3rd Quarter Blog #2

You are getting close to the finish line of the school year. Six blogs down and only two more to go after this post. I enjoyed reading your posts from earlier in the quarter and I am looking forward to reading your new entries. Don't forget to keep up on those reading logs.


  1. #4 Christopher Grothues
    Travel team
    Mike lupica
    Blog 6
    Mom: How is it going today Danny.
    Danny: It is going good mom.
    Mom: Remember you have basketball tryouts today.
    Danny: Ok mom.
    Coaches: It looks like you are too small to play in this division, what grade are you in.
    Danny: 6th grade coach.
    Coaches: Really you look a little small for your age, ok then go try out.
    People at the tryout: hi little guy are you not a little small to play.
    Danny: No, I am not.
    People at the tryouts: Yes you are.
    Danny: It doesn’t matter how small you are all that matters that if you are good.
    People at the tryouts: Ok then let’s see you play, and see how good you are.
    Danny: Ok then, you will see that I am better than you.
    People at the tryouts: Really I bet you can’t even hit the rim.
    Danny: Ah zip your lips.
    Coaches: Ok tryouts now begin.
    Danny: Ok.
    People at tryouts: Wow you are really good at basketball; you are really good at passing and dribbling.
    Danny: Thank you.
    Danny: I always get on the team because of my passing and dribbling.
    People at tryouts: I hope I made it and on your team.
    Danny: We will see then.
    Mom: How were tryouts today?
    Danny: Good I think I did really well.
    Mom: You think you made it on a team.
    Danny: Probably so, the people at the tryouts said I was really good and they wanted to be on my team because I was so good at passing and dribbling.
    Mom: good job son.
    Dad: I just got a call from the coach and you made it on the team.
    Danny: Really?
    Dad: Yes really!
    Danny: Awesome I can’t wait.

  2. #11 Preston ParkerApril 9, 2016 at 1:47 PM

    #11 Preston Parker
    Pg. 304
    The Martian
    Andy Weir
    Option #1
    Dear Earth,
    Today I will go outside. Yes you heard me the great outdoors of Mars. How will I do this you say. By putting on my EVA soot and going outside to dust of all of the solar cells. Moat boring job in the world but it keeps the Hab going. Its day one out of hopefully not many but I was just left behind by my crew on mars. But it was an accident they thought that I was dead. A antenna flew off our satellite and impaled me destroying my life sign indicator. This then caused me to wake up with blood clogging the hole in my stomach. Nothing a few stiches can’t fix up. But other than that I’m just fine and dandy. Al I have to worry about is how I’m going to make more food if I plan to stay alive on this planet. Well I have enough water t last me a couple hundred souls and if some way I can make communication to Earth that I’m still alive maybe they can send a resupply for me. So I can last until the Ares 4 mission arrives in three years. But first I need to rest after that fatal injury and all. Good morning Mars, goodbye Earth and normal lifestyle. Well at least until I can establish contact with Earth that will allow me to communicate with them without having to do a series of rock moving time waiting labor. I’ve got it I can make modifications to the Rover and then go get Pathfinder. The satellite probe they sent here back in the 90’s that could still communicate with Earth if I fix the old thing up. And I know exactly where it is.
    Mark Watney

  3. #10 Jayden Ramirez
    Veronica Roth
    pg 164
    log #10

    True or False
    1. Tobias is the main character in the book.
    2. Tobias’s father is Andrew Prior.
    3. Tobias chooses Abnegation at the choosing ceremony.
    4. Tobias changes his name when he entered into Dauntless.
    5. Eric was a transfer.

    Multiple Choice
    1. How many fears did Tobias have?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
    2. Who is Zekes’s younger brother?
    a) Uriah
    b) Shauna
    c) Lauren
    d) Amar
    3. Who was the first initiate to jump?
    a) Tobias
    b) Eric
    c) Amar
    d) Zekes
    4. What were “stiff” known from?
    a) Abnegation
    b) Dauntless
    c) Amity
    d) Candor
    5. Candor was known for
    a) Kindness
    b) Selflessness
    c) Bravery
    d) Honesty
    6. Dauntless was know for
    a) Kindness
    b) Bravery
    c) Honesty
    d) Selflessness
    7. Amity was known for
    a) Knowledge
    b) Bravery
    c) Selflessness
    d) Kindness

    8. Erudite was known for
    a) Honesty
    b) Bravery
    c) Knowledge
    d) Kindness
    9. Abnegation was known for
    a) Honesty
    b) Bravery
    c) Selflessness
    d) Knowledge
    10. How many factions were in this society?
    a) 4
    b) 5
    c) 6
    d) 7

    Short answer
    1. What did Tobias change his name to when he transferred?
    2. Who was the number 1 for transferred initiates?
    3. What do you call a person who belongs to more than one faction?
    4. Who is Four’s enemy?
    5. When Eric and Four fight, who wins?

    1. If you were in Tobias’s position at the choosing ceremony, would you transfer or stay in Abnegation? If you transfer, what faction would you choose?


    True and False
    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. True

    Multiple choice
    1. D
    2. A
    3. C
    4. A
    5. D
    6. B
    7. D
    8. C
    9. C
    10. B

    Short answer
    1. Four
    2. Tobias
    3. Divergent
    4. Eric
    5. Four

    1. This is an opinionated question. If I were answering this is how I would answer. I would transfer to dauntless just as Tobias did because my father had beaten and treated me terribly. I would choose dauntless because I could be another image than being the son of Marcus Eaton(leader of abnegation).

  4. #12 Alexis Raya
    Ready Player One
    Ernest Cline
    Pg 372 (End)
    Log #6
    Me: Hello
    Wade: Hey
    Me: How are you doing?
    Wade: I’m good. How about yourself?
    Me: I’m doing well, thanks for asking.
    Wade: No problem.
    Me: So, Wade, is it okay for me to call you by your real name or do you prefer Parzival?
    Wade: Either one is fine. I don’t care.
    Me: Okay, great. So how was it like living in the Stacks?
    Wade: It was terrible. I lived with my aunt and a few other people in one tiny mobile home. They didn’t care for me. I had to hide my computer just so they wouldn’t take it and sell it for parts. I was honestly the worst place ever.
    Me: That seems horrible.
    Wade Oh, trust me, it was.
    Me: How did you feel when you found the first key?
    Wade: I felt like I was the king of the world. It only took me one try to obtain it. It was amazing. Playing Joust was so easy. It was the king that gave me trouble until I figured out his pattern. I still can’t believe that it took me so long to find the key. It was in the same world as me too. Finding the key was such a relief and scary moment.
    Me: Would you say that it was a truing pint in your life?
    Wade: Most definitely, yes it was.
    Me: Well, it looks like we are all out of time. Thank you for coming.
    Wade: Anytime, thank you for letting me come.
    Me: No problem.
    Me: Stay tuned for next week where we talk to Art3mis.

  5. #15 Kayla Sin
    Chanda Hahn
    Unenchanted follows the life of Mina Grime. Her mom had always told her not to do anything to make her stand out. Mina finds out the reason her mom took so many precautions for her was to keep her safe from a curse (also known as the Story). This is called the Grimm curse. It turns out that Mina’s real last name is Grimm and her distant grandparents were brothers Grimm. The curse puts every descendant of Grimm through each of the Grimm fairytales. If one may pass all the tales, the curse will go away and so will all the mystical creatures. The main conflict is this curse that Mina attempts to defeat. This first book of the series focuses the most on Mina conquering the tale of Red Riding Hood. The antagonist in Red Riding Hood does not appear as a wolf but as a biker with a tattoo of a wolf. The curse changes the mythical creatures in the stories to fit into the modern world. The Story also changes Mina to fit into the tale by changing all her tops to the color red. During her quest Mina meets Brody, the most popular girl at school and Jared, a fae that is disguised as a human. Jared and Brody try to help protect Mina and get her through the trials. Jared trains Mina on how to use the book which can turn into anything you tell it to be. Throughout the book Mina is faced with new challenges she never saw coming, and threats to her survival.


  6. Dorothy Must Die
    Danielle Paige
    Pg. 156
    Prompt #6
    #1 Sydney Barbee

    Sydney: This is Sydney Nicole here with a very special guest, Amy Gumm. Thank you for being here Amy. How have you been lately?
    Amy: Thank you for having me Sydney and lately as you know there was a tornado in Kansas.
    Sydney: Yes, I am very aware of that. How did that affect you and your family?
    Amy: Well my little trailer home was swept up off the ground with my mom’s pet rat Star and myself still inside.
    Sydney: Oh, that must have been terrible. Where were your parents at this time?
    Amy: When I was born my father had left and didn’t want anything to do with my mom or me. That was pretty rough and the only thing that helped me through that transition was my mom. Lately my mom hasn’t been so supportive.
    Sydney: What do you mean by not supportive?
    Amy: I mean that every day I get home from school she is either laying on the couch smoking or she is out at the clubs with her friend Tawny. She is never around and always finds a way to try to blame me for ruining her life.
    Sydney: That’s really tough. I’m so sorry, but on to the tornado again. You said you were in the trailer as it went up into the sky. Obviously you landed, so the question is, where?
    Amy: I landed in Oz. As in Dorothy, Munchkins, and witches. I landed on the yellow brick road and a very nice boy saved my life.
    Sydney: That must have been such an adventure. How was it and what did you do?
    Amy: Actually, Oz is in pieces. Dorothy has come back and she hasn’t done a good job taking care of Oz. I was sent to Oz to fix her mistakes.
    Sydney: What do you need to do?
    Amy: I must remove the tinman’s heart, steal the scarecrow’s brain, take the lion’s courage, and then figure out a way to get rid of Dorothy.
    Sydney: Well, thank you so much for your time, Amy Gumm. This is Sydney Nicole saying goodnight.

  7. #9 Ethan Powell
    Bridge to Terabithia
    Katherine Paterson
    Pg. 128
    Prompt #3
    Five months after Jess built the bridge to Terabithia, he made new friends. He brought his new friends to Terabithia and they took care of the fort Jess and Leslie built months before. Jess and his friends had fun in Terabithia. They fought trolls, battled giants, and met new kings from other lands. His sister May Belle would visit. If she came when Jess and his friends were there, they would bow down to her since she was the new queen. Jess still was sad that Leslie died and wished she hadn’t drowned in the river. He told all his new friends about the sad story of the original queen of Terabithia dying. Everyday Jess went to a secret place in Terabithia where he would sit in silence and think about Leslie. One year after Leslie’s parents moved away a new girl moved in and Jess showed her Terabithia. May Belle wanted to be princess so that the new girl would become queen. The girl’s name was Mary and she loved Terabithia as much as Jess did. Of course Jess had to tell the tragic story of the original queen. He even told the new queen and his friends about Leslie’s dog Prince Terrien who had hunted giants with Jess and Leslie. Jess finally made the bridge to Terabithia bigger so that everyone would be less terrified to cross it. Jess had help from all his friends and Mary in the building of the new bridge. It was a magical bridge, big grand and had intricate carvings from Jess all over the bridge. Jess, Mary, and their friends lived happy lives visiting Terabithia every day. They made stories of their own. When they were adults they still visited the magical land of Terabithia and told their children about it. THE END.

  8. #7 Gregory LucianoApril 12, 2016 at 1:02 PM

    #7 Gregory Luciano
    Closer by Gordon and Williams
    Log 7
    After reading four of the six books, I give this book a four out of five. It is full of excitement and cliff hangers till the very end. This book keeps you reading until you find it out more. The way the conflicts and mysteries go head and head with each other make me find them really unique. The plot and scenario is very well thought and the authors, Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams, did a wonderful job at describing these. The book could be a little boring until you get into it, but when you do you won’t regret it. The book is very fast paced and action heavy, and it was a quick read and each book just keeps getting better in the series as the main character runs into bigger problems. However, having said this, there are a few cons to the book. Characters tended to not die when should of which did bring the excitement down. Another thing is in some parts of chapters, the scenes seemed to be dragged out. It felt like it was going on and on. I strongly recommend reading this book and the complete series. The books aren’t too long and they are easy reads. The book takes you on rides of surprises throughout the book and the series. This book would appeal to a variety of readers because it is full of mysteries, excitement, action, and danger. For these reasons I would recommend this book to anyone I come by.

  9. #8 Gannon McDonald
    Blog Two, Quarter Three
    Log Number Four
    Diary of a Fat Girl
    Page: Three hundred and Ninety Two
    Moira Mugweni

    Bernadette Rivers was a fat girl who had just finished high school. She did not really know the true meaning of love. She had only known what it is. One example from the book, is when she met this guy on a trip. They spent a whole night together, but she really though he loved her after that night. She was devastated because she was expecting him to come up to her and say, "i love you with all my heart". She saw him on the bus and all he did was, "he just waved at me". That was her first experience to love. But in the summer she wanted to find her true love. She got a personal trainer and wanted to lose, "I'm going to get on a diet, and before college, I'll weigh 50 pounds less." She thought that if she wasn't fat anymore, that guys would start liking her. Little did she know, her true love was right in front of her. Her true love... was her personal trainer. They realized their feelings for each other near the end of summer. They confessed to each other with twenty days left in summer. She always wanted to look like her twin sister again, who everybody loved and thought she was pretty. But by the end of it, Bernadette looked more beautiful than her sister.

  10. #15 Zachary Tittle
    Blog 6 log 3
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Road Trip
    Jeff Kinney
    Pg: 217 finish
    After twenty years of Greg Hefley’s rather fun filled or depressing childhood he has started a blog. In this time he is the writer of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. He is 33 years old that writes blogs. One day he was blogging and got a message from a fan. The letter said “Hello Greg Hefley. I am a very big fan and wanted to get to know you better. This will help me understand how you blog today and why you blog.” Greg felt like his personal space was being invaded by telling all of his fans of his childhood and how he grew up. At first he felt that the subject was a personal matter and that only people that really knew him should get to know how he grew up. Then he thought about how much it would help other people that grew up like him. A few months later and asking friends of his childhood (especially Rowley) he decided to try to blog about his childhood. He spent weeks and months on this project but could not get the right feeling about it. One day he decided that he could just write a book about his childhood and say it was a different person but just with the same name. When he started he just typed and typed. He just kept going and going. In just 1 month he had 200 pages done. After editing and adding pictures (to keep the reading in the book, obviously) he sent it to a publisher. He published it and got so many new readers and new people that liked his books that he just kept on writing. This is the end of my blog about a blogger. –Jeff Kinney

  11. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Star Wars: Darth Plagueis
    James Luceno
    Page 47
    Log 9, 3rd Quarter

    I love the way that this books foreshadows the rise of the Empire, and who trained Darth Sidious, or Emperor Palpatine. Darth Plageuis is a Sith Lord whose master had died, and now has to find a new apprentice. If you’ve watched any Star Wars movie, you’ll know that Emperor Palpatine is the main antagonist, as he ends up killing his master after he believes that he is finished training. Palpatine then goes on to train Anakin Skywalker, who then becomes Darth Vader. After that, you basically know the story from there. Plageuis wants to have eternal life, while Palpatine wants to climb to the top of the political office, with the title Chancellor Palpatine. Plageuis wants to master the powers of life and death, so that he can live forever. This method of living forever is known as a force ghost. A force ghost is a ghost of a former Jedi or Sith has so much force power in them, that when their physical bodies die, they end up living as a ghost that is seen via being a Jedi Master or Sith Lord. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker (after being redeemed from being Darth Vader), and Yoda have all become force ghosts and still help and train Luke in being a Jedi Master. Palpatine rises to power and starts the rise of the Empire by issuing Order 66, an order where Clone Troopers turn against their Jedi Masters and kill them. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda were some of the only Jedi to survive the purge. This is why I love the way this book foreshadows all the events that take place in the movies, while as it progresses, it also is a part of the movies.

  12. #9 Jake O’Brien
    Blog #9
    April 12, 2016

    I love the way that the author describes the different personalities of the soldiers in the “13 Hours” story. One of his amazing examples of this story is how well he described Dave “Tanto” Paranto. He described him as the type of man that he always seems to see the good in things and always seemed to not take everything too seriously. For example at one point in the book he described Tanto in a situation, in the middle of war where it seemed as if bullets were coming from every direction. Although this was happening he was still laughing and cracking jokes. Another character whose description that I enjoyed, was Jack Silva. Now the author describes him as a man that had major conflict in his heart. Jack’s conflict was that he wanted nothing more than to be at home with his family, but it always seemed like he was constantly being called back to war in different places of the world. Although Jack loves to serves his country day in and day out, he loves to protect his home and the family that lives there he wants to be there too, but he knows that he can’t do both. Although one of the things that I hate about what the author does is that it seems like he put all the “boring” parts of the book stuffed into two chapters which makes those two chapters very,very, hard to read. Other than that I love many of the other things in the book and would recommend this book to many other people.

  13. #1 Matthew Burnette
    Hit and miss
    Pg. 160
    Prompt 10
    1. Is this book about Derek Jeter the baseball player? T/f
    2. Does Derek have a sister? T/f
    3. Is Derek’s new friend he meet named Fred. T/f
    4. Is his friend poor? T/f
    5. Does Derek play football? T/f
    Multiple choices
    1.Derek’s first friends name is
    A Vijay
    B reed
    C matt
    D Shane
    2.What do they call where they live
    A the hill
    B the middle
    C royal townhouse
    D the crown
    3. What team is Derek on this year?
    Red sox
    B Yankees
    C angels
    D royals
    4. What is Dave’s driver almost like his father’s name?
    A buddy
    B Gilmore
    C chase
    D Phillip
    5. What position does Derek play?
    A shortstop
    B centerfield
    C third base
    D catcher
    6. Who is the kid that is kind of a bully to Derek?
    A Perry
    B Gary
    C laree
    D Mary
    7where did Dave used to live
    A los Vegas
    B LA
    C Beverly hills
    D Anaheim
    8. What is the paper that tells everything or the rules he has to follow to play baseball?
    A the contract
    B the letter
    C baseball rules
    D don’t forget
    9what sport does Dave really like.
    C football
    D hockey
    10what is Derek’s sister’s name.
    Ash Arlee
    B Ashely
    C shaqeusha
    D Mary
    Short answer
    1 what is bugging sharlee at the basketball quart
    2 the bully exclude here from what
    3what is sharlee like to play at school
    4what did Derek lose for the summer
    5whats Derek’s favorite baseball team
    1what did Derek do the kid who were mean to sharlee

    Short answer
    1that the bully is laughing at sharlee and making fun of here at school
    2she excluded here from the game they were playing at recess
    4he lost the Yankees vs red sox game because he broke the contract
    5 the Yankees
    So Derek one day was so mad at the bully that was being mean to Sharlee when he got on the bus he sat next to him and told him and yelled to never ever bother his sister again then the bully started to cry and the bus driver got all mad and the principal was mad but after all Derek had to apologize to the bully and he never bullied sharlee again.

  14. #13 Emilia Shahverdian
    The Martian by Andy Weir
    Blog Choice #5
    Page 307
    Blog 2 Quarter 3

    I’m stuck here stranded what to do
    In a red wasteland, with no one but me
    I need to get home need to leave
    But no one knows I’m alive

    Mark, you need to survive, you will survive, so use the skills that you have inside
    Ration your food, plant some potatoes, Fix the communication,
    On earth they are weeping, your crew is grieving, for your loss.
    Imagine that the day you arrive everyone will be surprised.
    So this is your chance to prove yourself and live on.
    I’m stuck here stranded what to do
    In a red wasteland, with no one but me
    I need to get home need to leave
    But no one knows I’m alive

    Mark, keep your sanity make logs to keep you hopeful,
    Find your way to get back to Earth and never ever give up
    You need to make a breakthrough to help you get back home

    I’m stuck here stranded what to do
    In a red wasteland, with no one but me
    I need to get home need to leave
    But no one knows I’m alive

    Mark, you’ve actually done it you patched the communication
    Listen to NASA’s direction and do what they say to get you home

    I’m stuck here stranded what to do
    In a red wasteland, with no one but me
    I need to get home need to leave
    But no one knows I’m alive

    I’m headed back home
    To where I belong
    Well I know that I’ve done wrong
    Maybe this will be a brand new beginning

  15. J.B. Sebastiano #12
    Playing with Purpose:Baseball
    Mike Yorkey
    In the book Playing with Purpose, I love how the author explains each player’s individual walk with Christ. By using suspense, the author has the readers wondering what might happen next. He also shows how much these baseball players sacrificed to make it to the MLB. The player’s parents also gave up their time to get them to all the practices and games. In all these sacrifices, they still make time to go to church. Some of the kids did not really understand what they were learning in church but later on, they understood the value. Some baseball players, such as Matt Capps, fell off the road in their Christian faith and walked in a dead spiritual life. Matt then knew his life needed to get back on track. He remembered his church and started to lead Bible studies on his team. Others, such as Albert Pujols, had to work through poverty to get drafted by the Cardinals in the later rounds of the 1999 first year player draft. Albert worked his way up and thanked God every step of the way. Clayton Kershaw believed in Christ because it was what his parents taught him. While in high school, Clayton began to study the Bible more which resulted in him having a better understanding of his faith. He devoted his life to Christ and now enjoys helping children in need. Many Christians are inspired by these stories, which can be applied in their own lives. Not only are these players an inspiration, they are role models that encourage children to grow in Christ.

  16. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    Beetle Boy
    Blog #6 Option #2
    M.G. Leonard
    Dear Darkus,
    I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I know how hard it is too loose someone so close to you. I hope the investigation for your dad is progressing. When I heard in the paper that he vanished from a completely closed of vault, I almost got sick. I bet when you found out you did. I want you to know that you should not listen to the people who tell you that he is dead. I know he is not dead. He is out there thinking only about you and how much he misses you. Don’t talk to the mean reporters who say he won’t return and that he is dead. He loves you so much and he wants to come home. Margaret told me that you have a pet beetle too. What was his name? I think it was Baxter. If that is wrong write me back the right name. I heard he was a big help in the search. Didn’t he find your dad’s glasses in the first place? I personally think that is amazing. I wish I had a beetle like Baxter. I also heard that your dad loved beetles as much as you do. Well even though you have only seen Baxter. I feel so bad that your dad never told you about his secret admiration for the fantastic creature. I bet when you find him he will tell you all about them. When he comes back he will probably love Baxter as much as you do. I hope you find this letter comforting. I will write you when I hear more on the investigation.
    I wish the best for you and Baxter. Write me soon.
    Your friend,

  17. #5 Isabella Holiday
    Jennifer Rush
    Blog #9
    I love this book. I love that there is the characters are finding themselves and each other from the begging to end. At the same time they're learning more about themselves and past experiences. In the book there is a group called the Branch and their goal is to make biological weapons. The three boys are Cas, Nick, and Sam. Sam is the unspoken leader. This throws a twist in the book because the boys had a great bond of trust between the four of them that was then broken. There is also another person, her name is Anna and the whole book is through her perspective. She was also apart of the Branch experiment. Like the boys her memory had been erased but as her memories started coming back she learned a lot more about herself then imaginable. She learned that her uncle started the Branch, her sister worked for it, and that her parents were dead because of it. Anna was the boys general in away. If she would say something the boys would listen. Anna had gone through a lot but she always had someone to fall back on. Sam. Sam and Anna had a very special bond from the first time they met in the lab. This book is so good because it has a really good moral to the story. No matter how much separates you and some one else if their is a trustworthy bond then you will always find your way back together. To me that's a really big life lesson that people often times forget. This book is really good because it teaches that.

  18. #3Ethan Crenshaw
    Chris Wooding
    Pg. 220
    Log 5
    Dear, Seth and Kady
    Once the lights when off and your friend that was missing you should of called the cops. At the time it was very scary. You could have called your mom or dad. But when a minute passed you guys went to Malice because you guys were doing something wrong. But what you did was not right. Know you guys are in Malice you guys should make weapons so you can fight the devilish things. I think that you should make a fire so you can see in the dark because if you don’t you will die. Seth and Kady should split up and see if you can find Luke and the other of your friends. When you go inside that tree house or whatever it is you should find something because there was a big noise. Oh look it is a basement, that never ends. You should probably want to look out for any monsters because if you are not ready you will get hurt. Oh no there is a monster run before you die. So open up the door and run and don’t forget to lock it. So now see if you hear any voices. If you can’t hear any voices then go find a way out of this basement. If you see any stars then go to it. Good you found a way out through that little vent. Know go and find Luke or go home. If you want to find Luke then go and see where he is at. Don’t you and Luke have a phone. If you have a phone then track him down but sadly there is no internet in a world that a few people know.

  19. Matthew Kim#7
    A Vision of Shadows
    Erin Hunter
    The book A Vision of Shadows, is a book about a young cat who goes on an adventure. This short story is going to be about the main theme in this book, bravery. Gary was walking home from school. As he was walking, some bullies came and started to bully him. They punished him and took his money. He went home angry and sad. When he came home, he went to his bed and started to cry. Every day, lots of bullies came and beat him up. Gary was sick of it. During dinner time, his mom asked him about school. His mom asked about school and if it was going great. Gary mumbled a few words. They continued eating dinner. Gary finished eating and went back into his room. He pulled out his new toy he got for Christmas. It was a remote control race car. He went outside and started playing with it. He drove it around the neighborhood. He wasn't looking where the car was going. As he followed it, the bullies saw him and walked toward him. They took the car and started to play with it. The bullies drove it into a swimming pool and the car sank. Gary rushed to the pool and saw that the car broke. He angrily threw it and it hit the bullies. They ran toward him and gave him a big punch in the eye. His eye became black. He ran and cried back home. He started crying about his new toy. The nest day he decided to do something. When the bullies came to beat him up, he didn't run away. He gathered all his courage and fought them. He punched the leader of the bully right in the nose. The leader started to cry. The bullies ran away scared. After that fight, the bullies never bullied him again.

  20. #3daniel chapin
    Matt Christopher
    Before this kid was a kid who only hit home runs,he was just terrible at all sports. He tried out for many sports such as wrestling, football, and basketball. He was not the type of kid that was known as the spectacular athlete, in fact he was that one kid who never seemed to be good at anything. After being bullied and tormented for about five years he decided to take up baseball. He turned out to be a real stud in it and he hit many homers. For a while he was scared to join an actual league. His friends and his family encouraged him and he went for it. He did real great from single a to triple a. Then the competition got so much harder and he began to become discouraged. He later decided to quit baseball and try to become something else. Sadly, he was already in his late thirties so he did not have a good shot at any athletic goels. He also did not have a great education so he could not really pursue a good financial cereer. The only thing that he could have a good chance at pursuing being a coach for baseball. He pursued that and actually became very good at it. He actually made it perfesional and became the coach for the angels. Later he became rich.

  21. Blog #2 Quarter #3
    Joshua Quintana #10
    Wednesday, April 13, 2016
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules

    Greg had an ordinary life other than his brother who filled him with strive.
    He had to ride in the back of his brother's truck and that gave him some bad luck.
    Him and his brother Roderick were fighting but they then actually started to act slightly nice.
    Roderick threw a party while his Mom and Dad were away and Greg was left in the basement to stay.
    But he called his Mother who helped him get away.
    Then him and his friend partied untill day.
    But the parents soon had to end their stay.
    Greg and his brother had to clean up.
    Otherwise they would have bad luck.

  22. Aiden Avichouser
    Kurtis Scaletta
    Blog 6
    April 14,2016

    The main character in my books name is Chad. He loves baseball and has over 5000 baseball cards. I love the book because the main character in the book loves baseball. I like how he collect baseball cards. I like how they made up a team name in the book. The team is called the Pine city Porcupines. They hired Chad to be the new bat boy. A kid in Chad’s class named Dylan also is a new bat boy for the team. I didn’t like how they made Dylan not like baseball though. I don’t understand why you would be a bat boy if you don’t like the game. I like how they told most of the players names in the book. Chad’s favorite player on the team was Mike Stammer. I like to how they named the book Jinxed because Mike Stammer was jinxed. He was really bad in the field and struggled at hitting. Chad met Mike what he was looking for a four leaf clover. Chad got Mike a rabbit and he thought it would break the cycle of him being jinxed. I like that the author did that. I liked that the cover of the book had Mike Stammer fielding a ground ball and the bunny running under him. That was a very good illustration. The bunny rabbit that Chad got Mike made the jinx go away and Mike started to do better at fielding and started hitting the ball again. The whole team started to do really good and win a bunch of their games. It wasn’t the four leaf clover that did the trick and made the jinx go away it was really the rabbit that was needed. I like how the book had a happy ending with the team being good and with Mike playing great. I really enjoyed the book, it was really good.

  23. #9 Matt Montoya
    Marie Lue
    Pages 1-340
    Blog Choice #3

    Well, Day, I know you’re under a lot of pressure and I want you to stay strong and not to fall apart under all this. I know you’re on your own with June and it’s only you two together now. You two are considered dangerous and fugitives to the capitol. I don’t know what else to do until you guys are far away from the capitol as you can. Once I meet you in a couple months I shall provide shelter and safety from the Capitol. Until then, keep out of sight and stay in the shadows. A few years later… Day and June are finally living in peace without having to worry about the Capitol pursuing them. Ever since I met them they have wrote back to me saying they are okay and everything is fine. It only took the Capitol a couple of years to finally realize they won’t find Day and June ever again. They are happily living in the country far away from the borders of the city. Lately, it seems like Day has been missing his family every since he had a flashback from when his mother was shot by the Capitol right in front of his eyes. He will never get that image out of his head; the capitol ruined his entire life. With saying that, June will also never see his father again; he was the head of the capitol. June made a very brave decision that one day to save Day from all his hardships and worries. It takes a lot of bravery to turn completely away from your family to stick up for what’s right.

  24. Edward Lueras #7
    4/14/16 L.A.
    Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
    the end, page 247
    prompt #1

    My name is Victor Frankenstein and I have made the worst mistake of my life. I have been fascinated with what makes things suddenly spark into existence and what causes this life. Since early in my life I have wanted to be a scientist who makes an incredible breakthrough in how and why we live. After I graduated from college, with the professors there teaching me everything they could, I decided my first labor in my new field would be to create life from nothing. I quickly devised a plan to get a few body parts and put them together, and then using the power of electricity I would instantaneously give my being the will of life. I set out on my plan and after months of hard work my being was ready to become alive. I gave the being a charge and he came to life. He was a living monster, dead but somehow moving. His face looked like death and I immediately ran away out of my house once I set eyes on him. He tried to reach out to touch me before I fled, and he was following slowly after me when I was rushed outside. I ran far away from my house, but since then I have returned. The being is no where to be seen, but I am still scared to death of his coming again. He haunts my thoughts, and I would not like to even imagine what he is doing to others as I speak....

  25. #2 Kachina Blair
    Ellie’s Story
    W. Bruce Cameron
    Blog #6
    I am writing about Ellie’s conflict. Ellie was adopted by a police officer. She didn’t know what was going on, but later realized that she was going to be working. Ellie did well in her training and was ready to do her work. She was trained to find lost or hurt people. One day a man had kidnapped a little girl. Ellie’s master, Jacob, was called and Ellie went to work. Jacob held the little girls jacket up for Ellie to smell. Ellie started to sniff around and she found where the little girl and the man who took her where. Jacob told Ellie to get into the car. Ellie got confused, but she stuck her head out of the window. She finally smelt the little girl and mans smell. Jacob let her out of the truck, and Ellie started to run the direction that the man went with the little girl. When Ellie got to a little town, she looked all around and saw a man and a little girl. The man was trying to break into a house, and the little girl was shaking like she was cold. Ellie looked at her shake even though the sun was very hot. Ellie ran back to get Jacob, and Jacob said “show”. Ellie ran fast but the man was nowhere to be found. Then Ellie picked up the man’s smell. Then Ellie ran through the bushes, and found him in a bush. He popped out of the bush, and Jacob said freeze. The man frozen, and shot Jacob in the gut. Jacob fell to the ground and Ellie bit the man on the arm. Back up police officers came and told Ellie to get off. The man later got arrested, and the little girl was safe with her mother and father. Jacob was put into a helicopter and flown away. Ellie never saw Jacob after that.

  26. #6Sienna Inman
    Jewel Never Broken
    Pg. 200
    Log 9

    I'm reading a book called “Jewel Never Broken” by a girl named Jewel. It's about her life story, how she grew up and how's she's living now. I love how she's so strong when it comes to extremely hard struggles in her life. I just love how calm and hopeful she is throughout all of it. I hate the way she had to grow up as a child. Her Dad was an alcoholic, and her Mom left them with him at a very young age. I love how she kind of learns to raise herself considering that she no longer had her Mom with her everyday anymore. I hate how her Dad took her to bars as a kid, and allowed her to witness drunk men fighting everyday. I love how she is still a normal girl even though she had a pretty messed up lifestyle. I would have expected her to turn out just like her parents if anything. I love how she said that she would raise her kids in a different way then her Father. I hate how people tell her that should could taken advantage of in that town considering her beauty. I love how she tells about her songs and what they mean to her. Sense she is a country musician, she has plenty of songs to describe. I hate how when she started to become famous enough because of her amazing voice, her Mom started using her for all the money she had been making. I love how she knows, and is amazing at yodeling. I love how she is now 40, and is still very close with her Dad. I love how she has been through so much in her life, an alcoholic for a Dad, a trader for a Mom, and a divorce with her husband. She still stands strong and is confident in herself no matter how terrible the things she went through were.

  27. #11 Preston ParkerApril 14, 2016 at 6:41 PM

    #11 Preston Parker
    Pg. 304
    The Martian
    Andy Weir
    Option #1
    Dear Earth,
    Today I will go outside. Yes you heard me the great outdoors of Mars. How will I do this you say. By putting on my EVA soot and going outside to dust of all of the solar cells. Moat boring job in the world but it keeps the Hab going. Its day one out of hopefully not many but I was just left behind by my crew on mars. But it was an accident they thought that I was dead. A antenna flew off our satellite and impaled me destroying my life sign indicator. This then caused me to wake up with blood clogging the hole in my stomach. Nothing a few stiches can’t fix up. But other than that I’m just fine and dandy. Al I have to worry about is how I’m going to make more food if I plan to stay alive on this planet. Well I have enough water t last me a couple hundred souls and if some way I can make communication to Earth that I’m still alive maybe they can send a resupply for me. So I can last until the Ares 4 mission arrives in three years. But first I need to rest after that fatal injury and all. Good morning Mars, goodbye Earth and normal lifestyle. Well at least until I can establish contact with Earth that will allow me to communicate with them without having to do a series of rock moving time waiting labor. I’ve got it I can make modifications to the Rover and then go get Pathfinder. The satellite probe they sent here back in the 90’s that could still communicate with Earth if I fix the old thing up. And I know exactly where it is.
    Mark Watney

  28. #5 Janessa Fuentes
    Blog #6
    Friends will always be there but some will betray you.

  29. Andrew Walters #13
    ` Language
    Half Moon
    Fletcher Moon has never been like other kids. For one thing, he has had to suffer the humiliating nickname " Half Moon" because of his short stature. But the real reason Fletcher is different is that ever since he was a baby he's had a nose for sniffing out mysteries. And let's just say, it's not a skill that has been appreciated by many people, including his own family. That doesn't bother Fletcher, though. After graduating at the top of his Internet class, he is officially certified as the youngest detective in the world. He even has a silver-plated detective's badge to prove it. Everything is going along fine until two things happen: a classmate hires him to solve a crime, and his prized badge is stolen. All signs point to the town's most notorious crime family, the . Fletcher finds himself framed for a serious crime. To clear his name he will have to pair up with the unlikeliest of allies and go on the run from the authorities. Fletcher has twelve hours to find the guilty party or he is the guilty party."

  30. #10 Luke O’Brien
    Blog #6
    Not The Life It Seems
    Tom Bryant
    Prompt #3
    The band is a very influential one that spoke for the people who didn’t fit in. My Chemical Romance is a post-hardcore band that formed in New Jersey composed of, Gerard Way, Ray Toro, frank Iero, Mikey Way, and Matt Peilsser. All of them were influenced by musicians such as The Misfits, The Smiths, Iron Maiden, David Bowie, etc. Gerard Way and Mikey Way (brothers), started to get more into music at different times. Mikey Way was a little quicker because what Gerard was so interested in. Gerard Way is an amazing artist and wanted to pursue that talent. He ended up working at a comic book shop where he was held at gun point by two men in ski-mask at guns. They were looking for valuable comic book and threatened to shoot him. After this event he still wanted to pursue his love for drawing. He would go on to trying to get a show on cartoon network with a friend. When that didn’t work out, that is when he would start to get more into music. Mikey and Gerard eventually befriend a guitarist named Ray Toro and Matt peilsser while trying to start a band. While they were trying to start a band, they came across a band that Frank Iero was in. they had already played live once and Frank would become their biggest fan. So when they needed an another guitarist, he was ready. As time went on, they released a record called “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge”. Before every show Gerard and Mikey would drink because they were so nervous, but it was Gerard that would become a raging alcoholic. When Gerard hit rock bottom, he became more and more depressed. But that wasn’t the only problem within the band. Matt Peilsser had been charged with theft and was kicked out of the band almost instantly. While looking for a new drummer they came across Bob Bryar. And later on Bob bryar was kicked out too. There is so much more to talk about with My Chemical Romance but I can’t write too much so I’m out.

  31. Leo sellarole #12
    I Survived The Hindenburg Disaster
    Lauren Tarshish
    Blog #6 Prompt #7
    When reading I Survived the Hindenburg Disaster I loved the detailed pictures the author drew with many amazing words. The author opened the book with a detailed description of the boy named Hugo, his family, and his dog. The author also goes deep into what the main character Hugo is feeling about his surrounding and what he has been hearing from people chatting around him. One of the big ideas he focuses on is the Spy who is on the Hindenburg ship planning to steal the secret plans of the Nazi’s to take control over America. Throughout the whole story Hugo is worried sick about what the Nazi’s might do to the spy if he gets caught, later on he then starts to think about his own safety and safety of his family. There is a point where the author describes the life Hugo had before flying on the Hindenburg to New York through Hugo’s words. This wonderfully painted picture describes a Savannah with an amazing view and tall grass that Hugo and Gertie would love to play hide and seek in, amazing animals all around them, and the baboon that Hugo and Gertie became friends with. The house in the Savannah was a lovely house where one of the most frightening experiences occurred to Hugo, he had pulled the covers back a found a ball python in his bed this is where the author describes hugo’s dog saving him, be protective and handling the ball python. Back on the Hindenburg Hugo meets a friend named Martha. Martha and her father Mr. Singer take Hugo and his family to explore the Hindenburg. Later on gets sick and it affects badly he goes to the cargo on a dangerous mission to get while on this mission he discovers is the spy. Sacrifices his chance to escape to save Mr. singer from getting caught by Kohl the Nazi guard. Gertie gets better and Hugo is nervous waiting for the Hindenburg’s journey across the North Atlantic Ocean. After all these inside conflicts the author shares with us the disaster that occurred. The helium gas in the blimp part of the zeppelin catches on fire burning all the fabric and wood parts of the ship and melting all the metal parts. The ship plunders to its end bringing everyone to frightened to jump down with it. I give this book five stars a must read no matter what age.

  32. #6 Italia Holiday
    Sunny Side Up
    Jennifer L. Holm Matthew Holm
    Pg. 315
    Log #6
    The main problem in this book is that Sunny is visiting her grandfather in Florida at a elderly home and there is no other children there. Sunny meets two ladies that are her grandfathers friends, but Sunny can't quite communicate with them because she doesn't really get along with them. She tries to find more children at the elderly home, but she can never find one because she is always with her grandfather doing boring thing. Such as going to the post office, grocery store, and the pool. The pool may not sound boring, but you cannot go in the water without a pass, she was all alone, and it was only one person at a time. Actually at one point her grandfather had to pay his fees and she had change to get a soda. The soda machine was not working, so a boy her age walked in and told her to kick the machine. Sunny kicked it and her soda came out. She had finally made a friend. His name was Buzz. He was very interested in comics so he introduced them to Sunny. Sunny and Buzz started doing everything together. To collect money they would find the elders cats that would hide in trees and would collect missing golf balls. At one point when they were collecting golf balls Sunny found a ball in the water and almost got eaten by a alligator. Sunny and Buzz would use the money they earned to buy comics. When they both found a cat for one lady she only gave a nickel instead of a few dollars. They found this place that you pay a nickel for all you can drink orange juice. Soon as Sunny left Florida Buzz gave her some of the most famous comics. Sunny was sad to leave Florida, but happy to see her family again.

  33. #14 Anthony Salgado
    Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
    Patricia C Wrede
    pg. 150
    I thought the Phantom Menace was a decent book overall. It had some good action parts in it but honestly was probably the worst of the series. I could understand that it is the history of the Skywalker generation but it just was not as good as the other Star Wars books. There were a lot of mistakes in it but I think the worst mistake was Jar Jar. I don't even need to explain Jar Jar. Actually I am because I need more words. The way he talks is completely idiotic and acted as pretty much the stupid one. Everyone hated him and it was just a bad idea overall. Well enough of my little rant, back to the book review. The same thing with all the other Star Wars books is that it well described the scenes. Basically all of the Star Wars books had good imagery. I also liked how they brought in the two siths, Darth Maul and Darth Sidious. Even though it was kind of out of nowhere, they're introduction was still ok. I could see that Darth Sidious is just manipulating Darth Maul to get what he wants just like he did with Darth Tyrannus. If you don't know who that is, he is just Count Dooku. Which is another book so lets get back to the review once again. Overall I thought the book was decent and it could've been better. In conclusion, these are my opinions on Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.

  34. #4 Eli Holiday
    Marie Lu
    PG# 267
    Blog #2
    Dear Tess, you are one of my favorite characters in the book so far, and I can’t wait to see what comes in store for you next. You are being very dangerous and tricky. You are being brave, loyal, and strong. I think that you should be more controlling, you should try to be more demanding and take control of the group. You could be the one that leads the group and gets them out of their troubles. You are starting to become the leader but you are not fully there yet so you need to start pushing it a lot more. I think if you want to stay alive, trust the people that you have trusted in the beginning. That will help you so much more if you are looking to remain alive everyday. There may be some people you might turn on you in the end, but you still have to trust in the people that surround you. You are starving, you need to go out there and start hunting. Go for it, it might not be the food you exactly want, but hey you have to eat. It might be, dog, bird, lion, bunny, or even a bug you just have to start eating. The same thing with water, you are starting to get dehydrated. You have to drink water even if you are not sure the water is clean, you have to start drinking. It would be better to drink dirty water than too not drink at all. Well, that is all the advice I have for you today, good luck.

  35. #8 Sam Matles
    Number the Stars
    Louis Lowry
    Log number 5
    Hello, this is Ellen, Annemarie’s best friend. I am very scared. The natizes have come to find all of the Jews and take them somewhere, I am not sure where though. Mama and Papa have said that if we get separated to just hide. Right now we are staying a cabin that is abandon. Annemarie’s parents were kind enough to let me stay with them while Mama and Papa went to go get ready. After that we went to Annemarie’s Uncle’s house. He is a fisherman. We got to have cream and oatmeal! I haven’t had that for three years. Ever since the natiz came all of our food and supplies have been very small. I had to cram on a boat under the floorboard panels for 7 hours. It was miserable we couldn’t move or speak for more than seven hours. Many people even went to the restroom in their pants. I just couldn’t do that.
    While we were sitting there waiting to take off, we heard some soldiers climb aboard. We were all so scared! Luckily, Annemarie’s uncle did many tests and made a liquid that soaked into a handkerchief and made sure the dog the Germans were holding couldn’t smell us at all! We were so quiet you could’ve heard a pin drop. After that we took off and started out journey to Denmark. The natiz didn’t take the Jews from there. We got off and hiked through tons of bushes for about 2 hours more. How it felt good to stretch my legs. Annemarie if you get this I love you and hope to return someday.

  36. Jake Rydbeck #11
    In this book the gods of Ancient Egypt get released into the modern world. The two main characters are Carter and Sadie Kane. The baddest enemy the Chaos snake is rising. Their goal is to stop him from rising. If they don’t stop him the world will end. To stop the Chaos snake they have to revive the sun god Ra. To revive Ra they have to search the world for the three sections of the Book Of Ra. The problem is no one really knows where Ra is.

  37. #16 Jacob Yost
    Star Wars battlefront twilight company
    Prompt 10
    Alexander freed

    1. Is the rebel group called twilight company T/F. T
    2. Is the main characters name Namir T/F. T
    3. Do they go to the imperial base T/F. T
    4. Does Namir have partners T/F. T
    5. Do they have a technician on the team T/F T

    1. How did Namir almost die. By getting shot in the head.
    2. Who saved Namir. His best friend
    3. How many body guards were killed. Two guards were killed
    4. How do they pick their recruiters in the alliance. They find them in a line and pick them.
    5. How do they find Nasir's friend. She comes up in a speeder

    How does Namir find his new recruits in the book. And how old are they.

    He finds his new recruits in the line fighting and on the floor going at it.
    They also were a boy and a girl one was 20 but she looked 16 and the boy was barely older then her and about 23.

  38. Ileanna Holiday#5
    The Secret Language of Sisters
    Luanne Rice
    In the book The Secret Language of Sisters there were two sisters named Ruth Ann and Matilda McCabe. Matilda sends a text message to Ruth and she got into a car accident. Her car flipped over and the next thing she new she was in the hospital. Ruth was paralyzed and she has locked inside syndrome but no one knows it. She is screaming inside her body so someone could hear her but no one can. Ruth's boyfriend seems to be the only one who understands what Matilda is going through. Ruth wants to be heard but no one can hear her. Matilda may be the only person who can help Ruth with her conditions. Somehow in the end, through medicine or miricles, both sisters find a way to heal.

  39. #3 Alex Gottuso
    Blog #2 Q3
    Reasons We Believe
    Nathan Busenitz
    Pg. 302
    I love how the author of this book is very precise in every way. You can tell he learned a lot from writing research papers from all the citations he has and more. I really look up to the author of this book even though I wouldn't exactly want to write the same genre of books he writes. The author of this book really puts everything into perspective. He always tells both sides of the story. The author always makes sure that his explanations are very detailed but not too complicated to comprehend. Not only is this book a great example to many of us but it is also completing tasks for the kingdom of God. I learned many things from this book, and even though that sounds boring I had a lot of fun reading it. It may be the way the author writes or simply because this book showed me how amazing God is, but this book was also very interesting to read. I read all three-hundred and two pages very swiftly and enjoyed a whole lot of it. Although, every book has it's flaws. I felt like the author could have given more applications instead of just all information to take in. That is just my opinion though. Others might think the applications are to think up for yourself, but I believe that everyone can use a little guidance. I would recommend this book to as many people as possible, even though I am so forgetful.

  40. #14 Jada Wynn
    If I Were You
    Leslie Margolis
    Page #157
    Blog #2, Quarter #3
    What is friendship? Friendship is a word used to describe a personal relationship. There are many valuable things in life, but friendship is one of the most important. A friend is someone or something whom one knows, likes, and trusts. "Things are always easier when Melody is around. She has this sweet and gentle way about her." There are many different types of friendships.Therefore the true meaning of friendship will not be gained by anyone until it has been experienced firsthand.
    When you think of a friend, you usually think about a person. There are lots of other unusual types of friendships. For example, one might have a close relationship with an animal, like a dog. Dogs may not be able to speak, but their loyalty, love, and affection create a bond often stronger than amongst humans. Dogs are protectors and often security guards. They have even been known to save lives and keep our country safe.
    The most common friendships are between two people with the same interests and likes. This group of people, whether big or small, is typically of the same age category. Friendships can be established at an early childhood age or developed later on in life. Social activities also bring friends closer together. Friendships do not always have to entail face-to-face interaction. The best of friends can live in different countries and remain close over the years through various types of communication.
    Friendship is one of the most enjoyable aspects of life. Whether casual or inseparable, people can have friends to share their experiences with, which make everlasting memories together.

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