3rd Quarter Blog #2

We are in the home stretch. After this blog you only have two more to go. I love reading about the books you have read and the interesting ways that you present the information. Keep up the good work and be sure to check for spelling and grammar errors. We don't like those pesky little mistakes. Bring your books and reading logs to class for booktalks so that we can put your stickers up on the chart.


  1. #8 Gregory Luciano
    Harry Potter
    J.K Rowling
    Pg 436
    Blog 2 3rd Quarter
    Prompt: #6
    Me: Hello Mr. Potter, I hope you don’t mind a few questions.
    Potter: No, Go ahead. Ask me anything.
    Me: Great, let’s get started. Tell me, how does it feel to have lost your parents?
    Potter: It’s definitely sad but I do think it’s made me who I am today.
    Me: Sorry about your loss. How is it living with your aunt and uncle?
    Potter: Its awful, they are the worst. They treat me horribly just because I am a wizard, and Dudley, he’s just a fat jerk. . .
    Me: Oh Yes! You’re a wizard. What was the feeling you felt when Hagrid broke down your door and told you that you are a wizard?
    Potter: Best feeling I had felt in a long time. Also when I found out I was going to Hogwarts I burst with greatness, I would get to be away from the Dursleys for a long period of time.
    Me: On your way to Hogwarts you met two special people, tell me about them.
    Potter: Yes, Hermione and Ron. They are both caring and very friendly.
    Me: Now, Mr. Potter, You have encountered Voldemort many times, Are you every afraid?
    Potter: No, I can’t become afraid at any moment, I just have to know I am better than him.
    Me: Well Thank You for your time Harry Potter. Please come visit me when you have time, I would love to have another chat with you.
    Potter: No problem, I had nothing better to do than do some magic. I’ll come and visit you whenever, It’s just another reason to get away from the Dursleys haha. Maybe we could talk over some lunch or something, But your paying.

  2. #13 Jayden Ramirez
    Ally Condie
    Pg 96
    Log #5

    I am stuck in this place
    My heart is beginning to race
    This cell is hard to bear
    And truly isn’t fair
    I am sad and lonely
    Wishing Ky was here to hold me

    I am going to find him
    Where ever he may be
    Even if it takes me thousand years
    Or even infinity

  3. #2Jacquelyn Co
    Looking For Alaska
    John Green
    Log #4
    The biggest themes in this book are love and forgiveness. The main character of this book is named Miles Halter (Pudge) and he moves to a new boarding school in Alabama. He meets his four best friends Chip (Colonel), Takumi, Lara, and the amazing Alaska Young. Throughout the novel it shows how all of these friends make an impact on each other, and especially Miles and Alaska. The theme love is shown throughout the novel because Miles really loved and cared for Alaska. By being together they made each other better people. Miles and Alaska were not dating but they were really good friends. Alaska was a person who always doubted herself and did not love herself. Alaska always doubted herself because when she was about 7 or 8 years old her mother had a heart attack and fell on the floor. As a kid she did not know what to do and did not call the police, and thus ended with her mom dying. Later at the boarding school they had many fun adventures together like pranking the teachers and other students, and one time they put blue dye in one of their enemy's hair. This book shows forgiveness because later in the book Alaska dies. She died because she was drinking and got into a car accident. This was partly Miles and the Colonel's fault because they distracted the teachers so that Alaska could sneak out and visit her mother's grave because it was her mother's anniversary. Soon in the end Miles forgives himself because he knows that Alaska would have. This novel shows forgiveness because Miles learns that people need to forgive others and especially themselves because then you can truly learn to love yourself and be proud of who you are and to not doubt everything you do. You have to forgive yourself and not keep all your anger and hurt inside. We need to forgive and forget.

  4. Edward Lueras #10
    The Fellowship of the ring J.R.R. Tolkien
    pg. 398 blog quarter 3 #2
    prompt #1

    Since I have started my journey with my friends Sam, pippin, and merry I have had multiple points where I would love to turn back and live my life in the shire. People like Gandalf and Aragorn help me get through it but now since me and Sam are traveling alone to destroy the ring they are not with us anymore to help. I miss Gandalf since he fell in the mines of Moria. He was the person who did not want to go there but we were forced to because all other paths were blocked. Me and Sam also think a lot about Merry and Pippin since we believe they were separated from the group like us. Our fellowship was doing great until Boromir changed. His home, Gondor, is suffering from a war right now. Our fellowships main goal was to get rid of the ring forever but he was more concerned on what we could use the ring for. He tried to take the ring from me, Frodo the ring bearer, when we were seperated from the group. I was forced to use the rings power to escape him and I left on a boat but knowing Sam I knew he wouldn't let me go on my own like that. He jumped in the boat with me and then we left to go to mount doom t destroy the ring and we knew it wouldn't probably be our deaths. Since we have been traveling I can feel a creature has been following us. I have a guess on who it could be: Gollum. The ring calls him and I am afraid of him. He could strangle me and Sam in our sleep and take the ring for his evil purposes or bring it to the eye and then Mordor would have unbelievable power. As long as me and Sam destroy the ring we will accomplish our goal.

  5. Joshua Ramirez #8
    Marie Lu
    Log #1
    Page #155

    Dear Reader,
    My name is Day like as in the days of the week, and I am fifteen. Just to let you know I do not like to refer to my entries as a dairy rather than a journal keeping may mind of off my acing wounds and my plagued family. What you probably did not know is that I am the most wanted guy in the entire Republic. Not because I am a mass murderer or an assassin, heck there are probably worst outlaws than me. The reason I am number one on the list is because I am untouchable; all they really know about me is that am young and dangerous. I like to think of my self as a vigilantly rather than an outlaw. After all I help the needy in my old town, lake town, or as the republic likes to say the Lake Sector. I am not the smartest apple in the bunch, but that doesn’t mean I’m an idiot. I don’t play by any rules, but I think its better that way because on the streets there is only one rule and that is to survive. I hit up my friend Tess to go and steel from the hospital with me but then I told her not to come.
    It is better for her not to get hurt, plus getting the pelage cure is my fight not hers. So I made it to the hospital, which looked more like fortress, I enter it. I went through the ventilation shaft and turned on the nearest core door and jumped into the room. I grabbed the nearest doctor and put my knife to his neck and grabbed some suppression vials and left. I jumped of the roof, which was a two and a half story high building. I was very injured and left to seek refuge when I passed out on a street corner. For now that was the last the Republic seen me.

  6. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
    Page 169
    Log #9

    I love the way the author tells the story through multiple perspectives of the characters. He tells the story though Frodo, of course, Merry, Frodo’s friend, and Gandalf. He tells the story though Merry because he is a part of the battle/siege on Gondor. Gondor is where many of the dwarves and hobbits live. Merry, along with Gimli, son of Glóin, Aragorn, and Legolas. The author tells the story through Frodo because he is the main character, and he is with Sam, his servant, and Gollum, on their quest to destroy the One Ring at Mordor, where Sauron dwells. The author doesn’t usually tell more of the story through Gandalf as much because he is with Merry. Merry is who the author usually tells the story through. He doesn't tell the story through Frodo because he usually is in the next part of the book. The book is split into two parts. The first part usually contains the battles, while the second part of the book follows Frodo on his quest to destroy the One Ring. The first part of the book is usually the more exciting part, while the second part is usually not as interesting. It’s still interesting, but not as much as the the battle sequences. This is why the Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit, are very interesting. The author, J.R.R.Tolkien, mad many smart decisions while writing The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. This is what I liked about the author’s decisions on the book.

  7. #1 Matthew Burnette
    Ten rings
    Yogi Berra
    Pg. 101
    Blog 2 3rd Quarter
    Prompt: #4
    So what this book is about in the beginning is what Yogi Berra did as a kid and talks about his family. Yoggi’s dad did not want any of his sons to play baseball but his older brothers who didn’t get to play convinced his dad to let him play. Then it tells how he makes it up to the minors then to the majors. Interesting fact yogi Berra was not the best catcher when he first started. My book talks all about how Yogi Berra won all his 10 champion ship rings. So far he has only won 3 rings. People say that Yogi Berra wasn’t one of the greatest players of all time but he was pretty good. Some of the people he played with in the bigs were one of the best of all time. These people were Mickey mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Whitey Ford. Which were better than him. With these 4 players this is how they won almost all of their world series but third conflict right now is they won the 1952 world series but joe DiMaggio is retiring which means they won’t be as good as they used to be. This book really inspirers me to keep on playing baseball and do the best I can no matter what anyone will say to me. I think they will keep on winning their world series and still be a good team.

  8. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    The Fourteenth Goldfish
    page 190
    prompt #8
    Like the main character, Ellie, I do not like change. She fears that her grandfather will find a cure for eternal youth. She misses her best friend, fifth grade, and her departed goldfish, but doesn't want to live forever. She loves science but fears it may go too far. She thinks of things like: if grandpa does these twelve year olds will be having kids or the earth will over populate. Her grandfather is now a teenager and is bossy and cranky. Just like a normal teen. He is constantly trying to get back in his lab after the guards get suspicious, and kick him out. They do not think it is Melvin. He needs help from Ellie. They constantly try and eventually get in. They steal the cure and run off. The cure is difficult to retrieve because it is a type of jellyfish. When they do finally get it, it is retrieved by Raj. A teen who loves all thing black. Or Goth. Raj finds an interest in Melvin and decides to help. The first attempt is tried with Ellie. She tries to get in but the guards find her suspicious. To her grandfather, this is good. He tells her science takes time. You will never get in the first time. They try again and again and finally Raj gets in and steals the very special jellyfish. Once they get home, grandpa decides to go to the bathroom. He comes back and the jelly fish is gone. Ellie asks and Grandpa Melvin says “I flushed it.” They are all in shock. He tells Ellie if we live forever there will be nothing new to do.

  9. #13 Preston ParkerMarch 23, 2015 at 5:46 PM

    #13 Preston Parker
    Blog Option #8
    Page #455
    Word Count-315
    The main problem or conflict in the book is that Jenine Mathews leader of the Erudite had lead an up rising with a simulation serum but was not successful since Tris and Tobias or Four had stopped her. The only thing that is in between Jenine and her uprising is the rebel dauntless and the factionless. This has a big impact on the community but Tris has suffered the death of her mother and father so she is determined to stop Jenine and save everyone that’s not a traitor to the true heros. With Jennie there is no stopping her she has done many things but one of those things would be trying to kill Tris, but with this attempt she was not successful thanks to Tobias and Peter. Tobias and Tris being lovers could not bear to see her die and when he thinks she’s dsdsi Peter the traitor fakes her death and they make a daring escape back to the rebel base. When this happens she soon relized there is no way that they could attack Erudite head quarters when Jennie could have most of the factionless and the Dauntless turn against them during the fight and then have Jenine kill them all. So then she meets up with the number one problem other then Jenine and that is Tobias’ father Marcus who abused Tobias and locked him in closets. Tris makes a plan to have Amity help with there fight. Amity at first doesn’t aawe but then makes a plan to seek half of the people who wanted to help into Erudite headquarters. But the TRAITOR Dauntless get suspicious but still let them through. And that is the main problem or conflict. I wish I could say more but I haven’t read farther than that.

  10. #6 Janessa Fuentes
    Blog #2 Quarter 3
    March 23, 2015
    A trip to heaven and back.

    Dear Mary,
    I know it may be difficult to see your parents getting a divorce, but all of your family will be with you on this long and hard journey. Do not feel like you are alone in this. There are many families in the U.S alone that have experienced or are experiencing this huge and painful journey. Being discouraged is not the answer, if you stay positive; and stay constant in prayer and worship God will guide you through your troubles. It may seem rude and cruel of your parents to be doing this and putting you through this hard, tormenting, journey. Your faith will only grow through this process if you choose to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I know you are depressed and this may seem like the end of the world to you, but many children’s parents either leave them at a young age or they die tragically. God will always and forever love you. He turns all bad things to good, and he has a plan for us all. With God all things are possible. God will provide for you, all you need is faith. “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring enough worries of its own.”(Matthew 6:3 ) It may seem difficult to love or trust anyone ever again but God loves all of his children no matter how short or tall they are, or how they appear on the outside. God looks at the content inside your heart
    Sincerely, Janessa Fuentes

  11. #12 Emily Platt
    Out of My Mind
    Pg. 288
    Sharon draper

    True or False.

    1. Melody has a sister: True
    2. Melody has a dog; true
    3. Melody can speak; False
    4. This is a true story: false
    5. Melody has friends: True

    Multiple Choice Questions:

    1. How old is Melody?
    A: 15
    B: 11
    C: 9
    D: 8

    2. What is Melody’s sisters name is?

    A: Penny
    B: Emily
    C: Ashley
    D: Sunny

    3. What is Melody’s dogs name?

    A: Butterscotch
    B: Lovey
    C: Misty

    4. What movie does Melody like?
    A: Oz
    B: I don’t know
    C: Cinderella

    Short Answer:
    1.Why did Melody need a dog?
    2. Who told Melody she was having a sister?
    3. How did Melody try and save Penny?
    4. What injuries did Penny have?
    5. Why type of wheelchair does Melody have?
    6. Was Melody happy about meeting Rose?
    7. How was Melody able to speak?
    8. What does Melody call her talking device?
    9. What happened when Melody tried out for Whiz Kids?
    10. What happened to Melody’s fish?

    Short story/essay:
    There once was a girl named Melody who couldn’t talk or walk. She was confined to a wheelchair. She has two lovey parents who helped her since she was born. She had a pet fish who one day leaped out of his bowl for freedom. Melody wanted that freedom. She really wanted a wheelchair that was motorized and a medi-talker to let her talk with people. Her life changed for ever she got a sister, Penny. Then the family got a dog, named Butterscotch. Her life changed in a snap for the better. She tried out for Whiz Kid’s Competition, made it, and won. In the end she made friends, was able to communicate, and get around.

  12. Angelica Castaneda #1
    March 23, 2015
    Page 221 (finished)
    Looking For Alaska
    By, John Green

    Angelica: Welcome Miles, it’s nice to meet you.
    Miles: Thanks, I am glad to be here.
    Angelica: So I have heard you are going to boarding school.
    Miles: Yes I am, it’s been a rough couple of weeks.
    Angelica: May I ask why?
    Miles: Well, 136 days ago I met this wonderful girl named Alaska. She was a beautiful, outgoing, amazing, clever, funny girl. She got me to do things out of my comfort zone. We were starting to build a great relationship, when she did a few days ago.
    Angelica: oh I am sorry, how did this happen.
    Miles: We and a couple of friends were playing truth or dare and we were all drunk, she dared me to kiss her and we did. Then after she left, the next day we heard that she had died in a car accident.
    Angelica: I am sorry, did you love her?
    Miles: Yes, I did. She took me into the “Great Perhaps”.
    Angelica: What is that?
    Miles: All my life I have been good at knowing famous peoples last words. I just hoped I would have known what Alaska’s last words were.
    Angelica: Well thanks for being here, it was nice meeting you.
    Miles: Thanks for having me here; it was nice meeting you to.
    Angelica: I hope to interview you again another time!

  13. #11 Matthew Montoya
    The Honest Truth
    Dan Gemeinhart
    Blog #7
    Pages 1-152

    My opinions on this book are that they were very detailed and well written out. Whenever I read a description the author did a good job because I was able to picture it in my head. In this book a boy named Mark runs away from his home and family and friends. He is also sick, not the kind of sick we think like a cold, and he has a sickness that needs hospital. He ran away because he felt as if he wasn’t to be with the other kids or people. He was different from everyone else. His only friends are Jessie and his dog Beau. When he runs away, all he takes is his backpack full of things needed to be away from home, his pills that he needs to take for his survival in life, and his dog Beau. He also loves taking pictures as well as writing Haikus. He had one reason for running away and that was to climb a mountain. He didn’t want anyone with him only himself. “The mountain was calling me. I had to run away. I had to. And I didn’t need anyone to go with me.” This boy was very brave on leaving everything behind him and going and doing something that could have gotten him killed. “When I walked around the corner I saw the train waiting. It was sleek and silver and rumbling like a bottled earthquake.” Overall, I really enjoy this book so far and I will continue reading it until I am finished. I recommend this to all who want a good book to read. This book is filled with adventure as well as showing you a lesson to learn in life.

  14. #18 Kayla Sin
    All Fall Down
    Ally Carter
    Pg. 310
    Grace’s mother died in accident, or did she? When Grace was thirteen years old, a fire burned her house. She remembers seeing a scarred man there when her mother was shot. Grace now blames the mysterious scarred man with her mother’s murder. Everyone believes it was the fire that killed her mom but Grace knows what happened that day. When sixteen year old Grace arrives at the Embassy Row again, she thinks she may have spotted her mother’s murderer. Grace is tells her grandfather, a powerful ambassador, but he does not believe her and thinks she is crazy. Grace and the friends she never knew she had help her track the scarred man down. Grace later finds out that the scarred man she has accused was one of the head security people of a different embassy. They caught a bump in the road when her friends find out that she has accused four people of being her mother’s murderer. Trust was on the line until they get over it and move on with their plan. They eventually catch Dominic, the scarred man, but when Grace would make him pay, he tells her something that would change her scheme of revenge. It turns out that Grace was her mother’s murderer. Dominic was sent to the fire to kill her mother but he loved her and wanted to fake her death. When her mother was on the floor, she immediately assumed she was dead when Dominic had taken a picture of her. Grace took the gun from the gun and held it at the scarred man. Her mother told Grace to run while she ran to Dominic. Grace not only shot once, but twice closing her eyes. When she opened them up again, her mother was dead on the floor of a burning house. In the end, Grace did not receive the revenge she hoped for but an answer she never wanted.

  15. Olivia Tidwell #16
    Grace Stirs it up
    Mary Casanova
    3rd Quarter Log#2
    Option #3
    In this book so far Grace has her new little pup, Bonbon. She spent part of her summer going on an awesome vacation learning new French words, and trying some new bready, sweet treats at the cafes in Paris. Not only has grace gone to Paris over summer and brought back a new little buddy Bonbon, but she is also going to start a new baking business with her best friends, Ella and Maddy. Since Grace knows quite a bit about Paris now, instead of doing a regular baking business she’s going to add a French twist to the delicious treats for this new baking business. It’s crazy how one summer going to Paris can lead you to a bright future in a simple baking business. Several years later as they grew up Ella, Maddy, and Grace have gotten into the culinary program in high school. Ella and Maddy didn’t get as far as Grace did, but they did end up as great food servers in other good restaurants. Just from starting a baking business with Grace and her friends, getting into the culinary program can lead to a bright future. They eventually became one of the world’s most famous French bakeries. She had an enormous amount of orders in her whole career of French baking. Grace became very wealthy with all of the money she has made in her French baking career. Not only are her original, fabulous recipes becoming famous, but people all over the world are now coming to visit her and try her unique and delicious recipes. Grace becoming famous can influence others to be famous not only in baking but in other ways that can make you unique. As you can see, just adding a French twist to a bakery business that you started at age nine can lead to an even brighter future as you grow older.

  16. #8 Matthew Johnson
    Ninth Grade Bleeds
    Heather Brewer
    Finished Book
    Blog #6 – Log #5

    There once was a kind vampire
    He was especially sired

    Tragically his mom died
    He was petrified

    He went to school like any good child
    Yet he could not bring himself to smile

    Life got hard for Vladimir
    There was no one he could trust

    Death, murder, and betrayal surrounded him
    Let this be a lesson that life is grim

  17. #17 Zachary Tittle
    39 clues
    Linda Sue Park
    Pg 83
    Prompt #2

    Hello, Dan Cahill, this is anonymous. This is an automated message so you have 3 minutes to read this. The message is the following: Hello, this is Sinead, yes the vesper mole you all have been looking for. I have decided to send you this message because I have just been notified that you know the serum of the 39 clues. Now knowing this you have stalled my endgame. I was going to eventually kill you but now I cannot with the information you know. Now I will just take you captive and torture the serum ingredients out of you. This message is coming to end as I am guessing you have started to record this so now I must end this message. I hope you have had enough time to read this fast pace message because I know I only gave you three minutes to read this but this is now over. Goodbye Dan Cahill and I hope you can see me as vesper 1 soon but I think you won’t be able to if you know what I mean. “Dan?” says Amy.
    “Yes, what do you need?”
    “I was just seeing if you were talking to anyone because I thought I heard voices coming from the room,” Says Amy.
    “No, I was just talking to myself thinking about what Vesper 1 will make us do next to save the hostages,” Says Dan.
    “Ok, I’ll let you get back to thinking about whatever you like to think about Dan,” says Amy.

  18. #15 Alexis Raya
    Kathy Reichs
    Page 39
    Prompt #3
    Before Tori began living with her dad she lived with her mom. She lived Long Island. Tori did not have many friends while living with her mom. Tori spent most of her time by herself. During this time, Tori would read and admire the works of renowned scientist. While reading about these scientist’s discoveries, Tori developed a love for the sea. She began collecting and examining mollusks from the sea shore. Tori became very well in this science and in almost every science. She was an amazing student and one of the top students in her class. Tori always had extra time on her hands. When she was not studying, she went to work with her mom who was a scientist. Tori loved her mom and her mom loved her also. One day while Tori’s mom was driving back from the grocery store, she was hit by a car. She was t-boned by a drunk driver. She was rushed into the hospital only to fall into a coma. After a few days, Tori’s mother died. There was no one to take care of Tori except for her father. Tori did not know who her father was. Tori’s father did not even know that he had a daughter. Tori’s dad lived on a small island off of New York with a very small population. There she became friends with the only children on the island. Tori was able to further develop her skills in science. She also spent a lot of time in her fathers work.

  19. #6 Vincent Macabuhay
    The missing: found book one
    Prompt 5

    Missing in darkness
    Vanished without no place
    With only the memories and pictures
    To fill an empty place
    With your life and my life
    We will struggle to a new life
    Where God will provide
    And make a happy smile
    For me and you
    For a while
    Our lives are
    Reborn but our soul will be left.

  20. #10 Sarah Youssouf
    Lydia Kang
    Log#2 I love the way the author wrote this book in the future tense. She changed the whole environment of our world. It helped set interesting tone for the book. Instead of people driving cars, they drove things called magpods. Magpods was a source of transportation that flew in the air. It was like a flying car. Its stirring wheel was shaped like a T. Driving was not needed for the magpod so people could just type in their destination and the magpod could drive itself. People in the book didn’t use phones. Phones where replaced by things called holos. Holos where ear pieces that projected a screen in front of you that allowed you to do a variety of things. The holo allowed you to make video diaries, watch shows, surf the internet, read books, and talk to others. Another future invention was a styling pen. It allowed a person to curl, flat iron, and style their hair. It was small and easy to carry. The author also changed the whole format of the United States. The states we know today where replaced with places called: Alms, Ilmo, Neia, and Okks. I loved how the book showed advanced technology that might be created in the future.

  21. #7 Aide Martinez
    March 25, 2015
    In the Heart of the Sea
    Nathaniel Philbrick
    Page 72%
    Log #7
    In the Heart of the Sea is a book about a whale boat called the Essex. The Essex is like any other boat going to get whale oil, but something happens to this one particular boat. A whale decides to turn against them and wreck the sailors boat leaving them out in the ocean alone with only little supplies to survive off of. This book is the adult version of Revenge of the Whale. I like how the author goes into much more detail. In Chapter 1, he explains people, story's, and the voyage in so much detail. . My favorite part so far is when the author describes where, the sufferings, and the conflicts of the Essex survivors. For example, "[H]is lips had disappeared as if amputated, leaving low edges of blackened tissue; his teeth and gums projected like those of a skinned animal, but the flesh was black and dry as a hank of jerky;..." Here, Nathaniel takes someone's words and uses it to tie the story in so that as we the readers have a picture in our heads of what the event looks like. In the Heart of the Sea is a book that I would recommend to someone who looks for graphic detail and a perfect picture of the story.

  22. #5 Karina DiPonio
    Tales of a Not-So-Glam TV Star
    By Rachel Renee Russell, page 400
    Blog #6

    My opinion on the book I am reading, Tales of a Not-So-Glam TV Star, is that it is a terrific book. I really love this book because one of the characters, Niki, is so out-going and funny. She goes through all kinds of obstacles, and manages to overcome them and find the positive side to everything. For example, when a mean girl named Makenzie tries to put her down, Niki never lets it happen. Instead, Niki messed with Makenzie back. An example is when Makenzie tries to steal Niki’s date. Niki didn’t like it so she thought of an idea to mess with Makenzie and sent her to look for a gift in the trash. Niki then got to spend time with her crush, Brandon, without Makenzie hovering. Another obstacle that Niki faced was getting her own recording contract deal, but it wasn’t all she expected. First, her parents and sister were a nuisance and tried to get involved with the camera crew. They would frequently make comments about embarrassing things that Niki had done as a child. But Niki didn’t let that get in the way. She and her band friends had fun working on songs. But another hard part for her was finding time just to hang out with her other friends. She especially missed spending time with Brandon, who she started to date. She feels bad because he feels left out of everything that she does.
    I think this is a good book because there is comedy and romance in this book. Also there are examples of friendship and caring. A person who loves The Dork Diaries series as much as I do would love this book.

  23. #9 Margaret Kwok
    Tomorrow Girls With The Enemy
    Pages 1-150
    Eva Gray
    I love the way the author in this book, gives exact details of how each teenager is feeling at the given moment. In this book, there are several teens, both male and female, trying to survive during a war, while the enemy is on their tail. In each book, the story is being told from a different person. In this specific book, it is being told from the narration of Evelyn. Evelyn is the “smart” one, so in this book she comes across as very talkative. In each sentence, she provides extreme detail with every single word. Evelyn is a teenager, but not your typical type. She still struggles with the basic, boy girl thing…”Oh my gosh, does he like me? I don’t know for sure…oh wait, he’s looking at me!” Yes, she is somewhat into boys, however she does not go boy crazy like some of her fellow companions. The author does an amazing job of creating a picture in your mind on what the environment is like. She gives both excellent detail on the setting, and also the personalities of the young survivors. The group as a whole in this book, is very unique. Some of them are Caucasian, others Asian, Mexican, etc. They all have amazing characteristics, and the author, Eva Gray, does a fantastic job of explaining each and every one of them. This is definitely an amazing, details, enjoyable book. I enjoy it very much, and hope to finish it soon.

  24. #7 Isabella Holiday
    Selection (the one)
    Kiera Cass
    Love. A feeling of constant affection for a person or person you love in a romantic way. Love. It makes people feel happy. “I love you,” I said quietly. He held me a little tighter. “I love you.” I lay there, letting the happiness of the moment sink into me." Based off this book when your in love you constantly want and are wishing to see that special person. "I wish you were here. I wish I could just see you." Love might not always be easy and like a fairytale just like the movies. "But even now I know this isn’t a fairy tale. I know that we’ll have hard times, confusing times. I know that things won’t always happen the way we want them to and that we’ll have to work to remember that we chose this. It won’t be perfect, not all the time." In this book it shows that love will not be like Snow-white where she gets kissed and she rides off into the sunset with prince charming and live happily ever after. In this book it is mostly reality America and Maxon who are the newly announced king and queen and husband and wife know that it will be hard. Yes, America is lower class and Maxon is the prince when they fall in love but the rest it is pretty close to love now. Love is scary. Love is confusing. Love is hard. Love does make you feel happy. In the end love is worth it though

  25. #5 Gavin Lizik
    American Sniper
    Chris Kyle
    Pg. 167
    Prompt #4
    God, Country, Family. Kyle orders priorities in the way he believes they go in order. He says that Family may out rank Country but it is a tight race. Kyle grew up in north-central Texas where he was taught the importance and values of family such as: patriotism, self reliance, and watching out for your neighbors and Family. It’s important to protect the ones you love because life is short. Kyle grew up around guns, and shot guns all the time. He even loved hunting with his family. His favorite thing to do was hunt. Kyle’s Dad was a deacon, and his mom taught Sunday school. So his family had a deep faith in God. Their family would go to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and every Wednesday night. Even though they believed in God and went to church they didn’t call themselves overly religious, just people who believed in God and went to church. Kyle’s original plan in life was to sign up for the military and become a soldier. He followed that plan by quitting college and taking a trip to the recruiting center for military. When he got to the building he went to the Marine door but they were out on lunch. So as he walked out the Army guy called him over and asked him what he was interested in and he said Special Forces. They asked him about being a ranger and he said he would think about it. As he was walking out the Navy guy called him over and asked him about being a SEAL-Sea,Air, and Land-and he signed up for it. That was the start of his long military career.


  26. #6 Eli Holiday
    Treasure Island
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    Hello and thank you for joining me today: Me
    Your welcome I had nothing else anyway: JLS
    I am going to ask you some questions is that ok: Me
    Yes that’s fine: JLS
    What was it like being on the island: Me
    It was cool, I mean it really was stressful for a while but it got better: JLS
    Why was it so stressful and how did it get better: Me
    It was stressful because I didn’t have food or water, then one day treasure: JLS
    How did you find the treasure, was it in a cave, volcano, what: Me
    It is somewhere, and I will not tell you: JLS
    Why won’t you tell the world: Me
    I just can’t ask me another question: JLS
    Ok, what was your favorite thing about the island: Me
    My favorite thing, hmm I think it was all the excitement I had when I found the treasure in that one place: JLS
    Ok, what was the best food you ate on the island: Me
    The best food was a fish I caught on a river I found on the north shore: JLS
    I have a personnel question, was there anyone you missed when you were on the island: Me
    No: JLS
    Ok then, do you have anyone else on the island when you were there: Me
    No, there were people trying to get there but I said it was forsaken: JLS
    Why do people call you JLS: Me
    They call me JLS because its short for Long John Silver, but they think JLS sounds better then LJS: JLS
    Well thank you for coming today: Me
    Your welcome: JLS

  27. #7 Sienna Inman
    Pilgrims Progress
    Page 120
    Blog #3

    What happens after Little Christian gets to the Celestial City is he finds his Mother and goes to live with God for the rest of his life and walks with him in heaven, the king himself. Christian is right now a little pilgrim, still young and finding out what God wants him to do. He goes on to be a grown man and traveling to many cities that are ran by the wicked prince. He goes to the cities and reads the book the King gave to him to spread his own word and create new little pilgrims to walk with him and maybe eventually make it too the Celestial City to be with him like all the other little pilgrims that made it there. Little Christian can get to help tem if they get stuck or about to enter a part of their journey that could make them turn away from God in a second and end their pilgrimage. He’ll be there to help them get through whatever struggle their about to through. Christian had many struggles he had to go through and now he gets to help other young pilgrims like himself. Now he lives at the Celestial City with the king and he just keeps seeing more and more little pilgrims come to the city and see them give their lives to God. He sees some younger pilgrims that don’t make it to the city because they turned or they died and were taken up by an angel. There are many things Christian sees happen to the young pilgrims like he used to be.

  28. Hannah Dumaine #3
    blog #2 log 8
    page 331
    A Dogs Journey
    W. Bruce Cameron
    There are many conflicts in this novel. But one is most visible. There is a dog, not a single dog, but one soul that regenerates it every time it dies. The dog has lived many lives and had many owners; there is one he or she will always remember. Her name was Clarity. The dog's past names were, Buddy, Molly, Max, and Toby. The little girl, that later grew up kept running into the dog. Molly was a big lab dog, while Max was a Chihuahua, and Toby was a beagle. C.J., or Clarity, later got married to Trent, C.J.'s best friend. They loved each other. The dog could never live as long as the he or she's girl, Clarity. But they always seemed to find each other. Molly, Max, and Toby couldn't have told her that they were all the same dog, but she or he was just a dog. A the dog could help a Clarity at times, but no matter what the dog tried, Clarity was going through problems. Max later died after the wedding or Clarity and Trent. They loved each other. Toby was then born and found a way to get back to C.J. But many years had passed since I had seen her. He belonged to no one but to everyone. Everyone loved Toby. Because Toby, was a therapy dog in a hospital. He found Clarity there. No matter what go in the dog's way, he or she always seemed to make his or her way to C.J. Toby loved Clarity and Toby took care or C.J. as her illness got worse. Toby was there for her, always.

  29. Daniel Chapin
    Book: Fighters heart
    Pg. 106
    I love the way that the author related his own life to how much sacrifice it takes to make it into fighting (may be the hardest sport to make in). I also loved the way the author describes the dark side of mma such as fear, violence, trash talk, and other things. I also like how he talked about the large growth of the sport in just the little amount of time that it has been around. I also love the way the author mentioned big named fighters so that hardcore fighting can understand how hard you have to train to get to the top of fighting. The thing that I do not like is that the book does not have a hook in the beggining of the book (it has a slow start). I like how Sam Sheridan started as a regular guy who knew nothing about fighting becomes a really talented, well rounded fighter. I also like how the author discusses the types of fighting in detail for the people who are not very aware of how the different types of martial arts work. I also like how the author put in very wise and reusable quotes. I also liked that the author was honest for example he was very truthful when he was beaten or beat up. I also like how the author described the sparing sessions for example, he describes the bloody noses, bruises, and how much he was hurt or how beat up he was by the end of the sparring sessions.

  30. #5 Alex Gottuso
    Legend Pg. 305
    Marie Lu
    Prompt #9

    I love the way the author of this book writes the story from two points of views. It is very interesting to see how one person feels about a situation compared to another, just like in many situations today. One person can have a completely different view on a situation than someone else and when you know how different people react to different situations, this gives you the opportunity to think for yourself as well. When you know about different reactions from different people to different situations you can fell very involved with the story. You may agree, or disagree, or you may have a completely different opinion. Another thing I love that the author does in this book is that even though the author may not describe the characters and their personality absolutely directly, you can distinctly tell by the way the author describes their thoughts and actions. Even the minor characters are sometimes described in this way from one or another characters point of view. The author of Legend really mixes the thoughts of a character and the actual situation it’s self very well. Everything in this book is described very well in many shapes and forms, such as the setting, etc. Overall, this book mixes important information with exciting events very well. It is very involving to “truly know” the characters in a book because can almost seem to know them as if they were your friend in your own life. Marie Lu does a spectacular job on just about everything in her book including character description, creative writing, etc.

  31. #10 Jake O’Brien
    Language arts
    Blog #4
    American sniper
    Chris Kyle
    I love the way that Chris Kyle described the way that the battles went and the how he describes the impact that it had on the lives of not only him but everyone else around him. Chris Kyle describes the war in a way that it’s not all sad and in a way that it makes you actually interested to find out what happens in the next part of the battle. I also love the way that Chris Kyle talks about how the war and being in the SEALs affected his way of life at home. I don’t exactly how it affected his life at home, but I do like that way that he describes it. Another part that I love in “American Sniper” is that he includes his wife in his book and even allows her to write her personal thoughts on the topic. Even another part that I love about Chris Kyle’s book is that he writes a lot about his priorities and how he lives his life according to them. God, country, family. To me this is a wonderful way to list your priorities. Chris Kyle’s wife often said that she didn’t agree with Chris’s priorities. I also that Chris talks about protecting his country being his life passion and that he had wanted to protect his country ever since he had been a child. I really love Chris Kyle’s book and I would personally recommend it to anyone who would be interested in reading a military book.

  32. #4 Grace Diponio
    The Heartbreaker Messenger
    Alexender vance
    Option #2
    Dear Quentin,
    Hi, my name is Grace Diponio and I heard that you took a job as a “heartbreaker messenger”, and I have a few questions about it. First what made you decide to take this job? Personally this doesn’t seem like any fun, I mean you help people break up with one another. Why would anyone want to be known as the “heartbreaker messenger”? Does this job effect any of your friendships? Secondly, how do you tell people that getting broken up with? Do you have like a certain method? Also what are your feelings towards dating? You get described as this guy whos not really into this whole dating thing, I mean I get it your in seventh grade. But have you ever just had a crush, not a girlfriend? If you had one I bet you wouldn’t think that love wasn’t so dumb. I know we all may be young and dumb when it comes to “love” because we are only kids. Do you really think this is the solution, breaking up people. Lastly how did you exactly get appointed as the heartbreaker messenger? It sounds like a pretty bad job, because I heard you had to tell your best friend that her boyfriend was breaking up with her. Personally I don’t think this whole job is worth losing friedships, but hey I guys got to do what they have to do. I just hope you truly think about this whole job, and decide if you really want to do it. Wishing you the best of luck!!! DON’T BE A HEARTBREAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Grace Diponio

  33. #15 Emilia Shahverdian
    March 24, 2015
    The Secret Garden
    Blog #2 Quarter 3

    Me: Good afternoon, Mary. Today I will be asking you a few questions.
    Mary: Okay, I will be much obliged to.
    Me: What do you think of Dickon?
    Mary: I have grown very fond of him. He is a friend to all nature, and is kind to me.
    Me: So, how would you describe the secret garden?
    Mary: It is the most marvelous thing anyone has ever seen. From a dead garden that looked like it could not be fixed, to a thriving and living garden.
    Me: Excellent! Did your uncle shock you when he gave you your choice of land to garden?
    Mary: Yes, indeed he did. From what I heard, I thought that he would never want to see me, and he was too busy to love anyone or anything. He showed me compassion that reassured me that I could plant in his dead wife’s garden.
    Me: Why do you think he gave it to you?
    Mary: He said that I reminded him of someone who used to love to garden.
    Me: Why did you get so excited over the green points?
    Mary: They weren’t necessarily green points. I just called them that, because that is what I observed. The green points are actually the stems of flowers, trying to shoot up out of the earth.
    Me: What is so special about the robin?
    Mary: When I arrived at Misselthwaite Manor, I had no friends, or anyone that I cared about. I was sad, and the robin comforted me.
    Me: Thank you, Mary for your time. Hope to see you soon!

  34. #1 Sydney Barbee
    The Kill Order
    James Dashner
    Page #105
    Prompt #9

    In this book, The Kill Order, I loved the way the author made it in someone’s perspective and not always having a third person narrative. I don’t know why but I always love books that switch perspectives, so that is one thing that I love about this book. James Dashner is a brilliant writer and this whole series was really good. The Kill Order is not my favorite book in the Maze Runner series but the series as a whole is one of the most fantastic pieces of literature I have ever read. In this book, I hated the way James Dashner (author) is kind of lagging out the story plot. It is also a little confusing when he goes into backstories or dreams that the characters have. I sometimes get a little off track but I get it after I read it a couple times after. Another reason I don’t like the book is because it’s a prequel. I have a weird thing about prequels because if they don’t seem to be as good as the rest of the books then I have a hard time reading the book. Right now in the book it is not as interesting but it is still a great book and an amazing piece of literature but I think it needed a little more action or description about the berg or the things that they see. I hope that when I am done with this book that it will be a book that I want to read over and over again.

  35. Jacob Yost
    Deltora Quest the valley of the lost
    Emily Rodda
    Pg 403
    3rd quarter blog
    Blog entry 9

    I love the way the author made this book so mysterious but scary at the same time. When they came to the city of tora they found out the secret about them and how they betrayed the king of deltora. When they got to the city they saw no gray guards or any marks because magic protected them. When they came to the heart of the city they found a big red stone that said if this stone should crack we have broken our vow and the stone was ripped In half. They met up with there friends nehirida and doom and they handed over dain to them. Once they were gone they headed towards the valley of the lost where the seventh gem was hidden. When they were on there way to the valley they found the girl with doom waiting for them so they could take her to the valley so she can take the gem for herself. When they got there they were paralyzed by a spell by a old man he took them to his castle where every thing turned into dust and ash. Once they finished eating he said do you want to play a game he said if you win you get the gem but if you loose I get to keep you here in the valley. they excepted the challenge to play. He said I am going to take a nap until it is over you have until this candle burns out then he left. Then he came back and said the first clue to my name is as plain as the nose on your face. They found the first clue it said “my secret name lies within
    My first is pride of great sin
    My second and my last begin
    The sum of the errors are twin
    My third begins a sparkle bright
    The treasure pure ready to fight
    My forth the sum of happiness
    For those who try my name to guess”
    Well they figured out that he has five letters because he has five lines. Then they figured out that pride of great sin is one of his dogs so it should be the letter E then they figured ot that the second letter is N and the last too because it said second and last begin. Then there was a picture of stars and diamonds and it was diamonds so the third letter is D. then there is nine differences between the two pictures so its an O then it hit lief that’s the name of the king then the candle burnt out and he came out of his room and figured it was right then they killed in and found the diamond but it was not there the girl with doom had taken it but then he remembered if you take the diamond in greed you will die then they found her took the diamond and buried her.

  36. Luke O’Brien #11
    Language arts
    Blog #6
    The main problem is this book was king Herod was trying to find and kill Jesus before he was born. King Herod was trying to kill Jesus because he wanted to make sure that that stayed the king of the Jews. Jesus was sent down to earth from heaven to die for our sins on the cross. A woman named Mary was pregnant with Jesus before he was born. Mary’s husband’s name was Abraham. Before Jesus was born Abraham was scared of the terror that King Herod was spreading, so Abraham was considering having a divorce with Mary. Before he said this to her an angel appeared to him in a dream and said that it would be very wrong to divorce Mary and if he did God would not be happy with him at all. On the run from King Herod, Mary and Abraham fled to Bethlehem. Asking if they can stay in anyone’s house, they all said no. When Mary and Abraham almost lost hope they found a stable and gave birth to baby Jesus and laid him in a manger. Before this all happened King Herod ordered three men to find Jesus and tell him where Jesus was. When they figured out what King Herod was trying to do they went to find Jesus and when they found him they didn’t tell Herod where he was. Instead the three wise men praised Jesus and gave him three wonderful gifts.

  37. Alyssa Zeller #11
    House of the Night: Marked
    P.C. Cast + Kristin Cast
    Blog # 9

    I love how in the story when Zoë is marked she does not make a big deal about it. She just tries go get through it as best as she possibly could. I also like how Zoë’s step dad is fake. It is like he says he is a Christian, yet he dose not truly care for Zoë. I like this because we see fake people everyday and seeing as to how he says he is a Christian, and he goes to church, and seeing things that any Christian should, it makes you think. It makes you thing wither you actually are there with God or just going with the motions. Another thing I like is that when her mother and step dad are not there for her after Zoe is marked, she goes to her grandmother. Grandparents are very special and people seem to have this bond that is unbreakable. Your grandparents are always there for you no matter what. In the book, Zoë is a strong female character, and that is another thing I like. When all these bad things happen to her she picks herself up and keeps moving. She never stops because she is down. She is strong and doing most of anything on her own because of her mother and step dad not being there for her. Zoë is forced into being strong and independent. She is a loner with fake friends and fake parents, and that is what makes her strong. Zoë being strong is why she gets through all of this.

  38. #14 Andrea Sanchez
    After We Collided
    Pg. 562
    2 Blog 3rd quarter

    In the book the problems is that Tessa finds a boyfriend at college but her mother doesn’t approve because she is really strict and doesn’t want her daughter to get hurt like she did. One day her mom comes to her college while Tessa’s boyfriend and her went out to have a walk and when they came back they found her mother sitting on her bed. When Tessa saw her she went to give her a hug but her mom started to yell at her than they got in a fight so they stopped talk. After a while but soon her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend so she called her mom and asked if she can come over and she said yes so she went over and told her what happened so her mom comfort her. When she was still at her mom’s while her mom was at work her boyfriend came to explain everything to her but she just ignored him and slammed the door in his face. Later on he comes again so she decides to brake up with him and move on with her life which she does but I mean it takes her time to forget about him. While she was working late at her job she met a man who asked her out which she accepted and was very excited about so she told her mom and she was happy for her so since that day on she continued on with her life.

  39. #9 Gannon McDonald
    Mark of the Thief
    Jennifer A. Nielson
    Pg 338
    Nicolas Calva was a slave to a master, to work in the mines. His master was rude, horrible, denying, and skinny. Nicolas Calva or what everyone calls him “Nic”, had a sister who was one year younger then Nic. She was an uncommon beautiful blonde, blue eyes, and a slave to the same master as Nic. Nic was sent to Julius Ceasars burial site, because it was crumbled by rocks; and people say it was the god Diana who crumpled the rocks. They said a magical beast with the body of a Lion and the head of an Eagle. A griffin. When Nic was sent down, he was sent to recover a Bulla that had Ceasars initials on it. It was said that the Bulla had the power of Diana for Ceasar. But Ceasar thought he did not need the power anyone so he threw it away. Later he died by his senators stabbing him at a “council meeting”. Nic saw the Bulla at the top of a gold mountain in the cave. The griffin launched at him and scratched at his back, when the griffin scratched him, the mark bled for several minutes then turned into a scar. Later Nic went to find out from his master what was the mark, while he was hiding Ceasars Bulla in his pocket. He asked what was the mark. His master Felix then told him that it would give him the ability on his reactions, then he told him that there are many people in Rome who had that mark, but Rudoulf would kill anyone with that mark. Because that mark was the most powerful thing in Rome.

  40. #6 Anthony Salgado
    Ranger’s Apprentice: The Burning Bridge
    Pg. 95
    Prompt #8

    This book is about two young apprentices who has the whole kingdom of Araluen’s fate to worry about. They’re the only ones who can stop the evil Lord Morgarath. Lord Morgarath is scheming an evil plan two wipe all of the king’s army. The first apprentice is Will. He is a very skilled Ranger who gets very nervous and lucky at times. The second Apprentice is Horace. He is an apprentice swordsman. He is is short-tempered and very courageous. Morgarath and his legions are safely behind the mountains so the king’s army can’t get to them. A neighboring village though, close to the mountains, revealed the secret to them. Will and Horace are the only ones who can save them. Another conflict is, The two young apprentices are not ready to have such a burden. As I said Will fails when he thinks all hope is lost, and Horace’s anger can lead him into trouble. Horace also isn’t a fully trained swordsman yet. If a ranger can beat him in a sword fight, then I highly doubt that he can defeat Morgarath. I have mentioned this earlier, but the mountains Lord Morgarath is hiding behind make it really hard to get to him. Actually, they can’t get to them at all. It is just impenetrable. It also leaves the kings army very vulnerable to an attack is they stay next to the wall. I’m surprised the legions of Morgarath haven’t even attacked yet. That is a dumb decision. These are the conflicts of Rangers Apprentice.

  41. #4 Ethan Gould
    Of mice and men
    John Stienbeck
    Blog #2
    Dear George,

    I am writing to you to give you advise on how to help keep a special person like Lennie out of trouble. Lennie is a very special person that has many special needs and you are like an older brother or even a father figure to him. As you know you should not make Lennie mad because of his monstrous size and out of control strength. Instead of hitting him try talking to him patiently and gently. It will take time, but he will eventually understand and maybe even learn. You are all that Lennie has left and when you scold him it hurts him more mentally and emotionally than physically. You owe him that much because you are the reason Lennie almost died. Lennie gives you enough space so do not get so frustrated with him. Try to teach him some manners and then you will finally be able to try to help him and keep him out of trouble. Teach him what is socially accepted and he will not rely on you so much and hopefully get in less trouble. He looks up to you a lot so set you need to set a good example so he can see what he is supposed to do. This should help him to start acting better. For extra help, Lennie just likes soft things so reward him soft things. Science shows in studies that if you reward anyone for a good deed it triggers this behavior mentally and they want to do it again. For example, we use these techniques to train dogs. These are the best ways to help him and keep Lennie out of trouble

  42. Connor Platt #12
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Long Haul
    Jeff kinney
    Pg. 217 (end)
    blog #3

    After the Heffley's crazy trip, they decided to make promise. This promise states that the family would never take any more trips for the next couple of years. This sounded great to the boys because this meant that they could say as long as they want in their room or house. That is Greg's cup of tea. Greg HATES being outside. All was going well for the next month and a half until mid august. Mrs Heffley proposed an option. She said that the family may hay to go back on their "promise" to never go on a trip. This was hated by the family at first, until she said where they may go. She said the destination was Hawaii! When Greeg and Rodrick heard this they did not object. They were of their way to Hawaii, or so they thought. They were actually on their way to Alabama, where their old relatives lived. Greg and Rodrick would not find this out until they actually landed. They hated Alabama because that meant they would have to work a lot on the farm. This was a negative because as you know, Rodrick and Greg HATE working on the farm. When they got of the plane and realized that they were not indeed in Hawaii, they were infuriated. They got so mad that they got snuck back on a plane to their hometown. Their mom and dad were not with them. They didn’t even know that Rodrick and Greg weren’t even gone until they called them. Greg and Rodrick were at home relaxing. This made the parents come back home, and the boys eventually got there way in the end.

  43. Zachary Ramsey
    Page 156
    School of Fear
    Hello my name is Garrison. I go to a school named School of Fear even though it feels like detention. This is obviously school not a detention center for kids that don’t do there home work. There is no homework, exams or test. By this you would say this is defiantly not a school of fear this is a dream. Trust me after reading this you would rather be doing homework. I will go back eight months ago when I was on summer vacation. I was obviously not looking forward to a school that said School of Fear as the name of this school. You know why because of obvious reasons of course. I didn’t know why this was called this maybe because of fights or wars, I don’t know. So I got to school with my two sisters and I got to take my fat bull dog which I thought was strange because dog are slobs and loud for class. Walking in to school with my sisters and dog and everything seemed normal. We walk into class expecting something fearful to happen but we waited for 50 min till I noticed I was fearing for my family, only because I might leave them or never ever see them again. That’s when I started thinking this school is based on my fears. Once I told my sisters the principal yells “you face your fear or you will have no way out.” Out of what I screamed? she darted away as if she was scared of something.

  44. #19 CJ Zeller
    Charlie Joe Jackson guide to making money
    Tommy Greenwald
    Pg 280
    Bog 2 second courtier
    Prompt 10

    True or False

    1 Charlie thought about breaking up with Nareem. True
    2 Charlie didn’t like to work for things. True
    3 Charlie did not go to the Bar mitzvah. False
    4 Zoes was showing everyone the botman. False 5Charlie’s parents bought him the botman when he told them he wanted it. False

    Multiple Choice

    1 Who was Charlie’s girl friend
    a) Zoe b) lady gaga
    b) Katie d) Neither

    2 What did Charlie want
    a) botman b) a game
    c) a toy c) neither

    3 how did Charlie get the money for his money for his botmam
    a) begging for it b) walking dogs
    b) taking it from his moms wallet d) neither

    4 What did Charlie do with money
    a) spent it on gum b)got some makeup
    b) gave it to charity d) Neither

    5 Why did Charlie want a botman
    a) he thought it was cool b) he just wanted it
    c) didn’t care d) all of above

    6 When did he want the botman
    a) summer c) winter
    b) during school d) in fall

    7 Who showed their botman at school
    a) Chloe b) Bob
    b) Eliza d) None
    8 What was Charlie’s middle name
    a) joe b) Jackson
    b) Robert d) Bob

    9 Why did Charlie do the cow jumping ritual
    a) to get the money b)to have a party
    b) to show off his botman d) all of the above

    10 Who did Charlie kiss at the Bar Mitzvah
    a) Eliza b) princes peach
    c) Zoe d) his grandma

    Short answers

    1 Right five of the names of Charlie’s friends?

    2 What dog got stuck in a hole at he lighthouse?

    3Who wanted Charlie to go to the lighthouse?

    4 Did Charlie throw the party to become a man to get money or both? Explain why.

    5 Why did Charlie give his money to charity instead of getting a botman

    Essay question

    What do you think Charlie could of done to prevent the people at his party to not brake the furniture and not getting the money?

  45. #3Thomas Coyne
    Marie Lu

    This book it starts out as a 2015 dystopian novel. You have your main boy character Day. And your main girl character June. June is the capitals favorite girl and a warrior prodidgy. Day and they Capitol's most wanted criminal. They meet when June’s brother Metais was shot and killed. Through most of the book June is trying to catch day kill him and avenge her brothers death. Once they finally cross paths they find out that the capital is holding secrets, secrets that could start a rebellion. Is their job to stop the capital in its tracks, if the capital goes on any further this could lead to the down fall of their nation. In this book June and Day develop an emotional connection that develops into a boyfriend girlfriend relationship. This is the first installment of a three book series this is the first one, the second one is called prodigy, and third one is called champion. In this book there are two different perspectives. One of the perspectives is from Day’s point of view the other perspective is from June's point of view. It's cool to see how you both have a different point of view in the beginning of June has complete hate for day in the beginningBut then she realized that day did not kill her brother. So together we worked together to find out who was the real killer involved in the Metais 's death. Who is the killer what were his motives these questions need to be awnsered.

  46. #16 Makayla Rydbeck
    Pg. 321
    Secret Garden
    Sophie Dahl
    Blog #8 3rd Qtr.
    The main problem or conflict in The Secret Garden by Sophie Dahl would have to be when Mary wants to hide away from her uncle in the secret garden. Mary only liked to hide in there because she said it felt magical. Witch of course latter Mary’s uncle never wanted her in the garden again. Mary didn’t follow orders though and found a key in the flower bed that heled her back into the garden. The Garden was a magical place and Mary didn’t understand why her uncle tried to hide it from her. Soon she took her cousin into the Garden with her and now usually at sun set they will sneak out into the secret garden to explore. If they get caught at sunrise though they would be in the most trouble a child could ever be in. I would also think another one of the main problems is when Mary’s parents died. When Mary’s parents died she did not even have her nanny left because she also died. The problem with that was she did not even have time to think about what happened before she had gotten shipped off to a temporary home. Mary was not at the new home long before she hated the other children the family had. So they decided to send her to her only living relative her uncle. Those are the main problems and conflicts in the story of The Secret Garden by Sophie Dahl.

  47. #4 Samantha Cheng
    Blog #5 Log #7
    R.J. Palacio

    I like the book for many reasons. It is perfect for people who are homeschooled, because it reminds them of their education.The book discuses how much August loves the Star Wars movies. August even has a braid like a Padawan. "Christopher is my best friend followed by Zachary and Alex." This shows that August isn't lonely. He has friends who like the same things he does. The book is good because it gives many points of view. The chapters illustrate what each person thinks. It is like having a first person perspective throughout the book and multiple characters. The book talks about August's first year of school as a fifth grader. "Okay, so I admit that the first day of school I was so nervous that the butterflies in my stomach were more like flying pigeons flying around my insides."
    One reason why I would not recommend the book is because August wears a scary costumes and it scares other kids."So sending him off to middle school like a lamb to the slaughter...everyone will stare at me."

  48. #6 Matthew Johnson
    Eleventh Grade Burns
    Heather Brewer
    Blog #2 3rd Quarter
    Option #9

    I hate the way the author ended this book. The reason i am so mad at the author because throughout the whole series Vladimir Tod(the main character) was so sad because when he was three years old his mom and dad were killed in a house fire. The reason for the house fire is because his dad is a vampire like Vlad so he must have burnt in the sunlight, or so Vlad thought. He would always greif over them dying because he thought it was his fault because that morning he set their alarm clocks for a few hours later so they could get some sleep. Since any kid would know that parents work so much for them, Vladimir was doing this to let them relax but this action ended up killing his parents. All Vladimirs life he would search for clues or anything that would disprove his fathers death or lead him to his father. He finds all these different clues but didnt know what they mean. So the reason I hate how the author ended this is because at the end he was realeasing all his rage on a vampire slayer because he had just killed his friend and then right before he killed the slayer He heard a familiar voice. In the book it says the voice felt soothing to him and made him relax. At the very end the last word was when he turned around and said “Dad”. Then right when he said that the book ended and I was so mad at the ending because I had to wait so long before I could buy the next book because I ordered it online and had to wit five days until I could find out what had happened. And all this time I was waiting I couldnt think about anything else then buying the next book. And right when I got the book I had to go to school so I was very angry at the author for ending the book like this. So as you can see I really hated the ending of Eleventh Grade Burns because of this cliffhanger.


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