#9 Ethan Powell Welcome to Camp Slither R.L. Stine Pg.#92 Prompt #6 Ethan: Did you ever see Serpo, Boone? Boone: No, I never saw the snake Serpo. Ethan: Do you think he left that indent in the river bed? Boone: After the events that I had to experience, Yes. Ethan: Do you think Dr. Crawler escaped and is going to find a new way to do experiments on more people? Boone: I think he did and I also think that he will find a new way to experiment on more people. Ethan: Do you think he will ever find out how to become human again? Boone: I think that after another year he will figure out how to become human. Ethan: Are you still keep in touch with Roddy? Boone: Yes, he and I still keep in touch. Ethan: Wait didn’t Dr. Crawler get poisoned? Boone: that is right, he did get poisoned, but like I said before I think somehow he escaped and is still alive. Ethan: How has your sister’s snake been? Boone: In the middle of the night she got rid of it by setting it free, she said that after all that happened she never wanted to see another snake ever again. Ethan: Have you told your parents about all this? Boone: Many times, but they still don’t believe me. Ethan: Maybe at some point they will believe you. Boone: I don’t think they ever will. Ethan: Well moving on, Do you think Uncle Jerry and the other counselors are still alive? Boone: They are probably still out there somewhere, looking for a new place to set up a research lab. Ethan: Last question will you ever go back to another summer camp? Boone: I think that I am too traumatized to ever go to another camp.
#10 Jayden Ramirez Four: A Divergent Collection Veronica Roth Page 304 Log #6 Jayden: Hello Four, it is very nice to meet you. Tobias: Hello Jayden, it is very nice to meet you as well. Jayden: Would you prefer Tobias or Four? Tobias: I would prefer Four. Jayden: If I may ask, why do you prefer Four? Tobias: Ever since I transfered to Dauntless, I had four fears and they now call me four. Jayden: What faction were you born in? Tobias: I was born in Abnegation. Jayden: Wow, that is very suprising because never has there been a transfer from Abnegation to Dauntless. Tobias: Well, let’s just say that I had my reasons. Jayden: What reasons were there exactly? Tobias: This is a very personal topic for me. Jayden: Well it’s okay if you are not comfortable answering… Tobias: It is okay, I guess I should start from the beggining. My mother had supposably died when I was younger. It was so long ago, but I still have the memories… My father is a monster. My greatest fear is him whipping me and telling me that “it is for your good”. When it came to the choosing ceremony, the only way I could escape him was to transfer. Jayden: Wow, I am so sorry. Tobias: You don’t have to be sorry. It is in the past now. Jayden: So have you met any friends while you were at Dauntless? Tobias: Yes, in fact, Shauna and Zeke are one my best friends. Jayden: So I heard that you were the top of your fellow initiates. Tobias: Yes, but I purposely lost my last battle to Eric so I would not have to be in leadership. Jayden: Why would you not want to be in leadership? Tobias: My father is the leader of Abnegation. Jayden: Wait, your father is… Tobias: Marcus Eaton Jayden: Wow, what a journey you have had! Tobias: Ya… Jayden: So I heard that there is an initiate that you have grown fond of… Tobias: Tris? Jayden: Yes. Tobias: Well we have a lot in common and she continues to inspire me everyday. Jayden: Well, that is all the time we have. Thank you for your time. Tobias: Thank you for having me.
Years after Derek Jeter lost the championship he got to be on all-stars. In all-stars his dad coached him more than he had ever had because this was the real time to shine. He went pretty far and went all the way to the championship. It was so more stressful than the other little league games. He had done so well in the past all-star games to get to this point. He was so excited and ready for the game. Till he saw the team he was going to face. They were huge and to hurry it up they were losing for most of the game and then they ended up losing on a walk off homer. So all summer Derek was sad because he had beat up that bully and was not able to go to the Yankees game to see his favorite player. But he had behaved so well and not disobeyed his contract they let him go to the game with his whole family. He had so much fun with Sharlee and learned how to hit a little better. They ended up winning to. So over the summer Derek just sat around watching baseball and trying to hit better in the backyard. Because he had just got a hitting tee for his backyard and for playing at the hill with his friends. Sooner or later they started to like Dave and were having fun with him. He went over to his house a lot and Vijay even came over. They were as close as the three musketeers. Derek eventually meets Dave’s parents finally and he thought they we pretty cool and now baseball season was coming and they were hoping to be on the same team. They are now a little change up.
#1 Matthew Burnette Hit and miss Derek Jeter Pg. 166 Prompt 3 Years after Derek Jeter lost the champion ship he got to be on all stars. In all stars his dad coached him more than he had ever had because this was the real stuff. He went pretty far and went all the way to the champion ship. It was so more stressful than the other little league games. He had done so well in the past all-star games to get to this point. He was so excited and ready for the game. Till he saw the team he was going to face. They were huge and to hurry it up it was. Lose for most of the game and then they ended up losing on a walk off homer. So all summer Derek was sad because he had beat up that bully and was not able to go to the Yankees game to see his favorite player. But he had behaved so well and not disobeyed his contract they let him go to the game with his whole family. He had so much fun with Sharlee and learned how to hit a little better. They ended up winning to. So over the summer Derek just sat around watching baseball and trying to hit better in the backyard.207 because he had just got a hitting tee for his backyard and for playing at the hill with his friends. Sooner or later they started to like Dave and were having fun with him. He went over to his house a lot and Vijay even came over. They were as close as the three musketeers. Derek eventually meet Daves parents finally and he thought they we pretty cool and now baseball season was coming and they were hoping to be on the same team. They are now a little change up.
#9 Jake O’Brien Mrs. Rengifo Blog #6 “The Shining” I believe that the book is very interesting because of the storyline in general. I love the way that the author describes Jack’s story and his inner demons that he tries to fight while trying to hold his family together at the same time. I also love the way that the author describes the different battles that the other members of the family have to deal with because of Jack’s problems. I love how Stephen King describes Danny, Jack’s son and how it seems like he is always waiting on his father to come home and at least spend the rest of the day with him. I also love the way that the author describes Wendy his wife and the many things that she tries to do to keep him family intact. He also describes very well the way that Wendy is trying to help Jack get better and the constant arguing that happens between them, and that Wendy is still trying to keep Danny happy and trying to shelter him from the inner turmoil that’s happening within the family. Another thing that I love from Stephen King is that he describes very well the way that Jack knows that he is failing his family but he still wants to give them a bright and happy future. Jack decides to move them to a hotel which would give Danny many places to play and would give Wendy many ways to simply relax. Although the hotel isn’t all that it seems to be.
#9 Matthew Montoya 5-17-16 Prodigy Pg# 375 Marie Lu Topic 8
The conflict or problem in Prodigy is that Day and June team up and run away from the Capitol. The problem with that is June’s father is the head of the capitol and there’s no coming back for her because she helped a prisoner escape. If she did go back, she would probably become a prisoner as well. The problem is Day and June hit many obstacles that could affect their relationship with each other. Day gets injured and almost dies and June has second thoughts about running away. These 2 young people learn how to survive with no parents or anyone to help or save them. They learn to live on their own and become great adults. Day and June have problems with each other sometimes that makes them think twice about who their with and why. The problems have to be overcome and dealt with even if they are hard or difficult. Some problems are: Day’s mom gets killed by the Captiol. Another problem is Day is separated from his family s he has no more connection with them. A Problem for June is that she ran away from her family back at the Capitol and she will never be able to return to her family again. Imagine if you couldn’t ever see your parents or siblings. I couldn’t imagine losing my family. June had to also overcome a problem with fear when she was alone with no one. Day and June both overcome many problems that eventually help them in the near future.
#4 Eli Holiday The Captain: Derek Jeter Ian O’Connor Blog #8 PG#228 The Captain was a book made that was all about Derek Jeter, the NYY all-time great baseball career. There was really only one issue in that book that was a conflict in the book. That conflict was the 3,000 hits. Derek Jeter was going to become a player who would write history in the books, if he could reach 3,000 hits. He had entered the season with 2,897 hits, and he would have over 162 chances to do that. He came into the season batting with an average of .299, and .500 on base percentage. Jeter was bound to reach the 3,000 mark. He had struggled in the first month only getting 14 hits in 21 games. In May however, he picked up the pace, he would hit 25 times, out of 27 games and over 50 at bats. Then the summer slump kicked in. Jeter for two weeks had gone hitless, and time was running out. He was receiving lots of support from the fans, but he wasn’t producing. Jeter was sent to the DL for 5 games because of a slight ankle injury. He was nervous. He only had 44 games at home left, and he wanted to do it on his own turf. Jeter turned the level up a notch. Jeter for the next 25 at-bats went 22-25 getting up to 61 hits. He had 93 games left. Jeter for the next two months went 35-59. With only 10 home games he needed 4 more hits. The next 4 games however were in Cleveland. He only got 3-4 hits in one game and rested the next 3. The first home game back, was against the Tampa Bay Rays. Jeter being the 2nd batter of the inning did something no one expected. The get to 3,000 hits, Jeter hit a home run.
#5 Isabella Holiday The Crown Kiera Cass pg 288 (end of book) Log 1 5/17/16 Dear Diary, The journey is over. I mean the Selection of course. I can't believe I made it through. At first I thought that I would stop the Selection mid-way because it would stress me out and waste my time. It turned out to be the opposite, the Selection comforted me and relaxed me. It really helped keep me together especially with me taking the crown so sudden, mom being so sick, and Ahren, my twin leaving unexpectedly to get married. In the midst of all I found comfort in two out of the many selected. Kile and Eiko were always there and treated me like I was a normal girl, not the future and then queen. It's funny knowing that I've known Kile all my life, hating him for seventy percent of it and him now being some one that I go to for advice and comfort. It's also funny that Eiko wasn't even a part of the competition. He was a translator for Henry, a contestant from Sweden. Anyway I ended up choosing Eiko to be my husband and to rule Ilea with me. It's weird how when something is meant to be it always happens. I was going to announce Henry as the winner of the Selection but something didn't feel right. Last second while I was on stage I changed my mine and decided that Eiko was now a part of the Selection and he had now won the Selection. He said yes and everyone was thrilled. This journey may be over but there are many waiting to begin.
#15 Kayla Sin Being Jamie Baker Kelly Oram Pg. 289 #3 Years before Jamie became the outcast at her new school, she was popular. Before she had the chance to meet Ryan she was with Derek at her old school. She was a cheerleader and he was the star quarterback for the football team. Jamie was popular and had everything she could have wanted at the time. The mall was her getaway to talk and hang out with friends. While she was still in elementary school, she would play volleyball. The coach of her team always thought she would grow up to play professional. She gave up volleyball when she started to only care what guys thought of her. That is how she became a cheerleader which gave her popularity for years to come. Jamie used to be close to her parents before the accident. They would go out every Friday night to watch a movie or eat a nice dinner. Her parents knew everything about her and what was going on at school. Sometimes Jamie and her mom would go get a manicure and talk about the school drama. Her favorite place to go is and was the Grand Canyon. Its peacefulness and beauty always astonished her no matter how many times she went. It seemed to take her to another world where there were no problems. Obviously then she could not run to the Grand Canyon whenever she wanted to though. Jamie’s life was easy and peaceful for the most part until she got into the accident with Derek. That was the day everything changed for her leading to the story in Being Jamie Baker.
#8 Sam Matles Into The Wild Jon Krakauer Pg 240 (Done) Blog #1 Dear diary, We are at Chris Mccandless’s home right now. He is just about packed and about to get in his yellow Datsun. He tells me we will make many stops on the way to the beautiful Alaska. Dear Diary day 5, Sorry I haven’t written in a few days i have been very busy on the road with Chris, he seems like he knows a lot about nature! Yesterday his car broke down so we ditched it with some stuff in it. He told me the stuff inside didn’t matter too much so he only grabbed things that were important. We have been hitchhiking ever since the car broke down. Chris told me that we have to make some money before we get to alaska so we will stay at a few places for a few weeks to work and then head back on the road again. Dear Diary month 5, I have been so busy! We have worked so much and traveled so far. I am proud to say that we will be leaving for Alaska soon. Some of our Co-workers say hitchhiking that far will be very hard to catch a ride. Dear Diary month 6, We made it to the trail. We are going to hike all day and find a rest stop tonight and stay there for a while. It is much colder than I thought! Luckily, we have a fire starter and a hefty shotgun. Dear Diary (A few days later), We found an abandoned bus! Chris has told me that he does not get along with his family very well so he decided to change his name to Alexander Supertramp. Ever since we found this bus Alex has been on fire shooting animals. We usually get squirrel or porcupine, but yesterday he got a moose! Unfortunately he didn’t cook it right so it went bad. He was very upset about that. Dear Diary Month 9, If you are reading this we are probably already dead. Alex has died at 67 pounds. It was terrible to watch him die of starvation but we were both so weak. If you get this tell my family I love them.
#15 Zachary Tittle Language Arts Blog #7 log #4 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone J. K. Rowling Harry Potter is a novel series written by J.K. Rowling. She made the series based on “The Boy Who Lived”. The main theme of the book is the mythical world of witchcraft and wizardry. There are many other themes and minor story’s to the book but the main theme is wizardry. The wizarding world is like the “Muggle” world. There are normal people there are smarter and better people and there are bad people. Wizardry is an amazing thing according to Ron. Ron says that if he didn’t have magic he wouldn’t know what he would do in some situations. Ron is the main character’s best friend, Harry. They meet when Harry is looking for platform 9 and 3/4 and Ron’s mom helps Harry. Another theme of the book is the mystery of “You Know Who” being lord Voldemort. He is the greatest wizard ever because he is a dark wizard. The second strongest wizard being the only one who Voldemort fears is Professor Dumbledor. He is a good wizard and found Harry after his parents were killed by Voldemort. You Know Who is said to be dead but some people think that he lost his powers. Another major theme is fear and hatred. Everyone fears You Know Who and everyone hates him too. Before harry goes to Hogwarts he lived with the Dursleys. They completely despised and hated magic. They told Harry there was no such thing and Harry didn’t know he was a wizard. They also hated Harry very much because he always messed something up or they blamed it on him.
#5 Janessa Fuentes Blog #7 5/14/16 My forever Friends Dear Diary, My name is Ida and I am one of the main characters in my forever friends. My friends are being very mean to me and I am now stuck in the middle. I don’t know what to do. I have a lot of friends and lately they have separated into two groups. I am confused and alone I feel like no one likes me. Should I stay with the good group that doesn’t cause any drama? Or should I move to the popular group and be known all over the school. Right now I have no friends and I feel like no one likes me. I am confused and asking myself what did I do to deserve this? I am all alone and I don’t know what to do. All of my friends refuse to hang out with each other so lately I have been hanging out with both groups. But that is not working out so well because when I hang out with one group they make fun of me for hanging out with the other group. I am sick and tired of this madness but honestly I don’t know how to put an end to it. I have tried to explain this to my mom but she doesn’t understand she said for me to hang out with both groups and you can see how that turned out not well. This is a nightmare and I hope it will end soon talk to you later. Yours Truly, Ida
Aiden Avichouser Blog 7 Language Arts May 17, 2016 The Kid Who Only Hit Homers Matt Christopher
Sylvester Coddmyer the third was a baseball player but not a very talented one as a kid. He met a man named Mr.Baruth. Baruth helped him and coached him until he became a great. Baruth told him “I am going to help you become one of the best players ever”. Soon after, Sylvester started to get the hang of hitting and he was doing a much better job of it, the hits just kept on coming. Sylvester started to do nothing but hit home runs every time he was up at bat. Down the road, after playing years of travel ball as a boy he moved onto high school baseball. As a freshman, Sylvester made the varsity baseball team. Sylvester soon was scouted by a college scout at a school that had an outstanding baseball team, he ended up getting a scholarship to attend this college. On his team he was a starter and batted third every game. One game Sylvester made a throw from right field to home plate and injured his arm. After being examined by doctor he was diagnosed with inflammatory tendinitis of his elbow. The injury of his arm put him out of baseball for six and a half months, he needed to give his elbow time to heal. After his injury healed, Sylvester went back to playing college ball. Not long after returning to the game he was drafted by a scout from the MLB. The team interested in Sylvester was the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. He played professional baseball for the Angels for five full seasons and had a batting average of over three hundred every year. Later he was traded to the New York Yankees and spent the rest of his career with that team. Sylvester won one World Series ring with the Angels and three World Series rings with the Yankees. He stayed in touch with Mr.Baruth and they spoke daily. Till the end of his career, Sylvester never forgot where he came from and how he became the player he was, he felt he owed everything to Mr.Baruth and he would always remember that he would be nowhere without him. Sylvester was inducted into the Hall of Fame and was one of the best baseball players that ever lived. He was always known as the kid who only hit homers.
Edward Lueras #7 Hatchet by Gary Paulsen end pg. 4th quarter blog #1 prompt #6 5/17/16
Me: Hi, you are the boy who survived in the wilderness without anyone's help, correct? Brian: Yes, all alone. Me: Were you scared relying our yourself to survive each day? Brian: Everyday dangerous, some of them more than others, but I knew I had to keep going on for the hope of being saved. Me: And what was it like where you were stranded? Brian: My plane crashed in a wooded lake area in Alaska. Lucky it was summertime when I crashed, or it would have been nearly impossible to survive the cold. Me: What was the scariest encounter you experienced in your time surviving the wilderness? Brian: Well the most painful experience was being attacked by a wild, territorial moose who rammed into me multiple times. The scariest experience for me was a bear sighting because if I was even lightly mauled I would have been unable to hunt and provide for myself. Me: Although you were surrounded by all these animals, did you ever wish for human company to survive with you? Brian: Everyday I fantasized about being saved by another human, but I think if I had a partner to help me hunt and survive we might have turned on each other fighting over food and water. Me: How did it feel when you were finally rescued by a passing pilot? Brian: I was speechless and thankful. I will never forget the happiness I felt being saved after surviving for months in the wilderness. Me: Thank you.
#3Daniel Chapin The way of the fight George ST Pierre This was an absolutely amazing book that I will definitely read again. In my opinion I think that George st Pierre is excellent at writing books and I encourage him to write more. I really like how he wrote that there is way more to fighting than just the actual fight itself. I also like how an actual ufc fighter wrote it because you can never really tell the actually fighters emotion in his or her fight. I also like how he said that fighters are more than just fighters, meaning that they are normal people too. I wished that he would talk more about when he was actually in the fight than just the adversity that he faced. I liked when he talked about his adversity and obstacles but at a certain point it can get a little much to be honest. I like how this book comes from a point of view that is from one of the best fighters to ever step into a ufc octogon. One of my biggest pieces of advise to him is that he should come back from his basically short retirement almost. He is one of the greatest fighters and I do not want him to go out on a controversial win. The biggest reason that I want him to come back is because like he said in his book, he draw attention to the ufc. My biggest problem with this book is that he keeps on repeating himself in his writings. For example, he repeats on how he overcame his injury over and over again. In conclusion I think that he writes great books.
#2 Sarah Chiaromonte 5/17/16 Freak the Mighty Rodman Philbrick 1-160 or end The main problem in the book is that the human body is not always perfect. Some people come out with allergies or problems with food. Some people come out with no problems at all. Just because someone is different does not mean you should treat them with any different attitude. We are all human and nobody is perfect. We all have secrets. Some will get out and some will haunt you all your life. The only way to get past your worst imperfections is to know you have them and not feel ashamed of them. God made everyone just the way he wanted. Freak in the book had an imperfection. His imperfection was that his body grew faster than his brain. This means that he was the average height of a second grader when his brain was in kindergarten. Just because he was different people would call him stupid or dumb or slow. He really was not any of these. He was perfect in his own body. In his body, his brain was just perfect. When Freak was at an all-time low, one person did not care how he was. That was Max. Max did not look at the outside of Freak. He looked at the inside of Freaks heart and knew that he was a good person. When we look at people we need to see their heart and not the outer shell. Just like the wolf in sheep’s skin it could fool the eye. When you look at the inside you can see the true good or bad. In Freaks heart, he was really smart and a kind and lovable person.
#14 Anthony Salgado Indiana Jones:Kingdom of the Crystal Skull James Luceno pg. 150 prompt #5
Indiana Jones, a man of adventure Looking far and wide for treasure He went out to venture Ran into some trouble Looking for that crystal skull Stuck in a bubble of pain and regret It was all worth it in the end
#12 Alexis Raya Batman Arkham Knight Marv Wolfman Page 155 Blog 8 There are many conflicts in Batman Arkham Knight. The main conflict in the novel is on Halloween, Scarecrow forces the civilian evacuation of Gotham City after threatening to unleash his new fear toxin. Batman tracks Scarecrow to a hideout. He rescues Poison Ivy who Scarecrow imprisoned. She had refused to join Batman's other rogues in Scarecrow's plan. Batman meets with Oracle who is also known as Barbara Gordon. She identifies the toxin in Scarecrow’s fear toxin as Ace Chemicals. Batman investigates the facility but encounters the Arkham Knight and his armed militia. Batman overcomes and defeats Arkham Knight’s militia. He then locates Scarecrow who has transformed the entire building into a toxin bomb. Scarecrow reveals that he has kidnapped Oracle. He exposes Batman to the toxin before escaping. Batman decreases the bomb’s blast radius and is confronted by the Joker. A flashback reveals that the Jokers infected blood had been used in blood transfusions before he died. Batman along with four others was infected by the Joker’s blood. Batman hides his infection from others. He imprisons the other four who were infected by the Joker’s blood who were mentally and physically transforming into the Joker. The Joker now exists mentally in Batman’s mind because of the infected blood and fear toxin. The Joker frequently taunts Batman and manipulates his perception of the world around him. Batman escapes the exploding Ace Chemicals. He alerts James Gordon, Oracle’s father, to Oracle's kidnapping. Gordon leaves to find Scarecrow. The plot in the novel is still unfolding. This is not the end of the story. It is only the beginning.
Naruto how did you get from a horrible little kid to a full fledge ninja in just a matter of a year. I got this far because of my hard work and detection to my work. I also met my new master and was trying to be better then Sauske and was trying to impress Sakura in a battle. I was able to do well in all of my training and never let go of my ninja way which was to never give up no matter what the difficult obstical in my way to be the best I can be. I never thought that I would make it this far to being loved by not only my master but my friends too. I also made friends by being a good person.... Or trying to be anyway. The reason that I had no friends was that the village was afraid of me for being a bad person and that my parents died I have had to live on my own and teach myself and never give up hope to become leader of the village and then all of the people would notice me and would realize that I am more then just a little kid but am a ninja and must overcome anything that is in my way. I was sad that I was the only one who didn't pass the academy and was about to give up when my sensei told me that their is another way, to steal the scroll and to learn from it and master it and then come back and pass. So I did, and the village was in panic and then my master came and said that what I was doing was wrong and that I should stop and give it back to him. Then my sensei came up and said no turns out he was a rouge ninja and wanted the scroll so that he can go to another village. He attacked me and my master saved me and then I knocked out my sensei and then my master said that I graduated and I got super exited and I was becoming a full fledged ninja.
#2 Jack Cardeno 1984 George Orwell Page 136 Log 7, Blog 7
This book encompasses the hardships of knowing that your every move is being watched by some higher power. Big Brother, is that higher power in this situation. People either live in fear or protection under the supervision of him. Winston is one of those people who lives in fear of Big Brother. He hopes that he will never get caught by the Thought Police, which are pretty much police that can read your mind. Anyone who is caught saying anything against the government is put in a work camp or killed. This book was written in the past, about the future then, but is now in the past. I would recommend this book to people who are readers of the sci-fi/fiction genre of books. This was written by the same man who wrote Animal Farm, and has some of the same elements of a dictatorship as the animals in Animal Farm do. This book is somewhat long and can be confusing at some points, as he talks about many people in his life who only end up being in the story for filler, or at least for now they aren’t making any significant changes to the story. Overall this book is widely acclaimed as one of the best novels of all time, and one of the best sci-fi/fiction books to ever be written. In by book, it gets an 8.5 out of 10. The only reason it is an 8.5 instead of a 9, is because the book makes many twists and turns in order to make it’s point.
Matthew Kim #7 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows J.K Rowling Pg.759 Blog #7
True or False 1. The death eater Lucius Malfoy kills Ron Weasley. T/F 2. There are three deathly hollows, the invisibility cloak, the resurrection stone, and the elder wand. T/F 3. The elder wand is in the snitch Dumbledore gave Harry Potter. T/F 4. Professor Snape is a spy for Dumbledore. T/F 5. The minister of magic, Thicknesse, was under the impervious spell. T/F
Multiple Choice 6. One of Lord Voldemort's horcruxs was... a. Harry's snitch b. Ravenclaw's diadem c. the deluminator c. None of the above 7. Who tells Harry about the deathly hollows? a. Voldemort b. Dumbledore c. Ron d. Xenophilius Lovegood 8. What was Mad-Eye Moody's plan to get Harry safely to Mrs. Weasley? a. Turn seven people into Harry b. Make a diversion c. Make a run for it d. There is no plan 9. Which house creature dies saving Harry Potter? a. Kreacher b. Dobby c. Griphook c. Greyback 10. Albus Dumbledore's brother is... a. Ron b. Professor Snape c. Neville d. Aberforth 11. The Gray Lady was killed by... a. Hermione b. Professor McGonagall c. The Bloody Baron d. a werewolf 12. What was Voldemort's original name? a. Carry Wood b. Will Riddle c. Tom Riddle d. Lucius Malfoy 13. What happens when someone touches the gold in Hufflepuff's cup's vault? a. It will burn and multiply b. It will turn into a goblin c. you will die d. You will have bad fortune 14. Who does Harry Potter end up marrying? a. Hermione b. Ginny c. Luna d. Cho Chang 15. What are the names of Harry's children? a. Ron, Hugo, and Rose b. Bob, Will, and Christian c. James, Lily, and Albus Severus d. Collin, Ted, and Hagrid
Short Answer 16. What was one weakness Voldemort had? 17. Every time a death eater kills a person, what do they put up? 18. What is Wormtail's first name? 19. What is Greyback? 20. Which deathly hollow did Harry first have?
Essay Question 21. How did Harry get his scar?
Answers: 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. b 7. d 8. a 9. b 10. d 11. c 12. c 13. a 14. b 15. c 16. On weakness Voldemort has is he does not have love in his heart. 17. Every time they kill someone, they put up the dark mark. 18. Wormtail's first name is Peter. 19. Greyback is a werewolf. 20. The first deathly hollow Harry had was the invisibility cloak. 21. Harry got a scar from Voldemort. When he tried to kill Harry's mother, she protected Harry with her love. The love was too powerful for Voldemort making him only leave a scar on Harry's head instead of killing him. The scar has a special connection between Harry and Voldemort.
#6 Sienna Inman The 100 Kass Morgan Pg. 51 5-17-16 4th Quater, Blog 1 Prompt 9
I'm reading the second “The 100” book, and I'm definitely enjoying it! It's got romance, action, and has examples of family love and care. In the book it starts with the 100 people that where drop down onto earth still alive and scared. They just realized that their not the only people on earth. Some people, somehow, never left earth in the first place. A man was killed by one of these people, and another was captured. Safely one of those people was Bellamy’s sister Octavia. Bellamy and the main character Clarke go looking for Octavia and realize they found footprints. Later into their journey Clarke gets bitten by a snake and is carried back to camp by Bellamy. Well's and Bellamy inject a anti-venom into her arm. Clarke eventually wakes up and is happy to be alive. After, Well's here's a sound outside the drop ship, and go out to see what it is. He captures a girl who they think might know where Octavia is, all because she's one of the earth people. My review on the book is that it really keeps me entertained and interesting. Every chapter gives you another characters perspective on what's going on on earth. I love how I can never guess what's going to happen next. Sometimes the book will just throw something out at you you wouldn't have seen coming. I though that when Clarke was bending down to look at a piece of medal on the ground that she would just pick it up. Instead she got bitten by a snake and had to be taken back to camp. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends and family, I rehally think they would enjoy it as much as I do.
7 Gregory Luciano Closer by Gordon 5/16/16 The main conflict in the book Closer were the Styx. They were basically the brutal police in the underground colony. The Styx would brainwash the people they catch and put them into a family, convincing them they were born into the family. The Styx had dogs they used for their sense of smell. The Styx caused a major issue for Will and his friends because early on one of the dogs was sicked onto Will, biting his arm. Wills injured arm led him to have a disadvantage in escaping Styx. The Styx are controlled and ruled by the Rebecca's. The Rebecca's have many soldiers at their feet, helping them hunt down Will. Rebecca is also one of the main issues because if it wasn't for her, the Styx wouldn't still be after Will. At first the Styx just banished Will, but Rebecca wanted him hunted down and killed. Will believed he had escaped after bombing Rebecca, but fortunately for her, she survived. The Rebecca managed to make it to another world farther down. There, the Rebecca twins sided with the previous military down there. They are together now tracing down Will and his father to guarantee their death. The third and final issue Will faces is having to try to prevent the death of millions. The Rebecca twins and the Styx worked together to make a dominating drug that will kill everyone in the world. The Rebecca twins lost the drug and it fell into Wills possession. Will didn't want to risk having it on himself, so he decided to bury it in the dirt. The Rebecca twins want to capture Will so they can find out where he hid it. If they found out where he hid it, the whole world would be in danger. Will has a helpful partner, Drake, though. Drake was a veteran in the war who had easy access to multiple lethal weapons. Drake had loaded Will up to prepare him for the war that he would be in against the Styx and Rebecca twins. Will has already lost his brother Cal and has endangered many other loved ones fighting against them. The Styx were dangerous and we're capable of dominating the world.
#3 Alex Gottuso The Red Pyramid Rick Riordan pg. 167
Dear Journal, As of late everything has been dreadful. It only took one little secret to mess things up for me and Sadie. First of all, I should of known this day would go out of hand when my dad was showing signs of stress and suspicion. But this is what my dad is always like, and nothing bad like this has never happened. Also this day was way worse since Sadie is here. I am very glad she's not here at the moment to see me write this. Although, things aren't all bad. I mean we stayed in an amazing, hidden mansion. But now that's ruined. We Found two odd pets: a baboon and an albino crocodile. Oh, and my sisters cat is a goddess. Not to mention an amazing guide named Zia who, when we met, tried to kill us. The best part about this trip is that I have somehow found a way to keep my sanity. Though I am starting to find out my true potential and why my life has come to what it is now. My best intentions is to learn of what has happened to my dad and why Sadie's powers are stronger. Well, only time will give me the answer, but patience isn't something I like. I'm still happy that now my idea of Egypt is much more accurate. If I am alive until tomorrow, I will write again. Sincerely, Carter
Blog #1 Quarter #4 Joshua Quintana #10 Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets The problem in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is that there is a voice who is saying to Harry Potter that he wants to have Harry’s blood and to tear him apart into pieces. The voice first comes when Harry Potter is in detention for crashing the flying car into the Whomping Willow. His detention ended up being having to do letters for Gilderoy Lockhart's fan base. He also hears it on Halloween during Nearly Headless Nick’s “ deathday party.” As he leaves the Chamber instead of going to the feast Harry Potter and his friends hear the voice. They go to explore it and find Filch’s cat dead. The other students then come to see the cat after their Halloween feast is finished. Filch comes and puts the blame on Harry Potter for finding out about Filch's qwikspell account during a lecture. Then the headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore comes into the chamber the cat was and examines it for a while. Dumbledore finds out that the cat was killed using Dark Magic, and that Harry Potter or his friends could not have performed something like this. Albus Dumbledore and Professor Snape, Professor Lockhart, and Professor McGongal, then proceed to go into Gilderoy Lockhart's room to further examine Filch's poor cat. All the while Filch still trying to convince Dumbledore that Harry did it. Luckily the cat was able to be revived using magic.
#3 Ethan Crenshaw I Survived the Joplin Tornado, 2011 Lauren Tarshis Pg. 89 Log #6 There was a eleven year old boy named Dexter James and his dog named Zeke. Then a man named Dr. Gage. They heard a tornado coming so they warned everyone that a tornado was coming. So they saw storm get bigger and darker until it covered the sun. So Dr. Gage grabbed a rifle and handed it to Dex. Dex just had to shoot the pods and then Gage got four silver balls. Dex shot them and then the lighting went Boom! Dex fell and hurt his arm but then it got worse hail came down from the sky. It was like rocks at the speed of a hundred miles an hour. They were just a few feet from the car when a huge hailstone smashed into Dex. The next thing he knew was on the ground. Dr. Gage helped Dex up and then dragged him to the car. The tornado was chasing them and Dex was scared that he was going to get sucked by a tornado. So they looked at the radar and saw pink dots and Dex thought it was something very bad but it was just cars and buildings up in the air. So Dex tried to call his parents but the service was cut off. They were in the middle of the tornado now, and Dex‘s ears popped over and over from the pressure. His eyes felt as if they would burst from his skull. He watched in horror as the tornado’s destroyed Joplin.
Leo Sellarole #12 5/18/16 Cirque du Freak Tunnels of Blood Pages 252 Blog #1 Quarter #4 Prompt #3 Dear fans, This letter is to you answering to the most common question, What happened to Debbie in the third installment in the cirque du Freak series? Well after Darren the half Vampire half boy left Debbie woke up and saw his loving gesture showing he cared, the decorated tree. She did not understand where he had gone and why but she understood that he was gone. This day was Christmas and she had loved it so very much as the seasoned change she got older and Darren soon became a distant memory. About another year later she had met another older boy fifteen years of age. They made a great couple and stayed together till eighteen years old then she had moved on. She had now graduated and went to a great university and majored in psychology and liked it at first but decided to change careers. This time she went for business and became a professional event designer. By age 24 years old she met another young man at age 25. This man was named Clark Woodhill who majored in Business. They dated for 4 years and got married at age 28 and 29. Two years later they had two boys one of witch she named Darren. Debbie soon lived to become the first lady to President Clark Woodhill 15 years later and got involved in politics. 30 years later they retired and settled down in California from Washington DC. Three years later they both passed away in a horrible car accident. Sincerely, Darren Shan
Ileanna Holiday#5 The Secret Language of Sisters Luanne Rice Blog 10 Page154
This book is a very interesting book because there is a great moral to it. That you should not be texting while driving.”When Ruth Ann McCabe responded to a text message while she was driving, her life as she knows it ends.”Ruth Ann doesn’t actually die in the book but they just make it sound like it does. Ruth actually gets locked-in syndrome,”She can not see and hear and understand everything around her, but no one knows it.” Her sister now has to live with the guilt and shame of knowing that she has done this to er sister. “the only other person who seems to get it is Newton.” Newton is Ruth’s boyfriend and he seems to be the only one in their family who actually get what Matilda(Ruth’s sister) is going through.i recommend this book to other people out there because it is really intriguing for readers. This is a very tear jerking book so get ready to get the tissues out if you are an emotional person. There is a very good moral to this story. texting while driving isn't a joke, many people every day die because of car accidents. This is a good example of what will happen if you do text while drive.
#13 Makayla Rydbeck Burned P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast Pg. 158 Log #1 option 5 When friends stop trusting each other, Darkness is there to fan the flames of the world that is already falling apart at the hands of the Vampyre council.
Seal team six from the streets of Iraq To the Indian Ocean And the mountaintops of Afghanistan To the third floor of Osama Bin Laden's compound Memorable special ops Countless missions Never made headlines Which makes it No Easy Day.
#6 Italia Holiday 5/17/16 The Kicks Page 187 Log #9 One of the things that I truly love about this book is that it is about soccer. I also love how the new girl, Devin, saves a horrible team to a good team. Devin is the type of character that can inspire people and encourages people. I don't like how everyone at her school doesn't welcome her except two people. I like how it wasn't easy for Devin to move because then she has more confidence in herself. Also I like how she was able to step up and make friends. She had a strong self-esteem. I like how the writer made the book so relatable to many people. I love how the two girls made friends with Devin as soon as possible. I don't like how the mom embarrassed her children. I do like how well the two children get along. I also like how Devin wore her uniform in bed every night before a soccer game. I love how Devin still works her hardest even though her team isn't that great. I like how her dad tried to make everything better even when anything is bad. I like how her sibling always encourages her. I like how her mom is so supportive especially when Devin was feeling down a boy her team. I like how Devin was able to fight through the season with her team. Devin was one of the most interesting characters I have ever known. Devin's family is very supportive and open. Devin is a great soccer player.
#2 Kachina Blair 5/19/16 Mirror Mirror Girl Page 187 Log #9 I love the way that the author inspires us to not feel like we have to look a certain way to be able to fit in with others. I also love the way that the author says that when our parent are fighting that it is not our fault for them fighting. The author also states that when we move to a different school that we should stand out and talk to people. When the author stated that we do not have to be perfect and wear these types of clothes it made me feel like I could do whatever I wanted to do at school with friends. My favorite part was when the author said that we should accept how we look. I also like how the author includes note taking papers for if we need to write something down that is on our minds. The author includes little stories for every chapter that relate to the story. The author includes a little story about herself. The author states that when we move to another neighborhood we should introduce ourselves to the kids and not be so lonely. All the activates that went on in her life where in her book. The author was in high school when she wrote this book. The author states that when she was a little girl she ran into all of these problems. The author wrote the book with similar stories like the little mermaid for accepting what you look like.
#6 Matthew Johnson The Blood of Olympus Rick Riordan Blog #2
Dear Diary,
Today we are on our way to Greece in the Argo II. I only wish Annabeth and I could spend our years in New Rome but with Gaea rising there isn't much time for sitting around and doing nothing. I'm scared that Annabeth will get hurt on the trip, but after she killed Arachne and retrieved the Athena Parthenos I feel more confident that she will not get hurt. Who I'm also scared for is Leo because I feel bad for him because of that thing Nemesis said to him about being the seventh wheel. I think he's taking seriously because he is always left out. But who I'm mostly scared of is Nico because he's in charge of the most important part of the quest. He has to get the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood, but he is with Reyna and she is a very smart and confident demigod. The reason his part of the quest is so important is because if he gets the Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood then the gods will stop fighting against their roman self. Then they can actually help us with our quest. If the gods aren't healed soon then they won't be able to help us kill the giants and the only way to kill a giant is for a god and a demigod help each other. So if the gods don't get healed by the time we get to Greece then the quest will fail and the whole world will get destroyed by Gaea, also I was wanting to spend some time in New Rome with Annabeth. Also I think Leo is hiding something because Frank and Hazel have been acting weirdly around Leo like he's gonna die or something. Well whatever it is we're gonna get the physicians cure so we could revive anyone. I'm just scared that the wrong person will have the physicians cure and won't have the time to revive whoever dies, because I'm sure someone will die because that's what we were told. I kind of wish Hazel would have gone with Nico because she is becoming a very powerful demigod, she can manipulate the mist so well she could probably hide mount Olympus from the gods and that's where they live. If she would have gone with Nico she could have probably hidden the Parthenos and the whole group and they wouldn't even meet any dangers.
Bobby Ellis calls himself Bobby Baseball and the name is not as crazy as some of his friends think. Bobby dreams, writes and plays baseball. His father made it to professional baseball although he never got to the major leagues, but Bobby has his own path figured out. He will become a great little league pitcher and then go right to the semi-pros , not only the major leagues, but to the Baseball Hall of Fame. He secures a place on the team his father coaches in spite of his father's feeling that he'd be better off on another team. Bobby is sure he'll be an outstanding pitcher and refuses all advice, especially his father's, to try for a second base position. He becomes the pitcher and that's the beginning of the end of all his dreams. All 10-year-old Bobby Ellis thinks about is baseball. If he isn't watching a game or writing in his Baseball Book, he is dreaming of his future as a Hall of Famer and predicting how his Kids Club team will do. Bobby convinces his father to let him play for the Hawks, the Kid's Club team Dad manages. Bobby's brother Sammy, who played for Dad a few years before, warns Bobby that his plan isn't wise, but, unfortunately, Bobby must learn this for himself. Dad is rough on him, and Bobby's temper only makes matters worse. Eventually Bobby must accept that he is not a great baseball player, but can still love and dream about the game.
The Wicked Will Rise Danielle Paige Pg. #227 Prompt #2 Sydney Barbee
Dear Amy, You are doing great in this war, and there is only one thing you need to make sure of. You need to make sure that you do not fall into darkness. You may be called the wicked but, you know that you are doing this for good. At least I hope you are. Remember what you are fighting for. I know this war is taking a toll on you but, there is definitely something going on with Nox. You found him and he was being very open to you and you still don’t seem to trust him. He can sense that and he is starting to close those walls again. Don’t let him build them back up and please let him bring down yours. I’m just saying that you could be a lot more open about your feelings to him. I know you want to wait till Dorothy is taken care of but, I believe if you embrace the love from those around you. Love from others is the one thing you have that Dorothy does not. That is her weakness and she has lost her family like you but, in this short amount of time since you have been in Oz you have found the place you really belong. Your mother misses you but you need to know that you are here for a reason. Don’t give up on Nox or on the war. There is meaning to everything that has happened to you and I don’t want you to take it all for granite and become like Dorothy. Sincerely, Sydney Nicole
Hello, I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Here it is! This is the first blog of the quarter. Follow the directions carefully and post your thoughts thoroughly. Remember this is not a summary of the book. This is your opportunity to show your understanding of the text and engage the class in your story. I am looking forward to reading your entries.
#9 Ethan Powell
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Camp Slither
R.L. Stine
Prompt #6
Ethan: Did you ever see Serpo, Boone?
Boone: No, I never saw the snake Serpo.
Ethan: Do you think he left that indent in the river bed?
Boone: After the events that I had to experience, Yes.
Ethan: Do you think Dr. Crawler escaped and is going to find a new way to do experiments on more people?
Boone: I think he did and I also think that he will find a new way to experiment on more people.
Ethan: Do you think he will ever find out how to become human again?
Boone: I think that after another year he will figure out how to become human.
Ethan: Are you still keep in touch with Roddy?
Boone: Yes, he and I still keep in touch.
Ethan: Wait didn’t Dr. Crawler get poisoned?
Boone: that is right, he did get poisoned, but like I said before I think somehow he escaped and is still alive.
Ethan: How has your sister’s snake been?
Boone: In the middle of the night she got rid of it by setting it free, she said that after all that happened she never wanted to see another snake ever again.
Ethan: Have you told your parents about all this?
Boone: Many times, but they still don’t believe me.
Ethan: Maybe at some point they will believe you.
Boone: I don’t think they ever will.
Ethan: Well moving on, Do you think Uncle Jerry and the other counselors are still alive?
Boone: They are probably still out there somewhere, looking for a new place to set up a research lab.
Ethan: Last question will you ever go back to another summer camp?
Boone: I think that I am too traumatized to ever go to another camp.
#10 Jayden Ramirez
ReplyDeleteFour: A Divergent Collection
Veronica Roth
Page 304
Log #6
Jayden: Hello Four, it is very nice to meet you.
Tobias: Hello Jayden, it is very nice to meet you as well.
Jayden: Would you prefer Tobias or Four?
Tobias: I would prefer Four.
Jayden: If I may ask, why do you prefer Four?
Tobias: Ever since I transfered to Dauntless, I had four fears and they now call me four.
Jayden: What faction were you born in?
Tobias: I was born in Abnegation.
Jayden: Wow, that is very suprising because never has there been a transfer from Abnegation to Dauntless.
Tobias: Well, let’s just say that I had my reasons.
Jayden: What reasons were there exactly?
Tobias: This is a very personal topic for me.
Jayden: Well it’s okay if you are not comfortable answering…
Tobias: It is okay, I guess I should start from the beggining. My mother had supposably died when I was younger. It was so long ago, but I still have the memories… My father is a monster. My greatest fear is him whipping me and telling me that “it is for your good”. When it came to the choosing ceremony, the only way I could escape him was to transfer.
Jayden: Wow, I am so sorry.
Tobias: You don’t have to be sorry. It is in the past now.
Jayden: So have you met any friends while you were at Dauntless?
Tobias: Yes, in fact, Shauna and Zeke are one my best friends.
Jayden: So I heard that you were the top of your fellow initiates.
Tobias: Yes, but I purposely lost my last battle to Eric so I would not have to be in leadership.
Jayden: Why would you not want to be in leadership?
Tobias: My father is the leader of Abnegation.
Jayden: Wait, your father is…
Tobias: Marcus Eaton
Jayden: Wow, what a journey you have had!
Tobias: Ya…
Jayden: So I heard that there is an initiate that you have grown fond of…
Tobias: Tris?
Jayden: Yes.
Tobias: Well we have a lot in common and she continues to inspire me everyday.
Jayden: Well, that is all the time we have. Thank you for your time.
Tobias: Thank you for having me.
Years after Derek Jeter lost the championship he got to be on all-stars. In all-stars his dad coached him more than he had ever had because this was the real time to shine. He went pretty far and went all the way to the championship. It was so more stressful than the other little league games. He had done so well in the past all-star games to get to this point. He was so excited and ready for the game. Till he saw the team he was going to face. They were huge and to hurry it up they were losing for most of the game and then they ended up losing on a walk off homer. So all summer Derek was sad because he had beat up that bully and was not able to go to the Yankees game to see his favorite player. But he had behaved so well and not disobeyed his contract they let him go to the game with his whole family. He had so much fun with Sharlee and learned how to hit a little better. They ended up winning to. So over the summer Derek just sat around watching baseball and trying to hit better in the backyard. Because he had just got a hitting tee for his backyard and for playing at the hill with his friends. Sooner or later they started to like Dave and were having fun with him. He went over to his house a lot and Vijay even came over. They were as close as the three musketeers. Derek eventually meets Dave’s parents finally and he thought they we pretty cool and now baseball season was coming and they were hoping to be on the same team. They are now a little change up.
ReplyDelete#1 Matthew Burnette
Hit and miss
Derek Jeter
Pg. 166
Prompt 3
Years after Derek Jeter lost the champion ship he got to be on all stars. In all stars his dad coached him more than he had ever had because this was the real stuff. He went pretty far and went all the way to the champion ship. It was so more stressful than the other little league games. He had done so well in the past all-star games to get to this point. He was so excited and ready for the game. Till he saw the team he was going to face. They were huge and to hurry it up it was. Lose for most of the game and then they ended up losing on a walk off homer. So all summer Derek was sad because he had beat up that bully and was not able to go to the Yankees game to see his favorite player. But he had behaved so well and not disobeyed his contract they let him go to the game with his whole family. He had so much fun with Sharlee and learned how to hit a little better. They ended up winning to. So over the summer Derek just sat around watching baseball and trying to hit better in the backyard.207 because he had just got a hitting tee for his backyard and for playing at the hill with his friends. Sooner or later they started to like Dave and were having fun with him. He went over to his house a lot and Vijay even came over. They were as close as the three musketeers. Derek eventually meet Daves parents finally and he thought they we pretty cool and now baseball season was coming and they were hoping to be on the same team. They are now a little change up.
#11 Preston Parker
Pg. 289
RodeRick Gordon
Option 8
Dad left us forever
He made us believe he was dead
But he is not dead
#9 Jake O’Brien
ReplyDeleteMrs. Rengifo
Blog #6
“The Shining”
I believe that the book is very interesting because of the storyline in general. I love the way that the author describes Jack’s story and his inner demons that he tries to fight while trying to hold his family together at the same time. I also love the way that the author describes the different battles that the other members of the family have to deal with because of Jack’s problems. I love how Stephen King describes Danny, Jack’s son and how it seems like he is always waiting on his father to come home and at least spend the rest of the day with him. I also love the way that the author describes Wendy his wife and the many things that she tries to do to keep him family intact. He also describes very well the way that Wendy is trying to help Jack get better and the constant arguing that happens between them, and that Wendy is still trying to keep Danny happy and trying to shelter him from the inner turmoil that’s happening within the family. Another thing that I love from Stephen King is that he describes very well the way that Jack knows that he is failing his family but he still wants to give them a bright and happy future. Jack decides to move them to a hotel which would give Danny many places to play and would give Wendy many ways to simply relax. Although the hotel isn’t all that it seems to be.
Roses are red violets are
Blue and I love the Hunger Games
#9 Matthew Montoya
Prodigy Pg# 375
Marie Lu
Topic 8
The conflict or problem in Prodigy is that Day and June team up and run away from the Capitol. The problem with that is June’s father is the head of the capitol and there’s no coming back for her because she helped a prisoner escape. If she did go back, she would probably become a prisoner as well. The problem is Day and June hit many obstacles that could affect their relationship with each other. Day gets injured and almost dies and June has second thoughts about running away. These 2 young people learn how to survive with no parents or anyone to help or save them. They learn to live on their own and become great adults. Day and June have problems with each other sometimes that makes them think twice about who their with and why. The problems have to be overcome and dealt with even if they are hard or difficult. Some problems are: Day’s mom gets killed by the Captiol. Another problem is Day is separated from his family s he has no more connection with them. A Problem for June is that she ran away from her family back at the Capitol and she will never be able to return to her family again. Imagine if you couldn’t ever see your parents or siblings. I couldn’t imagine losing my family. June had to also overcome a problem with fear when she was alone with no one. Day and June both overcome many problems that eventually help them in the near future.
#4 Eli Holiday
ReplyDeleteThe Captain: Derek Jeter
Ian O’Connor
Blog #8
The Captain was a book made that was all about Derek Jeter, the NYY all-time great baseball career. There was really only one issue in that book that was a conflict in the book. That conflict was the 3,000 hits. Derek Jeter was going to become a player who would write history in the books, if he could reach 3,000 hits. He had entered the season with 2,897 hits, and he would have over 162 chances to do that. He came into the season batting with an average of .299, and .500 on base percentage. Jeter was bound to reach the 3,000 mark. He had struggled in the first month only getting 14 hits in 21 games. In May however, he picked up the pace, he would hit 25 times, out of 27 games and over 50 at bats. Then the summer slump kicked in. Jeter for two weeks had gone hitless, and time was running out. He was receiving lots of support from the fans, but he wasn’t producing. Jeter was sent to the DL for 5 games because of a slight ankle injury. He was nervous. He only had 44 games at home left, and he wanted to do it on his own turf. Jeter turned the level up a notch. Jeter for the next 25 at-bats went 22-25 getting up to 61 hits. He had 93 games left. Jeter for the next two months went 35-59. With only 10 home games he needed 4 more hits. The next 4 games however were in Cleveland. He only got 3-4 hits in one game and rested the next 3. The first home game back, was against the Tampa Bay Rays. Jeter being the 2nd batter of the inning did something no one expected. The get to 3,000 hits, Jeter hit a home run.
#5 Isabella Holiday The Crown Kiera Cass pg 288 (end of book) Log 1 5/17/16 Dear Diary, The journey is over. I mean the Selection of course. I can't believe I made it through. At first I thought that I would stop the Selection mid-way because it would stress me out and waste my time. It turned out to be the opposite, the Selection comforted me and relaxed me. It really helped keep me together especially with me taking the crown so sudden, mom being so sick, and Ahren, my twin leaving unexpectedly to get married. In the midst of all I found comfort in two out of the many selected. Kile and Eiko were always there and treated me like I was a normal girl, not the future and then queen. It's funny knowing that I've known Kile all my life, hating him for seventy percent of it and him now being some one that I go to for advice and comfort. It's also funny that Eiko wasn't even a part of the competition. He was a translator for Henry, a contestant from Sweden. Anyway I ended up choosing Eiko to be my husband and to rule Ilea with me. It's weird how when something is meant to be it always happens. I was going to announce Henry as the winner of the Selection but something didn't feel right. Last second while I was on stage I changed my mine and decided that Eiko was now a part of the Selection and he had now won the Selection. He said yes and everyone was thrilled. This journey may be over but there are many waiting to begin.
ReplyDelete#15 Kayla Sin
ReplyDeleteBeing Jamie Baker
Kelly Oram
Pg. 289
Years before Jamie became the outcast at her new school, she was popular. Before she had the chance to meet Ryan she was with Derek at her old school. She was a cheerleader and he was the star quarterback for the football team. Jamie was popular and had everything she could have wanted at the time. The mall was her getaway to talk and hang out with friends. While she was still in elementary school, she would play volleyball. The coach of her team always thought she would grow up to play professional. She gave up volleyball when she started to only care what guys thought of her. That is how she became a cheerleader which gave her popularity for years to come. Jamie used to be close to her parents before the accident. They would go out every Friday night to watch a movie or eat a nice dinner. Her parents knew everything about her and what was going on at school. Sometimes Jamie and her mom would go get a manicure and talk about the school drama. Her favorite place to go is and was the Grand Canyon. Its peacefulness and beauty always astonished her no matter how many times she went. It seemed to take her to another world where there were no problems. Obviously then she could not run to the Grand Canyon whenever she wanted to though. Jamie’s life was easy and peaceful for the most part until she got into the accident with Derek. That was the day everything changed for her leading to the story in Being Jamie Baker.
#8 Sam Matles
ReplyDeleteInto The Wild
Jon Krakauer
Pg 240 (Done)
Blog #1
Dear diary,
We are at Chris Mccandless’s home right now. He is just about packed and about to get in his yellow Datsun. He tells me we will make many stops on the way to the beautiful Alaska.
Dear Diary day 5,
Sorry I haven’t written in a few days i have been very busy on the road with Chris, he seems like he knows a lot about nature! Yesterday his car broke down so we ditched it with some stuff in it. He told me the stuff inside didn’t matter too much so he only grabbed things that were important. We have been hitchhiking ever since the car broke down. Chris told me that we have to make some money before we get to alaska so we will stay at a few places for a few weeks to work and then head back on the road again.
Dear Diary month 5,
I have been so busy! We have worked so much and traveled so far. I am proud to say that we will be leaving for Alaska soon. Some of our Co-workers say hitchhiking that far will be very hard to catch a ride.
Dear Diary month 6,
We made it to the trail. We are going to hike all day and find a rest stop tonight and stay there for a while. It is much colder than I thought! Luckily, we have a fire starter and a hefty shotgun.
Dear Diary (A few days later),
We found an abandoned bus! Chris has told me that he does not get along with his family very well so he decided to change his name to Alexander Supertramp. Ever since we found this bus Alex has been on fire shooting animals. We usually get squirrel or porcupine, but yesterday he got a moose! Unfortunately he didn’t cook it right so it went bad. He was very upset about that.
Dear Diary Month 9,
If you are reading this we are probably already dead. Alex has died at 67 pounds. It was terrible to watch him die of starvation but we were both so weak. If you get this tell my family I love them.
#15 Zachary Tittle
ReplyDeleteLanguage Arts
Blog #7 log #4
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter is a novel series written by J.K. Rowling. She made the series based on “The Boy Who Lived”. The main theme of the book is the mythical world of witchcraft and wizardry. There are many other themes and minor story’s to the book but the main theme is wizardry. The wizarding world is like the “Muggle” world. There are normal people there are smarter and better people and there are bad people. Wizardry is an amazing thing according to Ron. Ron says that if he didn’t have magic he wouldn’t know what he would do in some situations. Ron is the main character’s best friend, Harry. They meet when Harry is looking for platform 9 and 3/4 and Ron’s mom helps Harry. Another theme of the book is the mystery of “You Know Who” being lord Voldemort. He is the greatest wizard ever because he is a dark wizard. The second strongest wizard being the only one who Voldemort fears is Professor Dumbledor. He is a good wizard and found Harry after his parents were killed by Voldemort. You Know Who is said to be dead but some people think that he lost his powers. Another major theme is fear and hatred. Everyone fears You Know Who and everyone hates him too. Before harry goes to Hogwarts he lived with the Dursleys. They completely despised and hated magic. They told Harry there was no such thing and Harry didn’t know he was a wizard. They also hated Harry very much because he always messed something up or they blamed it on him.
#5 Janessa Fuentes
ReplyDeleteBlog #7
My forever Friends
Dear Diary,
My name is Ida and I am one of the main characters in my forever friends. My friends are being very mean to me and I am now stuck in the middle. I don’t know what to do. I have a lot of friends and lately they have separated into two groups. I am confused and alone I feel like no one likes me. Should I stay with the good group that doesn’t cause any drama? Or should I move to the popular group and be known all over the school. Right now I have no friends and I feel like no one likes me. I am confused and asking myself what did I do to deserve this? I am all alone and I don’t know what to do. All of my friends refuse to hang out with each other so lately I have been hanging out with both groups. But that is not working out so well because when I hang out with one group they make fun of me for hanging out with the other group. I am sick and tired of this madness but honestly I don’t know how to put an end to it. I have tried to explain this to my mom but she doesn’t understand she said for me to hang out with both groups and you can see how that turned out not well. This is a nightmare and I hope it will end soon talk to you later.
Yours Truly, Ida
Aiden Avichouser
ReplyDeleteBlog 7
Language Arts
May 17, 2016
The Kid Who Only Hit Homers
Matt Christopher
Sylvester Coddmyer the third was a baseball player but not a very talented one as a kid. He met a man named Mr.Baruth. Baruth helped him and coached him until he became a great. Baruth told him “I am going to help you become one of the best players ever”. Soon after, Sylvester started to get the hang of hitting and he was doing a much better job of it, the hits just kept on coming. Sylvester started to do nothing but hit home runs every time he was up at bat. Down the road, after playing years of travel ball as a boy he moved onto high school baseball. As a freshman, Sylvester made the varsity baseball team. Sylvester soon was scouted by a college scout at a school that had an outstanding baseball team, he ended up getting a scholarship to attend this college. On his team he was a starter and batted third every game. One game Sylvester made a throw from right field to home plate and injured his arm. After being examined by doctor he was diagnosed with inflammatory tendinitis of his elbow. The injury of his arm put him out of baseball for six and a half months, he needed to give his elbow time to heal. After his injury healed, Sylvester went back to playing college ball. Not long after returning to the game he was drafted by a scout from the MLB. The team interested in Sylvester was the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. He played professional baseball for the Angels for five full seasons and had a batting average of over three hundred every year. Later he was traded to the New York Yankees and spent the rest of his career with that team. Sylvester won one World Series ring with the Angels and three World Series rings with the Yankees. He stayed in touch with Mr.Baruth and they spoke daily. Till the end of his career, Sylvester never forgot where he came from and how he became the player he was, he felt he owed everything to Mr.Baruth and he would always remember that he would be nowhere without him. Sylvester was inducted into the Hall of Fame and was one of the best baseball players that ever lived. He was always known as the kid who only hit homers.
Edward Lueras #7
ReplyDeleteHatchet by Gary Paulsen
end pg.
4th quarter blog #1 prompt #6
Me: Hi, you are the boy who survived in the wilderness without anyone's help, correct?
Brian: Yes, all alone.
Me: Were you scared relying our yourself to survive each day?
Brian: Everyday dangerous, some of them more than others, but I knew I had to keep going on for the hope of being saved.
Me: And what was it like where you were stranded?
Brian: My plane crashed in a wooded lake area in Alaska. Lucky it was summertime when I crashed, or it would have been nearly impossible to survive the cold.
Me: What was the scariest encounter you experienced in your time surviving the wilderness?
Brian: Well the most painful experience was being attacked by a wild, territorial moose who rammed into me multiple times. The scariest experience for me was a bear sighting because if I was even lightly mauled I would have been unable to hunt and provide for myself.
Me: Although you were surrounded by all these animals, did you ever wish for human company to survive with you?
Brian: Everyday I fantasized about being saved by another human, but I think if I had a partner to help me hunt and survive we might have turned on each other fighting over food and water.
Me: How did it feel when you were finally rescued by a passing pilot?
Brian: I was speechless and thankful. I will never forget the happiness I felt being saved after surviving for months in the wilderness.
Me: Thank you.
#3Daniel Chapin
ReplyDeleteThe way of the fight
George ST Pierre
This was an absolutely amazing book that I will definitely read again. In my opinion I think that George st Pierre is excellent at writing books and I encourage him to write more. I really like how he wrote that there is way more to fighting than just the actual fight itself. I also like how an actual ufc fighter wrote it because you can never really tell the actually fighters emotion in his or her fight. I also like how he said that fighters are more than just fighters, meaning that they are normal people too. I wished that he would talk more about when he was actually in the fight than just the adversity that he faced. I liked when he talked about his adversity and obstacles but at a certain point it can get a little much to be honest. I like how this book comes from a point of view that is from one of the best fighters to ever step into a ufc octogon. One of my biggest pieces of advise to him is that he should come back from his basically short retirement almost. He is one of the greatest fighters and I do not want him to go out on a controversial win. The biggest reason that I want him to come back is because like he said in his book, he draw attention to the ufc. My biggest problem with this book is that he keeps on repeating himself in his writings. For example, he repeats on how he overcame his injury over and over again. In conclusion I think that he writes great books.
#2 Sarah Chiaromonte
Freak the Mighty
Rodman Philbrick
1-160 or end
The main problem in the book is that the human body is not always perfect. Some people come out with allergies or problems with food. Some people come out with no problems at all. Just because someone is different does not mean you should treat them with any different attitude. We are all human and nobody is perfect. We all have secrets. Some will get out and some will haunt you all your life. The only way to get past your worst imperfections is to know you have them and not feel ashamed of them. God made everyone just the way he wanted. Freak in the book had an imperfection. His imperfection was that his body grew faster than his brain. This means that he was the average height of a second grader when his brain was in kindergarten. Just because he was different people would call him stupid or dumb or slow. He really was not any of these. He was perfect in his own body. In his body, his brain was just perfect. When Freak was at an all-time low, one person did not care how he was. That was Max. Max did not look at the outside of Freak. He looked at the inside of Freaks heart and knew that he was a good person. When we look at people we need to see their heart and not the outer shell. Just like the wolf in sheep’s skin it could fool the eye. When you look at the inside you can see the true good or bad. In Freaks heart, he was really smart and a kind and lovable person.
#14 Anthony Salgado
ReplyDeleteIndiana Jones:Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
James Luceno
pg. 150
prompt #5
Indiana Jones, a man of adventure
Looking far and wide for treasure
He went out to venture
Ran into some trouble
Looking for that crystal skull
Stuck in a bubble
of pain and regret
It was all worth it in the end
#12 Alexis Raya
ReplyDeleteBatman Arkham Knight
Marv Wolfman
Page 155
Blog 8
There are many conflicts in Batman Arkham Knight. The main conflict in the novel is on Halloween, Scarecrow forces the civilian evacuation of Gotham City after threatening to unleash his new fear toxin. Batman tracks Scarecrow to a hideout. He rescues Poison Ivy who Scarecrow imprisoned. She had refused to join Batman's other rogues in Scarecrow's plan. Batman meets with Oracle who is also known as Barbara Gordon. She identifies the toxin in Scarecrow’s fear toxin as Ace Chemicals. Batman investigates the facility but encounters the Arkham Knight and his armed militia. Batman overcomes and defeats Arkham Knight’s militia. He then locates Scarecrow who has transformed the entire building into a toxin bomb. Scarecrow reveals that he has kidnapped Oracle. He exposes Batman to the toxin before escaping. Batman decreases the bomb’s blast radius and is confronted by the Joker. A flashback reveals that the Jokers infected blood had been used in blood transfusions before he died. Batman along with four others was infected by the Joker’s blood. Batman hides his infection from others. He imprisons the other four who were infected by the Joker’s blood who were mentally and physically transforming into the Joker. The Joker now exists mentally in Batman’s mind because of the infected blood and fear toxin. The Joker frequently taunts Batman and manipulates his perception of the world around him. Batman escapes the exploding Ace Chemicals. He alerts James Gordon, Oracle’s father, to Oracle's kidnapping. Gordon leaves to find Scarecrow. The plot in the novel is still unfolding. This is not the end of the story. It is only the beginning.
J.B. Sebastiano #12
ReplyDeletePlaying with Purpose:Baseball
Mike Yorkey
The crack of the bat.
Running to the base you go.
Am I safe or out?
ReplyDeletePg 195
Log 6
Naruto how did you get from a horrible little kid to a full fledge ninja in just a matter of a year. I got this far because of my hard work and detection to my work. I also met my new master and was trying to be better then Sauske and was trying to impress Sakura in a battle. I was able to do well in all of my training and never let go of my ninja way which was to never give up no matter what the difficult obstical in my way to be the best I can be. I never thought that I would make it this far to being loved by not only my master but my friends too. I also made friends by being a good person.... Or trying to be anyway. The reason that I had no friends was that the village was afraid of me for being a bad person and that my parents died I have had to live on my own and teach myself and never give up hope to become leader of the village and then all of the people would notice me and would realize that I am more then just a little kid but am a ninja and must overcome anything that is in my way. I was sad that I was the only one who didn't pass the academy and was about to give up when my sensei told me that their is another way, to steal the scroll and to learn from it and master it and then come back and pass. So I did, and the village was in panic and then my master came and said that what I was doing was wrong and that I should stop and give it back to him. Then my sensei came up and said no turns out he was a rouge ninja and wanted the scroll so that he can go to another village. He attacked me and my master saved me and then I knocked out my sensei and then my master said that I graduated and I got super exited and I was becoming a full fledged ninja.
#2 Jack Cardeno
George Orwell
Page 136
Log 7, Blog 7
This book encompasses the hardships of knowing that your every move is being watched by some higher power. Big Brother, is that higher power in this situation. People either live in fear or protection under the supervision of him. Winston is one of those people who lives in fear of Big Brother. He hopes that he will never get caught by the Thought Police, which are pretty much police that can read your mind. Anyone who is caught saying anything against the government is put in a work camp or killed. This book was written in the past, about the future then, but is now in the past. I would recommend this book to people who are readers of the sci-fi/fiction genre of books. This was written by the same man who wrote Animal Farm, and has some of the same elements of a dictatorship as the animals in Animal Farm do. This book is somewhat long and can be confusing at some points, as he talks about many people in his life who only end up being in the story for filler, or at least for now they aren’t making any significant changes to the story. Overall this book is widely acclaimed as one of the best novels of all time, and one of the best sci-fi/fiction books to ever be written. In by book, it gets an 8.5 out of 10. The only reason it is an 8.5 instead of a 9, is because the book makes many twists and turns in order to make it’s point.
Matthew Kim #7
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
J.K Rowling
Blog #7
True or False
1. The death eater Lucius Malfoy kills Ron Weasley. T/F
2. There are three deathly hollows, the invisibility cloak, the resurrection stone, and the elder wand. T/F
3. The elder wand is in the snitch Dumbledore gave Harry Potter. T/F
4. Professor Snape is a spy for Dumbledore. T/F
5. The minister of magic, Thicknesse, was under the impervious spell. T/F
Multiple Choice
6. One of Lord Voldemort's horcruxs was...
a. Harry's snitch b. Ravenclaw's diadem
c. the deluminator c. None of the above
7. Who tells Harry about the deathly hollows?
a. Voldemort b. Dumbledore
c. Ron d. Xenophilius Lovegood
8. What was Mad-Eye Moody's plan to get Harry safely to Mrs. Weasley?
a. Turn seven people into Harry b. Make a diversion
c. Make a run for it d. There is no plan
9. Which house creature dies saving Harry Potter?
a. Kreacher b. Dobby
c. Griphook c. Greyback
10. Albus Dumbledore's brother is...
a. Ron b. Professor Snape
c. Neville d. Aberforth
11. The Gray Lady was killed by...
a. Hermione b. Professor McGonagall
c. The Bloody Baron d. a werewolf
12. What was Voldemort's original name?
a. Carry Wood b. Will Riddle
c. Tom Riddle d. Lucius Malfoy
13. What happens when someone touches the gold in Hufflepuff's cup's vault?
a. It will burn and multiply b. It will turn into a goblin
c. you will die d. You will have bad fortune
14. Who does Harry Potter end up marrying?
a. Hermione b. Ginny
c. Luna d. Cho Chang
15. What are the names of Harry's children?
a. Ron, Hugo, and Rose b. Bob, Will, and Christian
c. James, Lily, and Albus Severus d. Collin, Ted, and Hagrid
Short Answer
16. What was one weakness Voldemort had?
17. Every time a death eater kills a person, what do they put up?
18. What is Wormtail's first name?
19. What is Greyback?
20. Which deathly hollow did Harry first have?
Essay Question
21. How did Harry get his scar?
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. b
7. d
8. a
9. b
10. d
11. c
12. c
13. a
14. b
15. c
16. On weakness Voldemort has is he does not have love in his heart.
17. Every time they kill someone, they put up the dark mark.
18. Wormtail's first name is Peter.
19. Greyback is a werewolf.
20. The first deathly hollow Harry had was the invisibility cloak.
21. Harry got a scar from Voldemort. When he tried to kill Harry's mother, she protected Harry with her love. The love was too powerful for Voldemort making him only leave a scar on Harry's head instead of killing him. The scar has a special connection between Harry and Voldemort.
#13 Emilia Shahverdian
Blog 1 Quarter 4
The Martian by Andy Weir
Log Option #4
Minds turn from panic to ideas
Ideas become great and wise
Your wisdom will be honored,
But no one will see it with their eyes
Time draws nearer
Your goal becomes clearer
The completion will soon be seen
Put in your work and you will be mighty keen
Despair and Isolation
Will not stay forever
Help is on its way
So they guide you on your endeavor
#6 Sienna Inman
ReplyDeleteThe 100
Kass Morgan
Pg. 51
4th Quater, Blog 1
Prompt 9
I'm reading the second “The 100” book, and I'm definitely enjoying it! It's got romance, action, and has examples of family love and care. In the book it starts with the 100 people that where drop down onto earth still alive and scared. They just realized that their not the only people on earth. Some people, somehow, never left earth in the first place. A man was killed by one of these people, and another was captured. Safely one of those people was Bellamy’s sister Octavia. Bellamy and the main character Clarke go looking for Octavia and realize they found footprints. Later into their journey Clarke gets bitten by a snake and is carried back to camp by Bellamy. Well's and Bellamy inject a anti-venom into her arm. Clarke eventually wakes up and is happy to be alive. After, Well's here's a sound outside the drop ship, and go out to see what it is. He captures a girl who they think might know where Octavia is, all because she's one of the earth people. My review on the book is that it really keeps me entertained and interesting. Every chapter gives you another characters perspective on what's going on on earth. I love how I can never guess what's going to happen next. Sometimes the book will just throw something out at you you wouldn't have seen coming. I though that when Clarke was bending down to look at a piece of medal on the ground that she would just pick it up. Instead she got bitten by a snake and had to be taken back to camp. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends and family, I rehally think they would enjoy it as much as I do.
Gannon McDonald #8
ReplyDeletePercy Jackson: The Last Olympian
Rick Riordan
Page: 267
Blog 1, Quarter 4
Log 5
Demons come to home
try to destroy Olympus
The push I will stop
7 Gregory Luciano
ReplyDeleteCloser by Gordon
The main conflict in the book Closer were the Styx. They were basically the brutal police in the underground colony. The Styx would brainwash the people they catch and put them into a family, convincing them they were born into the family. The Styx had dogs they used for their sense of smell. The Styx caused a major issue for Will and his friends because early on one of the dogs was sicked onto Will, biting his arm. Wills injured arm led him to have a disadvantage in escaping Styx. The Styx are controlled and ruled by the Rebecca's. The Rebecca's have many soldiers at their feet, helping them hunt down Will. Rebecca is also one of the main issues because if it wasn't for her, the Styx wouldn't still be after Will. At first the Styx just banished Will, but Rebecca wanted him hunted down and killed. Will believed he had escaped after bombing Rebecca, but fortunately for her, she survived. The Rebecca managed to make it to another world farther down. There, the Rebecca twins sided with the previous military down there. They are together now tracing down Will and his father to guarantee their death. The third and final issue Will faces is having to try to prevent the death of millions. The Rebecca twins and the Styx worked together to make a dominating drug that will kill everyone in the world. The Rebecca twins lost the drug and it fell into Wills possession. Will didn't want to risk having it on himself, so he decided to bury it in the dirt. The Rebecca twins want to capture Will so they can find out where he hid it. If they found out where he hid it, the whole world would be in danger. Will has a helpful partner, Drake, though. Drake was a veteran in the war who had easy access to multiple lethal weapons. Drake had loaded Will up to prepare him for the war that he would be in against the Styx and Rebecca twins. Will has already lost his brother Cal and has endangered many other loved ones fighting against them. The Styx were dangerous and we're capable of dominating the world.
#3 Alex Gottuso
ReplyDeleteThe Red Pyramid
Rick Riordan
pg. 167
Dear Journal,
As of late everything has been dreadful. It only took one little secret to mess things up for me and Sadie. First of all, I should of known this day would go out of hand when my dad was showing signs of stress and suspicion. But this is what my dad is always like, and nothing bad like this has never happened. Also this day was way worse since Sadie is here. I am very glad she's not here at the moment to see me write this. Although, things aren't all bad. I mean we stayed in an amazing, hidden mansion. But now that's ruined. We Found two odd pets: a baboon and an albino crocodile. Oh, and my sisters cat is a goddess. Not to mention an amazing guide named Zia who, when we met, tried to kill us. The best part about this trip is that I have somehow found a way to keep my sanity. Though I am starting to find out my true potential and why my life has come to what it is now. My best intentions is to learn of what has happened to my dad and why Sadie's powers are stronger. Well, only time will give me the answer, but patience isn't something I like. I'm still happy that now my idea of Egypt is much more accurate. If I am alive until tomorrow, I will write again.
Blog #1 Quarter #4
ReplyDeleteJoshua Quintana #10
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The problem in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is that there is a voice who is saying to Harry Potter that he wants to have Harry’s blood and to tear him apart into pieces. The voice first comes when Harry Potter is in detention for crashing the flying car into the Whomping Willow. His detention ended up being having to do letters for Gilderoy Lockhart's fan base. He also hears it on Halloween during Nearly Headless Nick’s “ deathday party.” As he leaves the Chamber instead of going to the feast Harry Potter and his friends hear the voice. They go to explore it and find Filch’s cat dead. The other students then come to see the cat after their Halloween feast is finished. Filch comes and puts the blame on Harry Potter for finding out about Filch's qwikspell account during a lecture. Then the headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore comes into the chamber the cat was and examines it for a while. Dumbledore finds out that the cat was killed using Dark Magic, and that Harry Potter or his friends could not have performed something like this. Albus Dumbledore and Professor Snape, Professor Lockhart, and Professor McGongal, then proceed to go into Gilderoy Lockhart's room to further examine Filch's poor cat. All the while Filch still trying to convince Dumbledore that Harry did it. Luckily the cat was able to be revived using magic.
#3 Ethan Crenshaw
ReplyDeleteI Survived the Joplin Tornado, 2011
Lauren Tarshis
Pg. 89
Log #6
There was a eleven year old boy named Dexter James and his dog named Zeke. Then a man named Dr. Gage. They heard a tornado coming so they warned everyone that a tornado was coming. So they saw storm get bigger and darker until it covered the sun. So Dr. Gage grabbed a rifle and handed it to Dex. Dex just had to shoot the pods and then Gage got four silver balls. Dex shot them and then the lighting went Boom! Dex fell and hurt his arm but then it got worse hail came down from the sky. It was like rocks at the speed of a hundred miles an hour. They were just a few feet from the car when a huge hailstone smashed into Dex. The next thing he knew was on the ground. Dr. Gage helped Dex up and then dragged him to the car. The tornado was chasing them and Dex was scared that he was going to get sucked by a tornado. So they looked at the radar and saw pink dots and Dex thought it was something very bad but it was just cars and buildings up in the air. So Dex tried to call his parents but the service was cut off. They were in the middle of the tornado now, and Dex‘s ears popped over and over from the pressure. His eyes felt as if they would burst from his skull. He watched in horror as the tornado’s destroyed Joplin.
Leo Sellarole #12
Cirque du Freak Tunnels of Blood
Pages 252
Blog #1 Quarter #4
Prompt #3
Dear fans,
This letter is to you answering to the most common question, What happened to Debbie in the third installment in the cirque du Freak series? Well after Darren the half Vampire half boy left Debbie woke up and saw his loving gesture showing he cared, the decorated tree. She did not understand where he had gone and why but she understood that he was gone. This day was Christmas and she had loved it so very much as the seasoned change she got older and Darren soon became a distant memory. About another year later she had met another older boy fifteen years of age. They made a great couple and stayed together till eighteen years old then she had moved on. She had now graduated and went to a great university and majored in psychology and liked it at first but decided to change careers. This time she went for business and became a professional event designer. By age 24 years old she met another young man at age 25. This man was named Clark Woodhill who majored in Business. They dated for 4 years and got married at age 28 and 29. Two years later they had two boys one of witch she named Darren. Debbie soon lived to become the first lady to President Clark Woodhill 15 years later and got involved in politics. 30 years later they retired and settled down in California from Washington DC. Three years later they both passed away in a horrible car accident.
Darren Shan
Ileanna Holiday#5
ReplyDeleteThe Secret Language of Sisters
Luanne Rice
Blog 10
This book is a very interesting book because there is a great moral to it. That you should not be texting while driving.”When Ruth Ann McCabe responded to a text message while she was driving, her life as she knows it ends.”Ruth Ann doesn’t actually die in the book but they just make it sound like it does. Ruth actually gets locked-in syndrome,”She can not see and hear and understand everything around her, but no one knows it.” Her sister now has to live with the guilt and shame of knowing that she has done this to er sister. “the only other person who seems to get it is Newton.” Newton is Ruth’s boyfriend and he seems to be the only one in their family who actually get what Matilda(Ruth’s sister) is going through.i recommend this book to other people out there because it is really intriguing for readers. This is a very tear jerking book so get ready to get the tissues out if you are an emotional person. There is a very good moral to this story. texting while driving isn't a joke, many people every day die because of car accidents. This is a good example of what will happen if you do text while drive.
#13 Makayla Rydbeck
P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
Pg. 158
Log #1 option 5
When friends stop trusting each other, Darkness is there to fan the flames of the world that is already falling apart at the hands of the Vampyre council.
Jake Rydbeck #11
ReplyDeleteBook: No Easy Day
Seal team six from the streets of Iraq
To the Indian Ocean
And the mountaintops of Afghanistan
To the third floor of Osama Bin Laden's compound
Memorable special ops
Countless missions
Never made headlines
Which makes it No Easy Day.
#6 Italia Holiday
The Kicks
Page 187
Log #9
One of the things that I truly love about this book is that it is about soccer. I also love how the new girl, Devin, saves a horrible team to a good team. Devin is the type of character that can inspire people and encourages people. I don't like how everyone at her school doesn't welcome her except two people. I like how it wasn't easy for Devin to move because then she has more confidence in herself. Also I like how she was able to step up and make friends. She had a strong self-esteem. I like how the writer made the book so relatable to many people. I love how the two girls made friends with Devin as soon as possible. I don't like how the mom embarrassed her children. I do like how well the two children get along. I also like how Devin wore her uniform in bed every night before a soccer game. I love how Devin still works her hardest even though her team isn't that great. I like how her dad tried to make everything better even when anything is bad. I like how her sibling always encourages her. I like how her mom is so supportive especially when Devin was feeling down a boy her team. I like how Devin was able to fight through the season with her team. Devin was one of the most interesting characters I have ever known. Devin's family is very supportive and open. Devin is a great soccer player.
#2 Kachina Blair
Mirror Mirror Girl
Page 187
Log #9
I love the way that the author inspires us to not feel like we have to look a certain way to be able to fit in with others. I also love the way that the author says that when our parent are fighting that it is not our fault for them fighting. The author also states that when we move to a different school that we should stand out and talk to people. When the author stated that we do not have to be perfect and wear these types of clothes it made me feel like I could do whatever I wanted to do at school with friends. My favorite part was when the author said that we should accept how we look. I also like how the author includes note taking papers for if we need to write something down that is on our minds. The author includes little stories for every chapter that relate to the story. The author includes a little story about herself. The author states that when we move to another neighborhood we should introduce ourselves to the kids and not be so lonely. All the activates that went on in her life where in her book. The author was in high school when she wrote this book. The author states that when she was a little girl she ran into all of these problems. The author wrote the book with similar stories like the little mermaid for accepting what you look like.
#6 Matthew Johnson
ReplyDeleteThe Blood of Olympus
Rick Riordan
Blog #2
Dear Diary,
Today we are on our way to Greece in the Argo II. I only wish Annabeth and I could spend our years in New Rome but with Gaea rising there isn't much time for sitting around and doing nothing. I'm scared that Annabeth will get hurt on the trip, but after she killed Arachne and retrieved the Athena Parthenos I feel more confident that she will not get hurt. Who I'm also scared for is Leo because I feel bad for him because of that thing Nemesis said to him about being the seventh wheel. I think he's taking seriously because he is always left out. But who I'm mostly scared of is Nico because he's in charge of the most important part of the quest. He has to get the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood, but he is with Reyna and she is a very smart and confident demigod. The reason his part of the quest is so important is because if he gets the Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood then the gods will stop fighting against their roman self. Then they can actually help us with our quest. If the gods aren't healed soon then they won't be able to help us kill the giants and the only way to kill a giant is for a god and a demigod help each other. So if the gods don't get healed by the time we get to Greece then the quest will fail and the whole world will get destroyed by Gaea, also I was wanting to spend some time in New Rome with Annabeth. Also I think Leo is hiding something because Frank and Hazel have been acting weirdly around Leo like he's gonna die or something. Well whatever it is we're gonna get the physicians cure so we could revive anyone. I'm just scared that the wrong person will have the physicians cure and won't have the time to revive whoever dies, because I'm sure someone will die because that's what we were told. I kind of wish Hazel would have gone with Nico because she is becoming a very powerful demigod, she can manipulate the mist so well she could probably hide mount Olympus from the gods and that's where they live. If she would have gone with Nico she could have probably hidden the Parthenos and the whole group and they wouldn't even meet any dangers.
Yours Truly,
Percy Jackson
Andrew Walters #13
Robert Smith
Bobby Ellis calls himself Bobby Baseball and the name is not as crazy as some of his friends think. Bobby dreams, writes and plays baseball. His father made it to professional baseball although he never got to the major leagues, but Bobby has his own path figured out. He will become a great little league pitcher and then go right to the semi-pros , not only the major leagues, but to the Baseball Hall of Fame. He secures a place on the team his father coaches in spite of his father's feeling that he'd be better off on another team. Bobby is sure he'll be an outstanding pitcher and refuses all advice, especially his father's, to try for a second base position. He becomes the pitcher and that's the beginning of the end of all his dreams. All 10-year-old Bobby Ellis thinks about is baseball. If he isn't watching a game or writing in his Baseball Book, he is dreaming of his future as a Hall of Famer and predicting how his Kids Club team will do. Bobby convinces his father to let him play for the Hawks, the Kid's Club team Dad manages. Bobby's brother Sammy, who played for Dad a few years before, warns Bobby that his plan isn't wise, but, unfortunately, Bobby must learn this for himself. Dad is rough on him, and Bobby's temper only makes matters worse. Eventually Bobby must accept that he is not a great baseball player, but can still love and dream about the game.
The Wicked Will Rise
ReplyDeleteDanielle Paige
Pg. #227
Prompt #2
Sydney Barbee
Dear Amy,
You are doing great in this war, and there is only one thing you need to make sure of. You need to make sure that you do not fall into darkness. You may be called the wicked but, you know that you are doing this for good. At least I hope you are. Remember what you are fighting for. I know this war is taking a toll on you but, there is definitely something going on with Nox. You found him and he was being very open to you and you still don’t seem to trust him. He can sense that and he is starting to close those walls again. Don’t let him build them back up and please let him bring down yours. I’m just saying that you could be a lot more open about your feelings to him. I know you want to wait till Dorothy is taken care of but, I believe if you embrace the love from those around you. Love from others is the one thing you have that Dorothy does not. That is her weakness and she has lost her family like you but, in this short amount of time since you have been in Oz you have found the place you really belong. Your mother misses you but you need to know that you are here for a reason. Don’t give up on Nox or on the war. There is meaning to everything that has happened to you and I don’t want you to take it all for granite and become like Dorothy.
Sydney Nicole