4th Quarter - Blog #2

You did it! This is the finish line! You just ran through the yellow tape and everyone is cheering. Remember it is not how you start, but it is how you finish. I have enjoyed your participation and reading about your journeys through books. Happy Summer! Don't forget, you can read in the summer too!


  1. Hannah Dumaine #3
    Blog 1 quarter 4
    Log 9 page 131
    R.J. Palacio

    I really loved this book. There were some parts it got boring but it was pretty good. It taught me and probably everyone a lesson on judging people by their face. They may be the most wonderful you will ever meet. Don't judge a book by its cover and don't judge a person by their face. I love how the author put the feelings of the other people and wrote about their views in the novel. Wonder is a book about how people treat others and how people could be really rude. I loved how the children worked together with each other to get through the hard times. Auggie is so strong and deals or try's to deal with his face every day. I love how the Auggie, even in his needs of help with the other students, did not tell his parents quickly. He dealt with it himself. It was horrible how is best friend betrayed him though. Jack was being a jerk but he fixed the friendship he had with August later. I hated how the kids in the book just spoke about their true feelings and how they responded to August's face. They were so inhumane. They didn't care how he would feel but just said what they were thinking. But I loved how Auggies friends stood up for him and helped him. They took down those older kids and ran. Auggie had a hard trouble at school at first then it just got worse by all the rumours Julian was spreading around in school. But in the end, August had more friends than he could ever imagine and the children wanted to be with him and close to him. Never had he felt this way. I loved how his mother forced and kept asking him to go to public school and he said yes. I love how the author made the book so emotional and detailed. I wish there was more.

  2. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    Prompt #
    Wonder By R.J Palacio

    You cannot judge by the inside,
    For true quality comes from within.
    No matter tall or short, big or small,
    We are all wonderful on the in.
    Either with a unique look,
    Or a face that is truly special.
    We are all perfect,
    And the best characteristics,
    Are the ones that make us, who we are.

  3. #1 Matthew Burnette
    Marie Lu
    Pg. 166
    Prompt 10

    1. Does Day like June? ___________
    2. Is Day apart of the colonies? ____________
    3. Did Day really kill Maties? _________
    4. Is June in love with Day? ___________
    5. Does Day have sibling that has the plague? __________

    Multiple choice
    1. Who is Day sidekick?
    A) SpongeBob c) Jade
    B) Tess. D) Niko

    2. Who is Day’s sibling that has the plague?
    A) Eden c) Cookie Monster
    B) Tess. D) Cody

    3. Where does Day live?
    A) Colonies. c) River sector
    B) Lake Sector. D) Ocean sector

    4. What does the red X on the doors of the houses mean?
    A) They are out of food c) they have the plague
    b) They have no money d) they are criminals

    5. What are notes in the book legend?
    A) Money c) clothes
    b) Food d) books

    6. What does Days mom think of her son Day?
    a) In jail c) at college
    b) Dead d) in military school

    7. What’s Day's mission to find?
    A) Money c) school supplies
    b) Clothes d) plague cures

    8. Why is June staying with Day and Tess?
    a) Just for company c) to go undercover
    b) Because she is in pain d) just because he likes him

    9. Why is June searching for Day?
    A) Because she likes him c) because he a wanted criminal
    b) Because he killed his brother d) because she just wants to

    10. What is Days real name?
    A) Daniel c) Nick
    B) Bobby d) Jon

    Short answer
    1. What was day wanted for?
    2. How old is Eden?
    3. How did Day save June?
    4. Where does Day hid when he checks on his family?
    5. Why did Thomas kill Days mother?

    Essay question
    Describe the Skiz fight to me?

    1. True
    2. False
    3. True
    4. True
    5. True

    Multiple choice
    1. B
    2. A
    3. B
    4. C
    5. A
    6. B
    7. D
    8. B
    9. B
    10. A

    Short answer
    1. Wanted for assault, arson, theft, destruction of military property, hindering the war effort, 2000,000 republic notes for whoever would give information.
    3. He threw a smoke bomb
    4. under the porch
    5. He did to get Day to get mad and come out so it wouldn’t take as long.

    1. The Skiz fight first of all is an illegal fight where people bet on a person and whoever wins gets there money and some of the profit. June was one of the fighters against Kaede a girl who was winning almost every time. So they started to fight and it started to look like a normal fight, but then Kaede starting getting made and lunges for June. Kaede had a serrated knife in her hand that she had just stabbed June with. Then June fled and the crowd pulls her back into the ring. But eventually Day saves June.

  4. #7 Aide Martinez
    June 3, 2015
    Let it Snow
    Maureen Johnson
    Page #352
    Log #4
    Jubilee Dougal, a teenager, is named after the Flobie Santa Village. Her parents are apart of the Flobie Five, which doesn’t go to well for them. They get stuck in jail on Christmas Eve. Jubilee is sent to spend Christmas with her grandparents, but her train gets stuck in a snowstorm. She ends up dumping her boyfriend because he doesn’t seem interested that Jubilees parents are in jail and she’s stuck on a train. She later meets a guy named Stuart who falls in love with her and is always interested about anything she has to say. The themes of Let it Snow are love, anger, and trust. Trust is shown throughout the book when Jubilee has to trust Stuart that he is taking her to his house to spend Christmas there and not stuck in the train. Also she also needs to trust him as they walk across an iced lake. Love is shown throughout the story because Stuart shows compassion and what a true boyfriend does. He makes her feel special and important when her ex-boyfriend didn’t deserve her. Anger is shown in the book when Noah, Jubilees ex-boyfriend, stops loving Jubilee. He makes her feel like she is not important. Jubilee herself also shows anger because Stuart kept telling her that Noah didn’t deserve her and that he was being a jerk for not listening to what Jubilee had to say when she needed her boyfriend at the moment.

  5. Connor Platt #12
    Quarter 4 blog 2
    Blog choice #4
    Hunger games
    Suzanne Collins
    Pg. 232

    In the Hunger Games, one of the key components is trust. In order to survive you must have trust with someone you know. That being said, you cannot trust everyone. this is apparent when Katniss and Peeta eat the Poison berries at the sane exact time. At any moment one of them could off chosen not to eat the berry and the other one would die and they would of won. But that did not happen. they trusted each other. Trust is one of the most essential parts of life. How can you do something with someone if you don't even trust them. Another example of not trusting everyone you see is shown when Peeta fleas from the first group, or pact he was with to join Katniss. This was a crucial part in the book because it saved both Katniss, and Peeta's lives. Without this decision and trust neither of them would come out alive without the help of the other. In life you also need to rely on someone you love. This is because if something tragic happens to you, that person would be able to help you. In the book this happens when Peeta is covered with poison ivy and Katniss uses herbs to get the Ivy off of his skin. Without her cooperation, Peeta would have died. And when Peeta died, Katniss would have died because she would have no one to help her survive. This is why everyone needs to have someone they can trust.

  6. Edward Lueras #10
    6/6/15 L.A.
    The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King page 152
    J.R.R. Tolkien blog 4th quarter number 2
    prompt #4

    The Lord of the Rings series has a clear distinction between evil and good. The book always shows the good and evil in everything. Good and evil are like night and day in many books, Lord of the Rings included. Throughout the Lord of the Rings a group of hobbits, men, dwarves, and elves go on a long journey to destroy the ring that the eye wants, who is the antagonist in the book. If the eye was to get the ring he would use it to become more powerful and to rule all of middle earth. Right away the plot shows the evil side, the eye, and the good side, the group of hobbits and other races. Good and evil are not always evenly pitted against each other but in the end there has to be a winner. "Green and long grew the grass on Snowmane's Howe, but ever black and bare was the ground the beast was burned". This quote in Lord of the Rings: Return of the King stuck out for me while reading the book. it shows that the ground was clearly different for where a good animal was buried and a evil animal was buried, similar to how good and evil is clearly different. This also shows that good produces good things, in this case long, green grass, but evil only produces more evil things, which is black, bare ground for this example. One of my favorite things in this book is how the author shows how evil is evil, and good is good and what they produce.

  7. #2 Jacquelyn Co
    The Wave
    Todd Strasser
    Log #8
    One of the main conflicts in this book was the high school class making an organization just like the Nazis. Their organization was called The Wave. This was an experiment in the children's history class to see why anyone would want to follow the Nazis in World War II. Soon when the history class started to get committed to The Wave other students in the high school started participating into this. This became a huge conflict because soon in the novel the teenagers who did not join this organization were being bullied and were getting picked on just because they did not want to be part of this. The Wave's motto was "Strength through discipline, strength through community, strength through action." The only two teenagers who soon realized that this became a conflict was Laurie Saunders and David Collins. These two teenagers wanted to stop this conflict before history rewrote itself, and that meant The Wave was turning into an organization just like the Nazis. They were becoming destructive and it was up to David and Laurie to talk some sense into their friend Ben Ross. In the end David and Laurie talk some sense into The Wave members and Ben. David tells Ben he would have made a good Nazis. That was not such a good thing, and he said that it was easy to find ourselves under the influence of the others. Ben soon realized why many people were persuaded to be under the influence of Hitler and the Nazis. This was actually a true story that happened in 1969. It showed that it's easy to fall under bad influences, and that we should do what's always right.

  8. #2 Jack Cardeno
    H.G. Wells
    The Time Machine
    Page 65
    Log 4, 4th Quarter

    One of the themes in this book is love. This is shown when The Time Traveler saves Weena, a little girl from the future, from drowning. Eventually, Weena becomes his companion and helps The Time Traveler get The Time Machine out of the White Sphinx. Weena grew to love The Time Traveler, and he grew to love Weena. The next day, Weena presented The Time Traveler with a garland of flowers. This shows friendship because if The Time Traveler didn't save Weena, he would have never found the Time Machine again. Another example of friendship in the story is when at the end of the book, The Time Traveler finds two flowers in his pocket that Weena put in there. They were shriveled by the end, but he kept them as a memento to commemorate the day and adventure that he had with Weena. He could have just thrown away the flowers and given no care tho them. Instead, he decided to keep them so he could remember little Weena after he left. Another example of kindness is at the end of the book, when The Time Traveler returned back to the present day, and went back to Weena. All of these examples of friendship show that The Time Traveler and Weena became true friends, and never left each other. They were also true friends because they saved each other. The Time Traveler saved Weena from drowning, and Weena helped The Time Traveler get back to his prized possession, The Time Machine.

  9. #8 Gregory Luciano
    Harry Potter
    J.K Rowling
    Blog 2 4th Quarter
    Prompt: #8

    The main conflict in Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince is that Voldemort has returned and everyone knows it. Voldemort and his death eaters are gaining more power. Together they are attacking muggles more openly. The Minister if fighting back but are not succeeding. There's a new minister of magic, Rufus Scrimgeour, and he thinks the ministry will have more success if the wizarding world believes that Harry Potter aka "The Chosen One" is helping the ministry. Meanwhile Harry is under the suspicion the Draco if up to no good. Two bad incidents have occured and nearly killing students. Harry believes Draco isn't working alone and is having help from Professor Snape. With all this happening there is a lot of romance happening. Harry realizes he has feeling for Ginny but doesn't want to made Ron mad. Also Ron is trying to make Hermione jealous for what she did two years ago. With all this Harry has to deal with being the captain of Quidditch. And on top of all that, he is taking lessons with Dumbledore on how to defeat Voldemort. Draco Malfoy had let death eaters into the school, causing the death of Dumbledore and Snape and Draco fleeing from danger. Harry resolves all this by inquiring the proper skills and knowledge to defeat Voldemort. Harry also realizes he can't date Ginny anymore because it indangers them both. Hermione and Ron join Harry on his journey and he has no choice but to let them. All this leads up to the Deathly Hallows.

  10. #14 Zachary Ramsey
    Jeff Smith
    Pg413 end of book
    Log #3 You don’t know me but I know what you have been through. I am sorry Thorn for what happened many Years ago when your mom left you alone with those evil creatures. Grandma Ben is not too bad she saved your life from the evil. Later on you are going to have to trust you friends. You will be battling those creatures till you die. The good thing is that Stitch mask good friends with the creatures. There will still be evil ones who don’t want to be friends. Also you will die in battle because you don’t trust Grandma to save you in your battle with the red eyes. Even though Grandma Ben said she will protect you… Never mind, enough about death right now to save your life from the evil you will have to take the knife Grandma Ben gives you and don’t take is for granted. Slay as many as possible. I can see that it would be hard to trust anyone because your mom left you with those things. You never knew her or even seen her face. Also when you see this huge lions on the ground sleeping sneak around it and watch your sword because you cut of one of his whiskers and the lion wakes up and chases you. Just put your sword away tip toe and be quite. Don’t go through the dragon cave because Bone is not scared of anything but dragons so Bone leaves and you go and fight them with Stitch. Just trust your friends and be more careful with evil and your surroundings. I love and hate many things about this book. I love how they made this book different than the last and still held the characters story. I hate how there are only battles in each book.

  11. Angelica Castaneda #1
    June 7, 2015
    By, Laura Hillenbrand
    Blog #2 - 4th Quarter

    Two of the biggest themes in Unbroken are perseverance and suffering. Perseverance, because through many days stuck on a raft, and all the pain he went through the main character, Louis, is determined to stay alive. Suffering, because of all the pain and suffering of being stuck on a raft, starvation and the beating of many people. Louis and a few others were stuck in the middle of the ocean on a raft. With that not being the only problem, starvation and fresh water was another struggle they had to overcome. Days, weeks pass when they are caught by a Japanese ship and taken to a prison camp. There he is beaten, and in pain, but still perseveres through the struggle he is faced with. These are two main themes shown throughout the book. This book is a great book that has many themes portrayed throughout, but perseverance and suffering were the two main themes.

  12. #10 Jake O’Brien
    June 7, 2015
    Language Arts.
    Mrs. Holiday

    One of the problems that Roy Benavidez had faced over the course of the book that I had read so far was trying to get into the Airborne Infantry. The reason why he had many problems trying to get into this infantry because it was considered to be one of the highest infantries that any man could be part of. But this was not the only reason why he could not get in. Growing up Roy had gotten into many fights with other children. He would fight because he liked the feeling of being stronger then the boys. This feeling that Roy loved to have ended up causing him to be arrested many times. With a rap sheet like that Roy could not get into an infantry of that honor. There was only one way that Roy had known that would get him close to being accepted. That way was having a good word being put in by someone that was already in the airborne infantry. Roy did not know how he would get this done. Luckily, one of Roy’s commanding officers had seen some potential in Roy that he wanted to be fulfilled. In doing so, he gave the job of picking up one of the senior officer from the airport and drive him back to Fort Hood. This senior officer was a part of the airborne infantry. Simply driving a man higher rank then you was considered to be a show of trust for the driver. When driving the senior officer back to Fort Hood, he asked Roy if he had ever thought of wanting to join the airborne infantry. When he had asked Roy this, Roy had informed him that was all that he had ever wanted. After giving it much thought the senior officer said that he would put in a good word for Roy back at the airborne infantry base. So since that Roy’s senior officer had giving Roy this chance, Roy was finally going to capture his dream of becoming a “jumper” in the airborne infantry.

  13. #9 Margaret Kwok
    Tomorrow Girls “Set Me Free” (#4)
    Eva Gray
    Blog #2 for Quarter 4
    Option for a Character’s back round before the story
    Maddie is not the Maddie you would think she to be. Maddie has always been her cheerful self, however before times became rough she had a different look on life. Maddie used to be able to walk down the street of her neighborhood without worrying of being kidnapped. She used to be able to talk to a stranger without looking at every inch of them for a deadly weapon. The war times can really change a person. Maddie has a character trait that many lack, determination. No matter what life throws at her, Maddie is the type of person who can take bad and turn it to good. Before this book series, she had a wonderful life. She lived at home with her mom, dad, and a dog. Her life was near perfect, her best friend Louisa, her bunches of friends at school, plus all her parents’ friends from what she used to think was “work”, not an alliance group to support the war; this life left Maddie as a social butterfly. However, when war struck, her life was altered completely. She went to live with Louisa and lost touch with almost all her old pals. She was forced to live a secretive life, and pretended to be someone she was not. For all people knew, she was Louisa’s sister. War times nearly destroyed her, yet she had determination and kept a steady life. Though she is a fighter, the Maddie a few years ago was and is forever changed.

  14. #4 Ethan Gould
    American Sniper
    Chris Kyle
    Blog #2 Quarter 4

    I can hear their cries
    It’s a sound never to be forgotten
    Their agony lay broken
    A sacrifice none to be undersized
    A sacrifice no words can describe
    One mission
    No questions
    The question why-
    Well it simply never left not one
    But nones’
    Not to prove anything
    But for freedom and freedom alone
    The cost is never easy
    It seems it’s never enough
    Not until blood is shed
    It seems yesterday a light blue sky
    Yet today a dark sky
    Comparable to hell
    The smell of warm blood fills the air
    Though few care
    Who is responsible
    Why do our men of red white and blue undergo this
    He’s the only soul that knows
    We try to comprehend their bravery
    And integrity
    Yet we cannot imagine

  15. Janessa Fuentes
    Double Fudge
    In the book Double Fudge Peter has a younger brother named Fudge. They lived in a small apartment in New York with their mom and dad. Fudge loves money. He always wonders how much everything costs. One night before Fudge went to sleep he asked his brother “How much money would it cost to buy the whole world”? Peter replied by saying “That’s an interesting question, Fudge. I really don’t know”. So then Fudge wouldn’t go to sleep. He insisted on knowing how much the whole world would cost. So then fudge went and asked his parents, how much the whole world would cost. They didn’t know either. Fudge was furious. He was surprised that his brother and his parents didn’t know the answer. Fudge fell asleep this night just like every other night by dreaming about money.
    Now years after the book was written, Fudge is a famous inventor. He invented an app that tells you how much money everything in the world costs. He has made so much money from the app that he no longer cares how much money the whole world would cost because he has more money than you could ever imagine. He lives in a mansion and has many beautiful cars. Fudge likes doing nice things for people with his money. One day he remembered one of his brother Peters friends from his childhood. His name was Jeremy. Fudge remembered that Peter and Jeremy were best friends and one day Jeremy moved away because his Dad couldn’t afford the apartment. Fudge remembered how sad Peter was back then so he found Jeremy and sent him ten thousand dollars.

  16. The Accidental Genius of Weasel High
    Rick Detorie
    Page 80
    Blog #7
    I really like this book. This book is similar to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. The book follows a fourteen year old who is also a freshman in high school. His name is Larkin Pace. Larkin had to start a journal because it was an assignment from his English teacher. His English teacher was tired of his freshman student’s handwriting an poor writing abilities. The journal entries could be as long as fifty pages or as short as one sentence. The student with the best journal would get one hundred in their English class. In his journal, Larkin mostly talks about his sister, his school, his friend, Brooke, and his dreams. One of his dreams is to become a famous movie director. I would recommend this book to a friend. I would recommend this book to a friend because this book is very funny and is easy to relate to. For example, when Larkin Pace is talking about ten things he hates about being fourteen, he says, “My mom has to drive me everywhere,” and “Zits.” These are two things people my age can relate to. The author, Rick Detorie, is an amazing writer. This book makes me laugh. Sometimes, I actually feel bad about events that happen to Larkin. Larkin Pace is not just a character when you read The Accidental Genius of Weasel High. He becomes a person that you can understand and can relate to. I would recommend this book to any of my friends.

  17. #6 Vincent Macabuhay
    Travel Team
    Mike Lupica
    Blog #2

    Travel Team takes place in the present time in Middletown, New York. In the story, Danny Walker, the main character, gets cut from the town travel team because he is too short. Danny is one of the best players in the town. Since Danny gets cut from the travel team, his dad decides to coach his own travel team with Danny on it. After the first practice, their team looks very bad, and Danny is certain that they will not win a game. Danny was about to quit the team, but then Colby Danes, the best girl basketball player in their league, and Ty Ross, joined his team. Ty Ross is the best basketball player in their league and he quit the travel team that cut Danny to play with him at the end of the season. Danny’s team then beat the travel team that cut him and made it to the state championship. But then, Danny’s dad gets in a car accident and cannot coach at the championship game. This leaves Danny alone to coach his own team.


  18. Emily Platt #12
    Blog 8
    Log 8
    Rules by Cynthia

    Catherine has a brother David. She wants a normal life. He brother has autism. She has some rules for him so he wont freak out. When her new neighbor, but ever time she tries she is not there. One time she was then David started to have a tantrum. Catharine felt so embarrassed. All she wanted to do is not have to deal with this life. All these rules for one boy. She has to protect him wherever he goes. Every day she has to go to an appointment for David. With her Dad at work every day and her mom at home and her best friend gone. She needs a new friend. She thought that the new neighbor would like mores codes. When she meets the new neighbor she can see she is not in to mores codes. She hade long hair. Catherine can tell she will be popular at the new school. So she was bummed out that Kristi her neighbor will not be a friend. So she didn’t have a lot of friends. She things to her self what is normal? She can’t stop thinking about that. She things she will never know what is normal. She always thinks that because of her brother she will never experience what normal is. Will she experience what normal is? Will they have a cure for her brother? So he will be normal too? She will ever know who a normal life feels like?

  19. #4 Grace DiPonio
    Blog option 7
    Cloudy with a chance of boys
    Megan McDonald
    Page 260
    I would defiantly recommend this book to teenagers, maybe not boys because it’s about love. I personally love this book because it shows the troubles girls go through. This book teaches girls to be their own person. It also teaches not to be a follower but a leader. Stevie struggles with this because all her friends have “boyfriends” and are trying to convince her to get a “boyfriend”. One day in class Stevie’s friends started to realize that a guy liked Stevie. Her friends rushed to tell her but Stevie wanted no part in love. I personally think that Stevie’s personality makes the book interesting. Stevie is very shy and very sporty and not very smart when it comes to boys. She doesn’t get the point of liking boys, she thinks they are a waste of time. Stevie is not like the rest of her friends she loves sports and all her other friends love makeup and boy bands. If you do not like reading about romantic girly stuff I would not recommend this book for you. This book is defiantly written for a teenage girl, I like this book because half of the stuff in the book is true about girls. Personally this was one of my most favorite books I have read this year. This is defiantly a must read if you love romantic books. The only thing I didn’t like in the book was how it left you on a Clift hanger at the end of the book

  20. #9 Gannon McDonald
    Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Sea of Monsters)
    Rick Riordan
    Blog #2
    Page 311

    Percy Jackson was a kid who was part Human and part god, he thought he was the only child, yet he found at that he had a brother… Cyclops… His brother Cyclops was named Tyson and was a friendly “Human” with only one eye, but scarier. Tyson was a nice person, he was scared of people scared of him. He wanted friends but, people were so scared of him that he could not make any. Before Tyson met his long lost brother Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson had an easy go through life, until people were trying to bring the underworld god back into life, Hades. (Hades was a god for the underworld where all the trapped souls who were bad were sent to hell, and he would take “care” of them). So Percy Jackson had Tyson and a friend to help him on his journey, to stop the people from bringing Hades back. Percy Jackson’s father was Poseidon the god of the sea. (Poseidon could control any animals that were in his sea, the Sea of Monsters was not one of his sea). Poseidon sent Tyson to accompany each other on the mission towards keeping Hades in the underworld. Their friend was Annabeth who was good friends with Percy but not Tyson. She saw one of her friends when she was little, killed by a cyclops. So she hated Cyclops ever since then.

  21. #13 Preston ParkerJune 8, 2015 at 7:27 PM

    #13 Preston Parker
    Blog #2 4th Q
    Option Character background
    Ready Player One
    The famous maker of Gregorius Games leaves his fortune to the players of his game OASIS. But Wade the main character of the book though first to find the egg doesn’t have the most kid friendly background. His father dies when he was 3 months old robbing a grocery store during a power outage. He lived with his mother who was a drug addict who passed just a year ago. So he lives with his Psycho aunt and her boyfriend (the prison jockey). But for Wade he didn’t mind beside the fact that his aunt’s boyfriend was very abusive. For more food rations they found Wade’s laptop took it and sold it to a pawn shop. Not to mention they were in a very rough state already, they were running out of power, global warming at its max, and they are out of space in the city so they live in stacks. These stacks are stacked up motor homes that are 40-50 motor homes high. Wade lives closest to the top but when he finds the egg and refuse’s to tell the sixer’s or as they call it the suxors on the Gunter forums. The suxors blew up his house but luckily he wasn’t in it he was in his hideout. To lay low and pretend he was dead he changed his identity and moves to Chicago Gregorius Games central. Where he makes a plan to devour the suxors after they fake his friend’s suicide when they throw him off a building in Japan. He makes a plan to get arrested by the suxors where he exploits all of their secrets by hacking into the main frame of the suxors network. Where he barely escapes with barely his life, he makes it to his virtual friend Aec’s house. Where he finds out his bestfriend who he though was a dude was actually a girl. The Co-Owner of Gregorius Games fly’s them to his house for safety to find the final 3rd egg. Parzival winning the fortune splits it with his future girlfriend and Aec, along with another friend he met in Japan.

  22. #5 Gavin Lizik
    Prompt #5
    American Sniper
    Page #279
    Chris Kyle

    A thing that’s fought away far
    Something called war,
    Not many people know what goes on during it,
    American Sniper gives vivid details about it,
    From shooting to blowing things up,
    Showing how war is dangerous,
    It tells how is not so marvelous.
    IEDs booming and snipers taking out enemies,
    And Women and children hiding RPGs in their jackets,
    Its not marvelous at all.

  23. #8 Joshua Ramirez
    The One Hundereth Day of School!
    by Abby Klein
    page 88
    log 3
    Freddy is now in fifth grade and still is the same old same old Freddy that was in first grade. He still loves sharks, and still has his best friends Jessica and Robert. What is it the same is his height he grew a whole foot and a half. One thing that will never Change is his on going problems at school. He has become more aggressive, like a shark. He bites, and he fights, anything in sight. He is even stronger than Cole, the bully, who used to beat him up. He has been in the principles office so much that he started considering it his hang out. Freddy's parents told him if he does not shape up he will not be allowed to go to camp. He cried, he wined, and threw a fit but he did not get his way. So he tried to get better and he knew he needed help. So he went to church and learned about the story of Jonah. He learned how God gave the fish slappers a second chance, and that God Is merciful. He laid and prayed for renewal and introduced it to his family. So he brought them to church and thought if God can save a world of sinners he can save his family. After a few months they gave up their lives to Christ. And brought the good news to his school and his camp. And became an evangelist. He went to the remote parts of the world and spread the word.

  24. #3 Thomas Coyne
    I Survived
    Lauren Tarshis
    Pg. 96
    Log #9

    I love the way the author includes real events that happened and includes a fake story. So she took some fact and put fiction into it. I have always liked the Titanic and I like books that are historical fiction. I liked that one book we read in fifth grade My Brother Sam is Dead. It was about a boy in the revolutionary war that had a brother who died. I’m kidding but yeah that’s actually what happened but there were parts in between. In this I Survived book it is about a little boy named George who always getting in trouble so his dad sent him and his little sister to his aunt in London. And she took them on the Titanic as a present. One night he was getting into mischief when he went back to his room his sister was gone and the safety alarm went off because they had hit an iceberg. He had to get of board. After floating on crates for an hour they find a lifeboat. They four hours later they see a big ship, which picks the up and brings them back to New York. I loved the way the author based the characters off of real people. But some of the events didn’t actually happen. Like how to boy went in the cargo room to look for a box with a mummy that some guy bought. But I felt she wrote this book well because it seemed like I was almost there with George.

  25. #7Isabella Holiday
    The Heir
    Kiera Cass
    Pg#341(the end)
    1. Eadlyn did not want to do the Selection.T/F
    2. Eadlyn has a twin. T/F
    3. Ahren ran away to get married.T/F
    4. Queen America has a heart attack near the end of the book.T/F
    5. At the very end of the book Eadlyn ends her selection. T/F
    6. What is the name of the person who is the host of the Report?
    a. Gavril b.Jon c. Bob d.Tom
    7. Who does America have a cooking date with?
    a.Kile b.all c. Ahren d. None
    8. The selection was supposed to go on for how many months at least?
    a. Four b. Three c.Two. d. One
    9. Kile was who's son?
    a. May's b.Ahren c. Marlee's d.Gavril's
    10.Who was Ahren in love with?
    a. Eadlyn b.Josie c. Neena. d.Camile
    11.Who is Eadlyn's maid?
    a.Neena b.May c. Kile d.She didn't have one
    12. Camile was from what country?
    a.France b.Russia. c. Germany d.Sweden
    13. Who wrote this in a letter to Eadlyn,"And, heaven knows, I would have done it. I would do anything for you."
    a.Ahren b.Kile c.Henri d.Marlee
    14. Ahren is what in the book?
    a. boyfriend b.servant c. Dog d.brother
    15. Eadlyn kissed who for publicity?
    a.Kile b.Henri c.Ahren d.Gavril
    16. Who is the queen?
    17. Who is the king?
    18. Who is the future king?
    19 Who is the future king of France?
    20. Who is the future queen of France?
    Essay:Describe the Selection
    18. Not decided yesterday
    Essay:The Selection is competion. The purpose is to find a new queen or king for the prince or princess. It can last for how ever long the prince or princess feels is necessary. The selection takes place at the palace. It is kind of like the Bachelor in a way. At the end of the selection there is a winner who will rule as queen or king with the king or queen. The Selection gives entertainment to the rest of the country.

  26. #15 Emilia Shahverdian
    Language Arts
    Monday, June 8, 2015
    Blog 2 Quarter 4

    There are many minor problems in the book Maze Runner, but the main problem or conflict in is to escape. It is not just escaping the maze, it is escaping the torture that WICKED has put them through. At the end of Maze Runner a group of the gladers manage to escape the maze only to be put into another riddle. The places they are put into are torture chambers basically. They are ripped from their families and friends and given no answers about anything. WICKED puts these children through slow torture, making them go mad or insane. The purpose that WICKED had was to save children from the disease and virus that was spreading. That did no use because they put the brains of the infected people inside a machine monster that would kill them. The gladers, WICKED, Thomas,and Theresa are all involved in the problem. A minor problem was that some of the gladers thought that Thomas was dangerous and were trying to kill him. What they failed to realize was that they needed Thomas, he had the answers to the maze, to the desert. WICKED was very good at making extreme detail because, for twenty years no one could solve the maze. The gladers were chosen to be put their skills to the test against trust, survival, and physical strength. It tales many years for this probem to be resolved. Many gladers die because of WICKED.

  27. #11 Luke O’Brien
    Language A.
    ME: How did you feel when you won the trip to, The Dark House?
    IVY: At first I was really scared because I wasn’t a normal subscriber to the website that I won the trip from.
    ME: What was the website like?
    IVY: It was very odd, it told us that if we subscribed we could win a trip to the Dark House and our worst nightmares would come to life.
    ME: What made this “Dark House,” so special?
    IVY: Well it’s the house that Justin Blake uses for some of his movie.
    IVY: To be honest I didn’t really know who he was until I started to read about him on the way to the Dark House.
    ME: Earlier you said that your worst nightmares would come to life at the Dark House, What is your Nightmare?
    IVY: (sigh) When I was twelve years old my mom and dad were murdered. I was in the house when it happened down the hall from my room. I woke up to my mother screaming. I heard a man tell her that now it was her tern. That gave me a hint that my father was already dead. I can still hear her screams in my head at night. After a couple minutes of her screaming it got really silent. When I called the police, that’s when HE came into my bedroom. He was an older man with rotting yellow teeth and long gray hair. All he did was stare at me. In the distance you could hear the police sirens getting closer. That’s when he left. So basically my nightmare has been him coming back for me.

  28. Karina Di Ponio
    Tales of a Not-So-Happy Heartbreaker
    Rachel Renee Russell
    Log #5
    Page #340

    There is always trouble when it comes to love. A perfect example of this is in the book Dork Diaries series – Tales of a Not-So-Happy Heartbreaker. The main character in this book, Niki, likes a boy named Brandon. The trouble starts at Brandon’s birthday party. Brandon and Niki had so much fun together, and decided to go out on a date. However, after Niki left his party, Mackenzie crashed his birthday party and hung out with Brandon, too. Before she left the party, she stole Brandon’s cell phone.
    A couple days later when Brandon and Niki were supposed to go out on their date, “Brandon” texted Niki, “Sorry, can’t go.” But that text was actually from Mackenzie. Niki tried to reschedule the date, but Brandon kept cancelling. Niki started getting suspicious when “Brandon” sent her other texts that just didn’t sound like his usual self. She had the odd feeling that he was texting someone else.
    The Sweetheart Dance was scheduled for a couple weeks after this texting conflict. Niki decided to ask Brandon to the dance at the last minute. Brandon said he would like to go, but again Mackenzie showed up and took him to the dance before Niki arrived. When Niki found out he went to the dance without her, she was so upset and was not going to go to the dance anymore. However, she changed her mind and went anyway. She asked Brandon what was going on, and why he didn’t go on their date and this dance. Brandon told her he didn’t do it on purpose. His phone had been missing since the night of the party. They soon realizedthat Makenzie took Brandon’s phone, and was trying to get in between them. In the end, they made up and kissed. In conclusion love can be so complicated, but it is worth it.

  29. #3 Daniel Chapin
    Ufc encyclopedia
    Once upon a time there was a man that was insanely fat and he wanted to join the ufc. He wanted to be like Randy Couture and BJ Penn and win belts in two different weight classes. The only problem was that his perfetional record was terrible and he was fatter than Roy Nelson. One day he was booked a fight with Anderson Silva because Anderson wanted n easy fight. Anderson Silva was no doubt the best in the world. This man trained as hard as Frankie Edgar did when he fought BJ Penn. Anderson Silva was trash talking as much smack as Cheal Sonnon. The trash talk did not get in his head; He knew that he would win. Before he knew it, it was fight day. This was supposed to be a blowout like all other Silva fights. Yet this was different, something about the mans bravery was extraordinary. At the beginning of the fight it was almost no doubt Anderson was going to win. Anderson rocked him and outclassed him but the fights not over till its over. In the third round he pulled something deep inside of him and would not stop coming. All the sudden Anderson was getting outclassed and rocked. The man had never pushed himself to this limit but he had the warrior’s code. It was clear that Anderson was winning, so the man dropped his gamelan and started swinging for the fences. Anderson was rocked so he went in for a shot, and he grabbed a guillotine right as Anderson came in and put all his strength and the memories of the blood and sweat for this one fight. With 3 seconds to go, Anderson tapped. It was a greater upset than GSP and Matt Sierra.

  30. # 6 Elijah Holiday
    Adventures Of Usysses
    Bernard Evslin
    Page #300
    Hello, I am Bernard Evslin, the author of Adventures of Uslysses. This story I wrote was filled with action, sword fighting, Cyclopses, love, and of course adventure. I think the best character in this book was Uslysses. He was almost like a Julius Ceaser, with his ruling, and Beowolf with his strength. He was my favorite character. Several years after the end of this book, Usysses goes on a fishing trip in the Black Sea where he catches salmon, tuna, and surprisingly a shark. So he ends up going back to Greece and on his way back he sees another ship following his ship home. He stops and asks, " Why are you following me fellow fisherman?". The man did not answer, and got closer, and closer and he finally caught up to him. The man based and shot a arrow going right pass the nose hairs of Usyless! He took a big gulp and sailed on and said," Inconsivable!" He was trying to catch the other man but he was to fast. He followed him all the way back to Greece and saw him with his brand new wife, Sharika. He held a knife in her mouth and said," 1,000 shekels, now"! Usyless didn't have the money and panicked, and so the man killed her. Usyless laid on his wife for several days, and finally, he grew angry, very, very angry. He sent out a force to hunt down this man and slaughter him for revenge. He found the man and had one arrow, he had to use it well, he fired and he...
    To be continued

  31. #19 Trevor Stubbs
    Prompt #3

    Panem is a dictatorship that maintained its power after a failed rebellion. After the war ended, the country was divided into the Capitol and twelve outlying districts (the thirteenth district was supposedly destroyed in the failed rebellion), each of which is responsible for producing a specific good for the Capitol. The Capitol is relentless in its effort to suppress further rebellion in the outlying districts. To maintain power, it relies on military might, resource control, and especially televised propaganda. The crowning achievement of this propaganda program is the Hunger Games, an annual event in which each of the districts must send two “tributes” to fight in a hellish arena full of booby traps, extreme environments, and merciless opponents. The Hunger Games are meant to remind the outlying districts of the cost of rebelling against the Capitol. The “victors” of these games survive to endure both fame and psychological trauma.

    When Mockingjay opens, nearly all of the outlying districts are at some stage of rebellion against the Capitol. Katniss Everdeen has already fought in the Hunger Games twice and has now become a symbol of the resistance against President Snow. Katniss’s partner in both previous games, Peeta, is held captive in the Capitol. The rebels, in turn, have kidnapped Katniss and seek to use her to launch their own propaganda campaign against President Snow. Meanwhile, Katniss’s home in District 12 has been firebombed. Led by President Coin, the rebels operate in an underground bunker in District 13, which was actually spared during the failed rebellion because of its nuclear arsenal. Life in District 13 is so utilitarian and heavily regimented that people are tortured simply for stealing bread.

  32. #17 Zachary Tittle
    I.Q. pg133
    Ronald Smith
    Blog #8

    The main conflict so far in this book IQ is trusting Boone. Boone is a secret CIA agent that has formed a little group of former CIA agents to take down a terrorist group. They have been trying to take them down for many years. Boone has used being a roadie for famous bands as a cover to hide and smuggle secret equipment for spy work. Quest and Angela are having trouble trusting him because he is very secretive and isn’t allowed to talk about much. They don’t trust him but are starting to while the facts that he is one of the good guys keeps piling up. They are starting to trust him but when he says he thinks Angela’s mother is still alive everything changes for her. She is more intrigued by Boone and wants to know more. Quest thinks that it is a trap but is also starting to try to trust Boone. Boone has very important friends. He was able to clear out a city hall museum with just a phone call. They think that he is just playing them but they were sitting in the museums chairs. They now think he is a real spy and has a real secret group. They even got special spy phones to track each other and their parents. They know they still don’t know very much about this whole spy thing but they can start to become friends and trust Boon. Boone is a very suspicious man but they need to try to trust him but they know when the time comes they can count on him.

  33. #17 Anthony Salgado
    Star Wars: A New Hope
    Ryder Windham
    prompt #2

    Dear Luke Skywalker,
    You are the rebels new hope. Born from a former Jedi Knight, you are destined to become one of the most powerful Jedi. Obi-Wan Kenobi will be your mentor and teach you the ways of the force. If you have not received the message from the R-2 unit, you must go to Alderaan, and join the rebel forces against the empire. We cannot let them rule the galaxy with their infamous Death Star. We believe you have a lot of your father in you. That means you are an excellent pilot and an anxious kid. You must be miserable stuck on Tatooine. Some of my advice for you is to STAY ALIVE, don't let the death of your uncle and aunt put you down, and never lose faith in the force. I have faith in you. May the force guide you and be with you always.

    You rebel friend,
    Anthony Salgado

  34. #7 Sienna Inman
    The Fault In Our Stars
    John Green
    Prompt: #5
    Blog #2 Quarter 4

    A girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster has cancer in her lungs and carries around a tank of oxygen around with her. She attends a support group and is joined together with many other children and young adults that have types of cancers. She got cancer at a young age and still has it at the age of sixteen. She’s had trouble thinking of what’s going to happen to her. Or how much time she may have left. She’s attracted to a boy she meets at support group and ends up really liking him. She makes at least one new friend and has others that she used to go to school with. Hazel is happy and still wondering of other things such as the ending to a book she read. Hazel some what enjoys support group because she meets new people. She goes to the mall and hangs out with her friend who she calls a twenty three year old trapped inside a sixteen year olds body. She hangs out a couple times at her new friend Augustus’ house and talks about books one another wants the other to read. Augustus is the boy that Hazel really likes and he likes her too. Hazel has a big interest in reading and ends up emailing the author who wrote one of her favorite books because she so eagerly wants to know the end of the book. Hazel doesn’t attend normal school but takes a class or two a day. She seems very sweet and somewhat confident. She’s very smart and is fighting the battle of cancer.

  35. Alyssa Zeller #11
    P.C. Cast
    Blog 1

    The House of Night
    Where things are not as they seem
    Where good is not always equivalent to light
    And the moon is above with a gleam
    Where head figures are not always honest
    And a great evil is on bay
    Zoey stands with a promise to the goddess
    But others go astray
    Close friends turn to strangers
    Enemies turn to friends
    There will soon be danger
    It is far from its end
    When the murders are true
    And the evil grows stronger
    This is not what they’re used to
    And safety will be no longer


  36. #1 Sydney Barbee
    A Work In Progress
    Connor Franta
    Pg# 103
    Prompt #4

    Everyone thinks that every person in the whole wide world is looking at them to find a mistake. Just to let you know, NOBODY IS PERFECT. Some people will look at you and judge you, but why should you care. If you be you than you will find true friends, forever friends. You never know what is going to pop up in life. Just go with flow and don’t care what others think. Yes, you will have bumps in the road but why should that stop you from pursuing your dream. Don’t let failure get in your way and stop you from living life. Enjoy the time you have, because you never know when it will end. This might sound sad but it’s true. Your life is ticking away right in front of you and some people may be just sitting do nothing and letting hateful comments stop them in their tracks. Life is too short to sit on your couch all day. Go outside and don’t care what others think about you. Okay yes if you’re having the correct behavior and people are telling you to clean your act a little then you may want to take that advice. Advice is different than criticism. Advice is to help you not break you down. So when you want too accomplish something do it and who cares if it’s not perfect at least you tried your best. In my book Connor Franta said something I will never forget. Failure is your teacher, not your judge.

  37. #11 Matthew Montoya
    Option #4
    The honest Truth
    Dan Gemeinhart
    Page 1-250

    In the book The Honest Truth, one of the many compositions is courage. This boy travels through rain, wind, and even snow just to accomplish his main goal to climb a mountain. He doesn't want anyone's help nor does he need anyone's help. Only with his dog to keep him company, he has courage to climb a mountain by himself. With courage you see, nothing can stop you. "I was doing this thing, all the way. I didn't need anyone's help. I didn't want anyone's help." (Page 95) This young boy has a big heart to go out by himself not telling his parents just to reach his ultimate goal. Courage helps you step out of your comfort zone to do things that you never ever though of doing. "A plan to reach the top of mount rainier. Even if it's the last thing he ever does" (Page 156). We see a lot of people in the world have courage. Many disciples of Jesus had courage even though they knew they would be persecuted for their beliefs. Also, even in sports Jackie Robinson is a good example. He was made fun of, teased, and harassed by fans and other players for his skin color. He still had courage he followed his dream for the love of baseball. A little courage can go a long way in life. You can do anything as long as you have courage to be able do it. Doubting yourself will only put yourself down and not help you achieve anything. Courage is only one of the many keys to life.

  38. #16 Makayla Rydbeck
    Paper Towns
    John Green
    Fourth quarter second blog

    “Paper Towns”
    Paper girls live in paper towns
    So what goes up must go down
    She walks alone
    And where she goes no one knows
    In the night she takes flight
    But by day she had ran away
    Everyone may know her name
    Soon they know she isn’t the same
    No one knows why she ran away
    But then she came back one day
    No one could figure out the clues she wrote
    Because she left a cryptic note
    Even when she came back at last
    Her and Quentin buried the past
    The journey is long
    But in the end it is not all gone

  39. #5 Alex Gottuso
    Wonder by R.J. Palacio
    Blog #2 quarter 4
    Prompt #9
    Pg. 314

    I love the way the author wrote this book in several ways. One of them is that R.J. writes this book from several perspectives. For example: the story is based around the main character- August. August has a deformed face, but he believes he has a personality just like everyone else, and that people would accept him if it wasn’t for his face. This August’s perspective on some of the conflicts in the book. As the story goes on, many more characters are introduced. These characters include his close relatives, friends, and people at August’s new school, Beecher Prep. The reason that these perspectives are so interesting is because it shows how different types of people see August. Most people see him as some sort of freak just because of his appearance. His close family treats him well, because they know how much of a struggle he has. Another reason that these perspectives make this story interesting is because you really get to know the characters. When you know the major characters very well, you feel like you can relate to at least one of them. When you can relate to a character, you want to know more and more about what is going on in their life, just like having a good conversation with one of your best friends. Wonder is a book that gives you a lot of insight on what it would be like to be “judged by your cover”, and it makes you feel like you really know August’s, Justin’s, and other characters situations inn their life.

  40. #19 CJ Zeller
    Charlie Joe Jackson guide to making money
    Tommy, Greenwald
    Page 260
    Blog #9

    I liked how the way the author shows betrayal and anger. I like how Charlie goes to a summer camp and starts hating it then starts to like it. I hate how he makes his own party just so he can make some money. I love how he dresses up his pet dog as a cow so he can jump over it and become a “man”. I liked that when Charlie was at camp he tried to sneak away but got caught. I don't like how he waned to get the money so he can just get a lame toy. I kind of like how he get a girlfriend and he thinks she’s moving away when she was just moving a few blocks away. I don't like how Charlie doesn’t read all of the important things. I do net like how the author leave you at a cliff hanger at the end of the book. I don't like how Charlie goes to his friends party just so he can get some money for a dumb toy. I like how when Charlie was at the camp he made many friend that he did not like at the 1st day at the camp. I like that over all the author shows that you actually need to try on something and give it your all instead of barley trying and getting it done in a matte minutes.

  41. #18 Jacob Yost
    Deltora Quest
    Emily Rodda
    Page #137
    Log 4

    A theme inside this book is determination when Lief and Barda went into the forest of silence. They got saved by a girl and then almost died, but got pushed out. They kept trudging through it and eventually made it. Lief was also getting chased by a pack of grey guards and he was trapped but didn't give up until they were dead--but they didn't die! Another theme was compassion. When Lief and Barda were about to die by the evil knight, Jasmine came in and saved them because she had compassion for Lief. Barda had compassion for Jarred, Lief's Dad because he saved his life and if it wasn't for him, he would be dead. They also showed determination when they never gave up to get the topaz.

  42. The Tale of Despereaux

    A Junior Novelization

    Pg 130

    Prompt 5

    Dillon Stubbs

    There's is a rat that glides the water.
    There's is a rat that scares the queen.
    The rat is chased by queens people.
    There's is a rat that is scared.
    He doesn't get scared he doesn't run anymore he in joys the life he has come to none


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