2nd Quarter - Blog #2

Here is the second blog post for the second quarter which means you are half way through the year. Don't forget to format everything correctly and to write between 250-350 words. I look forward to reading your blogs.


  1. #10 Jayden Ramirez
    Thirteen Reasons Why
    Jay Asher
    Pg 150
    Log 2
    Dear Clay,
    I know it's hard for you because Hannah Baker committed suicide. I know you weren't very close friends and only met each other at a party, but it isn't your fault that she committed suicide. I know you feel guilty because you on the tapes she left behind. You probably feel guilty for not staying when she told you to go because inside she really wanted you to stay with her at the party. Even though you feel guilty and threw up in your friend Tony’s car, you shouldn't beat yourself up about it. It was Justin, Alex, Jessica, Tyler, Courtney, Marcus, Zach, and Ryan’s fault for why Hannah killed herself. Justin was her first kiss and the next day he started rumors about her. Alex was her second friend in the city that abandoned her. Jessica blamed Hannah for everything that went wrong. Tyler was her stalker that wouldn't go away. Courtney used Hannah for rides to parties and left her with no one to talk to. Marcus was her Valentine that used her. Zach stole her positive notes that people left for her. This made it seem like no one liked her. Ryan stole her poem and put it in the school news paper. Her poem talked about how she felt unwanted and unloved. When she died she left videos for each person that took part in her suicide. It is not your fault that she committed suicide. In the end it was her decision to kill herself. Just because we face hardships in life doesn't mean that we are not supposed to get back up. Stay strong Clay, stay strong.
    Your advice giver,

  2. #1 Matthew Burnette
    Jackie and Me
    Dan Gutman
    log 3
    So, after they got back jackie was outstanding in playing the game of baseball. Even most of the people in the league actually started to like him and not make fun of him during the game of baseball. they mostly did this because they respected the game and respected him because they knew he was actually a pretty good ball player. jackie was so good he inspired the major league of baseball to let all different color of skins play baseball and it has led to him all the way till today. Jackie Robinson is so inspirational they actually made a day for him where all the players honor him that day and everyone wheres number 42 on their jersey. So as you can see I bet Jackie Robinson has inspired so many baseball players and maybe even achieved some peoples dreams. I wish Jackie was still here today so I could meet him. I have heard he is a very nice man. So just think about it that Martin Luther King Jr's birthday just passed; Jackie Robinson pretty much did the same thing but just on a lower scale.
    I think it is cool how he had anger problems but the coach told him he had to keep it together because thats how much he loved the game. I hope he was a christian because i would love to meet him one day. Jackie Robinson will always be remembered as an influential man and will always be remembered. So remember on martin luther king day or Jackie Robinson day remember what he has done for our society today.

  3. #3 Ethan Crenshaw
    Magic Tree House Lions at Lunch Time
    Mary Pope Osborne
    Pg. 70
    Blog 4
    Jack and Annie came back from the grocery store. When they got back they had peanut butter and a loaf of bread. Jack looked out the window and saw a shadow in the woods at Frog Creek. Jack saw a deer so he went outside and chased it. Annie followed Jack too. They didn’t stop they just kept sprinting for the deer. Jack fell and the deer ran away .When Jack looked up he lost it. But then he saw the magic tree house. Jack climbed up and saw books and scrolls that Morgan left for them. When they looked around they heard a voice and it sounded like Morgan ‘s. I one flash they saw Morgan. When they saw Morgan she told them to go to Africa because she needed them to solve the riddle. In a second the tree house started to spin and spin until they got to Africa. When they got there they looked down and saw a giraffe eating the tree. They got down and started looking for the lions. They couldn’t find them so they read the scroll and it meant that it is dangerous. They saw a river and there were lots of zebras and wild beasts. Jack studied the giraffes and Annie stared at the wild beasts. They looked very hard to find lions and they even crossed the river. But then they noticed the beasts were following them. So they ran into the forest and when they looked behind them they were gone. So they went into the forest and across there was brown grass and next to it was a lion! So they tiptoe close until they got right next to it. In the book there was a picture of the lions. When other animals were next to the lion the lion didn’t attack. Annie thought that they weren’t hungry. When Jack and Annie stood up the lion attacked so they ran back to the tree house and left Africa.

  4. #11 Preston Parker
    Language Arts
    Pg. Number: Finished
    Ernest Cline
    Blog Option #8
    In the book Armada the main character is Zack Lightman he experience’s quite the day when he sees a ship from his favorite video game Armada. He believes he is just hallucinating but then later the next day is recruited by a ship from the game armada to fight of an alien invasion. He is then taken to a base in Louisiana to be briefed and brought into the war. His father Xavier is dead until later in the plot where he figures out his father is actually a general for this secret military corporation. The main conflict in this book is a race called the Europans which are a clever alien race that live on the 4th moon of Jupiter Europa. They pose as an intimidating threat by appearing as a swastika on their main planet base to get the humans to come to the planet. When arriving on this water like planet they drill a hole into the ground to deploy nuke that is sent in to blow apart a temple. So the Europans declare war on al of humanity. When Zack L. learns of this he later finds a plan of his undead father that explains why the Europans are attacking earth in every other way. So on doomsday in 2018 after 40 years of building up supplies Zack L., his father, Milo, Lex, and several others duke it out on several millions of Europan ships only to find out that when the second wave reaches that they are all doomed. But to find out the Europans are all just drones piloted by one celestial being. So they stop the earth mass destruction weapon from fring the Icebreaker at there planet when a celestial being comes out and grants there civilization to enter the peace core between the other 8 alien civilization because this was a test to see if humanity would wipe out an entire civilization just to save their own. So when Zack destroyed the Icebreaker they rewarded earth with all medical supplies and a natural energy source that causes no harm to the earth.

  5. Edward Lueras #7
    1/23/16 L.A.
    The Art of War by Sun Tzu page 128

    War is unending, relentless, and a cruel endeavor
    some will die, others will survive, changed forever
    some only fight to defend their own lives
    using weapons and pocket knives
    others defend their beliefs, their home, their family
    some fight to simply get away from society
    there may be momentary winners
    ones that have beaten their adversaries
    but war is unending, relentless, and a cruel

  6. Christopher grothues #4
    Mike lupica
    Log 7
    Qb1 is an interesting book about a teenager named Jake who thought he wasn’t a good enough quarterback to start on his high school team. This was one of the best football books I ever read. It is an easy book to read and it flows well. An example from the book is when Jake said “Casey is better than me.” If you want to be a good quarterback, I would recommend you reading Qb1. Jake started practicing and practicing to become better. When Jake started to do that he became really good. Jake’s team was called the Granger Cowboys, which was also where he went to high school. Jake had an older brother named Wyatt Cullen, who played college football for the Texas Longhorns. Jake said in his very first game “I’m nervous because I was starting quarterback that game!” The people that don’t like football books will like Qb1. This book teaches you to never give up. Jake started giving it his all. It will also teach you how to a good quarterback and a good wide receiver. You get to read about Jake’s brother Wyatt Cullen in chapters 1-3, and that he was a very good quarterback for the Texas Longhorns and the Granger Cowboys. In the rest of the chapters you learn about Jakes lack of confidence, his efforts to overcome his lack of confidence, to finally throwing the game winning touchdown in the state finals, winning the game 19-17.

  7. Janessa Fuentes #5
    Blog 4
    My Forever Friends
    Language arts.
    Julie Bowe.

    In the book My Forever Friends there are two girls named Jenna and Brook. There are many disagreements in this book one is that, one day Jenna and Brook had an argument about who was the favorite in the whole class. After they thought long and hard they came to a final point in the conversation that the whole class would have to pick a side on which girl they like the best. So the whole class voted on who was the favorite. The girls decided to make it a competition so that whoever had more won who ever had less lost. In the class there is one girl named Ida May, she does not know what side to pick. Ida May feels like she wants all of the girls in the class to be together as friends not to pick sides. Ida May feels like she will make the wrong choice on who or what “team” she wants to be on. Ida May thinks that this is not the way to solve the girls problems. Ida May believes that all of the girls are the same and all of the girls should be hanging out together. In this book the problem is that all Brook and Jenna got caught up in who was the best that they didn’t even focus on being best friends. Ida stood up for what she believed in and it brought all of the girls in the class back together.

  8. #2 Kachina Blair
    The Silent Boy
    Lois Lowry
    Pg. 155
    Prompt 5

    Years after Jacob was born his real father had died on a boat trip to Alaska. Jacob was very confused why his mother was so sad. So on his 4th birthday party he had asked if his father could come home. His mother finally told him that his father died on a boat. Jacob was very sad for almost an entire year. So on his 5th birthday he didn’t really get a birthday party because they were very poor. So that year on he decided to help his mom work at the doctor’s factory. On day it was very early and his mother had to go to work. So she carried Jacob to the buggy and rode to work. She noticed that Jacob was very tired so she let him sleep on the soft grass near the factory. When his mother woke him up she was standing with a very tall guy that looked a lot like his dad. His mom told Jacob that the man was a guy that she meet and it was going to be his new father. Jacob was sad that it wasn’t his real father. Jacob ran behind the factory because he was very sad. His mom turned on the factory and Jacobs’s shirt got caught on the wheel and it pulled him up to the top. Jacob was very scared and screamed. His mom heard him and she was able to get him down. 5 years later Jacobs’ mother got married. Jacob was very happy to have his 13th birthday party with a father. He went to she and later on became a farmer.

  9. Joshua Quintana #10
    Blog #2 Option #6
    Tim Teebow by Nathan Whitaker, Tim Teebow

    Me: So Tim how was your childhood?

    Tim: Great, I was born in the phillipeans and was raised on a farm.

    Me: How did you start playing football?

    Tim: As a child I would play every sport. me and my siblings were very competitive, if it was Baseball with my brothers or Checkers with my sisters, we would all try very hard to win. As a teen I pressured myself to get fit and I do not drink soft drinks to this day.

    Me: Did you have any cats or dogs on the farm?

    Tim: Yes we had a dog.

    Me: So, what made you so into playing football?

    Tim: Well, I started playing at my school and after that I just knew it was my favorite sport.

    Me: Was it easy growing up?

    Tim: Yeah, my family and I were "farmer strong" and I did farm related jobs and chores.

    Me: How is your relationship with God?

    Tim: It is great how God has helped my through my career. I started missionary work in highschool.

    Me: What Collage did you attend Tim?

    Tim: I attended The University of Florida.
    I played on the gators while there.

    Me: Why did you attend that school.

    Tim: I was put with many options and decided florida because I live there and have gone to Disney World and routed for gators as a kid.

    Me: Thanks for the interview.

    Tim: You are welcome.

  10. #6Italia Holiday
    Upside Down in the Middle of Nowhere pg. 162
    Julie T. Lamana
    quarter 2 blog #2

    Years before Armani turned ten she was very shy. When she got older she stood up for her self a little more. When Armani was little she worried about every little thing. When Armani turned ten and got stuck in Hurricane Katrina she realized that she had to be more brave than ever before. Armani was bullied a lot when she was little because she was shy, she was even bullied by her cousin. Now she may be smaller than her cousin, but she stands up to her and is the bigger person. Armani family has moved a lot which made her very shy, but when she finally stayed somewhere for more than three years her personality grew and became stronger. Armani stood up for her sister when she was older, she didn't really do that for her sister when she was younger because she didn't have a strong relationship with her. Armani didn't have a strong relationship with any of her family members besides her Memaw and her parents. Now since Armani is ten years old she protects her family because she is more brave and stronger. When Armani got older she started worrying about every little thing because she thought another Hurricane Katrina could come. As Armani got older she became stronger because she thought another Hurricane Katrina could hit. As she got older she knew they were less of a chance of Hurricane Katrina. Before Armani died she hoped for there never to be a Hurricane Katrina again.

  11. Bramblestar’s Storm
    Erin Hunter

    The book Bramblestar’s Storm is a great and fun book to read. Before reading this book, it is recommended to read all of the Warrior’s series before reading this book. This book takes place in a forest where four cat clans live together. The main clan the book tells you about is Thunderclan. Right after the great leader, Firestar died, his deputy, Brambleclaw, became leader. Soon after living a few peaceful moons, a storm comes in the forest causing a flood in the forest Bramblestar then relocates his clan and protects them from the flood. I love this book because Bramblestar was a brave cat who wants to do the best for all the clans, not just his clan. In this book, Bramblestar meets other kitty pets who he helps shelter. The book has a great theme of bravery because he risked his life to help other cats while other clan cats objected. In this book all the clan cats lived by the warrior code. The warrior code taught them how to survive. One of the rules said to reject kitty pets. Other clans were hostile and were very strict with this rule, but Thunderclan was a generous clan. They helped other cats even if they were kitty pets or rouges. If you're a reader who likes books with action and fighting, this is a great book for you. The first book may look a little boring, but the series get really interesting later on. There is lots of fighting and mysteries. If you ever need a good fiction book to read, this is a great book to read.

  12. #7 Gregory Luciano
    Blog 2 Q2 Prompt 3
    FreeFall by Williams and Gordon
    Sixteen years ago, a boy named Will was born. He was born in the Colony by his biological mother Sarah Jerome. She also had another son, named Cal. Sarah attempted to escape to topsoil with both her sons on her shoulders, but her shoulder was bitten by a fierce dog. She was forced to leave Cal there, knowing someone would eventually find him. She escaped the Colony and went topsoil. She was unable to help Will so she put him up for adoption. Mrs. Burrows, Wills “mother” adopted him. She was the one who named him Will, Sarah had actually named him Seth. Will grew up Topsoil, but was born in the Colony. Will Spent his childhood with twin sisters, however only one was always there. The Rebecca twins had been working for the Styx since birth. The two Rebeccas tricked Will and both their parents by believing they were one person, but in reality they were just switching off. One sister would be “Wills Sister” and the other would be underground planning evil attacks. Will was a different child. He never fit in good at school, but he had one friend, Chester. Wills hobby was also different, instead of playing sports and video games, he enjoyed archaeology like his father. His father worked at the museum, which inspired him to start excavating secretly under his house. Months later, after excavation, Wills father disappeared. His tunnel seemed to ,coincidently, “Collapse on him.” Some people, like Will, Thought someone sabotaged his tunnel. After all, Mr. Burrows was always good at supporting his tunnels. After a while, Will and his friend Chester discovered The Colony, Where it all begins.

  13. #14 Jada Wynn
    Courage for Beginners
    Karen Harrington
    Quarter #2, Log #4
    Page #
    Mysti's Diary:
    Change is coming for everyone. I wish that I were a character in a book. If my life were fictional, I'd magically know how to deal with the fact that my (supposedly) best friend, Anibal Gomez, has abandoned me in favor of being a "hipster". I'd be able to take care of everyone when my dad has to spend time in the hospital. And I'd certainly be able to change my family's secret: that my mother never ever leaves the house.
    Seventh-grade is definitely NOT turning out the way that I had planned. I was supposed to be the girl that everyone wanted to be friends with. I was supposed to be smarter. And I was supposed to sit at a table with all the popular kids at lunch. Instead, I am remembered as the "Talent-Show Failure". I am remembered as the kid who rides the bus home alone from school. And I am remembered as the kid who sits at Loser Island with all the six-graders.
    "Here is a girl who may have more hidden genius than she realized." After a couple of days at Loser Island, I made friends with a sixth-grader named Rama Khan. I wish I had a cool name like that. It sounds like the name of a super hero or something. RamaKhan! I wish that I had a name like that. My name is boring. Mysti Murphy.
    Rama is a quite type of girl. She is not social at all. And she loves scarfs. But if it wasn't for Rama and my Texas history teacher, I would not have realized that people can find the courage within themselves to make the best of it.

  14. #12 Leo Sellarole
    Iran and Israel
    Mark Hitchcock
    pg. 17
    Blog #4 Q #2
    War is something that can never be forgotten for the citizens or for the veteran. It is also something that can’t be stopped from happening again, as far as I’m concerned it won’t end until God our Father calls us home. I am Daniel, I’m Jewish and fifteen years old. Seventy years ago Nazi Germans led by Hitler tried to assassinate my people. It was a horrible time for my people mass amounts of Jews being slaughtered. After overcoming that there was no more peace only pockets of joy for my culture. Lately I’ve been worried for my country my people have been attacked and hear rumors of more attacks from Iran. This news honestly frightens me and I’m not sure what it means for my people. Especially for the Jews who don’t believe in God. Every night I pray that God will protect us but what good is that if I don’t use that time to tell more of my people about my Lord. All this talk about war going on in my country is making a huge scar on my heart. I’d like to go on pretending that this isn’t happening. But I cant hide it we were just bombed yesterday. It was a hit straight to home causing terror in my country. Killing hundreads and injuring many of my people. I hear that Isreals's armed forces are attacking back by bombing the Iranian nuclear facilites to stop progress on the nuclear weapons being built to wipe us out. This is my story a fifteen year old boy who is stuck in a murderous war between Iran and Israel. Its no joke.

  15. #9 Ethan Powell
    My Brother Sam is Dead
    James Lincoln Collier & Christopher Collier
    Pg. 208
    Log #7

    My Brother Sam is Dead is a book that I read in 5th grade and I thought it was interesting, so I read it again. I think that the book should have a different title because (spoiler alert) the brother dies at the end of the book. The things I did like was how brave Tim was when he tried to save his brother from the prison “I am going to save my brother,” I said. I also liked that Tim was willing to stand up to soldiers for his brother’s freedom “He scared me. But I told him the story exactly as it happened and I finished it by saying Sam wouldn’t steal our own cattle. He just wouldn’t. He’s been fighting for three years he’s been a good soldier.” Another opinion I have is that its cool that at the end of the book it says how much of the book is true “the town of Redding, Connecticut (the town Tim lived in) is real , and existed in those days exactly as we described it.” . One thing I didn’t like was that there was some inappropriate language in the book. I also think it is neat that the book was based on a historical event, the Revolutionary War. My last opinion is that I like how the book ends happily in the epilogue. In conclusion I think overall that it is a great book and I would recommend it to a friend.

  16. #15 Kayla Sin
    Tiger Lily
    Jodi Lynn Anderson
    Dear Tiger Lily,
    Hey I am Kayla. I do not live in Neverland but in the world Peter went off to. I have read your story and wish you the very best life with Pine Sap. I wish you could have stayed with Peter forever but I guess you are happy now. Just some words of advise is try to be more open with other people. The reason you and Peter did not work out is because you did not tell him how much you loved him and did not tell him how you felt. Wendy encouraged him more and I guess that's what Peter wanted. It is okay to let your guard down and still be the awesome warrior your are. I know you still miss him because he was your first love in your first year of being 15. As Peter said, try to keep him in your heart. Peter will never forget your relationship and neither will you. Let you and Peter's relationship prepare you for your marriage with Pine Sap. By the way you are probably thinking how I know this story. Well I have read something that was written by Tinker Bell. I know she watched you all the time to protect you. She wrote all the times she wanted to warn you about something but she could not speak. I hope you keep her in your heart too. She was always there for you even if you did not notice. I hope you take my advise and live a great life.
    Kayla Sin

  17. #9 Jake O’Brien
    Blog #2
    13 Hours
    Mitchell Zuckoff , with Annex Security team

    The main problem that all the members of the “13 Hours” story is basically trying help solve this the disease of terrorism that is infecting the entire city of Benghazi. Some factors that are in this “disease” include all out pandemonium, and most of all, tyrants allowed to roam the streets to do as they please and not have to answer to a higher authority. One of the main characters that the book follows most is Jack Silva. Jack is an American Marine from Texas. He has a wife and a daughter. Another Marine that the book followed was Rone Woodson. He was a life-long friend of Jack Silva. One of the reasons why Benghazi was “up in flames”, was because there was a dictator that was ruined with an iron fist and wanted to show to the people of Benghazi that he was most powerful in the land. Many individuals had tried to show him that he couldn’t control them by tearing down his monuments, vandalizing statues and basically destroying anything that showed how powerful he was. These people were either put in jail, executed publicly, or sentenced to death. Eventually, all the people of Benghazi went to attack and ended up dragging the dictator out of his building, beating him, humiliating him and eventually killing him in the streets. Now we are currently trying to solve the problem of terrorism in the Middle East

  18. #1 Sydney Barbee
    Thirteen Reasons Why
    Jay Asher
    Pg. 288
    Prompt #5

    The Clock Strikes 12

    Tic toc, Tic toc,
    Time is running out.
    Tic toc, Tic toc,
    Here comes the sun.
    Tic toc, Tic toc,
    I need to finish this now.
    Tic toc, Tic toc,
    Why is this so hard?
    Tic toc, Tic toc,
    It’s about to ring twelve.
    Tic toc, Tic toc,
    I’ll do it on the ding.
    Ding Dong, Ding Dong,
    Away I go.

  19. #9 Matt Montoya
    2nd Quarter Blog #2
    Choice #2
    The Scorch Trials
    James Dashner
    Pages 1- 211

    Dear Thomas,
    I haven’t written to you in a while but this is my first free time and I thought I’d speak to an old friend. I heard you’re going through a difficult thing so I thought I’d give you some advice. I know you’re on a mission to escape from the trials. Just remember, you don’t know who to trust and who not to trust. You will find out who your true friends really are. Stay safe and keep out of the site and don’t be caught. Get to know your new friends known as the Gladers. You and the Gladers must stick together to be able to escape these trials. If you don’t create a good relationship with your new team, I don’t know what else to tell you. Your best bet is to develop a good team and fight off and defeat the trials. By the way, write back to me as soon as possible so that I know that you are alright in the trials. Take care of your fellow friends and do whatever it takes to defeat those trials. And I wish I could be there with you to guide you along the way to ensure your safety but I am stuck here at home and unavailable to attend your service. I wish you the absolute best in your journey and I hope you make it out safely.
    Your friend,

  20. #12 Alexis Raya
    Ernest Cline
    Ready Player One
    Pg. 97
    Log #5
    I’m become tired of following you,
    Tired of everything you do.
    Why do I have to follow you?
    All for a single key
    That will rewrite my destiny.
    Why does it have to be me?

  21. Sam Matles
    Brian's Hunt
    Gary Paulsen
    page 115 (end of book)

    looking for a bear,
    my dog helping smell the air,
    fighting for a while,
    the smell of the dead bear is vile,
    I must go look,
    Find her in my guidebook.

  22. #5 Ileanna Holiday
    Middle School My Brother Is a Big Fat Liar
    James Patterson
    Page 302
    Log #3
    So years before Georgina was in middle school, she was in third grade and she was eight years old. She look not to different from now, brown curly hair brown eyes and she wasn’t too fashionable. She was the smartest in the class and kind of got bullied for it. She had straight A’s and had never gotten lower. Since she has an older brother he would ruin everything. She would have to go to the same school that he went to. So by the time the teachers saw her last name the teachers would be out of the room in a jiffy. So when she got to middle school she would have no friends because her brother had a reputation for being a prankster. That is what happened years before middle school.

  23. #5Isabella Holiday
    The Treatment
    Suzanne Young
    Pg344(end of the book)
    Log #3
    Sloane and James have gone to hell and back together to protect each other from the dangers of the Program. The Program is now a thing of the past but the what it took away was not given back. James and Sloane now twenty-eight and thirty are still together. After all the heart breaks, and problems that they overcame together James decided that it was time to put a ring on it. They have 2 kids now, twins. They live in the same town and the same house still. The house where Sloane was taken to the Program, the house where James and her had their first date, the house that her brother used to live, the house where she mourned over her brothers death. Today is actually that day, the day that Sloane's brother and James best friend died. It's been exactly fourteen years since the death but it's still hard to take in. It's getting to hard to bear. Her and James have been talking about moving maybe to New York, they know that there different in a lot of ways but they share one things in common. They are both far away from where they are now. They need a break, they need time to get away and start over, not think about their past. That's exactly what they are doing, Sloane has decided that in two days they will be driving to California. She's sick of the pain of all the memories that have been slowly coming back and James is on the same boat with her. They have started a family in there hometown but it's time to move that family and mentally start over together.

  24. #14 Anthony Salgado
    Star wars: Attack of the Clones
    Patricia C. Wrede
    pg. 150
    prompt 8

    The main conflict in this book is the Separatists. The Separatists are trying to lead a confederation away from the Republic because they believe it is corrupt. The Separatists are trying to convince as many planets as they can to lead a confederation against the Republic. Master Yoda and his fellow Jedi are deciding whether or not they should create an army, but then figure out that a Jedi Master named Sido-Diyas requested a clone army ten years ago without the Jedi Council's order. The Separatists then commit an act of war by convicting Master Obi-Wan of espionage and want to execute him. Anakin finds out that he needs to help Obi-Wan because he's like a father to him, and he already lost his mother. He goes with Padme in an attemp to rescue him on the planet of Geonosis rather getting captured by the Separatist army and the Mandalorian bounty hunter named Jango Fett. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme then are sentenced to death in an arena barely surviving before Master yoda shows up with the approved clone army pushing back the droid army of the Separatists. This then starts a long war called The Clone Wars. The last thing Padme wanted as a senator is for war. She instead wanted to negotiate with the Separatists. The Jedi also find out that there is even more conflict when the long gone, traitor Count Dooku. He is secretly working with Darth Sidious to take over the galaxy with their plans on the Death Star.

  25. #12 J.B. Sebastiano
    Out of the Blue by: Victor Cruz
    Quarter 2 blog #2
    Prompt #10
    True or False
    1. Did Victor Cruz live in California? True or False/ answer is False
    2. Did Victor Cruz win a super bowl? True or False/ answer is True
    3. Did Victor Cruz go to UCLA? True or False/ answer is False
    4. Did Victor Cruz go to Patterson Catholic? True or False/ answer is True
    5. Does Victor Cruz play for the New York Giants? True or False/ answer is False
    Multiple Choice
    1. What college did Victor go to?
    a. UCLA b. Notre Dame
    c. Ohio State d. University of Massachusetts
    2. What sport does Victor play?
    a. football b. baseball
    c. basketball d. hockey
    3. What sport did Victor Cruz play before what he plays now?
    a. basketball b. baseball
    c. football d. hockey
    4. What was his brother’s name?
    a. Victor b. Malik
    c. Mike d. Kwon
    5. Where Victors parents married or not?
    a. married b. not married
    6. What was Victor’s and Malik’s fathers name?
    a. Gregory b. Daniel
    c. Matthew d. Mike
    7. Did Victor’s dad die in the biography?
    a. yes b. no
    8. Did Victor always love football?
    a. yes b. no
    9. Was Victor good at taking SAT tests?
    a. yes b. no
    10. What was Victor’s motivation in this book?
    a. his father b. his mother
    c. his girlfriend/wife d. all of the above

    answer key
    1.d 2.a 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.d 7.a 8.b 9.b 10.d

    Short Answer
    1. Who did Victor talk about as being a great division one football player?
    Answer Adrian Pederson

    2. Who is Victor Cruz’s team’s quarterback?
    Answer Eli Manning

    3. What division is the University of Massachusetts football team?
    Answer division two

    4. What does Victor say about life with a football term?
    Answer “My life is like first and ten lets move the chains.”

    5. What town did Victor grow up in?
    Answer Patterson

    Essay question

    Why did Victor have to go to a community college?


    Courageous and persevering, Victor Cruz has worked hard to be where he is today. Victor Cruz had to go to Community College because he did not get a good enough SAT score to enter college. Victor took the test many times but finally got a good enough grade to go back to the University of Massachusetts. This just shows how he persevered and fought to get back.

  26. Gannon McDonald
    Veronica Roth
    Pg 182
    Log 9
    Blog #2, Quarter #2
    I love this book, it was very exciting and it had a lot of action. I love the way the author made the factions and how they had so much similarities and differences. My favorite part about the book were the factions, my favorite faction was Erudite. Not just because they were smart and lived in nice places. But because they all expressed their mind and wanted what was best for their people. They weren’t like Dauntless who were rebels and just wanted to be free. If you want to be free so much, go jump outside the wall. Erudite was trying to make the “world” a better place. They were expressing their ideas as one, and they thought as though they were one. My second favorite faction was Amity, only because they were so peaceful and didn’t cause much. The author has made this book so fascinating, you can read it more than once. If only every book I have read was as good as this. The only part I didn’t like was Dauntless. I wanted Erudite to take over them all, once Erudite had taken over, everybody is either smart or going to be smart. If Dauntless would just follow Erudite, Beatrice wouldn’t have had to kill one of her friends, and her parents wouldn’t have died. I love the way Veronica Roth has her twists that it makes me look forward to reading the next page.

  27. #4 Elijah Holiday
    Language Arts
    American Sniper
    Chris Kyle
    Blog #7
    American Sniper is by far one of the best Biographies/Books in the world. It’s interesting, jaw dropping, crazy, exciting, and sad all at the same time. The crazy thing about this whole book is, it was all true. The trips to the middle east, the kills, the sad ending of his life, it all really happened and surprisingly recently. The best part in my opinion was when he went and talked to those former military men, and helped them out, and showed them a few things. That moment for me really showed that he cared for others and not just for him and his family. I would recommend this book really for 6th Grade and up really because, of the violence, all the death, and the language. This book is so great because it shows that, you can be made from any normal family, and still be great. It also shows that hard work actually works. The one thing I really love about Chris Kyle is, he was a very strong Christian. He even confronted one of his own team members and asked do you believe in God, and he helped the man come to God. His wife was also very close to leaving him. She couldn’t handle him always leaving and being gone all the time. She even said, “ Chris, please come home, I cant do this any more without you here”. Yet she stuck through it and basically raised two kids on her own. This book really changed the way I think. It made me realize how blessed I really am and how a thank you can really go a long way.

  28. Aiden Avichouser#1
    Blog #4
    Roberto and Me
    Dan Gutman

    I love the way the author is so good at describing scenes in the book. The author makes the book flow so good. Dan Gutman gives so many good problems in the story and then describes what happened and if the problem was solved or not. I think the author sis such a great job describing where Joe showed up in the book when he held the old baseball card in his hand. I like how he made Joe show up at a concert to hear one of Joe’s mom favorite bands. This all took place when African Americans were not given the same rules or privileges as white people. Dan Gutman made Joe meet so many people and go through so many problems. I have read many of Dan Gutman’s books and all of them are really good, but this one is definitely one of the best. Joe is very friendly and he meets many people in the book. For example when he shows up to the Jimi Hendrix concert right when he gets to the past he meets a young girl named sunrise. I like how Dan Gutman makes Joe meet so many different people. It makes the book more interesting. In all of the books Joe meets the baseball player he goes to look for. He met Roberto Clemente and he took Joe to a few games. Roberto gave Joe a one-hundred dollar bill to get home. When Joe gets home he goes to his baseball game and after he goes back to the past. He goes to the post office and sends the money Roberto gave him to a person that helped him in the past. That is a thing I like about Dan Gutman’s books, he always makes a good ending. Roberto and Me was a great book.

  29. #3Daniel Chapin
    Bodie’s Gold
    Pg 185
    I love the way yhat the author described Bodie in this book. Bodie is a village that is in California that was around in the twentieth century. He makes me so interested in the history of this Town. Now Bodie is a ghost town, but a long time ago it was a bustling town. I like how the author puts in many tales and true stories in this book. For example, it said that there is a rumer that if you take anything from the town, you are cursed until you bring it back. I also like how the auther describe a kid named Bill. He was a troublemaker who played with fire. One day he accidently burned down 70% of the once great town. If you go there today you can see many graves on a mountain next to the town. I also like that Bodie was a town that was full of gold and was great and imeadiently started its slow decrease as a town. I also like how the miners formed their own union. The first president of the union was Alex Nixon. The reason that I like this certain book is because I love to learn about this stuff. When I say this stuff I mean that I like to learn about the history of the West at that time period. I think that this book is simply awesome so far because of the way the author describes it because it shows how the people looked and it also gives you an idea of what the people had back then


  30. 11# Zachary Ramsey
    317 (end of book)
    J.K Rowling
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
    Blog #2

    I like the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban because in the book Hermione has a secret. Her secret is the thing that gets her to her tightly bunched up classes quicker. Her secret is an hourglass. She flips a switch and it brings her back in time. So Dumbledore sends Harry and Hermione on a task to save the prisoner of Azkaban. Dumbledore said,” If all goes well, you will be able to save more than one innocent life tonight. So they went back in time, and before they were told to not be seen by anyone. As they approach Azkaban, they had to fight and huge gang of dementors to save another life. This was Harry in the “future”. Another thing a liked about the book was that in the past two books and now this book, Ron had a pet rat named “Scabbers”. This rat, which everyone thinks is a rat, is actually a person in disguise. He was turned into a rat by Lord Voldemort, and sold as a pet to a boy. Now in the book, Sirious Black, the prisoner from Azkaban, found the rat and turned it into the person’s real form. They happened to be partners, so they ganged up on Harry. They chased him until midnight, and Black turned into a werewolf. He was cursed, and on every full moon he is turned into a werewolf. And Harry was saved by his teacher when he turned into a wolf

  31. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Star Wars: Dark Disciple
    Christie Golden
    Page 222
    Blog 2, Log 8

    The main problem or conflict in this story is that the Jedi Order has to assassinate the Sith Lord, Count Dooku. A head Jedi of the Jedi order is tasked with killing him. His name is Quinlan Vos. He was a Jedi who had been raised in the Jedi Temple all of his life. He is also tasked with recruiting the former Sith Apprentice, Asajj Ventress to help Quinlan kill Count Dooku. Ventress was the former apprentice of Count Dooku, and seeks revenge on him. Dooku stopped training her because she was too weak for him to train. Ventress has already tried assassinating Dooku twice, but she failed both times. When Vos decides to help her, Ventress teaches Vos the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. She teaches him that in order to have a chance at defeating Dooku, Vos has to be trained in the ways of a Nightsister. A Nightsister is trained in the Dark Side of the Force and uses the Force more than a lightsaber. Nightsisters are not given lightsabers at all. The duo find themselves helping out many people. When Vos and Ventress confront Dooku, they fail at assassinating him and Vos is captured. Ventures asks for the help of bounty hunters to help her, but they fail. The conflict is somewhat resolved as the main characters are able to somewhat defeat Count Dooku. Though they may have not killed him, they managed to allow Anakin Skywalker to kill him later on in the story.

  32. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    Blog #2 Option 9
    Lauren Tarshis
    I Survived series
    463.5 pages
    I love the way the author can tell all the stories and make them all feel so real. For example when in the 9/11 story when the plane flew overhead or when they got trapped in the building when one of the towers went down. I also love how the author uses such good metaphors. For another example in the shark attack book, when it says you could see its eyes, killer eyes, as black as coal. I do not like how some of the stories end and like something horrible happened and then bam it is all good again. When the American Airline hit the twin towers and the city in in chaos and then the main character is in a football game winning the game point. Or when hurricane Katrina strikes and the city is in water then the family is together in the sun smiling with happily ever after. I do love in the Pompeii book the dad is being taken and the son runs to his rescue and saves him and they go on a big adventure to try to save the city. In the Pompeii book I also love that the horse stays for them and does not leave even though the earth is “ending.” I hate that in the titanic book the way the character has to jump into the freezing water even though he was a kid. Also the way the boy was a horrible trouble maker. This is my opinion of the I Survived series by Lauren Tarshis.

  33. #15 Zachary Tittle
    Kingdom Hearts 1&2 (finished)
    Blog #4 log #2

    Dear Sora,
    I know that you are in the Castle Oblivion and you are slowly loosing your memory of everyone you know and that you are forgetting you. So I have composed a list of things that may help you remember things. Some of the points will have already been said to you many times, and I mean very many times like “To lose is to find and to find is to loose.” These words should also have a place in your mind and in your heart. So I have composed them similar to them but I hope that these will help your memory of everyone you know in the body you are in now and your main body that is in hibernation.
    #1 “To lose is to find and to find is to loose.”
    #2 Make sure to do things your still remember before you loose them.
    #3 remember you are the only wielder of the keyblade.
    #4 remember that you must save the king and Riku.
    #5 Light can always overcome darkness.
    #6 beware that with light comes darkness.
    #7 the heart will never lie
    #8 the heart will never die
    #9 the heart will never forget
    #10 “To lose is to find and to find is to loose”
    I hope that these points will help you with the fight against the darkness and the fight to protect your friends. But also remember the king and Riku. Also remember that Axel is not your enemy but a neutral partner. And remember “To lose is to find and to find is to loose.”

  34. Olivia Tidwell
    Blog 2nd Q, Blog #2
    Disney After Dark
    Option 9
    I love how the author describes Wayne’s power. Wayne always wanted to be the most powerful. At first he wished to be the sun and he became the sun in an instant. He loved the way he beat down on the earth with lots of heat and energy, and made people get sweaty and thirsty. He was glad that the earth revolved around him. Suddenly he noticed something big, blurry, and white that was blocking his brightness, energy, and power. He then wished to be a cloud and instantly became a cloud. He could make rain and block the sun all day long. He felt as if nothing could become mightier than him until he started blowing. He realized that the wind was blowing him so he wished to be the wind and then instantly became the wind. He could blow the trees and topple the tallest buildings. Suddenly he saw the mountains and he knew he wasn’t mighty enough to move the mountains. Then Finn, Willa, and Philby reminded that not only be careful of what you wish for but to be happy with who you are. God made you a certain way for a reason. Not to be the sun, clouds, wind, or mountains. God made humans separate from that. He is the one who can move the mountains, make the sun shine, the wind blow, and the clouds rain down on us. Wayne and all the other DHI’s have a job to do but being the sun, clouds, wind, or mountains isn’t part of it. I like how this book tells you to accept who you are and that you are made for a purpose.

  35. #6 Sienna Inman
    Never Broken
    Page 57
    Log #2
    Quarter 2

    Dear Jewel,
    I'm reading your book right now and I'm loving it! I love learning about your many kinds of experiences with many kinds of people. So far I'm up to the part where I'm reading about the many times you spent in the biker bars with your Dad. I really like how strong you stayed while being exposed to things like that at a young age. You’ve really inspired me to think about the struggles I've gone through in life, and how I can for sure be stronger while I'm dealing with them. I know you talk about looking inside yourself and finding strength, but I'm writing to give you some advice about another way you can be strong. You don't mention much on your faith except you grew up Mormon. I think you should not only try to solve and fix your problems by yourself, but maybe you should try praying. I think that if you pray to God at least two times a day you will realize the difference. I know you also go to therapy and that seems to help you a lot. I'm just giving you this advice because I think you deserve to hear it with everything you have been through throughout these forty years. I know that when I go through problems in my life and I try to fix them on my own, it never helps. When I go to God things just start becoming easier. Not only because God's helping fixing it, but also because I'm not letting it bug me as much as it did. Going to God with your problems is my advice to you.

  36. #13 Emilia Shahverdian
    Blog 2 Quarter 2
    Silence by Natasha Preston
    Page 337

    In the book Silence the main conflict is Oakley not speaking. The people involved are Cole, Oakley, Jasper, Oakley’s mom and dad, and Frank. The problem is not resolved until the end of the book. The story behind Oakley not speaking is that at a young age she stopped speaking and her mom and friends did not know why. The real reason was that she and her father had gone on a fishing trip with one of her dad’s friends, Frank. Oakley was five years old at this time, young and naïve. Frank then sexually abused her and her father endorsed it. Her father told her that if she told her mom what happened she would never believe her and hate her forever. Oakley decided that she would never talk again. She has the support of her best friend and soon to be boyfriend Cole, who has always loved Oakley even if she were to never speak again. She gets bullied at school because she doesn’t talk. Oakley was always afraid that if she had decided to speak again and tell people about what had happened no one would believe her. Her Father tells her that he wants to bond with his daughter again and restore the broken bridges. Oakley contemplates whether or not she should chose to begin to trust her father again. She decides to go on another fishing trip with her father, this time believing that her father could really restore trust with her. This is not what happens. When Oakley arrives she sees Frank, the same man who had abducted her many years ago. She calls her boyfriend Cole because she is afraid that the same situation will happen. Cole is so happy to hear Oakley speak, but he is also concerned because he hears Oakley breaking down in tears. Cole goes and saves Oakley and she tells him the story of what had happened. Cole is so furious and wants to murder her father and Frank for what they did. Oakley says to leave it alone, but Cole says that they should not be left unpunished. They decide to take this matter to the police. They arrest Oakley’s father and Frank, but they never decide to confess for their crime. Oakley’s mom and brother Jasper are very supportive and try their best to console Oakley. They decide to move because the memories are too painful to bear. It breaks Cole’s heart that the girl he loves is leaving.

  37. Luke O’Brien
    Blog #4 SONG
    Rogue lawyer
    Dead zone is a book
    Written by Stephen king
    He is an awesome writer
    Which earned him a lot of bling.
    (guitar solo)

  38. Jake Rydbeck #11
    1/26/16 Blog #4
    Peter and the Lost Boys
    Don't worry about being in jail Peter you will be out soon enough. All those kids look like they might beat you up but they won't. After you get out of jail don't go with the boy he will get you stuck in a situation and it will be hard to get out of. He might give you a place to stay but stay away from him he will get you in to situations you don't want to be in. It will be easy to find Molly just follow the streets and stay high up. Make sure to keep her safe when you find Molly. She lives in grand home with many accommodations she has many butlers and nanny's as well as many dogs. She lives on the fourth story so that shouldn't be a problem for you since you can fly. You might have to help her down from her room since the man without a face and Jenna are trying to attack her Jenna has a butcher knife and the man without a face they have never seen before. After you do that you should take Molly back to never land and live there. Hopefully Captain Hook doesn't mess everything up like he always does. So in conclusion be smart and be safe.


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