Second Quarter-Blog #1

I hope this post finds you all well and working hard. Don't forget to follow the correct formatting so you don't miss any points. I am excited to read about the novels you are enjoying in your free time. Fill out those reading logs and get your stamps. See you all soon! Mrs. H


  1. #17 CJ Zeller
    Deltora Quest
    Emily Rodda
    log #5
    Sisters Four with poisoned breath
    Bring to the land a long slow death

    But death comes swiftly if you dare
    To find each sister's hidden lair

    Their songs like secret rivers flow
    To hold the peril deep below

    But if at last their voices cease
    The land will find a final peace

  2. #1 Matthew Burnette
    Satch & Me
    Dan Gutman
    Pg. 126
    Log 1, quarter 2
    Dear diary, so this is crazy my mom actually is letting me go back in time once again. I really don’t know who I want to go see? Let me go talk to flip to see where he thinks I should go. Hey flip. What’s up? Where should I travel back to time to. Well one of the most arguable things in baseball is, “who pitched the fastest pitch in baseball. So we started to read a baseball dictionary and it said that Satchel Paige was probably one of the fastest pitchers of all time, but they didn’t know the exact speed. You know what they needed was a radar gun. Well, that’s where I am going I guess. Well can I go with you it has always been my dream to see Satchel Paige. “Sure, said Joe.” So I heard the doorbell ring the day I planned to go back in time and guess who it was, Flip! He was wearing a very weird 50’s suit. I asked him, “What are you wearing.” He said, “I got one for you, want one?” So, I said yes because I didn’t want to make him feel bad. So now it was time to travel back in time. So I grabbed my Satchel Paige card and held it in my hand. Mom said goodbye, and I started to feel the tingling sensation. While we were going flip kept saying, “please make me into an 18 year old. Bam! Where were in an old restraint and there was a guy that looked familiar in front a me. The guy said, “hey, what’s wrong its flip, do I look different.” Then he looked at himself and said, “WOW! I got my wish.” To be continued next blog.

  3. #2 Jack Cardeno
    The Martian
    Andy Weir
    Page 369
    Log 6, Quarter 2
    Jack: Hi Mark!
    Mark: Hi Jack.
    Jack: So how was it like living on Mars for almost a year and half?
    Mark: It was an interesting experience. It had its ups and downs. When the rescue crew came to get me, I was worried that I would have not made it because I broke two of my ribs.
    Jack: How did you figure out how to stop the Hab from blowing up?
    Mark: I depressurized the Hab by opening one of the airlocks and using some of the oxygen from the purifier to even out the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
    Jack: When you realized that NASA was coming back for you what were your first reactions?
    Mark: I was very happy that they were coming back for me. Thanks to Mindy, NASA realized that I was still alive. If it wasn’t for her I would either be stuck on Mars, or dead.
    Jack: How long did it take you to make all the preperations for you to start moving to the Ares 4 dropsight?
    Mark: Luckily, I had enough water to drink, but food was a bit of a problem. Since the Hab got cold when I was trying to depressurize the Hab, the potato crops died. I managed to make enough meals for the time the rescue crew came around.
    Jack: Do you still like the seventies, even though Johanssen ruined it for you by leaving her all of seventies stuff.
    Mark: I hate the seventies now. And Dukes of Hazzard is horrible.

  4. Gannon McDonald #8
    Blog 1 Quarter 2
    Log 8 Page 151
    R.J. Palacio
    The Book Wonder was about a kid name August. August was born with disabilities that made him look like a “freak”. People judged August on his looks, but they never knew how he was on the inside. It’s like that saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. August was homeschooled throughout his whole entire life, but then his parents decided to put him in school. One parent was against it, but the other wasn’t. August made best friends; the one friend that never betrayed him was Summer. She was August’s first friend and best friend. Every day at lunch she would always sit with August and keep him company. Even though people made fun of her, she still was his friend. Jack was August’s other best friend. Jack and August had ups and downs. But after everything Jack remained his friend. Jack always protected August when people tried to bully him. They would always hang out with each other and do stuff together. The Conflict of the story was August trying to survive a year of school. He had no friends, no family by his side at school, and he was all alone. August went through the fact that having no friends, no family by his side, and being alone he made friends and teachers loved him. Everybody at the school loved August. Everybody started to treat August as he was just another normal kid at school. By his side on this journey was Summer and Jack.

  5. #7 Gregory Luciano
    Freefall By Gordon
    Blog 1 Quarter 2 Log 6
    Me: Hello Will my name is Gregory Luciano, do you mind if I ask you some questions?
    Will: Hello there, I don’t mind one bit.
    Me: Okay well lets not waste time, Were you scared at all in the deeps?
    Will: Well, at first I was, But after being in there for multiple months I wasn’t.
    Me: Knowing that there was minimal food, were you starving?
    Will: Yes I was, but it didn’t prevent me from doing what had to be done.
    Me: How about those Rebecca twins? Do you hate them?
    Will: Yeah, I really hate them, not only did they kill my brother, Cal, but they also lied to me for years.
    Me: Oh yes, tragic story about Cal, Do you miss him at all?
    Will: Yes I do, when we lost him down there I didn’t think we would survive. He knew more about the colony than Chester and I combined.
    Me: Now tell me about Martha, Was she helpful?
    Will: Martha.. how to explain her. She is a crazy old woman who did come in handy. But I think she tried to hide the antibiotics from us to save our friend because she was getting lonely.
    Me: If you hadn’t been found by Elliot and Drake, do you think you would be here today?
    Will: You know, I don’t believe I would’ve survived. Also Cal would’ve never been saved before he died by Rebecca.
    Me: Well Will, I think that’s all my questions I had, Thank you for giving up your time for this interview.


  6. #9 Jake O’Brien
    Blog #1
    Language arts
    Where the Bodies Were Buried

    The main conflict in the book, is simply trying to find James “Whitey” Bulger guilty of murder, theft, insurance fraud and countless other crimes against the city of Boston. Now many people had already known that Whitey was guilty but it was just a matter of proving it. There was just one problem…Whitey Bulger had been one of the top Echelon informants for the FBI for a number of decades. This was a question of whether or not that he would get a pardon for the number of crimes that he committed, or would he still have to face the charges. The lawyers called up what had to have been more than dozens of witnesses. Except these weren’t just ordinary witnesses, these were people that had worked closely with Mr. Bulger, people that had known him, or people that had even been victims of family members that had fallen victim under Whitey’s “Hand of Death”. Whitey Bulger’s defense attorney had any different aces up his sleeve. Many of those aces were different people that the lawyers trying to put James away, didn’t know about. The defense attorney knew that they didn’t know and this was good because that meant that they didn’t have evidence to actually prove them wrong. Whitey’s chances became better and better by time went on. the lawyers trying to get Bulger proven guilty had many different weapons in their arsenal. Whitey was not yet out of the woods

  7. #9 Ethan Powell
    The Magicians Nephew
    C. S. Lewis
    Pg. 221
    Prompt 7
    The Magicians Nephew was a good book, it has a lot of adventure and fantasy. It was fun to read and had adventurous characters. The only thing is that in order to understand this book you should read the rest of the Narnia series first. It is about a boy named Digory and a girl named Polly. Digory has an uncle that is a magician and he made rings that led into other worlds. Digory and Polly went into his uncle’s room one day and his uncle trapped them in there and tricked Polly into touching the rings. Polly was sent into the other world and Digory had to go after her. They went into a world that was going to end and accidently brought back a witch who wanted to rule the world. Digory was going to send her back to the ending world but sent her to a world that was just beginning. A lion named Aslan was singing the world into existence, once the world was made Aslan ordered Digory to get an apple so that they can plant it and it will keep the witch away for hundreds of years. As Digory was doing this the witch stole a different apple that would make her younger and Digory got scared that she was going to mess up the plan. But in the end Digory came back with the apple and planted it so that the witch would be gone for a long time. Digory even brought an apple back for his sick mom and when she ate the apple she was cured. Oh and lastly he planted a tree and when it grew he cut it down and built a wardrobe that was a portal to the Narnia which was the place Aslan sung into existence. I would recommend it to a friend because of the reasons I gave at the beginning of the review.

  8. #10 Jayden Ramirez
    If I Stay
    Gayle Forman
    Pg. 163
    Log #4
    True love is so powerful that there is no obstacle that can't be overcome. For example, Mia’s family got in a car crash. Her mother died, her father and little brother Teddy were in critical condition and soon later died, and she is currently struggling for her life to survive, although she is slowly loosing hope. “I'm not choosing. But I'm running out of fight,” (pg. 193). The only reason she's still fighting and holding on is because of family. “There are like twenty people in that waiting room right now. Some of them are related to you. Some of them are not but we’re all your family… You still have family,” (pg. 120). When all hope is lost, the one thing you live for is love. Mia had love from relatives and most of all Adam. When Mia was in the hospital nothing could stop Adam from seeing her. Through all the tragedy Mia had faced, her friend Kim was always there for her. Mia now has the choice to live and be with her true love, or give up and die. Is true love great enough that even when you had lost those whom you loved most and you could just give up, you would keep fighting to live with the person who makes you happy and whom you dear love? “If he is crying, it will kill me. Forget this my choice business. That alone will do it for me,” (pg. 103). She finally comes to the conclusion that true love is worth fighting for.

  9. 12-6-15
    Chris grothues
    Blog 3
    Mike lupica Dear Jake,
    I have been reading your story and it appears you have a lack of confidence. I think you don’t believe you’re as good as your brother Wyatt or your Dad. For example, your friend Nate says you’re good, but you think Casey, who was the second string quarterback and transferred in from another school, is better. You have to believe in yourself! Another example; your coach says you’re good but you don’t believe it. You have to believe you can be better than anybody else. Sometimes I am not as confident myself especially when I am batting but I am working on that. If I am not confident, I don’t do well. But if I believe, I do very well. I think you are very good. Here is why. You are taller than your brother, who was the starting quarterback for four years. You have the experience of watching and listening to your brother and your Dad. Your dad was also was the starting quarterback for four years. You have good receivers, especially Calvin, who was a junior last year and is now a senior. Your coach is working with you one-on-one after practice to correct your throws. Your best friend Nate, who is the center specifically, told you it’s “up to you to make them see what you got.” Your other friend Calvin also said, “so go out there in the game and know you are the best and you will get the starting position.” Well you have a game coming up in the next chapter, so go out there and get the starting position.

  10. #15 Kayla Sin
    Graduation Day
    Joelle Charbonneu
    I love how the trilogy has a happy ending. In the same way I hate it. Whenever I read a series I always want the good to win. In Divergent Tris dies and I thought it was the worst until I realized that it kind of made it that much more interesting. The author did a great job capturing Cia's emotions. It truly shows the struggle to do what is necessary. Graduation Day showed how people take risks in desperate times. I love how Cia has such a loving heart for others. She will do anything to protect the people she loves. I also love how Cia is not just out for blood. Sometimes in stories the character is just bloodthirsty and is out to kill. Cia feels sorrow when she kills someone and it lingers in her head. When she was given a task by the president to kill the leaders of the Testing she did not think that she was able to. In the end the testing was brought to an end therefore creating a happy ending. I hate how the author sometimes loses focus on her writing. In certain parts of the book it seemed like the author was trying to hard to write a dangerous or dramatic scene. In those parts of the book was where I got bored and could not read anymore. I love how the author gives a distinct ending. Sometimes the author of a book leaves you hanging and the ending is unclear. I like how this book makes it clear and understandable. Overall I think this trilogy was a success. A job well done by Joelle Charbonneu.

  11. #5 Janessa Fuentes
    Imaginary Friend
    Kelly Hashway
    Blog 3 #6
    In the book Imaginary friend there are these two girls named Sam and Jessica. One day Sam and Jessica were talking and Jessica had an idea to go somewhere wonderful so they did. Jessica led the way soon they were there Sam couldn’t believe where She was it was amazing Sam said. Sam asked “What is this place”? Jessica replied “The land of Imagination”. Sam couldn’t believe her eyes it was beautiful, Sam said she thought she was floating. Sam spent a whole week jumping on the clouds like they were trampolines. I love the way Kelly Hashway describes everything in this book. I also love this book because it makes me feel like I am actually in the book it makes it seem real life. I love how Kelly Hashway describes everything in the book. I love how Kelly Hashway describes what San thinks of the land of imagination. I would love to read more of Kelly Hashways books. Kelly Hashways books make me feel like I am actually in the story and that I am a character in the story. I would love to recommend this to a friend because I hope they will love this book as much as I loved this book. I would recommend this to a friend because I would think my friends would be interested in this book as much as I was. Another reason I love this book is because Kelly Hashway exaggerates so much in the book and it is really funny and interesting.

  12. Edward Lueras #10
    Sphere by Michael Crichton
    summer reading pg.385
    12/8/15 log #1
    prompt #8 second quarter blog #1

    Sphere by Michael Crichton is a mystery book that keeps you guessing until the end. It's plot is about a team of scientists picked by the government to research a ancient crash site. The crash site is believed to be a u.f.o. The team of scientists go deep down into the ocean to the crash site via a submarine. They quickly learn that this is not just a normal crash site. They investigate the u.f.o by going into it using diver suits. They notice that the spacecraft is nearly in perfect shape. They return to the ship and they get a anonymous message on their computer. The message they suspect is from a alien living somewhere in the crash site. They soon respond and talk to it carefully. After many theories and trying to find exactly who is sending the messages the crew finds out it is none other than one of them. They believe it is Henry, the African mathematician. The crew does not understand yet how he is doing it but they have noticed changes in the water surrounding them ever since they went into the crash site. There was no animals known to be in the area of the crash but suddenly there were animals like shrimp everywhere. What was weird was Henry wanted shrimp to eat one night and the next day many of them randomly came to the crash site. After confronting Henry over this he refuses to believe it and runs away from the other scientists. Soon a sea monster comes to the crash site and threatens to kill all on board. The scientists finally manage to knock out Henry, ending the unexplainable occurrences. All of the crew are eventually told by some supreme being that he had given Henry these powers to see if he was responsible enough to handle it. This is just a brief summary of the conflict in this book, which could be very complex at times.

  13. #6 Matthew Johnson
    The Rule of Thoughts
    James Dashner
    Pg 328

    I hate the way that the author decided to end the book. He ended it at the most important part of the book. They had just broken into the VNS facility and they ended up blowing it up. They were then sent to prison and after being visited by a mysterious man and Agent Weber, the book ended. They could of at least continued the book until they got out of jail or if they break out. It would have been better that way and people wouldn't have been left on such a cliffhanger. even though they had a preview of the next book i would have preferred a longer ending that wasn’t so abrupt. They were also many other things that made me mad because a lot of things in the book weren’t fully described. Like sometimes when they would be doing something and the author wouldn’t fully describe the scene. Sometimes i also wish there was more about the real world and they weren’t in the “Sleep” the entire time. They could at least go into the real world sometimes and not just sit in the Sleep. The VNS also wasn’t very involved in the book even though at the beginning the VNS told Michael that they would assist him while in The Path. Then finally at the very end of the book the VNS come in only for like one chapter and then nothing more was seen of them.

  14. #15 Zachary Tittle
    Blog#3 log#9
    Matheny Manifesto
    Pg. 151

    I love the way Mike Matheny, who the book is about and the co-author describe the right moments in his life. For example, when he was getting recognition for his catching skills he made it short but also detailed. He describes it as one of his most prized moments because his coach basically knew all of the baseball players in Ohio. This was also describes so short because he is very humble from how he was raised. He was raised to always respect everyone and be humble. There were also various scenes where he was given life lessons like on April fools. When he was just about to sign to the Blue Jays and they say he needs to go to AAA before major leagues. What I disliked about the book is how it is based on coaching ethics. The book is meant to be about a letter he wrote and how he got to the letter, not how to coach. He spent two chapters on this topic. Honestly it made me want to stop reading, but I looked ahead and saw that it was only a little bit of things I don’t need to know yet. What I saw was how being a teammate is better than being a snob. What I mean by I snob, is a glory hog, all-star and he knows it kind of guy, and the modest people that need to be humbled. I know that I’m being border-line hypocritical because I was the snob at one point. In conclusion I would recommend this book to another person that likes baseball or wants to learn part of the mental side of baseball.

  15. #4 Elijah Holiday
    Nazi Hunters
    Neal Bascomb
    Page: Finished
    Blog #6
    Hello, I am Eli and today I will be interviewing Eichmann one of the leaders of the Nazis. Hello Eichmann how are you doing today? I am doing very well, I really enjoy this set, it is nice and delegate. Now I am going to ask you a few questions is that ok. Yes that is fine, I have seen this show before, and I thought I was going to be asked some questions. Well I am glad to hear that, now lets get to the questions. So I am going to ask, why do you become a Nazi? Well I became a Nazi because in Germany, if you weren’t a Jew, this was one of the things people over the age of 18/19 would do and it was very popular. So you became a Nazi so you could fit in? Yes basically. I am going to ask a question about your leader Adolf Hitler, what did you think of him? Well I thought he was a physco. I mean he killed millions; I mean I killed many as well but the reason he did it was unbelievable. Could you possibly tell us this reason? No I am sorry I can not. Ok, well was it just the gases and the working fields you put those people through. No sometimes we would behead them, shot them, or just leave them in there rooms until the died. Wow, I did not expect that to happen at all. Yes I am now regretting becoming a Nazi in the first place. Well thank you for your time Eichmann and have a good day. For ABC News im Eli Holiday, goodnight.

  16. #6 Sienna Inman
    Percy Jackson and the Olympians
    pg. 98
    Prompt #3

    Percy Jackson… Age 12, a big trouble maker. He was born in New York City, pretty big place to be born in. His Mom was human, like most Moms. His Dad, not so human. More like… A god. The god, Pacitine, was his Father. His parents had a very unusual love. A god and a human girl, there was no way they could possibly stay together their whole lives. They were married as soon as they could be… But in private. It had to be kept a secret. They soon had a charming, adorable baby boy and named him… Percy. His parents love was discovered, but thankfully never told about. The couple decided that he would have to go back to his household and never let a word slip out about his wife, or his child. She stayed on earth, in New York, with her newborn son. She was determined to keep the secret from Percy that somewhere inside of him he was not like the other kids he would soon meet. As Percy grew older and older he started noticing weird things about himself, well not that weird. He was just noticing that he was starting to become a tween. Tween, the age in the middle of teenager and and younger. He had been acting up in ways he never really did as a young child. At the age of twelve years old a pretty difficult age to be at. He started attending middle school. Let's just say he thought he was going to be there a lot longer then he ended up being there. He was becoming a rebel, a troubled kid, a boy who couldn't stay at the school. His Mom enrolled him in a academy for kids who are like him. The only thing was that he thought the school was for rebels like himself, but he will soon learn its for something else that's different about.

  17. #9Matthew Montoya
    Blog #5
    Pages 20-207
    Marie Lu

    Running away,
    Could lead you astray
    But if your strong,
    You could be led wrong
    In the end,
    Just make sure your with a friend.

  18. #14 Anthony Salgado
    Star Wars:Return of the Jedi
    Ryder Windham
    This was a very good book. Considering this was my favorite star wars movie, it was really good. The author did a tremendous job on detailing the scenes from the movie. He just captured the right picture or image you would imagine. Even if I hadn't seen the movie, it would still be a great book just to read. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend. I would tell my friend to actually read the book first, then see the movie just to see how well the author captured the idea. I would say the same thing for all the other star wars books as well. This, in my opinion, was the best one out of all of the star wars books I've read. This book also had some themes in it. In one part, Jabba underestimates Luke's powers. It shows how pride ultimately leads to your demise. There are also some biblical allusions. Luke Skywalker is like the light in an evil world. Jabba had Han Solo in cabonite and wouldn't give him over to Luke. It's just like someone doesn't give their life to Christ, and they face their doom. Jabba ended up dying because of his stubbornness. He lead himself to his death. In the end God will win. Sometimes you just kind of skip over those hidden references a book. In conclusion, I thought this book was amazing and I would definitely recommend reading it or seeing the movie. The Star Wars trilogy is just a fantastic series to read or watch.

  19. #12 Alexis Raya
    Neal Shusterman
    Page 300
    Log #5
    I have been deemed terrible in society’s eyes,
    And now I am here saying my last goodbyes,
    To be taken away from my friends, my family,
    I had fifteen years to prove myself worthy.
    Was I not good enough?
    Was my whole life a bluff?
    All my life I have been told to do my best,
    But was my best not as good as all the rest?
    To be an Unwind,
    Why is this answer from humankind?
    To rip off my all my limbs and body parts,
    So that they can save another human’s precious heart.
    Am I lesser than?
    Is this my purpose,
    To die to help another man?
    “To Live is to Die”,
    But is to die to live?

  20. Fighting back
    Terry O'Niel
    Pg. 45
    Log 9
    I love how the auteur wrote this about his own life story and how tragic and the encouraging it is to others everywhere. This story that the way that he actually came back and won the Super Bowl game even when they said that he would never walk or run again but he came back from the army and went back to super bowl and ran the winning touchdown in the game. This guys story is very interesting and very intense on how God can work in all of our lives. Rocky bier is a person who was raised in a bar and was grown up their too. I also liked how the author wasn't some random guy who knew his story but the author was actually him the guy who was raised in q bar and was hit by a grenade and told that he would never walk again and he came back and won. I also liked how the author made the title of the book actually related to the book, the title fighting back and he did just that he came back after the incident and became a hero in football history. This book is an amazing book and I would defiantly recommend it to people because that was f you are a person who hides in the back of the room with your hood on you can just think of this amazing true story of a regular high, middle, and grade school he was there too and he got a chance and took it.

  21. Blog 1 Quarter 2
    #3 Daniel Chapin
    World War Z
    Dear Diary,
    I am actually super scared. I act all nice and calm, but it gets harder and harder to stay positive every minute. I am so scared about my family, I simply just cant live without them. I can’t believe that this turn of events could happen. Every time I see someone get turned In to one, I can’t help but cry in my heart. It is tough to be the guy who everyone depends on. Sometimes I feel like giving up. I know that I have to stay strong. It is either save the world by finding a cure or die trying. I have seen some weird stuff. Many of the population is actually not that smart of people. When I went to Israel I thaught that the people there were pretty smart until I found out that they were careless with their advantages. So they had these walls that were built right before the whole outbreak. Zombies are attracted by noise, and they could not keep their excitement in enough, so they started to sing at the top their lungs. Soon all the zombies started to form a ladder consisting of themselves to get over. This went on for a little until the people started to go crazy after they saw how the zombies were climbing over. Everything was a blur after that. All I knew at that point is that I was running for my life. I also saw people falling right next to me. All I know is that I have to act fast.

  22. #3 Ethan Crenshaw
    Mary Pope Osborne
    Magic Tree House Ghost Town at Sundown
    Blog #3

    Jack and Annie were sitting on the porch of their house. Jack was reading, when Annie told Jack to check the woods to see if there would be rabbits. But Jack told her we seen plenty of them. But she said this one is different. So they went in the woods and saw Morgan. They climbed the ladder and saw lots of books. They saw Morgan and she said take this book it is called The Wild West. Then Morgan gave Annie a scroll. Morgan climbed down and said goodbye. So the tree house spun around in circles. So they reached the hot dry air. They opened the door and saw this town that was abandon all there was is webs and snakes. So they walked around and read that ancient scroll that said Out of the blue, my lonely voice calls out to you. Who am I? Am I? Jack didn’t know what that meant so they opened the book and it said In the 1870’s, Rattlesnake Flats was a rest shop for the stagecoach that carried passengers from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to Fort Worth, Texas. When the creek dried up, everyone left> By 1880, it was a “ghost town”. They turned around and saw a rattlesnake. They both ran into the graveyard. They past the graveyard and headed to the general store. They ran in and made huge sound so they looked around and saw a cowboy hat so they put it on. They saw another building that was making sounds so they looked and it was a ghost playing the piano. They got so scared they screamed. They heard another sound and it was hooves thumping against the ground so they hid in barrels. The cowboys came and started talking about stuff. Jack sneezed but tried to hold it in but he couldn’t. So the people looked in the barrels and found Jack and Annie. I love the way the Author included lots of details.

  23. #13 Makayla Rydbeck
    Tiger lily
    Jodi Lynn Anderson
    Page 153
    2nd quarter blog 1
    Entry #3

    Years before Tiger lily was written there was a little girl by the name of Tiger lily that was born. She wasn’t born into a family but was left alone by a river. The woman who found her named her Tiger lily because she was lying by a tiger lily when she was found. She does not know who her parents are and is always wondering where they might be or where they live. The magical land that she was born in had everything she needed to thrive and use her imagination. Growing up in Neverland they either never really aged or they aged very quickly. Tiger lily would run and play with all of the other kids but always found trouble, it was just in her nature. One day when Tiger lily was out finding trouble she saw a pirate’s ship shooting cannons at a flying boy. He was magical and had a glow about him, and at first did not know what to make of him. She had never seen him before and wanted to get a closer look. As she snuck closer to see the mysterious flying boy she heard a man from the pirate ship shout “YOU WON’T GET AWAY WITH THIS PAN!’ as the young boy mocked what looked to be the captain of the ship. From that moment forward Tiger lily set out to find the flying boy she called Pan.

  24. #1 Sydney Barbee
    Tiger Lily
    Jodi Lynn Anderson
    Prompt #6
    Pg. 78

    Me: Nice for you to come and chat with me today. I'm very grateful to have you here.
    Tiger Lily: Thanks for having me. It let me get away from my soon to be mother-in-law.
    Me: You don't seem to be too happy with the situation. How come?
    Tiger Lily: It's an arranged marriage and I don't like him in that way. He hardly likes me either. He likes the more delicate girls in the village.
    Me: So you don't consider yourself delicate at all?
    Tiger Lily: In some ways maybe, but I like to be in the woods and I'm a little more mysterious than everyone else.
    Me: Do you consider that a good thing?
    Tiger Lily: Well, yeah I guess so. Lots of people don't really understand me. Only Tik Tok. I like that I am different though.
    Me: That's always a nice quality to have. So, I've been talking with the fairy that follows you around lately and she said you have had so close in counters in the last few days. Can you tel me about it?
    Tiger Lily: Sorry, but I can't. It's for my own safety, but let's say I met someone new and maybe even more mysterious than me.
    Me: Sounds interesting, but I understand your safety is always first. Well, do you have any friends on the island?
    Tiger Lily: Yeah, not too many but one of my closest are Pine Sap. We like to go swimming in the lake together, but since the engagement I haven't had much time to hang out with him.
    Me: That's sad to hear. I hope you figure out everything by the time of the wedding Oh, and don't forget to stay happy through the whole process and everything will be all right. Thanks for coming Tiger Lily.
    Tiger Lily: It was a pleasure to be here.

  25. Olivia Tidwell #14
    Kingdom Keepers
    Log #3
    Ridley Pears

    This book has definitely been one of my favorites. I love how it always leaves me hanging and makes me want to keep reading. The excitement of this book makes me want to jump out of my seat. I think it is interesting how the story makes Disney different from the Disney we all know during the day. I love how descriptive the author is in one of the quotes. ”All at once Finn spotted a shaft of light-bluish light-on his ceiling. It was in the shape of the knife blade. Moonlight.” I also love the part where the author talks about the moon. ’’When you wake up-when you think you wake up-look out the window. You’ll see the same moon .” “Finn parted the curtains. There, out the window, hanging in the exact same place in the sky where Wayne had pointed it out to him, Finn saw the curving half smile of a half moon.’’ I like how these quotes give me clues about the story and makes the reader think a lot about the detail of the story. In another part of the book it talked about a burn on Finn’s arm. In one of his dreams he got burned on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. When he woke up the burn was still there. This makes me wonder if he was dreaming or not. How could the burn still be on his arm if dreams are all in his head? All of these details are some of my favorite parts of the book so far. They make me want to keep reading. This book has definitely been a good exciting one and I can’t wait to see how the book ends.

  26. #5 Ileanna Holiday
    Middle School My Brother is a Big Fat Liar
    James Patterson
    Ended on pg. 150
    Log #2
    269 words

    Dear Rafe,

    You are a very, very sweet person in my opinion but I think that sometimes you can get a little mean when it comes to your sister. Let me give you some tips. First of all let’s start off with your attitude. I don’t think that you should be smirking all of the time you are around her or her friends. I think that she would probably agree with me on that one and you know it. You should act more like a gentleman. You should open the door when she or even a stranger is coming instead of just letting it go; if you wonder why I have a broken nose. Second, you should act the same way you do around your parents to your friends. Maybe you will even make new friends. You can do whatever you put your mind to, I have seen it before. Next you should work on your appearance because whenever you walk through a door you act like a prince walking through a door and you leave it hanging for other people, can’t you just walk in like a normal person. No wonder everyone stares at you in the store. I also think that you should stop making bets with your sister. You always make bets with her and never follow through because you never win. So I am not saying that you should change your whole image, but maybe try to fix some things.

    Aunt Lee

  27. #5 Isabella Holiday
    Let it Snow: Three Holiday Stories.
    John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle
    Pg353 end of book
    Log 5
    Every piece of the puzzle matters,
    You can't miss one,
    You can't miss two,
    All the sizes matter,
    No matter how big or small,
    The biggest piece,
    The smallest piece,
    A puzzle will not show its picture if it's not all together

  28. Kachina Blair #2
    Because of Mr. T page:160
    The problem in the book is that the principle lets Mr. T take the kids out side to play in the snow. Jeffery throws a snowball at Peters’ face. Peter starts crying and gets mad and chucks an ice ball and Mr. T stands up and the ice ball hits him in the head. Mr. T was sent to the hospital. The students find out that Mr. T has a concussion. One of peters friends tells other kids that he went to see Mr. T and that it was scary. They said that he was frozen the entire time. Peter still goes to the hospital and sees Mr. T. Peter gets sad and tries to keep the tears in but he could not. Peter runs out of the room and starts to cry. He thinks it is his entire fault, but the kids at school say it was not his fault and peter feels a lot better. The kids in school think that he is going to die. The principle tells the kids that Mr. T is going to be ok. The kids are freaked out still and they all want to see Mr. T. the principle says that Mr. T just needs some rest and that they need to calm down. Another one of Peter’s friends goes with her friend to see Mr. T. When she was at school she said that she got scared to. She didn’t want to talk about Mr. T. because she loved Mr. T so much she felt sad.

  29. Matthew Kim#7
    Escape from Mr.Lemoncello's Library
    Chris Grabenstein
    Blog #3

    The main problem in this book is escaping a huge library. This isn't any library though, it is designed where only the cleverest person can escape. Kyle is a average kid who enters the contest. The library was designed with many clues to escape. Kyle and his friends team up together to escape. His rival, Charles, will do anything to win. Escaping the library won't be easy though. Mr.Lemoncello, the world famous bored game designer, made the library like his bored games. Kyle and his friends must find a way out in a certain time. Kyle really wants to win this contest. His Mom and Dad never look up to him as much as his older brothers. If Kyle could win this contest, his Mom and Dad would be proud of him. As the day goes by, Kyle and his team slowly start to uncover the entrance. While they work on one way to escape, Charles and his "team" also find another way out. Soon, Charles and his team start to get anxious and start cheating and spying on Kyle's team. As they cheat, some of Charles's team get eliminated until it's just him. At the last few seconds, Kyle and his team find his way out. When he gets out, his parents and a whole crowd come and congratulate him and his team. Just like in life, there can be other ways to overcome a problem or conflict. Cheating to get the answer though, won't get you anywhere. Instead, it will just pull you down. Life will give you many problems you will soon have to overcome

  30. #14 Jada Wynn
    Under the Egg
    Laura Marx Fitzergald
    Page 247
    Log 3
    My grandfather new a lot about paintings and artwork (especially ones that took place during the Italian Renascence). He told me all about the paintings he made and what era they were inspired. I learned lots from my grandfather (until he died). His last words he said to me were, "Under the egg." My grandfather was a strange man, but I would have never thought that he would say something like this. This had me confused.
    I started looking around the house for a clue as for what this meant. I looked in the old, disgusting kitchen of ours. I looked in my room and my mom's. And then I looked in the chicken coop. As I was looking for something under an egg, I got distracted by what I thought was another one of my grandfather's paintings. It looked old-probably Renaissance, maybe Italian. It looked real-like something I'd see in big museum. It looked like it was worth something-maybe a lot.
    And this is where I got a little nervous. Because my grandfather wasn't a painter. No, he had worked a day job. As a security guard at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This brought me to another conclusion: the painting looked stolen.
    So much stuff was going through my head all at once. Where do I start looking? Does my grandfather even know about it? And if he does, why wouldn't he tell me about such a thing? Is worth something? And if so, how much? All of this stuff was going through my mind.
    That night when my mom was already asleep, I did some research of my own. I examined and studied that painting for hours and hours. I found nothing at all. I needed to find someone who knew something about the Italian Renaissance or about famous paintings. That is when the search to find out about his painting began.

  31. Joshua Quintana #10
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days
    Blog #1 Quarter 2

    So I was at the store when I saw Rowley eating something. I looked over the corner and saw an opened box of frozen chicken nuggets. The next day at school I noticed he was acting strangely. He did not bring anything to school. I was wondering why and so I decided to ask.
    When I asked he ran away so I decided to leave well enough alone. Rowley had not called the whole next two weeks and I was getting worried. I went to his house and knocked on the door. Nobody answered. I went home wondering where he was and ended up just forgetting about the whole thing. But the next day he wasn't at school.
    In fact he was not at school the whole next week. I would check his house daily but no answer. I figured he was probably grounded so I made my plan to break into his house and rescue him and he could hide in my closet. After school that day I made sure Mom and Dad were out of sight and closed my door. I wrote out my plan to save Rowley. The plan was to sneak through his window all ninja style. I even created a ninja suit out of old clothes. That night I saw Rowley’s window opened and used an old ladder I found in their shed. I climbed through and noticed he was not there. I went down the stair and saw an old lady watching TV. Suddenly the floor creaked and she looked straight at me. I ran back as fast as possible and made it home. The next day I found out he'd been on vacation at Miami Florida.

  32. #7 Margaret Kwok
    Blog #1 for 2nd Quarter
    By, Karen Kingsbury
    Pages 1-156
    Log #1 for book
    Option #6
    Reporter-“So, what do you think God has in store for you, after the premiere?”
    Bailey- “I honestly don’t know. Lately I have just been doing whatever he calls me to do. And right now, I do not know what comes next.”
    Reporter- “There has been many reporters dying to get into the juice; is it true you and Brandon are dating?”
    Bailey- “Hahahaha, no. We are very close friends. And I love Brandon. We are not dating.”
    Reporter- “Well, I cannot say the paparazzi will be happy with that answer, however that is wonderful!”
    Bailey- “Yes.”
    Reporter- “So what was your favorite scene in the movie?”
    Bailey- “All of them! Every single part of the movie has meaning both to me, and Brandon.”
    Reporter- “What about Brandon, do you know if he has any favorite?”
    Bailey- “You’ll just have to ask him yourself, I don’t know. Haha, can’t say.”
    Reporter- “Bailey, I must ask, is it true you are interested in Broadway?”
    Bailey- “Indeed, it is! Although, I don’t know if that is what God has in store for me right now. One day, I would love for Broadway to be apart of my life.”
    Reporter- “Well it sounds like you have a wonderful life ahead of you. We cannot wait to see what comes next!”
    Bailey- “Thank you so much!”
    Reporter- “Have a good rest of your day.”
    Bailey- “You too. God bless!”

  33. #13 Emilia Shahverdian
    Silence by Natasha Preston
    Page 162
    Blog 1 Quarter 2
    Dear Oakley, I wanted to give you some advice on your current situation. I understand your dilemma, but sometimes you have to do hard or difficult things for the ones you love. Just understand that your family just wants the best for you. It does not seem like it, but you can’t be selfish. You have to conquer your fear even if it means hurting the ones you love. If this is what they want from you then they can deal with the secret that you have been hiding for years. Please Oakley I am begging you please start talking again. You are entitled to your voice and no person should be able to take that away from you. No matter broken or tattered you are you can still rise up through the ashes. Only this time around you will be ten times stronger. Oakley, Cole truly loves you and chose to give up his popularity to be with you. I don’t see how this is such a big deal Oakley. This secret cannot be as grand as you make it out to be. Sooner or later people will find out and you will see that you overreacted. You are lucky, you have a loving family, supporting friends, and a boyfriend who adores you. I enjoy hearing that you have stepped out of your comfort zone and started attending parties and making more friends. While you are in Italy, please try your hardest to loosen up and try to have fun. Go out with Cole and enjoy your time in Italy. Italy will be a chance for you to escape from the life you have back in England. I hope you have an amazing time, and enjoy the scenery of Italy. Please take my advice, it will help you.
    Love Your Friend, Emilia

  34. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    Blog #3
    Option 3
    Freak the Mighty
    160 pages

    I was a boy who didn’t know much. I did alright in school if you consider strait C’s as good. I didn’t have many friends but I managed. I wanted to fit in but it was hard because I again didn’t do well in school and I was not the best kid. I was constantly in detention and I never did my homework. I guess that might be one of the reasons I didn’t have many friends. The friends I did have where in the detention for stuff way worse than what I did. For example if I didn’t do my homework for four days, they would either fill the principal’s car with spray cheese or glue his paper to the desk when he was not looking. Well, I guess the last one was not as bad, but the cheese car was. I did one prank once but it back fired and blew up in my face. The prank was simple. I break into the grade link and change every A into an F and every F into an A. It sounds pretty simple until one someone rated me out and two; I turned my C’s into D’s somehow. I got in big trouble. I didn’t have much of a brain. I just thought of something and I did it or dared someone else to do it. I usually did it because I like to have a little adventure, but I had beef with one of the guys I would think of a really good and troublesome trick. I did this until this new kid moved into town. I never had a brain until Freak came along.

  35. Aiden Avichouser
    Mickey and Me
    Dan Gutman
    December 10, 2015
    The main problem in the story is that Mickey Mantle somehow before a baseball game Mickey Mantle happened to step on a drain before the baseball game. The main characters name is Joe. He can go back in time with a baseball card and sometimes he changes history when he goes back in time. He goes back in time with a card to 1944. He goes to 1944 and ends up where the Chicks, a girl baseball team is. That is a big problem because he doesn’t know at all where Mickey Mantle is. All of the Chicks players meet Joe and he actually ends up meeting Mickey Maguire instead. All of the Chicks agree on making Joe the mascot, even though this other kid wanted the job way more instead. The kid was really mad. That is kind of a problem too because what if the kid tries to beat Joe up or something. Even though being the mascot was pretty cool for Joe it would distract him from finding Mickey Mantle. Mickey would be really hard to find. The war was going on at the time and that is why the girls were playing baseball. It also is a problem that the war was going on too. Joe was the Chicks mascot for a while and started to like one of the girls. That would distract him more. Then he found out she was married. Then Joe quit the job and on his way to the train station the mean kid that wanted to be mascot showed up with his buddies and tried to beat Joe up. That is a huge problem. Then Mickey Maguire saved him. On the train sitting next to Joe was Mickey Mantle as a kid. When Mickey got off the train Joe yelled to not step on the drain but Mickey hear him. That is a problem. Mickey couldn’t hear and Joe just felt himself fading away.

  36. Italia holiday #6
    Blog 3 quarter 2
    Raina Telgemeier

    What I love about this book is how the author includes every single detail you need to know. I also love how it does all these back flashes so you know what kind of old stories she is talking about. I really like at the end if the book how it shows real pictures from her life which actually part of the story. The best part of the book was when the two sisters made up from fighting. One of my least favorite parts was when Raina’s pets kept dying and her family never could find a pet that stayed alive for more than a week. I also hated that every single page ad a new problem, I wish they could have just calmed down just for once. I really like the way the author choose to do a book that was almost considered a comic book. The most scary part of the book was when the snake jumped out of the seat. I really like when they all got to go on a camping trip from California to Colorado. That must have been the longest camping trip ever, I would not be able to make it that far without sleeping on a mattress. I don’t like how the author showed Raina in high school for her freshman year, but in this one she asked her older cousin for advice for when she starts high school. The best part about this whole book is when the whole family comes back together in the end.

  37. #8 Joe McElroy
    (Diary of a wimpy kid Rodrick rules)
    Jeff Kinney
    page #217
    log #1

    Dear Diary,
    My brother of corse is bulling me like always but my gut tells me that we are going to get along this summer. I do not have a nice brother like when he put me in the basement and kept me there, or when he just the other day pushed me on the flour on are way home from school.
    he is nice some time which under all that evilness he is kind. The last time I remember him being nice to me was when we were pulling pranks on people.

    One day Rodrick said come, so I went with him up to his room. I thought he was going to throe me down the stairs in a bag, but he didn't he told me a secret about him throwing a party, but i was thinking to my self why was he telling me this. Then the day of the party all he had me do was get the house ready for it, at least he let me bring one friend. i kind of known he would be nicer to me this summer.

  38. #5 Alex Gottuso
    Son of Neptune, pg. 450
    Rick Riordan
    Quarter 2, Blog #1
    Prompt 5

    Demigods and monsters alike,
    We all have our special place.
    There we’ll always do our best
    Or we can get some rest.
    We can fill our minds with happiness to our mind’s consent,
    And use our greatest power to our heart’s content.
    We all have a special place.

  39. Peter and the Lost Boys Jake Rydbeck #11 12/10/15 blog #3
    The main problem in this book is that Peter Pan and the lost boys and Captain Hook go back-and-forth and Captain Hook tries to capture peter pan. One thing that saves peter pan from getting captured a lot is the crocodile. Captain Hook does not want to go near the crocodile because it bit his hand off. Sometimes in this book you think peter pan is about to get captured by Captain Hook but then there's a plot twist and Peter Pan escape somehow. In the book it sounds like the authors have a Christian view and put some Christian insight into it. Sometime peter pan and the lost boys will a get onto Captain Hook but sometimes Captain Hook is just mean and wants to kill him. The lost boys really don't do anything for Captain Hook to be mad at them he just goes after Peter and if they're there he'll go after them to. So far there's a part in the book where Captain Hook catches peter pan in a cage and keeps him in there and the lost boys have to come and save him. But other times the lost boys get caught and then peter pan has to come and save them. Captain Hooks crew does not do a lot they are not very smart and whenever they are about to capture Peter Pan or the lost boys they always do something wrong and Peter and lost boys always end up getting away. One of Captain Hook’s crewmembers Smitty is very smart but Captain Hook never listens to him. Smitty always has great ideas that work when Captain Hook finally listens to him. Like when peter pan got caught in the trap that was Smitty's idea and win the lost boys got caught that was Smitty's idea. But whenever happen Captain Hook has a plan it always fails.

  40. #12 Leo Sellars let
    Cirque du Freak Vampire's Assistant
    Darren Shan
    Pages 150
    Blog#1 Quarter#2
    Prompt #5
    Once there was a boy named Darren Shan
    Soon to be a man with a plan
    For he was most intelligent
    Possibly a secret agent
    He met a man
    Mr. Creepsly; opening a can
    A can of danger
    And it would be major
    Darren was bitten instead
    Then met Mr. Tall a man with a huge head
    With a hat sewed with thread of black
    He feared that if he drank blood the human in him wouldn’t come back
    But he was getting weaker
    And he was digging himself deeper
    Into a hole of death.

  41. #6 Matthew Johnson
    The Death Cure
    2nd Quarter Blog 1
    Prompt #8

    In the book The Death Cure there is a main conflict as there is in any book. The conflict of this book is very complicated compared to other books. First there was huge sun flares that made the whole world a terrible place. These sun flares destroyed cites and made the world a place where it is so hot you can’t go outside without some type of item to make shade. So as you can see it wasn’t a very fun place at the time. The second thing that happened in the book is that the sun flares destroyed a military facility which held a virus that makes people slowly go crazy until they can’t control themselves. This virus was originally going to be used as a bio weapon to kill of people in a war without having a single casualty. Then this organization called wicked comes in to try to make a cure for the sun flares but to do so they trap a bunch of teen kids in a maze with these creatures called grievers that will kill any person on sight. So wicked practically put the kids in a death maze to see how their brains react to being in the maze for two entire years. Then after they escape this maze they then have to go through a huge city with cranks (people who have the virus that was let out) and some of these cranks would sometimes be past the gone (the virus took over their brains completely) so cranks past the gone would want to practically eat other people or raw meat from dead animals. After going through the huge city they then have to fight these huge monsters that are about two feet taller than any of the teens. After that they are then transferred back to wicked but then have to go through another test by escaping wicked and going to Denver. After going to Denver which was a quarantined city, Denver gets taken over by cranks so they have to escape that city. They then work with an organization to stop wicked called the Right Arm. After they get in contact with the Right Arm they finally invade wicked and save any people that are immune to the virus. After saving the immunes they finally go to an uninfected place and try to make new lives.

  42. #3 Alex Gottuso
    The Phantom Tollbooth
    Norton Juster
    Prompt #10
    True or False
    _______ Tock is the main character in the book. (FALSE)
    _______ Tick is Tock's thoughts that he talks to when he is scared. (FALSE)
    _______ Chroma is a floating boy that Milo meets. (FALSE)
    _______ Alec is a musician who hates to talk. (FALSE)
    _______ Rhyme and Reason are two beautiful princesses. (TRUE)
    _______ Alec takes Milo and Tock to a city called Reality. (TRUE)
    _______ Milo and Tock go to jail and meet a princess and prince. (FALSE)
    Multiple Choices
    Tock is a… (a)
    A. Watchdog
    B. Watch cat
    C. Place
    When Milo meets the king he orders…©
    A. Doughnuts, pickles, and mushrooms
    B. Pizza, candy, fries, and money
    C. Words
    D. Limes, paper, and, hair
    Milo always has… (b)
    A. Soccer
    B. Time
    C. Luck
    ______ Tock has a brother.
    Rhyme and Reason are... (a)
    A. Princesses
    B. Cats
    C. Rocks
    D. Prince
    A city that Milo went to is… (a)
    A. Illusions
    B. Candy
    C. Yorba Linda
    D. Orange
    Milo found a present on his… ©
    A. Floor
    B. Roof
    C. Bed
    D. Yard
    Two _________ is locked up in a tower. ©
    A. Prince
    B. Dogs
    C. Princesses
    D. Cats
    In the market Milo and Tock find a… (c)
    A. Chair
    B. Magic carpet
    C. Spelling Bee (animal )
    D. Picnic
    The old witch was named… (b)
    A. Isabella Montez
    B. Faintly Macabre
    Short Answer

    1. What was the first city that Milo went to named?
    2. In the land of EXPECTATIONS who does Milo meet?
    3. Where does Milo want to go in the beginning?
    4. What was the name of the floating boy and where did Milo meet him?
    (Alec and they meet at the point of view)
    5. How did Alec grow?
    How does Milo meet Tock and where did they meet?

    (Milo meets Tock in the city of Doldrums and they meet because little bugs tell him about the watch dog and that he was very scary.)


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