The Final Blog!

You should be very proud of yourself. This is the eighth and final blog of the year. I have enjoyed reading about your literary adventures. I hoped you have saved the best for last.


  1. #2 Sarah Chiaromonte
    Beetle Boy
    Option 5

    Beetles are amazing creatures.
    They show us amazing things.
    They show us how they live,
    And how they live their life.
    Beetles are truly wondrous,
    And without them,
    Life would not be the same.
    They help us,
    Save us,
    And all around astound us,
    In ways we cannot say.
    We love beetles in many different ways.

  2. Touching Spirit Bear by: Ben Mikaelsen
    page #289 prompt #3
    Edward Lueras #7

    5 years after the event of Cole Matthews attacking Peter Driscal and permanently damaging him, both Cole and Peter are leading better lives as adults. Cole himself knows what he did was wrong to Peter and completely changed his life around. Cole is an adult now and has a full time job, despite his felony. Cole and Peter are now even friends, able to settle their differences and help each other. Peter is still damaged mentally from the head trauma he received during Cole's attack on him, but with many hours of therapy and the help of Cole, he is more functioning now than after the attack. Cole understands now that violence did not fix the problem he had with Peter, it only created a new one. Peter's life will never be the same, and neither will Cole's. Cole beating up Peter did not only hurt Peter, but also hurt Cole as well. Cole was held in detention centers and had to prove that he had changed his heart, and even after all of that it was hard to resume a normal life, all because of one bad mistake. Although Cole was able to reenter society again, Peter was not so lucky. Since Peter had received damage to his brain he had a hard time socializing, and without being able to get a job, Peter was not able to grow up. Although Cole realized his mistake, that did not change the affect it caused to both him and Peter.

  3. #4 Eli Holiday
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    Jeff Kinney
    Pg. #169
    Dear diary,
    Lately my life has been a bit difficult. Mom just came up with this new thing called mom bucks and it is a painkiller. It is not fun having mom bucks because I have to do chores, and actually hang with my older brother (who thinks this is a gold opportunity). Also it is kind of a good thing because I can earn money and pay for my video games. Today I went to Rowley's house and his babysitter is Heather Hills. She is the prettiest girl ever. I go over to play Twisted Wizard 2 is what I tell Rowley, but I really go over to see his babysitter. Today was different; his babysitter was his neighbor, Leland. We played this game called Magic and Monsters. When I went home I told mom about it and she wanted Roderick and I to play together. Mom bought a lot of books for Roderick to read. He didn't understand it. When I went over to Rowley's house again. We played magic and monsters, but guess what my mind mom came this time and wanted to play. She was just like Roderick, she didn't know a thing. I know it might sound harsh but it was the truth. I just hope that mom won't want to go over there again. The next day I had a history test, which obviously I didn't study for. If I had a glass eye I could cheat off of someone's test. I sit right next to the smartest kid in our class, he always puts his test on the floor so I know I can look at his. Well that concludes MY FIINAL BLOG EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #1 Matthew Burnette
    Derek Jeter: Change up
    Prompt 2
    Dear Derek Jeter,
    Some advice I would give you is to act like Jackie Robinson in your situation to just control yourself and just stay strong. I know it’s not as big as Jackie Robinsons situation, but if you do that that would help against Gary. Just don’t complain to your dad that he didn’t run on purpose let your dad and chase figure it out on their own. Don’t start getting other people into just leave it alone have self-control and control your temper. Don’t get into a fight with him at school just back away and keep your space so you don’t break your contract maybe you will get to go to a Yankees game if you’re good. Let Sharlee who she wants to be and let her solve her own problems she’s about 8 she need to make her own choices instead of her brother figuring out for he the whole time. Don't break the contract I think you will be able to maybe get something good if you don’t break it this whole summer. Make sure Dave still is being treated well and maybe later on when Gary is all settled down because he is fired up try to make friend with him and introduce him to your friends. Maybe even invite him to come to the hill to practice like you did with Dave it’s the same situation. Act like you’ve never meet him before. Overall just have self control.

  5. #9 Matthew Montoya
    Option #4
    The honest Truth
    Dan Gemeinhart
    Page 1-250

    In the book The Honest Truth, one of the many compositions is courage. This boy travels through rain, wind, and even snow just to accomplish his main goal to climb a mountain. He doesn't want anyone's help nor does he need anyone's help. Only with his dog to keep him company, he has courage to climb a mountain by himself. With courage you see, nothing can stop you. "I was doing this thing, all the way. I didn't need anyone's help. I didn't want anyone's help." (Page 95) This young boy has a big heart to go out by himself not telling his parents just to reach his ultimate goal. Courage helps you step out of your comfort zone to do things that you never ever though of doing. "A plan to reach the top of mount rainier. Even if it's the last thing he ever does" (Page 156). We see a lot of people in the world have courage. Many disciples of Jesus had courage even though they knew they would be persecuted for their beliefs. Also, even in sports Jackie Robinson is a good example. He was made fun of, teased, and harassed by fans and other players for his skin color. He still had courage he followed his dream for the love of baseball. A little courage can go a long way in life. You can do anything as long as you have courage to be able do it. Doubting yourself will only put yourself down and not help you achieve anything. Courage is only one of the many keys to life.

  6. #6 Sienna Inman
    The 100
    Kass Morgan
    Pg. 52
    Blog 2
    Log 4

    One of the characters of the book is Clarke, she's also the main character. Her story is for sure not like most people's. She was born in space... Not on earth. She had her two parents and no siblings. She had a close friend named Well's, who later would change her life forever. Clarke grew up thinking that the earth was no longer able to sustain life. Something happened on earth that had everyone racing to leave. The people that were smart left and developed a building in space that would be able to hold all these people from earth. It had everything they needed to live normal lives like they did on earth. Later Clarke’s Dad was working on a top secret project that not even the chancellor knew about. He didn't tell anyone, not even Clarke about his work. Until one night when Clarke swore she could here some kind of crying from the other side of hero use wall. She walked towards the wall and found a key pad, which she punched a code into. She walked into this room that was filled with children. She eventually heard that the crying was coming from a girl, about her age crying in pain. Her Dad had been working on a way to keep people alive in space after the chancellor had some people executed due to the less amount of oxygen in the building. Her Dad later found out that Clarke had seen the room and made her swear not to tell anyone. Being a young teenage girl she of course had to tell her best friend Well's, who just happened to be the chancellors son. Well's later told his father of the illegal work Clarke’s father had been working on. The chancellor had know choice but to execute Clarke’s father. After that Clarke never saw her mother again. She was taken to jail for knowing about what her father was doing and not saying a word about it. Now Clarke is on earth, with all the other hundred criminals, including Well's. She still is making it a point to stay clear of Well's while she's down there.

  7. #11 Preston Parker
    Blog #2 4th Quarter
    Option #3

    Dear Journal,
    Today in class this bully Ash came up to me and my friend Chester and was picking some beef with me and I had a enough of his tormenting. I picked up my shovel and was ready to kick some yellow junior high butt. I picked up my shovel getting ready to hit Ash in the face with it until the teacher came in and asked me what I was doing but that was besides the point. After school Ash brought along some of his friends to fight me and Chester but when they saw that we where both holding shovels in our hand they had quickly dispersed. Chester and I went on our merry way until these two guys in black suites started following me and Chester and when I confronted Chester about it we started walking a little faster and then these to guys burst out into a full on sprint. We ran for our lives about a mile from my house and we ran into the store of one of my good family friends and we waited there until the two men in the black suit's left the area. Then we went to my house to continue on a dig we had recently found in my basement that had been caved in for some odd reason. We were making some major breakthrough's until my sister got really suspicious of what I was doing and I told her I was chasing a lead on Dad with Chester but we still haven't finished this long dig. She then dismissed the question and started folding laundry and I went to bed without taking a shower because I was so tired and went to sleep dirt and all.
    The Master Digger

  8. #15 Zachary Tittle
    Language Arts
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
    J.K. Rowling pg 309(end)
    Blog 8 log 8

    The main conflict of the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone is to find who wants to steal the sorcerers stone for The Dark Lord, Voldemort. At first the main characters Harry Potter, Hermonie Granger, and Ron Weasly, thought that Professor Snape was the person trying to retrieve the stone. Throughout the portion of the book that the three were at Hogwarts they were treated unfairly by Snape but also did not like him either. During the investigation of the three on who was the person trying to retrieve the stone for you-know-who. At one point Harry had received a rare cloak of invisibility. At first he did not know what to use it for so he stored it but later figured out, with the help of Ron, that he should use it to investigate who is trying to steal the stone. When he uses it he finds professor Snape and to his surprise professor Quirrel arguing about trust. When Harry and Ron heard this they thought that Snape was trying to find out how to defeat the many trials to reach the stone because it was well hidden behind multiple charms and beasts. Harry and Ron had concluded that Snape had already figured out how to get through every other trial but the one that Quirrel had set up to defend the stone. Later when they had intelligence that someone was to attempt to steal the stone. When Hermoinie, Ron, and Harry had finished the trails after the intruder before them they were separated one by one after the first three trails. On the fourth trial Harry was surprised to see that one of the beasts had already been slain. When he arrived in the final room he was astonished to see that it was professor Quirrel who was the intruder and not Snape.

  9. #9 Ethan Powell
    The Spiderwick Chronicles books 1,2,3,4,5
    Tony Diterlizzi and Holly Black
    Prompt #2
    Dear, Jared
    I think that you should keep a rag and a bottle of spit from Hogsqueal so that when you are with some one that can’t see the fairies you can give them the rag with the spit on it. I also think that you should go back to the dwarf’s mine to retrieve the robot dogs, I think they would provide good protection. Also when you’re at the dwarf mine you should grab some gold so that you can repair your house. Here is some advice for Mallory, you should get a real sword so that you can fight off any fairy attacks. Here is some advice for Simon, you should work on training your griffin, if your griffin is doing something it isn’t supposed to try to get control of it. Lastly I have some advice for Hogsquel, you need to stop being a coward and actually fight with the Grace’s. Jared if you want to get good at drawing then you should keep practicing and maybe even take some drawing classes. I also think that your mom should let your dad visit every once and a while. I think that when dealing with goblins you should have someone distract them while someone else comes from behind and stabs them. also you should never make another deal with the elves. You should also treat Thimbletack with more respect and Thimbletack shouldn’t go on a rampage whenever you make him mad. That is all the advice I have for you.
    Ethan Powell

  10. #10 Jayden Ramirez
    Romeo and Juliet
    Log #5
    The story of Romeo and Juliet
    One a Montaque and one a Capulet
    Many deaths arise
    Behind Romeo and Juliet's lies
    Such as Lady Montegue and Tybalt
    Who is to blame? Who is at fault?
    Love is something that has you begging for more
    In this case, Love is worth dying for
    "Never was their a story of much woe
    Than this of Juliet and her Romeo" -Page 150

  11. #5 Janessa Fuentes
    Blog #8
    In the book My Forever Friends one of the themes is drama. Some examples of this are when all of the girls begin middle school and a ton of change is going on and all of Jenna’s friends are changing into completely different people. Jenna is furious because she can’t accept the fact that people grow up and they change into way different people than they were before. Another theme in this novel is love. In this book it describes love as this amazing thing that everyone should have or has had once in their life, this book also shows that people will be jerks and you will get your heart broken at least once. In this book it shows girls in middle school that have crushes on boys and they get their heart broken and then all of the girls try to conceal her. These themes in the book are very important because you always want one friend that you could rely on and trust with anything. The last theme of this book is bedrail this is important because people will always be mean no matter what there will always be one person who is always mean to you. There are going to be people in your life that are mean to you but you always need to just stay positive and let the Lord get you through it. This book was very good in my opinion because it is completely true and it will happen.

  12. Joe McElroy #8
    Hit and miss
    page #105
    by Derek Jeter

    Once there was a boy named Derek Jeter,
    he made a contract with his parents,
    The contract was that he would finish his homework before sports,
    he loved playing sports with friends,
    then he practeced very hard because practece makes perfect,
    so he could make it to the MLB.

  13. #12 Alexis Raya
    Batman Arkham Knight
    Marv Wolfman
    Page 155
    Blog 7
    Batman Arkham Knight is a very good book. The book is about one of my favorite characters in comic books and in the superhero realm, Batman. Batman Arkham Knight is a novelized version of the video game, Batman Arkham Knight. The author did a very good job at novelizing the book. The book captured my attention on the first page. On the first page it says, “This is not the story that was leaked to the press. This is how it happened. This is how Batman died.” Marv Wolfman did an amazing job at grabbing my attention. Batman Arkham Knight is easy to read and is well detailed. It does not seem as if it is a novelization but a completely untold story.
    I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who has an understanding of who Batman is and enjoys Batman. I may be a little biased in favor of Batman Arkham Knight because of the amazing characters, background, and story, nut it truly is a really good book. I do recommend it to those who have former knowledge on Batman and a few of the other characters such as Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, and the Joker. The Joker plays a big part in this story. I would recommend reading about the Joker’s death in Batman: Endgame before reading this book. It gives a better understanding of who the Joker is in this novel. Batman Arkham Knight is an amazing book that I definitely recommend.

  14. #13 Emilia Shahverdian
    Grimm's Fairy Tales by Wilhelm Grimm
    Page 317
    Log Option #7

    I am enjoying the book Grimm's Fairy Tales because it is very detailed and illustrative. The book is where most fairy tales and movies derived from. It was great to read some of the original stories that I remembered from my childhood. The nostalgia that this book gave me made me love it even more. It made me feel like a child again when my grandma was telling me these stories at night. I admire the book greatly for the fantasy and mystery contained in the writing. The author's writing style is quite eerie, but it is one that can be enjoyed by a great amount of readers. His writing is very poetic, an example from the book is, "' Thou, lady, art loveliest here, I ween; But lovelier far is the new-made queen.'" This quote was Grimm's original story Snowdrop which later turns into Snow White. Disney has remade some of Grimm's stories but they are friendlier and cheerfully ending than the original. I would recommend this book to people who like fantasy and old English books. I know that other people can appreciate this type of literature. This book might even be a little too advanced for me but I couldn’t resist reading it. The work of the Brothers Grimm is truly remarkable and it will be remembered until the end of time. The collection of these fairy tales give us a glimpse of life back then and how connected people were. These stories brought people together and they have been passed down from generation to generation.

  15. Naruto shonen jump
    Masashi ksimoto
    Log 9
    I love how the author included a story for every person even the background characters. The author tells the main characters sad backstory and don't leave out any thing and want you to read more so that you can figure out more about that character. It also shows how the main character was a reject person who was never good at being a ninja but he try end his best to fit in but always ended up as a laughing stock for the whole school and was never liked. He tried so hard but then found just one person to believe in him and he was suddenly had the determination to keep going. I also liked how the author used the main characters sad backstory to show others not to go down the wrong path but to do the right decisions. He is also a born leader and wants nothing but for others that feel the same as him to feel free and not to be made fun of. He also wants for people to understand him and not take him for granted but notice him. Before he used to just do what ever to get people's attention but it always turned out bad for him, but now he is just trying to get their attention by training and fighting and to become the best. The author also gave the main character all he wanted in life which was a friend and he got a bunch which weren't just friends but they were life friends that would never leave their side. I love how the other leaves all of his books with a cliff hanger so that you want to read the next one. I really liked this book series because it also teaches life lessons like to never give up.

  16. #3 Ethan Crenshaw
    Diary of a Wimpey Kid
    Jeff Kinney
    Pg. 55
    Log # 7
    This life is hard because I got a brother that is crazy annoying. The other one is blaming me for everything that I did not do. When it was high school I started to stay away from the nerds and the punks because I do not want to be embarrassed in front of the new girls like Holly Hills. She was pretty and she was in my class. My chances are I can sit next to her and give her a note and see if she likes me. But then my friend Rowley said that we won’t even talk to Holly Hills because we are weird and not athletic. When we first got our seats I fast walked to the closest desk near Holly but then Patty Farrell stole my seat and then we were fighting but then the teacher told me to sit in the front of the class. I got very mad and embarrassed at her and the whole class. School ended that day and Rodrick picked me and Rowley from school but then we had to sit in the back were Rodrick had his junk. When he started the car we immediately fell and Rowley put his butt in my face and it was terrible. When we got out our hair was mess crazy it was like a caveman. When we got home we went to play a game but then Manny put a cookie in it and I got very mad because he broke my game that I was going to play. Then we went upstairs and saw old videos were people fall on the ground. Then Rowley sat down and sat down on a pokey ball that Manny made and it looked bad. Mom had to rip it off and he screamed very loud and then his parents came to pick him up. Then we had to eat dinner and go to bed.

  17. #6 Italia Holiday
    The Dirt Diary
    Anna Staniszewski
    Page. 173
    Log #8

    The main problem in this book is that Rachel used her college funds, without asking, to buy a plane ticket to visit her dad. Her mom doesn’t know that Rachel took the money. Rachel’s mom checks her bank account every month, which gives Rachel an entire month to gain money. To gain this money she is going to do house cleaning with her mom. She will be wasting every Saturday for the next month. Rachel has to clean the houses of the most popular girls in eighth grade, which bullies Rachel. For example, Rachel made up a fake boyfriend and had her best friend sent her fake text to act like Rachel’s fake boyfriend. The mean girls stole her best friends phone and saw all the text they have been sending to each other. The mean girls told everyone about her fake boyfriend and Rachel has been teased ever since. When Rachel was at one of the mean girls house to clean, Brianna, she met Brianna’s brother and liked him a little because he was the exact opposite of Brianna. He was kind, helpful, and sweet. He actually protected Rachel when Brianna caught her looking at her photos. One of the other mean girls, Caitlyn, is another house Rachel had to clean. Caitlyn was sick when Rachel came to clean. So Rachel wore a hat to cover face, but she tripped and thought Caitlyn may or may not have noticed her. Rachel will just have to wait and see if Caitlyn noticed or if Brianna told everyone at school.

  18. #5 Isabella Holiday
    If I Stay
    Gayle Forman
    This is for Mia...
    If we were a movie,
    I was the bad guy,
    You were the good girl,
    That I'd fall in love with,
    We had our highs and they were great,
    We had our lows and they didn't kill us,
    If anything they made us stronger,
    This low is different than any others,
    If, when, you come out of your coma,
    We will be stronger than ever,
    1week later....
    You are a wake,
    We had to tell you that your parents and brother died,
    Right away you asked for your cello,
    I knew then that you'd be unbreakable,
    I knew that you'd make it through the rough road ahead
    We have survived many trials,
    This one the hardest of them all,
    This is our movie,
    And it's making us stronger,
    This isn't the end of our movie,
    The the if, you turned into did,
    This is only part one,
    The second will be different,
    Part one was called If She'd Stay,
    Part two is called She did Stay,

  19. #15 Kayla Sin
    Never Never
    Brianna R. Shrum
    Pg. 356
    Log #5
    Everyone loves the Pan,
    That’s what people say,
    Hook is a man that hates him,
    And wants to see him pay.
    They were friends once,
    Peter Pan and he,
    But he grew up,
    Became a man quite quickly.
    That’s when the hate started,
    Between the boy and the pirate,
    One wanted to stay young,
    And the other was a tyrant.
    Now he couldn’t go home,
    Not with Pan as the enemy,
    There was no turning back,
    He was to be bad for eternity.
    Hook had a ship,
    It was the Spanish Main,
    he was a captain,
    But had one person to keep him sain.
    Tiger Lily a girl,
    An Indian princess,
    The one he loved most,
    Through this love he was fearless.
    He had always wanted,
    To pack up and run away with her,
    She wanted that too,
    Until she loved Pan later.
    This pushed the limits,
    His rage had no control,
    He had to kill Pan,
    His heart was of coal.
    They battled to the death,
    But Pan was the winner,
    And Hook lost his life,
    To be the croc’s dinner.


  20. Jake O’Brien
    Mrs. Camp
    Blog #4

    Years after Jack died at the hotel, Wendy did what she talked about doing years before the incident had occurred. She moved back in with her mother, and is raising Danny, her son, with the help of her mother. Danny was now thirteen years old and admittedly said that he didn’t remember much of the night on account of how young he was. Although he still does have night terrors and constantly screams in the middle of the night. He still has many nightmares that sill revolve around his adventures in the hotel. Even though he cannot remember much of the night, the words “RED RUM” still bounce around his mind as if someone was whispering it in his ears repeatedly. Al Shockley finally got a handle on his alcoholism and now lives happily at home with his wife and kids. Fortunately, people remembered Jack as an astounded author of many amazing plays. His family on the other hand didn’t remember him as an “outstanding” person. His family remembered him as a drunk, who used to have fits of rage and would solve most of his problems by making a mad dash at the liquor cabinet, and as a man who mentally cracked under the pressure of raising a child, providing for his family, and running a hotel, with the added constant badgering from his wife of “not being good enough” and the constant thought of divorce bouncing around his head thanks to Wendy. Years later…She is still haunted by that night

  21. #8 Gannon McDonald
    The New Girl
    Tracie Puckett
    Pg 265
    Log 6
    Me: Hello Miss Ghijik.
    Steph: Hello Sir.
    Me: I wanted to ask you some questions, do you mind?
    Steph: Go ahead, oh and by the way, call me Steph, You don’t have to call me by my last name.
    Me: Why thank you Steph, it was hard for me to say your last name anyways.
    Steph: Haha, well my mom named me Abcdef Ghijik because it would be harder for people to track me.
    Me: Well I find that fascinating that your mom is worried about you that much.
    Steph: Yah, well it is not that fun when your moving to a different state every month.
    Me: You’re now in Webster Grove, how do you like it?
    Steph: I love it, I got to know a bunch of people my first day there, my favorite person of them all is Mr. Rivera, or Alex.
    Me: Well I wanted to ask two questions, how did you feel about Calvin proposing to your mom, when they have only been dating for 3 weeks? And, what are your feelings toward Nate and Rachel?
    Steph: I have to admit, I was really surprised and worried that after 3 weeks of dating, my mom was proposed to and she said yes! But I just have to support her, no matter what. Then about Nate and Rachel, I am a little bit sad because I know that Bridget has liked Nate for a long time now, and Nate asking Rachel to homecoming, made Bridget and Nate really awkward, I just wish that Bridget had confessed her feelings for Nate before he had asked her out.
    Me: well thank you for taking your time on answering these two questions.
    Steph: No problem, well class is starting, got to go, bye!
    Me: Goodbye.

  22. # 7 Gregory Luciano
    Freefall By Gordon And Williams
    Log 1
    Finished Book
    Dear Diary,
    ts getting harder down here. Hard to breathe with all the dust and debre getting kicked up from the choppers above us. I stink to high heavens,starving, and I just wish I could get a break. But, I cant. We had entered this other world where we are being chased by the military. It was all normal until we heard choppers flying above us. Elliot quickly told us to duck and hide. My dad, who was still out exploring and learning like usual was in the open where I quickly told him to get down. They shot multiple rounds of ammo at the area, hoping to achieve the death of one us, or ideally me. I had to get out of there, the firing squad was for real. Right before my eyes I had witnessed many limiters dying. This could be it for me. Hours later, my dad and I were stuck in a pyramid surrouned by many soldiers carrying lethal weapons. They had our whole camp being raided by their army looking for any evidence to give off where hiding. They were stealing all of our food that we had explored and journeyed far to get.My dad, who was completely cluecless to his surroundings, had no clue what was happening and what they want. I told him all about what was happening. Limiters are usually pretty dumb, so he thought it would be worht it if he tried to communicate to them. It ended up a waste, they didn't listen and just seemed to be getting angry and more violent. Before I could do anything my dad was packing and heading out of the cave. I told him he was completely mad and that he would be spotted and shot at or tortured until he gave up information. Information like where I hid the deadly weapon and where Elliot and I might be hiding at. My dad takes alot to talk out of what he wants to do. Even though he may be some genius at underground artifacts and ancient writing, does not mean he has the best common sense. He is completely clueless to what or why these people are looking for and why they wont stop until we die.

  23. #14 Anthony Salgado
    Pirates of the Caribbean:On Stranger Tides
    Tim Powers

    Blackbeard, a ruthless man
    Always carrying his magical knife
    Was it all worth it?
    Was it worth your life?
    You never lived forever
    That old fountain couldn't save you

  24. #10 Luke O’Brien
    Blog 8
    1. Who is the lead singer of My Chemical Romance?
    A. Ray Toro
    B. Gerard Way
    C. Frank Iero
    D. Mikey Way
    2. Who is the lead guitarist for My Chemical Romance?
    A. Frank Iero
    B. Dave Grohl
    C. Ray Toro
    D. Jack White
    3. What album was “Teenagers” on?
    A. Black Parade
    B. Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
    C. May Death Never Stop You
    D. Danger Days
    4. When did the band break up?
    A. 2015
    B. 2014
    C. 1980
    D. 2013
    5. Who went solo after the band’s break up?
    A. Frank Iero
    B. Ray Toro
    C. Mikey Way
    D. Gerard Way
    6. What was the name of their first album?
    A. I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
    B. Danger Days
    C. Black Parade
    D. Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
    7. Where did they band originate from?
    A. New York
    B. Los Angeles
    C. California
    D. New Jersey
    8. When did the band start?
    A. 2001
    B. 2002
    C. 2003
    D. 2004
    9. What was the song “Mama” about?
    A. A soldier going off to war
    B. Life in prison
    C. The future
    D. The government
    10. What album was “Welcome to the Black Parade” on?
    A. Danger Days
    B. Black Parade
    C. Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
    D. I Brought You my Bullets, You Brought me your Love
    True or False
    11. Mikey Way found the name for the band.
    12. May Death Never Stop You was a greatest hits album.
    13. Frank Iero was the lead guitarist.
    14. jack White is in the band.
    15. Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge was their first album
    Short Answer
    16. Has anyone in the band commit any crimes?
    17. Which member of the band watched the Twin Towers attack?
    18. How long has the band been active?
    19. How did Mikey Way find the name for their band?
    20. How many members where in the band when they broke up?
    If you were to ever listen to My Chemical Romance, what would you think of them?

  25. Jake Rydbeck #11
    Tides of War: Honor Bound
    This book is about a Somolian pirate who has a crew of evil people and Navy Seals are trying to stop him. The pirate’s nickname is Surfer Boy and he was the leader. He wasn’t intimidated by anyone. He was taking over a ship and the captain sent out a distress call, instead of leaving right away he decided to stay and fight them because he wanted to show who was the leader. The Navy Seals decided to get a sea lion to use to plant a tracking device on Surfer Boy’s ship. So they asked who would like to train the sea lion a man by the name of Felix volunteered. The only rule for Felix was to not put the sea lion in danger. So he trained and worked with the sea lion named Sly so it would do what he told it to do and it also wouldn’t run away. He trained the sea lion to place a tracker device on Surfer Boy’s ship. It took many tries for the trainer Felix and also many tries for the sea lion. When Felix couldn’t see Sly he would use thermal goggles to see him underwater. When the pirates invaded the Navy Seals there was a lot of explosions and also a lot of gunfire. That time was the perfect time to send Sly in to place the tracker. Except that would put him in danger.

  26. #13 Makayla Rydbeck
    P.C. Cast
    Pg. #220
    Dear diary,
    I am so mad at Zoey because her boyfriend Heath died last week and she is out with Stark this week and going around and acting like nothing has happened. Everyone thinks she (Zoey) killed Heath. Kalona and Rephaim are at war with each other because Rephaim wanted Kalona to go against Neferet. Neferet wants to kill Zoey because Queen Sgiach is teaching her what to do so Zoey can take Queen Sgiach’s place. Stevie Rae is in love with Rephaim and everything and everyone seems like they are all going crazy. The Vampyre High Council is going to hear the story and then have to decide if Zoey is guilty or not. This is so weird I am not even sure who my friends are any more or if they are even my friends. I feel like I am caught in the middle of a bad dream and I just want to wake up and things be back to normal. I am sad that Heath died and I feel like I can’t trust Zoey. I just found out that the council has decided that Zoey is not guilty and now I just feel confused. This whole thing has been so hard to follow with all of my friends and all of the craziness I am so tired. So until tomorrow or next week good night for now. Still hoping that I will wake up from this nightmare.

  27. #14 Jada Wynn
    Sunny Side Up
    June 4, 2016
    Log #9
    Page: Finished
    Last Blog of the Year!!!
    One of the things that I love most about this book is that it is based on reality. It makes the book much more applicable. Along with being based on reality, it is also a comic book. This is the first comic book I have ever read, and it truly made me want to read more. I love the way the author decided to write the story in comic book form. One of the side effects that comes from the story being a comic book is that it is not as detailed as it would have been if it was written as a regular book. I hate the way that the story is not very elaborate. I love the way that the illustrator drew the comics in the story. It expands and tells more about the story in greater detail. The illustrator really told more about the story in a way that made it easier to understand and comprehend. I also hate the fact that the story is so short. I think that the story should tell more about what happens after the summer vacation and before the ride to the retirement home. It would give the reader much more background information about the characters and their very unique personalities. Sunny Side Up is a very interesting book. It contributes a lot of qualities that any other regular book might not have.

  28. Leo Sellarole #12
    Cirque du freak, Vampire Mountain
    Darren Shan
    Pages 400
    Blog #8 Quarter #4
    Prompt 5
    Off we go on a treacherous journey,
    One would not need a suitcase that is burly,
    Once again a story unravels,
    As Darren travels,
    At the Mountain word goes around,
    At this moment it seems no one is safe and sound,
    Word of a Vapeneez lord coming,
    Atracking , what would be left, nothing,
    By the end of the book Darren must be tried,
    Through the Trials, he was heading for a long ride.

  29. #6 Matthew Johnson
    Lone Survivor
    Marcus Luttrell and Patrick Robinson
    Pg: 285
    Prompt 8

    The main conflict in this book (Lone Survivor) is for not only Marcus to escape but also for his team to escape. Though the team could not make it out and only Marcus could, they are all honorable men. They are honorable because of their service to our country, but their bravery to even go to the Himalayas on foreign soil. They were not alone. A helicopter with over 10 men had come to save them. The attempt was unsuccessful. The men in the helicopter went by volunteer; none of them were forced. They too, all of them, were honorable men. The helicopter was shot down by a Taliban with an RPG. Marcus and his team soon came under fire. All of the team except him died. Marcus had to flee or be killed. He soon got away and hided in a tree to scout out the landscape. He was soon shot by a sniper in his left leg. He had to start crawling away again and down a steep mountain. He soon got away long enough to scout for a few minutes. During the scout he found a waterfall. The waterfall was about 500 feet down from his point of view. The 500 feet was steep and full of obstacles such as trees, rocks, bushes, and bumps. He soon started his decent and was slow and painful. He was sliding down the mountain for about two and a half hours. When he reached the waterfall he was only able to get a few sips of water and dip himself in the water before he saw what he thought was Taliban and tried to fight them but he was physically unable to post himself up. He blacked out and then was barely able to post himself on one leg. The non Taliban soon spread around him and had weapons. Their leader was screaming at him but Marcus could not understand him. Around 10 minutes later he understood him. He was screaming “No Taliban”.

  30. The Wicked Will Rise
    Danielle Paige
    Pg. #293/ Done
    Prompt #5
    #1 Sydney Nicole

    In the distance,
    A spec covered in green.
    In the middle of no where,
    An island appeared.

    Junk piled high,
    Of all the lost things from those before.
    It is free to take,
    For the new people there.

    Missing socks, clocks, cords, and more,
    All end up on the island shore.
    This new sight is the missing link.
    Now we have found the Island of the Lost.

  31. Aiden Avichouser
    Jackie & Me
    Dan Gutman
    Language Arts
    Blog #8

    Joe Stoshack is a boy who has a special ability to travel back in time with a baseball card. He has traveled to see many baseball players. He has even changed history! He went back in time to see Jackie Robinson. While he was there he got Babe Ruth’s autograph for his dad. A few years later, in the suitcase that he had taken to see Jackie Robinson, Joe found a baseball signed by Jackie. Joe’s dad made him sell it as soon as he had found it. Joe’s parents didn’t have much money and the money they could get for that baseball sure would help them. One year after he sold the ball the man that they sold it to said that he was in need for some money himself and offered Joe to buy the ball back. At this time Joe was 15 years old. He begs his dad to go with him to buy the ball back. Joe and his dad went and looked where it was. It was in Arizona! Joe really wanted it. After a very long drive, they finally got to the man’s house and he wasn’t even there. They called him, he was at the Diamondbacks game. He had gone to the game and had bought them a ticket and told them to meet him there. They drove up to the game, it was great, they were playing the Angels. After a very long but fun game the Angels won five to four. Joe, his dad, and their new friend went back to his house after the game where the ball was. The man said he wanted $1000 for the ball. That was $1000 less than what Joe and his father sold it to him for. Joe thanked him. They went home and Joe hung the ball in a case and put it up in his room. Joe was so thankful to his dad for buying the ball back. Joe and his dad are now planning their next trip to go back in time.

  32. #8 Sam Matles
    The Hatchet
    Gary Paulson
    Last Blog

    Hello this is Gary Paulson and I am here to tell you the story of Brian before the woods. When he was born he was quite small, his father and mother loved him dearly but they didn’t love each other. Soon after his birth they divorced. When he became five he soon realized that his parents were never going to love each other again. He started to become angry and take it out on the kids at school. A few weeks later he started home school. At age nine he started to play baseball. He was amazing! When he started high school he was immediately put on the varsity team. At home he would cook for his mother every night, he was an amazing chef. Although he didn’t tell many people, he let his food do the talking. Whenever he had free time he would go on hikes. He loved nature; Brian just loved the beauty of the outdoors where there were no cars or buildings polluting the air. This led to him wanting to visit his dad more often so he would get planes to his dad’s cabin in Alaska. He would hike day and night just taking it all in. When he would get home Brian would always tell him about all of the fun things he did. Brian always brought his mother something back. One of these times he was visiting his father the pilot passed out and Brian found himself in the middle of the north Alaskan woods…

  33. J.B. Sebastiano #12
    Little League District Doubleheader
    Matt Christopher

    Dear Diary,
    Today, I had one of the best days of my life. Well to start off, it was the first day of the playoffs. My team, the Pythons, are 10-1 this season. I was the starting catcher in game one of the playoffs, and we had Spencer Park on the mound. Little did I know, we were playing Phillip DiMaggio. To fill you in, Phillip DiMaggio is 5’11 and can throw 75 miles per hour. As soon as we saw him begin to warm up, our hearts sunk. The ball out of his hand looks like a bullet more than a baseball. It was time to play ball now, and DiMaggio took the field. Our first batter, Ash, struck out on three pitches, and we knew it would be a long day. Spencer did well only giving up one run through four innings. It was now our turn to score some runs. We ended up scoring one to tie the game and send it into extra innings. It was the bottom of the 7th inning, no one out, and Ash came to the plate. Phillip got Ash to hit a groundball to the shortstop, but the shortstop threw it away. Ash ended up getting to second base. Then, Rodney bunted him over to third, and I was up. My heart was pounding. The first two pitches were strikes. Then, I took three straight balls to work the count full (3-2). Phillip looked at me, gave a grunt, and threw the next pitch. Everything felt as slow as a snail. I closed my eyes and swung as hard as I could. My mom began to shout and when I opened my eyes, the ball was over the fence. I just hit a walk off homerun!
    Your friend,

  34. Andrew Walters #13
    Mickey mantle
    Mickey Charles Mantle was born on October 20, 1931, in Spavinaw, Oklahoma. Named by his baseball-loving father after Detroit Tigers catcher Mickey Cochrane, Mickey Mantle was trained from a young age to be a switch-hitter. A New York Yankees scout saw him play while in high school, and Mantle subsequently signed on for two years in the minors before joining the major league team at the age of 19. Mickey Mantle played for the New York Yankees from 1951 to 1968, and was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1974. Mickey Mantle played his first game for the Yankees in 1951, eventually replacing Joe DiMaggio in center field. During his 18-year career with the Yankees, the switch-hitting slugger hit 536 home runs and was voted the American League's Most Valuable Player three times. In 1956, he won the American League triple crown with 52 home runs, 130 runs batted in and a .353 batting average. Throughout his career, Mantle was had many injuries and leg pain caused by osteomyelitis, yet he persevered to leave one of the greatest baseball legacies of all time. After retiring from baseball on March 1, 1969, Mantle became a restaurateur and television commentator. He was also featured in numerous documentaries and sports videos. A fan favorite, he was elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1974.

  35. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Star Wars Darth Bane:Path of Destruction
    Drew Karpyshyn
    Page 110
    Log 4, 4th Quarter

    One of the many themes in this book is hatred. It may seem bad at times, but hatred is what helps the Sith bring out their true power. Darth Bane pulled on his hatred for his father for many years, until he killed him unintentionally with the Force. He did not know that he had this kind of power, but he knew it was his hatred that, in a way killed his father. He did not know how to hone his hatred into the Force, but when he needed it his hatred came through. His hatred stemmed from his anger that meant he would never become the best until everyone was dead but him. He uses the hatred and evil from other people in order to draw on the power of the Dark Side. His upbringing on the planet Apatos as a miner with an abusive father made him choose the name Bane. His father always called him the bane of his existence and made him into a very vengeful person that uses hate to his advantage. Bane was also a strong man that also used anger to his advantage. He once won a game of sabacc (Star Wars Blackjack) by using the anger from his competitor, a Republic fleet commander. His hatred made his power grow immensely, and as he was training as a Sith, he surpassed his whole class.Bane drew on many negative emotions that made him into a very violent person and very hateful and angry Sith Lord.

  36. The Blazing Star
    Erin Hunter
    Pg. 297
    Blog #8
    Matthew Kim#7

    All cats will suffer
    Find the blazing star to live
    Many deaths will come


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