This is it! Only one more Blog to go. Take your time, post early, watch your grammar, double check your spelling. Enjoy this moment and show me how much you loved your book.
#13 Jayden Ramirez Unbroken Laura Hillenbrand Pg. 85 Log #9 I love the way the author describes Louie. For example, "In a childhood of artful dodging, Louie made more than just mischief. He shaped who he would be in manhood. Confident that he was clever, resourceful, and bold enough to escape any predicament, he was almost incapable of discouragement. When history carried him into war, this resilient optimism would define him.” Louie was a boy who had nothing. Although he was a troublemaker, he was very confident in who he was. Laura Hillenbrad describes Louie as, “Nothing about Louie fit with other kids. He was a puny boy, and in his first years in Torrance, his lungs were still compromised enough from the pneumonia that in picnic footraces, every girl in town could dust him." Louie was not like the other kids in Torrance. He really couldn't defend himself as Laura Hillenbrad says, “Frustrated at his inability to defend himself, he made a study of it. His father taught him how to work a punching bag and made him a barbell from two lead-filled coffee cans welded to a pipe. The next time a bully came at Louie, he ducked left and swung his right fist straight into the boy’s mouth.” Even though Louie may have had struggles through his childhood, he worked at them. Another way how the author describes Louie character is, “He came home with a mania for running. All of the effort that he’d once put into thieving he threw into track. On Pete’s instruction, he ran his entire paper route for the Torrance Herald, to and from school, and to the beach and back. He rarely stayed on the sidewalk, veering onto neighbors’ lawns to hurdle bushes. He gave up drinking and smoking. To expand his lung capacity, he ran to the public pool at Redondo Beach, dove to the bottom, grabbed the drain plug, and just floated there, hanging on a little longer each time. Eventually, he could stay underwater for three minutes and forty-five seconds.” Louie was willing to give up smoking and drinking so that he could pursue his love of running. I truly love the way how the author describes Louie's character.
#8 Joshua Ramirez Legend Marie Lu Page #105 Log #3
Even before Day was a criminal he always had a way of getting himself into trouble. Five years ago Day was preparing for the test that would determine if he would go to labor camp or pass. He was a reckless kid running through problems headfirst. He studied hard trying to prevent himself from failing. His older brother John studied and trained him, preparing Day for the physical and mental challenges a head. Their was one time when John and Day were playing street hokey and Day wacked a hockey puck through the police window. The officer came at him with the force of stampede. His eyes were blazed, filled with anger, but unlike most people who live in the slums Day stood his ground with the face of a fighter. The officer hit him with the cool metal of his gun. And Day fell, getting kicked and punched. John offered all their money and the officer left. After that day something changed in Day he learned that you cant wait around for people to save you. Day took his test, but failed or so he thought. He was taken into the labor camps. But he was not a worker he was a lab experiment. He was tested on getting cut into and was tortured. They took blood, tissue, and part of his eye. He was thrown into a room filled with carcasses. He escaped and spent the rest of his years as a criminal. That is until he met June.
#10 Sarah Youssouf When Victoria Laurie Pg 323 Log#3 Three years later Maddie has graduated high school and has gone on to attend her dream collage, Cornell University. Maddie still holds the capability to read peoples death dates. She doesn’t hold readings frequently. When she does, she uses her ability to help reassure those with sick family members or friends. Since Maddie’s been in collage, life has gotten easier. She stopped getting bullied and has made new friends. Reading death dates has stopped being her down fall. Her best friend Stubby, has attended Brown University. Maddie still goes and visits him when she gets a chance. There bond has gotten stronger since all that has happened to them. Her mother is now sober and has become a nurse again. She promises to never have another drink in her life. Maddie and her mother’s relationship has gotten back on track. Her mom fly’s out to Cornell once every 2 months to come and visit her. Her Uncle Donny visits her frequently and comes back home for holidays. Maddie has also played a big part in rebuilding her uncle’s and mother’s relationship. Since all that has happened, Maddie has turned to God for guidance. She became a Christian and has built a relationship with the Lord. Maddie has still been in contact with Agent Faraday. Since Farday’s son and Maddie attend the same collage, they see each other a lot. Maddie still thinks of her father and hopes to one day get the same car that he once owned. Maddie has stopped thinking about her past and is more focused on her future.
#8 Gregory Luciano Harry Potter J.K Rowling Page 0 Blog 1 4th Quarter Prompt: #10 Potter Quiz True or False. 1.Harry tells Sirius about his pain in his scar. T/F 2.Uncle Vernon gives harry permission to go to world cup. T/F 3.Weasley twins leave a cupcake on the floor for Dudley. T/F 4.Out of the seven students who use the portkey, only harry was left standing. T/F 5.Wizards slept in tents during World Cup. T/F Multiple Choice 6.Harry is in year _____ A5 B6 C7 D8 7.__________ puts Harry’s name in Goblet. A:Dumbledore B:Ron C:Hermione D:Mad Eye Moody 8.Harry is in _______ house. A:Gryffindor B:RavenClaw C:Slytherin D:HufflePuff 9.Ron has ____ brothers A2 B3 C4 D5 10.Rita is a ______ A:Writer B:Painter C:Witch D:Minister 11.The Riddle house was in the ______ town. A:Sussex B:Hangleton C:Whinging D:Hunsford 12.Who told Voldemort that the gardener was eavesdropping? A:Snake B:Rat C:Elf D:Wormtail 13.Whats the gardeners name? A:Bryce Felt B:Bryce Frank C:Frank Bryce D: Fred Bryan 14.What tickets does Mr. Weasley get that make Harry excited. A:Quidditch World Cup B:Hogwarts C:Angels game D:Dragon Games Short Answer 15.How did Harrys name get put in the Goblet of Fire? 16.What was the first triwizard event? 17.What was the second triwizard event? 18.What was the LAST triwizard event? 19.Why is Harry safe at the Dursleys? Essay Describe the battle between Harry and the Dark Lord. ANSWERS 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.A 15. The imposter Mad Eye Moody had put Harrys name under a different schools name, making him a champion. 16.All champions were to steal their assigned dragons egg. 17.All champions had to breathe under water for one hour and rescue their friends. 18.Last event were all champions were to found the Goblet and touch it. First to touch it would win. 19. The Dursleys house has a special protection charm. 20.The Goblet of fire was switched with a portkey. It teleported Harry to Lord Voldemort, where he took his blood to get his body back. After that, they fought until harry touched the portkey again and saved his life.
#11 Matthew Montoya 3/4/15 Option #5 The Honest Truth Dan Gemeinhart
Running from fears Can Result in tears. But with a companion You can be a champion. Looking at your journey ahead You might just need some bread. When it’s all done You just realized you had so much fun.
#1 Matthew Burnette Treasure Island Pg.144 Prompt: 8 The main conflict in Treasure Island is the pirates. A conflict is a disagreement or argument. Typically in Treasure Island the conflicts result in death. The reason why the pirates are the conflict is because they are greedy and are trying to find the treasure before Jim and his friends find it. In this book they fight against each other and every time someone dies or gets injured somehow. Another conflict in Treasure Island is in the begging of the book there’s this pirate named captain who found the treasure and hid it. All these pirates were after the captain because they wanted all the gold. But one day a blind man came in and killed captain and it was all up to Jim to keep the treasure safe. Another minor conflict in the book is Jim’s father dies because he was sick. It was only his mother and him to watch the inn by them. Another conflict in the middle of the book is Jim sneaks out of their camp one night to see what the pirates were up to and he decided to cut the ropes of the ship so the ship would sail away. But when he cut it the waves took him out to the open as well as the other ship and there was a big storm. Another conflict in this book is towards the end Jim gets captured by the pirates and his friends had left because they thought he was dead. The last conflict for the pirates is they found the map to the treasure but it was a trick and Jim’s friend attacked the pirates because there was actually no chest the guy that had lived on the island already found it and hid it in a cove. These are some of the main conflicts in Treasure Island.
Edward Lueras #10 Lord of the Rings: Return of the King page #99 4th quarter blog #1 prompt #5
Hope is like a rock you can hold onto even against the greatest of foes in the face of danger hope is stronger fear is like a window it can easily be broken by just one rock
T/F Questions 1. August did not pay attention of the way people looked at him. 2. August thought Summer was pretty. 3. Via always complained to her parents. 4. August wants to leave his school. 5. August is so mad that Jack betrayed him.
Multiple Choice 1. What is August's nickname? a-Just August b-Auggie c-Paco d- Augo
2. Who was the meanest between the two boys in the beginning of the book? a- Julian b- Jack
3. What is August's sister's name? a- Via b- Fanny c- Alison d- Devin
4. Can the doctors fix August's face? a- They are working on it b- Yes c- No d- They don't know how that happened to him
5. Who sits with August at lunch? a- Jack b- Fred c- Summer d- No one
6. How many people sit with August at lunch? a- one b- two c- three d- none
7.What school does August go to? a- Calvary b- Breacher c- Journey d- Home schooled
8. How old is August? a- 16 b- 13 c- 10 d- 9
9. What is not one of the nicknames put on August? a- Rat Boy b- Freak c- Potato d- Lizard Face
10. When August left school early when the Halloween rep vent was going on, what sickness did have when he left school? a- Stomach Ache b- Stuffy Nose c- Coughing d- Eye infection
Short Answer 1. Why is August's face like that? 2. Who was August's best friend before they had to move? 3. What grade was August going into? 4. Who told Jack to be August's fake best friend? 5. Was Summer faking the friendship also?
Essay 1. Why didn't Via complain to her parents about anything?
Short Answer 1. He was just born with it. 2. His name was Christopher. 3. He was going into 5th grade. 4. Mr. Tushman told Jack to do that. 5. No, she told August Mr. Tushman did not tell her anything.
Essay 1. She did not complain because she knew what August was going through. Her parents had to care for him so much. Take him to the doctor for more surgeries and everything, so he would stay healthy. Via did everything herself.
#2 Jacquelyn Co Ginger Pye Eleanor Estes FINISHED Blog #1 Log #2 Hi Jerry, I am so glad that you found your dog Ginger. I was surprised that Wally Bullwinkle stole him. My advice to you is to hold on to Ginger, and to not lose him again. Ginger is such a special dog and he loves you very much. Honestly your patience surprises me. Jerry, you taught me that waiting for something is far better in the end. When you first got Ginger from Speedy’s Puppies I felt so happy for you. I knew you worked so hard just to get him. You dusted all the pews in the church just so you could finally get a dog. It is a good thing you worked so hard because Ginger is a great dog and friend to you. I remember he visited you at school because he missed you so much. Everybody in town loved him. I know there is not that much advice for me to give you but all I want to say is that patience is a virtue. I know you know that because it must have been hard to lose a dog like Ginger, and months later finding out somebody was keeping him from you. You handled it really well too, and I can’t believe Uncle Benny your two year old Uncle found Ginger. He truly saved the day. Anyway Jerry, you taught me how to deal with the ups and downs in life. Even when things aren’t going our way, something good will eventually happen. My last piece of advice to you Jerry is, “you have to love the bad days so that you can appreciate the good days even more.” Say Hello to Ginger for me.
Angelica Castaneda #1 May 4, 2015 An Abundance of Katherines By, John Green Pg. 215 (FINISHED,SPOILER) Option 8 The main problem in An Abundance of Katherines is that when it comes to relationships Colin Singletons type has always been for girls named Katherine. He was in his nineteenth relationship with a girl named Katherine when she soon dumped him. Colin has always been dumped by Katherines, nineteen to be exact. When this all got too much for him his one and only friend talks him into going on a summer road trip. So the problem is that he always seems to get dumped by Katherines, so he is determined to prove The Theorem of Underlying Katherines Predictability and predict his future relationships. Colin is a child prodigy and he seems to know everything. As they are on their mission, they stop by at Gunshot, Tennessee and are offered a job. During their summer job, they meet new characters. Colin meets a new girl named Lindsey, they get along and he then falls in love with Lindsey. At the end of the book he proves his bad luck with Katherines was over and proves that he can have a relationship with any girl. At the end Colin is happy and seems to have a scene of realization. He realizes that he doesn’t have to be that smart kid or a kid who isn’t social and has no friends. He realizes that he doesn’t have to be a kid that nobody likes and who always gets dumped by Katherines. He understands that he can make of his possibilities and be happy with whoever he is with. He just has to believe in himself and take whatever comes to him.
#7 Aide Martinez May 6, 2015 Maniac Magee Jerry Spinelli Page #184 Log #8 Jeffrey Lionel Magee is no ordinary kid. His parents died when he was three years old leaving him an orphan. Everyone knew Jeffrey as Maniac. Why did they call him Maniac? Since Jeffrey ran away from his aunt and uncle he's been on the run appearing in different places. People see him from time to time, but no one has really ever had a conversation with him except for Amanda Beale. There are two main problems in Maniac Magee. The first is that Jeffrey also known as Maniac never had a family or anywhere to stay. He lived in a Buffaloes cage at a zoo eating only what was fed to the animals. One day when Maniac and Amanda Beale met it started off by Maniac borrowing a book from her. He returned it as promised, but Amanda's mother and father asked Maniac to stay for dinner. The Beale's then found out that he had nowhere to stay, but the zoo. They took him under their wing for months until Maniac again ran away. The second problem is Maniac was white and he lived in the neighborhood of black people. During the time whites were on one side and blacks were on the other. A few people did not like Maniac staying with the Beale's so they would paint notes on the wall saying he doesn't belong and to go with his own kind. When Maniac ran away for a few months he came back to the Beale's and they again comforted and treated him as their own son.
#5 Gavin Lizik 5-5-15 Alabama Moon Watt Key Pg # 279 Prompt #3 Alabama Moon, 21, now lives in the great city of New York. He has become a young entrepreneur and invested in many sports teams. For example, he has invested in the New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, and The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. He is married to his beloved wife, Cassandra Bullock Moon, and they have only 1 kid, Derek. He lives in the biggest house in New York, worth $45 million dollars. He is soon planning on selling it to Tom Brady, who just recently sold his $35 million dollars, since he just won the Super Bowl. Alabma makes almost $30 million dollars a year from his sponsorship, Nike, and from the investments on the many professional sports teams. He is still in touch with his bestfriends from the wescape from jail, and living in the woods.
#14 Zachary Ramsey 3/5/15 Option #5 School Of Fear Gitty D.
With fear, You might get kicked in the rear. But being brave, Can put you in your grave. But as time goes by, I try and try to find, what fear pushed behind.
#12 Connor Platt 5/5/15 Legend Marie Lu Pg. 352 Log #5 In the world, there are many ups and down. Although, the most important thing is that you keep your head up and keep going. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.”(Forest Gump). The point is, to always look at the big picture, And that your just one piece of the whole puzzle. Even then, you can still make a big difference. “Make the most of what you have in your lifetime, And you will become a legend.”
#2 Sarah Chiaromonte Wonder R.J Palacio Prompt #1 Dear Diary, Today I went to school and there is a new kid in class. Is name is August and his a little bit different. His face is well different. I don’t want to say deformed because that is rude, but not normal. His eye is where his check should be and he had a whole bunch of surgeries. It really shouldn’t be that way if he had all those surgeries. I think if he had that many operations, he should look a bit better. I mean they should sue those doctors. Plus you see kids starring over at him and it would be so uncomfortable. I think he knows they are starring he just doesn’t act like it. There is one person who hangs with him. I think her name is Summer. This is a coincidence because he is August and August is in summer. So at least he is making friends. He was being a little weird and I don’t know why. I asked Jack Will and he had no idea. I also asked Charlotte and she said, “Bleeding Scream.” At first I didn’t know but after a while I figured it out. There was a bleeding scream at school when Halloween came around. That must have been August and something must have upset him. He didn’t come after that because of what happened. When he did come back (after break) he seemed very happy. Also before break Jack Will punched Julian. He didn’t say why, but I know Julian is a real jerk so. Julian lost a few teeth, but again he deserved it. August is an actually cool guy but people don’t see it. They are looking on the out not on the in. If I where August I would say something but that is not everyone. I wish but no. Everyone is different especially August.
#15 Alexis Raya I am Legend Richard Matheson Blog #6 Interviewer: “Hello” Robert: “Hello” Interviewer: “Would you please tell the audience your name?” Robert: “Yes, my name is Robert Neville.” Interviewer: “And, what have you done that has made you so famous?” Robert: “I am legend.” Interviewer: “What do you mean you are ‘legend’?” Robert: “I mean that I am the last survivor of the human race. There is no other human on the whole earth.” Interviewer: “If you are the last survivor of the human race, then, what am I?” Robert: “You know what you are.” Interviewer: “No, I do not know what I am. What am I?” Robert: “You are a vampire.” Interviewer: “A vampire, me, I can’t be a vampire. How can I be a vampire?” Robert: “You became a vampire by a bacterial infection that has taken over your nervous system.” Interviewer: “But I can’t be a vampire. I do not thirst for blood.” Robert: “But you do not go outside in the day.” Interviewer: “True, but I can go by a cross and holy water without any pain or discomfort.” Robert: “That is true, but I guarantee to you that I can kill you with a wooden stake.” Interviewer: “Oh yeah? Show me.” Robert: “I am glad to show you how I can kill you with a wooden stake.” Interviewer: “Okay then.” *Hit *Stab *Crack Robert: “Now you are dead. Bye”
#13 Preston Parker Language Arts #7 5/5/15 Allegiant (finished) In Allegiant Tris being the wonderful person she is decides to leave the city because she knows that at this point she knows the Evelin Johnsin is a complete traitor and just wants her team of factionless to rule the city. But thanks to wonderful allegiant rebellion on there way out they kill Tory and accidently got tris shot in the sholder but aside from that they had a rejoiceful rebellion againt Jenine but the world outside isn’t the same with the war against the gentetically pure and genetically damaged Tobias being genetically damaged. Tris however is a genetically pure and has been able to be a pretty helpful resource accept she does however get herself killed in the process and leaves Tobias to fend for himself and managed to get him and his mother outside of the city before the evil people the burue bombes them with memory serum allowing them to get everyone out of the berue cremate tris’s ashes and spread them around the berue as they live a peaceful life around the amity farms with all the other people around the world ending the war and having a regular thing to do that don’t involve factionless and some of the better things about regular world like trips around the world and normal living with there family and other beings theat are ordinary and just like them. But every one else still believes and asks what it was like in the world
#10 Jake O’Brien May 5, 2015 Black Hawk Down Mark Bowden Blog #1 Quarter 4
I like this book so far because of the fact that Mark Bowden doesn’t only talk about how the missions are playing out, but he also talks about each soldier each time they come up in the story line. For example he talk about specialist John Stebbins, as if he knew him for years of his life even though all that he did was just interview some people that knew Mr. Stebbins. He talked about John Stebbins’ life before he was in the Army and when he was in the Army. John Stebbins before the Army was a family man who cared a lot for his loving wife and his need to be in the military. He registered for the army and, yes he was accepted but he never got to see any action. He was a desk operator but that’s not what he wished to do in the army. Then one lucky day, the general came into his office and told him that he would finally be seeing some action. This was all collected from Mark Bowden’s interviews and his sources in the military. What I also like about Black Hawk Down is that after he introduced you to a member of the squad he tell you about how they would respond to the actions of war. Mark Bowden is a wonderful writer and he explains the Black Hawk Down story excellently and perfectly. I would definitely recommend this to any of my friends.
#2 Jack Cardeno Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Finished the book Log #4 Friendship is one of the major themes in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. One example was when Sam helped Frodo escape the prison they were in while they were in Mordor. Another example of friendship in Lord of the Rings was when Sam carried Frodo, yes, he did that, to Mount Doom in order to destroy the One Ring. Sam was Frodo’s servant, but he was more than a servant. He was a friend. Sam stuck with Frodo throughout the entire trilogy. Even when Frodo insisted that he go alone to Mount Doom, he decided to go with him anyway. Another friendship in Lord of the Rings is between Legolas and Aragorn. Aragorn is a hunter who lived in Minas Tirith. Legolas was an elf who had met Aragorn when the King of Gondor told him to. They were friends in the best way possible. For example, Legolas helped Aragorn when the Black Gate to Mordor opened with Goblins pouring out of the Gate. Aragorn helped Legolas by telling him where to go when the company (Frodo, Gandalf, Sam, etc.) needed to see the King of Gondor. Friendship can go a long way whether it is an issue or something troubling you, one friend will always be there to stand by your side. Sam and Frodo had an unbreakable friendship. Even though they were seen differently by the rest of society, they were friends none the less. This is why friendship is a reoccurring theme in Lord of the Rings.
#18 Kayla Sin The Selection Kiera Cass Pg. 327 #10 True or False 1. There are six castes. 2. America lives in a place called Illea. 3. The Selection is where the prince chooses his match. 4. There are two people from each caste that go into the Selection. 5. Aspen is a six. Multiple Choice 6. What caste is America in? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 7. What does America do for a living? a. performs b. cooks c. models d. teaches 8. There have been _____ World Wars. a. two b. three c. four d. five 9. Aspen knows America because he is ______. a. her boyfriend b. her brother c. her cousin d. the prince 10. America has ___ siblings. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 11. Maxon knows America because he is ______. a. her boyfriend b. her brother c. her cousin d. the prince 12. Who does America hate during the selection? a. Celeste b. Marlee c. Kriss d. Elise 13. What is America’s favorite color? a. cream b. red c. green d. blue 14. Where does America usually talk to Maxon? a. movie theatre b. skate park c. garden d. restraunt 15. What is the name of the queen? a. Amberly b. Blaire c. Collette d. Diana Short Answer 16. How old is America? 17. Who is the founder of America’s country? 18. How did Maxon and America first meet? 19. Whose attacks are more violent? The North or the South? 20. Which caste is the lowest? Essay 21. Explain Maxon and America’s deal. Answer Key 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. c 7. a 8. c 9. a 10. b 11. d 12. a 13. d 14. c 15. a 16. America is sixteen years old. 17. Gregory Illea founded Illea. 18. America ran outside the palace to get fresh air when Maxon heard her screaming. He then came by to accompany her outside. 19. The South has more violent attacks on the palace. 20. Eight is the lowest caste. 21. When you are in the Selection, your family is being paid. America thought she would not fall for Maxon but wanted her family to be paid. She made an agreement with Maxon. She would stay in the Selection and be his friend. Maxon did not have any friends growing up in the palace so this would be new. Maxon would keep her in the competition so that her family would get paid. This was an even deal for the two of them at the time. Later on everything changes.
#12 Emily Platt Quarter 4 Blog 1 Log #4 Tell me Joan Bauer Pg. 259 Hi my name is Anna. This is my struggle with anger. This is my story. I live with my mom, dad, and my dog daisy. I have to go to dance every day I love to dance. When dance was over I had to leave with my dad. When I came home I had to get ready to eat. My parents were taking like normal parents would. I knew how they were talking to each other something was wrong. And I was right. They started to yell at each and they didn’t stop my mom said “ What is wrong with you Brian”. I was so confused they don’t do this in front of me. My dad hit they table and grabbed all of his stuff and slammed the door. I was so sad didn’t know what to do. The next day my mom said that I am going to live with my grandmother in Rosemont. She was not going to stay with me she was going with her aunt and fix everything. I thought they would get a divorce and everything would not be the same anymore. So many things went through my head. At that time maybe I could have done something to make them stop. But I didn’t I am so stupid. Many months passed and I was still thing about what happened. I went to my grandmother’s house and that is when seen my dad. He changed he was happy. He was not angry. He was the dad that didn’t focus on work like he did in the past. I had to call my mom when I told her that dad changed she was shocked. I tried to tell her how he was. When I told her this everything went normal. I went back to my home and everything was back to how it was.
#7Isabella Holiday All Fall Down Ally Carter Pg 320(end of book) Dear diary, It’s him. I saw him. I know it’s him. It’s him. It’s my mother’s murderer. Grandpa tries to tell me that I am wrong and just because the guy has a scar it doesn’t make him who I think he is. I know it though. I have nightmares of him. Today I got into some of my mothers old belongings. I found a picture of him without a scar, with her. Happy. They were in love. All I was thinking is why would she do this? Why would he kill her? It didn’t make sense at first but then I figured that she must have broken up with him to marry dad and then my brother happened, then I happened. He must of still loved her but knew that she didn’t love him so decided to get rid of her. I knew it. If only people would believe me. People that can actually do stuff about it, not just my teenage friends. Wait, is that he staring at me outside the window. He has been everywhere I have been today and the past couple of days. He’s now coming after me. First my mother now me? He must not want anyone to find out. No one will believe me. My friends are upset at me, what do I do? I have no one. It’s just me. No help, no friends to believe, I have nothing, just me. I have to figure out what to do. Hopefully I’ll write again, Grace
#6 Elijah Holiday Book of Useless Information Noel Botham PG. 309 Blog #5 5/5/15
There may be a book of useless information But it may be someones inspiration There is some wacky stuff It’s definalty not written by someone tough There are weird laws And something about dogs pretty paws There is stuff about hugs And peoples odd collection of mugs There are people who know how to hit a ball And run into a wall There is a guy named LeBron James Who apparently has played a lot of basketball games There are records in sports Nerds and geeky dorks There is something about school A guy who is truly a fool This book may be called useless But it is sure better than mucus
#6 Vincent Macabuhay The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis Pg 128 5-5-15
The pevensie syballings have been evacuated from theyre home in London. So they have been evacuated to a country home. The owner is professor Digory has never had these kids in his house ever before. So he has been very strict about the kids disturbing him or messing up his house. He is a very strict house keeper and is very careful around the house. But one rainy gloomy day. Lucy and the kids were bored and had started to play the game called hide and go seek. Lucy had found a mystery closet and went into it and she discovered a magical place such known as Narnia. One night, Edmund follows Lucy into the wardrobe. He enters Narnia as well, and after searching for Lucy he meets the White Witch who claims to be Queen of Narnia. And she gives them some Turkish delight. Lucy tells Peter and Susan what happened, but Edmund lies about it.
#3 Daniel Chapin Blog #7 Fighters heart Finished After I retired I came back for one last fight. I was expecting to just have fun and to just get in and get out. I won by K.O. and I felt the adrenaline rushing through my vains. There is no better feeling in the world than getting your hand raised. Despite my losses, I felt like I could fight at the top level. After the fight I booked more fights for me. My come back record ended up to be 22-0-0. The ufc invited me to come fight for them. My first fight was against a nobody. I ended up submitting him in the first round, my next fight was against Joe Loazon. It was a surprisingly easy fight for me, I won by unanimouse descition. My next fight was against Michael Johnson. It was a hard faught victory, I won by unanimous decsition. The next fight would determain wheather or not I would get the title shot against Jose Aldo. There was a lot of hype and trash talk leading up to the fight done by Conoer Mcgregger. At the weigh in it was the most intence staredown. In the beginning of the fight I got rocked, but I came back and destroyed him with my wrestling. I won in the third round by submission. I n my fight against Jose aldo was hard. One minute I was controling and the next I was being conroled. I won by split decition. It was a good idea to come back and fight.
#1 Sydney Barbee The One Kiera Cass Pg. 316/done Prompt # 10
True or False 1. America’s last name is Singer. ___________ 2. Maxon is the price of United States of China. __________ 3. The rebels got into the castle dressed as guards the day Maxon was going to purpose. _________ 4. Maxson saw America talking with Aspen and got offended. _________ 5. Maxon has never loved anyone in his life before the Selection. __________ 6. The king of Illea adores America and Marlee. _________ Multiple Choice 7. The queen’s name is __________. a) Celeste b) Kriss c)Amberly d) Georgia 8. Who was shot in the shoulder? a) Maxon b) America c) Aspen d) Both A and B 9. In the end who does Aspen end up with? a) Anne b) Mary c) America d) Lucy 10. Which important people die at the end? a) The queen and King b) Marlee and Carter c) August and Georgia d) Maxon and America 11. America goes back home because _________________. a) Her dads died b) she gets sent home c) her mom died d) the rebels attacked the palace 12. Who did America marry? a) Aspen b) August c) Maxon d) none of the above 13. What was America’s weapon when the rebels attacked? a) Gun b) bow and arrow c) Sword d) none of the above 14. August and Georgia were ____________. a) dating b) northern rebels c) southern rebels d) both A and B 15. The two rebels in the palace were wanting to talk to who? a) America b) Maxon c) both A and B d) Aspen 16. What did Maxon bring back from New Asia for America? a) earrings b) necklace c) bracelet d) all the above
Short Answer 17. How old is America? 18. Who went dancing in the rain? 19. What’s the name of the girl’s teacher? 20. What was the phrase that Maxon and America never told each other? 21. What is America’s occupation?
Essay 22. Why wasn’t Maxon going to marry America? Answer Key 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True 6. False 7. C. 8. D. 9. D. 10. A. 11. A. 12. C. 13. A. 14. B. 15. C. 16. C. 17. Seventeen 18. Maxon and America 19. Silvia 20. I love you 21. Singing and music 22. Maxon was not going to marry America because he saw Aspen and her in the hall together. He knew that America used to love Aspen and that they had a connection. She did not feel that kind of love for Aspen anymore and neither did Aspen. They both tried to explain to Maxon that they were over but he refused to listen. Then at the ceremony Maxon forgave America and told her that his heart was hers to break and it always has been and always will be. Once America found out that Maxon was still alive he purposed to her and that is where the story ends.
#17 Zachary Tittle Language 5-5-15 39 Clues Linda Sue Park (finish) Blog 7
In this book I think that it should be more suspenseful and less predictable. This book was easy to predict what would happen because there were hostages and they almost escaped. While they were attempting to escape their captors were chasing them so it was easily known that the captors would catch them. Though it was easy to guess what would happen. The descriptions of the chases and the fights were excellent. There were only few parts that I could not guess would happen. One part was that when Phoenix was running away from the captors with Erasmus Phoenix had to jump off the cliff while Erasmus had to stay because the captors had caught up with them. I figured that Erasmus would die but I didn’t think Phoenix would live. He lives Erasmus dies. I would think that Phoenix will live but I have not read the next book. What I think is not suspenseful about this book is that again is it easily predicted. The storyline about who is the bad guy and who isn’t is good but there should be more fighting not just the Cahills doing what the Vespers tell them to do so the hostages wont die. If I were to refer this book to another person I don’t think they would like it because they probably have not red the other 16 books on this series. I also think that person would not like the storyline to this story and how it plays out. So in conclusion, I would not refer this book to another peer. I would most likely refer it to a person in a lower grade.
#11 Luke O’Brien Language Arts 5/5/15 Blog #7 “Welcome to the Dark House” Pg.84 The book I’m reading is called, “Welcome to the Dark House,” it’s so full of mystery! It’s about a girl named Ivy who was a part of a murder. When she was twelve she heard screaming down the hallway in her parent’s bedroom. She didn’t know what to do until she saw her phone on the nightstand. She called the police and the operator told her that the police were on her way. After she got off the phone with the operator she heard a man say, “now it’s your turn.” She heard her mother begging for him to stop until it was completely silent. Ivy could heard the wood creaking underneath the man’s footsteps. That’s when she saw him, he had long gray hair tied in a ponytail and crooked yellow teeth. He said,” good evening my princess.” They stared at each other until the man heard the distant police sirens. That’s when he disappeared into the darkness. In the present time she in eighteen and lives only seventy miles away from the crime scene with her new family and new name. Ever since that year of the murder she has been going to doctors to help her deal with this fear of the man that killed her parents coming now to kill her too. As you can imagine some can be traumatized from seeing her parent’s killer right in front of them, well Ivy was extremely. Ivy started to act very differently from everyone else, she started to wear all black and be very distant. I guess you can call her an emo freak. She started subscribing to a thing called the nightmare elf. This is the group of people who made the famous series of horror movies. In doing so she won a paid vacation to the house that the director uses in the movies. This is how far I’ve gotten in this book. Who knows all the mysteries this house has.
#15 Emilia Shahverdian Language Arts May 5, 2015 Maze Runner by James Dashner Blog #2 Quarter 4 The idea of Thomas’ life before was a very tricky subject. It was something that I had not mentioned at the beginning of the book. Today I am going to reveal the life of Thomas before he had entered the Glade. His memories, family, and friends will be exposed. Thomas was born in New York, in a little city that was fairly close to relatives. Thomas had been an athlete. In high school he did cross country. Thomas had a body prepared for running. Thomas had two brothers and one sister. Their names were Aaron, Lucas, and Rosalina. His parent’s names were Peter and Evelynn. They had two dogs. One was a German shepherd and the other a husky. The thing that really stands out is that both these dogs are used to defend and protect others, and Thomas has these character traits. At this time the world had been in ruins and destruction. A virus swept the earth annihilating anyone in its path. Thomas took a job under Wicked, a company who was experimenting with ways to save the human race. He then met a girl named Teresa, who is a key role later on when Thomas was in the Glade. Wicked had an idea of a maze in which selected teenagers were sent into a maze to find their way out. Thomas ended up volunteering to go into the maze fully knowing the dangers that lay before him.
#4 Grace Diponio 5-5-15 Option #10 Close to famous Joan Bauer Page 250 1. True or false Foster has a dream of having her own cooking show 2. Foster was the only one in her family with a dream 3. Her idol was a lady named Sonny Kroll 4. Fosters dad died when she was very young 5. Foster had her dream come true Multiple choices 1. What was fosters passion in life A) Soccer B) Baking C) Modeling 2. She was chased out of Memphis by an A) Elvis impersonator B) A cop C) Her mom’s crazy ex-boyfriend 3. What kind of muffins did she make the best? A) Chocolate B) Blueberry C) Strawberry 4. What other career did she have? A) Writing B) Reading C) Both 5. Where did Foster live? A) Culpepper B) California C) Texas 6. What was peppers mom dream? A) back- up singer B) Headliner C) Swimmer 7. What is foster afraid of? A) Not being able to hide forever B) Spiders c) Bugs 8. What did pepper want to make the world? A) A better place with her backing B) A healthier place C) A happier place with color 9. What was her mom’s favorite book that she lived by? A) Anne Frank B) How to kill a Mockingbird 10. Who died in her family that had a great impact on her? A) Her dad B) Her uncle C) Her dog Short answers 1. When did foster start baking? 2. What distracted Foster from the real world? 3. How did Foster cope with her father’s death? 4. Who was her best friend? 5. Did Foster have an easy life/ Essay Write a 5 sentence paragraph about Fosters life, and her character. Answers True or false section 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True Multiple choices 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. A Short answers 1. Ever since she was little 2. Baking 3. She Felt like everything she had was gone 4. Her mom 5. No Writing Fosters life was not easy she was running from fear with her mother. She had many challenges throughout her life. She embraced her life through baking. Even though she didn’t have a lot she was happy as a clam. With hard work her dream became reality
Olivia Tidwell#16 Language arts The Hunger Games Suzanne Collins Chapter 4 4th Quarter Blog #1
After living in futuristic North America, a cold, dirty place where there is hardly any food, Catniss probably didn’t want to go to the reaping because of the chance that she would be chosen to be one of the tributes. She is not comfortable at home but it would be a lot worse in the games where you have to kill your opponent. At the reaping Effie Trinket draws the name Prim Rose Everdeen. Catniss felt awful and could not let her sister go out into the games and risk her life by being killed. Catniss decided to risk her own life because she cared about her sister more than anything. She sacrificed her life to make sure that her sister was safe at home. Usually if you were not chosen to be in the games you would celebrate the joy and glory of going through another year without having a family member or friend going into the games, but not Catniss. This year Catniss’s family had to go through the stage of suffering, pain, and pressure because Catniss was going to fight for her life in the games. Catniss was most likely filled with pressure but also satisfaction because she is getting ready to fight in the games in her sister’s place. Catniss was ready to fight for her life. Leading up to the games, Catniss has gone through hardships, suffering, pain, and pressure but knowing that her sister is safe has given her peace.
#9 Margaret Kwok 5-5-15 Tomorrow Girls- Set Me Free Eva Gray Option#3 Pages 1-150 Blog#1 for Quarter 4 Many years before this book took place, Jonah, wasn’t the boy you come to know him as. He is known to have some sort of horrible street life backround, but to what extent is not written. Truth be told, Jonah was one of many children, and his mother abandoned him, along with his siblings, at a very young age. His father had by no means been part of his life as a young child. His papa was thought of as an idol to him, his brothers and sisters told him he had gone to fight in a war, and was killed. Unfortunately, this was a lie, a rather large one too. His father truly did go to war, however that is not how he died. When he returned from the war he was a wreck. He abused Jonah’s mother to an extent unspeakable, which is the reason she left her children later on, but anyways, he had a terrible addiction to drugs. Not just any drugs, but the kind that if you were to try to stop taking, you were almost instantly killed. The way this drug works is your immune system comes well say, immune to it and it kills off all your good cells, leaving only the harmful, bacteria-filled cells. Basically, your body kills itself. Poor Jonah was forced to be around this as an infant, and though no memory of his father, the consequences lurk. The drug his father was on was indeed, somehow, contagious. Jonah as a small child exhibited signs of this drug, and soon developed insecurity, brain damage, and indescribable fears, due to his father. This also was one of the reasons his mother left him, and eventually his own siblings. Jonah was forced to live on the streets alone, with only himself to comfort. Jonah faced problems such as where to sleep, what or when to eat, and even just finding clothes. Poor Jonah, almost felt welcomed when picked up by the Alliance group. Jonah when getting the drugs at the center of the enemy, was easily brainwashed unlike the others, due to the remaining drugs in his body. That when it came in contact with the poison the authorities gave him, he was almost instantly brainwashed.
A face different From all the rest But Appearance is not what defines you Your purpose Your actions toward others Or otherwise Your personality Is really what matters. Don't let the first thing you see Distract you Don't let the outside cover The wonder of possibilities That lays inside.
#8 Matthew Johnson The Death Cure 4th quarter blog #1 Prompt #8
In the book The Death Cure there is a main conflict as there is in any book. The conflict of this book is very complicated compared to other books. First there was huge sun flares that made the whole world a terrible place. These sun flares destroyed cites and made the world a place where it is so hot you can’t go outside without some type of item to make shade. So as you can see it wasn’t a very fun place at the time. The second thing that happened in the book is that the sun flares destroyed a military facility which held a virus that makes people slowly go crazy until they can’t control themselves. This virus was origanaly going to be used as a bio weapon to kill of people in a war without having a single casualty. Then this organization called wicked comes in to try to make a cure for the sun flares but to do so they trap a bunch of teen kids in a maze with these creatures called grievers that will kill any person on sight. So wicked practically put the kids in a death maze to see how their brains react to being in the maze for two entire years.Then after they escape this maze they then have to go through a huge city with cranks (people who have the virus that was let out) and some of these cranks would sometimes be past the gone (the virus took over there brains completely) so cranks past the gone would want to practically eat other people or raw meat from dead animals. After going through the huge city they then have to fight these huge monsters that are about two feet taller than any of the teens. After that they are then transferred back to wicked but then have to go through another test by escaping wicked and going to denver. After going to denver which was a quarantined city, denver gets taken over by cranks so they have to escape that city. They then work with an organization to stop wicked called the Right Arm. After they get in contact with the Right Arm they finally invade wicked and save any people that are immune to the virus. After saving the immunes they finally go to an uninfected place and try to make new lives.
#14 Andrea Sanchez Scarlet: the lunar eclipse Marissa Meyer Page 79 Blog #1 I hate the way that the author goes from one story to a different story in every chapter because you get lost on what’s happening so you have to go back in the chapters and re-read to see what’s happening in the chapter. I love how the author describes how the fight looks like to scarlet’s view. I hate the way that the author doesn’t really give that much information about here grandma being taken away from scarlet because all it tells you is about how she was just kidnapped it doesn’t tell you like “oh I one day my grandma and I were walking in the park since it was a nice sunny day after a while we sat on the bench and I had to go to the bathroom after I went and washed my hands I don’t see my grandma where we were sitting….” Which really doesn’t help because since her dad came to their house even though he left her for so many years and that’s another thing that I hate that the author did she does say about how he left her when she was really young, but I really love the way on how she describes about the people that took him and how they tortured him and how her grandma was just watching him being tortured by the bad people and how they made him burn himself on his arm.
Paper Towns John Green Pg. 150 #16 Makayla Rydbeck Log #1 The main problem in paper towns is when Margo goes missing. Quentin doesn’t know why she has gone missing because he had just seen her the night before. But the more clues q finds the less he is starting to see of the adventurous Margo. It worries Q when he doesn’t feel like he knows the “new” Margo. There is also another main problem multiple actually but when Margo and Q were younger they were out riding bikes together when they found a dead man lying under a tree. When they stepped off their bikes as Q took two small steps back as Margo took two equal steps forward. When they had gone back home they told their parents who called the police. Q really wanted to go see what the police were doing but his parents said no because they specialized in child therapy. The last main problem is that Q does not want to go to prom. He thinks it is a waste of time although it is senior year. So his mother is still trying to encourage him to go with a girl. The only girl Q wants to go with is Margo. The reason Q doesn’t go to prom is the fact that when Q had kidney problems kids made fun of him at school so that is why he thinks it is a waste of time to go to the prom. Those are the main problems in the book “Paper Towns”
Jacob Yost Captains Duty Captain Phillips P. 150 Prompt 9
I love how the author wrote all of the experiences in really great detail and how to describe everything. When Captain Phillips described how the AK47 looked and how his wife looked. Another reason I like it was because it led up to the scary day the pirates attacked their ship. He also never missed a detail on anything. It gave a clear description of everything he was talking about in the book. He never misses or skips anything even he tells you what time it is and where they are and what they were talking about and what he is thinking about in his head. I hate only a couple things in this book. For instance, how it was pretty boring in the beginning but the story got better and better until it ended. This author is cool because he has a captain at sea so he talks like a sea lubber. I also loved how he was all nice then sad so how he actually showed how he changed. I have not seen a lot of books like that.
Alyssa Zeller #11 5.5.15 Blog #1 log #10 House of Night: Marked P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
True/False 1. Zoey’s parents were fully supportive of her being sent to the House of Night. 2. Before Zoey went to the House of Night, she visited her grandmother’s lavender farm. 3. Zoey had hit her head, and then while she was passed out the Goddess Nyx had talked to her. 4. When Zoey had arrived at the House of Night, she was no different than everyone else 5. Zoey had become the Priestess of the Dark Daughters Multiple choice 1. Who is Zoey’s mentor? A. Nyx B. Neferet C. Aphrodite D. Stive-Rae
2.The ones that are undergoing the change of becoming a Vampyre is a A. fledgling B. Changer C. Vampie D. None of the above
3. What sport does Zoey play? A. volleyball B. none C. Soccer D. fencing
4.What time does school start? A. 6 am B.12 am C. 6 pm D.3 pm
5.Zoey can feel how many elements? A. Two B. three C. four D. Five
6.Zoe’s step dad is part of what group? A. people of Faith B. Fishy Followers C. sans of the Father D. none of the above
7.What is Zoey’s cat’s name? A. mittens b. Nala C. oreo D. fluffy
8.Who was the leader of the Dark daughters before Zoey A. Rachel B. Aphrodite C. Shauna D. Noelle
9. What color is Zoey’s mark? A. red B. yellow C. black D. blue
10. Who shows up to “bust” Zoe out? A. Heath B. Caleb C. Damien D. Erik Short Answer 1. What did Zoey see while she was walking by the wall? 2. What happens when a body rejects the change? 3. What phase of the moon do they have rituals on? 4. What do you burn before sweet grass? 5. What does Zoey’s grandmother call her? Essay 1.What is one theme of this book and why? Answers True/False 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True Multiple Choice 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. A Short Answers 1. The ghost of a dead Fledging 2. They die 3. A full moon 4. Sage 5. Zoeybird Essay 1. One theme of this book is to listen to your gut. This is a theme because there were many different situations where it had saved Zoey. For example, when bad spirts started attacking people, Zoey had listen to her gut and ended up saving everyone. In the prosses of saving everyone she became the Priestess of the Dark Daughters.
Unstoppable #11 Jake Rydbeck page 160 Blog #1 Austin Murphy 9/30/15 I love the way the author captures you in the story. The author makes you feel emotions, when Anthony Robles wins you feel exited and happy for him. But when he loses you feel sad for all the hard work he put in with only one leg. The coach would put in extra work with him; the coach would hop on one leg to see what he felt like, he would also work on game plans to attack the other opponent and be able to defend his leg. When he got recruited to a college he originally got recruited to ASU, then they shut their program down. After that he got recruited on a full ride scholarship to Penn State one of the best college’s for wrestling. He went to Penn State for 1 year then ASU program came back and they asked him if he wanted to come back. He thought about it for a while then he finally agreed to go back. He had no scholarship to ASU he was a walk on. He was happy to be back with his original coach and some of his original teammates. He trained hard and wanted to win the NCAA’s so bad he would push his car over speed bumps in 100-degree heat to get his one leg stronger. Anthony Robles hated getting treated differently so if the team did squats he did squats if the team did sprints he did sprints and he got really mad when the coach asked if he wanted to sit out something the team does.
I know you have gone through some difficult times. For example, "The Time" when you were stranded in the woods for two entire months with nothing but a hatchet. If I was in that situation I would have never survived and might have given up. I would have given up because I would not have been able to keep up hope in order to survive. Your survival skills were needed when you were with Derek. When Derek was struck by lightning it must have made you feel overwhelmed. I know you waited a day to see if he would wake up and used certain techniques to wake him up. When you couldn't help him I felt your pain too. You were so smart to build a raft and take Derek down the river. I bet it was really dangerous. It must have been especially dangerous when you went over the waterfall. I was surprised Derek was still on the raft, but I guess it is because you were smart enough to tie him down. If I were you I would have done the same things you did, if I knew how. I hope someday that I'll be able to survive in the wilderness like you. Derek survived because of your heroic actions. He must have heard you talking about the canoe to send you one. Isn't it interesting that people can hear you even when they seem like they are asleep? Have you taken your canoe out yet? Hopefully you get to use it for pleasure rather than saving someone's life. Take care and I will see you soon.
#14 Jada Wynn The Penderwicks Jeanne Birdsall Page #154 Log #3 Even before the Penderwick sisters came about the cottage in the Berkshire Mountains, they were always ready for an adventure. There were four Penderwick sisters with one special and unique bond. There's responsible and practical Rosalind; stubborn and feisty Skye; dreamy and artistic Jane; and little sister Batty, who will not go anywhere without her pink, sparkly butterfly wings. About a few summers ago, the Penderwicks went to Arundel and they made it a tradition to go there each year. Fate drove us there, Jane would say. No it was the greedy landlord who sold our vacation house on Cape Cod, someone else would say, probably Skye. Who knew which was right? But it was true that the beach house they usually rented had been sold at the last minute, and the Penderwicks were suddenly without summer plans. Mr. Penderwicks looked everywhere for a new vacation house on Cape Cod, but it was booked solid. Then, somewhere out of the blue, Mr. Penderwick heard through a friend of a friend about a small, cozy cottage located in the Berkshire Mountains. It was available to be rented for three weeks in August. As soon as this was told to him, Mr. Penderwick snatched it up, sight unseen. He didn't know what he was getting us into, Batty would say. At first, the Penderwick sisters thought that it wouldn't be anything like the nice, fancy vacation house in Cape Cod. And they were definitely right. It was not the vacation that they had expected.
Hello, I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Here it is! This is the first blog of the quarter. Follow the directions carefully and post your thoughts thoroughly. Remember this is not a summary of the book. This is your opportunity to show your understanding of the text and engage the class in your story. I am looking forward to reading your entries.
#13 Jayden Ramirez
Laura Hillenbrand
Pg. 85
Log #9
I love the way the author describes Louie. For example, "In a childhood of artful dodging, Louie made more than just mischief. He shaped who he would be in manhood. Confident that he was clever, resourceful, and bold enough to escape any predicament, he was almost incapable of discouragement. When history carried him into war, this resilient optimism would define him.” Louie was a boy who had nothing. Although he was a troublemaker, he was very confident in who he was. Laura Hillenbrad describes Louie as, “Nothing about Louie fit with other kids. He was a puny boy, and in his first years in Torrance, his lungs were still compromised enough from the pneumonia that in picnic footraces, every girl in town could dust him." Louie was not like the other kids in Torrance. He really couldn't defend himself as Laura Hillenbrad says, “Frustrated at his inability to defend himself, he made a study of it. His father taught him how to work a punching bag and made him a barbell from two lead-filled coffee cans welded to a pipe. The next time a bully came at Louie, he ducked left and swung his right fist straight into the boy’s mouth.” Even though Louie may have had struggles through his childhood, he worked at them. Another way how the author describes Louie character is, “He came home with a mania for running. All of the effort that he’d once put into thieving he threw into track. On Pete’s instruction, he ran his entire paper route for the Torrance Herald, to and from school, and to the beach and back. He rarely stayed on the sidewalk, veering onto neighbors’ lawns to hurdle bushes. He gave up drinking and smoking. To expand his lung capacity, he ran to the public pool at Redondo Beach, dove to the bottom, grabbed the drain plug, and just floated there, hanging on a little longer each time. Eventually, he could stay underwater for three minutes and forty-five seconds.” Louie was willing to give up smoking and drinking so that he could pursue his love of running. I truly love the way how the author describes Louie's character.
#8 Joshua Ramirez
Marie Lu
Page #105
Log #3
Even before Day was a criminal he always had a way of getting himself into trouble. Five years ago Day was preparing for the test that would determine if he would go to labor camp or pass. He was a reckless kid running through problems headfirst. He studied hard trying to prevent himself from failing. His older brother John studied and trained him, preparing Day for the physical and mental challenges a head. Their was one time when John and Day were playing street hokey and Day wacked a hockey puck through the police window. The officer came at him with the force of stampede. His eyes were blazed, filled with anger, but unlike most people who live in the slums Day stood his ground with the face of a fighter. The officer hit him with the cool metal of his gun. And Day fell, getting kicked and punched. John offered all their money and the officer left. After that day something changed in Day he learned that you cant wait around for people to save you. Day took his test, but failed or so he thought. He was taken into the labor camps. But he was not a worker he was a lab experiment. He was tested on getting cut into and was tortured. They took blood, tissue, and part of his eye. He was thrown into a room filled with carcasses. He escaped and spent the rest of his years as a criminal. That is until he met June.
#6 Janessa Fuentes
Pg. - 96-210
Blog1 /4thQuter
I am so sorry that your son Willie has died at the age of 18 while snowboarding with his college friends.
Thankfully, you have an amazing church group you are a part of. I’m so glad that the church was able to help you with your other children and help make dinners for your family. Although there will be grief in the family for a while, Willy is in a better place. It was time for Willie to go home to where he belongs. Trust me; the Lord is taking care of Willie. Although you miss Willie, he is telling you not to worry. It will take a while to adapt to your daily life, but it will become easier as time goes by. I could guarantee that Willie misses you too but in heaven he’s having the time of his life. From heaven, Willie is telling you not to worry. It’s going to take a while to adapt to your new life style but you WILL see Willie again. Pray to God to protect Willie and never doubt the Lords promises. I know you’re probably asking God why he took Willie so early. Even though we don’t always hear the Lords answers, there is always a meaning behind his decisions. I know that Willie is in a better place now. When you are sad, Willie is telling you not to worry. Remember when you and your fiancé were on your honeymoon? You got in a kayaking accident and drowned. You actually died and got to see God but he told you ‘it is not time for you to come here yet’. And you came to life again. That was a true Miracle, but God must have wanted Willie now. You are so lucky to be alive and you should thank God every day that he gave you a second chance at life to be with your other children. When you are missing Willie, just think of him as being your beautiful angel in heaven which you will see again someday.
#10 Sarah Youssouf
Victoria Laurie
Pg 323
Three years later Maddie has graduated high school and has gone on to attend her dream collage, Cornell University. Maddie still holds the capability to read peoples death dates. She doesn’t hold readings frequently. When she does, she uses her ability to help reassure those with sick family members or friends. Since Maddie’s been in collage, life has gotten easier. She stopped getting bullied and has made new friends. Reading death dates has stopped being her down fall. Her best friend Stubby, has attended Brown University. Maddie still goes and visits him when she gets a chance. There bond has gotten stronger since all that has happened to them. Her mother is now sober and has become a nurse again. She promises to never have another drink in her life. Maddie and her mother’s relationship has gotten back on track. Her mom fly’s out to Cornell once every 2 months to come and visit her. Her Uncle Donny visits her frequently and comes back home for holidays. Maddie has also played a big part in rebuilding her uncle’s and mother’s relationship. Since all that has happened, Maddie has turned to God for guidance. She became a Christian and has built a relationship with the Lord. Maddie has still been in contact with Agent Faraday. Since Farday’s son and Maddie attend the same collage, they see each other a lot. Maddie still thinks of her father and hopes to one day get the same car that he once owned. Maddie has stopped thinking about her past and is more focused on her future.
#8 Gregory Luciano
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter
J.K Rowling
Page 0
Blog 1 4th Quarter
Prompt: #10
Potter Quiz
True or False.
1.Harry tells Sirius about his pain in his scar. T/F
2.Uncle Vernon gives harry permission to go to world cup. T/F
3.Weasley twins leave a cupcake on the floor for Dudley. T/F
4.Out of the seven students who use the portkey, only harry was left standing. T/F
5.Wizards slept in tents during World Cup. T/F
Multiple Choice
6.Harry is in year _____
A5 B6 C7 D8
7.__________ puts Harry’s name in Goblet.
A:Dumbledore B:Ron C:Hermione D:Mad Eye Moody
8.Harry is in _______ house.
A:Gryffindor B:RavenClaw C:Slytherin D:HufflePuff
9.Ron has ____ brothers
A2 B3 C4 D5
10.Rita is a ______
A:Writer B:Painter C:Witch D:Minister
11.The Riddle house was in the ______ town.
A:Sussex B:Hangleton C:Whinging D:Hunsford
12.Who told Voldemort that the gardener was eavesdropping?
A:Snake B:Rat C:Elf D:Wormtail
13.Whats the gardeners name?
A:Bryce Felt B:Bryce Frank C:Frank Bryce D: Fred Bryan
14.What tickets does Mr. Weasley get that make Harry excited.
A:Quidditch World Cup B:Hogwarts C:Angels game D:Dragon Games
Short Answer
15.How did Harrys name get put in the Goblet of Fire?
16.What was the first triwizard event?
17.What was the second triwizard event?
18.What was the LAST triwizard event?
19.Why is Harry safe at the Dursleys?
Describe the battle between Harry and the Dark Lord.
1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.A
15. The imposter Mad Eye Moody had put Harrys name under a different schools name, making him a champion.
16.All champions were to steal their assigned dragons egg.
17.All champions had to breathe under water for one hour and rescue their friends.
18.Last event were all champions were to found the Goblet and touch it. First to touch it would win.
19. The Dursleys house has a special protection charm.
20.The Goblet of fire was switched with a portkey. It teleported Harry to Lord Voldemort, where he took his blood to get his body back. After that, they fought until harry touched the portkey again and saved his life.
#11 Matthew Montoya
Option #5
The Honest Truth
Dan Gemeinhart
Running from fears
Can Result in tears.
But with a companion
You can be a champion.
Looking at your journey ahead
You might just need some bread.
When it’s all done
You just realized you had so much fun.
#1 Matthew Burnette
ReplyDeleteTreasure Island
Prompt: 8
The main conflict in Treasure Island is the pirates. A conflict is a disagreement or argument. Typically in Treasure Island the conflicts result in death. The reason why the pirates are the conflict is because they are greedy and are trying to find the treasure before Jim and his friends find it. In this book they fight against each other and every time someone dies or gets injured somehow. Another conflict in Treasure Island is in the begging of the book there’s this pirate named captain who found the treasure and hid it. All these pirates were after the captain because they wanted all the gold. But one day a blind man came in and killed captain and it was all up to Jim to keep the treasure safe. Another minor conflict in the book is Jim’s father dies because he was sick. It was only his mother and him to watch the inn by them. Another conflict in the middle of the book is Jim sneaks out of their camp one night to see what the pirates were up to and he decided to cut the ropes of the ship so the ship would sail away. But when he cut it the waves took him out to the open as well as the other ship and there was a big storm. Another conflict in this book is towards the end Jim gets captured by the pirates and his friends had left because they thought he was dead. The last conflict for the pirates is they found the map to the treasure but it was a trick and Jim’s friend attacked the pirates because there was actually no chest the guy that had lived on the island already found it and hid it in a cove. These are some of the main conflicts in Treasure Island.
Edward Lueras #10
ReplyDeleteLord of the Rings: Return of the King
page #99 4th quarter blog #1
prompt #5
Hope is like a rock
you can hold onto
even against the greatest
of foes
in the face of danger
hope is stronger
fear is like a window
it can easily be broken
by just one rock
Hannah Dumaine #3
blog #1 log #10
page 130
R.J. Palacio
T/F Questions
1. August did not pay attention of the way people looked at him.
2. August thought Summer was pretty.
3. Via always complained to her parents.
4. August wants to leave his school.
5. August is so mad that Jack betrayed him.
Multiple Choice
1. What is August's nickname?
a-Just August
d- Augo
2. Who was the meanest between the two boys in the beginning of the book?
a- Julian
b- Jack
3. What is August's sister's name?
a- Via
b- Fanny
c- Alison
d- Devin
4. Can the doctors fix August's face?
a- They are working on it
b- Yes
c- No
d- They don't know how that happened to him
5. Who sits with August at lunch?
a- Jack
b- Fred
c- Summer
d- No one
6. How many people sit with August at lunch?
a- one
b- two
c- three
d- none
7.What school does August go to?
a- Calvary
b- Breacher
c- Journey
d- Home schooled
8. How old is August?
a- 16
b- 13
c- 10
d- 9
9. What is not one of the nicknames put on August?
a- Rat Boy
b- Freak
c- Potato
d- Lizard Face
10. When August left school early when the Halloween rep vent was going on, what sickness did have when he left school?
a- Stomach Ache
b- Stuffy Nose
c- Coughing
d- Eye infection
Short Answer
1. Why is August's face like that?
2. Who was August's best friend before they had to move?
3. What grade was August going into?
4. Who told Jack to be August's fake best friend?
5. Was Summer faking the friendship also?
1. Why didn't Via complain to her parents about anything?
T/F Questions
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
Multiple Choice
Short Answer
1. He was just born with it.
2. His name was Christopher.
3. He was going into 5th grade.
4. Mr. Tushman told Jack to do that.
5. No, she told August Mr. Tushman did not tell her anything.
1. She did not complain because she knew what August was going through. Her parents had to care for him so much. Take him to the doctor for more surgeries and everything, so he would stay healthy. Via did everything herself.
#2 Jacquelyn Co
ReplyDeleteGinger Pye
Eleanor Estes
Blog #1
Log #2
Hi Jerry,
I am so glad that you found your dog Ginger. I was surprised that Wally Bullwinkle stole him. My advice to you is to hold on to Ginger, and to not lose him again. Ginger is such a special dog and he loves you very much. Honestly your patience surprises me. Jerry, you taught me that waiting for something is far better in the end. When you first got Ginger from Speedy’s Puppies I felt so happy for you. I knew you worked so hard just to get him. You dusted all the pews in the church just so you could finally get a dog. It is a good thing you worked so hard because Ginger is a great dog and friend to you. I remember he visited you at school because he missed you so much. Everybody in town loved him. I know there is not that much advice for me to give you but all I want to say is that patience is a virtue. I know you know that because it must have been hard to lose a dog like Ginger, and months later finding out somebody was keeping him from you. You handled it really well too, and I can’t believe Uncle Benny your two year old Uncle found Ginger. He truly saved the day. Anyway Jerry, you taught me how to deal with the ups and downs in life. Even when things aren’t going our way, something good will eventually happen. My last piece of advice to you Jerry is, “you have to love the bad days so that you can appreciate the good days even more.” Say Hello to Ginger for me.
Angelica Castaneda #1
ReplyDeleteMay 4, 2015
An Abundance of Katherines
By, John Green
Option 8
The main problem in An Abundance of Katherines is that when it comes to relationships Colin Singletons type has always been for girls named Katherine. He was in his nineteenth relationship with a girl named Katherine when she soon dumped him. Colin has always been dumped by Katherines, nineteen to be exact. When this all got too much for him his one and only friend talks him into going on a summer road trip. So the problem is that he always seems to get dumped by Katherines, so he is determined to prove The Theorem of Underlying Katherines Predictability and predict his future relationships. Colin is a child prodigy and he seems to know everything. As they are on their mission, they stop by at Gunshot, Tennessee and are offered a job. During their summer job, they meet new characters. Colin meets a new girl named Lindsey, they get along and he then falls in love with Lindsey. At the end of the book he proves his bad luck with Katherines was over and proves that he can have a relationship with any girl. At the end Colin is happy and seems to have a scene of realization. He realizes that he doesn’t have to be that smart kid or a kid who isn’t social and has no friends. He realizes that he doesn’t have to be a kid that nobody likes and who always gets dumped by Katherines. He understands that he can make of his possibilities and be happy with whoever he is with. He just has to believe in himself and take whatever comes to him.
#7 Aide Martinez
ReplyDeleteMay 6, 2015
Maniac Magee
Jerry Spinelli
Page #184
Log #8
Jeffrey Lionel Magee is no ordinary kid. His parents died when he was three years old leaving him an orphan. Everyone knew Jeffrey as Maniac. Why did they call him Maniac? Since Jeffrey ran away from his aunt and uncle he's been on the run appearing in different places. People see him from time to time, but no one has really ever had a conversation with him except for Amanda Beale. There are two main problems in Maniac Magee. The first is that Jeffrey also known as Maniac never had a family or anywhere to stay. He lived in a Buffaloes cage at a zoo eating only what was fed to the animals. One day when Maniac and Amanda Beale met it started off by Maniac borrowing a book from her. He returned it as promised, but Amanda's mother and father asked Maniac to stay for dinner. The Beale's then found out that he had nowhere to stay, but the zoo. They took him under their wing for months until Maniac again ran away. The second problem is Maniac was white and he lived in the neighborhood of black people. During the time whites were on one side and blacks were on the other. A few people did not like Maniac staying with the Beale's so they would paint notes on the wall saying he doesn't belong and to go with his own kind. When Maniac ran away for a few months he came back to the Beale's and they again comforted and treated him as their own son.
#5 Gavin Lizik
Alabama Moon
Watt Key
Pg # 279
Prompt #3
Alabama Moon, 21, now lives in the great city of New York. He has become a young entrepreneur and invested in many sports teams. For example, he has invested in the New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, and The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. He is married to his beloved wife, Cassandra Bullock Moon, and they have only 1 kid, Derek. He lives in the biggest house in New York, worth $45 million dollars. He is soon planning on selling it to Tom Brady, who just recently sold his $35 million dollars, since he just won the Super Bowl. Alabma makes almost $30 million dollars a year from his sponsorship, Nike, and from the investments on the many professional sports teams. He is still in touch with his bestfriends from the wescape from jail, and living in the woods.
#14 Zachary Ramsey
Option #5
School Of Fear
Gitty D.
With fear,
You might get kicked in the rear.
But being brave,
Can put you in your grave.
But as time goes by,
I try and try to find, what fear pushed behind.
#12 Connor Platt
Marie Lu
Pg. 352
Log #5
In the world, there are many ups and down.
Although, the most important thing is that you keep your head up and keep going.
“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.”(Forest Gump).
The point is, to always look at the big picture,
And that your just one piece of the whole puzzle.
Even then, you can still make a big difference.
“Make the most of what you have in your lifetime,
And you will become a legend.”
#2 Sarah Chiaromonte
R.J Palacio
Prompt #1
Dear Diary,
Today I went to school and there is a new kid in class. Is name is August and his a little bit different. His face is well different. I don’t want to say deformed because that is rude, but not normal. His eye is where his check should be and he had a whole bunch of surgeries. It really shouldn’t be that way if he had all those surgeries. I think if he had that many operations, he should look a bit better. I mean they should sue those doctors. Plus you see kids starring over at him and it would be so uncomfortable. I think he knows they are starring he just doesn’t act like it. There is one person who hangs with him. I think her name is Summer. This is a coincidence because he is August and August is in summer. So at least he is making friends. He was being a little weird and I don’t know why. I asked Jack Will and he had no idea. I also asked Charlotte and she said, “Bleeding Scream.” At first I didn’t know but after a while I figured it out. There was a bleeding scream at school when Halloween came around. That must have been August and something must have upset him. He didn’t come after that because of what happened. When he did come back (after break) he seemed very happy. Also before break Jack Will punched Julian. He didn’t say why, but I know Julian is a real jerk so. Julian lost a few teeth, but again he deserved it. August is an actually cool guy but people don’t see it. They are looking on the out not on the in. If I where August I would say something but that is not everyone. I wish but no. Everyone is different especially August.
#15 Alexis Raya
ReplyDeleteI am Legend
Richard Matheson
Blog #6
Interviewer: “Hello”
Robert: “Hello”
Interviewer: “Would you please tell the audience your name?”
Robert: “Yes, my name is Robert Neville.”
Interviewer: “And, what have you done that has made you so famous?”
Robert: “I am legend.”
Interviewer: “What do you mean you are ‘legend’?”
Robert: “I mean that I am the last survivor of the human race. There is no other human on the whole earth.”
Interviewer: “If you are the last survivor of the human race, then, what am I?”
Robert: “You know what you are.”
Interviewer: “No, I do not know what I am. What am I?”
Robert: “You are a vampire.”
Interviewer: “A vampire, me, I can’t be a vampire. How can I be a vampire?”
Robert: “You became a vampire by a bacterial infection that has taken over your nervous system.”
Interviewer: “But I can’t be a vampire. I do not thirst for blood.”
Robert: “But you do not go outside in the day.”
Interviewer: “True, but I can go by a cross and holy water without any pain or discomfort.”
Robert: “That is true, but I guarantee to you that I can kill you with a wooden stake.”
Interviewer: “Oh yeah? Show me.”
Robert: “I am glad to show you how I can kill you with a wooden stake.”
Interviewer: “Okay then.”
*Hit *Stab *Crack
Robert: “Now you are dead. Bye”
#13 Preston Parker
ReplyDeleteLanguage Arts
Allegiant (finished)
In Allegiant Tris being the wonderful person she is decides to leave the city because she knows that at this point she knows the Evelin Johnsin is a complete traitor and just wants her team of factionless to rule the city. But thanks to wonderful allegiant rebellion on there way out they kill Tory and accidently got tris shot in the sholder but aside from that they had a rejoiceful rebellion againt Jenine but the world outside isn’t the same with the war against the gentetically pure and genetically damaged Tobias being genetically damaged. Tris however is a genetically pure and has been able to be a pretty helpful resource accept she does however get herself killed in the process and leaves Tobias to fend for himself and managed to get him and his mother outside of the city before the evil people the burue bombes them with memory serum allowing them to get everyone out of the berue cremate tris’s ashes and spread them around the berue as they live a peaceful life around the amity farms with all the other people around the world ending the war and having a regular thing to do that don’t involve factionless and some of the better things about regular world like trips around the world and normal living with there family and other beings theat are ordinary and just like them. But every one else still believes and asks what it was like in the world
#10 Jake O’Brien
ReplyDeleteMay 5, 2015
Black Hawk Down
Mark Bowden
Blog #1 Quarter 4
I like this book so far because of the fact that Mark Bowden doesn’t only talk about how the missions are playing out, but he also talks about each soldier each time they come up in the story line. For example he talk about specialist John Stebbins, as if he knew him for years of his life even though all that he did was just interview some people that knew Mr. Stebbins. He talked about John Stebbins’ life before he was in the Army and when he was in the Army. John Stebbins before the Army was a family man who cared a lot for his loving wife and his need to be in the military. He registered for the army and, yes he was accepted but he never got to see any action. He was a desk operator but that’s not what he wished to do in the army. Then one lucky day, the general came into his office and told him that he would finally be seeing some action. This was all collected from Mark Bowden’s interviews and his sources in the military. What I also like about Black Hawk Down is that after he introduced you to a member of the squad he tell you about how they would respond to the actions of war. Mark Bowden is a wonderful writer and he explains the Black Hawk Down story excellently and perfectly. I would definitely recommend this to any of my friends.
#2 Jack Cardeno
ReplyDeleteLord of the Rings: Return of the King
Finished the book
Log #4
Friendship is one of the major themes in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. One example was when Sam helped Frodo escape the prison they were in while they were in Mordor. Another example of friendship in Lord of the Rings was when Sam carried Frodo, yes, he did that, to Mount Doom in order to destroy the One Ring. Sam was Frodo’s servant, but he was more than a servant. He was a friend. Sam stuck with Frodo throughout the entire trilogy. Even when Frodo insisted that he go alone to Mount Doom, he decided to go with him anyway. Another friendship in Lord of the Rings is between Legolas and Aragorn. Aragorn is a hunter who lived in Minas Tirith. Legolas was an elf who had met Aragorn when the King of Gondor told him to. They were friends in the best way possible. For example, Legolas helped Aragorn when the Black Gate to Mordor opened with Goblins pouring out of the Gate. Aragorn helped Legolas by telling him where to go when the company (Frodo, Gandalf, Sam, etc.) needed to see the King of Gondor. Friendship can go a long way whether it is an issue or something troubling you, one friend will always be there to stand by your side. Sam and Frodo had an unbreakable friendship. Even though they were seen differently by the rest of society, they were friends none the less. This is why friendship is a reoccurring theme in Lord of the Rings.
#18 Kayla Sin
ReplyDeleteThe Selection
Kiera Cass
Pg. 327
True or False
1. There are six castes.
2. America lives in a place called Illea.
3. The Selection is where the prince chooses his match.
4. There are two people from each caste that go into the Selection.
5. Aspen is a six.
Multiple Choice
6. What caste is America in?
a. 3 b. 4
c. 5 d. 6
7. What does America do for a living?
a. performs b. cooks
c. models d. teaches
8. There have been _____ World Wars.
a. two b. three
c. four d. five
9. Aspen knows America because he is ______.
a. her boyfriend b. her brother
c. her cousin d. the prince
10. America has ___ siblings.
a. 2 b. 3
c. 4 d. 5
11. Maxon knows America because he is ______.
a. her boyfriend b. her brother
c. her cousin d. the prince
12. Who does America hate during the selection?
a. Celeste b. Marlee
c. Kriss d. Elise
13. What is America’s favorite color?
a. cream b. red
c. green d. blue
14. Where does America usually talk to Maxon?
a. movie theatre b. skate park
c. garden d. restraunt
15. What is the name of the queen?
a. Amberly b. Blaire
c. Collette d. Diana
Short Answer
16. How old is America?
17. Who is the founder of America’s country?
18. How did Maxon and America first meet?
19. Whose attacks are more violent? The North or the South?
20. Which caste is the lowest?
21. Explain Maxon and America’s deal.
Answer Key
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. c
7. a
8. c
9. a
10. b
11. d
12. a
13. d
14. c
15. a
16. America is sixteen years old.
17. Gregory Illea founded Illea.
18. America ran outside the palace to get fresh air when Maxon heard her screaming. He then came by to accompany her outside.
19. The South has more violent attacks on the palace.
20. Eight is the lowest caste.
21. When you are in the Selection, your family is being paid. America thought she would not fall for Maxon but wanted her family to be paid. She made an agreement with Maxon. She would stay in the Selection and be his friend. Maxon did not have any friends growing up in the palace so this would be new. Maxon would keep her in the competition so that her family would get paid. This was an even deal for the two of them at the time. Later on everything changes.
#12 Emily Platt
ReplyDeleteQuarter 4 Blog 1
Log #4
Tell me
Joan Bauer
Pg. 259
Hi my name is Anna. This is my struggle with anger. This is my story. I live with my mom, dad, and my dog daisy. I have to go to dance every day I love to dance. When dance was over I had to leave with my dad. When I came home I had to get ready to eat. My parents were taking like normal parents would. I knew how they were talking to each other something was wrong. And I was right. They started to yell at each and they didn’t stop my mom said “ What is wrong with you Brian”. I was so confused they don’t do this in front of me. My dad hit they table and grabbed all of his stuff and slammed the door. I was so sad didn’t know what to do. The next day my mom said that I am going to live with my grandmother in Rosemont. She was not going to stay with me she was going with her aunt and fix everything. I thought they would get a divorce and everything would not be the same anymore. So many things went through my head. At that time maybe I could have done something to make them stop. But I didn’t I am so stupid. Many months passed and I was still thing about what happened. I went to my grandmother’s house and that is when seen my dad. He changed he was happy. He was not angry. He was the dad that didn’t focus on work like he did in the past. I had to call my mom when I told her that dad changed she was shocked. I tried to tell her how he was. When I told her this everything went normal. I went back to my home and everything was back to how it was.
#7Isabella Holiday
ReplyDeleteAll Fall Down
Ally Carter
Pg 320(end of book)
Dear diary,
It’s him. I saw him. I know it’s him. It’s him. It’s my mother’s murderer. Grandpa tries to tell me that I am wrong and just because the guy has a scar it doesn’t make him who I think he is. I know it though. I have nightmares of him. Today I got into some of my mothers old belongings. I found a picture of him without a scar, with her. Happy. They were in love. All I was thinking is why would she do this? Why would he kill her? It didn’t make sense at first but then I figured that she must have broken up with him to marry dad and then my brother happened, then I happened. He must of still loved her but knew that she didn’t love him so decided to get rid of her. I knew it. If only people would believe me. People that can actually do stuff about it, not just my teenage friends. Wait, is that he staring at me outside the window. He has been everywhere I have been today and the past couple of days. He’s now coming after me. First my mother now me? He must not want anyone to find out. No one will believe me. My friends are upset at me, what do I do? I have no one. It’s just me. No help, no friends to believe, I have nothing, just me. I have to figure out what to do. Hopefully I’ll write again,
#6 Elijah Holiday
ReplyDeleteBook of Useless Information
Noel Botham
PG. 309
Blog #5
There may be a book of useless information
But it may be someones inspiration
There is some wacky stuff
It’s definalty not written by someone tough
There are weird laws
And something about dogs pretty paws
There is stuff about hugs
And peoples odd collection of mugs
There are people who know how to hit a ball
And run into a wall
There is a guy named LeBron James
Who apparently has played a lot of basketball games
There are records in sports
Nerds and geeky dorks
There is something about school
A guy who is truly a fool
This book may be called useless
But it is sure better than mucus
#6 Vincent Macabuhay
ReplyDeleteThe Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
C.S. Lewis
Pg 128
The pevensie syballings have been evacuated from theyre home in London. So they have been evacuated to a country home. The owner is professor Digory has never had these kids in his house ever before. So he has been very strict about the kids disturbing him or messing up his house. He is a very strict house keeper and is very careful around the house. But one rainy gloomy day. Lucy and the kids were bored and had started to play the game called hide and go seek. Lucy had found a mystery closet and went into it and she discovered a magical place such known as Narnia. One night, Edmund follows Lucy into the wardrobe. He enters Narnia as well, and after searching for Lucy he meets the White Witch who claims to be Queen of Narnia. And she gives them some Turkish delight. Lucy tells Peter and Susan what happened, but Edmund lies about it.
#3 Daniel Chapin
ReplyDeleteBlog #7
Fighters heart
After I retired I came back for one last fight. I was expecting to just have fun and to just get in and get out. I won by K.O. and I felt the adrenaline rushing through my vains. There is no better feeling in the world than getting your hand raised. Despite my losses, I felt like I could fight at the top level. After the fight I booked more fights for me. My come back record ended up to be 22-0-0. The ufc invited me to come fight for them. My first fight was against a nobody. I ended up submitting him in the first round, my next fight was against Joe Loazon. It was a surprisingly easy fight for me, I won by unanimouse descition. My next fight was against Michael Johnson. It was a hard faught victory, I won by unanimous decsition. The next fight would determain wheather or not I would get the title shot against Jose Aldo. There was a lot of hype and trash talk leading up to the fight done by Conoer Mcgregger. At the weigh in it was the most intence staredown. In the beginning of the fight I got rocked, but I came back and destroyed him with my wrestling. I won in the third round by submission. I n my fight against Jose aldo was hard. One minute I was controling and the next I was being conroled. I won by split decition. It was a good idea to come back and fight.
#1 Sydney Barbee
ReplyDeleteThe One
Kiera Cass
Pg. 316/done
Prompt # 10
True or False
1. America’s last name is Singer. ___________
2. Maxon is the price of United States of China. __________
3. The rebels got into the castle dressed as guards the day Maxon was going to purpose. _________
4. Maxson saw America talking with Aspen and got offended. _________
5. Maxon has never loved anyone in his life before the Selection. __________
6. The king of Illea adores America and Marlee. _________
Multiple Choice
7. The queen’s name is __________.
a) Celeste b) Kriss c)Amberly d) Georgia
8. Who was shot in the shoulder?
a) Maxon b) America c) Aspen d) Both A and B
9. In the end who does Aspen end up with?
a) Anne b) Mary c) America d) Lucy
10. Which important people die at the end?
a) The queen and King b) Marlee and Carter c) August and Georgia
d) Maxon and America
11. America goes back home because _________________.
a) Her dads died b) she gets sent home c) her mom died d) the rebels attacked the palace
12. Who did America marry?
a) Aspen b) August c) Maxon d) none of the above
13. What was America’s weapon when the rebels attacked?
a) Gun b) bow and arrow c) Sword d) none of the above
14. August and Georgia were ____________.
a) dating b) northern rebels c) southern rebels d) both A and B
15. The two rebels in the palace were wanting to talk to who?
a) America b) Maxon c) both A and B d) Aspen
16. What did Maxon bring back from New Asia for America?
a) earrings b) necklace c) bracelet d) all the above
Short Answer
17. How old is America?
18. Who went dancing in the rain?
19. What’s the name of the girl’s teacher?
20. What was the phrase that Maxon and America never told each other?
21. What is America’s occupation?
22. Why wasn’t Maxon going to marry America?
Answer Key
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. False
7. C.
8. D.
9. D.
10. A.
11. A.
12. C.
13. A.
14. B.
15. C.
16. C.
17. Seventeen
18. Maxon and America
19. Silvia
20. I love you
21. Singing and music
22. Maxon was not going to marry America because he saw Aspen and her in the hall together. He knew that America used to love Aspen and that they had a connection. She did not feel that kind of love for Aspen anymore and neither did Aspen. They both tried to explain to Maxon that they were over but he refused to listen. Then at the ceremony Maxon forgave America and told her that his heart was hers to break and it always has been and always will be. Once America found out that Maxon was still alive he purposed to her and that is where the story ends.
#17 Anthony Salgado
ReplyDeleteStar Wars: Revenge of the Sith
Patricia C. Wrede
pg. 150
blog #5
I had trust in you
And you failed me
Now our relationship is starting to rust
All hope is lost
Now you will see what betrayal cost
#17 Zachary Tittle
39 Clues Linda Sue Park (finish)
Blog 7
In this book I think that it should be more suspenseful and less predictable. This book was easy to predict what would happen because there were hostages and they almost escaped. While they were attempting to escape their captors were chasing them so it was easily known that the captors would catch them. Though it was easy to guess what would happen. The descriptions of the chases and the fights were excellent. There were only few parts that I could not guess would happen. One part was that when Phoenix was running away from the captors with Erasmus Phoenix had to jump off the cliff while Erasmus had to stay because the captors had caught up with them. I figured that Erasmus would die but I didn’t think Phoenix would live. He lives Erasmus dies. I would think that Phoenix will live but I have not read the next book. What I think is not suspenseful about this book is that again is it easily predicted. The storyline about who is the bad guy and who isn’t is good but there should be more fighting not just the Cahills doing what the Vespers tell them to do so the hostages wont die. If I were to refer this book to another person I don’t think they would like it because they probably have not red the other 16 books on this series. I also think that person would not like the storyline to this story and how it plays out. So in conclusion, I would not refer this book to another peer. I would most likely refer it to a person in a lower grade.
#11 Luke O’Brien
ReplyDeleteLanguage Arts
Blog #7
“Welcome to the Dark House”
The book I’m reading is called, “Welcome to the Dark House,” it’s so full of mystery! It’s about a girl named Ivy who was a part of a murder. When she was twelve she heard screaming down the hallway in her parent’s bedroom. She didn’t know what to do until she saw her phone on the nightstand. She called the police and the operator told her that the police were on her way. After she got off the phone with the operator she heard a man say, “now it’s your turn.” She heard her mother begging for him to stop until it was completely silent. Ivy could heard the wood creaking underneath the man’s footsteps. That’s when she saw him, he had long gray hair tied in a ponytail and crooked yellow teeth. He said,” good evening my princess.” They stared at each other until the man heard the distant police sirens. That’s when he disappeared into the darkness. In the present time she in eighteen and lives only seventy miles away from the crime scene with her new family and new name. Ever since that year of the murder she has been going to doctors to help her deal with this fear of the man that killed her parents coming now to kill her too. As you can imagine some can be traumatized from seeing her parent’s killer right in front of them, well Ivy was extremely. Ivy started to act very differently from everyone else, she started to wear all black and be very distant. I guess you can call her an emo freak. She started subscribing to a thing called the nightmare elf. This is the group of people who made the famous series of horror movies. In doing so she won a paid vacation to the house that the director uses in the movies. This is how far I’ve gotten in this book. Who knows all the mysteries this house has.
Karina DiPonio
ReplyDeleteGrace Girl of the Year
Mary Casanova
Log 7
Page 135
A couple of years before Grace’s adventure in Paris she decided that she would stay in Paris leaving her mother. She said to her mom “tell everyone I said bye and I will miss them very much”. Grace’s mom said that she will return the message, then she left in the cab that was waiting for Grace and said the goodbye’s and then the cab left. Grace walked to the café and up the stairs to where she was staying. Grace laid in her bed waiting for tomorrow to come so she could begin culinary school in Paris. The next day appears and Grace puts on her clothes and heads downstairs and Grace hesitates she believes that she has seen her grandparents however it was just a shadow. Grace went back behind the counter and pulled a croissant from the display. She sat down and grabbed water. Soon she had to leave for school. Grace waited for her aunt so she could say goodbye, she hopped in the cab grabbing her materials for school. The cab drove off and Grace was very nervous for her first day of culinary school. The cab came to a complete stop, Grace jumped out and gave the cab driver a tip and then grabbed her bags. Grace walked to the door that said Mrs. Bake’s class. Grace opened the door and the class was full of other kids. Grace turned around and saw that she had walked into the wrong class room. Grace then turned around and went into the right class.
#15 Emilia Shahverdian
ReplyDeleteLanguage Arts
May 5, 2015
Maze Runner by James Dashner
Blog #2 Quarter 4
The idea of Thomas’ life before was a very tricky subject. It was something that I had not mentioned at the beginning of the book. Today I am going to reveal the life of Thomas before he had entered the Glade. His memories, family, and friends will be exposed. Thomas was born in New York, in a little city that was fairly close to relatives. Thomas had been an athlete. In high school he did cross country. Thomas had a body prepared for running. Thomas had two brothers and one sister. Their names were Aaron, Lucas, and Rosalina. His parent’s names were Peter and Evelynn. They had two dogs. One was a German shepherd and the other a husky. The thing that really stands out is that both these dogs are used to defend and protect others, and Thomas has these character traits. At this time the world had been in ruins and destruction. A virus swept the earth annihilating anyone in its path. Thomas took a job under Wicked, a company who was experimenting with ways to save the human race. He then met a girl named Teresa, who is a key role later on when Thomas was in the Glade. Wicked had an idea of a maze in which selected teenagers were sent into a maze to find their way out. Thomas ended up volunteering to go into the maze fully knowing the dangers that lay before him.
#4 Grace Diponio
Option #10
Close to famous
Joan Bauer
Page 250
1. True or false
Foster has a dream of having her own cooking show
2. Foster was the only one in her family with a dream
3. Her idol was a lady named Sonny Kroll
4. Fosters dad died when she was very young
5. Foster had her dream come true
Multiple choices
1. What was fosters passion in life
A) Soccer
B) Baking
C) Modeling
2. She was chased out of Memphis by an
A) Elvis impersonator
B) A cop
C) Her mom’s crazy ex-boyfriend
3. What kind of muffins did she make the best?
A) Chocolate
B) Blueberry
C) Strawberry
4. What other career did she have?
A) Writing
B) Reading
C) Both
5. Where did Foster live?
A) Culpepper
B) California
C) Texas
6. What was peppers mom dream?
A) back- up singer
B) Headliner
C) Swimmer
7. What is foster afraid of?
A) Not being able to hide forever
B) Spiders
c) Bugs
8. What did pepper want to make the world?
A) A better place with her backing
B) A healthier place
C) A happier place with color
9. What was her mom’s favorite book that she lived by?
A) Anne Frank
B) How to kill a Mockingbird
10. Who died in her family that had a great impact on her?
A) Her dad
B) Her uncle
C) Her dog
Short answers
1. When did foster start baking?
2. What distracted Foster from the real world?
3. How did Foster cope with her father’s death?
4. Who was her best friend?
5. Did Foster have an easy life/
Write a 5 sentence paragraph about Fosters life, and her character.
True or false section
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
Multiple choices
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. A
Short answers
1. Ever since she was little
2. Baking
3. She Felt like everything she had was gone
4. Her mom
5. No
Fosters life was not easy she was running from fear with her mother. She had many challenges throughout her life. She embraced her life through baking. Even though she didn’t have a lot she was happy as a clam. With hard work her dream became reality
Olivia Tidwell#16
ReplyDeleteLanguage arts
The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins
Chapter 4
4th Quarter
Blog #1
After living in futuristic North America, a cold, dirty place where there is hardly any food, Catniss probably didn’t want to go to the reaping because of the chance that she would be chosen to be one of the tributes. She is not comfortable at home but it would be a lot worse in the games where you have to kill your opponent. At the reaping Effie Trinket draws the name Prim Rose Everdeen. Catniss felt awful and could not let her sister go out into the games and risk her life by being killed. Catniss decided to risk her own life because she cared about her sister more than anything. She sacrificed her life to make sure that her sister was safe at home. Usually if you were not chosen to be in the games you would celebrate the joy and glory of going through another year without having a family member or friend going into the games, but not Catniss. This year Catniss’s family had to go through the stage of suffering, pain, and pressure because Catniss was going to fight for her life in the games. Catniss was most likely filled with pressure but also satisfaction because she is getting ready to fight in the games in her sister’s place. Catniss was ready to fight for her life. Leading up to the games, Catniss has gone through hardships, suffering, pain, and pressure but knowing that her sister is safe has given her peace.
#9 Margaret Kwok
Tomorrow Girls- Set Me Free
Eva Gray
Pages 1-150
Blog#1 for Quarter 4
Many years before this book took place, Jonah, wasn’t the boy you come to know him as. He is known to have some sort of horrible street life backround, but to what extent is not written. Truth be told, Jonah was one of many children, and his mother abandoned him, along with his siblings, at a very young age. His father had by no means been part of his life as a young child. His papa was thought of as an idol to him, his brothers and sisters told him he had gone to fight in a war, and was killed. Unfortunately, this was a lie, a rather large one too. His father truly did go to war, however that is not how he died. When he returned from the war he was a wreck. He abused Jonah’s mother to an extent unspeakable, which is the reason she left her children later on, but anyways, he had a terrible addiction to drugs. Not just any drugs, but the kind that if you were to try to stop taking, you were almost instantly killed. The way this drug works is your immune system comes well say, immune to it and it kills off all your good cells, leaving only the harmful, bacteria-filled cells. Basically, your body kills itself. Poor Jonah was forced to be around this as an infant, and though no memory of his father, the consequences lurk. The drug his father was on was indeed, somehow, contagious. Jonah as a small child exhibited signs of this drug, and soon developed insecurity, brain damage, and indescribable fears, due to his father. This also was one of the reasons his mother left him, and eventually his own siblings. Jonah was forced to live on the streets alone, with only himself to comfort. Jonah faced problems such as where to sleep, what or when to eat, and even just finding clothes. Poor Jonah, almost felt welcomed when picked up by the Alliance group. Jonah when getting the drugs at the center of the enemy, was easily brainwashed unlike the others, due to the remaining drugs in his body. That when it came in contact with the poison the authorities gave him, he was almost instantly brainwashed.
#5 Alex Gottuso
R.J. Palacio
Pg. 318
Prompt #5
A face different
From all the rest
Appearance is not what defines you
Your purpose
Your actions toward others
Or otherwise
Your personality
Is really what matters.
Don't let the first thing you see
Distract you
Don't let the outside cover
The wonder of possibilities
That lays inside.
#8 Matthew Johnson
ReplyDeleteThe Death Cure
4th quarter blog #1
Prompt #8
In the book The Death Cure there is a main conflict as there is in any book. The conflict of this book is very complicated compared to other books. First there was huge sun flares that made the whole world a terrible place. These sun flares destroyed cites and made the world a place where it is so hot you can’t go outside without some type of item to make shade. So as you can see it wasn’t a very fun place at the time. The second thing that happened in the book is that the sun flares destroyed a military facility which held a virus that makes people slowly go crazy until they can’t control themselves. This virus was origanaly going to be used as a bio weapon to kill of people in a war without having a single casualty. Then this organization called wicked comes in to try to make a cure for the sun flares but to do so they trap a bunch of teen kids in a maze with these creatures called grievers that will kill any person on sight. So wicked practically put the kids in a death maze to see how their brains react to being in the maze for two entire years.Then after they escape this maze they then have to go through a huge city with cranks (people who have the virus that was let out) and some of these cranks would sometimes be past the gone (the virus took over there brains completely) so cranks past the gone would want to practically eat other people or raw meat from dead animals. After going through the huge city they then have to fight these huge monsters that are about two feet taller than any of the teens. After that they are then transferred back to wicked but then have to go through another test by escaping wicked and going to denver. After going to denver which was a quarantined city, denver gets taken over by cranks so they have to escape that city. They then work with an organization to stop wicked called the Right Arm. After they get in contact with the Right Arm they finally invade wicked and save any people that are immune to the virus. After saving the immunes they finally go to an uninfected place and try to make new lives.
#19 Trevor Stubbs
ReplyDeletePage 249
Mocking jay
Flies over the bay
But it has no where to stay.
#14 Andrea Sanchez
ReplyDeleteScarlet: the lunar eclipse
Marissa Meyer
Page 79
Blog #1
I hate the way that the author goes from one story to a different story in every chapter because you get lost on what’s happening so you have to go back in the chapters and re-read to see what’s happening in the chapter. I love how the author describes how the fight looks like to scarlet’s view. I hate the way that the author doesn’t really give that much information about here grandma being taken away from scarlet because all it tells you is about how she was just kidnapped it doesn’t tell you like “oh I one day my grandma and I were walking in the park since it was a nice sunny day after a while we sat on the bench and I had to go to the bathroom after I went and washed my hands I don’t see my grandma where we were sitting….” Which really doesn’t help because since her dad came to their house even though he left her for so many years and that’s another thing that I hate that the author did she does say about how he left her when she was really young, but I really love the way on how she describes about the people that took him and how they tortured him and how her grandma was just watching him being tortured by the bad people and how they made him burn himself on his arm.
Paper Towns
ReplyDeleteJohn Green
Pg. 150
#16 Makayla Rydbeck
Log #1
The main problem in paper towns is when Margo goes missing. Quentin doesn’t know why she has gone missing because he had just seen her the night before. But the more clues q finds the less he is starting to see of the adventurous Margo. It worries Q when he doesn’t feel like he knows the “new” Margo. There is also another main problem multiple actually but when Margo and Q were younger they were out riding bikes together when they found a dead man lying under a tree. When they stepped off their bikes as Q took two small steps back as Margo took two equal steps forward. When they had gone back home they told their parents who called the police. Q really wanted to go see what the police were doing but his parents said no because they specialized in child therapy. The last main problem is that Q does not want to go to prom. He thinks it is a waste of time although it is senior year. So his mother is still trying to encourage him to go with a girl. The only girl Q wants to go with is Margo. The reason Q doesn’t go to prom is the fact that when Q had kidney problems kids made fun of him at school so that is why he thinks it is a waste of time to go to the prom. Those are the main problems in the book “Paper Towns”
Jacob Yost
ReplyDeleteCaptains Duty
Captain Phillips
P. 150
Prompt 9
I love how the author wrote all of the experiences in really great detail and how to describe everything. When Captain Phillips described how the AK47 looked and how his wife looked. Another reason I like it was because it led up to the scary day the pirates attacked their ship. He also never missed a detail on anything. It gave a clear description of everything he was talking about in the book. He never misses or skips anything even he tells you what time it is and where they are and what they were talking about and what he is thinking about in his head. I hate only a couple things in this book. For instance, how it was pretty boring in the beginning but the story got better and better until it ended. This author is cool because he has a captain at sea so he talks like a sea lubber. I also loved how he was all nice then sad so how he actually showed how he changed. I have not seen a lot of books like that.
Alyssa Zeller #11
Blog #1 log #10
House of Night: Marked
P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
1. Zoey’s parents were fully supportive of her being sent to the House of Night.
2. Before Zoey went to the House of Night, she visited her grandmother’s lavender farm.
3. Zoey had hit her head, and then while she was passed out the Goddess Nyx had talked to her.
4. When Zoey had arrived at the House of Night, she was no different than everyone else
5. Zoey had become the Priestess of the Dark Daughters
Multiple choice
1. Who is Zoey’s mentor?
A. Nyx
B. Neferet
C. Aphrodite
D. Stive-Rae
2.The ones that are undergoing the change of becoming a Vampyre is a
A. fledgling
B. Changer
C. Vampie
D. None of the above
3. What sport does Zoey play?
A. volleyball
B. none
C. Soccer
D. fencing
4.What time does school start?
A. 6 am
B.12 am
C. 6 pm
D.3 pm
5.Zoey can feel how many elements?
A. Two
B. three
C. four
D. Five
6.Zoe’s step dad is part of what group?
A. people of Faith
B. Fishy Followers
C. sans of the Father
D. none of the above
7.What is Zoey’s cat’s name?
A. mittens
b. Nala
C. oreo
D. fluffy
8.Who was the leader of the Dark daughters before Zoey
A. Rachel
B. Aphrodite
C. Shauna
D. Noelle
9. What color is Zoey’s mark?
A. red
B. yellow
C. black
D. blue
10. Who shows up to “bust” Zoe out?
A. Heath
B. Caleb
C. Damien
D. Erik
Short Answer
1. What did Zoey see while she was walking by the wall?
2. What happens when a body rejects the change?
3. What phase of the moon do they have rituals on?
4. What do you burn before sweet grass?
5. What does Zoey’s grandmother call her?
1.What is one theme of this book and why?
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
Multiple Choice
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. A
Short Answers
1. The ghost of a dead Fledging
2. They die
3. A full moon
4. Sage
5. Zoeybird
1. One theme of this book is to listen to your gut. This is a theme because there were many different situations where it had saved Zoey. For example, when bad spirts started attacking people, Zoey had listen to her gut and ended up saving everyone. In the prosses of saving everyone she became the Priestess of the Dark Daughters.
Unstoppable #11 Jake Rydbeck page 160
ReplyDeleteBlog #1 Austin Murphy
I love the way the author captures you in the story. The author makes you feel emotions, when Anthony Robles wins you feel exited and happy for him. But when he loses you feel sad for all the hard work he put in with only one leg. The coach would put in extra work with him; the coach would hop on one leg to see what he felt like, he would also work on game plans to attack the other opponent and be able to defend his leg. When he got recruited to a college he originally got recruited to ASU, then they shut their program down. After that he got recruited on a full ride scholarship to Penn State one of the best college’s for wrestling. He went to Penn State for 1 year then ASU program came back and they asked him if he wanted to come back. He thought about it for a while then he finally agreed to go back. He had no scholarship to ASU he was a walk on. He was happy to be back with his original coach and some of his original teammates. He trained hard and wanted to win the NCAA’s so bad he would push his car over speed bumps in 100-degree heat to get his one leg stronger. Anthony Robles hated getting treated differently so if the team did squats he did squats if the team did sprints he did sprints and he got really mad when the coach asked if he wanted to sit out something the team does.
#6 Matthew Johnson
ReplyDeleteThe River
Gary Paulsen
Blog 2
Dear Brian,
I know you have gone through some difficult times. For example, "The Time" when you were stranded in the woods for two entire months with nothing but a hatchet. If I was in that situation I would have never survived and might have given up. I would have given up because I would not have been able to keep up hope in order to survive. Your survival skills were needed when you were with Derek. When Derek was struck by lightning it must have made you feel overwhelmed. I know you waited a day to see if he would wake up and used certain techniques to wake him up. When you couldn't help him I felt your pain too. You were so smart to build a raft and take Derek down the river. I bet it was really dangerous. It must have been especially dangerous when you went over the waterfall. I was surprised Derek was still on the raft, but I guess it is because you were smart enough to tie him down. If I were you I would have done the same things you did, if I knew how. I hope someday that I'll be able to survive in the wilderness like you. Derek survived because of your heroic actions. He must have heard you talking about the canoe to send you one. Isn't it interesting that people can hear you even when they seem like they are asleep? Have you taken your canoe out yet? Hopefully you get to use it for pleasure rather than saving someone's life. Take care and I will see you soon.
Your friend,
#14 Jada Wynn
ReplyDeleteThe Penderwicks
Jeanne Birdsall
Page #154
Log #3
Even before the Penderwick sisters came about the cottage in the Berkshire Mountains, they were always ready for an adventure. There were four Penderwick sisters with one special and unique bond. There's responsible and practical Rosalind; stubborn and feisty Skye; dreamy and artistic Jane; and little sister Batty, who will not go anywhere without her pink, sparkly butterfly wings. About a few summers ago, the Penderwicks went to Arundel and they made it a tradition to go there each year. Fate drove us there, Jane would say. No it was the greedy landlord who sold our vacation house on Cape Cod, someone else would say, probably Skye. Who knew which was right? But it was true that the beach house they usually rented had been sold at the last minute, and the Penderwicks were suddenly without summer plans. Mr. Penderwicks looked everywhere for a new vacation house on Cape Cod, but it was booked solid. Then, somewhere out of the blue, Mr. Penderwick heard through a friend of a friend about a small, cozy cottage located in the Berkshire Mountains. It was available to be rented for three weeks in August. As soon as this was told to him, Mr. Penderwick snatched it up, sight unseen. He didn't know what he was getting us into, Batty would say. At first, the Penderwick sisters thought that it wouldn't be anything like the nice, fancy vacation house in Cape Cod. And they were definitely right. It was not the vacation that they had expected.