Blog #2 - First Quarter

You did well the first blog of the year. Now it is time to step it up and blog like there's no tomorrow(see the hyperbole and the simile).


  1. #4 Christopher Grothues
    The Big Field
    Mike Lupica
    Pg 241

    True or False
    1. Hutch was mad at his dad for drinking? T F
    2. Hutch saw his dad at the batting cage? T F
    3. Hutch made the game winning play in game one. T F
    4. Did the Cardinals lose game 1 of the World Series? T F
    5. Was Hutches dad a baseball player? T F
    6. Darryl was Hutches best friend. T F
    7. The Cardinals played in South Carolina. T F
    8. The Cardinals are a little league team. T F
    Multiple Choice
    1. Who did Hutch get in a fight with?
    a. Darryl b. Mr. Cullen
    c .Hutches dad c. Cody
    2 Why was Hutch mad at his dad?
    a.He was practicing with Darryl b. He was just mad at him
    c. He didn’t practice with Hutch d. He didn’t do his homework
    3. What kind of shoes did Hutch have?
    a. Nikes b. New balance
    c. Easton d.DC shoes
    4. Why did Hutch get in a fight with Darryl?
    a. He doesn’t like Darryl b. Darryl was making bad comments about his dad
    c. Took his ball d. He just wanted to get in a fight
    5. How did the Cardinals lose game 1 of the World Series?
    a. Hutch booted the ball b. Cody booted the ball
    c. Zach booted the ball d. All of the above

    6. Who won the World Series?
    a. Cardinals b. Chargers
    c. Broncos d. Angels

    7. When Hutch went to the batting cage , who did he see?
    a. Cody b His dad
    c. Mr. Cullen d. Darryl
    8. Why do you think Hutches dad showed up at the World Series.
    a. He wanted to see the last game of the World Series. B. He just wanted to
    c. He doesn’t know d All of the above
    9. How did Hutch feel when he missed the ball?
    a. Sad b. Mad
    c. Angry d. All of the above
    10. Two of Hutches teammates were:
    a. Darryl and Fred b. Cody and Zach
    c. Darryl and Sam d. Cody and Sam
    Short answer:
    1. Hutches dad gave Hutch the _____________ sign.
    2. Hutch and his dad went to____________ when they were arguing.
    3. Hutches dad drank _________ every night while watching the Marlins.
    4. Hutches favorite player was ____________________ .
    5. Hutch played _____________ on his team.
    Essay question:
    Why do you think Hutches dad did not go to his games?
    True or False: 1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. T; 6. F; 7. F; 8. T;
    Multiple choice: 1. a; 2. a; 3. a; 4. b; 5. a; 6. A; 7. B; 8. A; 9. D; 10. B;
    Short answer: 1. Bunt; 2. Golf course; 3. Beer; 4. Derek Jeter; 5. Second base

    Essay answer:
    Hutches dad didn’t go to his games because he was bummed out he didn’t go to the pros.
    He didn’t want Hutch to get his hopes up and because he would depressed if he did not make

  2. #1 Matthew Burnette
    Honus & Me
    pg. 135
    Prompt 7
    The rating I would give on Honus & Me would probably be five stars because it is the best things mixed together in a book: baseball cards, and opinions to other people who like the same things as me to read this book; but wait this book is only 1 of 13 books in the whole series. So if you like it you can read 13 more books and I am sure there will be plenty more. One of my favorite thing about this book is Joe (the boy) has this superpower like thing where if he touches certain baseball cards it will take him to that person in their time period. Like for example if Joe had a Ted Williams baseball card and he touched it would take him to either when he was in war or when he was playing baseball and so forth with all the other players. But the one cool thing is everything is true about the baseball players in the book. I would recommend this book to others and especially people who like baseball cards and baseball. I think you would like this book because I like that it teaches you more about baseball players maybe if you didn’t know them as old but they are just fun to read because it gives you like a little window or picture into that time frame. So hopefully I persuaded you to read the whole series of these books and I hope you will enjoy them.

  3. #13 Jayden Ramirez
    Paper Towns
    John Green
    Pg. 305
    Log 3
    Five years after the book there was much that happened. Ben and Lacy get married and have a child. Radar works for the government in technology, and has a part time job at a video game company that has sold over 10 billion copies of games. Margo went back to Florida to see Quentin, but to find out that he has moved on. Margo was so heartbroken she wanted to run away again. When Quentin finds out that she wants to run away, he takes her to Sea World. They talk about all the memories they shared… pranking those who be trade them and sneaking in to Sea World. He told her how valuable she was and that he actually still loved her. He said he was heartbroken when he went through all this trouble to find her and she didn’t even come home. As they walked out of Sea World, they saw the security guard that had let them off the hook when they snuck in to Sea World. Quentin and Margo didn’t say hi because technically they weren’t supposed to be there, but they did catch eyes. Two years later, Margo and Quentin get married. Ben was Quentin’s best man and Lacy the maid of honor. Even though Lacy wasn’t a good friend to Margo in high school, they became the best of friends. Two years after they got married, they had baby twins, one girl and one boy. In the end, Margo and Quentin had their happily ever after.

  4. Edward Lueras #8
    L.A. 10/25/15
    blog quarter 1 #2 prompt #7
    Waterworld by Max Allan Collins
    pg. 324 summer reading

    Waterworld is a book detailing how the world would be with only unending water and no solid ground to stand on. The main characters are a mysterious man who lives by himself on a boat, a woman who lives on an atoll, and a girl who has the map to the last remaining place on earth with land. I would have to recommend this book as ok, but definitely not a must read. Almost every chapter ends with a bloody battle and can be repetitive. The most redeeming quality about the entire book would be the very interesting ending. “They could see, half hidden by dirt, a very old plaque that read: on this spot in 1953, Hillary and Norgay first set foot on the summit of Everest”. This scene is near the ending of the book in which the woman and child live on the last piece of land on earth, mount Everest. I was very pleased with this ending. It was not a unrealistic ending since the tallest mountain is mount Everest, its peak would be the last thing to be covered in water. I would recommend this to a friend but I have read many other books that were much better than Waterworld. Waterworld's story does make sense and there are some unpredictable turns and twists. Overall I would recommend this book but not as much as books like Lord of the Rings.

  5. Olivia Tidwell #14
    Ridley Pearson
    Disney After Dark
    1st Quarter, Blog #2
    Log #3
    Pg #53

    You might be wondering what is going on in this weird stage of confusion that Finn is having in his life right now. Well, this didn’t just all happen suddenly. There is a reason for it. When Finn was a newborn he seemed wonderful, but he didn’t seem like he would grow up to be much different from any other kid. His, cry, sneeze, yawn, and every other emotion seemed normal, but the only thing they hadn’t seen him do is smile. After Finn grew enough to be taken out of the house he was taken to a place called Disney World. Something about this place was in his heart and put the first smile on Finn’s face. No matter how hard his parents tried to make him laugh it didn’t work. The words he spoke, the thoughts in his mind, and the dreams he imagined were only related to Disney and still are today. Yet Finn’s whole life seems so crazy and there is a simple reason for it. God is the reason for it. He is the reason for everything. He is the one who put the love for Disney in Finn’s heart, who puts the thoughts in his mind, the one who puts the dreams in his mind, and why he lives the life he is living. God is the one that created Walt Disney who invented Disney characters, rides, and the happiest place on earth (that put the first smile on Finn’s face). Yet this whole thing seems so crazy and mind blowing it is just in Finn’s own mind. If you think about it, God is so much more mind blowing than his own mind and that’s what Finn hasn’t realized yet.

  6. Karina DiPonio
    Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Dorky Drama Queen
    Rachel Renee Russell
    Page 333
    Blog #2, Log #8
    October 26, 2015

    The main problem in the story is when Mackenzie wants to go to a new school called North Hampton Hills. The reason was because when she was cleaning the girls’ locker room, there was a bug that climbed in her hair. Mackenzie didn’t know the bug was there until she got to class and Nikki told her. At first Mackenzie did not believe her, but when Mackenzie found out she was telling the truth, she started to freak out! One student took her phone out and videotaped Mackenzie freaking out. The girl sent the embarrassing video to the whole school! Mackenzie found out about the video from her friend Amanda, who told her she had seen the video. Amanda said she didn’t want to be friends with “an embarrassment.” The day after the incident, Mackenzie tried to sit down at the Cool Cute Popular girls at lunch. They told her she could not sit with them because of the video. When Mackenzie turned away from the table, she noticed lots of people on their phones, probably watching the video. Mackenzie left the tables and went to the bathroom because she was so upset. Miranda followed her along with the other CCP girls. Mackenzie lost her temper again, and started screaming at Miranda. She told her that if it “wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t even be a CCP girl, because you were too shy!” Miranda stormed out of the bathroom, and Mackenzie started to cry.
    That is why Mackenzie wants to go to a new school. She tries to convince her mom and dad, but they say no. She ends up having to stay and deal with this problem.

  7. #9 Matthew Montoya
    Percy Jackson
    Rick Riordan
    Pages 231-429
    Choice #4

    One of the main compositions in this book is that I have found mystery in all that I have read up to. Mystery can lead you to good or to bad. Percy Jackson is just a young boy in middle school who finds mystery, perseverance, and hope that he will solve the case. Crazy stuff may happen but when mystery comes clues and questions that have to be told. Another composition that I find that is very important is perseverance. Perseverance is what keeps Percy going throughout this book. There's always that one thought in our very mind that is "You can do it" Without perseverance Percy may have never found any clues or mystery along his journey throughout the book. It's crazy how smart Percy is with his middle school brain that he was able to solve this case without the help of friends or family by his side. Many people doubt themselves about whether they can do something or not. Just always remind yourself that "You can do it". Also, curiosity took over the mind of Percy and that's how the entire story ended up happening. Sometimes Percy even thinks that he's hallucinating overt the thought that his teacher turned into a monster-sized bat that would attack him. And also the thought that his teachers pen turned into a razor sharp sword that he used to defeat the monster-sized bat. "She wasn't human. She was a shriveled hag with bat wings and claws and a mouth full of yellow fangs, and she was about to slice me to ribbons." Overall, the main composition that I find most interesting in this book is perseverance.

  8. #5 Janessa Fuentes
    Blog #2
    Mrs. H
    Judy Blume double fudge/ 1-210
    In the book Double Fudge there is a young boy named Peter. He is eleven years old. Peter has a younger brother named Fudge. Fudge is a silly boy that made me laugh throughout the whole book. I love this book because in my perspective Judy Blume interacts with the people who read her books. I like Judy Blume books because it seems like actual life but really it is just a book.
    At one point in the book all of the family goes to a gift shop in Washington. Fudge was looking at everything and obsessed with the price tags. While they were shopping Fudge noticed a person that looked exactly like his father. Fudge raced to get his father’s attention and pointed to the man across the store. Fudges mom was frustrated because she has taught Fudge not to be rude and point at people. The man noticed them and introduced himself and figured out they were long lost cousins from Hawaii. The cousin’s name was Howie Hatcher. He had twin girls named Flora and Fauna and a little boy named Farley Drexel Hatcher. Fudge was mad because Farley is Fudge’s real name. Fudge threw a fit in the store because the twin girls thought the nickname Fudge was funny and wanted to call their brother Fudge. But Fudge wanted to be one of a kind and did not want to share his name. He liked being unique. While the children were talking they discovered that Peter and the twin girls are the same age but the girls are homeschooled. Peter and Fudge thought it was weird because they don’t have any classmates. Later on in the book cousin Howey and his family came to live with the Hatchers for four weeks. The girls were really irritating and rude. Fudge and Peter tried everything to get them out of their house. Peter and Fudge were very funny throughout the whole book that was funny and made me laugh in many ways.

  9. #15 Kayla Sin
    Veronica Roth
    True/ False
    1. Four is an only child.
    2. Four was a popular and social kid.
    3. Four’s mother died when he was a kid.
    4. Marcus was the most loving Stiff.
    5. Four’s real name is Tobias.
    6. Four was at the top of his class in Dauntless.
    7. Four works as a training instructor and in the computer surveillance.
    Multiple Choice
    8. Evelyn gave Four a ________ to keep in his room.
    a. Book about nature
    b. Blue glass sculpture
    c. Picture of him and her
    d. All of the above
    9. Four’s first tattoo was of _________.
    a. All the faction symbols
    b. Cross
    c. Belt
    d. Fire
    10. The second best in Four’s class was ________.
    a. Max
    b. Shauna
    c. Eric
    d. Uriah
    11. Max wanted Four to be ________.
    a. One of the council
    b. Training instructor
    c. Head of the computer surveillance
    d. Factionless
    12. Evelyn was _______.
    a. Four’s girlfriend
    b. Four’s mother
    c. Four’s friend from Abnegation
    d. Tattoo designer
    13. Four was his new name because he had ________.
    a. Four jobs
    b. Four letters in his name
    c. Four fears
    d. Four tattoos
    14. Tris was_______.
    a. Four’s number one competitor
    b. Part of Erudite
    c. Sister of Shauna
    d. Initiate in training
    15. Four’s last fear in the landscape was ________.
    a. Marcus’s beating
    b. Killing an innocent
    c. Tight spaces
    d. Heights
    16. Who designed Four’s tattoo on his back?
    a. Tris
    b. Tori
    c. Max
    d. Eric
    17. What faction was Eric originally from?
    a. Candor
    b. Amity
    c. Erudite
    d. Abnegation
    Short Answer
    18. What did Four do to keep in touch with Evelyn?
    19. How did Four think his mom died?
    20. What made Four strong?
    21. What was the Dauntless’ famous dessert?
    22. What did the initiates have to do to get in the Dauntless Compound?
    23. How did Four figure out a way to mirror files from Max’s computer?
    24. Describe each of the five factions. Why were Divergents a threat to society?
    Answer Key
    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False
    6. True
    7. True
    8. B
    9. D
    10. C
    11. A
    12. B
    13. C
    14. D
    15. A
    16. B
    17. C
    18. He wrote notes to give to a factionless messenger.
    19. He thought it was through labor.
    20. Marcus’s whippings made him strong.
    21. Chocolate cake was the best dessert.
    22. They had to jump off the top of a building into a net.
    23. It was a prank that he learned from a fellow Dauntless.
    24. There were five factions that formed the society. The Dauntless were the brave. They protected the city and wore all black. These people were tough and once they grew to be too old, they either became factionless or killed themselves. The Erudite were the intelligent. They helped with the technological advances in the community. They wore colors of blue and were very prideful of their intelligence. The Candor were the honest. These people held the court and proved justice. They wore black and white and were very talkative. Amity were the peaceful and happy people. Members of this faction would grow the food for the factions. Their faction’s colors were red and orange and they were skipped everywhere they went. Lastly there was Abnegation, the selfless. They helped the factionless and were the leaders of all the factions. They also ate plain food and couldn’t look to long in the mirror. Divergents were a danger to society because they didn’t fit into just one faction. They could be in multiple which would cause disorder and chaos.

  10. #4 Elijah Holiday
    Mocking Jay
    Suzan Collins
    Blog #5
    Are you, are you, coming to the tree
    I just ate a bee,
    I just have fallen down,
    On something hard and brown
    I think it might be that thing,
    Its kind of hard and it stings,

    That really made no sense,
    I died running into a fence,
    The end,
    The end!

  11. #11 Preston Parker
    Pg. 175 of Deadpool Classic
    Blog #2, Log #2
    My character Wade Wilson or otherwise known as Deadpool the Merc. with a mouth. Is suffering from cancer and could die at any moment. But years before this happened he was very happy. He had a wife and was planning on a bigger family. But in the 3rd year of marriage he had conducted cancer and was told he could die any moment. Wade was desperate to do anything to save his life. So he took part in a program called Weapon X. This program is the same program James Logan or Wolverine took part in. So not knowing this he had taken part and had been taken to many chambers and experimented on. He had been thrown into a pile of dead bodies believed to not have been the savior of cancer. But when awaking from his deathly slumber he had been the most significant man in the world. One of the men in the world containing the cure for cancer. Since his wife believed he was dead he continued having her think that. But not knowing whether to be a good guy or a bad guy he chose the middle. He had switched doing contracts for both the good and the bad people in the world. Years later around five he had learned that he had a talent for killing people and had a potential to kill other people. When this talent was acquired he figured why not put it to good use and start doing more high paying and talent contracts. With this new talent his wife eventually found him and knew immediately. He was her husband and he was the most ugly being she had ever seen.

  12. #8 Gannon McDonald
    Percy Jackson And The Olympians
    Rick Riordan
    Page 361
    Blog #2, Log #2
    Dear Percy Jackson,
    I know you like Annabeth, you might not realize it but I do. You try and confuse everybody that you don’t like Annabeth. You even tried to trick your mom! Who by the way, knows everything about you and has raised you since birth. Just ask out Annabeth, if things work out then you guys can live happily for the rest of your life. You know when you guys get married I’ll be your best man. Then after a few years you guys are going fight every day and divorce each other. So make sure you make moment with all the days you guys spend with each other. She might even divorce you for your Cyclops brother Tyson! She might think a Cyclops is better looking and stronger than a human boy. Well you know Cyclops do have one eye and can only see through one perspective. So she can be cheating on him all she wants and he would never know it. By all means when you guys break up make sure Tyson stays away from her no matter what! If you have to die for protecting Tyson then do it. Brothers are better than ex’s. If you need more advice just give me a call or email me. I have much more advice, but to be honest I didn’t come here to give good advice. I just wanted to annoy you in the morning while you are sleeping. I hope your life is well Percy.

  13. #17 Zachary Tittle
    Blog#2 log#5
    Deadpool 4th collection
    Way, Diggle, Dillion, Medina, Dazo

    Deadpool. Deadpool. Deadpool.
    Deadpool is a mercenary.
    Deadpool cannot die.
    Deadpool is an experiment.
    Deadpool is pie.
    Deadpool. Deadpool. Deadpool.

  14. #12 Alexis Raya
    Neal Shusterman
    Page 196
    Log #2
    Dear Connor,
    How have you been? I mean, after all the events that have had happened to you, I guess you would not be that great right now. Lev betrayed you and Risa. You had the baby. What was her name? Her name was Didi, right? You had her and now she is gone. I that relieving for you or is has it put worries in your head? After all, you were the one who took her from that doorstep. I think that was a good choice to take her from that doorstep. She would have been neglected or maybe even dead if it was not for you and not worry about Didi. She is in a better home now. How are doing with the Lev situation? It may be hard, but do not have resentment towards Lev. He was dumb, I’ll give you that. Lev was also scared. You have to understand, Connor, that Lev has never been in a situation like this before. He has lived his whole entire life protected and in a bubble. He has always had people tell him that tidings or Unwinding are good. He never knew what actually happens. He did not know that Unwinding are the place where people your age are sent to die. Unwinds are harvested for their limbs. Their limbs are ripped and pulled apart while they are still alive. That is not right. You are right to run away from that horrible place.
    Your friend, Alexis

  15. #7 Margaret Kwok
    Blog #2 for 1st quarter
    Option #8
    Paper Towns
    By, John Green
    Pages 151-239 (only blogging to that page, because it is when there is most conflict)
    The book Paper Towns, is an amazing book. Margo is a free spirited, do as you please, type girl. Everybody thinks they know her. Soon to find out, they do not. They only know the other side of Margo; not her true side. There is a lot more to her then being the strong-willed gorgeous girl, who rules her high school. There’s something about her, that at least a few people are figuring out, she is the least bit typical. She runs away multiple times, and leaves clues so people can find her. Q, is absolutely inlove with her, so when he comes to the conclusion that she might be dead, he goes almost insane. She becomes all he can think about. He obsesses over her. The whole book is a mystery. Every time people think they are close to finding her, more clues arise, and she is yet to be found. Margo is a very smart person, and has set up clues so people can find her. It is difficult for those who care about her, to accept that she may not be alive anymore. Her life is in danger, and it is up to Q and his friends to find her. Every page, a new mystery appears. Where is Margo? Is she even still alive? What happened to her?

  16. #5Isabella Holiday
    Lauren Kate
    Pg448(end of book)
    Love. In this book it talks a lot about love and how real love can carry people through no matter the circumstances. Real love means long time love between to people when they are older not junior high "love".“Think of the way we adore the Throne. That adoration makes us the best versions of ourselves. We feel encouraged to go further with our instincts, not to change ourselves for love. If I were yours and you were mine, I would want you to be exactly as you are. I would never eclipse you with my desires.”(Kate386). This love always come back no matter how hard they or others try the chemistry and relationship is always there. In a real relationship the two except each other for who they are. They don't except them just for their smiles or just for their eyes. They love the person entirely not partially. “All that is good in Heaven and on Earth is made of love. Maybe that wasn’t your plan when you created the universe—maybe love was just one aspect of a complicated and brutal world. But love was the best thing you made, and it has become the only thing worth saving. This war is not just. This war is not good. Love is the only thing worth fighting for.”(Kate388). If it is real love all the fighting, all the work, all the struggles and hardships will be worth it. In this book it gets to the point of love and breaks it down. It shows the hard parts of love but it also shows the amazing things about love. In this book it shows that love is definitely something worth fighting for

  17. Shoeless Joe and Me
    Dan Gutman
    Page 175
    Log #2
    Aiden Avichouser

    I think that the main character, Joe, should have prepared more for his trip back to the past. He has traveled back to the past to meet baseball players many times and is starting to get good at it. He is traveling back to 1919 to meet Shoeless Joe Jackson to see if he really cheated. When he gets there after walking down the streets for a little he gets kidnapped buy two kidnappers. Joe gets locked in a closet and gets a chocolate bar to eat. I would suggest eating the candy bar and then try and run into the door to knock it down and run to get the police. He finally gets out and on the other side of the door was Shoeless Joe Jackson’s room. That was who he came to 1919 to look for. Shoeless Joe let Joe stay with him for a while. Joe made many mistakes on that trip to 1919. Out of all of the trips to the past Joe has been on to the past this was the most dangerous one. I suggest for Joe to be more aware of his surroundings and be more careful in the future. Joe just kept getting into more trouble though. One night he was walking along the streets and the kidnappers ran up behind him and snatched him, but before he could call for help they were in a room with one other man. It was their boss. That’s when Joe needs to be more careful with his surroundings. Before I knew it he was about to shoot me! I remembered about the cards I had. I grabbed the cards and felt the tingling sensation in my fingertips. I felt myself fading away and soon I was gone lucky enough not to get shot. Joe is a braver kid to
    travel back in time, but he still needs to be careful. Next time Joe needs to come more prepared and try not to get in as much trouble.

  18. Matthew Kim#7
    Into the Wild
    Erin Hunter
    Log #2

    Me: Hi Firepaw! It’s such a pleasure to meet you.
    Firepaw: Hello! I know I’m a talking cat, but you can understand me, right?
    Me: Of course! Now let’s get started.
    Firepaw: Do I look okay? Are we on TV?
    Me: Okay, how do you feel about joining a clan?
    Firepaw: I was kind of nervous when I first came because of all the cats were staring at me.
    Me: Was it hard hunting for everyone in the clan?
    Firepaw: Yeah, it was hard the first time, but it got easier when you keep on doing it.
    Me: Were you expecting to meet Lionheart and Bluestar?
    Firepaw: Not at all! First I was trying to catch a mouse, than all of a sudden, a wild cat just pounces on me and pins me down.
    Me: Does Yellowfang sometimes bully you?
    Firepaw: When she first came to the camp, she was very demanding and independent. If you’re just nice to her, she starts becoming less and less grumpy.
    Me: Do you miss your old life?
    Firepaw: Well, I mean it was pretty nice to have owners feed me and I am protected from other dangers, but I don’t think that was the life that was meant for me. I’m happy that I joined the Thunderclan.
    Me: Is training hard?
    Firepaw: Yes! It is pretty tough. After every day of training, my whole body is sore.
    Me: Okay, just a few more questions. What was the first prey you ever caught?
    Firepaw: The first prey I ever caught was a mouse. It was hard, but I still caught it.
    Me: Is being part of a clan tough?
    Firepaw: Sometimes it can be hard because all the clans are fighting each other and in winter, preys are harder to get.
    Me: Well, that was it! Thank you for letting me interview you.
    Firepaw: Thanks for having me. I need to go back to the clan to see if I'm needed!

  19. #14 Jada Wynn
    Penny from Heaven
    Jennifer L. Holm
    Log #2
    Jada: Hello Penny!
    Penny: Hello!
    Jada: I am here to ask you some questions and learn more about you.
    Penny: Ok.
    Jada: Let's get started. What is it like to have so many uncles?
    Penny: It's pretty great actually. They love to spoil me with lots of gifts.
    Jada: Do you mind telling us which uncle you like to spend the most time with?
    Penny: No, not at all. Uncle Dominic. He is very interesting and loves to take me places like
    to Dodgers games or the beach. Uncle Dominic used to play for the Dodgers until my
    father died. He was very good. He could hit the ball the way to the parking lot.
    Jada: Thank you for sharing, Penny. Speaking of your father, do you miss him?
    Penny: I didn't really get to meet him, but yeah I guess so. My family members are always
    talking about how he was the kindest man they've ever met.
    Jada: Ok, now how did your hand get stuck in the ringer?
    Penny: Well, my cousin Frankie, had this crazy idea that there was a huge stack of cash
    hidden somewhere near my Nonny's house. He convinced me to help him find out where Pop pop hid the money. Our only excuse to go down to the basement where the
    money was hidden, was to say that we were going to wash the clothes. Frankie started to look for the money and I was stuck washing the clothes. It was just a couple minutes later when money started flying everywhere. I tried to save some of the money from going down the ringer. My hand was caught! It hurt so bad.
    Jada: Penny, how was your stay at the hospital?
    Penny: Well, let's just say that it wasn't the best visit I've had.
    Jada: Thank you so much for sharing with us today.
    Penny: Oh, no problem. Thank you so much for having me.

  20. #1 Sydney Barbee
    Red's Untold Tale
    Wendy Toliver
    Pg. 306
    Prompt #7

    In the book, Red's Untold Tale, it shows Red Riding Hood's life from her perspective. This book is like her diary. She talks about her love life, the mean girls at school, and her granny who loves and takes care of her. All of her dearest darkest secrets are revealed in this book. She has a hard time with her granny at one time and she tells granny that she is going to run away and then finds out that granny didn't pay her taxes and the king was taking away the cottage. During the same time period she is also starting to lose her best friend, Peter. She was so caught up in trying to figure out if he liked her that she ended up making false conclusions and lying to him. After all this has happened to her, all she had left was her mothers necklace and she sold it in order to save the cottage. This book is only for certain people, it is a fairy tale twist and some people don't like those. I would recommend this book to some people but not all. Over all this book is really interesting and I would like to keep reading to find out what becomes of Red and Peter. Also to see if her and granny resolve all their problems and mend their relationship. I never taught that Red Riding Hood was ever more than the little girl in the woods visiting her grandmother who runs into a wolf. But in reality she is the wolf.

  21. #6 Sienna Inman
    "The 100"
    Log #8
    Pg. 258
    In my book, “The 100”, there are many different problems in each persons perspective. For Clarke, the main character, her problem being the doctor on earth is not having any medicine. At first her and Bellamy had to go and find it sense it fell out of the ship during there bumpy landing. After that, she realized that someone else on earth with the group had stolen it. She freaked out! There were sick wounded people in the drop ship that needed medicine to be cared for. If they weren’t treated soon they could possibly die. For Bellamy his problem is protecting his younger sister Octavia. She’s fourteen and is a lot more sneaky then he thought she was. She had been accused of stealing the medicine, but denied it. Eventually she had to come clean being that she was the only suspect. Now Bellamy needs to make sure no one gets her back for it later. Octavia's problem of course is the fact that people may be out to get her. Now Well’s has a problem… a romantic problem. He’s trying to get back his ex girlfriend Clarke. Although, the reason he lost her is a tragic reason. He ratted out her parents out for doing something against the law in space where they lived. He got both her parents killed. Now he’s struggling to win the love of his life back. For everyone else on earth, their only problem is staying alive on a world that they abandon years ago.

  22. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    Prompt #6
    Holiday in Hell
    Page 1-end

    Sarah: What were you thinking when you used a stick to get people out if the water?
    Chico: Well I just needed some money so I had to do everything I could to get it.
    Sarah: When you did the comedy skit on the radio, and your boss heard what you were doing, what was going on in your head?
    Chico: Um… I guess I was both upset and proud of how long I did it for, before he found out.
    Sarah: When you first went to Vegas, what did you think and did you want to be there forever or just leave?
    Chico: Well I liked Vegas, but I don’t know if I wanted to stay forever because I was new but once I got to know the place it was really nice.
    Sarah: When you first met Frank Sinatra what was going on in your mind?
    Chico: I was kind of freaking out and I didn’t really know what to do. I was wondering what was going on in his mind like did he like my singing or did he not like it. I was also thinking if he was going to say something because in my mind it felt like we just sat there for an hour. I wanted to know if he had been there for more than one song or if he had just gotten there.
    Sarah: When you got your first gig were you excited or nervous?
    Chico: Well I was in the middle of both. I was both really excited and nervous.
    Sarah: Why were you nervous about the gig?
    Chico: I was nervous like anyone else would be in front of a crown of a lot of people, but I felt really different after. When I first got up on the stage I felt like I was going to barf but I managed to keep it down and just sing.
    Sarah: When you first met Sally did something go off in your head?
    Chico: Yes, when I first saw her something went off like fireworks on Fourth of July or like cannons going off at a war. Everything just stopped and the only thing I saw was her.
    Sarah: When you got the love letter from Barbara did you have any feelings for her?
    Chico: Absolutely not. I wanted nothing to do with her I only wanted my Sally.
    Sarah: Okay it looks like we are out of time but I enjoyed talking to you.

  23. Joshua Quintana #10
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
    J.K. Rowling
    Log #2
    Dear Harry,
    It’s great that you made the Quidditch team on your first year at Hogwarts. The whole school is depending on you but don’t feel stressed. You should also find out what is in the package in the dungeon (if you can without getting hurt). It is good that Ron and you made up with Hermonie. Try to figure out what you were not being told by Hagrid, and keep flying to get better at Quidditch because if you let the team down you could be removed from it. As far as being tricked into the duel, don’t get involved with that kind of stuff, and instead focus more on quidditch. As far as the potion class goes, try and study more so he cannot embarrass you as much. Nice job handling that troll who broke into the school. I feel bad for your wand though. I would hate being covered in troll snot, especially the fact that I would not be alive and can’t move until I have been moved. Also I feel bad about you and the Dursleys, especially dudley who is terribly mean to you along with uncle Vernon who should be a lot nicer to you. I'm happy that you got into Hogwarts and I wish if I could that a would be able to go to Hogwarts too. If I did I would like to be in Griffindor or Ravenclaw but never Slytherin.

  24. Maze Runner
    James Dashner
    Log 2

    Dear Thomas,

    If I was you I would of stopped Alby from killing himself I know he was a big pain but he was your fellow glader. However it was his choice to do it I mean he did sacrifice himself. Thomas but I loved the way that you went from zero to hero by proving yourself in the maze withe the griever. I also love how you are helpful to your friend Alby when he was stung in the maze you didn't run away like Minho you stayed there to help your friend. I would of tried more to not tell Teresa about how there is no way out of the maze. I also liked how you kept secrets to all of the gladers and tried to give them a ray of hope. The other thing that is cool that you did is how you kept trying to get out you never gave up in trying to get out of the maze. You also tried to save as many people as possible when the grievers attacked the glade. Thomas I also liked the way you never leave a man or girl behind when you cared for Teresa even though you didn't know her that well. I also like how you are brave and don't care what happens to you, you just want to help others survive and thrive. You were the person that either kept people going or you were the one who was the Debby downer for others. You could be the best friend to some and the big jerk face to others. You are an inspiration to most and to some you are the devil. Alright then, I'm going to go.
    Your friend,

  25. #9 Jake O’Brien
    “Where the Bodies were Buried”
    Blog # 2
    October 27, 2015
    Dear Mr. Flemmi

    Hello there, okay to be honest I wanted to give you some advice about how you follow, Mr. Bulger. Now I am not saying that you should not follow him because that is a decision that is completely up to you, but when following him, I feel like you should literally do almost everything that he says. When I say this I mean that you should just do any “dirty work” that he wants done. Another piece of advice that I would like to give you is that you should always try to stay positive. Well not exactly positive, but always try to be as if you always want to be on his side and not want to disobey or disagree with him. This is because it seems like it would be smart to always be on Mr. Bulger’s good side and never, ever, on his bad. Especially with Mr. Bulger being the man that he is. This usually works out for me whenever I want to be on sometimes good side. Anyways I think that another piece of information that I think would be smart for you to follow. I think that you shouldn’t really be the man that really always around “Whitey”. This is because you do not want to be come to attached and let’s be honest here, if you become to close to Mr. Bulger then things might not work out for you if he were to ever be brought down by the police or by another mafia. This brings me to my next point though. If you are positive about working for this man and think that you are going so far to as call him your friend. Then stick with him and stay loyal in him, don’t turn your back.
    I believe in you
    Jake O’Brien

  26. # 7 Gregory Luciano
    Freefall By Gordon And Williams
    Log 2
    Pg 240
    Dear Will,
    You really have to get out of there and get Topsoil again. If you stay down there anymore than you have already you will die. And that Rebecca twin, or whatever her real name is, do not trust her. You also have to make sure you heal Elliot, she is the only skilled person besides you in your group. Drake is okay, hes trying to find you guys again. I don't know if he will dare go down the pore like you did. You might have to climb up it and signal for him, but don't attract any Styx to your location. You are out numbered and for sure out skilled. If you get Topsoil, get as many items you would need, you know, like rifles, knifes, packaged food, and even rope. Then go back down and find your father. He is still alive, but it will be difficult to locate him. You can't achieve any of these tasks unless you leave that old lady, Martha. Shes just holding you back and using you for company. You shouldn't even be trusting her, you already found out she was hiding medicine to safe Elliot, and she almost killed you. If you do find your father use his help. You guys need to alert the military or someone because they are trying to exterminate mankind! You can't waste your days rotting in Martha's shack. Collect your items and head up to topsoil. In the end, if you follow this advice you will be back to your old self. Good Luck.

  27. #6 Italia Holiday
    Diary of a wimpy kid
    Jeff Kinney
    Pg. 169
    Dear diary,
    Lately my life has been a bit difficult. Mom just came up with this new thing called mom bucks. It is not fun having mom bucks because I have to do chores and actually hang with my older brother. Also it is kind of a good thing because I can earn money. Today I went to Rowley's house and his babysitter is Heather Hills. I go over to play games is what I tell Rowley but I really go over to see his babysitter. Today was different, his babysitter was his neighbor, Leland. We played this game called magic and monsters. When I went home I told mom about it and she wanted Roderick and I to play together. Mom bought a lot of books for Roderick to read. He didn't understand it. When I went over to Rowley's house again. We played magic and monsters, but guess what my mind mom came this time and wanted to play. She was just like Roderick, she didn't know a thing. I know it might sound harsh but it was the truth. I just hope that mom won't want to go over there again. The next day I had a history test, which obviously I didn't study for. If I had a glass eye I could cheat off of someone's test. I sit right next to the smartest kid in our class, he always puts his test on the floor so I know I can look at his. Today is Sunday and Roderick has been turning in his mom bucks so he has been doing a bunch of chores. Luckily I have a stash of mom bucks.

  28. #10 Luke O’Brien
    Language Arts
    Prompt 2
    Dear Mr. Zodiac,
    One piece of advice I would give you is to not kill people. Even though you eventually stopped, you are going to have to answer for all those murders. And I know you’re probably thinking “No I don’t, I never caught got!” But when you are being judged by God you will be sent to hell for eternity. If you confess to all those crimes and turn yourself in and become a Christian, you possibly could be let into heaven. God is waiting for you to just become a Christian and celebrate with him in heaven. I don’t know what happened to you to the point you decided to go on a killing spree, but you need to get over it! And you should not be proud that you were never caught. You should be ashamed of yourself because every person you killed was some ones daughter or son, and you took them from their families. I hope you are not living happily with no regrets because you should be sorry for everyone you killed. You better stay hiding because no one ever wants to see or hear that you’re coming back. I don’t even know if you’re alive right now because this was all very long ago, but if you are, I can’t wait for you to be in heaven begging God for forgiveness. And God would give it to you if you never had killed all of those people.
    Sincerely, Luke O’Brien

  29. #3Daniel Chapin
    Language Arts
    Louis Sachar
    The main conflict of the book is about his family curse and how he got sent to Camp Green Lake. He was wrongly accused of a crime that he did not commit in the first place. Camp Green Lake is frankly, not what it sounds like at all. The whole camp is like a type of a prison that is surrounded by desert and not fences and barb wire . The name is also misleading because apparently no lake for at least a hundred miles around. The main character is a kid named Stanly Yelnatses. Every single day he has to dig a hole that is five feet deep and five feet wide. The people who work there are not very nice. The place, as described sounds like a strait up dump compared to what detention is like. It also sais that the place is full of holes. The whole reason that the kids are digging the holes is not primarily about discipline and to think about what you have done. The main reason is that there is this whole thing about treasure stuff being buried in the place that there used to be a lake. It is really just a place where the kids are doing the work for the people that work there. The whole thing is a scam and criminal situation. Near the end Stanly finds out that the stuff that is buried is actually his own treasure.That is the main conflict and plot of the book.


  30. #13 Andrew Walters
    Phenom the Making Of Bryce Harper

    Harper may be cocky, yes, but he isn’t a punk. What he is, is 19 — and rich and handsome and famous. And the Nationals may have wanted Harper to think he had a chance to make the club. There was almost no chance of it actually happening. He’s going to make it to the big leagues when I realize that, developmentally, he’s ready to play in the big leagues. The Nationals sent Harper to Class AAA. But then again, there was virtually no other possible outcome. He has played 37 games above Class A. If the Nationals keep him in the minors for about a month, they get an extra year of his services , in fact, his age-25 season Before he reaches free agency. If they keep him down for about three months, they can save millions of dollars in a few years by keeping him from reaching arbitration eligibility early. And something else has strucked this spring: Harper isn’t ready. Or at the very least, it was no slam-dunk that he is ready. Spring training stats tend to be meaningless, or even misleading, but the reality is that Harper struck out 11 times in 28 at-bats this spring. Against lefties, he struck out four times in eight at-bats. The narrative said that Harper’s immense talent could not be denied. The reality is that, right here, right now, there are other players who can help the Nationals more. There are some guys in camp that are interesting and can be way better but Bryce Harper started to work harder and not let anyone stop him.

  31. #2 Jack Cardeno
    The Scorch Trials
    James Dashner
    Page 38
    Log #2

    Dear Thomas,
    I hope you find out the true intentions of WICKED and what they want to do with you. I also hope that you find out why you and the other gladers are in Group A and someone and Group B is going to kill you. Your “other” telepathic partner should help you in communicating. Now that Teresa is being tested on by whoever captured you, you really don’t have anyone to telepathically talk to. You might want to get some more sleep and ignore the Cranks when they are yelling at you. WICKED might have been the people who captured you so you might want to get your things and run. The Maze was nothing compared to what is outside where you are now. Now, you are in the Scorch. The Scorch is a desert that goes on for miles on end. It would be hard for you to live out there. There isn't any food, or water, or really anything that will help you. Also, the Cranks hate the sun or any bright light. So if you have a flashlight, you might want to shine it on them. If anyone gets bit or scratched or any breaking of the skin, you might want to kill them. They will eventually turn into a Crank and most likely kill you. Unless you make them kind of like a police dog. Just make sure that you and the other gladers keep yourselves safe. You don't know who or what your next enemy may be.
    Jack Cardeno

  32. #13 Emilia Shahverdian
    Mrs. H. Language Arts
    Blog 2 Quarter 1
    Page 215
    Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
    Dear Diary,
    I feel quite troubled today. Mr. Darcy is a dear, but I do not see him as my future husband. He has certain qualities and traits that just irks me. He does not suit me and my character. In other words, I would say that we are not compatible. He is very wealthy though. That is why my mother sees him as a suitable husband for me. My older sister and Mr. Darcy’s acquaintance look like their romance is beginning to spark. I do envy Jane, she is always so cheerful. I am very intelligent and rebellious. I must get back to my main thought. Does Mr. Darcy not realize that I will never accept his proposals? Jane and Mr. Bingley were dancing while the rest of us were having our grand dispute. I would say that I handled the situation with poise, but also wisdom. Mr. Darcy does think so highly of himself. I guess we are both blinded by our prejudice towards one another. I make my decision of his marriage proposal. I know my mother and father would force me to because of his wealth. Love should come by choice not by force. I wish to fall in love instead of being rushed into marriage. Jane is the only person I can really confide in now. Miss Bingley had embarrassed me in front of everyone. She told everyone that I was delighted with George Wickham. Do not worry for I snapped back at her for her rude remarks. That was not her place to judge.
    Yours, Elizabeth


  33. #11 Zachary Ramsey
    Suzanne Collins
    Mocking Jay
    Pg 301
    Log #2
    Prompt #5
    And She ate that fish.
    It was like no other fish,
    It was a real dish.

  34. #6 Matthew Johnson
    Blog 2 Quarter 1
    Log 1
    The Rule of Thoughts
    James Dashner

    Dear Diary,

    Today wasn’t the best day, in fact, it was the worst day of my life. Today I learned that my whole life was a lie. My parents were not even human beings! They were pretty much programmed robots. Same goes for me though, I was the same as them, a programmed intelligence in what seemed like a human body. In the Wake they call programmed intelligence like me Tangents. I only found out about all this after fighting my Arch enemy for years. Then he tells me he killed a human being so I could be transferred into a human body and be immortal. I learned that the person he killed for me was only 16 years old with parents and a sister. I had to steal money from this family to help me get back to my friends to convince them that it's me. They might take some convincing but I’m hoping that they will accept me as their friend once they hear what I have been through these last couple days. Once I explain The Path I’m sure they will know it's me. The Path was the worst experience of my life. First I had to watch my best friend get ripped apart by robots and then my other best friend being burned to death right in front of me. The horrible images and terrible smell are still in my head. All of this terrible stuff happening to me was because of Kaine. I’ll never forget the smug look on his face as he told me my whole childhood, parents and everything were fake. He probably enjoyed the look of sorrow on my face when I heard this, but Kaine needs me because I am of importance to him. He can’t do anything to me because we both know that he needs my coding abilities to take down the VNS. Though I will never help him he continues to try to capture me with his men but I always find some way out of it. Luckily, Kaine can’t actually come find me himself because he doesn’t exist in the real world at the moment and I have to stop him before he does. Im guessing that he is scared that the Mortality Doctrine will affect him when he is in a human body so he’s testing it on his men before himself. Alhough, I’m surprised he hasn’t just gone for it since it worked for me just fine. Hopefully I can find some way of getting the mind of Jackson Porter back into his body. The guilt of me being in another persons body is weighing down on me like a burden. I promise after I stop Kaine I will try to bring back the real Jackson Porter. I hope I can be just regular old Michael again. Although, I'm not sure I can become myself ever again due to my intelligence being destroyed in my other body. However, one thing I am sure of, I would rather be dead than take some poor kid away from his family. Well Sarah wants to enter the sleep again and try to find Bryson so I’m gonna end this here.


  35. #12 J.B. Sebastiano
    The Closer by: Mariano Rivera
    Log #2
    Prompt #1

    Yesterday, I had a big shock. I was getting dressed to go to dinner in my hotel room when the phone rang. It was my Triple-A Columbus Clippers manager. He told me that the Yankees had called me up to the Major Leagues. I was excited because I had a second chance. The first time I was called up, I pitched terribly. I felt blessed because most people do not have a second chance in the MLB. It is a gift from God really. Immediately after I hung up the phone, I jumped up and down on the bed filled with joy. Shortly after I calmed down, a cab picked me up and took me to the airport. My flight was one-way from Columbus to New York. As soon as I landed, a Yankee team valet came and took me to a nearby fancy restaurant where I enjoyed an amazing sirloin steak. When I finished eating, the Yankee team valet took me to join the team at the ballpark. Feeling blessed, I thought I was only going to sit down and enjoy the game. To my amazement, the manager told me that I was starting today’s game. Thankfully, my pitching was on today and I pitched seven shutout innings. After my Manager Buck Showalter pulled me from the game, he turned the ball over to John Wettleland who earned the save in the ninth inning. I was confident in my performance knowing that I could not have given a better effort today. I knew God was answering my prayers when Mr. Showalter informed me that I was placed on the postseason roster. My whole body shook and was overcome with joy. This is surely one of the best days of my life.

  36. #5 Alex Gottuso
    The Son of Neptune, Rick Riordan
    Pg. 300
    Blog #2 Q1
    Prompt #2
    Dear Percy,
    I hope you are doing well. I know you have been through a lot on your journey already, good and bad. You’ve gone lots of places, and met lots of people; constantly on the move. Ever since you lost your memory it must’ve felt like you’ve been rebuilding your life. I’m writing this letter to you to support you and give you advice. I’m sure you’re doing great with all the struggles and encounters you face, which is my support to give you. I have seen your bravery and heroic characteristics many times before, and still you continue to never disappoint and to be brave, and loving and all the wonderful traits that you represent so well. I know times can get rough or you simply just feel like giving up, or taking the easy way out, but you’ve been doing so well and I’m sure you’ll keep on impressing me. My first piece of advice to you is to listen to others advice that they give to you, coincidently enough. We all have to learn from somewhere, especially if you’re starting out fresh. Most times it is a lot better to simply listen then to speak. My second piece of advice to you is to never work alone, unless if the circumstance says otherwise. Make allies, but don’t just going around trusting anyone. Know your friends and know your enemies. For now, this is all I can write to you, I must leave this place. Hopefully I can write to you again soon.

  37. Unstoppable
    Believe and achieve
    Anything is possible
    Work hard
    If you just believe
    Anything is possible
    When life gets hard
    Get tough

    by Jake Rydbeck

  38. #16 Trevor Stubbs

    The main problem in the book is that Jim, Huck's friend who is a slave is trying to get to a slave free state. But they run into a couple of hustlers that want to stop at every city that is on the Mississippi River but that leads them to getting Jim caught when they are running and Tom Sawyer gets shot in the calf as they are running from the angry towns people. So Huck has to go back and get a doctor to heal his leg but as the doctor is going over he discovers Jim and brings him back to be put in jail so Huck is sad because two of his friends are hurt or in jail. Jim might be hung because he is caught running away for the second time so if his owner wants him to be killed he will die and that is what Huck is worrying about the death of one of his best friends. Also one of his other friend got shot in the leg because the two hustlers wanted to get some money. So Tom gets better and he says we need to get Jim out of jail so the started to dig a hole at night and said that the two hustlers where going to let him out in exchange for some money but that was just a lie so that the people would think it was the hustlers but then they put a guard every night to watch for the two hustler so finally they got Jim out and they floated down the Mississippi to free Jim from slavery.

  39. Foxcatcher
    Mark Shultz
    Page 304
    #13 Makayla Rydbeck
    Language Arts
    Blog 2 First quarter
    Option 2
    Dear Mark, My name is Makayla I have decided to write this letter to you because I have read your book. Hopefully the advice I give will help you in the future. Now being as though you had been in a lot of trouble as a child you should have instead asked advice from Dave and he could have helped prevent those problems. When you were older and John Du Pont was manipulating you into thinking you would never be the best you should have sought out a new coach. While you were in middle school and high school when you were moving back and forth due to the divorce of your parents but also with your probation you should have told someone like your mother, father, Dave, or even a friend how much it affected you. Instead of wrapping it up in a tight ball until it exploded. When you lost your brother Dave I know how hard it must have been and it’s probably still a hard subject to talk advice to you would be think about what Dave would want you to be doing with your life. Dave would want you to make something of yourself not give up on life because he is not here. Instead turn the loss into a victory take all of the anger and sadness that John Du Pont made you feel and take it into your career and thrive.
    Sincerely, Makayla Rydbeck

  40. #3 Ethan Crenshaw
    I survived the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906
    Lauren Tarshis
    Prompt #3
    Can Leo survive this devastating disaster? Well, he did. When the story ended, Leo built a small wooden boat. He took his boat to Hawaii to see his mother and father. they were so excited to see him again. To celebrate him coming home, they went swimming with sharks.He saw a great white shark for the first time. Leo got so scared he peed his pants. The shark got some of the pee on its body. I got angry so it went close to Leo and then it bite his leg. Leo was screaming so loud he began to cry. His mom and dad cried to. The lifeguards came but it was to late. So the lifeguards picked him up and rushed to the hospital before it would get worse. The doctor gave him crutches to stand. After that the family went to dinner and Leo had a big bowl of clams. When they finished there dinner they headed back to the hotel and when they got in bed they felt the ground shake. Leo got his clothes and opened up the door. His mom and dad were behind him but the walls had cracks in them and the roof fell.Leo rushed down the stairs and went to the grass. He heard his mom yelling for help but then the the whole building collapse.He had know realized his parents were dead. He ran to the ocean and called for help but no one answered. But then he heard something and it was ships coming. His next destination was his grandmas house which was in Nevada.

  41. Ileanna Holiday #5
    Deborah Wiles
    Entry #1
    Dear diary,
    Today has been one hectic day. It started a little something like this. First I went to my step mom's Church. I didn't want to go but I had to. During worship I children's ministry I snuck out before the craft to get some supplies even though all I wanted to do was go outside of the office door and eavesdrop. While I was eavesdropping I accidentally opened the door and fell in. I was so embarrassed I couldn't move to get out. I new the lady working she is my step mom's friend. In the room with her were three different aged Negros. She introduced everyone in the room and I learned there names. The older one was named Jo Ellen, a pretty name in my opinion. Jo Ellen looks like a young girl about twenty-one would say. The other little girl who looked about my age was named Vera,and a little boy about age three was named William. I stayed hello to them all and soon we became friends after studying Jo Ellen's face I realized that she looked like my birth mother. I thought she couldn't be my mother she is so young. Then after a wile I started thinking of why she would be here. I saw the flyers she had in her hand that said potion. I couldn't really see what the paper said after that but I know it said potion in big bold letters. Soon after that the police walked in. I knew one of the police men. He saw me and told me to go back into children's ministry, so I did. I didn't shut the hallway door all the way because I wanted to here what they were saying. While I was watching I saw a half of a heart on a chain. Then I looked at my necklace and saw it was a match. Then I knew she was my mom.

  42. #8 Joe McElroy
    Jedi Academy
    Jeffrey Brown
    Pg 88
    Log #9
    Wrote 267 words

    "I love the way the Author put this book together". I mean what is better than a kid that is a Jedi and goes to an Academy for Jedi's? One thng that makes this book so good is that the Author kept all of the detail from the movies. The main character is from Tatooine and Anakin and Luke Skywalker are also from Tatooine.
    I cant wait to read the rest of the books in the set because the author writes the story from a third person and it is really fun and interesting to read. Another thing that is great is that the author brought a lot of action into the story with lightsaber duels and starfighters fighting. I guess it is ok that the Author brought a love interest into the story because it created a lot of drama. I didn't really want to read about a love story but I did like the drama. I would have ended the book differently though. The ending was sort of boring. I would have had a lightsaber duel with the meankids (sith) rather than just having Rowan come home and go to sleep like every other book in the trilogy. Another cool thing about the book is that the cover subtitle is the same subtitles in the Star Wars movies. How crazy is that?
    I would read this book a thousand more time. It was outstanding.

  43. #11 Zachary Ramsey
    Hitlers secret
    William Osborn
    PG 152
    Promt 3
    Two teenagers are recruited to find out the Nazi Germany and get a valuable package that might end World War II.It is 1941, The United States has yet to enter the big war, and the British government is quickly becoming aware that they are losing the war. However, the defection of Rudolf Hess, Deputy Fuhrer of the Third Rank, gives them information that they might use as leverage against Hitler. Located deep behind enemy lines is a young girl being held in a monastery; Hess claims she is the daughter of a high-ranking Nazi official. While it is never confirmed it is thought that her father is Hitler himself. Officials determine that the best plan for mission rests on two teen refugeees from Germany, code named Otto and Leni. After only two weeks of intense training, the two are dropped behind enemy lines with the order to retrieve a person who can defeat the ultimate evil of Nazism. This missions code name is Wolfesangle This book sofar has a fast moving plot. And I like that about this book, if this book stays this awesome then it would be a book to never forget about. This book has incredible adventure and a great page turner. I wish more books were this great. I usually find a book and read the summary on the back then just put it I back. I really cant weight to finish this book. Everyone who starts this book will love it.

  44. #10 Luke O’Brien
    Rogue lawyer
    Language arts
    The main problem in this book so far is the cases that Sebastian Rudd works on. For example, the case he is working on right now is a somewhat gruesome case. The one who is being accused of killing two little girls is an 18 year old drop-out named Gardy. He is truly innocent and the state has no actual proof against him. Gardy is clearly suicidal and if left with no supervision, he would quickly end his life. It doesn’t help his case when his a gothic teenager. It also doesn’t help when the media makes up stories about him being in a satanic cult. This is all lies and the jury believe it. Not to mention the judge too. Gardy doesn’t take showers while he is in containment because he believes that he will probably be killed by another inmate. So when he goes to his trials he smells like hasn’t takes a shower in weeks (literally). Another big problem in this book is Sebastian Rudd’s love life. I won’t go into much detail, but he is divorced and lives alone in an apartment. This doesn’t change his way of work though. By the way, Sebastian Rudd is a street lawyer. Meaning his number isn’t in the phonebook, he carries a gun, and his office is a bulletproof van. The only cases he does are the cases that no other lawyer will touch. This is what make Sebastian Rudd a rogue lawyer.


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