Here it is!Welcome to blog number two of the quarter. Remember to follow the prompt and to make sure your header is complete. Look at the example on the handout of you cannot remember.
#4 Chris Grothues The Big Field Mike Lupica Pages 200 Blog 2 Quarter 1 Prompt 7 True or False 1. __________ Hutch was the main character of the book. 2. __________ Hutch was 10 years old. 3.__________ Hutch was a shortstop. 4. __________Hutches team had the best hitter in their division. 5.__________ The slowest guy on their team was Hutch. 6. __________ Hutches house was right by the baseball field. 7. __________ They got to play on television. 8. __________ Hutches best friend was Cody. 9. __________ His dad was Carl Hutchinson. 10._________his dad always missed his son’s games. Multiple choice 1. Hutches division was _______ A. 17u C 16u B.15u 2. Hutches team name was _________ A. Post 226 cardinals C. Post 226 braves B. Post 225 cardinals 3. Hutches dads name was ________ A. Carl C. none of the above B.sup 4. Hutch was the best A. yes B. no 5. When hutches dad watches TV he does what? A. drinks beer C. all of the above B. gets drunk 6. Hutch was a ________ A. shortstop C. none of the above B. Second basemen 7. Hutch was __________ A. 17 yrs. Old C. none of the above B. 16yrs old 8. Hutch was a ________ A. baseball player C. none of the above B. soccer player 9. Carl Hutchinson played in the ________ A. major leagues C none of the above B. minor leagues 10. Hutch hit ________ A. dingers C. none of the above B. dingers Short answer: 1. Why did Hutches dad never make his sons games? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______
2. Was hutch the best shortstop in the league? _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________ 3. Why did they call him Hutch? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Write 2 sentences about how hutch won the league championship? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you think hutch made errors? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________- ESSAY QUESTION? Why did they play on TV? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer key 1TRUE 2FALSE 3TRUE 4FALSE 5TRUE 6TRUE 7TRUE 8TRUE 9TRUE 10FALSE 11A 12A 13A 14A 15C 16A 17A 18A 19A 20A 21YES 22CALLED HUTCH BECAUSE IT WAS EASY TO CALL HIM 23BECAUSE HE HAD WORK 24THEY WON BY HUTCH HIT A WALK OFF. TO WIN THE GAME 25NO 26FLORIDA 27YES 28YES 29YES 30 BECAUSE THEY WERE IN 17U
#1Matthew Burnette Strike Three You’re Dead Josh Beck Page 250 Blog 2, Quarter 1 Prompt 3 Lenny Norbeck had a great adventure at a young age, but what happened years after that. Well, Lenny and Maria both became FBI agents. They always worked together no matter what. Mike became a dude that works at a comic book store and has a collection of different warlock statue figures. Other Mike Started working as a vendor at the Phillies stadium for life because he loved baseball a lot. They all kept in touch with each other and every so often went to a Phillies game to catch up on life. Lenny never got to announce after the incident of RJ Weathers. Mike eventually opened his own comic book store and made some decent money off that. Other Mike didn’t make a lot of money at all, but he loved his job so much he didn’t even care. Lenny and Maria eventually became the leaders of the FBI. They eventually got married and live together forever. Even though Lenny hated Maria at first he ended up liking her and marrying her. Actually I almost forgot the best part, they were really good friends with Famosa and got to go to games with him in his suite every game. Even though they thought he was the killer and found out he’s not really Famosa, he still loved as the author of this book I want to let you know to never let anyone that is important of you out of reach because you might need them one day.
#1Matthew Burnette Strike Three You’re Dead Josh Beck Page 250 Blog 2, Quarter 1 Prompt 3 Lenny Norbeck had a great adventure at a young age, but what happened years after that. Well, Lenny and Maria both became FBI agents. They always worked together no matter what. Mike became a dude that works at a comic book store and has a collection of different warlock statue figures. Other Mike Started working as a vendor at the Phillies stadium for life because he loved baseball a lot. They all kept in touch with each other and every so often went to a Phillies game to catch up on life. Lenny never got to announce after the incident of RJ Weathers. Mike eventually opened his own comic book store and made some decent money off that. Other Mike didn’t make a lot of money at all, but he loved his job so much he didn’t even care. Lenny and Maria eventually became the leaders of the FBI. They eventually got married and live together forever. Even though Lenny hated Maria at first he ended up liking her and marrying her. Actually I almost forgot the best part, they were really good friends with Famosa and got to go to games with him in his suite every game. Even though they thought he was the killer and found out he’s not really Famosa, he still loved as the author of this book I want to let you know to never let anyone that is important of you out of reach because you might need them one day.
Janessa Fuentes #4 10/13/16 Blog 2 #6 A trip to heaven and back
Next up on this interviewing session we have Mary from A Trip to Heaven and Back. Me- “Hello Mary I am so happy you could be here.” Mary- Thanks for having me I’m excited to be here.” Me- “Alright so I have some questions for you is that okay” Mary- “Absolutely.” Me- “Okay great so first question were you scared when you got trapped in the middle of a waterfall with your boat.” Mary- “Was I scared, absolutely but I was at Pease because I knew God would protect me.” Me- “Wow second question when you saw heaven did you want to return back to earth or would you have stayed there?” Mary- “I wanted to return back to earth because of my children but I also didn’t want to leave Gods kingdom.” Me- “I don’t think any of us would return back to earth after seeing all of that third question what did heaven look like?” Mary- “I don’t really remember because it was so many years ago but I do remember that I had never seen anything like it.” Me- “I can’t even imagine fourth question how long did it take you to recover after your tragic accident.” Mary- “It took me about four months for me to walk again because I broke my spine and both of my legs it was very had recovering.” Me- “Thank you for meeting us today Mary your story is so inspiring hope to see you soon see you soon make sure you catch our next show tomorrow at five see ya later.”
#2 Jack Cardeno Bioshock:Rapture John Shirley Page 147 Blog #2, Quarter #1 Prompt 2
Dear Mr. Ryan, It has come to my attention that you have been building an underwater city that houses the top one percent of all people in the world. After World War II, you decided that with all the taxes and fear that was going on, you decided it would be a great idea to build a city under the sea. There is one person who you should be concerned about. Frank Fontaine. The man you sent out to kill him, Frank Gorland, has assumed his identity and is the owner of Fontaine Fisheries. He is a devious fellow who would come to be free and go in and out of Rapture as he pleases. He could very well be spreading the word about the existence of Rapture as I am writing this letter to you. Your friend, Bill, you should keep him close to you, in case you ever need a person to lay down their life for you. If Rapture were to be destroyed, it would be catastrophic. The way that the city runs on geothermal energy is amazing, and it would be a great tragedy if all of it were to wash up onto the shore one day, and people wondering where it was, or where it came from. So, in conclusion, you should be watching Fontaine constantly and monitoring his activity, as he might be stirring trouble among many people on the surface. I hope that everything in Rapture goes well, and make sure that the place doesn't leak. Sincerely, Jack Cardeno
#11 Preston Parker 10/12/16 Tunnels Rederick Gordon Pg. 279 Option 1 Qt 1 Today was the worst day of my life. When I went to visit Uncle Tam he gave me no help but did buy me foreign whiskey. But when I asked him about saving Chester he completely shut me down and acted like I didn’t exist. Him and my brother both looked at me like I was the craziest man alive and I was asking for death. But when quickly hushed they looked around for any signs of Styx and then continued on with the conversation they began before I interrupted them. From there on out all we had talked about was my first service which was crazy. The Styx herded us into one big room and made us listen to the weirdest and most boring thing I have ever heard. When the service was over all I could think about what Chester was doing right now. But when I heard about all the awful torcher methods they were using on Chester just made me break down. When I got home I went straight up to my room and went to bed because I couldn’t stay up any longer. But when I woke up all I was thinking about was a plan to save dad. When I got to breakfast all I could think about was were the Styx could have taken him. My first instinct was to check the prison but then I thought I would have to check the surveillance of the prison. But ill put that in my entry tomorrow.
#10 Luke O’Brien Carrrie Stephen King Pg. 48 Blog 2 quarter 1 Prompt 1 Dear Diary, I wish I didn’t have to keep my abilities a secret anymore! If half of those stupid kids at school knew what I could do to them, they would all drop dead. Which wouldn’t be bad at all. Clearly I can’t show them what I can do, and mother obviously doesn’t help. She’s just a corrupt, abusive, egotistical jerk. The worst it’s ever been was the last time she was abusive to me. It was so bad, I called her something I don’t dare to write in this diary entry. And I ended up in a closet with the most throbbing headache once she threw me in and I hit my head on the far end of the closet. I know Mother knows about my abilities because of what happened before this. It was maybe a week ago and she got me so angry that the sky started raining stones. Mother and I both it was me and I’m so close to doing it again.
Dear Marguerite Sprague, You are a very talented writer. I could honestly read this book over a hundred times in a row. I really like what you have done with this spectacular book. One of my personal favorite things about this book was that you did not make this book boring. I say this because it is not easy to write a book on an old western town and make it really interesting and exiting. I think that you are one of the few people who could pull off writing a book like this. I also like how you captured Bodies characteristics. My favorite thing that you wrote about Bodie was how the people in Bodie were like. Though this was a great book and you did a great job, there were some things that I personally think that you could have done better on. For one thing there was too much focus on near the end of Bodies years rather than the good part. What I mean by that is that you should have focused more on Bodies golden years if you will. I feel this way because I felt like there was a lot that could be still told when Bodie had its big population during the gold rush. What I take away from this book is that when I complain aboutique the little things in life, I should think about what the people of Bodie had to go through. So in conclusion I think that this book really taught a good life lesson.
#1Miguel Alvarez Old Yeller Fred Gipson 116 Blog#2 Quarter #1 Prompt 6 Welcome everyone, to “Ask That Character”. Please give a warm welcome to Travis. Travis I have a question for you. Do you like Lisbeth? Miguel, I’m going to say yes. That is fantastic, Travis. I was wondering, how did you find Old Yeller? Miguel, I found him found at my cabin’s door step. That was the greatest day of my life because I found a loyal pet. I know that your friendship did not start good, but how did you become best friends? After a while I saw through that old ugly dog a friend for life. Travis, what is the hardest thing you have ever done? I guess the hard thing I have ever done was saving my little brother from a black bear mom and her cub. Did your loyal dog save you? Yes, Old Yeller saved my life from the black bear. He growled at that huge bear and gave me a chance to run. He is a brave dog. I was so scared that day that I couldn’t scream or say a word. I have never heard a story that scare. What would you do if you encounter another bear. If I encounter another bear I know that Old Yeller would protect me. Old Yeller is an incredible dog isn’t he. Your right on that, Miguel. Now tell me what was the most exciting thing in your life? The most exciting thing I did was watching Old Yeller go at it with a skunk. That was exciting but he stank like no tomorrow. Thank you for join use Travis, and thank you for watching America good night
#1Miguel Alvarez Old Yeller Fred Gipson 116 Blog#2 Quarter #1 Prompt 6 Welcome everyone, to “Ask That Character”. Please give a warm welcome to Travis. Travis I have a question for you. Do you like Lisbeth? Miguel, I’m going to say yes. That is fantastic, Travis. I was wondering, how did you find Old Yeller? Miguel, I found him found at my cabin’s door step. That was the greatest day of my life because I found a loyal pet. I know that your friendship did not start good, but how did you become best friends? After a while I saw through that old ugly dog a friend for life. Travis, what is the hardest thing you have ever done? I guess the hard thing I have ever done was saving my little brother from a black bear mom and her cub. Did your loyal dog save you? Yes, Old Yeller saved my life from the black bear. He growled at that huge bear and gave me a chance to run. He is a brave dog. I was so scared that day that I couldn’t scream or say a word. I have never heard a story that scare. What would you do if you encounter another bear. If I encounter another bear I know that Old Yeller would protect me. Old Yeller is an incredible dog isn’t he. Your right on that, Miguel. Now tell me what was the most exciting thing in your life? The most exciting thing I did was watching Old Yeller go at it with a skunk. That was exciting but he stank like no tomorrow. Thank you for join use Travis, and thank you for watching America good night
Leo Sellarole #10 Wicked Gregory Maguire Pages 185 Blog #2 Quarter #1 Prompt #4 Racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. Racism, it is something almost everyone has to face and almost everyone has some kind of racist opinion. In Wicked we see quite the example of racism towards Animals. “Animals should be seen not heard.”(Page 84) Unfortunately this isn’t something we just see in the book it is something we have to face in this corrupted world we live in. What is so unfortunate about racism is the judgment it casts upon someone. It’s not like as a person we get to choose who or what we are just like these Animals who were born this way. “The Wizard of Oz had proclaimed Banns on Animal Mobility.” (Page 88) This sentence seems to bring up a topic we have seen in the past during the Civil Rights era when black people were not permitted to take the bus or any other means of travel except walking. Racism is an easy fix only if people would be willing to see past their stubborn ways and realize that people can actually surprise them and break their racist expectations. Something else we have to note is that one side can stop all racism but that doesn’t help if that other side is exempt or no guilty of being racist too. What I have learned today is that everyone has been guilty of racism towards other it is just part of sin. Although it is just part of sinful nature we can make a difference by breaking down our walls of expectations and actually allowing people to change your views, because most likely you are wrong. You might just be surprised.
Brandon Salgado #10 The Candymaker Wendy Mass Page 221 Blog #2 Quarter 1 Prompt 15
The names of the characters in my book that I looked up the meanings of was Daisy, Philip, Miles, and Logan. The first character that I looked up was Daisy. Her name meant flower, which wasn’t surprising at all. To me, a flower means beautiful, colorful, and delicate. Daisy is a spy and spies are strong, confident, and mischievous. The comparison of Daisy and flower is suitable because she is beautiful and colorful, but she doesn’t match with delicate. The next character I looked up was the name Philip. It means lover of horses. It doesn’t seem to match Philip at all because a lover of horses means you are caring, kind, likes to ride horses, and being responsible to clean them. Philip seems to hate everything that gets in his way, especially when Miles talks about the afterlife. He also wears suits that he would not want to get dirty when he would have to take care of the horses. He is very mean to people, but he is responsible. The next character I looked up was Miles. His name had a few different meanings like solider, servant, and merciful. Soldiers are tough, strong, and they follow the rules. A servant is humble, kind, and hard working. Miles follows the rules and is humble, but he is shy and quiet. The last character was named Logan. His name means hollow. Hollow means meaningless or empty hole. Logan does not match at all to this description. He is full of happiness and helpful to other people.
#5 Sienna Inman The 100 Kass Morgan Page 145 Blog 2, Quarter 1 Prompt 2 Dear Clarke, I'm writing this letter of advice to you because I really think you need it. I know your going through a lot right now, being the doctor for the camp and trying to keep a prisoner safe from the rest of the 100. My advice to you on being the doctor is, you can't save everyone but still try as hard as you can to keep everyone alive. I know you have three people in the infirmary that are sick, and you don't know what the cause of sickness is. I think you should consider the possibility of it being radiation exposure. If people come up to you thinking that that is the reason listen to them and take it into consideration. Now on keeping the earth born Sasha alive considering the 100 are blood thirsty of the people that killed Asher. My advice is to keep her away from everyone and have them see how helpful she can be. She can help find Octavia if you give her time to adjust to the camp and you guys. She can also help keep you away from the other earth borns and keep you safe and alive. I know you've heard that she and Well's have gone out looking for food and have found a lot, such as corn and fruit. Now that you've heard that Well's and Sasha have gone out alone together in the woods you feel awkward about that. Clarke if you still have feelings for Well's, I think you should go after him. And if not than I think you should stick by Bellamy and let that relationship grow into something more. That's all the advice I have for you right now, but it won't be the last time I'll be sending you it. Good luck!
Masha Mukutmoni #8 It’s Kind Of A Funny Story Ned Vizzini Pages 118-164 Blog #2 Quarter 1 Prompt 1 Dear Oldest Journal, I was hoping that today my symptoms of severe depression would pass, but they didn’t. Instead, I had difficulty finishing my dinner. It felt weird because I know that I love the food my Mom makes, but… I just couldn’t keep it down. Was it due to the fact I haven’t eaten in several days? Probably. Right now, I am in my bathroom, with only the nightlight on, and the main lights off, the door is shut and locked. My parents are standing outside my very door, whispering to each other. Should I tell them I’m really sick, or should I tell them the truth? This has been a very hard decision for me to make, because, if I told them I was sick, they’d just make me stay at home from school, which I would miss a lot of information, but at the same time, if I told them about the actual truth, they’d send me off first thing tomorrow morning to a psychiatrist. Just simply thinking about this is making me want to regurgitate all over again. I wish I never had decided to make myself a fool and listen to those jerks at school. I wish I had the strength to overcome all this. I wish so many things, it’s practically impossible for me to write them down. I might as well tuck you away and just stick with being sick. I’ll them old folks the truth later. Signed, Craig Gilner
#13 Emilia Shahverdian 10/12/16 The Motive John Lescrocart Page 216 Blog #2 Quarter 1 Prompt #1
I don’t normally write in this journal since work is busy, but I feel the need to write some stuff down from my point of view. When the case of Paul Hanover’s death was opened, it was suspected or thought to be a murder-suicide. As this same case advanced I got involved because the mayor entrusted me with the case of her friend’s death. This case has been stressful for me considering how long it took to figure it out. A case involving double homicide is not one that is simple. Every factor is to be accounted for. I did not want to let the mayor down so i took in all the factors of the case and we finally have our culprit. I did not expect that our killer would have been Hanover’s daughter-in-law. She didn’t plan on killing Missy but she couldn’t have gotten caught. Being on the side of law enforcement it was a terrible thing that she did; but I have to give her credit she covered her tracks pretty well. She gave us information about Hanover and his girlfriend. The fact that she did it for the sake of money is sickening, but people are weird that way. Her trial will determine her fate but she deserves what comes to her. I just hope that there aren’t any more twists or surprises in this case. Catherine has asked Hardy to represent her in court. She says that she had a motive to kill her father in law and his girlfriend. Well, I’m off to bed. Your old friend, Abe.
#14 Zachary Tittle 10/12/16 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child J.K. Rowling Blog2 log 1 Drako Malfoy perspective Page 327(finish) (SPOLIER –ish) Dear diary, I have had to face everyone’s scolding about my son. Scorpius, my only son the heir to the Malfoy name has been called the son of Voldemort again. I always tell him that he hasn’t done anything wrong and that they are imbeciles trying to bring him down but I don’t he understands it.
Dear diary, It has been yet another day but something happened today. Scorpius and Albus ran away. People are saying that they escaped the train to Hogwarts. I am hoping they return safe. When Scorpius does return he will be disciplined.
Dear diary, There is more news about Scorpius and Albus that they stole a time turner from the Ministry of Magic out of Hermione’s office. Being honest I think that is very smart of them to be able to steal from Hermione but that is past the point. Yet again I am left up at night waiting for their arrival while in the day spending all my resources literally and figuratively to find them. (if you have read this far real spoiler to plot next paragraph)
Dear diary, we have finally found Scorpius and Albus. They claim to have tried to save Cedric Digory from the past because he didn’t have to die. Harry was very harsh and put Albus in the Gryffindor tower to be always monitored while he belongs to Slytherine. I decided not to punish Scorpius that much but to only have him on a strict schedule.
Dear diary, we have now heard some astonishing information that Scorpius and Albus had yet gone again into the past. They went in the past with Delphi who we are now learning is the daughter of Voldemort. She broke the time turner and made all three of them stuck in time. We found this out because Scorpius and Albus sent a message on Harry’s special blanket from his childhood.
Avery Avichouser Language Arts The Magician’s Elephant Kate DiCamillo Blog 2
Peter is a very brave and kind superhero. He is just a boy and he is dealing with his little sister being away from him and thinking she’s dead. He is very brave because he is going to go and find her. It is very sad because he is so upset that she is gone. Peter brought the elephant with him to find her. The elephant is a magical, big and kind superhero. The elephant is a hero because Peter would not have found Adele, his sister, without the elephant. Everyone in the city would gather around in a big line to see this elephant. I also think Peter would want himself to be a superhero to impress people. Peter is impressive because he is just a boy and he cares enough about his sister to go and find her. Peter would also want people to think he is brave for what he has done, I wouldn’t be brave enough to handle a gigantic elephant! I also think the elephant would want itself as a superhero because it is kind and it has been so helpful to help Peter find his sister, Adele. I also think that the elephant would want to be magical, because the elephant belongs to a very magical magician. I think the elephant is awesome because it is magical and know other ordinary elephant could have found her. It would take a lot to be the elephant because of what it has done. If Peter’s mother was alive I bet she would be very proud of him. Peter and the elephant made a great team to find Adele, through everything they went through to find her she is now home safely.
#5 Jasmine Jamali New York City is so cool. I want to go there but it's too expensive which is really hard to get tickets. I wish I could. All I have to do is ask my mom. Which I already asked did she said I could not go! I still can't wait to see it again. I haven't a seen it in three years. I want to see Jake and see what all my friends are doing.I have not fed said T design diva. Well actually i haven't been since my internship. I can't wait to see all my friends and go to to different places. For me all the cabs in all of the wonderful places is a little scary. It's just too expensive it's OK. I found a way that I could go without money. I've got it! I could just go ask Jasmine, hunter, and missy. She will let me go anywhere! I can't wait to see the big city. I can't wait to go but I hate going out late on a plane for some reason. I love fashion and cant wait to see all people. Here I go. Hopefully I do not get out there and the big bad world and hurt myself. I can always go see mood. Maybe I could see Liesel, and her store. I just hope I won't get too involved in the city and never want to go back home. That would be terrible. At least Im not that type of person. I hope for the best in people and I hope not to hurt them. I never want to hurt their feelings are hurt them. The best part of having friends is not to hurt them. Hopefully I am fine with going to the city. I can't wait to see my friends again
Ethan Crenshaw Tom Sawyer Mark Twain Pages 180 Blog #2 Quarter #1 Prompt 3 Tom and Huckleberry had the treasure and they were happy. Next school year they began the cool kids. They had a nice house and nice cloths. Tom and Huck became brothers. No matter what happen they would always get each others back. The best news for Tom is the teacher is nice to him a lot. Everyday the teacher greeted him. The best news for Huck is he has parents and a brother. Everyday after school they went fishing. They were very good fishers. When they went home they slept across from each other. But when everyone went to bed they told silly jokes about Injun Joe and how he had to go to the bathroom. They got so tired they fell asleep. The next morning they had eggs and bacon for breakfast. Their favorite part about breakfast is the smell of bacon. They packed their lunch and got ready for school. When they walked to school Tom saw Becky. Tom got so excited to see her again. When they got in Tom sat next to her and talked about where she has been. Becky said, “I was spending time with my grandma at Hawaii. It was really fun. I got to see dolphins and I got to swim in the water.” Tom said, “That is so cool I wish I was with you.” At break time Tom played with Huck and Becky. They all played catch with a frog and it was fun. Tom and Huck waved to Becky when they left school. Tom had a smile on his face and Huck said, “You are weird having a big smile on your face.” They got home and lived happily ever after.
#9 Jake O’Brien Blog #2 Stephen King’s “Bag of Bones” Language Arts
Dear Mr. Noonan. I have read lately that you have been under a lot of pressure from your publicist and the company that you work for about having to write a new book by a certain deadline. I can understand how this can be a very big burden for your to carry especially after the passing away of your wife. I am writing you this letter because I feel like I know the perfect place for you to go for inspiration, life, and especially…love. Rosarito, Mexico. Believe me sir, when I say that this city is absolutely amazing. There are many places for you to go for wonderful dinners and beautiful sights. I personally recommend that you stay at the condos down by the beach and enjoy the sunset. I say that you would enjoy the condos because of how relaxing each other rooms are. Another recommendation that I have for you is to visit one of the many vineyards there with very exquisite wines and drinks. They also have very interesting restaurants in the vineyards that have very tasty courses that really leave you wanting more. Towards the end of your trip, I think that it would be a very good idea for you to visit one of the many street venders and see the many amazing artworks that they have to offer, including various decorative, painted skulls to beautiful paintings. Mostly, Mr. Noonan, I am recommending these things to you because I want for you to take a rest and relax. You are one of my favorite writers and I would hate to you go to a place in your mind that you may not be able to come back from.
#10 Luke O’Brien Carrrie Stephen King Pg. 48 Blog 2 quarter 1 Prompt 1 Dear Diary, I wish I didn’t have to keep my abilities a secret anymore! If half of those stupid kids at school knew what I could do to them, they would all drop dead or maybe worse. Which wouldn’t be bad at all. Clearly I can’t show them what I can do, and mother obviously doesn’t help. She’s just a corrupt, abusive, egotistical jerk. The worst it’s ever been was the last time she was abusive to me. It was so bad, I called her something I don’t dare to write in this diary entry. And I ended up in a closet with the most throbbing headache once she threw me in and I hit my head on the far end of the closet. I know Mother knows about my abilities because of what happened before this. It was maybe a week ago and she got me so angry that the sky started raining stones. Mother and I both it was me and I’m so close to doing it again. I don’t think she understands that I could snap her neck by moving hand just an inch. I would never do that though. Honestly I don’t think I have the guts for it. Even though I hate her, I don’t think I could ever kill anyone. Then again there has been times when I’ve thought of it. Just ending everything. Not killing myself, but killing everyone else.
Aiden Avichouser Language Arts Ted & Me Dan Gutman Blog 2
It has been about three months since I went back in time to see Ted Williams and tried to prevent Pearl Harbor. I have been thinking about it constantly. I am so mad at myself that I couldn’t prevent it from happening. I have been thinking about going back and trying again to stop it. It will be another tough mission, but I am going to give it a shot. I grabbed the Ted Williams card and soon I was back in 1941. It was December 4, that was three days before the attack on Pearl Harbor. I landed in Ted Williams’ car. He looked over and was really scared when he saw me. He remembered me! I couldn’t believe he remembered. Usually people don’t remember me. I told him what I wanted to do and he agreed and wanted to prevent the attack on Pearl Harbor also. When we got to Washington Ted told the White House security who he was. We had to talk to the president. The president thought we were crazy, but still we convinced him. He set up all of the military at Pearl Harbor. They were ready for the planes. Ted knew a lot about the military so he went to Pearl Harbor with me. The planes came, and I was so afraid. Japan was dropping bombs on Pearl Harbor, our military was fighting back. I was very frightened. I was scared I was going to be killed, so I used a new baseball card to get home. Suddenly, I landed in my living room. I am immediately ran to the computer and looked up Pearl Harbor. It came up that Japan tried to attack and failed. It said that America had won World War II. I successfully completed my mission. I was so happy that Ted Williams helped me. I was so happy that I was able to help my country.
Jacob Yost #16 Halo ghosts of Onix Eric Noland Pg.148 Prompt #1
Dear diary
Alot has happened since the last time i talked to you. I was training a new batch of SARTINS when there were too many of them to go into the final stage of the training. Me and the officer decided to split them into teams and put them in an area where they had to survive and defeat the other teams. We split them up into three teams and put them into an area where they had to defeat the other teams. They were put down there with guns to shoot with but they were stun rounds so they would hurt as much as a real bullet but would only stun you not kill you. The test was all going good when team saber reported an attack from the plains and they said that it was the covenant. Me and the officer rushed out on a warthog and drove there as fast as we could. The team was being chased by the drones that had laser guns and could kill you in one hit. We were running when our captain fell in a ditch and we had to pull him out before the alien killed him. We luckily smashed him with a rock just in time. We all ran to the outpost where our leaders were with weapons and real bullets so we could destroy these aliens and get them off our land once and for all. We had to activate the camo ability to slp past the aliens to get to ur captains but we made it and got all the weapons we needed and rushed right back into the jungle to finish off these aliens once and for all.
#4 Joseph Dervartanian Cal. Ripken Jr. Squeeze play Kevin Cowherd Pg 190(end) Blog #2 Quarter 1 Prompt#6
Me-Hello Cory, thank you for coming to this interview.C- No problem. I'm excited about this.Me-So am I. Let's get started. What got you into playing baseball? C- My dad was the real reason I got into playing. I had always known the rules, since I watched it almost every single baseball season, but I've never really experienced the joy of the game, until my dad encouraged me to go on and play. And once I stepped on the field, I immediately loved it! Me-Exciting.Next question. What do you think of your teammates? C- I say I got pretty lucky with my team. First, there's Mikey, probably THE best catcher in the league. Almost nothing can get past that brick wall. The thing is, he eats like a pig, and probably comes from a pig, but he's a great friend. Then, there's Sammy, my best friend. He's always talking to me, making small jokes, talking about the game last night or something. But then here's Katelyn. She's the only girl on the team. When she first came, I tried to welcome her, getting her used to the team. But boy, is she rude or what. She's always calling us names, like nerds and stuff. Though she's annoying, Katelyn is an amazing right fielder!Me- Wow. You really do have a very interesting team. Very interesting.Moving on. How is your dad in the games? C- Great. Well, he's not exactly a dad you would want playing baseball. I know he's passionate and all, but dad needs a lot of help. He's always in the stands yelling,"COME ON CORY, CHEER THIS TEAM UP. YOU GUYS LOOK LIKE A BUNCH OF DEAD RATS. GET IT TOGETHER!" But it's at its worst when he doesn't agree with a call the ump makes."WHAT WAS THAT, BLUE! HE WAS SAFE! ARE YOU BLIND? COME ON!" when this was happening, he jumped over the fence and ran and yelled at the umpire. After that he got arrested. It was a tragedy. Me- Wow. It must be rough for you. C- Yes, it is. But dad's gotten better now, and everything is alright. Me- Well then, thank you for coming. It was a pleasure meeting you. C- Thanks. you too.
Jessica Ramirez #9 Ramona the Pest Beverly Clearly Pages #215 Blog #2 Quarter #1 Prompt #2
Dear Ramona, I know you are going through a tough time right now. Please, don’t take what I am about to say the wrong way. I heard you were all mad about your tooth and I know Halloween is coming up, but I don’t want you to feel sad. So, I wanted to give you some advice. First, I’ve heard you pester your mom a lot and complain how your mom hasn’t bought your mask for Halloween, yet. Well, I think you need to give your mom some time to figure out what day works. Second, don’t get mad if someone else has the same costume as you. Not to be mean, but I know you can get offensive if somebody is being mean or something else like the Halloween situation. All you need to do is make friends with them instead of making up things that are better than the other person. I know you and I don’t want you to be one of those girls who gets down because of one little silly costume. Then, speaking about your tooth I found out you lost your tooth and put it under your bed waiting for the tooth fairy to come. I am so happy that you lost tooth except the part when you wined and pestered your mom. You don’t have to wine and complain all the time. First, you double check to see if the tooth is there or not. Then, you can ask your mom why the tooth fairy hasn’t come yet and maybe she will tell you why the tooth fairy didn’t come. Well, there is my advice and I hope and pray you use it wisely.
Please welcome Tris from the Dauntless faction. “So Tris, why did you choose to jump off of the wall first? You could have waited and gone second or even third and seen how the others did.” “I jumped off the wall first because I wanted to prove that I was worthy to be Dauntless, especially since I wasn’t a Dauntless born.” “Another thing Tris, why was your hand hurting so much after shooting the guns?” “It hurt my hand because the guns triggers were very difficult to pull back. I guess I needed to build my strength more.” “Speaking of weapons, when you first practiced throwing the knives you were really bad at it and then you just got good all of a sudden. Why was that?” “Well I seem to pick up on things very quickly and when I set my mind to do something I always get it done.” “Also why did you step up and take your friends spot when he was the one that was supposed to get the knives thrown at him?” “I did that because sometimes you just need to take one for the team and I knew deep inside I could trust Four.” “How were you feeling when you were fighting the number one fighter in Dauntless?” “I was feeling sick to my stomach and a bit scared of what might happen to me if I lost.” “One more thing, how did it make you feel when you were in that fight against the number one and you got the first hit and almost won?” “I could feel victory coming, that was until he kicked me down and knocked me out. I thought that was the end for me.” “Thank you for joining us Tris. We really appreciate the little bit of insight into your faction’s life.”
As Beezus and Ramona grew up they didn’t always love each other, but they were sisters. When Beatrice was 35 and Ramona was 30 they finally got along. Although they weren’t perfect they were sisters. They loved each other. As Ramona and her family were celebrating Ramona’s daughter’s birthday. Beezus, Ramona’s daughter, saw her little sister Bendix had been pouring her apple juice on her plate. As Beatrice ate she noticed how Bendix almost did the same thing as Ramona as a kid. Especially that she got sent to her room very often like Ramona. Beezus very looked cross. Beatrice said, ”What is wrong”. Beezus was embarrassed when she said sometimes I don’t love my sister. Ramona and Beatrice laughed till they cried. Me and your aunt did too, Ramona said ,as she wiped her eyes. Beatrice told about her mom and her sister. Beatrice said, “As sisters we didn’t love each other always. When we were kids Ramona put her doll Bendix in my Birthday cake.” Ramona and Beatrice laughed. Beezus smiled. She noticed Bendix’s door open. Bendix peeked out the door. When Beezus saw she called her sister over. Beezus’s eyes glowed when she saw her cake. They all sang Happy birthday to Beezus. As she took a bite her sister screamed, “It is your birthday time for the cake.” Ramona smiled as she saw her daughters hug. She realized that her daughters will fight but it’s part of life. When Beatrice was driving home she hummed the happy birthday song. When she got home she sat down remembering the happy memories of her sister. Then Beezus realized something; she missed Ramona. Her loud gay tunes, her nose that was poudered with marshmallows, and her playful attitude. Beezus realized her house was quiet. She realized what she could do to satisfy the need to see her sister happy. She grabbed a special book and drove to Ramona’s house. She got out of her car and walked to their house. “Ramona here for you”, said Beezus. Ramona gasped. In her hand was “Big Steve The Steam Shovel” . Then Ramona smiled. Beezuz smiled as she knew that she would always love her little sister, Ramona.
The main character's award would be called most courageous. Summer gets this award because she had the courage to go to France all alone to meet her dad and to find out he wasn't there and stay in France for a bit longer. I relate to her because I had to have courage to go to New York without my family and stay there for about a week for dance. The next award is called most bratty. This award goes to Vivienne because she is a very rude bratty person who doesn't listen to anyone but herself and does what she wants. The next award goes to Summer's dad. This award is called the one who doesn't follow up with plans. He gets this award because of how he always forgets or doesn't tell you something very important. For example, he didn't tell Summer he wasn't going to be in France when she would get there. That is why Summer's mom divorced her dad, because of being irresponsible. This brings me to my next award. This award is for the wisdom the character had. This award goes out to Summer's mom. She showers wisdom when she is telling Summer not to go to France because of how her dad was so irresponsible. She is the wisest character in this book because of how she tells people great advice. When Summer and her got into a fight she told her good advice but summer didn't want to take it but she still acted calm and cool as a cucumber. All these awards give a good example of how these characters act and hopefully you can understand why I gave them these awards.
#17 CJ Zeller The Wave Todd Strasser Pg 138 Blog 2 Quarter 1 Prompt 1
Dear diary, Today I have recently shown my class a video on the Nazis, it explained that the Nazis where able to take control of the government because they where well organized and the rest of the germen were not. Today I have written the word “STREGNTH THROUGH DISIPLINE” on the board. I told my students that discipline and hard work was the key to success. I told my students a routine today witch involves them to stand next to their desks and address me as “Mr. Ross” when answering questions. They also must bring a pencil and paper to class every day. That night I told my wife about this “experiment” I am working on and supposedly my students seemed to enjoy the discipline. Today I have added another motto “Strength through Discipline” and “Strength through Community”. I think I shall call this movement The Wave, this movement will teach students and teachers a hand gesture that they would use to salute each other. Tonight I talk to my wife about the effect The Wave has on my students, surprisingly they have taken history seriously and they have done all there homework. My wife of coarse has concerns about it thinking that the students only like The Wave because it means they don’t have to think for themselves. During the next day I added a new motto Strength Through Action”. On the next day Principal Owens called me to his office. He seemed nervous and at the same time he was surprised about The Wave. Later I had a talk with Principal Owens and he told me that I had to stop this nonsense or I would be fired. I guess i will must weight to see what will happen next.
Joshua Quintana #9 Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson Pages 177 Blog #2 Quarter #1 Prompt #14
I think Jim would like KEVU & Ralph Cowell - He was a Pirate because the song has a sound similar to the song He’s a Pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean which is a similar story to treasure island and gives off the same adventurous thrilling vibe, and it also gives an intense action movie style feeling that many songs just don’t seem to give off.. I chose this song because when I hear this song I picture Jim when he is running into the swampy, overgrown, and deep forest in the island. I think this song would remind him of the captain that came to Jim’s inn and the terrifying nightmares of the one legged man. Another good song for Jim would be Survivor - Eye of the Tiger. I chose this song because it is about an intense fight. It reminds me of when Jim heard gunshots and when blind man’s shipmates were raiding Jim’s inn after Jim and his Mother’s escape. Jim would also like Journey - Don’t Stop Believing and Swedish House Mafia - Don’t You Worry Child because both songs are about never giving up and continually trying and having a genuine hope for the future. Jim heard the gunshot and ran as fast as he could for a very long time and although had a doubt of survival, he never stopped running until he saw the stranger in the forest. Jim would also like the song Matt Redman - 1,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) because although he isn’t very religious, this song would probably help calm him down from the intense fighting going around.
#12 J.B. Sebastiano My Life in Pinstripes Jorge Posada pages 150 Blog #2 Quarter #1 Prompt 2 Dear Jorge, I know that you are going through some hard times right now and wanted to give you some advice. Your father wants you to get stronger and have toughness. He is making you move the huge pile of dirt from the front yard to the backyard so you will become stronger and learn perseverance. The character traits your Dad is teaching you will help you in the long run. You are playing baseball now and are going to need to learn how to fail. Baseball is a game of failure so you need to get ready to have lots of highs and lows. While you are doing your chores, remember that your Dad is trying to teach you lessons and help you in the long run. I know that he is hard on you, but it is because he has a plan and a dream for you. The dream is that you become a Major League Baseball player, which he never got the chance to do. Also, I know you are going through a tough time because your Grandpa died. I’m sure it is difficult, and you must ask God for help. Another thought that might help is to try to remember all the great times you had with your Grandpa. This will help you ease the pain. You need to remember that he is in a better place with God in heaven. I hope that this letter helped you, and good luck this summer with baseball. Love, J.B. Sebastiano
#6 Italia Holiday Auggie and Me R.J. Palicio Page #176 Blog #2 Quarter #1 Prompt #2 Dear Christopher, I think you did many things wrong. You did some good things for example, when you gave Auggie your toy after his surgery. One wrong thing was when you stopped hanging out with Auggie because people were staring. You should have not cared what others were thinking or doing about Auggie. It would be fine if you were embarrassed, but you should have not shown your embarrassment. Another thing you should have not done was have been rude to one of Auggie's friends. This also has to do with the embarrassment problem. Yes, he did have facial deformities, but it doesn't mean that you need to go hang out with somebody else. I think you should have at least stayed with Auggie, but you didn't have to talk or do anything social with him. It would have been much nicer instead of being rude. Also another thing that you could have done is to not be rude to your mom so much. For example, when your mom was late to your birthday party, you shouldn't have wined about it because your mom was helping Auggie. I think helping Auggie was more important than your birthday party. What you should have done is been fine with because Auggie has a tough life. It isn't easy for him. You should try to live like Auggie. It isn't easy you know. You should have felt bad for Auggie. You should be more sincere toward Auggie from now on. From, Italia
#2 Kachina Blair A Smidgen of Sky Dianna Dorisi Winget Pages 100 Blog 2 Quarter 1 Prompt 7 True or false 1- True/False- Piper Lee DeLuna’s cat ripped up her dress. 2- True/False- Ginger got along with Piper. 3- True/False- Piper’s dad divorced her mom. 4- True/False- Ginger’s mom left her and her dad. 5- True/False- Piper’s Dad died in an airplane crash. 6- True/False- Piper tried to find Ginger’s real mom. 7- True/False- Ginger’s dad was very mean. 8- True/False- Ginger’s dad never did anything fun. 9- True/False- Piper likes Ginger’s dad. 10- True/False- Piper cannot wait for her mom to marry Ginger’s dad. Multiple answer 1. Who helps fix Piper’s dress? a) Her mom b) Her friend next door 2. Ginger’s dad is very __________. a) Mean c) Nice b) Drunk 3- Piper’s dad died when he was on a(n) ____________. a) Boat b) Airplane 4- Ginger’s mom and dad had her when they were _____________. a) Nineteen b) Forty 5- Piper’s mom and dad had her when they were __________________. a) Thirty and twenty b) Nineteen and twenty 6- Piper want’s her dad to be found so her mom won’t marry ___________. a) Fred b) Ben 7- Ginger found a note that was in her dad’s ______________. a) Safety box b) Closet 8- Piper has a ________________. a) Dog b) Cat 9- Piper misses her ____________. a) Dog c) Dad b) Cat Piper doesn’t like____________. a) Her friend b) Ginger Short questions 1- Who are the main characters? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 2- Who does Piper try to find? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3- Does Ginger give up on looking for her real mom? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 4- What does Piper do at the beach? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 5- Who saves Piper at the beach? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Essay Question 1- Why did Ginger, Piper, and Ben surprise Pipers mom with a garden? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Answers 1- True 2- False 3- False 4- True 5- True 6- True 7- False 8- False 9- False 10- False 1-b 2-c 3-b 4-a 5-a 6-b 7-a 8-b 9-c 10-b 1- Ginger, Ben, Mom, and Piper 2- Gingers mom 3- Yes 4- Swam to the island without permission 5- Ben saved Piper 1- They gave her a garden because her mom always wanted a garden but never had got one.
#6 Gregory Luciano Harry Potter And the Cursed Child J.K. Rowling Page 308 Blog # 2 Quarter 1 Prompt 14 Five songs I think would be good for expressing Harry Potter would be: "High and Dry" by Radiohead, "Dead Man's Party" by Oingo Boingo, "Survival" by Eminem,"All my Life" by Foo Fighters, and "Come as You are" by Nirvana."High and Dry" expresses Harry Potter well because everyone thought Harry was doing what he was for recognition. They thought he could not be stopped no matter what. Also, Harry thought he was turning into something he was not because he saw everyone he loved die before him and he blamed himself. Many people hated Harry and would taunt him, and he would scream in pain because it angered his scar. "Dead Man's Party" sings about having a dead man over their shoulder, just like how Harry had to deal with the weight of everyone who died for him on his. Harry was struck by a spell in the night when a baby and was left on his aunts doorstep. Also, in Cursed Child Scorpious was believed to be Voldemort's son so everyone ran away from him. "Survival" expresses how being a wizard is all about survival of the fittest and strongest. The wizard with more expierence with spells is going to win. Also, being the winner means taking all the others lives. "All my Life" is probably the best song to express Harry Potter. All his life he was searching for the one who killed his parents, but whenever he came close he failed. Instead of dreaming of the day to come, he had nightmares of the day for years. Many things were taken from Harry yet their ghost remained. Harry always wondered if it be easier to give himself up to Voldemort, but everyone told him don't let everyone whos already died for you go to a waste. However, the weight of those memories kept Harry down. Lastly, "Come as you Are" explains how no matter who you are or your family is, you could still be a friend. Harry was the chosen one, Draco had a DeathEater Father, Draco's son was eligibly Voldemorts son, but no matter what, they all found friends.
Joe McElroy #7 William Shakespears star wars By Ian Doescher page #169 Blog #9 Quarter #1
The character that i chose is Luke skywalker. The first movie that I chose is Star treck Because it takes placein outer space. it also has diferent crechers, not only humans. the second movie Luke skywalker should see is the movie star wars [prequils] becouse it shows the life of his dad and how he turned evil. The third and final movie Luke skywalker should see is Ben-Hur becouse maby he would like the chang of cenery. Ben-Hur is basicley about this family during Jesus time and it follows along with the bilbe out side of the bible but also talks about the bible. These would be some movies that i would reck ament to Luke skywalker.
Hello, I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Here it is! This is the first blog of the quarter. Follow the directions carefully and post your thoughts thoroughly. Remember this is not a summary of the book. This is your opportunity to show your understanding of the text and engage the class in your story. I am looking forward to reading your entries.
#4 Chris Grothues
ReplyDeleteThe Big Field
Mike Lupica
Pages 200
Blog 2 Quarter 1
Prompt 7
True or False
1. __________ Hutch was the main character of the book.
2. __________ Hutch was 10 years old.
3.__________ Hutch was a shortstop.
4. __________Hutches team had the best hitter in their division.
5.__________ The slowest guy on their team was Hutch.
6. __________ Hutches house was right by the baseball field.
7. __________ They got to play on television.
8. __________ Hutches best friend was Cody.
9. __________ His dad was Carl Hutchinson.
10._________his dad always missed his son’s games.
Multiple choice
1. Hutches division was _______
A. 17u C 16u
2. Hutches team name was _________
A. Post 226 cardinals C. Post 226 braves
B. Post 225 cardinals
3. Hutches dads name was ________
A. Carl C. none of the above
4. Hutch was the best
A. yes
B. no
5. When hutches dad watches TV he does what?
A. drinks beer C. all of the above
B. gets drunk
6. Hutch was a ________
A. shortstop C. none of the above
B. Second basemen
7. Hutch was __________
A. 17 yrs. Old C. none of the above
B. 16yrs old
8. Hutch was a ________
A. baseball player C. none of the above
B. soccer player
9. Carl Hutchinson played in the ________
A. major leagues C none of the above
B. minor leagues
10. Hutch hit ________
A. dingers C. none of the above
B. dingers
Short answer:
1. Why did Hutches dad never make his sons games?
_____________________________________________________________________________________ _______
2. Was hutch the best shortstop in the league?
_____________________________________________________________________________________ ________
3. Why did they call him Hutch?
4. Write 2 sentences about how hutch won the league championship?
5. Do you think hutch made errors?
Why did they play on TV?
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer key
#1Matthew Burnette
ReplyDeleteStrike Three You’re Dead
Josh Beck
Page 250
Blog 2, Quarter 1
Prompt 3
Lenny Norbeck had a great adventure at a young age, but what happened years after that. Well, Lenny and Maria both became FBI agents. They always worked together no matter what. Mike became a dude that works at a comic book store and has a collection of different warlock statue figures. Other Mike Started working as a vendor at the Phillies stadium for life because he loved baseball a lot. They all kept in touch with each other and every so often went to a Phillies game to catch up on life. Lenny never got to announce after the incident of RJ Weathers. Mike eventually opened his own comic book store and made some decent money off that. Other Mike didn’t make a lot of money at all, but he loved his job so much he didn’t even care. Lenny and Maria eventually became the leaders of the FBI. They eventually got married and live together forever. Even though Lenny hated Maria at first he ended up liking her and marrying her. Actually I almost forgot the best part, they were really good friends with Famosa and got to go to games with him in his suite every game. Even though they thought he was the killer and found out he’s not really Famosa, he still loved as the author of this book I want to let you know to never let anyone that is important of you out of reach because you might need them one day.
#1Matthew Burnette
ReplyDeleteStrike Three You’re Dead
Josh Beck
Page 250
Blog 2, Quarter 1
Prompt 3
Lenny Norbeck had a great adventure at a young age, but what happened years after that. Well, Lenny and Maria both became FBI agents. They always worked together no matter what. Mike became a dude that works at a comic book store and has a collection of different warlock statue figures. Other Mike Started working as a vendor at the Phillies stadium for life because he loved baseball a lot. They all kept in touch with each other and every so often went to a Phillies game to catch up on life. Lenny never got to announce after the incident of RJ Weathers. Mike eventually opened his own comic book store and made some decent money off that. Other Mike didn’t make a lot of money at all, but he loved his job so much he didn’t even care. Lenny and Maria eventually became the leaders of the FBI. They eventually got married and live together forever. Even though Lenny hated Maria at first he ended up liking her and marrying her. Actually I almost forgot the best part, they were really good friends with Famosa and got to go to games with him in his suite every game. Even though they thought he was the killer and found out he’s not really Famosa, he still loved as the author of this book I want to let you know to never let anyone that is important of you out of reach because you might need them one day.
Janessa Fuentes #4
Blog 2 #6
A trip to heaven and back
Next up on this interviewing session we have Mary from A Trip to Heaven and Back.
Me- “Hello Mary I am so happy you could be here.”
Mary- Thanks for having me I’m excited to be here.”
Me- “Alright so I have some questions for you is that okay”
Mary- “Absolutely.”
Me- “Okay great so first question were you scared when you got trapped in the middle of a waterfall with your boat.”
Mary- “Was I scared, absolutely but I was at Pease because I knew God would protect me.”
Me- “Wow second question when you saw heaven did you want to return back to earth or would you have stayed there?”
Mary- “I wanted to return back to earth because of my children but I also didn’t want to leave Gods kingdom.”
Me- “I don’t think any of us would return back to earth after seeing all of that third question what did heaven look like?”
Mary- “I don’t really remember because it was so many years ago but I do remember that I had never seen anything like it.”
Me- “I can’t even imagine fourth question how long did it take you to recover after your tragic accident.”
Mary- “It took me about four months for me to walk again because I broke my spine and both of my legs it was very had recovering.”
Me- “Thank you for meeting us today Mary your story is so inspiring hope to see you soon see you soon make sure you catch our next show tomorrow at five see ya later.”
#2 Jack Cardeno
John Shirley
Page 147
Blog #2, Quarter #1
Prompt 2
Dear Mr. Ryan,
It has come to my attention that you have been building an underwater city that houses the top one percent of all people in the world. After World War II, you decided that with all the taxes and fear that was going on, you decided it would be a great idea to build a city under the sea. There is one person who you should be concerned about. Frank Fontaine. The man you sent out to kill him, Frank Gorland, has assumed his identity and is the owner of Fontaine Fisheries. He is a devious fellow who would come to be free and go in and out of Rapture as he pleases. He could very well be spreading the word about the existence of Rapture as I am writing this letter to you. Your friend, Bill, you should keep him close to you, in case you ever need a person to lay down their life for you. If Rapture were to be destroyed, it would be catastrophic. The way that the city runs on geothermal energy is amazing, and it would be a great tragedy if all of it were to wash up onto the shore one day, and people wondering where it was, or where it came from. So, in conclusion, you should be watching Fontaine constantly and monitoring his activity, as he might be stirring trouble among many people on the surface. I hope that everything in Rapture goes well, and make sure that the place doesn't leak.
Jack Cardeno
#11 Preston Parker
Tunnels Rederick Gordon
Pg. 279
Option 1 Qt 1
Today was the worst day of my life. When I went to visit Uncle Tam he gave me no help but did buy me foreign whiskey. But when I asked him about saving Chester he completely shut me down and acted like I didn’t exist. Him and my brother both looked at me like I was the craziest man alive and I was asking for death. But when quickly hushed they looked around for any signs of Styx and then continued on with the conversation they began before I interrupted them. From there on out all we had talked about was my first service which was crazy. The Styx herded us into one big room and made us listen to the weirdest and most boring thing I have ever heard. When the service was over all I could think about what Chester was doing right now. But when I heard about all the awful torcher methods they were using on Chester just made me break down. When I got home I went straight up to my room and went to bed because I couldn’t stay up any longer. But when I woke up all I was thinking about was a plan to save dad. When I got to breakfast all I could think about was were the Styx could have taken him. My first instinct was to check the prison but then I thought I would have to check the surveillance of the prison. But ill put that in my entry tomorrow.
#10 Luke O’Brien
Stephen King
Pg. 48
Blog 2 quarter 1
Prompt 1
Dear Diary, I wish I didn’t have to keep my abilities a secret anymore! If half of those stupid kids at school knew what I could do to them, they would all drop dead. Which wouldn’t be bad at all. Clearly I can’t show them what I can do, and mother obviously doesn’t help. She’s just a corrupt, abusive, egotistical jerk. The worst it’s ever been was the last time she was abusive to me. It was so bad, I called her something I don’t dare to write in this diary entry. And I ended up in a closet with the most throbbing headache once she threw me in and I hit my head on the far end of the closet. I know Mother knows about my abilities because of what happened before this. It was maybe a week ago and she got me so angry that the sky started raining stones. Mother and I both it was me and I’m so close to doing it again.
#3Daniel Chapin
ReplyDeletePg. 204
Bodies Gold
Dear Marguerite Sprague,
You are a very talented writer. I could honestly read this book over a hundred times in a row. I really like what you have done with this spectacular book. One of my personal favorite things about this book was that you did not make this book boring. I say this because it is not easy to write a book on an old western town and make it really interesting and exiting. I think that you are one of the few people who could pull off writing a book like this. I also like how you captured Bodies characteristics. My favorite thing that you wrote about Bodie was how the people in Bodie were like. Though this was a great book and you did a great job, there were some things that I personally think that you could have done better on. For one thing there was too much focus on near the end of Bodies years rather than the good part. What I mean by that is that you should have focused more on Bodies golden years if you will. I feel this way because I felt like there was a lot that could be still told when Bodie had its big population during the gold rush. What I take away from this book is that when I complain aboutique the little things in life, I should think about what the people of Bodie had to go through. So in conclusion I think that this book really taught a good life lesson.
#1Miguel Alvarez
ReplyDeleteOld Yeller
Fred Gipson
Blog#2 Quarter #1
Prompt 6
Welcome everyone, to “Ask That Character”. Please give a warm welcome to Travis. Travis I have a question for you. Do you like Lisbeth? Miguel, I’m going to say yes. That is fantastic, Travis. I was wondering, how did you find Old Yeller? Miguel, I found him found at my cabin’s door step. That was the greatest day of my life because I found a loyal pet. I know that your friendship did not start good, but how did you become best friends? After a while I saw through that old ugly dog a friend for life. Travis, what is the hardest thing you have ever done? I guess the hard thing I have ever done was saving my little brother from a black bear mom and her cub. Did your loyal dog save you? Yes, Old Yeller saved my life from the black bear. He growled at that huge bear and gave me a chance to run. He is a brave dog. I was so scared that day that I couldn’t scream or say a word. I have never heard a story that scare. What would you do if you encounter another bear. If I encounter another bear I know that Old Yeller would protect me. Old Yeller is an incredible dog isn’t he. Your right on that, Miguel. Now tell me what was the most exciting thing in your life? The most exciting thing I did was watching Old Yeller go at it with a skunk. That was exciting but he stank like no tomorrow. Thank you for join use Travis, and thank you for watching America good night
#1Miguel Alvarez
ReplyDeleteOld Yeller
Fred Gipson
Blog#2 Quarter #1
Prompt 6
Welcome everyone, to “Ask That Character”. Please give a warm welcome to Travis. Travis I have a question for you. Do you like Lisbeth? Miguel, I’m going to say yes. That is fantastic, Travis. I was wondering, how did you find Old Yeller? Miguel, I found him found at my cabin’s door step. That was the greatest day of my life because I found a loyal pet. I know that your friendship did not start good, but how did you become best friends? After a while I saw through that old ugly dog a friend for life. Travis, what is the hardest thing you have ever done? I guess the hard thing I have ever done was saving my little brother from a black bear mom and her cub. Did your loyal dog save you? Yes, Old Yeller saved my life from the black bear. He growled at that huge bear and gave me a chance to run. He is a brave dog. I was so scared that day that I couldn’t scream or say a word. I have never heard a story that scare. What would you do if you encounter another bear. If I encounter another bear I know that Old Yeller would protect me. Old Yeller is an incredible dog isn’t he. Your right on that, Miguel. Now tell me what was the most exciting thing in your life? The most exciting thing I did was watching Old Yeller go at it with a skunk. That was exciting but he stank like no tomorrow. Thank you for join use Travis, and thank you for watching America good night
Leo Sellarole #10
Gregory Maguire
Pages 185
Blog #2 Quarter #1
Prompt #4
Racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. Racism, it is something almost everyone has to face and almost everyone has some kind of racist opinion. In Wicked we see quite the example of racism towards Animals. “Animals should be seen not heard.”(Page 84) Unfortunately this isn’t something we just see in the book it is something we have to face in this corrupted world we live in. What is so unfortunate about racism is the judgment it casts upon someone. It’s not like as a person we get to choose who or what we are just like these Animals who were born this way. “The Wizard of Oz had proclaimed Banns on Animal Mobility.” (Page 88) This sentence seems to bring up a topic we have seen in the past during the Civil Rights era when black people were not permitted to take the bus or any other means of travel except walking. Racism is an easy fix only if people would be willing to see past their stubborn ways and realize that people can actually surprise them and break their racist expectations. Something else we have to note is that one side can stop all racism but that doesn’t help if that other side is exempt or no guilty of being racist too. What I have learned today is that everyone has been guilty of racism towards other it is just part of sin. Although it is just part of sinful nature we can make a difference by breaking down our walls of expectations and actually allowing people to change your views, because most likely you are wrong. You might just be surprised.
Brandon Salgado #10
ReplyDeleteThe Candymaker
Wendy Mass
Page 221
Blog #2 Quarter 1
Prompt 15
The names of the characters in my book that I looked up the meanings of was Daisy, Philip, Miles, and Logan. The first character that I looked up was Daisy. Her name meant flower, which wasn’t surprising at all. To me, a flower means beautiful, colorful, and delicate. Daisy is a spy and spies are strong, confident, and mischievous. The comparison of Daisy and flower is suitable because she is beautiful and colorful, but she doesn’t match with delicate. The next character I looked up was the name Philip. It means lover of horses. It doesn’t seem to match Philip at all because a lover of horses means you are caring, kind, likes to ride horses, and being responsible to clean them. Philip seems to hate everything that gets in his way, especially when Miles talks about the afterlife. He also wears suits that he would not want to get dirty when he would have to take care of the horses. He is very mean to people, but he is responsible. The next character I looked up was Miles. His name had a few different meanings like solider, servant, and merciful. Soldiers are tough, strong, and they follow the rules. A servant is humble, kind, and hard working. Miles follows the rules and is humble, but he is shy and quiet. The last character was named Logan. His name means hollow. Hollow means meaningless or empty hole. Logan does not match at all to this description. He is full of happiness and helpful to other people.
#5 Sienna Inman
ReplyDeleteThe 100
Kass Morgan
Page 145
Blog 2, Quarter 1
Prompt 2
Dear Clarke, I'm writing this letter of advice to you because I really think you need it. I know your going through a lot right now, being the doctor for the camp and trying to keep a prisoner safe from the rest of the 100. My advice to you on being the doctor is, you can't save everyone but still try as hard as you can to keep everyone alive. I know you have three people in the infirmary that are sick, and you don't know what the cause of sickness is. I think you should consider the possibility of it being radiation exposure. If people come up to you thinking that that is the reason listen to them and take it into consideration. Now on keeping the earth born Sasha alive considering the 100 are blood thirsty of the people that killed Asher. My advice is to keep her away from everyone and have them see how helpful she can be. She can help find Octavia if you give her time to adjust to the camp and you guys. She can also help keep you away from the other earth borns and keep you safe and alive. I know you've heard that she and Well's have gone out looking for food and have found a lot, such as corn and fruit. Now that you've heard that Well's and Sasha have gone out alone together in the woods you feel awkward about that. Clarke if you still have feelings for Well's, I think you should go after him. And if not than I think you should stick by Bellamy and let that relationship grow into something more. That's all the advice I have for you right now, but it won't be the last time I'll be sending you it. Good luck!
Masha Mukutmoni #8
ReplyDeleteIt’s Kind Of A Funny Story
Ned Vizzini
Pages 118-164
Blog #2 Quarter 1
Prompt 1
Dear Oldest Journal,
I was hoping that today my symptoms of severe depression would pass, but they didn’t. Instead, I had difficulty finishing my dinner. It felt weird because I know that I love the food my Mom makes, but… I just couldn’t keep it down. Was it due to the fact I haven’t eaten in several days? Probably. Right now, I am in my bathroom, with only the nightlight on, and the main lights off, the door is shut and locked. My parents are standing outside my very door, whispering to each other. Should I tell them I’m really sick, or should I tell them the truth? This has been a very hard decision for me to make, because, if I told them I was sick, they’d just make me stay at home from school, which I would miss a lot of information, but at the same time, if I told them about the actual truth, they’d send me off first thing tomorrow morning to a psychiatrist. Just simply thinking about this is making me want to regurgitate all over again. I wish I never had decided to make myself a fool and listen to those jerks at school. I wish I had the strength to overcome all this. I wish so many things, it’s practically impossible for me to write them down. I might as well tuck you away and just stick with being sick. I’ll them old folks the truth later.
Craig Gilner
#13 Emilia Shahverdian
The Motive
John Lescrocart
Page 216
Blog #2 Quarter 1
Prompt #1
I don’t normally write in this journal since work is busy, but I feel the need to write some stuff down from my point of view. When the case of Paul Hanover’s death was opened, it was suspected or thought to be a murder-suicide. As this same case advanced I got involved because the mayor entrusted me with the case of her friend’s death. This case has been stressful for me considering how long it took to figure it out. A case involving double homicide is not one that is simple. Every factor is to be accounted for. I did not want to let the mayor down so i took in all the factors of the case and we finally have our culprit. I did not expect that our killer would have been Hanover’s daughter-in-law. She didn’t plan on killing Missy but she couldn’t have gotten caught. Being on the side of law enforcement it was a terrible thing that she did; but I have to give her credit she covered her tracks pretty well. She gave us information about Hanover and his girlfriend. The fact that she did it for the sake of money is sickening, but people are weird that way. Her trial will determine her fate but she deserves what comes to her. I just hope that there aren’t any more twists or surprises in this case. Catherine has asked Hardy to represent her in court. She says that she had a motive to kill her father in law and his girlfriend. Well, I’m off to bed.
Your old friend, Abe.
#14 Zachary Tittle
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
J.K. Rowling
Blog2 log 1 Drako Malfoy perspective
Page 327(finish)
(SPOLIER –ish)
Dear diary, I have had to face everyone’s scolding about my son. Scorpius, my only son the heir to the Malfoy name has been called the son of Voldemort again. I always tell him that he hasn’t done anything wrong and that they are imbeciles trying to bring him down but I don’t he understands it.
Dear diary, It has been yet another day but something happened today. Scorpius and Albus ran away. People are saying that they escaped the train to Hogwarts. I am hoping they return safe. When Scorpius does return he will be disciplined.
Dear diary, There is more news about Scorpius and Albus that they stole a time turner from the Ministry of Magic out of Hermione’s office. Being honest I think that is very smart of them to be able to steal from Hermione but that is past the point. Yet again I am left up at night waiting for their arrival while in the day spending all my resources literally and figuratively to find them. (if you have read this far real spoiler to plot next paragraph)
Dear diary, we have finally found Scorpius and Albus. They claim to have tried to save Cedric Digory from the past because he didn’t have to die. Harry was very harsh and put Albus in the Gryffindor tower to be always monitored while he belongs to Slytherine. I decided not to punish Scorpius that much but to only have him on a strict schedule.
Dear diary, we have now heard some astonishing information that Scorpius and Albus had yet gone again into the past. They went in the past with Delphi who we are now learning is the daughter of Voldemort. She broke the time turner and made all three of them stuck in time. We found this out because Scorpius and Albus sent a message on Harry’s special blanket from his childhood.
Blog #2
Sierra Voight
Carly Vega would most likely go on vacation in Omaha Nebraska. Carly is usually really quiet and shy, though this is only because she is trying to smuggle her parents back over the border from Mexico. Carly is poor, and she is unable to travel anywhere, but in the end of the book she is lush in cash from her job at the Breeze Mart, and the uppity Rooster Café. If Carly were to travel, I believe that Omaha is the place she would go, because in Omaha, the weather is hot year round except for in the winter. Carly would enjoy this because she is set on the idea of drinking hot cocoa on a cold winter night. Carly would most likely go to the many hotels throughout Omaha.
Avery Avichouser
ReplyDeleteLanguage Arts
The Magician’s Elephant
Kate DiCamillo
Blog 2
Peter is a very brave and kind superhero. He is just a boy and he is dealing with his little sister being away from him and thinking she’s dead. He is very brave because he is going to go and find her. It is very sad because he is so upset that she is gone. Peter brought the elephant with him to find her. The elephant is a magical, big and kind superhero. The elephant is a hero because Peter would not have found Adele, his sister, without the elephant. Everyone in the city would gather around in a big line to see this elephant. I also think Peter would want himself to be a superhero to impress people. Peter is impressive because he is just a boy and he cares enough about his sister to go and find her. Peter would also want people to think he is brave for what he has done, I wouldn’t be brave enough to handle a gigantic elephant! I also think the elephant would want itself as a superhero because it is kind and it has been so helpful to help Peter find his sister, Adele. I also think that the elephant would want to be magical, because the elephant belongs to a very magical magician. I think the elephant is awesome because it is magical and know other ordinary elephant could have found her. It would take a lot to be the elephant because of what it has done. If Peter’s mother was alive I bet she would be very proud of him. Peter and the elephant made a great team to find Adele, through everything they went through to find her she is now home safely.
#5 Jasmine Jamali
ReplyDeleteNew York City is so cool. I want to go there but it's too expensive which is really hard to get tickets. I wish I could. All I have to do is ask my mom. Which I already asked did she said I could not go! I still can't wait to see it again. I haven't a seen it in three years. I want to see Jake and see what all my friends are doing.I have not fed said T design diva. Well actually i haven't been since my internship.
I can't wait to see all my friends and go to to different places. For me all the cabs in all of the wonderful places is a little scary. It's just too expensive it's OK. I found a way that I could go without money. I've got it! I could just go ask Jasmine, hunter, and missy. She will let me go anywhere! I can't wait to see the big city. I can't wait to go but I hate going out late on a plane for some reason. I love fashion and cant wait to see all people. Here I go. Hopefully I do not get out there and the big bad world and hurt myself.
I can always go see mood. Maybe I could see Liesel, and her store. I just hope I won't get too involved in the city and never want to go back home. That would be terrible. At least Im not that type of person. I hope for the best in people and I hope not to hurt them. I never want to hurt their feelings are hurt them. The best part of having friends is not to hurt them. Hopefully I am fine with going to the city. I can't wait to see my friends again
Ethan Crenshaw
ReplyDeleteTom Sawyer
Mark Twain
Pages 180
Blog #2 Quarter #1
Prompt 3
Tom and Huckleberry had the treasure and they were happy. Next school year they began the cool kids. They had a nice house and nice cloths. Tom and Huck became brothers. No matter what happen they would always get each others back. The best news for Tom is the teacher is nice to him a lot. Everyday the teacher greeted him. The best news for Huck is he has parents and a brother. Everyday after school they went fishing. They were very good fishers. When they went home they slept across from each other. But when everyone went to bed they told silly jokes about Injun Joe and how he had to go to the bathroom. They got so tired they fell asleep. The next morning they had eggs and bacon for breakfast. Their favorite part about breakfast is the smell of bacon. They packed their lunch and got ready for school. When they walked to school Tom saw Becky. Tom got so excited to see her again. When they got in Tom sat next to her and talked about where she has been. Becky said, “I was spending time with my grandma at Hawaii. It was really fun. I got to see dolphins and I got to swim in the water.” Tom said, “That is so cool I wish I was with you.” At break time Tom played with Huck and Becky. They all played catch with a frog and it was fun. Tom and Huck waved to Becky when they left school. Tom had a smile on his face and Huck said, “You are weird having a big smile on your face.” They got home and lived happily ever after.
#9 Jake O’Brien
ReplyDeleteBlog #2
Stephen King’s “Bag of Bones”
Language Arts
Dear Mr. Noonan. I have read lately that you have been under a lot of pressure from your publicist and the company that you work for about having to write a new book by a certain deadline. I can understand how this can be a very big burden for your to carry especially after the passing away of your wife. I am writing you this letter because I feel like I know the perfect place for you to go for inspiration, life, and especially…love. Rosarito, Mexico. Believe me sir, when I say that this city is absolutely amazing. There are many places for you to go for wonderful dinners and beautiful sights. I personally recommend that you stay at the condos down by the beach and enjoy the sunset. I say that you would enjoy the condos because of how relaxing each other rooms are. Another recommendation that I have for you is to visit one of the many vineyards there with very exquisite wines and drinks. They also have very interesting restaurants in the vineyards that have very tasty courses that really leave you wanting more. Towards the end of your trip, I think that it would be a very good idea for you to visit one of the many street venders and see the many amazing artworks that they have to offer, including various decorative, painted skulls to beautiful paintings. Mostly, Mr. Noonan, I am recommending these things to you because I want for you to take a rest and relax. You are one of my favorite writers and I would hate to you go to a place in your mind that you may not be able to come back from.
One of your biggest fans,
Jake O’Brien
#10 Luke O’Brien
Stephen King
Pg. 48
Blog 2 quarter 1
Prompt 1
Dear Diary, I wish I didn’t have to keep my abilities a secret anymore! If half of those stupid kids at school knew what I could do to them, they would all drop dead or maybe worse. Which wouldn’t be bad at all. Clearly I can’t show them what I can do, and mother obviously doesn’t help. She’s just a corrupt, abusive, egotistical jerk. The worst it’s ever been was the last time she was abusive to me. It was so bad, I called her something I don’t dare to write in this diary entry. And I ended up in a closet with the most throbbing headache once she threw me in and I hit my head on the far end of the closet. I know Mother knows about my abilities because of what happened before this. It was maybe a week ago and she got me so angry that the sky started raining stones. Mother and I both it was me and I’m so close to doing it again. I don’t think she understands that I could snap her neck by moving hand just an inch. I would never do that though. Honestly I don’t think I have the guts for it. Even though I hate her, I don’t think I could ever kill anyone. Then again there has been times when I’ve thought of it. Just ending everything. Not killing myself, but killing everyone else.
Aiden Avichouser
ReplyDeleteLanguage Arts
Ted & Me
Dan Gutman
Blog 2
It has been about three months since I went back in time to see Ted Williams and tried to prevent Pearl Harbor. I have been thinking about it constantly. I am so mad at myself that I couldn’t prevent it from happening. I have been thinking about going back and trying again to stop it. It will be another tough mission, but I am going to give it a shot. I grabbed the Ted Williams card and soon I was back in 1941. It was December 4, that was three days before the attack on Pearl Harbor. I landed in Ted Williams’ car. He looked over and was really scared when he saw me. He remembered me! I couldn’t believe he remembered. Usually people don’t remember me. I told him what I wanted to do and he agreed and wanted to prevent the attack on Pearl Harbor also. When we got to Washington Ted told the White House security who he was. We had to talk to the president. The president thought we were crazy, but still we convinced him. He set up all of the military at Pearl Harbor. They were ready for the planes. Ted knew a lot about the military so he went to Pearl Harbor with me. The planes came, and I was so afraid. Japan was dropping bombs on Pearl Harbor, our military was fighting back. I was very frightened. I was scared I was going to be killed, so I used a new baseball card to get home. Suddenly, I landed in my living room. I am immediately ran to the computer and looked up Pearl Harbor. It came up that Japan tried to attack and failed. It said that America had won World War II. I successfully completed my mission. I was so happy that Ted Williams helped me. I was so happy that I was able to help my country.
Jacob Yost #16
ReplyDeleteHalo ghosts of Onix
Eric Noland
Prompt #1
Dear diary
Alot has happened since the last time i talked to you. I was training a new batch of SARTINS when there were too many of them to go into the final stage of the training. Me and the officer decided to split them into teams and put them in an area where they had to survive and defeat the other teams. We split them up into three teams and put them into an area where they had to defeat the other teams. They were put down there with guns to shoot with but they were stun rounds so they would hurt as much as a real bullet but would only stun you not kill you. The test was all going good when team saber reported an attack from the plains and they said that it was the covenant. Me and the officer rushed out on a warthog and drove there as fast as we could. The team was being chased by the drones that had laser guns and could kill you in one hit. We were running when our captain fell in a ditch and we had to pull him out before the alien killed him. We luckily smashed him with a rock just in time. We all ran to the outpost where our leaders were with weapons and real bullets so we could destroy these aliens and get them off our land once and for all. We had to activate the camo ability to slp past the aliens to get to ur captains but we made it and got all the weapons we needed and rushed right back into the jungle to finish off these aliens once and for all.
#4 Joseph Dervartanian
ReplyDeleteCal. Ripken Jr. Squeeze play
Kevin Cowherd
Pg 190(end)
Blog #2 Quarter 1
Me-Hello Cory, thank you for coming to this interview.C- No problem. I'm excited about this.Me-So am I. Let's get started. What got you into playing baseball? C- My dad was the real reason I got into playing. I had always known the rules, since I watched it almost every single baseball season, but I've never really experienced the joy of the game, until my dad encouraged me to go on and play. And once I stepped on the field, I immediately loved it! Me-Exciting.Next question. What do you think of your teammates? C- I say I got pretty lucky with my team. First, there's Mikey, probably THE best catcher in the league. Almost nothing can get past that brick wall. The thing is, he eats like a pig, and probably comes from a pig, but he's a great friend. Then, there's Sammy, my best friend. He's always talking to me, making small jokes, talking about the game last night or something. But then here's Katelyn. She's the only girl on the team. When she first came, I tried to welcome her, getting her used to the team. But boy, is she rude or what. She's always calling us names, like nerds and stuff. Though she's annoying, Katelyn is an amazing right fielder!Me- Wow. You really do have a very interesting team. Very interesting.Moving on. How is your dad in the games? C- Great. Well, he's not exactly a dad you would want playing baseball. I know he's passionate and all, but dad needs a lot of help. He's always in the stands yelling,"COME ON CORY, CHEER THIS TEAM UP. YOU GUYS LOOK LIKE A BUNCH OF DEAD RATS. GET IT TOGETHER!" But it's at its worst when he doesn't agree with a call the ump makes."WHAT WAS THAT, BLUE! HE WAS SAFE! ARE YOU BLIND? COME ON!" when this was happening, he jumped over the fence and ran and yelled at the umpire. After that he got arrested. It was a tragedy. Me- Wow. It must be rough for you. C- Yes, it is. But dad's gotten better now, and everything is alright. Me- Well then, thank you for coming. It was a pleasure meeting you. C- Thanks. you too.
Jessica Ramirez #9
ReplyDeleteRamona the Pest
Beverly Clearly
Pages #215
Blog #2 Quarter #1
Prompt #2
Dear Ramona,
I know you are going through a tough time right now. Please, don’t take what I am about to say the wrong way. I heard you were all mad about your tooth and I know Halloween is coming up, but I don’t want you to feel sad. So, I wanted to give you some advice. First, I’ve heard you pester your mom a lot and complain how your mom hasn’t bought your mask for Halloween, yet. Well, I think you need to give your mom some time to figure out what day works. Second, don’t get mad if someone else has the same costume as you. Not to be mean, but I know you can get offensive if somebody is being mean or something else like the Halloween situation. All you need to do is make friends with them instead of making up things that are better than the other person. I know you and I don’t want you to be one of those girls who gets down because of one little silly costume. Then, speaking about your tooth I found out you lost your tooth and put it under your bed waiting for the tooth fairy to come. I am so happy that you lost tooth except the part when you wined and pestered your mom. You don’t have to wine and complain all the time. First, you double check to see if the tooth is there or not. Then, you can ask your mom why the tooth fairy hasn’t come yet and maybe she will tell you why the tooth fairy didn’t come. Well, there is my advice and I hope and pray you use it wisely.
#6 Michael Montoya
Veronica Roth
Prompt 6
Blog#2 Quarter 1
Please welcome Tris from the Dauntless faction. “So Tris, why did you choose to jump off of the wall first? You could have waited and gone second or even third and seen how the others did.” “I jumped off the wall first because I wanted to prove that I was worthy to be Dauntless, especially since I wasn’t a Dauntless born.” “Another thing Tris, why was your hand hurting so much after shooting the guns?” “It hurt my hand because the guns triggers were very difficult to pull back. I guess I needed to build my strength more.” “Speaking of weapons, when you first practiced throwing the knives you were really bad at it and then you just got good all of a sudden. Why was that?” “Well I seem to pick up on things very quickly and when I set my mind to do something I always get it done.” “Also why did you step up and take your friends spot when he was the one that was supposed to get the knives thrown at him?” “I did that because sometimes you just need to take one for the team and I knew deep inside I could trust Four.” “How were you feeling when you were fighting the number one fighter in Dauntless?” “I was feeling sick to my stomach and a bit scared of what might happen to me if I lost.” “One more thing, how did it make you feel when you were in that fight against the number one and you got the first hit and almost won?” “I could feel victory coming, that was until he kicked me down and knocked me out. I thought that was the end for me.” “Thank you for joining us Tris. We really appreciate the little bit of insight into your faction’s life.”
Lauren Quintana #7
ReplyDeleteBeezus and Ramona
Beverly Cleary
Pages 183
Prompt #3
As Beezus and Ramona grew up they didn’t always love each other, but they were sisters. When Beatrice was 35 and Ramona was 30 they finally got along. Although they weren’t perfect they were sisters. They loved each other. As Ramona and her family were celebrating Ramona’s daughter’s birthday. Beezus, Ramona’s daughter, saw her little sister Bendix had been pouring her apple juice on her plate. As Beatrice ate she noticed how Bendix almost did the same thing as Ramona as a kid. Especially that she got sent to her room very often like Ramona. Beezus very looked cross. Beatrice said, ”What is wrong”. Beezus was embarrassed when she said sometimes I don’t love my sister. Ramona and Beatrice laughed till they cried. Me and your aunt did too, Ramona said ,as she wiped her eyes. Beatrice told about her mom and her sister. Beatrice said, “As sisters we didn’t love each other always. When we were kids Ramona put her doll Bendix in my Birthday cake.” Ramona and Beatrice laughed. Beezus smiled. She noticed Bendix’s door open. Bendix peeked out the door. When Beezus saw she called her sister over. Beezus’s eyes glowed when she saw her cake. They all sang Happy birthday to Beezus. As she took a bite her sister screamed, “It is your birthday time for the cake.” Ramona smiled as she saw her daughters hug. She realized that her daughters will fight but it’s part of life. When Beatrice was driving home she hummed the happy birthday song. When she got home she sat down remembering the happy memories of her sister. Then Beezus realized something; she missed Ramona. Her loud gay tunes, her nose that was poudered with marshmallows, and her playful attitude. Beezus realized her house was quiet. She realized what she could do to satisfy the need to see her sister happy. She grabbed a special book and drove to Ramona’s house. She got out of her car and walked to their house. “Ramona here for you”, said Beezus. Ramona gasped. In her hand was “Big Steve The Steam Shovel” . Then Ramona smiled. Beezuz smiled as she knew that she would always love her little sister, Ramona.
Ileanna Holiday #5
ReplyDeleteTwo summers
Aimee Friedman
Pages 203
Blog#2 Quarter#1
Prompt 10
The main character's award would be called most courageous. Summer gets this award because she had the courage to go to France all alone to meet her dad and to find out he wasn't there and stay in France for a bit longer. I relate to her because I had to have courage to go to New York without my family and stay there for about a week for dance. The next award is called most bratty. This award goes to Vivienne because she is a very rude bratty person who doesn't listen to anyone but herself and does what she wants. The next award goes to Summer's dad. This award is called the one who doesn't follow up with plans. He gets this award because of how he always forgets or doesn't tell you something very important. For example, he didn't tell Summer he wasn't going to be in France when she would get there. That is why Summer's mom divorced her dad, because of being irresponsible. This brings me to my next award. This award is for the wisdom the character had. This award goes out to Summer's mom. She showers wisdom when she is telling Summer not to go to France because of how her dad was so irresponsible. She is the wisest character in this book because of how she tells people great advice. When Summer and her got into a fight she told her good advice but summer didn't want to take it but she still acted calm and cool as a cucumber. All these awards give a good example of how these characters act and hopefully you can understand why I gave them these awards.
#17 CJ Zeller
ReplyDeleteThe Wave
Todd Strasser
Pg 138
Blog 2 Quarter 1
Prompt 1
Dear diary,
Today I have recently shown my class a video on the Nazis, it explained that the Nazis where able to take control of the government because they where well organized and the rest of the germen were not. Today I have written the word “STREGNTH THROUGH DISIPLINE” on the board. I told my students that discipline and hard work was the key to success. I told my students a routine today witch involves them to stand next to their desks and address me as “Mr. Ross” when answering questions. They also must bring a pencil and paper to class every day. That night I told my wife about this “experiment” I am working on and supposedly my students seemed to enjoy the discipline. Today I have added another motto “Strength through Discipline” and “Strength through Community”. I think I shall call this movement The Wave, this movement will teach students and teachers a hand gesture that they would use to salute each other. Tonight I talk to my wife about the effect The Wave has on my students, surprisingly they have taken history seriously and they have done all there homework. My wife of coarse has concerns about it thinking that the students only like The Wave because it means they don’t have to think for themselves. During the next day I added a new motto Strength Through Action”. On the next day Principal Owens called me to his office. He seemed nervous and at the same time he was surprised about The Wave. Later I had a talk with Principal Owens and he told me that I had to stop this nonsense or I would be fired. I guess i will must weight to see what will happen next.
Joshua Quintana #9
ReplyDeleteTreasure Island
Robert Louis Stevenson
Pages 177
Blog #2 Quarter #1
Prompt #14
I think Jim would like KEVU & Ralph Cowell - He was a Pirate because the song has a sound similar to the song He’s a Pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean which is a similar story to treasure island and gives off the same adventurous thrilling vibe, and it also gives an intense action movie style feeling that many songs just don’t seem to give off.. I chose this song because when I hear this song I picture Jim when he is running into the swampy, overgrown, and deep forest in the island. I think this song would remind him of the captain that came to Jim’s inn and the terrifying nightmares of the one legged man. Another good song for Jim would be Survivor - Eye of the Tiger. I chose this song because it is about an intense fight. It reminds me of when Jim heard gunshots and when blind man’s shipmates were raiding Jim’s inn after Jim and his Mother’s escape. Jim would also like Journey - Don’t Stop Believing and Swedish House Mafia - Don’t You Worry Child because both songs are about never giving up and continually trying and having a genuine hope for the future. Jim heard the gunshot and ran as fast as he could for a very long time and although had a doubt of survival, he never stopped running until he saw the stranger in the forest. Jim would also like the song Matt Redman - 1,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) because although he isn’t very religious, this song would probably help calm him down from the intense fighting going around.
#12 J.B. Sebastiano
ReplyDeleteMy Life in Pinstripes
Jorge Posada
pages 150
Blog #2 Quarter #1
Prompt 2
Dear Jorge,
I know that you are going through some hard times right now and wanted to give you some advice. Your father wants you to get stronger and have toughness. He is making you move the huge pile of dirt from the front yard to the backyard so you will become stronger and learn perseverance. The character traits your Dad is teaching you will help you in the long run. You are playing baseball now and are going to need to learn how to fail. Baseball is a game of failure so you need to get ready to have lots of highs and lows. While you are doing your chores, remember that your Dad is trying to teach you lessons and help you in the long run. I know that he is hard on you, but it is because he has a plan and a dream for you. The dream is that you become a Major League Baseball player, which he never got the chance to do. Also, I know you are going through a tough time because your Grandpa died. I’m sure it is difficult, and you must ask God for help. Another thought that might help is to try to remember all the great times you had with your Grandpa. This will help you ease the pain. You need to remember that he is in a better place with God in heaven. I hope that this letter helped you, and good luck this summer with baseball.
J.B. Sebastiano
#6 Italia Holiday
ReplyDeleteAuggie and Me
R.J. Palicio
Page #176
Blog #2 Quarter #1
Prompt #2
Dear Christopher,
I think you did many things wrong. You did some good things for example, when you gave Auggie your toy after his surgery. One wrong thing was when you stopped hanging out with Auggie because people were staring. You should have not cared what others were thinking or doing about Auggie. It would be fine if you were embarrassed, but you should have not shown your embarrassment. Another thing you should have not done was have been rude to one of Auggie's friends. This also has to do with the embarrassment problem. Yes, he did have facial deformities, but it doesn't mean that you need to go hang out with somebody else. I think you should have at least stayed with Auggie, but you didn't have to talk or do anything social with him. It would have been much nicer instead of being rude. Also another thing that you could have done is to not be rude to your mom so much. For example, when your mom was late to your birthday party, you shouldn't have wined about it because your mom was helping Auggie. I think helping Auggie was more important than your birthday party. What you should have done is been fine with because Auggie has a tough life. It isn't easy for him. You should try to live like Auggie. It isn't easy you know. You should have felt bad for Auggie. You should be more sincere toward Auggie from now on.
#2 Kachina Blair
ReplyDeleteA Smidgen of Sky
Dianna Dorisi Winget
Pages 100
Blog 2 Quarter 1
Prompt 7
True or false
1- True/False- Piper Lee DeLuna’s cat ripped up her dress.
2- True/False- Ginger got along with Piper.
3- True/False- Piper’s dad divorced her mom.
4- True/False- Ginger’s mom left her and her dad.
5- True/False- Piper’s Dad died in an airplane crash.
6- True/False- Piper tried to find Ginger’s real mom.
7- True/False- Ginger’s dad was very mean.
8- True/False- Ginger’s dad never did anything fun.
9- True/False- Piper likes Ginger’s dad.
10- True/False- Piper cannot wait for her mom to marry Ginger’s dad.
Multiple answer
1. Who helps fix Piper’s dress?
a) Her mom
b) Her friend next door
2. Ginger’s dad is very __________.
a) Mean c) Nice
b) Drunk
3- Piper’s dad died when he was on a(n) ____________.
a) Boat
b) Airplane
4- Ginger’s mom and dad had her when they were _____________.
a) Nineteen
b) Forty
5- Piper’s mom and dad had her when they were __________________.
a) Thirty and twenty
b) Nineteen and twenty
6- Piper want’s her dad to be found so her mom won’t marry ___________.
a) Fred
b) Ben
7- Ginger found a note that was in her dad’s ______________.
a) Safety box
b) Closet
8- Piper has a ________________.
a) Dog
b) Cat
9- Piper misses her ____________.
a) Dog c) Dad
b) Cat
Piper doesn’t like____________.
a) Her friend
b) Ginger
Short questions
1- Who are the main characters?
2- Who does Piper try to find?
3- Does Ginger give up on looking for her real mom?
4- What does Piper do at the beach?
5- Who saves Piper at the beach?
Essay Question
1- Why did Ginger, Piper, and Ben surprise Pipers mom with a garden?
1- True
2- False
3- False
4- True
5- True
6- True
7- False
8- False
9- False
10- False
1- Ginger, Ben, Mom, and Piper
2- Gingers mom
3- Yes
4- Swam to the island without permission
5- Ben saved Piper
1- They gave her a garden because her mom always wanted a garden but never had got one.
#6 Gregory Luciano
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter And the Cursed Child
J.K. Rowling
Page 308
Blog # 2 Quarter 1
Prompt 14
Five songs I think would be good for expressing Harry Potter would be: "High and Dry" by Radiohead, "Dead Man's Party" by Oingo Boingo, "Survival" by Eminem,"All my Life" by Foo Fighters, and "Come as You are" by Nirvana."High and Dry" expresses Harry Potter well because everyone thought Harry was doing what he was for recognition. They thought he could not be stopped no matter what. Also, Harry thought he was turning into something he was not because he saw everyone he loved die before him and he blamed himself. Many people hated Harry and would taunt him, and he would scream in pain because it angered his scar. "Dead Man's Party" sings about having a dead man over their shoulder, just like how Harry had to deal with the weight of everyone who died for him on his. Harry was struck by a spell in the night when a baby and was left on his aunts doorstep. Also, in Cursed Child Scorpious was believed to be Voldemort's son so everyone ran away from him. "Survival" expresses how being a wizard is all about survival of the fittest and strongest. The wizard with more expierence with spells is going to win. Also, being the winner means taking all the others lives. "All my Life" is probably the best song to express Harry Potter. All his life he was searching for the one who killed his parents, but whenever he came close he failed. Instead of dreaming of the day to come, he had nightmares of the day for years. Many things were taken from Harry yet their ghost remained. Harry always wondered if it be easier to give himself up to Voldemort, but everyone told him don't let everyone whos already died for you go to a waste. However, the weight of those memories kept Harry down. Lastly, "Come as you Are" explains how no matter who you are or your family is, you could still be a friend. Harry was the chosen one, Draco had a DeathEater Father, Draco's son was eligibly Voldemorts son, but no matter what, they all found friends.
Joe McElroy #7
ReplyDeleteWilliam Shakespears star wars
By Ian Doescher
page #169
Blog #9 Quarter #1
The character that i chose is Luke skywalker. The first movie that I chose is Star treck Because it takes placein outer space. it also has diferent crechers, not only humans. the second movie Luke skywalker should see is the movie star wars [prequils] becouse it shows the life of his dad and how he turned evil. The third and final movie Luke skywalker should see is Ben-Hur becouse maby he would like the chang of cenery. Ben-Hur is basicley about this family during Jesus time and it follows along with the bilbe out side of the bible but also talks about the bible. These would be some movies that i would reck ament to Luke skywalker.