3rd Quarter Blog #1

Here you go...


  1. #7 Isabella Holiday
    The Selection
    Kiera Cass
    This book is really good and addicting. I would definitely recommend this book to friend who is somewhere from the ages of 12-15. This book has a little romance. It is about a contest known as The Selection. The Selection is a contest which girls from each province would enter in hopes of being picked as the new queen. Once entered in the contest the contest officials would pick a group of gils to bring to the palace for the prince (Prince Maxon) to meet and eventually choose his wife. This book follows a girl named America Singer who has been selected. America didn't really want to enter this contest in the beginning because she was seeing someone else. When she found out that she was selected the guy who was called Aspen that she was seeing told her, “I don’t know how I fooled myself into ever thinking this would work." The first night she was at the palace she met Prince Maxon in the garden. While the book progresses so is Princes Maxon's and America Singer's relationship. At the end of this book Aspen comes to work at the palace as a guard and is assigned to stand right in front of Americas's room. Aspen told America that he misses her she also misses him though. A couple nights later America is kissed by Prince Maxon. More importantly she is left with the choice of Prince Maxon or Aspen. I would without a doubt recommend this book to one of my friends.

  2. #8 Gregory Luciano
    Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban
    J.K Rowling
    Pg 158
    Blog 1 3rd Quarter
    Prompt #5
    Harry was a wizard with a scar on his head
    For Years You-Know-Who wanted him dead.
    Dumbledore saved him and hid him with Muggles.
    Where the Dursleys didn’t give him much cuddles.
    Harry lived beneath the stair
    Which he thought was very unfair.
    He wished he could use his broom to get away,
    Then Hagrid came and saved the day.
    He took him to Diagon Alley,
    Where he got a wand, finally
    Where Hagrid gave him an owl,Hedwig
    He tried on the hat, which seemed a bit big
    But when it said to Gryffindor with you,
    He join the table and drank some stew.
    There he met Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasly
    At first Harry and Ron thought she was quite beastly.
    Harry impressed by his flying tricks,
    The trio broke some rules but not just for kicks,
    For Hogwarts had a mystery to be solved.
    But they didn’t know what it would involve.
    For a three headed dog gave them a fright,
    And the Slytherins who wanted to fight.
    A potion teach with greasy hair
    Who only favored his students in his house
    To others he seemed a louse.
    But Hagrid was always there
    Oh what great stores he would share.
    Harry defeated You-know-Who with a serpents tooth.
    When Voldemort was in his youth.
    He saved the school once in for all
    But he may have created a nasty brawl.
    Good luck Harry,
    But don’t get too scary.

  3. #8 Joshua Ramirez
    The Wave
    Todd Strasser
    Page 138
    Log 7

    This book is incredible. It captivated World War II in Nazi Germany and brought the story into the war zone that is Gordon High School. Like Germany at this time, Gordon High School was disorganized and was a wreck. Both longed for leadership and would follow any leader unknowingly. The Two groups were like sheep looking for their shepherded wasting time for wolves to devour them. They would attempt to accomplish their goals by, “Strength Through Discipline, Strength Through Community, Strength Through Action!” This story is a small example of history in the making. It is amusing to see how the Germans accomplished their goals in spite of their members being only ten percent of the nation. Like the Germans the Wave members used their greatest tools their most efficient weapons, fear and propaganda. They were able to convert almost everyone in the school weather through fear, power or unity. “Pretty soon they’re gonna have to change the name of the school to Fort Gordon High.” The reason was simple why they had this name. It was because the school was producing soldiers instead of intellectuals. What was once a fun school experiment had turned into a war drafting. It is funny how history has its own way of repeating itself. One can never say it is in the past, because the past is closer to the present than one might think. I believe this book is one of the greatest stories I have ever read. I would recommend this book to everyone for its ideas on life and the dangers that power produces.

  4. Brian's Hunt
    Gary Paulsen
    Edward Lueras #10
    prompt #3 2/23/15
    page #107

    Brian Nelson after being in the wild and surviving and defeating a bear, went on to live in his element, the wilderness. Brian never felt like he was missing something by living in the wilderness and he felt completely at home. After his near death fight with the bear he kept living like normal in the wild. After his first encounter with a bear he had little problems with other bears. Brian and his dog lived happily in the wilderness until Brian was 20 ( he was 16 when he first left the city to be on his journey.) He left the Wilderness after being out in it for four years to visit his family and tell them that he would live and survive in the wild but every 4 years he would come to the city to visit with his family and also to teach others how to survive in the wilderness on their own. Brian then gave the dog that he saved in the wild to his mom because he was too afraid something would happen to it in the wild with him even though he knew the dog was strong. After that Brian enjoyed the wild and stayed out there uninterrupted until every four years where he would come out to visit and teach others. In his later years Brian got married and lived in the wild in a log cabin with his wife but he never stopped hunting and enjoying the wild. He also never stopped having at least one dog at a time, although sometimes he would have two

  5. #12 Emily Platt
    Out Of My Mind
    Sharon M Draper
    Pg. 197
    Blog 1 3rd Quarter
    Prompt 2

    Hi Melody. I heard the exciting news that you got a Medi-Talker! That must be cool that you can finally say what you are thinking. I have also heard about the Whiz Kids. I am not shocked that you got the highest score on the practice test. It is awesome that you made the team. I heard the teams are going to be on TV. Are you nervous, happy, or scared about this adventure? You shouldn’t be scared or nervous since you are so smart. With you on the team they will for sure win. They will soon feel sorry about all the mean stuff they said about you. You will be their secret weapon Melody as you have the brains. Show them that just because you are in a wheelchair and can’t talk that that is no reason to say you aren’t smart. Hopefully this helped you with everything that is going on in your life. Good luck Melody, and I look forward to hearing how you did!

  6. #2 Jacquelyn Co
    To Kill a Mockingbird
    Harper Lee
    Log #7
    This book was one of the best books I have ever read. It was very interesting and I could not stop reading it. It showed many themes and one of them was never stop seeing the good in people. In other words, don’t just look at the bad in a person, but try to look for the good qualities in a person. “One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them.” (pg. 374) This quote is saying that you can never really know a person until you can truly understand them. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend because it is very interesting and at the same time the elements of the novel have a deeper meaning than what it is just saying. One of my favorite parts of the book was when Scout finally was able to meet Boo Radley. I liked how even though most thought Boo was not a good person, Scout never lost her faith in his goodness. I found it really fascinating when I found out that Boo saved Scout and Jem’s life by killing Bob Ewell when he was attacking Scout and Jem. Another part that I liked was when Jem had to read to Mrs. Dubose because Jem cut down her flowers in her yard because she called Atticus some terrible and rude names. I liked how even though Mrs. Dubose died being a rude and a racist lady, Atticus never stopped seeing the good in her. One of the humorous parts I liked was when Dill came over to Maycomb every summer and I enjoyed how he said that one day Scout and him were to get married. In this novel I enjoyed how Scout and Jem transformed from innocent children to more mature children who could understand the racial problems in that time, especially when Atticus was defending Tom Robinson. Overall this book was a delight and is now considered one of my favorite books.

  7. #7 Aidé Martinez
    In the Heart of the Sea
    Nathaniel Philbrick
    Page 12%
    Log #6
    Aidé: Thanks for joining me today Mr. Nickerson. I'm so glad to meet you.
    Nickerson: Thanks you too. It's my pleasure.
    Aidé: Im very sorry to ask you to come over here in such short notice.
    Nickerson: That's alright I have a lot of time.
    Aidé: Let's go ahead and get started. I understand in the beginning of your voyage you said it was "the most pleasing moment of my life". Why is that?
    Nickerson: Yes, I remember that day perfectly.
    Aidé: Awesome! Can you tell me what happened that day?
    Nickerson: I was fourteen years old the first day I stepped on board the Essex. I've been waiting for that day ever since I can remember. I've been preparing for it my whole life.
    Aidé: Did you know anybody on that boat?
    Nickerson: Yes, three of my good friends were on the boat as well. Their names were Barzillai Ray, Owen Coffin, and Charles Ramsdell. They were all around the ages of fifteen and eighteen. It was nice to know a few people who I grew up with on the boat.
    Aidé: Wpold you say that the Essex was doing very well, considering how old it is?
    Nickerson: Yes, a while back returning at two-years interval brought the men back wealthy.
    Aidé: Thank you so much for your time. It was nice to meet you.
    Nickerson: Nice to meet you too. I would love to do this again anytime.

  8. Hannah Dumaine#3
    blog#1 log#2
    page #169
    A Dog's Journey
    W. Bruce Cameron
    Dear Molly,
    I know how hard this has all been for you. You are just a dog but you need to understand that you need to stay with your owner, C.J. She needs al protection she can get. Molly, you are meant to be with C.J. She needs you and loves you. Don't let Gloria get in your way because she hates you and will do anything to get rid of you. She already sent you to the Animal Shelter and said that she found you wandering the streets which were a complete lie. She tricked you into getting into the car with food that you like. Gloria lied to your best friend. Stay with Clarity, or C.J. to keep her safe. She smokes so, you need to keep watch on her. I know that whenever you die you change, but you must know it's for good reasons. You need to take care of each of your owners and stay with them till death; there is nothing more you can do but stay with them. Clarity and you are meant to be together till she or you goes away. You are a very good dog, Molly, watch out for Clarity, and stay away from Gloria. I hope you stay with C.J. for a long time because she loves you so much and will do anything to keep you safe. Even though Gloria is Clarity's mother, you need to watch out. Don't eat bad foods either! You almost died that one time when you ate that cheese and threw up! Stay away from danger and be good.
    Love, Hannah Dumaine

  9. #13 Jayden Ramirez
    Ally Condie
    Pg. 344
    Log #6
    Jayden: Hello Cassia, it is nice to see you.
    Cassia: It is nice to see you too, Jayden.
    Jayden: Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
    Cassia: I don’t mind at all.
    Jayden: At the match banquet were you nervous in who was going to be your match?
    Cassia: I was very nervous and excited. I was so eager to meet the person I would spend the rest of my life with.
    Jayden: How did you fell about your results?
    Cassia: Well, I was really worried when my match wasn’t on the screen and then they said that my match was someone in my own providence. My match was Xander, my best friend.
    Jayden: How did you feel about this?
    Cassia: I was so excited and thought that my match couldn’t get any better.
    Jayden: Did you think that Ky being on the screen was a mistake?
    Cassia: Well my official told me at first it was an accident, but then she told told me that it wasn’t an accident.
    Jayden: Do you believe it’s an accident?
    Cassia: I don’t believe it’s an accident. I think it was meant to be. Ky was in the matching pool even though he was an aberration.
    Jayden: Did you enjoy spending time with Ky during Hiking?
    Cassia: I loved spending time with Ky. When I spent time with him it made me feel something different than being with Xander.
    Jayden: Was it hard for you to tell Xander about you and Ky?
    Cassia: It broke my heart.
    Jayden: How did you feel about Ky leaving?
    Cassia: It was heart breaking and it was all my fault (starts to cry).
    Jayden: If I may ask how was it your fault?
    Cassia: I was assigning jobs and I put Ky in a job making him have to leave. I though it was the right decision.
    Jayden: Are you going to find Ky.
    Cassia: Yes, I am.
    Jayden: It was nice talking to you.
    Cassia: It was nice to talk to you too.

  10. Rangers Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan
    John Flanagan
    Anthony Salgado #17
    prompt #2
    log #2

    Dear Will,
    Is being a ranger hard? Well I told you it was difficult. I don't blame you for thinking that. After all, you didn't want to be a ranger, you wanted to be a knight. At least being a ranger isn't as hard as training to be a knight. I heard from a peasant that an apprentice from battle school was getting tortured by some seniors. Thats really harsh. Your master, Halt, he makes you do all the work, doesn't he, typical. He's a good teacher though. My advice to you, is to take his advice. He has had a lot of experience. If i recall, he's been in a war. But I won't tell you what happened, it's too much to explain. anyway, don't ask him too many questions. He gets frustrated at especially dumb ones. I hear your good at climbing. That will be good for stealth. O'l Halt will teach you the art of not being seen. It's a little hard at first, but you'll get the hang of it. The usual ranger weapons is a longbow, saxes, and you get a scruffy horse. Another piece of advise, don't underestimate those horses. I learned that the hard way. Those little horses actually go pretty dang fast so don't be surprised if it knocks you off the first time. That's basically all my advise for you. Good luck being a ranger and i hope to see you again.
    Your friend,

  11. #1 Matthew Burnette
    The Rookie Bookie
    L. Jon Wertheim & Tobias Moskowitz
    Pg. 139
    Blog 1 3rd Quarter
    Prompt #3
    Hi, I am the author of the book Rookie Bookie and what Mitch is doing in his life today. So Mitch lives in a mansion on the beach in North Carolina. He got this 4 million dollar house by betting on football in Jr high. Mitch is a billionaire now because he now bets on sports teams not Justin football but in the MLB, NBA, and NHL. Since he knows so much about each sport he is looking to be the next Angels General Manager. Teams in the NFL are also looking to scout him as a coach because he has so much to know about football. He has a wife witch ended up to be his friend Jamie. They have 2 kids a dog and 2 cats. You should see their house inside it is almost covered all in sports because Jamie and Mitch like sports so much. His brother Kevin is the NFL on the Denver broncos; as their wide receiver. His mom and dad still live happy in Indiana. Mitch also kept trying out for the team in football but he didn't grow that much then. But now he is like 6’2. Mitch’s family’s store is now actually selling things because Mitch gave them these good ideas and they worked. This is the story of rookie bookie and when he was all grown up and successful. Ps : I am betting on a game with Mitch there’s no way he’s going to win this one even though he wins every ones else’s.

  12. #4 Samantha Cheng
    R.J. Palacio
    Blog #1 3rd Quarter
    Option # 1

    My name is August. I have a family. My mom, my dad, and my older sister Via. I have a dog too whose name is Daisy. My life sounds normal, but it is not what you would call normal. My face is not like other people's which is why I have never been to school. My face looks weird because I have had many surgeries. I have been in and out of the hospital since I was a baby. They have had to fix my ears, my jaw, my eyes, my chin, and my teeth. Even though I look different I do have friends. My friends are named Christopher, Zachary, and Alex. We have known each other since we have been babies. Our favorite thing to play has always been Star Wars action figures and having battles with our light sabers. I've gone to school to see what school looks like. My new principal is named Mr. Tushman. He sent three students to give me a tour of the whole school. Their names were Jack Will, Julian, and Charlottle. Our homeroom class is going to be Room 301. When I looked down the hallway there was a lot of doors. Charlotte told me that our homeroom teacher is named Mrs. Petosa. She's also our math teacher. These students also showed me other rooms where my electives and other school classes are. A week later...it is my first day of school!
    See you soon, August

  13. 10 Sarah Youssouf
    The Kill Order
    Pg. 150
    Log #1

    The world is burning
    With no one knowing ,
    That in the end
    Only a few will be left.
    Little did they know
    That the society that they knew,
    Will only be remembered by a few.
    Everyone will turn against each other
    So will every friend and brother.
    Some will be infected by a deadly flu
    And the skys will no longer be blue.
    The days will be dark
    And an idea will spark.
    Of a company named WICKED.
    And society will fall
    With no one standing tall.

  14. #16 Olivia Tidwell
    Cynthia Lord
    Page #: Finished Book
    Blog #1 3rd Quarter
    Option #9

    In Rules, I love the way the author makes the end of the book interesting and intense and makes the reader want to keep reading even readers who don’t enjoy reading that much. In the end of the book it is great that Catherine doesn’t care what people think about who she is in love with and that boy is Jason. She doesn’t let Jason, who has special needs stop her from liking him and that’s crazy because her brother David has special needs, as well. It is important to know Catherine’s story, especially for the people who think it is uncool to like people with special needs because most people would let that stop them. Most people who saw Catherine with Jason at the dance would look at them and give them a rude look and let the smile on their face while they’re dancing go away. In the book the author talks about how all the people at the dance treated Catherine and Jason like they were invisible and that is a wrong thing to. Don’t judge the book by its cover which is just like not liking a special need person because of their outside appearances and actions. Clearly, Catherine knows not to judge the book by its cover and she doesn’t care about the outside appearances of Jason as much as the inside of Jason which shows the amount of kindness Jason has for Catherine and that kindness comes from the heart. In my opinion, Catherine is the best character and the big hero in the book because not only did she like Jason because of his personality, but she also did something amazing. She believed in herself and didn’t let that lump in her throat stop her from asking Jason’s mom if Jason could go to the dance even though she didn’t want to even speak one word. Catherine kept on believing that Jason would show up at the dance. Late doesn’t mean not coming. Next thing you know Jason is standing right in front of Catherine ready to dance.

  15. #13 Preston Parker
    Veronica Roth
    Blog #3
    Option #7
    Page 333
    Divergent is a close second to the hunger games series. But with this it has some flaws that are disturbing and sometimes make me sick to my stomach. As when Tris is hanging over the edge of a pit about to be thrown over when suddenly a man called Four who likes Tris and observes her. And then beats the three boys who were trying to kill her to a state of bloody, sick, and disgusting pulp. As she continued on in her stay in the Dauntless compound Tris started to notice that four was closely observing her and even kisses her on the temple. Four being the secluded emotional man he is he runs as Tris blushes when the next morning she tries to wave but he doesn’t respond or even look at Tris. This is all the reasons why this resembles Hunger Games and how I think Veronica Roth may have read the Hunger Games first and then continued on this somewhat like tribute world. When she first encounters that he is trying to hide their relationship which she takes very hard and I think Veronica Roth could have done a better job with this book and how she had hidden their relationship making young Tris heartbroken and not even ready for the real world and not the world of Amity. When Veronica did this book maybe she could have changed the name instead of Dauntless and having it is the crazy tribe of people who jump out of trains. But overall so far this book it probably close to one of the best books I have ever read.

  16. #12 Emily Platt
    Out of My Mind
    Sharon M Draper
    Pg. 197
    Blog 1 3rd Quarter
    Prompt 2

    Hi Melody. I heard the exciting news that you got a Medi-Talker! That must be cool that you can finally say what you are thinking. I have also heard about the Whiz Kids. I am not shocked that you got the highest score on the practice test. It is awesome that you made the team. I heard the teams are going to be on TV. Are you nervous, happy, or scared about this adventure? You shouldn’t be scared or nervous since you are so smart. With you on the team they will for sure win. They will soon feel sorry about what they said to you. They don’t see that you are smart you will shock them you shocked Mr.D because he has never seen a perfect score you should feel good about that. Nobody else got a perfect score on their test. So what people say should not bother you. You are smart you know that. I know that you are smart too. If you do make them win they will go to Good Morning America that would be awesome. Then they will maybe have a celebration for you and they will talk about how good you did. A lot of people will want pictures of you and ask you a lot of question like “were you nervous or scared at all.” I hope this help you melody with all that is going on. Bye talk to you and tell me all about it!

  17. #18 Kayla Sin
    The Kiss
    James Patterson
    Pg. 313
    Before Wisty and Whit discovered their powers, they lived a great life. They were smart and kind kids who loved their family. They were good friends being siblings. Whit was the best foolball player around. He made moves on people effortlessly and was very fast. Wisty was a sweet long-haired redhead. When the siblings were ten, their powers had a sparked for a short period of time but they did not know they had them. When Wisty’s power sparked, it was a windy, cold day. The schools were shut down because of how strong the wind blew. There was no source of heat since the fireplace and heater was broken. Wisty focused on the cold firewood and so badly wanted a fire to start. Right then and there, a fire sparked to life. It flickered through the dark providing heat for the family. They called it a miracle and a blessing from God. When Whit’s power sparked, he was playing an intense foolball game. Ten minutes before the game ended, number forty four tackled Whit. He landed awkwardly causing him to twist his ankle. His team was four points behind and one touchdown would do it, but he could not play. He wanted his ankle to heal so badly that in two minutes, it was healed. The coach put Whit back in the game and he threw the winning catch. He and his team rejoiced and carried Whit on their shoulders. Both siblings did not exactly know what was happening but went along with it. All along Whit and Wisty were destined to do good with their power and to defeat the One.

  18. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    The Cats of Tanglewood Forest
    Charles De Lint
    Page 169
    Blog #1 3rd Quarter
    Prompt # 9

    I love the way the author has the cats always looking after Lilian. To me it seems like the cats are like God always looking after us. I believe the cats can also be angels. Angels come in all different shapes and sizes, just like cats. I don’t like how the author changes Lilian into a human so fast after she becomes a cat. In my opinion, the author should have written a little bit of danger when she becomes a cat. For example when she is a cat, a bigger creature comes and she has to use her new cat skills to get away. Maybe she will have to jump really high or use her sharp claws and teeth to injure the animal away. I also did not like how the author makes Aunt Nancy a spirit whisperer. It sort of freaks me out when the spirits speak for her and she doesn’t even know it. What if they were to say something mean to the people and she doesn’t even know it. The people would get all offended and she would be clueless. I did like very much that the bear people wanted to help Lilian and not eat her. That to me is like life. Some people will be super nice and then others will want to rip you into shreds. The author for this book has some parts that I like and some I do not like. I think the author did a wonderful job and I would suggest it to others.

  19. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
    Page 56
    Log 8, 3rd quarter
    The main conflict in this story is that that Frodo and his company Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, Aragorn, and many more people are trying to destroy the One Ring. The One Ring, is a ring that turns its user invisible. There is another problem. The band of heroes is split in to two. One group consists of the people who could defend Frodo. They are Aragorn, Legolas, GImli, Merry, Pippin, and Gandalf. The other group consists of Frodo, Sam, and Gollum. The One Ring has the power to corrupt its user. An example of this happening is Gollum. Gollum used to be a hobbit, just like Frodo. Then he discovered the One Ring and called it his “precious.” To start to become corrupt is when you put the One Ring on your finger. Frodo and his adopted father and uncle, Bilbo, have both put on the One Ring. Bilbo went somewhat corrupt and faked his death. He then revealed himself to Frodo to tell that he was okay. Frodo has not gone corrupt but is starting to despair that he will never get the One Ring destroyed at the top of Mount Doom. The other group of people are trying to find Frodo and Sam. This is why it takes Frodo and Sam forever to get to the top of Mount Doom. If Gandalf and his group was with Sam and Frodo, they would have the One Ring destroyed by now. These were the two main conflicts in this book.

  20. #1 Sydney Barbee
    The Scorch Trials
    James Dashner
    Page 368
    Prompt #8

    The main conflict in The Scorch Trials is all the characters trying to find their way out of the Scorch and to the Safe Haven. The main characters in this book are Thomas, Teresa, Newt, and Minho. Thomas is looking for Teresa because she was taken away to group B. Thomas, Newt, Minho, and all the others all have the Flare which is a disease that slowly drives them crazy. They then end up trying to eat people and steal their noses. Once they are fully gone they are called Cranks. The disease can spread to anyone even trough air. The only ones that can survive the Flare are the Munies. They are immune and can still get the Flare but nothing will happen to you. While everyone was in the Scorch Thomas and the Gladers meet a girl named Brenda and a guy named Jorge. They decided to help them find the Safe Haven. Brenda and Jorge were really working for W.I.C.K.E.D. Brenda said she changed out in the Scorch with Thomas but people have trouble believing her. Thomas and Brenda end up getting separated from everyone and had to find the Safe Haven on their own. They were then stopped by some people who tried to get them into a party and they then threatened them that if they didn’t then they would shot at them. When Thomas finds Teresa she is angry at him and W.I.C.K.E.D. is controlling her. She ends up taking Thomas with group B and they want to kill him. Teresa and the group finally came to their senses to not kill him and once they find everyone they find something else too. They find the Safe Haven and they get taken back to a lab with W.I.C.K.E.D. The main problem in the Story is that they were put into a place where the Flare spreads and a bunch of Cranks live, the Scorch.

    #15 Alexis Raya
    Lois Lowry
    Page: 400 (End)
    Prompt #5
    I have had a hole in my heart,
    Empty and dark.
    For the parents I never knew,
    Until I met you.
    You loved me and never hate me.
    For me you would die
    You are my Jesus in disguise
    Not once but twice,
    Were you willing to give up your life.
    I write this for you and the world to see,
    That this story must be heard
    For every person in need,
    The story of bravery and courage,
    Of my mother must go on,
    She is Claire,
    The one who will always care.

  22. Jacob yost
    Deltora quest dread mountain
    Emily rodda
    Page 127
    Log 8 , 3rd quarter
    The main conflict in this book is the great Gellick the ginormous toad that works for the shadow lord and spits poison that kills you instantly. The great gellick has taken over dread mountain, the mountain was inhabited by gnomes these gnomes were not the only living things on the mountain there were also friendly dragons that could talk. The gnomes have been trying to kill the kin beacause of their rough skin for coats that can protect them from the boolong trees, then they tipped there arrows with poision that kills the kin so they fled to the dreaming springs. Now leaf, jasmine and barda have to get to the center of the mountain and kill this creature on the way they find a vrall a dinisor looking creature from the shadow lands that’s only purpose is to kill in the middle of the fight one of the baby kin comes in and gets scratched by the creature. Jasmine heals the baby with here healing potion from the flower. They kill it and get captured by gnomes and get trapped in a room that looses oxogion by the second. They escape then they get the gnomes on their side and go up to the toad then he wakes up and gets mad they are trying to kill the beast with swords but the sword docent penetrate his skin. Then leaf touches the topaz the gem of wisdom and and he throws the dreaming spring water in his mouth witch turns him into a tree because he was evil.

  23. #8 Matthew Johnson
    Eleventh Grade Burns
    Heather Brewer
    Blog #1 3rd Quarter
    Option #9

    I hate the way the author ended this book. The reason i am so mad at the author because throughout the whole series Vladimir Tod(the main character) was so sad because when he was three years old his mom and dad were killed in a house fire. The reason for the house fire is because his dad is a vampire like Vlad so he must have burnt in the sunlight, or so Vlad thought. He would always greif over them dying because he thought it was his fault because that morning he set their alarm clocks for a few hours later so they could get some sleep. Since any kid would know that parents work so much for them, Vladimir was doing this to let them relax but this action ended up killing his parents. All Vladimirs life he would search for clues or anything that would disprove his fathers death or lead him to his father. He finds all these different clues but didnt know what they mean. So the reason I hate how the author ended this is because at the end he was realeasing all his rage on a vampire slayer because he had just killed his friend and then right before he killed the slayer He heard a familiar voice. In the book it says the voice felt soothing to him and made him relax. At the very end the last word was when he turned around and said “Dad”. Then right when he said that the book ended and I was so mad at the ending because I had to wait so long before I could buy the next book because I ordered it online and had to wit five days until I could find out what had happened. And all this time I was waiting I couldnt think about anything else then buying the next book. And right when I got the book I had to go to school so I was very angry at the author for ending the book like this. So as you can see I really hated the ending of Eleventh Grade Burns because of this cliffhanger.

  24. #17 Zachary Tittle
    Lone Survivor
    Marcus Luttrell and Patrick Robinson
    Pg: 285
    Prompt 8

    The main conflict in this book (Lone Survivor) is for not only Marcus to escape but also for his team to escape. Though the team could not make it out and only Marcus could, they are all honorable men. They are honorable because of their service to our country, but their bravery to even go to the Himalayas on foreign soil. They were not alone. A helicopter with over 10 men had come to save them. The attempt was unsuccessful. The men in the helicopter went by volunteer; none of them were forced. They too, all of them, were honorable men. The helicopter was shot down by a Taliban with an RPG. Marcus and his team soon came under fire. All of the team except him died. Marcus had to flee or be killed. He soon got away and hided in a tree to scout out the landscape. He was soon shot by a sniper in his left leg. He had to start crawling away again and down a steep mountain. He soon got away long enough to scout for a few minutes. During the scout he found a waterfall. The waterfall was about 500 feet down from his point of view. The 500 feet was steep and full of obstacles such as trees, rocks, bushes, and bumps. He soon started his decent and was slow and painful. He was sliding down the mountain for about two and a half hours. When he reached the waterfall he was only able to get a few sips of water and dip himself in the water before he saw what he thought was Taliban and tried to fight them but he was physically unable to post himself up. He blacked out and then was barely able to post himself on one leg. The non Taliban soon spread around him and had weapons. Their leader was screaming at him but Marcus could not understand him. Around 10 minutes later he understood him. He was screaming “No Taliban”.

  25. #6 Vincent Macabuhay
    Louis sachar
    Blog 1 3rd quarter
    Option #6

    Hello mr Stanley. My name is Vincent from the channel 7 news. I am here to interview you and ask for your story and what you think about the call. Lets get started, so when you were called up for a crime that you did not do what was your first reaction were you mad? Of course I was mad I did not do anything wrong. But theres nothing that I can do to change that. Mr Stanley where will you be going for juvenile camp? I will be going to camp green lake, it is a very tough camp and you always get picked on and no one will stop it. What is the main job you will be doing while you are at that camp. I will be digging holes everyday with other people. Why are you digging holes. Because the sargent has one goal. And that it is to find this hidden treausure that my grandfather had buried.so have you been learning from this program. No, not at all because first of all I didn’t do anything bad or wrong. So I shouldn’t be here. Why do you think I was here. Because I would have done a crime. But I did not do a crime. So I shouldn’t be here. But anything to help find the lost treasure.thank you for your time mr Stanley.

  26. #9 Margaret Kwok
    Blog #1 for 3rd Quarter
    Option #8
    Book: Tomorrow Girls
    Author: Eva Gray
    Pages 1-150
    This book is very interesting and emotional. In Tomorrow Girls, there is a group of four girls, accompanied by a few guys, and they must learn how to survive all alone. This book takes place during a war, and life is extremely dangerous. On every page, something new, and life threatening happens. To start off the book, it picks up from the end of the previous book; one of the main characters, Madi, is captured by the enemy. This is one of the main conflict situations so far, in this book, when it finally hits Evalyn, that dear Madi is probably dead. She doesn't know how to bring the news to the group, so instead she keeps it to herself. Unlike the other books, this book is from Evalyn's perspective, and it is terrifying to know her thoughts, and you feel as if you are dealing with her problems yourself. When Madi was kidnapped by the enemy, everyone freaked out. They were all running full speed towards the truck that picked her up, yet unfortunately it was too late. So now, with only seven teenagers, before there was eight, but Madi's gone, the group is trying there best to find Madi and survive. The group of friends left a school and fled when they were suspicious, and soon found out the school was run by the enemy not the alliance, and they had been tricked and maybe even were there to be killed. Poor Evalyn doesn't know for sure if Madi's alive, and feels almost responsible for her captivity. The group of friends work harder and harder each day, to try and find Madi before it is too late.

  27. Janessa Fuentes
    February 23, 2015
    Blog #5
    The Sisters Club

    I love the way Amanda and Ally who are sisters in this book communicate with each other. I would recommend this book to a friend because I believe they would love it as much as I did. Amanda and Ally are twins but polar opposites. They like different hobbies and many different activities. For example Ally is girly, loves volleyball and tanning in the sun. Amanda on the other hand, loves playing basketball and just chilling out with her friends. Even though they are very different they have the same group of friends. Although they are opposites in personality and what they enjoy, they get along pretty well. In one part of the story Ally broke her arm when she fell down the stairs and Amanda went with her to the hospital. There was only one part of the story where they argued which I think is great because most siblings seem to fight a lot. I like that their mother would give them good life lessons such as respecting people around you and taught the girls that everything that happens in life has a meaning or lesson behind it. I would also recommend this book to my friends because it would tell them it is okay to be who you are. Amanda and Ally’s mom would always tell them to “let your inside pour throughout” which I believe means to be who you are, because God made you in your own unique masterpiece. I love that this book, states that you are supposed to be you in every situation.

  28. #11 Matthew Montoya
    City of Ember
    Jeanne DuPrau
    Pg #1-250
    Blog# 9
    This story was very amusing and fun to read. I enjoyed how the author explained the characters and how the setting was described as well. “In the City of Ember, the sky was always dark. The only light came from great flood lamps mounted on the buildings and at the tops of poles in the middle of the larger squares. That description gave me an amazing picture on how the City of Ember was. Jeanne DuPrau was very specific in her words that she chose to write this book the way she did. She made it very specific that how the characters acted and how they were meant to be in this city. The chief had to keep all of his people safe from enemies or bounty hunters. Each character had a special position or task. Each character was meant to be there. It’s not like they were just put there for a reason by the author or something like, no, they were put there because they had a special task they had to complete. “ She pictured this thin, serious face, and his eyes looking out searchingly from beneath his dark eyebrows.” Even some characters made a relationship with one another. Some even had feelings for the others. I am glad I read this book because it not only taught me a lesson on life, but really influenced my thought on life. I like how the author wrote and made this book with her own thoughts. This author was a great person in writing this superior book.

  29. #19 CJ Zeller
    Charlie Joe Jacksons guide to summer vacation
    Tommy Greenwald
    pg 280
    Blog #1 3rd quarter
    Option #5

    After being grounded for the most of the summer school was going to start in 28 days. Day 1 Charlie is staring to think of a plan on how to make money for school . 5 minutes later he figured out a plan on how to make some money for school. His plan was to make some lemonade like a normal kid, and sell it for 50 cents. Later his friend Zoe came over to help him get the money he needs for the supplies for school . They made some lemonade with some extra sugar for some extra sweetness, butt not a lot of people bought some of the lemonade. The only person that bought some lemonade was his mom.
    Charlie thought that he had a bunch of stuff he could sell for some more money, but Zoe asked him if he could just do his do his choirs and get the money he needs to get his money for school. He told her that that would be to boring and that he likes to have more fun and action in his life instead of some lame city folk. So they go through his garage looking for something to sell Charlie found a rusty wagon and Zoe found pictures of him when he was a baby. Sadly they couldn’t find anything of use to them so Charlie did the next best thing he asked his mom for money. So he got the money he needed for school.

  30. #7 Sienna Inman 

    Little Pilgrims Progress 

    Helen L. Taylor

    Pg 52

    Blog 4
    3rd Quarter

    Prompt #8

    The conflict in this book “Pilgrims Progress” is trying to get to the cross where little Christian can get his burden taken off his back. He meets a lot of people who try to get in his way. There two boys named Obstinate and Pliable. They saw him going towards the wicked gate. They run after him and he cant run for that long because of his heavy burden on his back. They caught him and dropped him down to the ground. They told him not to go because he was headed to the Celestial City where the King lives. The next boy that stopped by and tried to get little Christian to go back to the city of Destruction was a boy named Worldly. Little Christian was stuck in a pool of slop and Worldly got him out. Worldly seemed nice and trust worthy but he told little Christian to go on a different path that he was not supposed to go towards. He also came across a man at the front of the wicked gate. He told little Christian that when a pilgrim comes too the gate and wants to leave the city of Destruction to go to the Celestial City. He sends men to go and shoot arrows at the little pilgrim boy or girl. There are many troubles that little Christian comes across like rocks that could straight down into the ground and sink and a pool of slop that he gets stuck in. That's the conflict that little Christian goes through in chapters one through twelve.

  31. #10 Jake O’Brien
    Language Arts
    Blog #3
    American Sniper
    Chris Kyle

    Chris Kyle: Chris Kyle was an American sniper as it says in the title of the book. Chris Kyle holds the military record of the most kills by a sniper in military history, with a record of over three hundred. One of the facts that I found out about Chris Kyle in his book is that he didn’t join the Army to be a sniper. He joined the army to actually be a Marine. Later on in his military career, lieutenants in the army saw his skill set when it came to shooting a Sniper rifle and told him that they wanted him to be in a SEAL sniper. (SEAL means Sea, Air, and Land. Meaning that the SEALs operate wherever and whenever the military want them to) sadly, this meant that Kyle would have to do extra training for the seals. Kyle was okay with that. He suffered many injuries that made him have to roll back in his military training. Even though Kyle suffered these injuries, he did not give up on his quest to become a SEAL sniper. Unfortunately, when Chris Kyle came back from some of his terms in Afghanistan, he had to deal with many, many, psychological challenges. This means that whenever Kyle saw something somewhat violent happening, he would snap into his “military instincts” and attack or hold down whatever or whoever was happening. Kyle could not take being away from the war and defending his country, so he went back four times. Chris Kyle got so good at being a sniper that terrorist insurgents would call him “alshytan” (the devil), and but a bounty on his head to be killed. Sadly in early 2013, Chris Kyle was killed in the United States trying to help a war veteran that he was trying to help

  32. Marley
    Finished(only 194 pages)
    #3Daniel Chapin
    I think that this was a great book to read if you have a dog because you can relate to Marley because he is a crazy and wild dog. I liked this book because I used to have a dog just like that but it was bigger. This book is interesting because you will never know what he will do to get himself into trouble next. The only bad thing about this book is the ending, when he dies because I like books that have a happy ending. The part I loved the most about this book is when Marley gets kicked out of training school because that also happened to my dog, Max. The plot of this book is that there is a dog name Marley who as he gets older gets into trouble. When the family takes him home he is cute and awesome, but even on the first night they discover that he is a lot more than a cute puppy. He is afraid of thunder and whatever he can get his hands on he tears apart yet everyone still manages to love him. I would recommend it to a friend that has a calm dog so they can see how hard it is to manage a dog that goes completely crazy all over the house. The biggest reason I love this book a lot is that Marley is so adventurous and fun just like my own dog. I would recommend this to all dog owners,

  33. Angelica Castaneda#1
    February 24, 2015
    Looking for Alaska
    By, John Green
    Pg. 68
    Looking for Alaska is about a high schooler, Miles Halter, who leaves for boarding school. Miles loves memorizing the last words of famous people. He goes to boarding school to try and find out what a famous poet meant by the "Great Perhaps". As he is at boarding school he meets his roommate Chip who has a self-titled nickname, The Colonial. Colonial gives Miles a nickname, the Pudge, given the name because of his lengthy, skinny structure. Colonial is an intelligent, confident, natural born leader. Colonial soon introduced Miles to his friend Alaska Young. The moment he laid eyes on Alaska he began to have feelings for her. As the book goes on Miles is tempted with smoking. Which his parents were afraid of, afraid of him being in the “wrong crowd” as it says in the book. I love how the author, John Green, gives a certain talent to each character. How Colonial is good at memorization, Miles is good at memorizing last words of famous people and Alaska is a mysterious girl as it states. Overall so far this book is really enjoyable. John Green is an incredible author and I love many of his books including this one.

  34. #6Eli Holiday
    Anthony Robles
    Option #9

    I think Unstoppable is a book that all athletes should read if they want to achieve their goals. I love how Anthony’s mother could have given him up for adoption, but she decided to keep her child. I hate how Anthony’s father left him and missed out on all the great things Anthony did in his life. I love how Anthony described what his high school moments were like. I hate how some of the people he described as jocks, picked on him. I think, if Anthony did not make the choices he wanted to make, like suicide, he would not be here today. I love how when Anthony did not have the ability to do any sport, he went to the toughest of all wrestling. I love how when he wrestled he was thought of that guy will be easy, he either pinned them super fast or beat the crud out of them. I love how when he wrestled, it almost sounded like he had three legs. I like that when Anthony was put down, he edmidietly got back up. I think that Anthony had good times and bad, but I think his best time was being number one in the country, and then killing everyone in the biggest tournament in wrestling. I think Unstoppable is a great book for kids who have disorders, like being blind, or deaf or anything. I really love how Anthony picked wrestling, because anyone, tall, skinny, short, blind, deaf, one leg, one arm can wrestle. I think this book shows that anything is possible through God.

  35. #11 Luke O’Brien
    Blog#1 3rd quarter
    Gears of war Karen Traviss
    Gears of war

    In gears of war I think that this book had a lot of build to the action but barely any action. Although the action in this book though was very interesting and gory. This book also gives the very interesting back stories of the characters that lead to who they are in present day. This is why I think this book is very interesting. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends because this book is a series that is four books long and it will make you want to read more books just like it. I think this could have had a little more action because the author mostly told about their back stories, what they do in the C.O.G, and how they got there. I do like the fact that they mention Dominic’s older brother Carlos. I like that the author mentions this because in the video games it gives no information at all about Dominic’s family so having his brother in this book makes it so much more interesting. Another thing I find interesting is how Carlos and Marcus were childhood friends and they ended up fighting in the same squad in the C.O.G. I think this book really stood out from all the other alien books because the aliens in this book didn’t come from another galaxy, these aliens came from the center of the earth. Reading this book I would definitely recommend this book to other people especially to other people that have the Gears of War games.

  36. #5 Gavin Lizik
    Alabama Moon
    Watt Key
    Page 159
    Prompt #6

    Me: Moon what do you think it was like back in the woods?
    Moon: Well to tell you the truth, it was a whole lot better than being in this part of the modernized world.
    Me: To my understanding your Pap died. What did you think after that happened?
    Moon: I loved my Pap very much. But when he died, even though I was upset, I knew that I could survive on my own due to what he taught me. He taught me how to basically live and survive on my own.
    Me: When the officer found you and put you in the holding center for young boys, how did you first feel about being put there?
    Moon: I had never met a friend my age other than my Pap, who is not my age. But it felt weird to have an interaction with another person my age. Hal and Kit have been my best friends ever since I went to the holding place/jail for smaller kids.
    Me: What was the main reason why you and the 19 other kids escaped the jail?
    Moon: We all belong in the woods. The woods is our home, not the the jail.
    Me: How do you think you will survive in the woods with 19 other kids?

  37. #15 Emilia Shahverdian
    Blog 2 Quarter 2
    The Secret Garden
    February 24,2014
    Language Arts

    Dear Mary Lennox,
    I understand that it is hard to learn the new customs of the people in England, but all things happen for a reason. If you were to stay in India you could die from cholera. Martha is trying to be welcoming and the stories she tells is truthful and she is trying to comfort you. You need to stop being stubborn and listen to these people. It will be difficult because you are not used to doing things on your own and you will have trials along the way, but there are people who you have befriended that don't have to be rich or famous. The simplest friends are the greatest friends. "When the world is so complicated, the simple gift of friendship is within all of our hands." I know you are curious about the area in the moors that is locked but just let it stay locked up leave it be. When you went to the library you were caught and that was just for books imagine what Mrs. Medlock would do to you if she caught you in your dead aunt's cemetery. You need to look inside yourself and find that there is good. You have to accept yourself as you the way you are. No one should influence the bad decisions you make you should always list out the pros and the cons. I bid you good luck Mary.
    Sincerely, Emilia

  38. #5 Alex Gottuso
    Legend, Marie Lu
    Pg. 157
    Prompt #2

    I just wanted to give you a word of advice through this letter. I know everything has been crazy lately and I wanted to talk about it. I know that right now you and your family are in custody and are intended to be put to death, just like your mother. You need to escape. Find any way to get you and your family out too. I know this advice may seem helpless and hopeless, but there is a solution for everything that is going on right now. A while ago, I heard that you were injured. If you still need to recover make sure you rest a lot, and take as much precautions as possible, especially since there is a chance of more harm being done. I know it’s tough with all the lies and everything going on right now, but you need to focus on the present now. I know it’s hard to live with, but you need to move on from everything that’s happened. June setting you up, your mother’s death, I now it is all tough, but do whatever you can for whatever is left. I heard recently that there is plague medicine somewhere out there. One more thing. Use whatever you can around you to help your family, and tell your family to help you too. You need do everything you can to make things right. Hopefully you are recovered and I give wish you the best of luck on this long road.

  39. #16 Makayla Rydbeck
    The Secret Garden
    Sophie Dahl
    Blog #1 third quarter
    Choice # 6
    Makayla: Mary what was it like loosing your Nanny and both parents?
    Mary: It was a lot harder learning that I lost my nanny and father because I was so close to them but my mother wasn’t as hard loosing because we never spent any time together.
    Makayla: The next question I have for you is a follow up to the last question. How did you deal with having to move into another house right after learning everyone had abandoned you?
    Mary: It was just all happening so quickly I didn’t have much of a choice because I could never live alone after all I was only a child but the new house was the worst because I couldn’t do whatever I wanted anymore.
    Makayla: what was the impression you got about your uncle when the people would tell you stories about him?
    Mary: the stories scared me but through all of it I did not want to seem scared so I would just nod and smile.
    Makayla: were you very sick as a child Mary?
    Mary: Yes, I actually was always sick since the time I was born. Always being sick was not the best thing and I never really quite understood why I was always so sick.
    Makayla: Would you say all the challenges you have over come have made you a stronger person in the end?
    Mary: Yes I think it has, what I think really helped was the secret garden it would just help me escape from the real world and not have to feel a heavy weight on my shoulders.
    Makayla: thank you for answering some of the questions I had today Mary
    Mary: You’re welcome!

  40. #19 Trevor Stubbs
    Pg 233

    The MockingJay is about how Katniss is a rebellion and a sign of hope which president snow does not like so he destroys district twelve and leaves victors village. So Katniss did not like that so she started to rebel. Katniss was never a good actress like her sponsors would like her to be. But she did not want to be known as a kiss up so she just did not be a kiss up. She was not a kiss up to the president of the Hunger Games. So snow did not like that she would not do what ever he wants. So after the rebellion was failed even stealing just a little bread they would be tortured which is not right. Gale and Peeta where held captive in the Capitol so she is when wondering if she should use her celebrity status to wage war on the Capitol. So the only war starts without her even giving a battle because they are showing him in on the tv. Unfortunately, Katniss is a poor actress and is unable to inspirationally proclaim rebel slogans in staged environments. However, when she is taken to a hospital to visit real victims of the war, Katniss shines like a true star. Merciless the Capitol sends a second round of bombers to kill not only the wounded but also the survivors who are caring for them in the hospital. So she has to fight to get her friends back. So that is what she does she fights the Capitol.

  41. #9 Dillon Stubbs


    Marie Lu

    Pg # 50


    To June I was just wondering what's it like to be living in one of the better districts? It's a lot of fun but I don't like it that much because we always have Radom people come and check through are house. Why do you think you are such a such a law breaker? Cause I don't like how the people that we don't even know can just come in and mess up my family life. Who do you think killed your brother? I think it was Day he is one of the highest criminal on the list but they can never find him. Are you going to go and try to find him? I don't know but I think I am going to try to find him and when I do.

  42. Connor Platt #12
    Marie Lu
    Pg: 150
    Log #2

    Hi, Day and June, this is Connor Platt. I understand your situation and I think I may have a few ideas that may benefit you in a way. I understand from what I have heard that Day’s brother, Eden, is very ill. I also understand that this is your reason for all of your criminal action in the republic. It absurd how expensive the medicine for the plague is. 2,500 notes is definitely not the worth of a simple medication. You having June to help through all of this probably benefit you because of the fact you she is the only student to ever score a perfect 1,500 on her test score. I have heard that you are nearing the value needed to buy that vaccine for your brother. Keep earning more money to achieve that goal of saving your brothers life. Once you have got the money needed for the vaccine, I would buy it, and give it to Eden very discretely, Considering that your are the most wanted human being in the republic. I hope you are able to save your sicken brother. Now, I would like to switch the subject onto June. First of all, you are an amazing person for helping Day cure his brother’s sickness. Secondly, after Day finds the cure, I think that it would be best to try to get back to Drake College and start your life again on the right foot. Thank you, and I hope that my advice benefits you in the future!


  43. #14 Zachary Ramsey
    Jeff Smith
    Pg231{end of book}
    Log #3 I know You don’t know me but I know what you have been through. I am sorry Thorn for what happened many Years ago when your mom left you alone with those evil creatures. Grandma Ben is not too bad she saved your life from the evil. Later on you are going to have to trust you friends. You will be battling those creatures till you die. The good thing is that Stitch mask good friends with the creatures. There will still be evil ones who don’t want to be friends. Also you will die in battle because you don’t trust Grandma to save you in your battle with the red eyes. Even though Grandma Ben said she will protect you… Never mind, enough about death right now to save your life from the evil you will have to take the knife Grandma Ben gives you and don’t take is for granted. Slay as many as possible. I can see that it would be hard to trust anyone because your mom left you with those things. You never knew her or even seen her face. Also when you see this huge lions on the ground sleeping sneak around it and watch your sword because you cut of one of his whiskers and the lion wakes up and chases you. Just put your sword away tip toe and be quite. Don’t go through the dragon cave because Bone is not scared of anything but dragons so Bone leaves and you go and fight them with Stitch. Just trust your friends and be more careful with evil and your surroundings. I love and hate many things about this book. I love how they made this book different than the last and still held the characters story. I hate how there are only battles in each book.

  44. Log #5
    Karina DiPonio

    Tales of a Not so Glam TV Star
    Rachel Renee Russell
    Page number 150

    The problem in this book is that Niki and two friends, Chloe and Zoey, caused some mischief and ended up being put in jail. It all started when Niki got a call from Trevor Chase, a TV producer he had called to let Niki now if her band wanted to record her song, Dorks Rule. She said yes, and he told her to meet him at the Bad Boyz concert so he could talk more about the record deal. Niki asked if she could bring some friends, and he said yes. Niki, Chloe and Zoey got there early, so they went to the ticket booth to get their VIP tickets. After getting their tickets, they were about to go to their seats. Suddenly, Niki saw Mackenzie. Makenzie said, “Hi, what are you guys doing here?” Niki said, “What does it look like? We are here for the concert.” Makenzie said, “Anyway, I am here for the concert because I have front row tickets. I have front row tickets, and you probably have nose-bleed seats.” Niki said, “We actually have VIP passes.” Niki, Chloe and Zoe walked away but Makenzie spilled water all over Chloe. When Niki and Zoe cleaned up the mess, Makenzie stole their tickets! Since their tickets were gone, the girls had to sneak past the security guard and hop on a clothes rack to get in. Except that they got caught by a famous fashion designer who had mistaken them for models so he dressed them up. They looked like people from the 80’s! Once the girls were all ready, the fashion designer suspected something was wrong with his models, and he called the security guard. The girls squealed and told the guard about how Makenzie stole their tickets for her friends Jennifer and Jessica. The guard arrested Makenzie, Jennifer and Jessica. The scam was up – the bad girls got caught but Niki, Chloe and Zoe also got busted for impersonating as models. What a disaster!

  45. #4 Grace Diponio
    Hidden talents
    page 130
    One of the majior themes in this story is denial. Denial is a major theme because in the beginning of the story martin and his friends denied that they had hidden talents. When they were doing a test they started seeing signs that there was something wrong with the test results. He got all the questions wrong, which had never happened before. They tried to re-take the test because they didn’t think they would get the whole thing wrong. After they started noticing more signs that hadn’t been happing. Martin and his friends had always been called losers and geeks and soon they started to believe that they were losers and geeks. It was hard to believe that they had “hidden talents” because this is the first time something cool has been happing to them. Martin’s friends finally had hope that something cool would actually would be happing to them. But martin on the other hand was sure that this was all just nonsense because this had never happened. He thought of this as just a big joke. Denial comes into the story as a theme because of Martins actions. Also in the beginning of the story he was sure that this was all just one big mistake. But one day Martin changed his mind about this whole thing. He realized that they did have some sort of hidden talents.

  46. #3 Thomas Coyne
    Marie Lu
    Blog 3

    It was a dark stormy night with the young Day was just walking down the stret you know before he was like a most wanted criminal. He hear’s a crash that almost shadered his eardrum. He walked down the alley where he hear it came from. There standing was a man and two guys behind him.They were wearing black camo had a ton of military spy gear strapped to them with M16’s and two 50’ cal pistols in holsters he was scared. He noticed something about them, they had this tattoo that was something like a phoenix on there neck. Day had swarn he say it before but he couldn’t figure out where. He tried to run but they caught him and carried him off. This was a pretty dramatizing experience for a 8 year old boy. But all he knew was his eyelids shut and he woke up tide to a pole in a room entirely made out of cement . The guys said that they were from the colonies and told day that they were looking for a kid his age so they could train him and be the best spy ever . He with no concent excepted. 6 years went by and and he was practicly better than the guards that trained him. He was listening two the news and they said they just got word that the three guards they fired had taken a kid and training him to kill the presidant we will quickly find them and kill them all. Day got up and because he had nationalism he ran over and slit the three guys throughts. He ran outside and a lady and he kids were standing in the way and they said hay your the kid on the news and in a split second section he took a pistol and shot the mom in the head the kids looked at him crying . The kids couldn’t have been more than 4 or 5. The look at his hand that was holding a gun with blood squirted on it and he ran and kept on running.

  47. #14 Andrea Sanchez
    After We Collided
    Anna Todd
    Blog #5 quarter #3
    After Tessa’s long, hard, weird, and confusing four years at college she had finally had graduated her and Hardin are still together, she still has her job at Vance, she’s best friends with Steph still, and she still has an apartment with Hardin. She has gotten married with Hardin and of course Steph was her maid of honor and Landon was Hardin’s best man. After a long 20 years Tessa has finally met her father at a coffee shop and they have a great relationship together and same with her mother. She now has a beautiful four year old daughter with Hardin. She moved to Seattle right after she graduated from collage. She got promoted at her job Vance and after Mr. Vance retired she became the boss of the company and she has never been happy. Her and her family still goes visits their collage friends and family. Tessa has finally accomplished her life goal and her mother has never been happier she still is friends with Noah. On her days of work she would go to her other job which is being a teacher at her collage and helping the students accomplish their life goals and accomplish their dream. After fifty-teen years of working two jobs she has finally retired and she grew old with Hardin and watched and helped her daughter Alexxandra grow up and accomplish her own dream in life. She couldn’t be anymore happier.


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