    Prompt #10
    T or F?
    1. Gally still lives.
    2. Thomas kills Newt because he had to.
    3. Brenda dies because she was crushed by buildings from the explosive plants.
    4. Thomas meets his mother.
    5. Thomas, Brenda, Jorge, and Minho go to Denver.
    Multiple Choice
    1. Thomas, Brenda, Minho, and Jorge go to Denver on what transportation device?
    a. Ship
    b. FloodTruckle
    c. Berg
    d. Stant
    2. The association against WICKED is called…
    a. Right Arm
    b. Left Arm
    c. Anti-Wicked
    d. Death Cure
    3. Thomas and his friends live through a thing called a…
    a. Berg
    b. Flat Trans
    c. Trials
    d. Maze
    4. In order to find a cure for the Flare WICKED had to…
    a. Take Theresa’s brain
    b. Take Thomas’ brain
    c. Get the death serum
    d. Take Minho’s heart
    5. What did Newt write in his note to Thomas?
    a. To help WICKED for a cure.
    b. To trust Gally
    c. To kill him
    d. Kill Minho
    6. What is the place where they keep all the Cranks?
    a. Crank Kingdom
    b. Crank Palace
    c. Cranks Death
    d. Kill Zone
    7. Why did Chancellor Paige give Thomas and the immunes a way to start a new life?
    a. To trick them into giving up their rights.
    b. To give them a chance and to save the human race.
    c. To show that WICKED’s intentions are good
    d. B&C
    8. Who kidnapped all the Immunes?
    a. WICKED
    b. Right Arm
    c. Thomas and Minho
    d. None
    9. Where were all the Immunes kept?
    a. The WICKED headquarters
    b. The Maze
    c. The Scorch
    d. Denver
    10. What is the Memory Loss of the Gladers and people in the maze called?
    a. The Memory Swipe
    b. The Swipe
    c. The Memory
    d. None of these
    Short Answer
    1. Why did Thomas go to Denver?
    2. Why does Newt go crazy and hate Thomas?
    3. Why did the Flare happen?
    4. Does Janson the Rat-Man try to hurt Thomas and why?
    5. Who is the leader of the opposing side of WICKED?
    1. How do you think Thomas felt after all that he had been through in the Maze, The Scorch, and now? How do you think he found inspiration to not give up?
    Answer Key
    T or F?
    1. True
    2. True
    3. False
    4. False
    5. True
    Multiple Choice
    1. C
    2. A
    3. B
    4. B
    5. C
    6. B
    7. D
    8. B
    9. B
    10. B
    Short Answer
    1. He went to Denver to find Theresa after they got separated at WICKED headquarters.
    2. Newt went crazy because he got the disease called the Flare. He hated Thomas because he left Thomas a note saying to kill him and that would prove that Thomas was a friend, and Thomas didn’t kill him until he already went insane.
    3. It happened because they wanted to control the population back then.
    4. Yes, Janson tries to hurt Thomas because he wanted to finish WICKED’s project of finding a cure for the Flare.
    5. Vince is the leader of the opposing side.
    1. Thomas probably felt good and bad at the same time. He probably felt awful and sad inside because Newt, Chuck, and Theresa died throughout everything. Most of the people he cared about died and he couldn’t do anything about it. On the other hand he probably also felt happy because he finally escaped WICKED and could start a new life with Brenda, Minho, and Jorge and other Immunes. Thomas probably had the inspiration from everyone who died for him and from Brenda and all the Gladers who helped him through his journey. He found inspiration to want to live a new life with his friends and to keep moving forward.

  7. Angelica Castaneda #1
    Allegiant (finished)
    Veronica Roth

    Fear is not the answer, fight for what you want.
    Bravery is the key, and fight until the deed is done.
    The world is an evil place, so give it all you got,
    but it might end up costing a lot.
    A brave women she was, she fought to her very end.
    Sadly the world took her away,
    And it hurt those that loved
    She learned how to fly.
    Tris died, but in a heroic way.

  8. Edward Lueras #10
    1/18/15 L.A.
    Prompt #2
    J.R.R. Tolkien the fellowship of the ring
    page 329

    Frodo, so far you are doing a great job as being the ring bearer. You have also been wounded a few times in your quest. First by the ring wraiths, servants of Mordor and then by the Orcs of Moria. You barely survived the first injury since your shoulder was pierced by a sword and if you weren't saved by the Elfs you may have died. I know a great tragedy happened in Moria. Gandalf was grabbed into a pit by a Balrog. Even though he was one of your best friends and Bilbo's too, you must continue your journey the same without him. Gandalf would definitely not want you to end your journey early so make sure you make it to mount doom and get rid of the ring once and for all. Your current wound is not as bad as your first one. You were not poisoned you are just bruised. Sam also got a injury in Moria by being shot in the head with a arrow, luckily the arrow barely skimmed his head and he just has a bad scratch. Without Gandalf you must obey Aragorn now because he is the most wise in your fellowship. He will lead you to mount doom but you are the one who must get rid of it and throw it in the fire where the ring was made. If you keep a steady pace you will make it to mount doom and finish your quest then after that maybe you could live in peace with Bilbo in Rivendell with the elves for the rest of your days.

    Sincerely, Sam Wise

  9. #10 Sarah Youssouf
    The Death Cure
    James Dashner
    Dear Thomas,
    Your life has been a crazy roller coaster. You escaped the Maze, passed the Scorch Trials; saw your friends die along the way, and you destroyed WICKED. A new life awaits you. You don’t need to worry about WICKED trying to rule your life any more. I am sorry for your loss of Teresa. It will take time but you will be able to heal. There are no more Cranks. Everything has been destroyed. Denver that was Crank infested will soon destroy itself. Now, you will be able to start fresh on the island filled with immunes. I know that you didn’t want to be a leader or have any responsibilities. I think that you should because that was what you were destined to do. You are a natural leader and the people need you. I think that once you get off the island and travel to the lands that use to be Crank infested; you should learn more about your past. WICKED took that away from you and you deserve to know. It might take you time but once you are ready you should find out. Thomas, I think the most important thing is for you to take care of yourself. No one deserves to go what you and the others have gone through. I hope that you make the right choices and don’t let the past run your life. I wish you the best of luck on the new island. I hope your new life will bring you happiness.

  10. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Lord of The Rings: Two Towers
    J.R.R Tolkien
    Page 391
    Blog #2 2nd quarter
    Prompt 3

    Gandalf the Grey had a long history with hobbits and dwarves. He aided the dwarves, elves, and men during the Battle of the Five Armies, and had traveled with Frodo on his quest to destroy the Ring. But what happened before all of this? Well, Gandalf was an adept learner of magic and became a wizard at an old age. People called him Gandalf the Grey because the robes he would wear were white. When he had met Bilbo Baggins for the first time, he had expected more from a Baggins. Gandalf has many other names such as the White Rider, Mithrandir, and The Grey Pilgrim and many more aliases. He preferred to be called Gandalf the Grey though. When he died, he was reborn as Gandalf the White with the spirit of Sauruman inside of him. He was a part of the Istari Order, a group of wizards that were very large in the past but today is very little.
    Gandalf worked alongside Saruman and Radgast. Not much is known about Radgast, but when Saruman died, he had become a spirit because he was a wizard. When Gandalf died, he had become part of Gandalf’s body turning him into Gandalf the White. The Elves consider him to be a formidable ally and a very wise man. Everybody in Middle-Earth had recognized Gandalf as a wizard, friend, ally and many more.

  11. #12 Emily Platt
    January 19, 2015
    Out of My Mind
    By Sharon Draper
    Interview #6

    Hi! My name is Emily Platt and I will be interviewing Melody from the book Out of My Mind.

    Emily: Hi Melody. I know you can’t speak, but could you please talk with me through your board and answer questions for me?

    Melody: Sure. Thank you for asking me. Not many people feel comfortable talking to me, except my parents and my babysitter, Mrs. V.

    Emily: That must be hard. What would you say is the hardest part about your life and what you are going through right now?

    Melody: I hate that people think I am stupid. I have been so mad at my teachers for teaching me the alphabet year after year. I like books. I also don’t like to listen to the “Old McDonald had a Farm’ and “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” They forget that I am a fifth grader. They think that just because I am in a wheelchair and can’t talk that I don’t have a brain.

    Emily: I bet you are happy then that you were recently moved to an inclusion class. Can you talk to me about that?

    Melody: Yes, I love being in the regular class and listen and learn what regular fifth graders are doing. I love watching what other kids are doing and taking it in. Most of the students still aren’t communicating and being nice to me, but I am hoping that changes.

    Emily: Is there one friend that you particularly like?

    Melody: Yes, I really like Rose. I get to sit next to hear a couple times a week. The night before I am going to see her I make sure my mom dresses me cute. I want her to be my friend.

    Emily: Thanks so much for letting me interview you. I look forward to what happens later in the book.

  12. #7Isabella Holiday
    Neal Shusterman
    pg #337
    We are running, as far away as possible
    We are hiding, hoping that no one will find us
    We are scared, praying every minute
    We are disguised, trying to fit in
    We are a team,
    The only people we an trust and count on is that team
    One down, all down
    We are together
    We are all alike
    We will not be Unwound
    We are the Unwinds.

  13. #13 Jayden Ramirez
    Ally Condie
    Pg. 158
    Log 10

    1. Cassia’s leisure activity is swimming.
    2. Cassia’s match is from another providence.
    3. Cassia’s brother cannot attend the banquet because he is under age.
    4. Ky’s parents are from another providence.
    5. Ky is a single.
    Multiple Choice
    1. What activity does Cassia do that Ky does as well?
    a) swimming b) hiking c) soccer d) Basketball
    2. What color is Cassia’s dress at the banquet?
    a) blue b) red c) green d) pink
    3. What does Grandfather give Cassia that is forbidden?
    a) red pills b) letter c) poem d) both b and c
    4. What color pill does Cassia lend Em?
    a) red b) blue c) green d) pink
    5. What did Cassia’s father lose that was very important?
    a) document b) license c) Grandfather’s DNA d) his pills
    6. Who tells Grandfather Cassia’s match?
    a) Cassia b) Father c) Mother d) Bram
    7. Where was the first place Ky and Cassia met?
    a) hiking b) park c) train d) pool
    8. In who’s point of view is it?
    a) Xavier b) Ky c) Cassia d) Em
    9. Where is Ky from?
    a) Asia b) another providence c) Europe d) none of the above
    10. Who is Cassia’s brother?
    a) Bram b) Ky c) Ben d) Xavier
    Short Answer
    1. What does Ky teach Cassia?
    2. Who is Cassia’s Macth?
    3. What does Ky see Cassia doing in the woods?
    4. When Cassia looked on her micro card, instead of Xander, who did she see?
    5. Is Grandfather gone for good, if so explain.
    Do you think Cassia’s micro card showed Ky’s face on purpose or do you think it was an accident? Do you think Cassia was meant to be with Ky or Xander?

    1. True
    2. False
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False
    Multiple Choice
    1. B
    2. C
    3. D
    4. A
    5. C
    6. A
    7. D
    8. C
    9. B
    10. A
    Short Answer
    1. Cursive
    2. Xavier
    3. Reading Grandfather’s letter
    4. Ky
    5. Yes, because Father lost his DNA sample
    Answers vary because it is an opinion question. If my opinion I would say that it was meant to show Ky’s face on her micro card. I think that Cassia is meant to be matched with Ky. She seems to be more happy with Ky. Even though She has known Xavier all her life she seems to have more sympathy for Ky.


  14. #6 Vincent Macabuhay
    True talents
    David lubar
    Blog #2 2nd quarter

    There are these six friends that find out a year later that they have hidden talents. Eddie thalmeyer most known as “trash” has the hidden ability to move things with his brain. “torchie” has the ability to start a fire. “cheater” reads minds. “ucky” can find missing objects. “flinch” can predict the future. And martin can see into peoples souls. I think this book was great because I like there powers and loved their teamwork. They stopped all the bad guys as a group. I liked this book because in every page at least you will get a laugh. And too me books that makes me laugh is always a great book. I didn’t read THE book before this one “hidden talents” but I know what happens and this book does a great job on continuing the story overall out of ten I give it a ten the authors mind was set free to make a good book And he did.

  15. #8 Matthew Johnson
    The River
    Gary Paulsen
    1- 230(end)

    Dear Brian,

    I know you have gone through some difficult times. For example, "The Time" when you were stranded in the woods for two entire months with nothing but a hatchet. If I was in that situation I would have never survived and might have given up. I would have given up because I would not have been able to keep up hope in order to survive. Your survival skills were needed when you were with Derek. When Derek was struck by lightening it must have made you feel overwhelmed. I know you waited a day to see if he would wake up and used certain techniques to wake him up. When you couldn't help him I felt your pain too. You were so smart to build a raft and take Derek down the river. I bet it was really dangerous. It must have been especially dangerous when you went over the waterfall. I was surprised Derek was still on the raft, but I guess it is because you were smart enough to tie him down. If I were you I would have done the same things you did, if I knew how. I hope someday that I'll be able to survive in the wilderness like you. Derek survived because of your heroic actions. He must have heard you talking about the canoe to send you one. Isn't it interesting that people can hear you even when they seem like they are asleep? Have you taken your canoe out yet? Hopefully you get to use it for pleasure rather than saving someone's life. Take care and I will see you soon.

    Your friend,

    1. #7 Joshua Ramirez
      The Scorch
      James Dasher
      Log #5
      Page #358

      I am in this place called the Scorch,
      It burns more than a torch.
      I have a disease called the flare,
      It is so hard to bare.
      I must fight the unthinkable,
      Looking back my life is terrible.
      Cranks always chase me down,
      There is no time to lie around.
      Wicked is always throwing variables at me,
      I am not one to cower and flee.
      They can send lighting from the sky,
      I promise I am not going to give up till I die.
      In spite all the things the creators have done,
      In spite all the their power under the sun.
      Teresa told me that Wicked is good,
      How? Wicked is good, wicked is good.

  16. #13 Preston Parker
    Blog #3 Choice 4
    Hunger Games Catching Fire Pg. 346
    Language Arts

    The topic I have chosen is war, Katniss has been chosen out of the drawing to go to the Quarter Quell and compete with the other victors of the other games. Katniss is just lifted up after seeing Cinna beaten to death by a long metal stick. Katniss has been lofted up to see that the whole middle is made of eater and a mini, Katniss had jumped off the platform and was swimming for a bow and sheath of arrows. When she reaches the platform she takes the bow and shoots an arrow right through the leg of an enemy piercing his leg and killing him. Katniss is just about to put an arrow into Finnick when he holds up the golden bracelet stating they are a team. Finnick yells duck when he throws his triton which Peirce's the chest of another enemy who has just died. As they struggle to fund Peeta they see him being dragged under water by another opponent Finnick rushes in just as Peeta strangles the other person under water with his amazing strength. Katniss gives Peeta a knife and gives Mags a hatchet then they rush into the Forrest where they take refuge and eat some berries when all the sudden Peeta hits a force field so full of electric current that when Peeta hits it by accident he is sent flying. Eventually Katniss shoots an arrow at the force field collapsing the arena where she is rescued and claimed the mocking jay.

  17. #7 Aide Martinez
    January 21, 2015
    R.J. Palacio
    Page #310
    Log #1
    Dear Diary,
    It's me again and I have a lot to tell you. I just heard mom and dad talking and their thinking about putting me in a real school. Anyways, a month before school started I went on a tour around the school. I met a couple of pretty cool kids. Their names were Charlotte, Jack Will, and Julian. Julian’s one of those kids who is mean to kids and nice to parents. The first day school started I was pretty nervous. Everyone was looking at me, as always I pretended not to notice them. My whole life I grew up with people always staring at me so you could say I'm use to it by now. I met a really nice girl during lunch, her name is Summer. She came over and sat with me because I was the only one at the table. We became really great friends. Summer, Jack, and me were the three friends. When everything was going great I overheard Jack tell Julian some pretty hurtful things about me. Of coarse thankfully that day was Halloween so they didn't know I overheard them with my costume on. I wasn’t speaking to Jack for a while. I told Summer everything and she promised she wouldn't tell. Eventually Jack found out and said he didn't mean it. I didn't believe him at first, but I know how Julian is with people. There was another incident during our class field trip. There was a fight because people were making fun of me. So one guy, Amos, punched a kid in the face to defend me. The worst part of all during the year was that Daisy died. She was the best dog in the world. I miss her, but whenever I see her in my dreams, she always gives me strength. Well, mom says I have to go to bed now talk to you later.


  18. Janessa Fuentes
    110 Pages
    Heaven is for Real
    Tom Burpo

    True or False:

    1. Colton had a brother that mother miscarried: False, his mother miscarried his sister
    2. This is a true story: True
    3. Colton held a spider: True
    4. Colton believes in Jesus: True
    5. Colton almost died when he got into a car accident: False, he almost died when his appendix ruptured.

    Multiple Choice Questions:

    1. Colton’s age is:
    A: Three years old
    B: Five years old
    C: Seven years old

    2. Colton’s sisters name was:
    A: Emily
    B: Nicole
    C: Maddie

    3. What did Colton hold on his vacation?
    A: Dog
    B: Cat
    C: Spider

    4. Colton had a pet:
    A: Snake
    B: Lizard
    C: Bird

    5. Colton’s Dad is a:
    A: Pastor
    B: Professor
    C: Store Owner

    Short Ancer

    1- What type of animal did Colton hold? _________________________________________
    2- What was colons sisters’ name? _____________________________________________
    3- Colton’s dad is a? __________________________________________________________
    4- Colton’s dad broke a part of his body witch one? _________________________________
    5- How old is Colton in this time? _______________________________________________
    6- How old is colons sister older or younger? _____________________________________
    7- How long was colon in the hospetel?__________________________________________
    8- There are four people in this family name them?________________________________
    9- Colton’s parents support him through this journey yes or no? ________________________
    10- Colton was in the hospital for a long time yes or no? _____________________________

    Short story/essay
    Once there was a boy named Colton. He went on a vacation with his family and his sister convinced him to hold a spider. Colton was complaining that his stomach was hurting so his mother took him to the doctor. It turned out he had a ruptured appendix. This was very painful and he had to stay in the hospital for over a year. While Colton’s family was supporting him through this journey, his father broke his leg. Colton’s parents prayed that Colton and his father would get better. Colton had an experience where he died and went to heaven. His parents were so amazed and wanted to share his story.

  19. #4 Grace Diponio
    2nd quarter blog 2
    Option #3
    Where she went
    Gayle Forman
    There are a few things you should know about Mia before her life turned around. First she loved music; she had a dream to go to school at Julliard. She was a very shy, quite, smart girl who just loved to play the cello. This was quite ironic because her parents were hard core rock people. They loved rock music, loved going out and partying. Mia on the other hand didn’t like doing any of these things. She loved to stay home and practice playing her cello. But one day when she was practicing, a guy (named Adam) walked by and was listing to her practice. Adam was nothing like Mia, he actually had more in common with her parents than with her. He loved rock music, was in a bad, loved to party and had a crush on Mia. Being shy, mia didn’t know what to do when Adam was flirting her. All her friends could clearly see that Mia and Adam liked each other. But Mia wasn’t good at love or relationships, so she couldn’t see it. Mia and Adam soon started to hang out a lot, and then eventually started to date. Adam and Mia were like the perfect couple until one fight that changed it all. Mia was thinking about going to school at Julliard but Adam wanted her to stay with him. Mia was very upset that Adam didn’t support her so she left him. A few months after that Mia got in a terrible car accident with her family. Sadly her parents didn’t even make it into a hospital, they both died right away. She and her brother were the only two left, but soon later her brother died. Mia had the choice to stay or to leave. When Adam heard about this horrible news he rushed to the hospital. Mia was about to let go and go to heaven but that all changed when Adam came to see her. She decided to stay for true love.

  20. #11 Matthew Montoya
    Prodigy Pg# 375
    Marie Lu
    Topic 8

    The conflict or problem in Prodigy is that Day and June team up and run away from the Capitol. The problem with that is June’s father is the head of the capitol and there’s no coming back for her because she helped a prisoner escape. If she did go back, she would probably become a prisoner as well. The problem is Day and June hit many obstacles that could affect their relationship with each other. Day gets injured and almost dies and June has second thoughts about running away. These 2 young people learn how to survive with no parents or anyone to help or save them. They learn to live on their own and become great adults. Day and June have problems with each other sometimes that makes them think twice about who their with and why. The problems have to be overcome and dealt with even if they are hard or difficult. Some problems are: Day’s mom gets killed by the Captiol. Another problem is Day is separated from his family s he has no more connection with them. A Problem for June is that she ran away from her family back at the Capitol and she will never be able to return to her family again. Imagine if you couldn’t ever see your parents or siblings. I couldn’t imagine losing my family. June had to also overcome a problem with fear when she was alone with no one. Day and June both overcome many problems that eventually help them in the near future

  21. #3
    "The president
    has been shot"

    Dear Aswald,
    I think personally that you should not have shot the president, Mr. John Fitsgerald Kennedy. He was a great president and a great example for kids, it was an honor to have him serve for our country. You have shocked the United States in a bad way by killing a human being held in the most highest honor. Another reason this is wrong is because you probrably don’t want to have your family dissipointed of you and you don’t want to live in constant fear of your life and, everyone will want to kill you. If just wanting the attention of everybody the reason you did this than think about how badly run your mind is. The most important reason you should not have done this is because it will make your relationship with Jesus stutter and you will spend your eternal life with Jesus slip away and fall into the hands of the devil himself in hell. If you want to get attention than do not do something stupid like what you did and do something that is helpful to everybody. If you look back on your life a hundred years after you did what you did than you will regret spending your entire life trying to impress and get the attention of everybody and not spending your time devoting your life to the Lord. It is bad also because if you think about how many kids it will influence than that will increase the violence in America

  22. #12 Connor Platt
    The Disappearing floor
    Franklin W. Dixon
    Pg. 129
    Blog #

    In The Book, The Disappearing floor, by Frank Dixon, There is really a lot of things I enjoy about this book. First of, I love how in almost all of the chapters, there is a huge cliffhanger at the end. It is amazing how Frank Dixon always figures out how to interest the reader into wanting to read more. His books just have so much suspense and thrills. It really is just an amazing series. I also like how he implemented different “quests” throughout the book. It is never just one mystery in his series. Frank and Joe Hardy are out to find an answer to a mysterious man. I like how Frank Dixon implements the use of characters in and throughout the book. He never just sticks to the main characters. He always adds in little side characters to make the book just a little more interesting. Now with good opinions, there also come bad ones as well. This book of the Hardy boys series gets a little confusing at times. I think the author tried to get a little too wordy at times and ended up getting carried away. I also think after reading so many of the Hardy Boys series, that everything now is so predictable. It seems like you know what is going to happen before it happens. All in all, I still think this book is amazing. It will be forever one of my many favorite books to read.

  23. #3 Thomas Coyne
    page 157
    Log 7

    Once known as the western coast of the united states, the republic is now a nation at war
    with its neighbors, the colonies. Born into an important family in one of the richest districts, fifteen year old June is an fighting prodigy. Loyalty to her country, she high up in the country status. Born in the backstreet gheto of the republic. Fifteen year old Day is the countries most wanted criminal. But his actions may not seem as evil as people thinks they are. Very different they have no reason to meet. But then June’s brother Metias is murdered resulting in Day being the prime suspect. Day is in a race to keep is family alive and June is trying to avenge her brothers death. But they find out what brought them together was not her brothers death it was the government they loved keeping secrets from there people. Legend is one of my most favorite books ever written because it is full of action, suspense, and romance. I Would definitely recommend this to a friend because it is just a really good book and Marie Lu the author did a fabulous job writing it. There on the book market you really won't find a book that has a little bit for everyone besides maybe hunger games this book has actions for the people they like to fighting and park ore, it's also got romance for the softies and it's also got giant cliffhangers that will make you pull your hair out and you just won’t want to read the next book you have to read the next book to find out what happens to day and June. Also this is a three part series containing Legend the fist book, Prodigy the second book, and Champion the third book.

  24. Karina DiPonio #5
    Blog 2, Quarter 2
    Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Happily Ever After
    Blog Choice #9
    January 20, 2015

    I loved my book – Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Happily Ever After. I enjoyed it because the author, Rachel Renee Russell, put references to almost every fairytale in the book, then put her twist on it. It was written as several short stories within one book. I loved the way that the character, Niki, went into all of the fairytales and had her own special part in them. My favorite fairytale in this book was the Little Red Riding Hood. I loved it because Niki snapped the wolf’s tail off with her bare hands! Then, after the wolf got over the initial shock, he got an attitude with her. The wolf was so embarrassed and called Niki a psychopath. I also liked the beginning of the story when Niki passed out when she got hit during dodgeball at PE class. When she woke up, she was surrounded by little munchkins like in the Wizard of Oz. Niki asked the munchkins how she got there, and the munchkins told her that she fell out of the sky, squishing the Wicked Witch of the East. The munchkins hailed her as a hero for getting rid of the witch, who had been stealing their food and giving them “wedgies.” Another of my favorite parts of this book was when Niki went to a ball because her friends, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and Snow White, told her that the Wizard of Odd would be at the ball. She needed to contact the Wizard to get back to her home. She could not find the Wizard at the ball, but Prince Charming told her that he was a delay and was at the Queen of Hearts castle. Niki went to the castle, and asked the Wizard to send her home. Before she could leave, Niki needed to settle all the problems created with various characters in order to earn the right to go back home.

  25. #7 Sienna Inman
    Between You and Me
    Zendaya and Sheryl Berk
    Pg 13
    Blog #4 2nd Quarter
    Prompt #7

    I think the book, Between You and Me is a very helpful, fun, and interesting book. I think this book is interesting because it gives good examples of how to handle life’s struggles and more. The book tells about ways to know you have a true friend, which is hard to find all the time. Some examples the book gives to know you have a true friend is they “wont judge you because you’re having a bad hair day, knows that what makes you different makes you beautiful, defends you when someone puts you down, and is hard to come by”. Those are the friends you need to keep close and cherish them. That’s really good advice to finding a true, unique friend. This book tells you a lot of things like acting friendly towards someone, finding a friend similar to you, and Zendaya even talks about her own childhood friendships and how she handled them. She sometimes asks you for advice and gives you some help to. She asks you questions to help you think, like when you get in a big fight with a friend do u miss hanging out with them? Did you forget about the fight and your friend didn’t? Do u feel guilty? Those are the questions you ask yourself. Make sure you make a good team and can forgive each other. Zendaya talks about the first day of school and gives you advice on how to handle the crazy, flying all over the place butterflies in your stomach. She also gives you major super study tips and more. I would recommend this book to my friends because just like it helps me get through some rough days it could help them too.

  26. #17 Anthony Salgado
    Rangers Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan
    John Flanagan
    Pg. 151
    Prompt #9

    In Ranger’s Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan, I like the way the author, John Flanagan, develops a relationship between Will and Halt. Will is the apprentice and Halt is the master who is very humble. He doesn’t like the glory whatsoever unlike his apprentice who is a bit of a showoff. Halt teaches him to be humble though. As Will’s training goes on throughout the book, Halt becomes fonder of Will. Also one of Will’s former bullies, Horace, gets his life saved by Will and learns to respect him. I also like how the author develops situations where Will learns his full potential. Saving Horace’s life made him realize that being a ranger was really the job for him. When he saved Horace from a giant boar, Will didn’t mean to do that, his gut just went with the idea and it kind of just happened. After all those years of bullying and teasing Will he saved him? The author also developed his courage and will power, get it? His name is Will so he developed will power. Anyway Will needs those traits to be a ranger. He needs the courage for spying and exploring enemy territory and basically using camouflage (a term to them that is new) to turn him invisible to not be spotted. At the beginning of the book, Will wanted to follow his father’s footsteps in being a warrior. Sadly, Will did not have the right strength or build to be in battle school. No masters wanted him. Until the ranger saw something in him, something about having the skill to be a ranger. So Halt put him up to a test. He gave Baron Arald a note saying that Halt wanted Will as an apprentice. The baron took the note up to his office in a tower. The test was to see if will got it. Will climbed the huge tower wall without being spotted by a guard and read the not. It had said he made it as a ranger’s apprentice. I liked how the author used that test to show will’s potential.

  27. #5 Gavin Lizik
    The Missing: Found Book 1
    Pg. 140-314(end)
    Prompt #1
    Blog #2
    Still searching for answers about the disappearing plane and everything we stumble upon multiple kids that have gotten the same letters that are adopted, are around the age thirteen and/or adopted around the age of three months. Even that have fall birthdays. Then out of nowhere Angela calls and it’s very short. A few days later I get a letter that is written almost perfectly neat that has very detailed information about a meeting in the public library. We knew it was Angela who wrote the letter and set up the meeting. We get into a glass-walled meeting room fit with walkie-talkies for communicating. A few minutes later Angela walks in and tells us to put the stuff away. She goes on talking about her disappearing man at the FBI offices and the random babies on the plane almost exactly 13 years ago. She has a theory to all of this and why it happened. All of the sudden this random guy tries to break into the room but is then talked by the janitor, JB, from the FBI offices. He was yelling at us trying to tell us to get out of here. While Katherine, Jonah, and I are fleeing away Jonah turns around to get help the janitor and Angela while we watch Angela disappear into the forest. When we get home I see that there were many names deleted from my computer. Then a flyer comes in the mail. It was an advertisement for an adoption conference for the adoptees and their parents. We took Katherine with us and when a Mr. Hodge, the person in charge, starts stating names and separating us into groups I recognize them from the disappeared kids list.

  28. #19 Trevor Stubbs
    The Batboy
    Prompt # 8 1/20/15
    Brian was a young teenager that wanted to be about boy for his home team. And his dad was a
    full-time baseball player that can never be wrong so this was also an opportunity to get his dad back. And this was also a great job to get his dad bag and you have fun over the summer. He was also kind of nervous at first because of all the fans staring down at him as he ran out to get the back for the baseball players. Brian was a very young teenager that wanted to be a baseball player or that boy just like any other boy in the city. His dad was a full-time baseball player that can never be at home so he's kind a rough on him while he was a child as his dad not being home. What are the most popular things that a kid wanted to be in school did the boy courier was a baseball player. In the most conflict with you that he had is his dad would never be at home with them to do like what other kids did was play catch with their dad and just hang out with their dad. So that he thought that he could get his dad back by being the batboy and try and winning back and say how he is alone and he scared any just rather have is dad back then be alone. He did actually end up winning is dad back till you get off there and then he started doing what is dad and his son should do. So after he was done being a bad boy he went back to doing what him and his dad to do was like being plain catching going to get ice cream. So that is all and this is his problem and how your result resolute did this.


  29. #14 Zachary Ramsey
    Jeff Smith
    Pg 256
    Log #2 Hi. You don’t know me but I know what you have been through. Iam sorry Thorn for what happened 6 Years ago when your mom left you alone with those evil creatures. Grandma Ben is not to bad, she saved your life from the evil. Later on you are going to have to trust you friends. You will be battling those creatures till you die. The good thing is that Stitch mask good friends with the creatures. There will still be evil ones who don’t want to be friends. Also you will die in battle because you don’t trust Grandma to save you in your battle with the red eyes. Even though Grandma Ben said she will protect you… Never mind, enough about death right now to save yourself from the evil you will have to take the knife Grandma Ben gives you and don’t take is for granted. Slay as many as possible. I can see that it would be hard to trust anyone because your mom left you with those things. You never knew her or even seen her face. Also when you see this huge lion laying on the ground sleeping sneak around it and watch your sword because you cut of one of his whiskers and the lion wakes up and chases you. Just put your sword away tip toe and be quite. Don’t go threw the dragon cave because Bone is not scared of anything but dragons so Bone leaves and you go and fight them with Stitch. Just trust your friends and be more careful with evil and your surroundings

  30. #9 Dillon Stubbs
    Tim Tebow Through my Eyes
    Tim Tebow
    blog #1

    Dear Diary,
    My dad was a big preacher in America. One day my dad told me that he owes and if you want to give me Timmy. Dad came home and told me about his prayer. A few months later my mom realize that she was pregnant. Whatever sport was in season we always played. For example one of us will play quarterback in the other would be the offense. When I turn 15 that summer was a very important birthday cause I can finally go on a missions trip. Turn my sophomore year when I go home a day or two letters recruiting to the Ohio State University and University of Louisville. By the end of my sophomore year 15 and maybe more letters to go to school for football. Quite some time I have been thinking about going to Florida or Alabama. I have chosen to go to Florida. My life after this is amazing I go to clue for the amp with the baseball team but more mostly the football team. Bless me with a wonderful team to play with I'm so glad that the Florida coast not pick up the phone. My dad is so proud of me for my football. My first game in Florida we won. After playing with Florida a quote for some time we won six games and lost one game. That is very good. God has blessed me to play for Denver after being over college.

  31. #11 Luke O’Brien
    Language Arts

    Damon Baird is a member of alpha squad along with, Marcus Fenix, Dominic Santiago, Augustist Cole. With these three cog members he fights off the alien queen named Myrrah. Queen Myrahh is the reason behind e-day (emergence day). He does not met Myrahh until gears of war 2. Before he was demoted to private Baird, he was lieutenant of omega. He fought alongside, Cole, Sofia, and a Russian named Paduk. In the omega squad they had to defeat a locust leader named, Karn. Karn was planning to take over earth until Baird stole a lightmass bomb off an island, after colonel Loomus told him not to. He used it to try and kill karn. Of course this did not work and he ended up fighting karn with omega squad. After they had defeated karn, loomus demoted him into fighting with alpha squad. When fighting with alpha squad, him and Cole had to find reinforcement to fight Myrrah. The reinforcement they found was Paduk. When they were looking for Sofia, Paduk said that she was killed by the locust horde. Before Damon Baird was a soldier he worked with Marcus’s dad, Adam. Together, they would find secrets about the locust horde and how they thought and where they all came from. When Dominic Santiago died saving Marcus and four other soldiers, Baird devoted himself to killing Myrrah and doing so he felt happy ending the war with alpha squad knowing that Dom would be proud.

  32. Alyssa Zeller #11
    Smells Like Dog
    Suzanne Selfors
    Pg. 354
    Log #2

    Me: Hello Homer, how are you doing?
    Homer: Good, a little sore from my adventures, but overall good.
    Me: Is it OK if I ask you some questions?
    Homer: Of course! Ask away.
    Me: How was it growing up on a farm?
    Homer: It was boring. There was nothing to explore. All I had were my maps.
    Me: What were your first thoughts on Dog when you got him?
    Homer: At first I didn’t know why my uncle would have a droopy dog like this, but he grew on me and I love him.
    Me: How did you feel when you went to the city for the first time?
    Homer: It was very different to what I’m used to. The air was thicker, more people and cars, to be honest I was a little scared.
    Me: So how was the Museum?
    Homer: It was OK. Stuffed animals aren’t really my thing, but my sister liked it.
    Me: How close were you and Lorelei before she betrayed you?
    Homer: We were really close. I could tell her anything, but when I found out that she had lied to me, my heart sunk. I didn’t want to believe it.
    Me: What happened after the events at the museum?
    Homer: Um, after the museum my dad came and he got arrested and same as my sister.
    Me: Also, Ajitabh took you to this “tower”. Can you describe that for me?
    Homer: Sure! Well, it was really tall and if you looked down from the roof it looked like there was no bottom. The tower also had seventeen laboratories! Ajiabth is an inventor so it makes sense.
    Me: What is Zelda like?
    Homer: She’s really nice and kind and people think she’s a freak, but she’s not. She gives out excellent advice and can always make you feel better when you are sad.
    Me: One last question. How would you describe your uncle?
    Homer: I love him. He's there when I need him. He’s a great explorer and is courageous and brave. He has a heart of gold. He is one of my biggest influences and a role model to me. I don’t know what I would do without him.

  33. #18 Kayla Sin
    The Gift
    James Patterson
    Pg. 337
    I love the way that James Patterson uses vivid details in his writing. He does an excellent job of describing each and every detail such as Wisty’s flames. He carefully uses certain adjectives to help create a picture in your mind. Another thing that I liked about James Patterson is the way he keeps you interested after each chapter. You can never stop reading until you are finished. It is a very fast paced story which I like because I do not have much patience for the book. It keeps me on the edge of my seat and wanting to read more. He gives suspense by introducing more mystery at the end of each chapter. In The Gift, James Patterson is also good at keeping an interesting plot. Usually in a series, the plots become less attention-grabbing and are a waste of time. This series so far did not bore me but stayed consistent on keeping the storyline compelling. Additional factors of the book was that it goes into different perspectives. This really helps you to know the character more. James Patterson was very smart in writing the point of views in the text. There is a lot of depth in this story such as giving the background of the villain. The book puts a lot of emotion into some of the dialogue using articulate words to make you feel something. James Patterson does a great job in writing The Gift.

  34. #6 Elijah Holiday
    Harry Potter
    J.K. Rowling
    PG #312
    Log #8

    Harry Potter is a book of magical brooms, and wild adventures, but there are many problems as well. One of the problems Harry encounters is learning the types of magic. He has to go through long training of magic, and hard studies. A major problem he has is Mouthvoe. Mothvoe is a snotty, rude, and boastful young man. Him and Harry do not like each other at all. Infect, they hate each other so much, they try to kill each other. Harry also makes these friends that help him get out of problems like, killing Mouthvoe. Harry encounters a huge monster that goes into the girls bathroom while his friend Miley is in there, and he has to go in there to save her. He eventually saves her but that wasn’t the problem. The problem was that somebody had to let him in so they had no clue who did it. A major, probably the biggest problem he faces is finding the truth about his parents. He receives a blanket that turns him invisible if he wraps it around himself. He doesn’t know a clue what happened to his parents so he is trying to figure that out. He was separated from his parents when he was a little boy and he has no memory from that. He received a scar and that is the only thing he has for memory from that. Another issue he has is when he remembers something, his scar hurts him. Harry Potter is a boy with wild imagination, but he has his issues to.

  35. #1 Sydney Barbee
    Maze Runner
    James Dashner
    Pg. 378/ done
    Prompt #3

    Before Maze Runner Thomas’s friend Newt was a lonely kid who wanted to be by himself all the time. He had two friends at his school named Isabell, and Peter. They were best friends but sometimes Newt would feel left out because they were twins and never left each others side. Every day when Newt went home he was welcomed by his mother. His father had gone to war and would not be back till next summer. He had older brother named Alby. Alby is in the book and the reason they are so close is because they were brothers. They had a younger sister, but she was very shy and mostly buried her head in books every day. Newt was on the running team with a boy named Tommy. They became pretty close friends and Newt started to come out of his shell. He was very outspoken and never waited his turn to talk. He got into a lot of trouble but Peter, Isabell, and Tommy were always there to get him out of it. The four of them were best friends and they always did homework together and they sometimes went out for ice cream. Alby his older brother was normally the chaperon because he knew how to drive. When Newt felt down Alby was always there to cheer him up. One day at school Tommy, Isabell, and Peter were not talking to him. He tried to ask why but they would always walk away. After that they never spoke and Newt got in trouble and no one was there to help him. It was a reality check to him that friends will come and go and will not always be there to help you out. A week after he was kicked of the running team he was so bummed and he didn’t go to school for about three days. When he finally decided to go back to school Alby walked him all the way there. They were about a block away from the school and out of nowhere two men took them by the shoulders and took them to a science lab. They erased there memories but the bond still stood. They were sent to the Glade and then everything started to go downhill.

  36. #5 Alex Gottuso
    Divergent, Veronica Roth pg. 324
    Prompt #4

    Two themes (as there are many) from this book are about identity and overcoming your fears. The theme of knowing your identity could be considered one of the main themes of the book. The title of the book, Divergent, means that you do not belong to any of the factions, for your personality represents all of them. One faction represents selflessness, another wisdom, another honesty, another bravery, and another peace. Being divergent means you represent all of these things, in which the main character of the book, “Tris”, is divergent. When Tris finds this out because of her faction test, at first she is scared. Soon, she meets Four, who is also divergent. Even though some people around her strongly disapprove of divergents, she realizes that “divergent” is her true character. Another theme of divergent is overcoming fear. When Teis chooses to be in “Dauntless”, the faction of bravery, she must overcome many fears, which makes her stronger. Throughout the book Tris is still challenged from beginning to end. One of the first fears to overcome is, in fact, about her identity. Another is about trust of others. Another is the fear tht she may betray others, like her family. More include the fear of loss, not only of family, but of friends. At the end of the book, Tris soon realizes that now she is stronger, but she must move on. These are my thoughts on a few possible themes of the book, overcoming fears and the struggle of identity.

  37. # 15 Emilia Shahverdian
    Language Arts
    January 20, 2015
    Blog 2 Quarter 2
    I think To Heaven and Back was an amazing book. The author, Mary C. Neal did a fantastic job describing her death experience, encounter with God, and her second chance at life. I recommend this book to nonbelievers and people who are not strong in faith. In this book Mary starts or has in every chapter a bible verse. She encourages others to trust God in their lives and to not make the same mistakes she did. “Okay. God still had plans for me.” This is important because it shows how the Lord is looking out for us. Many people in history are also quoted in this book. I would recommend this to a friend because while reading this book you can become closer or come to know the Lord. In the beginning of the book there is a “thank-you or a “for” but in this book she says this, “I dedicate this book to God: You gave me life and I live for your glory.” That phrase is very inspiring to me because after finishing this book my resolution was to become a servant of the Lord to please him the best that I could, to honor and serve him for the rest of my life. I recommend this book because, not only does it show that bad things will happen in your life and they have a purpose, but it shows the love and kindness that the Lord has shown us.

  38. #18 Jacob Yost
    I am number Four
    Pittacus Lore
    Prompt 3
    Long ago on the planet Lorien it was peaceful everything was nice and pretty. John or how you think you know him as that name, was walking out of his house at dark to go to school to develop his powers more quickly then all the other kids. His mom and dad were fast asleep, he came to the huge wall where he had to climb over. He had to find a way over, through or under. As he thought of a decision he saw that the window was left open but the window wasn't open when I came here. So he climbed up the wall to the window the wind was setting stronger and the air was getting colder. When I got to the room through the window the coffee machine was iced cold and the hallway was covered with ice and frost. I decided to follow the ice it led down the stair way which led to the main floor I saw all the papers frozen in mid air. When I reached the powers yard I saw a girl sitting with ice around her and she was crying and she didn't look like she was from this world. So I was scared but I went up to her and tapped her on the shoulder and she looked at me with a snarl on her face and huge icicles behind her. I just backed up and ran back and all the way to the court yard. Then saw her chasing me but then when I jumped out the window and then my dad caught me in mid air then we flew all the way back to the house. When I got to the house my whole family gave me a huge pep talk in how not to be a bad kid and to be a run away. But right after that the earth started to shake they looked like dinosors and some where people white pale white faces with no eyes. My mom rushed me to this ship with a guy named Henri who would be my protecter on the new planet. Just then I saw my dad dead an then we took off with eight other kids with their protesters and we were to survive.

  39. #10 Jake O’Brien
    January 20, 2015
    Language Arts
    Gears of War: Jacinto’s Remnant
    Dominic Santiago, well known as “Dom”. Dom grew up with an older brother and a best friend named Marcus. Dom and Marcus did everything together, they even enrolled in the COG together. (Coalition of Ordered Governments). Before Dom enrolled in the COG with Marcus, he had a family at home. He had a wife named Maria, and two children. When Dom was in the COG, emergence day (E-Day) happened. On this day the locust emerged from the ground and started taking over everything on Serra. On E-Day, Dom lost contact with his family and for five years he asked everyone he met if they have seen his wife, Maria. For five years Dom had kept a picture of him and Maria in a slip in his armor so that he would feel somewhat connected to his wife. The Stranded were people that lost their homes and sometimes even their cities to the locust army. Dom thought that Maria was a part of the Stranded, and every time that he had come across a Stranded stronghold he would ask everyone if they had seen her. Around seven years after Dom had been separated from his family he came across a locust hostage camp. This hostage camp was underground where the locust would take refuge from the COG. Dom had persuaded Marcus to come with him to search the locust hostage camp with him. Knowing that Dom would never be able to make it out of the locust’s stronghold alone, he went with him. Along the way Dom had found a computer that had records of all the prisoners being held in the camp. Eventually he found Maria’s file. It showed that Maria was not yet dead so Dom still had a chance to find and save Maria. Marcus and Dom had already killed many locust patrol squads trying to find Maria so they knew they need to move fast. Somehow they found where Maria was being held. Unfortunately, when they found Maria, she was tortured beyond repair. Her hair was falling out, she was so weak that she couldn’t even stand without the help of Dom. She was tortured to the point that she didn’t even recall ever knowing Dom. When Dom saw the pain that Maria has gone through, Dom held Maria in his arms and was forced to shoot his wife in the head to end her suffering. When Dom did this he couldn’t keep himself together and started to lose his mind. Around nine years after Maria died, Dom had to go back to Maria’s hometown of mercy to get gasoline for a submarine that him, Marcus, and his two other partners, Baird, and Cole were going to take to another city. Along the way, they had been ambushed by a locust army, in attempts to try to kill the Kilo Squad. When Dom saw that they wouldn’t make it out alive without a sacrifice, Dom got into a cargo truck and drove into the gasoline tank, exploding and taking out only a small part of the locust, giving a chance to let Marcus, Baird, and Cole to get away. This also gave Dom a chance to finally see his wife and kids, but to never see the COG win the war against the locust.

  40. #9 Margaret Kwok
    Blog #2 for Quarter 2
    Veronica Roth
    Pages 359-501
    Poem Option
    Tris oh Tris
    Every single day you’re greatly missed
    I see you in the glittering water
    And the shining sky
    But nothing will ever be as radiant as you
    You and your sacrifice
    I yearn for just one more kiss
    One more laugh
    Even just one more smile
    They say things will get better
    But darling things won’t
    I don’t know how I will survive this
    Every day brings new grief
    Yet everyday gives more life
    Your life is on permanent replay in my head
    And now I’m alone in my bed
    I simply can’t bring the pain upon myself
    To admit you’re gone
    To realize you’re no longer here with me
    You are no longer here
    To deal with me
    To help keep me steady
    On this journey called life
    You were my everything
    And now I’ve lost everything
    You were more rare than a stone
    And more kind than the gentlest mother
    Stronger than a boulder
    Delicate as a flower
    Firm as a rock
    Soft as grass
    Lively as a bird
    Happy as they come
    More pure then thinkable
    Yet more brave then known
    Tris if I had one wish
    Only one wish
    It would be to be with you

    (Poem from Tobias' standpoint)

  41. #13 Preston Parker
    Blog #3 Choice 4
    Hunger Games Catching Fire Pg. 346
    Language Arts

    The topic I have chosen is war, Katniss has been chosen out of the drawing to go to the Quarter Quell and compete with the other victors of the other games. Katniss is just lifted up after seeing Cinna beaten to death by a long metal stick. Katniss has been lofted up to see that the whole middle is made of eater and a mini, Katniss had jumped off the platform and was swimming for a bow and sheath of arrows. When she reaches the platform she takes the bow and shoots an arrow right through the leg of an enemy piercing his leg and killing him. Katniss is just about to put an arrow into Finnick when he holds up the golden bracelet stating they are a team. Finnick yells duck when he throws his triton which Peirce's the chest of another enemy who has just died. As they struggle to fund Peeta they see him being dragged under water by another opponent Finnick rushes in just as Peeta strangles the other person under water with his amazing strength. Katniss gives Peeta a knife and gives mags a hatchet then they rush into the Forrest where they take refuge and eat some berries when all the sudden Peeta hits a forcefield so full of electric current that when Peeta hits it by accident he is sent flying. eventually Katniss shoots an arrow at the forcefield collapsing the arena where she is rescued and claimed the mocking jay.

  42. #9 Gannon McDonald
    The Hobbit: An unexpected Journey
    J. R. R. Tolkien
    Blog #2 2nd quarter
    Prompt #3
    Along time ago Bilbo Baggins had a very long journey ahead of him. He was a young hobbit with a small life, not many people visited this hobbit. He was so neet and fancy, when Gandolf the Grey comes to his door a day like no other. He writes a symbol on Bilbo's door. Later that night, a knock is at the door (no answer from Bilbo), another knock, and still no open from BIlbo, the 3rd knock he opens. The dwarf says his greetings and walks in the door not politely. He "borrows" many food from the lonely hobbit, then more people came. They had a horrible dinner... for Bilbo. The last person to come was Thorin OakenShield the leader of the twelve Dwarves group, he was late from the diner because he had gone the wrong way at the start of his journey to Bilbo's house. Later after a while these twelve Dwarves, burglar, and the Wizard. Became best of friends throughout their whole journey. This whole entire group set out to go on a journey, because Thorin OakenShield and the Dwarves had lost their homeland to a dragon. A dragon named Smaug a brutal and horrible gold loving dragon. When the word got out that the Dwarves were looking for a new homeland, these goblins and their leader, the pale Orc were destined to kill them. So the Dwarves army battled at the mines of Moria for a new homeland. At the battle the pale Orc challenged the leader of the Dwarves, Thorin OakenShield's father. Thorin's father was beheaded by the pale Orc. Thorin was destined to have revenge for his father's death. So he challenged the Orc with a branch as a shield, and a sword. The battle went on and Thorin cut off the Orc's hand and the army of Orc's ran away against the Dwarves. But there was no feast nor celebration because of all the death that happened at the mines of Moria and will not be forgotten.

  43. #16 Olivia Tidwell
    Cynthia Lord
    Pg. 190
    Blog #2 2nd Qtr
    Option #1

    Dear Diary,
    Sometimes it is hard to be David’s sister, Jason’s friend, and hanging out with friends more often. Autism is hard to deal with because of their disorder. Having autism makes it hard to communicate and when you cannot communicate very well, it is hard to make friends. So I decided to be Jason’s friend and I made him lots of cards with words and pictures to put in the empty slots in his communication book. I think Jason is excited about me, so he wanted me to be in his communication book so now he can communicate with me all the time. Since David has to go to the clinic, I see Jason all the time. Sometimes I take Jason on a walk while he is in his wheelchair and we look at the stores like Otis’s hardware and Elliot’s Antiques and we look at the pretty view of the ocean. After getting to know Jason, he invited me to his birthday while Kristi wants to do something else with me. I never know what I’m going to do because David wants to come to and who knows what is going to happen if he comes. When I got to the door of Jason’s house I felt nervous and uncomfortable, but then I ended up having a good time at the party and Jason liked the guitar and he thought it was a good gift. Later David comes for cake and opens windows and it was embarrassing for me to watch. That the reason why I make rules. Even though it is hard to handle David and it is hard to handle being Jason’s friend because it was a challenge for me and that challenge and that challenge paid off. Now it is easier to handle being Jason’s friend and I have matured David a lot because of all of the great rules.

  44. #14 Andrea Sanchez
    Anna Todd
    Log #4
    Pg. 582
    Dear Tessa,
    I know its hard that Harry cheated on you with Stephanie I know you loved him with all your heart but clearly he was lying that he loved you back because if he did love he wouldn’t have cheated on you. Then the fact that he cheated with your best friend and roommate. But right now he is trying to win you back correct? Please don’t go back to him unless hes gonna prove to you that would truly love you which he probably wont but if he keeps tell you that he loves you ask him to prove it. If he doesn’t prove it then don’t give him another chance but if he does give him a second chance and try to make friends with steph again if he shows his love for you or if you still want you can still try to make friends with her. You should talk to Liam about your situation so he can tell you some advice to just in case if my advise doesn’t help you. He might also help you because he is harry’s stepbrother and would really be able to help you even though they don’t like eachother but I think they are getting along alittle. Sorry getting off topic but ask him. You should talk to him because I bet you he is sending you billions of text messages and missed calls and voicemails. You probably feel terrible that your not responding back but then again he diserves it.
    Sincerely your friend,
    Andrea Sanchez

  45. #16 Makayla Rydbeck
    Peter and the secret of the rundoon
    Dear diary,
    It has been a very crazy week in Neverland. Peter and Molly have been through so much, I mean considering the king Zarboff is trying to kill them. One of the times I was most afraid is when Molly, Peter, and I were in the battle of the dungeon. It all started when Molly and I were taken off to the dungeon and was in there for a while. Until Molly heard someone whispering her name and opened her eyes and saw Peter and Tink standing there and molly was silently cheering and asking how he got in. Peter said he had no time to explain that right now. He just told Molly and me to wake up the others and he would be back with Lord Aster. Tink headed off to the kitchen but I do not know why. Later Peter got lost and Tink and Leonard had to go find him. When they found themselves upon a small room with guards in it Tink started to whisper something in the guards ear but before she could finish some vicious animals came up behind her. They sounded horrible you could hear them all the way from the cell. When king Ombra came up he said to bring Molly to him when the guards got her I was scared for her because you could see the fear in her eyes. But I do not recall what happened after that because it was almost like a blurry dream that you would like to remember but you cannot remember the best part of it. Well I should be going now and cannot wait to see Peter and Molly soon.


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