Welcome to the third quarter. Follow the prompt, format your blog correctly, and make sure you have between 250-350 words. I look forward to learning about the books you are reading.
#16 Trevor Stubbs Blog Prompt#4 Pg. 300 3/8/16 The theme of the book “Theme is a fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.” (sparknotes.com) Tom Sawyer is a very mischievous kid that is kind but wants to have adventures with his friends. Tom wants to show that life is supposed to be spent the way you want it to be not how other people want it to be. Tom and Huck love to go on adventures sometimes the law interferes with what they did but they do it for a reason. Huck sometimes wants to do it fast and easy. But Tom is like no we are going to get the best of this adventure no matter what happens. He wants them to have people chasing him but he will what until people see him being mischievous. That is why he does what he wants because he does not want people to make him do something he does not want to do. Tom takes what people would consider a dream and turns it into reality and that is why he is trouble and such a cool kid. Tom and Huck make dreams a reality that is why they are always getting chased by someone and never in school or working on the farm. Tom mom loves him because she knows that he means no harm to her or anyone else he encounters he is just a child that wants to have fun with his friends that is why he loves going on adventures.
#12 Alexis Raya Ready Player One Ernest Cline Pg. 200 Log #4 One of the themes in Ready Player One is escape. In the book, OASIS was designed as an escape from society. The world deteriorated and was left in destruction. This happened out of neglect to the world. No one paid any attention to what was happening around them because they escaped from the real, non-virtual world. The escaped to a virtual world called OASIS. OASIS was a place where anybody could be who they wanted to be. Everyone could have what they wanted. OASIS provided free education and jobs. People could even design their avatar. OASIS is the complete escape from the world. It is the ultimate escape. The issue is that escapes, even the ultimate escape, do not fix anything. Everything still stays the same. You cannot run away from your problems. It is necessary to fix the issues around you. In a sense, OASIS is like people running away from their problems. When you run away, the problems become bigger and they do not leave. Ignoring issues does not solve anything. It will not make the issue leave or grow smaller. The world in the book, Ready Player One, is like our own worlds that we live in. If we neglect our world for long enough, it will deteriorate. Our world will be destroyed. We need to face the issues in presented to us. What will be of us if the world that we live in is destroyed? But in reality, this is not our world that we live in and these are not our lives to control and escape from. This is God’s world and God created our lives. We should live our lives for God and not neglect the issues in our lives.
#15 Kayla Sin The Darkest Minds Alexandra Bracken Pg. 488 #1 Journal Entry #1 I can’t believe I actually joined the Children’s League. I never thought it would come to this. I should have read the letter before we wasted our time to find Jack’s dad. Chubs would not have been shot, Liam would not be gone, and I would not be with the League. It’s all my fault. I could have been the one to get shot, and then no one else would have to suffer from me. At least Liam is safe. I miss him so much. It’s only been a day and I feel like I haven’t seen him in an eternity. Letting go of the ones you love is one of the hardest things to do. I did more than that though; I wiped his entire memory of me. If I ever find him again, he won’t remember what we had. He’ll never remember what I see as the greatest moments of my life. I never wanted to do that to him but it was the only way to keep him safe. If he stayed, the League would have destroyed the man I fell in love with and morphed him into the person he was avoiding to become. Now I am stuck here…and Chubs if he survives his gun wound. Over the past few months I have probably made the most friendships I’ll ever live to have. I have also lost all those people I care about. My heart feels empty, there is nothing to love or hope for. Not even myself. I am just an Orange monster that does not have anyone to go to. I guess I’ll have to try and move on with life but I already know that it will never be the same, ever since I ran into Zu at the gas station. At least I have a place to stay right now. I had them see me as an asset so they would not kill me or Liam. I wish I can go back to the times it was the three of us in Black Betty, especially the time where Liam and I were on lookout that one night before we left the car. That is one memory that won’t slip away. -Ruby
#10 Jayden Ramirez Four Veronica Roth Pg 88 (I read 137 pgs from another book) Log #1 Dear Diary, A lot has happened this past week. The day of my aptitude test, I received Abnegation. I knew exactly what was going on because my father had told me what to expect. (He is the leader of Abnegation). My instructor that injected me with the serum was named Tori. The serum hurt a bit but not more than what my father does to me at home. As I walked home from the aptitude test, I encountered a factionless person. He told me that he knew me from somewhere and I replied that my father was the leader of Abnegation, but he said he knew me from my mother. It shocked me because I have not talked about him in a while. She died when I was young. The conversation I had with the factionless man was very odd. When I got home my father asked me what faction I received from my aptitude test. I told him I received Abnegation, even though I am not supposed to tell anyone. My father had one of his best friends over for dinner, Andrew Prior. I went to my bed and ate dinner there. As I was going to bed, I was thinking of my mom. She gave me something that I have locked up and I was looking at it. When my dad walked in, he asked me what I was doing. I lied to him and he knew I was lying so he whipped me. I always have that fear of him inside of me. The only way out of this fear was to transfer to a different faction. The next morning, I went to the ceremony where I choose where to be for the rest of my life. I chose Dauntless. I wanted to be free, free from fear.
#14 Anthony Salgado Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Ryder Windham pg.150 prompt #10
True or False 1. The rebel base was secretly hidden on the planet Endor. 2. Luke gets captured by a beast called a wampa. 3. Han uses the blaster pistol called the E-11. 4. The giant metal tanks that the imperials used in the battle of hoth are called AT-STs'. 5. Luke recuperated in a bacta tank. Multiple Choice 1. Luke survives in the cold inside which animal? a.wampa b.tauntaun c.ewok d.rodian 2. Luke goes to which planet to train to become a Jedi? a.Hoth b.Endor c.Coruscant d.Dagobah 3. Han's trusted first-mate is a.Leia b.Luke c.Chewbacca d.Artoo 4. The ships used in the Battle of Hoth are called a.X-Wings b.A-Wings c.T-47 Airspeeders d.Y-wings 5. The old friend that Han and company meet on Cloud City is a.Ben Kenobi b.Bail Organa c.Yoda d.Lando Calrissian 6. The most dangerous bounty hunter that the crew encounters on cloud city is a.IG-88 b.Boba Fett c.Bossk d.Dengar 7. Boba Fett wields the blaster rifle called the a. E-11 b. EE-3 c. DL-44 d. T-21B 8. Luke's lightsaber is a.Green b.Blue c.Red d.Orange 9. Lando's pistol is called the a.DL-44 b.DH-17 c.DLT-19 d.SE-14C 10. Han is frozen in a.ice b.carbonite c.stone d.space Short Answer 1. Who is Luke's father? 2.Luke is trained by which master Jedi? 3. What is the name of Boba Fett's ship? 4. What is the name of Han Solo's ship? 5.Boba is collecting a bounty on Han for who? Essay Question: What would your reaction be to Vader being your Father? Did you expect it? Would you join him in the dark side? Answer Key True or False 1.false 2.true 3.false 4.false 5.true Multiple Choice 1.tauntaun 2.Dagobah 3.Chewbacca 4.T-47 airspeeds 5.Lando Calrissian 6.Boba Fett 7.EE-3 8.Blue 9.Dh-17 10.carbonite Short Answer 1.Anakin Skywalker 2.Yoda 3.Slave 1 4.The Millennium Falcon 5.Jabba Essay: My reaction to Vader being my father is that I would be pretty surprised. I would've not even expected it because Obi-Wan told me that Vader killed my father from a certain point of view. This sounds really selfish, but I would join him in the dark side. How awesome would it be to rule the galaxy, have a powerful sith dad, and wield sick force abilities. I would've non-hesitantly joined him. This would be my reaction to Vader being my father.
#3 Alex Gottuso 3/8/16 Q3 Blog #1 Prompt #7 Reasons We Believe Nathan Busenitz Pg. 155 This book by Nathan Busenitz is one if the best books on apologetics I have ever read. The amount of times the author cites the Bible is very impressive, and that is just one thing that makes this book so great. Just by reading the first few pages you know that the book will contain essential information. This book does not only just contain good information, but it is also actually quite interesting. Most authors are either one or the other; great info or an interesting standpoint. Nathan accomplishes both. The statements in this book are nothing but facts, and the author of this book is definitely convincing. A few examples are his use of absolute truths and his many examples and citations, as mentioned before. Another reason I really enjoyed this book is because simply that it is about defending our faith. It is always good to be prepared and I really enjoy learning about things that will really benefit me. This book covers many important topics. It gives lots of answers and proof for almost any question about apologetics you can think of. This book is very enjoyable and I would recommend it to everyone I can. This book is a good opportunity to share your faith and to strengthen it. There are many reason to learn about apologetics besides to just learn to defend your faith. It can give you knowledge in many areas you might not expect. Some examples of these areas are history, science, and astronomy. The author of this book also goes into very high detail. Overall, this book is very high quality. I will recommend it to anyone and I hope they will like it just as much as me. This book is truly amazing and the author is very talented. I have gained lots of valuable lessons from this book.
#11 Preston Parker 3/8/16 Language Arts The Martian Pg. 153 Andy Weir Option-4 Spoiler Alert!!!!! In the Martian the main theme is survival or distress. In this book Mark Watney is stranded on mars with almost no hope of survival or escape. He changes his lifestyle but not his personality when he is left by his team on accident on mars. He was impaled with a satellite antenna and his bio monitor went from regular to zero and no readings. He then is left to ration food in order to survive on this desert planet. He then realizes how to survive in the most creative way possible. He would be the first person to grow food or any plant on mars. He then takes some potatoes that N.A.S.A sent up for them to feast on at thanksgiving. He then cuts the eyes of the potato and plants them in the Hab where he leaves because it has the right atmospheric pressure allowing him to plant in the Hab. Isn’t that genius. Mark Watney then waited and added water to his crops to allow them to grow and sprout but he still hadn’t figured out how he would make enough water for the plant to survive. So he then realized that the MDV would have enough hydrogen that he could produce and engineer enough water out of burning hydrogen into the air that he could then solve the problem with water but where would he put it. So he then has the genius idea to fill the space suits of his former crew members with water so he could hold at least 100 gallons of water in just each of these suits so he solved that what about the bacteria the potatoes would need to sprout. But until next blog this is a cliff hanger bye.
Edward Lueras #7 3/13/16 Animal Fakes & Frauds by Peter Dance page 121 3rd quarter #1 prompt #9
Animal Fakes & Frauds dives into the many renditions of fake animals over the years. From the early myths of the Greek Pegasus to the modern jackalope this book is gripping with its presentation. I like how each chapter is very organized with one subject and pictures to provide visual aid. I also like how the author cites resources to give background to the era in which the fake animal was made. Each chapter not only gives background on how the fraudulent animal was made but also why the maker would create the thing, often for money or fame. The author, in some chapters where information exists, gives perspective on the skeptics who saw the fakes firsthand. The author cites quotes from believers and nonbelievers of the animals which shows the public's belief at the time. The book does cover many of the widely known animal fakes but skips a few. The book briefly skims some myths and hoaxes probably because of lack of information known. Overall this is a great book that gives information not only on the hoaxes, but also on the people that created them, their motives, skepticism, background on the time and place of the event, and citations from the time period. The author pulls together all his resources to make a well organized book complete with pictures and referencing. The author generally makes it interesting to read on the topic of fake and fraudulent animals chapter to chapter.
#1 Matthew Burnette Hit and Miss Derek Jeter Pg.105 Log 8
Alright so first this book is all about Derek Jeter and his childhood. This is the second book and I have read the first one. I am not done with the book yet but the main conflict in the book is there is this new kid on their baseball team and that goes to his school. His name is Dave and Derek decided to try to make a new friend. Well he made friends with him, but the whole school thinks he is a snob but he is actually not if you get to know him. They all think he is a snob because he is rich and is from Beverly Hills. He isn't so great at baseball because he just joined the team to make friends. So Derek decided to teach him at the hill where everyone form the royal town house community plays. So Derek and Dave are waiting for Derek's friends and when the come they were mean to Dave and said why did you bring him here so Dave went in the car and left. Derek got really mad at his friends and even his best friend who went through the same situation who was from India. So Derek is trying to help be good friends with Dave and his other friends, but they aren't accepting him. I think later on in the book Dave will either stand up and make new friends or Derek's friends with accept him so they could help him on his baseball skills not for Dave, but for the team.
#9 Ethan Powell The Hardy Boys Franklin W. Dixon Pg. 178 Prompt #5 The thieves have done it again. Stolen another car and retreated to their den. The Hardys are on the case. The police are on the chase. People becoming suspicious. Soon the Dodds will be swimming with the fishes. Running out of time. The thieves den the Hardys must find. Found the den off Shore Road. The thieves pack a boat with quite the load. The car thieves are caught by the Hardys dad. Now the town is safe and glad.
#2 Jack Cardeno Lords of the Sith Paul S. Kemp Page 219 Log 3, 3rd Quarter
Darth Vader was the strongest of the Sith Lords. After the events on Ryloth, (where the book takes place) Vader and his master, Darth Sidious, or the Emperor, have built a weapon capable of mass destruction known as the Death Star. Vader and his master were the most tyrannical Sith Lords to ever live. They ended up controlling the entire galaxy, and had destroyed many planets with the Death Star. Vader thought he was going to rule the galaxy with his master, but had two major blockades stopping him from controlling the galaxy. His children.Vader was formerly known as Anakin Skywalker, but before turning to the Dark Side had children. His children Luke and Leia Skywalker were separated at birth, but would come together to defeat Vader. They destroyed the original Death Star, but had a second one in construction after the first one was built. Vader and Sidious managed to get to the second Death Star, while Luke was training on Dagoba with the legendary Jedi Yoda. Vader’s second Death Star had a shield system, but was destroyed on the planet Endor. Luke confronted Darth Vader after his Yoda’s death. Luke flew to the Death Star and let himself be captured by the Empire. Vader and Luke faced off in the second Death Star, but Vader sacrificed himself to save his son. His master had forced his son to join the Dark Side, or kill him. Though Vader may have died in the end, he was remembered for what he did whether it was good or bad.
#3Daniel Chapin Bodies Gold Finished Dear, author I was not a fan of the writing of this book. I thank you because it gives me insight to how the people lived and what it was like during the famouse gold rush. I dont like how you describe the town because it was so unbareable and boring. I did not like the mataphores you used in this book. There were absolutely no cool and interesting facts in this book. One thing that I did not like was that there were times in the reading of this book that I almost quit because there were tons of boring facts. The first part was exiting because I really liked the backround of this particular town. Twards the end it got a little boring. My favoritething about this book is that I read itand I actually went to the town and I saw how perfect you had described it. The best part about the reading of this book is probrobly the ending. The reason that I say this now is because it ended. To tell the truth I would never recommend this book to anybody I know, unless they were incredibly boring. The biggest problem with this book is that at one point it got good with some fun facts bu then the whole rest of the book it was so boring. There were only two good parts to the book. In heighnsight Irealize that I should not have picked this book. All in all I will never read this book again, even to save my life.
#15 Zachary Tittle 3-15-16 Diary of a Wimpy Kid Jeff Kinney Log 6 blog 5 Speaker: Hello everyone! Glad that your tuning in to this nights “Late Night Show With Zach” Me: Glad to be here, thank you. Today we have a special guest, he is the main character in the movie and book Diary of a Wimpy Kid, GREEEEEEEG HEEFFFFLEYYYY!(cheers in the backround) Greg: Thank you Zach for letting me come out here tonight. Me: Your welcome, so tonight I will be asking a series of questions to your life, is that OK with you? Greg: Of course it is, that is why I am here. Me: OK then, lets get started. The first question is form a fan all the way from London, “What is your favorite thing to do with your best friend Rowley?” Greg: Well, sad to say it but Rowley and I don’t hang out that much anymore, but we used to just do whatever. We would play video games, pull pranks, and sleep over at one of our houses. Those were the good days before him and Abigale got together. Me: Well how does that make you feel? Greg: What do you mean and about what? Me: I mean how does Rowley and Abigale make you feel, them being in a relationship and all. Greg: Well it is very weird they always talk. At first they sat at our table but then it started weirding out all the guys at our table. Then they moved to the couples tab…. Me: Well I’m so sorry that we couldn’t finish but that is all the time we have. Thank you everyone for tuning in to “The late night show with Zach”!!! Thank you again and see you next week!
#9 Matt Montoya 3-15-16 The Scorch Trials James Dashner Pages 78-331 Blog Option #1
Dear Diary, It’s been a long journey that has still not completed yet. It’s hot, windy, and the weather is against us it seems all the time. We are running very low on all of our supplies. Some of our supplies are: water, food, clothing, and shelter supplies. I am scared of what is to come and our main plan is to keep safe and everyone stays together and not get split up. If we do end up splitting up, I fear for the worst to happen. The final standoff is soon to be here and we have only so much time to prepare for our standoff. The weather is one of our main problems and we haven’t found any shelter so far. We are trying to reach the city but every turn we hit a obstacle that we have to overcome to be able to reach the city. Some new kid has joined our group but he is very shy and wont talk much. I hope that we make it out alive through all that is happening but if I don’t make sure my family is okay. And whoever finds this diary and reads, know that we gave it our best to make it out of the Scorch Trials. It is rough and hard to overcome. I don’t know who to trust anymore after our old friend Ally turned his back on us and almost killed me. I have so much on my mind and it is hard to focus on my main goal, which is to escape the Scorch Trials and return home.
#5 Isabella Holiday Paper Towns John Green Log# 10 pg. end of book 3-7-16 Margo leaves ___ to show where she has gone. Clues B. Food C.trails D. Maps 2. Margo gets revenge on ____ for cheating on her A.Ben B. Jase C. Lucy D. Chase 3. ______ did not participate in organized sports A. Margo B. Jase C. Chuck Parson D. Meghan 4. ________ got a baseball scholarship to the University of Florida. A. Jase B. Ben C. Chuck D. Radar 5. Radar and Ben are _______ best friends A. Quentin B. Lucy C. Margo D. Jase 6. Quentin got _______ for his birthday A. car keys B. a shirt C. a dog D. a cat 7. Quentin got his own ______ for graduation. A. car B. house C. room D. bed 8. Margo climbed int Quentin's ______ at night A. bed B. Car C. closet D. Bed room 9. Margo's last name is _______ A. Spiegelman B. Taco C. San D. Ageles 10.Margo's ex boyfriend is ______ A. Radar B. Chuck C. Jase D. Ben 11. Radar is in love with Angela T/F 12. Radars parents are not black santa obsessed T/F 13. Ben, Radar, and Quentin only where their graduation robe for graduation T/F 14. Lacy goes with the boys to find Margo T/F 15. At the end of the book Margo goes back home with Quentin T/F 16. Why did Margo and Jase break up? 17. Who did Quentin get a picture of naked? 18. Where was the first clue left? 19. Where does Quentin hang out before school? 20. Which city do they find Margo in? Essay. What is the secret to leaving? Answers1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. T 12. F 13. T 14.T 15.F 16. He cheats on her. 17. Jase 18.In Margo's bed room 19. outside of the band room 20. Agloe Essay: The secret of leaving is that it only feels good to leave when your'e leaving for something important." You have to pull life out by the roots. But you can't do that until your life has grown roots."
Matthew Kim#7 The Fifth Wave Rick Yancey Pg. 457 Log #4
Many years ago, before the waves of terror occurred, there were aliens living in certain people in the world. They were here since the ancient Egyptians and the conquest of the Alexander the Great. They were watching us, studying us, learning every move we do. Yet, we still did not know they were here. While we were living our lives, they were preparing to take over the world. Cassie was a girl who witnessed the terror of the aliens, but let’s talks about her life before. Cassie was sitting in her science class listening to her boring science teacher’s lecture. She looked at the clock. Two minutes left until she can go home. She stared at the bell waiting for it to ring. The bell went off. She grabbed her bag and her supplies and rushed out the door. She ran past the sea of people to get home first. She burst out the door and ran home. She opened the door to her house and placed her backpack down. Cassie went upstairs into her room and shut the door. Cassie walked past her karate belt collection and sat on her bed. Cassie wasn’t the most popular girl at school. She lived a normal life. She had a mom, dad, and little brother, she did karate, and had a crush on a boy named Ben. She was tired. She crawled onto her bed and fell asleep. Cassie went on with her normal life every day. Going to school and going home. Then one day, it all changed. Cassie was now older. She was in high school. It started out like a normal day. She brushed past Ben and walked into her history class. She was about to sit down when a loud bomb like noise went off. She looked over at the window and saw planes falling from the skies. It was time the aliens put their plan to action. The first wave had started.
#2 Sarah Chiaromonte 3/17/16 Ellie’s Story W. Bruce Cameron 1-190 or finish
My name is Sarah and I just started in the academy. I am worried about missions, but I know I can get through it. I work in the K-9 department and I have seen things I wish I couldn’t. The worse was when I was on the case and a crazy lunatic went crazy and shot himself in the leg. He wanted to suffer. There was so much blood; it burned my nose and eyes. My dogs name is Gypsy. She is very enthusiastic and loves to go on missions. She plays with Ellie when she is in the kennel. I remember when we were on a case, and Ellie’s owner; Jacob was shot down by a man who was being arrested for kidnap. He was taken by helicopter and his dog was left with the other cops. Luckily one of the training cops was happy to take her. Her name was Maya and she was trying so hard to get in. She took her home most days while Jacob would recover. It turns out Jacob will not be taking home Ellie home any time soon. He probably won’t be coming back to the academy either. Ellie is great at finding missing people. That is the field she is training in. We had to go to a mission that was far away and we had to try to save people in fallen buildings. There had been a huge earthquake and the city was foul and covered in rubble. Gypsy and I were out searching and so were Maya and Ellie. We found a few people in time, but not all. I caught up with Maya and she was worried about Ellie. They had not found any people in time. I felt bad, but before I could say anything, I was pulled away by Gypsy. She smelled someone and wanted to find them in time. When we were out, Ellie went to find someone and fell into an acid puddle, but saved the person. She was out for a while, while Ellie was healing. Once she came back, they were back on the job. We were all called in to a school calling with a missing child. The child had gone out to far while playing a game. Ellie had to jump into the sewer and save the kid. They ended up saving him and Ellie was a hero. Later that year Maya got married. I was her brides’ maid and caught the flower bunch she threw. Maybe I will be lucky next I don’t know, but all I know is that Maya and I had a very eventful year.
#11 Preston Parker 3/8/16 Language Arts The Martian Pg. 153 Andy Weir Option-4 Spoiler Alert!!!!! In the Martian the main theme is survival or distress. In this book Mark Watney is stranded on mars with almost no hope of survival or escape. He changes his lifestyle but not his personality when he is left by his team on accident on mars. He was impaled with a satellite antenna and his bio monitor went from regular to zero and no readings. He then is left to ration food in order to survive on this desert planet. He then realizes how to survive in the most creative way possible. He would be the first person to grow food or any plant on mars. He then takes some potatoes that N.A.S.A sent up for them to feast on at thanksgiving. He then cuts the eyes of the potato and plants them in the Hab where he leaves because it has the right atmospheric pressure allowing him to plant in the Hab. Isn’t that genius. Mark Watney then waited and added water to his crops to allow them to grow and sprout but he still hadn’t figured out how he would make enough water for the plant to survive. So he then realized that the MDV would have enough hydrogen that he could produce and engineer enough water out of burning hydrogen into the air that he could then solve the problem with water but where would he put it. So he then has the genius idea to fill the space suits of his former crew members with water so he could hold at least 100 gallons of water in just each of these suits so he solved that what about the bacteria the potatoes would need to sprout. But until next blog this is a cliff hanger bye.
#8 Gannon McDonald Blog one, Quarter three, Log Number Three Page: two hundred and twenty two. Sandra Brown Hayes was a sniper years before, sadly, he stopped being one. His habit though, was always having a bunch of guns under his floor. He stopped being a sniped for this main reason, he killed so many people that it haunted him to the point he was done. After that day, he was never the same, he was such a good sniper, but he suddenly disappeared because he didn’t want to kill anymore. He was so good that an FBI agent was looking for him to try and recruit him again. He turned it down several times, changed his address, changed his phone number, and then switched from leaving on ground level, to the mountains. The FBI agent was so flustered that he couldn’t get a hold of Hayes anymore, that he gave up, until years later… Dr. Emory (a pediatrician and marathon runner) was running when suddenly a rock was thrown at her while she was training for the upcoming marathon. She was going to bleed out to death, but Hayes (creepily) was using binoculars to watch Emory while she was running. He took her into his house and treated her, but when she awoke she asked fought back. He was flustered but did not hit her or hurt her at all. She asked him for his name, his past was so dark that he didn’t tell her. She had found his gun stash, and she knew he was a killer.
#6 Sienna Inman Never Broken By: Jewel Kilcher Page #125 3rd Qtr - Blog 5 Prompt 4
A theme in the book is strength and hope. The main character in this true story is a girl named Jewel. The book is about her life growing up an Alaskan girl who's passion is to sing for a living. In the book strength is shown when her parents go through a divorce and her Dad is left to raise her and her two brothers alone. Strength is also shown through her when her Dad becomes a drunk and keeps having his very many girlfriends over. Hope is shown through her when she has to start attending a new school. She has hope that she will make new friends and develop to the school quickly. As she grows up she starts singing more with her Dad in bars around the town. She has to have strength in the bars being so young. Sometimes bar fights would break out and the bicker girls would have to take care of her in the bathroom until the fight came to an end. Or until the cops were called and broke it up. “When I saw the red lights flashing through the window, I set my mic down silently mid-song and walked from the stage to the bathroom so I wouldn't get kicked out for singing in there underage. I knew the routine. A couple of the bicker men saw me do this and nodded to their woman, who silently followed me to keep me company.” She had to have hope that she would stay safe while being in the bar. Men would come up to her and call her out on her beauty and would sometimes warn her that in that town she could get kidnapped by some man that thought she was pretty. As she grew older she was asked by a man to come on tour and sing with him after hearing her amazing voice. After a few shows with him she had to leave the tour because he started to get very friendly with her. So Jewel had to have a lot of strength and hope growing up. Even though she would have to go through even more as she grew even older.
Dear, Jenny if I were in your position with these friends I would be crying every single night. You don’t deserve to be treated like this it is not fair. I think you should talk to your mom about what is happening at school and how people are excluding you in everything. I know this is a hard time but it is the right thing to do. You should stand up to Brook and say that you are feeling excluded and talk to her what she is doing and tell her how she should fix it. Sometimes there are going to be hard things and mean people in your life but that’s just how life is. We all have bad days and that just lets appreciate the great days even more. Brook is one of those people in your life when she doesn’t see that she’s doing something mean but then when you go up to her and say what she is doing wrong she will fix it. Whale this entire Brook stuff is going on try not to think about it just talk and hang out with your other friends. Remember that when there are mean people stand up to them tell them what they are doing wrong and then you will just get back to your normal life. Through all of this never forget that Jesus is with you every moment and every second. He knew you before you could know yourself. You are loved!! Sincerely, Janessa
#9 Jake O’Brien “13 Hours” Mitchell Zuckoff Blog #4 One of the main soldiers that served in the “13 Hours” story was Jack Silva. Jack was a merciless battle over the course of a 13 Hour battle as stated in the title of the book. After the confrontation was the terrorist in Libya, Jack decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with his wife and two daughters at home in the United States. Even though Jack had finally made it back home that terrible thirteen hour still haunted him to that day. He had been fighting not only for his own life but for the lives of his fellow soldiers and the other Americans that been sitting in the consulate waiting to find out whether or not they would be able to go home and back to their families. After many hours it seemed like they had been fighting for a lifetime and it was never going to end. Until the terrorist had finally seemed to have stopped coming. Little did they know that they had not yet stopped, they had only retreated to go and load their last weapon of resort. This weapon were mortar bombs. Tragically as it seemed like it was finally the last hour of this never ending war, a rain of mortar fire came crashing from the sky. This was the cause of two of the other marines fighting alongside to Jack Silva. This haunted jack because of the fact that he was not able to save on the soldiers that fought next to Jack for many years before this confrontation. The other reason why Jack would never forget this day because of the other Americans that lost their lives trying to survive the onslaught that was inflicted by the terrorist of Benghazi. These American lives included Ambassador Christopher J. Stevens who was trying to give the people of the middle east a new life that included days that didn’t involve gunfire being heard miles away or people walking down the street with guns in their hands. The other American life was State Department computer specialist, Sean Smith. Jack was haunted by this day because he felt like he failed because he couldn’t bring home those Americans who deserved to live another day at home with their families, just like he had been doing now.
#13 Emilia Shahverdian 3/15/16 Blog 1 Quarter 3 Page 169 The Martian by Andy Weir Log Number 9
I love the way that the author puts you in the situation that Mark is in. Andy Weir shows you the hopelessness that Mark feels after his crew leaves. When you begin to read the book you start to think about what you would do if you were in Mark’s situation. Ever since I started reading the book I have become more interested in astronomy and survival situations. Andy Weir has done a phenominal job in describing how a biologist survives on Mars. I love how the book is like an emotional roller coaster filled with doubt, struggles, trials, survival, hopelessness, courage, bravery, and resourcefulness. The challenges, disappointments, frustrations and near-death experiences that Mark faced during the more than eighteen months he lived on Mars is astonishing to me. I know that the book is fictional but the scientific element of the book makes it seem very realistic. This book could really happen though which is why I like it so far. The one thing that I hate that the author did was to include the very dense and boring details of the situation at the beginning of the book. Mark has emotions that we can and should relate to. He never gives up and he finds a way to improve his situation. The way he solves problems the intelligent and logical way. With books like The Martian you feel a very personal connection with the main character and you feel like you are there with them. When they have failures you feel upset, and when they have victories you feel accomplished. I recommend that anyone who loves to read, and those who love astronomy and science read this book. It is a book that is meant for those who appreciate the world of science.
#7 Gregory Luciano Closer by Gordon and Williams Prompt #5 Page 643 At the end of the tunnel, I saw a bright light I had lost all for what was in sight I heard someone whisper, "Don't give up now." "You can do it, I showed you how." I finally realized I had to get that hope back I once had Get my faith back,be happy, not sad Now my mind became clear I was almost there, I saw Dr. Burrow The tunnel became more narrow Haunting noises came close behind The hooded men did not seem kind I ran for all my might Just incase I held my shovel in my hand tight I must not give up and stop For I had to reach the top The darkness was starting to fade and the light was becoming brighter If I wanted to succeed in this life, I knew I had to fight her The light at the end of the tunnel was close, just around the bend My heart finally was able to mend There before me was the light I finally had made it through with all my might I was able to overcome it My hope was back, and to think I was going to quit.
#10 luke Obrien 3/15/16 Blog#4 Velocity Dean koontz Prompt #1 I honestly have no idea why I do this. Deep down inside me I want someone to stop me. I know I cannot stop myself, I have already gone fallen far into the abyss in which I cannot pull myself out of. I have always wanted to stop but I have always been too stuborn to do it myself. the only escape I can think of would be the horrible act of taking my own life. Which would be too much weight on my shoulders after thinking about all it day. I have taken up religion but that has not helped me in the slightest. I know there is a god who can hear me, but I feel as if he will not listen to my cries of agony as I feel regret for those I have hurt. The bad things I do feel so good as I’m doing it, but when I’m done with this sin, its only for a moment that I have joy. When that moment is gone, all I feel is a covering of regret, sorrow, and helplessness flow over me. Since this act of sin feels so good, I cannot stop doing it. even if it only last a couple of seconds, it feels great. All I think about is the families I tear apart after I kill one of their loved ones. This is the issue that I cannot stop on my own. And that is why I pray to God that he will give me something else to help me with this problem.
#17 CJ Zeller 3/15/16 Deltora Quest books 5-8 Emily Rodda Pg, 150 Blog option 7
I think that this book so far is very good. I like how Emily Rodda shows friendship in this book ex: “ Lief shook his head violently, his eyes still fixed on the figures by the spring.” “I cannot go,” he hissed. “ I cannot let them kill my friend.” To me this shows me that Barda really cares about his friend and to me that’s true friendship. Another thing that interests me is how Emily Rodda is able to describe fear ex: “Afterwards, he cursed himself for his stupid thoughtlessness. He had just assumed that Prin was unconscious. But Prin was very much awake, lying motionless in an agony fear. Feeling unknown hands upon her she squealed in terror.” Another thing that interests me is how Emily Rodda described how the guards and how there feet were tied into the ground like a tree stump ex: “For the guards were screaming. They were staggering, stopping. Their feet were sprouting roots that snaked into the earth, tying them into place.’ Another thingthat interests me is how Emily Rodda describes sadness ex: “A feeling of sadness swept over the group. There was a long silence. Jasmine fidgeted uncomfortably.” The last thing thing that interests me is how Emily Rodda describes death ex: “To be a prisoner of the Shadow Lord is worse than death,” Lief whispered,” I would recommend this book to my friends because I think it is a great book and is very interesting what will happen next.
Kachina Blair #2 I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic Lauren Tershis Pg.96 Prompt #3
Me: So George what was it like having you mom pass away?
George: Well, it was very sad and my father was very depressed.
Me: So what is it like when you get in trouble?
George: Well, I will get sent to the army school if I don’t behave. So I am trying not to get into trouble.
Me: Do you have any relatives that you would like to visit?
George: Yes, my and is coming to pick my sister and I up. The thing is I don’t know where we are going.
Me: Where would you like to go while you are with your aunt?
George: Well, I would like to go to England.
Me: When is your aunt going to pick you up?
George: Well, tonight is when she is supposed to pick me up.
Me: Did you have fun in England?
George: No, I didn’t have fun in England. My aunt dragged me to fancy shoe stores.
Me: Well, where are going to now?
George: I am going on the biggest ship, the Titanic.
Me: Have you gotten into trouble in the last few weeks?
George: Yes, but just a little. I have wondered around and scared my aunt.
Me: Well, what are you going to do now? George: I will go have dinner now. My aunt is probably worrying about me. Me: Thanks for letting me interview you. George: Your welcome.
Joshua Quintana #10 Blog #1 Quarter 3 3/17/16 Diary of a Wimpy Kid (The Third Wheel) By Jeff Kinney
Diary of a Wimpy Kid “The Third Wheel” is a book where Greg wants to find love but ends up failing. The school Valentines Dance is coming up at his and he wants to invite someone to the dance so he isn't left out. He ends up inviting a girl named Abigale, and his friend Rowley as his wing-man. They go in Mr. Jefferson (Rowley’s Dad's) car. Greg treats him like a plain old driver and calls him driver which I thought was funny. Greg plans to take them to eat a fancy nicer type resteraunt but his jacket is dirty from the car and so they end up getting kicked out. They ended up going to “Corney’s” a family oriented resteraunt that Greg had gone to before and had a bad experience. Rowley's tie was cut off and hung on the “Tie Hall of Shame.” Abigale and Rowley both ordered the fanciest thing which was the T-Bone steak. While Greg got a plain hamburger to save money. They then drove to the school Valentines Dance and Greg ends up being the third wheel because Abigale and Rowley fall in love. I thought this book was very funny and had a funny yet entertaining story. This book was also very interesting for me to read. If I were to rate this book it would be a 9.5/10
#4christopher Grothues Travel team Mike lupica Blog 5 Log 8 Pg. 150 The main problem in this book is this guy named Danny was always the smallest guy on his team. Ever since first grade he was always the smallest in his class. Everybody called him,” little guy.” Danny was trying out for basketball and everybody said, “Are you in the right age group.” Even though Danny was very small he could pass. That’s why he always made it on the basketball team. Danny didn’t care how small he was. Danny could shoot very well too. Whenever somebody passed him the ball he always made it. Everybody kept telling Danny that he couldn’t make it to the basketball team. Danny was in the sixth grade at this time. Another problem in the story nobody wanted to hang out with him because he was so small. The guess of his height would be four foot 5. He was very short for his age. He was the best passer on his team that’s why he is always drafted on the team. Danny was very smart in school and that’s why he could always play basketball. He was a very smart student. TY and Danny were best friends since they were born. Ty was a very good dribbler. Another problem in the book was everybody didn’t like when Danny always joined the team. In Danny’s first game he did very well. The coach said he did very well for his first game.
#3 Ethan Crenshaw Malice Chris Wooding Blog #4 Page 80
It is about these two kids called Seth and Kady tell story's to the rumors that are true. But they think it is a silly myth that know one believes in. After a couple of minutes the lights when out and then one of the rumors disappeared. They went to go save their friend. They went to Malice which is a world that exists. They found this very tall hill and over that was a big place full of dark things and scary things. So they went in and saw a dark hall way. One of the kids went to see it and then he got eaten up by a dark monster. Seth and Kady moved along and herd lots of scary noises. It was very weird when there was something moving in a cabin it was Malice. He was the person who toke that kid. The main problem is these kids have to find there friend that is lost in a very big village. The person who made this world was Malice. He is a evil person. The people who try to save them is Seth, Kady and some kids. Also a dad and Luke which was one of the kids. Seth is the only one who makes it out alive and his friends are with Malice.
A boy named Joe traveled back in time with his father to me Babe Ruth. They wanted to see if Babe Ruth really called his shot when he hit the homerun. After a crazy story they got to meet Babe Ruth and find out that he really did call his shot. A few years later Joe spread the news to people. There were a group of kid who did not believe him. All Joe wanted to do was prove to them that he really did meet Babe Ruth and really did get his autograph. Joe remembered that Flip had the ball that was signed and then sold it because he had to save his shop. The boys were being mean to Joe because they thought that he was a liar. If only Joe took pictures while he was in the past with his dad and Babe Ruth. He went to see his dad to see if he had anything to show the kids from when he saw Babe Ruth. His dad searched all around his house and did not have anything. Then Joe thought maybe he could find the person that bought the ball. Joe went over to Flip Valentine and asked him if he knew who the people were that bought the ball. Flip drove Joe to where the people who bought Babe Ruth's ball lived, but they were not home. When they walked up to their front door there was a note left, it read “Gone to Arizona for spring training!”. Before Flip and Joe left they had wrote down the phone number of the people that had the ball. Flip and I went home. When we returned a week later the note had been removed from their front door. We knocked and rang the doorbell and got no answer. Then we heard something in the backyard that sounded like voices. We opened the gate leading to the backyard and saw people in the yard, they were very surprised when they saw us. They recognized Flip, they approached him and asked him what he is doing here. Flip explained the situation to them and why we needed the baseball back, they understood and agreed to sell it back to us for two thousand dollars. We knew that they were asking a lot of money for the ball but we also knew it was worth it. We made an agreement and they sold the ball back to us. It took us an hour and a half to get home, I had Flip drive me directly to the kids that didn't believe me about the ball to prove it to them. Not one of them could believe I actually had a ball signed by the one and only Babe Ruth. It took a lot to get the ball back but it was all worth it. Now Flip and I have a ball signed by the best baseball player that ever lived.
#6 Italia Holiday Sunny Side Up Page number : 167 Log #5 Raina Telgemier
Once there was a girl named sunshine, She was quite fine and very kind, She went to the state Florida, But she was originally from Georgia, She finally went home, So she was never alone.
Once there was a pup who needed a home, And a girl who wanted a pup, She searched and searched for one that needed someone, And finally there she was lying there, And she took her home before anyone
My #14 Jada Wynn When You Reach Me Rebecca Stead 3rd Quarter, Blog #5 Page: Finished I feel pain in my arms, From trying to reach you. All I can do is cry, Every single night, Longing for you to be there in plain sight I've lost all means of communication, I bet I'll never really see you. I don't want to have this burden, But it hurts so bad. My feelings are enclosed, And I cannot stay composed. My emotions run rampant, All over the planet. I am so afraid, That my worries will affect someone else. I will always be waiting for you, Hoping that you will pop up out of the blue. Please come back to me. When will my cries reach you? When will I hear your laugh again? When will I hear your darling voice? Until then I cannot rejoice. Please make these thoughts go away, I cannot bare for them to stay. I just feel like screaming, I can't keep smiling, I'm hurt, I'm tormented, I'm in shreds inside. I'm slowly dying. I'm sick of it all, The work, The tears, The loneliness. It's all lies, Please come back to me. You know... The phrase, A person is a memory itself. You're my greatest memory. A person's smile can make you happy, A look from that special one can make everything better. The person in the phrase, I think, Is you.
#8 Joe McElroy Diary of a wimpy kid Old School Jeff Kinney pg.169 log #5
There was a kid named Greg, He went to camp, He thought he was glad but really was sad, When he saw he under packed, he got really sad because he had no blanket.
#12 Leo Sellarole Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Old School Jeff Kinney Page 207 3-17-16 Blog #5 Quarter #3 Prompt #2 Dear Greg Heffley, Sorry your dad has been on tour back. Glad you got to get away to camp at Hardscrabble Farms. I am here to give you some advice on how to survive at camp. First I heard you are having to test your abilities at camp for one night. You should find a good space with at least three trees close to each other. Then find long wood branches and use dried straw to make rope to tie the logs together the make walls and fasten the walls to the tree leaving a space to get in. now do the same for the roof and lay it upon the top edges of the walls and fasten the roof to the tree. Dig a whole in the center of your hut two a foot and half deep to create your fire. Us the matches and dried leaves to start the fire. If you have any warm blankets bring them all you could use one as a flap to keep closed when not in your hut. Going back to the hut any wholes cover with leaves and use tree sap to make them stick. Second is find some kind of water source nearby to use to bath in if you found a lemon you could use it like a soap or deodorant. To avoid any bugs use any citronella around to repel them. Examples bergamot, lavender, etc. these are some of my tips to help you survive the night with only what is around you. Good luck Greggory and have fun. Your Friend, Leo
Greg Heffley decides to keep a journal, on him at all times because his mother wants him to, but also because he wants something he can give to people who ask him questions once he is rich and famous. Greg likes to draw cartoons about his day. Greg details his every day life as a middle school student and gives his opinion on bullying, why girls like boys, where to sit on the first day of class, how to draw cartoons and different other topics, such as the cheese touch. The cheese touch is a middle school ailment similar to cooties that comes from touching an old piece of cheese that rests beneath the basketball hoop on his school's playground. If you touch it, you have the cheese touch until you touch someone else. Then they have it. At home, Greg is a middle child. Greg's older brother, Rodrick, plays practical jokes on him; Greg thinks his younger brother, Manny, is spoiled. He believes that his parents don't understand him. They do unforgivable things, such as telling him to stop playing video games and go outside. When that happens, Greg goes to someone else's house and plays video games. Greg's best friend is Rowley. They became friends because Greg felt sorry for Rowley. All the mean things that Rodrick does to Greg, Greg does to Rowley, along with a few ideas of his own. Rowley stops hanging out with him. Greg does not understand why. But later, when his classmates ask how the cheese under the basketball hoop disappeared and Greg knows that a group of older bullies made Rowley eat it, he tells his classmates that he threw the cheese away. Although his class now flees his cheese touch, he and Rowley resume hanging out together.
Hello, I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Here it is! This is the first blog of the quarter. Follow the directions carefully and post your thoughts thoroughly. Remember this is not a summary of the book. This is your opportunity to show your understanding of the text and engage the class in your story. I am looking forward to reading your entries.
#16 Trevor Stubbs
ReplyDeleteBlog Prompt#4
Pg. 300
The theme of the book “Theme is a fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.” (sparknotes.com) Tom Sawyer is a very mischievous kid that is kind but wants to have adventures with his friends. Tom wants to show that life is supposed to be spent the way you want it to be not how other people want it to be. Tom and Huck love to go on adventures sometimes the law interferes with what they did but they do it for a reason. Huck sometimes wants to do it fast and easy. But Tom is like no we are going to get the best of this adventure no matter what happens. He wants them to have people chasing him but he will what until people see him being mischievous. That is why he does what he wants because he does not want people to make him do something he does not want to do. Tom takes what people would consider a dream and turns it into reality and that is why he is trouble and such a cool kid. Tom and Huck make dreams a reality that is why they are always getting chased by someone and never in school or working on the farm. Tom mom loves him because she knows that he means no harm to her or anyone else he encounters he is just a child that wants to have fun with his friends that is why he loves going on adventures.
#12 Alexis Raya
ReplyDeleteReady Player One
Ernest Cline
Pg. 200
Log #4
One of the themes in Ready Player One is escape. In the book, OASIS was designed as an escape from society. The world deteriorated and was left in destruction. This happened out of neglect to the world. No one paid any attention to what was happening around them because they escaped from the real, non-virtual world. The escaped to a virtual world called OASIS. OASIS was a place where anybody could be who they wanted to be. Everyone could have what they wanted. OASIS provided free education and jobs. People could even design their avatar. OASIS is the complete escape from the world. It is the ultimate escape. The issue is that escapes, even the ultimate escape, do not fix anything. Everything still stays the same. You cannot run away from your problems. It is necessary to fix the issues around you. In a sense, OASIS is like people running away from their problems. When you run away, the problems become bigger and they do not leave. Ignoring issues does not solve anything. It will not make the issue leave or grow smaller. The world in the book, Ready Player One, is like our own worlds that we live in. If we neglect our world for long enough, it will deteriorate. Our world will be destroyed. We need to face the issues in presented to us. What will be of us if the world that we live in is destroyed? But in reality, this is not our world that we live in and these are not our lives to control and escape from. This is God’s world and God created our lives. We should live our lives for God and not neglect the issues in our lives.
#15 Kayla Sin
ReplyDeleteThe Darkest Minds
Alexandra Bracken
Pg. 488
Journal Entry #1
I can’t believe I actually joined the Children’s League. I never thought it would come to this. I should have read the letter before we wasted our time to find Jack’s dad. Chubs would not have been shot, Liam would not be gone, and I would not be with the League. It’s all my fault. I could have been the one to get shot, and then no one else would have to suffer from me. At least Liam is safe. I miss him so much. It’s only been a day and I feel like I haven’t seen him in an eternity. Letting go of the ones you love is one of the hardest things to do. I did more than that though; I wiped his entire memory of me. If I ever find him again, he won’t remember what we had. He’ll never remember what I see as the greatest moments of my life. I never wanted to do that to him but it was the only way to keep him safe. If he stayed, the League would have destroyed the man I fell in love with and morphed him into the person he was avoiding to become. Now I am stuck here…and Chubs if he survives his gun wound. Over the past few months I have probably made the most friendships I’ll ever live to have. I have also lost all those people I care about. My heart feels empty, there is nothing to love or hope for. Not even myself. I am just an Orange monster that does not have anyone to go to. I guess I’ll have to try and move on with life but I already know that it will never be the same, ever since I ran into Zu at the gas station. At least I have a place to stay right now. I had them see me as an asset so they would not kill me or Liam. I wish I can go back to the times it was the three of us in Black Betty, especially the time where Liam and I were on lookout that one night before we left the car. That is one memory that won’t slip away.
#10 Jayden Ramirez
Veronica Roth
Pg 88 (I read 137 pgs from another book)
Log #1
Dear Diary,
A lot has happened this past week. The day of my aptitude test, I received Abnegation. I knew exactly what was going on because my father had told me what to expect. (He is the leader of Abnegation). My instructor that injected me with the serum was named Tori. The serum hurt a bit but not more than what my father does to me at home. As I walked home from the aptitude test, I encountered a factionless person. He told me that he knew me from somewhere and I replied that my father was the leader of Abnegation, but he said he knew me from my mother. It shocked me because I have not talked about him in a while. She died when I was young. The conversation I had with the factionless man was very odd. When I got home my father asked me what faction I received from my aptitude test. I told him I received Abnegation, even though I am not supposed to tell anyone. My father had one of his best friends over for dinner, Andrew Prior. I went to my bed and ate dinner there. As I was going to bed, I was thinking of my mom. She gave me something that I have locked up and I was looking at it. When my dad walked in, he asked me what I was doing. I lied to him and he knew I was lying so he whipped me. I always have that fear of him inside of me. The only way out of this fear was to transfer to a different faction. The next morning, I went to the ceremony where I choose where to be for the rest of my life. I chose Dauntless. I wanted to be free, free from fear.
#14 Anthony Salgado
ReplyDeleteStar Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Ryder Windham
prompt #10
True or False
1. The rebel base was secretly hidden on the planet Endor.
2. Luke gets captured by a beast called a wampa.
3. Han uses the blaster pistol called the E-11.
4. The giant metal tanks that the imperials used in the battle of hoth are called AT-STs'.
5. Luke recuperated in a bacta tank.
Multiple Choice
1. Luke survives in the cold inside which animal?
2. Luke goes to which planet to train to become a Jedi?
3. Han's trusted first-mate is
4. The ships used in the Battle of Hoth are called
c.T-47 Airspeeders
5. The old friend that Han and company meet on Cloud City is
a.Ben Kenobi
b.Bail Organa
d.Lando Calrissian
6. The most dangerous bounty hunter that the crew encounters on cloud city is
b.Boba Fett
7. Boba Fett wields the blaster rifle called the
a. E-11
b. EE-3
c. DL-44
d. T-21B
8. Luke's lightsaber is
9. Lando's pistol is called the
10. Han is frozen in
Short Answer
1. Who is Luke's father?
2.Luke is trained by which master Jedi?
3. What is the name of Boba Fett's ship?
4. What is the name of Han Solo's ship?
5.Boba is collecting a bounty on Han for who?
Essay Question: What would your reaction be to Vader being your Father? Did you expect it? Would you join him in the dark side?
Answer Key
True or False
Multiple Choice
4.T-47 airspeeds
5.Lando Calrissian
6.Boba Fett
Short Answer
1.Anakin Skywalker
3.Slave 1
4.The Millennium Falcon
Essay: My reaction to Vader being my father is that I would be pretty surprised. I would've not even expected it because Obi-Wan told me that Vader killed my father from a certain point of view. This sounds really selfish, but I would join him in the dark side. How awesome would it be to rule the galaxy, have a powerful sith dad, and wield sick force abilities. I would've non-hesitantly joined him. This would be my reaction to Vader being my father.
#3 Alex Gottuso
Q3 Blog #1
Prompt #7
Reasons We Believe
Nathan Busenitz
Pg. 155
This book by Nathan Busenitz is one if the best books on apologetics I have ever read. The amount of times the author cites the Bible is very impressive, and that is just one thing that makes this book so great. Just by reading the first few pages you know that the book will contain essential information. This book does not only just contain good information, but it is also actually quite interesting. Most authors are either one or the other; great info or an interesting standpoint. Nathan accomplishes both. The statements in this book are nothing but facts, and the author of this book is definitely convincing. A few examples are his use of absolute truths and his many examples and citations, as mentioned before. Another reason I really enjoyed this book is because simply that it is about defending our faith. It is always good to be prepared and I really enjoy learning about things that will really benefit me. This book covers many important topics. It gives lots of answers and proof for almost any question about apologetics you can think of. This book is very enjoyable and I would recommend it to everyone I can. This book is a good opportunity to share your faith and to strengthen it. There are many reason to learn about apologetics besides to just learn to defend your faith. It can give you knowledge in many areas you might not expect. Some examples of these areas are history, science, and astronomy. The author of this book also goes into very high detail. Overall, this book is very high quality. I will recommend it to anyone and I hope they will like it just as much as me. This book is truly amazing and the author is very talented. I have gained lots of valuable lessons from this book.
#11 Preston Parker
Language Arts
The Martian
Pg. 153
Andy Weir
Spoiler Alert!!!!!
In the Martian the main theme is survival or distress. In this book Mark Watney is stranded on mars with almost no hope of survival or escape. He changes his lifestyle but not his personality when he is left by his team on accident on mars. He was impaled with a satellite antenna and his bio monitor went from regular to zero and no readings. He then is left to ration food in order to survive on this desert planet. He then realizes how to survive in the most creative way possible. He would be the first person to grow food or any plant on mars. He then takes some potatoes that N.A.S.A sent up for them to feast on at thanksgiving. He then cuts the eyes of the potato and plants them in the Hab where he leaves because it has the right atmospheric pressure allowing him to plant in the Hab. Isn’t that genius. Mark Watney then waited and added water to his crops to allow them to grow and sprout but he still hadn’t figured out how he would make enough water for the plant to survive. So he then realized that the MDV would have enough hydrogen that he could produce and engineer enough water out of burning hydrogen into the air that he could then solve the problem with water but where would he put it. So he then has the genius idea to fill the space suits of his former crew members with water so he could hold at least 100 gallons of water in just each of these suits so he solved that what about the bacteria the potatoes would need to sprout. But until next blog this is a cliff hanger bye.
Edward Lueras #7 3/13/16
ReplyDeleteAnimal Fakes & Frauds by Peter Dance
page 121 3rd quarter #1
prompt #9
Animal Fakes & Frauds dives into the many renditions of fake animals over the years. From the early myths of the Greek Pegasus to the modern jackalope this book is gripping with its presentation. I like how each chapter is very organized with one subject and pictures to provide visual aid. I also like how the author cites resources to give background to the era in which the fake animal was made. Each chapter not only gives background on how the fraudulent animal was made but also why the maker would create the thing, often for money or fame. The author, in some chapters where information exists, gives perspective on the skeptics who saw the fakes firsthand. The author cites quotes from believers and nonbelievers of the animals which shows the public's belief at the time. The book does cover many of the widely known animal fakes but skips a few. The book briefly skims some myths and hoaxes probably because of lack of information known. Overall this is a great book that gives information not only on the hoaxes, but also on the people that created them, their motives, skepticism, background on the time and place of the event, and citations from the time period. The author pulls together all his resources to make a well organized book complete with pictures and referencing. The author generally makes it interesting to read on the topic of fake and fraudulent animals chapter to chapter.
#1 Matthew Burnette
ReplyDeleteHit and Miss
Derek Jeter
Log 8
Alright so first this book is all about Derek Jeter and his childhood. This is the second book and I have read the first one. I am not done with the book yet but the main conflict in the book is there is this new kid on their baseball team and that goes to his school. His name is Dave and Derek decided to try to make a new friend. Well he made friends with him, but the whole school thinks he is a snob but he is actually not if you get to know him. They all think he is a snob because he is rich and is from Beverly Hills. He isn't so great at baseball because he just joined the team to make friends. So Derek decided to teach him at the hill where everyone form the royal town house community plays. So Derek and Dave are waiting for Derek's friends and when the come they were mean to Dave and said why did you bring him here so Dave went in the car and left. Derek got really mad at his friends and even his best friend who went through the same situation who was from India. So Derek is trying to help be good friends with Dave and his other friends, but they aren't accepting him. I think later on in the book Dave will either stand up and make new friends or Derek's friends with accept him so they could help him on his baseball skills not for Dave, but for the team.
#9 Ethan Powell
ReplyDeleteThe Hardy Boys
Franklin W. Dixon
Pg. 178
Prompt #5
The thieves have done it again.
Stolen another car and retreated to their den.
The Hardys are on the case.
The police are on the chase.
People becoming suspicious.
Soon the Dodds will be swimming with the fishes.
Running out of time.
The thieves den the Hardys must find.
Found the den off Shore Road.
The thieves pack a boat with quite the load.
The car thieves are caught by the Hardys dad.
Now the town is safe and glad.
#2 Jack Cardeno
ReplyDeleteLords of the Sith
Paul S. Kemp
Page 219
Log 3, 3rd Quarter
Darth Vader was the strongest of the Sith Lords. After the events on Ryloth, (where the book takes place) Vader and his master, Darth Sidious, or the Emperor, have built a weapon capable of mass destruction known as the Death Star. Vader and his master were the most tyrannical Sith Lords to ever live. They ended up controlling the entire galaxy, and had destroyed many planets with the Death Star. Vader thought he was going to rule the galaxy with his master, but had two major blockades stopping him from controlling the galaxy. His children.Vader was formerly known as Anakin Skywalker, but before turning to the Dark Side had children. His children Luke and Leia Skywalker were separated at birth, but would come together to defeat Vader. They destroyed the original Death Star, but had a second one in construction after the first one was built. Vader and Sidious managed to get to the second Death Star, while Luke was training on Dagoba with the legendary Jedi Yoda. Vader’s second Death Star had a shield system, but was destroyed on the planet Endor. Luke confronted Darth Vader after his Yoda’s death. Luke flew to the Death Star and let himself be captured by the Empire. Vader and Luke faced off in the second Death Star, but Vader sacrificed himself to save his son. His master had forced his son to join the Dark Side, or kill him. Though Vader may have died in the end, he was remembered for what he did whether it was good or bad.
#3Daniel Chapin
ReplyDeleteBodies Gold
Dear, author I was not a fan of the writing of this book. I thank you because it gives me insight to how the people lived and what it was like during the famouse gold rush. I dont like how you describe the town because it was so unbareable and boring. I did not like the mataphores you used in this book. There were absolutely no cool and interesting facts in this book. One thing that I did not like was that there were times in the reading of this book that I almost quit because there were tons of boring facts. The first part was exiting because I really liked the backround of this particular town. Twards the end it got a little boring. My favoritething about this book is that I read itand I actually went to the town and I saw how perfect you had described it. The best part about the reading of this book is probrobly the ending. The reason that I say this now is because it ended. To tell the truth I would never recommend this book to anybody I know, unless they were incredibly boring. The biggest problem with this book is that at one point it got good with some fun facts bu then the whole rest of the book it was so boring. There were only two good parts to the book. In heighnsight Irealize that I should not have picked this book. All in all I will never read this book again, even to save my life.
#15 Zachary Tittle
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Jeff Kinney
Log 6 blog 5
Speaker: Hello everyone! Glad that your tuning in to this nights “Late Night Show With Zach”
Me: Glad to be here, thank you. Today we have a special guest, he is the main character in the movie and book Diary of a Wimpy Kid, GREEEEEEEG HEEFFFFLEYYYY!(cheers in the backround)
Greg: Thank you Zach for letting me come out here tonight.
Me: Your welcome, so tonight I will be asking a series of questions to your life, is that OK with you?
Greg: Of course it is, that is why I am here.
Me: OK then, lets get started. The first question is form a fan all the way from London, “What is your favorite thing to do with your best friend Rowley?”
Greg: Well, sad to say it but Rowley and I don’t hang out that much anymore, but we used to just do whatever. We would play video games, pull pranks, and sleep over at one of our houses. Those were the good days before him and Abigale got together.
Me: Well how does that make you feel?
Greg: What do you mean and about what?
Me: I mean how does Rowley and Abigale make you feel, them being in a relationship and all.
Greg: Well it is very weird they always talk. At first they sat at our table but then it started weirding out all the guys at our table. Then they moved to the couples tab….
Me: Well I’m so sorry that we couldn’t finish but that is all the time we have. Thank you everyone for tuning in to “The late night show with Zach”!!! Thank you again and see you next week!
#9 Matt Montoya
The Scorch Trials
James Dashner
Pages 78-331
Blog Option #1
Dear Diary,
It’s been a long journey that has still not completed yet. It’s hot, windy, and the weather is against us it seems all the time. We are running very low on all of our supplies. Some of our supplies are: water, food, clothing, and shelter supplies. I am scared of what is to come and our main plan is to keep safe and everyone stays together and not get split up. If we do end up splitting up, I fear for the worst to happen. The final standoff is soon to be here and we have only so much time to prepare for our standoff. The weather is one of our main problems and we haven’t found any shelter so far. We are trying to reach the city but every turn we hit a obstacle that we have to overcome to be able to reach the city. Some new kid has joined our group but he is very shy and wont talk much. I hope that we make it out alive through all that is happening but if I don’t make sure my family is okay. And whoever finds this diary and reads, know that we gave it our best to make it out of the Scorch Trials. It is rough and hard to overcome. I don’t know who to trust anymore after our old friend Ally turned his back on us and almost killed me. I have so much on my mind and it is hard to focus on my main goal, which is to escape the Scorch Trials and return home.
#11 Zachary Ramsey
ReplyDeleteThe wave
Kids get lost at see,
while get stung by a bee.
#5 Isabella Holiday Paper Towns John Green Log# 10 pg. end of book 3-7-16 Margo leaves ___ to show where she has gone. Clues B. Food C.trails D. Maps 2. Margo gets revenge on ____ for cheating on her A.Ben B. Jase C. Lucy D. Chase 3. ______ did not participate in organized sports A. Margo B. Jase C. Chuck Parson D. Meghan 4. ________ got a baseball scholarship to the University of Florida. A. Jase B. Ben C. Chuck D. Radar 5. Radar and Ben are _______ best friends A. Quentin B. Lucy C. Margo D. Jase 6. Quentin got _______ for his birthday A. car keys B. a shirt C. a dog D. a cat 7. Quentin got his own ______ for graduation. A. car B. house C. room D. bed 8. Margo climbed int Quentin's ______ at night A. bed B. Car C. closet D. Bed room 9. Margo's last name is _______ A. Spiegelman B. Taco C. San D. Ageles 10.Margo's ex boyfriend is ______ A. Radar B. Chuck C. Jase D. Ben 11. Radar is in love with Angela T/F 12. Radars parents are not black santa obsessed T/F 13. Ben, Radar, and Quentin only where their graduation robe for graduation T/F 14. Lacy goes with the boys to find Margo T/F 15. At the end of the book Margo goes back home with Quentin T/F 16. Why did Margo and Jase break up? 17. Who did Quentin get a picture of naked? 18. Where was the first clue left? 19. Where does Quentin hang out before school? 20. Which city do they find Margo in? Essay. What is the secret to leaving? Answers1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. T 12. F 13. T 14.T 15.F 16. He cheats on her. 17. Jase 18.In Margo's bed room 19. outside of the band room 20. Agloe Essay: The secret of leaving is that it only feels good to leave when your'e leaving for something important." You have to pull life out by the roots. But you can't do that until your life has grown roots."
ReplyDeleteMatthew Kim#7
ReplyDeleteThe Fifth Wave
Rick Yancey
Pg. 457
Log #4
Many years ago, before the waves of terror occurred, there were aliens living in certain people in the world. They were here since the ancient Egyptians and the conquest of the Alexander the Great. They were watching us, studying us, learning every move we do. Yet, we still did not know they were here. While we were living our lives, they were preparing to take over the world. Cassie was a girl who witnessed the terror of the aliens, but let’s talks about her life before. Cassie was sitting in her science class listening to her boring science teacher’s lecture. She looked at the clock. Two minutes left until she can go home. She stared at the bell waiting for it to ring. The bell went off. She grabbed her bag and her supplies and rushed out the door. She ran past the sea of people to get home first. She burst out the door and ran home. She opened the door to her house and placed her backpack down. Cassie went upstairs into her room and shut the door. Cassie walked past her karate belt collection and sat on her bed. Cassie wasn’t the most popular girl at school. She lived a normal life. She had a mom, dad, and little brother, she did karate, and had a crush on a boy named Ben. She was tired. She crawled onto her bed and fell asleep. Cassie went on with her normal life every day. Going to school and going home. Then one day, it all changed. Cassie was now older. She was in high school. It started out like a normal day. She brushed past Ben and walked into her history class. She was about to sit down when a loud bomb like noise went off. She looked over at the window and saw planes falling from the skies. It was time the aliens put their plan to action. The first wave had started.
#2 Sarah Chiaromonte
Ellie’s Story
W. Bruce Cameron
1-190 or finish
My name is Sarah and I just started in the academy. I am worried about missions, but I know I can get through it. I work in the K-9 department and I have seen things I wish I couldn’t. The worse was when I was on the case and a crazy lunatic went crazy and shot himself in the leg. He wanted to suffer. There was so much blood; it burned my nose and eyes. My dogs name is Gypsy. She is very enthusiastic and loves to go on missions. She plays with Ellie when she is in the kennel. I remember when we were on a case, and Ellie’s owner; Jacob was shot down by a man who was being arrested for kidnap. He was taken by helicopter and his dog was left with the other cops. Luckily one of the training cops was happy to take her. Her name was Maya and she was trying so hard to get in. She took her home most days while Jacob would recover. It turns out Jacob will not be taking home Ellie home any time soon. He probably won’t be coming back to the academy either. Ellie is great at finding missing people. That is the field she is training in. We had to go to a mission that was far away and we had to try to save people in fallen buildings. There had been a huge earthquake and the city was foul and covered in rubble. Gypsy and I were out searching and so were Maya and Ellie. We found a few people in time, but not all. I caught up with Maya and she was worried about Ellie. They had not found any people in time. I felt bad, but before I could say anything, I was pulled away by Gypsy. She smelled someone and wanted to find them in time. When we were out, Ellie went to find someone and fell into an acid puddle, but saved the person. She was out for a while, while Ellie was healing. Once she came back, they were back on the job. We were all called in to a school calling with a missing child. The child had gone out to far while playing a game. Ellie had to jump into the sewer and save the kid. They ended up saving him and Ellie was a hero. Later that year Maya got married. I was her brides’ maid and caught the flower bunch she threw. Maybe I will be lucky next I don’t know, but all I know is that Maya and I had a very eventful year.
#11 Preston Parker
Language Arts
The Martian
Pg. 153
Andy Weir
Spoiler Alert!!!!!
In the Martian the main theme is survival or distress. In this book Mark Watney is stranded on mars with almost no hope of survival or escape. He changes his lifestyle but not his personality when he is left by his team on accident on mars. He was impaled with a satellite antenna and his bio monitor went from regular to zero and no readings. He then is left to ration food in order to survive on this desert planet. He then realizes how to survive in the most creative way possible. He would be the first person to grow food or any plant on mars. He then takes some potatoes that N.A.S.A sent up for them to feast on at thanksgiving. He then cuts the eyes of the potato and plants them in the Hab where he leaves because it has the right atmospheric pressure allowing him to plant in the Hab. Isn’t that genius. Mark Watney then waited and added water to his crops to allow them to grow and sprout but he still hadn’t figured out how he would make enough water for the plant to survive. So he then realized that the MDV would have enough hydrogen that he could produce and engineer enough water out of burning hydrogen into the air that he could then solve the problem with water but where would he put it. So he then has the genius idea to fill the space suits of his former crew members with water so he could hold at least 100 gallons of water in just each of these suits so he solved that what about the bacteria the potatoes would need to sprout. But until next blog this is a cliff hanger bye.
#8 Gannon McDonald
ReplyDeleteBlog one, Quarter three,
Log Number Three
Page: two hundred and twenty two.
Sandra Brown
Hayes was a sniper years before, sadly, he stopped being one. His habit though, was always having a bunch of guns under his floor. He stopped being a sniped for this main reason, he killed so many people that it haunted him to the point he was done. After that day, he was never the same, he was such a good sniper, but he suddenly disappeared because he didn’t want to kill anymore. He was so good that an FBI agent was looking for him to try and recruit him again. He turned it down several times, changed his address, changed his phone number, and then switched from leaving on ground level, to the mountains. The FBI agent was so flustered that he couldn’t get a hold of Hayes anymore, that he gave up, until years later… Dr. Emory (a pediatrician and marathon runner) was running when suddenly a rock was thrown at her while she was training for the upcoming marathon. She was going to bleed out to death, but Hayes (creepily) was using binoculars to watch Emory while she was running. He took her into his house and treated her, but when she awoke she asked fought back. He was flustered but did not hit her or hurt her at all. She asked him for his name, his past was so dark that he didn’t tell her. She had found his gun stash, and she knew he was a killer.
#6 Sienna Inman
ReplyDeleteNever Broken
By: Jewel Kilcher
Page #125
3rd Qtr - Blog 5
Prompt 4
A theme in the book is strength and hope. The main character in this true story is a girl named Jewel. The book is about her life growing up an Alaskan girl who's passion is to sing for a living. In the book strength is shown when her parents go through a divorce and her Dad is left to raise her and her two brothers alone. Strength is also shown through her when her Dad becomes a drunk and keeps having his very many girlfriends over. Hope is shown through her when she has to start attending a new school. She has hope that she will make new friends and develop to the school quickly. As she grows up she starts singing more with her Dad in bars around the town. She has to have strength in the bars being so young. Sometimes bar fights would break out and the bicker girls would have to take care of her in the bathroom until the fight came to an end. Or until the cops were called and broke it up. “When I saw the red lights flashing through the window, I set my mic down silently mid-song and walked from the stage to the bathroom so I wouldn't get kicked out for singing in there underage. I knew the routine. A couple of the bicker men saw me do this and nodded to their woman, who silently followed me to keep me company.” She had to have hope that she would stay safe while being in the bar. Men would come up to her and call her out on her beauty and would sometimes warn her that in that town she could get kidnapped by some man that thought she was pretty. As she grew older she was asked by a man to come on tour and sing with him after hearing her amazing voice. After a few shows with him she had to leave the tour because he started to get very friendly with her. So Jewel had to have a lot of strength and hope growing up. Even though she would have to go through even more as she grew even older.
Dear, Jenny if I were in your position with these friends I would be crying every single night. You don’t deserve to be treated like this it is not fair. I think you should talk to your mom about what is happening at school and how people are excluding you in everything. I know this is a hard time but it is the right thing to do. You should stand up to Brook and say that you are feeling excluded and talk to her what she is doing and tell her how she should fix it. Sometimes there are going to be hard things and mean people in your life but that’s just how life is. We all have bad days and that just lets appreciate the great days even more. Brook is one of those people in your life when she doesn’t see that she’s doing something mean but then when you go up to her and say what she is doing wrong she will fix it. Whale this entire Brook stuff is going on try not to think about it just talk and hang out with your other friends. Remember that when there are mean people stand up to them tell them what they are doing wrong and then you will just get back to your normal life. Through all of this never forget that Jesus is with you every moment and every second. He knew you before you could know yourself. You are loved!!
#9 Jake O’Brien
ReplyDelete“13 Hours”
Mitchell Zuckoff
Blog #4
One of the main soldiers that served in the “13 Hours” story was Jack Silva. Jack was a merciless battle over the course of a 13 Hour battle as stated in the title of the book. After the confrontation was the terrorist in Libya, Jack decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with his wife and two daughters at home in the United States. Even though Jack had finally made it back home that terrible thirteen hour still haunted him to that day. He had been fighting not only for his own life but for the lives of his fellow soldiers and the other Americans that been sitting in the consulate waiting to find out whether or not they would be able to go home and back to their families. After many hours it seemed like they had been fighting for a lifetime and it was never going to end. Until the terrorist had finally seemed to have stopped coming. Little did they know that they had not yet stopped, they had only retreated to go and load their last weapon of resort. This weapon were mortar bombs. Tragically as it seemed like it was finally the last hour of this never ending war, a rain of mortar fire came crashing from the sky. This was the cause of two of the other marines fighting alongside to Jack Silva. This haunted jack because of the fact that he was not able to save on the soldiers that fought next to Jack for many years before this confrontation. The other reason why Jack would never forget this day because of the other Americans that lost their lives trying to survive the onslaught that was inflicted by the terrorist of Benghazi. These American lives included Ambassador Christopher J. Stevens who was trying to give the people of the middle east a new life that included days that didn’t involve gunfire being heard miles away or people walking down the street with guns in their hands. The other American life was State Department computer specialist, Sean Smith. Jack was haunted by this day because he felt like he failed because he couldn’t bring home those Americans who deserved to live another day at home with their families, just like he had been doing now.
#13 Emilia Shahverdian
Blog 1 Quarter 3
Page 169
The Martian by Andy Weir
Log Number 9
I love the way that the author puts you in the situation that Mark is in. Andy Weir shows you the hopelessness that Mark feels after his crew leaves. When you begin to read the book you start to think about what you would do if you were in Mark’s situation. Ever since I started reading the book I have become more interested in astronomy and survival situations. Andy Weir has done a phenominal job in describing how a biologist survives on Mars. I love how the book is like an emotional roller coaster filled with doubt, struggles, trials, survival, hopelessness, courage, bravery, and resourcefulness. The challenges, disappointments, frustrations and near-death experiences that Mark faced during the more than eighteen months he lived on Mars is astonishing to me. I know that the book is fictional but the scientific element of the book makes it seem very realistic. This book could really happen though which is why I like it so far. The one thing that I hate that the author did was to include the very dense and boring details of the situation at the beginning of the book. Mark has emotions that we can and should relate to. He never gives up and he finds a way to improve his situation. The way he solves problems the intelligent and logical way. With books like The Martian you feel a very personal connection with the main character and you feel like you are there with them. When they have failures you feel upset, and when they have victories you feel accomplished. I recommend that anyone who loves to read, and those who love astronomy and science read this book. It is a book that is meant for those who appreciate the world of science.
#7 Gregory Luciano
ReplyDeleteCloser by Gordon and Williams
Prompt #5
Page 643
At the end of the tunnel, I saw a bright light
I had lost all for what was in sight
I heard someone whisper, "Don't give up now."
"You can do it, I showed you how."
I finally realized I had to get that hope back I once had
Get my faith back,be happy, not sad
Now my mind became clear
I was almost there, I saw Dr. Burrow
The tunnel became more narrow
Haunting noises came close behind
The hooded men did not seem kind
I ran for all my might
Just incase I held my shovel in my hand tight
I must not give up and stop
For I had to reach the top
The darkness was starting to fade and the light was becoming brighter
If I wanted to succeed in this life, I knew I had to fight her
The light at the end of the tunnel was close, just around the bend
My heart finally was able to mend
There before me was the light
I finally had made it through with all my might
I was able to overcome it
My hope was back, and to think I was going to quit.
#10 luke Obrien
Dean koontz
Prompt #1
I honestly have no idea why I do this. Deep down inside me I want someone to stop me. I know I cannot stop myself, I have already gone fallen far into the abyss in which I cannot pull myself out of. I have always wanted to stop but I have always been too stuborn to do it myself. the only escape I can think of would be the horrible act of taking my own life. Which would be too much weight on my shoulders after thinking about all it day. I have taken up religion but that has not helped me in the slightest. I know there is a god who can hear me, but I feel as if he will not listen to my cries of agony as I feel regret for those I have hurt. The bad things I do feel so good as I’m doing it, but when I’m done with this sin, its only for a moment that I have joy. When that moment is gone, all I feel is a covering of regret, sorrow, and helplessness flow over me. Since this act of sin feels so good, I cannot stop doing it. even if it only last a couple of seconds, it feels great. All I think about is the families I tear apart after I kill one of their loved ones. This is the issue that I cannot stop on my own. And that is why I pray to God that he will give me something else to help me with this problem.
#17 CJ Zeller
Deltora Quest books 5-8
Emily Rodda
Pg, 150
Blog option 7
I think that this book so far is very good. I like how Emily Rodda shows friendship in this book ex: “ Lief shook his head violently, his eyes still fixed on the figures by the spring.” “I cannot go,” he hissed. “ I cannot let them kill my friend.”
To me this shows me that Barda really cares about his friend and to me that’s true friendship. Another thing that interests me is how Emily Rodda is able to describe fear ex: “Afterwards, he cursed himself for his stupid thoughtlessness. He had just assumed that Prin was unconscious. But Prin was very much awake, lying motionless in an agony fear. Feeling unknown hands upon her she squealed in terror.” Another thing that interests me is how Emily Rodda described how the guards and how there feet were tied into the ground like a tree stump ex: “For the guards were screaming. They were staggering, stopping. Their feet were sprouting roots that snaked into the earth, tying them into place.’ Another thingthat interests me is how Emily Rodda describes sadness ex: “A feeling of sadness swept over the group. There was a long silence. Jasmine fidgeted uncomfortably.” The last thing thing that interests me is how Emily Rodda describes death ex: “To be a prisoner of the Shadow Lord is worse than death,” Lief whispered,” I would recommend this book to my friends because I think it is a great book and is very interesting what will happen next.
Kachina Blair #2
ReplyDeleteI Survived the Sinking of the Titanic
Lauren Tershis
Prompt #3
Me: So George what was it like having you mom pass away?
George: Well, it was very sad and my father was very depressed.
Me: So what is it like when you get in trouble?
George: Well, I will get sent to the army school if I don’t behave. So I am trying not to get into trouble.
Me: Do you have any relatives that you would like to visit?
George: Yes, my and is coming to pick my sister and I up. The thing is I don’t know where we are going.
Me: Where would you like to go while you are with your aunt?
George: Well, I would like to go to England.
Me: When is your aunt going to pick you up?
George: Well, tonight is when she is supposed to pick me up.
Me: Did you have fun in England?
George: No, I didn’t have fun in England. My aunt dragged me to fancy shoe stores.
Me: Well, where are going to now?
George: I am going on the biggest ship, the Titanic.
Me: Have you gotten into trouble in the last few weeks?
George: Yes, but just a little. I have wondered around and scared my aunt.
Me: Well, what are you going to do now?
George: I will go have dinner now. My aunt is probably worrying about me.
Me: Thanks for letting me interview you.
George: Your welcome.
Joshua Quintana #10
ReplyDeleteBlog #1 Quarter 3
3/17/16 Diary of a Wimpy Kid
(The Third Wheel)
By Jeff Kinney
Diary of a Wimpy Kid “The Third Wheel” is a book where Greg wants to find love but ends up failing. The school Valentines Dance is coming up at his and he wants to invite someone to the dance so he isn't left out. He ends up inviting a girl named Abigale, and his friend Rowley as his wing-man. They go in Mr. Jefferson (Rowley’s Dad's) car. Greg treats him like a plain old driver and calls him driver which I thought was funny. Greg plans to take them to eat a fancy nicer type resteraunt but his jacket is dirty from the car and so they end up getting kicked out.
They ended up going to “Corney’s” a family oriented resteraunt that Greg had gone to before and had a bad experience. Rowley's tie was cut off and hung on the “Tie Hall of Shame.” Abigale and Rowley both ordered the fanciest thing which was the T-Bone steak. While Greg got a plain hamburger to save money. They then drove to the school Valentines Dance and Greg ends up being the third wheel because Abigale and Rowley fall in love. I thought this book was very funny and had a funny yet entertaining story. This book was also very interesting for me to read. If I were to rate this book it would be a 9.5/10
#4christopher Grothues
ReplyDeleteTravel team
Mike lupica
Blog 5
Log 8
Pg. 150
The main problem in this book is this guy named Danny was always the smallest guy on his team. Ever since first grade he was always the smallest in his class. Everybody called him,” little guy.” Danny was trying out for basketball and everybody said, “Are you in the right age group.” Even though Danny was very small he could pass. That’s why he always made it on the basketball team. Danny didn’t care how small he was. Danny could shoot very well too. Whenever somebody passed him the ball he always made it. Everybody kept telling Danny that he couldn’t make it to the basketball team. Danny was in the sixth grade at this time. Another problem in the story nobody wanted to hang out with him because he was so small. The guess of his height would be four foot 5. He was very short for his age. He was the best passer on his team that’s why he is always drafted on the team. Danny was very smart in school and that’s why he could always play basketball. He was a very smart student. TY and Danny were best friends since they were born. Ty was a very good dribbler. Another problem in the book was everybody didn’t like when Danny always joined the team. In Danny’s first game he did very well. The coach said he did very well for his first game.
#3 Ethan Crenshaw
Chris Wooding
Blog #4
Page 80
It is about these two kids called Seth and Kady tell story's to the rumors that are true. But they think it is a silly myth that know one believes in. After a couple of minutes the lights when out and then one of the rumors disappeared. They went to go save their friend. They went to Malice which is a world that exists. They found this very tall hill and over that was a big place full of dark things and scary things. So they went in and saw a dark hall way. One of the kids went to see it and then he got eaten up by a dark monster. Seth and Kady moved along and herd lots of scary noises. It was very weird when there was something moving in a cabin it was Malice. He was the person who toke that kid. The main problem is these kids have to find there friend that is lost in a very big village. The person who made this world was Malice. He is a evil person. The people who try to save them is Seth, Kady and some kids. Also a dad and Luke which was one of the kids. Seth is the only one who makes it out alive and his friends are with Malice.
Aiden Avichouser
ReplyDeleteBlog 5
Babe and Me
Dan Gutman
A boy named Joe traveled back in time with his father to me Babe Ruth. They wanted to see if Babe Ruth really called his shot when he hit the homerun. After a crazy story they got to meet Babe Ruth and find out that he really did call his shot. A few years later Joe spread the news to people. There were a group of kid who did not believe him. All Joe wanted to do was prove to them that he really did meet Babe Ruth and really did get his autograph. Joe remembered that Flip had the ball that was signed and then sold it because he had to save his shop. The boys were being mean to Joe because they thought that he was a liar. If only Joe took pictures while he was in the past with his dad and Babe Ruth. He went to see his dad to see if he had anything to show the kids from when he saw Babe Ruth. His dad searched all around his house and did not have anything. Then Joe thought maybe he could find the person that bought the ball. Joe went over to Flip Valentine and asked him if he knew who the people were that bought the ball. Flip drove Joe to where the people who bought Babe Ruth's ball lived, but they were not home. When they walked up to their front door there was a note left, it read “Gone to Arizona for spring training!”. Before Flip and Joe left they had wrote down the phone number of the people that had the ball. Flip and I went home. When we returned a week later the note had been removed from their front door. We knocked and rang the doorbell and got no answer. Then we heard something in the backyard that sounded like voices. We opened the gate leading to the backyard and saw people in the yard, they were very surprised when they saw us. They recognized Flip, they approached him and asked him what he is doing here. Flip explained the situation to them and why we needed the baseball back, they understood and agreed to sell it back to us for two thousand dollars. We knew that they were asking a lot of money for the ball but we also knew it was worth it. We made an agreement and they sold the ball back to us. It took us an hour and a half to get home, I had Flip drive me directly to the kids that didn't believe me about the ball to prove it to them. Not one of them could believe I actually had a ball signed by the one and only Babe Ruth. It took a lot to get the ball back but it was all worth it. Now Flip and I have a ball signed by the best baseball player that ever lived.
#6 Italia Holiday
ReplyDeleteSunny Side Up
Page number : 167
Log #5
Raina Telgemier
Once there was a girl named sunshine,
She was quite fine and very kind,
She went to the state Florida,
But she was originally from Georgia,
She finally went home,
So she was never alone.
Ileanna Holiday#5
Page number:302
Once there was a pup who needed a home,
And a girl who wanted a pup,
She searched and searched for one that needed someone,
And finally there she was lying there,
And she took her home before anyone
My #14 Jada Wynn
ReplyDeleteWhen You Reach Me
Rebecca Stead
3rd Quarter, Blog #5
Page: Finished
I feel pain in my arms,
From trying to reach you.
All I can do is cry,
Every single night,
Longing for you to be there in plain sight
I've lost all means of communication,
I bet I'll never really see you.
I don't want to have this burden,
But it hurts so bad.
My feelings are enclosed,
And I cannot stay composed.
My emotions run rampant,
All over the planet.
I am so afraid,
That my worries will affect someone else.
I will always be waiting for you,
Hoping that you will pop up out of the blue.
Please come back to me.
When will my cries reach you?
When will I hear your laugh again?
When will I hear your darling voice?
Until then I cannot rejoice.
Please make these thoughts go away,
I cannot bare for them to stay.
I just feel like screaming,
I can't keep smiling,
I'm hurt,
I'm tormented,
I'm in shreds inside.
I'm slowly dying.
I'm sick of it all,
The work,
The tears,
The loneliness.
It's all lies,
Please come back to me.
You know...
The phrase,
A person is a memory itself.
You're my greatest memory.
A person's smile can make you happy,
A look from that special one can make everything better.
The person in the phrase,
I think,
Is you.
#8 Joe McElroy
ReplyDeleteDiary of a wimpy kid Old School
Jeff Kinney
log #5
There was a kid named Greg,
He went to camp,
He thought he was glad but really was sad,
When he saw he under packed,
he got really sad because he had no blanket.
#12 Leo Sellarole
ReplyDeleteDiary of a Wimpy Kid, Old School
Jeff Kinney
Page 207
Blog #5 Quarter #3
Prompt #2
Dear Greg Heffley,
Sorry your dad has been on tour back. Glad you got to get away to camp at Hardscrabble Farms. I am here to give you some advice on how to survive at camp. First I heard you are having to test your abilities at camp for one night. You should find a good space with at least three trees close to each other. Then find long wood branches and use dried straw to make rope to tie the logs together the make walls and fasten the walls to the tree leaving a space to get in. now do the same for the roof and lay it upon the top edges of the walls and fasten the roof to the tree. Dig a whole in the center of your hut two a foot and half deep to create your fire. Us the matches and dried leaves to start the fire. If you have any warm blankets bring them all you could use one as a flap to keep closed when not in your hut. Going back to the hut any wholes cover with leaves and use tree sap to make them stick. Second is find some kind of water source nearby to use to bath in if you found a lemon you could use it like a soap or deodorant. To avoid any bugs use any citronella around to repel them. Examples bergamot, lavender, etc. these are some of my tips to help you survive the night with only what is around you. Good luck Greggory and have fun.
Your Friend,
Andrew Walters #13
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Greg Heffley decides to keep a journal, on him at all times because his mother wants him to, but also because he wants something he can give to people who ask him questions once he is rich and famous. Greg likes to draw cartoons about his day. Greg details his every day life as a middle school student and gives his opinion on bullying, why girls like boys, where to sit on the first day of class, how to draw cartoons and different other topics, such as the cheese touch. The cheese touch is a middle school ailment similar to cooties that comes from touching an old piece of cheese that rests beneath the basketball hoop on his school's playground. If you touch it, you have the cheese touch until you touch someone else. Then they have it. At home, Greg is a middle child. Greg's older brother, Rodrick, plays practical jokes on him; Greg thinks his younger brother, Manny, is spoiled. He believes that his parents don't understand him. They do unforgivable things, such as telling him to stop playing video games and go outside. When that happens, Greg goes to someone else's house and plays video games. Greg's best friend is Rowley. They became friends because Greg felt sorry for Rowley. All the mean things that Rodrick does to Greg, Greg does to Rowley, along with a few ideas of his own. Rowley stops hanging out with him. Greg does not understand why. But later, when his classmates ask how the cheese under the basketball hoop disappeared and Greg knows that a group of older bullies made Rowley eat it, he tells his classmates that he threw the cheese away. Although his class now flees his cheese touch, he and Rowley resume hanging out together.