First Quarter - Blog #1

Here is where you will complete the first blog of the year. Make sure that you follow all of the directions and check for any errors before you post your work. I am excited to see what you will be reading this year. Choose your book wisely and I look forward to book talking with you.


  1. #1 Matthew Burnette
    Strike Three your Dead
    Page 92
    Blog #1 Quarter 1
    Prompt 1
    Dear Diary, today I went to the Phillies game and RJ weathers died while playing his first major league baseball game. I entered in a contest with my friend to announce an inning in at a Phillies game. My parents and I drove to Phillies stadium and we went to the VIP gate to go up the booth and there was this big dude and he led us up an elevator to the announcer’s booth. There I meet both announcer and was talking to them and looking at the view when. RJ weathers came in the room and congratulated me and we talked a bit and then he threw me a ball signed by the whole team even Famosa my favorite player. Then he left and started to warm up for his first major league game. When the game was about to start my dad and I went to go find some food. We decided on pizza. I was so nervous for the whole game and I started to calm down. Then ,suddenly, RJ weathers just dropped and at this time I was in the booth and no one knew what was up and then someone came running in and said that he was dead. Tears started to ball up in my eyes because the game got canceled so I dint get to announce and RJ had died. My prayers go out to his family and I will fill you in tomorrow on what has happened.

  2. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Trump Revealed
    Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher
    Page 232
    Blog #1, Quarter #1
    Prompt 6

    Jack: Hello, Mr. Trump.

    Trump: Thank you for having me, Jack.

    Jack: When you bought the Taj Mahal casino in Las Vegas, did you think that it was going to be a success or a total failure?

    Trump: I thought that it would be a massive success. Until my three supervisors who were going to do the opening ceremony all died in a helicopter crash. The loss was hard on me and their families as well. I personally had to call all the families and break the news to them. That day was worse than when I lost my lawyer and mentor, Roy Cohn.

    Jack: On the subject of Cohn, do you see him or your father as more of a mentor?

    Trump: In the real estate business, I see my father as more of a mentor, but when it comes to speaking in public and defending myself, I see Cohn as the better mentor. Cohn has helped out when it comes to the debates, but my father has taught me how to manage money. Though I may have gone bankrupt in the past, I have come back many times, and if I become bankrupt again, I will come back harder than ever before.

    Jack: Do you think that your presidential campaign will truly 'Make America Great Again?'

    Trump: I think that my time as president will help the economy of our country, and help our country deal with illegal immigrants and the threat of terrorism.

    Jack: If you win this election, do you think you will be able to compete with Kanye West for your second term of Presidency?

    Trump: I think that if I win, I will be elected for two terms and not lose to Kanye West.

    Jack: Thank you for your time Donald.

    Trump: You're welcome.

  3. #6 Gregory Luciano
    Harry Potter: The Cursed Child
    J.K. Rowling
    Pg 308
    Blog #1 Quarter 1
    Prompt 8
    Being a wizard is lucky and awesome enough. However, being an actual superhero is better. Harry Potter would definitely think The Flash is a superhero. The Flash has the ability to go super fast, out running basically everyone. Also, because he sees the world super fast, he is able to, in a way, go in slow-mo because of his quick reactions. The ability to go super fast would help Harry Potter sneak throughout the school of Hogwarts without being seen. This would help him sneak into places like Hogsmeade. Also, along the lines of sneaking in and out, super speed could of allowed Harry to sneak out of his awful house with his Aunt Petunia. Also, quick thinking would help Harry in battle. He could know and cast his spells faster. Sometimes collecting all the ingredients for potions they use could take days to get. But in some scenarios Harrys faced, he didn't have the time to get them all. Being a skillful wizard like Voldemort makes you hard to find. Harry could check many locations extremely fast. Lastly, being super quick with fast reactions would allow Harry to dodge all spells casted at him. Another superhero Harry Potter can relate to is Shazam. The biggest reason they can relate is because of what is expected of both of them. Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived. Everyone expects Harry to defeat the dark Lord and be the most powerful wizard. Shazam is like that because everyone has high expectations for him.

  4. Leo Sellarole #10
    Wicked, The Life and Times of the
    Wicked Witch of the West
    Gregory Maguire
    Pages 154
    Blog#1 Quarter#1
    Dear Diary,
    Today I started a new school, the school is Shiz University. Its all so exciting I've never been around this many people, sometimes this also so overwhelming, I wish I wasn't green. I worry about what people think about me, especially when I stick out like an emerald in the sand. I wonder where I will be placed in the school. I wasn't able to get an Ama. I'm going to have to put you away now, I have to go to the main hall to receive my living quarters.
    I was so lucky this afternoon I was one of the few girls who has been left in the hall without a match. I had been ignoring everyone around me, my mind in the book I was reading.The head mistress Madame Morrible had called my name and told me I was to be staying in one of the dorms with another young lady named Galinda. Right now i am heading over to the dorm I was instructed to go to, I am excited but nervous to meet my new roommate.
    The room is beautiful full of modern luxuries as i said earlier I was lucky. My roommate Galinda is very pretty. She has long, curly, golden locks, very good bone structure, a fair completion, and i nice fit figure. Galinda seems some what self absorbed but other than that she seems nice. I think that it for my day. I'm going to get my things settled in and get back to reading my book.

  5. #14 Zachary Tittle
    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
    JK Rowling
    Blog 1 log 4
    Love, love is a common theme used in this book. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’s main theme was love. Love was the main conflict in the story. To be the main conflict in the story love started the fight between father and son. Albus Potter the son of Harry Potter fought one night over a present and multiple other things. It started because according to Albus that he wasn’t being the son Harry wanted, but Harry responded by saying that he isn’t. Right before this Cedric Digory’s father was at the house trying to convince Harry to give him the time-turner to save his son. Of course being classified information Harry responded by saying he didn’t have it. Albus listened to the whole conversation and was devastated by it. He has a loving, passionate, and sympathetic heart like his fathers unlike what he says in the next few minutes. When Harry presents the gift to Albus, Albus is not satisfied by it and is very sly about it. He couldn’t keep it in for much longer and seconds later breaks into tears about how he isn’t the son Harry wants or not enough like his father. When Albus returns to platform 2 and ¾ he and his best friend Scorpius Malfoy devise a plan to escape. They use the time-turner to try to save Cedric but time after time fail; alternate reality to alternate reality they fail. Eventually love overcomes all and Albus saves Harry at the end of the story and make up but do not save Cedric.

  6. J.B. Sebastiano #12
    Jeter Unfiltered
    Derek Jeter
    Pages 180
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt 1
    Dear Diary,
    Today is my last Major League Baseball game. I have mixed emotions about it. I am happy to finally be able to end the grind and live a normal life. However, I am sad to leave the game. We are playing against our hated rival, the Boston Red Sox, at Fenway Park. I have had a long 20-year career with the Yankees, but today is the day I never wanted to come. I do not know how to act at the game today. My favorite memories of my career are winning 5 World Series, becoming the Yankee's Captain, and playing the game the right way. My only wish is that I can walk off the field satisfied because I contributed to the win. This is the most nervous I have ever been before a baseball game and in my entire life. I can't wait to see the fan's reaction to my last game. This whole season has been truly amazing. The fans have chanted my name and made signs to thank me for what I’ve done. My teammates have been cheering me on the whole season and have shown me nothing but respect. Now to the Yankees organization, who has been so faithful to me during the highs and the lows, thank you for making me the face of your team. You have given me so many gifts this season that it is hard to keep track. Being able to play Major League Baseball has been a dream come true, but it is now my time to go. Well, this is the end of this chapter of my life. Goodbye baseball, fans, and teammates. Jeter out.

  7. Old Yeller Lauren Quintana
    Today we are rewarding Travis’s dog ,Old Yeller, with the Award of “Bravest Dog”. He has been awarded because of how many times he has saved his family. He not only saved them, but was willing to die for his family. He helped in times of trouble. At first Old Yeller was an ugly dog that may have not looked smart but he was. When Travis’s family agreed to keep him was when he swore to protect them. Act of his bravery was when he saved Little Arliss from the she bear. As the bear raced down to protect her cub so did Travis. Travis raced with all his might knowing the she bear would get to the creek before him. When all seemed hopeless a flash of yellow shown as Old Yeller ran to save the life of Little Arliss. As the she bear came Old Yeller raced to her, ready to die for the sake of Arliss. As a war of pain directed on Old Yeller he fought as Travis, Arliss, and his mother retreated. As the dog ran home, seeing everyone was safe, he tried not to think about the pain he endured. I would give mother the “Hardest working Mom” award. She was helpful in the time of need. When Travis and Old Yeller were wounded she did three times her work. As she cared for Little Arliss ,worked Travis’s jobs, helped Old Yeller and Travis, and did her job she had a lot of work. Travis has been awarded the “Promise keeper”. He has kept the promise to his father about being man of the house. He also has kept the promise he made to Old Yeller. When Old Yeller was in pain Travis came back. He helped care for Old Yeller even when he was in pain. Little Arliss is awarded the “Fetch” award. Little Arliss retrieved a lot of things. He has retrieved a young birds, frogs, countless lizards, rabbits, and squirrels. All of these people have received these awards for their special qualities and many amazing efforts.

  8. Aiden Avichouser
    Language Arts
    Ted & Me
    Dan Gutman
    Blog 1

    Hi, my name is Joe. I have a special power. I can travel back in time with baseball cards. I have
    gone back to see Honus Wagner, Babe Ruth, Jackie Robinson, and many more of the greats. I
    have been given an assignment to go back in time to see Ted Williams. An FBI agent came to
    my door and asked me if I could go back in time to prevent Pearl Harbor. He gave me a Ted
    Williams baseball card. I went and asked Flip, my baseball coach what he thought I should do.
    He said that I shouldn’t go. He says that if I go and prevent it our government wouldn’t have
    created the atomic bomb. I still went, and when I got there I ended up in an airplane. Ted
    Williams was the pilot. I started talking and he got very scared. Ted had a bad mouth. They were
    getting ready to bomb somewhere. Ted was in the military. We were getting shot at! We were
    going down and when we got to the military base we crashed. The plane caught on fire! Ted and
    I both jumped out. I reached into my pocket and grabbed a new baseball card to get home. I
    showed up in the living room of my house, I tripped over the coffee table. The FBI agent was
    there. My mom ran over to me. The FBI agent gave me the wrong card. I was furious. He
    apologized. We talked for a little while and then he said if I could prevent Pearl Harbor I would
    be given 100,000 dollars. I said OK. I went back in time again and met Ted Williams, again. He
    was much younger. I hung out with him. He was about to enter a game and I was ready to watch.

  9. #3Daniel Chapin
    Bodies Gold
    Pg 101
    Dear diary,
    Today was the worst day ever. I am definitely the going to be in some huge trouble this time. I have been in some real bad things but this is absolutely the worst EVER!. I may or may not have have burned down about seventy percent of my home town. I have no idea what I am going to do about it. My parents are going to kill me. I have never really been that bad over the course of my whole entire life. The fire all started from a stupid mistake and now I can not do anything to save what I have done. This never would have happened anyway if I had not been hanging out with the wrong crew. I have definitely let a lot of people down because a bunch of people have just moved here for all the gold that they just found over here. I have always dreamed of going down in the history books and now I will but for all of the wrong reasons. I am literally living my worst nightmire. By the time that they find out that it was me, which they likely will, I will be in jail so fast and probrably for a very long time. I just know that I will be accused of arson. I might as well get started because I heard that my friends would rat me out. This will be my last entry as I am going away, goodbye.

  10. Masha Mukutmoni #8
    It's Kind Of A Funny Story
    Ned Vizzini
    Pages 310
    Blog #1-Quarter 1
    Prompt #2
    Dearest Craig,
    I have received your desperate call for help. I see that you are dealing with a handful of family and or depression problems. My advice to you is that whatever you may do, do not harm or blame yourself. It is not your fault that your parents split up. They just couldn't get along too well and maybe had some disagreements that they never resolved. I promise you, I have been in your shoes more than once. I know how it feels- it feels like there's no one around to help you, or nobody understands what you are going through. Sometimes, at school you just sit in class and you can’t listen in class, and you’re always feeling bad about yourself. You even wonder if your parents split up because of you. But again, do not blame yourself. Although times are really filled with struggles, hurting or blaming yourself is not going to ease the pain. The pain will just increase, and you might even start doubting your own life. Please talk to some friends, if you are having a rough time thinking things through. And if things get much, much worse, then.. You might as well head over to see a therapist. It’s not like your problems will disintegrate with time. You have got to help yourself, man! Stay strong and determined for your friends, and better yet, your family. Although your parents are split, they still love you. They still are there for you.
    Masha M.

  11. Jessica Ramirez # 9
    Ramona the Pest
    Beverly Cleary
    Pages 83
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt #6

    Hello Ms. Ramona how are you doing today? I’m lovely. So, I wanted to talk about the rivalry between you and Howie. Well, first of all, Howie’s so rude and annoying. Can you explain to me in what ways is Howie annoying? Yes I can, um, Howie always wants to ride tricycles all day long. Our parents always talk about how we grew up so fast, but I don’t think Howie grew up at all. I know I grew up quite a bit. Wow! That’s really deep. I have a couple more questions. Yah, go ahead. Well I heard about the fight over the red ribbon. Oh, that story. Yes, so can you tell us what happen? Ok, so we had show and tell and I brought a doll. Like always Howie forgot his show and tell toy. So, I let him barrow one of mine. I shared my toy to the class and then Howie did. Of course Howie had too many nerves to speak. Then all of a sudden Mrs. Binney grabbed a red ribbon and put it around my bunny’s head. I was so happy until Howie with his evil hands shoved the bunny in my face and took the ribbon. Were you really mad? Yes, are you kidding? I was so furious that I almost punched him right in the face. I was actually thinking of breaking every bone in his body. I was about to strike until my mom came out and yelled at me. Everyone thinks I’m a pest. Do you think you’re a pest? No! I am definitely not a pest. Well, thank you for coming out here and I hope to see you soon.

  12. Jacob Yost
    Halo ghosts of onix
    Pg 91
    Eric nylon
    Prompt #6

    Hey Kurt how come you follow master Chiefs orders all the time and don't question them. Well I really know that chief is our general and is higher ranked and I won't question him. Even if you know that it is wrong. Well master chief would never do that to us and that he is a great general, and a great friend. How come you were asked to train the new SPARTANS instead of chief. Well I had more experience with technology and all of that stealthy plans that he doesn't know that much. I know that I am a spartan but I'm the tech guy and I know more about this stuff and they wanted us to train stealth units not full on support people. How come you didn't do anything about Robert pushing the other kid out of the pelican. I think that it really toughens up and makes them know what they are fighting for, it also teaches them that not everyone is going to be nice so you have to be prepared for the worse. Some people in this world especially the covenant are going to be nice so we were just trying to make him stronger and make him understand that. Well did you know that your troops would fail on the assault. No I didn't and I'm very sad about that but I can also learn from this like I should of not told them all of that bad stuff and I should of taught them better. It makes me disappointed not only in my self but in my teaching I should have done abetted job and for that I'm sorry.

  13. #9 Jake O’Brien
    Blog #1
    “Bag of Bones”
    Stephen King

    Hello, Mr. Noonan. I very happy that you agreed to meet with me. “Hey, my pleasure. I understand you’ve been trying to contact me for a long time now.” Alright, so sir. This is your fourth book, and I’m sorry but I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet, but from what I’ve heard it is a tremendous book. “I’m glad to hear that its getting a good response from my fans. I’ve been writing this book for about two years now.” Mr. Noonan, if it is alright with you I would like to talk about the recent passing away of your wife, Jo. “I guess…I’m still trying to recover from the shock.” Now, I understand that it has been since you began writing this book, that your wife passed away, and I have to ask, was it hard for you to begin to write again? “to be honest, yes it was. For a couple months after Jo died I wasn’t even able to look at my laptop screen without getting lightheaded and going to throw up in my restroom” I’m sorry, sir. That must’ve been terrible. Another question I have to ask you is over the course of these two years have you been able to go back to your normal life, or are you still trying to get over her death? “For two or so years, she was all that I could think about, in my writing, when I wake up in the morning and notice that she wasn’t in my bed next to me. Sleeping has been the second worst part of the whole scenario.” How so, Mr. Noonan? “Well, falling asleep wasn’t the part that was hard. It was everything that happened while I was asleep that I couldn’t handle. I was have nightmares about her… Sometimes I would be walking in my house and I would find her corpse, cold and stiff. While I began to cry in my dream, her corpse would come alive and begin to push and shove me towards what seemed to be her casket. She would push me in and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get it open. I was trapped!” Mr. Noonan, are you okay? “No, this interview is over”.

  14. #13 Emilia Shahverdian
    The Motive by John Lescroart
    Page 102
    Blog #1 Quarter 1
    Prompt 15

    The name Abraham means exalted father of a multitude.
    The name Dan means judge.
    The name Catherine means innocent, pure, or clear.

    The name Abraham fits Abraham Glitsky in the book because he has some of the characteristics of Abraham from the Bible. He has many children from a previous marriage and from his new one. He is a well known detective for homicide in San Francisco. He is pretty respected by the other officers. The mayor even tells him that she trusts him the most with the case of the death of her friend, Paul Hanover.

    The name Dan both fits and doesn’t fit Dan Cuneo. It fits because he is quick to judge the case. That doesn’t mean his judgement is accurate. It doesn’t fit because, after his boss was killed by one of Hardy’s clients, he was so quick to dislike Glitsky because he assumed that Glitsky was involved. When he is forced to work with Glitsky for the case at the beginning that assumption is still in his mind he does learn to move on. He also didn’t really suspect Catherine Hanover because he thought she was pretty.

    The name Catherine does not fit Catherine Hanover because the name means innocent and pure but ironically she is the opposite of that. She communicated constantly with the police giving them information about the case. She was the daughter-in-law of Paul Hanover and knew a lot about him and his girlfriend. We later find out that she was the one who killed Paul and his girlfriend. She was one of the least likely to do it. She covered her tracks very well. The police did not suspect it because she kept in contact with them throughout the case.

  15. #5 Sienna Inman
    The 100
    Kass Morgan
    Pg. 125
    Blog #1 Quarter 1
    Prompt 1
    Dear Diary,
    It's been twenty one days since our dropship crashed and were running low on food and medicine. So much has been going on throughout these last few days. For example, a few days ago Bellamy's sister Octavia was taken by people called earth borns, none of us even knew there were still people living here on earth after the catoclysum. We believed that the only survivors were the people living in space like us. After finding out that there were others on earth with us, we payed extra attention to the outside of the camp. Later, something horrifying happened, we found a boy named Asher dead on the ground. We all wondered as too who would have killed him. Then we realized we were all thinking the same terrifying thing. The only other people on earth that would have done such a terrible thing, were the earth borns. We knew now that we were not welcome. Bellamy was beginning to get terrified and furious for Octavia's sake. He could not keep waiting for her to just show up, he needed to get out there and find his sister. He packed his bag and was ready to start a journey. I couldn’t let him go alone, he could get killed out I packed my things and followed behind him, I was going to go with him, and I was not going to take no for an answer. It was only the beginning of our journey when something terrible happened. It didn't happen to him though… It happened to me. While we were walking I spotted something on the ground beneath the dirt. I bent down on my knees and looked closely at it. It looked like a piece of our drops ship, just a different color and different writing on top. It wasn't from our dropship, so it would have to be from something else that crashed here. Suddenly, my eyes got foggy and I felt a shot of pain and shock go through me. Now that we're all caught up, today is day 21 and I just woke up in the dropship. Bellamy told me that he had carried me back here from the Forrest, because I had got bitten by a snake. When I heard this I was happy, but also sad that I had knocked Bellamy off his course of finding Octavia. After telling me this I got some more news from Bellamy and also Wells. They told me something that made my heart race with excitement and my head fill with questions. They had captured… an earth born.

  16. Janessa Fuentes #4
    8th grade Blog #1 Blog #9
    To Heaven and back
    One movie that I would recommend is Heaven is for real. I would recommend this book to Mary because she saw heaven and Jesus and the main character in heaven is for real a little boy saw heaven. In the movie heaven is for real Cole was 4 years old and he was in a hospital bed about to get surgery when he was asleep he believed God for the very first time. Another movie I would recommend Mary’s children to see is Gods not dead. I would recommend Gods not dead because they cannot give up on the faith if anything they have to strengthen it. I would tell the children to watch this movie because a college student never denied Christ once. Another movie I would recommend is miracles from heaven. I would recommend this book to Mary because she shows her faith so amazing and inspiring. I would recommend miracles from heaven because she saw Jesus for the very first time. I would recommend this because it shows Christ’s love forever everlasting and eternal this is how I want to live my life the way Mary did and how many other people live their lives.

  17. #10 Luke O’Brien
    Blog 1
    Promt 14
    Playlist for Carrie in “Carrie” by Stephen King.
    1. “Scream” misfits.
    I would choose this song for her because it expresses her anger towards her classmates. The way she is harassed would make her want to “Scream”.
    2. “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” My Chemical Romance
    This song would definitely fit Carrie’s characteristics because this song talks about someone who is bullied in school and I trying to tell everyone but no one will listen. She is constantly reminded by her classmates that she is a nobody.
    3. “Home” Three Days Grace
    This song doesn’t really describe her characteristics, more like how she feels at home. At home, Carrie doesn’t feel like she can be herself because her mother is so religious that she reprimands everything Carrie thinks of.
    4. “Bullet” Hollywood Undead
    This song describes how someone feels when they are pushed too much and start to get really depressed. This song describes Carrie’s characteristics because Carrie was always depressed because everyone always made fun of her.
    5. “The Nobodies” Marilyn Manson
    Obviously this should be Carrie’s all-time favorite song in the history of emo songs. This song can describe Carrie in a billion different ways. “The Nobodies” describes Carrie’s characteristics because it talks about the people in society that live in other people’s shadows. Like Scottie Pippen living in Michael Jordan’s shadows. Anyway, Carrie is (in some beliefs) a “nobody”. So of course this is the perfect song to describe Carrie’s characteristics.

  18. Ileanna Holiday #5
    Two Summers
    Aimee Friedman
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt #1
    Dear Diary,
    I am writing this entry from Paris France. My day has been very hectic so far. So let me start off with the weather. It was horrible when I left Hudsonville. Then when I went outside of the airport in France I was beautiful. It is amazing how life works like that. But before I saw all of these beautiful things, my day wasn’t so great. My mom and I got into a very big argument about how she thinks I shouldn’t go. I don’t see a problem in wanting to help me dad as a summer job. She kept going on and on about how he wasn’t good at keeping promises. But I called me friend and I asked her to pick me up and drive me to the airport anyways. Once I got to the airport, went through security I was ready to get me ticket scanned and get on the plain. I finally made it to the gate and I got in line. It should have been a very simple process but I had second guesses myself. When it was my turn to get my ticket scanned I stopped and looked at it people had started to pass me and finally I was the last one there the lady went on the microphone and had called the it was the last chance so I got onto the plane. Once I got to France I got my suitcase and went to the doors of the airport. I didn’t see my dad there so I started to think, what if he did forget. So minutes passed and soon I was the only one there so I went outside and hailed a cab. I finally got to my destination and I stepped out paid the driver and knocked on the door, one of my dada artist friends came to the door I asked if she knew were my dad was and she said that he was in Berlin. HE WASN’T EVEN IN THIS COUNTRY.

  19. Joshua Quintana #9
    Treasure Island
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    Pages 100
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt #8

       Jim possesses many great and heroic qualities. He has the characteristic of bravery because he lost his Father and the sea captain and was able to get over it and be strong about it. He showed the character trait of courage against the blind man and his men when he hid under the bridge. Jim also showed fear when he had some nightmares about the one legged man and when he was afraid of the blind man who came to the door. Some heroes that I think would be like a superhero to Jim are Captain Jack Sparrow and Doctor Indiana Jones. Doctor Indiana Jones is brave because he goes to unexplored places and does it mostly alone. Doctor Indiana Jones shows his courage by fighting off the Germans who try to take his artifacts and by doing daring stunts to escape bad situations he gets into. Doctor Indiana Jones is fearful when he sees snakes during his journeys. Captain Jack Sparrow shows bravery when he fights Captain Blackbeard. Jack shows his character trait of courage when he avoids guards trying to take him to the jail. Captain Jack Sparrow is a sea captain and Jim is on a boat so they have many things in common. I think Jim would like to have more bravery. Although he is already very brave, I think that Jim would like to be more brave and heroic like Jack Sparrow or Indiana Jones.

  20. #11 Preston Parker
    Tunnelss Pg. 271
    Blog #1 Option #3
    Dear Will,
    The colony seams like a dark and drab area to stay in but im sure you will get through it. But from my point of view I do not think you are safe living in the colony with your “brother”. He seems like he is keeping a lot of secrets from you that would be valuable to your knowledge. But your father in the colony seems like he hates you and it’s your fault your lithe went to the surface when it wasn’t. But you need to escape from the colony and fast or you will be trapped there forever and that would not be good. Go visit your uncle Tam he can help you escape from the colony because it’s the the right thing to do. I believe that you need to stand up to the warden at the police station and stand against the Styx because they are tour worst enemy. If you are going to make it any ware your going to need weapons and you can get weapons all around the house by making them. Then maybe you could escape from the colony for good and never have to come back. Then you and Rebecca can see each other again and be a happy family since your father disappeared. Wait I forgot one thing you have to rescue Chester from the prison before the Styx kill him for his crimes.
    The Forgotten

    Blog #1
    From What I Remember…
    Common Sense Award
    This is given for common sense. Using common sense is key to life as well as bravery and wits. Max has common sense. Max will act as someone he isn’t for the sake of others, but really, he wants to be free of this. He uses common sense in times of need, but at times uses with courage instead. He uses common sense when telling Kylie how he truly feels towards her, then breaking up with Lily, when originally he would have never have even thought twice about the girl who actually does homework

    Bravery Award
    This is given for bravery. There are many brave people , but only some that are doubtlessly brave. There are people who talk a big game only to be a coward at a chance to shine. Being brave is something that Kylie is good at. She doesn’t only know how to create a brave character, but she plays the character as well. Kylie is brave when she decides to jump into the truck to get her laptop.
    Max and Kylie would go to a place that is warm and that has perfect beaches to go to. Mexico was a lot like this, but it was not a vacation. Hawaii would be the perfect place for them to vacation because it is both warm, and the beaches there are amazing. Kylie likes things to be expected. She likes to know what will happen next, though she does not know that she would much rather have a crazy, twisted, and unexpected day. Max knows that he would like trying new things. He likes things to have a sort of twist, and he doesn’t mind things getting changed.
    I think that if I could introduce Max and Kylie to three people, they would be J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, and Sarah Jessica Parker. These three people all went through a period of time where they were broke and had to provide money to survive. These people would be great inspirations for Max and Kylie. These people accomplished their dreams, whether there were obstacles in the way or not. They never gave up or quit no matter how rough things got. Max and Kylie both have things that they are missing out on. Neither of them are experiencing real life.
    Five books that would be good for Max and Kylie to read would be Joyride, Alice in Zombieland, Life As We Knew It, Thirteen Reasons Why, and Until I Say Goodbye. Each of these books have small parts that relate to the things that Max and Kylie go through. Max And Kylie are alike in so many ways, so these books could be inspirational to them.

    1. Not Today- this song pretty much explains how Max and Kylie feel in the story
    2. Fight Song-this song represents how Max and Kylie keep on fighting to be free
    3. Blame It On September-this song represents how Max falls in love with Kylie
    4. Stressed Out- this song represents the stress of Max and Kylies’ day in Mexico
    5. Last Friday Night- this song represents how Max and Kylie party
    The hidden meaning of the name Kylie is ‘Boomerang’. This name is perfect for her, because she will get mad at Max, but only be able to stay mad for a while. Then she will come back to him. She is like a boomerang also because of her temper. She easily gets mad, but she calms down fast. The names is a bit male intended, and it is also something that isn’t real.

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  23. Chris Grothues #4
    The Big Field
    Mike Lupica
    Pages 100
    Blog 1 Quarter 1
    Prompt 1
    Hey there my name is hutch. I play shortstop for the 17 and under league. The team I play for is the Boynton Beach Post 226 Cardinals. Shortstop is a hard position to play. The game that we were playing we were winning 7-6 in the ninth inning and there was two outs and we needed one more out to go and we win. The game was very tight, bases were juiced “means three people were on the base.” I was scared that they would win and they would get to south Florida for the Regional’s. We won and we got to go to South Florida for Regional’s. We got about a week break and then we went to Florida. The first team we played was a very good team but we won that game it was 10-9 in extra innings. After we won that game we went to another part to Florida, and we got to play on the minor league fields and it was a ton of fun. It is the funnest thing ever to go to Florida and play on the minor league fields. A couple games later we went to the finals and played the post 226 angels. This team was the best team we have ever played the whole year. It was a great game between us and the angels. We won that game in extras too. So that ment we won the finals in Florida. It was a great game.

  24. #8 Ethan Powell
    The Hardy Boys Footprints Under the Window
    Franklin W. Dixon
    Prompt #1
    Dear Diary,
    This week has been crazy, first Joe and I saved what we thought was a shooting escapee but turned out to be a stowaway. Then a fake immigration officer can to try and apprehend the stowaway but he got away. We reported both of them to an officer, that’s where we learned that the immigration officer was fake. After that we jumped our aunt because we thought she was an intruder, it was late at night so who could blame us. The next morning, we passed by dad’s work where we saw someone trying to break in we scared him away though. Later that day when we came home we found footprints outside the window in the kitchen and we noticed that dad’s papers were missing. We didn’t have time to look for them because we were going with our friend to go check out the new estate. There we found two vandals chopping up a house with machetes. We weren’t able to catch them though. Later that day our friend took us on his plane to go look at the estate and dad’s work from above, we didn’t see anything suspicious though, after being in the air for some time someone started shooting our plane and we almost crashed. Luckily we have the world’s best pilot, we were able to land safely. We went home exhausted, we decided to go sleuthing the next day. The next day we went on our boat to patrol the beach and we almost died from a yacht that pushed us towards some jagged rocks, luckily I steered us out of the way. That’s what I have been through so far this week, hopefully we’ll be able to catch the fake immigration officer and the stowaway.
    -Frank Hardy

  25. Avery Avichouser
    Language Arts
    The Magician’s Elephant
    Kate DiCamillo
    Blog 1

    The Magician’s Elephant is a mystery story about a little boy getting a fortune telling him his sister is alive, after he thought she was dead. He wants to find his sister so an elephant is going on the way to help him find Adele, his sister. He thought his sister with dead a long time ago but she was really alive said a fortune teller. It was a yet frightening, but very happy thing that she was alive, and now he gets to find her. It was a frightening thing because he thought she had been dead all of these years. It was happy because she is alive, and once he finds her hopefully she will be healthy and safe. Hopefully she is alive and the fortune teller is correct. Peter is a sweet, nice boy, at least he cares about his sister and he misses her. Just think, if you thought one of your siblings with dead for this many years and they were actually alive. I think he is both happy and scared. The elephant is going to help him find her. The elephant is amazing, its owner was a magician. If this were me in this position I would be scared, and frightened to find her because what if she is somewhere very dangerous and scary. Mystery can be fun but it can be dangerous and scary at times. This book, so far, is a pretty good mystery story. I like it because I think it is very entertaining to hear all about this mystery. It is also kind of sad. I hope at the end of this book he finds his sister and it will not be a mystery anymore.

  26. Ethan Crenshaw #3
    Tom Sawyer
    Pages 180
    Blog 1 Quarter #1
    Prompt 1
    Dear Diary,
    My name is Tom Sawyer. School is great because I have met this friend and he is friendly. His name is Huckleberry Finn. He has no parents and he gets to do anything he wants to do. He does not have to go to school. When I meet him he was fishing and he caught so many fish. I went to school and the teacher always picks on me because I am late all the time. Everyone was looking at me like I am a fool but I am not. On the other side I say this girl and she was new here. Her name was Becky Thatcher. The teacher was very oblivious so I leaned over and talk to her about us meeting here after school. I was here first then I saw her come in the front door. We talked about where we lived and she lived in a nice area were the flowers are blooming and the river is shining. When I got home my aunt wanted me to paint the house. My aunt was old and I never wanted to do work. I wanted to eat dinner and go to bed. I got finished and went straight into bed. It was Saturday and I saw Huck fishing again. He saw me and asked me if wanted to go to the grave yard. I said, “sure if it is not scary”. He said, are you a afraid of the dark Tom. No! Huck said, “Ok Tom then should not see you wet your pants”. I Went back home and it was getting dark so I snuck out of the house and meet Huck at the lake. I saw him and he saw me so we headed to the grave yard. It was very dark and we could not see. We heard strange sound and they were coming from the forest. We both were scared and did not know what to do. Then we say a little flicker of light and it was these three men

  27. Dear Diary,
    Hi, my name is Evan Cowan and I want to tell the old ape from the book Narnia the last battle some advice. I would advise you not to always think that you own the forest. I also want to advise to be little bit more in the book because you are not in the book much throughout the chapters. I want you to think about your actions in the book because it seems to me that in real life this is who you really are. Be more think outside of the box because people who read the story are going to think you can’t do anything but just tell stories from the past. And I am tired of just hearing the same stuff come out of your mouth, Just feel more fun and exciting instead of being boring and grumpy, make the reader feel like they want to read the story. I am proud of you always helping people out but, always make it feel like you are trying to bride them every time. Try to be more active when you are fighting with someone because when I am always reading, you always fight with no action. When you are talking to someone, you are always giving a good influence, so I what you to keep on doing that. And I have been noticing that you always worry about your home and I just want to tell you to not always be worried about everybody and everything else. So those are the things that I just want to tell you.

  28. Old Yeller
    Lauren Quintana #7
    181 pages
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt 6th
    Today we are rewarding Travis’s dog ,Old Yeller, with the Award of “Bravest Dog”. He has been awarded because of how many times he has saved his family. He not only saved them, but was willing to die for his family. He helped in times of trouble. At first Old Yeller was an ugly dog that may have not looked smart but he was. When Travis’s family agreed to keep him was when he swore to protect them. Act of his bravery was when he saved Little Arliss from the she bear. As the bear raced down to protect her cub so did Travis. Travis raced with all his might knowing the she bear would get to the creek before him. When all seemed hopeless a flash of yellow shown as Old Yeller ran to save the life of Little Arliss. As the she bear came Old Yeller raced to her, ready to die for the sake of Arliss. As a war of pain directed on Old Yeller he fought as Travis, Arliss, and his mother retreated. As the dog ran home, seeing everyone was safe, he tried not to think about the pain he endured. I would give mother the “Hardest working Mom” award. She was helpful in the time of need. When Travis and Old Yeller were wounded she did three times her work. As she cared for Little Arliss ,worked Travis’s jobs, helped Old Yeller and Travis, and did her job she had a lot of work. Travis has been awarded the “Promise keeper”. He has kept the promise to his father about being man of the house. He also has kept the promise he made to Old Yeller. When Old Yeller was in pain Travis came back. He helped care for Old Yeller even when he was in pain. Little Arliss is awarded the “Fetch” award. Little Arliss retrieved a lot of things. He has retrieved a young birds, frogs, countless lizards, rabbits, and squirrels. All of these people have received these awards for their special qualities and many amazing efforts.

  29. #6 Michael Montoya
    Veronica Roth
    Pages 1-545
    Blog #2

    A really tough situation Tris faced was when she went in for her aptitude test to determine her faction. She was sweating and she couldn’t even breathe. Now if I was like that I would not be able do the test so I would kind of be like Tris, scared, sweating and unable to breathe. I would probably faint. Another situation Tris had to face was when she was going to pick what faction she would be a part of. This situation was difficult because it meant choosing to either stay with or leave her family forever. Ultimately she ended up choosing the Dauntless faction. When she was leaving the ceremony with Dauntless she tried to look back one last time at her family, but Dauntless pushed her forward and she never got to see her family again as she got on the train to start her new life. Now if I was in that situation I probably would have picked Erudite because that’s where all the nerds go and it would be good for intelligence. Another situation that Tris dealt with was when she found out she was a Divergent after taking her aptitude test. The faction system did not understand Divergents and viewed them as a threat to their society. They would take you out which also means they would kill you. I would have stayed away from picking a faction because it would be extremely dangerous if any of the other factions found out I was a Divergent.

  30. #2 Kachina Blair
    True... (Sort of)
    Katherine Hannigan
    Page 345
    Blog #3 Quarter#1
    Prompt #1

    Hello Delly Patterson. May I ask you some questions? Sure, I will answer any questions you have? Ok the first question is; how does it feel to be getting in trouble so much? Well it doesn’t feel good having a reputation for making so much trouble. Does this make you feel really sad? Yes, this does make me sad, and the way I handle it is being violent. Ok thanks. I still have more questions, but about some other things. Is that ok? Yes, that is ok. What are the questions? Where did you find Ferris Boyd? I found her while I was walking along the creek. Was she just sitting there? When did you see her? I heard a noise inside of the trees, then I saw a house. I walked farther and saw Ferris Boyd playing basketball. When did you realize that something was really bad with Ferris Boyd? I realized something was wrong when I saw all the marks on her back. Did you say anything to anyone? No, I didn’t and I regret it so much. Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want Ferris Boyd to get mad at me, and she gets scared very easily. One more question, did you say anything after it went too far? Yes, I did, I went to school, treehouse, and her house and when I couldn’t find her, I told the cops. Ok thanks for answering the questions. Your welcome.

  31. Italia Holiday #6
    Auggie and me
    R.J. Palacio
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt #4
    In the book Auggie and me Julian, one of the main characters, was malicious toward Auggie. Auggie had facial deformities. Everyone was mean to him, especially Julian. Cruelty is one of the main themes in the book. Julian started writing mean notes to Auggie. Luckily Auggie never found the notes. Also Julian called Auggie "the freak" behind his back. He started the game the plague which was if you touched Auggie you were infected. Julian was very rude to Auggie. He was mean to Auggie because he was afraid of him. Since Julian wrote the mean notes to Auggie he was suspended for two weeks. He missed the nature retreat. That was when everyone became Auggie's friends except for Julian. When Auggie and his friend Jack were getting bullied by some tseventh graders from another school Julian's friends came to the rescue and helped out Auggie and Jack. Everyone heard what happened to Auggie. That is when everyone became his friend and Julian was the outcast. Julian's grandma had the same problem when she was a child. Except no one became friends with the facial deformity child. This was during the Holocaust, Julian's grandma was a Jew and almost got taken away. The child saved her from being taken away. Her parents and friends were all gone, but her. The child though was taken away because of his deformities. Julian and his grandma pare very alike. The child's name was actually Julian and that's why Julian is named Julian. Julian is still the outcast and has no friends.


  32. Jayden Racine #8
    Casualties of War
    Chris Lynch
    Pages 157
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt 1

    Dear Diary,
    Its raining in fact even worse it is pouring, and very humid. I wish I could just give up and go back home. I just nearly got cut in half and saw an air force pilot of an F-1 blow into smithereens. Morris keeps saying he’s going to get us together, I don’t think that’s happening after his boat was shot at and he needed to extend his time on the boat due to enemy advancement, plus Rudi is still trying to keep in one piece, and Ivan is just under constant threat of getting killed. Ivan is constantly on vigorous missions through the dense forests of Vietnam. I, Beck am still trying to put myself together after the incident. What feels like just yesterday I was shot down by a surface to air missile. Crashed smack down into the hard, rough, jungle, earth. Fingers was snapped in two and Capt. Avery was killed I think, and my lieutenant who saved me from staying at the crash too late was shot right next to me. I was surprised they just let me go yet they killed my lieutenant right next to me! After what felt like hours a helicopter came in with a daisy cutter and then BOOM! It cut the daises aka the trees. Cleared a whole area for an helicopter to come in take me out of there. All I want to do is go back home with Morris, Ivan, and Rudi, the one who got us in this mess.

    September 29, 196?
    God knows the date

  33. Joseph Dervartanian #4
    The Chronicles of Narnia- the Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe
    By C.S. Lewis
    Page 115
    Blog#1 Quarter#1
    Oh Narnia, Oh Narnia,
    How you have been taken over,
    As the White Witch and her army,
    Have a hostile takeover,
    But fear not, Narnia, fear not,
    For four children small and mite,
    Will build an army, that has a big bite,
    They will start out confused, wondering where they are,
    But overtime, with training and wisdom,
    They will defeat the White Witch,
    For she is a victim,
    The supplies they will need,
    Some will be provided from the freed,
    But the rest will be from you, Narnia!
    Help these children take back what was yours!
    A Legend will come back, and the ill will be cured,
    A father of Christmas, will be the first sign of the Witch's weakening
    For the seasons are changing, and that is sweetening,
    She has always kept it winter, never summer nor fall,
    But this is changing, at last for all,
    But during this war, there will be lives lost on both sides,
    But the tides of war will not be even, for many have lied,
    Sorrow will come for Narnia, As the White Witch is heartless,
    Her army is darkness,
    But WE have courage, bravery, and persistence,
    No journey or mission, has too much distance,
    These children were born in a place at war,
    And living hard lives, that many cannot bore,
    And now, they will be Kings and Queens, though they are not yet,
    And after this is all over, there's something I want to bet.
    After these children are gone,
    Your legacy will go beyond.

  34. Brandon Salgado #10
    Wendy Mass
    Page 150
    Blog #1 quarter #1
    Prompt 3

    I loved writing about Logan because he is an interesting character. When he was young he found out for the first time ever that his grandpa owned a candy factory! He couldn’t wait to tell his friends at school the next day. He was so excited to go and visit the factory and see how they made different candies. When he got there his grandpa explained the rules of the factory and how to behave when he was there. Logan’s grandpa was glad that Logan was excited. His grandpa was also happy because he loved showing him all the candy ingredients, the huge machines, and secret recipes to his most famous candies. He watched the workers mix the sugar, honey, bright food coloring, and other sweet stuff. The machines mixed it, spun it, pulled it, rolled it, or cut it. Then his grandpa introduced him to all the employees who worked on the different machines for all the kinds of delicious candy. They were all really nice to Logan and he loved talking to them. Logan liked the factory so much that he wanted to live there! He got to see them make up their own candies like the Sticky Lemon Lime Exploder, the Sour Minty Mountain, the Green Gooey Gusher Gum, and the Chewy Orange Taffy. He was so thankful that his grandpa worked there for a long time. He ate so much candy that his teeth got used to the sugary taste and he never got cavities. He learned so much about how to make candy that he wanted to enter the candy making competition when he was older.

  35. #1Miguel Alvarez
    The Kid Who Became President
    Dan Gutman
    Page 215
    Blog #1 Quarter#1
    Prompt 5
    Dear President Moon,
    When you are going against Supreme Ruler Trujillo, during your video game, aim for the middle of Contantia to destroy it. It is a small country. Don’t get scare that this game could change America’s future because we support you. Keep an eye out for any cheats in the video game. I hear that Trujillo is untrustable. Show no mercy to that Trujillo guy. Keep the football close to you because if football gets in the wrong hand it could destroy America. Don’t lose it again. You should have Agent Doe and five more agents protecting you just in case someone comes and tries to kill you again. Video games are made for fun not for a way to solve a nuclear war. Hope you have a plan to make peace between our countries. If not do your best to win the game. I am sorry that Lane quit, but you are going to be fine. Think about ways to protect the football, you will need Agent Doe beside you because he is a loyal friend; he saved your life once and he will do it again. This video game might have some bugs in it so be careful Trujillo might cheat. Practice your video games. The most important thing is to win this game for America, for the people, and for peace in the world. Nuclear war is not the right way to solve problem it only brings destruction. You will make our nation proud. You are President Moon; win for our country.
    Miguel Alvarez


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